Jie SHI Department of History of Art, Bryn Mawr College 101 North Merion Avenue College Hall 239 Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 610-526-5344/[email protected]


Ph.D. Art History, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 2017 M.A. Art History, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 2007 M.A. Art Studies, Peking University, Beijing, China 2004 B.A. Chinese Classical Philology and Literature, Peking University, Beijing, China 2001


Assistant Professor of History of Art, Department of History of Art, Bryn Mawr College, 2017-present

Lecturer, Department of Art History, University of Chicago, 2009-2017



Modeling Peace: Royal Tombs and Political Wisdom in Early China. Manuscript under review.

Peer-reviewed Articles

“The Overseeing Mother in the Wu Family Shrines in Second Century China.” Monumenta Serica, vol. 63, no. 2 (November, 2015): 263–293. “Rolling between Burial and Shrine: A Tale of Two Chariot Processions at Chulan Tomb 2 in Eastern Han China (171 CE).” Journal of American Oriental Society, vol.135, no. 3 (July 2015): 433–452. “The Hidden Level in Space and Time: The Vertical Shaft in the Royal Tombs of the Zhongshan Kingdom in Late Eastern Zhou (475–221 BCE) China.” Material Religion: The Journal of Objects, Art, and Belief, vol. 11, no. 1 (March, 2015): 76– 103. “To Die with the Buddha: The Brick Pagoda and Its Role in the Xuezhuang Tomb in Early Medieval China.” T’oung Pao, vol. 100, no. 4/5 (December, 2014): 451–489.

1 “Incorporating All for One: The First Emperor’s Tomb Mound.” Early China, vol. 37 (September, 2014): 359–391. “‘My Tomb Will Be Opened in Eight Hundred Years’: Another View of the Afterlife in the Six Dynasties China.” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, vol. 72, no. 2 (December, 2012): 117–157.

Other Journal Articles, Book Chapters and Conference Volume Papers

Co-authored with Pamela Vandiver, Catherine Klesner, and Elinor Pearlstein, “Han Dynasty Hollow Mortuary Bricks from Northern China in the Collection of The Art Institute of Chicago, Part I,” forthcoming. “Revisiting the ‘Old Jade Man’ at Mancheng Tomb 1 in Western Han China,” in Age of Empires: Chinese Art from the Qin and Han Dynasties. Edited by Lilian Tseng and Janson Sun. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art. [12,000 words. First draft submitted in April 2017] “Artistic Revolution: Warring State Period (475-221 BCE).” In The Oxford Handbook on Early China, edited by Elizabeth Childs-Johnson. Oxford University Press. [7,000 words. First draft submitted to the editor in November, 2013] “Mediating between the Dead and the Living: The Sacrificial Space in Western Han Princely Tombs.” In Gudai Muzang Meishu Yanjiu 古代墓葬美術研究 (Studies on Ancient Tomb Art), vol. 2, edited by Wu Hung, Zheng Yan, Zhu Qingsheng, 72–93. : meishu chubanshe, 2013. [In Chinese] “Jin shi nian lai Meiguo Handai meishushi yanjiu zhuangkuang jianjie: chengguo, redian he qushi” 近十年来美國漢代美術史研究狀況简介: 成果, 熱點和趨勢 (A State- of-the-field Essay on the Studies of the Arts during the Han Dynasty in the United States, 1999–2008). Zhongguo Han hua yanjiu 中國漢畫研究 (Art of the Han Dynasty), 4 (2011): 377–389. [In Chinese] “Jisi, ganying yu Han mu jianzhu––yi Sheng mu wei zhongxin” 祭祀, 感應與漢墓建筑 ——以劉勝墓爲中心 (Ritual, Correlative Cosmology and Funerary Architecture of the Han Dynasty: A Case Study of Liu Sheng’s Tomb). In Selected MA Papers of the Department of Art Studies at Peking University, edited by Li Song, 278–297. Xi’an: Shaanxi shifan daxue chubanshe, 2010. [In Chinese] “Yiyi yu zai jieshi: chenwei yujing zhong de Hanhua xingxiang” 意義與再解释: 讖緯語境 中的漢畫形象 (Signifying and Re-signifying: Rethinking Images from Han Dynasty Tombs in Light of Apocrypha Texts). Zhongguo Han hua yanjiu (Art of the Han Dynasty), 2 (2006): 60–198. [In Chinese] “Ganying: chenwei yujing zhong de shenhua jiegou yu Hanmu yishu” 感應: 讖緯語境中 的神話結構與漢墓藝術 (The Mythological Structure of Han Funerary Art and in Apocrypha Texts). In Selected Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference of the China Association of the Han Dynasty Art, edited by Institute of the Art of the Han dynasty, 88–145. Beijing: Zhongguo Shehui chubanshe, 2004. [In Chinese]

2 “Xu Huapin Lu bie kao” <續画品錄>别考 (A Study of A Supplement to Rankings of Ancient Paintings). Meiyuan 美苑 (Journal of the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts at Shenyang), 2002.4: 57–59. [In Chinese]


“Exoticizing Hand Gestures in Early Medieval China,” paper presented at the Department of East Asian Studies, University of Pennsylvania, Jan 25, 2018. “Between Body and Universe: Lacquer “Face-Covers” in Western Han China Revisited,” paper presented at Body and Cosmos in China: An Interdisciplinary Symposium in Honor of Nathan Sivin, University of Pennsylvania, October 14, 2017. “Revisiting the ‘Old Jade Man’ at Mancheng Tomb 1 in Western Han China,” paper presented at the symposium Age of Empires: Chinese Art from the Qin and Han Dynasties, organized by the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Institute for the Study of Ancient World, NYU, New York, N.Y., Apr. 9, 2017. “The Discourse on Gender in the Mancheng Tombs in Second-Century BCE China,” lecture at Department of East Asian Studies, New York University, New York, N.Y., Feb. 1, 2016. “The Discourse on Gender in the Mancheng Tombs in Second-Century BCE China,” lecture at Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, Jan. 14, 2016. “Prince Yuan Mi’s Visual and Verbal Eulogies,” presentation at “New Frontiers in the Study of Medieval China,” at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, May 15-16, 2015. “From Separation to Reunion: The Burial and Shrine Complex at Chulan Tomb 2,” paper presented at Early Chinese Art and Digital Simulation Conference, Department of History of Art and Architecture, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 2013. “The Encompassing Eyes in Han China: Female Frontal Views in the Wu Family Shrines,” lecture at Department of Art History, Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, Mar. 8, 2013. “The Encompassing Eyes in Han China: Female Frontal Views in the Wu Family Shrines,” lecture at Department of Art History, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, Dec 6, 2012. “Mediating between the Dead and the Living: The Sacrificial Space in Western Han Princely Tombs,” paper presented at The 2nd International Conference on Ancient Tomb Art, organized by Center for the Art of East Asia, University of Chicago, School of the Humanities, Central Academy of Fine Arts, and Center for Visual Studies, Peking University, Beijing, Sept. 2011. “All Merged in One: the First Emperor’s Tumulus,” paper presented at Terracotta Warriors Conference, Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore, Aug. 2011. “A State-of-the-field Essay on Studies of the Arts in the Han Dynasty in the United States, 1999-2008,” paper presented at International Conference on Han Art Cataloguing and Database Construction, Institute of the Art of the Han Dynasty, Peking University, Beijing, Sept. 2008.



“Between Body and Cosmos: Revisiting “Lacquer Face-covers” in Han China,” paper to be presented at the 6th Annual Conference of the Society for the Studies of Early China, Washington D.C., March 30, 2018. “Viewing as Reading in Western Han Bronze Mirrors,” presented at the Association of Asian Studies (AAS) Annual Meeting at Toronto, Canada, Mar. 19, 2017. Panel Organizer: “Re-visioning Word and Image in Early China,” at Association of Asian Studies (AAS) Annual Meeting at Toronto, Canada, Mar. 19, 2017. “Coordinating between Hands and Eyes: A Toiletry Case Set from Mawangdui,” paper presented at the conference China, Art, History: New Orientations, University of Chicago, IL, Nov. 4th, 2016. “The Discourse on Gender in the Mancheng Tombs in Second-Century BCE China,” paper presented at the 20th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Early China Roundtable at Charleston, South Carolina, Oct. 2016. “Neither Flesh nor Soul: Visualizing Prince Liu Sheng’s Melting Body in Western Han China,” paper presented at the 4th Annual Conference of the Society for the Studies of Early China, Seattle, WA, Mar. 31, 2016. “From Happy Homes to Desolate Mountains: Displacing the Virtuous Paragons in Six Dynasties Tombs,” paper presented at the Association of Asian Studies (AAS) Annual Meeting at San Diego, CA., Mar. 2013 “The Role of Stupas/Pagodas in Six Dynasty Tombs,” paper presented at International Graduate Conference of Art History, Peking University, Beijing, Sept. 2011. “Crossing the Transitional Realm: Image, Ritual, and Memory in Early Chinese Funerary Shrines,” paper presented at the Association of Asian Studies (AAS) Annual Meeting at Philadelphia, PA, Mar. 2010. “Why Did the 6th Century Chinese Expect their Tombs to Be Ruined?” paper presented at Interdisciplinary Archaeology Workshop’s Encounters Conference, Department of Anthropology and Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, May. 2009. “Witnessing a Monument or a Ruin? A Northern Tombstone Revisited,” paper presented at Embodying Words in Stone: Text, Medium and Context of Stone Inscriptions in Mediaeval China, A Panel Organized by Columbia University Traditional China Seminar, Department of Art History & Archaeology, Columbia University, New York, NY, Apr. 2009. “Seeking the Unseen: Reconstructing the Visual Experience in a Western Jin Mural Tomb,” paper presented at the second Heidelberg Colloquies on East Asian Art History, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, Jul. 2008. “Royal Virtue and Channels of Protest in Chu Politics: King Zhao’s Demolition of His Chamber,” presented at the Annual Symposium 2008: Ancient Chu Culture’s Role in Making China: The View from Newly Discovered Chu Manuscripts at the Shanghai Museum, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, Jan. 2008.



“A Box for the Hands, A Box for the Eyes: A Toiletry Case Set at Mawangdui in Early Imperial China,” paper presented at the “Containers” Symposium, Department of Art History, University of Chicago, IL, Apr. 26, 2016. “The Body Beyond Flesh and Bone: Unpacking the Body Construction in Western Han Princely Tombs,” paper presented at the workshop of Visual and Material Perspectives on East Asia, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, Mar. 2011. “Crossing the Ground Boundary: Image, Ritual and Space in the Chulan Tomb 2 (171 CE),” paper presented at the joint workshop of Visual and Material Perspectives on East Asia and China Before Print, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, Jan. 2010. “Burial Objects as Narrative Installation: Visualizing the Posthumous Journey in Guishan Tomb no. 2 (128-117 BCE),” paper presented at the joint workshop of Visual and Material Perspectives on East Asia and China Before Print, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, Feb.2008. “The Hidden Voice behind Images: A Case Study of the Representation of the Twenty- eight Lunar Lodges in Han Funerary Art,” paper presented at the Graduate Student Symposium: Rethinking the Field of East Asian Art History, Department of Art History, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, May. 2006.


Initial Research Grant (USD 12,000), Bryn Mawr College, 2017-2019. Faculty Research Pool (USD 500), Bryn Mawr College, 2017-2018. Faculty Travel Pool (USD 1,900), Bryn Mawr College, 2017-2018. Travel Grant (USD 500), Center for the Art of East Asia, University of Chicago, 2016. [Presentation of Dissertation at SSEC annual conference; book manuscript under review] Travel Grant (USD 400), Division of the Humanities, University of Chicago, 2016. [Presentation of dissertation at SSEC annual conference; book manuscript under review] Graduate Student Conference Travel Grant (USD 400), Confucius Institute, University of Chicago, 2013. [Presentation of paper; manuscript under review] Travel Grant (USD 400), Center for the Art of East Asia, University of Chicago, 2013. [Presentation of paper; manuscript under review] Liu Cong Memorial Prize for the Best Essay on East Asian Art and Visual Culture (USD 1,000), Department of Art History, University of Chicago, 2012. [Publication in HJAS]Whiting Fellowship for Dissertation Year (USD 27,000), University of Chicago, 2011. Lipman Fellowship for further Dissertation Research (USD 3,000), Department of Art History, University of Chicago, 2011.

5 Dissertation Writing Fellowship (USD 18,000), Center for East Asian Studies, University of Chicago, 2010. Doolittle Harrison Award (USD 3,000), University of Chicago, 2010. Provost’s Summer Research Fellowship (USD 4,000), University of Chicago, 2009. Pre-dissertation Research Grant (USD 2,000), Center for East Asian Studies, University of Chicago, 2008. Scranton Travel Fellowship (USD 2,000), Art History Department, University of Chicago, 2008. Dowley Scholarship (USD 1,500), Art History Department, University of Chicago, 2006. A Second Prize for paper submission to the annual meeting, China Association for the Han Dynasty Art, 2005. Century Fellowship (USD 90,000), University of Chicago, 2005-2010. Best Honors Thesis, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University, 2001.


David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL

2012–2015 Co-curator, “Signed and Sealed: Connoisseurship in Chinese, Japanese and Korean Paintings,” exhibition, Smart Museum, Feb to Jun 2015.