Journal of Agricultural Sciences UDC: 634.84 Vol. 46, No 2, 2001 Original scientific paper Pages 105-116


Branislava Sivfev and D. Zunic*

Abstract: Six new varieties: Godominka, Jagodinka, Kladovska White, Tenturier of Kraina, Srpski Rubin and Tenturier of Zupa were created at the Faculty of Agriculture in Zemun. Ampelographic researches according to the method OIV-IBPGR-UPOV included the following characteristics: young shoot (8), tendril (1), young leaf (2), mature leaf (14), flower type (1), bunch (3), berry (6), seed (1), must quality (2). These varieties were compared with parental varieties: Prokupac, Dymiat, Pinot Noir, Gamay Noir, Gamay Tenturier and Alicante Henry Bouschet. The data were processed by applying the hierarchy method of grouping and discrimination analysis. It is noticeable in the dendogram (Fig. 1) that the two autochtonous varieties Prokupac and Dymiat belonging to the ecological and geographic group convarieties Pontica, subconvarietas Balcanica were separated against the newly created and introduced varieties used in hybridization. The similarities between these two varieties were caused by the similarities in the tip of young shoot and mature leaf - i.e. size of blade (characteristic 065), shape of blade (067), number of lobes (068), colour of the upper surface of blade (069), shape of base petiole sinus (080), prostrate hair between veins (084), erect hairs between veins (085) since they possess the characteristics of the group they belong to - convarietas Pontica. Another subgroup of the branching tree includes the varieties Jagodinka, Srpski Rubin, Gamay Noir, Kladovska White and Pinot Noir. Godominka is at the very end of this subgroup and its characteristics of the bush and berry were crucial in

* Dr Branislava Sivcev, Assistant Professor, Dr Dragoljub Zunic, Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of , 11081 Belgrade - Zemun, Nemanjina 6, FR Yugoslavia 106 Branislava Sivcev and D. Zunic classifying this variety with varieties created in combination of Prokupac, Gamay Noir and Pinot Noir. The varieties with the coloured grape juice constitute a separated subgroup. This characteristic had a dividing role in comparison with the other tested characteristics. Generally speaking, based on the tested characteristics, the new varieties are much closer to the introduced varieties used in hybridization, which was confirmed by the attained goal of the selection: quality improvement compared with the autochthonous varieties. Key words: new wine varieties, parents, ampelographic characteristics, dendogram, discriminant analysis.


The collection was formed in 1959 at the Experimental site "Radmilovac", property of the Faculty of Agriculture in Zemun and it included over 500 varieties of grapevine. It was the starting material in selection-creating of new varieties by hybridization. Ampelographic researches, monitoring of agrobiological and technological characteristics of the autochthonous and induced varieties preceded the selection. The aim of this work was to compare the new wine varieties and their parental varieties and to determine their similarities, on the basis of ampelografic characteristics.

Material and Method

Six varieties intended for wine production were created at the Experimental site "Radmilovac". The varieties from Western European ecological group served as donors to Prokupac and Dymiat, the most widespread wine autochtonous varieties. Pinot Noir and Gamay Noir are ancient varieties of Western European origin. Supposedly, the variety Gamay Tenturier was created from the population of Gamay. The variety was created by a complex cross breeding (Petit Bouschet x Alicante) x Grenasche (Ga let, 1979, AlleweId t , 1987).

Tab. 1. - New wine varieties and their parents

Variety Cross breeding combination Skin colour

I. Godorninka self-pollination of Dyrniat yellow green 2. Jagodinka Pinot Noir x Prokupac blue-black 3. Kladovska White Prokupac x Pinot Noir yellow green 4. Tenturier of Kraina Gamay Noir x Gamay Tenturier blue-black 5. Srpski Rubin Prokupac x Gamay Noir blue-black 6. Tenturier ofZupa Alicante Bouschet x Gamay Noir blue-black Ampelographic characteristics of wine varieties 107

Researches were carried out in the period 1990-1993 on the Experimental site "Radmilovac". Each descriptor was coded by the extend of expression as per the OIV-UPOV data sheet (1983), which includes recommendations as to how and when to collect the data. From the total of 37 descriptors 8 relate to young shoot, I to tendril, 14 to mature leaf, 1 to flower type, 3 to bunch, 6 to berry, 1 to seed and 2 to quality of must. In this decreased number we included several characteristics identical in all varieties (distribution of tendrils - 016, shape of blade - 067, type of flower 151 and presence of seeds in the berry - 241., since they are crucial for this tested group. The data were processed using the hierarchy method of grouping with the standardization of the accompanying characteristics and discrimination analysis (Kovacic, 1994).

Results and Discussion

Table 2 shows the summarized results of the tested characteristics within each variety. Only with some characteristics distinct differences were noticed between the varieties. Ahhough the varieties in question originate from vinifera spp. sativa D.C: characterized by the open tip of young shoot, the variety Alicante Bouschet has a half-open tip. The tip is either diffusely or completely coloured (characteristic 003), even with the two new varieties Godominka and Kladovka White, since the parent of the first variety is Dymiat, which also has this characteristic, while the parents of the second one are two blue black varieties Prokupac and Pinot Noir. Internodes on the young shoots (characteristics 007 and 008) are completely coloured in Godominka, Jagodinka and Tenturier of Zupa, i.e. in other varieties either its dorsal or its ventral side. The erect hairs on the nodes of the young shoot are present in the varieties Alicante Bouschet, Gamay Tenturier, Tenturier of Kraina, Prokupac and Dymiat. This characteristic is evident at the time of flowering; the standard variety for the medium grade (characteristic 011, grade 5) is Perle of Chaba. It is also evident that this characteristic in the above mentioned variety was of a lower intensity (characteristic 011, grade 1/3), which resulted in deviations in the tested varieties (Avramov et aI., 1991). This is an important characteristic for the variety identification. The results of the research by Camb­ us si at al. (1990) point to the error frequency, i.e. greater deviations per study year with regard to the hair density between primary veins on lower leaf surface. Meteorological data during the study period (S iv cev, 1997) show that severe northwest wind was blowing and caused a decreased relative air humidity, which influenced this characteristic. Based on the cooper colour of the upper surface of the young leaf (characteristic 051), the variety Tenturier of Kraina is similar to the pollinator- 108 Branislava Sivcev and D. Zunic variety - Gamay Tenturier. With Godominka and Dymiat the leaf is yellow with bronze spots. In other varieties the predominant colour is green with bronze spots. Jagodinka, Kladovska White and Srpski Rubin are characterized by the medium size leaf (characteristic 065). In the first two varieties one of the parents from the ecological and geographical group convarietas Occidentalis is Pinot Noir, i.e. in the third one of the parents in Gamay Noir. Observing the varieties in his collection, Lavadoux (1956) determined that many wine varieties of the same origin are similar. Prokupac is a specific variety of ecologocal and geographical group convarietas Pontica and is characterized by a large leaf. Godominka has a smaller leaf compared to Dymiat, while Tenturier of Kraina is closer to Gamay Nair as for to this characteristic. Separation of the leaf (characteristic 068) is a characteristic inherited by Jagodinka and Kladovska White from Prokupac; Srpski Rubin, Tenturier of Kraina and Tenturier of Zupa do not differ from their parents, while the leaf of Godominka is more separated in comparison with Dymiat. S chleip, as stated by Erika Dettweiler (1987), determined a positive correlation between greater superficiality of leaf slashes and higher in Pinot Nair. Godominka is a variety with smaller yield compared with the parent variety Dymiat. When we compare the colour intensity of the young shoot tip (characteristic 03) with the colour of the mature leaf (characteristic 069), a correlation is noticeable in most varieties. According to the shape of teeth, Jagodinka and Godominka do not differ from their parents. Garnay Noir is characterized by the levels with concave and convex shape of teeth and in combinations where it was used as a mother-variety (Tenturier of Kraina) or a pollinator variety this characteristic was not inherited by the progeny (Srpski Rubin and Tenturier of Zupa). The shape of the petiole sinus (characteristic 079) is an important ampelographic characteristic. Geothe (1887) suggested that one of the characteristics for reliable identification of species and varieties should be the angle between the main nerves and shape of petiole sinus. According to our results, Alicante Bouschet is characterized by an open petiole sinus (characteristic 079, grade 2) as confirmed by the results (Galet, 1979; Ortiz, 1980). In Jagodinka, Kladovska White and Tenturier of Zupa the sinus is more open than in the parental varieties; Srpski Rubin and Tenturier of Kraina are similar to the variety Gamay with a folded petiole sinus. Levad 0 u x (1962) singled out the intensity of leaf hairs, a phyligenetic characteristic, as the most important characteristic for grouping grapevine, because the varieties of the same origin are alike. When we compare the tested varieties, we may notice that the varieties from the group convar. Occidentalis have less hair (characteristic 084) in comparison with Dymiat and Prokupac belonging to the group convar. Pontica. The characteristics of leaf hair density entirely passed on to the progeny are noticeable only in Jagodinka. Tenturier of Kraina is very close to Gamay Noir - the mother variety. In Tenturier of Zupa Tab, 2. - Ampe!ographic characteristics of new wine varieties and their parents ..:!l ~ 'I:: ~ ]~ ~ Young shoot ] Young leaf Mature leaf Flower Bunch Berry Seed :::l 0'- 0" ~ C/.l E-< ~ Varietylcharacteristic I 23 47 8 11 12 16 51 53 65 67 68 69 7075 76 79 80 81 84 85 90 91 151 202 204 206 220 223 224 225 230 241 505 506 ln' Alicante Bouschet 529112 331275325I3332I5535 337 8 3 3 2 7 235 5 o::r Pinot noir 723521 1 3 I 2 5 3 3 3 5 I I 3 5 21 3 1 3 1 337 I 3 3 1 6 139 5 ~ (') Gamay noir 722321 11I25532333432I353I 333336151355 ~ Gamay Tenturier :::1, 73933131 163332731231 I 151 I 3 3 5 3 3 3 1 6 235 5 ~ Godominka 723532 III65533317252135I7 335533111373 n' '" Jagodinka 725922 13I455325I334113311 337 I 3 7 1 7 137 3 o...., ~ Kladovka bela 727712 11 12753231534215311 335333111395 5' Tenturier of Kraina 73751233 16753253733 11551 I 353553162335 ~ <: Prokupac 725521 3II2773257734225I53 355352261335 ~, ~ Dimyat 725531 1 I 14773253525215 I 5 I 353554211355 ~' Srpski rubin 725312111 1353251323 11 I 1 1 I 335133261353 '" Tenturier of Zupa 727722 I1I275323I3222133I1 355 5 3 3 2 7 237 5

-o \0 110 Branislava Sivcev and D. Zunic

and Jagodinka there are little or no hairs, i.e. they are more intense in Kladovska White than in parental varieties. Godominka is characterized by the prominent erect hairs both in the leaf and peduncle compared with Dymiat. Tenturier of Zupa and Tenturier of Kraina are characterized by the medium size bunch and differ from their parental varieties by the same characteristic. Jagodinka inherited density from Pinot Noir, while Kladovska White inherited the same characteristic from Prokupac. This characteristic has an indirect influence on sugar content of must. Eibach (1990) pointed out that the bunch density has especially strong influence on the degree of damage by gray mold, so he stated that the correlation coefficient between the two characteristics is high (p=0.42). Tenturier of Kraina is characterized by a larger berry compared with parental varieties. Medium mass berry heritability according to the same author is 69% and it applies to the whole monitored population of 360 genotypes. In our case, it is only the selected progeny, and since there were less donor varieties with smaller berries, it was also to be expected from the selected progeny.

Tab. 3. - Partial kinship coefficients matrix of the 12 tested varieties on the basis of 33 characteristics

A1icante Variety 10 II Bouschet 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2. Pinot Noir 0.6359

3. GarnaNoir 0.5802 0.1986

4. GarnayTenturier 0.7627 0.6188 0.4640

5. Godominka 0.7655 0.4544 0.3725 0.7832

6. Jagodinka 0.5981 0.1785 0.3175 0.5229 0.3844

7. Kladovska White 0.4266 0.2340 0.0355 0.7303 0.1452 0.2084

8.Tenturier of Kraina 0.5278 0.9408 0.6611 0.5079 0.8881 0.5566 0.5533

9. Prokupac 0.7572 0.7353 0.5039 r.oooo 0.8855 0.9023 0.6181 0.6425

10. Dymiat 0.7554 0.6219 0.5847 0.9914 0.8087 0.8232 0.6027 0.6073 0

11. Srpski Rubin 0.7409 0.4685 0.4050 0.4128 0.4021 0.0640 0.4315 0.9045 0.7767 0.8041

12 Tenturier of Zupa 0.2080 0.5441 0.3362 0.5498 0.5468 0.4467 0.0877 0.4343 0.5138 0.5874 0.2598

The new varieties, as a whole, are characterized by the must of better quality compared with Prokupac and Dymiat, which is the result of the donor variety's influence. Kladovska White and Jagodinka are characterized by high sugar content of must and according to that characteristic they are similar to Pinot Noir. On average, Tenturier of Zupa has higher sugar content of must in comparison with Tenturier of Kraina. Godominka, deriving from a single self-pollinated Dymiat, is distinguishable from the mother-plant in higher sugar content of must, Ampelographic characteristics of wine varieties III lower content of total acids of must and ripens earlier. Results of Illaria Filippeti et al. (1999) for 12 genotypes seedlings deriving from a single self­ pollinated Sangiovese, point out that genotypes indistinguishable from the mother-plant also had similar ripening date, and must traits. It is possible, as R ive s (1961) suggests, that heterogenity found totally in some old varieties derives as much from bud mutations as from their polyclonal origin. Dendogram, the branching tree, shows a kinship degree on the basis of 33 characteristics (fig. 1). Jagodinka and Srpski Rubin are mutually similar varieties. Phenetic classification is based on the assumption that the kinship may be established on the basis of general similarity between organisms, in our case varieties (Tucic, 1982). The cophenetic coefficient between Jagodinka and Prokupac, as concluded from the monitoring characteristics, is p=O.9023, i.e. between Srpski Rubin and Prokupac p=O.7767. On the basis of the above said, we can conclude that Jagodinka is much closer to Prokupac in which it had a role of a pollinator variety compared with Sprski Rubin in which Prokupac was a mother­ variety. One part of the branching tree unites Gamay Noir Kladovska White, Pinot Noir and Godominka. Characteristics such as bunch size, berry size and must quality were crucial for such distribution. The phenetic coefficient between Dymiat and Godominka is p=O.8087 which points to the mutual similarities: the characteristics of the young shoot, the shape of the leaf and the shape of the petiole sinus were crucial, even though they appeared quite apart on the dendogram. In order to have a more reliable phylogenetic connection, comparing the length of the primary nerves, their relationship and their angles is desirable Erika Detweiller, 1987).

o 10 2.5 20 25 v a r e t y +------+------+------+------+------+

Prokupac Dymiat -.J Jagodinka Srpaski rubin ..J Gamay Noir Kladovska White -.J Pinot Noir Godorninka I Alicante Bousches Tenturier of Zupa I I Gamay Tenturier I Tenturier of Kraina I

Fig. 1.- Dendograrn-degree of similarity with 33 characteristics of new wine varieties

The separated part of a dendogram includes the Tenturier varieties. The colour of berry flesh is a crucial characteristic for such variety grouping. On the 112 Branislava Sivcev and D. Zunic basis of 33 monitored characteristics and values of phenetic coefficient p=O.3362 Tenturier of Zupa is closer to Gamay Noir than to Alicante Bouschet's p=O.2080. The greater level of kinship was accomplished in Tenturier of Kraina, where parents were Gamay Noir and Gamay Tenturier. The values of cophenetic coefficient between Tenturier of Kraina and Gamay are p=O.6611, i. e. Tenturier of Kraina and Gamay Tenturier p=O.5070. A greater degree of divergence in Tenturier of Zupa is a consequence of the origin of a hybrid variety Alicante Bouschet. In Tenturier of Kraina two genetically similar varieties were used: Gamay Noir and its mutant Gamay Tenturier. The results confirmed that Ward's method, which we applied, shows a tendency to form groups of equal size and/or groups of smaller size, as well as to save space in the formation of a more compact group (Fig. 2). Consequently, in our case we created a subgroup with the varieties: Jagodinka, Srpski Rubin, Gamay Noir, Kladovska White, Pinot Noir and Godominka. For the purpose of

Tentuier of Kraina u n c • t Gamey Tenturier i o n • Gamay Noir Jagodinka Tenturier of Zupa $ K1adovska White • Prokupac Brcuc 4 • • -1 Brcup 2 Dymiat Alicante Boushes Srpski rubin -2 Pinot Nair Godominka -:3 ------.------i -10 10

Fun c til n 1 Fig. 2. - Reciprocal similarity of varieties determining a more reliable divergence, i.e. similarities between varieties we applied discriminant analysis. The competition criterion included four variety groups: I - Alicante Bouschet, Tenturier of Zupa, II - Pinot Noir, Jagodinka, III ­ Gamay Noir, Gamay Tenturier, Tenturier of Kraina, IV - Prokupac, Dymiat, Srpski Rubin, Kladovska White and Godominka. It was based on their phenotype similarities. 33 characteristics were included in the analysis. Table 4 shows a Tab. 4. - Matrix structure

The total intergroup correlation between discrimination variable and canonic discrimination functions (variables are determined by the size of correlation within the function)

V91 .72002* .16155 -.12344 mature leaf: erect hairs on petiole V505 -.52573* -.05078 .32571 sugar content of must V68 .45948* -.28763 .24329 mature leaf: number of lobes V506 -.42382* -.31365 .40000 total acid content of must V81 .40175* .08556 .10265 mature leaf: particularities of petiole sinus V70 .34984* .02486 .20234 antocyanin colouration of primary veins on upper surface of blade V225 .32548* .03264 -.24251 skin colour V53 -.24247* .00513 -.19112 young leaf: prostrate hairs between veins V206 .22168* .12367 -.15065 lengh of peduncle t0" V220 .13000* .00204 -.11741 berry size ~ ::r V51 .29772 .71643* .16030 yough leaf: colour of upper surface o' V3 -.40817 .66322* -.00484 young of leaf: intensity of anthocyanin of tip (') V2 -.03541 .58688* .03713 young leaf: distribution of anthocyanin of tip ::r V230 -.03541 .58688* .03713 berry: flesh colour ~ V80 .00761 -.52139* .37762 mature leaf: shape of base of petiole sinus 0' V4 -.32988 .51529* .04504 young leaf: prostrate hairs of tip ::I. ~. V90 .19362 -.46191 * .23997 mature leaf: prostrate hairs on petiole o V85 .20993 .45326* -.24904 meture leaf: erect hairs between veins '" V204 .17083 .36998* -.00284 bunch: density -,o V224 .18381 -.29315* .02115 berry: cross section §. ::l V69 .12803 .26626* .15685 colour of upper surface of blade ("D <: V8 -.12942 .43171 -.70689* shoot: colour of ventral side of internodies ~. V7 .43074 -.03085 .56834* shoot: colour of dorsal side of internodies $P. ~. V75 .31085 .26400 -.47178 * mature leaf: blistering of upper surface V76 -.12882 -.34350 -.42696* mature leaf: shape of teath '" VI -.12269 .04819 .40520* young shoot: form of tip VI2 -.06772 -.07688 -.38416* shoot: erect hairs on internodes V84 -.19526 -.00937 -.30255* mature leaf: prostrate hairs between veins V79 .22425 -.15076 .28928* mature leaf. general shape of petiole sinus V65 .14105 .00553 -.27936* mature leaf: size V223 -.09912 .06519 -.22169* berry: shape VII .04101 .09195 .16271* shoot: erect hairs on nodes V202 .05906 .02396 .08197* bunch: size * signals the largest absolute correlation between every characteristic and any discriminate function -w 114 Branislava Sivcev and D. Zunic matrix structure, the total inter-group correlation between the characteristics and canonic discrimination function. The first discrimination function includes 10, the second 11 and the third 12 characteristics. Recent results of the "European Network of Genetic Resources of Conservation and Characterization of the Grapevine" include the primary list of 33 and 21 characteristics and the secondary one 18 characteristics (Erika Dettweiler et al. 2000). Our work of the total of 37 monitored characteristics of the newly created varieties and their parents includes 28 characteristics of the primary list of descriptors - part I, 2 characteristics of the primary list of descriptors - part II and four characteristics of the secondary list of descriptors. This implies that a choice on the basis of which the varieties were compared was good. The accuracy in grouping on the basis of the formed groups was attained to the level of 100%. This means that, according to the monitored characteristics, the new variety Tenturier ofZupa is closer to the variety Alicante Bouschet - the mother-variety - in comparison with the pollinator variety Gamay Noir. On the basis of the morphological characteristics, Tenturier of Kraina is closer to Gamay Tenturier - the pollinator variety in comparison with the mother-variety Gamay Noir. Jagodinka is closer to Pinot Noir mother-variety. It goes the same for Srpski Rubin and Kladovska White where Prokupac is mother-variety. Dymiat and Godominka are similar according to the tip of young shoot, the shoot and the mature leaf. Among relatively recent studies on progeny of self-pollinated Souvignon, it has been found that 40% of the seedlings exhibit the same foliate morphology, which was attributed to the parent (Bisson, 1986). When we compare the results obtained on the basis of the applied cluster method and canonic discrimination analysis, we may notice that the data are more reliable according to the second method, because in canonic discrimination functions coefficients are treated as regression coefficients in regression analysis model. Reciprocal similarity of varieties concerning diversity is shown in fig. 2 where coordinates are canonic discrimination function.


Out of six new varieties, four were created as the result of onefold cross­ pollination: Jagodinka (Pinot Noir x Prokupac), Srpski Rubin (Prokupac X Gamay Nair), Kladovska White (Prokupac x Pinot Nair) and Tenturier of Kraina (Garnay Nair x Gamay Tenturier); one was created by inbreeding procedure: Godominka (self-pollination of Dymiat) and one was created as the result of a complex pollination Tenturier of Zupa (Alicante Bouschet {Petit Bouschet [Tenturier du Cher x ] x } x Gamay Noir). According to ampelographic characteristics Tenturier of Zupa is similar to Alicante Bouschet - the mother variety. Jagodinka also carries more morphological characteristics of Pinot Noir than the pollinator variety Prokupac. Ampelographic characteristics of wine varieties 115

In its morphological characteristics Tenturier of Kraina is closer to Gamay Tenturier - the pollinator variety compared with the mother-variety Gamay Noir. Prokupac, as the mother-variety, passed on more morphological characteristics to the new varieties Srpski Rubin and Kladovska White than the pollinator varieties: Gamay Noir, and Pinot Noir. Dymiat and Godominka are very similar according to the young shoot, the shoot and mature leaf., i.e. the differences are greater in the size of the bunch and the berry. On the basis of the characteristic of the tip of young shoot, the shoot and young leaf the new varieties are much closer to the induced varieties Pinot Noir, Gamay Noir and Gamay Tenturier. The share of the autochtonous and introduced varieties in the creation of mature leaf characteristics in the new varieties is almost the same. Introduced varieties are the donors of a larger size cluster and berry, as well as the must quality: sugar content and share of total acids in the new varieties.


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Received September 18,2001 Accepted November 7,2001 116 Branislava Sivcev and D. Zunic


Branislava Sivcev i D. Zunic*


Sest novih vinskih sorti: Godominka, Jagodinka, Kladovka bela, Krajinski bojadiser, Srpski rubin i Zupski bojadiser stvorene su na Poljoprivrednom fakultetu u Zemunu. Ampelografska ispitivanja po metodi OIV-IBPGR-UPOV-a obuhvatila su obelezja: mlad lastar (8), rasljiku (1), mlad list (2), razvijen list (14), tip eveta (1), grozd (3), bobieu (6), semenku (1) i na kvalitet sire (2). Ove sorte uporedene su sa sortama roditeljima: Prokupcem, Smederevkom, Burgundcem crnim, Gameom crnim, Game bojadiserom i Alikant buseom. Podaci su obradeni primenom hijerarhiske metode grupisanja i diskriminaeione analize. Na dendogramu (s1.1) se zapaza da su dye autohtone sorte Prokupac i Smederevka, koje pripadaju ekolosko-geografskoj grupi convarietas Pontica, subconvarieas Balcanica, izdvojene u odnosu na novostvorene i introdukovane sorte koje su koriscene u hibridizaciji. Bliskost ove dye sorte uslovljena je slicnostima u vrhu mladog lastara i razvijenog lista - velicina (svojstvo 065), oblik (svojstvo 067), podeljenost (svojstvo 068), boja (svojstvo 069), oblik drskinog ureza (svojstvo 080), intenzitet maljavosti: polegle i uspravne dlacice na nalicju (svojstva 084 i 085) jer nose odlike grupe u kojoj se nalaze - convarietas Pontica. Druga podcelina granajuceg stabla obuhvata sorte Jagodinku, Srpski rubin, Game crni, Kladovku belu i Burgundac crni. Godominka je na samom kraju ove podeeline i njene karakteristike grozda i bobice bile su presudne da se prikloni sortama nastalim u kombinacijama Prokupea, Gamea crnog i Burgundca ernog. Posebnu podcelinu Cine sorte sa obojenim grozdanim sokom. Ovo obezje imalo je ulogu razgranicenja u poredenju sa ostalim ispitivanim svojstvima. U celini, nove sorte, na osnovu ispitivanih obelezja bliza su introdukovanim sortama koriscenim u hibridizaciji, a to potvduje i postignut eilj selekcije: poboljsanje kvaliteta u poredenju sa autohtonim sortama.

Primljeno 18. septembra 200l. Odobreno 7. novembra 2001.

• Dr Branislava Sivcev, docent, dr Dragoljub Zunic, van. profesor, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Katedra za vinogradarstvo, 11081 Beograd-Zemun, Nemanjina 6, SR Jugoslavija