Register of Members of the Council of Governors

Elected Governors – Public

Constituency Area Governor

Warwick and Leamington Towns Norman Byrne "I am delighted to have been elected to serve as a governor to the SWFT representing the public in and Leamington and I intend to honestly and conscientiously represent local people. Even with forty years of business life behind me I know that I face a very steep learning curve to fit the role of Governor but I hope to go on to make a positive contribution to the governorship of the trust. My strong belief and support for the fundamental values underpinning the NHS will not prevent me from embracing change but I will guard against any dilution of those key values". Warwick and Leamington Towns Ruth Cowan "I am a Chartered Physiotherapist and have worked not only in the NHS but also in Education and the Private Sector. My motivation as a Governor is to help reflect the voice of the public. I feel that having a Foundation Trust is a great opportunity for South Warwickshire to have a first class health service both for patients and providers." Warwick and Leamington Towns Penny Smith (New Governor-Information to follow) Warwick and Leamington Towns Matthew Statham “At 44 years of age, I have lived in the Leamington / Warwick area for most of my life. I am married with two children and like to take an active role in the community. As a Governor hope to bring a fresh perspective, with 20 years industry experience from outside the healthcare profession.” and Borders Jean Arrowsmith “I trained as a nurse at Warwick hospital and

worked in a variety of roles for 15 years. I believe my knowledge and experience gained both in a hospital and community setting will assist me with achieving the full potential of hospital governor. My clinical experience will also help in gaining the respect of clinicians, important in developing the credibility around the role of hospital governor.” Warwick District and Borders Robert Ashby (New Governor-Information to follow)

Warwick District and Borders Richard Grimes "I have been an outpatient and day surgery patient over a number of years, and during this time I have seen many improvements at Warwick Hospital. I recognise that we can never stand still and I want to see the trust continue to improve and be responsive when improvements are needed. This is why I decided to stand to be a Governor. I am passionate about the founding principles of the NHS and I will ensure that the Trust held to those principles and that the Trust's actions are always to the benefit of the community."

Warwick District and Borders Gillian Waterhouse (New Governor-Information to follow) West Stratford and Borders Jon Bolger “I strongly believe that my commercial and operational background in providing procurement services to large and often complex organisations will be of value to me in my role as a Governor. My contact with the Trust has been as a patient and I am passionate about the benefits the NHS brings to the whole community and I have the desire to help how the trust can continue to deliver these in times of austerity.”

West Stratford and Borders Roger Lloyd (New Governor-Information to follow) West Stratford and Borders Mary Malloy “I have 37 years NHS experience as a clinician and as a manager. I was a hospital pharmacist for 20 years before moving into primary care as a Pharmaceutical Adviser and Head of Medicines Management. I am passionate about maintaining the principles of the NHS and became a Governor to use my experience to support the NHS locally in providing best quality services.” East Stratford and Borders Alan Akeister (New Governor-Information to follow) East Stratford and Borders David Gee “As the last Chair of the South Warwickshire Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) Forum, I was actively involved in representing the interests of patients throughout South Warwickshire for a number of years. I am now a member of Warwickshire LINk (Local Involvement Network). I am experienced in the needs of the residents of South Warwickshire and will use this experience to ensure that the Trust continues to deliver an improving healthcare service.” East Stratford and Borders Tim Parry (New Governor-Information to follow)

Northern Warwickshire and Rugby Aurangzeib Ghumra (New Governor-Information to follow) Northern Warwickshire and Rugby Cally Harrison “Having a clinical, academic and managerial background and a lengthy experience in the NHS, after working for different trusts around the country, I felt that one of the best ways to contribute to improving and maintaining high standards of care locally is to become an FT governor. As it has been shown by many national and international think tanks, quality should be the organising principle of any credible healthcare organisation; hence I would like to use my knowledge and expertise to ensure that the local NHS continues to successfully serve its patients.”

Elected Governors - Staff

Class Governor

Medical and Dental Shirley Rigby (New Governor-Information to follow) Nursing and Midwifery Acute Pamela Hemsley (New Governor-Information to follow) Nursing and Midwifery Acute Kathy Wagstaff (New Governor-Information to follow) Clinical Support Staff Carol Credgington "I have worked in the Trust as a Physiotherapist for over 30 years working. During this time I have experienced many changes in the environment, the staffing and ways of working both professionally and within the Trust. Being part of the Physiotherapy team I am in a position to have some insight into the different Trust Departments and Teams as the team work across most clinical areas within of the Trust. My managerial role has enhanced this further working on several different projects and with staff of all levels and from a cross section of teams. I believe the opportunity to be a Staff Governor will enable me to use my extended knowledge to ensure that the Trust continues to provide a quality service to meet the needs of the patients and support the staff to enable them to do so." Non Clinical Support Staff Jane Wheelan (New Governor-Information to follow) Nursing and Midwifery Community Helena Darcy – Cope (New Governor-Information to follow) Nursing and Midwifery Community Chantelle Walker (New Governor-Information to follow)

Appointed Governors

Representing Governor

Stratford District Council Councillor Susan Adams (Information to follow) Warwick District Council Councillor Felicity Bunker “I am privileged to be an Appointed Governor of the South Warwickshire Foundation Trust. I am able to represent everyone in Warwick District. I will do all that I can to ensure that we have hospitals in this area that will provide the best possible care for everyone. I hope that we will be able to continue to improve our facilities, and that the care of patients will be of the highest standards. I will work with the other Governors, the Directors and Staff of the Trust to achieve continual improvements.” Warwickshire County Council Councillor Les Caborn (Information to follow) South Warwickshire CCG Anna Hargrave "I was the first senior manager to join south Warwickshire CCG in June 2011 when I was appointed as the Chief Operating Officer and have been the Director of Strategy and Engagement since June 2012. I previously worked for NHS Warwickshire in a number of senior strategy roles, including the Deputy Director of Strategy and Innovation role. During the 5 years I worked in NHS Warwickshire and led work involving providers, commissioners and local authorities across Coventry and Warwickshire. Prior to joining NHS Warwickshire I worked for KPMG on large strategic reviews and financial turnarounds in both health and social care. Prior to my time at KPMG I spent time with for the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement; Nottinghamshire County Council and in the acute sector.

I am responsible for the overall commissioning strategy of the CCG; annual business planning; joint commissioning; QIPP development; engagement of patients and stakeholders; innovation; human resources; organisational development; information governance; individual funding requests; information technology; communications and media; equality and diversity." Lara McCarthy “I am the Senior Assistant Registrar (Education and Development Team) at the University of . I joined the School in 2000, as an Administrative Officer, when the first cohort of 67 students arrived. I was promoted to my current role in 2010 and I have particular responsibilities for governance and funding for the MB ChB programme. My role as a Governor is to represent the views of the University of Warwick so that Trust decisions regarding the medical education of the MB ChB students are taken into consideration. I live close to Stratford so I also bring a local user perspective to the provision of patient services.” GP Consortium Adrian Parsons “I have been a GP in Warwickshire since 1994 and I previously worked at Warwick Hospital as a junior doctor. I am a GP executive member of the South Warwickshire Clinical Commissioning Group and a member of Warwickshire Local Medical Committee .Since 2004 I have been involved in a wide range of local and regional healthcare projects and service reforms. Warwickshire County Council Clive Rickhards "I have been a local Councillor for the Studley Division for a number of years. I am a retired teacher, having practiced in Warwickshire and continues to work as an examiner for EDexcel. I have also formerly been an actor for several Theatre in Education companies, as well as being ex chair of Studley Parish Council. I am looking forward to working with the Board of Directors as a part of the Council of Governors."