The Spelling Champ

Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently (P-Z) Website by Cole Shafer-Ray 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently pipetted plank pleat v v plectridial F E transferred, drawn off, measured, cook and serve on a heavy board plenteous or applied with a small piece of usually with an elaborate garnish. apparatus which in simplest form Native Americans of the Northwest plenteously consists of a narrow glass tube into used red cedar boards to plank which liquid is drawn up by suction salmon and other fish. plesiosaur and in which it is retained by closing the upper end. plantable plesiosaurus Dizzy warned her lab students never to use their mouths to apply plantation pliancy suction when they pipetted solutions. plasticate plinth pipkin plastisol ploce pirate platitudinous plod piratical platter plot n v piscifauna F > E E pistol a woman’s low-crowned hat that is plan or contrive. distinctly flat in silhouette. Ogilvie refused to plot against his pithy Atop the model’s head was a sister in spite of her treachery. platter trimmed with a veil and a pitta silk camellia. plugboard pituitary platyopic plumb v pizza play E placket playgoer [has homonym: plum] examine minutely and critically. plaited playlet Heraclitus attempted to plumb the depths of his soul, but never found planar plaza its limit. adj n plumbing L L > Sp [has homonyms: plainer, planer] a public square in a city or town. plumicorn lying in one surface defined by The summer festival was held n three points. under the stars in the plaza. Section 13.4 of Kew’s textbook L explained that a molecule with pleading one of the tufts of lengthened three atoms can be either linear or feathers on the head of various planar. pleasantry owls. Paul’s cat’s hair is so long that it plane pleased looks like she has a plumicorn in adj front of each ear. L > F > E plunge affected with or manifesting pleasure : contented, gratified. plunger Steve’s parents were extremely pleased that he finally made the plural honor roll.

Page 104 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently plutocracy podsnappery polenta n plutogoguery podunk L > It plutomania poetess mush originally made of chestnut meal but now principally of plutonian poetry cornmeal or sometimes of adj or farina. poignance Polenta is cooked very slowly on Gk name top of the stove and can be cut into grim and gloomy : harsh and poikilotherm slices after it cools. unpleasing. Some people would describe van pointedly poler Gogh’s dark backgrounds as “plutonian.” pointless polestar pluvial poitrel polity pneumonectomy n poivrade poach Gk v poker political organization : civil order. n Walter claims that any form of Gmc > F > E polity is more efficient, not morally cook in a liquid kept just below the F? better, than none. boiling point. one of several card games in which The doctor told Betsy that she a player bets that the value of the pollard should boil or poach her morning hand held is greater than the value eggs to keep their calorie count of the hands held by the other pollee down. players. When Billy came home, he was pollex pocket shocked to find his mother and her n friends playing poker instead of pollinate bridge in the living room. Gmc > F > E pollyanna [Note: The definition provided is pokeweed not the one most commonly polo associated with this word.] an polarimetric n English unit for hops equal to 168 adj pounds. Balti , the town’s brewmaster, was L > ISV + Gk > ISV a game of Asian origin played by panicked to find only 1 pocket of of or relating to the use of an teams of three or four players hops in the storeroom. instrument that determines the mounted on horseback and using amount of polarization of light or mallets with long flexible handles pococurante the proportion of polarized light in to drive a wooden ball down the a partially polarized ray. field and through goalposts. pod Oki told his niece that polarimetric The morning newspaper carried a n observations helped him study the picture of Prince Charles playing interaction of plane-polarized light polo. E and chiral molecules. [Note: The definition provided is polonium not the one most commonly associated with this word. In polska addition, word has near homonym: n pawed.] a number of animals (as seals or whales) closely clustered Pol > Sw together : school. a Swedish folk dance derived from A pod of four or five whales was a Polish peasant dance. about 50 yards starboard. The polska is usually danced to music in a minor key.

Page 105 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently polyanthus pomology porcelainize n polydactylous porch L + Gk polydentate the science of the cultivation of pores adj fruits. John became familiar with fungi porkpie Gk + L such as American brown rot, apple n attached to the central atom in a rust, and banana freckle in his coordination complex by two or course in pomology. L > F > E + E more bonds. a hat with a low telescoped crown, Shara used a tripolyphosphate ponder flat top, and brim turned up all atom as an example in her efforts v around or up in back and down in to explain the difference between front. polydentate ligands and other L > F > E While dancing in his movies, Fred ligands. weigh in the mind. Astaire often wore a porkpie. The setback forced Orson to polyethylene ponder his position. position n polygenous pone L polyhedron pongee any of the postures of the feet and n arms on which all steps and polymorphic movements of classical ballet are adj Chin based. a thin soft clothing and curtain Mademoiselle Lebrun instructed Gk + Gk fabric of Chinese origin woven the students to assume the first having or occurring in several from uneven threads of raw silk position. distinct forms. and possessing a characteristic ecru The polymorphic wild foxes of or tan color. positive Canada are of the red, smoky, and Sap’s grandmother, who lives in silver types. China, sent her some curtains made positivity of pongee. polymythy postdoctoral pontiff adj polyphony n L + L polypody L > F [Note: Speller might confuse a high priest or chief religious doctoral with doctorial.] relating to, polyptoton figure. awarded for, or engaged in n John Paul I was the Catholic advanced academic or professional pontiff for only one month. work after the attainment of a Gk doctor’s degree. the rhetorical repetition of a word ponytail It seems that Skye will always be a in a different case, inflection, or student, for now he is immersed in voice in the same sentence. poplin postdoctoral studies. Tennyson’s “my own heart’s heart, and ownest own” well illustrates popover postmark polyptoton in English. n E + E a quick bread made from a thin batter of eggs, milk, and flour and subjected in the first stage of baking to such heat that steam expands it into a hollow shell. While a popover is delicious plain, it can also be served with various sweet or savory fillings.

Page 106 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently posttest powerhouse preexist n v praseodymium L + L > F > E L an examination given to students pratincolous have actual or real being before after the completion of an (something). instructional program to measure praxis The monuments on Easter Island their and the preexist written history. effectiveness of the program. prayer The teacher was mortified when n pregnant half of her students failed the adj posttest. L > F > E [Note: Could be confused with L postulation preyer.] a solemn and humble containing unborn young within the approach to a god or gods in word body. potamic or thought, usually involving The zoo director called a press beseeching, petition, confession, conference to announce that both potent praise, or thanksgiving. female pandas are pregnant. Calvin shut his eyes and said a potion silent prayer before beginning the prehensible n exam. prehensile L preach a liquid mixture or dose of a v prejudice medicine or drug. The princess declared haughtily L > F > E prepare that she had no need for a proclaim the gospel : discourse potion. publicly on a religious subject or preponderating from a text of Scripture. potoo Dr. Mason is wont to preach the preprint same sermon every Easter Sunday. potshot presbytery preacher pottery preschooler precipitous pottle preshrink n precrural pression E preemergent a liquid or dry measure equal to ½ adj pressure gallon. The recipe in Ryan’s colonial L + L presbytery cookbook calls for a pottle of used or occurring before seedlings boiled milk. come forth or rise into view pretend aboveground. pouch Dramatic success in weed control preternatural has been achieved with poulterer preemergent herbicides. pretext pound preempt pretty n adj preengagement E n E a unit of mass and weight equal to pleasing by delicacy or grace.The 16 avoirdupois ounces or 7,000 L + F + Ecf pretty little garden on Prospect grains or 0.45359237 kilogram. a prior obligation. Street was tended by Mrs. Walter’s Donna’s first job was selling candy Valerie’s preengagement is a granddaughter. by the pound at a bulk food store. commitment to baby-sit her younger siblings. prewrap

Page 107 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently prideful productive pronto adv pridian proficiency adj n L > Sp quickly, promptly. L L The principal bellowed, “Get in of or relating to a previous day or the quality or state of being well here, pronto!” to yesterday; also : former. advanced in an art, occupation, pronunciation As the bills accumulated, Gina skill, or a branch of knowledge. began to doubt her plan to restore Through steady practice the batter proofmark the Victorian mansion to its pridian attained great proficiency at glory. bunting the ball. propagandize priggishness proficiently property n primary profilograph L primigenial profiteer any article or object used in a play or motion picture except painted primiparous profundity scenery and actors’ costumes. A large mirror was a stage princess profusion property used in the first act. printing prognathous prophetic privateer prohibition prophetically probabilism projectionist propjet n proclitic proponent L procrastinate one who operates a motion-picture proposal projector. procrastinating The skilled projectionist quickly proprietorial v repaired the break in the film. proruption L prolegomena putting off intentionally and usually proscribe habitually and for a reason held to prolegomenous be reprehensible (as laziness, prosthetics indifference to responsibility). prolificacy The boss’s motto is that working prosthodontist leaves no time for brooding or prolongate procrastinating. protasis promethium n prodigality promovent Gk prodigiously the opening lines especially of a promulgator drama or narrative poem : product introduction. n proneur In the protasis a narrator gives the n background for the first scene of L the play. the number or magnitude resulting F from the multiplication together of flatterer, eulogist. protector two or more numbers or Mr. Dirking was a convincing magnitudes. proneur and succeeded in The product of 9 and 7 is 63. obtaining the most votes.

Page 108 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently protein protuberance psychodrama n n n Gk > F + ISV L Gk + Gk any of a very large class of the quality or state of being thrust a usually unrehearsed dramatic play naturally occurring extremely forward or out. designed to afford catharsis and complex combinations of amino The protuberance on the plank of social relearning for one or more of acids. wood was easily sanded down. the participants from whose life The dietician was concerned by the history the plot is abstracted. amount of protein in Jenny’s daily proud The family members acted out a diet. adj psychodrama of what went wrong with their relationships. Protestant L > F > E n highly satisfied or pleased : elated. psychokinesis Mike was proud to be a member of n L the municipal police force. a Christian not of a Roman Gk + Gk Catholic or an Eastern church. proverb the production or alteration of Mark, a staunch Protestant, felt out n motion by influence of the mind of place during mass when the without use of physical means. friends he was visiting rose to take L The psychologist told of a gambler communion. a brief epigrammatic saying that is who claimed he could influence the a popular byword. fall of dice by psychokinesis. protium Clark’s favorite proverb is “All n work and no play makes Jack a dull psychorrhagy boy.” Gk + ISVcf provocateur psychosomatic the ordinary light hydrogen isotope of atomic mass 1. provocation psychosomatics Protium, one of the two stable isotopes of hydrogen, accounts for prowler publicize 99.985 percent of the naturally n occurring hydrogen on Earth. puckishness E protoconch one that roams over (an area) in a pudding predatory manner; especially : a n protonate sneak thief. v Police warned residents to stay out E of the park at night because there a usually boiled or baked Gk + Ecf was a prowler on the loose. sweetened dessert of a soft, spongy, add a positively charged or thick creamy consistency. elementary particle to. proxemics After Gage had his wisdom teeth Styro remembers the diagram of removed, he ate only rice pudding how to protonate acetic acid proxy and milkshakes for three days. molecules by thinking of a horizontal Y. prudish pudginess protostele pryingly pudibund prototype psalmodist pudicity protrusile psalter puerperal adj pseudandry pugilant L so made that it can be thrust out. psilophyton pule Only in slow motion could we see the frog’s protrusile tongue snatch psittacine puli the insect.

Page 109 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently pullet pupigerous purloiner n pullover pupil n L > F > E pulpit thief. L The purloiner was apprehended as pulpy a child or young person in school soon as he left the store. or in the charge of a tutor or pulsing instructor : student. purpura v Every year at least one pupil in Miss Simpson’s kindergarten class purse L + Ecf is already a skilled reader. moving in beats or periodic spurts : pushover vibrating with life, sound, or light. puppet Jake’s legs were pulsing with the puttee energy released as the waves puppetry crashed on the dock under his feet. n pyramidal pump L > F > E pyretic n shows featuring small-scale figures of human or other living beings pyrometallurgical unknown often constructed with jointed adj [Note: The definition provided is limbs and moved usually on a small not the one most commonly stage by a rod or by hand from Gk + Gk + Ecff associated with this word.] a low below or by strings or wires from of or relating to the chemical shoe not fastened on and gripping above. science and technology that deals the foot chiefly at the toe and heel. The children’s favorite with the extraction of metals from Lois hobbled off the dance floor entertainment at the fair was the their ores, refining them, and carrying a pump and its detached comical puppetry. preparing them for use and which heel. depends on heat action (as roasting purdah and smelting). pumpkinseed The forest ranger told Sky that puree pyrometallurgical processes are an punctilio v important source of sulfur dioxide, a major component of acid rain. punctiliously L > F boil soft and then rub through a pyrope punctuate sieve. Geneva began to puree vegetables pyrostat pungency for the baby when he was six n months old. punji Gk + Gk purfle any of various automatic devices punt that when exposed to any n purgatorial manifestation of fire actuate a mechanism for giving a warning or L > E purify for setting in operation a means of [Note: The definition provided is v extinguishing the fire. not the one most commonly Most commercial fire alarms associated with this word. Also, L > F > E nowadays are not manual but are similar word pont, with similar cleanse ceremonially. activated by a pyrostat. definition, exists.] a long narrow In Native American religions the flat-bottomed boat with square ends sweat lodge is used to purify the pyrotechnical usually propelled with a pole. body and heal the spirit. Peter stretched out in the punt and python floated slowly to the other side of purity the pond. quadder punter quadrifilar

Page 110 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently quadrilingual quatrain quite adj quayside quittance L n speaking or having knowledge of quebrada four languages. F Mrs. Ramirez works for the State quelea the act of freeing or releasing; Department as a quadrilingual specifically : discharge from a debt interpreter. quenelles or an obligation. Joseph offered his cousin an quadrivium quersprung official deed of quittance, saying that what he had already received quadruple querulential was payment enough. quadruplet quickstep quittor n quaesitum quivered E + E v quagga a combination of short rapid dance n steps. Gmc? > F? E + Ecf The competition judges will check shook or moved with slight Bantu? > Afrikaans to make sure that the quickstep is tremulous motion : trembled. a now-extinct wild ass of southern performed precisely in time to the When George talked about Africa related to the zebras but with music. tomorrow’s race, his voice stripes on the head, neck, and quivered with excitement. forebody. quidditative The quagga once roamed South quota Africa in large herds, but quietly overhunting led to its extinction in quote the 1870s. quietude rabbi qualmishly quinary n quantities quinquagenary Heb > Gk > L one acting as the official leader of a quarrier quinquagesimal Jewish congregation and performing various duties (as quart quinquennially preaching, officiating at weddings n adv and funerals). Aaron decided to become a rabbi in L > F > E L his second year at the yeshiva. a U.S. unit of liquid capacity equal every five years. to ¼ gallon or 57.75 cubic inches. Marge’s high school class holds a rabbitlike When the oil light in Kevin’s car reunion quinquennially, and each came on, he stopped immediately time the intervening five years rabbitry and added a quart of oil. seems shorter and shorter. rabulistic quashy quinsy rachion quasimodo quintuple raciation quassia quirk quatenus quisqueite quatercentenary quisutsch quaternary quitclaim

Page 111 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently racket angibility rapture n n rank imit adj L [has homonyms: rackett, racquet] Christ’s raising up of his true noisy, disturbing, or objectionable E church and its members to a realm talk or activity. having a heavy offensive smell. above Earth where the whole Sojourner Truth said, “Where there There sat Ralph wreathed in smoke company will enjoy celestial bliss is so much racket, there must be from a rank cigar. with its Lord. something out of kilter.” A popular book series describes the raclette Rankine struggles of a group of believers adj who are left behind after the racon rapture to fight the forces of Scot name darkness. raconteuse being, according to, or relating to an absolute-temperature scale on rare radially which the unit of measurement adj adv equals a Fahrenheit degree and according to which the freezing L > E L + Ecf point of water is 491.67 degrees unusual, uncommon; specifically : arranged or having parts arranged and the boiling point is 671.67 belonging to a small group or class. like rays. degrees. Argon is classified as a rare gas, Father Quinn’s diagram was The Rankine degree is only five- according to Larry’s basic radially arranged with his goals ninths of the Kelvin degree, but the chemistry textbook. placed in the center. 0 point of both scales is absolute zero. rarefied radicate rankle rarity radishes rapidly rasceta radium rapparee rasp rafale rapper raspy railhead n Rastafarian raisins F > E n [Note: The definition provided is rake not the one most commonly Ethopian name associated with this word. In an adherent of a religious cult that raki addition, word has homonym: teaches the eventual redemption of wrapper.] a short flat flexible steel blacks and their return to Africa rallies sword made with a handle at each and venerates Haile Selassie as a end and used in English folk god. ramark dancing. The Rastafarian explained that his The folk dancing teacher had Maia religion requires that he eat only rambla use a stick instead of a rapper until natural and lightly cooked food. her skills improved. rampion ratio rappini ramrod ratoons ramulus rauwolfia rancio ravage random ravehook rangette ravenry

Page 112 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently razee recall reclining v adj razorbill E L reactant summon forth a memory of : have a bending or curving gradually back adj recollection or remembrance of. from the perpendicular. The photograph album made Tony The reclining figure in the painting L recall many scenes from his bore a resemblance to Elmer Fudd. of, relating to, or marked by a childhood. substance that is transforming or recoilless changing chemically. receded Jayne, knowing the quantities of recollect each reactant substance, calculated recent v how much product would form. recessionary L reactor adj call to mind. Fran could not recollect where he readable L had seen the waiter before. of or relating to a period of reduced real economic activity. recollection A recessionary cycle is realistic characterized by a rising recombine adj unemployment rate, falling profits and production, falling interest recompense F rates, and decelerating inflation. facing reality squarely : not reconciliation impractical or visionary. recidivist A realistic review of his prospects reconstitute of reaching the summit convinced recidivous v Ted to turn back. reciprocatory L realization restore the composition of (as a recitalist concentrated juice) by adding really n water. Mitch decided to reconstitute the ream L > F + Ecff canned tomato soup with milk n one who performs programs of instead of plain water. vocal or instrumental music. Ar > F > E The recitalist sang several recorder a quantity of paper in lots that vary romantic arias from various in the number of sheets included. operas. recourse There are normally 500 sheets in a n ream of copy paper. recitative L > F > E reason reckon a turning to someone or something v v in search of help, support, protection, or safety. F > E E If you lose your tickets, you have no use the power of thinking so as to conclude on the basis of a recourse to obtain replacements. arrive at conclusions. calculation or estimation. George is able to reason brilliantly, As near as he can reckon, Mac has rectangular but he seldom bothers. read a million pages in his life. rectigrade reassert reclama rectilinearly recalcitrate rectipetality

Page 113 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently recto reelected refreshment n v n L L F > E + Ecf a right-hand page (as of a book) selected (a person) by vote for something (as food or drink) that usually carrying an odd page another term in office. restores strength and liveliness. number. The candidate himself was not After watching the two-hour movie, The librarian stamped the library’s surprised when he was not Dan decided it was time for some name on the first recto following reelected. refreshment. the copyright page of each new book. reenact refrigerative adj redhibition reestablish n v L tending to cool. L L > F > E The fan had a refrigerative effect an annulment of the sale of an set up, fix, or confirm again. on Frank’s overheated body. article and return of it to the seller Mrs. Jackson thought that the start because of some material defect. of the second semester would be a refutable Dad is convinced that his new car good time to reestablish the class is a lemon and has engaged an rules. refutatory attorney who specializes in consumer transactions and reevaluate regard redhibition. v regards redondilla L + L examine and judge again regelate redoubt concerning the worth, quality, significance, amount, degree, or regenerative redox condition of. adj adj The company asked Chris to reevaluate the project’s potential L L + Gk for profit. of, relating to, marked by, or using [has near homonym: redux] of or a process of replacing or producing relating to oxidation-reduction. reeve anew. Juju’s comment that every basic The regenerative stage of a chemistry student knows that reference perennial plant’s life cycle metathesis is not a redox reaction generally takes place during the was not welcome at the study reformatory months. group. n regent redroot L a penal institution to which regie reel especially young or first offenders n are committed for training and regress reformation. E For stealing automobiles the regulatory [has homonym: real] a lively dance juvenile was sent to a reformatory of the Scottish highlanders marked until he reached the age of 18. reimburse by circular figures and performed with gliding movements. reformist Several versions of the reel migrated to the Americas from refract Scotland.

Page 114 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently reincarnation remand repair n v v L L L > F > E a fresh embodiment of someone or send (a person charged with a [Note: The definition provided is something. crime) back into custody by court not the one most commonly The reincarnation of our nation’s order. associated with this word.] go to a colonial capital was initially The judge decided to remand the specified place for a specified funded by an endowment made by prisoner to jail until his appeal purpose. John D. Rockefeller Jr. in 1926. could be considered. In his inaugural speech the president indicated his desire to reiteration remanet repair at once to the post voters had assigned him. rejectamenta remedy n reparations rejuvenation n pl L > AF > E relegated something that relieves or cures a L disease. the act of making amends, offering relevancy Mom’s favorite remedy for a cold is expiation, or giving satisfaction for n chicken soup and lots of rest. a wrong or injury. The judge ordered the cat burglar L reminiscences to make reparations to the victims relation to the matter at hand. n pl of his crimes by standing guard The search engine ranked the Web outside their homes each night. sites according to the relevancy to L the word being searched. remembered experiences. repeated The program about the history of adj religioso jazz relied on reminiscences of several older musicians. L > F > E religious renewed or recurring again and reminiscently again : frequent. relish Mark was taken out of the game for n remise his repeated fouls. F > E remissible repent a savory pickled or preserved food prepared from mixed chopped remission repentance vegetables or fruits and usually served with meat. remoteness repercussive Cameron put ketchup, onions, and pickle relish on his hot dog. remount repetitiously relleno remove replica relocate reneger reportedly reluctancy rennet repugnancy reluctant rentable require

renunciation requisitorial




Page 115 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently resiniferous retrolental rheometer n resist returnable Gk + Gk respell revelation an instrument for measuring the v n flow of viscous substances. A rheometer is used for measuring L > Ecf + Gmc > F > E L the flow properties of powders, name the letters of again, anew, or an act of revealing or granules, and wet mixes in the drug in another way. communicating divine truth. and cosmetic industries. Marilyn gave her students a chance The humanist view is that religion to respell all the misspelled words is a human creation rather than a rheophilic in their essays. revelation from a god or gods. rheumatoid respirator revenuer n rhexis L rhinophonia a device for protecting the reverent n respiratory tract. Adam wore a filter respirator when reversal Gk + Gk he worked in his laboratory. marked nasal resonance. reverse The principal’s voice is so respire characterized by rhinophonia that reviler he is called “Mr. Quack” behind respondent his back. revisionist ressaulted rhipidate revivified restive rhizoidal revivify resultant rhodochrosite revocation resurge rhumb v revved rhynchophora L rhabdomancy [has homonym: reserge] rise again n rhythmization : become resurrected. Byron wonders if negative feelings Gk ribat toward his brother will resurge divination by rods or wands.Harry when his brother comes home from Potter tried throwing ahandful of ribband college. rods on the floor, but hedidn’t know enough aboutrhabdomancy ricer resuscitative to read the pattern. n resuscitator rhapsodized Gk > It > F > E a kitchen utensil designed for retiary rhea pressing cooked soft vegetables or uncooked soft foods through a retool rhenium perforated container so that the resulting product emerges as strings retort about the diameter of a grain of rice. retraxit pushed all of the cooked turnips through the ricer. retroactive richness retrogressive

Page 116 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently rickettsial roble rootage ridability robot roquelaure ridgepole rochet rosace n ridgeway rosaline F ridicule a white ecclesiastical garment rosary resembling a worn n riflery especially by bishops and privileged prelates. L rightful The bishop entered the sanctuary a string of beads used in counting wearing his rochet and miter. prayers. rightless Eugenia’s collection of prayer rocky beads includes a rosary that was rigid blessed by the Pope. rodeo rigidity n rosella rigidly L > Sp rosemary a public performance that features n rijsttafel especially contests in calf roping and bull riding. L > E rimfire Little Mikey was only six, but he a fragrant shrubby mint that has a took the blue ribbon for “Tiny Tot warm pungent bitterish taste and is rimur Calf Roping” at the rodeo. used as a culinary herb and in perfumery. rinforzando roe Monique’s mother made her a cup of tea flavored with rosemary. ringside roentgenology rosinweed rinkafadda roey n rostrular rogation IrGael rosy an Irish dance resembling the roguishness adj Virginia reel. Brendan loved to step dance, but he rollicksome Gk > L > E refused to even try the rinkafadda. having a rose-colored complexion : roman healthy, blooming. risible Ally’s rosy appearance belies how sick she feels. risque rongeur rotameter rivalrous roodle rotary riverfront rook rotorcraft rivulose rookie rotten roadrunner n adj roadworthy (L > F)&E E a new member of or candidate for decayed, putrid. robber an athletic team. On at least one day every summer, In 1963 Pete Rose was chosen as we put on our work clothes, go out robin the National League’s Rookie of in the garden, and have a good old- the Year. fashioned rotten tomato fight.

Page 117 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently roughrider ruffian sabbath n roughshod rugby n Heb > Gk > L > F > E roulade the day of rest and solemn E name assembly observed as sacred to rousseauism a football game which is played God by Jews and some Christian with an oval ball by teams of 15 churches on the seventh day of the roustabout players each and in which play is week from sunset Friday until continuous. sunset Saturday. roustabouts After playing rugby for two hours, Orthodox Jews do not drive or ride Terence was so dirty his mother in vehicles on the sabbath; if they router made him rinse off outside under want to travel on Saturdays, they the garden hose. must walk. routineer ruinous sabretache rowan n rumbustious sabreur Scand rummage a Eurasian tree with pinnate leaves and flat corymbs of small white runesmith saccharide flowers followed by red pomes resembling berries—called also rung sacchariferous “European mountain ash.” The rowan at the edge of Aunt runnels sacque Fiona’s garden was damaged n pl during the ice storm. sacrilege E royally rivulets, streamlets. saddle The earthen dam gave way soon rubasse after runnels of water zigzagged saddlebag down its bank. rubbish saddlebow runny rubbishly adj sadware rubellite E safecracking excessively soft and liquid. n rubidium The dough for the bran muffins seemed much too runny to Tom. E + E ruby the act or process of breaking into a runway safe especially by explosives to rucervine burglarize it. rupee The robbers’ attempt at ruckus safecracking was abruptly ended by rupture the alert guard dogs. rudd rustler safety ruff v ruthenium sagittate F rutidosis sailer [has homonym: rough] play a trump card when another suit is led. ryegrass Alice held so many trump cards that she was able to ruff all but two tricks of the bridge hand.

Page 118 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently saint salt saprobic n n sapropelic L > F > E E one officially recognized or any of a class of compounds sapsucker acknowledged as preeminent for typified by chloride that are consecration, holiness, and piety derived from acids by replacement sarothrum especially through canonization by of part or all of the acid hydrogen one of the branches of the Christian by a metal or radical acting like a sashayed church. metal. Elizabeth Seton, who founded the Before taking chemistry, Tak sashless order of the Sisters of Charity of St. thought that all salt was the same. Joseph, was the first native-born satanic American to be canonized as a salvage saint. satiny samarium saintly satirically sambal salable n satisfaction salak Malay satrapy a condiment made typically of salamandroid peppers, pickles, grated coconut, saturable salt fish, or fish roe and eaten salangane especially with curry and rice in saturated and around Indonesia and Malaya. adj salaried Mindy ate a bowl of rice with vegetables and sambal for lunch. L salience having the greatest concentration sampans that can remain under given saliently conditions (as of temperature and samsonite pressure) in the presence of the salify dissolved substance. sanctimoniously Raising the temperature of a salinelle saturated solution usually makes it sandals no longer saturated because more salinity solute can be dissolved at the sander higher temperature. salivate v sandpiper saucerless L sandshoe sauterne produce in the mouth an excessive n flow of a secretion that serves to sautoir lubricate ingested food. E + E Whenever Alison thinks about a shoe (as a sneaker) designed for savagery sushi, she begins to salivate. wear in sandy ground. After a walk on the dunes, Sandra savarin salsa stopped to retie her sandshoe. n sawbuck sans L > Sp sawhorse popular music of Latin American sansculotte origin that has absorbed sawtooth characteristics of rhythm and blues, sansculottic jazz, and rock. saxhorn Salsa has given its name to a sapid generic style of Latin American saxicolous dancing. sapiens

Page 119 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently scabby scent scour v scalar scoured L > F > E scalding [has homonyms: cent, sent] use the scowl olfactory organ in seeking or scaler tracking prey. scrapbook A hound will jump at the scallions opportunity to scent squirrels and scrappy rabbits. scallom scratchy schalstein scalpriform screamer scheduled scan screech v schismatical screed L > E schlich look through or over hastily. scribbling The students asked the teacher if schnell they could scan their notes for five scriber minutes before the test. schokker scrim scandalous scholasticism n scandium schoolboyish unknown a transparent theater drop or a scansorial sciapodous transparent section in a drop that appears opaque when a scene in scant sciential front is lighted and transparent when a scene in back is lighted. scapular scintillator The play’s dream sequence was performed behind a scrim to give scarab sciolist the illusion of unreality. scarf scission scrip scathing scolopaceous scrivello scaup scoop scrub scazon scoot scrupulous scenic scopious scrutineer adj scorch scuffle Gk affording or abounding in attractive scorching scum scenery. adj The Grand is one of scup America’s greatest scenic Scand > E attractions. burning or parching with intense scuppaug heat. With the temperature a scorching scurrilousness 98 degrees, it was simply too hot to play outdoors. scurry


Page 120 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently scut secure semipermeable n v adj unknown L L + L the short erect tail of an animal and seize and confine a person : hold of or constituting a membrane that especially a hare or rabbit. fast. is penetrable by some usually small Haley found a rabbit’s scut on the The prison rules stated that the molecules (as of water or inorganic barbed wire fence. guards were to secure all salts) but bars the passage of other remaining prisoners in the event of usually larger particles (as protein scuttled an escape. molecules). Usually the size of a molecule seaboot securely determines whether it will pass n through a semipermeable security membrane, but other factors are E + E not well understood. a very high waterproof boot used sedimentary especially by sailors and fishermen. semiquaver The sailor had no sooner taken off seditionary n one seaboot than he was again summoned to the deck. seditious L + E a sixteenth note in music. seaborne seedbed The composer believed that every adj semiquaver of her new symphony seedy was perfect. E transported by ship. seer senator China agreed to take measures to prevent seaborne wood from seething senescence introducing the pesky wood-eating beetle to the United States. seicento seniority

seafarer seismatical senseless

seafowl seismograph sensitive

seapoose sejant sensual n selector sentence Algonquian > E a shallow inlet or tidal stream along selion sentimentalizing the Long Island shore. v Dirk floated a toy boat in the semanticize seapoose. L + Ecff semelfactive looking upon and imbuing with season emotion. semiarid Daren made the mistake of sentimentalizing the politician as a semifinal poor abused fellow. secretaries semilunar separable secretion septenarius sectarian



Page 121 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently septendecimal sermon shawl adj n n L L Per relating to the number 17 : based a religious discourse delivered in a usually square or oblong piece of on the number 17. public usually by a clergyman as a fabric used especially as a covering Rob mistakenly thought that once part of a worship service. for the head or shoulders. he had lived beyond his John found the minister’s sermon Alexandra threw a shawl over her septendecimal year he could do as unusually long and tedious but head and ran down the path to the he pleased in his parents’ house. struggled to keep his mind on it. windmill. septicization serology sheaf n n serum Gk > L + Ecff E treatment of sewage by bacterial setting [Note: Could be confused with action. chief, sheave.] a quantity of arrows Engineers found a way to utilize the sexton sufficient to fill a quiver; also : the gases produced by the septicization allowance of arrows (as 24) allotted of sewage. sextuplet to each archer. As a walk-on in the recently septuplets sfogato released movie, Jason handed n pl Robin Hood a sheaf of arrows for sgabello his quiver. L a group of seven offspring born at sgraffito sheargrass one birth. In November 1997 many people in shad shearwater the United States became fascinated with the birth of shakuhachi sheaved septuplets to a family in Iowa. shalloon sheepish sepulture shameless sheepskin sequacity n shampoo sequestered E + ON > E shamrock a document bearing record of seraphically graduation from or of a degree shandry conferred by an educational serena institution. shank Jesse was so proud of her serfism sheepskin that she framed it and shapeliness hung it in her den. serialize sharecropper sherry serigraph shark sherryvallies serinette sharkskin shigellosis seriosity sharp




Page 122 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently shimmered shock shorthanded v n adj E Gmc > F E + E shone with a tremulous or fitful a state of profound depression of short of the regular or necessary light : gleamed faintly. the vital processes of the body number of people. As the patterns of moonlight characterized by pallor, rapid but Because the boys felt they had an shifted, the frost-covered blades of weak pulse, anxiety, and nausea or advantage over their smaller grass shimmered. vomiting. opponents, they agreed to play Severe injuries in an automobile basketball shorthanded. shimmy accident could cause a person to go n into shock. should F > E shogun showstopper a jazz dance popular after World n War I which is characterized by a shone shaking of the body from the v E + E shoulders down. an act, song, or performer that wins The shimmy enjoyed a brief E applause so prolonged as to popularity among the flappers of [has homonym: shown] emitted interrupt a performance. the 1920s. rays of light : beamed with steady The song “Memory” proved to be radiance. the showstopper in the musical shiner Shutters closed for many years Cats. n were thrown open to let the brilliant sunlight shine where it shrievalty E hadn’t shone in so long. black eye. shrine Sporting a shiner, Clint said, “You shoo n should see what the other guy looks like.” shoplifting L > E shingler n an object, structure, or place that is considered sacred by a religious shingles E + ON > E group and that serves as the focus n pl the stealing of goods on display in of the performance of some ritual. a store. The Western Wall in Jerusalem is a L > E Shoplifting becomes a serious Jewish shrine that receives millions an acute inflammation of the for merchants especially of visitors annually. sensory ganglia of spinal and around Christmas time. cranial nerves that is associated shrivel with a vesicular eruption and shortcake neuralgic pains. n shrunken Shingles kept Kyle out of school for two weeks. E + ON > E shuba a sweet baked dough spread with shinnery fruit and served cold. shuffle Strawberry shortcake is a delicious v shinplaster summer treat. E shiny shortening perform a dance with a dragging, n sliding step. shipboard As the dance marathon wore on, E the tired participants began to shipshape an edible fat used to make baked shuffle from side to side. goods flaky or crumbly. A good pie crust can be made with shutter half a cup of shortening. sial


Page 123 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently sibilance silver sinology n sibilatory similar Chinese? > Ar > Gk > L > F + Gk sibling simmer > Ecf v [has homonym: cynology] the sickish study of the Chinese especially adj imit E with reference to their language, stew gently with a bubbling sound literature, history, and culture. E below or just at the boiling point. Kim’s graduate work in sinology making somewhat ill. The chef explained that the carrots led her to spend a semester at A sickish odor filled the hospital should simmer in the broth for Heidelberg University’s Institute of room. several minutes before the other Chinese Studies. vegetables were added. siesta sinople n simoniac sinuate L > Sp simplicial an afternoon nap or rest. sinus Some Latin American countries sincere n have extra periods of rush hour traffic as people go home for their single L siesta. n a cavity in the substance of the bone of the skull that usually sieving L > F > E communicates with the nostrils and a one-dollar bill. contains air. siglum Maria searched her wallet for a Since Pauline has no frontal sinus, single to give the cloak room she never gets bad sinus signality attendant as a tip. headaches. signet singlesticker siphorhinal signifier singleton siriasis n signorina sirop L > F > E Sikkimese a card (as in bridge) that is the only sisal n pl one of its suit originally held in a hand. situation Indian geog name Daphne could see that she would natives or inhabitants of the state of have a difficult time winning the sizzling Sikkim in northeastern India. hand, since she held only a Many Sikkimese believe that singleton of the trump suit. skate certain mountains are protective n deities. singsong Gmc > F > D silane sinistrad a shoe with a metal runner or a set n of wheels fastened to the sole. sinistration After a few laps around the rink, ISV Jeff had to tighten up his skate. any of several silicon hydrides sinkage having the general formula skellum analogous to that of hydrocarbons of the methane series. skerrick When exposed to air, some types of silane will ignite spontaneously. sketchy silencer skiametry

Page 124 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently skiff skunk slate n adj skiffle Algonquian F > E skiing any of various New of the color of any of various grays World mammals which eject an similar in color to common roofing skim intensely malodorous secretion slates. v when startled or attacked. The contractor recommends black Luckily the skunk has warning shutters and slate shingles for the E coloration and is easy to recognize. house Karen’s family is building. read, study, deal with, or examine superficially and rapidly; skunkweed slavishly specifically : glance through (as a n book) for the chief ideas or the plot. slick Haley often goes to the bookshop Algonquian + E on Saturday mornings to skim the any of several offensive-smelling slickenside current best sellers. herbs. The skunkweed poked its nose slipper skimmer through the surface of the swamp. n n skydiving E E a light low-cut shoe that is easily a usually straw flat-crowned hat skyjack slipped on the foot. with a wide straight brim. Fred’s puppy came running into Dad had a photo of Grandpa at the skyjacking the room shaking a slipper in his train station waving good-by with n mouth. his skimmer. N > E + unknown slipstream skin the commandeering of an airplane in flight by the threat of violence. slither skinny By skyjacking a passenger plane, adj the terrorists intended to force the sloe authorities to release their E imprisoned leader. sloeberry thin and lacking flesh (as from emaciation). slaked slogan Barbara described Frank as “a skinny little guy with a great sense slander sloop of humor.” n slough skintight L > F > E utterance of false charges or slovenliness skit misrepresentations which defame and damage reputation. sluiced skua After the heated debate, one candidate threatened to sue the slurp skullcap other for slander because of his n defamatory remarks. slurry Scand > E + L > F > E slangkop slurvian any of various close-fitting brimless cloth caps for indoor or slanguage smallish outdoor wear. adj In a corner of the restaurant sat a slargando solitary bearded man wearing a E black skullcap and reading a slightly below normal size. newspaper. Mr. Sidgwick bought a smallish turkey for Thanksgiving.

Page 125 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently smallpox snare snitch n n n E ON > E unknown an acute contagious virus disease something by which one is one who gives incriminating characterized by high fever and entangled or involved in evidence against someone, skin eruptions which often result in difficulties; often : something especially an associate. scar formation. deceptively attractive. A snitch tipped the police as to A vaccine is available that will Danny has learned the hard way where they could find the robbery prevent a person from contracting that a smile on the face of a suspect. smallpox. dishonest salesperson can be a snare. snivel smattering v n snazzy E imit? > E sneaker speak or act in a whining, sniffling, an inconsiderable number or n tearful, or weakly emotional amount especially of similar but manner. distinct individuals or parts : E Uncle Ron sternly told Susie not to piecemeal collection. a shoe usually of canvas with a snivel when she asked for After only a smattering of museum pliable rubber sole worn especially something. goers showed interest in the for sports or hiking. exhibit, it was replaced earlier than Chip complained that his mom had snook originally planned. bought him the wrong kind of sneaker for basketball. snooker smileless n sneer smirch n unknown pool played with 15 red balls smiris G? having a value of 1 each and 6 an expression, remark, or saying variously colored balls having smoothbore that manifests derision, disdain, or values of from 2 to 7 respectively contempt. on which the striker may play only smuggleable ’s sneer hurt Rachel’s after pocketing a red ball. feelings. Morris learned to play snooker smuggler during his junior year abroad at a n sniff British university. v G&D snooty one who imports or exports E anything in violation of the draw air audibly up the nose. snout customs laws. Klaus is wont to sniff at whatever n The smuggler was arrested at the he does not like. airport when cocaine was found in E his luggage. snifter the human nose especially when n large or grotesque. snaffle Her scarlet eyes stared over her E gruesomely fattened snout. snaggletooth a large short-stemmed goblet with a bowl narrowing toward the top in snakily which the aroma of brandy can be savored before drinking. Heather poured a bit of calvados into a snifter.



Page 126 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently snowshoe soda solvent n n n E + E Ar? > L > It L a light oval frame that is the hygroscopic crystalline a liquid component of a solution strengthened by two crosspieces anhydrous normal salt. present in greater amount than the strung with thongs and attached to Soda, one of the constituents of solute. the foot and that is used to enable a glass, used to be obtained from the “Obviously,” said Dr. Powers, person to walk on soft snow ash of sea plants. ”the best solvent for a material is without sinking. usually related to its chemical The deeper the snow and the soilage structure.” heavier the wearer, the larger the snowshoe should be. solacement somatophyte snuffer solate somatotonia soapbush solderable somnifacient sobeit soldering somnivolency soberly solemnize somnolently sobornost solenial sone n soccer solepiece n L > ISV solicitudinous [has homonym: sewn] a subjective shortened E form unit of loudness for a given listener a game with 11 players on a side in solid equal to the loudness of a 1,000- which the ball is advanced by adj cycle sound that has an intensity 40 kicking or by propelling it with any decibels above the listener’s own part of the body except the hands L threshold. and arms. having an interior filled with The sone is a more practical unit of Worldwide, soccer is probably the matter. loudness than the phon, because most popular team sport. The stalks of some plants are not sounds do not appear to increase solid. proportionately with the number of sockeye phons. n solidarity songster Salish dialect > E soligenous n a small but very important Pacific salmon attaining an average weight soliloquize E of about five pounds and ascending one that is skilled in song. rivers chiefly from the Columbia soluble The songster Cole Porter brought a northward to spawn in late summer adj worldly enthusiasm to American or fall. musical comedy stage. Tommy had to fight the sockeye for L five minutes before finally landing susceptible of being dissolved in or it. as if in a fluid. Salt and sugar are soluble in water. sophrosyne socratically sopranino socratism soprano



Page 127 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently soroptimist spatha spindrift sorosis spatialize spinster sostenuto speakerphone spiracular n soteriology spiriform E + Gk souffle a combination microphone and spirited loudspeaker device for two-way adj soulful communication by telephone lines. Ruby turned on the speakerphone L soulless so he could tend to the stove and full of life or vigor. adj continue talking. The spirited debater delivered a persuasive speech. E + Ecf special having no manifestation of a spitzer spiritual or moral nature. spectrology After several years in a city they splacknuck found soulless, Arthur and Sylvia speechifier bought a dairy farm in Vermont. spleen speedball soundest n splendor sounding E + ON > E splurge a game resembling soccer but sourdine permitting a ball caught in the air to splurgy be passed with the hands. sourwood The fourth grade played speedball spoil at recess. soutenu spoilage spelunker sovietologist spoilsport sphenocephaly spade spokeshave spheroidize spadeful spoliator sphragistics spaghettini spoor sphygmometer n spallation spicier D > Afrikaans spanner adj a mark, a trail, a scent, a sound, or droppings left by one that has sparable L > F > E passed. having more of a fragrance Moxie found the spoor of a cat in spartanize suggestive of spices. the garden. The new potpourri was much spasmodically spicier than the old one. sporomorph adv spicigerous sporophore Gk in a sudden violent and temporary spikenard sportswear manner. Tupper spasmodically jerked his spiling spotlight leg away from the blow. spilth spastic spindle

Page 128 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently sprain squinch standard v n squint unknown F > E weaken by sudden and violent squirearch a pole or spear bearing some twisting or wrenching. conspicuous object (as a banner) at Unaccustomed to wearing high staatenbund the top formerly used to mark a heels, Sarah might sprain her ankle rallying point, to signal, or to serve if she tried to run in them. stabbing as an emblem. Before Caesar entered the room, a spreader stability messenger entered bearing his standard. sprig stabilizer standing springbok stachyose n spritsail staffage E position or condition in society or sprocket stagecoach in a profession. Rumors about the mayor’s expense spryness stagflation account have certainly hurt his standing in the community. spurnwater stagiary standstill squails staginess staphylococci squalidity stakeout n staple squandering n v E + E a surveillance maintained by one or E unknown more police officers over an area or a small U-shaped wire both ends of spending extravagantly or person suspected of criminal which are driven through layers of wastefully. activity. thin and easily penetrable material The wealthy heir was criticized for Police set up a stakeout at the (as paper or paperboard) and squandering his inheritance at the intersection where drug dealers usually clinched to hold the layers gambling casinos. were said to be doing business. together. Leigh wanted to make a photocopy square stalactites of the document, but first she had to n remove the staple. stalag L > F > E stapler [Note: The definition provided is stamen not the one most commonly n stapp associated with this word.] a n builder’s unit of floor or roof area L equal to 100 square feet. [has near homonym: stamin] the Am name The contractor told the Driscolls male reproductive organ of a a unit of force caused by that they would need a square of flower. acceleration and equal to 1 G acting roofing material to finish the job. When the honeybee touched the on a body for 1 second. stamen, pollen stuck to its legs. Astronauts commonly use the stapp squat when referring to the G-forces endured at takeoff. squatter starer squdgy starling squeak startling

Page 129 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently stases steel sterling n adj stash E E station [has homonyms: steal, stele] of full value or first quality : n commercial iron that contains conforming to the highest standard carbon in any amount up to about : genuine. L 1.7 percent. The recipient of the Citizen of the the place or position in which Changing the carbon content of Year award was cited for her something or someone stands or is steel greatly affects its malleability. sterling character and matchless assigned to stand or remain; as : a energy. post of duty. steely Just before the mock fire drill each sternum member of the observation team steeplejack took his station. n sternutator n statolatry E one whose work is building or L status repairing smokestacks, towers, or an agent that induces a flow of n steeples. nasal secretion or causes sneezing. The steeplejack found a stalk of A gaseous sternutator was used L corn growing atop the belfry. against soldiers in World War I. position or rank in relation to others. stegosaurian sternway Fernando’s status in the company changed dramatically after he stelliferous stethoscopy completed his degree. stellify stew stauroscope v stenography stave Gk > L > F > E stenophagous cook in a little liquid over a gentle steadfast fire without boiling. stenosis It is sometimes advisable to stew an steadfastly older chicken rather than roast it. adv stere n sthene E n in a firmly established manner. Gk > F The castle steadfastly weathered [has homonym: steer] a metric unit Gk > ISV the storms through the ages. of volume equal to 1 cubic meter. a meter-kilogram-second absolute The stere is the metric counterpart unit of force equal to 1,000 steam of the cord, which is 128 cubic feet newtons or 100 million dynes. v of stacked wood. Part of Nick’s physics homework consisted of converting E stereognosis measurements from the newton to cook by direct exposure to or in a n the sthene to the dyne. vessel surrounded by the vapor of liquid heated to the boiling point. Gk + Gk stichomythia Some cooks like to steam ability to perceive or the perception n vegetables in broth rather than in of material qualities (as form, water for added flavor. weight) of an object by handling or Gk lifting it : tactile recognition. dialogue especially of altercation or To test his stereognosis after his dispute delivered in alternating head injury, Barry was blindfolded lines (as in classical Greek drama). and handed different shapes to fit The argument continued in into a form board. stichomythia until the characters realized the futility of such stereopsis bickering.

Page 130 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently stickleback stipple stout adj stickler stipulate v Gmc > F > E sticky characterized by physical or moral adj L bravery : courageous, valiant. make an express demand for some The scoutmaster praised Jim, E term in an agreement. referring to him as “a brave lad having the quality of adhering. Many corporations who allow with a stout heart.” The sticky gum would not come off employees to telecommute also stoutly of Ann’s finger. stipulate the working hours and equipment to be used. stovepipe stiffener n stitch stigma v G > D > E + E a very tall silk hat. stigmata E In honor of Lincoln’s birthday, fasten, join, or close with or as if David, wearing a frock coat, stilb with loops of thread. stovepipe, and false beard, recited n The brain surgeon was justly the “Gettysburg Address” for the famous for the speed and skill with class. Gk > ISV which she could stitch. a centimeter-gram-second unit of stow brightness equal to 1 candle per stomachic square centimeter of cross section straddle perpendicular to the rays. stomatitic The luminous paint on a watch dial stragglingly usually registers only a tiny stone fraction of a stilb. n strait stiletto E stramineous [Note: The definition provided is stilt not the one most commonly straphangers n associated with this word.] an official British unit of weight equal strawberry E to 14 pounds. n one of two poles each with a rest or Elizabeth’s New Year’s resolution strap for the foot used to elevate the is to lose 1 stone before the arrival E wearer above the ground in of summer. [Note: The definition provided is walking. not the one most commonly Waldo had to add the length of the stool associated with this word.] a small stilt to his leg length to get the n mark or bruise that is of a moderate proper trouser measurement for his red or purplish red color. clown costume. E The strawberry on Martha’s thigh a device for sitting usually is a birthmark. stimulate consisting of a single wooden or upholstered seat without back or strawbreadth stingray arms supported by three or four legs or by a central pedestal. streetscape stinkstone The actor playing the court jester n sat on a low stool near the king’s streptococcus throne. E stretchable a stone that emits a fetid smell on stopwatch adj being struck or rubbed owing to decomposition of organic matter. storis E Stinkstone, a variety of limestone, capable of being extended. is also called swinestone. storyteller The kitten tugged at Alvin’s stretchable sock.

Page 131 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently strictness stuff subdued v adj stridency F > E L stridulous prepare (meat or vegetables) for reduced or lacking in force or cooking or eating by filling or intensity. stringendo lining with a seasoned mixture. The subdued dog could become Bella plans to stuff the turkey with ferocious when threatened. stripling a mixture of cornbread, sausage, and onions. subereous stromatolite stuffily subfebrile strong adj stuffy subjacent adj adj E having great muscular power. F > E L Johnny is as strong as a bull. oppressive to the breathing. lying under or below. The air in the tunnel leading into The hills and subjacent valleys stronghold the pyramid was stuffy. were cloaked in the heavy, wet n snow. stultify E subjective a fortified place. stummel As the marching soldiers crested sublease the hill, the duke’s stronghold came stupefacient into view. sublunary stupor adj strophe n L strophic L characteristic of or pertinent to this adj a chiefly mental condition marked world : terrestrial, mundane. by absence of spontaneous One suffragette declared that men Gk movement, greatly diminished had undertaken the “absolute relating to, containing, or responsiveness to stimulation, and control of all sublunary matters.” consisting of a rhythmic system usually impaired consciousness. submerge composed of two or more lines After staying up all night to study, repeated as a unit. Ellen ended up taking her exam in suborning The strophic pattern of the poem a stupor. helped Miriam memorize it. subphylum styliform structural subplot stymieing stucco subreptary subconscious stuccowork subreption subcontraoctave studied subscribe subcortex study v subculture L subdermal apply the mind to the acquirement of knowledge. Flora helped her roommate to study for her exam.

Page 132 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently subshell sudatory sundown n n sudorific L > E + E E + E any of the one or more spaces sugarloaf [Note: The definition provided is occupied by the orbits of a group of not the one most commonly electrons of approximately equal suite associated with this word.] a broad- energy surrounding the nucleus of brimmed hat for women. an atom. sulcus Diane put on a straw sundown and Fred explained that most elements took a stroll on the gorgeous have more than one subshell of sulfofying beach. electrons. sulky sundry substantive sullenly sunflower subsume adj summit subtle E + L > F > E summons of or resembling any of various subtrahend n pl plants with large yellow-rayed n flower heads bearing edible seeds F > E that yield an edible oil. L a warning or citation to appear in The brown iris was slashed with a quantity that is to be deducted court. yellow, the color of sunflower from a minuend in the As an eyewitness to the robbery, honey. mathematical operation of Alicia received a summons to give subtraction. testimony in court. sunny In the equation 14 – 8 = 6, 8 is the adj subtrahend. sumo n E subtuberant [has homonym: sonny] Jpn characterized by brilliant sunlight. suburban a Japanese form of wrestling in Mo added a sunny porch to the adj which a contestant loses the match back of her house. if he is forced out of the ring or if L any part of his body except his feet sunstone of, relating to, inhabiting, or touches the ground. located in the residential area on As part of their study of Japanese sunstroke the outskirts of any city or large culture, the class watched an hour n town. of sumo on ESPN. The farm on which George spent E his childhood years has been sumptuously heatstroke caused by direct swallowed up in suburban sprawl. exposure to the Sun. sunbonnet Sharon suffered a sunstroke when succinctness n she ran the marathon in mid- August. sucrose E + L > F > E n a woman’s bonnet with a wide brim superabundant framing the face and usually having adj F > ISV + L > Ecf a ruffle at the back to protect the a sweet water-soluble sugar that neck from the sun. L occurs naturally in most land plants Meghan was so fair-skinned that being considerably more than is especially in the juices, fruits, and she never left the house without a sufficient. roots. sunbonnet. The cheerleader’s superabundant Sucrose was the last in a long list was a little sickening to Carla. of organic substances whose chemical formulas Callie had to superannuate memorize that night.

Page 133 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently supercool suppletory suspenders v n pl supply L + F L > F > E + Ecf reduce in temperature to below the suppositional two supporting bands of elastic, freezing point without leather, or cloth worn across the solidification or crystallization. surcharge shoulders and fastened at the Tage had to first supercool the n waistline to trousers or a skirt. liquid and then be careful not to They had worn their coats to town, stir it; otherwise, it would quickly F > E but they ate in their striped shirts solidify. a price demanded for a thing or and suspenders. service in excess of the usual or superego normal amount. suspiration The overnight delivery service has superencipherment a steep surcharge for weekend swampy n delivery. swarm L + L + Ar > L > F + Ecf surcingle n converting into code what already is a cryptogram especially in code. surmisable E Jason is an ace code breaker and a great often overwhelming number has recently become interested in surmountable usually in motion and especially superencipherment. adj migratory : a dense moving crowd or throng. supererogate F > E + Ecf A swarm of preteen girls and their capable of being overcome. parents headed for the entrance supererogatory Quentin is confident that most of doors of the concert hall. the problems associated with his superimposable learning disability are swarming adj surmountable. swartrutter L surprising capable of covering or of being swedes covered. surrealist n pl If a superimposable ion or molecule is placed over the other, surrogacy D > G the positions of all the atoms will [Note: The definition provided is match. surveil not the one most commonly associated with this word.] superrational suspend rutabagas. adj v The farmer’s shed was filled with baskets of potatoes, swedes, and L L turnips. transcending the power of reason. hang so as to be free on all sides Many novelists address the except at the point of support. sweet superrational aspects of love in Tony will suspend a tennis ball adj their works. from the garage ceiling to help him know how far he can drive into the E supplant garage. pleasing to the smell : fragrant. v Kara’s mother loves the sweet suspended smell of gardenia blossoms. L > F > E adj take the place of : oust from a position and serve as a substitute L for especially by reason of superior withheld for a time under specified excellence or power. conditions. Harry’s goal is to supplant the Because this offense was his first, current floor supervisor. Mike was given a suspended sentence instead of a jail term.

Page 134 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently swing synchronization tack n n v E Gk + Gk + Ecff E jazz dancing in moderate tempo the act or result of making nail, pin, or affix with small sharp- with a peculiar lilting syncopation. dialogue, music, or sound effects pointed, broad-headed nails. Martin urged Rhonda to learn the exactly simultaneous with the The landlady told Tristan that swing with him. action shown in a motion picture. although hanging large pictures The synchronization in early was not permissible, he could tack switch foreign movies was sometimes a calendar to the wall. ludicrous, with mouths moving switchback when no speech was heard. tacker n synchronize tact D? + E n a zigzag road or trail in a synclastic mountainous region. L The switchback was so steep that syncretize [has homonym: tacked] a keen Amber had to back her truck up the sense of what to do or say in a next leg rather than turn around synodal difficult or delicate situation in and go forward. order to maintain good relations synonymical with others or avoid offense : swizzle diplomacy. syntactician Tact is an inestimable quality in an syagush administrative assistant. syntality sycophants taffy synusia sycosis tagliarini systaltic syllabary tailspin system syllabic taintless tabasco syllepsis talking tablets symbiotically talmouse tachyarrhythmia symblepharon Talmud tachygrapher n sympatry tacitly Heb symptomatic adv the authoritative body of Jewish law and tradition developed on the synanthous L + Ecf basis of the scriptural law after the in a manner that is implied or closing of the Pentateuchal text syhnocarpous indicated but not actually about 400 B.C. expressed. Benjamin studied Torah and synchronistic The school administration does not Talmud at the yeshiva. enforce the dress code, perhaps tacitly acknowledging that it needs talmudism to be changed. talmudist




Page 135 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently tangled tasteless tearjerker adj n tantalum E + Ecf E + E Taoism having no flavor. an extravagantly pathetic story, n Giorgio, the son of a jeweler, was play, film, or radio or television amused to hear his chemistry program. Chin + Ecf professor describe diamonds as The movie turned out to be a two- a religion and philosophy of China tasteless. hankie tearjerker. traditionally founded by Lao-tzu in the sixth century B.C. tatouay teasel Many of the 20 million adherents of Taoism practice tai chi and tatters teaspoon Chinese herbal medicine. n Taurus taperer Chin + E tautness a small commonly silver spoon tapeworm suitable for stirring and sipping tea tautomerism or coffee and having a standard taphonomy capacity of 1/3 tablespoon. n tawniness realized that he had used a tablespoon of yeast instead of a Gk taxidermist teaspoon, which led to the overflow the study of the processes (as of bread dough from the oven. burial, decay, and preservation) that taxidermy affect animal and plant remains as technetium they become fossils. taxonomy The archaeology department n technocrat frequently calls upon a consultant whose expertise is in taphonomy. Gk + Gk technophobia the study of the general principles tapissier of scientific classification. tectiform No one was surprised when the tarboosh course in taxonomy began with a tectonosphere discussion of Swedish botanist Carl n targhee von Linné and his method of binomial nomenclature. Gk + Gk tarry the zone within Earth in which crustal movements originate. tartareous The geologist specialized in the tchaviche study of the evolution and structure tartarly of Earth’s tectonosphere. teacher tartrazine teething team tasajillo n teethless taskmaster E telautograph [has homonym: teem] two or more tasteful horses, oxen, or other draft animals telecast harnessed to the same vehicle (as a coach, wagon, sled) or to the same telegraphy plow or other implement. A team of mules pulled a wagon telencephalon along the street of the recreated gold-mining town. teleological


Page 136 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently telepathy tenseness tessera n telestich tetanogenic L + Ecf tellurian the quality or state of being tetra stretched tight. tellurium As the starting time for the race got tetrachloride closer, Brian’s tenseness increased. n temple n tentiform Gk a compound containing four atoms L tenure of chlorine with another element or an edifice dedicated to the worship radical. of a deity. teonanacatl Carbon tetrachloride is a useful The Johnsons admired the stately organic solvent. architecture of the Mormon temple terbium on their trip to Salt Lake City. tetradactyl teredos tempo tetrahedral n tergiferous adj L > It tergiversator Gk rate of motion. having or made up of four sides. The frenzied dance slowed to a tergiversatory Sid remembered that a tetrahedral gentle, lyrical tempo. molecule is made up of five atoms teriyaki with one at the center and the other temporality four at each corner. termolecular tenace adj tetralemma n tenant L + L relating to or formed from three Gk tenderfoot molecules. an argument analogous to a Because a termolecular reaction is dilemma but presenting four tenderize the result of the simultaneous alternatives in the premises. encounter of three molecules, very When Rachel received four equally tendinitis few termolecular reactions occur. attractive invitations to the prom, she decided to draw straws to solve tendinous tern the tetralemma. tenor terpsichore tetramerous tenorless terraciform tetrapteron tenpins terran tetraptych n pl n tetrastoon E + E L a bowling game using ten bottle- Earth inhabitant. tetrazzini shaped bowling pins and a large “The terran departed Hartux ball and allowing each player to Station three hours ago at warp thallium bowl two balls in each of ten speed,” said Glarg. frames. thalweg Rip van Winkle played tenpins with terreplein the strange little men. thankless territoriality tensely thawless tessellate

Page 137 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently theatricality thermohydrometer thingummy n n thirdborough Gk + Ecff Gk n the quality or state of having the an instrument for measuring the characteristics of a stage play or an specific gravity of a liquid E actor’s performance. containing an instrument for a former English peace officer The exaggerated gestures and measuring the temperature of the especially of a tithing. movements are part of the actor’s liquid under test. Old Mr. Hawkins has been the theatricality. Stan took readings from the thirdborough of Warwickshire for thermohydrometer every five the last two years. theatrically minutes throughout the experiment. thixotropy theft thermophilic thong theme thermopile n n thence E Gk + L > F > E a sandal held on the foot by a strap theocratic a thermoelectric battery. between the toes. The thermopile is used in conection As Sarah walked down the marble theologize with a galvanometer for measuring hallway, her every step was minute quantities of radiant heat. sounded by a slapping thong. theophobia n thermoset thonnier adj Gk + Gk thoracostomy dread of the wrath of God. Gk + E In his theophobia, Brennan was relatively incapable of softening or thorium sure that the thunderstorm was fusing when heated. directed specifically at him. Thermoset plastics are sometimes thorny used in manufacturing industrial adj theoretically molds. E thereupon thermotropism beset with trials, vexations, obstacles, or other difficulties. thermochemical theta Grading papers is often a thorny adj problem for teachers. theurgist Gk those of, relating to, or obtained by the theurgy branch of chemistry that deals with n thousandth the relations existing between heat and chemical reaction or physical Gk thrasonical changes of state. the art of compelling or persuading adj George’s comparison of a god or beneficent supernatural thermochemical changes in several power to do or refrain from doing Roman name reactions revealed a striking something: specifically : an occult bragging, boastful. variation in enthalpy. art in which the operator is held to Cleo’s father asked her not to be be capable of evoking or utilizing thrasonical about her birthday thermocline the aid of divine and beneficent presents in front of her brother. spirits. thermoduric Theurgy is sometimes called “high thread magic,” and thaumaturgy, the use of magic for nonreligious purposes, is called “low magic.” thiazide


Page 138 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently thrilled tidewaiter tintinnabulum v tidology tiponi E caused to have a shivering or tidy tipsy tingling sensation : affected emotionally. tierce tiptoed Jeff was so thrilled by the new Star n v Wars movie that he got back in line to see it again. L > F > E E + E a sequence of three playing cards of walked or proceeded quietly or thrips the same suit. cautiously walking on or as if n pl Roland’s tierce led with the ace of walking on the tips or ends of the hearts and beat Paul’s king, queen, toes. Gk > L and jack of clubs handily. The toddler tiptoed slowly toward any of some 5,000 species of tiny his parents with his arms winged insects of the order tierer outstretched. Thysanoptera. To survive the cold winters, thrips tiger tiresomely hibernate in hollow plant stems on the ground. tigereye tiring v thrive tignon E throttlebottom tiki fatiguing, wearying. n Bridget found her job tiring and throwaway boring. Maori&Marquesan thrummed a Polynesian wood or stone image tirralirra set up as a temporary abode or thrust embodiment of a god or other tithe v supernatural power but not v worshipped as an idol. ON > E The tiki at the entrance to the E push or drive with physical force. Polynesian restaurant is genuine. pay or give a tenth part of To open the can, Elmer had to especially for the support of the thrust a screwdriver through the tilery church. lid. The pastor used this Sunday’s timbe sermon time to encourage members thuggee of the congregation to tithe. timber thulium title timberline thunder titoism timbery thundering titration timely n thurifer adj F > E Thursday E a determination of the reactive n done or occurring at a suitable capacity usually of a solution; time. especially : the analytical process ON > E A timely downpour quenched the of successively adding measured the day following Wednesday. fire. amounts of a reagent to a known Pizza is served every Thursday in volume of a sample in solution the school cafeteria. tin until a desired end point is reached. Mark prepared to do a titration by tickle tinderbox transferring 40 milliliters of sodium hydroxide into a flask.

Page 139 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently tittuppy torpidity towser titularly torridity toxicant tizzy torture trabant tjaele totally tracer toadyism touchdown traceried n tocusso tractrix L > F > E + E toddler the act of scoring six points in a trade football game by being lawfully in tombolo possession of the ball on, above, or trafficker behind an opponent’s goal line tomfoolery when the ball is declared dead. tragicomedy Barnaby intercepted the ball and tonality ran 89 yards to score the most tragus memorable touchdown in his tonetics school’s history. trajection tonne touchline tranchet n tonometer trans n L > F > E + E&(L > F) adj either of the lines between and at Gk right angles to the goal lines that L an instrument for measuring the bound the sides of the field of play [has homonym: trance] having or exact pitch or vibration rate of in rugby and soccer. characterized by various atoms or tones. The referee ruled that Colin’s foot groups on opposite sides of the In 1833, Scheibler put tonometry had come down on the wrong side molecule. on a scientific basis with his of the touchline. Heat or irradiation with light can tonometer. often change a compound from a toupee cis to a trans isomer, although it tonsillitic does not change the type or number tournament of atoms in the compound. tope n transcription topgallant F > E a trial of skill in which many transenna topiarist contestants compete for championship in a series of transformation topical elimination contests. n Laszlo won first place in the state topodeme chess tournament. L > E a physiological change of one thing topology towering into another (as larva into adult through metamorphosis). toponomastic town During the pupal stage the larva of n a butterfly undergoes a toponymic transformation in which the wings E appear and adult structures are topos a compactly settled area usually developed. larger than a village but smaller toreutic than a city in population. The town of Oliver Springs was tormentor worst hit by the storm.

Page 140 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently transgression trencher tricouni n n tricycle L F > E the infringement or violation of a a platter or tray for serving food. triennial law, command, or duty. Ten minutes after entering the inn, The union leader claimed that the the wayfarer was working his way triforium company was guilty of a through a trencher piled with food. transgression of the labor contract. triglyceride trepan transgressor trilemma trepanation transilience trillionth trephine translate trilocular trestletree translucence trilogy triadism n transmitted trial Gk transport a series of three dramas or triangular sometimes three literary or musical transported compositions that although each is adj triassic in one sense complete have a close mutual relation and form one theme L triceps or develop aspects of one basic impassioned or enraptured by concept. strong and usually pleasurable trichology The third novel in the trilogy was a emotion. n sequel to the first, but the second As Tom listened to the chanting was a prequel to it. monks, he felt transported and Gk otherworldly. the scientific study of hair. trimester Several experts in trichology trapdoor manned booths at the cosmetology trinitrotoluene fair. trapeze trichotomous trapezoid trinket trickled trawl v trinklied treasonable E trio ran or fell in drops. n trecentist Water trickled out from the hole in the jug. L > It > F treeing a group or set of three. v triclinic Ben belongs to a well-known trio of adj musicians that plays for wedding E receptions. driving to or up a tree. Gk Strange to say, Jacques and Philip having or characterized by three triplicate had a hard time treeing that unequal axes intersecting at oblique squirrel. angles—used especially of a triploid crystal. tremor Dusty reminded that triclinic tripodal crystals have three unequal dimensions and three unequal angles, none of which is 90 degrees.

Page 141 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently tristful troublemaker trunk adj n trying L > E + E L > F > E + E adj sad, melancholy. a person who foments strife and The tristful soldier longed for the disagreement often for ulterior F > AF > E day he could return home. motives. causing severe hardship, The teenaged troublemaker, having annoyance, or irritation. triton proved to be too difficult for his The long and trying journey n parents to handle, was sent to a exhausted Deeka. reformatory as a last resort. Gk name tryst one of a class of minor sea troublesome divinities or partly human monsters adj tubercular usually represented as having the upper body like that of a human L > F > E + E tubular and the lower body like that of a disturbing, vexatious. fish : merman. Gerald had a troublesome dream tubulifloral Greek mythology has it that when last night. the sea roars, a triton is blowing a tubuliflorous conch shell trumpet. troublously tucket Troadic troughing adj Tuesday trout n Gk geog name of or relating to ancient . truffled E Many remains of the Troadic adj the day following Monday. culture have been excavated near The English meaning of Mardi the city of Hisarlik in Turkey. L > OProv > F Gras is “Fat Tuesday.” cooked, stuffed, or garnished with trochophore edible fungi of the genus Tuber. tumblebug Emilia prepared a delicious truffled trogon risotto with autumn vegetables. tumor trophogenic truly tumultuary adv tropical tun adj E indeed. tunnel L Mary is truly the best leader the of, relating to, occurring in, or used student government association has turbinado in the region lying between either had in many years. of two parallels of Earth’s latitude turbojet that are approximately 23½ degrees trump north of the equator and v turboprop approximately 23½ degrees south of the equator. L > F > E turfman Diana’s cruise took her to several take a set of cards with a card of a tropical islands. suit designated by chance or by an turkey auction or declaration that if legally troth played will win over a card that is turner not of this suit. n trouble Sighing, Joe laid down his final card and waited for Janice to E trump the trick with a heart. [has homonyms: ternar, terner] one that turns or is used for turning. truncheons Matt grabbed a pancake turner and lit out after the cat.

Page 142 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently turnery twice ufology adv turnout ugli n E for a first and second time : on two ugliness E + E occasions. [Note: The definition provided is After Reginald wrecked the car uhlan not the one most commonly twice, his parents took his driving associated with this word.] a privileges away for three months. uletic position of the feet in ballet with the heels back to back. twin ulmaceous Kristin did many stretching adj exercises to improve her turnout. ulpan E turnsole constituting two similar, closely ultimo associated, or otherwise paired turntable persons, topics, or objects. ultraism n Ms. Venable purchased new mattresses for the twin beds in the ultramontane E + L > F > E guest room. a machine that reproduces speech umbelliferous or music from records. twirl The CD player has replaced the v umbrous turntable in many homes. Scand? umland turriculate revolve rapidly. Janet hoped Gregory wouldn’t try umpirage turtle to twirl her too fast around the n n dance floor. L > F > E imit > L > E two an act or instance of deciding in the tortoise. adj capacity of one having authority to Jaime fed little bits of hamburger to arbitrate and make a final decision. his pet turtle. E Daniel Webster declined the [has homonyms: to, too] being one umpirage of any state that tried to turtledove more than one in number. settle the validity of laws of Betsy was more well behaved at Congress. tussock two years than she was at three. umpty tutu tyg n unaccountable tying adj F a very short projecting skirt worn tylosaurus Ecf + F > E by a ballet dancer. not answerable or responsible : free In the football team’s parody of typewriter from control. Swan Lake, the quarterback wore a The students were under the large white tutu. typhonic mistaken impression that they would be unaccountable for their twain typist actions at the football game. n typography unanimously E couple, pair. typp The twain of volunteers who made the fund raiser a success are Mr. tzigane Burgess and Ms. Kent. ubiquity tweak

Page 143 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently unannotated underestimate unfulfilled v adj underlineation Ecf + L Ecf + E not furnished with critical or underneath not satisfied. explanatory notes. prep The president promised to respond The library’s only copy of the poem to the unfulfilled needs of the was unannotated, so Ivan searched E people. the Internet for expert literary close under especially so as to be criticism. covered or hidden by. ungenteel Val found beetles, worms, and a unappeasable cricket underneath the flagstone. unguerdoned adj underscore unhappy Ecf + L > F > E + Ecf adj not capable of being brought to a understand state of ease or content. E The gladiators fought hour after undeterred dejected in spirit : melancholy, sad. hour before seemingly Being such an outgoing person, unappeasable spectators. undulating Joan is unhappy when she has no one to talk to. unbleached unearth adj unicity unembroidered E unicycle not having the color or stains unencumbered removed from. unify Mr. Byng was dressed from head to unenforceable v toe in unbleached linen. adj L uncensored Ecf + F + Ecf make into a coherent group or adj not capable of causing to take whole. effect. The coach worked hard to unify the Ecf + L Shasta believes that the state players on the team. not subjected to the system or legislature’s recent education bill practice of altering, deleting, or is unenforceable. unimpeachable banning completely after adj examination. unenviable Many parents want to protect their Ecf + E + L > F > E + Ecf children from uncensored unequivocal exempt from liability to accusation information on the Internet. : blameless. unerringly An unimpeachable character is an uncrystallized adv asset almost every candidate strives to project. unctuously Ecf + L > F > E + Ecff in a faultless manner : with unimpeded uncurl precision. adj Almost everyone leaving the theater undercook felt that the play had been Ecf + L v unerringly performed. free from anything that hampers. Many services are provided onsite E + E uneventful at the plant to ensure that worker heat food insufficiently or less than productivity is unimpeded. thoroughly. unfasten Care must be taken not to unipara undercook poultry. unfilial unireme unfinished

Page 144 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently unity unnatural untalented n adj unupholstered L E + L adj the quality or state of being or inconsistent with what is expected consisting of one : oneness, or in accordance with or E + E singleness. determined by nature : strange. not furnished with or as if with Seth quoted Benjamin Franklin’s Throughout the year, Ryan has materials (as fabric, padding, and call for unity: “We must all hang dyed his hair all sorts of unnatural springs) used to make a soft together, or assuredly we shall colors. covering especially for a seat. hang separately.” The congregation discussed univalent unpaid whether or not the unupholstered adj church pews should be provided unpierceable with cushions. L capable usually of combining with unputrefied unurbane only one atom of another element. adj Mr. Greenwood said that the unravel hydrogen atom is taken to be E + L univalent. unreadable not notably polite or finished in adj manner : rustic, vulgar. unkemptly Donald’s unurbane table manners Ecf + E + Ecf disgusted those sitting near him. unknown lacking or interest as material for reading : alien or dull unutterable unlaureled in vein or spirit. adj adj Two years ago Joy found the novel unreadable, but now she cannot put E + E + Ecf Ecf + L > F > E + Ecf it down. not capable of being spoken. having no acclaim or reward. After repeating the phrase toy boat Philo T. Farnsworth, a pioneering unredeemed five times in quick succession, Joel researcher in television, went found the phrase unutterable. mainly unlaureled after selling the unregal rights to his work. unvariegated unrelenting unlawful adj unvitiated adj E + L > E unvoyageable E not softening, yielding, or swerving contrary to or prohibited by a in resolution or determination. unwontedly binding custom or practice of a The chairman was a stern and community. unrelenting taskmaster. upas Everyone hoped for the capture of those responsible for the hideous unruly upbraidingly unlawful deed. unsanguine uphill unleash adv unscathed unloveliness E unsealed against difficulties. unnameable Shawna kept working her way unseizable uphill through school.




Page 145 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently uplifted usurped valleys adj v valvulotomy E + ON > E L raised in spirits. seized and held in possession by vamoose After a walk along the beach, Pat force or without right. returned uplifted and refreshed. The senator claimed that the vamplate Supreme Court had usurped the uprighteous powers of the legislatures. vanaspati uproar utilize vanillin n vacantly vaporize D > E adv v a loud usually disorderly noise of some duration. L L + Ecf An uproar swept the auditorium in a manner characterized by become converted to the gaseous when Wayne sank a three-pointer absence of thought and reflection : state. at the buzzer. idly, inanely. The cooling effect of rubbing Kevin was staring vacantly out the alcohol on skin is caused by the upsilon classroom window when the extraction of heat as the molecules teacher asked him if he knew the acquire kinetic energy and upstage answer to the question. vaporize. upstairs vacherin vaporous n uranology vaquero L > F urbanism a dessert consisting of a meringue varicella filled usually with cream, ice urbanize cream, or fruit. varices Muffy bit into a crisp vacherin urceole filled with sweet chestnut puree. variegate urceus vacillancy variolate urgent vagal arrio adj vagility vasculitis L calling for or demanding immediate vague vase attention. “Let’s go back,” Calvin said in an vainly vasopressor urgent voice. adv Vatican urgrund L > E adj in a manner that fails to achieve a urostyle purpose : unsuccessfully. L Firefighters vainly tried to enter of or relating to the official urushiye the burning house. residence of the pope in Vatican City, Rome, especially as usurer valedictorian symbolizing the papacy or its policies. usurpation validate The Vatican collection of religious art is the largest in the world. vallate vaticinate vallecula vaulted

Page 146 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently vaunt vermiculated viaticum adj n vectored L L Veda wormlike in shape. an allowance (as of transportation n The old books that we found in the or supplies and money) for cellar were filled with vermiculated traveling expenses. Skt tunnels. Shirley has spent all but $50 of the any of a class of the most ancient $500 viaticum her father gave her sacred writings of the Hindus. verneuk for her spring break trip. The Veda, which is divided into four parts, was first translated into vernier vicarial European languages in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. verriculate vicennial adj veer versatility L veery versicle occurring once every 20 years. n The university president recognized vegan the vicennial medalists, who for L two decades had dedicated vegetablize a brief poem or set of metrical themselves to teaching, lines. scholarship, and service. veiled When he couldn’t sleep, Lord Byron often sat up and wrote a viceroy veiltail versicle or two. vichyite veinless versicolor adj victory velveret L + L victuals vendible having various hues : variegated. The woman in the long, versicolor video venial silk skirt turned out to be the hostess. videography veniremen n versification venomous L + Gk verso the practice or art of recording ventiduct n images with a video camera. The camcorders used in ventriloquial L videography allow for more a left-hand page (as of a book) realism in police drama programs. ventriloquize usually carrying an even page number. viewpoint ventriloquy The first verso of a book often displays its International Standard vihara verbicide Book Number. vilification verbigerated verticillate villa verbosely verticity vinaigrettes verdureless vesicular vinegarroon veridically viands vinegary verism vinic

Page 147 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently viol viscidity voiceprint n viola viscosity L > F > E + L > F > E violence viselike an individually distinctive pattern of certain voice characteristics that violoncellist vision is spectrographically produced. n Detectives testified that the viomycin kidnapper’s voiceprint matches L that of the defendant. viraginous something seen otherwise than by the ordinary sight. voidee vireo Ravi keeps having a vision of a giant bowling ball rolling toward volcanic virescence him. vole virescent visitor n virginal visually Scand adv any of various rodents that are virtues closely related to the lemmings and n pl L muskrats but in general resemble with regard to the act or power of murid mice or rats and inhabit both L seeing. moist meadows and dry uplands. characteristics, qualities, or traits A Seeing Eye dog is a great help to The vole is a rodent often known or felt to be excellent. a visually impaired person. responsible for crop damage. Patience was not one of Keith’s virtues. vitiated volitation virtuous vitiates volitional virulence vitriol volitorial n vituline voltammetry L the quality or property of being vituperatory voltigeur able to overcome the defense mechanism of the host. vivid voltmeter Virulence is the capacity of an n infectious agent to damage living vivificate cells. It name + Gk vocalise an instrument for measuring in virus n volts the differences of potential n between different points of an L electrical circuit. L a vocalized melody or passage The voltmeter showed no current the causative agent of an infectious without words. moving through the wire. disease. Jazz singing with nonsense The Salk vaccine creates immunity syllables is an improvised form of volume to the virus responsible for polio. vocalise. viscera vocalist n pl vocoder L internal organs of the body. voicecast While on safari, the tourists passed a group of vultures feeding on the viscera of a dead zebra.

Page 148 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently volumetric wambenger warren adj n n L + Gk unknown Gmc? > F > E of or relating to the measurement of a widely distributed Australian an area especially of uncultivated space occupied or enclosed by pouched mouse. ground for the breeding of rabbits; cubic units. The tail of the wambenger is also : a place abounding in rabbits. The expensive volumetric flask distinctive for its red color. Some of the rabbits in the shattered when it slipped from overpopulated warren went Horace’s hands. wampum elsewhere to find a place to live. n volumette washout Narraganset voluptuate beads made of shells polished and wassailer strung together in strands, belts, or voluptuousness sashes and used by the North wassails American Indians as money, vomitory ceremonial pledges, and ornaments. wastebasket n Some of the oldest existing wampum represents agreements wasteful L between Native American tribes adj an entrance piercing the banks of and Catholic missionaries and is seats of a theater or amphitheater. now in the Vatican collection. E + Ecf After the game ended, every expending something valuable in a vomitory was packed with fans wampumpeag useless or extravagant manner. rushing to their cars. The newly elected mayor suspected wangle wasteful spending and initiated a vouvray thorough investigation of warbonnet expenditures. vulgarity n waster vying Gmc > F > E + L > F > E an American Indian ceremonial water waders headdress with a feathered n n pl extension down the back. The Sioux chief proudly posed for E E the cameras in his eagle-feathered the liquid that descends from the [has near homonym: waiters] high warbonnet. clouds as rain. waterproof boots or a one-piece Water pelted the windshield so waterproof garment usually wardrobe hard and fast that Etsu pulled off to consisting of pants with attached the side of the road and waited for boots that are used for wading (as wares it to stop. when fishing). As Bill and Tom canoed down the warhead waterborne river, they passed a fly-fisherman in waders who didn’t seem too warmouth watermark happy to see them. warp watermelon waffles v watery waftage E turn or twist out of shape. wager The constant wind began to warp the entire row of saplings. wake wallydraigle

Page 149 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently wattle weber wheat n n wheatear E G name [has homonym: waddle] a the practical meter-kilogram- wheaten fabrication of rods or poles second unit of magnetic flux equal n interwoven with slender branches, to that flux which in linking a withes, or reeds. circuit of one turn produces in it an E Wattle is often used for garden electromotive force of 1 volt : 100 the color of wheat; specifically : a fences in the English countryside. million maxwells. pale yellow or fawn characteristic Sarah’s homework problem of certain breeds of dogs. waveson required her to find the voltage to Wheaten, the color of Missy’s soft- the nearest weber. coated terrier, sharply contrasts waxbill with that of her boyfriend’s black wedeln Scottish terrier. wayfarer weedery wheatless wayward adj weeknight wheeled E weem wheelhorse characterized by extreme willfulness and by determination to weld whet follow one’s own capricious, v wanton, or depraved inclinations to whiff the point of being ungovernable. E n The wayward child insisted on unite or consolidate by heating to a touching everybody’s food. plastic or fluid state the surfaces of imit the parts to be joined and then an inhalation of odor, smoke, gas, wayzgoose allowing them to flow together. or vapor. As a sculptor, Erica has a The faintest whiff of cigarette weald workshop full of equipment to help smoke made Fagan sneeze. her weld large metal sheets wean together. whillikers wearying welder whiplash adj wenzel whippoorwills E that causes to lose freshness or Wesak whirlicote virtue or usefulness. n Katerina found the congenial cafes whirlybird more interesting than the wearying Skt > Sinhalese tense casinos. the Buddhist New Year festival whitewash celebrating the birthday of the weaselly Buddha at the May full moon. whither In Sri Lanka, Buddhists dress in weatherly white and carry baskets of flowers whitsunday to the monastery to celebrate weave Wesak. whizgig v wesselton whopper E bring together and interrelate so as wight to form a coherent whole. No one else on the radio can weave whangdoodle wiikite a wonderful story from whimsical tidbits the way Garrison Keillor whatnot wildebeest can.

Page 150 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently wily womanly worldwide adv adj windbreaks n pl E E possessed of the character or extended or extending throughout E + E behavior befitting a grown woman. the entire world. rowed or clumped trees or shrubs Mona’s womanly, capable, and There have been no successful that give protection against the mature attitude belies her true age. attempts to build a worldwide wind. empire in history, unless we count The farm presented an orderly women multinational corporations. appearance with the fencing and n pl hedging, the windbreaks and sheds, worry and the symmetrical pasture ponds. E v female human beings. windjammer Sojourner Truth preached against E the evils of slavery and for the afflict with mental distress or windmill rights of women. agitation : make anxious. n Despite her high grades, final wonder exams always worry Lynette E v because she is a perfectionist. a mechanism operated by wind motion acting on oblique vanes or E wort sails radiating from a horizontal be in a state of rapt or questioning shaft. attention. woven The windmill drew water up from Though no insight ever hit him, the well for the cattle to drink. Jules was disposed nonetheless to wretch wonder at life’s mysteries. windup wretchedness wood n wink woodchuck E winkle n the quality or state of being deeply afflicted, dejected, or distressed winterfeed Ojibwa or Cree > E from want, disease, or mental a thickset marmot of the anguish. winterim northeastern United States and The homeless man’s wretchedness Canada with a chiefly grizzled brought Suzanne to tears. winterize reddish brown color. The world’s most famous wringstaff wisecrack woodchuck is probably Punxsutawney Phil. wrinkle witchery n woodcock wittol E woodier an innovation in method, technique, woe or equipment. n woodkern The newest wrinkle in Internet technology seems to be wireless E woodpecker communication. [has homonyms and near homonym: wo, woa, and whoa] woolder wrist distress. Woe to the student who must stay in woozy writhingly detention hall with Mrs. McGillicutty. workaholism wolfishly

Page 151 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently writing xysti yelper adj n pl yeomanette E Gk > L of, relating to, or used in or for the long open porticoes used especially yesterday act or art of forming letters on a by ancient Greeks or Romans for suitable medium to communicate athletic exercises in wintry or yeti the ideas which characters and stormy weather. n words express. There were xysti at each end of the Mr. Burrett grabbed a writing pad emperor’s villa, and athletes often Tibetan off his desk before the meeting. trained there during the rainy abominable snowman. season. The mountaineer claimed to have wrong found his way out of a blizzard by n yagi following the huge footprints of a yeti. E yak the state of being mistaken or yew incorrect. yam n After listening to two skilled lawyers argue a case, it is often yarak E difficult to tell which side is in the [has homonyms: ewe, you] any of wrong. yardmaster numerous ornamental evergreen shrubs and trees having stiff leaves wrongful yards spirally arranged, a fruit consisting n pl of a fleshy covering enclosing a wurrung hard seed, and poisonous juice. E Wood of the English yew is valued wurst units of length in the United States, for cabinetwork and archery bows. each equal to 0.9144 meter. xebec The band marched eight-to-five: Yinglish eight equal steps for every 5 yards. n xenobiotic yautia G + E xenoglossy English marked by numerous yaw borrowings from Yiddish. xenolith Max’s grandfather speaks a yawn colorful Yinglish with the younger xenophile v members of his family. xerarch E yizkor gape cavernously : present a wide xerography gulf or breach. yokelish In Rocky Mountain National Park xeroplastic there is a dizzying road with valleys yucca that yawn on either side. xiphophyllous yugur yawweed xylitol zazen Yeatsian n adj Jpn Irish name Zen meditation. of or relating to W.B. Yeats or his Sitting in the lotus position, Naomi poetic style or influence. found she slipped easily into a state Many young poets publish a series of zazen. of Yeatsian poems expressing the romance of history and nature. zenana


Page 152 of 153 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently Zendo zooty n Zoroastrian Jpn adj a place used for Zen meditation. Thom built a spacious Zendo Av > Gk > L beside his house and went there of or relating to a religion founded every afternoon. in Persia by the prophet Zoroaster teaching the worship of Ahura zestful Mazda as the source of all good. adj The Zoroastrian scriptures preach the concepts of the immortal soul, F + Ecf heaven, and hell. full of vitality marked by vigor and enthusiasm. zucchettos Brian’s teacher described him as lighthearted but not insensitive, zwetschenwasser zestful but not aggressive. zygote zeta zymogenic zinciferous zymotic zinger

Zionist n Hebrew > L > E an adherent to or supporter of a theory, plan, or movement for setting up a Jewish national or religious community in Palestine. The old Zionist vowed he would not take his last breath until the Jewish state was established. zipper zither zoetic zonule zoolatry zoonosis zoophorus zoophyte zooplankter zooplankton zootaxy

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