Oxytocin and in the human : social for translational medicine

Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg*, Gregor Domes‡, Peter Kirsch* and Markus Heinrichs‡ Abstract | The neuropeptides (OXT) and vasopressin (AVP) are evolutionarily highly conserved mediators in the regulation of complex social cognition and behaviour. Recent studies have investigated the effects of OXT and AVP on human social interaction, the genetic mechanisms of inter-individual variation in social signalling and the actions of OXT and AVP in the as revealed by neuroimaging. These data have advanced our understanding of the mechanisms by which these neuropeptides contribute to human social behaviour. OXT and AVP are emerging as targets for novel treatment approaches — particularly in synergistic combination with psychotherapy — for mental disorders characterized by social dysfunction, such as , social disorder, borderline disorder and .

For social neuroscience, few molecules could be more neuroscience, and clinical studies important and exciting than the neuropeptides oxytocin (including behavioural and functional imaging studies (OXT) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) (FIG. 1). These into the effects of intranasal OXT and AVP adminis- have had key roles throughout mammalian tration in humans (Supplementary information S1,S2 evolution in the regulation of complex social cognition (tables)), we will highlight unanswered questions, data and behaviours1, such as attachment2, social exploration, that are lacking and incompletely understood mecha- recognition3 and aggression4, as well as anxiety5–7, nisms that should be the focus of research with the goal conditioning8 and fear extinction9. Recently, studies have of eventually seeing neuropeptide treatments enter begun to provide evidence that the function of these clinical practice. neuropeptides is impaired in mental disorders associated with social deficits. Through the discovery that neuro- Behavioural studies in humans peptides can be non-invasively delivered to the brain in Correlational studies: peripheral levels and behav- humans10, with clear behavioural- and neural systems- ioural markers. A number of studies report correla- level consequences, this work now acquires a possible tions between peripheral levels of OXT and AVP and translational dimension. This clinical translation, if behaviour. For example, high levels of plasma OXT have *Central Institute of Mental proven to be feasible, would constitute a substantial been associated with and trustworthiness12, posi- Health, Medical Faculty development as currently no robust empirical evidence tive physical contact with a partner13, reduced hormonal Mannheim, University of 14 Heidelberg, Square J5, exists for effective treatments of severe social impair- responses to a psychosocial stressor and lower levels 15 D‑68159 Mannheim, ments such as autism. The uniqueness of, and challenges of anxiety in patients with . By contrast, Germany. posed by, human ‘social disorders’ was described by attenuated peripheral levels of OXT have been found in ‡Department of Psychology, Thomas R. Insel: ‘‘We are, by nature, a highly affiliative patients with depression16, schizophrenia17,18 and autism Laboratory for Biological and 19 Personality Psychology, species craving social contact. When social experience spectrum disorders (ASDs) . However, it is unclear University of Freiburg, becomes a source of anxiety rather than a source of com- whether peripheral levels of OXT and AVP are closely D‑79104 Freiburg, Germany. fort, we have lost something fundamental — whatever related to CNS neuropeptide function, which is more Correspondence to A.M.L we call it’’11. directly relevant for behavioural effects or psychopathol- and M.H. e-mails: a.meyer- The goal of this Review is to assess the OXT and ogy20. The validity of the assessment and interpretation [email protected]; [email protected] AVP systems in the human brain from a translational of peripheral neuropeptide levels with respect to CNS viewpoint. Besides summarizing the state of the field availability of these neuropeptides and their effects on doi:10.1038/nrn3044 with regard to social behaviour, genetics, systems-level behaviour is highly controversial and needs further

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21–24 27 Event-related brain investigation ; this is an important issue that needs reflect higher order cognitive processing . Furthermore, potentials to be resolved for translational success to be achieved. intranasal AVP delivery enhanced performance and Electrical potentials that are A straightforward alternative approach is to measure associated event-related potentials in a simple reaction generated in the brain as a neuropeptides from , which might time task25,28. Results from studies that directly compared consequence of the 10 synchronized activation of better reflect their availability in the brain . However, the effects of OXT and AVP suggest that the two might neuronal networks by external this invasive method is not feasible for routine use in have opposite roles, with the former impairing memory stimuli. These evoked humans. Thus, most studies have used intranasal deliv- and learning processes and the latter improving cognitive potentials are recorded at the ery of peptides to investigate the central actions of performance29. scalp and consist of precisely neuropeptides in humans, as this provides a direct timed sequences of waves or 1,10 ‘components’. pathway to the brain . Social . Stressful social interactions normally trigger behavioural and physiological responses to adapt to these Trier Social Stress test Basic cognitive processes. Among the first studies using situations. Activation of the –pituitary– (TSST). A standardized intranasal neuropeptide administration were experi- adrenal axis, with the of corticotrophin- psychosocial laboratory stressor that includes public ments on cognitive processes such as memory and releasing (CRH), adrenocorticotropic hormone speaking and mental attention, and associated brain responses. Some of these (ACTH) and , is a major endocrine component arithmetic. studies reported enhancing effects of AVP on cogni- of this adaptive stress response. One study showed that tive functioning in healthy young participants25 and the healthy males who received social support and a single elderly26. Another study showed that AVP administra- dose of OXT during preparation for the Trier Social Stress tion increases the amplitude of several components of test (TSST)30 showed the lowest cortisol response to the the late event-related brain potentials, which are thought to TSST, whereas subjects who received no social support






Figure 1 | Neurophysiology of OXT and AVP. Oxytocin (OXT) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) are synthesized in magnocellular in the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei of the hypothalamus, and0CVWT areG4G processedXKGYU^ 0GWTalongQUEKGPEG the axonal projections to the posterior lobe of the pituitary, where they are stored in secretory vesicles and released into peripheral circulation (inset). In addition to this release from axonal terminals, there is dendritic release of OXT and AVP into the extracellular space, resulting not only in local action but also in diffusion through the brain to reach distant targets (shown by the dotted arrows)186. Furthermore, smaller parvocellular neurons in the paraventricular nucleus also produce OXT and AVP and project directly to other regions in the brain. As is the case for all eutherian , humans have four receptors for OXT and AVP: OXT , AVP receptor 1A (AVPR1A), AVPR1B and AVPR2. In the brain, OXT and AVP travel along the axonal projections from parvocellular neurons of the hypothalamus to different areas — including the , , striatum, , bed nucleus of and brainstem — where they act as neuromodulators or , and thereby influence neurotransmission in these areas. For example, OXT and AVP modulate neural populations in the central amygdala43. AVP also binds to AVPR1B in the , fostering (together with corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)) the secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and hence, promoting the secretion of cortisol. Thus, both peptides have peripheral and central functions. However, the central and peripheral release are not necessarily associated and the distribution of OXT and AVP receptors in the human brain has not been fully explored so far. ACC, anterior ; BNST, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; NAc, ; SCN, suprachiasmatic nucleus.

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and a placebo showed the highest response31. Notably, they perceived an individual in a film clip to have exper­ the group receiving social support and OXT also had ienced and that individual’s own ratings of the affect lower levels of anxiety and higher ratings of calmness that they experienced), intranasal OXT administration during the test. Another study showed that intranasal improved empathic accuracy (compared to a placebo) OXT increased positive communication behaviour in only in participants with high levels of autistic traits, both men and women during a couple conflict, and who presumably have low baseline empathic abilities. reduced plasma cortisol levels during the conflict32 — In contrast to studies of recognition, which which is in line with animal studies indicating that cen- is generally thought to represent the cognitive facet tral OXT facilitates pair bonding behaviour33 . Likewise, of , studies into the effects of OXT on emotional women, in whom the endogenous secre- empathy — that is, the vicarious feeling of an emotion tion of OXT is increased, also showed attenuated cortisol — are rare56,57. Nevertheless, recent studies have reported responses to psychosocial stressors34,35. The stress buff- positive effects of intranasal OXT administration on emo- ering effect of OXT has been replicated in other recent tional empathy but not cognitive empathy56, and positive studies36,37. Experiencing early parental separation stress effects on ‘compassion-focused imagery’58. Likewise, a has been shown to reduce the suppressing effect of OXT single intranasal administration of OXT increased the on cortisol levels, suggesting that the sensitivity of the subjective experience of attachment security in males central OXT system might be set in early life38. with an insecure attachment pattern59. As secure attach- Although these findings suggest that OXT enhances ment in humans is associated with lower stress reactivity the buffering effect of positive social interactions on and a better ability to interact socially60, understanding stress responsiveness, the underlying biological mech- the role of OXT in attachment may have clinical implica- anism remains to be investigated39,40. This could be of tions for several mental and developmental disorders that translational relevance as social stresses increase risk are associated with stress and impaired social behaviour. for many psychiatric disorders41, whereas positive It is generally assumed that visual attention plays social interactions decrease it. Animal experiments have a crucial part in the recognition of facial emotions61. shown that, in contrast to the stress-reducing effects of So far, four studies have examined the effects of OXT OXT, AVP promotes the secretion of ACTH42 and neu- on visual attention to faces and, with one exception62, ral transmission in the amygdala43, and thereby presum- have reported increased gazing time on the eye region ably increases the endocrine stress response in humans. (compared to other parts of the face) when observing Indeed, two studies showed that, compared to a placebo, neutral and emotional facial expressions63–65. Although intranasal administration of AVP resulted in a signifi- the results suggest that improved facial emotion rec- cant increase in salivary cortisol and rate in the ognition after OXT treatment might be due in part to TSST44, specifically under conditions of socio-evaluative increased eye gaze, this hypothesis has not yet been threat by others45. explicitly tested.

Emotion recognition and beyond. A number of recent Memory for social information. Early studies on the studies have addressed the role of OXT in decoding sub- cognitive effects of OXT suggested an OXT-induced tle social signals such as facial expressions. One study impairment of semantic memory29. More recently, it used the Reading the Mind in the Eyes test, which has been has been demonstrated that OXT can selectively modu- developed to assess the social cognitive abilities of adults late social memory. One study showed that intranasally with ASD46. Here, participants were shown photos administered OXT selectively reduced implicit mem- depicting the eye region and were asked to indicate ory of socially relevant words, but not neutral words, what the person in the photo was thinking or feeling. in males66. Another study showed that post learning Compared to a placebo, intranasal OXT administra- intranasal OXT administration enhanced immediate tion in this test improved the performance of healthy (30‑min) and delayed (24‑h) recognition of face identi- men, particularly for difficult stimuli47. Other studies ties. Specifically, memory was improved for faces with that investigated whether OXT selectively improves the angry or neutral expressions but not for faces with happy recognition of specific revealed mixed results. expressions67, even though there was no effect of OXT on Some authors reported improved processing of positive memory for associations between specific faces and spe- facial expressions48,49 and decreased aversion to angry cific facial expressions. However, it has also been shown faces50, whereas others reported improved recognition that intranasal OXT given before learning enhances only of fearful faces51, increased recognition of sex- and memory for happy faces, compared to angry and neutral relationship-related words52, or no effect of OXT on faces68. Importantly, a recent study showed that intrana- emotion recognition in a visual search task53. A recent sal OXT specifically improves recognition memory for 69 Reading the Mind in the study showed enhanced emotion recognition for both faces but not for non-social stimuli . Finally, intranasal Eyes test happy and angry faces even at very short presentation OXT seems to modulate recollections of maternal care Participants are presented with durations of 17 to 83 ms, suggesting that OXT also pro- and closeness as a function of attachment security: after 36 pictures of the eye region of motes the early stages of visual processing of emotional OXT, securely attached males remembered their mother faces and are asked to decide stimuli54. OXT may also have a role in inter-individual as more caring and close, whereas in anxiously attached which of four words best 55 70 describes what the person differences in emotion recognition accuracy . In a males OXT had the opposite effect . in the picture is thinking task that measured ‘empathic accuracy’ (based on cor- With regard to AVP administration, a recent study or feeling. relations between participants’ ratings of the affect that showed that intranasal AVP given before encoding

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enhances the feeling of familiarity with images of posi- intranasal AVP treatment, suggesting an enhanced tive and negative faces compared to neutral faces71 and, negative emotional response to ambiguous social cues87. in males, enhances the recognition of sexual cues in Interestingly, there is evidence for sexually dismorphic images72. Taken together, the evidence so far suggests effects of intranasal AVP on social perception: intra- that elevated levels of OXT and AVP during memory nasal AVP decreased the perception of friendliness in encoding of social stimuli promote the subsequent males, but increased it in females88. feeling of familiarity with these stimuli. In conclusion, it is difficult to draw a coherent pic- ture of the social effects of OXT and AVP in humans, Social interaction. In the rodent literature, OXT emerges owing to the heterogeneous behavioural paradigms as a neuropeptide that promotes social approach behav- that have been used to investigate them. Nevertheless, iour and helps rodents to overcome any avoidance of results from the studies that have been performed so proximity. Trusting other people could be considered far are consistent with the view that OXT enhances an indicator of social approach in humans. In the first the motivation to engage in social interactions, by study that investigated the role of OXT in interpersonal improving decoding of emotional cues and promot- trust73, the authors assessed the participants’ willingness ing the willingness to take risks in terms of cooperative to take social risks (in a trust game) compared to non- and trusting behaviours. Only a few studies have used social risks (in a lottery game). Participants who received social and non-social stimuli to assess the specificity of OXT showed higher levels of trust compared to the pla- these effects, and they suggest that the effects are more cebo group, a result that has been replicated in follow- pronounced for social stimuli89,90. With regard to the up experiments74,75. Importantly, OXT did not increase effects of AVP, the few published findings suggest that the participants’ willingness to take risks in general but AVP might have opposite effects to OXT in the context only within social interactions. A subsequent study of social stress and cognitive performance, at least in investigated whether OXT modulates trusting behav- males. Nevertheless, given the convergent evidence for iour in response to a betrayal of trust76. After a number behavioural effects of OXT and — to a lesser extent — of initial trials of a trust game, the participants received AVP, elucidation of the neurogenetic mechanisms sup- information about the responses of a ‘trustee’ (which porting these effects are necessary for translating them were disadvantageous to the participant) before they for clinical use. continued with the second half of trials. Participants in the placebo group adjusted their behaviour in the later Human genetics of OXT and AVP phase, whereas participants who had received intranasal There is a high degree of preservation of the neuro- OXT continued to show trusting behaviour even though system across mammalian evolution and the their trust had been betrayed. heritability of social behaviour in humans91,92, includ- The effect of OXT on cooperative behaviour seems ing autistic traits93, is well known. Hence, variation in to be critically dependent on the presence of prior social that encode neuropeptides may shed light on information, at least brief prior face-to-face contact77, individual differences in social behaviour and herit- suggesting that the social context modulates the effect of able disorders, such as ASD, that are characterized by OXT on social interaction. In addition, OXT increased impaired social behaviour. Although studies into the the perceived trustworthiness and attractiveness of faces effect of variation in the genes encoding OXT and showing various expressions78. A set of studies support AVP on social behaviour have been largely uninforma- the hypothesis that OXT specifically promotes generos- tive94, a substantial body of evidence now implicates the ity79 and in-group but not out-group trust and coopera- genes that encode their receptors (FIG. 2). The oxytocin tion80–82; however, enhanced and gloating in a social receptor (OXTR) is located on 3p25, game after OXT administration has also been reported83. spans 17 kb, contains four exons and three introns95, Using an explicit social exclusion paradigm (a virtual and encodes a 389‑amino-acid polypeptide with ball-tossing game, ‘cyberball’), another experiment seven transmembrane domains belonging to the class I showed that OXT increased the desire for future social G -coupled receptor family96. The AVP recep- interactions but did not buffer against social rejection tor in the human brain that is the most strongly impli- in an explicitly aversive context84. In the context of par- cated in neuropsychiatric phenotypes is encoded by enting, OXT also positively affects the responsiveness the gene AVP receptor 1A (AVPR1A), which is located of fathers towards their toddlers, and might thereby on chromosome 12q and contains two exons that are promote positive interactions85. However, OXT did not separated by a 2.2‑kb intron. The type 1B receptor, affect appetitive, consummatory and refractory sexual encoded by the gene AVPR1B, is also expressed in the behaviour in men86. brain and is involved in the stress response as it medi- Notably, only a small number of experimental stud- ates the stimulatory effects of AVP on ACTH release97. ies have investigated the effects of AVP on human social Because a selective AVPR1B antagonist had anxio- interactions. Recent findings in males suggest that lytic- and -like effects in rodents98 and as intranasal AVP has similar effects to OXT on emotion some genetic associations with mood99,100 and anxiety101 recognition and memory encoding71,72. A study using disorders have been described, this receptor has trans- electromyographic recordings showed enhanced subtle lational interest. However, this translational potential frowning (assessed by corrugator supercilii muscle is not yet supported by behavioural or neuroimaging activity) in response to neutral facial expressions after studies in humans.

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(FIG. 2) Linkage Association with ASD. A role for OXT in genetic risk . Of these, RS3, a complex repeat upstream of the 102 A technique for identifying for ASD is supported by linkage data and disease asso- transcription start site and with 16 different alleles in candidate chromosomal ciation with common variants in OXTR94,103–107. Two the population, and RS1, a repeat located 553 bp from the regions that underlie a single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the third start site and with nine alleles, have alleles that have been particular trait based on the 112–114 extent to which that trait is intron of OXTR have emerged as particularly promis- differentially transmitted to individuals with ASD . co-inherited with certain ing candidates in the recent ASD literature: rs53576 Specifically, overtransmission of the 334- and 340‑bp genetic markers. (G to A) and rs2254298 (G to A) (FIG. 2). In several alleles of RS3 (REF. 114) and undertransmission of the studies, these polymorphisms were overtransmitted in 312‑bp allele of RS1 (REF. 113) have been found. Another families to offspring with ASD105, and formed a central study112 found no association of specific AVPR1A alleles A combination of alleles at 105,106 different loci in the genome component in ASD-related . By genotyp- with ASD, but significant associations of haplotypes con- that tend to be inherited ing all haplotype tagging SNPs (htSNPs) across the OXTR sisting of RS1, RS3 and an intronic microsatellite. These together because they show region107, an association between SNPs (or haplotypes) findings provide evidence for a contribution of genetic high linkage disequilibrium and measures of social skills in individuals with ASD variation in AVPR1A to risk for ASD, and this evidence is (often because they are physically close). was observed. These association results are not wholly further supported by linkage of markers in the 5′ region consistent103; however, understanding inter-individual of the gene in ASD families113 and the social dysfunction variation in the OXT system is important considering (reminiscent of ASD) found in Avpr1a knockout mice115. A personality measure that the current interest in treating ASD with OXT108–110. It Interestingly, microsatellite repeats are also found quantifies sociability and the is unfortunate, therefore, that rs53576A is not present upstream of Avpr1a in prairie , a commonly used interest in, as well as reliance on, social approval. on many currently available chips that are used for animal model for affiliative social behaviour related to genome-wide association studies of ASD. neuropeptide signalling. In these animals, some but not Evidence for an involvement of the AVP system in all116 studies have found an association of these repeats ASD comes from genetics studies of polymorphic micro- with prosocial behaviours117. satellite repeats111 in the 5′ flanking region of AVPR1A Further evidence for the important role of the OXT system in autism comes from recent work on CD38, a transmembrane protein that is involved in oxytocin C #TIKPKPGXCUQRTGUUKPTGEGRVQT# %JTSS secretion in the brain and strongly influences social behaviour118. Interestingly, several genetic variants on the CD38 gene were identified that show a significant asso- ciation with high functioning autism119. Furthermore, ′764 ′764 individuals affected by autism also show a significant ′ ′ reduction of CD38 expression in lymphoblastoid cell lines120. These findings already represent a translational )#6#  #6) 6)# success in that they have initiated the search for a treat- 45 ment aimed at increasing OXT secretion by influencing %6 66 %6  )6  45 CD38 expression using all-trans retinoic acid, a known inducer of CD38 expression121,122. D 1Z[VQEKPTGEGRVQT Association with general social phenotypes. Studies %JTR have provided evidence that OXTR rs53576A is associ- ated with deficits in sociobehavioural domains such as a mother’s sensitivity to her children’s behaviour123, - thy124, reward dependence125 and positive affect (found ′ ′ only in males126). Likewise, rs2254298A has been associ- ated with emotional deficits126 — although less consist- #6) 6)# ently so107 — and with altered performance on the social TU TU TU value orientation task, an economic exchange game in TU which a participant’s behaviour differs depending on his TU or her concern for the well-being of others, or his or her TU 127 7PVTCPUNCVGFTGIKQP %QFKPITGIKQP +PVTQP concern for equality . A recent study revealed a gene– TU environment association for this SNP; girls who are het- Figure 2 | Genetic risk variants in the gene for 1A and the erozygous for the rs2254298 polymorphism and who have . a | Arginine (AVPR1A)0CVWTG4G isXKGYU the main^0GWT QUEKGPEG a history of adversity early in life (in this case, a mother vasopressin receptor in the brain. It is encoded by AVPR1A. Three polymorphic with a history of depression) had the highest levels of 111 microsatellite repeats (RS1, RS2 and RS3) in the 5′ flanking region of AVPR1A have depression and anxiety128. Associations were also found been found. Of these, RS1 and RS3 are of relevance for genetic association studies. RS1 is between a microsatellite marker near the OXTR gene and a repeat located 553 bp from the start site, in which nine alleles have been identified in 129 humans. RS3 is a complex repeat upstream of the transcription start site and has at least a tendency to parent children at an earlier age in females . 16 different alleles in the population. b | For the oxytocin receptor, the main genetic An effect of SNPs in OXTR, most notably rs1042778, on 127 variants that are implicated are single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs; shown with their prosocial behaviour in an economic exchange game was location and rs number). Exons are shown by the pink boxes, and the untranslated not replicated in a subsequent study130. regions near the genes are shown by the blue boxes. Variants in the gene are shown by In terms of AVP, the amount of money given to arrows. Chr, chromosome. the opposing player in the Dictator Game was related to the

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length of the AVPR1A RS3 promoter repeat131. AVPR1A alterations of the hypothalamus and amygdala125 (FIG. 3b). haplotypes also differed between dancers and athletes132, The risk allele-load dependent decrease in hypothalamic and were associated with musical ability133, suggest- volume predicted reduced reward dependence in males. ing a role of this gene in modulating musical expres- Moreover, the correlation between grey matter volume sion, which is considered to be a component of human of the hypothalamus and that of the dorsal cingulate social behaviour. Furthermore, associations between the gyrus and amygdala was greater in OXTR risk allele car- AVPR1A RS3 repeat polymorphism and pair bonding riers. In two other studies, the rs2254298A OXTR risk behaviour (specifically, fidelity) in men134 and age of alleles were associated with larger amygdala volume143,144, first in men and women129 have been and allelic variation in OXTR also influenced amygdala observed. Interestingly, in females the age of first inter- activity125, indicating a convergent impact of OXTR course was associated with the AVPR1A RS1 polymor- polymorphisms on this key limbic structure. As in the phism129. The personality measures ‘novelty seeking’ and case of AVPR1A135, the directionality in neuropeptide- ‘harm avoidance’ — which contribute to impulsivity related genetic associations differed between the variants and anxiety during social interactions, respectively — examined125,135. were also associated with the RS1 genotype135. One study125 showed evidence of sexual dimorphism for the effect of OXTR (but not for AVPR1A135) polymor- Impact of genetic variation on intermediate phenotypes. phisms: first, the OXTR-related decrease in hypothala- Understanding the neurobiology that underlies these mus volume was, for the most part, driven by male risk complex — and often not fully consistent — associations allele carriers125; second, there was a gene-by-sex interac- is a major research goal. This begins on the cellular level: tion effect on grey matter volume in the right amygdala the most strongly implicated polymorphisms in OXTR — male carriers of rs53576A had an increased amygdala and AVPR1A do not change the sequence of volume that was consistent with the presumed dose of the encoded protein, and thus must exert their effects OXTR risk alleles125; and third, a cross correlation125 of in ways that are discussed below or through a coding grey matter volume and personality measures revealed variation in linkage disequilibrium. Whereas no evidence that lower hypothalamus volume predicted lower exists for this possible coding variation, the length sociability in male, but not female, subjects. of AVPR1A RS3 has been associated with hippocampal Taken together, these studies suggest that a limbic AVPR1A mRNA levels in humans131, indicating a pos- circuit involving the amygdala, the cingulate gyrus sible role for this polymorphism in modulating gene and the hypothalamus is affected by genetic variation transcription. Further work is necessary to determine a in neuropeptide receptors, at least in humans. As the possible functional role for the other polymorphisms in involvement of these brain areas has emerged from AVPR1A as well as for the common variants in OXTR. imaging genetics evidence, we can invoke previous Dictator Game On the neural systems level, imaging genetics is evidence of their functional interactions and their An economic exchange game a method by which common genetic variants can be involvement in both normal behaviour and psychi- in which a player (the ‘dictator’) related to brain structure and function (FIG. 3). So-called atric conditions to understand how genetic varia- splits up an asset, such as money, between him- or herself intermediate phenotypes highlight systems that medi- tion influences psychiatric phenotypes in humans. and another player. The ate the effect of the genetic variants under study, pro- Prior evidence implicates this circuitry in social amount of money or asset viding a bridge between genotype and behaviour. This behaviour2,135,137 (FIG. 3a) and in the pathophysiol- given to the other player is a approach has revealed that in healthy subjects, RS1 ogy of ASD138–141 and of psychiatric disorders that are measure of . and RS3 AVPR1A polymorphic microsatellite repeats characterized by impaired social functioning. Thus, Linkage disequilibrium that are linked to ASD were associated with differen- results from imaging genetics studies support a model in 135 The non-random association tial activation of the amygdala (FIG. 3c), a key neural which OXTR and AVPR1A variants mediate their asso- (that is, correlation) of alleles at structure in the circuit that regulates fear responses136 ciated increased disease risk by modulating circuits for two or more loci, so that and social information processing137. The direction of processing of social information and negative affect145. certain combinations of alleles occur together more frequently the association differed between RS1 and RS3, perhaps 138,139 140,141 than would be expected by paralleling the hyper‑ and hypoactivation of Interactions with other systems. A chance. This means that a true the amygdala during face processing in individuals with large body of work suggests that there are functional causative might in fact be ASD. Furthermore, this study135 found evidence that the interactions between OXT and AVP and other hormo- one that is in linkage long and short forms of the RS1 and RS3 microsatellite nal and neurotransmitter signalling systems, including disequilibrium with the one that is under investigation in a repeats had different impacts on amygdala activity, remi- gonadal hormone, and systems. 117 genetic association study. niscent of findings in voles . A possible electrophysi- For example, in animals, the expression of OXTR in ological correlate is the finding that longer AVPR1A RS3 the limbic system is sensitive to the level of gonadal Prepulse inhibition of the alleles were associated, particularly in males, with greater steroids146. Oestrogens upregulate OXTR expression147, startle response prepulse inhibition of the startle response142 148 Electrophysiological paradigm levels of , a neu- stimulate OXT release from hypothalamic neurons 149 in which a relatively weak ral response that is important for the filtering of affec- and increase OXT receptor binding in the amygdala . In sensory event (the prepulse) is tive and social stimuli that are processed through limbic addition, the effects of OXT on processing of affect and presented 30–500 ms before system structures, including the amygdala. The effect of anxiety are mediated through serotonergic neurons150. a strong , which these genetic variants on brain structure has not been In addition, hypothalamic OXT cells express dopamine induces startle. The reduction 151 of the magnitude of the startle investigated. receptors , and dopaminergic and OXT pathways con- 152 response following the Regarding OXTR, a recent study found that the verge in the medial prefrontal cortex and the ventral prepulse is measured. rs53576 genotype was associated with morphometric striatum — which regulate social behaviours, including

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pair bonding — and this interaction may be crucial for These associations are especially interesting because the reinforcing and/or rewarding properties of these imaging genetics studies have shown an effect of SLC6A4 behaviours, although this has not been specifically genotype on amygdala activation154 and structure, and on investigated. the interaction (measured using functional and structural Formal genetics studies can search for interactions connectivity) between the amygdala and a region of the between variants in candidate genes in the various neu- cingulate cortex145 (FIG. 3d). Moreover, this amygdala– rotransmitter and neuropeptide systems in association cingulate circuit is modulated by acute treatment with with relevant phenotypes. A widely studied variant near serotonergic drugs. Of note, this amygdala–cingulate the promoter region of solute carrier family 6 mem- circuit may mediate the increased risk of depression145 ber 4 (SLC6A4), the gene that encodes the serotonin (FIG. 1) and violence155 (FIG. 3e) resulting from (gene– transporter, showed such an interaction123. After control- environment) interactions between serotonin system- ling for differences in maternal education, depression related genes and early life adversity. Behaviourally, and marital discord, this study found that parents with such gene–environment interactions have now been both the low activity variant of SLC6A4 (5‑HTTLPR) observed for OXTR variation as well128. Recently, early- and an OXTR SNP (rs53576) were less sensitive to their life exposure to environmental risk factors with a social children’s needs and less effective in helping them when component, urban upbringing, was found to impact needed. Furthermore, an interaction between a variant the same circuit during evaluative social stress156. of SLC6A4 and OXTR rs2268498 was associated with Thus, the amygdala–cingulate circuit is modulated by negative emotionality, a personality measure related to variations in, and manipulations of, both the serotonin fear and sadness153. Associations between AVPR1A poly- system and the OXT system, and may therefore be an morphisms and musical ability were also conditional on area in which the actions of the two social behaviour the SLC6A4 genotype132. systems converge.









Figure 3 | A proposed regulatory circuit of social–emotional information processing in humans. The proposed circuit includes areas in which effects of oxytocin (OXT) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) system-related0CVWTG4GXKGYU gene ^variants0GWTQUEKGPEG (which affect social behaviours and are associated with increased risk for disorder (ASD)) and serotonin system-related gene variants (which are associated with risk for depression) converge. a | Top-down control of the amygdala (shown by black arrows) arises from the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and ventral medial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), with the latter being particularly important for the regulation of moral behaviours. Bottom-up modulation of the amygdala (shown by the red arrow) arises from neurons in the hypothalamus that express the neuropeptides OXT and AVP, which target distinct neuronal populations in the central amygdala. Projections from the amygdala to the brainstem, via the hypothalamus, regulate the expression of autonomic reactions to social signals (shown by dotted arrows). b | MRI studies have shown volume reduction in the hypothalamus and ACC in carriers of the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) allele rs53576A, which is associated with increased risk for ASD125 (bright colours indicate stronger reduction). c | Functional MRI studies have shown that RS3 AVPR1A risk variants are associated with increased amygdala activation during an emotional face matching paradigm135. d | MRI studies have shown structural reduction in the ACC in carriers of the risk allele for solute carrier family 6 member 4 (SLC6A4), 5‑HTTLPR145 (red indicates stronger reduction). e | Carriers of the monoamine oxidase type A (MAOA) variable number of tandem repeat (vNTR) risk allele (which is associated with increased impulsivity and violence) show increased amygdala activation during an emotional face matching paradigm155. Evaluative social stress A form of social stress that is ×, x coordinate. Part a is modified, with permission, from REF. 187 © (2010) National Academy of Sciences. Part b is induced by one’s performance reproduced, with permission, from REF. 125 © (2010) National Academy of Sciences. Part d is reproduced, with being observed and criticized permission, from REF. 145 © (2005) Macmillan Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. Part e is reproduced, with permission, by others. from REF. 155 © (2006) National Academy of Sciences.

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CD E coupling between the amygdala and brain stem regions 1:6 #82 that mediate autonomic and behavioural aspects of fear. The results of this study provided initial evidence that the prosocial effect of OXT might be secondary to an effect that involves modulation of amygdala responsivity. Additional brain imaging studies using dif- 2NCEGDQ ferent stimuli and experimental approaches replicated the dampening effect of OXT on amygdala activity in males57,76,160,161. A study employing a passive viewing paradigm using pictures of emotional facial expres- sions also showed that intranasal OXT attenuated the reactivity of the right amygdala to pictures of angry and fearful faces, but also to happy ones160. Again, no effect GRVKFG

2 on the behavioural level was observed. This result dem- onstrates that the prosocial effect of OXT seems not to be restricted to threatening situations but might occur Figure 4 | Intranasal OXT and AVP administration influences the amygdala– through a reduction of the uncertainty about the predic- cingulate circuit. a | Compared to a placebo condition (top panel), in healthy male tive value of any kind of socially relevant stimulus. This subjects an acute intranasal challenge with oxytocin (OXT)0CVWT158 (bottomG4GXKGYU panel)^0GWT modulatesQUEKGPEG assumption is additionally supported by results from the activity in components of the amygdala–cingulate circuit for the regulation of a subsequent fear conditioning study in which neutral negative affect145 during the processing of unpleasant faces and scenes. Fear-inducing face stimuli were associated to an aversive experience visual stimuli activated the amygdala in the placebo condition (shown in red) but not (electric )161. Here, the authors applied OXT to after OXT administration. b | By contrast, activity in the subgenual and supragenual healthy males after the conditioning procedure. OXT cingulate cortex (shown in blue) was reduced during a face-matching task in the placebo administration resulted in a lower difference in valence condition (top panel) but not after intranasal arginine vasopressin (AVP)167 administration (bottom panel). c | A schematic of the amygdala–cingulate circuit, showing areas of the ratings between faces paired with an electric shock dur- cingulate that exhibited negative functional connectivity (the perigenual cingulate, ing conditioning and the same faces presented alone shown in blue) and positive functional connectivity (the subgenual cingulate, shown in after conditioning. Importantly, this modulation of red) with the amygdala (shown in yellow)145. Part a is reproduced, with permission, from valence ratings was not accompanied by general changes REF. 158 © (2005) Society for Neuroscience. Part b is reproduced, with permission, in valence ratings, demonstrating the specificity of the from REF. 167 © (2010) Society for Neuroscience. effect of OXT. Administration of the neuropeptide also reduced activation of the right amygdala and right fusi- form face area in response to face pictures paired with a The hypothalamus seems to be an area where genetic shock. However, this dampening effect was only present effects (on OXTR) and gonadal steroids converge. for faces showing direct gaze161, supporting the idea that It would be of great interest to see if dopaminergic OXT influences brain activity specifically in response to core circuits in ventral and dorsal striatum, midbrain socially significant stimuli. and prefrontal cortex also show such convergence, as These initial brain imaging studies seemed to provide animal studies suggest157. Even now, the remarkable concurrent evidence for the amygdala as one of the core convergence of formal genetic and neural systems- points of OXT action in the human brain. However, a level data further strengthens the role of a cingulate– crucial issue is that these studies all used face stimuli to hypothalamic–amygdala circuitry as a key target for probe amygdala responses. Although the first study also translational efforts directed at neuropeptide-associated found an effect for emotional scenes (such as depictions disorders. For translational success, it must be shown of accidents and disasters)158, it could not be ruled out that the circuit that is implicated by imaging genetics is that the OXT effect on the amygdala is restricted to a also affected by acute neuropeptide administration. As very specific type of visual stimuli. Subsequently, Singer the following section shows, this is largely borne out by and colleagues57 found that intranasal OXT admin- the available data. istration reduced the amygdala response to images of people receiving a painful stimulus in male participants, Neuroimaging studies providing initial evidence that the OXT effect on the Initial neuroimaging work focused on the effect of OXT amygdala may extend to a broader range of visual stim- administration on the amygdala, on the basis of find- uli. However, this effect was mainly driven by a small ings from animal neurochemistry43 and human behav- number of participants exhibiting selfish traits, making ioural studies31,73. The first brain imaging study158 used it difficult to interpret the results in the context of an implicit emotion recognition task requiring visual prosocial behaviour. processing of threatening stimuli of different social Clearer support for the idea of a more general, rather valence (faces and scenes) that had been shown to reli- than face-specific, prosocial effect of OXT mediated ably engage the amygdala159. Intranasally administered by attenuated amygdala activation comes from a study OXT had no effect on task performance, anxiety ratings using an economic trust game76. Here, participants or arousal, but it reduced the strong, right-lateralized who received a placebo showed a decrease in trust after activation of the amygdala to both classes of stimuli exper­iencing breach of trust, and intranasal OXT (FIG. 4). Furthermore, OXT reduced the functional administration increased tolerance for this betrayal. On

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the neural level, the reduction in trust was accompanied after administration of OXT, as well as in the fusiform by increased amygdala activation, but this did not occur gyrus, the medial temporal lobe, the inferior frontal lobe after OXT administration. Interestingly, OXT adminis- and the superior temporal gyrus, implicating increased tration not only modulated activity in areas that mediate activation of a network that overlaps with the brain emotional processing (the amygdala and midbrain) but network involved in social cognition166. This suggests also in the caudate76, a region that has been linked to a sexual dimorphism that might reflect an interaction reward processing and behavioural adaptation162. This between the effects of steroid and the effects result could be the first brain imaging indicator of inter- of OXT, although the present data are not sufficient for actions of the OXT system with other neurotransmitter conclusive interpretations. As in other areas of neuro- systems, in this case the dopaminergic system. Such an peptide research, there is a great need for studies on gen- interaction has been repeatedly demonstrated in animal der differences in neuropeptide actions. An elegant way studies163. Converging evidence for the modulating effect to investigate the interaction of gonadal steroids and the of OXT on amygdala reactivity points to a potential OXT system on brain activation would be to pharmaco- role of intranasal administration of this peptide in the logically manipulate specific sex steroid levels and/or to treatment of amygdala-related psychiatric disorders, as include postmenopausal women and women in different discussed below. phases of their . Although recent studies support the general hypoth- In contrast to OXT, imaging studies using AVP esis that the amygdala is the main target region of OXT, challenges are rare so far. Only two studies have inves- it also indicates that a simple model cannot explain tigated the influence of AVP administration on brain the complex mechanisms that underlie the prosocial activity167,168. In both studies, healthy male individuals effect of OXT. This was shown recently by an elegant received AVP or a placebo intranasally before being study using high-resolution functional MRI of differ- scanned. In the first study167, subjects performed an ent amygdala subregions65. The authors pointed to the emotional face-matching task. Although AVP treatment had contradictory fact that OXT administration increases no detectable effects on amygdala activity, it abolished the the number of times that a participant looks at the typical deactivation of the subgenual cingulate cortex, a eye region on images of human faces64, a behaviour region that is known to be involved in the modulation that is associated with increased amygdala activa- of amygdala activation (FIG. 4). Furthermore, structural tion164. The authors proposed that different amygdala equation modelling revealed an influence of AVP on the subregions might be differentially influenced by OXT effective connectivity between the subgenual and supra- depending on the stimulus context65. Participants who genual cingulate and the amygdala, further emphasizing received intranasal OXT showed an increased prob- the effect of AVP on the circuitry that modulates emotion ability of fixating the eye region even if they had been processing (see FIG. 4 for a more detailed description of instructed to fixate the mouth. This behaviour was these circuitries). In the second study168, AVP induced a accompanied by increased activation of right post­ regionally specific alteration in the left temporoparietal erior amygdala, also known as the basal nucleus of the junction — a key node of the theory of mind network amygdala65. Furthermore, activation of the superior — during an implicit social recognition matching task in colliculi — which are known to be involved in the initia- which either familiar or unfamiliar faces and scenes were tion of saccades and attentional shifts165 — increased. shown. Jointly, these two studies identify a predominantly The authors65 also found an interaction between the cortical effect of AVP application in humans, with effects emotional content of the depicted faces and the effect on a key region for social cognition in humans and a key of OXT administration on an anatomically distinct regulatory region of the limbic system, whereas the effect subregion of the left amygdala, with an OXT-induced of OXT might be focused mainly on the amygdala. attenuation of activation in this subregion to fear- Taken together, most brain imaging studies support ful faces and an increase in activation to happy faces, the view that the effects of OXT and, with less evidence, Emotional face-matching task thus contradicting the general ‘amygdala attenuation’ AVP on social processing are mediated by limbic cir- An experimental paradigm that effect described previously. cuitry with the amygdala as a core structure. In addi- is used to evoke emotional Taken together, accumulating evidence from recent tion, imaging genetics studies have shown a preferential responses implicitly by brain imaging studies shows that the prosocial effect impact of the neuropeptide system on cingulate and presenting the participants of OXT administration on brain systems, particularly hypothalamus activity, whereas the striatum and parts with a task in which they have to match one of two emotional on the amygdala, is more complex than initial studies of the so-called ‘social brain’, such as the amygdala, seem faces to a target face. suggested. Besides subregional processing in the amyg- to be reactive to acute OXT administration, in a net- dala, other subcortical targets, especially the midbrain work also implicated by imaging genetics (FIG. 4). It is Social recognition matching and striatum, have been implicated. also noteworthy that gene–sex interactions seem to be task An experimental paradigm that Notably, all of the studies that we have referred to present both in imaging genetics and pharmacological is used to evoke social so far have investigated male subjects only. A recent fMRI studies. If replicated, these results would sup- information processing brain imaging study focused on the effect of intrana- port a model in which genetic effects (on neuropeptide implicitly by presenting the sal OXT application on brain activation in females62. receptors) and acute effects (on neuropeptide levels) participants with a task in Controlling for potential confounding factors such as impact regulatory circuits for social and emotion pro- which they have to match one of two socially relevant pictures the menstrual cycle, hormonal contraception or gaze cessing at different time courses while converging on (faces or scenes) to a target fixation pattern, the authors found a specific increase the amygdala. Notably, the brain imaging research that picture. of left amygdala activation in response to fearful images is summarized above is restricted by the selective usage

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of task paradigms. Because a potential modulation of task46 in all participants, suggesting that early treatment brain systems can only be observed in structures that are with intranasal OXT might improve social function- functionally involved in the tasks, it cannot be ruled out ing in young individuals with ASD. Another study63 that OXT and AVP influence a number of other brain in individuals with ASD showed that intranasal OXT regions. Thus, future studies should explicitly investigate increased social interactions and feelings of trust in a the effects of neuropeptides on functional connectivity simulated ball game that involved interactions with of other potential candidate areas. In addition, more fictitious partners. OXT administration also increased sophisticated experimental paradigms that probe differ- patients’ gazing time on the eye region of pictures of ent aspects of social cognitions should be used in future faces. Although only a small fraction of intravenously studies. Lastly, more knowledge about the distribution administered OXT infusion is expected to pass the of OXT and AVP receptors in the human brain using blood–brain barrier, peripheral infusion has also been positron emission tomography would be helpful to guide shown to induce subtle behavioural effects, including imaging studies. enhanced emotional understanding of speech intona- tion and decreased repetitive behaviours in individuals Treatment implications for OXT and AVP with ASD174. Together, these studies indicate that intra- Taking into consideration the effects of OXT and AVP nasal OXT administration improves emotion recogni- on social behaviour and the association of genetic vari- tion, responsiveness to others and social behaviour, ants in the OXT and AVP systems in mental disorders suggesting a therapeutic potential of OXT through its that are characterized by severe social deficits, an obvi- effects on core dimensions of ASD. ous next step is to consider the possible therapeutic value of neuropeptides in such disorders. To evaluate such a disorder. Social anxiety disorder (SAD) therapeutic value, challenge studies that systematically is characterized by clinically significant anxious reac- manipulate the CNS availability of OXT and AVP are tions and extreme discomfort in anticipation of — or indispensable. As only a small fraction of the neuro­ following — exposure to social settings, including per- peptide passes the blood–brain barrier after intravenous formance and test situations. SAD ranks as the third administration169, and intravenous infusion could poten- most common mental health disorder after depression tially have side effects due to effects on hormone systems and alcoholism175, and as such has major public health — for example, uterus contraction in females — a poten- implications. In one study, OXT was administered intra- tial clinical use of neuropeptides requires a more direct nasally to patients with SAD, in combination with five pathway to the human brain, namely through intranasal weekly sessions of brief exposure therapy176. OXT admin- administration10. istration improved speech performance as exposure Few clinical studies into intranasal AVP administra- sessions progressed. However, presumably owing to the tion have been conducted, but selective V1a and V1b low frequency of sessions, these effects did not generalize receptor antagonists, which have been used in animal to other treatment outcomes. Another study177 exam- studies170,171, might be promising targets for human ined the effects of intranasal OXT on amygdala activity neuropsychopharmacology. AVP antagonists have been in patients with generalized SAD and control subjects considered for the treatment of major depression172 and during performance of an emotional face matching task may also be helpful in the treatment of stress-related that involved pictures of fearful, angry and happy faces. disorders and disorders that are characterized by Both groups activated bilateral amygdala to all emotional interpersonal violence, such as antisocial personality faces after placebo treatment, but patients with SAD disorder173. showed hyperactivity to fearful faces in bilateral amyg- Although there are currently no systematic, rand- dala compared with the control group. OXT adminis- omized control trials on the therapeutic effects of intra- tration had no effect on amygdala activity in response nasal OXT treatment, preclinical studies in patients with to emotional faces in the control group, but attenuated different mental disorders have shown promising results the heightened amygdala reactivity to fearful faces in from a single dose of intranasal OXT. Below, we provide the SAD group177. These findings suggest that OXT a synthesis of recent advances that have been made in the has a specific effect on fear-related amygdala activity, effort to use OXT and AVP in the treatment of psycho- particularly when the amygdala is hyperactive. pathological states. For an overview of studies on endog- enous levels of OXT and AVP in different disorders, see Borderline personality disorder. Borderline personality a recent review10. disorder (BPD) is characterized by affective instability, impulsivity, identity diffusion and interpersonal dys- ASD. ASD is a prototypical disorder of social dys- function. Perceived rejection and loss often serve as trig- function. It is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is gers to impulsive, suicidal and self-injurious behaviour, characterized by alterations in three core symptom affective reactivity and angry outbursts, suggesting that domains: speech and communication deficits, repeti- the attachment and affiliative system may be implicated tive or compulsive behaviours with restricted interests, in this disorder178. and social impairment. In one study110 OXT Despite the potential promise of psychopharmaco- or a placebo was administered to male youths aged 12 logical treatment options using OXT, there has been to 19 who have ASD. OXT administration improved surprisingly little investigation in this area. One recent performance on the Reading the Mind in the Eyes pilot study showed a stress buffering effect of OXT in

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*GCNVJ 2U[EJQRCVJQNQI[ to identify all emotions regardless of whether they were 2TQUQEKCNDGJCXKQWTQT EQIPKVKQP displayed. By contrast, emotion recognition improved 5QEKCNUWRRQTVCRRTQCEJ 2U[EJQVJGTCR[ following 20 IU of OXT in polydipsic relative to DGJCXKQWTCPFRJ[UKECN non-polydipsic patients. %QRKPI EQPVCEV 5QEKCNCPZKGV[QTUVTGUU Future directions r#O[IFCNCsEKPIWNCVG 2U[EJQDKQNQIKECN  EKTEWKV VJGTCR[ As intranasal OXT administration in social interac- r*[RQVJCNCOKEs tion experiments reduces behavioural and endocrine RKVWKVCT[sCFTGPCNCZKU responses to social stress31, mediates stress-protective %GPVTCNQZ[VQEKPGTIKE 31 U[UVGO 1Z[VQEKP effects of social support (‘social buffering’) , attenu- 5GETGVKQPTGEGRVQTUCPF CIQPKUV ates amygdala reactivity to social stimuli65,76,158,160 and Social buffering VTGCVOGPV IGPGVKEU improves social cognition, emotion recognition, secure attachment and empathy32,47,59,64,66,69 in humans, a phar- %GPVTCNXCUQRTGUUKPGTIKE 8CCPF8D macological intervention in the OXT system might U[UVGO CPVCIQPKUV be a target for novel therapeutic approaches (FIG. 5). 5GETGVKQPTGEGRVQTUCPF VTGCVOGPV IGPGVKEU Specifically, a combination of OXT administration (including selective and longer acting OXTR Figure 5 | An integrative translational model of the interactions of OXT, AVP, such as ) with interaction-based psycho- social approach behaviour and social stress. Social stress0CVWT andG4G socialXKGYU anxiety^0GWT QUEKGPEG therapy might provide new avenues for a better treat- stimulate the amygdala–cingulate circuit and the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) ment of mental disorders that are characterized by early axis, which is enhanced by arginine vasopressin (AVP). In healthy individuals, stress and attachment disruption or social interaction pathology anxiety encourages social approach behaviour as a coping strategy. It also stimulates — for example, social anxiety disorder, ASD, borderline oxytocin (OXT) release, which also promotes social approach behaviour. In addition, personality disorder and schizophrenia1. It is important positive social interaction (for example, physical contact) is itself associated with OXT to note that these social disorders are exceptionally release, which in turn further promotes social approach behaviour. OXT reduces difficult to treat or cannot be effectively treated at all amygdala and HPA axis reactivity to social stressors (shown by the inhibitory arrow) and (for example, ASD). as such it is an important mediator of the anxiolytic and stress-protective effects of positive social interaction (‘social buffering’). Patients with mental and developmental The initial results of experimental neuropeptide disorders that are associated with severe deficits in social interactions (for example, administration in patients are promising, and sev- autism, social anxiety disorder and borderline personality disorder) may benefit from eral clinical trials are being carried out (see the novel ‘psychobiological therapy’ approaches in which psychotherapy is combined with ClinicalTrials website), aimed at developing and eval- administration of OXT (or OXT receptor agonists). Selective V1a and V1b receptor uating new clinically relevant approaches for using antagonists might be a promising target for reducing the anxiogenic and neuropeptide administration. In particular, intranasal -related role of AVP (shown by the inhibitory arrow). Figure is modified, with OXT treatment is expected to improve the readiness to permission, from REF. 20 © (2008) Elsevier. interact socially (for example, in cognitive behavioural group therapy) and to facilitate more active and suc- cessful engagement in confronting feared social situ- BPD patients undergoing the TSST179. Although intra- ations outside of therapy sessions. FIGURE 5 shows an nasal OXT decreased cooperative responses in a social integrative model of the interactions between social dilemma game in a recent experimental study with a anxiety and stress, social approach behaviour and modest sample size of 14 adult patients (four of whom the central OXT and AVP systems in humans. In this were males) with BPD180, several clinical trials using model, the key route to translational success involves adequate sample sizes are currently being carried out to a systematic inquiry into ‘propsychotherapeutic’ neu- investigate the therapeutic value of OXT in BPD (see the ropharmacology, which is designed to support and ClinicalTrials website). enhance psychotherapeutic interventions rather than provide an alternative or additional route to a cure. We Schizophrenia. Animal models of schizophrenia showed therefore propose the term ‘psychobiological therapy’ that increasing endogenous OXT levels or systematic for this new approach (FIG. 5). OXT administration seems to have antipsychotic-like The model indicates areas in which further research effects, such as reversed prepulse inhibition deficits is needed to clarify optimal strategies to manipulate induced by amphetamine or the analogue neuropeptide availability or to use neuropeptide levels MK 801 (REF. 181). In addition, schizophrenia patients as potential markers of beneficial treatment effects. In have been found to have altered plasma OXT levels1. In particular, more research is required into the mecha- one study182, schizophrenia patients received 3 weeks of nism by which OXT and AVP (and receptor agonists daily intranasal OXT (40 IU twice a day) and a placebo and antagonists) penetrate the brain following different adjunctive to antipsychotics. OXT reduced positive and methods of administration. Given the unclear pharma- negative symptoms of schizophrenia compared with codynamics of intranasal administration, a focus on the placebo. Another recent study explored whether 10 the development on non-peptidergic drugs173 acting or 20 IU of intranasal OXT reverses the impaired dis- on these receptors will be an important goal. crimination of facial affect in schizophrenia patients183. Furthermore, the relationship between peripheral and Emotion recognition fell in patients with schizophrenia central OXT and AVP (including the crosstalk between following 10 IU of OXT owing to an increased propensity the neuropeptides at their receptors in the CNS) warrants

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further investigation. In addition to in vitro studies the neurobiology of the social brain and to tailor new on OXT and AVP binding sites in the human brain184 treatment strategies. and recent fMRI studies that have identified areas In the past decade, one of the most exciting areas on of neural activity induced by OXT and AVP20,185, the the frontier of social neuroscience has been the opportu- development of specific radioactive labelling of neu- nity to bridge the insights that are emerging from studies ropeptides in positron emission tomography may of prosocial behaviour in animals to preclinical human provide a better understanding of the location of OXT research using brain imaging, behavioural genetics and and AVP receptors in the human brain — particularly social interaction experiments. The perspective for the the brain circuits that are related to the processing of next decade is to further span this translational bridge social information. As the neuroanatomical distribu- from human neurobiology — based on mechanistic tion and sensitivity of OXT and AVP receptors may be animal models — to potential treatment developments. guided by variations in the regulatory regions of their Although this research period has just begun, the tre- respective genes, further studies on the role of specific mendous growth in this research field offers a promising genetic variants in the behavioural and brain responses new path for exploring the neuroendocrinology of the to OXT administration will be crucial for decoding social brain.

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