Name ______Date ______Period ____ Class ______Greece ~åÇ Rome RÉîáÉï Directions: Using your textbook, class notes, and homework/classwork from the unit, complete the following questions, review the following material, and use it to prepare and study for your Unit 3 Test. I HIGHLY encourage you to go to to review PowerPoint slides and homework/classwork materials you might have misplaced. If you still need help, email me at [email protected] or use the internet (just make sure your information is accurate). This sheet will be due at the start of the test.

Greece DEFINE/IDENTIFY: ______Aristocracy ______Oligarchy ______Hoplite ______Phalanx ______Philosophy ______Macedonia ______Hellenism ______

EXPLAIN: How did the geography of cause lack of unity among ? ______Who were the Minoans and what made their culture unique? ______

How did childhood education differ between and Sparta? ______Why did the Greeks call non-Greeks “Barbarians?” Where does the word come from? ______What event started the Greco-Persian War? ______During the Greco-Persian Wars, in the Battle of Thermopylae, why were the three hundred Spartan soldiers able to hold off the much larger Persian force for so long? ______What was the and why was it formed? ______How did Athens gain the wealth necessary to have a Golden Age? ______In what ways was the Athenian democracy a limited democracy? ______What is the difference between Direct Democracy and Representative Democracy? ______Who was Socrates and why was he killed? ______Who was Aristotle and how did he feel about Democracy? ______Who was Pericles? What form of government did he support? ______

What caused Athens to lose the ? ______How did Herodotus and Thucydides differ in their approaches to recording history? ______Why did Alexander marry a Persian princess? ______Why did Alexander’s empire collapse? ______Describe one example of the influence of culture on American culture. ______Draw a letter “P” on the picture of the Parthenon at the end of this packet. What is the Parthenon, where was it built, and how was it funded? ______

Rome DEFINE/IDENTIFY: Republic ______Consul ______Imperialism ______Legionary ______Punic Wars ______Hannibal ______Philhellenism ______Pax Romana ______Messiah ______Constantinople ______

EXPLAIN: What was the difference between Patricians and Plebeians? ______Why did the have the temporary “dictator” position? ______What were the Twelve Tables and why were they created? ______How did Greek culture influence Roman culture? Give examples. ______Who were the Gracchus brothers, and what were the positive and negative effects of their reforms? ______Who killed Julius Caesar and why? ______What does the title “Princeps” mean and why did Emperor Augustus use it? ______Why are Nero and Caligula seen as bad emperors? Give examples. ______

Why might the Romans have viewed Jesus as a political threat? ______In what ways was Paul responsible for the spread of Christianity? ______How did Diocletian try to save Rome from decline? ______Who were the Huns and how were they responsible for the invasion of Rome by Germanic tribes? ______What are mercenaries and why were they a problem for Rome? ______After the Western half of Rome fell to invaders, what happened to the Eastern half? ______Draw a letter “C” on the picture of the Colosseum at the end of this packet. What is the Colosseum, where was it built, and how was it funded? ______

Be prepared to identify the following cities on a map Athens • Alexandria (in Egypt) • Rome • Carthage • Jerusalem •