Question for written answer P-000331/2019 to the Commission Rule 130 Javier Nart (ALDE)

Subject: Improvements in waste water treatment in the estuary

Spain will have to pay a six-monthly fine of EUR 11 million, in addition to a further EUR 12 million fine, for failure to comply with EU legislation on waste water treatment in 17 urban agglomerations1. This is not the only such infringement process: there is also one concerning agglomerations with a population of more than 10 000 inhabitants, such as that of Marin-- in the Pontevedra estuary2.

The waste water treatment system for the towns of Pontevedra, MarĂ­n, Poio and Bueu fails to comply with the requirements of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive, and it seems that the only way to address this non-compliance is by increasing the capacity of the plant in order to optimise the operation of the sewage system, separating rainwater and infiltrations3.

However, the 2007-2013 ERDF programme already included operations relating to the Pontevedra waste water treatment system and the regional official responsible declared that EUR 133 million were available for this purpose from the 2014-2020 ERDF programme4.

Given the delays in the improvements necessary to avoid sanctions and the European source of the funds, does the Commission see the need to carry out checks regarding the use made of these funds?

1 incumplir-normas-tratamiento-aguas-residuales-20180725122440.html. 2 problema-saneamiento/201811210953581010284.html. 3 obliga-levantar-marin/0003_201812P5C1992.htm. 4 saneamiento-ria.

1174931.EN PE 633.383