International Journal of Management (IJM) Volume 11, Issue 9, September 2020, pp. 895-902, Article ID: IJM_11_09_082 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510 DOI: 10.34218/IJM.11.9.2020.082

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


Dr. Gitirekha Bhuyan Assistant professor, Dept of Assamese, Icon Commerce College, Guwahati, Assam, .

Dr. Pangkhi Hazarika Assistant professor, Dept of Assamese, Paschim Guwahati Mahavidyalaya, Dharapur, India.

Dr. Bornali Deka Assistant professor, Dept of Assamese, Matrix Junior College, Nagaon, India.

ABSTRACT It was the thinking of progressivism, which pretty much change the course of the society and the literature. Not only in India, but also in Assam the ideology of progressivism made a huge impact. The socio-cultural aspects were rejuvenated by the emergence of this ideology. Formation of the political parties and associations like Communist Party of India, Assam Students’ Conference (Axom Sātra Xanmilan), Progressive Association of Writers’ and Artists’, Assam, Gananatya Xangha has been recognized as the turning points of the history of Assam. In this proposed paper, the contribution of the progressive associations and their ideology in the evolution of the society and literature of Assam will be discussed. Keywords: Progressivism, change, society, literature, culture. Cite this Article: Dr. Gitirekha Bhuyan, Dr. Pangkhi Hazarika and Dr. Bornali Deka, He Contribution of The Progressive Associations In The Evolution of The Society and The Literature of Assam, International Journal of Management, 11(9), 2020, pp. 895- 902.

1. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY There has always been an objective behind every research. Like other studies, this study also has some objectives. This research paper tries to discuss all the aspects regarding the evolution of the progressive thinking of Assam. Moreover, the history of the progressive associations of Assam and its influence on developing the society and literature will also be discussed. 895 [email protected] Dr. Gitirekha Bhuyan, Dr. Pangkhi Hazarika and Dr. Bornali Deka

2. METHODOLOGY Analytical and descriptive methods are obtained in this research paper.

2.1. Collection of Data The sources of data will be both primary and secondary. The secondary data will be collected from various articles, journals and books.

3. INTRODUCTION In India, the progressivism was raised during British rule but it came later in Assam. Various organizations took part in the movement, which were vital in improvement of progressivism. Assam was Influence by the movement of progressivism slowly since, in Assam, the exploitation and crush of British was minimal at the beginning stage. The progressive thinking was initiated in the early of 20th century. The three groups of associations who advocate progressive thinking were- a) Communist party b) Assam Students’ Conference c) Progressive Association of Writers’ and Artists’, Assam Those organizations had played a vital role in improvement of progressive thinking in two different perspective as such as culture and literature of Assam. In this discussion, we could try to sketch out a brief glimpse of those progressive organizations with a reference to the development of progressive literature.

3.1. Communist Party The revolution of October became significant which spread across the world. The revolution started with a goal to establish equality and justice for the worker section. It tried to end the pain of the worker section and aimed to help them to live a happy life. On the other hand Soviet Union started to provide dignity to the laborers and workers and the country emerged as a socialist. Especially Stalin made an effort to implement the goal of Marx, Lenin. The rest countries of the world were influenced by Russia for the formation of a Communist Party. India did not stand behind and formed a Communist Party. The party whole-heartedly took part in the revolution against British. The Communist Party always raises their voice in favor of the working class who has been exploited by the elite and bourgrois class since ages. The party always talks about the rights of this exploited people. According to them, peace and progress can be attained only by establishing equality among the different classes (including the rich and poor) of the society. The party desires to decentralization of power as well as equal participation of laborers and workers in social event. They are inspired by the sayings of Marx and works for the liberty of the laborers and workers. In their opinion, the laborers and the workers are the central force of the society and hence, they have always demanded liberty, equality and justice for them. The communist party emphasized on progressive revolution of culture to promote a positive social change. In the year 1919, the Communist Party of India laid its foundation after the success of the Russian revolution (1917), but officially formed on 26 December, 1925, at Kanpur. Renowned personalities A.V. Ghate and Janaki Prasad Bagarhatte were nominated as the secretaries of this newly formed party. And in the year 1930, the Communist Party of India received international recognition. Before this, in 1921, communist parties were also formed in China and France. Notably, almost all the peasant workers of India gathered in an open session in 1927 and formed All India Workers and Peasants Party. The party Believed for positive changes and took initiative for promoting the rights of the workers and laborers. 896 [email protected] He Contribution of The Progressive Associations In The Evolution of The Society and The Literature of Assam

In initial days, the Communist Party came across many challenges. The so called elite class and capitalists started to oppose the ideology of the party. However, they could do nothing. The Meerut Conspiracy Case (1929), establishment of Peasant Association (1934), formation of the Communist Party, publication of ‘Socialist’ and ‘Janabani’ by S.A. Dange and Muzafar Ahmed respectively, issuing of ‘Letters from Russia’ by Rabindranath Tagore were some of the pioneering incidents that which helped in spreading the ideology of the Communist Party throughout India. Simultaneously, various songs, drama and other aspects of the art and culture also fueled in this regard. Mukunda Das, a music composer of and Kazi Nazrul Islam displayed the struggles and pain of the working class through their musical creations and thus they promote the feelings of nationalism among them. S.A. Dange published an pamphlet in 1921 titled ‘Gandhi vs. Lenin’. Here he discussed about the approaches of the both leaders with Lenin coming out as the better of the two. In Assam, in between 1948 and 1952, the communist movement was started under the leadership of Vishnu Prasad Rabha. His movement created conflict between the peasant and worker class. At the end of the sixth decade of the twentieth century, the Naxalite movement was started in India. This armed rebellion was initiated by Charu Mazumdar and he formed CPI(ML). Communist leader Dadhi Mahanta made a statement regarding Communist Party of India, "All the leaders, from different backgrounds, met in the city of Kanpur and formed Communist Party of India on 26 December, 1925. Patriotism to deliver freedom to India and internationalism of the worker class to provide them liberty were the two ideologies which influenced the leaders to form the Communist Party in India. (Saikia, Axamat Pragatisil, 2 ) Significantly, a communist party, named ‘Communist Party of India’ was formed in Taskhkent, a city of Soviet Union. 17 October 1920. Mohammed sofik was nominated as the secretary of this party. M.N. Roy and his wife Alen Roy, Abani Mukherjee, raja Anting Of, Muhammad Ali, M.P. Acharya etc. were among the prominent members of the party. After this bold attempt, the Communist Party of India formally formed in Kanpur. The conference, held in Kanpur, is regarded as the foundation day of the Communist Party of India. A party was created in Barak valley before the official formation of the communist party. In this drive, all the workers, laborers, peasants, students provided their helping hand to strengthen the party. In the year 1943, a session of the Assam branch of the Communist Party of India was held in Golaghat. In this session, a committee was constructed namely Assam Valley Committee. The first state conference of the party was held in Guwahati in 1948. The members of communist party believed in Marxism. They used to oppose the rulers and exploiters. They emphasized on starting a revolution with the co- operation of workers and peasants. Initially, Communist Party of India made an alliance with the Indian Natioanl Congress and worked for the end of imperialism. The revolution started by the Communist Party had received a new dimension with mass support. From 1928 to 1929, the party organized a yearlong strike in all over India. In Assam, the regional branch of the Communist Party of India was formed in the year 1943 with Biresh Mmishra as its secretary. They also tried their best for the betterment of the trend of progressive literature. They also formed several unions in Assam including students’ union, peasants’ union, union of the tea workers etc. They tried to rejuvenate the students, the teachers and the artists regarding progressive thinking. They protest against unnatural price hike, food crisis, black money etc.The movement, identified as the progressive movement, aimed to represent the interest of ordinary people through cultural and literary works. On behalf of Communist Party, with the collaboration of students, artists and litterateur, Hemanga Biswas started a regional branch of Bharatiya Ganatya Xangha, giving a platform to all the people of Assam to express their views and opinions through cultural activities. In conclusion, we can say there was a massive contribution of communist party in the progressive movement. 897 [email protected] Dr. Gitirekha Bhuyan, Dr. Pangkhi Hazarika and Dr. Bornali Deka

3.2. Assam Students’ Conference (Axom Sātra Xanmilan) Assam Students’ Conference, the first students’ organization of Assam, played a vital role in beginning of the movement of the students’ associations. A vibrant student union has the ability to amplify the scenario of literature and cultural of a particular region and also it can organize a progressive movement to strengthen these important aspects. Notably, Assam Students’ Conference, formed in the year 1916, was the second student union of India. Chandranath Sarma, who was influenced by Bangia Xāhitya Xanmilan, was the main architect of this students’ union of Assam. All the students’ of Assam took part in the Non Co-operation Movement of India whole-heartedly and made this movement successful. Apart from this, the students also contributed in forming the regional Congress Government in Assam. The Assam Students’ Conference not only contributed to the social life of Assam, but it also bestowed for the development of Assamese language, literature and culture. As mentioned above, the students never stepped back from taking active part in the freedom movement of India. We all know about the remarkable deeds of the students in the countries like Italy, Greece, Russia etc. In these countries, by showing unity, the students have always raised their voice against misdeeds of the authority. The socially committed students have always tried to work for the development of their society. For instance, here we can mention about the movement started by the teachers and the students of the Universities of USA against the injustice imperialist rulers upon Vietnam. Till now, this movement is recognized as one of the milestones of the students’ movement in the world history. The students of Vietnam also took part in this movement. At that time they considered the book and the gun as the two great weapons to defeat the unexpected advent of imperialism. They even helped the laborers and the farmers in their works to strengthen the economy of their own country. The students of Peoples’ Republic of China, Russia, North Korea, Japan, England, France etc. have been being influenced by the deeds of the students of Vietnam and it will be recognized as an influential event for the students’ movement in the near future also. In Assam also, the students have played an influential role in starting a progressive movement. Among all the institutions and associations, formed in the beginning of the twentieth century, the ‘Assam Students’ Conference’ was recognized as the first public association of Assam. However, we should not neglect the influence of Axomiyā Bhāsā Unnati Xādhini Xabhā and A.S.L Club (Calcutta-Guwahati) in forming a public body like Assam Students’ Conference. These two organizations were formed by some students of Assam before the formation of the Assam Students’ Conference. Later Dhireswar Bhattacharya, Ganesh Chandra Hazarika, Gyannath Bora, Chandranath Sarma formed a students’ conference in Assam. In this regard, they received valuable advice and help from the educationist, who took part in the ‘Assam Educational Conference’, held in Assam in the year 1916. At first, they organized a meeting in the Carzon Hall (now Nabin Chandra Hall), but could not draw any certain decision. After the failure of the first meeting, they again organize a meeting with the help of A.S.L Club, Guwahati. This meeting was attended by some active students of Cotton College and formed a committee to form a students’ conference. Chandranath Sarma, Gyannath Bora, Sarbeswar Sarma Kataki, Ambikanath Bora, Chandrakanta Hadique, Sonapati Devsarma, Dhireswar Bhattacharya, Khetradhar Borgohain, Heradat Ulla, Doibochandra Talukdar were some of the members of this committee. The members of the A.S.L Club Calcutta, with the influence of Bihari Students’ Conference, became desperate to form a regional student union in Assam. Their help and impact was enough to decide to organize first conference of ‘Literary Conference of the Students of Assam’ (Axomiyā Sātrar Xāhitya Xanmilan). Students like Ambikanath Bora, Banikanta Kakati, Rajendranath Barua, Lakhminath Das authorized Chandranath Sarma 898 [email protected] He Contribution of The Progressive Associations In The Evolution of The Society and The Literature of Assam to make arrangements for the conference. The Assam Students’ Conference was formed under the banner of ‘Assam Association’. Later, they changed the name of the newly formed conference to ‘Assam Students’ Conference’ by eliminating the word ‘Litarary’ (Xāhitya). This indicated that the students should not only emphasize on their literature and the culture, but also on the diverse aspects of the contemporary society. Mahatma Gandhi led Non-Violent Movement and Non Co-operation Movement quivered the contemporary political scenario of Assam and India. In the year 1917 Lenin formed socialist country Russia. This incident had a great impact on India and as result Communist Party of India (CPI) made its appearance for the first time. Many students of Assam, especially the students of Cotton College took part in the freedom movement of India by adopting the path of non-violence shown by Mahtma Gandhi. After the first conference of Assam Students’ Association, held in Guwahati, the following fourteen annual conferences were held in Jorhat (1917), (1918), Tezpur (1919), Golaghat (1920), Guwahati (1921 & 1922), Nagaon (1923), Shivasagar (1924), Jorhat (1925), Dibrugarh (1926), Guwahati (1927), Tezpur (1928) and Golaghat (1929) . At first, the conference mainly emphasized upon the development of the Assamese literature and culture. It also did not take part in any political activity. But it was Assam Association that brought Assam Students’ Conference to the field of politics. During his school age, Chandranath Sarma was highly influenced by the views of the Congress personnel like Dadabhai Nouroji, Gopal Krishna Gokhle, Bal Gangadhar Tilak etc. Hence, after joining the Assam Association, he started to take active part in the field of politics. During the period of 1931-37, Assam Students’ Conference made a remarkable contribution to Assamese literature. The mouthpiece ‘Milan’ was also published in this period. Moreover, various articles of the conference were published in the ‘Hemchandra Barua Memorial’. Gradually, Assam Students’ Conference started to organize several programmes in the villages of Assam.

3.3. Progressive Association of Writers’ and Artists’, Assam In order to deliver a progressive thinking and work in the field of literature and culture, the Progressive Association of Writers’ and Artists’, Assam was formed. The first conference of All India Progressive Writers Association was held in the 1936, at Lacknow. Renowned writer Premchand presided over the meeting. After this conference, within six months, eleven branches were formed in the various parts of India like Calcutta (now ), Bombay (now Mumbai), Pune, Dehradun, Elahabad (now Prayagraj), Lucknow, Aligarh, Delhi, Lahore etc. Celebrated personalities like Rahul Sanskritayan, D.C. Kousambi, Ali Chardar Jafri, Khaja Ahmed Abbas, and Amrita Pritam etc. were the members of this association. The following statement clearly indicates the objectives of the progressive association- “It is the duty of India writers to give expression to the changes taking place in Indian life and to assist spirit of progress in the country by introducing scientific rationalize, in literature. They should undertake to develop a literary criticism, which will discover age the general reactionary and revisionist tendencies on questions like family, religion, sex, war and society. They should combat literary trends reflecting communalism racid antagonism, and exploitation of man by man.” (www.cpim.oorg.marxist) Several other associations were formed due to the influence of the Progressive Writers Association. Among them, Trade Union, Krishak Xabhā, Gananātya Xangha were the prominent. From the writings of the renowned writers like George Orwell, Christopher Codewell, Felix Green, Ernest Hemingway, Pablo Picasso, Garcia Lorca, we have come to 899 [email protected] Dr. Gitirekha Bhuyan, Dr. Pangkhi Hazarika and Dr. Bornali Deka know that they also raised their voice against Fascism. Hemingway and Pablo Picasso composed ‘A Farewell to Arms’ and ‘Guernica’ respectively. Many prominent personalities immensely contributed for the formation of the Progressive Writers Association. Some noteworthy writers of Assam also played a crucial role in this regard. This is known from the compositions of well-known writers like Premchand, Krishan Chandar, Manik Bandopadhyai, Sukanta Bhattacharya, Munkaraj Anand, Dhiren Dutta, Bhabananda Dutta, Bishnu Prasad Rabha, Jyoti Prasad Agarwala, Hemanga Biswas etc. In Assam also, the Progressive Association of Writers’ and Artists’ worked hard for the development of the regional literature and culture. And they gained success in this regard. The chief objectives of the association are – a) All the writers and the artists will work together to display the truth of communism in front of the people and also to make popular the ideology of this. b) To unite all the people of the society irrespective of caste, religion or gender and work for strengthening their culture and literature c) To make all the creations of the writers and the artists access to the people of the society. For this, they aimed to set up new institution. d) To organize seminars, exhibitions, various literary programmes for developing the intellectual aspect of the society e) To encourage all people to express their views freely and communicate with the artists and writers f) To influence the people to raise their voice against caste system, communalism, chauvinism or fierce nationalism and also to influence them to contribute to the association so that all the writers and the artists could protest against these. g) To provide protection to all the progressive writers h) To unite the world literature and the national literature In between 1920-25 the first association of writers’ forum ‘First Group of India Progressive Writers’ was formed. Dr. J.C Ghosh, Sajjad Jahir, Dr. N.V. Tahbeer, Dr. Mukaraj Anand etc. were among those notable writers who formed this progressive writers’ forum. After this, in the year 1936, the first session of ‘All India Progressive Writers Association’ took place. Apart from Sajjad jahir, the secretary of the association, the other members who were present in the session were – Amrita Pritam, Krisan Chandr, Khaja Ahmed Abbas, Lajpat Ray, Ali Sardar jafri, R.K. Garg, Kaifi Ajmi, Shankar, Parvej Chahedi, Vishnu Dey, Amrit Roy, Mohan Rakesh, Balraj Sahani, Asish Ahmed, Anubhai Same, Chitramohan Snehanbis, Gopal Haldar, Heeren Mukharjee, Subhas Mukharjee etc. The second session of the Progressive Writers’ Association was held in the year 1938 at Calcutta. Distinguished authors like Buddhadev Basu, Mukaraj Anand, Soiljananda Mukherjee, Sudhindranath Dutta and Pandit Sudarsan were the members of the organizing committee. Other progressive writers like Balraj Sahani, Premendra Mitra, Dr. Abdul halim, Sardar Jafri, Muhammad Ali, Hiranya Kumar Sanyal, Satyendra Nath Mishra were also joined the session. They wanted the artists and writers to reflect the changes of the society. According to them, the art should demonstrate the scientific attributes. All the creations should be related to the human lives and it should help the people in realization of the truth. The association never admired those people who were against of the progressive thinking. The third and the fourth sessions of the association were held in Mumbai in 1943 and 1949 respectively. In the third session a cultural branch of the association ‘Bhāratiya Ganatya Sangha’ was formed. This provided a new zeal to the members of the association and as a result their ideology and objectives became popular in entire India within a small period of time. This 900 [email protected] He Contribution of The Progressive Associations In The Evolution of The Society and The Literature of Assam movement also influenced the North Eastern region of India. A new trend emerged in all the aspects of Assamese art, literature and culture. The progressive writers and artists decided to exhibit the day today lives of the people and their struggle and distress through their creations. Hence, the pain and sufferings of the farmers, the dark side of the middle and the elite class, the broken political-financial and social condition of the country, the exploitation of the moneylenders and proprietors started to make its place in the progressive writings. These dark aspects of the society were brutally criticized by the progressive writers. They dreamt of a society in which each and every member could live peacefully without facing any difficulty or exploitation. According to them- “We accept that literature as the progressive, which amplifies our intellect, examines all the aspects of the contemporary social and political system and changes the society into a disciplined and active one.” (Saikia, Bisar Pragati, 572) The fifth and the sixth session of the writers association were held at Delhi in 1953 and 1966 respectively. In this session, the association changed its name to ‘Nationa Federation of Progressive Writers’. Keshav Mahnta, a renowned writer, made a statement on the Progressive Association of Writers’ and Artists’, Assam that the history of the progressive trend in Assam was not a modern one. In the third and the fourth decade of the twentieth century, many young progressive writers formed several local progressive associations in Golaghat, Jorhat and Guwahati. Dheeren Dutta, Jadu Saika, Chidananda Saikia, Tulashi Narayan Saikia, Jatinarayan Sarma, Dadhi Mahanta, Bhabanada Dutta, Prafulla Dutta Goswami, Anandeswar Sarma, Kamal Narayan Dev, Chakreswar Bhattacharya, etc. were among these young progressive arbiters. (Saikaia, Axamat Pragatishil, 60) Known as the progressive writers, Bhabananda Dutta, Chakreswar Vhattacharya, Kamal Narayan Dev, Keshab mahanta, Dadhi Mahanta etc. compiled many writings from socialist point of view after joining a communist party. The main objective of this association was to deliver happiness to the humankind. Progressive literature is not like the Romantic literature. Unlike Romanticism, the Progressive literature portraits the actual social lives and their sufferings. The progressive writers, with the help of their creations, showed that in progressive literature there was no place for imagination. The writers and the artists, from various parts of the world, tried hard to make the ideology of progressiveness more popular. The progressive writers also raised their voice against Capitalism, Fascism and Nazism. George Orwell, Christopher Codewell, Felix Green, Ernest Hamingway, Pablo Picasso, Garcia Lorca etc. were among the prominent writers of 1930’s. Spender, Oden of England composed famous poems like Edith Chita, Well Rupti Brooke from a leftist point of view. Nazim Hikmat of Turkey, non-white singer Paul Robson and other black singers of Africa rebelled against Fascism and Imperialism. In the third decade of the twentieth century, all the people of the world were facing various troubles. Fascism, Capitalism, second World War made the lives of the people more miserable. In order to make the world free from these troubles, many artists outlined various drawings. In the year 1930, a conference was called to defeat Fascism. Here, an association named ‘World Congress of Writers for the Defence of Culture’ was formed. World famous writers like Maxim Gorky, Roma Roland, Andrew Malebox, Thomas Mane were the member of this association. In Assam also, Progressive Association of Writers’ and Artists’ and Bhāratiya Gananātya Sangha were founded. At first, in the year 1938, a literary forum called ‘Progressive Committee’ was set up. Writers like Raghinath Choudhary, Bhabananda Dutta, Dr. Prafulla Dutta Goswami, Mahesh Chandra Goswami, Chakreswar Bhattacharya, Gourishankar Bhattacharya, Dr, Kalicharan Sarma, Dr. Prasann Goswami, Dr, Mathuranath Bhattacharya, 901 [email protected] Dr. Gitirekha Bhuyan, Dr. Pangkhi Hazarika and Dr. Bornali Deka

Atulchnadra Barua, Dulal Barpujari, Ramesh Chandra Sarma, Surendra Kumar Bhattacharya, Bholanath Hazarika, Sarat Chahndra Bora, Syed Abdul Malik, Surendra Mohan Choudhury, Nabinchandra Goswami, Upendra Nath saikia were the members of this committee. Because of the hard work of the Progressive Committee, two popular Assamese journal ‘Jayanti’ and ‘Prabah’ made their first appearance. The contribution of these associations and committees, which were formed to develop the social, literary and cultural aspects of Assam, indicates that the progressive thinking was started only because of their sincere endeavor. We shall always remain thankful to those writers and artists, who formed these associations.

4. CONCLUSION It is a well-known fact that an ideology can change a course of the history. The progressive ideology is not much differ from that fact. From the above discussion, we have come to know that, due to the massive advocate of the ideology of progressivism, it helped in changing the ongoing way of the society and its culture. Besides that, it tried to provide liberty of to the poor working class. This massive movement also enriched the literature by displaying the pathetic lives of these People.

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