Colossians 4:2-18 - Group Discussion Guide


• In high school, who were two of your best friends What was one quality about them that stands out to you? • Ask: What has happened in the story so far?

Bible Passage (Tell and Read) Colossians 4:2-18

Digging Deeper

1. In advancing the Gospel (vv. 2-6) what role is played by prayer? Watchfulness? Thankfulness? Open doors? Closed doors or chains? Wise actions? Opportunism? Graceful talk? Salty talk? 2. Why is thankfulness such a key ingredient in a Christian’s life (see 2:7, 3:15,17)? 3. What type of friend is ? (see vv. 7-8; :4; Ephesians 6:21; :12; Titus 3:12) 4. Likewise, what do you know about (v. 9; see Philemon 10-16)? Which of Paul’s rules, instructions and greetings would be appropriate in preparing to receive this runaway slave from ? 5. Aristarchus (:29; 27:2, Philemon 24), (:12; 13:5, 13; 15:36-40), Luke (the author of the Gospel), and (Philemon 24; 2 Timothy 4:10) were all with Paul at various times. Why would he include them in his greetings to the church? 6. In light of the influence of the false teachings, why would Paul’s commendation of be especially important (1:7; 4:12- 13)? • From verses 5-6, what principles do you want to build into your life as you relate to non-believers? • Seeing how Paul operated with a team of fellow Christians, what does that imply for you? For your small group? Apply

1. What did you learn about God? (His character, ways, concerns) 2. What did you learn about people? (yourself?) 3. What does God do for us? In what way does this point to what does for us that we can’t do on our own? How is this passage Good News rather than Good Advice? 4. What do we (I) need to do? 5. Who do I need to share this with?