NEWS JUNE 2 012 • Issue 41 SHANE GOULD At home in the water MY OLYMPICS Dreams, persistence – and medals UNIVERSITY OF TASMANIA (Special feature pages 3-13) DO YOU HAVE A PASSION FOR POLITICS AND POLICY? Formalise your professional knowledge or upgrade your qualifications by studying a postgraduate degree with the School of Government. Postgraduate degrees are available in the following subject areas: • International Politics • Public Policy • Public Administration (International) As well as the flexible option of studying on campus or online, UTAS can give you the edge you need in a competitive labour market. For more information visit or contact the UTAS Info Centre on 1300 363 864. CRICOS Provider Code: 00586B USRM7759_RJ CONTENTS Alumni News is the regular magazine for Contents graduates and friends of the University of Tasmania. UTAS alumni include graduates and diplomates of UTAS, TCAE/TSIT and AMC. Alumni News is prepared by the Communications and Media Office for the Advancement Office. Written and edited by Janette Brennan Contributors Sarah Nicol, Lana Best, Cherie Cooper, Mark Bennett, Teisha Archer, Eoin Breen, 6 Sharon Webb and Melanie Roome Design Clemenger Tasmania Advertising enquiries Melanie Roome Deputy Director, Alumni Relations Phone +61 3 6226 2842 Let us know your story at
[email protected] Phone +61 3 6324 3052 Fax +61 3 6324 3402 25 14 UTAS Advancement Office Locked Bag 1350 Launceston Tasmania 7250 3–13 My Olympics – 18–19 Moments of impact Special Feature A career for the betterment 3 Simon Hollingsworth of other people. Balancing the Rhodes 20 Stretching his wings and the Olympics.