Who do we know?

Ugrasena – King of , father of Kansa and

Kansa – son of Ugrasena, evil prince who threw his father and became the king

Devaki – daughter of Ugrasena, the princess who married

Vasudeva – prince that married Devaki

Aakashvani – a voice from the sky predicting Kansa’s death at the hands of the eighth child of Devaki and Vasudeva.

Balarama – seventh child of Devaki and Vasudeva, older brother of

Rohini – Vasudeva’s wife who brings up

Yashoda – brings up Krishna as her own

Nand – a cowherd, chief of , husband to Yashoda and father to Krishna

Putana – the demoness who tried to kill Krishna with poisoned milk. Krishna sucked out her life and killed her.

Sakatasura – the “cart demon” who tried to kill Krishna by crushing Him under a hand cart. Krishna crushed him under the same cart and killed him.

Trnavarta – the “whirlwind demon” who tried to kill Krishna by picking Him up and crashing him to the ground. Krishna crashed Trnavarta to the ground and killed him.

Vatsasur – the demon who came disguised as a calf.

Bakasur – the big bird demon tried to attack Krishna with its beak. Krishna split its beak and killed it.

Aghasur – the serpent demon tried to kill Krishna by swallowing Krishna and His friends. Krishna tore His way out of the body of the demon, thus killing it.

Brahma – the creator of the Universe was bewildered by Krishna’s maya. He tried to trick Krishna to test Him. Krishna in turn tricked .

Kaliya – the many headed snake that lived in the Yamuna river with his naginis. He got subdued by Krishna who danced on its heads and thus blessed it.

Indra – the king of heavens was overcome with pride and arrogance. Krishna humbled and offered protection to His devotees.

Akroor – the devotee of Krishna who was tasked by his friend to fetch Krishna and Balaram to Mathura. Krishna Leela:

• Krishna shows the universe in His mouth to Yashoda Maa. • Krishna uproots the Arjuna trees and releases two demi Gods from their curse. • Krishna blesses the fruit seller with many riches as she shares her fruits with Him. • Krishna plays Holi. • In Mathura o Krishna punishes the royal washerman o Krishna blesses the royal tailor o Krishna blesses the royal florist o Krishna blesses the hunchbacked woman (kubja) and straightens out her back o Krishna breaks the bow set aside for the Dhanur Yagna o Krishna kills the mad elephant and its caretaker o Krishna kills Canur and Balaram kills Mustik o Krishna kills Kamsa o Krishna releases Devaki and Vasudev and Ugrasena from prison. o Krishna declares Ugrasena to be the king.