------VOL 37 DECEMBER 1, 1922 No. 48

DENGUE FEVER REPORTED BY STATE HEALTH OFFICERS. The accompanying table gives the number of cases of dengue fever reported to the United States Public Health Service by State health officers, by weeks, from May 21 to November 25, 1922. The figures can not be considered complete, nor do they permit of comparison as between the States. In some States the disease is not required by law to be reported, whereas in others it is reportable. The United States Public Health Service is making an effort to secure more complete information regarding the number of cases and the conditions related to the incidence of the disease, and, through the State health officers, has sent out questionnaires to city and county health officers requesting all data available. It is intended to compile and publish these data, should the complete. ness and character of the replies warrant. Ca8e8 of dengue reported to the Public Health Service by State health officer.

Cas reported by State health officer of- Week ended- Ala- Ar- Cali- Flori- Geor- Kan- Loui- Mary- bama. kansas. formia. da. gia sas. slana. land. sippi.T^-

1922. 0o ...... 4...... Maiy 27.4.6

June ...... 1;.... I ...... Jrily17..-...... June 22 ...... 6fi0,...... Y ......

Jul 85@.@*e------...... 27.... 0 ...... 22i...... July 15'''U...... ---...... so...... 20...... July 22...... 1..94 ...... *...... 179 ...... " July 2 ...... Augt. .... 29...... 1....2S1 14...... Augt. 12..:::: ...... 2...... 12 a...... Aupg- 13 ...... 22 1...... 2...... -...... - Apt. 20 ...... 204 11 ...... 2...... 57...... go9 2e...... 248 2 00...... 42...... 3 ...... 8 16 ,48 9c...... 13...... 1 .... 9 28 1 1S37 ...... 8 3058 ...... 70{'31 Oc.21 ...... 729...... 419 24O ...... 6730 2O...... 28:: 355 392 ;...... 1700 m...... 2 1s Nov. 4...... 20 ...... 428 100 ...... 5673 ...... 817 41, 2591,7 oct. 14 ...... 133 217...... 392 837 ...... 584 ......

..... 13 3 Nov 1856...... 5 ...... 61 30 ...... 285

1,75 of thles cases occurred prior to week ended November i. 2Of these came oeeurme prior to weelc ended November IL 199337.1 (2941) December 1,1922. 2942 TWO TYPHOID OUTBREAKS TRACEABLE TO SAME CARRIEIL According to information furnished to the Public Health Service by an officer of the New Jersey State Department of Health, it is believed that within the past year a single typhoid bacillus carrier has been responsible for two outbreaks of typhoid fever in the State of New Jersey. In the fall of 1921 an outbreak of 72 cases of typhoid occurred at St. Josephs Villa, an institution in Washington Township, Morris County, N. J. Investigation of this epidemic showed that one of the dairy workers was a typhoid carrier, and, in view of the failur to find any other probable source, he was believed to be responsible for the epidemic. Typhoid bacilli were isolated from two stool specimens from this carrier at the time of the investigation. In September and October, 1922, an outbreak of typhoid fever occurred in the cit-y of Newark, N. J., 30 cases being reported between September 9 and October 23. The city health officer of Newark states that 24 of the cases occurred in families supplied with raw milk from dairy X, and that investigation of these es failed to reveal any other probable source of infection. In an investigation conducted by the bureau of local administra. tion of the State department of health, the epidemiologist recognized among the dairy workers at this dairy the man whom he had iden- tified as a carrier at St. Josephs Villa the previous fall. Under an assumed name this man had been employed by the X dairy as a farm hand on April 18, 1922. About September 10 he was assigned to the dairy as a milker. The onset of the cases in the families in Newark supplied with milk from this dairy is given as follows: Number o£ Numberd Date ofonset: cas. Date of onset: cam

Sept. 9.1922 ...... 1 , . I Oct. 6, 1922...... 2 Sept. 14,1922...... 2 Oet.1..29, Sept. 9, 1922 ...... 2 Oct. 10,1922. 2 Sept. 2192I ...... 1 Oct.12,1922...... I1 Sept. 2X, 1922 ...... I Oet. 17, 1922 .. 1 Oct. 1, 1922 ...... 1 Oct. 23, 1922. 3 Oct. 2,1922 ...... 2 Oct. 3,1922 ...... 2 Total.. Oct.5, 1922 ...... I Suspecting that the sudden increase in the incidence of typhoid fever in Newark was due to milk, the eity health officer on October 6 or-dered all milk pasteurized. The date of onset of the last ce is given as October 23. B. typhos. was isolated from stool specimens of the carrier on six different dates as follows: September 14 and 28, 1921, and October 17, 20, 21, and 23, 1922. Typhoid bacillus carriers obviously have a greater opportunity for spreading the infection than bedridden and confined patients, and 2943 December 1, 1922. they are especially a grave menace when employed in the preparation and handling of food. Some outbreaks have been reported, however, in which the disease was transmitted by a carrier engaged in occu- pations other than those connected with food handling and dairy work. Such an outbreak of exceedingly high incidence was reported last year on board ship.1 Ten cases developed in a crew of 32, 8 of the cases occurring in the quarters of the vessel occupied by the carrier (renal) and 15 other members of the crew. The spread of the disease was believed to have resulted from the common use of wash pails and towels, and to the fact that the carrier handled the food containers after they had been brought to the table. Under such conditions a renal carrier could easily disseminate the infection. The carrier had signed on the vessel one day after having been discharged from the hospital. Owing to the intermittent character of the carrying state, and to the fact that most cases resist all attempts to relieve the condition, the problem of preventing the spread of typhoid fever by means of typhoid bacillus carriers remains a difficult one.

DEATH RATES, 1921. DEATH RATES FOR REGISTRATION STATES AND FOR REGISTRATION CITIES OF 100,1W POPULATION OR MORE IN 1920. Compilations made by the Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce, indicate that 1921 was a remarkably healthful year. Record low death rates are shown for nearly all areas. The lowest rate for States (8.2) is given for Montana, and the highest (14.2) for Vermont. For cities which had a population of 100,000 or more at the last census, the lowest rate (7.5) is shown for Akron, and the highest (17.4) for Memphis. Crude death rates do not tell the final story regarding the health- fulness of different localities. Race stock, occupations of the inhab- itants, the sex and age distribution of the population, and the number of deaths of nonresidents are factors that must be considered before comparisons can be made between one State or city and another. For example, adjustments solely for differences in the sex and age distribution of the population give Montana the lowest adjusted rate (8.8) and Maryland the highest (13.4) among the States, and Akron the lowest (9.2) and Memphis the highest (19) among the cities. I Public Health Reports, vol. 36, No. 37, Sept. 16, 1921, pp. 2255-2257. December 1, 1922. 2944"OLDfM;

Death rates for all causes I per 1,000 7populati4n, 1920 and 1921, for registation Staes and registration cities of 100,000 popidation or more in 1920. Adjysted rates Adjusted ratas (adjusted for (adjustedl for differenees in Crude rates. diferencesin Crude rates. sex and ageAra sex and ago .A.rea. distribution). distribution). 1921 1120 19211 1920 1921 1920 19211921 0

Registration area.-.. o I (5) 11.6 13.1 REGISTRATRAONCTMES Reistration States'. 11.3 12.7 11.6 13.0 or 100.0(80 PoPuLA- TION OR MORE IN Califonia.... 12.1 12.4 13.2 13.6 1920-continued. Colorado... 12.4 14.5 12.4 14.5 Connecticut...... 10.8 12.9 11.4 13.6 Buffalo...... 13.2 15.2 12.6 14.6 Delaware...... 12.4 13.8 13.1 14.6 Cambridge...... 12.3 14.5 12.6 14.9 Floida (total)...... 12.2 13.4 11.8 13&0 Camden...... 13.3 15.3 12.8 14.7 White ....-.--.- 10.1 11.3 10.5 11.7 Chicago (total)...... 12.1 14.0 11.1 12.8 Colored...... 16.0 17.5 14.2 15.5 White...... 11.7 13.6 10.8 nlinois ...... 11.0 12.5 11.1 12.6 Colored...... 21.5 24.8 17.2 19.8 Indiana...... 10.7 12.0 11.9 13.4 Cincinnati...... 13.4 14.4 14.1 I1&1 Kansas ...... 9.3 10.4 10.2 11.4 Cleveland ...... 11.8 13.9 10.5 124 Kentucky (total).... 10.5 11.8 10.5 11.8 Columbus...... 12.6 14.6 12.8 14.8 White...... 9.7 10.9 9.8 11.0 Dallas.. 13.8 15.4 12.0 13.4 Colored...... 1&0 12.5 17.9 19.4 Dayton...... I1.1 12.3 11.0 12.2 Louisana (total).... 12.3 13.3 11.0 11.9 Denver...... 13.8 1 .9 14.1 17.3 White...--.. 10.2 10.9 9.2 9S Detroit ...... 11.9 13 1 10.5 13.4 Colored...... 15.5 17.1 13.9 15.3 Fall River...... 14.7 15.2 14.2 14.7 Maine ...... -.--.- 11.2 12.3 14.0 15.4 Grand Rapids...... 10.4 12.6 10.19 132 Maryland (total)..... 13.4 14.5 13.6 14.7 Hartford...... 13.7 17.0 13.2 16.4 White...... 11.7 12.7 12.3 13.3 ouston...... 14.4 15 7 12.8 13.9 Colored...... 20.8 22.6 19.5 21.2 Indianapois...... 12.8 14.8 12.6 14.6 Massachusetts...... 11.4 12.9 12.2 13.8 Jersey City..... 13.0 15.4 11.9 14.1 Michigan ...... 11.0 13.2 11.6 13.9 Kansas City, K(ans.. 12.7 15.2 12.1 14.5 Minnesota...... 9.2 10.5 9.4 10.7 Kansas City, MAo... 14.4 16.8 13.8 16.1 Mississippi (total).... 12.1 13.4 11.1 12.3 Los Angeles...... 13.1 13.2 14.0 14.1 White ....- 9.1 9.7 8.6 9.2 Louisville...... 14.0 15.2 14.0 15.2 Colored...... 15.0 16.8 13.5 15.1 Lowell...... 13.0 15.8 12.9 15.7 Missouri...... 10.3 11.9 10.8 12.5 Memphis ...... 19.0 21.7 17.4 19.9 Montana...... 8.8 10.2 6.2 9.5 ilwaukee...... 10.4 12.4 9.8 11.7 Nebraska...... &69 9.7 9.2 10.0 minne3Polis...... 11.0 12.4 10.9 12.3 Now Hampshire.... 10.9 12.1 13.7 152 NaShivlle...... -.. 16.8 18.8 16.2 I181 New Jersey...... 11.8 13.1 11.7 13.0 New Bedford...... 11.6 14.8 11.1 14.2 New York (total).... 12.0 13.5 12.3 13.8 New Haven...... 11.6 14.5 11.6 14.5 White ...... 11.9 13.4 12.2 13.7 New Orleans (total). 17.4 18.7 16.4 17.6 Colored...... 21.6 23.4 17.8 19.3 White...... 14.4 15.2 13.7 14.5 North Carolina Colored.----- 26.7 29.5 23.9 26.4 (total 11.9 13.4 11.3 12.7 New York (total).... 12.4 14.4 11.2 13.0 White...... 103 11.6 9.9 11.2 W te...... 12.1 14.1 11.0 28 Colored Colored... 15.8 17.6 14.4 16.0 ....* 22.9 23.0 17.8 19.4 Oli,io ...... 105 11.9 11.3 12.8 Newark...... 11.8 14.0] 10.9 12.9 Oregon ...... 9.7 10.9 10.4 11.7 Norfolk...... 14.7 17.3 12.9 15.2 Pennsv ia(tol 12 13.6 12.4 13.8 Oakla ...... 10.1 11.5 10.4 11.8 White...... 11.9 13.2 12.2 13.5 Omaha 14.0 15.2 13.2 14.3 Colrd ...... 21.7 24.5 1&5 9.9 Paterson...... 13.3 13.4 12.7 12.8 Rhode Island.... 12.2 13.8 12.6 14.3 Philadelphia (total).. 13.0 14.7 12.7 14.4 S o u t h Carolina White...... 12.3 13.9 12.3 13.0 (total)...;...... 13.3 15.6 11.9 14.0 Colored...... 21.3 26.0 17.4 21.2 White ...... 10.6 12.3 9.8 11.4 Pittsburgh...... -. 15.0 17.4 14.1 1.4 Colored...... 15.9 IK8 14.0 16.5 Portland, Oreg...... 10.6 11.8 10.9 12.1 Tennes (tal).... 11.1 12.5 10.7 12.1 Prodene -..... 13.1 15.3 13.3 15.5 White...... 9.6 10.9 9.4 10.7 Reading...... 12.7 14.0 13.2 14.5 Calored...... 17.0 19.2 16.0 1 Richmond...... 15.7 17.7 14.6 16.6 Utah...... 10.8 12.0 10.4 11.5 Rochester...... 11.9 12.5 12.0 12.6 Vermont...... 11.1 12.3 14.2 1&7 St. Louis...... 12.7 14.7 12.2 14.1 Virginia (total)...... 12.7 13.6 12.2 13.1 St. Paul...... 10.9 12.7 10.7 12.5 W-hite...... 10.5 11.4 10.4 11.3 Salt Lake City...... 12.7 14.7 12.4 14.3 Colored...... 17.6 19.0 16.3 17.6 San Antonio...... 17.2 17.9 15.6 16.2 Wa i ...... 9.4 11.0 9.5 11.1 San Francisco...... 13.4 14.1 13.5 14.2 Wisconsin...... 9.7 10.5 10.3 11.2 Scranton ...... 15.2 16.2 14.0 14.9 Seattle...... 9.3 11.1 9.0 o0.7 REGISTRATION CiTiES Spokane...... 12.5 14.1 12.6 14.2 OF 100,00 POPULA- TION OR MORE IN Springfield, M.... 11.4 13.1 11.3 13.0 1921D. Syractise...... 11.7 14.8 12.0 15.2 Toledo ...... 12.3 14.1 12.0 13.S Akron...... 9.2 13.8 7.5 11.3 Trenton...... 13.7 16.4 13.1 15.7 Albany...... 1&8 1I4 15.1 15.7 Washington, D. C. Atlanta...... 16.7 19.4 14.8 17.2 (total). 14.2 15.0 13.8 14.6 Baltimore (total).... 14.0 15.6 13.8 15.4 White. 11.9 12.4 12.1 12.6 White...... 12.7 13.9 12.7 13.9 Colored...... 21.2 23.1 18.9 20.6 Colored...... 23.2 26.6 20.5 23.5 Wilmington, Del.... 12.2 14.2 12.0 14.0 Birmingham...... 17.0 19.3 14.6 16.5 Worcester...... 12.6 11.4 12.9 14.7 Boston ...... 13.6 15.5 13.5 15.4 Yonkers...... 10.3 12.6 9.3 11.4 Bridgeport...... 11.4 13.9 10.5 12.8 Youngstown...... 12.5 14.5 11.1 12.9

District of Columbia.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'ExclusiveI Exclusiveof stIllbirths.of stiBbirths. 2'RateRate not calculated. 8 lucluding District of Columbia. 2945 December 1, 1922. DEATH RATES IN A GROUP OF LNSURED PERSONS. DEATH RATES FOR PRINCIPAL CAUSES. AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER. 1922. AND COM- PARISON OF THE DEATH RATES FOR WHITE AND COLORED POLICYHOLDERS FOR TIE FIRST NINE MONTHS OF 1920, 1921, AND 1922. The accompanying tables are taken from the Statistical Bulletin of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. for October, 1922. They present the mortality experience of the company for August and September, 1922, and for August and year 1921, and compare the death rates for white and colored policyholders for the first nine months of the years 1920, 1921, and 1922. The figures are based on a strength of approximately 14,000,000 insured persons. Although these mortality rates are for a selected group, they are very good indices of comparative mortality conditions of the general population. The gross death rate in this group, however, is prob- ably between 70 and 85 per cent of that in the registration area of the United States. Death rates (annual basis) for ptzrtczpal causes per 100,000 persons exposed, among white and colored policyholders, for the Jirst nine months (January-September) of 1920, 1921, and 1922. [Industrial Department, Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.]

Death rate per 100,000 persons exposed.

Cause of death. White. Colored.

1922 1921 1920 1922 1921 1920

'Total, all causes .843.8 820.6 981.3 1,40.3 1,353.5 1,577.0 -- fever...... 4.4 4.25.4 11.25. 4 10.22.0 12.41.9 11.146 hoes Scarlet5.1fever..6&83 6.4 .7.7 2.6 Whoopingcough...... ,.. 2.6 4.3 7.1 3.7 7.7 8.8 Diphtheriaand croup .16.. 7 23.2 21.3 7.5 5.5 5.3 Influenza .22.6 8.1 65.0 47.6 18.8 104 4 . 1.0 1.1 Me gococcusmemngitis ...... ,7 1.0 1.0 4 Tuberculosis (all forms).. 01.2 10.9 124.9 255.6 278.7 305.0 Tuberculosis of respiratory system 9. 41...... 91.4 91. 1 112.1 235.6 254.1 279.0 Tuiberiulosisoftheme.nges,etc .4.4 5.2 6.5 5.4 6.5 6.5 Otherformsoftuberculosis ...... 5.3 5.7 6.3 14.6 18.2 19.4 Cerebral hemorrhage; aoplexy...... 59.8 .5.72 58 2 95.6 88.5 8 3 Organic diseases of the heart .1 2. 123.1 109.7 115.1 194.2 172.0 179.7 Totalrespiratoryrdiaes 86.1 79.4 135.4 145.9 129.1 222.0 Bronchitis ...... 5.6 5.3 8.9 11.5 10.6 12.5 Bronchopneumonia. 27.1 24.1 39.7 3&59 32.0 47.4 Pneumo_ a (lobar and undefined)...45. 8 41.9 76.2 87.1 74.5 147.4 Other diseases of respiratory system .7.6 8.1 10.6 11.4 11.9 14.6 Diarrheaandenteritis...... 10.8 16.0 15.9 13.9 15.2 15.1 Under 2years ...... 1 6.6 7.3 3.8 3.9 4.9 2 and over 5.7 9.4 8.6 10.0 1l.3 10.2 years ...... 5.4 17.3 17.1 19.3 Acutenephritis ...... 5.3 . 5.3 Chronicnephritis ...... 64.7 62.8 68.7 119.0 109.4 112.7 Totalpuerperal state ...... 19.6 23.7 27.1 27.7 31.2 Puerperalsepticemia 7.0 8.7 8.1 12.1 11.9 13.1 Puerperal aluminuriaandconvulsions 4.6 4.5 4.9 6.1 7.8 7.1 Other diseases of puerperal state. 7.1 6.4 10.6 9.0 &8O 11.0 Total external cauises I .69.3. 3 69.8 69.4 94.6 99.7 93.4 Suicides ...... 83 8.0 6.3 5.0 5.4 3.8 Homicides .6 3.5 3.3 26.1 27.8 23.4 ...... 57.3 .5&2 59.3 63.4 66.4 65.9 Accidental and unspeified violence 10.0 Accidentaldrowning .. 5 9.9 7.4 10.1 11.4 Automobile accidents ... 2 ll.' 10.6 7.8 8.5 6.0 War deaths ...... 1 .. . 6 (') . 1 . 4 All other and ill-defined causes of death .247.3 244.3 247.3 369.1 366 2 374.1

deaths ! IncludesIncludes"War deaths-'!"Wardcath.'~ 2'ExcludesExcludes '1"WarWar deaths."eaths." 3'NoNo deaths. December 1, 1922. 2946 Attention is called to the remarkable health record in this group of persons for the first inine months of 1922, it being stated that only once in the history of the company has there been a better one, namely, that for the corresponding period of 1921. Declines are shown in the mortality rates for most of the communicable diseases, decreases having been registered in all of these diseases except measles, influenza, and pneumonia. The measles rate, while higher than that for 1921, still remains below the average. It is stated that the improvement in the gross tuberculosis death rate for the first nine months of 1922 is due almost entirely to the decline among the colored policyholders, the rate for 1922 among the whites (101.2 per 100,000) being almost the same as that for 1921 (101.9). The fractional decline recorded for the white persons in this group is stated to be due to lower rates for forms other than pulmonary tuberculosis, for which a small increase was noted. The- death rate (annual basis) for the month of September, 1922, is said to be the lowest ever recorded among the policyholders of the company. A comparison of the rates for September, 1922, with those for. the corresponding month of 1921, shows that for every disease listed in the table, with the exception of measles, the mortality rate was lower this year than last. Death rates (annual basis) for principal oauses per 100,000 liTes exposed, August and September, 1922, and September and year 1921. [Industrial Department, Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.)

Death rate per l00,OOOives exposed. Cause of death. epm- August, ear bert192 1922. ber,Yetm192 e. 1wa.

Total,all causes ...... 68 816.7 S0.812.0 Typhoid feer ...... ,...... 9.4 8.9 1lO 6.7 Masles. . 9 0 .4 3.2 Scadet fe2...26. 2.0 7.03.4 oih ------. 2.8 &3.1 Lo 7 ~...... 1 g.l i 23. 1 enz ...... 2.1& 3.0 T8 Tuberculosis (all fars) ...... 93.0 115.1 1031 117.4 Tuberculosis of respiratory system ...... 41...... 105.0 10502.6 Caneer ...... 71.4 74.474.071.7 Cerebral hemorrhage...... 3 5.3 62.1 s53. Oranlicasesofmheart ...... 100.6 111.8 100.8 117.4 Pnumw (all forms) ...... 26.9 26.8 38.5 47.8 OterrespIatorydilsees...... 8. 10a4 11.8 14.1 Dlarhea and enteritis ...... 17.7 17.3 24.8 14.2 Bright's disease (chronic nephritis) ...... 53 8 4.6 680 L.2 Puerperaistate ...... 14.8 16 4 as 16.3 Suici-des ... . . 8.. 5 a & 1 7.6 Homicides..8.0 ...... 4 . .7 Otber external causes (excuding suicides and homi- ddes).: ...... 62.6 67.362.0 Traumatism by automobile ...... 16.5 15.l1 12.245 All other caues...... 194.3 212.2 210.1 1n. 2947 December 1,1922. PAMPHLETS ESPECIALLY USEFUL IN CHILD HEALTH WORK OBTAINABLE IN LARGE QUANTITIES. The attention of State health authorities and other persons inter- ested in child health work is called to the reprints listed below, which can be purchased in quantity. In view of the large demand for these pamphlets, and the restriction imposed by law on the free dis- tribution of publications by the Public Health Service, the Superin- tendent of Documents of the Government Printing Office has ar- ranged to supply them in the quantities and at the prices indicated. As long as the supply lasts, single sample copies of these publications can be obtained free by addressing the Surgeon General, United States Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. Purchase can be made only from the Superintendent of Documents, Government printing Office, Washington, D. C. Children's Teeth, a Community Responsibility. 19 pages; 1 plate. Deals with the causes of teeth, and presents a practicable plan for carrying on preventive and correctional work by both centralized and itinerant clinics. (Reprint No. 622.) Prices: 1,000 copies, $2.5; each additional 1,000 copies, $13. The Fate of the First Molar. 6 pages; 2 text figures. Emphasizes the importance of caring for the temporary teeth and of watching the first permanent molar (the 6- year molar) for decay-the tooth most frequently found to be carious, the one most neglected, and the one most frequently lost. (Reprint No. 645.) Prices: 1,000 copies, $8; each additional 1,000 copies, $4. Good Teeth: The Importance of Good Teeth and the Prevention of Decay. 10 pages. Deals with the care of the teeth, both temporary and permanent, and points out how diseased teeth may cause serious illness. (Reprint No. 707.) Prices: 1,000 copies, $15; each additional 1,000 copies, $8& The School Nurse: Her Duties and Responsibilities. 15 pages. Presents a brief review of school health supervision and gives a useful outline of the duties of the school nurse. (Reprint No. 783.) Prices: 1,000 copies, $12; each additional 1,000 copies, $7.25. The Care of Your Biby. 41 pages. Presents, in popular form, instructions concern- ing the prenatal care of the mother; but deals principally with the care and feeding of the baby. (Reprint No. 727.) Prices: 1,000 copies, $33; each additional 1,000 copies, $19.

DEATHS DURING WEEK ENDED NOVEMBER 18, 1922. Summary of information received by telegraph from industrial insurance companies for week ended November 18, 1922, and corresponding week 1921. (From ths Weekly Health Index, November 21, 1922, issued by the Bureau of the Census, Department ofCommerce.) ended Nov.Week18, 1922. Correpondingdweek 1921. Policies in force ...... 50,649,653 48, 261,379 Number of death claims..------9,492 9,210 Death claims per 1,000 policies in force, annuial rate ...... 9. 8 10.0 December 1, 1922. 2948 Deaths from all "auses in certain large, cities of the Ulited States during the week ended Novtember 18, 192.,?, infant mortality, annual death rate, and comparison with corre- sponding wcek of 19 U. (Fronm the Wfekly Ilealth Index, November 21, 1922, issued by the Bureau q/ thc Census, Department of Commerce.) Week enlded knntial Deathssunder Infant Nov. 12, 1922. death lyear. mor- Estimated perl tality l,ates City, population 1,000, Week Corre- rate, Total Death corre- week Siponding enlded spouding ended 1112.' deaths. rate.' week Nov. 18, week 1921. 1922. 1921. No.8

Total ...... 28,16,994 6,531 12.1 12.2 825 846. - - 1. Akron, Ohio...... 3 208,435 24 6.0 8.3 5 Albany, N. Y ...... 116,22,3 36 16.2 13.1 3 2 69 Atlanta, Cia ...... 220,047 69 16.4 15.1 7 11 ...... Baltimore, Md ...... 762,222 176 12.0 14.0 28 29 79 Birmingham, Ala...... 191,017 37 10.1 13.4 8 6...... Boston, Mass ...... 764,017 221 15.1 14.0 27 22 73 Bridgeport, (Conn ...... 3143,555 33 12.0 10.2 3 5 38 Buffalo, N. Y ...... 528,163 145 14.3 11.6 27 15 106 Cambridge, Mass ...... 110,944 25 11.8 9.9 6 2 103 Camden, N. I ...... 121,915 38 16.3 11.8 7 1 110 Chicago, Ill ...... 2,833,288 544 10.0 10.4 65 68 ...... Cincinnati, Ohio ...... 404,865 104 13.4 14.7 6 9 38 Cleveland, Ohio ...... 854,565 170 10.4 11.7 26 24 68 Columbus, Ohio ...... 253,455 60 12.3 17.9 10 9 106 Dalss, Tex...... 171,974 20 6.1 13.6 5 7...... Dayton, Ohio ...... 161,824 30 9.7 12.9 4 9 65 Denver, Colo ...... 267,591 92 17.9 14.9 11 12 ...... Detroit, Mich ...... ' 993,678 201 10.5 10.8 32 40 60 Erie, Pa .109,528 18 8.6 3 69 Fall River, Mass.120,790 43 156 ...... 16.9 6 84 Flint Mich ...... 111,794 23 10.7 5 ...... "94 Fort Worth, Tex ...... 114,717 21 9.5 12.2 3 1...... Grand Rapids, Mich...... 143,572 25 9.1 12.6 2 4 31 Houston, rex ...... 150,087 29 10.1 12.6 2 5 ...... Indiant~polis Ind .333257 85 13.3 10.9 9 8 67 Jersey City, I9J. J.305,911 82 14L.0 10.7 12 9 77 Kansas City, Kans ...... 113,801 22 10.1 15.1 2 4 44 Kansas City Mo ...... 343,988 92 13.9 19.4 15 15 ...... Los Angees Calif...... 634,86 186 15.3 15.6 24 28 99 Louisville,Ky...... 2,877 90 15.3 13.0 13 9 139 Lowell, Mass ...... IIN114,423 24 10.9 10.5 2 6 33 MemphNis, Tenn ...... 167,882 61 15.9 14.2 6 4 ...... Milwaukee, Wis ...... 476,603 69 7.5 9.8 9 15 i4 Minnepolis, Min...... 400,970 76 9.9 11.0 9 13 60 Nashville Tenn ...... 122 832 25 10.6 20.1 5 4 ...... New Bedord, Mass...... 1 2,2 27 11.0 12.1 4 8 . New Haven, Conn...... 169,987 35 10.7 11.9 2 7 24 New Orleans La 399,616 139 1&81 17.4 11 20 ...... Now York, 4. Y ..399,746 1 206 10.8 11.1 138 151 54 Bronx Borough . . 809,536 '127 5.2 10.3 9 21 31 Brooklyn Borough ...... 2,117, 164 396 9.8 10.3 53 47 65 Manhattan Borough ...... 2,71, 888 558 12.8 12.2 68 74 63 Queens Borough ...... 516,757 93 9.4 10.3 6 5 3 Richmond Borough ...... 124,401 32 13.4 15.1 2 4 37 Newark, N. J ...... 431,792 112 13.5 10.2 15 11 67 Norfolk, Va...... 124,915 28 11.7 9.0 2 4 37 Oakland Calif 233, 279 52 11.6 14.3 4 3 50 Omaha, 7...... 47 12.2 13.0 6 10 65 Paterson, N..J ...... 138,521 32 12.0 12.9 7 10 109 Philadelphia, Pa . . 1, S94,50 518 14.3 12.5 70 61 84 Pittsburgh, Pa...... 607,902 156 1:3.4 13.8 23 26 76 Portland, Oreg ...... 269,240 55 10.7 12.8 6 6 50 Providence, R. .I ...... 241,011 59 12.8 13.7 3 9 24 Richmond, Va...... 178,365 49 14.3 9.5 4 4 48 Rochester, N. Y ...... 311,548 69 11.5 12.5 14 12 107 St. Louis, Mo ...... 795,038 190 12.5 12.0 7 18 ...... St. Paul, Minn ...... 239,836 59 12.8 13.2 8 9 74 Salt Lake Utah 12,918 9.0 10 4 153 City ...... 48 20.2 San Antonio, :kex . 178,056 44 12.9 8 ...... San FranciWo, Calif ...... 529,792 133 13.1 11.8 8 4 45 Seattle, Wash ...... 8315,312 52 5.6 10.6 1 7 9 Spokane.Wash...... 104,445 33 16.5 13.0 3 4 60 Springfie-ld Mass ...... 140,052 27 10.1 9.6 4 7 61 S 44 12.7 10.6 7 3 84 lSole'do, 6hiou*.Y...... 26;0,717181,012 71 14.2 12.5 11 sl 1 Trenton, N. J ...... 125,075 27 11.3 13.6 7 3 109 Washington, D. C ...... 2437,571 126 13.0 14.9 18 13 10l Worcester Mass .188,449 49 13.6 14.7 8 8 86 Yonkers, N. Y.... 10,422 20 9.9 8.6 6 2 124 Youngstown, Ohio ...... 144,970 28 10.1 14.2 3 10 39 I Annual rate per 1,400 poptulation. S Deaths under 1 year per 1,000 births-an annual rate based on deaths under 1 year for the week and estimated births for 1921. Cities left blank are not in the registration area for births. EnumeratedE popuilation Jan. 1, 1920. PREVALENCE OF DISEASE.

No health department, State or local, can effectively prmett or control disaswitkoug knowledge of when, where, and under what conditions cases are occurring.


CURRENT STATE SUMMARIES. Reports for Week Ended November 25, 1922. Thes rePorts are preliminary, and the figures are subject to change when later returns are received by. the Stat heabth offcers.. ARKANSAS. DELAWARE. Cases. Cases. 20 Chicken pox ...... 15 Chicken pox.------7 Dengue.------5 Diphtheria ...... Diphtheria .------18 Measles: Wilngton...... 9 Influen ...... 12 Scattering. 2 Maia .. 71 ...... 1 Meas--s-.....------1 Pneumonia ...... Mumps..------4 Scarlet lever: Wilmington...... 15 Ophthalmla nconatorum...... 1 3 Scattering...... 4 Pellagra.------. 3 Scarlet fever ...... 12 Tuberculois ...... Typhoid ...... 2 ------2 lever Smalp m ------Trachoma.--- 3 Tubereulosi-- I¶.OlUDA. fever ...... 11 Typhoid Dengue ...... :. 34 COLOADO. Diphthei ...... 1? (Exclusive of Denver.) 6 Influenza.------IEfluesa ...... - Cerebtospiol meningitis .. I malaria ...... 9 cakie pox .. 28 Pneumonia ...... 1 1 Diphtheria ...... 23 Scarlet fever...... hum. .. ._.------.... I Typhoid fever...... 4 es -----..._ 2 Paratyphoid fever ...... I Pneu .ia ...... 8 Scarlet lever. 37 Cerebrospinal meningitis ...... 2 Sallx... 6 Chicl)en pox..2------...... -- Tuberculosis ------..------54 Dengue..:-73 typhoid ever ...... 8 Diphtheria..------5------as ONRECTICUT. Dysentery (amebic) ...... 12 ...... 3 Hookworm disease ..------14 Cerebrospinal meningitis 7a Chicken pox ...... t InflLenza ...... Malaria ...... Diphtheria ...... ,.... , ...... 100 ens ...... S Measles ...... Mess..14 MUMSps 4 Kumps.------,I Pedllara ...... 25 Pneumonia ...... 15 Pnemonia (lobar)...... 28 Scarlet fever ...... -.,,,. 123 Scarlet fever..------. a Tuberuless (all forms) ...... St Septic sore throat ...... I Smallpoxx...... Typhoid lover ...... U Whooping cough ...... 67 Tluberculosis (all forms) ...... (2949) December 1, 1922. 2950

ILLNOIS. LOUIsIANA-continued. Cases. Cai Cerebrospinal meningitis: Poliomyelitis...... Chicago...... Searlet fever...... 1) Sangamon County ...... 1 Smallpox ...... Diphtheria: Typhoid fever...... 3 Coles County ...... 9 MINE. Cook County (including Chicago) ...... 277 Chicken pox...... 4 Chicago ...... ---;.254 Diphtheria ...... Du Page County ...... 8 2 Measles ...... 6 Kane County ...... 20 Pneumonia...... 2 Madison County ...... 10 Poiomyeltis...... St. Clair County ...... 12 Scarletiever...... 18 Sangamon County.; ...... 9 Smallpox...... Stephenson County ...... 10 Tuberculosis...... 11 Winnebago County...... 8 Typhoid fever...... 1 Scattering ...... 163 Whooping cough...... 4 Influenza ...... 20

Pneumonia ...... 235 MARYLAND.1 Poliomyelitis: Cerebrospinal meningitis ...... 5 Chicago ...... 1 Chicken pox ...... 65 McLean County ...... Diphtheria ...... 114 Wabash County ...... 1 Scarlet fever: Dysentery ...... 1 German measles ...... Bureau County ...... 10 Influenza ...... 52 Champaign County ...... 11 Measles .... 112 Cook County (including Chicago) ...... 117 Mumps.... 31 Chicago.------97 Ophthalmia neonatornm .... 2 Iroquois County ...... 10 fever Paratyphoid ... ' 1 La Salle County ...... 12 Pneumonia (all forms) 0 McLean County ...... 8 Poliomyelitis .... 4 Peoria County ...... 15 Scarlet fever ....- Whiteside County ...... 8 Septic sore throat .... 3 Winnebago County ...... 8 Trachoma .....1 Scattering ...... 145 Tuberculosis Smallpox: .... 53 fever Typhoid ..... 19 Whiteside County ...... 27 Whooping cough .... So Scattering ...... 20

Typhoid fever ...... ; .... 26 MASSACEHUESTr.

Whooping cough ...... 135 Cerebrospinal meningitis ...... 4

IOWA. Chicken pox ...... 247 132 Diphtheria.....t ...... Conjunctivitis (suppurative) ...... 2

Scarjet fever ...... 78 Diphtheria ...... 305

apox ...... 1 German measles ...... 8 fever 2 Typhoid ...... Influenza ...... Lethargic encephalitis ...... KANA. Measles ...... Chicken pox ...... 77 Mumps ...... s in Diphtheria ...... 188 Ophthalmia neonatorum ...... 17 Inluenza...... 2 Pneumonia (lobar) ...... -.-.--.J 12 malaria.1 Poliomyelitis ...... 2 Measles ...... 17 Scarlet fever ...... 2) Mumps ...... 9 Septic sore throat ...... 2

Trachoma ...... 2 Pneumonia ...... 21 Tuberculosis (all forms) ...... 151 Polomyelitis ...... 1 Typhoid fever ...... 18 Sarlet fever ...... 155 Whooping cough ...... 13 Smallpox ...... 8

Tetanus ...... 2 MICHIGAN.

Tuberculosis ...... 56 Diphtheria ...... 281

Typhoid fever ...... 21 Measles ...... 37

Whooping cough ...... 24 Pneumonia ...... 5

Scarlet fever ...... 281 LOUISIANA. Smallpox ......

Cerebrospinal meningitis ...... 1 Tuberculosis ...... 2.. . 12 Dengue...... 188 Typhoid fever ......

Diphtheria ...... 45 Whooping cough ...... 9 Week ended Friday. 2951 Deeember 1, 1922.

mONTA. Cases. OREGON. Cases. Chicken pox ...... 38 CerebrO3pinal melnillgitis ------..- 2 Diphtheria: Diphtheria ...8------8 28 Portland ...... 8 sarlet fever ...... Sattering ...... 2 smaUpo ...... -...... Influenza ...... 4 Typhoid fever ...... Measles ...... 3 NEBRASKA. Pneumonia ...... 1 2 Chicken pox ...... 47 Scarlet fever: Diphtheria: Bend ...... a 8 Lincoln. Scattering ...... 11 Septic sore throat ...... ,,,11 Omahena------.-...... 17 Smallpox: 161 Influenza..sceattering------...... Clatsop County ...... 8

------Scattering ...... 11 Measles.-- Tubercosis 2 ...... 7 mms...... fever 2 Pneumonia3------Typhoid ...... : Poliomyelitis-Hamilton County ...... Whooping cugh.------,,,,,-,,,,, 1'2 Sarlet fever: TEXAS. Dengue ...... 424 Cozad ...... 12 Diphtherin ...... 35 Lancaster County..------, 12 Influenza ...... 10 Omaha..------8 Smallpox ...... 2 scattering ...... 58 Typhoid fever ...... 4 ------smallpox.-- -- .--- 2 VE1RMONT. Tuberculosis ...... I1 Chicken pox ...... 4 Typhoid fever Diphtheria ...... NEW IEHSEY. Meass ...... 7

Scarlet fever 3 cerebrospinal meningitis ... 2 ...... Typhoid fever ...... 1 Chicken pox .------.A cough ...... 62 ...... 301 Whooping Diphtheria WASHNGTON. nfuenza ...... 26 Chicken pox ...... 8. Malaria ...... 3 Diphtheria: Measles ...... 312 Spokane 10 Pneumonia ..------134 Scattering.1 Scarlet fever...... 174 2 36 Messles ...... Typhoid fever ...... Mumps.15 ...... 158 Whooping cough Scarlet fever 29 NEW 3MEXCO. Smalpox ..9 Chicken pox.------43 TUbeculosis.. 8 Dmague..:...... I Typhoid fever .12 Diphtheria ...... 19 Whooping cough .17 WEST VIMGiA. 1 German measles...... Diphtheria ...... ,.,.,.,,,,.55 influenza ...... 9 Scarlet fever: Measles...... 1...... Wheeling I MumCps...... Sattering .22 Pnnma ...... Typhoid fever. 9 Scart fever ...... 12 WISCONSI. TubercosisMeasles.16...... MSilwaukee: TyphoidM;wDes ...... fever ...... 162 Chicken pox .. 27 NEW YORK. Diphtheria .27 Diphtheria .288...... German measles. 4 Ifluenza .14 Measles 6

Pneumonia . Pneumoia ...... 182 Scarlet fever .41 Poliomyclitis ...... 6 Tuberculosis.. 13 rlet fever ...... 331 Whooping eough. 1 Typhoid fever ...... 25 Scatterli'g. Whooping cough ...... 22 Chicken pox .14 NORLTH CARLOLINA. Diphtheria.0 l German measls. .1 Cerebrospinal meningitis ...... Influenza. 6 Chieken pox...... 7...... 1 Measles. Diphtheria ...... 244 ..185 Pneumnonia.s. German measles ...... Scarlet fever 9

carlet fever ...... 122 Smallp.... 66 Septic see threat...... 6 Tmwhoma .:1 Smallpox...... 47 Tuberlosis... 76 Typhoid fever .5 Typhoid fever ...... 11 Whooping cough ...... 141 Whooping cough. 115 Deaths. December 1, 1922. 2952 Reports for Week Ended November 18, 1922.

DIS,TRICT (N COLUMBIA. MAINE-continued. Cases.

Chicken pox ...... In fluenza13 ......

Diphtheria ...... 27 Lethargic encephalitis ...... I1

Scarlet fever ...... 15 Measles ...... -.-.-.-.----.- .- 16

Tuberculosis ...... 25 Pneumonia ...... -.-.--.----.------.14 Typhoid fever ...... 5 Scarlet fever ...... Whooping cough ...... 18 Tetanus ...... 1 Tuberculosis KENTUCKY...... 12 Typhoid fever.------6 Chicken pox ...... 14 Diphtheria: Whooping cough ...... ,,,.33 11 Boyd County ...... NORTH DAKOTA. Jefferson County ...... 19 Chicken pox ...... Scattering ...... 55 13 Diphtheria.ii Influenza ...... 8 ------n Measles: Impetigo ...... -.------u

Measles ...... 13 Henderson County ...... 4.5 Pneumonia .4----- Logan County ...... 2 4

Scarlet fever ...... - McCracken County ...... 15 29 Smallpox 8 Nelson County ...... 13 ...... ---......

Tuberculosis ...... Paratyphoid fever ...... 1 3( Typhoid fever ...... 6.. Pneumonia ...... 30 ...

Scarlet fever ...... 27

Septic sore throat ...... 5 SOUTH DAKOTA. Tuberculosis: Chicken pox ...... -.- ..-.-.... 6 Fulton County ...... 1 Diphtheria ...... - 10 Jefferson Cotmty ...... - 13 Pneumonia ...... fever ...... 7...... , 7 Typhoid Scarlet fever. 15 Whooping cough ...... 2 Sallpox. 6 MAINE. Tuberculosis .1

Chicken pox ...... 26 Typhoid fever .7

Diphtheria ...... 28 Whooping cough...... SUMMARY OF CASES REPORTED MONTHLY BY STATES. The following summary of monthly State reports is published weekly and covers only those Statesfrt which reports are received during the current week. state. 104 .~ 0-| I XI0_ W Ocober, 19X2.

Alabama...... 174 180 192 5 10 1 71 ...... 0

Arkansas ...... 126 35 371 1 25 1 31 ...... so Calfornia ..... 7 785 85 30 64 ...... 5 477 23 MI Idaho ...... 31 ...... 4 2 12 6 2S Illinois ... 6 1,844 53 11 205 ...... 20 1,143 75 m Indiana ... 4 776 7 55...... 2 429 38 100 Iowa ...... 484 . . . 3 ...... 2 5 2

Kansas ..2 .... 683 8 1 52 ...... 1 587 12 74

Maryland ..1 .... 388 73 63 83 ...... 5 205 2 217

Minnesota ...... 633 7 ...... 17 ...... 6 843 90 0

Mississippi ...... 511 649 10,001 163 328 ...... 88 41 16i NewJersey .6 m89 59 2 400 ...... 14 337 1 1O0

NorthCarolina 5 1,988 ...... 214 ...... 3 645 30 131

Oklahoma ...... 67 4 ...... 6 1 32 3 25

Rhode sland ...... 1 89 8 ...... 231 ...... 1 23 ...... 6 SouthCarolina... 6 49 17 16 6 2 47 2 2

South Dakota...... 1... 116 . . . 8 ...... 4 207 28 3

Vermonit ...... 62 . . . 5 ...... 11 74 ...... Virginia .... 5 1,448 682 405 92 6 5 559 3 1 Washington...... 1 112 ...... i8 ...... 2 120 18 15 Miscondrsn ...... 15 401 51 ..... 1,194t ...... 22 712 1_0 6 295W Dwecebec *, 192. RECIPOAL NYTMFCATION. Connecticut and Minnesota-October, 1922. of communicable diseases referred duribng October, 1922, to other State health depart- Cae snest by departments of health of the States of Conuctict and MinnesWa.

Leprosy. | Scarlet fever. Tuberculosis.! Typhoid fever.


CEREBROSIiNAL MENNGITIS. The cdlmunn headed "Median for previous years" gives the median number of cas repormted during the corresponiding woeks of the years 1915 t 921, inclusive. In instances in which data for tbs (uiu.svon years are incomplete, ilae medin is that for the number of years for which information is availAe. i I W1.-Menaea--A Median Nov. 11, 1922. Median Noi.11i.riii for pre- for pre City. vious City. viols years. Cases. Deaths. years. Case. jDattis.

Arkansas: Montana: LittleRock ...... CalMrnia: New Jerey: -. Los Angeles . 1 Monthir .0 1 I...... N W rk.------Oak l ..d...... 0 Orange . 1...0 Ctonnticut: New York: New Haven-- 1...... Maims: New York-.3 2 X .Bangor.0...... O 1 1 Pennsylvanaia a Plhiladelphia ...... 1... 1 .. ~0 3 1 Rhode Island:- Bekiasoes. Pawtticket ...... 0..... 1 1 Massachusetts; Texas: Boston ...... 1.. 3 Melrose...... 0 1 1 Houston.------...... New Bedford ...... 0 1 . Springfield ...... 1 0 DENGUBL

DIPHTHERIA. See p. 2959; also Current State suimmaries, p. 2949, and Monthly surnaries bty States, p. 2952. December 1, 1922. 2954 CITY REPORTS FOR WEEK ENDED NOVEMBER 11, 1922-Continued. INFLUENZA.

Cases. Ci sses. Deaths, Deaft Week Week week Week Week week City. ended City. ende ended ended Nov. ended ended Nov. 12, Nov. 11 11, Nov. 12 Nov.11, Nov. 1 1921. 1922. 1922' 1921. 1922. I 1 I.Z Alabama: Massachusetts-Contd.. . - 1- Birmingham ...... 1 Chelsea...... California: Haverhill ...... LoS Angeles...... 4 13 2 quicy......

Oakland...... 1 ...... Michigan:

San ...... 1 ...... Detroit...... 1 Bernardino..... i San Francisco...... 4 Montania: 10 Connecticut: Billings...... 3 1 Bridgeport...... 1 1 New Jersey: ..... Fairfield...... 1 ...... Clifton ...... -1 1 Hartford...... Montclair...... New Britain...... 1 ...... Newark...... 2 .... 2. Norwich...... 1 ...... Paterson.------..... 1 District of Columbia: Trentoni...... Washington...... New York: Georgia: Mount Vernon...... 1... Atlanta...... 2 ...... New York...... '18 677 Rome...... 14 ...... Olean...... 1.... Illinois: Peekskill ...... 1 Chicago...... 1 14 2 Schenectady ...... East St. Louis...... 14 ...... Yonkers...... Freeport...... Ohio: Pekm Cincinnati...... 4 Peoria...... Cleveland ...... ''' Kansas: 1 Kenmore...... Kansas City. 14 2 Pennsylvania: Kenitucky: Philadelphia...... l...... Louisville...... 2 1 Utah: Louisiana: Salt Lake City...... l...... New Orleans...... 5 1 1 Virginia: Maryland: Lynchburg...... ,...... 14 Baltimore...... 6 10 ...... WisconCsin: Massachusetts: La Crosse...... ,...... Boston...... 1 4 ......


City. Cases. Deaths. City. Cases. Deaths.

Massachusetts: Nebraska: Everett ...... 1 Omha ......


Alabama: North Carolina:

Birmingham ...... 9 ...... Charlotte ...... 1...... 1 Califonia: South Carolina: Los Angeles ...... I ...1...... Charleston...... 1 Florida: Tennessee: Tampa ...... 3 ...... Memphis ...... 2 1 Georgia: Virginia: Savannah ...... _. .. 2 ...... Richmond...... 1......

MEASLES. See p. 2959; also Current State summaries, p. 2949, and Monthly summaries by States, p. 2952. PELLAGRA. City. Cases. Deaths. City. Cases. Deathb

Alabama: South Carolina: Birmingham ...... 1 Charleston ...... Georgia: Tennessee:

Atlanta ...... Nashville .1.

Savannah ...... Texas:

Louisiana: El Paso ......

New Orleans ...... Fort Worth ...... North Carolina:

Charlotte ...... 2

Greenisboro ...... 1...... I 2955 December 1, 1922.


City. Cases. D eaths. city. Cases. Deaths. _ [nine-Continued. Alabama: ...... 2 ... 8 Lewiston ...... Birmingham ...... , Portland 5 Arkansas: ...... Little Rock..7------7 [arrland: North Little Rock ------1 [assachusetts.L3ltimoe...... 33 1 Califomia- 30 14 Attleboro...... 1 Los Angeles.------5 . 1 Oakla ------6 Beverly------.... nd . 4 Boston ...... 2...... 28 Sacrminto , 1 3 San Bernardino ...... :- Cambridge ...... 3 . San ...... Chelsea ..... 4 I Diego 6 Chice . . 2 San FraIcisCO.------...... 1 Easthampton ...... Santa Ana ...... 4...... ------1 Everett ...... 1 Santa Cruz .----- ...... : 2 ...... 3 Stockton ...... Fall Biver ...... 5 ...... 1 Fitebarg ...... 2. Vaelejo .... Franiugham ..------. Colorado: 10 1 Denver ...... GardnerFGhadnm ...... ------5 Pueblo.------...... HreerlldHavorhill ...... 1...... 4..4 1 Connecticut: 7 1 Lowall ...... Brideport...... 1 Lynn...... 1I Bristol ...2 1 Malden.....1 Derby. -.------1 Medford ...... Milford.------5 New Haven .------Melrose ...... 2i...... 1 New Bedford ...... New London .------...... 1.I North Adams...1 Norwich ...... 5 Delawara Pittsleld . . 1 ...... 2 Plymouth...... DistrictWibuitonof Quiney1 ... cNolumbia: 12 Saug ...... Ij Washington ...... Georgia: S;omerville.3 ...... 11 ...... Atlanta ...... Springield 2 Taunton.------1 Savannah ...... Wobmrn.------.....- 1 Illinois: 1 Worcester ...... 10 5 Aurora ------...... 1 ------Michigan: Bloomington .------1 Creek ...... 3. Blue Island ...... ,.. .. Battle .179l 54 Detroit:.------512 Chicago 2 Flint ------...--1 Cicro...... 3 .'''''''i Grand Rapids ...... 2. Decatur ...... 3 East St. Lous...... Eamtramk Park ...... 2. Elgin ...... 1 Highland Jackson.3 ...... Evanst . .. 3 ,*...... Kalae --_------..... 1 Foret Park ....1 ,...... - - ...... Marcuette ...... 2....2 Freeport ....1 j 2 - 2 ponte-...... Galesburg .- ,...... i ...... ------Port Huron Kewanee .- - 1 0Oa Park.------Minnesota: Peoria.------I Duluh.------4 2 1 nnz& ...... 2 - DM Quincy.------3...... 1 St. Paul ------Rockrord ...... 2 Springfield ...... 2 hxepadne ...... ,...... Ander-on...... 1 le sa city ------2...... 1 Crawfordsville .------St. Joseph ...... 2 ...... 1 Eat Chicago ...... Sptgf0d t ...... 1 Nebska: Wayne 2 Omaha ...... 2 ....------...... 1e Nevada:Rello ...... 1 Reno ...... 1...... La Fayette...... New ...... Hampshire: Aishwaka ...... Berlin ...... Muncie ...... 3 ...... 3 Keene ...... Soth Bend...... Nasha ...... Iowa: 1 New Jrsey: Concil Bluffs ...... 1 I Bayonne ...... Miuatine ...... 2...... CU ltoO Kansar. East n--e------2...... Kansas City ...... 4 Englewood ...... 2 ...... i Gaied .2... 2 ...... Topeka ...... Hoboken Wichita ...... 2 .----- ...... Jerse City Kentuecky: Montclair ...... 5.'.''''2 ...... Covington ...... , ...... Louisville 15 12 Meroistown.2...... 2...... Newark .40 2 Baton Route ...... 2 New Orleanis ..13 9 ...... Maine: Plainfield . - Bangort. 5 summit ----- 8 Trenton ...... Bath .2 ...... West New York ...... Biddeford ...... 1...... December 1, 1922. 2956 CITY REPORTS FOR WEEK ENDED NOVEMBER 11, 1922-Continued. PNEUMONIA (ALL FORMS)-Continued. City. Cases. ! eaths. City. ca.s. Deaths

New York: Ohio-Continued. Albany...... 6 Toledo.. :...... 2 Auburn...... ii. '''''''''i Youngstown...... 4 Buffalo ...... 9 Oklahoma: Geneva...... Oklahoma...... 14.. 1 Hudson...... 1 Oregon: Middletown...... Portland...... Mount Vernon...... 7 Pennsylvania: 6 New York...... 272 172 P dAbelphia...... 61 Newburgh...... 4 1 Rhode lslant: Niagara Falls ...... 5 2 Cumberland...... 11 North Tonawanda...... 2 Pawtucket ...... 2 Ogdensburg ...... 1 Providence...... 3 Olean...... Y South Carolina: Port Chester...... 2 Charleston...... Poughkeepsie...... South Dakota: Rochester ...... 7 Sioux Falls...... 1 Rome...... 1 'Tnn ,ssee: Saratoga Springs..... 1 Memphis...... 7 Scheneetady...... 5 Nashville...... 10 Texas: 6 7 3 Dallas...... 3 1 El Paso...... 4 Whertowlan ...... 2 Galveston...... 1 Yonkers...... 8 ...... Houston...... 1 North Carolina: Utah: 2 Charlotte...... Salt lake City...... Rocky Mount...... 1 Vermont: 3 Wilmington ...... 2 Burlington...... 2 Winston-Salem...... 4 Virginia: Ohio: ...... Ale dria...... 4 Akron...... Norfolk...... 2 Barberton...... Portsmouth ...... Cambridge...... 1 Richmond...... 2 Canton...... 2 West ...... 1 Virginia: Cincinnati...... Wheekimg...... 2 Cleveland...... 24~ 9 Wisconsin: Columbus...... 2 Fond du Lac...... East 2 1 Cleveland...... 1. 9 Janesville...... 2 Hamilton...... 2 Milwaukee...... Mansfield...... 2 Racine...... i Newark...... Superior...... Piqua...... Wyoming: Springfield...... Cheyenne......

POIJOMYELITIS (INFANTILE PARALYSIS). The column headed "Median for previous years" gives the median number of cases reported during the corresponding weeks of the years 1915 to 1921, inclusive. In instances in which data for the ful seven years are incomplete, the median is that for the number of years for which information is available.

Week ended Week ended Median Nov. 11, 1922. Median Nov. 11,.1922 City. for.pre_ City. for pre- years. Cases. Deaths. years. Cases. Deaths.

California: Missouri: SantaBarbara ...... 1 St. Louis...... 0 .1 Connecticut: New Jersey: New Haven ...... 0 1 ...... Clifton .0 1 1 Illinois: New York: Springfield ...... 1 ...... Auburn .0 1 Indiana: New York .2 13 3 Kety 1 North CaroUna: Kentuct: Raleigh.0 2 Louisvilles...... 1 Ohio: Maine: Cleveland ...... 0 1 . Bang.gor 0 1 .. Pennsylvania: Maland: Bradford ...... 0 1. Blaltimoreore...... 1 1 .. Wiseonsin: Massachusetts: Milwaukee.0.1..ilw..c Boston ...... 2 . 3 Cambridge ...... 0 2 . Lynn ...... 0 1 1 Northampton ...... 0 1 ...... 2957 December 1, 1922. CITY REPORTS FOR WEEK ENDED NOVEMBER 11, 1922-Continled. RABII IN ANIMAL

If City. Cases. City. Cas. Massachusetts: California: 7 Chelsea Los Angeles...... Medfrd...... 1 vanah...... 1 Missouri:.1 ...... I Kansas City...... 2

SCARLET FEVEIL See p. 2959; also Current State summries, p. 2949, and Monthly summaies by States, p. 2952. SMALLPOX. The column headed "Median for previous years" gives the median number of cases reported during the corresponding weeks of the years 1915 to 1921, inclusive. In instanees in which data for the full seven years are incomplete, the median is that for the number of years for which information is availale.

Mein Week ended Week ended forpren Nov. 11, 1922. Median Nov. 11, 1922 City. vious City. forupre years. Cases. Deaths. years. Cases. Deaths.

California: Montana: LosAngeles ...... 0 4 ...... Great Falls...... 2 . 2 Colorado: Missoula.....0. 1 . Denver ...... 9 72 21 Oregon: Indiana: Portland...... 1 2 . Indianapolis .0O 1 ... Texas: Iowa: Dalas ...... o 1 ...... Des Moines .1----- 1...... Utah: Muscatine ...... 0... O 1 .... Salt LakeCity ...... 3 1 . Siouix City.0 1..... Washington: Kansas: Seattle .2 1.....1 Topeka ...... 0 1 ...... Spokane..... 15 2... Minnesota: Wisconsin: Dultbth------0----- O3 ..... Racine...... 0 1 ...... Minneapolis 7 1 .... Superior ...... 0 10


City. Cases. Deaths. City. Cases. Deaths.

Alabama: Pennsylvania: .1 Mobile.Padelphia...... Masahusetts: Texas: Lynn...... 2 New York....--.--..- 1 1 Dallas NewY orkk......

TUBERCULOSIS See p. 2959; also Current State summaries. p. 2949. 199330 22 2 *ecenber 1, 1922. 2958 cTIAY REPORTS FOR WEEK ENDED NOVEMBER 11, 1922-Continued. TYPHOID FEVER. The column headed "3Median for previous years" gives the median number of cases reported du* the corresponding weeks of the years 1915 to 1921, inclusive. In instances in which data for the full seven years are incomplete, the median is that for the number of years for which information is available.

- Week ended Wee ended Medtan Nov. 11, 1922. Median Nov. 11, for pre- for pre- Jim City. vious City. vious years. Cases. Deaths. years. Cases. Det. - ~ -I I - - 4-New York: Alabama: ...... 3 Florence...... I Buffalo...... 3 Mob~ile.------I ...... Ithacs ...... 1 ...... Arkansas: Jamestown...... 0 3 ...... Littlc Rock...... 1 2 Lockport...... 0 1 .- Calfornia: Mount Vermon...... 0 1 ...... 3 2 New York...... 25 28 3 1 1 Newburgh...... 0 1 ...... L antaCus...... Niagara 7Falls...:::.:: 0 .-- -- 0 1 ...... Satn F randseo 5 ...... &maa ------.. 0 1 Pou eepsle...... 0 1 ...... Colorado: Rochester ..... 0 1 ...... 0 3 Troy...... 0 2 ...... Denve...... Ohio: Coaneeut: 1 Brideort...... 0 1 Akron...... 0 1 ...... 0 Cleveland ...... 5 3 Greenwch.------1 0 Hrt...... 1 Dayton. District of Columbia: ailton...... 0 ...... 4 1 Lorain ...... 0 i2 ...... GeorA^0 Oklahoma: Wahigton...... 0 Oklahoma...... 0 ...... Rome...... 0 ...... 1 Oregon: e8anah...... 1 Savannah.------0 2 Portland...... 3 ...... Ulinoin: Pennsylvania: 11 5 Allentown ...... 0 1 Galesburg...... 0 1 Ambridge...... 0 1 ...... 0 Chester...... 0 1 ...... - Qlincy...... 1 Indiana: Columbia ...... Fort Wayne...... 1 Connellsville...... 0 1 ...... 0 Kansas Easton...... 1 ...... Topekca...... 0 Erie_...... 0 ...... Kenucy: Harrisburg...... 0 ...... 11 0 Loville...... 1 Lancaster...... 1 ...... 0 1 Lebanon ...... 0 Paducah...... 1 10 ...... Norristown...... 0 ...... Lousaa: 7 New 0rleants...... 3 1 Philadelphia...... 1 ...... Maine: Pittsburgh...... 0 ...... 0 3 Lewiston ...... ' 0 Sumbury ...... Maryland: 2.... Washington...... 0 1 ...... Baltimore...... 9 7 2.... Wilk-es-Barre...... MafiachureUs: Rhode Island: Boston...... 4 2 Pawtuck'et...... 0 1 ...... Cnton...... 0 Providence...... 1 ...... Fall River...... 2 South Carolina: ..... 3 1 Lvnn ...... 0 1 Columbia ...... Maiden...... 0 2 Tennessee: 0 1 Knoxville...... 0 §priva0eld...... Tratinton ...... 0 Memphis...... 1 3 Worcestr...... 2 1 Nashville...... ''''' i Michigan: 1 Texas: 4 20 Detroit ...... El Paso...... Flint...... 2 1 Utah: Kalamazoo...... 1 Salt Lake City...... Minnesota: Virginia: St. Paild...... 0 Alexandria...... 2 Missouri: 1 Washington: 5 2 2 St. Louis.... 1 eattle...... Springfield ...... 0 Spokane...... 0 3 Montana: 1 West Virgmina: Bilings...... 0 Bluefield...... 0 32 New Hamsire: 2 Fairmnont ...... Concord...... 0 Huntington...... 1 New Jersey: 1 Parkersburg...... 1 Atlantic City...... 0 Wisconsin: 1 Newark...... 1 La Crosse...... 1 Trenton...... 2 Racine...... New Mexico: Albuquerque...... 2 I § w - 2959 December 1, 1922.


Tota Diphtheria. Mealne. Scart Tuber- Popula- deaths I City. tion, Jan. from F 1,1920. all . causes 0as Ii I i . A u 9

AJbama: I1 --- Anniston.------17,734 ...... 4 . I..... Birmingham ...... 178,806 9 Florence 10,529 . 1 ...... 3

Mobile .. 60,777 3 .. 2 ...... Tuscaoosa...... 11,996 . 3 ...... I..... Arkansas: Hot Sipnngs ...... 11,695 ...... Little Rock...... 65,142 ...... North LAttle Rock...... 14,048 . 3 ...... 1 Califoria: I 806 Alameda...... 28, 5 2 2 ...... 1923 6 2., Eureka...... : 5 ..... a...... i Los Angeles...... 576,673 167 74 .....i. 30 2 Oakland ...... 216,261 15 3 ...... 5 4 Pasadena...... 45,354 16 ...... I ...... 3. 19 Richmond .------. 16,813 ...... I .''i Riverside...... 19,341 8 2...... ''''i- 8acramento ...... 65 908 22 7 ...... I.. 10 2 1 San Bernardino...... 18,721 14 6 ...... 12. 1 1 San Diego...... 74 683 23 14 ...... 4 4 San Francisco...... 506,676 127 23 ...... 1212 18 4 Santa Ana ...... 15,485 4 3 ...... 2...... Santa Barbara ...... 19,441 ...... i Santa Cruz.... 10,917 10 ...... Stockton ...... 40,29 10 ...... 1 ...... Vallejo...... 21,107 1 ...... Colorado: .....i Denver...... 256,491 104 50 5 20 2 ...... 15 Pueblo...... 43,050 14 6 1 ...... 1 Trinidad...... 10,906 3 ...... Connecticut: .I ...... 1 Bridgeport ...... 14.3,555 20 13 ...... 8 8 3 Bristol...... 20 620 9 3 ...... 7 3 2 ...... Derby...... 11,'238 2 ...... t ...... Fairfield (town)...... 11,475 1 ...... a ...... Greenwich ,...... (town) ...... 22,123 ...i...... Hartford...... 138 036 ,8 ..... 1 ...... Manchester (town)...... 18,370 0 ...... 1 Milford (town) ...... 10,193 3 ...... i New Haven...... 162,537 40 3i 1c New London...... 25,688 7 ....1...... Norwich (city) ...... 22,301 6 1 F Stonington (town)...... 10,236 1 ...... 2 1 Willimantic (city)...... 12,330 . . Delaware: I...... 4 1 ...... Wilmington ...... 110,168 22 10 District of Columbia: 1 I. 26 Washington...... 437,571 119 25 15 1. 9 Florida: Tampa...... 51,608 15 4 .1...... 2 2 Georgia: Athens...... 16,748 3 2 ...... Atlanta ...... 200,616 21 1 ...... 9 ...... Brunswick...... : ...... 14,413 5 ...... Macon..... 52,995 ...... 8 ...... 1...... Rome ...... 13,252 Savannah 8 ...... 83,252 ...... Valdosta 8 1 ...... 10,783 Idaho: Boise...... 21 393 5 ...... Pocateto 15,001 4 :: :: ...... Illinois: ...... 7 5 Alton ...... 24 682 ...... 2 .. Aurora ..-.-..... 36, 397 11 ...... --- Bloo ngton...... 28 725 9 ..... 5....1. i6 :..... 6 ....2...... Blue Island ...... 11,424 ...... Centraa...... 12,491 5 1 ...... Chicago ...... 2,701, 735 577 250 12 ...... Cicero ...... 44. 915 9 8 3 ...... Decatur ...... 43,818 4 ...... 7 East St. Louis...... 66, 7(7 19 3 5 ...... 7. Elgin ...... 27,454 6 .... Evanston...... 37,234 4 1 lemb Lr1,1922. 2960



Tuber- Totao Diphtheria. Measles. Scarlet Popula- deaths City. tion Jan. from 1,1928. anl A ~ ~ C) C

Illiois-Continued. I F port...... 19,689 6 6 1 ...... Gaburg...... 23,834 10 s Keweee .--- 16,026 9...... 1 ..... Mattoon...... 13,552 1 1 1 Oak Park...... 39,858 13 1 ...... Peki...... 12,086 2 Peoria .--.--.-.--- 76,121 6 '''''i Quincy------35,978 10 ...... Roc: Island...... 35,177 14 4 Springfield...... 59,183 15 21 3 Indiaha: '''''i Adersm...... 29,767 8 2 I..t ...1 4 ...... B...... 11,595 3 1 ...... 10,139 2 .... C a ...... 35,967 5 ...... East Chicago...... 2 Fort Wayne...... 86,549 19 6 1 ...... 1 Frankort...... 11,585 5 ...... 56 378 3 ...... 3 ...... Ea...... d...... 36 004 8 2 ...... 3 ...... a....d...... 148OEO 2 1 ...... 1 ...... Huntiaglon...... Ininpols--. 314,194 95 111 2..i 13. 3 Eolmmo...... 30,067 4 ...... *A Faet ...... 22,486 6 ...... 1 egansport...... 21,62 3 ...... I ...... hawa...... 15, m 3 ...... 5 l 2 ...... 1 Muncie ...... 36,52 12 9 ...... 1 South Bend...... 70,983 14 8 ...... 28 7 4 Terre Haute ...... 66,083 23 4 .... . 2 ...... loww. '''''i Bur...... 24,057 9 10 ''i' 2 ...... Ceder RPd ...... 45,566 ...... 79 ..... 36, 162 2 5 i ...... Pavenport .------A6,727 25 ...... l ...... De Moi...... 126,468 21 ...... *----- DzM...... b 39,141 ...... 2 ...... *---.. a...... 11,267 ...... ,*...-. IraXt...... 13 2 .... ; *----- Mumwati...... C4...... 16,068 4 2 ...... ,*-.... 21,085 6 2 ...... ,*.---- Ottumwa...... 71,227 8 ...... ,...--- Waterloo...... 36,23D 7 ...... ,*.....

Atchison...... 12,630 2 ...... Cteyvie...... 13,452 1 ...... S ...... FortPt.s it...... 10' a9 2 5 ,...... -..- ...... 23 298 2 .----- ...... Eans City...... 101,177 5 . .._.. Lawrence...... 12,456 ..... I1 ..... - Leavenworth...... 10,912 ,...... *- Parsons...... 16,028 2 ,...... som...... 1s,086 1 - Topek...... 50,022 318 26 5 ,...... 7,217 18 19 8 ,..... ''''i Ketucky: 24 9 Cviutn...... 57,121 .... 3 I...... 2 LA


3assachusetts: Adams (town) ...... 12,967 1 5 ...... Amesbury (town) ...... 10,036 6 1 11 ...... i...... 18,665 4 1 ...... i...... Arlington (town)...... - ----1- 31 19,731 5...... Attleboro .------.. - --- 1 1 ,.... Belmont (town)...... 10,749 2.. ----- 1 ...i...... Beverly...... 22' 561. 6 ..i.. .. .39. 221 1 5B .I,.. 748,060 ,.... Boston...... 10, 580 .... 1 41 1 2 Braintree (town)...... 11 9 --- - 1 ''i' 37,748 ...... ,.... Brookline...... - ---1- 4 Cambridge...... 109,694 26 12 --- - 1- .6 Chelse-...... 43,184 10 4 ------I ... .. 7 ..... Chicopee..------36,214 4 4 ------1- 2 ...... 1 1 ..... Clinton...... 12,979 2 - ----1 I...... 11,108 ...... Danvers..------1 I. .. I.. Dedham ...... 10,792 1...... --- -1-I..... Easthampton...... 11,261 ------1- 40,12D 8 ..i. I1. Everett...... 120,485 35 14 3 -6. 131 Fali River...... 1 Fitchburg...... 41 029 5 9 1 1 31. Framingham ...... 17'.033 4. . -- --1------1- Gardner...... 16,971 5 - - -1------1 Greenfeld.------15,462 5 1------1 .... 53,884 8 -- ---1-1 -----1 Haverhill...... 5 - ---1 21 Lawrence...... 94,270 24 --- -1I 11...... 19,744 4 ..... 1. 1... Leominster...... - - ' - -1 3 ...., 112,759 31 1 1 3 Lowell 9 ...... 1. 4 99,148 26 Lynn ,...... - - -1I 61 3 ...... f lden------49,103 19 2 39,038 8.. - --1 2 Mledf /1...... - -1 2 ,1 ...... lAelr 6e...... 18,204 4. - ---1 ...... Methuen...... - 15,189 1 1--t---1. -1 ...... - - ...... 1... Bedford...... - 121,217 24 9 1 New 15,618 2. -----1 2 ...... Nowburyport...... - .....- ---- 11----- ...... North Adams...... 22,282 6...... - - ---11----- ...... Northampton...... 21,951 2...... - ---11----- .1 ...... Pittsfield...... 41, 763 13. -----11------...... 13,045 5. ,....i ...... Plymouth...... 47,876 12 -----11------.2 ...... Quincy 10 10 1. I 42,529 1:1''''2' Salem...... ------''''''I'I 1 .1...... -. iaI ,...... Saugus...... 10,874 4. ------I .3 ...... Somen-lle...... 93,091 19 ---- -1*1 1 I 14,245 4. . - - - - -I.1...... Southbridge ...... 129,614 45 2 | 2 I.. i, Taunto...... §priu "el...... 37,137 10 3 ...... I. .1 ...... 13,025 2...... *1------Wakcefield ...... 1---- .3 ..... 30,915 8 3 ...... I. I.: ...... Waltham ..... 1-- -- Watertown...... 21,457 0 B .....-1 --- I Webster...... 13,258 0 -1---- ...... :..... 13,443 3 ..... ''''i' ...... West Springfield------1 . Westfield...... 18,604 4 3 1 ...... 15,455 0 ...... Winthrop...... 16,574 4 ...... 1 Wobern...... Wocster...... 179,754 44 23 23 10

10~~~~~~~1 ...... ''i Alw ...... 11 101 ...... 1...... I An ro...... 19,516 9 ...... Battle Creek...... 36,164 ...... 10 ...... 1 .1...... Benton Harbor...... 12, 233 I. 1 45 1 Detroit ...... 993,678 197 78 4 3 ...... 81 10 .... ---- 4 . 18 23 ... 2 10 ...... 91,599 1 - blint ... .. 12 2 11 . Grand --...... 137,634 32 ...... Rapids. 10 ...... Hamtramck ------48,615 ...... 2 ...... Park...... 46,499 7 2 ------Highland ...... ---- 2...... 12 183 ...... I ------Holland ...... 4 ...... 7 .... 3 Jackson...... 48,374 1 2 ...... 6 1 . ... Kalamazoo...... 48,487 16 Z7 1 ...... 12,718 2 Marquette 4 Pontiac ...... 34,273 25 5 . .. Port Huron ...... "944 ... . 4 9 6 6 ...... Saginaw ...... 61,9031 ...... 8ault Ste. Marie...... 12,096 3 ...... 6...... I December 1, 1922. 2962


Diphtheria. Scarlet Tuber. Total Measles. fever. culosis. Popula. deaths city. tion Jan. from 1, 1929. all causes. 40 0 I I czI Q I-I--I I-I- I Minnesota: D uluth ...... 98, 917 12 61 9 1 ill1 .... 11,089 16...... Pairbaurt...... Hbbingbb 15,0OR9 1 ...... Maato...... 12,469 ...... 3 ...... Minneapoes...... 38D, 58 83 68 1..i 11 ...... 1 R oeesters------. 13,722 I ...... St. C ld u...... 15,873 1 ...... St. Paul...... 234,698 '''52' 30 ...... 49 2 4 W ia...... 19,143 2 ...... 1 ..... MissourLi 6 Ind ep endence...... 11,686 8 ...... in ...... 29,902 . ...;.. i 6'''i' Ci...... 0 52 26 '''' 6 ant Jsepb.; ...... 77,939 16 .....i 1 3aint Louis...... 1772,897 187 44 ''-'i 34 6 Sprinfild...... 39,1 1B ..... I ...... Montana: Anaonds...... 11, I1 ...... Billings...... 15,100 I------F"'I ...... 3 reatFalls...... 24,121 7 ....i...... :.... 2 ...... Misua...... 12,68 1 ...... 2 ...... Nebrska: 54,048 ... 4 ...... 3 ..... 191,601 50 13 2 2 ... 10 Nevada: 2 I Ree...... 12,016 7 ...... 1------..... New Hampshire: Be ...... -2 Concord ...... 22,16 7 Dver ...... 13,029 4 Keene...... 11,210 I Nahua...... 28,37 8 New Jersey: Asburv Park...... 12,400 2 ...... 3...... Atla-seic City...... 50,707 S 1 Bay,ere...... 76,.754 ...... 9 3 3 Iofet...... 2B,470 3 10 ...... East O ...... _ 50,7M0 3 2 1 11,027 2 ..... O&d...... eood...... 19,381 4 1 Hknsak...._ 17,067 2 ...... Harrson...... 13,721 1 ...... 1 ......

Hoboken...... es,18 ...... 2 1 ...... , Jersey City...... 298,103 20 --''i 5 ...... Keamv ...... 2,724 1 ...... i.. Montair...... 28,87 8 Morristown ...... 12,548 8 - i2 4 1. Newairk...... 414.524 104 13 28 ...... ODTWDg------38,268 4 2 1 1 ..... P.sac...... 63,341 13 5 10 .....7 2 Perth Amboy...... 41,707 4 4 ...... 3 2 lbblHpsburg ...... 16,92 5 1 ...... 1 ...... Plartd...... 27,700 5 ...... Summit...... 10,174 3 ...... Trenton ...... 119.289 58 ...... West Hoboien...... 40,074 5 1 1 ...... West New York...... 29,926 4 ...... 2.ii . .i ..1 West Orange...... 15,573 1 ...... New M u . .... Albuquerque...... 15,157 11 4 2 New York: 1 ...... Albany...... 113,344 ...... 6 ...... I ...... 2 7 1 ...... Auburn...... 36,192 ...... Buffalo...... 5M,775 130 16_1 19 GnOeva...... 14,648 5 ...... Glens Falls...... 10,638 8 3 ...... HorneU...... 15,02.5 3 ..'4...... Hnd ...... 11,745 4 ...... Itha...... n7,004 6 ...... Jamestown...... 38,917 8 8 7 ...... 3 Lackawanna...... 17,918 3 ...... 2 ltttle Falls...... 13,029 4 ...... Lockport...... 21,308 8 ...... Mlddletown...... 18,420 ...... I...... 2963 December 1, 1922. CM REPORTS FOR WEEK ENDED NOVEMBER 11, 1922-Oontinted. DIPETHRMA, MESLES, SCARLET FEVER, AND TUBERCULO8I8-Cont0nue4. I Scarlet Diphtheria. a file Tuber- ITotal S. fever. culois. Popula- Ieaths on Jan. kom City. ti Di 1, 190. all 0 c I 'uses. I I S J i II a I

New York-Continued. 13 9 15 2 Mlount V e n. 42,726 ..i...... 160 15 I New York 5,620,018 1,326 64 102 192 30,366 6 1 .... 2 ..i...... 3 s ------50,760 20 ...... 6 Niags-a 1 North Tonawanda. 15,482 6 ...... 13 Ogdensbrg...... 14,609 la ...... 'i' I.... Olean------20,506 10 ...... peek ------.- 15,868 2 1 .... 5 ..... 2 ..... I.. Port Chester 16,573 3 Poughkeepsie .------... *35 0100 12 ..... 1 25,750 09 15 1 7 4 Rochester.------..i.. 5 .... Rome..------2,341 6 15 .....i Springs...... 13,181 1 2 Saratoga 10 12 Schenectady..------88,723 10 20 .....i1 Syrause...... 171,717 44 27 1 .... 7 4 Troy....------*----- 72,013 18 5 ..... 2 Watertown . 31,285 7 1 8 ..... White Plains- --...... 21,031 2 1 Yonkers...... 100,176 25 3 3 North Carolina: Charlotte...... 46,338 29 .. 2 ..... 1 I...I 10 Durham...... 21,719 2 ..... 1 1 Greensboro...... 15,861 S ...... Raleigh.----- 24,418 15 Rocky Mount...... 12,742 4 ..... Salisbury. .... 13,884 3I0 . Wilmington ...... 33,372 12I11 Winstoni-Salem...... 48,395 12 10 North Dakota: Fargo ...... 21,961 0 3...... Grand Forks...... 14,010 ...... 2...... Ohio: T ...... Akron..------208,435 38 18 ...... 17 Ashtabula...... 22,082 4 1 ...... 5 Barberton .------18, 811 ...... Bucyru s...... 10,425 ...... Cambridge...... 13,104 3...... 1- 1..i ...... i Canton...... 87,091 11 ...... 8 8. Chillicothe...... 15,831 2 1 ...... 2. 117 Cincinnati...... 401,247 33 ...... 3...... 156 71 93 ...... 26 ...... 12 Cleveland ...... 796,811 3 ...... 2...... Cleveland Heights 15,236 ...i...... 1...... 6 Columbus...... 237,031 ...... 7. 10,847 1 ...... 2...... Coshocton...... 28~ Dayton...... 152,559 18 ...... 18...... East Cleveland...... 27,292 2 1 ......

- .-- ...... Findlay ...... 17,021 3 ...... ,...... Fremont...... 8... 12,468 2...... 11 ...... Hamilton...... 39,675 ...... Kenmore...... 12'683 ...... 11...... 2...... :.I 2...... TM...... 41,326 ...... 2...... 4 2...... Lorain ...... 37,295 ...... Mansfield...... 27,824 3 ...... 1... Martins Ferry...... 11,634 1 ...... 2. 4 ...... 4 ...... Middletown ...... 23,594 ...... New Philadelphia...... 10,718 ...... ,.... . Newark...... 26,718 2 ...... Niles...... 13,080 3 3 1 .. I 2 Piqa...... 15,04 4 ...... ,...... Sandus l .- 22,897 3 4 ...... Springfield. 60,840 17 6 ...... 8teubennille...... 28,508 8 ...... I...... W Tiffin ...... 14,375 4 ...... Toledo...... 243,164 46 35 3 i 6. 1 6 Youngstown...... 132,358 .49 2 6. .1 1 1 Zanesville...... 29,569 S ...... Oklahoma: 3. Oklahoma 91,295 15 6 ...... Oregon: 6. 6 3 6 ...... Portland 258,288 54 I IPulmonary tuberculosis only. December 1, 1922. 2964 CITY REPORTS FOR WEEK ENDED NOVEMBER 11, 1922--Continued. DIPHTHERIA, KEASLES, SCARLET FEVER, AND TUBERCUWOSJS-Contlnuedl.

Scarlet Tuber. fever. culosis. g, I 1 I u Q Pennsylvania: Allentown...... daof uZ. 16 43 II2 Altoona...... 60,331 5 ...... 1 Ambridge...... 12,730 6 .. 1 Beaver Falls...... 12,802 1 3 .. 1 ..... Berwick.------...... 12,181 4 ...... 2 Bethlehem...... 50,358 7 .. 4 Braddock...... 20,879 1 ...... Bristol...... 10,273 2 .- ...... Butler...... 23,778 5 42ii ...... Canionsburg ...... 10,632 ...... Carbondale...... 18,640 125 *- ..... Caick...... 10,504 ...... 1 Chambersburg...... 13,171 ... 1 Chester...... 58,030 ...... 1 ..i.. Coatesville...... 14,515 51 ...... I Columbia...... 10'836 4 ...... Conuellsville...... 13,80 1 ...... Dickson...... 11,049 ...... --.- Donora 14,131 ...... Dubols...... 13,681 3...... Dunmore...... 20,250 4...... Easton.------33,813 5...... Erie...... 1,372 16 ...... Farrell...... 15,586 ...f.'. 3 Harrisburg...... 75,917 2 6 ...... H.elton...... 32,277 2 ...... Homestead...... 2'0452 2. . ,...... I ...... Jobstown...... 87,327 7. . .. Laneaster...... 53,150 1 . .. 8 ...... Lebanon...... 24,643 1 . .. 1 McKees Rocks...... 16,713 13 ...... McKeesport ...... 46,781 8 ...... , Mahanoy City . 15,599 1 ...... , Moneaen...... 18,179 6 . . Mount Carmel...... 17,469 1 ...... New Castle ...... 44,938 ...... i New Kensington...... 11,987 Norristown ...... 32,319 20i' . North Braddock...... 14,928 1 8 : Oil City...... 21,274 ..... Olyhant...... 10, 236 ..... ,...... Pbip}^...... 1,823,779 10 86 13 43. 60 39 Pittsburh...... 588,343 61 '132i ...... 65 21 ...... 1 ...... Pittston ...... 18 497 ...... ,. . Potttown...... 17' 431 ...... i...... Reading...... 107, 784 11 39 4 ...... Scranton...... 137,783 8 1 . 2 ...... Shamokin...... 21,204 1 ...... Shenandoah...... 24,726 3 .....k ...... Steelton...... 13,428 1 2a ..... w...... Sunbunry ...... 15,721 ...... N . 2 Swsvl ...... 10,908 2 ...... Tammaquo ...... 12,363 ...... Uniontowfn...... 15,692 1 ...... Warren ..... 14,272 I...... 1 ...... Washington...... 21,480 2 3 I..... 4 WakAwBarre ...... 73,833 7 I ...... Wilk.nsburg...... 24,403 2 .I..... Wiamaprt...... 36,198 ,2 ....., ...... Woodlawn...... 12,495 3 2 .I..... 1 York...... 47,512 8 I..1 ...... i Rhode Island: a.. Cranston...... 29,407 4 ...... 1 Cumberland (town). 10,077 ...... 1 Newport...... 30, 255 ...... Pawtucket...... 64 248 13 1 ...... Providence...... 237 95 68 13 ...... South Carolina: Charleston ...... 67,957 27 5 ...... Columbia...... 37,524 ...... 4 I....:. .. 2 ...... South Dakota: Sioux Falls...... 25,202 9 ...... 1 ...... 2 I 2965 December 1, 192


measles. 8earlt Tuber fever. culosis. I A6 _Q. I I 0 -I- - -I - 1- .1. -II

57,895 10 ...... i...... 2 2 77,818 3 1...... 4 162,351 14 ...... 7 9 118,342 42 e...... 5 ...... a 4 TezuCorp= ...... 4 40,422 6 2 ...... 10, 522 4 ...... BE flOplow ------...i.. ..:... Be...... 158,176 48 ------I.

34 ...... 77,560 3 . . . . 44- 3 satD...... h...... r..Wetth...... ------.-. 1I0482 15 12 ...... 2 1 44,255 9 I.. .. 1 ....- .... 138,276 29 ...... sbu....:. 17 ...... 2 ver_t...... USalt GLakC...... 118, no 29 8 2 ...... 2 Verkh_...... 22,.779 15 5 ...... 14,954 ..... H_...... 18,060 6 4, 1 .u...... ,070 6 6. 1 115,777 7...... 5 ...... 21 ._...... 31,012 2. 5 I ...... 59387 6 2 171,667 39 21 33 ...... 50,842 13 ...... 15 ... 1 2 rda^- 25,5827,644 1 ...... 315,312 2 k_ ...... 104,437 4 1 7 _...... go 965 1 ...... 10 ...... 18, 59 ...... 3..... I W__. 15,282 2 3 1 4 5 B...... 27,869 3 17, 851 5 .2 ...... 8 ...... 50,1"77 10 ....2. 12,515 2 .2.. Y _...... 12,127 1 ......

20,060 ...... 56, 208 14 4 1 Keno * ...... o* 19,561 3 21,284 2 ...... 92

1 .... . 23,427 ...... 31,017 I 1 ...... 18,223 1 ...... r _ ...... 40,472 2 3 ''''i ...... W estAllies.*e 30,421 6.... 2 7 D-...... 38 378 4 1 ''''i' Manitwot...... 17,563 3 ...... 3 ...... Marlne...... 13,610 ..... lhMukewaukee...... weWZUKQ:...... 457,147 37 1 Osksh...... 3512 ...... i I ...... 1 Racie..e ...... 9 1I 30,955 3 ...... 11,37 3 ...... :...... 3 39671 18,661 ...... i...... 13,745 ...... I...... Wyoinlag; I1 Oh...... 1 I December 1, 1922. 2966 STATE REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER, 1922. ANTHRAX.

New cases reported. New cases reported. Place. Place. July. Aug. Sept. July. Aug. Sept.

California: New Jersey: San Benito County- Camden County- Holliter ...... I ...... Camden ...... 1 San Joaquin County- Holt...... 1.....New York: Broome County-

Total...... 2 ...... Endicott...... 1 M o n t g o m e r y Illinois: County- Cook County- Amsterdam ...... Chicago ...... 1 ...... New YorkCity ...... Madison County- East Afton 1 ...... Total...1 1 I Macoupin County- 1 Medora ra. I ...... Pen Ivaniadelph Total. 3 ...... County-Philadelphia.1...... Louisiana: Tioga County- St. Mary Parish- Westfied . . Berwick ...... 1 :...... Morgan City .... 1 Total...... 1 1 Total ...... 2 ...... _ South Dakota...... Montana: County- West Virginia ...... Phillips County- : Saco ...... 1 ..1 .. ..


Alabama: Florida: Mobile County ...... I Glades County...... Arkansas: Santa Rosa County.. Union County...... I Total ...... | I 1 .1 I. . California: Alameda County...: ...... 3 Hawaii: Humboldt County. ------I Hawaii. 1...... Inyo County ...... I Oabu ...... ---- Los Angeles County...--... ---| 33 4 1 Monterey ..County .. . 1...... Total ...... 2-- 2 Nevada County.. 1 ...... Idaho: Riverside County ...... Bonner County...... San Diego 1 San FranciscoCounty-.1 Illinois: County ...... 31--...... Boone County. San Joaquin County.. 1 1 ..1. Cook County...... , Santa Barbara Kane County..... County ...... 1...... Lake County...... SantaClara County ...... I ...... McLean Coumty...... Macon County...... Total . 6 8 10 Maco)upin ounty.... 1 Madison County...... Cnlorado: Richland County 1----21 Boulder County...... 1 Rock Island County.. 12 Chaffee County ...... -2 .--....2 St. Clair County. Weld County..1...... 1.. White County. Winnebago County...... 1---'' 11 12 Total ...... 1 2 1 Totalt. Connecticut: I I Fairfield County ...... Indiana: -~~~~~ Hartford County ..... 3 1 2 Boone County. New Haven County. 1 1 9 2 Dearborn Comty.... New London County...... 2 Dekalb County...... Tolland County ...... Delaware County. Ripley County...... Total ...... 6 12 4 St. Joseph County.... Delaware: 2. New Castle County...... 1 1 Totalt. } 2i 41 1 2967 December 1, 1922.

AND 1922--Continued. STATE, REPOWFfS FOR JULY, AUGUST, SETME, CEREBROSPINAL MEMINGITIS-Contlnued. New case reported. New cases reported. Place. Place. July. Aug. Sept. July. Aug. Sept.

.. .. - 11

NE ew Jersey--Continued. low Somerset es Moines CountY .11.... County...... 1..... SussexUnion County ...... 1 . I ...... 1. Cotmty .1.II Henry Total 8 8 8 ounty.1.-- -- - ......

--- ... Ato Co unty ...- --- ew Mexico: Guadalupe County... 1 ...... Total.1...3...3. York: N ~ew Kansas: AlbanyCounty . 1 Bouter County.... 1..... 1 ..... 2..... CtaagsCounty...... Labette County ...... CatuuCounty...... 1.. Riley CountY.1------Duchess County 3 ...... 1. wedwick County ...... Erie 2 4 Bsnth CountY.1--- ..... County...... Nasau County ...... 1 1 Wyandotte Couinty.. 2...... County Niagara ...... 1 5 3 Onondaga County---- ...... 1I Total ...... 3 Orange County .1------..... County .... Oswego .... Louisiang: .1.. Orleans Parish...... 1..... OtsGg County...... 1..... Rensselae County.1...... West Feliciana Parish County SchuyleCounty .1...... 1..... Total.1...... 2..... WesceseTiopga ounty..- 1.... NewYorkCity 12 13 11 ---- Total ...... 17 22 21

androc ny1 KIorth Carolina: Alleghay County.... 1...... Ashe County..... 1...... j MarYl.mi ore City.---- 6..... Buncombe County...... 1 . Baltimore County- ...... 1 cleveland County ..------...... Columbus County- place not stated ..... 1...... Gates CountY.------2 I... Total ...... 7 Harnett County .1...... JacksonMeckenburgCountyCounty...... 1...... Moore County .1...... I... Onslow County ...... Middlesex County...... 1..... Suffolk County.... 1 2 Worceeter County..... 1..1

6 4 Vance County Total...... WakeCounty...... I.....1 Minnesota: Wayne County ...... I Yadkin County .1---...... He inCounty...... 1 2 Total...... 5 8 Ren e County 1------I..... St. Louis County...... 1 1 Ohiwo Wadena County...... 1I..... Aughize County...... 1..... Belmngst CountY ...... Total .1...... 4 4 Cuyaoga 2... Franklin CountYCounty...... Lake County...... 1...... Jefferso County 1...... Lorain County ...... 2 Marion County ...... S3ummit County...... 1....i.... Total...... 1 3 Total...... 214 .2 Nebraska: Oregon: Adams County...... Malheur County...... Dougla County .1...1

Total...... 2 Now Jersey: AlleghnCounty...- I' 1 Bergen- County . ... 1.... Cumberland County...... I . .... 3 Lebanon County. 1... Essex County1.... Lurene CountY .... Gloucester County 1...... 2.. 1 In County ...... 3 1 Minl Hudson County .... Northampton County 1 1..... Hunterdon County...1 1...... December 1, 1922. 2968 STATE REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPrEMBER, 1922-Continued. - CEREBROSPINAL MENINGITIS-Continued.

1- New cases reported. New cases reporte. Place. Place. July. Aug. Sept.S July. Aug. Sept. 'liI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i's ._ Pennsvlvania-Contd Virginia: Pliladelphia County. 1 6 2 Buchanan ...... Union County ... 1 County.... 1 Greene County...... 1 Washington County.. ''''''i' ...... ''''''i Hanover County...... , W estm oreland Lee County...... County...... 3 3 1 Norfolk County...... 2 Smyth County ...... Total...... 12 17 10 Westmoreland . 1 County...... 2 2 Rhode Tsland: 1 Providence County... 1 Total ..... 5 6 Washington County.. 1 I 1... West Virginia: Total ...... 2 1 Boone County...... South Carolina: Doddridge County...... Fayette County...... 1 ...... Chester County...... 2 Hancock ...... Greenville County.... 1 County... Harrison County...... Nicholas ...... Total...... 3 County. South Dakota: Total ... 2 2 Beadle County...... 1 '1 Campbell County.... Wisconsin: 1 Columbia County ...... Colington County...... Crawford County.... .; ...... Day County...... 3 Fond du Lac Roberts County...... 1 County ... Manitowoc County ... Walworth County...... 2 ilwaukee County... Waupaca 1 Total...... 4 5 County.... Vermont: Wood County...... 1 Bennington County.. 1 ...... Total...... 4 I INFLUENZA.

Alabama: California-Continued. Barbour County...... Sacramento County.. Calhoun County..... San 1 . 4 Chilton County...... Diego County... 1 .- I ...... San Francisco County 5 Dale County ...... San Dallas ..I Joaquin County.. County...... 213 Santa Clara County.. Frnklin County..... Sierra County...... 2 Geneva County...... Siskiyou County...... ,1 Henry County...... Ii X2 Houston Sonoma County...... County..... 4 Stanislans ...... Macon County County...... 41 Sutter County ...... Marengo County .. 7 Tehama County...... Talladega County.... 3 Tusciloosa County...... Winston County...... I Total...... 27 Colorado: .. Total .. . 19 20 931 Montezuma county.. 4 Saguache County...... i.. Arkansas: Place not stated...... £:1 Drew County...... i. 3 I Greene ..... County I'2 ...... I Total...... Hempstead County. . 1 ...... Miller County..u.. 2 Connecticut: 2 Ouachita County..... 1 Fairfield County ..... 1 Pike County...... Hartford St. Francis 2 County..... 6 County...... Litchfleld County.... Scott County...... 1...... 5I ...... Middlesex County.... .i- Total...... New Haven County.. 9 317 9 New London County. 3 Tolland County...... California: 1 Alameda County...... ---1 2 Total ..... 20 Fresno County...... District of Columbia .... 1 Glenn County...... 2 Humboldt County... 3 Florida: Los Angeles County...... Mendocino 6 Bradford County..... County... I Calhoun County...... Merced Counity...... 21 3 Citrus County...... Orange County...... 31 1 Clay Counts...... Pluias County...... 11 ...... I Columbia C!ounty.... 2969 Dcmber 1, 192 .


New cases reported. New casms reported. Place. July. Aug. Sept. July. Aug. Sept. .1 1.1 Il - Illinois-Continued. FloridafContinued. 1 I1 Dade 'County...... Madisn County...... 1 Duval C0UntY- - -- 48 Marion County. 2 1 Fmnklin COuntY----- 1 Marshall County...... Maaon County. 1 1 Gadsden County .... 28 County...... 1 Hardec County.... - .. Masac ...... Hi ll s b o r o u g h MercerMertCountyCounty ...... 2 .j.... County- Montgomery C&uty...... 6 Tampa.------5 11 3 MOrsan County...... 2 2 8 ..... Scattering...... 2 P trio County...... 1 1 Jackson County...... OPle County...... 3 Lee County...... 15 Peorhi County...... 2 Levy County...... Pike 5.2... Manon County...... 6 Rock IslandCounty- . 1 2..... Okaloola County..... 30 St. Clair County...... 6 Orange County...... Saline County...... 1 1 1.... Pasco County...... Sagam Ctouty...... S pineflas County..... 5 .SSchuyleseCounty...... 1 Polk County...... 1 Shelby County...... 2 ...... ; Putnam County...... 1 1 1 St. Johns County...... 54 ...... 1 Seminole County..... 63 Tarewell County...... 17 Sumter County...... Union County...... 3 2 Suwanee County..... 1.... 'Vermilion County...... 5 Walton County...... 14... Wabash County...... 1 15... Warn County...... 1 Toa...... 120 235 Washington County...... 1 1 W CneCounty...... WiX Hawaii: County...... 10..... Ha ii...... 1 Wilason County...... 4 3.... Kauai...... I Oahu...... WoodbdCut...... 7 Total...... 9 ....2. Total...... 45 16 .2 Iinois: Indiana. 7... Adams County ...... 1 Delaware County.... 4 Alexander County. . . 3 Martin County...... 32 Bureau County ...... 3 2 Carroll County1...... Total...... 36 CasCounty.--.. 1 Champaign County- 2 Kansam Christian County...... Butler County...... i Clark Counlty...... 4 Montoromery County ...... Clay County ...... 2 Nemaba County...... 1 Clinton County1..... 15 Rawlins Coumty...... Coles County...... d 2 Saiine County...... Cook County...... 4 Sumner County...... Crwford County ...... 15 .- Cumbetland County. 1 Toa....l...... 2 I De Wat County... Der Witt County...:...... LouLsiansc Da Pae County ...... 1 Assmption Parish...... :::::::1 Edgar County 10 Caleasiau Parish...... Edwarda County2..... East Baton Rouge County ...... 1 1 Parish...... 3 4 EfttuemFayette ...... East Parish... 3 13 County . Carrol Franklin County...... ------...... East FelUcia Parish ...... 46 4 Iblervile Parish. ... Hendon ...... Henry ...... I ...... i County Orleas Parish. 11 11...1! Jackson County ...... 1 Pl um Parish...... Jefferson County ...... 1 St. John the Baptig Jo Daviess County...... 4 Parish...... 2 ...... Johnson County ...... St. Mary Parish. 1 Kane County ...... Wut Felica Parisb ...... I ...... '''''''i Kankakee County...... 5 7 Kendal County...... Total...... 43 Knox County1...... 4 ...... a la BSle County...... Maine...... La1 . County ...... 1 lawrOnce County...... Lee Maryland: 2 County ...... 2 Alleauy Colmt,n iUvington County...... 1 Anna Arundel ut I. 9 M A County...... Baltim City...... Baltimreb County...... 4 ...... 1 mace County. Cecil County...... Charle Cnty . 2 ...... December 1, 1922. 2970

STATE REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST, AN!) S PEMBER, l922-Continue4 INFLUENZA-ContJnued. _ s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New cas reported. New cases reporta. Plawe. Place. July. I Aug. Sept. July. Aug. Sept. !~ I I_1New Jersey-Continued. Marland-Continued. 11 borcbester- County. I...... Passaic County..... 2 ...... Harford County .- . Somerset County..... 2 Montgomery County...... 2 ,-...... i PrinceGeorgesCounty, 5 Total ...... 21 21 23 Washington County . 1.. 1 Worcester County...... New Mexico: Colfax County...... 1 Total ...... 6 29 30 Curry County....

Massachusetts: 7 Total ...... 1 Bristol ...... County...... New York: Essex County...... 2 Albany 1 Hampden County...... 4 County. Middlesex County...... 3 Broome County..-.. 1 Suffolk County...... 4 Chenango County.... Worcester County...... 2 Dutchess County.. 7 Places not stated.... Erie County...... 1 ...... 2 *7 Essex County . Jefferson County ... 1 Total ...... 16 ...... i.. M4,ntgomery County...... Michigan ...... Nassau County...... Oneida County...... 1.. Onondaga County...... Minnesota: ...... Orange County . Freeborn County...... Rensselaer County .. Polk County ...... St.Lawrcnce County...... 1 Schenectady County...... Totsl .... 1 Schoharie County..- - Suffolk County...... MI1siSS ippi: Tioga County... County ...... 1 ...... Adims Wayne County. *8 Alcorn County 17 Westchester County. Amite County ...... 6 18 New Y'ork City... 27 Bolivar County... 13 1 Chickasaw County... 7 8 Total ..L| 34 Clay County ...... 8. 12 63 Coaloma County ...... 1 r1~ Copiah County ...... Ohio: Covington County. . i...... 265 Allen County...... De Soto County.... 2 Cuyahoga County.... v_ 2 Frankrlin County ...... George County ...... 4 Franklin County...... 7 - 'f Greene County1...... (ui,rnsey County...... 5 Hamilton County.... 2 Harrison County ..... 5. Lawrence County...... Holmes County6...... 3 25 Scioto County...... i. Jefferson County ...... 1 Jefferson Davis Summit County.... 12 Washington County...... County ...... 25 Jones County ...... 10 Total 3 7 Lafayette County ...... 5

...... 3 25 Lamar County ...... Oklahoma: -if -t Lee County ...... 16 Leflore County 2 36 Washita County..... 5 1 .-e Rhode Island: Marion County ...... Providence County.. 3 Marshall County ...... 10 Monroe County. 8... 253 ------i Carolina: Oktibbeha County ...... * South Lexington County... Pearl River County ...... :: ...I Pickens County...... _. ... Pike County ...... 7 I...... Tate County ...... 45 11 .7__ 6 Walthall Couinty.... 3.... Total...... I ...... Wilkinson County ...... Vermont: ...... I Yalobusha ...... imufannu ...... County ...... 25 uOunty Yazoo County ...... 8 Virginia: 94 145 330 Accomae 6 0 5 Total ...... County. 7 Albemarle County 1 ...... 111 Alle 5 ...... 3 Montana1 ...... bany County. 5 ...... I 2 Nebraska ...... 2 5 1 Amela County ...... Amberst County ------4 ...... New ...... 6 Jersey: Appomattox County 11 ii Atlantic County ...... I AdLnista County..... 8 1 2 Bergen County ...... 1....1 BWio-id County ...... 5 - - 2 ...... Essex County...... 15 20 Botetourt County - I Mercer County...... 1...... Brunswick County... 4 5 ...... Middlesex County ...... Ruckingbam County ...... le Monmouth County ...... I CampbellCounty-.1 ...... 2971 Dembet 1, 1922.


New cases reported. New cams reported. Place. July. Aug. Sept. July. Ang. ept. I I1 1|- .t Virgitla-Contfnued. Virginia-Contilnued. Carolie County.... 6 ...... 6 Pulaski Couny. Chadotte County...... Rappahannock Clart County...... 6 County...... Craig County...... 3 ...... Roanoke Coumty..... Culpper Coumty...... Rockbridge County.. 1...2....'.1. 2 ...... Di unson County... 35 ...... Roc

l | sl Arkensa Hawaik Garad County- Hawali- Hot Sprng ...... 1 aku...... 1 North Hl...... Cfwornia: 1...... North ala...... Alameda County- Kandi- Oakland...... 1 IAhue...... 1 ------1 1 Maui- Freo County- Waluu...... 1 Fresno County Oaho Hospital...... 1 ...... Los Aen...... I ''''''i Angel County- Ewnand Waianae ...... 6. Los Angeles...... Honolulu...... 2 3 oenterey County- Wais...... 1 ...... King City...... Total...... 6 6 6 Sacrmento County- 1 Bhnois: srameto...... 1 ...... CookCounty- Francisco Coua. 1 ...... ty- 1 nsas:Ccgo...... Son Fracisco.... 2 ShawneeCouny- Ban Joaquin County- Topeka...... 1 8^n josquin iloo Louslana.m pital...... Orleans Parlsh- Santa Barbara New Orls...... County- Masschstts: Santa Barbara SuffolkCounty- Hospital...... I ...... Boston...... New York: Total ...... 4 2 5 New York City...... 2 ...... I I I Am| December 1, 1922. 2972

STATE REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST, AN SEPTEMBER, 1922-4ontinued. MALARL4. -- @ .1 New cases reported. New cases reported. Place. Place. July. Aug. Sept. _ July. Aug. I Sept. Alabama: Arkansas-Continued. Autauga County.-...- 2 ...... Sharp County...... 8 85 ...... Baldwin Cotnty..... 8 5 9 Union County...... 28 91 48 Barbour County..... 8 Van Buren Countv...... 14 Bullock County...... 4 Washington County...... 5 Calhoun County...... 3 5 7 WVhite County.. ... 14 ...... i Cherokee County...... I Woodruff County.... I ...... Colbert County...... 1 Covington County...... 1 Total ... 58 1,042 617 Culiman County...... DaleCounty...... California: Dallas County...... 5 14...... Alameda County...... 4 ...... i Escambia County ...... Butte County.-....-...... 2 Calaveras County. I...... 2 Hale County...... 2 8 ~~~1 Colusa County... a Hen County ..... Fresno County...... 1'''''i' ...... HouinCuty.. 40 45 54 Glenn County...... 1 ...... i Jefferson County... 5 8 9 Kern County..... 1 ...... 1 Lauderdale County.. 15 24 9 Los Angeles County.. 2 7 Lawrence County.... 5 ..... 6 Merced County...... 2 Macon County...... Modoc County...-...... 1 Madison County..... 6 13 Orange County...... 2 ...... Marengo County..... 5 17 18 Sacramento County.. .I...... 4 Montgomery Cointy- 4 3 14 San Bernardino 1 Morgan County...... 2 County...... Pike County...... San Francisco County 4 6 9 Shelby County...... San Jou County.. 1 ...... Sumter County...... Santa Br bar a Talladega County.... 2 7 1 County ...... 1 Tuscaloosa County... 6 5 1 Santa Clara County.. I Walker County.. . 4 2 Shasta County. 5 2 Washington County.. 1 1 Solano County...... 1 Wilcox County...... 6 1 Butter County. .. 3 Tehama County. 1 1 ...... Total...... 133 196 173 Total...... 20 42 44 Arkansas: Ashley Coumty...... 4 Connecticut: Benton County...... 1 4 ...... 1 Fairfield County..... 1 ...... 1 Bradley County...... 17 19 63 Hardord County- Calhoun County...... 25 32 16 Hatford...... 17 Clark County...... 4...... 3cattering...... 2--- 3- 4 Clay County...... 1 1...... Cleveland County.... 6 23 5 Total...... 3 3 22 Conway County...... ,. .. 1 Delaware: Craighead County.-... Sussex County...... 5 13 19 Crawford County...... 2 . Cross County...... 8 ..12 Florida: Dallas County...... 3 Alachua County. I...... Desha County...... 7...... Broward County..... 2 2 Drew County ...... 49* 59 46 Calhoun County..... 1 I ...... Faulkner County..... 11 21 9 Citrus County...... 1 Franklin County..... 29 20 6 Clay County...... 2 Greene County...... 5 8 5 Columbia Coy.... 6 1 Hempstead County.. 27 32 26 Dade County...... Hot Spring County.. . 24 66 25 Duval County- hIde zenes County ...... 5 16 Jacksonville... 13 81 30 Izd County...... 9 2 11 Sattering...... 6 4 4 Jackson County...... 28 32 8 Fscambia Coumty.... 1 Lafayette County.... 3 16 14 Gadsden County...... ii. Lawrence County.... 7 3. Henando County...... 1 Logan County...... 4 19...... 1 Hills borough 11 ...... i Lonoke County..... County- Marion County...... i~.2...... 19 6 Miller County...... 16 15 ...... i11 3 6 1 lismmppi County... 37 78 11 Jackson County...... 2 ...... Monroe county...... *.... 13 2 Jefferson County...... 1 ...... Ouachita County...... 23 31 37 Lafayette County...... 1 ...... Pike County...... 49 127 53 Leon County...... 1 ...... Poinsett County..... 3 ...... 2 Levy unty...... Pope County...... 20 . 3 2 Pulaski County. . 27 34 15 Manatee County. 2 1 St. Francis County.. 63 32 Marion County...... 1 Saline County...... 52 120 105 Orange County...... 2 Scott County...... 7 2 13 Pasco County...... 4'''-'i' 1 ...... Sebastian County... 6 25 2 Pinellas County...... 3 Sevier County...... 14 . Polk County...... ''''''i' 4 '''''''i 2973 Deember 1, 1922. STATE REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST, AN" SEPTEMBE, I22-Continued. MIALARIA-Continued. I 9 New cases re]sorted. New cas reported. Pla"C. I . Jusy.-.- AUg. Sept. L July. I Aug. Sept. Florida--Continued. Louisiana-Continued. Putnam County..... 21 25 Claihborne Parish.... St. Johns County ... 21 8 Coneordia Parish..... 5 St. Lucie County.. 1 1 De Soto Parish...... 11 Seminole County..... 3 1 East Baton Rouge Sumter County...... Parih...... 1 Suwanee County..... FASt Carrdl Padsh ... 29 Taylor County...... East Feliciana Parish 2 2 Volusia County...... 2 91 Frankln Parish...... 3 Grant Padsh...... 25 Total...... 184 Iberia Parish...... 1 Ibervllle Parish..... 4 IiMnoLs: Jefferson Davis Parish 3 Adams County...... 1 Lafayette Parish..... 2 Alexander County... 6 1 Livingston Parish.... Bond County...... Morehouse Parish ... Bureau County...... Natchitoches Parish.. 4 Carroll County...... 3 Orleans Parish...... 4 10 Clinton County...... Ouachta Parish .. 1 Cook County...... 10 3 Pointe Coupee Parish 5 5 Ford County...... 2 1 Rapides Parish.... 5 27 4 Franklin County .... 21 Red River Parish.... 2 1 Fulton County ..... Richland Parish.... 3 Greene County...... * 2 1 Sabine Parish..... 1 G,rundy County..... 4 St. Charles Parish.... 2 272 Hancock County...... 1. St. James Parish. 2 1 Iroquois County..... St. Landry Parish... 1 Jefferson County..... * 2 1 St. Martin Parish.... Johnson County_..... St. Mary Parish.... Kankakee County.... 1 St. Tammany Parish. 108 35 6 Lake County ...... 1. Tensas Parish..... 3 Mclean County.-.. Terrebonne Pansh... Madison County.... Vermilion Parish. 3 Marion County...... 3''i 10 Vernon Parish.... Marshall Cotmty..... * 1 Washington Parish.. 2 Mason County...... 4 Webster P .ris. ... 210 2 Massac County.-.... 4 West Feliciana Parish Menard County..... 13 2 Morgan County..... 2 Total...... 21056 191 Peoria County...... 1 11 Pike County ...... Maryland: ulnski County. ... - Anne Arnmdel County 61 351 Randolph County.... Baltimore City.--- 4 4 St. Clair County...... 61 Baltimore County.... 184 Saline County...... 1 Cecil County ...... 43 1 Shelby County...... Charles County.- .. Tazewell County..... Dorchester County... Wabash County...... 78 Frederick County.... 2 Wayne County..... Kent County...... White County...... Somerset County..... Williamson Coltnty.. Talbot County ..... 22 2 WinnebagoCounty... Washington County.. 1 Wicomico County- 2 Total Salisbury...... 43 Scatteng..... 12 2 4 1.2i 2 Kansas: Worcester County.... Butler County ...... 2 I I 315 ...... Crawford County...... 1 Total...... Geary County ...... 1 Montgomery County.... M[aschusetts: ...... I Reno County...n 1 ...... Bristol County...... 2 ...... Essex C'unty... 1 Shawnee C2unty ...... 1 ...... 1 2 Sumner County ...... Hamps..iie County... Wyandotte County...... 1 2.. Middlesex County 1 Suffolk County..... Total...... 6 6 .1 a Worcester County.... 3 = LouLUana: Total ...... 28 Acadia Parish...... 1 1 Assiumption Parish.. 3 *22 1 Michigan: Avoyolles Parish..... 9 10 1 Berrien County. 3 Beauiregard Parish- 2 ...... 1 Muskegon County.... Bienvifle Parish...... Ogemaw County. 2..1 Caddo Parish ...... 11 3 Saginaw County. 4 2

Calcasieu Parish ...... 10 5 CaldweU Parish.; 1 i Total...... 7 5 Catahoula Parish.....1 2 ...... 1 199330-22~-3 r)eeembver 1, 1992. 2974 STATE REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER, l922-Contnd MALARIA-Continued.

New cases reported. New cases reported. Place. Place. July. I Aug. Sept. July. Aug. sept.

Mississippi: IMississippi-Continiued. Adams Cotunty. 34 40 38 Wayne County ... 60 43g Alcom County.... 97 175 169 Webster County. 48 87 92 j Ii .... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I 34 39 Amite County...... 87 Wilkinson County 44 50 so Attals Counity...... 121 132 168 Winston County. 135 114 137 Bentoni County...... 44 63 39 i Yalobusha County-. 116 142 166 Boliv-r Counity...... 1,721 2,7i5 1,442 Yazoo County. 435 706 546 Calhouni County...... 178 144 Carrol County...... 142 132 143 Total ...... 15, 709 19,563 16,041 Chickasaw County... 137 178 149 Choctaw Coumty.... 45 77 48 New Jersey: Claihorne County.... 78 84 100 Essex County...... 5 Clarke County ...... 93 137 149 Hudson County ..... C ma 57 119 120 Mercer County. . =axihCounty...... CbUIty-. ... 372 835 559 Middlesex Countv.... Copiah Couinty...... 221 255 275 Monmouth County...... 2 1 CovN",gtonl County. 71 76 74 Passaic County...... 3 3 1 De Soto County...... 154 289 210 Somerset Coulnty...... 3 3 1 Forrest County...... 39 77 18 Sussex County...... 1 ...... Franklin County..... 74 71 100 George County...... 55 29 49 Total...... 14 18 Gren County ...... 135 71 78 Grenada County..... 70 85 113 New Mexico: Hancock Cotnty.... 68 69 36 Chaves County...... --....

Barrison Coumty.... 12 44 23 Rio Arriba County...... Hinds Counity...... 382 439 370; Santa Fe County..... 4 Holmes County...... 563 9n 969 Taos County...... 1 Humnphreys County.. 573 760 751 Issaquena County.... 45 54 61 Total...... 8 2 Itawamba County.... so 93 62 Jackson County... 29 31 28 New York: 'ase Conty..... 94 97 75 Albany County..... 1 JeF."o 140 160 161 Dutchess County- JeffersonCnCount.y.....Davis Poughkeepsie County...... 58 72 68 Town ...... 18 Jones County...... 62 65 62 Tivoli ...... 12 7 Kemper County..... 40 49 57 Scattering.... 11 4 afayette County.... 232 189 222 Montgomery County. 2 6 Lamar County ...... 49 36 r52 Orange County...... 221 1 auderdale County_. 87 63 94 Westchester County-I Lawrence County.... 76 176 86 Bedford ...... 15 Leake County...... IlI 182 92 Scattering... 9 Lee County ...... 296 244 262 New York City. ',19 17 Leflore County...... 1,305 1 086 1,362 Lincoln County...... 48 81 74 Total .... 35 78 Lowndes County... 166 205 165 Madison County... 122 169 89 Ohio: Marion Counity...... 108 124 129 Athens County.. Marshall Coulnty..... 34 100 105 Champaign County.. Monroe County...... 545 463 447 Cuyahoga County.... 1 t...... Montgomery County. 133 210 133 Hancock County ... 1 Neshoba County.... 79 75 73 Summit County..... 31 1. Newton County..... 27 55 64 Noxubee County.... 151 184 109 Total ...... 6 11 Oktibbeha County... 133 121 175 Oklahoma: Panoe County...... 321 373 243 Mayes County.:,. 1 Pearl River County.. 34 37 40 61 121 Perry County...... 2'8 18 18 Pennsylvania: Pikre County.... 71 69 98 Berks County...... 1 ...... i County Pontotoc . 163 97 92 Erie County...... Prentiss County. 108 176 116 llhigh Count ...... 2 Quitmn County.. 367 457 379 llPhikdelphia County.l 3 Rankin County...... 52 99 63 Scott County ..... 67 203 154 Total .. . I. I 8 Sharkey County..... 279 187 164 Simpn County..... 56 98 106 Rhode Island: Smith County..... 25 110 14 Kent County...... 4 Stone County..... 15 11 7 Providence County.. Sunflower County .... 1,166 ,I^s08 902 1 Talklhatchie County. 536 1,'138 '097 Total...... 51 Tate County...... 294 265 325 Tippah County..... 141 100 52 South Carolina: 57 Tishosningo County.. 138 103 Charleston County...... Tunica County...... 387 886 430 Chester County. 2

Union County...... 10 141 115 Dillon County ...... ;......

Walthall County..... 11 & 10 Fairfield County...... 1...... I...... Warrn County...... 284 234 126 Lexington County...... Washington ('outlnu y.. 388 539 194 Marion County. I30 1...... 2975 Dfeember 1, 1922. STATE REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPqEM M I922-Continued. MALARIA-Continued.

New cases reported. .Plwce. _ New cases reported. July. Aug. Sept. July. Aug. Sept. South Carolina-Contd. Spartanburg County.,...... 1 I VirgCniagContd. Williamsburg County 36 ...... auDun.y 16 LunenurgCounty 6 ...... 2212 Total...... 33 117 22I Madison County 19 a2 1.... Mathews County ...... I Virginia: 22 Accomac County.. 17 1 29 Pagdlese,ounty 17j...... 17113 Albemarle County. . . County...... Alexandria City...... 22 PowhatgomeNaneod ony 19 39 4 Amelia County...... 1'''''i' 3 ...... NewNelson Coun 1 Amherst Coumty..... 1 ...... ecklnvKent Countynty 175...... 4...... Augusta County.... 1 Northampton County 27 33 23...... 2i Bedford County...... i Northumberland 40 Brunswick County... 23 12 ...... County ...... 10 Buckingham Cotinty. 1 1 ...... 663 Csmpbell Couinty. ... 3 2 Nottowa6County 24 5 Page Caroline County...... 12 15 County ...... 1 1 4 Charles City County...... 2 3 Pittsylvania County 22 12 14 Charlotte Couinty...... 21 1 Powhatan County.... 7 4 15 Chesterfield County.. 8 4 1 Prince Edward Ctumberland County.. 3 3 6 ROcranCountyge...... Dinwiddi County..-. 10 12 8 Rcmn ountyCounty...... 1...... I4,1 Elizabeth City County...... 6 George Essex 9 PriCounty ...... 2 County...... 2 PrincessCounty..1...... A0 211 1 Fairfax Cotunty ...... 1 61 Fluvanna Couinty...... d 4 Franklin Couinty.... 3 RockbridgeCounty....County | ---- Frederick ...... Scott County...... -... .. 2 ...... Coult.y.....1-----1I...... Goochland County... 11 3 Shienandoah Couinty ...... i Greensvillc County ... 26 51 SoiuthamptonCounty 38 .....ii...... 1.... :..... 33 2 HalifaK 16 UahgtnCounty ...... 2 Countv. 26 S'potsylvania County 1 1.... Hanuover Counlty .... 9 7 9 StaffordWestmonelan2County ...... 2 Henrico (Colunty.... 14 7 12 Surry County...... 2710 8 . 8 Henrv County .... 1 Sssex Cotty 15 Isle ...... 4 10 of Wight County. 19 67 Warren County...... 10 .... James City Colunty.. 20 22 Warwick County... 21 ..... King and Queen 57 Washington Count.y. 1...... 61 Cotunty ...... 10 7 Westmnoreland King Gecorge County.. 1 ...... 3 King WilliamCounty. *ii. 1 Laneaster County...... 2 York County...... 12 19 22 Lee County ...... Loudoun County.I..- I...... 3 4I Total ...... 484- -457 66 It PELLAGRIA. Alabama: I Barbour ...... Arkansas-Continued. County ...... Calhoun Couinty..... 1 llogan County ...... 2 2 1 ...... Choctaw County ... 2 ...... 1- - Miller County...... 4 Cla Countyy ...... 1------Mississippi 1 ...I. County... Dallas Cotunty ...... 3 --- Otuaehita County..... 91 17 Houston ... 1------Pike County...... 2 Jackson county 1 ...... 1------3 County...... 3 . Pulaski Cointy. ...-.- .1 .....--i Jefferson CGtmty_... 1 ...... 1------St. Francis County... ,...... 1--- 1a1 Laudernale County.. 5 1 1------Saline County...... 1- 1...... Lawren(,e I...... Couvnty ...... 2 Scott 1 Madison County... 1 12 SetastianCountyv.....County...... 1 Marengo I 1----- Sharp . Colclty..... County. I'''''''' 1...... Mobilo Cointy ...... 2 ...... 1-1------VaiIUnion County...... i.. .i. Montoiomery County. fiuren ... 36 4.. - --- Contny...... 1-- Randolph County.... I I 11 White Couniy Suimter County ..... 2 3 Total ...... 23 Talladelga Collnlty 2 21-- -- - 361 1 Walker County...... I ...... 1- ---- California: -- - I- I Total ...... 28 24 41 Alameda 1 I-es AngelesCounty. irkansas: Napa County.. Boolle Coutnty...... 1 County..1...... 1----- Riverside County.... Bradley ...... San Cotinty IVernardino 1 Crzi,hcad County .....l County ...... G(l wic Countv l''''-''il SanFrancisco Ccunty 1- - -. . ... County...... 1, i -...4 HelPstead 'f1 3 1 county - 2 | - - lzard -I.. 1 1 ...... 11 Total December 1, 1922. 2976 STATE REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER, 1922-Continued. PELLAGRA-Continued.

New cases reported. New cases reported. Place. Place. July. Aug. Sept. July. Aug. Sept.

District of Columbia .. 1 .....| Mississippi-Continued. Bolivar County .-.-. 178 75 55 Florida: Calhoun County . 1 Alacwhm County...... Carroll County ...... 1 2 Baker County ...-...... i Chickasaw County... 12 4 Bay County...... Claiborne County .... 2 1... Clarke County . Clay County...... 1 6 Dade Conty.... 2 ...... Clay County . Duvail County.... 2 ...... Coahoma County. 82 37 17 GJddn County.. 21 .... Copiah County ...-.. 11 12 8 .. Covington County .... 3 Millsborough County...... 2 Lake Countv...... De Soto County... 7 8 2 1 Leon County...... Forrest County-.... 4 9 1 Levy Couiity...... -- 1 ...... Franklin County. 1 1 2 Madison County ...... George County...... 7 2 2 ------Greene County...... 4 3farim3 County 1 ...... Pasco County..------1 ...... Grenada County ... 1 2 Santa Rosa Cotmty ...... Hancock County... Volusia County...... Harrison County.... 1 1...... Walton County...... Hinds County ..... 27 21 11 Holmes County ... 10 16 Total...... 16 Humphreys Coanty_. 30 20 Issaquena County.... 5 11 Illinois: 91 1 Itawamba County.... 3 22 Cook County...... Jackson County.... 2 15 McDonough County.. Jasper County-.... 3 Saline County...... Jefferson County-... 6 1 Jefferson Davis Total...... 2 2 County...... 5 Jones County ..... 6 Kansas: Kcmpcr County ... Cowley Count... 1 LFafayette County .... 3 Montgomery ounty 1 Lamar County .- Lauderdale County. 2 2 Total...... 2 Lawrence 6 1 4 Louisaa: Leake County...... County.-.. 1 2 1 ...... Lee Allen Parish .... County.. 6 26 Avoyeles, Parish .... 1 ...... Leflore County. 45 Bienville Parish...... i Lincoln Couniy.: 3 9 10 Cadda Parish ... 11 Lowndes County.. 3 4 3 CaIdwell Parish...... Madison County. 12 6 7 Catahoula Parish-.... Marion County...... 3 Claiborne Parish..... 1 Marshall County..... 4 4 4 Cosicordin Parish..... 2 Monroe County... 21 8 1s De Soto Parisl...... 1 Montgomery Cuotty. 2 2 2 East Baton Rouge Neshoba County ... 1 3 1 P sh...... 1 Newton County.... 1 3 East Carroll Parish 8 5 ...... Noxubee Counity.... 5 5 East Foliciana Parish 1 ...... i Oktibbeha County.. - 4 1 12 Franklin Parish...... 2 Panola County .... 4 3 13 Madison Parish...... Pearl River County . 1 2 Morehouse Parish...... Perry County. 2 45 Natehitoches Parish...... i Pike County ...... 4 3 Orleans Parish...... 2 3 Pontotoc County.. 5 ...... i1 Ouadita Parish..... 1 2 Prentiss County...... Rapides Parish...... 1...... Quitman County.... 12 6 Red Ri-,er Parish...... i Rankirn County.... 19 Richsand Parish} .. 1 Scott County...... St. Mary Parish . Sarkey County.... 8 Washington Parish...... Simpson County. 3 Webster Parish. 38...... Stone County...... 14 .- Sunflower County.... 39 4 Total ...... 25 24 Tallahatchie County. 33 5 MfLryl=d:. Tate County ...... 9 2 21 Somerset County...... 1 Tippah County.. 5 ---_ Tishomingo County.. 7 Massachusetts: Tunica County.... 16 8 Hapsh County...... Union County..... 3 1 417 SufT County...... 1 Walthall Couinty.. Warren County ... Total...... I 1 2 Washington County.. 42 31 Webster Cotnty...... 3 2 Mississippi: 1 Wilkinson County.... 1 Adams County...... 1 1 Yalobusha County... Alc Conty ..... 10 4 7 YazooCounty..... Amite County.. ... 2 Atta!a County. 2 ...... 2 Total...... 902 504 Benton County ... 2 ...... 2977 December 1, 1922. SrATE REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPrEMBER, j922-Continued. PELLAGRA-Continued.

I I New cases reported. New cases reported. Place. Plac. July. Aug. Sept. July. Aug. Sept. '* 1 11 -_ New Mexico: Virginia-Continued. - ...... 1 County. 1 Bernaliio County Buckingham ...... 3 1 Brunswick County... Eddy County..... 2 ...... CampbellCounty..... 2 ...... Total...... 3 2 CharlotteCounty...... Dickenson County...... Oklahoma: Dinwviddle County ...... i Logan County...... Floyd County...... 10 Mlaves County...... 1 ...... 5 Fluvanna County.... 1 County...... Greensvflle County... 1'''''i' ...... Seminole 5 Halifax County. .-~ 1 ...... 2 1 HenricoCounty ...... Total...... Henry County...... JamesCityCounty. South Carolina: 7 ILancasterCounty.... I1 Cherokee County...... I...... I ...... Dillon County...... Middlesex County.... 1 1 ...... Laurens County..... 1 Montgomery County...... Marion County...... New Kent County.... I1 Newberry County .... 1 Northampton County 1 Nottoway County...... Spartanburg County...... Pittsylvanlia County. I''''''i' 2 ...... iI1 Total...... 13 4 Russell County. 8 ...... Southampton County 1 ...... Virginia: WestmorelandCounty Albermrlte County 2 Wise County. .- Allethany County.::: 2 York County. 26..... 28 mjeliaCounty 1. Amherst County ...... Totalt. 126 I 14 Bedford County 2


Alabama: 1. Dolaware: Calhoun County .... New Castle County...... :: Jefferson County..... District of Columbia...... Mobile County...... 1.....4 . .... Morgan County...... Florida: Sumter County...... 1 Columbia County.... 1 Talladega County..-. Duval County...... 1 Tuscaloosa County... Hillsborough County. Total...... 10 21 3 Total...... 3 1 Hawaii: Arkansas: Hawaii...... 4---1------1 Lafayette County.... _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pope County. Idaho: St. Francic County... Ada County...... 3 SebaFtian County...... 11. Camas County...... 1 Canyon County...... 1 Total...... 1 3~!. Twin Falls County... 1 California: Total...... 6 Alameda County..... i-. Butte County...... Inlinois: L0os Angeles County.. Bond County...... 1 Placer County...... Cass County...... San Bernardino Clarkl Couinty...... -1 11 County ...... 24 8 Clay County...... San Joaquin County. . Col

New cases reported. New cases reported. Place. Place. July. Aug. Sept. July. Aug. Sept. .~~~~~ Illinois-Cont inued. Massachusetts-Contd. Rockl Islan(d County.. ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 Hampnden County._.. 1 1 1 St. Clair County...... ------1 Hampshire County... * Williamson County.. ------1 Middlesex County.... Winnebago County...... i Nantucket County... 14 Norfolk County..... 1' 2 ....

Total...... __ 6 ...... Plymouith Couinty...... 1 Sulfolk County- ...... 2 Inldiana: ...... 12 Boston...... 2 10 15 Revere Decatuir County ...... 31 ...... 1 ... 1 Delaware Colunty...... 31 Worcester County.... 2 5 5 Porter County...... Ripley County...... Total ...... 23 55 63 St. Joseph County...... 1''''''i Vigo-County...... 1 Michigan:

Cass Couinty ...... Total...... ~3 Genesee Couinty...... HLoghton County.... .1 Iowa: 1 Ingham Couinty...... Des Moines Cotnty...... Iron County...... 1.1.... 1... Monroe County...... 1--- 1 Kent Cotunty...... Montgomery Couinty...... Manistee Coujnty..... 2...... 1 Polk County...... 1---- Montcalm Couinty.... County. Tasna .. 2- ...... Oaklan(d (Couinty..... 2. Winnebago County. 1: ...... Osceola CoLunty.... Worth. County-.------1- ...... St. Joseph Couinty... Tuscola,County ...... TotaL_...... 2. 4 Wayne County... 1 ~~~~~3 3 4 Kansas: Total ...... 7 6 6 Ford Couinty.-...... i Hodgeman County .. Minnesota: ...... McPhersoni County...... Becker County...... M.orton County...... Cottonwood Cotunty...... Phillips Couinty..--- ...... Crow Wing Couinty...... 1. Rene County ...... 2 1 Douglas Couinty...... Sedgwiek Couxnty.... I ...... Freeborn County. Shawnee Cointy . 1.HIlennpin Couinty.... 2 2. Sumner Coulnty...... Hubbard County.... 2 1. Lvon Countv...... Total.------.... 1 4 MarsWalwCNnty..... 1 Murray County...... 1 ..1 ...... 1 1.... Louisiann: 1 Olmted Couinty.... Beauregard Parish... 2 Polk County...... Caldo- Parisl.. ... 1 ...... Ramsey Cou1nty...... 10. 10 Calcasieu II Sibley Couinty...... Iberia Parishh...------1 Swift County...... 1 Jefferson Parish..---- ...... 1 Morehouise Ptarish .... Total ...... Red River Parish...... St. Mary Parish. .. M-ississippi: Vermilion Parisl.. Adams County...... Coahoma County. Total ...... 6 3 Covington County. .. Lincoln County...... Maine: Marion County...... Kennebec County ... 2 .----i 3 30 10 Penobscot County... 1 I...... Total ...... 1. PLacataquis County. . 1 Montana: Total ...... 4 2 Rosebud County. Wibaux County. Mlaryland: YellowstoneCounty 2 ....2. AnneArundel County 1 Billings.. Bldtimore City...... 3 Scattering...... 13 1 1 6 Kent County...... 1 I...... Prince Georges Total ...... County ...... 1 Somerset Couinty... . 1 Nebraska: Cherry Couinty...... 5 2 Total ...... 7 Dixon Cotunty...... Gosper County...... Massachusetts: Hamilton County.... Barstahle County-...... 3. 1 Redwillow County... Bristol County...... 13 Essex; County...... 31 9 Total ...... Franklin Couinty...... 1 1 1 2979 December 1, 1922.


New cases reported. New case reported. Place. Place. July. .ALUg. I3ept. July. Aug. ISept. .1- ~~I ~I.

-NorthCarolina-Contd. 1 New Jersey:cony... 1 Greene County.... Atlantic 1 Ma tin County.... . 1 New Hanover County .3.. Cur benCandy Count... Orange County.... ---- 2 Hudsongt county Sampson County... CunberlrdndCountY... .--- 5 Swain County..... Essex County ----- 2 IYadkin County.... M9 id dls C ty.... 3 MounIteront County.------3 6 4 4 Ii Tota...... 4 passic County ----- I Sialem County .... 2 t.orth Dakota: 10 Burleigh County ... 1 Union County`.--- ...... 12 GoldenValley Couinty 29 2 County..... Total ..... Griggs ...... i. Logan County .... 2 New Mexico: 1 WahCounty ...... Bernalillo County.------I 2 1 Total...... 2 County ...... Gnsnt ..... Fe CountY...... 1..... Ohio: santa 1 . Champaign Cotunty. 1 Total 1------4..... aCounty....1 1 2 New York: ...... AlbanY County 2 ..... 2 ...... Broome County 1------. .... Lucas County.---- ...... (',attaraugus County ..------1 ry Co unty. i. 1 Cayuga County- mCounty. 1 Auburn ..------14 ...... 4 ...... Scattering .------summitCony 11 1 i. ChautauquaCounty.----i.....21 Chemung Couinty... Wood County .------. 5 ...... cortland . 1 . Dutchess CountY . ------Erie CountY..... 1 1 2 Total.------4 1 2 Essex County 1---- 2 Franklin County. 1 .... Garvin Fulton County...... 1.. County.... I Genesee County.------1..... 1 Herkimer County ...... 1..... Pennsylvlani'Allegheny 4 Jefferson County ..-i----. Allegheny CountyCounty...... 2 Pennsylvania'.Cambria County .... 2 Cambria County ...... Lewis County ..------. Carbon County ...... 4 Livingston County ...------1 Carbon County ...... 1 County. ----- ... 1 cumberliuidcumberlanid County ...... Madison County ------Delaware County - ...... 2...... ------.... Monroe County...... 2 Erie CountY I1..... 4 DelawareErte Couinty4,"otmty ...... ----.... ---- 2.... j Montgomery County...... Jefferson County...... Nassu County ..------3 County ...... 2...... I...... 2..... Oneida County- LackawannaLackawannia CouiityCounity...... Lebanon Cuonty ...... Rome ..------4 13 County ...... 1...... 1 5 Scattering...... 2 4 Lehigh Cotmty ...... 2...... 1 2 M:-WnmornCountyCounty 1...1 1 Onondaga County- Montgomery Cont...... I...... 9 22 Montgomery 0;iWi I 2 Syracuse...... Northampto2lou ..y....I 5 Scattering .------. 2 13 Northampton Cotin 3 5 1 Philadl hi 2 ------PhiladelphiaCut.County. Orange County------County .= -- 1..... =e ty 3 Oswego County ..------. 14 SchuySchuylk-lCounty --- 5 Rensselaer County I.... UnioiiUnioni County ..I...------ij 1...... 1----i-1 9 9 WestmorelandWest morelad...... St. LawrenceCounty.. 1 I...... Cotmty...... Cuty...... 1 Saratoga County ------SchohArie County ...... 1.. Total 1...... 1 Total ...... 9..27..... Schuyler County ------3 Seneca County ...... 3 Rhode Island:Island:3 Steuben County ...... Bristol County. Suffolk 1 3 Bristol County ...... 1..3. County..... Kent 14...... County ..... 4 Kent Cottnty.Cotmty.------2. 1 1 i Tompkins 1 .- 3...... Newport County..- County...... 1I NewportProvidenceCOuntYCounty- - - 2.34...... 1 36 13 - ...... WasigoWyeCunty. .1...... Providence County - 4 2 Washington County..- 2-3 2...... Washington County. - 4 35 8 30 51 2 New York City .... Total ...... 1. 33 Total. 99 181 3 i 1t ~~~~18 SoutliSoutlh Carolina: Ndrth Carolina: Cbestlii cr CountyCounty.... 1 1...... County. . Ashe C'-anty...... 1..... Cbest1,,i---hlandis--land C


New cases reported. New cases reported. Place. July. Aug. Sept. July. Aug. Sept. _ I ll I~~~~~~~~~~~~1l Virginia-Continued. South Dakota: 1 Campbell County ... 1 1 ...... Shenandoah County...... Day County...... 1 ...... i Taewell County...... 8,...... WashingtonCounty. - ...... Deuel County...... 1 Wise County...... 2 ...... Faulk County...... 1 Idisbury(?County...... 1 Total...... 18 13 3 Lincoln Caounty...... e...... Union County...... :...... Wnshington: 1 . Chelan County...... Total...... 2 6 Grays Harbor County 1 Lewis County...... '' '''i' Vermont: ...... Bennington County-...... 1 Total...... 2 .I...... i Chittenden County...... County...... 1 West Vwnia: Lamoille 1 1 Windham County...... Fayette County. Windsor County...... i Mineral County...... I...... Wood County...... i Total...... 3 2 Total.. 1 1 Virginia: 1 iiekan_y County.... 2 ...... Wisonsin: ...... i Ameli County...... 1 I...... Calumet County. 1 Augusta County..... 1 ...... Dane County. 5 Grayson County...... Dunn County...... 1 1 Henrico County...... Grant County 2 ...... i Lee ...... I Green Lake Conty...... Cotmty Murathon County.... Loudoun uouty..... I ...... 3 Lunenburg County... Mlwaukee County...... 1 3 Meckldenburg County. .''''''i. Outaganie County... Middlesex County.... I ...... Portage County...... b1...... i.... Roc County. 3 Norfolk County...... 21 Prince George County ...... i Vernon County...... I...... Pulaskd County...... Wood County. .12 Roanoke County...... Rockbridge County.. Total.. 5


Montana-Continued. Califoria: . Modoe County...... I ...... Powell County...... 1 Ravalli County 4..4 Colorado: Rosebud County... 1 Garfield Treasure .... 1 . County ...... County 1 Mofat County ...... Yellowstone County . Total . 1 1.Total...... 13I| Idaho: Bingham County...... Wyoming: Convese County 1 1 Montana: Fremont County. 1...... Carbon County 1 ...... Johnson County...... Fergus Cont I ...... Park County ...... I ...... n 1 Gallatn C ty ...... Sheridan County ..... Mineral Coun t ...... MissaCoun .... 1 ...... Total ...... 5 2 (a) Mussesel County ......


Alabama: Arkansas: ButlerCounty ...... 2 C...... lark as County..... Jeffergn Cotiity ..... a...... 6...... I. Clark County...... Madison County ...... 2 12 1.1I. Clevelsmd County.... 1...... Mobile County ...... 7 4 1 Franki1 County...... 1 [in ...... Montgomery County ...... 1...... Jefersm on County..... 7 Morgan County . 2 ...... Union County...... 2 3 WalkerCounty . . 2...... 3...... Tota Tota ...... 31 11 3 Total ...... 17 a Report for September not reccived at time of going to press. 2981 December 1, 1922. STATE REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBzX 1922-Continued. SMALLPOX-Continued.

New cases reported. New cases reported. Place. Pceo. July. Aug. Sept. July. Aug. Sept. California: Idaho: Alameda Ada Coumty- 6 Countv...... Livermore...... 14...... Bannock Couanty... . Scattering...... 13 7 ...... Bear Lake Couity... Calaveras Couty.... 4 2 IBonner County...... 1 Colusa Cotinty.... i.. 3 Canyon County...... Eldorado County.-...... 51 Custer County .... Fresno County...... Kootenai County.... 12 Imperial County..... Latah County...... Kern County...... 3 1 ...... Mtadison County..... Kings County...... 1. Oneida Los Angeles County- County...... ''''i 34 2 Glendale ...... 20 Total ...... I Les Angeles...... 7 11 4 30 Scattering...... 2 6 8 ariposa County..... ~~~~~12 Inlinois: Mmnterey County.... 2.}1 ...... Csss County...... Orange uounty...... 2 1' ...... Clay County...... Placer Count:... Cok Cunty...... 1 '''i Plumas County...... I...... De Kalb County... . Riverside County.... De Witt County.... I Sacramento County...... Do%ounty... 1 San Bernardino 3 .... County...... 1 ...... Hank County...... San Francisco County 3 Iroqudis County.... San Joquin County. 7 ...... Jackson C ty.... San Jeffern unty...... Luls Obispo Kane County...... 3 County...... 1 Santa ClaraCounty- ...... Kankakee County.... 7... San Jose...... 12 6 3 Lake County. 1 Scattering...... 2 7 3 Lawrene County.... 1 Shasta County...... 1 ...... Lee County...... I 6 Siskiyou County...... Logan County...... Stanislaus County...... 6 4 Madison County..... 3 ..... Sutter County...... Mason 24 1 Peoria County...... Tulare County...... County...... 64 ..... Tuolumne County...... Rane 1 39... Ventura County...... St.esrr County.....Cunty... St. dsr coumt.... 1 Yuba County...... '2...... &lin oauty ...... 91 Total . 113 38 SD=rn on C6unty.... 1 _ lcCAounty...... Colordo:. Tazewedl County..... 61 BoulderCot ty.t 1...... Union Countty. 10 Cbaffee C:ounty..t ....ii* -ii. WashingtonWayne Coulnty.. 1 Devaer Cout...... 31 WlMtesdeCounty...... I Eagle County...... 1.. 31 County.... eagan County...... Wlliamson ...... 1 County.. 21 Nwt Cavnty.Cu...... 13 Moran y...... Ttal...... 17.5 OCiro Cotmty...... C aeblo ty...... 2 Indiana: 2 Alien County. Washrgio unty . tmt ...... 1 Blacford County.... Boone County...... 13 l 2~~~ Total...... 10 17 39 Cass County...... 1 Clay County...... 3...... 3. Coinectiuat: Clinton County...... 1 FairPeld Coty..... 1 2 Dearborn 1. NewRouttdeHiaven County.. County.... Covnty...... 1 ...... Dekaib County...... Delaware County...... , Total...... 11 1 2 Elkhart Couinty .... 24 1 2 Florida: Fayette, County...... Citrus Grant County...... 1 . County..... 1 ...... ,..... DuTal Jaslpr County...... Cun.ty..... I ...... (ladaden County.. 1.2 Jay County...... 2 2 ...... 2...... Marion County.. Jeiinings Cwounty...... 2 .....8. fi Monroe Count ... 8 6 Palm Beach out ...... Punellas Pike County...... 4 1..... County.. 2...... Polk County.... Ripley County...... 2. i..... I ...... Rush County...... St. Lucie County.. 2 2 1 Suwanee County... Slielby Coulnty...... I .... Vigo Cotnnty ...... I.. Total...... 8 is 1 -~7 Tot:l: ...... December 1, 1922. 2982 STATE REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER, 1922-Continued,- SMALLPOX-Continued.

New cases reported. New cases report

New eases reported. Place. - July. Aug. Sept.

Pennsvlvanin: . Iiintingdonl County ...... ftaks.'. %UVuy ...... 10 ...... Mointgomery Cotunty.' .....1 Snohomish County...... Spokane County..... 2 ...... 2 Total ...... 1. 11. .. Whatcom County.... 7

Yakima County...... 4 ...... South Carolina: ...... FairEeld County.. 1. Total ...... 46 32 Oconee County ...... 12 ...... I West Virginia: ---- Pickens County .-.1- ...... Braxton County... 1 SumterCounty...... 1...... Fayette County...... I_3 ...... Gilmer County .. 1 ...... Total...... 14 1 Hancock County.... 1 1 ...... i Harrison County .... 1 ...... South Dakota: Jackson County.-. 6 Beadle Cotinty ...... 1 ...... Kanawha County.... 3 ... 2 Brookings ..1...... County Lewis County...... 3 ...... i Brown County .... 1 i Logan Couinty...... Brule County ...... 1 ...... Marion County...... 7 ...... CampbeU County...! .....1 -.. . 2 Corson Marshall Countv...- 3 County...... Mineral County..... 1 ...... DeuelCounty ...... 1 ..... 1|.-..-.... Mingo Cotunty...... 2 FaulkCounty...... 1 ...... Raleigh Couinty...... 8 Hughes County. 4 ...... Hutchinson County . 1 ...... Total ...... 38 Hyde County .. . 2 ..1.2. l-1~~1141 Kmgsbury County 1 ...... Wisconsin: Lawrence County.::: 4 ...... Ashland County.. 2 Minnehaha County. I...... Bayfield Cou,nty... 13 Roberts County ...... Calumet Couinty.... 1 I Turner County ...... Chippewa County. 4 Clark County ..... Total ...... 15 6 13 Columbia County. 10 1 Dane County.... . 2 Virginia: Door County...... 1 Giles County...... I ...... Douiglas County.. .20

...... Halifax County ...... 2 ...... Iowa Couinty. 1

Montgomery County. 3 Jefferson Co-anty...... Rockmgham County. 1 2 . Lafayette County.. 2 Russell County ...... MAanitowoc County... 1 ...... Scott ...... 1 County ...... Marathon Couinty.... 6 ...... 1 Tazewell County-...... Milwaukee Couinty... 14 6 Washington County ...... i Oconto County .... 2 1 Wythe County...... Outagamie County... 2 1 Pepin Couinty ...... 1 Total...... 728 Pierce Coutnty. ... 2

Racine County. 1 ...... Washington: Richland Couinty.... ., 2 Chelan Cointy . . 2...... Ruisk Couinty...... 6 Clarke County ...... 8 6 3 Sawyer County..... Douglas Countv...... 1 ...... Sheboygan Couinty... .1. Grays Harbor County.. 1 . Washington County.. 1 1 Island ...... 6 3 Wau County kesha Countv.... 6 ...... King County...... 5 3 1 Winnebago Cqunty-.. 1 Kitsap County...... 1.. Lewis Coumty1 ...... Total...... 117 1 47 39 Lincoln County ...... 3 .. Wyoming: Pierce County...... j 13 3 Park County...... 1 (a)

a Report for September not received at time of going to press. 2985 DecemLber 1, 1922. STATE REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMER, 1922-Continued. 8M ALLPOX2VACCINATION HSTORIES.

Vaccinatio history of cases. Vacci- Lastvac- New nated cinated State. cases Deaths. re- within more History ported. seven than NeSver itr not years seven success- preced- years fully tainedobh.or mig prpeced- ciliated. Ing "ne- attak. attack. tamn.

California 2 ...... 14 Florida ...... 3 227 2 ..-.-.-...... Ilinois .. . . 222 Kansa& ..-...... 8 37 1i 12 ...... 40 ...... 2 69 108 ...... -.- ...... 15 2 lYinnesota 199 ...... 1 Montana ...... 3 13 36 105 78 New ...... 1...... Me.Yico 2... 1 33 New York ...... 2...... _ 12 TYPHOID FEVER. New cases reported. New cases reported. Place. Place. July. Aug. Sept. I1 July. Aug. S ept. Alabama: I Baldwin County...... 4 Alabama-Continued. Wilcox ...... Barbotur County..... 8 13 Cotunty ...... Winston ...... Bibb County ...... 7 County ...... 2 Bullock .I...... 5 County.... Total ... l Butler County ...... 2 132 Calhoun County..... 10 _ I- Clarke County...... Arkansas: Clay County...... 1 AshieyBentonCounty... Couiity..... 11 ...... Cleburne County..... Boone 1 Colbert County...... CalhounCointy...... i. 5 County...... 2 Canecuih County...... Carroli County...... Coosa County...... i ...... 4 Clark Counity...... 3 Covington County ... 5 Cullman ClayCounty...... County..... 1 Cleveland Cowity. 2 ,...... i Dale County...... 2 Conay County...... Dallas County...... 8 ...... Dekalb County...... , Craigised County...... ''''''i' ...... i 2 Crawford County.... 5 3 Elmore County...... 2 Faullcner Ct Escambia County...... i Etowah 1 Franklin County.... County..... Garland County. Fayette ...... 1.. 4 ...... i3 County...... 2 G ...... II.. Geneva County. rantCounty 1 1 Hale ...... '1 GreeneCounty...... County ...... Hempstead 241 2 Henry County ...... County... 2 2 ,otSpring County. . 1 2 Houston County..... 5 8 3 independence County ...... i.... Jackson ...... 3 County 2 Mard 1 ...... 2 Jefferson Coulnty.... I...... 50 County ..... 100 Lafayette County. Lauderdale County. 1 13 ...... i I Lawrence County...... 192 LoganCounty...... Lee 3 7 ...... i. County...... 2 County...... _..... Limestone Marion 7 County .. MillerCounlty..... I ...... 1' Lowndes County..... 1 County... 2 5 ...... ; Macn County...... Mississippi 2 ...... Madison County..... OuachitaMonroeCounty ...... I I Marengo 4 Coulnty ...... County..... 2 20 PikeCounty.:...... Marshall County..... 1 2 2 2 Mobile County.. 6 Poinsett County...... 12 .5 Monroe County. 2 12 2 PulaslciCounty.... Montgomery County. St. 2 Morgan 12 4 FrancisCounty... County...... 2 2 Perry 2 SalineCounty... 3 2I County...... 1 Scott Couty...... Pike County.... 3 3 1 7 I 3 Seba 2 County.... 1 tya.... 17 3 Randolph 12 3 SharpCounty...... 3 2 Shelby County..... 3 Sumter ...... '1 Union County...... 5 County. 1 Van BurcnCounty...... i. 4 Talladega County..:. Washtngton 7 5 County.. f5 6 2 WhiteCounty...... 6 6 12 117 Wau Total...... 83 ...;Couty. 3 13 - 80 December 1, 1922. 2986


New cases reported. New cases reporte& Place. Place. July. I Aug. Sept. July. Aug. Sept. 11 -I California: Colorado-Continued. Alameda County..... 9 2 8 Pueblo County...... 5 2 Butte County ...... 4. 1 2 Rio Gran-le County...... Contra Costa County. 2 5 2 San Miguel County... 1 FresnoCounty ...... 3 3 Weld County...... 5 ...... ii Glenn County...... 1 i 14 Humboldt County...... Total...... 73 Imperial County...... 6 85 133 Kern County...... 2 4 Connecticut: Kinigs County...... 2 2 Fairfield County..... 2 16 Lassen County ...... 1 5 Hartford County..... 9 14 16 Los Angeles County- Litchrield 8 County.... 2 ...... Los Angeles...... 21 13 Middlesex County...... 1. Scattermg...... 5 12 28 New haven County- MaderaCounty...... 1 2 New Haven...... 23 I 7 MendocinoCounty... 1 Scattering.... 17 144 Merced County...... 4 1 New LonJon County. 9 5 2 Modoc County...... 1 Windham County.... 3 2 ...... Monterey County...... 3 Nevada County...... Total...... 57 39 Orange County...... 3 2 =-- Placer County...... 3 6 Delaware: Riverside County..... 9 1 Kent County...... 8 3 Scramento County.. 16 1 New Castle Couinty. . 13 13 7 San Benito County...... Sussex ...... 2 7 San Bernardino 1 County 11 14 County. 12 Total ...... 23 27 San County...... -29 SanDiego ikrancisco lvstrict of Columbia ...... 23 County...... 7 2 24 18 SanJoaquinCounty- Florida: Stockton.' 14 1 2 Alachua -- 1 Scattering.. 19 1 County 1.. I. 1 Baker County ...... San Luis Obispo Bay Couniity ...... 1..1.. County ...... 9 Bradford Counity .... SantaBarbaraCounty ...... 1 2 Citrus County ...... 1 Santa Clara County...... Clay C3uty...... 1.. Shasta County...... Crl4mbiaCounty ...... 1 Siskiyou County.. Dade County ...... 3 1 Sonoma County...... 1 3 De Soto Cotunty...... 1 Stanislaus County...... 2 125 Duval County ...... 3 2 1 Sutter County...... 2.. Escambia County ---- 2 2 .|.- Tehama County...... 7 Gadsden Cmunty..... 1 1 Trinity County...... 3 Glades Cunty ...... 2.. Tulare County...... 1 1 Hamilton C)unty...... Tuoltimne County... 24 12 Hillsboroulgh Cainty. 4 4 3 Ventura County..... 4 HolmesC-utnty...... 1...... 1 Yolo County...... 1 Jackson County ... 2 Lafayette County ...... 6 Total...... 137 125 ...... 1akte Coutty 1 1 . .. 1 Laon Counity.1 ...... 1 Colorado: _ - Manatee County... 2 4 ..~ Adams County. 4 2 7 Mfarioni Couiity .... 4 2 1 Arapahoe County ...... 4 Monroe County ...... 3 2 Archuleta County1.... 119 Pasco County ...... 1 3 1 Bent County.------2 Polk County ...... 2 1 1 Boulder County ...... 12 3 4 Putnam Comnty.....2. Chaffee Couinty.------St. Tohns County..-.. 1 1 Delta .... County ...... 3 Satta Rosa . . 3 2 Denver County 1 County 10.....I 0 Seminole County.. .3 ...... El Paso County ...... 2 5 SurnterC0nnty ...... 1 Fremont County ..... 2 Sitwanee Ciunty ...... 1 3 ...... Garfield County ...... 3. TavlorC -unity ...... Guinnison County....------1 Union County ...... Huerfano 1 52 County. 2 Volusia Counity ...... I Jefferson County ...... Lal;cCoualy...... 12,z-- Kit Carson County...... 4 Total .... 37 2043 Larimer Cotunty ...... 1 Las Animas County. 3 Hawaii: Mesa County ...... 1 Hawaiiu. .... 4 4 3 Montezuma Couinty .. I 2 3 Kauai .... 1 3 Montrose County.... 4 .I 4 7 Manui . .... 5 1 Morgan Cotnty ...... l 2 Oahu .... 9 9 3 Otero Count -- 9 7 2 Total .... 14 21 11 ProwersPriolipsCouhntyCounty...... l 2987 December 1, 1922. STATE REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEME ued. TYPHOID FEVER-Continued.

NeWI reported. mases New cases reported. .Place. Place. July Aug. Sept. July. Aug. Sept. .. I .. Idaho: Illinois-Continuod. Ada County...... 3 3 Moultrie County..... Bannock County...... 2 6 Peoria County...... 3 Bear Lake County... 5 Perry County...... ''..... Boise County...... PiattCounty...... 2 Bonner County...... 1 3 2 4: Pike County...... Boundary County ... Pope County...... 1 Canyon County...... Pulaski County.... Cassia County...... I...... 1 Putnam Elmoro County ...... County..... Fremont County..... 2 Randolph County... Gooditig County..... 5... Richlan(d County...... ; Rock Island County.. 3 Jerome County...... 2L...... 7 4S Oneida County...... A''' St. Clair County..... Owyihec County..... ''''i 3 Saline County...... Twia Falls Coty... Ia San 'mon County... 3 1 .i1 Shelb County... 2 2 3 1 Total...... i2 Stark County- ... 12 22 Stphenson ty. 8~~ liinois: .:1 Unon County. Adams County...... Vermioll County... 1 2 5 Wabash County.... Alexander County ... 3 4 Bond Warren County. County...... 2 Was Boone County...... htounCounty.. 7 3 3~~1 Brown County...... Wayrne County.... 3 Bureau County. White County...... 3 Whitesde Calhoun County... 13 Couaty.... 3 ...... 6 1 Will County ...... Carroll County...... WiUiamson County.. Champaign County.. 3 Christia County... Winnebago County.. 13 4 Woodford .., Clark County. 1 County. Clay County. 6 Total...... Clinton County..... 13 u2 255 258 Coles County...... 15 10 Cook County...... 2 2 Indiana 3 33 43 Allen Cointy ...... Crawford County..... 5 3 Boone Cotnty...... 1 Cumberland County.. Cass 3 De Kalb County..... 1 County...... De Wiltt County..... 15 Clark County...... Douglas Coumty...... Clay County...... 11 Clinton County..... 1 ...... 2 Eda onty..... 4 Davis County..... 2 ...... I Effngham County. 14 Dearborn 6 Fayette County... 3 County... 3 2 2 . 1} Ford Decatur Coulnty... . . 3 County...... 1 Delaware County... 2 j Franklin County... 2 Elkhart 3 Fulton County. County..... 1 1 2 2 4 Gallatin County. Grene County...... 1 ...... 6 Hamilton County.... Hancock County ...... Hancock County..... Harrison County.... 1 Hendricks County ... Hardin County...... 4 ...... 5. 5 Henderson County... ''4 Howard County. 2 ,12 2 3 HuH y Counn.-*.....ty. . Henry County.... 3I 5 3 1 1 2 ...... 12... County ...... 3 3.... 11 County ..... Jasper County. Jenningus 3 1 1.... 2 Jeffen County...... 3''' 1 1 JohnsonCpunty...... 1 3 Knon County ...... 3 Kane County...... 2 Koscusko County.. . 2 28 10 Kankakee 11 Lake County...... 3 ...... i County.... 6 1'''i Laporte County...... 2 1 Knom County Lawrence County.... 1 ...... 2 Salle County.... 1 Madison . Lake County...... 2 County...... I Marion County...... 1 7 Lawrence County .... 2 Martin County...... Livingston County... 1 ...... Menro County...... Montgomery County...... 7 Morgan County...... I...... County...... 5 6 4 Noble County...... MaconCouonty..... 4 Wacoupin Co umty.... 3 Madison Parke County..... 3 3 ...... County...... 5 Marion County...... Pery County. 2 Mar County..... Porte County.t ...... Mtason County.... Putnam County-.... 7 ...... i assac County...... Randolph County.... 1 ...... Rp ...... I...... 2 St. Jcoeph Cou ...... Montgo unty. ity...... 3 Mtorgan County.... 10 soott ...... 1 5 Spner County...... December 1, 1922. 2988 STATE REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER, l922-Continue& TYPHOID FEVER-Continued.

New cases reported. New cases reporte. Place. Place. July. Aug. Sept. July. Aug. Sept.

- Indiana-Continued. Kansas-Continued. Steuben County... '1. . Morton County.... 1 ...... 8 .... Tippecanoe County.. Nemaha County...... Tipton County...... 1 Ness County ...... Union Caunty ..... 1 Norton County...... Vanderburgh County...... Osborne County...... 2 Vigo County...... 2 Pawnee County...... 1 13. .3 Wabash County...... 6 Phillips County...... Wayne County...... 2 Pratt County...... White County...... 1 Reno County...:::::: 2 Republic County...... 1.... Total...... 139 Rice kCounty. 2 2 Riley County...... I...... 1314 Iowa: I Ru ellCounty... 31 1 Adair County...... -Saline County..., ...... 2 Allamakee County... Shdermck Cotuty- County... Wichita...... 11 BlWckAppanouseHawlc St attering...... 1 2 Cherokee County.....County.' 1 Shawnee County..... 3 4 Clay County...... 1 Sherman County...... 1 1 Hardin County...... Smith County ...... Jefferson County...... Staff nrd County.. Johnson Cotmty...... Sumner County...... 1 2 Mahaska Cotmty..... Thomas County...... 1 12 Muscatine County.... Wallace County...... 1 Polk County ...... Wnshington County...... Poweshiek unty.. Wilson County...... Sioux County...... Woodson Coimty...... 1 Wapello County..... Wyandotte County- 2 Kansas City..... 13 14 Total...... 1 2 Scattering...... 4 2 Kansas: 3'''' Total .1. 158 Allen County...... 1 Anderson County.... 2 Louisiana: Atchison County..... 2 Allen Parish. 2 1 Barber County...... 1 Assumption Parish.. 2 Barton County...... Avoyelles Parish. 2 13 Bourbon County..... Beauregard Parish... 1 5 Brown County...... Bienville Parish. 2 1 2 Buitler County ... Bossier Parih. Chautauqua County. 1 3 Caddo Parish. 4 .. Cherokee County.. 2 Calcasieu Parish. 4 1 12 Clark County ...... 16 Caldwell Parish. Clay County...... 1 1 Catahoula Parish. .. Cloud County...---- 3.... Claiborne Parish..... Coffey County...... 1 Concordia Parish.. 1 Cowley County...... De Soto Parish...... 2 Crawford County..... East Baton Rouge Decatur County...... 1 2 Parish...... 3 Dickinson County.... 5 East Carroll Parish. 1 2 Douglas County...... 1 East Felieiana Parish 7 2 Edwards County..... 1.... Evangeline Parish.... 2 Elk County ...... 1 Franklin Parish...... 2 Finney County...... 1 Grant Parish...... 2 1 Ford County...... Iberia Parish...... 2 Franklin County..... * 2 Iberville Parish...... 2 12 .. Gray County..... 3 Jaekson Parish...... 1 Greeley County . 1 3 Jefferson Parish...... 2 Greenwood Coumty.. 4 ... 7 Larayette Parish. ''''''i' Harper County...... 2 2 Lafolurche Parish...... Harvey County...... 1 8 La Salle Parish...... 1 3 Hodgeman County... 14.... .71Liringston Parish...... 4.... Jackcson County.... 17 Moreliouse Parish...... I.. Jefferson County. Natchitoches Parish...... 4..... Jowell County...---- Orleanw Parish...... 16 12 Johnson County..... 3 Plaquemines Parish.. 3 Kiugman County.... Pointe Coupee Parish ...... i. Labette County...... Rapides Parish ... 2 7 Leavenworth County. Red River Parish...... 1 Linn County...... Richland Parish...... Lion County Sabine Parish...... McPhersonCony. St. James Parish...... i...... Marion County...... St. John the Baptist Marshall County..... Parish ...... l Miami County ...... St. Landry Parish.... 1 1 Montgomery County. St. Mary Parish..... I...... I Morrs County...... St. Tammany Parish...... I Typhoid fever not required by law to be reported. 2989 Deaember 1, 1922. STATE REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPrEMWER, -Continued. YTPHOID FEVER-Continued.

New cas reported. New cases reportd. Place. July. Aug. Sept. July. iI+11--I Aug. Sept. Louisiana-Continued. 2 Massachusetts-Contd. Tangipahoa Parish... 2 2 Plymouth CounIty.-... Tensa Parish...... 8 Suffolk County- 1 4 4 Terrebonne Parilsh... 3 B 25 tn...... 8 15 24 Union Parish...... Scattering...... 2 2 3 Vermilion Parlsh..... 1 Worcester County.... 13 16 Verno Parish...... 1 14 Washington Parish.. 7 Total...... Webster Parish...... 8 2 75 101 132 West Baton Rouge : 1 Michigan: Paris .. 12 Alcona County...... West Carroll Parish.. Alger County...... 1 Adtegan County...... Total...... 123 98 Alpena County...... ''''1i Barry Coumty...... 1 Maine: Bay CouMty. 1 Androscoggin County 3 5 3 Berrie Coty..... 2 10 Aroostooklc ounty...... 5 9 Branch CoimtYv... 1 Cumberland County. 8 .2 Hancock County..... 1 Cas County..... Kennebec County...... 1 Cheboygn County... Knox County...... 1 Chippewa Coumty.... *1 2 Lincoln County...... 2 Crawford County..... Oxford County...... 1 Delta Contty..... Penobscot County.... 1 4 2 Piseataquis County.. 4 Eatoe County..... 1.... 3 agadahoc County... 2 Genet County. Somerset Coty..... 2 Gladin Cour.' 6...4 WashintonCounty- Gogebic Coumty.. 1.... 1 B asleyvll1 e Gratiot (towrn)..... 43 County... 8 30 HiLsdale Counity. 1...6 2 Scatterinlg.... 1 13 Houghton York County. 1 Couity.... Hur9 Co ...... 14 Total...... 60 13 lonla Cotmkty..... 3 13 losco County-.-. -. Maryland: 17 Isabella 2 Alegany Coty..... 6 Conty...... 12 24 Anne Arundel JacksaCounty. 2 County. 6 42 KaRauaaseo Conty... Baltimore City...... 17 Kent County...... 12 Baltimore 48 32 Lapeer County...... County.... 3 9 7 LMiawen County..... 4 2 Calvert County. 2 12 Caroline County. 4 Lvngston County... 2 4 5 4 County.... Carroll County...... 2 2 Cecil 3 9 1. County...... 7 4 2 Mason Coumty.... 14 Charles County...... 1...... 6 6 Dorchester eota County..... 1...4 .2 County... 19 13 Midland County..... 1. 1 Frederick County.... I3 6 Garrett 11 Monroe Coustty...... 1 County... 3 7 4 Motailm County.... Harford County.. 1 4 4 Howard County...... 1 Muskegon Coumty.... Kent 4 1 Oakanda County..... County...... 3 S 4 VeawBr Conmty. Montgomery County. 13 3 69 1 Prince tIeorges 19 OWstenagn Coumty... 3 County...... Osneo County...... 10 14 11 Ottawra Couity..... 1 QueenAnnesCounty. 6 8 8 Peque Isle County.. 5 St. Marys County...... 97 8omerset County... 3 Saginaw County..... 37 7 8 St. Clair County.... Talbot Cont .. 2 9 nilac County. Wasbngton County.. 4 4 25 uiasee County... 172 Wicomico County.... 9 13 Worcester County.... 6 Tama County. State hospitals..... 19 8 Van Buren County... 4 6 5 Washtenaw Couty.. Wayne County.... Totl...... 124 '247 213 Wexfiord County... MassachusntItq Berkshire County..... Total...... Bristol 3 1225 P.. County..... 14 12 10 Essex Couty.n Mannesota: 7 12 Beiltrasni County...... 2 6 Big Stone County...... i 3 Blue YoNfin Earth County. . 1 keunty. .?. - :...... nmpek County..... 19 1 ...... 4 CamsCounty!.... 4 ...... *-9 .2 19933P-22-4 December 1, 1922. 2990


New cases reported. New c3ses reported. Place. Place. July. Aug. Sept. July. Aug. Sept.

Minniiesota-Continued... Mississippi-Continued .. Chisago County...... i. Kemper County...... 6 2 Clay C'ounty...... Lafayette County.... 9 6 Clearwater County... Lamar County...... Crow Wing County.. 1 ...... Lauderdale County.. 3 Dakota County..... 1 Lawrence County.... 1 2 Faribault County...... I2...... 1 Leake Couinty...... 11 Fillmore Cotnty..... ITe Couty ...... 2' Goodhue County.... Lcflore County...... 14 50 14 Grant County...... Lincoln County...... 3 2 Lowndes 3 Hennepin County.... 11 13 6 Coumty....- 8 10 7 Hubbard Cotmty.... Madison County.. 4 4 Isanti Countyn...... Marion County...... 9 2 Itasca Coumnty...... Marshall County..... 5 I142 Kittson County ...... 1 2...... Monroe County...... 3 4 Koochiching C-ounty...... 2 ...... M o n t g o m c r y 11 Lac qui Parle County County ...... 4 6 L on County.-...... NeshobaCounty..... 1 =nomen ounty... Newvton County ...... 7 9 5 Marshall County..... NoxutbeeCounty ..... Meeker County...... Oktibbeha County... I...... 1 Morrison County..... 4 1 2 Panola County. 6 Mower County...... 20... Pearl River County.. Norman Countv..... Perry County...... 2...... Olmsted County..... 3 Pike Cointy ...... 3 Pine County...... Pontotoc County.... 15 Pipestone County... 3 1 Prentiss County...... 8 Po County..... 3 4 Quiitman County..... 41 2 Popo County...... Rantin Couinty ...... 4 Ramsey County..... 3 8 Scott County...... 5 1--2 Redw-ood County .... Sliarkeyv County...... 20 3 5 Renville County. 2i Fimpson County.... 108 5 6 Rice County.... Suntlower County.. . 20 15 15 Rock County. ..: 1 T a I I .n h a t cb ic St. Louis County. 5 2 Colnty ...... 7 Steele County...... Tate County .... 10 1 I17 Swift County... Tippnh County...... 2 13 l2

Traverse County .... 13 ...... 2 Tishomingo County.. 15 5 4 Wabasla County..... Tunica County. 1 8 Watonwnn County... Union County. 11 4 Winonn County..... Walthbll Coumty.... 3 4 2 Warren County..... i5 5 3 Total ...... Washington County.. 1 6 Webster County..... 2 2 Missgissippi: Wilkinson County... 3 Adams County...... 44 Winston County.... 17 3 Alcorn County...... 1 7 Yalobusha County... 8 1 Amito County...... Yazoo County...... 10 7 5 Attala County...... 391 Benton County...- 13 Total...... 425 318 262 Bolivar County. 16 57 Calhoun County...... Montana Carroll 7....2 County...... 20 2.18 Beaverhead County.. Chickasaw County... 1 Choctaw Big Horn couty ...... Coumtvj... 10 :.D...... 3 1 Blaine Coumty. 3 Claiborne Cotmty..... i~ 7 Carbon County. 1 2 Clarke County...... 68 ...113 Cascade County. 2 1 12 31 Dawso County...... 2 Coa0oma County..... 3 4...... 5 Fergus County. 1 Coplah County...... 3 6 Gallatin County. 1 Covington County.. . 1 21 . 21 Hill ...... De Soto County. ,1392 County...... 3 3 Jeffrson County...... Forrest County...... Judith Basin County...... 4Ia 2 Franklin County..... 12 *2 11 Lewis and Clark George County...... 1 16 7 County...... Grecne Coumty...... Missoula County...... Grenada County..... Pondera ...... 3 1 County. 1 Harrison County.... .IRavali County...... ,18 Hinds County .... Rosebud County...... 2 Holmes County...... Silver Bow Coumty...... 1 1 Humphreys County.. Sweet Grass County...... Itawanmba County... 7 Toole County...... Jack-son County..... Treasure County...... as rCounty...... Wheatland Conty.. Jolerson County..... Yellowstonc Jeffcrson D a v i s County.. Cotmty...... Jones County...... 11 Total. 13- 2991 December 1, 1922. STATE REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER 1922-Continued. TYPHOID FEVER-Continued.

New cases reported. New casreported. Place. Place. July. Aug. Sept. July. Aug. Sept. New CattaraugusYork-Continued...County .. 4 Nebraska: ...... Buffalo County ...... 1...... Chautauqua Chemunig CounItyCounty. ..1 4 5 7 Clay County ...... 1 Couty ...... 5...... 2 I ...... ChenanIgo Dodge County 6 2 4 .... ClintnConty...... 2 Douglas County ...... 3 ...... Gosper County ...... 1 ...... 1 ...... ColumbiaCortland Cout 6 ...... Cot....County Howard County Delaware .. 7 .2 2 Lancaster County.... 1 1 County .... Dutchess Conty 21 Ere County- 17 ... Bufalo ...... 8

...... 3 2 Nance County Scattering ...... Nuckolls CountY ...... Essex County...... 2 1 2 Perkins County ..... ty 1 .2 ...... 1. FranklinC Phelps County ...... Fulto Cou ty ...... '1 Platte County ...... Itedwillow County... 1...... Ge ea Counl1:2 ¢ ...... Richardson County. Greme County Herkimer County...... 111 ...... 1 Seward County ...... Jefferson County ...... 5 Stanton County...... LIst 1 Thayer County.1 .....1 ...... Couny...... I I ...... IMaison IOmnty 2 York County County ...-1.. 12 13 .29 IMSonroe Counlty 5 13 6 Total ...... Mo1ntgomer ty. I.. Nassau 4 it New Jersey: 2 8 3 :: 2 7 Atlantic County. 5. NassaCOUDt 6 . 4 4 ....16 Onida Ctty 4 105 12 16 ...312 Onondag Cotnty 1 4 5 12 ..16 5 Ontario County 1 1 4 6 Cape May County.. 3 3 Orang County 5 2 1 5 Orles ...... Cumberland County ..4 County 2 7 4 14 12 20 Oswego County County ...... Essem 9 1 5 3 Gloucester County ..... 2 OtsegoCounty 7 3 4 2 11 9 Remea Couty.-- Hudson County...... I Meroer County ...... 10 8 2 Roa:knd Couty...... 2 1 10 Middlesex County.,. 2 9 5 st.SaratogaIawrencetyCounty . . .. 12 57 13 ...... Monmouth County... 11 6 3 2 4 MorrisCountyounty .....1 1 Schobariechenetady(?ountyCounty..1. 4 3 5 1 Passac County ...... Schuyler ...... 7 5 1 CtyCty...... 1 2 Salem County ...... Seneca ..... 1 ...... County . . 3 2 Somerset County ...... 4 1 StenbenS Sussex County ...... County- 5 8 7 ufflkB Uinion County ...... Huntington 4...... 4...... 4 Warren Coity ..... , I S . 1 30 1 8cattering(town)------3 1 3 101 Total 84 124 5 811llivanCounty 1 83 ...... ty 6 2 TiogaC ...... Noew Mexico: 3 5 Bemalillo County.... Tompins County ...... Colfax County ...... 2 3 Ulst County Curry County ...... DonaAna County .. 1 1I Wayne C ty 4. Cny 7 10 14 Eddy County ... Westcheste Lincoln County ...... Wyomntg ...... I...... Luna County.1 ...... 1 3. I 2 YatesCoWity...... 2 MoraCounty ...... NewYorkCity971..... 2 Otero County .... I ...... 6 CounyCt...... Tota. ioXxriba~nCty...... L_ Roosevelt County.1...... NorthTCarolin:taL...... 22 30 3 ...... County . 3 Sandoval County...... 1 San Juan County. ... 2. i Alanmance 2 4 2 Alexander County- - 2 2 . San Miguel County 1.. 8 AllegbanyCounty-..... 1 6 2 ..... Santa Fe County..... Anson CountyCounty2 An 3.--~~~~...... 3 2 A Socorro County .. Ase County ...... Taos County ...... 4 3 3 A 2.... Torrance County ..... Union County ...... 4 Bertie County 71 4 ...... 4 2...... 2 Valencia County..... 2 - _ IBudn;d=C0oetmynty:::County 2...... 83 Brunswick County.....-.-.-.. 2...... 1 Total 25 41 ...... Buncombe County- 7Il1 1 Burke CountY... 2 2 Now York: S 10 12 4 Cabarrus County 1 2 Albany County ...... 1 CaldwellCounlty it County1...... Alleg-ay 2 Camden C0outy - ..... Browns County1...... I ...... | 7... Cayuga County...... I... Cawel1I CounitC^ldwilCtlr~~~~~~...... 1 December 1, 1922. 2992


New cases rep4orted. New cases reportea. Place. Place. July. Aug. Sept. July. Aug. Sept. .1 North Carolina-Conitd. 81 North Carolina-Contd. Catawba County 4 7 Yadkin County. ... 7 ...... 2 Chatham County.----- ...- i1 Yancy County ... 11 2 ...... 6 Cherokee County 5 ...... Chowan Countmy-. 12I Total ...... 156 3871 302 Clay County . -. 3 ... Cleveland County.... 9 6 North Dakota: Columbus County . ..6 ..8 Barnes County.---- Craven County . 4 1 4 Burleigh County..... CumberlandCounty 2 5 3 Cavalier County.--- 4 Dare County ...... 1...... 1 Grand Forks County. Davidson County. . 12 6 6 Davie County ...... oTesiryconty.-.-- Duplin Countv...... S Nelson County..... Durham County...... 1 5 12 IPierce County..... Edgecombe County 12 5 Ramsey County..... 2 Sheridan ..... County ...... 20 14 1414 County 1 ty 16 7 StutsmLan County Gaston County 13 8 5 Traill County..... Gates County ...... 2 4 1 Graham County.3...... 3...... Total ...... 2j 12 Granville Countty 6 1 3 11 Greene County------2 Ohio: Guilford County 16 25 Adams County .... 2 Haliax Coumty. 18 7 8 Allen County.. 6 Ashland HaywoodHarnett County ...... 2 8...... 2 County. County Ashtabula County 6 Heu-derson Cunty 3 Athens County .... 6 HertfordCoty... 1 Auglaize County..- 2' 2 Hoke County 1 2 Belmont County. ... . 3 2 Iredell County ...... 12 13 30 Brown County .... 3 Jackson County ------3 2 8 Butler County .... 2 1 8 Johnston Caunty. 7 6 4 Carroll County 1 Jones County.1 ...... Champaign County. Lee Coumty. ... 2 Clark County...... 4 4 Lenoir County 4 3 Clermont County.... 27 2 3 Lincoln ...... 5 5 4 Clinton County (1i Coumty...... County..._ 5 3 McDowell County.... 3 2 Columbiana County.. 5 Maeou County...... 1 1 Coshocton County.... Madison County .. 12 10 5 Crawford County..... 101 1 Martin County ...... 1G 4 1 Cuyahoga County 12 1023 Mecklenburg uounty. 30 12 DareCounty ...... 13 2 MitchellCounty...... 5 ....153 Definee County.... 3@@v- Monltgomery County. 1 -.---- 4 Delaware County..... Nash County...... 9 5 4 Erie County..... 13 New Hanover County 5 1 7 Fairfield County. 3 Northampton County 5 1 3 Fayette County. 3 13 4 OnslowCounty...... 2 4 Franklin County.. 3 41 Orange County ...... 7 20 Fulton County... Pamlio Cou ty-... 1 Gallia County.....i 1 Psquotan nkCountv.. 4 4. 2 Geauga County.... 1 1 ...... 1 53~ Pender County 3 4 Greene County.... 3 Pe iuman County. 1 3 GuemseyCounty.... 8 3 Person County . . 2 ...... 1 Hamilton County.... 6 142 Pitt Cunty...... 12 16 Hancock County... 27 1 Polk County3 ...... Hardin County...... 4 Randolph County 5 4 2 Harrison County..... Richmond County.. 7 2 3 HenAry County...... 19 Robeson County..... 16 2 7 Highland County-... 3 RockiaghamCounty. 4 5 1 Hocking County... 17 10 Row anCounty...... 1 14 4 Holmes County .. 1 1 Rutherford County... 9 2 Huroen County...... 3 Sampson Contty..... 5 6 Jackson County..... 13 2 Scotland 1 1 Jefferson County... County..... 1 2 Stanly County...... 1 Knox County ...... 1 Stokes County ...... 3 2 Lake County..1 1 ...... 13.... Lawrence County 11 SurrSwain County County 213...... 3 mLicking County. . 5 3 TransylvaniaCounty . Logan County...... 1 Union County ...... 4 1 Lerain County.... 17 5 Vance County ...... 4 2 lucas County..... 9 16 Wake County...... 15 23 8 Madison County.. 6 5 Warren County ...... 6...... 1 Mahoning County.... 13 11 Washington County.. 6 . Marion County..... Watauga County .... 4 6 Medina County...... 1 Wayne County 11 14 17 Mercer County..... 3 Wilks County. 6 4 2 Miami ...... Wilso Cony. 3 11 Monroe County...... 2993 December 1, 1922.


I 11 cases New reported. New cases repord. Place. Place. July. | Aug. Sept. July. Aug. Sept. OregonContinued. Ohio-Continued. 6 7 7 Montgomery County. UJnion County-...... 1 4 1 12 Morgan Counlty..--- Wallowa County...... Morrow County...... 5 1 Washington County...... Muskingum County.. 2 Wasco County...... 2...... Noble County...... Ottawa County...... Total...... 15 27 Pauldinig Cotuity....- 34 Perry County... 4 Pennsylvania: Pickaway County.... 2 Aaams Cotmty...... 4 4 4 Pike County...... Allegheny County.... 43 40 38 3 5 Armstrong Portage County.... County... 5 12 9 2 Beaver County...... Preble County...... 1. Bedford County...... 13 Putnam Coumty... Berks County...... 12 6 Richland County.... 3 6 14 15 14 3 Blair County...... 1 10 Ross County...... Bradford County..... 6 Sandusky County.... 1 4 1 4 Scioto Counity...... 13 18 Bucls County...... 2 1 5 Butler County...... Seneca Counity...... 7 Cambria County..... 4 3 Shelby County...... 5 14 1S Carbon County...... 2 Stark Counjity...... Center County...... 1 2...... 2 Summit _ 9 4 13 1 County. Chester County...... 13 10 Trumbull County.... 6 2 7 Clearfield County.... 9 Tuscarawas Counity.. 2 3 411 Clinton County...... 4 8 'Union Counity..... 3 2 3 Van Wert County... 2 Columbia Co.nty.... 2 2 5 Crawford County.... 2 7 4 Vintoni County.-.... Cumberland County Warreni County.... 2. 4 3 10 Dauphin County..... 8 8 4 Washington Counlty.. 7 16 DrliAware County..... Wayne Couniity...... 10 1 Erie County...... 1 8 Is Williams Counlty. .. 2 4 7 5 Wood 1 1 Fayette County...... 3 15 5 Counity...... Franklin Cotmty..... 7 2 Wyandot County.... Fulton County...... 9 Greene 3...... Total ...... 277 340 County. 1 ...88 2 36 439 Huntingdon County. 21 Indlana 3 7 Oklahoma: County... 3 ,2 5 Blaine County...... 1 Jefferson County... . - Cherokee County.... Juniata County. 1 .~~~~~1 5 Cimarron County.... 4 Lackawanna County. Cleveland 3 Lancaster County.... 7 5 County.... Lawrence Custer County...... 9 County.... 4 2 7 Garfield County...... 4 Lebanon County..... 7 4 7 Garvin County...... Lehigh County...... 7 15 13 Grady 9 3 Luzerne County...... 1 1 1 County...... 1 3 2 Haskell County...... 4 Lycomngn County... Jackson McKean County..... 2 1... County...... 3 Mercer County...... 4 6 2 Jefferson County..... 1 3 Mifflin Kingtisner County ... 1 14 County...... 5 Monroe 1...... LFogan County...... 5 County. Montgomery County. 5 21 10 County ...... 8 11 Montour Coty.m Osage County.y-... Ottawa County. Northampton County 4 ...... 47 61 481 Northum be ri d Payne County...... County...... Pittsburg County.... 21 14 1 Pontotoc County..... Prry County...... 2 14 1 Pottawatomie County 79 3 Phidelphla County 49 63 77 PsCshmataha County 2 Schuylldl Cunty.. 2 1 Scminole County... Snyder County...... 2 2 6 Stcehens County.... Somerset County.... 4 5 14 Tillman County...... SusquehannaCounty. 1 12 Tioga County..... 4 3 3 Total...... 116 Union County.... Venango County. 1 Warren County. Beno County.... Washington County.. ,'0 17 18 Clackcamas County. .. Wayne County...... 2 1. Columbia County.... Westmoreland COOs County...... County...... 10 10 18 Douglas County...... York County...... 4 9 10 JaCkson County...... Josephine County.... Total...... 273 411 411 Lane County..... 8 Rhode Island: Linn County..... Providence County.. 4 4 11 Morrow County.- Washington C ty...... 2 Mlultnomnah County- Portland..... Total...... 4 13 Polkc Coty..... I;ecember 1, 1922. 2994 STATE REPORTS, FOR JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER,, 1922-Contin,ued. TYPHOID FBEVER-Continued..

New cases reported. New cases reported. Place. Place. July. Aug. Sept. July. Aujg. sept. 1l South Carolina: Virginia-Continued. Abbeville County ...... 2 Campbell County. 6 6 7 Charleston County... 1 Caroline County 2 . fi5 3 Cherokec County ._.3 3 1 Carroll Countv. 6 Chester County..... 3 11 Charlotte Couinty . .. Chesterfield Couinlty- 1 !1 C(hesterfield County... Darlington County.- 2 Craig ('ounty ...... 1 Edgefield County ...... 18 Cul ePer Cotunty..... 3 3 3 Fairfield County-.... 2 'Dieenson Couinty 2 7 GreeLvillc Coulty... '9 Dinwiddic 8 Greenwood County. County 2 1 2' 11 Elizabeth City LcAurens County...... 18 Cotmt. 2 2 Marion County ...... 17 Essex County 34 Marlboro Com't; 6 Fairfax County ...... Ncwbery Count. 17 FauquIer County . ... Ocoice Cointy. --- - 18 Floyd County...... 4 Orangeburg Cou'iity ...... Fluvanuna County . 4 Pickens ...... Counity 7 17 Fradklin Cotmty .... 4 .I..... Richlaid County.*I 9 Frederick County .. S 61 2 Spartnbutrg Couiity. 5 Giles County.2 Sumter County 3 1 Gloucester Cosuity... fi Williamsburg County ...... Goochlaid County... 1 York Count ...... 1o Gr yson. County .1 ., Crecien ...... 21 Couiity 31 2 Total ...... 1 119 Greensville County_..I 5 iIIliftu County..... 1 1 South Dakota: ,1 Hanover County ..... 2 1 Beadle County ...... 1 Ilenrico County- Brown 1 Couinty1...... Richmond ...... S 15 12 Butte County ...... i- Scattering ...... 1 10 Codington Count.------1 ileirv ...... 1 1 Countv Davison County .. *- 1 CsleouVight County. 2 2. Day Couinty - i Kliiig and Quecii Grant County ...... KinC Wlitam...Couy. Hand County ...... ! Kling AVilliam Couiity ...... 4 Hanson . County.---- Laneaster Coutnty ...... Jones Couinty ... 2 Le Couniity ...... 4 Kingsbury Colmty...... Louisa County ...... 4 2._ 25 Loudon County ...... Lawrence Co ty...... Lun3niiburg County. . 5 Mellette County. 1 ;M}adison County ...... 4 Minnehaba County 2 Mecklenburg County. 7 Potter Cotunty ...... Middlesex Couinty .. Roberts County ...... I. Montgomery County. G 6 Spink Couinty ...... Nansemond 1 County.. 0 4 4 Tripp County ...... Nelson Count. 6 Walworth County... 1 2---- New Kent County . I Yankton i. County... .'.1 Norfolk County . 31 2 Nortlumpton Countj Total .. 10 8--- Northumberland 1 County ...... 2 Vermont: Addison County..... Nottoway County.... I |...... Orange County ...... Bennington County.. Patrick County Caledonia Coumty.... I Plttsylv;anla2...... 61.j... Chittenden County... 4 County- 2 ...... Franklin County..... 1 Danville ...... 12 2 2 .... 1 Orange County...... 1-----. Scattering ...... S 7 Rutland County..... P r i n c o Edward 1 Washington County.. 251 County ...... 4 Windham Cotmty.... Prince George County Priness knneCounty Total ...... 12 Prince William County ...... 9 3 Virginia: Pulasld County. 1 Aecomac a1 County..... f. 1 Richmond County... 2 Albormarle County.. Roanoke County. 14 7 Alexandria 2 City...... 1...... 3. 2 Rockbridge County 2 4 4 Alleghany Cosmty.. 8 4 Rockingham County. Amelia County...... 7 8 6 7 Russell County ...... 16 7 19 Appomattox County. 13 Scott County. 8 ii4 31 AuLeusta County.. ... 8 Shonandoah County. 8 Bedford County...... 3 2 Smyth County. 11 51 3 Bland County...... 5 Southampton County 13 Botetourt County.... 1...... 1 Spotsylvania County. 4 Brunswick C(ounty... 4 Stafford County Buichanan Couinty.. 5 10 Surry 4 Buckingham County. County . 3 1...... 2 .. .. . Sussex Coty 1 6 1 2995 December 1, 1922. STATE REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST, AND SPTEMB, l922-Continued. TYPHOID FZVE:R-Continued.

I New cases reported. New cases reported. Place. Place. July. Aug. I Sept. July. Aug. sept. l- *II .3 Virginia-Continued. West Virginia-Contd. Tazewell Couniity..... 8 5 Ohio Count y. 4 6 Warren ...... 5 County..... Pendleton County... 2 Warwick Couinty.... 2 ...... 2 Preston 1 Washington 4 j.. County.. . 9 2 County.. 6 Putntm County . 2 1 3 Westmoreland Itlcigh County...... 9 County...... 5 8 10 1 Randolph County.... 2 1 Wise County...... 26 10 2 Ro;3ne County. . Wythe County...... 4 4 3 Summers County.... 4 8 York County...... 2 2 Taylor 22 ~~~3 County. 1 ...... 2 2 Total...... 400 363 Tuicker Coutty. 226 ITyler County...... WVashington: UshurCoUJY. 2 Adams County...... 1...... Wirt County. 2 2 2 ...... 1.2.-1 .. 2:i Benton County...... I 1 Wood Cotunty..... Chelan County...... 2 Clarke County- 3 Wyomiing County.... Camas ...... 22 Total ...... 156 204 Scattering...... I 16 Douglas County...... 1 2 Wisconsin: Franklin County..: ...... Ashland Garfield County.... 4 County..... 2 Grant Cotuty...... i. Bayfield County..... 1 ...... Brown County...... Irays Harbor County 12 1 Calumet County..... King County...... 8 Chippewa County.... Kitsap County.... 1 1 Dodge County.... 1 Kittltas County...... Door County.. Lewis County...... Doulas County. 1 Lincoln County..... Eau Claire County... Pacific County...... 2 Grant County. Pend Oreille County. 2 1 Green Couiity...... Pierce County ..... 9 2 Iron ...... Skagit County 2 County .-. 4 4 Kenosha County..... Snonomish County...... 3 Kewaunee . . 1 Spokane County.._ 3 1 La Counity. 2.... Stevens County...... Crese County.... 2 *1 2 I831 Lafayette County.... Walla WValla County. 3 2 3 1 Whatcom County.... Lincoln County...... 4 ....ii Manitowoc County... Yakima County...... 4 11 Marathon County.... 6 Marinette County.... Total...... 49 52 Milwaukee County... I Oconnio Vnru tV 2.... 2.... West Virginia: 6TOeyida Co 29 BarbourCounty-.. 5 . . 2 1 ,nty...... 27 Berkoley Comijny...... 6 5 110 1 ....PocCU County.... Boone County ...... 3 Braxton 1Porag County..... 14 3 2 Roc Co e Brooke County .. 1 St.S Croix C Cioufty..y. Cabell County... 10 5 3 Sheboygas Clay auotuy.....ounkty. County . . 3 ...... Fayette Trempeale County ...... 20. . 7l Vernon Co 2 Giimer County ...... 5.1 2 Waukesha Unty.... anCounty..Coutnty. . 1 Grant ...... 1 Coumty 1 ...... Waupaa Greenbrier County..... Cotnty... 2 * 2 Wlneba a mHmpshire Coumty. ..2 1 Wood C County... Hancock . County ...... 3 ...... 1 Hardy County 1 ...... I Total... oHarrisn Counity ..... 1 4 )ounltj ..... 2 Jefferson 5 County...... 3 2 Wyoming. Kanawhn County....6 16 Albany Lewis C Ccunty...... 15 ...... County ...... 16 17 4 Big Horn I County.... 4 1...... Lincoln C6xmty ...... 1 6 1 ConvC L n Colmty...... 16 12 22 Goshen Co ounty. 1.- McDowell unty...... : ...... 1 County.... 2 13 4 Hot Sprinj.County..... MAaio County...... 5 9 18 Laramie u unty...... 1...... MarshaU County ...... 2 Natrona C Merer County C 12 Park 1...... Mineral . 8 Coum County ...... 4 5 Sheridan CCauty....ounty...... 1.- C ...... : 3 1.....T... Miiio'ounty 4 4 19 westnSweetwateCoerCunty.rCounty....t...... I Monroe County 541 - 2...... Nicholas Coun-ty ...... 2 8 1 .Tol... 291 - Rept for September not received at time of goit to pres. December 1, 1922. 2996

STATE REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER, 1922-Continued. - SUMMARY OF DISEASES. -New cases reported. New cases reportei State and disease. State and disease. July. Aug. Sept. July. I Aug. I Sept.

l -l Alabama: California-Continued. Cancer...... Poliomyelitis...... 4 9 Cerebrospinal men- Rabies...... 2..... 8 ingitis...... Rocky Mountain Chickren pox ...... 6 spotted or tick Dengue...... 2 fever...... 1 Diphtheria...... 252 Scarlet fever...... 159 Dysentery...... 4 12 1 Smallpoc...... 93 113 38 German measles.... 1 Tetanus...... 4 11 4 Hoolkworm disease... 254 Trachoma ...... 4 7 16 Influenza...... 19 20 93 Tuberculosis (all Malaria...... 133 196 173 forms)...... 712 638 614 Measles...... 6 3 2 Typhoid fever...... 137 132 125 Mumps...... 6 9 4 Typhus...... 1 Ophthalmia "neona- Whooping cough.... 327 253 torum. ... 1 2 Colorado: 165 Paratyphoid fever.... Cancer ...... 2 Pellagra...... 28 24 4 Cerebrospinal menin- Pneumonia (all gitis...... 1 2 forms)...... 8 8 15 Chickenpox..... 59 15 16 Poliomyelltis...... 10 2 3 Diphtheria...... 106 198 283 Scabiess ...... 2 Dysentery...... 1 Scarlet fever...... 114 Erysipelas...... 9 Septic sore throat.... 1233 3 Imjierigo contagiosa. 1 6 Smallpox...... 17 .Hi 5 Tetanus...... 3 Jaundice (infectious) 2 Trachom a...... Lethargicencephalith Tubere u I o s i s (all MKeasles...... 8 5. fors). ... 56 50 75 Mumps.... 36 9 6 Typhoid fever...... 180 294 132 Pneumonia (all forms, 3 Tphus fever. 1 Poliom,yelitis...... 3 3 Whooping cough..... 18 Relapsig fever...... 2 Arkansas: Rocky Mountain Cerebrospinal menin- spotted ortickfever. 1 gitis...... 1 Scarlet fever...... 54 78 Chicken pox2...... 12 5 Septiesore throat.... 3 1 2 Diphtheia...... 8 37 61 Smallpox ...... 14 17 39 Hookworm disease... 4 3 2 Tuberculossis ( a 5 nfuenlza...... 117 9 forms)...... - 220 564 65 Le1prosy...... 1 Typhoid fever...... 73 85 1133 Mia ...... 1,042 617 V&ooigcough..... 133 124 63 Meass...... 12 7 7 Connecticut: Oiphthalmia iieoIla- Cerebropinalmain- 1 1 gitis...... 6 12 4 Peag...... 26 25, Chickn pox...... 26 6 57 Poliomyelts...... 1 3 Con1unctivitis (infec- Strlet fever ...... 11 23 tious)...... 1 1 Smallpox...... 3 3 Diphtheria...... 97 175 Trachoma...... 2 3 3 Dy3entery(bacil- Tubercu 1o s i s ll lr)-...... 5 4 forms)... 74 103 59 Favs...... yphoid fever.. -- 83 117 80 Germanmes..... 6 Whooping cough..... to 66 36 Impetigo contagooa. 11 California: Inz na...... 20~ 21 Anthrax...... 2 Lethargicencephaliti 3 6 Corebrospinal menin- Maari...... 3 3 gitis...... 6 8 10 Mealses...... 494 131 49 Chicken pox...... 167 107 114 Mumps...... 24 20 3 Diphtheria...... 421 511 492 Paratyphoid fever.... 5 31 Dysentery... 26 23 13 Pneumonia (lobar)... 38 32 3 Eryspeils ...... 2011 26 18 Poliomyelit is...... 1 9 11 Gexrman measles...... 13 7 9 Scarlet tever...... s0 05 144 Glanders in man...... 22 1 Septic sore throat. .. 2 Influenza...... 39 Smallpox ...... 11 2 Jaundice (infectious). 1 2 Tetanus...... 8 2 4 Leprosy...... 4 6 Trachoma...... 1 3 Lethargic encephali- Tuberculosis(pul- tis. 9 13 9 monary).....- 140 143 113 Malaria...... 20 42 44 Tuberculosis (other 11 Measles...... 47 43 25 forms).... 6 9 1i12 Mumips ...... 64 69 69 Typhoid feer ...... 64 57 Ophtbalmial.eons Wiooping cough..... 197 137 152 tornm. 2 5 1 Delaware; Paratyphoid fever.... 2 2 2 Cerebrospinal menin- 31 Pellaga...... 1 1 4 gitis...... 1 Plague...... Chckpox...... Pneumonia (all Diphtheria...... 10 forms)...... 242 197 Erysipelas...... I 2997 December 1, 192Z sTATE, REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER, 1922-Continued.. SUMMARY OF DISEASES-continued.

New cases reported. New cases reported. state and (liscase. State and disease. ______I_Aug._Sept.July.Sept.Aug. ~~~~~July. Aug. Sept. Delaware-COntinued Idaho: 5 13 19 menin- mairi... -- .-. Cerebrospinal Measles ...... 4 2 2 gitis . . .1...... Chicken 7 14 4 .. pox...... MUPS .. 1...... optali ena Diphtheria...... 17 23 43 tcaum...----fi------2 Measles...... 2.... pnieumonia (all foms) 1 1 1 Poliomyelltis ...... G Poliomeylitis .1...... Rabies...... I ...... Scarlet fever ...... 12 11 28 Rocky Mountain 1 Scarlet fever-...... 16 g 13*j Tuberculosis (all so form5)...... 14 34 13 Smallpox ...... 6 6 Typhoidfever..... 23 27 28 Tuberculosis (all, fever .1....I..... forms)...... Typhusins' cough .. 1 ypodfer13 12 22 District ofColIumbia: Whooping cough-.. 4 10 2 Chicken pox ...... 17 3 9 Illinois: Diphtheria . 26) 23 40 Anthrax...... 3... . 1...... Botulism ...... 1 . InfluenzaLctbargicencep.a.t.s.3Cerebresplnalmensn- Measles...... 6i5 9 5 gItis ...... 6 11 12 Pellagra...... 1...... Chicken pox...... 248 149 118 Poliomyelitis ..... 1....Continued fever...... 25 Scarlet fever ...... 7 12.19.Dihtheria576 880 654 Tuberculosis (all Dysentery . 67 199 210 forms) ...... 109 92 100 ..ys...as3329 16 Tvpoi fvr23 24 18 Gemnmals 48 21 19 Whooping cough 35 46 36 Influenza...... 45 34186 Florida: Lead poisoning .... 8 21 11 Cancer.------32 26 4 Leprosy...... I ...... Cerebrospinal menin- Lethargic cncephal- 1 gitis 1------1..... tis ...... 2 12 6 Chicken pox...... 3 1 3 Malaria ...... 43 78 61 Dengue ...... 719 1,240 1,469 Measles ...... 1,182 373 141 Diphtheria...... 51 69 80 mumps ...... 98, 92 114 Dysentery...... 11 11 5 Ophthalmia neona- Hookwormdisease.- 60 62 105 terum...... 31 32 36 Influenza ...... 120 235 54 Paratyphoid fever 8 5 12 Lethargic encephnli- Pelagra...... 2 2 1 tis ...... 1I 1 Pneunmonla(ail forms.43 82 4 Mailaria ...... 85 184 91 Pollo.yellt 6 12... 31 Measles ...... 1 2 1 Pureaspleua 3 4 3 4 2. Scarlt.feve.....240 370 526 Mumps..I...... Ophthalmia neona- Septic sore throat.. 16' 6 71 torumn...... 2 2..... Smallpox -. 175 39 8 ...... 12 16 6 Parmtyphoid fever.. 3...... Tetanus Pellagra ...... 9 16 1 11 14 Pneumonia(allformns) 29 27 9 Trichsinosis ...... 1...1. Poliomyelitis...... 3 1..... Tuberculosis (all Scarletfever...... 10 10 2 ferms) ...... 1,464 1,171 1,164 Smallpox ...... 8 15 7 Typoid fever .1....M 255 258 Tetanus ...... 2 2 1 Nfopn cuh,. 1,145 1,069 747 Trawhoma...... 1 Indiana: Tuberculosis (all Cerebroapinalmenin- 13 Tyhi fever..... 37 43 20 Diphtera~.;.....117 102 363 Whooping cough-.. 9 1 Infueza...... Is Hawaii: Measles ...... 19056 5 Cerebrospinalmenin- Pneumornla(aU ferms) 10 .' 3 gitis ...... 1 2 2 Pollomyelltis...... 3 3 Chicken pox...... 5 3 3 Scarlet fever...... 74 as 215 Conjuinctivitis (fol- Smallpox.. 8 1' 2 Diphtheria . 15 14 18 forns) ...... 142 97 99 Dsney(amebic). 1 1.... Typhoid fe'ver..... 61 95 139 Hokomdisease ...... 2..Iowa: Influen7at...... 9 7.. i15 Cerebrospinalmenin- 3 3 1 Leprosy ...... 0 6 6 gts...... Measles...... 121 34 33 Diphtheria...... 51 65 210 ...... 4 2 3 Paratyphoid iever.... 3 ...... Measles Plague.1 ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3Poliomyelitis.2..1..4s 1 1 Scarlet fever ...... 70 48 1so Pohiomyelitis ...... 8 125 Scarlet fever 4 .... 2 Smallpox ...... 8 Tetanus ...... 3 3 1 Typhoidfever' ... 1 18 Trachomna...... 1 4 6 Kansas: Tuiberculosis (all iCancer...... 29 20 16 Tforms)...... 78 I94 60 C4rbo spinaluasin- fever ..... 141 21 11 gli...... !yphoid : 20 WhoGping cough .... 28 19 13 Chicken pox . 25 12 'TYPhold fever is not required by law to be reported in lowa. December 1, 1922. 2998 STATE REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER, 1922-Continu&. SUMMARY OF DISEASES-Continued.

New cass reported. New cases inMarta& State and disease. State and disease. July. Aug. Sept. July. Aug.

Kansas-Continued. Maryvland: Dengue ...... 1 Cerebrospinal menin- Diphtheria ..93 166 447 gitis ...... 4 7 2 Dysner(aillary) 1....I.... Chicken pox...... 37 2 Erysipe...s 4 3 1.Diphtheria . 92 l0G Favus . -~~ 1...1~ ~ Dysente .... 55 61 German measles...... 3...i 3 Erys.elas4 Hookworm disease 1..Ge....n. measles.I2.... Influenza...... 2 1 7 Influjenza ...... 6 29 25 Leprosy1...... I...... Lethargic encepha- Maldaria...... 6 6 3 litis...... 2....I. Measles ...... 29 15 26 Malaria ...... 5661 Miumps ...... 28 14 23 Measles ...... 396 81I Optama neonato- Mumps ...... 103 3 r 88 rum...... 2 Optalnaneona- ...... 9 Pellagra.------2...... torum 4 I Pneumonia(an1 forms) 12 24 36 artpodfever.4..1-1 Poliomyelftis...... 1 6 4 Plar...... I Scarlet fever...... 140 194 296 Pnuol(an forms) 7P 80 I 4 5 I Septic sore throat.... .1...... Poliomyelitis-..... 213 Smfallpox...... 29 5 6 Scarlet fever. ------50 5ii 18 ---- I Trachoma...... 3 3 Septic sore throat.-- Tetanus 6...... 6..... Smallpox ...... Tubrclois(all Tetanus .1...... IL forms) ...... 165 295 - 252 Trachoma ...... Typhoid fever.....108 158 125 Tuberculosis (all 1 Whoing cough. 207 167 58 Tforms)...... 238 2MA Louisiana: Typhoid fe1ver..... 124 2f,r Anthrax ...... 2...... Vincent's angina.--- 1.... Cerebrospinal menin- Whtooping cough ... 199 144V 4 gitis...... 1 2...... Massachusetts: Continued fever...... 1I Cerebrospinalmenin- Dengue...... 2,325 gltis.....;... 3 Diphtheria 51 55...& 74 Chicken 136 a Dysentery. ~~~96 3 Conjunctivitispox.-----(sup- 76 Hookwormdisease 2 63 101 purative)...... 3.... 2 Influienza...... 5 7 43 DermatItis. ------3.... Lepr ...... y... . 1I Diphtheria...... 382 48 Lethargic encepha- ~~~~~~~~Dysentery ...... 4 litis .. 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~Germanimeasles. . 18 14 Maai.210...... i6 315 191 Hookworm disease.. 2 3' 213 Measles ...... 6 6 4 Influenza ...... 2 neona- Ledpoisoning1... Onhthahnia Lprosy C= ...... 1 1 1 Pellagra...... 38 25 24 Lehgcnepais Pneumonia (allforms) 80- 86 54 Mlra8 6 3 3 Mdeaslegs...... 1,275 33 Poliomyelitis...... 7 Rabies...... 1...... Mumps...... 184 19 24 10 Ophthalmnia neona- Scarlet fever...... 6 13 Septicsore throat 1 ...... torum. -;..... 36 Smallpox . e~~~~a128 2 4 Pellagra.1...... 1 Tuberculosis(all ~~~~~~~~~~Pneumonia(lobar).. 90 9ri frs...... 255 221 166 Poliomyelitis ..... 23 Typhoid fever... 123 98 129 Scarlet fever..... 226 210 7 1 WI Whooping cough ... 15 34 23 Septic sore throat.. Mainez Tetanus .1...... 8 1l Cerebrospinalmenin- Trachoma...... 8 4 7s gitls...... 2..... Trichinosis ...... Chicken..pox. 52 11 .... Tuberculosis (all Diphtheria . 39 46 41 forms)...... 575 36 In..uen.a. 4..... 5 Typhoid fever ..... 75 11It Lethargiencephalti-s 1...... Whooping cough. 413 4 Mese...... 54 11 5 Michigan: Mumps ...... 4 11 4 Chicken pox...... 140 Paratyphold fever.. 1...... Diphtheria ..321 3 17 Pneumoinia ...... 9 1 6 ..... 16 1 9 ...... Poliomyelitis. .... 4 2 1 7 Scarletfever ...... 7 8 89 Malaria...... Septic sore throat .. ..1...... Measles...... 519 1L7 Smdalpox ...... 9 Mmps...... 39 Tetanus ...... 6 2..nemon..a.lfoms) 125 14 Tuberculosis...... 43 2 37 Pollosnyelltl....7 6 Typhoid fever..... 60 42 30 Scearlet fever...... 353 aIs Whooing cough.. 1 36 59 asI Septic sore throat 6 a one hundred and fourteen of then occurred Prior to July. a 2999 December 1, 1922. STATE REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST AND SEPTEME, l92-Confinued.


New cases roported New cases reported. State and disease. State and disease. I July. Aug. Sept. July. Aug. Sept. .1- jlichigan-Continued. 'I Nebraska-Continued. Smallpox.------49 24 39 Diphtheria...... 35 26 104 Tuberculosis (all German measles...... 1. 1 - 399 Influenza...... form s) - .----.---- 217 9~7 2 Typhoid fever...... 9 173 Lethargic encephalitis. Whooping cough ..... 754 690 391 Measies...... 9 10 Minnesot: Mumps...... 12 -15 8 Cerebrospinal menin- Pneumonia ...... 1 gitis...... 1 4 4 Poliomyelitis...... 1 .6 C,hicken pox ...... 47 19 29z Scarlet ever...... 32 36 90 Diphtheria ...... :. 171 370 Septic sore throat...... 1 Erysipelas ...... 3 3 3 Smallpox...... 2 1 Tuberculosis...... 25 10 18 Measles.14...... 17 Typhoid fever...... 12 13 29 l'netumonia (all forms) 15 8 18 Whooping cough..... 26 27 2D lPoliomyclitis.------6 10 10 New Jersey: 247 249 404 Anthrax. 1 Scarlet fever .------Arsenic Smallpox ..... 102 60 37 poisoning. Tetanuis ...... ,,...... Cerebrospinal menin- Trachoma.------5 11 gitis...... 8 8 8 Tuibercuilosis (all Chicken pox...... 92 47 32 forms) ...... 276 399 287 Diphtheria...... 348 347 522 Typhoid fever.------44 56 57 Dysentery...... 3 4 3 Whooping cough ----- 96 76 73 Epilepsy ...... 2 8 6 Mississippi: German measles..... 30 6 7 Cancer ...... 97 105 113 Influenza...... 21 21 23 Cerebrospinal menin- Lead poisoning...... 2 5 gitis ...... 1 3 Malana...... 14 18 9 898 Chicken pox ...... 230 164 ill Measles...... 214 209 Diphtheria...... 130 262 473 Mercury poisoning... . 1 Dysentery (amebic). 46 35 25 Ophthalnia neona- Dysentery (bacillary) 963 408 362 torum...... 4 6 4 disease 256 299 339 Paratyphoid fever..... 1 Pneumonia (all forms) Influenza ...... 94 145 330 125 Poliomyelitis ...... 22 29 Ialaria ...... 13,709 19,563 16,041 12 Measles ...... 22 48 48 Rabies m man...... 1 165 Mumps ...... 52 35 30 Scarlet fever..... 189 Ophthalmia neonato- Smallpox...... Trachoma.------um...... 17 13 21 3 3

Pellagra ...... 902 504 417 Tuberculosis (all Pneumonia (all forms) 123 137 189 forms) ...... 506 363 410

Poliomyelitis ...... 4 3 Typhoid fever. 84 105 septicemia. 30 41 Whooping cough. 570B1 514 420 PuerpcralScarlet fevr ...... 29 39 63 New Mexico: Smallpox 8 10 Cancer ...... 1 Trachoma ...... 2 11 10 Cerebrospinal menin- Tuberculosis (all gitis. pox. 4 forms) ...... 242 252 255 Chicken Tvphoid fever ...... 425 318 262 Conjunctivitis (acute 4 Whooping cough ..... 759 593 572 contagious) .5 Mlontana: Diphtheria. 83 Dysentery. 2 Actinomycosis ...... 1 1 Anthrax ...... German measles. Influenza. 2 Cancer ...... 7 6 2 Chicken pox ...... 13 15 7 |Malaria. 1 Diphtheria ...... 17 22 29 IMeaslcs. sickness. 4 Erysipeas ...... 1 |Milk; German measles IMumgs...... 3 Influenza .... | Paratyphoid fever.. .

Lethargic encephaitis 4 ...... 2 2 4 Measles ...... 7 4 Pneumonia (aillforms) 4 Mumps ...... 2 61 Poliomylitis...... Pneumonia (all forms) 1 Rabies in animals.... 1 .23 Poliomyelitis ...... 6 9 Scarlet fever...... 13 Rocky JMountain Septic sore throat .... 2 98 spotted or tick fever 13 Smallpox...... 1 1 Scables ...... Tetanus...... Scarlet fever ...... 2. 22 L34 Trachoma.. 1 sore Septic throat ... 6 7 Tuberculosis (all Smallpox ...... - 12 10 14 forms)...... 101 74 Tuberculosis (all PaTtyphoidfever.... 25 41 forms) ...... 80 26 6 smalpx..Tracoma...... Whoigcough... 3 2 Typhoid fever 13 New York: a o ...... is 39 ...... Whoopling cough forms)n ...... I 8..... 8 24 11 Anthraxtis 15 Nebraska: Cerebrospinal menin- Cerebrospinal menin- Anpthe...... 17 21

gitis ...... 1 2 43 175 Chicken pox ...... 16 10 16 1,048 916 December 1, 1922. 3000 STATE REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST, AND SEklwMIBER, 1922-Contiue. SUMMARY OF DISASES-Continued. i New cases reported. New cases repbr. State and disease. _ - State and disease. July. Aug. Sept. .1 July. Aug. Sep& T New York-Continued. .1- II Ohio-Continued. Dysentery...... 15 14 Scarlet fever...... 321 425 714 German measles..... 4545 14 22 Smallpox...... 61 35 42 Influena. 34 63 54 Trachoma..------6 6 7 lerosy ...... 2 Tuberculosis (all Lethargic encephali- forms). ------622 558 41 tis ...... 30 43 30 Typhoid fever...... 277 340 41 Malaria...... 318 35 78 Whooping cough. ... 1,121 801 4 Measles...... 2,949 606 259 Occupational dis- Mumps...... 460 211 193 eases- neona- Dermatitis...... 79 94 77 Oathalmia 1 6 Poisoning- I trum .. Paratyphoid fever.... 11 9 Hydrocyanic Pneumonia (allforms) 673 735 587 acid...... 5 I Poliomyelitis...... 18 99 181 Lead...... 2 Puerperal septicemia. 10 36 13 Oklahoma: Scarlet fever. 618 453 643 Diphtheria...... 8 20 S3eptic sore throat.... 7 1 16 Dysentery.. Smallpox...... 3 5 54 Influenza...... 5 . Tetanus...... 0.a .8 9 Malaria...... 6 3S Measles 12 Trwhoma...... 13 5 2 .- *S Tuberculosis (all Mumps...... 4. 9 Pellaa 1'''' forms ...... - 1,989 1,964 1,916 .... 2 Tyhid fever.... 221 397 309 Pneumonia (allforms) 2. Typhus fever...... 3 Poliomyehtiss...... Vincent's angina .... 16 16 5 Puerperal septicemia. Whooping cough..... 1,205 1,275 1,147 Scarlet fever. 7 Smallpox. 6 7 North Carolina: Tuberculosis (all Cerebrospinalmenin- forms)...... 4 Ci gitis...... 7 8 Typhoid fever...... 79 48 Chickcen pox..... 54 31 28 Oregon: 116 Diphtheria..... 357 1,235 1,989 Ger measles..... 8 7 12 Cerebrospinal menin- gitis --- Lethargic encepha- Chicken pox. 24 4 ...... 2 litis ...... i Diphtheria ...... 52 26 62 56 Measles ...... E:rysipelas ...... 8 4 Ophthahmia neona- MAeasles..... 9 6 5 torum...... 3 3 1 ..... M uimpsMms...... ------7 4 Poliomyelitis...... 4 6 4 123 252 476 Ophthalmia neonato- &arlet fever ...... rum...... 1 .is Septic sore throat.... 11 13 30 9 Smallpox...... 47 57 16 Scarlet fever...... 10 1 1 Septic sore throat. . . 1 Trachoma...... Smllpox-.------40 32 Typhoid fever...... 302 Tuberculosis (all Whoopmg cough..... 797 531 270 forms)...... 40 85 145 North Dakota: Typhoid fever...... 15 27 34 Chicken poxc..... Whooping cough..... 17 1.2 131 Diphtheria...... 27 36 Pennsylvania: 2 Anthrax ...... 1 1 10 Erysipelas...... Measles...... ,...... I Cerebrospinal menin- M humps...... ,...... gitis...... 12 17 4 2 13 Poliomvehltis..... 2 Chickenpox. - ---- 306 134 Scarlettever..... 18 37 33 Diphtheria...... 762 857 1, Smallpoxc...... 18 24 7 Encephalitis...... ,11 2 5 Trachoma...... 10 Eryslpeas...... 27 1613 3 Tuberculosis (all German measles.... 54 16 3 forms) ...... L5 4 Impetigo contagiosa. 24 42 T'Yphoid fever...... 42 12 6 9112 WlhoopinIg cough...... 8 1 8 Ohio: MaMKeasles...... 2, 757 857 Cerebrospinalmenin- Mumps...... 179 3" gitis ...... 2 4 Ophthalmia neonato- rum...... 10 158 55 80 10 ...... 445 998 Pneumonia...... 165 127 Dystery...... 33 Poliomyelitis ...... 9 2 1 ...... l 26 17 Puer sep a. 2 831 measles ...... 2 17 4 Influenza ...... 7 8 Scabies. 27 Sarlet fever. . 434 75 Lethargic encepha- 1 litis ...... 2 5 Smalpox...... Malaria Tetanus...... 6 .11 9 3 a meaes ...... 1,161 241 Trachoma. --- Mumps .....l 3E 25 il51 Trichinosis. Ophthamia neona- Tuberculosis (all U 303 606 I ...... 327 *1 P'torm B 85 il9B Tvphoid fever..l 273 411 U 7 Wnooping cough.... 1,042 W1 3001 December 1, 192?. STATE REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST, AND SiETIER, 1-Cont0n6eM. SUMMARY OF DISEBASES-Cotned.

New casesreported. New cases reported. State and discase. State and disease. July. Aug. Sept. July. Aug. Sept. Vermont-Continued. Rhode Island: Tuberculosis (all Cerebrospinal Inenin- forms) ...... 23 16 25 gitis ...... 1 2 ...... 3 Typhoid fever...... 82 . 7 Chicken pox 4. w ..... 00 8 Diphtheria.------43 31 nooping cough 70 Gernan measles ---- 2...... 1 V-irginia: ------3 1 CVrebrospinal menin- Influenza..------gitis. . . 6 - 51 --- Ijthargic encephali- ChIckenpox . 78 26 61 tis ...... Diarrhea 970 474 1 ...... 1,797 Malaria .5 Diphtheria. 220 498 1,038 mals 55.. 27 23 Hookworm disease... 33 15 24 .... 5 5 Mumps 282 neona- Influenza ...... 465 396 Ophthailnia Maaia...... 484 457 664 torum .2.... Measles 78 60 Pneumonia(an forms) ...... 8.... 3 5 14 Pcllagra ...... 26 28 14 Poliomyelitis ...... 33 43 Poliomyelitis.18 13 3 Scarlet fever ...... 21 15 20 Scarlet 83 168 Septicsore throat...... 13. fever...... 405 ...... 7 8 Trachoma...... Smallpox 2 Tuberculosis (all Tuberculosis (all 68 52 24 forms) ...... 300 297 ft7 forms).------T fever. 400 363 226 Typhoid fever. yphoid 40 51 42 Washigton: Whooping cough ----- Botulism 4 South Carolina: Chicken ...... 4...... 35 .... pox 1 1 1 .1------...... i Cancer ...... Diphtheria ...... 53 55 84 Cerbrospinal menin- . Dysentery ...... 5 . 3...... gitis ...... 1...... I Chicken pox ------3...... ErysipelasGerman measles...... 4 2 S Continued fever ...... 28 ---- 78 Measles 9 8 ------...... Dengpe fever ..----- 71 25. 308 560 Mtumps ...... Diphtheria .------neona- Dysenterv ------4 6 Ophthalmia 59 ... 1 Hookvorin disease . ...13 . 9tonm 1 Influenzaluen1a c Paratyphoid fever.... 4. 22 Pneumonia(ail forms) 25 11 5 Malaria .----- Poliomyclitis ...... 2 1...1 Measles ------I 2. Scarlet fever.. 41 37 64 Mumps.------1 Smallpox ------..-. 46 32 21 fever 1 Tuberculosis (all ...... 13 91 .. forms) 2 forms)...... I fever...... 49 52 83 Poliomyelitis ...... ] TyphoidW 131 128 . 29 44 Phooping cough..... Scarlet fever .... 13 1 West Smallpox ...... 14 1 Virginia: Tuberculosis (all Anthrax ------...- 8 Cerebrospinalmenil-. forms) ...... 3 gitis 2 2 2 119 6 .. Typhoid fever ...... 9 6 28 21 Chicken 26 Whooping cough ..... 4 pox. South Dalkota: Diphtherm ...... 117 97 281 . 10 ...... 2. German measles ...... Anthrax ...... Influenza 10. 27 Cer3ijrospinal menin- 5 Measles ...... 46 5 19 gitis ...... 4. 11 2 neona- Chicken pox ...... 3 9 Ophthalmia 5 2 2 16 22 4 torum.-- ...... 1 1 ...... I F.rysipelas ...... 2 1 11 PoliomyelitisSrletlever. 70 80 291 ...... 7 13 . 38 7 Pneumonia (all forms) 3 4 6 Smallpox 141 2 1 6 T"a4l)H ..... Poliomyelitis-..-.... Tuberculosis.58 50 4 Scarlet fever ...... 46 45 135 164 204 15 6 13 T-yphoid fever...... -. ... 156 Smallpox ...... 12 Tetanus 1 cough. 79 30 ...... 2. Whoping Trachoma ..1. 8 Wisconsin: Tuberculosis (all Corebrospinal menin- 4 4 17 49 17 gitis ...... forms) ...... Chicken pox ...... 17448 50 Typhoid fever...... 10 13 25 154 177 179 Whooping cough 17 15 15 Diphtheria ...... 7 Vermont: Erysipelas ...... 6 8 German measles...... 11 3 5 Cerebrospinal menin- 17 10 7 1. Influlenza. gitis ...... Chicken pox ...... 40 8 .6 Lethargic encepha- 2 4 17 22 litis ...... Diphtheria ...... 56 217 142 Meas - - - - .448446 217 ...... measles enc Erysipelas ...... 1... 26 German 1 2 neona,neona- measles ..... I.,ethargicOnhthamia i Othh=thalmi 0 ...... 1...... I ...... 1 Influenza . .... -...... 1i 11 Measles 32 21 Pneumonia(all forms) 17 10 ...... 46 24 15 11 55 13 24 Mumps ...... PdkmyeUPolitemyelts. Scarlet fever...fever. 196I18 173 2M208 Pneumonia(allforms) 1...... smiet "7 'o 39 1 Smallpox.17...... 472 ,394 Poliomyelitis ...... 56litis Scarlet fever 29 10 41 ...... 2141 PneumoniaIn...... forms-...... J7 ...... ii 11I Deccmber 1, 1922. 3002


New cases reported. New cases reporteA State and disease. State and disease. July. IAug. I Sept. July. Aug. Sept.

Wisconsin-Continued. Wyoming-Continued. Tuberculosis (all Rocky forms)...... 190 194 161 spottedsortick fever 2 5 Typhoid fever...... 29 27 39 Scarlet fever . 5 7 Whooping cough 1,543 894 428 Smallpox. ------1...... Wyomingr:a Tuberculosis (all 1 8 Mesles.Diphtheria...... 8 ...... Typhoidformis)...... -1fever.o.u.. 7 29 Pneumonnia(all forms) 2 13 Whooping cough ......

a Report for September not received at time of going to press. ARIZONA REPORTS FOR APRIL, MAY, AND JUNE, 1922 (DELAYED).'

New cases reported. New cases reported.

April. May. June. April. May. June.

Chicken pox ...... 3 3 1 Smallpox-Continued.

Diphtheria...... 14 3 13 Maricopa County ..... 7 3 ...... Erysipelas ...... 1 Mohave County 3 Pima County ... 26 44 38 Influenza- Pinal County . .. 3 1 Cochise County ...... 6 ...... ynma County...... 3 Greenlee County. 12 4...... 37 57 105 Total ...... 18 4...... Tuberculosis (all forms).. 21 ..... 23 Scarlet fever ...... 14 1 13 Typhoid fever: Siallpox: 2 Cochise County ...... 1. Apache County ...... 3 . Maricopa County . 1...... Cochise County.. .. 1 ...... 1 1 Coconina County...... i.I-1 Total ... .. 1 1 Greenlee County ...... 1...... Whooping cough. 5 4_

IThese reports were received too late to be included in the State repot for April, May, and June, 192, publishedin the Public Health Reports, Sept. 1,1922. 2Deaths: Aprii, 1; May, 13; June, 16. MICHIGAN REPORT FOR JUNE, 1922 (DELAYED).'

New New casese reported. reporte.

Chicken pox ...... 387 Smallpox: ...... Diphtheria ...... 401 Alger y Ervalpelas 30 Ag ty...... J)uihensa 2 Br y...... 2 Lethargic encephaUtis ...... 2 Chebogan County. Malaia: Clare ounty...... Saginaw County ...... 1I Delta County. Mensle...... Eaton County. .1,4 . . 2 Mumps .97 ...... Emmet County Pncumonia (all forms) .280 Genesws County. 3 lHllsdale County . . Poliomyelitis: Conty. Alger County ...... 1..... Huron County . AlpenaAlpeaIonia CountyCounty...... 1Io.1ony...... I Inha1...... County .3.....

Total 453 ...... X SEcrlet ...... 3 Septic sorefever.453throatp ...... 7 ...... s4 X ______a sCelCounty . Those reports wereroecved too late to be included in the State report for April, May, and JUS 11 publid Id the Public Health Reports, Sept. 1,12. 3003 December 1, 1922. MICHIGAN REPORT FOR JUNE, 1922 (DELAYED)-Continued. IIt~ ~ ~ ~~~~~e New New cases cases reported. reported. *I .1~ Smallpox,continIued. Typhoid fever-Continued. Roscommon County ...... Huron County...... I Sanilac County...... 1 Ionia County ...... 1 Washtenaw Cotunty...... Kalamazoo County...... 2 Wayne County .------.-... 8 Kent County...... 3 Wcxford County....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-_ 4 Lenawee County...... 1 Macomb County...... 1 Total ...... 88 Oakland County...... 1 Ontonagon County...... 23 Trachom --a.------1 Saginaw County...... 6 Tubercullosis (all forms). ,,,,,-- 380 St. Clair Couinty...... 5 Shiawassee County...... 2 Typhoid fever. Washtenaw County...... 1 Allegan County...... 1 Wayne County...... 12 Bay Couinty..------3 Emmet County...... 1 Total...... 67 Gogebic County,...... 1 wh1ooping Cough...... 588 Gratiot County...... 2 I- FOREIGN AND INSULAR.

CUBA. Communicable Diseases-Habana. Communicable diseases have been notified at Habana as follows:

Nov. 1-10,1922. Remain. ing under Disease. treatmg New t cases. Deaths. Nov.I=210,

Chicken pooxt...... 1 3 Diphtheria ...... 6 2 Leprosy ... 10 Malaria...... 15545 Paratyphoid fever ...... 1112 Scarlet fever ...... 3 1 Typhoid fever ...... 45 9 210

From the interior 24; from abroad 1. 2 From the interior 21. GREAT BRITAIN. Smallpox-London. On October 30 an outbreak of smallpox, with 20 cases, was re- ported at a workhouse in the heart of Poplar, one of the populous east end boroughs of London. To November 2, 32 cases had been reported at Poplar; and on November 3, two fatalities from the disease were reported. On October 31 a case was reported at Lam- beth, in south London, stated to have no connection with the cases occurring at Poplar. The type of the disease was stated to be virulent. ITALY. Quarantine Restrictions Against Barcelona. According to information dated October 30, 1922, quarantine has been ordered to be enforced at Italian ports against arrivals from Barcelona, Spain. JAVA. Plague-Soerakarta. Epidemic plague was reported, September 26, 1922, at Kklate district of Prambanan, residency of Soerakarta, Java. (3004) 3005 December 1, 1922. PANAMA CANAL- Communicable Disease-September, 1922. Communicable diseases were notified for the Panama Canal during the month of September, 1922, as follows:

Disease. Canal Colon- Pan- Non- Zone. res- Total. amoa. ident. Chickenl pox...... 6,,,,,,,...... 0 5 2 16 3 Diphtheria-...... ,,,,,..,. ,,,,,...... 2...... 20 Dysentery- 1 1 5 3 10 Hookworm disease --...... - 2 73 17 Malaria.108 4 5 19 1 MeaslesMeasl6 ..~~..... ------.-...... 1 .. ^.1...... 1 1... I.... Iteningitis . ....1 1 2------...... 1 . 1.. 2 Pneumonia.1------,, 1 11 ...... 13 Scarlet fever . ....1...... I Tuberculosis ...... 6 313 4 2B fever ...... Typhoid ...... 3 41

PERU. Plague September, 1922. During the month of September, 1922, 39 cases of plague with 17 deaths were reported in Peru. The cases occurred in 11 localities, including Callao, with 7 cases and 2 deaths, and Lima city, 6 cases with 6 deaths. In the country district of Lima 5 cases with 6 deaths were reported. UNON OF SOUTH A

Cerebrospinal Meningitis-Witwatersrand Area. Cerebrospinal meningitis was reported under date of October 20, 1922, to be unusually prevalent in the Witwatersrand area, Union of South Africa, with a total of 40 cases among the white population and 265 cases among the colored population notified since June 1, 1922. Typhoid Fever-Durban and Victy. Epidemic typhoid fever has been reported at Durban, Union of South Africa, with a total of 107 cases (101 among the white popula- tion and 6 among the colored population) occurring in Durban, and three cases occurring in the suburban zone outside the city, during the two weeks ended October 7, 1922. The cases were stated to have occurred in all parts of the town, not localized in any area having a common water supply and not confined to persons obtaining milk from the same dairy. 199330 22 5 December 1, 1922. 3006 VLRGZIN ISLAND& Contagious DiseasesOctober, 1922. The occurrence of contagious diseases in the Virgin Islands during the month of October, 1922, has been reported as follows:

Island and disease. cases. Remarks. Island and disease. Cases. Remarks.

In St. Thomasand St. In St. Croix: John: Dysentery 4 Entamebic. Chancroid ...... 2 Imported, 1. Filariais ...... 4 Bancrofti. Dengue ...... 1 .Gonococeus infec- 3 F'ish poisonine...... I tion. (lonococcus in7tec- 7 Trachoma ..... 5 tion. Tuberculosis 1 Chronic pulmo. Syphilis, second- 2 Imported, 1. nary. ary. w Uncinariasis ...... 1 Necator America. Tuberculosis...... 1-Chronic pulmo- nus. ______nary.

CHOLERA, PLAGUE, SMALLPOX, TYPHUS FEVER, AND YELLOW FBVE- Reports Received During Week Ended December 1, 1922. The reports contained in the following tables must not be considered as complete or final, either as regards the list of countries included or the fligures for the particular countries for which given. reports are CHOLERA.


China: Clanton...... Sept. 1-30,1922: Present. Foubhow...... Sept. 24-30...... Present. Sept. 31-Oct. 7, 12: Plague in rodents. Nasning...... Sept. 24-Oet. 7.... Present. India Madras Presidency...... Oct. 814 2 147 Java: ...... East Java..- Soerabaya...... Sept. 17-23 ...... 1 1 Soeakarta- Klaten...... Sept. 26 ...... Epidemic. Loclity in district Palestine: of Prambanan. Juffa...... Oct. 24-30...... 5 ...... Peru...... Sept. 1-30,1922: Cases,39;dea:bs, L,omlities- 1 ~~~~~~17. lafinmbasarca (Hual- Sept. 1-30...... 2 ...... gnyoc). Callao...... do. 7 2 Chiclayo. .do. 2 ...... CosiUo y .sia(Catiote)...... do .- ...... 1 (Colan...... do. 1 ...... Huacho...... 1 I Hural...... 4 ...... Huarmey...... 1 ...... Islna (city)...... 6 ,IAmn (country)...... do . 5 S ta...... do . 41 2

' From medical officers of the Public Health Service, American cowsuls, and other sources. 3007 PDecember 1, 192. PLAGUE, TYPHUS FEVER, AND YELLOW CHOLERA, SMALLPOX,FEVER-Continued. Reports Received During Week Ended December 1, 19S-Continued. SMALIPO.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks. I'. Brazil:Pernambuco...... Oct. 1-14...... 4 Canada: Manitoba- Winnipeg..------Nov. 5-11...... 6 ...... New Brunswick- Madawaska County.-...... do. 2 ...... Ontario: Hamilton...... Nov. 12-18...... 1 ...... Ottawa...... Nov. 5-18...... 2 : Sept. 17-Oct. 14...... Present. Scpt. 24-30, 1922. On Amoy...... I...... death. Chungking ...... Sept. 24-30...... I...... Present. Manchuria- Mukden..------Oct. 23-29...... Do. Nanking. .-- ...... Sept. 24-Oct. 21...... I...... Do. Dominican Republic: San Pedro de Macoris...... Oct. 29-Nov. 4.... 1 ...... Great Britain: London...... Octa 22-28...... Outbreak. To Nov. 3, 1922: Cases 33; deaths, 2. India: 13 Madras ...... _ Oct. 8-14...... Java: West Java- Soerabaya...... Sept. 17-23...... 13 7 Peru: Callao...... July I-Sept. 30.... 26 Lima (city) ...... do. 17 ...... LIma (country).....- 25 7 Portugal: Lisbon...... Oct. 23-28...... 35 8 Switzerland: Berne ...... Oct. 22-28...... 5 Union of South Africa: Transvaal ...... Oct. 1-7... Outbreaks.

TYPHUS FEVER. 6 Chile: Concepcion ...... Sept. 19-Ot.16...... 1 Talcahuano...... Oct. 8-21 ...... 3 1 China: Antung...... Oct, 15-29 ...... 12 ...... Germany: Berlin...... Oct. 8-14 ...... Palestine: S Jaffa...... Oct. 24-30...... 1 i...... Relapsgiengr1fevgl Rumania: City- Bucharest...... June 1-20...... 3 Cerenauti ...... Oct. 22-28 ...... 7 Chisinau..:...... June 1-20 ...... 15 Cluj ...... do ...... 4 Constanza...... 2 Galatz...... June 1-30 ...... 1 Jassy...... do .2..... 2 Distriet- Chisinau ...... July 1-31 ...... 4 Do...... Sept. 1-30 ...... 5 Recurrent typhus fever, caes, 9. Union of South Africa: Natal ...... Oct. 1-7...... Outbreaks. December 1, 1922. 3008

CHOLERA, PLAGUE, SMALLPOX, TYPHUS FEVER, AND FEVER-Continued. YELLOW Reports Received from July 1 to November 24, 1922. CHOLERA. Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks. tI "hina: Amoy...... May 14-June 24. .. 1 4 Antung ...... Sept. 21-Oct. 1...... Prevalent in Chinese city and in settlements along Yalu River. Manchuria- Oct. 9-15, 1922: Present in Dairen ...... Se t. 18-24 ...... 3 2 Chinese city. Newchwang...... July' 27 ...... Present. Stated to have boen imported from Shanghai. Pootung ...... Aug. 3 ...... Present. Shapghai ...... June 25-July ]98. Atug. 1-Oct. 8 1922: Cases, 6 Tientsin ...... July 25-Aug. 19 4 2 foreign; deaths 56 July 29,1922: cases in ChineseStated 2o Pltal. isolation hos Woosung...... I Aug. 3...... A&,ut 75 deaths reported for Greece: previous week. Athens ... June 29 ...... 1I 1 Saloniki ...... June 7-17 ...... 30 11 At quarantine. station; amog passegers from vel carrying Russian refuigees. India...... Feb. 26-June 24, 1922 Deaths, Bombay...... Apr. 23-June 17 ... 12 33,979. June 25-Aug. 5, 1U. 2-Oct. 9. 5 Do...... July 6 Deaths, 9,3. Aug. -. 9 Calcutta...... Apr. 23-June 24... 536 378 1922: 9,453; Do...... June 25-Oct. 7. 80 Cases, deaths,5,3V 90 (Report for week endd F?eb. Madras...... May 21-June 17... 3 1 25,1922,-not Do...... Ju6ly1-Sept. 23... 5 3 received.) Ran6oon .... May 7-June 24.... 116 65 June 25-Sept. 30... 99 64 lndo-China:Bo...... Saigon...... June 25-Aug. 19... 30 28 area of Japan: Including 100 square km. Tokyo...... Oct. 4...... Epidemic. Yokoham...... Oct...... Present. Philippine Islands: 5. Aanla...... May 21-June 24... 8 ...... Do...... June 25-Sept. 2... 14 3 1 case, 1 death in Pro-vince- Aug. 27-Sept. 2,1922.nonresident, Bataan...... June 4-10...... ii. 4Batangas...... May 26-June24. .. 15 Do...... June 25-July 22. .. 7 4 Bulacan...... Apr. 30-May 6. 1 1 Cagayan...... Aug. 13-9 2 2 C(amarines Sur. Mar. 25-Apr. 1 1 Laguna...... Apr. 16-22. 1 ...... Marinduque...... June 25-July 15... 6 Miadoro...... Apr. 23-29. 1 Nueva Ecija...... Jutne 11-17. 1 Pamganga. Apr. 16-June 24... 6 S D...... :7 June 25-July 8.... 1 1 P.n...... June 18-24. 3 Do...... Aug. 27-Sept. 2.... 2 Rizal...... Apr. 2-Junfe 24.... 3 Tarlac...... May 21-Jun 10. 4 4 Union ...... Aug. -ept. 9. 3 2 Poland...... July 9-Sept. 7, 1922: Cases, 101; Rovno...... June 11-24. 8 3 Repatriation station: Cases oc- Do...... June 25-Aug. 5.... 33 10 curring among persons repa- Volhynia...... July 2-8 .1 triated from Russia. Zamosc...... 21...... Rumania: Aug. 1 Buchwet...... do. 1 Crangasi...... To July 31, 192 Cases, 11; deaths, 6. First case in soldier Province- from frontier on Dniester Bessarabia- River. Crangasi, a suburb Of Cobusea...... July 24.1...- ...... Bucharest. Codaeshti...... 3 ...... Reported Aug. 11. Orhei...... I...... Prefecture. Cholera reported Aug. 11 among troops in son. gari- Rascautzi ...... 11_ Reported July 29. ' From medical officers of the Public Health Service, American consuls, and other sources. 3009 December 1, 1922. TYPHUS AND YELLOW CHOLERA, PLAGUE, SMALLPOX,FEVER-Continued. FEVER, Reports Received from July 1 to November 24, 1922-Continued. CHOLERA-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks. .- Siam: Bangkok ...... Apr. 30-June 17... 15 9 Do . July 2-Sept. 16.... 13 5 Straits Settlements: ...... July 16-22...... 1 Syria: May 27-June 3.... A few cases In interior. Aleppo ...... June 25-Sept. 2.... Present in interior. On vessels: July 16...... 1 At Kavak Quarantine Station, S. S Chios ...... Bosporus, from Novorossvsk, a Russian Black Fea port. Case ocurred in a recognized carrier. Vessel carried refu- gees for Saloniki, Greece. Six boeie buried at sea: 12 cases landed at Kavak during stay. At Dairen, Manchuria, China...... Name and origin of vessel not stated.


. Algeria: Algiers.------... Aug. 27...... Oran ....--.------. Auig. 1-31..... 10 Asia Minor: Smyrna ...--. May 28-June 17... 3 Do..------,----- June 30-Aug. 26... 8 1 | District. Australia: Wales- New Sotuth 2 Apr. 2-June 10, 1922: 19 plague Sydney. June 1-15...... infected rats fotmd. Queensland- One plague Brisbane ...... July 23-29...... rat. Azores: ...... 'i...... Jan. 16-Feb. 8, 1922: Cases, 6; Fayal Island ....- .... deaths, 4. Horta...... Feb. 2-8...... 4 2 Sept. 9-Oct. 14.... 202 26 Jan. 1-May 13, 1922: Cases, 98; St. Michaels Island...... deaths, 55. June 25-Oct. 14, 1922: Cases, 287; deaths, 49. In localities 3-9 miles from Pon- ta Delgada. Ponta Delgada...... Oct. 1-19...... 6 Brazil: June 11-17. 1 May 7-June 4,19 . Rodent; occur- Bahia...... ring in one section of the city. Do...... Aug. 20-ept. 30... 2 rats Pemambuco ...... May 7-13...... 1 Many dead ftind. Porto Alegre ...... July 30Qept. 30... British East Africa: .Mar. I-June 1922: Cases 371; i...... 30, Kenya Colony...... Feb... 1-2...... 15 deaths 344. July 9-15, 1922 Nairobi ...... Deaths, 14. Cape Verde Islands: Present. St. Vincent ...... -- Sept. 4...... Ceylon: rats, 5. Colombo ...... May 6-June 24 13 10 Plaguie Do ...... June 25-Oct. 7 31 30 Plague rats, 12. China: 10 to 20 May 24...... 87 May 20, 1922: From Amoy ...... 7-Jiune 76 deaths reported daiy. July Do ...... June 25-July 15 . .... 1922: Preset; Canton ...... May I-June 30.... 28 23 16-Aug. 12, .Presentstated to be decreasing. Chuingking...... Sept. 24-30 ...... June 17-24, 1922: Present. June Foochow ...... May 7-June 10 . 5 1 epidemic; 2 fatal Do...... July 2-Aug. 12 . 3 21: Mildly 176 104 case in foreign physicians. Hongkong...... Juine 4-24... . 102 Present. Do ...... June 25-Sept.30... 148 Aug. 13-Sept. 23,1922: Ecuador: - Rats- found infected, 16: exam- Guayaquil ...... June 1-15 ...... ined, 3,400. 1 1 Rats eKamined, 25,725; found in- 1-Oct. 15 . Do...... July fected, 61. December 1, 1922. 3010 CHOLERA, PLAGUE, SMALLPOX, TYPHUS FEVER, AND YELLOW FEVER-Continued. Reports Received from July 1 to November 24, 1922-Continued. PLAGUE-Contipued.

Place. Date. Cases. | Deaths. Remarks.

Egypt...... Jan. 1-Jime 29, 1922: Cases, 20; City- deaths, 120. Jan. I-Oct. 19, Alexandria...... June 1-28...... 21 6 1922: Cases, 451; deaths, 20e. Do ...... July 2-Sept. 9..... 18 7 (Corrected report.) Port Said...... June 12-25...... 2 Septicemic, 1. Do...... July 2-Oct. 5..... 31 22 Foreign cases, 2; deaths, 2. Suez ...... May 24-June 25... 7 6 Do...... July 10-Oct. 18.... 6 3 Aug. 5, 1922: One case Imported from Mauritius on S. S. Dma. bea. Province- Assiout ...... May 30-June 23... 14 8. Septicemic, 1. Do...... Jtly 11-Aug.5. 6 3 Benisouef...... May 26-June 30... 19 7 Do.... July 2-Sept. 2..... 29 13 Fayoum ...... June 3-29...... 8 4 Do. July 2-20...... 13 3 Gharbieh...... May 26-June 30... 37 13 Do...... July 2...... 3 Menoufieh...... July 20...... 1 Minieh...... June 2-29...... 24 7 Do...... July 14-pt.30 ... 19 10 Sinnuris (district)...... Sept. 3-9...... 1 ...... Franlce: Paris...... Aug. 11-18...... 4 ...... Greece

Patras...... Apr. 24-June 25 ... 3 Piraeus ...... Aug. 1-31...... 3 1 Hawaii: Hamnakua...... June 30-July 4.... 1 I At Kalopa Homesteads. Case Hawaiiaii. Do . July 8-Oct. 20. 1 Hamakua mill Co. One rat trapped; found posittve,p4aN Jul,y 14, 1922. Oct. 9-14, 1M% 2 plgue rats. Honokaa....I Aug. 19-Sept. 10 ...... 4 Japanese anid Filipinos; bubonl and septicemie. Oct. 5, I9= Onecase, onedeath. Reported positive Oct. 12. At HoQoka ill, occurring in famiy of fatal case reported Aug. 24, 1922. Aug. 12-Sept. 13, I2 3 plague rats found. Honokaa MiU. Aug. 24...... 1 1 Japanese. Pneumonic. Kalopa...... July 13...... 1 1 Contact with case at Kalopa Homesteads, July 4. Paahau...... June 30...... One plague rat trapped at Paauhau Gulch, June 29 found positive June 30, lOJJ. Paawo... July 7...... 1 At Pohakea; Japanes. Spt. 25, 1922: One plgue rat ound at Hamakua 11. Pohakes .... Aug. 1-16. 2 2 Aug. 1, 1922, Japalnese reported positive for p Aug. 6 12 Form,pnonle. Aug. 1&, lfatalcasemnJapanse Pohakuhaku...... July 12. 1 1 Hawaiian. Reported positive, India July 19...... Apr. 23-June 24, 1922 Cases, 6,310; deaths 4,812. June 25- Sept. 9, 92:' Cases, 7,254, deaths 5,120. Bombay...... Apr. 23-June 24... 168 123 Surroun&ing country July 2- Do...... June 25-Sept. 16... 60 45 1922: Cases, 21; deatis, 16. Calcutta...... Apr. 23-June 24. .. .56 54 Do...... June 23... Karahi 25-Sept. 17 16 ...... May 23-June 24. .. 59 55 Do...... June 25-Sept. 30... 6 5 Madras Presidency. May 21-June 24 74 36 Do...... June 25-Oct. 7.... 1,885 1,253 Ran R...... May 6-June 24. 175 161 DLo...... June 25-Sept. 30... Indo-Chlna: 446 407 Saigon ...... Apr. 23-June 24... 30 21 Do...... June 25-Aug. 19... 10 7 Including area of 100 squar k10o meters. 3011 December 1, 1922. CHOLERA, PLAGUE, SMALLPOX, TYPHUS FEVER, AND- YELLOW FEVER-Contiiiuea. Reports Received from July 1 to November 24, 1922-Continued. PLAGUE-Continued.

Place. Date. ases. 1Deaths. Remarks. J _ Italy: Cataia...... Iune 17..... 1 3July 18-Sept. 28... 19 Occurring in suburbs, viz, at Naples ...... Torr Annunziata, July 18- Sept. 28, 1922, 18 cases; San Giovanni a Teduccio, July 25, 1922, 1 case. Japan: Osaka...... ruly 11-20...... 7 6 Reported as having occurrd duiring ast month; Cases, 9;

...... Month of April, 1922: Report of Java...... the 7 Frovinces of Java: Cases, 413; deaths, 495. Mav 1-31, 1922: Cases, 293; deaths, 310, occurring in 6 Provinces. June 1-30, 1922: Cases, 222; deaths, 250; occulrring in 5 Provinces. July 1-Aug. 31, 1922: Cased, 4lt6 deaths, 447; occurring in a Provinces. East Java- Soerabaya------....--- Kay 7-June 24... 3 3 Soeral&arta- Keporen ...... May 20...... Epidemic...... Madagasar-. ------. .. Nov. 4, 1922: Present. Tananarive Province- Anketrina...... May 4...... Native village; disease stated to have been present since about Apr. 27, 1922. (Name of local- ity corrected.) 1 Tamatave...... June 26July 2... 2 Do ..... Aug. 21-Sept. 13...... Present, Aug. 17, 1922: 1 case. Aug. 18, 1922: 1 death. Aug. 21-Sept. 10, 1922: Deaths, 3. Tananarive ...... May 29-June 18.. 2 1 Do...... July 10-23...... 2 2 ...... 2. Island...... Aug. 7-19,1922: Cases, Oct. 19, Mauritius 1922: 65 fatal cases reported. Mesopotamia: Bagdad ...... Apr. 1-June 30... 268 188 Do...... July 1-Aug. 31... 29 ...... Mexico: ...... 1 rat. Tampico...... Sept. 24-30,1922: plague ,...... 1922: 1 Vera Cruz ...... ----- ...... ,...... June 30, plaguerat. Palestine: July 4-Oct. 23.... 46 In native qcuarter. Entered in Jaffa...... previous issues under Jerusa- lem. 1922: Peru ...... May 1-15, Cases, 36; deaths, .... 19. June i-30, 1922: Cases, 47; deaths, 15. July 1-Aug. 31, 1922: Cases, 95; deaths, 51. Jan.-June, 1922: Cases, 394; deaths, 173. Callao ...... Jan. 1-June30. 24 Country district, cases, 2. (Cor- rected report.) 14 Country district, cases 28; deaths, Lima...... do. 3C 6 Philippine Islands: 11. Manila ...... June 3. From S. S. Taisang from Amoy, Do...... Aug. 20-26. I...... Chinia. Portugal: Lisbon ...... July 23-Oct. 21.. Portuguese WVest Africa: Angola- Lcanda Oct. 25. I...... I ...... Present...... 192 Guinea ...... Reported present Aug. 24, Senezal: Dakar ...... June 1-39. Do ...... Jujly 1-31. 2 2 4 Banigkok ...... Apr. 30-June 3. I 3 Do...... July 2-Sept. 23.... 12 10 .Spain: 6 6 Stated to be confined tofactoryin Barcelona ...... - .. Sept. 24-Oct. 19.... Cartagena ...... ------.Oct. 18. 2 which disease first appeared. 2 Oct. 18, 1922: 18 cases present. Valencia ...... do. December 1, 1922. 3012 CHOLERA, PLAGUE, SMALLPOX, TYPHUS FEVER, AND FEVER-Continued. YELLOW. Reports Received from July 1 to November 24, 1922-Continued. PLAGUEr-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks. - ~~~~i~ll Straits Settlements: Singapore ...... Apr. 30-June 24. .. 8 9 O...... July 9-Aug. 26.... 3 3 Syria: . Aleppo...... Sept. 9-16...... 1 Aleandretta...... u 13... Oct. 8-14, 1922: 1 plague rat. Beirut ...... Juy30...-Aug.3-Avg 3. Tunis: 1...i Tunis...... June 30-Sept. 9....I 4 Turkey: Constantinople...... Aug. 20-Oct. 7.... 12 8 Union of South Africa: Orangse Free State- Grootlcom Farm...... May 7-13 ...... One dead plague-infected rodent found. Locality adjoins Tm cart's Berg PMrm, on wbich ylague-infected mouse wu round preceding week. Rendezvous Ry. Station. May 14-20 ...... Plague-infected wild roden found near. On vessels: S. S. Ardeola...... June ...... At Liverpool. Four plaug4n. 23-JulyS fected rats fmod dead. Vesd from Las Palmas, Canary Is. lands June,2x0s 1922.I=. S. S. Barcelona ...... -Nov.11. 1 At Haana Cuba, from Bars. lona, in, via Canary IB hm - Islands. CanaEy S. S. Dumbea...... Aug. 5. 1 At Suez, Egypt, from Island GI Mauritius. Patient ill two days before arrival. Decaed positive Aug. 6. Greek vessel ...... July19 ...... At Messina, Italy. Cases en board. Vessel not allowed to enter. S. S. Legie ...... July 29 ...... At Hamburg, Germany. Plb ratsfound. Vesel from Bueno Aires, Argentina. S. S. Southgate...... May 30. 1 At Thursday Island quaranti, Australis. Vesswlleft Calcutt Ms 2; Raogoon, Mayo@. va sel badly ra-infested. S.5. Talsang...... -.---.j June 1-3. 1. 1 At Iasia P. I., from Amoy, China. Patient landed at M nila June 1, 192. The Toig was 24 days en route dirct from Amoy.


Arabia: Aden. May 7-June 24. .. 60 21 Do.. July 2-Oct. 14.... 52 25 Argentina- Roar...... June 1-30...... 3 Adsi Miner: Smy May 14-June 24 ... 4 .In district...... June 13 . .... Do. Bermuda: 25-Aug. 26... I Hamilton...... Sept. 3-30...... 3 Bolivia: La Paz...... Mar. 1-Apr. 30.... 97 16 Brail: Bahia...... June 25-Oct. 14.... 2 1 Para...... May 29-June 25 ... 8 Do...... July 9-Sept. 17.... 141 Aug. 22-28, 1922. Cases, 16. Pernambuco...... Sept. 24-30...... 1 Rio de Janeiro...... May 14-June 24... 48 Do...... June 25-0ct. 21.... 182 42 Sao Paulo...... Apr. 10-June II... 3 10 3013 December 1, 1922. SMALLPOX-, TYPHUS AND CHOLERA, PLAGUE, FEVER-Continued. FEVER, YELLOW Reports Received from July 1 to November 24, 1922-Continued. SMALLPOX-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

| British East Africa: ...I...... Cases, }cnLia Colony ------Apr. 1-June .30, 1922. 15...... i Dar-esSamaam.. ..-- Apr. 16-June 10. 26 July 9-15, 1922: Deaths, 5. Do...... July 16-Aug. 12... 18 Nairobi.------.-.... Mar. 1-31. 22 2 Tan 6nyika Territory.... Aug. 20-Sept. 2.... 27 4 Zanzibar...... May 1-June 10.... 36 6 Do...... June 24-July 1.... 2 ...... Canada: Alberta- Calgary ...... June 18-24...... Manitoba- Winipeg...... May 6-June 17.... Do...... Sept. 3-Nov. 4.... 7 ------I Oct. 22-Nov. 4, 1922: Cases, 5. New Brunswick- I Kent County...... June 25-July 1.... 2 ...... Madawaska County .... Jme 4-17...... 6 Do...... Sept. 10-Oct. 7.... 2 ...... Ontario..------..------...... Sept. 1-30,1922: Cases, 19; death.:, Fort William and Port Aug~ug. Fet 3...... 1. Arthur...... July 30-Aug. 12... Hamilton...... -2 ...... London ...... Aug. 26-Sept. 2.... 1 North Bay;...... June 317...... 2 ...... Do...... July 16-Aug. 12.. 3 ...... Ottawa...... June 11-July 1.... 17 ...... 1 Do ...... July 2-Nov. 4..... 19 ...... Toronto. June 18-Nov. 4.... 11 ...... Saskatchewan- ...... 17-23...... Regina...... Sept...... Imported. Ssktoon ...... Adg. 20-26...... I Ceylon:(olombo...... May 14-20...... Do...... July 16-Oct. 7.... 18 Chile ...... Prevalent July 3, 1922, through. Concepcion...... Mar. 14-June 20...... 71 out southern Provinces. Do...... Jie 27-Sept. 4...... 30 Quillon ...... In Concepcion Province: Epi. ndmie In May, 1922, with 60 reported cases. To June 5, epidemic. Do...... June 27-July 3...... Epidemic. .%n Patricio...... IMay 16-22 13 Talcahuano...... Miay 22-June...24..4 . 33 May 16-22,1922: Present. Do...... June25-July 30 ... 5 7 Temuco...... Province of Cautin; epidemic In May, 1922. Valparaiso...... Mar. 26-June 19... 115 Inoomplete; several districts not Do...... June 25-July 30 ... 46 reporting. China: Amoy...... May 7-20..... Present. June 18-24, 122. 1 death. Do...... July 16-Sept. 16... Present. Antung...... ay 29-June 18.. Do ...... July 3-16...... Chungking...... May 28-June!24.i...... Do. Do... .. June 25-Sept. 23...... Do. Foozhow...... May 14-20...... I..5 ...... Aug. 13-19, 1922: Present. Do...... Aug. 27-Sept. 9...... 4 ...... Present. Hankow...... June 25-July 1.... 1 ...... Hongkong...... *May 14-June 24... 41 Do...... 16... 5 32 Aug. 13-26,1922. Present. Manchuria- July,16-Sept. Dairen...... May 15-June 18... I1 Do...... June 26-Sept. 17... 7 1 Harbin...... May 22-28...... 1 Do...... July 30-Aug. 5.... 1 Mukden...... June 18-24...... Present. Do ..... July 16-Sept. 23...... Do. N;anking...... May 7-June24...... Do. Do...... June 25-Sept. 23... Do. Shanghai ...... My 22-28...... I.. Native. Tientsin ...... May 14-2D...... Present. Tsingtau 4 Includingleased terlitory of Kial ...... May 9-June 18. ... oohow Japanese along hhantn Raiwy,popubaticiaand JaneseresldenIts, Talnan. Doo. June 26-July 30.. 5S December 1, 1922. 3014 CHOLERA, PLAGUE, SMALLPOX, TYPHUS FEVER, AND FEVER-Continued. YELL0* Reports Received from July 1 to November 24, 1922-Continued. S3MALLPOX-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks. I *l I- Chosen (Korea): Chemulpo.------... May 1-31...... Fusan...... May 1-June 30.... 1471 60 Do...... July 1-31...... 13 9 Seoul...... May 1-June 30.... 26- 5 .Do -...... July 1-31...... 23 8 Cuba -.-.-.-.-.---- ...... July 1-Aug. 31, 1922: Cases, City- 77. Antilla...... June 18-24. .IIII Reported for Preston. D)O...... Sept. 17-21...... 212 Cienfuegos..------June 24-July 1.... 1 Habana...... July 1-Aug. 31.... 10 Sagua la Grande...... Oct. 15-21...... 1 In vicinity, at Rancho Veloz. Santiago...... June 1-30...... 3 Do.-. Sept. 1-30...... 1 Province- Habana...... Aug. 20-31...... 1 Matanzas...... do. 1 Oriente ...... do. 3 Santa Clara...... do. 4 Domenica...... Aug. 5-Sept. 9. Present. Aug. 23: Epidemic. Island in Leeward Dominican Republic: Islands. Puerto Plata...... Sept. 12-Oct. 14... San Pedro de Macotis. May 21-June 24... 167 City and country. (Corred report). Do ... - June 25-Oct. 28... 384 2 City and district. (Cre red port.) Santo Domingo.. June 4-24. 3 Including vicinity. Do ...... June 25-Nov. 4.... 30 7 July Aug. 5,192: Afeam, 5 city and vicinity. Ecuador: Guayaqul...... July 16-Oct. 15.... 12 Milagro...... Sept. 1-15...... Nobol...... Egypt: .1

Alexandria...... July 23-Aug. 12... 2 ...... 2 Cairo...... Apr. 30-June 24... 13 5 ...... Do...... July 23-Aug. 19... 7 2 ...... Port Said ...... May 7-Juine 24.... 3 1 Do .... July 23-29. 1 Finland ... June 1-30...... 2 ...... July 1-15...... 1 Fiume ...... - June 13-19...... 1 Do .... . July 10-16...... 1 France: ...... Paris .... June 1-10...... 1 Great Britain: ...... Halifax ...... Outbreak reported under dato of June 17, 1922. Huddersfield...... Do. Liverpool ...... Atig. 13-19...... In port bospital. London ...... July 30-Oct. 14.... .7 1 Sheffield ...... May 28-June 17 5 Southampton...... June 18-24.. 2 Greece: Saloniki...... May 1-June 25.... 3

Do...... Juily 17-23...... E... Haiti:."S yaIsland...... May 26...... 12 Cape Haitien.. June 11-17...... 1 Nord. Plaine du ...... do Vicinity of Cape Haitien. PM* India...... ent...... Feb. 25, 1922: Deaths, Bombay...... Apr. 23-June 24... 38 1,162 (date of report correted). Do ...... July 2-15...... 4 2 Mar. 26-Say 20, 1922: Deaths, Calcutta ...... Apr. 23-June 24... 84 67 6,015. Juine 4-24: Cases, 2,813; Do ...... June 25-Oct. 7.... 34 27 deaths, 919. June 25-Sept. 9, 1922: Cases, 9,090; deaths, 2,377. Karachi...... May 23-June 24... 35 9 Do...... Juily lC-Sept. 30. . 18 5 Madras ...... May I1-Juane24... 207 94 June 19-25, 1922: Cases, 30; Do...... Jtily 2-Oct. 7.... 501 227 deaths, 15. Rangoon...... May 2-.... 37 16 Dvo...... July 2-Sept. 30.... Indo-China: 62 33 Saigon...... June 30-Aug. 19... 36 26 Including area of 100 square hk. 3015 December 1, 1922. CHOLERA, PLAGUE, SMALLPOX, TYPHUS FEVER, AND FEVER.-Continued. YELLOW Reports Received from July 1 to November 24, 1922-Contiuued. SMALLPOX-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. I Deaths. Remarks. I I* ~ l' Italy: 'Trieste ...... Sept. I-Oct. 18 11 Japan: June Kobe...... 19-25. 2 .3 Island ...... June 11-30. 26 Do...... July 22-Auig. 10... 27 4 Yokohama ...... May 29-June 25... 4 2 Do ...... June 26-July 20... 48 8 Java: East Java- Soerabava...... Aug. 13-19.. West. Java- 2 Batavia ...... Apr. 28-June 30. .. 20 3 City and Province. Do...... July 9-Oct. 6...... 58 9 Luxemburg ...... June 1-30. 1 Province. Malta ...... May 1-June 15.... 4 ...... June Mesortamia 1-30, 1922: Cases, 2. lsG=gdad...... Apr. 1-June 30.... 36 40 Do ...... Jtuly 1-Aug. 31.... 57 ...... Mexico:

chihuahua ...... June 22-Sept. 17...... Guadalajra...... May 1-June 30 ... 2 Do...... Jutly 1-Sept. 17.... 5 June Mansanillo...... 6-25...... 4 Estimated cases, 4 to 10. Do...... June 27-July 3. ... 1 Estimated. Mexico City...... May 21-June 24... 129 Including municipalities in Fed- eral District. Repot June 11- 17,1922, notreeived. Do I June 25-Oct? 14... 220 ...... Including municipalities in Fed- eral District. Nogales.. July 22-Aug. 5.... 26 3 State of Sonora. San Lois Potosi. July 23-Oct. 7...... 12

Torro...... July 1-31...... 1 Panam ...... Canal...... July 1-31, 1922: Cases, 4, of which Colon...... July 1-Oct. 15...... 1 nonresident and not locally Panama. July 1-Aug. 15.... 2 ...... reported. July 28%pt. 2t, Cases, 3; of these, non- resident,rs 2. Persia: Teheran ...... Apr. 23-May 22... 2...... 2 Peru ...... May 1-15,1922-. Cases, 5; deaths, 4. June 1-30, 1922: Case, 16; deaths 7. Aug. 1-31, 1922: cases k; deaths, 5. Cdlao...... Jan. I-June 30 1922: Deaths, 1. U4ma...... Jan. 1-June id, 1922: Deaths, 23. Poland...... Mar. 26-June 24, 1922: Cases 1,210; deaths 241. Do .... June 25-Sept. t, 12 Cases, 263; Portl deaths, 54. Do:::...... May 29-June 25... 6 8 Corrected report. June 25-Oct. 21... 292 82- Do. Oporto...... Aug. 27-Oct. 7.... 4 I...... Portuguese East Africa:

Lourenco Marques...... July 23-29...... 1 I...... Portugues West Afric: Angola- Loanda...... June 25-July 1 ...... Russia:

Esthonla...... May 1-June 30 .... 6 Do...... July -Sept. 30.... 2 ...... Leltonia...... May -June 30.... 51 Do...... July 1-Aug. 31.... 20 ......

Sankr...... June 1-30...... 4 4

B don a...... Juno 22-28...... 1 June 29-Sept. 13...... 3 Do...... Aug. 1-Sept. 30...... caf...... Aug. 1-30...... Cu a...... June 11-17...... 1 Do...... Oct. 15-21...... 1 }Iudva...... Apr I-June 30...... 4 JuSry 1-Aug. 31...... 2 Seville. June 11-17...... 3C Week ended Juno ll, 192: Many Do...... June 18-Oct. 8...... 151 cas. Valnca...... May 21-27 ..... : ...... December 1, 1922. 3016 CHOLERA, PLAGUE, SMALLPOX, TYPHUS FEVER, AND YELLOW FEVER-Continued. Reports Received from July 1 to November 24, 1922-Continued. SMALLPOX-Continued.

lace. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

Straits Settlements: DSingap" e...... Apr. 30-June 5.. 11 O...... July 30-Aug. 19. 3 1 Switzerland: Basel...... May 28-June 3 . 1 Do ...... :ept. 17-23...... 1 ...... Berno...... May 14-20.... 1 ...... Do...... July 9-Sept. 23.... 20 ...... Lucerne...... July 1-31...... Zurich Canton...... Aug. 1-31, 1922: Cases, 74. Zurich ..... Apr. 23-June 12...... 2 ...... Do...... June 25-Oct. 21.... :82 Syria: Aloppo...... June 4-24..... , . Present. Damasus...... June 18-24...... Do...... June 25-Oct. 7.....I 22j 3 Tuni: Tunis...... July 17-23...... 1 Turkey: Constantinople...... May 21-June 24. .. 21 6 Do...... June 25-Oct. 21. .. 07 19 Union of South Afrca. ) ...... Apr. 1-June 30, 1922: Cas 173- deaths, 12 (colored); wZrite cases, 36. July 1-Aug. 31 I= Colored, cases, 232; deaths, 3; white 9 cases Pro ce ...... Apr. 1-iune 30, 1922: Cases, 87 Cape deaths, 3 (colored); white i cases. July 1-Aug. 31, lbi2 Cases,-89; deaths, 2 (coldaNd). Do .Aug. 20-Sept. 30 .... Outbreakks...... 0 ...... I. Apr. 1-May 31, 1922: Caaai deaths; 8 (colored); witb cases. July 1-31, 1922: Cae s5 (colored).--' Orange Free State ...... May 1-31, 1922: Cases, deatbs, ...... 1 (colored). July 12;-Aug. 31, 1922:-5 cse (colored).

Do ...... Sept. 3-9 ...... Outbreaks. Southern Rhodesia May 11-June 28.. 67 4 In natives, 3 cas.

Do ...... June2W-Aug. 23... 35 .... Transvaal ...... Apr. -lmune 30 1922: Cas, 5S Cared10 cases, 133; deaths, 1; wbite, i cases. Do...... July 9-Sept. 2...... Outbreaks. J nesburg...... May 1-31 ..... Virgin Islands: I,1 .. St. Thonms...... June 5-18...... 1 At -quarantine. Prom vid from Dominican RepuboL.' Yugoslaia...... Se t. 4-24,1921: Cases, 11;deaths, Croatia-Siavonia- Zagreb...... June 4-10..... 1 Do...... Aug. 6-12. Borbia ...... -... Oct.23-29,1921: Cases,5. Belgrade ...... June 11-17..... 1 34 .... Aug. 14-Sept. 24. . . On vessels: S. S. Changsha...... May 1i...... At Hongkong, China. Om 1 landed from vessel; 1et intending passenger. Vai pro:ceded to Australian paiL 1 S. S. Clia3acWilliam ...... IAug. 1.3. Eni route from Durban ad DO- lagoa Bay, Union dulkof Afrca, for Nwcastle, lia, via Mauritius. Nowcastle Aug. 25, 199, po ceeded to Sydney In q tine. Patient, cdre &5 man. S; S. Comeric...... 1 At sea, en routeto DurbSn,SA. from Sydney Aus ia. ( lie Health y(portJms, 1922, p. 1555.) 3017 Decenber 1, 1922. YELLOW CHoLERA, PLAGUE, SMALLPOX,FEVER-Continued.TYPHUS FEVER, AND Reports Received from July 1 to November 24, 1922-Continued. SMALLPOX-Continned. I


Algeria: Alg i...... May 1-31...... 165 a43 Do...... Aug. 1-Sept. 30.... 1 Orna...... June 1-30 ..... 3 4 Do...... July 1-Oct. 10.... 1 Asis Minor.' and district. re. Smyrna .....- May 14-June 24... 8.I...... Cityport.) (Corrected Do...... June 25-Aug. 19... 11 ...... District. Australa: July 9-Aug. 12.... 2...... Austria: 1 Vl ..san...... May 7-June 1o.... 3 1 Do...... nna...... July 2-Aug. 19.... 3 Bolivia: La Paz...... Mar. 1-Apr. 30.... 15 8 Bubuis: Fiona...... May 28-June 17... 4 ...... Do...... Sept. 24-30...... 1 Chilr. Conepcion...... Apr. 11-May 29.... 10 Do...... June 27-Sept. 4...... 7 Valparaiso...... Apr 222...... 6 Do...... July 18-Sept. 30...... 2a Chinaw Antung...... May 15-21...... 1 ...... Do...... July 10-Oct. 15.... 12 ...... Foochow...... May 14-2...... Do...... Aug. 6-12...... 4 Hankow...... July 9-15...... 1 ''''''''i Manchuria- IHarbin...... May S-June 11.... 4 Do...... June 26-fept. 10... 7 Czechoslovakia:Tsingtaui.. Sept. 11-18...... Pmge...... June 11-17...... 1 Do...... July 1-Aug. 2.... 2 Danzig (free city)...... June 4-10...... 1 ...... Egypt: Alexandria...... June 4-24...... 9 6 I Do...... June 25-Oct. 14.... 27 14 July22-29, I2 impordpar epintSphoid. Caio ...... Mar. 19-June 2... 19 62 1 g fever, Mar. 26-Apr. 8; Do...... June 2S-Aug. B... 30 2,29 as. Port Said...... May 28-June 3.. 1 Do...... July 2-Sept. 2..... 11 December 1, 1922; 3018 CHOLERA, PLAGUE, SMALLPOX, TYPHUS FEVER, AND FEVER-Continued. YELUAj Reports Received from July 1 to November 24, 1922-Continued. TYPHUS FEVER-Continued.

Place. Date. (Cases. Deaths. Remarks. - l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..l i- German -.------...... -I ...... May 1-6, 1922: 5 cases tSplu Berin...... Apr. 30-June 2...... fcver at qturantine statI& d Do...... June 25-Sept. 2.... 17 Osternothafen. in pesoS . Coblenz...... July 2-Nov. 4.... 3 turning from Russia. K5nigsberg...... May 28-June 3...... Do...... Sept. 3-9...... 1 ...... Stluttgart...... Jwy 22-Aug. 26 ... 2 Great Britain: 1 Glasgow...... Sept. 17-23...... Greece: Pirsous...... --.- Aug. 1-1. .. saloniki...... May 1-June 18.... 25 ...... 'i 2 in Russian refugees. Indo-Chlna: Sagn...... Aug. 6-19...... 1 Java: East Java- Soerabayn...... July 23-,Aug. 5.... 4 2 MesoDrta: Apr. 1-June 30..... 7 2 DoDo.;...d...... Aug. 1-31...... 5 ...... Mexico: Mexico City...... Apr. 23-June 24. .. 111 ...... Including municipalities in Fd. eral District. Do. June 25-Oct. 14.... 266 ...... Do. San Luis PotosL. Sept. 7...... - Present. Oct. 1-7,1922: Deaths, 10-Oct. 2. Netherlands: Amsterdam...... -. July 30-Aug. 5...... Norway: Christiania...... Aug. 15...... 1 1 Province- Finniarken.... July 26-Aug. 5.... 12 2 Occurring in 3 localities. Palestine: Jerusalem...... : . June 27-Sept. 4.... 3 Peria:

Teheran.n...... Mar. 22-June 22 ...... 8

PolandPoland...... 4 ...... Mar. 26-Apr. 22, 192t Cus_, 5,695; deaths 349. Apr. 2. June 24, 12: Cases, 9g4o ., deaths 61. Recurrentty Mar. 16-Apr. 22, 1922: Ca 4,515; deaths, 155. Apr. 3s- May 6 192I. Cases, 1,U deaths 34. (Correctedreprt) May I-June 24 1922: , 4,7t, deaths, hi. Jutne S Sept. 7, 192: Cases, deaths 174. Recurront June ISept. 7, 1922: 3,793; deaths, 113. Warsaw.... Apr. 23-June 24.. 156 ...... Among transient and per_mam residents. Portugal: Oporto...... May 4-June 24.... 9 .4 Do...... June 29-Sept. 30... 3 1 SeixaL ...... Aug.4 ....- 1 ...... Village opposite Lisbon. Rumania...... ''''' '...... Apr. l-May 31, 1922-. Case, UL City- Bucharest...... May 1-31...... 14 Certluanti...'.~.-...... do. 5 Chisinau. Apr. 1-30...... 21 Cluj.: .... May 1-31.... 18 Constanzaa...... :...... do. 1 Galata.. 1 Suli 7...... do...... 2 Province- Bucovina...... Jan. 1-31...... 35 13 Chisinau.. .. Apr. 1-30...... 14 ...... Recurrent typhus: Cases, 7. Transylvamia... Jan. 1-31...... 16 .3 Russia: Esthonia ...... Apr. 1-June30.-... 44 ...... Do ... 16 ...... July 1-Sept.30...... Sept. 1-30, 1922: Recurrent t0 phus, cases Lettonia 6; parmtyphu11. ....AIpr. 1-June 635 ...... Recurrent Ca,_ Do 30..- typhus: .....July 1-Aug.31.... 74 ...... Recurrent typhus: C 2" 1 paratyphus case, 3. 3019 December 1, 1922.


Reports Received from July to November 2u, 1l-Ooui&tnued TYPHUS FEVR-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks. ------V -jberia3 3 3 vladivostok.-- July 1-31...... Spain: July Barcelona.------13-19...... May 1-June ...... 16 ------30...... Madrid. July Do .: 1-Aug. 31...... 7 May Seville...... 21-June 3...... 1 Switzerland: Lucerne...------Aug. 1-31...... I Aleppo.---- Oct. 15-21...... 1 Lug. 27-Oct. 7, 1922: Present and Damascus.....;,,, Oct. 1-7...... 1 in interior. Tunis: T s...... June 4-10...... Cnshntinople...... May 21-June 2g... 16 ...... Do...... July 9-Oct. 21..... 41 ...... Apr. 1-June 30, 1922: Cases, Unlion of South Africa...... deaths, 214 (colored); white.1,220417 cases. July 1-Aug. 31 1922: Cases, 1,108 deaths, 17 (col- ored); wilte, 4 eases.

. ..,...... Apr. 1-June 30, 1922: Cass, 1,067; Cape Province ...... ,,I-,,,-,,,-,.- deaths, 194 (colored); white, 16 cases. July 1-Aug. 31, 1922 Cases, 1041; deaths, 165 (eol- ored); whIte, 4 cases. 30...... Outbreaks. Do ...... Aug. 20-Sept. L.. fields ...... ,...... * I... Sept. 28, 19: Outbreaks at Diamond native locations near Kimber- ley. Delport. Sept. 28...... ,...... 12 Outbreak. (ong-gong..G .. . I.. Winter's Rush...... do. .. . 12 Including Longla ...... do . ,...... London...... E.ast . .. . Apr. 1-June 20, 1922: Cases 57 Xatal...... deaths,? (colored). Julyl-lug. 31, 192: Cases, 25; deaths, 4 (colored). 1-30...... Outbreaks. Do ...... Free State ... .I...... Apr. 1-June 30, 1922: Cases 97; Orange ...... deaths, 10 (clored); whiie. i case. July 1-Au. 31 1922: Caes, 36; aeths, 1 (coied). 27-Sept. 16...... Outbreak. Do ...... Aug...... 30, 1922: Cases, 29; ...... Apr. 1-June Trnsvaal ...... 2 1- deaths, (colored). July Aug. 31, l922: Cases, 6 (c- orea). Do...... Aug. 27-Sept. 30...' ...... i ...... i .Outbreals. Johannesburg...... May 1-Jume 30.... L Do -...... July 1-31...... I ...... 7-13,1921:2 new cas. Yugeslavia...... i ...... Aug. Bosnia-Herzegovina... Aug. 7-13...... (1921.) Croatla-Slavonia...... Sept. 4-10...... I ...... Do. Serbia- Belgrade ...... May 6-June 3.... II Voivodina ...... Aug. 7-13...... I (1921.) On vessels: At Kay quantine station, S. S. Chios...... July 18...... B p Nvorossysk a Russ Blk Sea pot Ve;:el carried refugees for Salon, 1 Smolensk IJune From Danzig, Ma 30 1922. At S. S...... atlms dentlo amg eSouthampton, England. (Pu c RHelth Report, June 30, 1922, p. 1610.) . . - 9- December 1, 1922. 3020 CHOLERA, PLAGUE, SMALLPOX, TYPHUS FEVER, AND YELLOW FEVER-Continued. Reports Received from July 1 to November 24,1922-Continued. YELLOW FEVER.

I I Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks. 1..: Bra7il: l;.i-ia ...... July 30-Aug. 26. .. 3 2 MWc'.ic: Cizidad Victoria.------Sept. 2, ...... 1 1 Origin, Tampico. T:untmico...... July 27-29... 1 1 From Panuco. Patient broush& to Tampico on eighth day of illness. Do...... Aug. 30..------.- ...... 6 Ofthese, 5 with origin at State of Vera Crus; Panne%1 wij Tuxpam..... Oct. 14-Nov. 10.... 2 ...... 1 origin at Tampico. Nov. f 1922: 1 case.* On -rc.;el: Schr. William E. Butaham. Sept. 13...... I At sea between Paramaribo and Mobile Quarantine,Ala.,wie the vessel arrived Sept. 14, 1922. The vessel left Free. town, Sierra Leone June 25, and touched at iungo aad -- Paramaribo.
