2 4 - THE HERALD. Mon., Feb, 16, 1961 Reagan to blitz media to sell budget

WASHINGTON (UPI) - President proposals. It’s the fat.” economic advisers and also to plan a Reagan will carry his budget Speaking at the Kings County media campaign to rally the support message directly to 12S newspaper Republican Lincoln Day Dinner, of the American public for his and broadcast editors this week as Bush said, "President Reagan means economic package. part of his media blitz to sell the business, and working under his Affluent program. directive, we mean business.” After a weekend at Camp David, Sounding much like he was cam­ Reagan returns to the White House paigning for office again. Bush noted today for some final work on the that on Nov. 4 Americans gave New dean appointed economic package he will deliver to Reagan an "overwhelming mandate CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (UPI) - to suffer Congress on Wednesday night. Once to change the direction our country Professor James Vorenl»rg will back, he is expected to begin a round has been heading in recent years.” become dean of Harvard Law School of intensive meetings with his top ad­ "Now I’m back to ask your support July 1, university officials said visers to reach final decisions on a in helping our new president carry We^esday. Serving The Greater Manchester Area For 100 YM rt few outstanding matters. out that mandate,” Bush said. Vorenberg Will succeed Professor Herald Aides said Reagan will host a A draft of Reagan’s speech to the Albert M. Sacks, who plans to return from cuts Manchester, Conn. Tuesday, February 17, 1681 breakfast at the White House joint session of Congress was to teaching after a decade as dean of 25 Cents Thursday morning for 125 newspaper delivered to the president Saturday one the nation’s most prestigious law and broadcast editors from around and he worked on it during the schools. WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Related Btorien on page 3. the country to brief them on the weekend, Mrs. Small said. Reagan will propose an across-the- ——— — —— '-i-.-V specifics of his program. "He still has an awful lot of work” board iO percent tax cut for all today. “ I’ll be attending a meeting Deputy press secretary Kama before he completes the package, she Execs tell Stockwell resigns Americans ttat will amount to less of at the White House to help brief Small said the president will delay said. HEBRON - J. Stewart Stockwell a reduction for the affluent, a White political operatives, and I’ll q>eak his vacation trip to California for a Invitations to the editors went out a has resigned from the Conservation House official said todav. Satunlay in Minnesota” in behalf of . few hours Thursday so he can be on couple of days ago, Mrs. Small said, Commission. Reagan’s domestic policy adviser, the administration prbgram. J of payoffs hand for the news briefing with the and the White House is now getting Anyone interested in joining the Martin Anderson, said t b m is “ no Kemp also said he will go on televi­ editors and perhaps to answer some acceptances. commission should write Cynthia change” in the administration’s sion after Reagan unveils his questions. Following his meetings with Wilson, chairperson. Conservation basic tax reduction, "but after economic package before a joint ses­ In New York Sunday, Vice Presi­ staffers, Reagan has invited Speaker Commission, Town Office Building, deductions and credits, it results in a sion of Congress Wednesday night. ' ■ ing dent George Bush began the task of and Mrs. Thomas O’Neill to a small Hebron, CT 06248. lower reduction in terms of actual White Rouse press secretaTy Jim whipping up support for the dinner party at the White House. dollars” for the higher income Brady said there is "no great WASHINGTON (UPI) — A top executive of a shipping president’s budget cuts. “ In our ap­ Since assuming office, Reagan has brackets. „ problem” with Kemp’s - stance. company testified today he gave officials of the Inter­ proach to cutting the federal budget, gone out of his way to woo the Tax assistance Meanwhile, Rep. Jack Knnp said a “ There’s nothing we^can do to stop national Longshoremen’s Association about $200,000 in our instrument will be the remedial Democratic leadership, particularly ANDOVER—Tax assistance is New York Times report that he had individuals from sweetening the kickbacks after being threatened with labor trouble and scalpel, not the butcher's meat in the House where they still are the being provided to the senior citizens broken with the administration was pot,” he added,. ■ sabotage on Miami docks. cleaver,” Bush said. majority party and whose support is by the AARP and internal revenue The Times .reported Reagan exaggerated, although he said he Joseph Teitelbaum, president of the River Shipping' "The muscle, the bone and marrow necessary to win approval of his service. The counseling is free and President Reagan gets comfortable In an decided to retain a “ maximum tex" economic message he will deliver to a joint, would seek equity in reductions for Corp., of Miami, said after three years of payoffs, he of essential government programs program. will be available Wednesday, Feb.25, easy chair In Aspen Lodge at the presiden­ that limits taxes, on wages and session of Congress Wednesday. (UPI all income brackets before the tax- became an informer for the FBI and when he was aren’t the target of the Reagan ad- On Tuesday he is expected to hold at the church for persons age 60 or salaries to a 50 percent rate for tial retreat at Camp David, Md„ Sunday, to photo) ' writing House Ways and Means Com­ exposed, a death contract was put on his life. ministration’s cost-cutting additional meetings with his over. families with taxaUe.incomes above work on the hard task of going over the mittee. In testimony prepared for delivery to the Senate per­ Kemp, R-N.Y., said he still sup­ $60,000 and individuals with taxable manent subcommittee on investigations, Teitelbaum ports an individual tax cut retroac­ incomes of $42,500 and above. gave a kickback-by-kickback account of his dealings with tive to Jan. 1, the same as for Brady said Reagan will tell the ILA officials as they virtually took over his company and business. Friday, Reagan decided to American people Wednesday night expanded it from Miami to Savannah, Ga., and Mobile, Come flying — for 29 cents 4/ SIEFFERT’S SAYS... propose a tax r^uction retroactive that immediate action and a historic Ala. change in direction are needed to to July 1. Teitelbaum, who has round-the-clock protection by cure the nation’s acute economic 'T v e hardly broken with the ad­ U.S. marshals, said from 1972 until 1975 he made payoffs BOSTON (UPI) — There’s still no such thing as a free problems. ministration,” Kemp told NBC totaling $150,000. lunch but 566 bargain-hunting air passengers have gotten In the following 16 months, when he was cooperating a bite of the Big Apple for just 29 cents. WHY PAY MORE with the FBI, he, with a tape recorder strapp^ to his New York Air drew more than 1,000 would-be groin, and undercover agents made payoffs in cash or passengers Sunday to Logan International Airport with merchandise of $46,000. an offer of roundtrip tickets from Boston to New York for less than the price of a shoeshine. Board delays “ Much has happened to me since this investigation The one-day deal was designed to promote the start of became public knowledge in late January 1977,” PR ESID ^r A Teitelbaum said. the alrlne’s daily shuttle service between the two cities. Cheap tickets for unsold seats on Sunday’s eight flights “ First, I had to leave my family business, and that went on sale half an hour before each flight. business soon became virtually defunct when the ILA garage vote learned of my cooperation with the FBI," he said. “ In About 300 of the more stalwart travelers camped out all October 1977, the FBI told me the organized criminal night, some of them arriving at the terminal as early as group within the ILA had issued a contract on my life to noon Saturday with sleeping bags and blankets. By MARTIN KEARNS prevent me from testifying in federal court. “ They sure had a good time last night from all the beer LAST 12 HOURS Mayor Stephen Penny and other and Coke cans we found,” said airline spokeswoman Herald Reporter members of the Board of Directors. "Even while being protected by the government, my Louise Gillian. FOR SUPER SAVINGS MANCHESTER - The Board of Its members have been drawn from life and property were threatened by these hoodlums," Those taking advantage of the offer included a big con­ Directors’ decision on the proposed both the public and private sector Teitelbaum said. "A crane operator at my terminal was tingent of college students and many families “ Who EVERYONE, TURN DOWN YOUR sale of the town’s Park Department and according to Berman, the offered $50,000 to drop a loaded container on me. My cranes were sabotaged during the evening hours, couldn’t afford to go to New York otherwise,” Gillian garage apparently will be withheld neighborhood attorney, includes HOT WATER HEATERS ... resulting in great repair expense and loss of business." said. “ We even had a family of 10.” until some time in March, when the transportation and efficiency Teitelbaum was the star witness as the subcommittee Joe Comeau, 27, and John Hicks, 25, both of Lynn, report of a second committee which experts. opened six days of hearings designed to show' ties Mass., said they waited from 5 a.m. until late afternoon has been studying the sale is com­ The apparent mission of this com­ between ILA officials and shipping executives with the to get 29-cent seats. pleted. mittee —sometimes referred to-as a Mafia. "W e’re looking for excitement in the big city — and I’m A it y o u r Multi-CircuU Inc., a local blue ribbon commission —is to in­ I FBI Director William Webster said a five-year in­ treating,’^ said Comeau. " I ’m a generous guy.” manufacturer of telecom­ vestigate a proposied garage facility Tufts University freshman Jeff Baler, who waited with munications components, has offered to house equipment and vehicles vestigation code-named UNIRAC has resulted in 129 in­ four friends for 14 hours, said his group planned to spend to pay the town nearly $300,000 for from the town’s various dictments and 110 convictions. Manchester. Casually skating along, Among the indicted were 52 union officials, nine of today in New York because of the Washington’s Birthday itiliiy M ils w M the garage which will allow for the departments. Spring-like weather and the annual holiday. expansion of its Harrison Street Robert' Weiss, town general school winter vacation were a perfect contemplating their next skating dis­ whom were organized crime members or associates, and 77 industry officials and their corporations, 20 of wliom "We were all talking about what to do for the long plant. Most of that payment would go manager, today said the committee play, are from left, Lauren Robinson, combination Monday afternoon for were crime members or associates. weekend and someone heard that you could fly to New toward the construction of another has l>Mn meeting for about three three youngsters to get out, enjoy the of 11 Crosby Road, Ed Pierce of 489 “ Organized crime has seized control of major elements York for 29 cenU,” Baker said. “ When we found out it garage needed by the town. months, looking into the J tc h e n A ic T fresh air and practice their roller Woodbridge St., and Tim Griffin of 35 of the ILA and they had done so with impunity,” Webster was true we decided to stay over Saturday night so we’d Residents from The neighborhood maintenance and operations’ be sure of going.” surrounding Multi-Circuits —the requirements of the town. skating techniques on Parker Street, Barry Road. (Herald photo by Pinto) said. The new route is the only competition faced by the lEW ENERGY SAVERHDISHWVSHEI town’s largest commercial employed Eastern Air Lines shuttle. New York Air’s regular one­ —have formed the HoII Street way fare is $39 weekdays and g29 weekends, compared to Residents’ Association to oppose the Eastern’s regular $49 one-way fare. Eastern offers a expansion of Multi-Circuits which Nancy reveals plans conference special $29 fare between noon Saturday and noon Sunday. they say would further threaten their The airport crowd — ranging from infants to the elder­ neighborhood. Slightly nervous at first, Mrs. Reagan was going to let her husband “ It involves the elderly and about severely retarded children. I ly — was in high spirits. Occasionally, someone who got a Now you am set your A first Board of Directors, ad­ By LISA SHEPARD Reagan said all the California cut federal benefits to the Foster children. I’ve always felt programs really think they (the "grand­ Mrgain ticket would wave it exultantly at relatives or visory committee last Tuesday Herald Washington Bureau water heater At 120° belongings had been put in their Grandparents Program, the First only benefit one side. But when you parents” ) would do it for nothing" friends waiting across the terminal. Massachusetts Port ... and start saving energy. Because reported on three weeks of dis­ WASHINGTON - Things have place, that 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Lady quickly replied, “ It’s not a can benefit two sides, that’s the test The program has been expanded to Authority officials reported no disruptive incidents. there's no need to keep temperatures at cussions held with representatives quieted down for First Lady Nancy was now “ homey” and she was ready press conference, Helen. But no. I’m kind of program you can have.” include deaf children an& juvenile But outside, pilots, flight attendants and mechanics from the neighborhood, Multi-Circuits 140° or higher (or the sake o( a ■ Reagan since the public discovered Some 17,370 Foster Grandparents delinquents. Mrs. Reagan has already picketed New York Air to protest the use of employees and several town commissions. to get down to the business of being not. Nor would he want to.” W' dishwasher. The new KitchenAid Energy! currently are helping about 43,425 met with ACTION officials to push ashe kept a pistol by her bedside. But First Lady. The program, which Mrs. Reagan not covered hy the contract in effect for the airline’s Saver IV is the only dishwasher that heats Although the report identified the Mrs. Reagan surfaced the other day The ground rules of the meeting intends to promote by teIevi»on children with emotional, physical for further expansion of the progrhm, sister company, Texas International Air Lines. its ow n hot water in every com plete * divergent opinions of the neighbors when she met reporters for the first were no cameras, no tape recorders spots and speaking .out about its and mental problems, volunteers, which has only 208 centers across the Since both companies are owned by Texas Air Corp., cycle. That means around the clock and the firm, it drew no binding con­ time in the White House to tell them and' no questions. Mrs. Reagan in­ merits, is sponsored by ACTION, the who must be at least 60 years old, country. She also would like to see the protestors said the contract should be enforced for aii savings. Cut your total home water clusion. what she’s been up to. tended only to introduce her top staff federal anti-poverty agency expected receive a modest tax-free stipend to the private sector brought into the People jam New York Air ticket counter at Logan International Air­ the workers. heating costs by 10%. Multi-Circuits has asked for a “ I understand you’ve all been to be hard hit when her husband pay for transportation costs and program. port, Boston to purchase a 29-cent round trip ticket to Now York “ New York Air is a runaway shop,” a member of the quick resolution of the nearly three- and provide details on her pet Him meals. The first official encounter Air Line Pilots Association said. "They’re sacrificing month old controversy, and it wondering what I’m doing,” she told project, The Foster Grandparents swings his fiscal axe on the federal as the airline Sunday Inaugurated dally shuttle service between Teat Proven Clcanliig This program particularly appeals between the First Lady and press safety for increased profits.” appeared as if a decision would be 75 reporters in her first official en­ FYhgram, where elderly volunteers budget. Boston and New York by selling the low fare tickets for one day Supertority counter. " I ’m a nester, by nature. to Mrs. Reagan because it gives the lasted 12 minutes and before any New York Air spokesman Bruce Hicks said the airline made at tonight’s regular board care for retarded, disturbed and han- Mrs. Reagan became involved in Independent testing labs certify Until I can get all the boxes undone diewped children. the program in 1967 when she saw the elderly “ a purpose, a reason to get up follow-up questions could be only. Hundreds of persons camped overnight at the airport to does not come under jurisdiction of the Texas Inter­ meeting. that, using energy saving 120° input and all our things unpacked, I’m real­ When veteran UPI reporter Helen Foster Grandparents Program in a in the morning.” “ That child really broached, Mrs. Reagan slipped out of purchase the tickets. (UPI photo) national contract, since the two are separate companies. Arnold “ Ike” Kleinschmidt, town water, no other dishwasher gets ly not much good to anyone.” Thomas piped up and asked if Mrs. California hospital. becomes their child. I’m talking the room dishes as clean as the K itdw nA id director and chairman of the first ad­ Energy Saver IV. visory committee, today said a vote was not expected tonight, adding that the second town report, “ May have Viet POW identifies ‘Nam’ some bearing on whether or not we Harris: Was it revenge or suicide? PORTLAND, Maine (UPI) — It was a which interviewed him through an inter­ sell the town garage.” tj^ically hot day in the jungle when South preter. William'Stevenson, an executive of love gone wrong.” Bolen said Mrs. Harris intended to Vietnamese officer Nguyen Van Tao “ Sometimes, a Communist official officer of Multi-Circuits who has WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (UPI) - murder conviction could bring 25 Tamowet, Aurnou claimed, was kill Tarnower, “ take him from Lynne asked an American guard known as would come to the camp and point to represented the firm throughout the Jean Harris murdered "tearsdale years to life In prison. For accidentally shot as he struggled for Tryforos, then take her own life. The “ Nam” for a glass of water at the Yen Bai Garwood as an example we should negotiations with the town, today Diet’’ Dr. Herman Tarnower manslaughter, the minimum ’ t- defendant confronts Herman Tar­ prisoner of war camp. Nam said no. follow,” Tao said. acknowledged surprise at the because she could not accept the sentence is probation. the gun Mrs. Harris was trying to use The man called "Nam” was Marine Encfgy Saving Heat Retaining decision's delay. According to ‘.‘ultimate humiliation” of being to kill herself. nower with the gun, points it, shoots “ He would say, ‘You’re Vietnamese. MuM-Level Bolen told the panel Monday Mrs. Pfc. Robert R. Garwood. Drying Insulation Stevenson, the firm had hoped for a replaced by a younger woman, the Tarnower, the defense attorney it and the bullet breaks through Dr. Why should you fight against other Viet­ SanMxedWathbig Harris was driven into a jealous rage And Tao never forgot how the man • No heating element for vote tonight. prosecution says. The defense says said, "was in the end a physician. He Tamower’s outstretched hand and namese when he’s an American who * Blankets of fiberglas • New larger midrile wash by the sight of her rival's clothes in drying cycle. insulation surround wash Despite the reported delay, Steven­ she adored the famed author, but was gave his life trying to save Jean into his chest.” refused to quench his thirst that joined us?’ arrns Mlvet grealer soil the bedroom of Tarnower’s December day in 1976. • A fan circulates stored . chamber for maximum stripping, scrubbing power. son said he would attend the meeting a “ sick, suicidal” woman. Harris. Don’t let Dr. Tamower’s life “ We were told that no one could speak washing/drying ertergy Purchase, N.Y., estate the night of Bolen said the doctor tried to sum­ heat built up during in hopes of getting some indication of A jury of eight women and four itself be tarnished.” “ At that moment, I felt like turning on of him as an American, that he was now a washing and rinsing to efficiency. • Washes pots and pans in the killing March 10. mon help on his intercom. When Mrs. him and attacking him,” said Tao, 33, who efficiently dry dishes either rack the board’s disposition to the sale, as men heard the opposing portraits of At that point, Tamower’s sister. Vletmamese,” Tao said. • 140% more insulation He claimed Mrs. Harris wildly Harris returned to the bedroom, was captured by the North Vietnamese in well as an idea of when the final vote Mrs. Harris for the final time Mon­ Pearl Sdhwartz, who has attended • Dishes dry gently, safely helps provide quieter • Exclusive China Guard tossed the clothing about the Bolen claimed, she saw him holding the Battle of Kon Turn in 1973. Tao did not testify against Garwood at and economically operation protects dishes Irom chips could be expected. day in summations by lawyers for the trial almost every day, broke out bedroom end cruelly shot away Tar­ the phone and deliberately fired a But fate would see their paths cross or cracks The attorney representing the the defense and prosecution. laughing. his court martial. He feared reprisal nower’s arm as he attempted to last shot into his arm. again four years later — at the U.S. against family members sUll living in neighborhood, Jon Berman—with the The panel was to begin deliberating The prosecutor claimed the key to telep)K>ne for help. Marine base in Camp Lejeune, N.C. Vietnam if he helped convict the Marine. I New Triple Protection 30 Day Trial Offer firm of Beck and Pagano—today said today the second-degree murder the shooting was Mrs. Harris’ wild The defense, however,«described Eight soldiers stood in a lineup, and Tao “ When we first saw him, we couldn’t New 10-year limited warranty against on %ash C o a p a cto rs he was encouraged by the decision to charge against the 57-year-old Defense attorney Joel Aurnou, his jealousy of Lynne Tryforos, Tar­ Mrs. Harris as a “ suicidal, sick” was asked who refused his request for leaks on the porcelain lank and await the committee’s report, ^ r - former school headmistress after voice sometimes breaking with emo­ nower’s 38-year-old medical assis­ woman who "adored” Tarnower and believe it,” Tao said. “ The other inner door (Parts only). • II you're not satisfied (or any water at the POW camp in North Viet­ prisoners who were all officers in the reason - we ll take it back and man called the delay “ prudent,” and Judge Russell Leggett’s charge in tion, said Mrs. Harris was tent on tant. would never have shot him I • Five-year limited warranty on the motor give you a full refund. Mrs. Harris, Bolen said, could nam. South Vietnamese Army kept saying said the existing controversy had Westchester County Court. nothing but suicide, too masochistic deliberately. Full one-year warranty on the complete He pointed to “ Nam,” the fourth man • Hurry, this offer good for a slowed the decision process, thus en­ Prosecutor George Bolen asked in her adoration for the 69-year-old tolerate Tarnower’s many in­ “ There is no evidence Jean Harris among themselves: ‘Why is he doing this? dishwasher limited time only from the left. Why is he so stupid?’” suring that the final vote would not Leggett to instruct the panel they cardiologist to consider hurting him. fidelities. But the “ ultimate ever intended to kill Dr. Tarnower... And a month later Garwood was con­ Tao said he never saw Garwood assault be reached hurriedly. could convict Mrs. Harris of the Mrs. Harris appeared to be humiliation” of being replaced as his This suicidal, sick woman ... was victed for collaborating with the enemy a prisoner or carry a gun. The second committee was lesser charge of manslaughter if they weeping as Aurnou described her favorite lover was more than she obsessed with dying, that’s why she’s during the Vietnam War. He was reduced The former South Vietnamese Ranger See the New Eneigy Saver a t... reportedly formed at the request of find her innocent of murder. A long affair with Tarnower as "a story could tear. not guilty of murder,” Aurnou said. Jean Harris Nguyen Van Tab singled out Pfc. Robert to private and sentenced to dishonorable battalion officer was released from Yen Garwood from a line up of eight American discharge. ’ Bai in 1977, and returned to his hometown soldiers as the Viet Cong prison guard Tao then for the first time revealed his of Can Tho. He sailed from South Vietnam inside today encounter with the mysterious American. to Thailand last March, and was placed at The papers journey Reagan plans in sports The weather called "Nam." Tao, when an officer with a He moved to the central Maine town of Builneu .... .^. 17 Manchester the Song Kha refugee camp. At fiitUwt', ixurowly missing a bom­ President Reagan will tell us Manchester High basketball It’ll be clear and mild tonight, Wilton last year, where he lives in a Classified ... ll-U Obituaries . South Vietnamese ranger batalllon, An American embassy official from bing in Pakistan, arrives in the tight security of Wednesday night that immediate team after all-time consecutive with Wednesday continuing mostly trailer with two brothers and takes Bangkok asked the refugees if they had 6479998[ 445 HARTFORD RD Ul/MAHCHESTER1 / 1 / MANCHESTER Comicf...... 23 People .... remembers "Nam” refusing him water when Sports...... the Philippines and warns reform-minded priests action and a change in direction are win record tonight... Notre Dame sunny and breezy. Temperatures English lessons. seen any Americans In Vietnam. East Hartford.. 7 he was a POW In North Vietnam. (UPI TAKE 1-84 TO KEEHET ST. EXIT EditorUI ...... 10 Suburban ,, to spend more time on religion and less time on needed to cure U.S. economic nips Fairfield ... Oregon State are expected to remain mild, with Tao’s recollections of "Nam” were Tao said there was a guard at Yen Bai photo) the people who bring you low prices and personal Entertainment, It Television . politics. Page 4. problems. Page 3. retains No. 1 spot in cage poll ... highs again Wednesday 50 to 55. published in the Maine Sunday Telegram, called Nam. Home ...... 20 Update .... Page 13. Details are on Page 2. Lottery...... 2 Weather ... Ss


fT t .r 2 - THE HERALD. Tueg.. Feb. 17. 1981 THE HERALD, Tues., Feb. 17. 1961 — 3 Update Residents want bridge down BOSTON (UPI) -- It has been more than 11 years since Sen. Edward M. parade ground, Worden Field, the car struck a tree and ’The spaceship, which will be unmanned for the test, members of the Ravenna Education Association decided Kennedy drove off a narrow, Middie on trial flipped over. Thomas was killed and Olmstead received will remain locked to the launchpad for the firing but will to start picketing a local rubber factory where Ravenna darkened bridge and a young woman ANNAPOLIS, Md. (DPI) — For the first time in nearly minor injuries. operate as if it were beading toward space. School Board member Dale Fosnight is president. lost her life in the chilly waters off six decades, a Navai Academy midshipman is being Countdown starts The exercise will serve as a substitute for the un­ In addition picketing was planned today at the Tangier Chappaquiddick Island. court-martialed. manned test Rights that previous rockets underwent Restaurant in Akron, where the school brard president is ’The I^ke Bridge, a skeletal coilec- Senior Michael R. Olmstead from Haddon Heights, CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (UPI) - The countdown before being committed to manned launchings. manager. Uon of pilings and boards has since N.J., was to go on trial today on charges of involuntary was under way today for a 20-second test-firing Thursday drawn thousands of tourists and manslaughter resulting from an automobile accident on designed to prove the space shuttle’s troubles are over Students join curiosity seekers, and many of the academy grounds in May in which a classmate was and the Columbia is ready for flight in April. tiny island’s year-round residents say killed. Engineers began the trial countdown at 7:25 p.m. EST Teachers angry WARSAW, Poland (UPI) — University students across they’ve had enough and want to tear Killed in the crash of Olmstead's 1972 Porsche was Monday after bypassing a last-minute stumbling block, a RAVENNA, (UPI) — School board members Poland began joining a strike movement today to try to the bridge down. Midshipman Scott D. Thomas of Statesboro, Ga., who faulty electrical unit that for a while threatened a four- faced with striking teachers angered over the jailing of 18 force acceptance of their independent union, but the "Hardly a day goes by,” says like Olmstead was a junior at the time of the accident. day delay. of their colleagues planned to meet tonight to seek a way government indicated a get-tough attitude toward Harold Kelley, one of the island’s 60 Olmstead faces a possible maximum punishment of The start of the exercise already had been set back out of the labor dispute. stalemated negotiations. year-round residents, "when separation from the academy-and the naval service and three times and another delay would have led to yet Seventeen teachers and a union negotiator spent their A communique from the students coordinating com­ somebody doesn’t come over to see confinement for up to three years. another postponement in the initial orbital Right of the first full day In the Stark County Jail Monday. 'They were mittee in Lodz, Poland’s second largest city, said univer­ that bridge. And it’s nothing but piles Incomplete academy recoils indicate the last time a winged rocket-plane. jailed Sunday night when they refused to post $1,000 sure­ sities, technical institutes and teachers’ colleges in at and boai^s.” midshipman was court-martialed was in 1922 and the The Columbia is targeted for launch April 7, although ty bonds. least eight more cities were affected, joining protests in It was on the night of July 19,1969 charge was "hazing." The records indicate the verdict officials say a delay to mid-April is likely. The Right is ’There was no indication the jailed strikers were progress at four other location's. that a car driven by Kennedy slipped was guilty, but that the sentence was set aside. more than two years behind schedule. prepariHl any time soon to put up the bond money, ’They included Krakow, a major educational center In off the side of the bridge into the The accident involving Olmstead occurred as he and Astronauts John Young and Robert Crippen, who have ordered by a Portage County Common Pleas Court judge southern Poland, where 1,700 students at the 600-year-old water and Mary Jo Kopechne, a Thomas returned from authorized liberty in the early been training for the mission for. three years, will be to head off further violations of his order against mass Jagielonina University, third oldest in Europe, staged a Washington secretary who had b ^n morning hours of Sunday, May 11. As Olmstead's Porsche among the spectators at the Kennedy Space Center when picketing. sit-in among the ancient red brick buildings of their cam­ at a Kennedy party earlier that night, crossed a small bridge near the rear of the academy the shuttle’s three main engines roar into life. At a special meeting in nearby Kent, other striking pus. I drowned. The controversy over the events of that night continues even now. “If we could get rid of the Dyke Bridge and the tourists, a lot of peo­ It was on the night of July 19,1969 that a car Mary Jo Kopechne. The controversy over Otis pilots ride air boundary ple here would be happy,” says Eldith driven by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy went off the events of that night continues even now. Peopletalk OTIS AIR FORCE BASE, Mass. (UPI) pilot. Potter, chairman of the Eldgartown the side of the Dyke Road Bridge on Chap­ Residents on the Island are considering — When Mark Ellis and Tom Gorman But neither one expressed surprise at Board of Selectmen and another of paquiddick Island Into the tidal pool, killing tearing the bridge down. (UPI photo) have a rough Monday morning, they don’t finally meeting up with the very thing they the island’s full-time residents con­ fool around. had been training for years to defend the tacted by United Press International. to the south. The new salt water tearing the bridge down, since it bridge go either. But as a “family Country-Western Regalia While most people were battling rush- country against. Mrs. Potter especially remembers balance turned the pond from a would alleviate congestion brought fisherman,” his opinions have been summer days waitings for the tiny, freshwater habitat to shellfishing Kenny Rogers has joined Loretta Lynn, Conway hour traffic and back-to-work blahs one “I wasn’t too surprised,” shrugged Gor­ on by tourists. shaped more by the wildlife issue. recent winter day, these two were flying man. three-car ferry to bring her across ground. Other long-time residents of “The shellfish do better when Twitty, Mickey Gilley and Willie Nelson in the the harbor from Edgartown to Chap­ Reconstructing the dike would skyrocketing Western-wear business. 500 feet from a pair of Russian Bear “It’s what we’re paid and trained to do, “Chappy,” as they call their island, there’s not so much fresh water,” he bombers off Cape Cod, looking for signs of so we weren’t surprised to make contact,” paquiddick. once again bring back fresh water seem to harbor the same protec­ says. The Rogers’ collection will consist of hats, jeans, “I’d have groceries and ice cream wildlife, a move local fishermen op­ shirts, coats, belts, dressier suits, coats and pants and hostile intent. Ellis said. “I had a feeling we would see tiveness. As far as the tourists go, “I don’t “It’s a heck of a way to start the week,” the Bears when Incognito (Hancock’s melting in the car because the ferry pose. “I’d love to get rid of all the think anything’ll stop them,” he down-filled jackets and pants. would be backed up with tourists "The response so far has been absolutely fantastic, joked Gorman, recalling the incident that code name) said ‘you have two targets.’ “If the fishermen realize they foreigners,” admits Kelley, who says says. “I^ e n the bridge is gone, wanting to see the bridge,” she says. could get a good herring catch from even more than we had expected," says Betty Bose, a is just part of his job as one of some 350 F- Somehow this little thing clicks in your his favorite time on Chappaquiddick they’ll come to see the place where it ITiere was once a solid dike where the fresh water instead of just spokeswoman for Rogers' Los Angeles office. 106 pilots who ride fence on the invisible head.” is anytime but the summer. used to be.” the bridge now is and Mrs. Potter shellfish, the issue might come up at “The manufacturers have been getting orders faster air boundary ringing the . While Ellis held back out of firing range, “You should have seen the ones For 60 to 70 hours a week, the two Air Gorman flew in for a visual inspection. says bringing its back is “a dream town meeting next year,” Mrs. who came down last night,” he said. than they can fill them and Kenny is just delighted.” A we’ve had for four or five years.” Potter says. “But right now they likeness of Rogers’ face or profile will be included in National Guard captains live, eat and Hying tandem with the Bear about 500 feet It doesn’t seem likely that many tourists would visit this tiny, ‘"They took the ferry over at twenty Keep updated sleep at Otis Air Force Base, ready to off its wings. "That’s plenty close, es­ But it probably won’t be realized this don’t want the dike.” past five, went down to see the the designs. Keep up to date on events in the take off at a moment’s notice to intercept pecially when that plane Is 200 feet long,” frozen Chappaquiddick Island during the winterr bridge or year, she says, because of opposition If a vote on the bridge is called, it bridge, and rushed back to catch the state, nation and world in less than any unidentified aircraft that enter the said Ellis. no bridge. "But hardly a day goes by,” says Harold Kelley, from local fishermen and possible will take place at the annual Edgar­ seven o’clock ferry back.” two minutes. Update, a column of buffer zone extending 200 miles out to sea. At that range, Gorman was able to in­ one of 60 year-round residents contacted by UPI, "when cutbacks brought by Proposition 2Vi. town town meeting, since Chap­ Walter Wood, who summered on The loves of Elvis news to bring busy people up to date, “We’ve intercepted everything from spect the Soviet bomber for surveillance The narrow wooden bridge was paquiddick falls under the jurisdic­ Chappaquiddick for 20 years before somebody doesn’t come over to see the bridge. And It’s exclusively yours every day on Page Yet another chapter in the life of the late Elvis commercial airplanes to weather antennas — and to see if the anti-aircraft built in 1950 to allow salt water to tion of Edgartown. She thinks Edgar­ finally moving there permanently, nothing but piles of boards." (UPI photo) 2 of The Herald. Presley is destined to be explored in depth on the small balloons,” said Ellis. “Usually it’s a mis­ guns were tracking his fighter. Row into a mostly fresh-water pond town residents would be in favor of wouldn’t mind seeing seeing the screen. take in entering flight plans into the com­ In a light moment during the tense NBC reports “Elvis and the Beauty Queen," a film puter or a plane a little off course.” meeting over the Atlantic Ocean the based on the romance between Linda Thompson (now “And once in a while it’s a Russian Soviet pilots and passengers waved to the Mrs. Bruce Jenner) and Elvis is in the works, bomber,” Gorman interjected. American pilots, and the Americans Reagan says ‘we must act now’ on economy scheduled for airing later this year. The most recent Soviet-U.S. air en­ waved back as they escorted them down counter started shaping up around 6 a.m. the coast. But pilot-to-pilot detente was WASHINGTON (UPI) - President standing by Reagan’s indecision on ’We must act now,” ’ explained White big government he believes Congress will run about 30 minutes. have been told to expect administra­ Changing roots Jan. 26 as Gorman and Ellis, the pilots on the last thing on Gorman’s mind as he ap­ Reagan will tell the American people whether to drop or extend the em­ House press secretary Jim Brady. Roosevelt’s era fostered. Brady said. It will attempt to form a tion officials at their doors duty, slept in the blue-paneled room they proached the planes. Wednesday night immediate action bargo, which, during the campaign, ‘“We have no choice. We have to deal ‘“The system will work if we let it partnership with the American peo­ Wednesday night and Thursday mor­ share in their base living quarters on and a historic change in direction is he promised to end. Divorce, unmarried couples and a large number of While most people were battling rush-hour traffic and back to “ I was more interested in seeing what with inflation.’” work,” ’ Brady said, quoting Reagan. ple, saying everyone has a stake in ning as the selling job shifts into high people choosing to remain single is chipping away at lower Cape Cod. the guns were doing,” he said. needed to cure the nation’s acute Still, most attention this week Brady told reporters Monday ’The president finished work on his the battle. v gear. the family structure, "Roots” author Alex Haley says. Some ^ miles away at Hancock Air work blahs one recent winter day, Capt. Mark Ellis, left, and Capt. The underbelly of each F-106 carries air- economic problems, his spokesman remains riveted on the make-or- Reagan is confident his mandate speech Monday afternoon, following It is not weighted with facts and Along with the speech, reporters “What we’re looking at is a process where the norm Force Base near Syracuse, N.Y., two Tom Gorman, right, both members of the Air National Guard, to-air missiles capable of destroying air­ says. break economic program. from the electorate frees him to a two-hour, line-by-line review with figures, but does contain the essen­ and congressmen will be given a 30- is changing into new forms. It doesn’t mean the end of objects bleeped onto a radar scope, sen­ found themselves flying 500 feet from a pair of Russian Bear craft that pose a threat to the United Reagan’s single-minded devotion In his remarks, Reagan will chart a historic break with the past his advisers and speechwriter tials. Reagan’s penchant for equal page booklet on the specifics of the nuclear family as we know it but fewer of them.” ding the computer searching its memory States — the sort of showdown Gorman is to the economy was to be interrupted propose four initiatives: massive — a break on the magnitude of the Kenneth Khachigian. sacrifice from all levels of society Reagan’s message, a 12-or 15-page bombers off Cape Cod, looking for hostile signs. The two pilots spending reductions as deep aS $50 banks for a corresponding scheduled stand beside an F106 jet fighter, the type of plane they fly from not anxious to have. brieRy by this afternoon’s scheduled one authored by Franklin Roosevelt Reagan penned a conclusion to his will be stressed and the need for fact sheet, a tax document detailing flight. Finding none, it Hashed on a series "It would take a lot of people telling me session with Farm Belt congressmen billion in the fiscal 1982 budget; tax in the depths of the Great Depres­ remarks during a helicopter ride more defense spending will be cuts for businesses and citizen ISuke doggie bag of warning lights. Otis Air Force Base in Massachusetts. (UPI photo) what to do before I’d fine on a foreign air­ to discuss the embargo on U.S. grain cuts for businesses and individuals; a sion. from Camp David to the White House explained. - taxpayers and a folder on proposed Immediately, an officer at Hancock, craft,” he said “I’d make damn certain shipments to the Soviet Union. stable monetary policy; and If a nuclear attack hits, rest assured someone has But unlike Roosevelt, who called earlier Monday, Brady said. Brady told reporters to brace for a regulatory reforms. headquarters for the 21st North American bedroom, sending the men jumping out of everything checked out right. The lawmakers, especially the regulatory reform. flood of facts and figures on thought of looking after your treasured pet. the covers aside, the pilots were Hying for salvation by government, Reagan The 9 p.m. EST Wednesday broad­ Reagan will brief the bipartisan Air Defense unit that patrols the skies bed and stumbling into their green anti- east at about 30,000 feet. Toward what, “It would be the start of an inter­ Republicans, are having a hard time “The president is'expected to say. will try to effect a rescue from the cast address to a joint session of Wednesday. Television networks congressional leadership Wednesday Gene Tarman, president of Country Roads Inc., over the Northeast, phoned Boston Con­ national incident or the s ty t of World War which features mail-order products to help humans exposure suits and layers of long un­ they didn’t know. trol Center in Nashua, N.H., to ask for derwear. About 25 minutes later when they III, and I’m in no hurry.to do that.” stay alive in the event of a disaster, is now marketing radio contact with the craft. a survival kit for dogs. The men ran out the door and down the spotted their targets: two behemoth TU- The drama usually would have stopped First on Iran What exactly does a "survival kit” for dogs include? stairs to the hangars next door where 95 bombers, one about nine miles ahead of Budget balancing act Job freeze there with a commercial airline pilot Answer: wheat-and meat-based dehydrated dog their fighter planes are kept in constant the other. Nationally syndicated columnist Jack food. radioing that he had strayed a little off readiness, barely noticing the 34-degree Although Gorman and Ellis had been Anderson was warning America that trou­ course. But on this day no one answered, ble was brewing in Iran long before the "Actually, I’m not of the belief something like that temperatures. scrambled — ordered to be airborne in might be forcing the supervisor to order an active ^hostage crisis. Anderson’s reports have (a disaster) is going to happen,” Tarman says. “But I “Most of the time the adrenalin shoots five minutes — many times since joining air defense scramble. in our veins and you don’t notice what the the 101st Fighter-Interceptor Squadron in long been far ahead of other news reports. is hard to accomplish view it is as an insurance policy.” Within moments, a loud, droning horn temperature is,” explained Gorman. 1975, this was the first mission in which His incisive colunui appears dally as an unfrozen 'By DICK WEST minus side. blared outside Gorman and Ellis’ Five and a half minutes after throwing either came face^to-face with a Russian exclusive in The Herald. The deficit Lyndon Johnson WASHINGTON (UPI) - On a scale Harry Truman turned it around, as foresaw for fiscal 1969 turned into WASHINGTON (UPI) - Federal More accolades of 1 to 10, a balanced budget is the the sportscasters say, with surpluses black ink for Richard Nixon, who was wo'rkers challenging President government’s Bo Derek. in three of his six budgets. While his in office at year’s end. However, Honors continue to be bestowed upon the former Reagan’s retroactive hiring freeze American hostages. Blackout cancels classes at CCSC President Reagan clearly, was in was one of the best records iii the Nixon got his comeuppance in 1970 the mainstream of budgetary tradi­ past 50 years from the standpoint of are winning preliminary skirmishes Wednesday, Colorado lawmakers will honor Marine briefly, then went off again about 7 a.m. and remained open. holiday were told “they have to leave,” when his projected surplus went NEW BRITAIN (UPI) - Authorities tion last week when he told reporters fiscal “responsibility,” Truman was in epurt and a judge’s comments on Sgt. Billy (jallegos during ceremonies in the state The problem was not expected to be Central Connecticut’s home basketball said McDonald. sour. have canceled classes for 12,061 students he was sticking to his goal of striking hardly blessed with prescience. the controversy may mean trouble House of Representatives. repaired for two days. gaihe Monday night also was postponed He predicted mpst students would be In his final budget message to ahead for the administration. at Central Connecticut State College so a balance in 1983. The $4.3 billion deficit he forecast Congress on Jan. 17, 1977, Gerald Gallegos will be introduced to the Legislature and workers can repair damages which William McDonald, campus director of until Friday night. able to head home but “we expect some But Murray Weidenbaum, chair­ in 1947 turned into an $800 million Ford prophesied a balanced budget U.S. District Judge Charles Richey given a plaque commemorating his service to the caused a blackout, forcing the evacuation public safety, said the school was shut “There’s no immediate physical problems with others not having the man of Reagan’s Council of surplus. The $4.8 billion surplus he for 19W. And you know how accurate ordered Monday that three federal United States, Rep. Laura DeHerrera said. of four dormitories. down because “we’re not sure what the danger,” said McDonald, who directs a 32- resources to go home.” Immediately following will' be a reception in the member campus police force. “It’s just a Economic Advisers, was equally, foresaw in 1949 developed into a $1.8 that was. employees remain on the payroll un­ The blackout Monday affected four dor­ problem is so we’re afraid the whole place orthodox in suggesting 1984 was a billion deficit. His 1951 budget, which Capitol’s rotunda. could go.” matter of safety.” He also said campus officials were During his early days in the White til he decides the legality of the mitories, a library, student center, more likely break-even date. anticipated a $5.1 billion deficit, Among the participants at the ceremonies will be He said classes would not resume until About 750 dormitory students were on “ starting to make’’ emergency House, Jimmy Carter was about as freeze that Reagan instituted as his athletic building and auditorium. Recent history plainly shows produced a $3.5 billion surplus. Gov. Richard Lamm and Denver Mayor William Thursday and dormitories wouldn’t campus Monday and police went door-to- arrangements to house an undetermined bullish as Reagan has been. As late first official act in office. McNichols .... Campus police said they believe an un­ achieving budgetary goals, par­ Dwight Eisenhower had botton line as 1979, Carter was pledging to bring reopen until 6 p.m. Wednesday. Ad­ door evacuating them, McDonald said. number of foreign students. He said the Richey’s comments — although not derground . cable snapped, leaving the ticularly in the surplus column, is an problems, too. the budget into balance for fiscal north side of the campus without electrici­ ministrative offices on the south side of Students returning Monday evening after city had “given us help in the past so we’ll having any legal weight — cast doubt the three-day Washington’s Birthday be talking to them.” uncertain science at best, with the After proclaiming ini his 1954 1981, which is still in progress. ty about 5 a.m. Monday. Power came on campus were not effected by the outage best of predictions often going budget message a surplus “was in on the administration’s ability to con­ wrong. sight” for fiscal 1955, he had to wait Despite such variables, 10 of the 18 vince the courts Reagan did not act Franklin Roosevelt probably came until 19M before it hove into view. budget estimates put forward in the unconstitutionally as the National as close as any modern president to And the balanced budgets Ike drew 1947-64 period were at least on target Treasury Employee’s Union claims. the heresy that political and up for 1958 and 1959 likewise added to with respect to whether the govern­ The judge set a Feb. 25 hearing on Weather economic benefits may Row from red the national debt. ment would live within its income or the case that both sides say affects Lottery ink. His controversial “spend and John Kennedy predicteo a $500 wind up in the hole again. President Reagan and House Seaker Thomas "Tip” O'Neiii 10,000 to 60.000 people promised by spend, tax and tax, elect and elect” million surplus for 1963, only to dis­ This means that Reagan was not spend a iittie time taiking prior to dinner at the White House, the govenment between Nov. 5 and •ANnuMono economic policy has been debated for cover his crystal ball was clouded. necessarily tilting at windmills in Jan. 20 that they had jobs. Reagan years. But at least he was consistent. The year ended with a $6.2 billion vowing “we’re taking a shot” at Monday. Reagan wiil make an economic address before a ordered the freeze Jan. 20. the day of All of FDR’s budgets were on the deRcit. balancing the budget in 1983. ioint session of Congress of Wednesday. (UPi photo) Today’s forecast National forecast Numbers drawn Mon­ New Hampshire 1667 his inauguration, and later backdated LOWEST p day: Rhode Island 3670 it to Nov. 5, the day after his election. Breezy and mild today. Showers ending early this mor­ By United Press International New York pc 56 46 TiyranATuMs ning then becoming sunny. Highs 50 to 55. Mostly clear City & Fest Hi Lo Pep Oklahom Cty c 68 36 Connecticut 645 Vermont 087 The union claims the retroactivity and mild tonight with patchy fog forming. Lows in the up­ Anchorage pc OB 01 .01 Omaha pc 66 43 Maine 899 Massachusetts 3971 exceeds Reagan’s constitutional per 30s and low 40s. Wednesday mostly sunny breezy and Billings r SO 43 .04 Philadelphia pc 65 38 Court allows leeway in public spending authority and has created hardships Birmingham r for the people involved, many of continued mild with highs again 50 to 55. Southwest winds Phoenix c 83 57 HARTF()RD (UPI) - A public of­ three-year-old dispute over an expen­ Boston c Pittsburgh pc 52 46 budget, the only allocation paid out rejected the request that Butler be expended, the official did not receive whom quit other jobs or moved from 10 to 20 mph today dimiusihing to less than 10 mph ficial who spends taxpayers’ money diture involved in a budget dispute was for an aide to the first select­ Brwnsvil Tx.cy 72 62 Portland M. pc 51 \ m WCATHiN rOTOCAtT • required to repay the aide’s salary. personal profit, and the source of the other cities to another to take tonight. Southwest winds 10 to 20 mph again Wednesday. 38 between the Trumbull Town Council Buffalo cy 56 43 Portland Ore. r 62 50 without the proper authority doesn’t man. . “The rule holding a public official authority violated by the officer is government jobs. 3hp Heral^ necessarily have to pay It back, the and the town’s first selectman and ChrlstnS.C. pc Providence 6 56 43 Dominic Arminio, a councilman at personally liable for unauthorized other officials. clearly ambiguous.” No matter which way Richey rules, Charlott N.C. r Richmond r 63 43 Connecticut Supreme Court ruled the time, asked for a court order expenditures, even if made in good appeals are certain and it seems like­ Long Island Sound USPS 327-500 Vol. C, No. 117 ’The justices upheld a Bridgeport Chicago pc 52 38 St. Louis pc 61 45 today. holding the officials who im­ faith, is a necessary one,” the court ly the case ultimately will be before Cleveland cy 46 44 Salt Lake Cityr Superior Court ruling that First Long liland Sound from Watch Hill, R.I., to Mon- 56 42 Published daily except Sunday and certain ’The high court said a failure to plemented the budget “personally said, calling the taxpayer "an Without that leeway, the court said the Supreme Court. Columbus pc San Antonio pc 68 48 Selectman James A. Butler im­ tank Point, N.Y.i Southwest winds 10 to 20 knots today holidays by the Manchester Puhlishing Co., Herald allow some leeway in the general liable for any funds wrongfully dis­ equitable owner of municipal funds.” “few persons of responsibility would At the hearing Monday Richey, Dallas c San Franese pc 66 53 rule of holding officials responsible properly Implemented a town budget be found willing to serve as public of­ diminishing to 10 to 15 knots Tuesday night and increasing Denver pc Almanac Square, Manchester, Conn. 06040. Second class persed.” wincing and looking startled, San Juan pc 84 77 .06 for the 1978-79 fiscal year different to 10 to 20 knots Wednesday. Mostly clear this afternoon. Des Moines pc ^ t a g e paid at Manchester, Conn. POSTMASTER: for unauthori^ expenditures could The court upheld Arminio’s conten­ But the justices said a key excep­ ficers, which oftentimes requires frequently challenged Justice Seattle r 56 47 from that approved by the council. Fair Tuesday night and Wednesday. Vislhility over 5 Detroit cy 47 Send address changes to The Herald, P.O. Box 561, make it difficult to find good people tion that the council and not the tion was “if the expenditure is for a expenditures of time, money and ef­ Department lawyer A1 Alfano’s .06 ^ k a n e cy 51 40 Although the implemented budget miles except during haze and fog Wednesday morning Duluth pc 'Tampa cy Manchester, Conn. 06040. to hold public office. selectman or another agency had the public purpose, the municipality has fort far beyond the compensation 77 62 had 30 allocations not in the council’s arguments. when visibility will be below 1 mile. Average wave Hartford c .06 Washington r 60 47 Today is Tuesday, Feb. 17, the 48th day of 1981 with 317 ’The unanimous ruling came in a final right to adopt the budget, but received fair value for the money received, if any.” He asked Alfano if he was “really heights 2 to 4 feet today decreasing to 1 to 3 feet tonight. Honolulu pc to follow. To subscribe, or to report a delivery problem, call ■ NEW YORK (UPI) — serious” in saying the government Houston pc The moon is approaching iU full phase. 647-9946. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. wanted to find out if every person Indianapol)lis pc 49 42 highest temperature reported Monday to the National Weath­ The morning stars are Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mer­ Monday through Friday and 7 to 10 a.m. Satui^y. Jacksnn iMs___Iss. cy, ee S3 who had sent letters offering federal Extended outlook er Service, excluding Alaska cury. Delivery should be made by 5 p.m. Monday through Judge was wrong in destroying files employment had the authority to Jacksonville cy 74 59 and Hawaii, was 91 degrees at Friday and by 7:30 a.m. Saturday. Extended outlook for New England Thursday through Kansas City c 60 40 The evening star is Mars. make such appointments. Thermal, Calif. Today’s low HARTFORD (UPI) - A lower allows for destruction of an inmate’s nion, contended the internal prison Saturday: Las Vegas pc 76 48 Those horn on this date are under the sign of Aqtlarius. Suggested carrier rates are $1.20 weekly, $5.12 for prepaid. Windham County Superior Court As to the government’s argument was IS degrees at Gunnison, court judge acted Improperly when "court records” after a pardon is Little Rock pc 64 S3 American novelist Dorothy Canfield Fisher was bom one month, $15.35 for three months, $30.70 for six records were an extension of the In othr cases decided today, the judge who heard the case had "exten­ that there was a hardship provision MaHarhuHrllH, Rhode Island and (^onncrlirul: Colo. he ordered state officials to wipe out granted. Los Angeles c 87 63. Feb. 17, 1878. months, and $61.40 for one year. Mall rates are court papers needed for the Correc­ Supreme Court: sively” questioned the plaintiff’s key for those people hurt most by the Chance of showers Thursday and Saturday and fair all records of a prison Inmate’s con­ The unanimous ruling took issue Louisville r 56 51 On this date in history: available on request. tions Department to lawfully accept — Ordered a new trial in a case witness, but not two other witnesses. order, Richey said, “It’s so narrow I Friday. Mild through the period with highs mostly in the finement after the man was granted with New Haven Superior Court Memphis pc 59 57 In 1801, the U.S. House of Representatives named an Inmats, stemming from the City of Milford’s — Upheld, but ordered a change in can’t agree with you it’s really a 50s and overnight lows in the mid 30s to lower 40s. a pardon, the state Supreme Court Judge Robert I. Berdon, who bad Miami Bech pc 74 71 Thomas Jefferson the third, president of the United To place a classified or display advertisement, or In another case, the justices held finding that 16 buildings owned by a the form, of the decision a hardship avenue at all." Vermoni: Continued mild through the period with DO IT FRIDAY - Plan ruled today. granted the Inmate’s request for a Milwaukee pc 52 40 States. Aaron Burr, who tied with Jefferson in the Elec­ to report a news item, story or picture idea, call that a computer leasing firm had to Milfot^ landlord were in violation of Bridgeport Superior Court judge Neither employees’ attorney scattered showers Thursday and Saturday. Fair Friday Minneapolis pc your weekend with the The high court said medical and court order requiring all records in 60 36 toral (College vote, became vice president. 643-2711. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon­ pay sales tax on leases signed prior the city’s housing code. issued in rejecting a Westport man’s Robert Tobias nor Alfano was willing with highs upper 40s to mid 50s and lows upper 30s to mid Nashville cy 56 52 Weekend pages in The other Internal records kept by the the case destroyed. 40s. In 1817, became the first American city to day through Friday. ' to the extension of the sales tax to complaint against the town for to speculate on whether Richey’s New Orlens cv 64 56 Herald Friday. Department of Correction were not The pardoned Inmate, identified have gas-burning street lights. rental agreements on July 1, 1975, — Ordered a new trial in a motor tearing down a small dam on the questions indicated a predisposition included under state law which only as “John Doe” In the court’s opi­ although the lease agreements were vehicle accident because the man’s property. by the judge. ; 4 - THE HERALD, Tues., Feb. 17. 1881 THE HERALD, Tues.. Feb. 17. 1981 - 5 Manchester

Retirement age brings grievance

By MARY KITZMANN “ That’s why we need the in-, Herald Reporter terpretation.” MANCHESTER — Disagreement tfazzone, and possibly one other of­ over the normal retirement age for ficer may be immediately affected police officers has resulted in a union by the ruling of the labor board. grievance. Werbner said he believed the pen­ The grievance, filed four months sion plan was clear on retirement ago by Sgt. Ray Mazzone, will be age. heard March 20 by the state Board of Tighe expressed confidence in the Arbitration and Mediation. union’s case. “ We’ve got a winner,” Mazzone asks the labor board for he said. an interpetation of what is meant by The labor board is composed of “ normal retirement” under .the un­ three persons, one from labor, the ion’s pension plan. The police public sector, and a neutral party. veteran of about 23 years and the un­ ion, Local 1495 of the American Federation of State, County and Presideni Ferdinand Marcos of the a welcoming ceremony for Pope John Paul A bunch of hands of priests In Manila trying Cathedral Tuesday. Pope read Mass Municipal Workers, contend normal Dental health Philippines, left, makes his speech at II, right, who arrived for a six-day visit. Mrs. to reach Pope John Paul II, center, as the following his arrival In Manila for a six-day retirement age is 50, or 25 years on Manila International Airport Tuesday during Marcos is seen at center. (UPl photo) holy father walks to the altar In Manila the force. on cable TV visit to the Philippines. (UPl photo) Town administration believes the pension plan clearly states normal arrives in Manila retirement is age 60 with retirement MANCHESTER — In observance at 50 allowed with 25 years of of Dental Health Month, Community experience. Broadcasting presents a “ Listen Up” program on dental health care. For every year a police officer Hostess Carol Seaton interviews Dr. "Tomlnick the Great” entertains Scouts at the 11th annual More than 360 Cubs, Scouts, adult leaders and their retires early 5 percent of their Arthur P. Freedman, a local dentist, Scout Family Breakfast at the Army and Navy Club recently. families attended (Photo by Keith Carrier) benefits are deducted. Threats mar papal visit about the need for proper, early den­ Mazzone, 48, wishes to retire tal habits. After this segment the MANILA, Philippines (UPl) — the principle "that social organiza­ penalized for two years of early sion in Pakistan that killed a man and International Thespian Society of Pope John Paul II, narrowly es­ tion exists only for the service of John Paul told priests; “ You are not retirement, according to Eldward injured three others in a packed Manchester High Schooi presents caping a bomb in Pakistan, arrived in man and for the protection of his social or political leaders or officials Tighe, union president. Karachi stadium, minutes before his Charter, fees face board “ Good Guys Are Winners.” This skit the Philippines today aim'd elaborate dignity, that it cannot claim to serve of a temporal power.” “There’s a big difference in arrival there to celebrate mass. was presented to many of the area security precautions against street the common good when human rights The warning was in line with the MANCHESTER - Board of Harrison Street garage, as it will be sion to be free to suggest changes in benefits, retiring two years early, Filipino police were on “ red alert” Establishing a Charter Revision elementary schools in observance of protests and an assassination threat are not safeguarded.” pope’s stand against political in­ Directors discussions and decisions given to a committee for a any portion of the charter. Including compared to twelve,” Tighe said. in Manila to prevent a repeat of a Commission requires six votes, a dental health month. Performers are by an extremist religious sect. But the pope praised the president volvement by clergy during his trips on establishing a Charter Revision recommendation. the form of government. He said the pension plan is am­ 1970 assassination attempt against two-thirds majority. April Castagna, Gary Comeau, Mark The pope’s visit, his most am­ for lifting martial law Jan 17 and said to Latin America and his order Commission and raising the country The board will give the petitions Mayor Stephen Penny listed the se­ biguous on the age of normal retire­ Pope Paul VI, who was stabbed by a Several speakers appeared last Gadoury, Wendy Graff, Lisa Harris, bitious overseas journey so far, cast the moves toward a democratic requiring Father Robert Drlnan of club dues are on the agenda tonight. presented on Carl Silver to Robert cond vote on the commission, after ment, and also that police officers Bolivian painter disguised as a week on raising dues at the Annette Krol, David Miller, Paul him into the thick of a conflict system "augur well for the future.” Massachussetts to give up his seat in The meeting at the Senior Citizen Weiss, general manager, but no the Republican killed the first bid, are allowed to retire at age 55. priest. Manchester Ck)untry Club by 10 per­ Ostrom, Alison Smith, Jeff between activist clergy and the In the televised appearance, Mar­ Congress. Center will begin at 8 p.m. recommendation is expected from it cut the request of the Ethics Com­ According to Steven Werbner, per­ Police said the India-based Ananda cent, bringing the price up to alMut Waggoner, Laura Webb and I^chael government of President Ferdinand cos said the division between church Manila, a sprawling city of 8 The expected action on the items is on the appointment. Several direc­ mission. sonnel director, the differences over Marga, an extremist relgious sect $396 for a single membership. A peti­ Wright. Marcos, who last month ended eight and state was “ petty, small.” million, was choked by traffic jams scheduled for tonight, on the heels of tors said they believe the hoard The Ethics Ckimmission would like the normal retirement age have been that practices ritual terrorism, tion opposing the increase bearing 50 This program will be presented years of martial law. “ We shall wipe out all these con­ as security closed off major arteries a marathon five-hour session last should not interfere with a'd- its role to be more fully defined, and discussed for about a year. threatened to kill Pope John Paul II. names was presented to the board Wednesday and Friday at 10 a.m. and John Paul told clergym en in flicts,” he said. to clear the way for the pope’s motor­ week when directors listened to op­ ministrative decisions. its investigative powers outlined. Last year, Werbner said, the town At the national shrine of Our Lady last week. 7 p.m., and also on Sunday at 5 p.m. Manila not to mix religion with In Manila, the mood was festive, as cade. Two Filipino couriers for ponents and proponents of several of The board will begin tonight’s Judge John FitzGerald, chairman, attorney interpreted the pension plan of Perpetual Help at Baclaran in The board denied the increase to over Channel 13, the public access politics and ordered nuns to act with church bells pealed and hundreds of United Press International riding a the Items. meeting with a lengthy unfinished has suggested established a special as using 60 as the normal retirement southern Manila, John Paul im­ meet a Feb. 10 deadline in the lease, channel of Greater Hartford CATV. “ loving docility” toward the church thousands of Filipinos poured into the motorcycle were hit by a military Most of the residents appeared to business agenda. Heading the list is a age. ttezzone’s grievance was filed mediately confronted the issue of prosecutor to investigate allegations, but left the understanding it would be To make program suggestions, or hierarchy. which has avoided con- streets carrying parasols, balloons jeep. One was in intensive care. speak on Multi-Circuits Inc. bid to second vote on a Charter Revision leaving a decision to the commission. several months ago, and went political activism by churchmen in discussed further. The country club’s comments, phone Community Broad­ frontation with the Marcos govern- ' and streamers to catch a glimpse of purchase the town garage, and to Commission. The questions about its role arose through local channels, the police I glimpse I telling nuns to submit to the church Board of Governors must ask the casting at 646-0660. ment. the pope’s motorcade. present a petition asking that Assis­ Republican directors said recently chief and town manager, without hierarchy. Bargain hunting when the commission was about to directors for an increase as it rents Later, after a private meeting with After a martial welcome at the air­ tant Recreation Director Carl Silver they will oppose the commission, un­ begin establishing procedures for in­ resolution. The next step is the labor ^ m e 1,200 police dispersed an Many great bargains are to be the land from the town for $25,000 a Marcos at the president's ornate port, John Paul, looking haggard be appointed director. less the Democratic majority ap­ vestigating Mel Siebold, recreation board. anti-Marcos demonstration at the found every day on the classified year. Malacanang Palace, John Paul in a after his flight from Pakistan, said No vote is expected on selling proves several of their charges for it. director. Tighe outlined a problem with CofC plans Pope John Paul II is greeted by Pakistani President shrine and an unarmed man dressed pages of TTie Herald. Reading the Also on the agenda is discussions to speech alluded to alleged violations The Republicans want the commis­ defining normal retirement as 60, is Mohammed Zia Ul-Haq, right, upon arrival at Karachi Mon­ his visit was of a “ religious and as a priest was arrested by security rCjassHi^ is like beating inflation close the landfill on Saturday mor­ of human rights in the Philippines. that after age 55 an officer needs day. (UPi photo) pastoral nature.” forces Inside the church. single handedly. Smart shoppers ning, eight months a year. Jay Giles, clean-up day The pope said the church upholds He made no mention of an explo­ specific yearly approval to remain on * ijaxKitLater, ai uic at the raMiiiiM Manila \,/tfuieurdi. Cathedral. — Herald classifieds first. public works director, has said he Town gets state grants landfill is not used enough on Satur­ the force. MANCHESTER - The Environ­ days most months to warrant atten­ “ It is confusing,” he admitted. ment and Beautification Committee dants. iH of the Greater Manchester Chamber Americans oppose UNESCO journalists plan Settlement of three lawsuits, stem­ of Commerce has announced plans P A R T C /TTDf\ _ A : ...... V A s training programs ming from sidewalk falls are also up for the townwide Clean-up Day April PARIS (UPI) — American ference of journalists at the YWCA group participants Monday. “ I have had South American, Asian and African have “ the means of checking that for consideration. Town counsel 4. representatives opposed a UNESCO headquarters of the U.N. Americans, Bullen and George MANCHESTER - The State “ The more we talk about teacher correspondents working for me groups spoke against the press cards journalists on dangerous who will discuss “ negative and recommends settling the suits for This is the third consecutive year plan to register journalists, warning Beebe of the Inter-American P r ^ Department of Education has burnout, the more burned out we' plans meeting Educational, Scientific and Cultural expelled from countries or jailed. but advocated protection from both assignments or simply on positive stresses.” Then in April and $2,250, for Anna Brewer, $2,500 for the chamber has taken efforts to the communist and Third World’s Organization finally agreed the Third Association, had not been invited and awarded grants totalling more than get,” she adds. The program is “ But a card in a reporter’s pocket state and employers to prevent jour­ assignments abroad'conform to the May there will be in-service Gladys Waszkielewicz and $6,000 for coordinate this community event. stated goal of protecting reporters World and Communist groups would demanded invitations two weeks ago $133,(XX) to support 34 local Innovative geared to help restimulate teachers MANCHESTER - The Koffee will not save him from a sniper or a nalists suffering “ arrests and tor­ generally accepted rules of workshops for Jr. high teachers Evelyn Gregan, Eighth Utilities Last year volunteers from Girl ' could be used to control the media. draft a proposed “ protection” plan when they learned of the meeting. teacher training programs to be up for their students.” Krafters of Nutmeg Branch of the mob. Newsmen are not expelled or ture.” professional ethics.” Dr. Brooks stressed this is not a District director. Scout, Brownies and Boy Scout today. throughout the state. Manchester With the current teaching market YWCA will meet Wednesday from jailed because nobody knows they International press groups But Simpoekko Nortamo, a board one-shot deal, but hopes it will be organizations as well as civic groups Dana Bullen, veteran Washington He charged they represented schools received two of those grants as tight as it is. Dr. Brooks says she 9:30 a.m. to noon at 78 Main St. are reporters,” he said. “ They are headquartered in Western Europe member of the London-based Inter - part of an on-going program which combined efforts to improve the newsman representing the U.S.- The plan will be submitted to a “ publishers who piled up profits with at the junior high and high school feels teachers need to come to grips AARP unit sets The meeting will be devoted to expelM or jailed because they are and two American groups gave the national Press Institute, pointed out, will help teachers and improve appearance of Manchester. based World Press Freedom Com­ larger meeting on communications sensationalism and yellow jour­ levels. with problems. “ There just Isn’t the making Ukrainian Easter Eggs. The reporters.” stillest opposition to the ideas, first in some societies it was unethical to educational services to children. sugar-off party This program, coordinated by the mittee, said the UNESCO plan opening Thursday but American par­ nalism.” At Bennet Jr. High School, Dr. kind of mobility there used to be. We instructor will be Mrs. Adeline The registration-by-press-card raised in a report to UNESCO by report dissenting views, in others un­ chamber’s Environment and “ would have the effect of licensing ticipants hinted they may submit Gwen Brooks is the project manager can’t just move away, so we have to MANCHESTER - Manchester Laughlin. project was supported by the Pierre Gaborit, political science ethical to report only official views. Beautification Committee saw a and otherwise controlling journalists their own counter-proposal. The Communisf-led and Third for one of the grants. deal with the problems,” she says. Chapter. 1275, American Association Members should bring two raw in the name of protecting them.” Communist-led International professor at the University of Paris. Hans Trekkfom of the communist response from more than 200 “ la m not insensitive to the perils World groups held their own meeting The program is designed to help The professional development of Retired Persons, is planning a white eggs and an egg carton, a small Organization - of Journalists and He proposed an international com­ International Organization of Jour­ volunteers last year and hopes to see Participants at the two-day con- facing journalists,” Bullen told 35 during a coffee break, ignoring the teachers be more effective in grant program at the junior high sugar-off party at the inn at Lake used candle with holder and a pencil. allied organizations. mission to issue identity cards and nalists in Prague complained the two First on Iran the same enthusiasm. Americans and Western Europeans. the classroom by learning to cope level will seek to help teachers cope Waramaug, New Preston, Monday. The hostesses wilt be Mrs. June Rain date for the townwide Clean­ Nationally syndicated columnist with problems in a more constructive with the outside stresses of daily life A filet of sole or pot roast dinner Hogen and Mrs. Rose Platt. up Day April 11. Irish mourn way. which infiltrate into teaching. It will Jack Anderson was warning America will be served followed by bingo and 'The group is open to anyone in­ Dr. Brooks tries to avoid the con­ also help teachers deal more effec­ that trouble was brewing in Iran long entertainment. The bus will leave terested in crafts. Participants must / Strengthening of dollars cept of teachers managing stress tively with changing populations in before the hostage crisis. Anderson’s South United Methodist Church be members of the YWCA and Koffee Now you know victims of because she says “ we have a whole classrooms as the state has man­ reports have long been far ahead of parking lot at 10 am. and return at Krafters. George Washington borrowed Uje society of people who are undergoing dated school to service special needs other news reports. His incisive 5:30 p.m. The public is invited. For Baby sitting is available during the money to travel to New York for his stress” and the problem is not unique students. column appears daily as an exclusive information and reservations, phone meetings to those who call the Y of­ expands tourists^ budgets first inauguration in 1789. disco blaze to teachers. On March 3, there will be a speaker in The Herald. Frank Ringrose at 649-3083. fice, 647-1437, in advance. LONDON (UPI) — The sudden strength of the dollar is compared with $191.40 last July. An average 450-franc DUBLIN, Ireland (UPI) - Ireland putting a night at the Ritz, dinner at Maxim’s, or bed and dinner at Maxim’s means a tab of $87 versus $112. observed a day of mourning today for breakfast at a country inn back within reach of A 3-pound ticket for a movie in London translates to (XHTML COiEfmeUT SHOWING the victims of the Stardust Disco Americans vacationing or living in Europe. LOOKING FOR A GRANDFATHER CLOCK? about $6.75 now compared with $7.20 in September. Michigan health firm LOOK NO FURTHERII blaze and investigators pressed a Across Europe, the U.S. currency has rebounded from A year ago when the dollar was at an all-time low in search for the witnesses who might years of weakness that had made the cost of living in WEO-THUR, FEI. IS -IR West Germany, a shoulder of veal cost $4.60 a pound and HOIIOAT INN-PLAINVIUi know the cause of the fire that killed Europe prohibitively expensive for Americans. today it is $3.58. A pound of coffee was $5.75 com part buys Meadows stock OPEN TO PUBLIC 44 Valentine's Day celebrants. The dollar rose again against major European curren­ 400 NEW miTAIN AVENUE with $4.47 now. ' S K C liU . SALE PWCES a iT 34 OFF 1-04 cies Monday, closing in Milan at a record 1,061.95 lire — The dollar was worth about 1.60 francs In Switzerland MANCHESTER - A Michigan health Just over a year ago, the state Health ENTWE SMOWim Special services for the dead were up 48 lire in a week and 24 lire since Friday. FNI-SAT, FH . 20-21 six months ago compared with 2.04 Monday. The care firm has acquired 100 percent of the Services Department threatened to place HOUOAT INN-E. HANTFONO arranged throughout the republic. In Brussels the dollar closed at 37.35 Belgian francs, its stock of the Springfield-based corporation Many businesses either closed or difference means a hotel room for two plus breakfast is the home in receiveship after charges of SA Vim S 303 ROaERTS ST. best rate since January 1977. In Zurich, the dollar hit its $49 per night instead of $62 and a three-course meal with which owns the Meadows Convalescent improper care resulted in a state in­ UP TO 1-04 RORBITS ST. EXIT gave their employees time off. highest rate since December 1977 and closed at 2.0465 Home. 00% wine and coffee can be bought for about $19 against $25. vestigation. HOURS OF SHOWINO: Prime Minister Charles J. Haughey Swiss francs. A Swiss banker cited three reasons for the dollar’s The sale, which was finalized Jan. 6, The receivership bid was averted when NOON m 3 P.RI. - announced both houses of Parliament The dollar closed at 5.1950 French francs In Parle, gives the Care Corp. of Grand Rapids, would adjourn. strength including “ huge amounts of investors’ funds in­ the home agreed to state demands that a *QIUUTY where it topped the 5-franc mark last week for the first Mich., controlling interest in Lifestyles monitor be appointed to evaluate internal Hundreds of police, who vested in the dollar,” the poor economic outlook In ‘ Heirloom Quality time in seven years. In Frankfurt, where the dollar is at a Inc. —the parent corporation of Geri (iare policies and practices. painstakingly choked the charred Europe and continuing worry about the Polish situation. ‘Solid American Black. three-year high. It closed at 2.246 marks, up from 2.206 Inc. of Springfield. debris of the entertainment complex High American interest rates have helped make Invest­ It is not known what, if any, manage­ Walnut, Cherry, or Oak Friday. The 518-bed Meadows Convalescent ‘Solid Brass Black Forest and interviewed survivors, ment in the United States attractive. The purchase of ment changes might be made at the In London, the pound sterling closed at its lowest rate Home is the state’s largest nursing care Movements eliminated electrical failures, dollars increases demand for the currency, pushing up its Meadows, but William Fiochetta, the since April 1880 — $2.2570, down from Friday’s $2.28^. As value. facility, and a strike which had been careless smoking or flammable home’s administrator, Monday said no recently as Jan. 6, a pound traded for $2,431. threatened there last fall secured for changes had yet been made by the Care *PIHCE liquids as possible causes of an ac­ Gold, which rose during the slide of the dollar, closed workers substantial wage and pension in­ ‘Your clock Is shipped from cidental fire. Corp., the home’s stockholder. unchanged In Zurich Monday at $490.50 an ounce — far creases. Heritage's own manufac­ They appealed to four key below the levels it reached when the dollar plummetted. GERAmeS by EL-NUR turing plant located In the witnesses to come forward to help In London, It closed $3 lower at $490.50. heart of the Southern Fur­ determine if the Saturday blaze in 14S W. MMdh IXka, StaMliwIir niture Industry. For an American renting a furnished flat in London for Directors see the light; ‘The Middleman Is the disco crowded with SIX) dancers 75 pounds a week, the cost was $769 monthly on Feb. 1. If (iwal door to VM nm) was arson. Besides the 44 dead, the Eliminated—Savings the rate doesn’t change by March 1, next month’s rent 643-6706 643-0367 passed on to you. blaze injured another 430 people. will be $734, a $35 improvement. Police were particularly Interested A double room at the Ritz in Paris today costs $149.20 request zoning change *SATI$F«rnON in a teen-age girl who told a doorman ‘It's Guaranteed In Writing as she fled the building, “ They have MANCHESTER — Rezonlng the rezoned before beginning negotiations. ‘Heritage has a 1 year started a fire in there.” Police said 15% off The application process for the direc­ written warranty Man held in murder Buckland School property has been they did not know if the girl meant requested by the Board of Directors. tors’ request is identical to that of a the fire had been started deliberate­ BROOKFIELD (UPI) — A local man was held today on ALL BREENWARE private individual. The PZC must evaluate FMIKNG $125,000 bond, charged with murder in the stabbing death According to the application filed with ly. the request for conformance to the Plan of ‘Financing Is available of a man who managed his apartment house. the town Planning and Zoning Department through G. E. Credit corp. They also sought three women February ISth - February 28th Development, and decide whether the Police say Alan Bono, 40, of Brookfield, was sUbbed the board requests rezonlng 2.61 acres on or use your Visa, Master employees who were having a tea * WITH THIS ADVERTI8EMEIIT * Tolland Turnpike from Residence A to C. change is in the best interests of the area. several times in the chest and stomach about 8:30 p.m. Charge, American Express break in the area where the fire was Artist Michael Bowen displays his painting titled "Horrible A March 2 public hearing is planned on the The commission can refuse the applica­ Monday on the lawn of Brookfield Kennels, which he also or Personal Check believed to have started. Cafe," based on his experience he had In one of Bollnas, application. tion, or conditionally approve, or approve managed. Bono was pronounced dead at Danburv our CLA8SE6 an SMAU lo give you After completing autopsies, state Calif., less glamorous eating establishments. Bollnas, a little 'ilie tract’s zoning caused a deal to sell it entirely. Hospital. ' Trophies were presented to children who got the most sponsors NTS pathologist Dr. John Harbinson said 8KCML ATTENTION'^ the land to local developer Richard Hayes Residence A is a zone for single-family k‘ ll you want to build your the death toll was 44 instead of 48. fishing village and artists’ retreat on the Marin County coast, Arne Johnson, 19, was arrested about an hour later Cmmlo tttivllM. M m , wirini lmi|M for a Muscular Dvstrophy Bowl-a-Thon at Metro Bowl, Olcott to collapse. Hayes wanted the Board of homes, with a maximum density of three own mastsrplece, we have Only 29 of the charred victims were and Bowen are at odds. Bowen claims the town Is out to get several milds from the kennel after witnesses gave police Street, Manchester. The event raised $4,400 to help fight the dis­ Directors to guarantee a zone change, to houses per acre. kits too. identified and hospital authorities him because-of his Impressions of the town, and also a description of the alleged assailant. m ni oroGis* ease. The trophies wpre presented at the bowling center Saturday allow him to construct offices, or lower Residence C is a single-family zone, that I $1.00 lor Color ColaloR said 82 Injured still were being He was to be arraigned today in Danbury Superior because his paintings and the attendant publicity may at­ m MiMT M $mw micT cutso, nun MH the $232,000 asking price. When the direc­ allows construction of offices. treated. Nine were in critical condi­ Court. morning. Front from left, Donnie Sauer and Sherry Krause. Stan­ tract more tourists to the town —which It doesn't want. (UPI tors refused, Hayes withdrew his offer. HERITABE CLOCK CO. tion. Police said the two men allegedly had been arguing OPIN DAILY, MQn.-Thur. 10-4 PM ding, Ralph Doyer, Diane Barber and Robert Vaughan. (Herald lopLSSI photo) When the board decided to seek another DO IT DAILY - Play PRIZEWORD before the stabbing occurred. evulnga 7 to 0;0Q PM tt 10-4 PM photo by Burbank) P. I . Drotnr 1B77, lo Mi lwi,n,MI NC 272S2 buyer, it agreed the land should be Saturday in The Herald. h - TH E H ERA LD , Tues., Feb. 17. 1981 THE HERALD, Tues., Feb. 17, 1881 - 7 Council faces Industrial park im Vernon road proposal profits $30,590 Hebron East Hartford VERNON — The-Town Council will be asked, at Its meeting tonight M-7T30 in the Memorial Building, to VERNON — The town has invested $331,684, plus in­ take action on an agreement relative to the terest of $514,379 in its industrial park and as of fiscal reconstruction of Snipsic Street. year 1979-60 will have received a return of $544,989 from Senior center remodeling The agreement, submitted by the state Department taxes and the sale of land in the park. ’' Van trips of Transportation, provides for 92.5 percent reim­ The report, prepared for Mayor Marie Herbst by Fran­ Tenants schedule meeting bursement to the town for the design of the proposed cis Armentano, assistant town planner, said this resulted project by qualified municipal personnel or a consul­ in a gross profit to the town of $30,590. canceled tops list of town’s needs tant. He said that since the town received $77,385 in taxes on Snipsic Street, which runs between Ellington and the park in 1979-80 it can expect to receive at least that HEBRON — The senior citizen's to gripe about apartments > KRM)> — Among the major needs of the town, as Amerbelle Corners; $1 million tor reconstruction of Ver­ Rockville, Is an approved route on the Federal Aid Ur­ amount in future years. He said as vacant land is built up, van trips on Tuesdays to Willimantlc EAST HARTFORD - A group of “Another woman says her toilet bad. We hope he will act immediately cited by department heads and commission chairmen, non Avenue; $120,000 to widen Snipsic Street. ban Systems Network for which substitute Interstate this figure will Increase. have bMn canceled due to poor par­ the rehabilitation of the second floor of the Senior Citizen Also: $1.2 million to reconstruct West Road; $100,000 funding has been approved. tenants In the Mayberry Village. hasn’t been working' for six months. and get some action and have her ticipation and increased operation housing complex will confront There are furnaces there that have (Riley) fix the basic problems. If not, Center has been placed first on the list. The estimated for various small drainage projects in the Rockville sec­ The agreement states that the proposed Im­ expenses. Housing Inspector William Board- been red-tagged by the gas com­ we’ll see about bringing her back in cost is $600,000 which is expected to come from Block tion; $100,000 for tax map mylars; a new fleet of fuel ef­ provements include, but aren’t limited to, the Vo-Ag can accept grant The van still goes to Hebron center Grant money. ficient staff cars, no price given; new roof for Memorial reconstruction of Snipsic Street from the vicinity of man tonight with charges of serious pany—that means they’re In such bed the housing court. We’re not looking on Wednesday mornings, to code violations in units owned by shape the gas company won’t even for every repair to be done now —that The second on the list is the need for recreational Building, $250,000; and repairs to Fox Hill Tower, $50,000. the Vemon-Ellington town line, south to the Intersec­ Manchester every other Monday and facilities for handicapped persons at an estimated cost of Also:' A new public works sign truck, $15,000; replace tion of Route 74 (East Main Street) a distance of about VERNON — The Board of Education has agreed to Mrs. E. Riley of Silver Lane. come to repair them.’’ would be unreasonable— we just allow the Vo-Ag center at Rockville High School to accept to Senior Citizens Gub meetings the The group, affiliated with the East Riley owns 35 units in Mayberry want the basic repairs done.” $75,000. “ • defective and unsafe bridges, no cost estimate; $100,000 2,500 feet. first and third Thursdays of each Other needs listed are: Off-street parking in the for new fire stattion in the Hatch Hill Road area; $250,000 The total estimated cost for the development of con­ a $5,000 state grant to buy .equipment at the school. Hartford Citizen Action Group, has Village, the tenants’ group says. Perrault claims many tenants fear pionth. They say she has refused to make the retribution if they confront Riley; Rockville area, estimated cost, $250,000; micro-filming for an aerial platform truck; and a new housing complex tract plans, specifications, estimates and related work In making this agreement the school board has to ap­ scheduled the meeting for 8 p.m. at The trips to Willimantlc will be ne^ed repairs and that she refuses although no specific acts of retribu­ of all town records with fireproof storage, $200,000; com­ for the elderly and renovation of existing ones, no cost for the project, is $65,000 which includes anticipated propriate the money, the money has to be spent, and then the Mayberry School. resumed if rider response increases .to talk with the tenants about their tion were ciM . puterize all town records and accounts, $100,000; given. state expenditures of> $15,000' for services to be the state will reimburse It upon receipt of the bills. Bob Perrault, a member of the to a minimum of five persons per group,, although he does not live in complaints. Riley was not available “ Our biggest problem,” said emergency shelter, no cost estimate yet; two-way radio Concerning the housing for the elderly, Russell said provided by the state. ride. communications for staff cars and town hall many state agencies have programs which are The maximum amount of reimbursement to the The following equipment will be bought with the funds: one of Riley’s units, says problems for comment. Perrauit, “is that lots of people are departments, no cost given; a-new public works garage supplemental to federal programs, such as housing for town, under the terms of the proposed agreement, is A folding table, tubular steel chairs, a stunning gun, a with the apartments include broken Perrault says Riley was recently scared.” and storage faciiity $1 million; reconstruction of the the elderly>v.3ut he said that a review of the state $46,250. This represents the 92.5 percent of the an­ heavy duty wheelbarrow. Jack Stands, cyclone seeder Teams sought furnaces and toilets,, infestation by brought before bousing court and Rockville sewer system, $25 million. Municipal Digest shows that many of these programs are ticipated design costs to be incurred by the town. and spreader, utility cart and a copy machine and stand. roaches and generally run down ordered to make some repairs, but Bingo match Various grant programs are listed as possible sources funded only through June 30, 1981 and many have no An amount of 7.5 percent of the cost of the state- A donation was made to the South Windsor Ambulance walls and ceilings. ' the tenants’ group is unsatisfied that allocation at all. “Given the current state of the state’s Also: A surveying rod, insect logger, logging chain, for softball “One woman says her furnace the repairs are iKing made. EAST HARTFORD - The East of funding for this list. provided services will be deducted from the amount of heavy duty come-a-long, tree climbing spurs, aluminum Corps by The Women's Club of South Windsor. The dona­ economic affairs. I do not foresee the state as being a hasn’t been working since September "We’re going to confront him Hartford Senior Citizen’s Ciub will Town Planner. George Russell, who asked for the the reimbursement to the town and will reduce the ladder, tree harness, safety strap and incubator. major grant funding resource,” he said. HEBRON — The men’s softball tion will he used to help finance the purchase of an am­ and she heats her house with the (Boardman) with the problems,” sponsor a Bingo match Thursday, suggestions, said that capjtal items which normally have $46,250 by a like amount. The list of items comes to a total of $4,999. to be replaced, such as police cars, aren’t included on the association, convening its fourth bulance for the town. From left, Edward Devanney, corps oven,” said Perrault. “We don’t un­ said Perrault. “We have some pic­ Feb. 19 at 1 p.m. at the Blessed list since most of this equipment, with the exception of year of organized league play, seeks president: and . Betty Asplund, community projects chair­ derstand how a woman can live tures and some people'are going to Sacrament Church, 36 Cambridge some fire equipment, isn't eligible for grant funding. persons interested in forming new man, The Women’s Club. (Herald photo by Burbank) without heat all winter. tell him about the problems they’ve Drive. Some of the other suggestions, included $1 million for teams for the 1981 season. sidewalks in Rockville; $1.8 for reconstruction of 'The seven team league will con­ LaFayette square; $150,000 for reconstruction of John and Leon Zapadka, duct a business meeting March 11 at owners of Woodland Gardens, 7:30 p.m. at the gallery office in Hearing will air options “Weekly Advertising Hebron center. have used The Herald consistantly . Any Hebron resident interested in Office telephones additional information is urged to South Windsor for over 30 years. As a result of call Mike Scalise at 228-0537. on MDC sewer charges target of study The association also wishes to ex­ EAST HARTFORD - New way we re charging large users could carry less of a burden than they in The Herald their weekend special ad, tend its thanks and gratitude to past Often the large users’ discharges federal and state regulations will do now, though Rosenthal cautionqd VER.NON — The town is considering an alternative customer response has been league members Elmer Young, Dave force the Metropolitan District Com­ require extra treatment, so the against oversimplifying. telephone system for the Municipal Building which Sawyer and Steve Wacha for their mission to change the method used to government says they have to pay “In some of the methods impact houses most of the town offices and hopes to have an exceptionally good. leadership during past 'league PZC votes application assess charges for sewer use and a their fair share.” on the homeowner would vary,” he analysis done of its existing system. operations. The association hopes to public hearing tomorrow night will The MDC must satisfy the govern­ said. “That’s what they’ll explain at has proven to he build over the strong base of Rand Associates, management consultants, have told That’s why we continue to for new subdivisions discuss the various options. ment regulations to remain eligible the hearing. They’ll be walking Robert Dotson, director of administration, that the operations established during their The hearing will be at 7:30 p.m. in for sewer construction grants. through each of the alternatives. tenure with the addition of more program should be conducted in two phases, first to advertise in The Herald. South Windsor, was approved by the Town Hall. “The key is eligibility for federal We’re looking for as much input as teams. SOUTH WINDSOR - The Plan­ analyze the economic and technical practicality of alter­ ning and Zoning Commission, commission. Spokesman Todd Rosenthal construction grants and convincing possible.” native equipment and second would be the implementa­ extremely effective following public hearings, has ap­ The subdivision consists of 11 lots explained that the MDC presently the EPA and DEP that our system is Tomorrow’s hearing and ones in tion of the system which was dictated by the results of Call John or Leon proved, with conditions two on some 15.7 acres located on the charges member towns for sewer use equitable,” said Rosenthal. other MDC towns is the first step in the review. COG adopts applications of Pleasant Valley Real­ south side of Griffin Road, the south from their property taxes. But the Rosenthal said four basic, though revamping the system of sewer It would be Rand’s plan to perform a complete inven­ at 643-8474 ty Inc. side of Windsorville Road and the federal Environmental Protection complicated, alternatives will be charges. “ Sometime in July, tory of all presently installed telephone equipment and to new budget The first was for resubdivision of east side of Rye Street, north of Rye Agency and the state Department of presented to citizens at the hearing. probably, the MDC board will make a do a complete reconciliation of “billed” versus "actual’’ for us.” 11 lots known as lots 46 and 54 on Street Park in an RR zone. Environmental Protection feel the The options range from a water con­ decision on which way to go,” said during the course of the evaluation. they’ll tell you more HEBRON — A tentative Central Dawn Drive and 66 and 67 on Nancy system is unfair. sumption method, where individuals Rosenthal. John Richardson, president of Rand Associates, said it Office Committee budget for the Drive in Section 4A of Pleasant They’ve got two concerns.” said users pay only for their own usage, to •. Members of the C. McGuire con­ would be the firm’s plan to conduct a “key user” inter­ School board 1981-1982 school year was recently es­ Valley Homes an A-20 zone. Rosenthal. “First, our system has no an adjusted version of the present sulting firm, upon whose study the view with appropriate department heads to determine SOUTH WINDSOR - The South tablished. It will be reviewed at The second was for a resubdivision way of charging tax exempt users, system. new proposals are based, will join Windsor Board of Education will the present and future requirements of the phone system. Board of Education meetings in each of 21 lots north of Chapel Hill Road since they don’t pay property taxes. Under some of the alternative MDC officials at tom orrow ’s meet Feb. 24 at 7:30 p.m. in the He said a long distance analysis and review of the of the four districts according to the and east of Long Hill Road in Section Second, they’re not satisfied by the methods individual homeowners hearing. library of South Windsor High existing calling experience would be done and “We will following schedule: Hebron, Feb. 19; V of Pleasant Valley Homes, also in then develop an optimum long distance network con­ School. •flHAM, Feb. 23; Andover, Feb. 24; an A-20 zone. figuration based on the information gathered,” he said. The board will receive the citizen’s Marlborough, Feb. 25. All meetings The commission denied the Also included would be a reivew of building construc­ budget and Advisory Committee EHHS posts honor roll are at 7:30 p.m. Public discussion application of Michael Ross of 185 Lavado, Stephen Lecco, Anne tion to isolate unusual cabling requirements and to es­ recommendations. EAST HARTFORD - General Patricia Connolly, Steven Hills St., East Hartford, for a zone Corriveau, Mary Ellen Davis, Leonard. Ketsana Lunam, tablish the anticipated electrical and environmental will be welcome. The honor roll for the se­ Grade 12 change from RR to RA of some 21 Cindy Dederer, Denise Den­ Ruth Lendeberg. Mary Beth needs of alternative equipment systems. cond quarter has been an­ Patricia Adams, Diane acres on the west side of Avery Health questions tamaro. Cheryl Donofrio, Malitsky. Betsy Mangan, Once an equipment system has been selected Rand RHAM group nounced by W. Douglas Allison, Lisa Archie, Christine Street. Every day, exclusively in The Daniel Donofrio. Joan Driggs, Lillian Marie. Deborah Mar­ Associates would re-verify the costs; develop installation Willett, principal of East Barnard, Stephen Bellingham, Terry Earl, Susan Eggert, tin. Allan Maulucci, Karen HEBRON - The RHAM High The concept of an open space sub­ Herald, get the inside facts on health Hartford high School. Raymond- Boucher, Edward David Farrington, Catherine Micali. Debra Moreau. Angela plans; develop an acceptable “disaster plan” to be incor­ School Parent-Teacher-Student division applied for by Richard C. in Dr. Lawrence Lamb’s health porated into the agreement; and supervise installation Names of the honor Cullen, Evelyn Dagon, Bonnie Ann Futtner, Georgett Mouthaan. Brian O’Connor. group will meet Thursday at 7:30 in Carabillo, of 55 Windsorville Road, column. and schedule training programs for appropriate town students follow: Drumm, Cindy Dufresne, Gauvin, John Gillis, Sheryl Siobhan O’Gorman. Joanne Room 19 at the high school. The Mary Flynn, Eric Fontana, Oliver. Christine Paquette, personnel. group will hear a report on a Hannum, Pamela Harney. High Mary Goff, Margaret Goguen, Maureen Johansen, Susan Mary Paquette, Bethany Par­ The fee for this consulting work would be $3,200 plus all workshop sponsored by rtoject Rise Robert Goldberg, Michael expenses incurred in direct support of the project. The Guild picks president Grade 12 Keiper, Denese Kelly. Angela sons. Diane Pasquaretta, entitled “Parents and Schools Guerrini, Lisa Hamelin, Leanne Ranheim. Jonathan fee can be paid over a period of four months with the first M a ry C. Annino, Renee Kowzun, Cynthia LaForge, Working Together.” program; Kitty Lyons, fund raising; Chicoine, Robert Dynak, Jr., Teresa Henriques, Kevin Lisa Lajoie, Lorrie Langston, Reid. Jodee Rini. Brenda to be due the month after initiation of the project. SOUTH WINDSOR - The Ladies Hickey, Mary Judson, Pauline Guild of St. Francis of Assisi Chruch Carol Jean Plunkett, refreshments; Cheryl Firmneck, Joseph Yves LaPierre, Catherine Saulnier. Julie Sernoffsky. Haley, Ronald Mailhoit, Kingsmore, Elizabeth Leonard. Patrick Leonard, Karen Susca. Rosanne has been newiy reorganized and has Eveleen McKenna, publicity; and Kreuzer, Judith Lecco, Linda Tolbert, Michelle Walters. Caroiyn Blume, parlimentarian. Elizabeth Owens, Diane Victoria Lopez. H. E v a High fuel cost elected Alice Marie Pandozzi as Pelletier, Steven Plumley, Lemieux, Rebecca Magnider, Lubowicki, John McLaughlin. Vernice Williams. Deanna president for the coming year. The Guild will be sponsoring a Lynn Szydiowski, Aida Velez, John Malitsky, Debra Martin, Monica Merrer, Teresa Wing. Monte Carlo Whist on Feb. 23 at 8 Suzanne McCue, Ellen Marie spawns warning Other officers elected were: John Vignati, Todd Zakreski. Michaelsen. Denise Michaud. Grade 9 Vernon Elaine Burnham, vice president; p.m. in the church haii. The program Messenger, Denise Ouellette, Sandra Michaud, Gregory Grade 11 Mona Ammon. Suzanne \ERNON — Robert Dotson, director of administra­ wili be conducted by Lois Tina Pagano, Therese Micoletti, Pamela Miller. Lynda Zima, secretary; and Ariene Marily Chadd, Jean Marie Bibeau. Christine Burke. Lisa Chamberland and wiii be open to the Parlante, Ann Marie Parsons, Emilia Molino, William tion, has sent out memos to ali town department heads ^rtocci, treasurer. Ferreira, Fotini Kousourna, Caez. Robert J. Carr. Sandra David Pelletier, Nanette Monaccio. Lori Munson. advising them that as of Feb. 11 there was an estimated Other members of the Executive public, both men and women. The Lisa Leone, Patthana Lunam, Chang. Kelly Curran. Gail $57,000 deficit in the public works budget for gasoline, donation wiil be $1. There wiil also be Pouliot, Catherine Povilonis, Karen Nicholson, Theresa Board are; Angie Sanford, Jill McNulty, John Robert Pruden, Janice Dinardo. RoseMary Doak. fuel oil and utilities. door prizes and refreshments. Owens, Ellen Parker, Fiery crash membership; Irene Briham. Merkouriou, Brett Penney. Raimondo, Tina Richard, Dawn Donovan, Lorielin For­ Christine Post. Diane tin. Paul Gagnon. David “By this memo, all departments are requested to make Denise Rodrigue, Jeannine Grade 10 Rodrigue. Mark Russell. Goslin. Michael Haas. Yurii every effort to conserve on these items. For those Roussel, Lori Sauerbeck, Kristin Blackwell, Debra Joseph Russo. Jeanne Tozier, Henriques. Libia Hernandez. departments utilizing town-owned vehicles, all but the Daniel Stepanek, Susan injures man (]]„]) seeks nominations Dentamaro, Catherine Elba Rosa Valentin. Claudia Jeffrey Knickerbocker. Lan most essential travel should be eliminated,” Dotson said. McCashland, Glynis McKen­ Sullivan, RoseMary Troy, Vendette. Wendell Williams. In a letter to Dotson, Ronald Hine, director of public VERNON - A 21-year-old SOUTH WINDSOR - The South Orchard Hill Drive, through to the Joanne Valentino. Terri Ann LaDay. Barbara Lambros. zie, Theresa Tanguay, Sharon Grade 10 Teresa Lavado. Nicholas Mat- works said that this portion of the budget has been con- Rockville man is in serious condition Windsor YW Club (formerly known end of March. A brief statement of Trymbiilak. Veilleux, Jeffrey Welsh. Fernando Almeida, Peter tacchione. Natalie Monteiro. stantiy under funded. today in Rockville General Hospital as the Yoiing Wives Club) is seeking the nominees contributions should be Grade 11 after the car he was driving early Grade 9 .Bradley, Steven Burwood, Michele Monty, Eric Nova, He said he thinks there’s going to be at least a $60,000 nominations for its 1981 Community included. Lisa Bedard. Debra Beley. Sharon O’Brien. Marisol Or­ this morning struck a tree on Wind­ Elizabeth Cline, susanna Jacinto Caez, Jr.. Christine deficit in this account and reminded Dotson that last year Service Award. The winner will be announced in Giagnoni, Chung-Min Joo. Carol Bero, Joseph DelGiudice. David Dellaripa, tiz. Jennifer Osgood. Grace at budget time he urged the council to add at least $57,881 sor Avenue and later burst into Nominees must be South Windsor April when a book will be donated to Bramande, James Brown, Steven Dionne, Laura Dooley, Patrocinio, Jody Petitpas, to cover increasing prices in utilities, gas and fuel oil. flames. women who have made a contribu­ the town library in that person’s Janeula Burt. Marilyn Caez, Scott Elliott. Garrett Fitz­ Mary Philbin. Glen Pruden. He said that within his department they managed to A hospital spokesperson today said tion to the community. Nominations name and indicating the award. patrick, RosaMaria For- BettyAnn Ranheim. Yvette keep gas and fuel consumption down about 10 percent but Gregory Guertln, of 29 Brooklyn St., should be sent to Judy Rainville, 190 narelli, Edick Gabrielian, Rouleau. Patricia Russo. said this won’t make up for the deficit he can see in all Rockville, had bMn admitted to the Kenneth Ganley, Sylvia Peter Schmidt, Joseph Shan­ utilities and fuel accounts. surgical intensive care unit with Goulet. Kristina Greco. Kelli non. Scott Stimson. He said he will never understand, why, when the town severe leg Injuries. Greene. Lisa Marie Hetu, Phaprasith Sundara. San- officials knew that account was $33,000 short last year, Also Injured in the single-car acci­ Catherine Jalbert, Kathleen tisouk Sundara. Phat Tran. Andover Johansen, Kristine Karlson, Christine Valerio. Darlene dent was John Hansen, 16, of the and with the information it had concerning rising costs, Michael Kreuzer, Laura Williams. that it insisted on underfunding this budget. But he same address. Hansen is reported in Coventry agreed that no one couid foresee what has happened to satisfactory condition with head, eye prices in the last month or two. and leg injuries. A third youth, 20- year-old Douglas Guertin, of the Group plans dance same address, was also in the vehicle FINAL WINTER Boilers too small but was not admitted to the hospital, ANDOVER — The Hop River Homes Housing Com­ officials said. mittee is sponsoring a dance on March 7 in order to raise to heat building The accident occurred as Guertin Town records hike funds for the senior citizens housing community on ...was traveling north along Windsor Riverside Drive. CLEARANCE SALES VERNON — The Memorial Building needs a third ; Avenue, when police said his car The dance will be held at the Italian-American boiler a consultant for Honeywell has told town officials • struck a tree and burst Into flames. in tax list figures Friendship Club on Kingsbury Avenue in Tolland from 9 and he recommends that the town seek the assistance of a : Vernon firefighters responded to the p.m. to 1 a.m., featuring an open bar and music by the professional engineer. COVENTRY - The 1980 Grand property dropped $78,75u from $1,- ; crash, police said. List increased $420,380 over last Freedom Band. ”A report shouid be sought with recommendations 537,565. Pants 8®®oig.oie« ; In a separate single-car accident, a year’s list raising the total to over 50 Tickets are $15 and are available from Betty suggested to correct the problem and not just treat the & sed on the mill rate of 68.5, the ■ passenger In a car which struck a million. list will raise more in taxes. MacDonald and Wayne Besaw. symptoms,” Richard H. Tardif, senior service sales con­ ■ utility pole on Grove Street, near the sultant for Honeywell, said. The net total of the 1980 Grand List According to Assessor Gerald T ops 10®® Orig to 28" intersection with Hale Street, was Is $50,210,620 with the areas real es­ Lavoie, the over all percentage in­ Tardif and Robert Slyne of the Honeywell service hospitalized shortly after midnight. department, checked the building and said they saw tate and motor vehicles showing In­ crease In the 1980 Grand List is Police said 21-year-old Elizabeth creases while personal property saw many areas reiated to the building’s temperature control slightly less than one percent. Lathrop, of Center Street, was taken a decrease In revenue. OOPS Dresses 11®® Orig to 32«> system which are in need of repair or revision of .to Rockville General Hospital where maintenance. Real estate rose $279,560 to a total "she Is reported In satisfactory condi­ of $40,906,685; motor vehicles rose They said that the general description of the way in Scout birthday THE YELLOW PAGES FORGOT US— tion with head Injuries sustained in $219,570 to $7,845,120. Personal which the existing heating system responds to extremely the 12:55 a.m. crash. COVENTRY - Pack 57 of the Cub WE DON’T WANT YOU TO FORGET cold temperatures would suggest that the two boilers ser­ The driver of the vehicle, 21-year- Dog damages Scouts will be celebrating the scout .One ving these areas might not have enough capacity to do the .“'old Donna Blbeault, of 28 Lake St., birthday month with the annual blue US. FOR THE VERY BEST IN PEST job. ;7was treated and released from the COVENTRY — Town Manager and gold dinner to be held at Saint CONTROL- The said boiiers involved appeared to have been severe­ J hospital following the accident which Frank Connolly has suggested that Mary’s CTmrch hall, Feb. 27 from 7-9 ly stressed and appeared to be much older than their five Serving The Greater Manchester Area For 100 Vaara reportedly occurred as her car was the Town Council move to ap­ p.m. CALL or six years of operational life. Herald traveling in the eastbound lane of propriate $45 to compensate for per­ Manchester Connecticut’s Local Evening Dally Newapaper. The dinner is a “pot luck" affair They said it s their opinion that corrective measures Grove Street. sonal losses due Dudley Bland as the with each attending family bringing 646-0449 PUT THE HERALD AND ADVERTISER TO WORK FOR YOU TODAY should be taken with respect to the building’s •w result of dog damages. a covered dish and a salad or dessert. temperature control system, but only after some further CALL DISPLAY AOVERTISINQ 64^2711 Smart shopping According to the statutes, the town For further information contact Eastern Chemkaj Service study is made of the heating system, its present integrity Is responsible U> t. owner for any Smart shoppers read the Super- the den leaders or Harold Hodge at and capacity relative to the building’s requirements es­ damages caused by dogs whose market Shopper column Wednesdays 742-7280. Den leaders need to know as Rardvark Termite Control pecially under very cold conditions. owners cannot be located. Mr. Brand 809 Main Street, Manchester > and Saturdays exclusively In The soon as possible the total number of .. Herald. lost chickens due to roaming dogs. families planning to attend. 8 - THE HERALD. Tues.. Feb 17. 1981 ^ • w w r r k r w i m O ! ■ 1 ' th e her a ld , Tucs., Feb. 17, 1981 - 9 SWAl team kills rioter; trees hostage = I Tnlloffp flcrlittvicr anvmrival __ anri wlnnivicr RAIFORD, Fla. (UPI) —- A nine-man The Inmateinmate killed Inin the SWAT team Rasbeity’s wife, the two prisoners — both hostage, the decision was made to go In-' I JL ▼ M ▼ JLM JLfiL SWAT team rushed a prison courtroom assault was Ray Anthony Mitchell, 18,18. serving life terms plus extra years — after the inmates. I early today to free a secretary held whose murder of two elderly couples last demanded their fre^ om . They rejected "An assault team, armed, entered the UNITY, Maine (UPI) - Unity trustees to take over and get the expanding campuses. Now they have hostage more than 10 hours by two in­ year was one of the most notorious crimes their families’ pleas for surrender. Correctional Institution, shot the Inmates, . College, gripped in the vise of college squared away. all this architMture and nobody to mates, killing one of the men and woun­ of Dade County’s crime-plagued year. ‘"They only had one demand and that and freed the hostage.” Five shots w ere- declining enrollment and rising “ This past summer and the early put in it.” ding the other in a barrage of bullets. The second inmate, Jerry Rasberry, 27, was to open the gate, let them out and fur­ fired hy the SWAT team. ^ costa, is fighting to stay alive. Sur­ part of fall, we were in considerable Wilcox is now in the market for Union Correctional Institution officials was taken to the hospital in Gainesville, nish them with a car,” Gray said. Bradford said Mrs. Rimes’ husband.^ prisingly enough, the backwoods danger,” Wilcox said in a recent in­ "uncommon ideas” for fundraising said hostage Terri Rimes, 22, suffered a Ray Gray, district director for the The Duval County Sheriff’s SWAT team Angus, a 26-year-old Bradford County cat­ school is winning. terview with UPI. "But some of the and recruiting students, because, in stah wound in the right shoulder, which Department of Corrections said. from Jacksonville was sent into the prison tle rancher, was at the prison during the ^ The people who run this 15-year-old things we’ve done in the past few his words, “ the tried and true ideas did not appear to be serious. She was Rasherry's condition was not immediate­ courtroom — where the inmates had negotiations. ‘ Z rural school that strives to give months have put Unity on a new that have been getting us through taken to Shands Teaching Hospital at the ly available. moved their hostage — after special Mitchell was serving life plus 40 years^ students a better appreciation of the pathway.” won’t in the next 10 years.” University of Florida in Gainesville for Prison officials said Mitchell and sheriff’s negotiators reported at 1 a.n). for the murders of the four elderly DadoT out-of-doors are committed to its sur­ The estimated deficit has been cut He has establish^ a Board of treatment. Rasberry burst into the office of Assistant "the situation is deteriorating,” Gray County residents, as well as robbery and vival. in half. Outstanding student fees of Visitors, a “ blue-ribbon think tank The storming of the courtroom, located Prison Superintendent Paul Gunning at 3 said. involuntary sexual battery convictions.;; Set on a hill overlooking the small about $100,000 were collected. that will meet at the college to take a in the prison's old administration building, p.m. Monday and took two secretaries " ’The negotiators said the inmates were He was also serving 70 years on grand; town of Unity and Lake Winnecook, ’The budget was cut from $1.9 look at where we Are and what we ended a drama that began Monday after­ hostage — one of whom, Dehhie Wright, maklpg threats of hodlly harm agaliist the theft and burglary charges. ~ the group of brick-red buildings that million to $1.7 million The board of can do to insure the survival of small noon when the two inmates, armed with 26, was immediately rescued by officials woman,” prisons spokesman Vernon Rasberry was serving life plus 20 yeara^ makes up Unity College is far from trustees pledged to raise $300,000 by private colleges in the ‘80s.” handmade knives, seized two women who plunged in from an adjoining office. Bradford said. ‘ "They didn’t feel they for aggravated assault and robbery in ' imposing. ’The newest addition is the May commencement. He goes on the road himself, secretaries hostage and demanded a During telephone negotiations that in­ were making any progress. Based on this Pinellas County, library, a handsome wooden and ’liie entire admissions staff was appealing to corporations and foun­ getaway car. cluded the mothers of both inmates and information and in fear for the life of the glass structure in the modem mode, replaced and the college has dations for help. Some of that effort a far cry from the rambling dining launched a recruiting drive bolder has already paid off, with an es­ hall known as the "Chicken Coop.” than any in the past. timated $70,000 in unrestricted But the group of businessmen who The school announced a new policy grants. Judge near decision on Garwood of swapping students one tuition-free Wilcox, however, is not satisfied helped to establish Unity College in academic credit for each student with short-term results. He’s looking CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. (UPI) - A Garwood's attorneys have also asked Lejeune, for review and then will Garwood should be dishonorably dis-* 1966 succeeded in making it a placid, they recruited for the school, a break ahead to 1983. military judge was near a decision today Switzer to overturn the conviction on the automatically be appealed to the U.S. charged from the Marines, but declined t(C calm place — a shelter from the of $115 per credit. “ The challenge that Unity College on motions asking him to overturn the ground prosecutors made inflaiiunatory Navy Court of Review. give him a prison sentence. “ clamor of the outside world. Local businessmen, townspeople faces is the next two years, in what conviction of Vietnam turncoat Robert R. statements during their summation, or to The 34-year-old Marine private was con­ Garwood’s attorneys have said the case* Its students come mostly from out and alumni who had never bothered we can do to really become com­ Garwood. rule that the jury erred by rejecting the victed Feb. 5 of collaboration with the could end up in the U.S. Supreme Ctourt oih of state, from , Delaware, to contribute before pitched in to petitive,” he said. “ I think we’ll A chief issue scheduled for today's defense's elatwrate insanity case. enemy in Vietnam. Garwood was also con­ the issue of selective prosecution. ThejC Pennsylvania and Florida. help. ’The tiny town of 1,200 residents, make it.” hearing was a motion for mistrial on Switzer was expected to rule on the victed of striking an American POW In an contend more serious charges werd^ One .man - who began school this the kind of place where people wave ground of judicial misconduct. Defense at­ motions today. incident triggered by the killing of a camp dropped against other soldiers whc^ month is nearly 45 years old. He got at one another in cars as they pass, torneys contend Col. R.E Switzer made If Switzer refuses to overturn the con­ cat for food. returned during the mass repatriation o^ fed up with his job in electronics at a came up with $9,000. Escapee prejudicial statements to the press during viction, the case goes to Maj. (Sen. David The same jury of five Marine oficers Vietnam POWs in 1973. ‘ Boston-area firm, packed up his "Practically my first day as presi­ the trial. that convicted him ruled last Friday that family and enrolled at Unity to leam how to work in the outdoors. dent, one of the first phone calls I got Unity’s struggle is not over — but was from the mother of one of the surrenders HARTFORD (UPI) - Prison in­ at least now it has a fighting chance. students,” Wilcox said. "She said mate Anthony Cicero, 24, has sur­ Last summer the situation was ‘What’s going on up there? I unders­ rendered to state police after an es­ bleak. tand you’re going bankrupt. What’s i^uis V. WIicox Jr. sits in his smail office at local businessmen and townspeople, pop­ cape from St. Francis Hospital and ’The fall 1980 freshmen class was going to happen to our daughter?” ’ Gerald P. Rothman, partner of Mnlty Coliege In Unity, Maine, talking with a ulation 1,200, caring enough to raise some Medical Center, where he was being only 110 students, the smallest in five “ Well I gave her my best pitch, and reporter about the college’s financial $9,000 on their own. Not much when the treated for a stab wound. “Manchester HeraM Frechette, Martin & Rothman, Inc. years. Unity had been attracting before she hung up, she was asking S' Cicero’s parents brought him to the problems. Wilcox, recently appointed to college’s operating costs are close to $2 freshman classes of 180 or more. what she could do to help,” he said, Hartford state police barracks about Realtors, Better Homes & Gardens, Head up this small central Maine college, million a year, but every little bit Is helping, ’The budget, nearly |2 million for smiling. 8:45 a.m. Monday and he was the last Uvee years, had registered To credit one man with the tur­ fiays he has found that people do care with says Wilcox. (UPI photo) charged with escape. believes the Manchester Evening deficits each of those years. A $500,- naround would not be fair, but Wilcox He was held at the Hartford -i Y advertising has 000 mortgage was borrowed against does deserve a lion’s share. Herald is very important to his Correctional Center Monday night on the college in 1977. " I ’m convinced it’s not the small, $50,000 bond for an appearance in ^outh arrested in killing The estimated deficit for the private colleges that are in trouble— business and the community. “We Hartford Superior Court. Harold A. "Laddie” Holt, afflicted by current fiscal year was $352,000. they have no choice, either stay in or WOODBURY (UPI) - State police Trooper John McLeod said the viceman at about,^:30 p.m. Monday. Cicero; who was serving time at cerebral palsy, cannot walk or talk. He can­ Unity’s president, Ralph W. Co- go out of business,” Wilcox said. get best results for our local sw a Waterbury teen-ager has been shooting appeared to have resulted Her 10-year-oId son, John, also was the state’s maximum security prison hroiight EXGELLOfT “ It’s the big universities that are in nant, resigned in late October, saying not use his arms or hands. From the out­ cSirged with the murder df his from “ an attempt to reconcile a wounded, McLeod said. in Somers on burglary and sexual market in our hometown the college needed a "new kind of trouble. side, he is a man confined to a wheelchair. fdTmer girlfriend’s mother and kid- relationship between the accused and The wounded youth was taken to assault charges, escaped from the leadership” with emphasis on large- "It came out of World War II, when Inside, he is a man who writes poems by nmping of a witness. the deceased’s daughter.” Waterbury Hospital with serious in­ hospital about 11:20 p.m. Sunday, newspaper! That’s why we scale fundraising. everyone unaccountably went to bed typewriter with the aid of a metal shaft at­ Mark Lamihaute, 19, was also Lamihaute was to be arraigned juries, McLeod said. state police said. Louis V. Wilcox Jr., vice president after the war,” he grinned. "When RESiiLTS FOR MANY advertise in the Evening Herald.’ charged Monday with first-degree today In Waterbury Superior Court. McLeod said the kidnapping charge He was under treatment for stab tached to a shoe. (UPI photo) for development and former head of those kids came of age, and that’s abau lt in the shooting at the Mrs. Sugrue was found lying on the stemmed from the abduction of a wounds he suffered Friday at the the environmental sciences depart­ already happened, state legislatures Call Mr. Rothman a t' V^stwood Road home of Mary kitchen floor of the two-story, wood- witness to the shootings, whose iden­ prison. Cicero, a Windsor resident, is ment, was appointed by the board of kept throwing up buildings and Paraplegic YEARS.” 646-4144 and * Sggrue, 44, state police said. frame house by a propane gas ser­ tity was being withheld. serving a lO-to-20 year sentence. he’ll tell you more An incredible new boiler is being marketed by changes image Death threats boost security one of our nation’s largest manufacturers. least one person and other fires were -LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPI) later in the day. engaging in a homosexual maybe two who set those deliberately set in three act with a man known only Philip Bruce Cline, held Gine, meanwhile, was other fires,” said one arson other locations. through poetr)^ il&der top security today under special security at as "J o e .” Cline said a Cuts your lieating bills A team of eight arson in­ ’•^,$100 bills. quirk of the Soviet way of things, ' Excerpts from the section on Stu­ freshman member of Congress to Street onto' Harrison Street. The string of cities and towns where the “ I hope not just for money. If Julie Kosterlitz was told, is not fun­ poses — which was true. and Harrison streets, we would like -.r The New York Federal Reserve they had a chance to. Other Russians dent Discipline: win a seat on the Interior Com­ reason trucks have to use HoU Street emigres have come. everything OK to get an education reports it is distributing more of do not. But Jew s — the only ethnic- —’’You have the right as a parent mittee, sought the position because 7 R eiser, who characterized the to point out thoughts that we have damentally different from those that at the present time, is because cars Some of their speech may betray for her (the dark-haired, still preoc­ coalition as "wilted flower had on this issue. '""th em to banks Involved in national religious element in the Soviet Union in any of the states listed...to take of the committee’s jurisdiction over can be bought at an electronics supp­ are parked on Harrison, making it that they have not yet fully mastered cupied Olga). My biggest hope is that ” 'and international commerce, but for<^ to have their origin stamped legal action against a school official nuclear power. All of Connecticut's ly store for anywhere between 25 and children,” suggested the undercover The neighborhood group opposing English. To quote them in this report maybe in this year in 1981 we’ll be all impossible to use Harrison Street as on their identity cards — are allowed if your child has been disciplined, nuclear plants are located in the Se­ Thoughts operation, which later was dropped. this purchase has stated that doesn’t know where they go. as they speak is not meant to together, my brother and the family 50 cents. an exit. with ’excessive or unreasonable’ trucking traffic is a problem; they Other possible factors suggested to trickle out. denigrate them, but rather to in­ cond Congressional district. Unfortunately for the taxpayers, Bob Majewskl of my wife, that’s my hope. include legalization of gambling in They often do it through lying. The physical force. (All states and Gejdenson will sit on the Energy have suggested that we expand IS Lyness Street, dicate the extraordinary struggles of “ Not for millionaire or banker, the Marines couldn’t just send a several states, increased travel and Soviets know they are lying and the DODDS.) and Environment, Oversight and elsewhere. Manchester a new people In an alien land. that’s my hope. supply sergeant out with some loose A small child was asked to quote the fact that since 1944 $1(X) bills are Jews know the Soviets know they are —’’You have the right to appeal an Investigations and Public Lands and c-veryuimg God has provided for This is a contradiction in that if we Dan Platz Abram Golub is a courtly, burly, “We hope that we’ve found a home. change to buy a diode at the Radio the largest denomination printed by lying. The lie is that they are all administrator' decision to place your National Parks subcommittee of the the first verse of the Twenty-third man is made available to us through are to expand elsewhere, this would 701 Hartford Road, 42-year-old research engineer super­ We hope. That’s our hope — our Shack in Havelock, N.C. They had to 3hf the government although there still going to Israel. :hild in a class fqr students labeled Interior Committee. Psalm. She said, "The Lord is my create more tmek traffic to and from Manchester visor from the Ukraine. He waited biggest home, a second home, a Jesus. He Is made unto us wisdom, Why the Soviets swallow the lie and ‘disruptive’ or ’troublemakers’.’’ “There are two major questions go through proper procurement shepherd, He^s all I want." are some old $500, $1,000 and $10,000 8Vk months before getting the papers home.” righteousness, sanctification, and 'Serving The Greater Manchester let the Jews go is a mystery. Why the (All states and DODDS, except facing my subcommittees — how to channels. bills around. to leave Russia with his wife, Golub’s father, Joseph, 73, has a The child misquoted the verse, yet redemption. He is our peace. He Area For 100 Yeon Russians opened the gates to Jews California, District of Columbia, dispose of the waste from reactors What this meant was that the Charles J . Haulk, an economist daughter and parents. better command of English and is what a wealth of meaning she un­ provides for us our daily bread. He around 1971 is a mystery. Georgia, Kentucky, Montana, like Millstone and Connecticut Marines had to put in their order for Founded Oct. 1, 1881 Good citizen with the Federal Rieserve Bank of They came to Chicago a year ago more succinct. folded in giving her version of the forgives us when we sin; He heals us Why the gates appear to be closing Nebraska, North Dakota, and Yankee and what kind of develop­ the little tube with the government's Atlanta, believes that all these possl- last December. Golub had a "The Jew in Russia is looked upon psalm. If only we could understand To the editor; to do this, then I can’t see why a ;; ble reasons put together do not en- how is a frightening mystery to Jews Washington.) ment, particularly energy explora­ procurement agency — the Defense when we are sick. When we are in smattering of English — his father as second rate or a second grade the full significance of God’s gift of Published by the I am a Manchester resident, and tlrely explain the large increase in in America. Excerpts from the section on Stu­ tion, should be allowed on M era l distress, He delivers us; when we are Manchester Publishing Co. proposed office building is so un­ was an English teacher — and exten­ citizen,” he said. “That is the main Electronics Supply Center in Dayton, being within walking distance of reasonable. $100 blUs. The Soviet Jews are perhaps the dent Instruction: lands,” Gejdenson said. His Son to the world, we would in despair, He comforts us. Surely, as Herald Square sive engineering knowledge. reason to leave. The second purpose Ohio. Hopefully, the agency would Multi-Circuits, I would like to most rapidly assimilated of any im­ —“You have the right as a parent “Nuclear wastes are the most realize the Christian receives all we count our many blessings and Manchester, Conn. 08040 Multi-Circuits has proven to the " I think It has to do with large tran- For six months he was out of a job is to see the world, not only like have the item in stock; but it didn’t. express my opinion on the m attw of migrant group of the many coming to in any of the states listed to see in­ hazardous of all the hazardous things in Christ. This is the reason benefits, we too can say, “The Lord Telephone (203) 843-2711 town it is trying to help, not hurt. sactlons that people do not want and the memory still rankles. In Idlers but to see the world. You can't the propo^ expansion. the United States. There are no structional materials used in wastes American industry creates In compliance with federal Jesus told the Samaritan woman M onlxf: United PraM Internallonil They have sponsored many events „„ traced,” he said. Russia, he indicated, men such as he see it from the Soviet Union. is my shepherd, and He is all I I have looked at the town garage research programs funded by the regulations, the Marines’ order had CuMomir Swvloe — S47-BS4S for the town and is also a very clean H$ulk is one of a small number of detention camps for them, as there 'are always needed. But Golub and nobody, no matter how they feel whom He met at Jacob’s well if only want.” “Thanks be unto God for his Department of Education and to be filled by competitive bids. The and I believe it needs to be place compared to many industries. .. economists who have been arguing have been for Cubans, Vietnamese became one of the luckier of the new about nuclear power, wants them she knew the gift of God and who it unspeakable gift.” (2 Corinthians Raymond F. RotHnaon. Editor-Publlahar renovated, and redone. I have seen only response was from K Elec­ The expansion of M ultl-arcults is for (or several years that there exists in and others. em igres— he landed a position with a National Science Foundation.” (All buried in their backyard.” Gejdenson was that spoke to her, she would have Stavan Many. Eiacutlva Editor 9*15) the office building of Multi-Circuits the town, not against. the nation an "underground Rather, the Soviet Jews are DO IT DAILY - PLAY BETTER states except DODDS.) said. Gejdenson opposes further con­ tronics, a company handily situated Pastor Kenneth Gustafson Frank A. Burbank. Managing Editor ^Chicago area firm which, he said, is asked of Him and He would have Harold E. Turkington. Editor Emarltua on Hartford Road and I believe the Thank you, economy,” which Is not only much plopped into the American BRIDGE by reading Oswald Jacoby —“You have the right to have your struction of nuclear plants but backs in Dayton. Calvary Church, roughly the same as that which he given her living water. (John 4:10) garage can be converted to a very Fred R. LeRoy larger but growing much faster than mainstream and told to swim. The held in the Soviet Union. and Alan Sontag’s column in The handicapped child placed in an ‘ap­ the completion of pdrtially com­ Manchester nice building. If the town is unwilling Manchester resident generally appreciated. American Jewish communities Now, all of the Golubs live in a Herald. propriate public school program.’ pleted plants like Millstone III. 12 - THE HERALD. Tuw,. Feb. 17. IWl THE HERALD. Tues.. Feb. 17. 1961 — 13

Referring to considered changes in the When .contacted this morning, William .500 records "rovidence Manchester's Democratic Director Bar­ E31en Freudenthal, Instructor for the amount of time aiiotted the various sub­ Stevenson, Multi-Circuits representative, bara Weinberg adamantly and humorous­ electricity workshop at the Luts tvUl insure springs big jects in Manchester's elementary schools, spoke to the firm’s request for informa­ ly denies rumors she is moving to Atlanta, Children’s Museum, explained to her playoff spot conference Page 16 Dr. J. Gerald Fitzgibbon, assistant tion on Manchester’s Interest in its Ga. "A r ^ o u trying to get rid of m e?” she young audience during part of an experi­ rage 15 Towntalk superintendent for curriculum, reminded, proposed acquisition of the Park Depart­ npset asked. “ There's nothing in the wind about ment the "gases get all excited and “ There's a loser for every winner.” moving.” ment garage. "W e need to know it if the rage 14 tickled.” So did the audience over her town is Interested in working with us,” ekptenation. said Stevenson.

By LEN AUSTER on line half-century record of 14 straight last Little^solar train (teach Joe Whelton, comes in with a Blast Catholic, which finished as overaU, visits 1-14,1-16 Bolton High. AFL-CIO changing Herald Sporttwriler . Friday by whipping Fermi, 7MI. Elsewhere, M3,2-14 East Hartford 2-14 league- mark and 2-16 overall runner-up in the regular season in the Cheney took the first meeting, 68^ , Records are made to be broken. ’That brou^t them to 15-1 in the CCTL High is at 14-2, 15-2 Simsbury in a docket. Manchester took the first Hartford (teunty (tenference (HCC) but the Bulldogs have show ^ im­ That’s the time-worn axiom. and 15-1 overall. meeting, 48-32. CGL tilt, 1-10,3-14 Glastonbury High at 7-3, begins this evening its stretch proved play in their last few outings highlights fair its political image One mark has already fallen in the A Manchester victory would not visite 1-10, M 4 Newington High in a Manchester will be without the ser­ of three non-conference encounters. while the Techmen have dropp^ course of the 1980-81 basketball only establish a new win skein mark battle for sixth place in the CVC; 7-4 vices of 6-foot-l junior guard Joe The Eagles, 9-7 overall, host 6-10 three in a row. specializes in stuffed animals of season. And another appears on the but also clinch at least a tie for the 9-9 South Windsor High is at 4-7, 6-li NEW YORK (UPi) - If you think BAL HARBOUR, Fla. (UPI) - over economic issues, Barkin was Maher, second leading scorer, who Prince Tech in what could be a Penney High, 11-5 in the CCIL and beasts found in such rare numbers way out as Manchester High will lea'gue championship. ’The Indians Windsor High in another CVC your children have every toy im­ The political shape and savvy of the presiding over a session of the Com­ suffered a sprained ankle in the se­ struggle. 11-6 overall, hosts 11-4,11-6 Windham they're all on the endangered species attempt tonight to wipe out the 43- hold a one-game lead over Simsbury. engagement. aginable and you don’t know what A F L ^ O is chaniging. mittee on PoUtical Elducation, the cond quarter against Fermi. Early Blast will have to control he tempo High in Blast Hartford in what shapes list. It even offers stuffed facsimiles year old consecutive ute streak stan­ Manchester finishes out Its league iSvo Charter Oak CorJerence tests you could possibly get them for next Republicans such as Senate federation’s polltial arm, and sur­ prognosis is he'll be out Iwo weeks, against the Falcons, who prefer a up as a battle for third place in the of topical penguins. Ever heard of a dard against Wethersfield High at slate Friday night on the road In pit 7-7, 9-7 Rham High at home Christmas, no n e^ to despair. Majority Leader Howard Baker and prised few in the room by announcing reports Tribe (teach Doug Pearson. fast pace. CCIL. A Black Knight victory would tropical penguin? Garke Arena at 8 o’clock. Willimantic against Windham High. against 13-2,13-4 Cromwell High; and Toy manufacturers are always presidential trade representative his retirement at the end of 1961. That would make Maher available Also on the calendar, slumping catapault them over the Whippeto ’The Silk Towners tied the^ near Wethersfield, under second-year M , 11-6 Coventry High at home ver­ coming up with new — sometimes For the doll collector. House of William Brock are beinig courted. According to sources, Barkin for state tournament play. Cheney Tech, 5-9 in the (XXI and 5-11 into the third slot by a half-game. Nisbet, a British company, features sus 1-14, 1-16 Vinal Tech. quite unbelievable — products. Just The 13.6 million-member labor railed against "kooks and com ­ costumed dolls of famous characters take a walk through the annual fair of federation plans to increase its in­ munists” and said the labor move­ throughout history. There’s a Henry the Toy Manufacturers of America, fluence in the Democratic Party ment should tighten its program and VIII doll, a Teddy Roosevelt doll and, running this week in . heirarchy and even try to swing 19M reject an effort for a broad coalition yes, even a Roald Reagan model, You can find a $4,000 solar-power^ presidential primaries. to reassert liberal goals in the Herdd Louisville ready to make run dressed in a miniature version of the model train built into a leather at­ And even Alexander BarklA, the Democratic Party. tache case. tuxedo he wore at his Inauguration. NEW YORK (UPI) -— Louisville.Louisville, gruff, 71-year-old political operative Barkin’s comments came shortly dragged through the mud earlier this For the more tradition-minded, an But alas, there's no Jimmy Carter of the late George Meany, is on his after California Gov. Edmund Brown season, is ready to make its run at English firm, Relko, is offering old- doll. way out. received an enthusiastic reception By the crown. fashioned rocking horses — made out “ We're a costume doll manufac­ All-time win Baker appeared before the AFL- and called for just such a coalition. “ We’re right on schedule,” said of mahogany. One model costs $4,000. turer and Jimmy just didn’t dress up Earl (n o Executive Council at its opening Vest forward Derek Smith. “ We can go all' “ it’s more of an investment,” says well enough,” says Jack Wilson, mark on line session Monday, a rare occurrence the way but a lot of it is going to de­ company representative, T. Orland- company co-chairman. for a Republican, and expressed a Spoils Editor If you don't find any of the above pend on luck. I think we can win it Reep. “ You can have fun with it and cooperative tone from his position as No meningitis here tonight interesting, there’s always the solar- all.” it’s sure to appreciate in value.” leader of Senate forces t ^ t p r ^ b ly Or for the child who thinks rocking powered attache case model train set The Cardinals, who blasted will stand in the way of pro-labor at ^hospitals Memphis State 95-65 Monday night to up and down is just too old fashioned, manufactured by Marklin Inc., with legislation. win their third straight Metro there’s a motorized rocking horse. its U.S. offices in Milwaukee. “ There was no hostility* what­ No cases of meningitis have been Much interest will be focused on choice seats at Madison Square (tenference title, opened the season It's mounted on wheels, battery The $4,000 model is equipped with soever,” Baker said. “ I think they reported at either Manchester the Clarke Arena tonight when Garden...These figures help account like a drunk stumbling in the gutter. powered and moves in forward and 14 solar cells, so when you open the realize Ronald Reagan is president. Memorial Hospital or Rockville Manchester High hosts Wethersfield for the declining attenance in the reverse. You can even steer it by case, sunlight hitting the cells will They dropped five of their first six He is going to be president for four General Hospital, spokesmen tor tne H l^ in a (XXL basketball engage­ NBA, the teams reporting 500,000 pulling its reins. Retail price — $1,- power the tiny train round-and-round games — the worst start ever for a years.” hospitals said today. ment. fewer spectatork to date than a year 400. a miniature track. But why wouto defending NCAa champ — and were While hostility toward the Reagan State Health officials have the main point of interest will be ago. Fourteen of the pro hoop entries For children who have their rooms anyone want such a toy? a team in disarray and disgrace. But administration has not surfaced, expressed concern over the increase the possibility of Coach Doug Pear­ report crowds off compared to a year filled with stuffed animals of ail “ It's easily transportable so Fred Gates exhibits a soiar-powered mbdei train buiit into a the Cardinals, with some key AFL-CIO President Lane Kirkland of meningitis cases in Connecticut son’s charges coming out on top and ago. Boston is running ahead of 1979- types. Endangered Wildlife Inc. of fathers and sons can take it alterations in their lineup, have won ieather attache case at the annual fair Of the Toy Manufac­ hinted a fight may ensue. since the beginning of the year. Thir­ if so it will be the 15th consecutive 80 the statistics show... Average New York, is sure to have a. new anywhere and play together,” said nine straight and 13-of-14. They are turers of America in New York City, Monday. The train is The federation’s own economic ty cases and eight deaths have been triumph, a school record. salary in the NBA is nearly $200,000, species to add to their collection. It Marklin representative Philip Lynch. 15-8 overall and 9-1 in the Metro. priced at $4,000. (UPI photo) policy is a retread of its old stance on reported, 25 per cent more than for The Red and White charges tied another reason ticket jirices are up “ It means a lot to the team issues such as oil and gas price the same period last year. that standard last Friday night by and another reason why Joe Fan because it’s the first conference decontrol, interest rates a ^ jobs. Health officials are suggesting that whipping Fermi High of Enfield. can’t take in as many games as he championship we’ve won without Kirkland said if labor is not happy persons seek medical attention if It was 43 years ago that might like with money a little Darrell Griffith,” Smith said. with Reagan’s economic message to they have the following combination Manchester High, en route to a Mple tighter.,.Television ratings for NBA At Freedom Hall in Louisville Congress Wednesday night, he i ^ h t of symptoms: high fever, severe championship season, notched 14 games have dropped...Of the 15 Monday, the Cardinals were revive a coalition of some 150 en­ headache, marked drowsiness, con­ strai^t wins in a campaign that leading point-toakers in the NBA, 14 devastating. vironmental, labor and social fusion, stiff neck and back, a rash or produced 22 victories in 24 games. are black as are 73 percent of the Behind 22 points by Poncho Wright organizations that fou ^ t budget­ seizures. Looking back to that grand season players on the 23 rosters..(telvin (10-of-ll from the floor), 17 by Gerry balancing efforts by President 43 years ago, it was a laiiky Eld Kose Murphy, the former Norwalk High Danny Lee Shadwick She is survived by two sons, London and several nieces and Eaves and 14 by Smith, Louisville Stella Lepak Carter a year ago. who was the bellcow of (teach Will star, now in his 11th NBA season, will Michael J. Cara of Fitchburg and nephews. Grange No. 31 bolted by Memphis State. EAST HARTFORD - Danny Lee HARTFORD — Stella (Jaslowski) “ Unless I’m extraordinarily sur­ Clarke’s crew that featured two become a free agent at the end of the Alex N. Cara of Vernon; two Private funeral services will be Memphis State took a 14-5 lead but Shadwick, 16, of 12 Hanmer St., died Lepak, 75, widow of Peter Lepak, prised by elements of the Wednesday MANCHESTER - The platoons. brothers, Natale DiBenedetti and Thursday at the Glastonbury Funeral current campaign. The 5-10 that was of little consequence. The Saturday when his throat was cut -died Sunday at Hartford Hospital. message, I would expect that we Manchester Grange No. 31 will meet One five, the starters, consisted of backcourter is still a double figure Italo DiBenedetti of Long Island, Home, 450 New London Turnpike. Cardinals committed no turnovers en with a broken bottle during an She is survived by a son, Henry would call upon that group to plan a Wednesday at 8 p.m. at 205 Olcott St. Kose, Bill Schieldge, Ike (tele, Roger scorer with the Houston Rockets N.Y.; a sister, Mrs. Emma Feed of Burial will be in Union Cemetery, route to a 46-36 halftime lead. In the assault. Lepak of Farmington; a daughter, common strategy In preserving the All members are urged to attend as Taggart and Jimmy Murphy, the even in a reserve role. Landsdaie, Pa.; eight grandchildren Montville. Friends may call at the second half, with their running game Bom in Dallas, Texas, he had lived Tillie Lepak of East Hartford; a lifeblood of those programs that we very important business will be dis­ "shock troops” , or second unit, and three great-grandchildren. funeral home Wednesday from 7 to 9 and rebounding in high gear, they in East Hartford for the last nine brother, John Jaslowski of think are essential,” Kirkland said. cussed. "The Month of Birthdays” numbered R ^ Gavello, Ted Brown, years. He was a junior at East Hart­ Funeral services will be p.m. Memorial donations may be End of the line moved ahead by 41 points with 3:49 Manchester; two sisters, Helen Lit­ ’The federation policy called for will be the theme of the lecture John Winzler, Johnny Greene and Er­ remaining. ford High School and was employed Wednesday at 10 a.m. at Sacred made to the Gomwell Volunteer Am­ tle of Glastonbury and Edna Danun Figure Filbert Department: Dave credit controls, a reindustrialization program. Members are reminded to nie Squatrito. “ This victory keeps our momen­ at the Showcase Cinemas of Blast Heart Church in Fitchburg with bulance Association, Cromwell. Winfield of the New York Yankees of Hartford; and four grandchildren. program based on investments from bring Items for the auction table. tum going,” Eaves said. “We Hartford. burial in St. Bernard's Cemetery, Funeral services will be There was little'difference in abili­ will make $9,259 for every scheduled Barbara Ann Lukeman the private and public sectors and a The C.W.A. is still collecting old clinched the Metro; now we’re He leaves his mother, Sylvia Fitchburg. Friends may call at the ty between the two fives and (Xarke game this season and he’ll draw ELLINGTON Barbara Ann Wednesday at 9:45 a.m. from Maple refundable tax credit equal to 20 per­ eyeglasses and used-hearing aides. rolling.” (Nordstrom) Shadwick of Ehist Hart­ John F. Tierney Funeral Home, 219 Hill Chapels, 380 Maple Ave., with a 'They are also collecting groceries for cleverly maneuvered the squad in down $1,028 for every winning he (Mills) Lukeman, 49, of 75 Pinnacle cent of a worker’s Social Security tax In the Top 20, No. 2 Virginia em­ ford; a brother, Clem T. Shadwick of W. Center St., Manchester, t^ a y mass of Christian burial at 10:30 a.m< getting maximum production. The plays (or sits). His contract, said to Road, died Sunday at Rockville and 5 percent of an employer’s tax. needy families in town. Mrs. ’Thelma barrassed Georgia Tech 83-42; No. 11 East Hartford: two sisters, Deborah from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. at Ss. Cyril & Methodius Church. record the greatest in school history be $1.5 million, will cause a lot of General Hospital. While Kirkland and the 35-member Greenleaf is in charge of Notre Dame edged Fairfield 57-55; Ann Sjiadwick and Sammie E. Burial will be in Mount St. Benedict refreshments. which included tiUes in the COL, problems before the first pitch is Bora in Thompsonville, she had Executive Council were laboring No. 15 Wichita State lost to Tulsa 74- Shadwick, both of East Hartford; Frank W. Woodworth State and New England Tour­ thrown in April...The average major lived in Ellington for several years. Cemetery. Friends may call at the 72 in double overtime. and uncle and an aunt, Mr. and Mrs. GLASTONBURY - Frank W. funeral home today from 2 to 4 and 7 naments. league baseball salary is escalating ■ 7 % She is survived by her husband, At Charlottesville Va., Jeff Lamp Curtis Nordstrom of Riverside, R.I. Woodworth Jr., 71, of 181 Salmon to 9 p.m. to nearly $175,000...In case you didn’t Joseph; two sons, Jody Lukeman of Hero of the New England success scored 19 points and Ralph Sampson Funeral services will be Brook Drive, husband of Doris at Brown University was (tele, his know, tennis ratings for television Wednesday at 11;30 a.m. at the (Daignault) Woodworth, died Sunday Bristol and Shawn Lukeman of Winfred F. Ryan 15 as Virginia threw a straitjacket uwilast secunasecond snoishot turning an apparent are very poor...The— «euRed ooxSox oiiereooffered arnnnri ntmraia :* Callahan Funeral Home, 1602 Main Middlesex Memorial Hospital in Ellington; three brothers, William PROVIDENCE, R.I. - The Rev. around Georgia Tech and ran its Mills and Charles Mills of Enfield, defeat into a 28-28 victory overPaw- •’’Isk a base salary of $325,000 record to 2.3.o*VirI^^ f ™ St. Burial will be in Hillside Middletown. Winfred F. Ryan, O.F.M. 64, a native tucket,tucket. R.I. ^ with $75,000 incentives, plus a 1500$500,- - “ and Donald Mills of Randolph, Vt.; in a row over two seasons, is assured Cemetery. Friends may call at the Bom in New London, he had lived of Rockville, died Sunday in 000 bonus for signing to be spread two sisters, Mrs. Kenneth (Arlene) of at least a tie for the ACC title. The funeral home today from 2 to 4 and 7 in Eas^Hartford before moving to Providence. A Manchester win tonight would over 10 years after he retires but the Cave of Fairfield, and Mrs. Alfred Yellow Jackets are to the con­ to 9 p.m. Glastonbury in 1974. He was a Navy He was the son o f the late James also assure the Indians of at least a veteran Boston catcher wants 0-12 (Marilyn) Lazzari of Wethersfield. tie for the CGL crown. ference. veteran of World War II. He was a and Frances (McNeraey) Ryan. He more...It will be a combination (Jor- Angeline Caravella Funeral services will be At South Bend, Ind., Notre Dame member of Lone Star Square Club of was a graduate of Buckeley High die Howe Night and Family Night VERNON — Angeline DiBenedetti Wednesday at 11 a.m. at the Burke- escaped a near-humiliating defeat as East Hartford and the Manchester School and entered the Franciscan Short dribbles tomorrow at the Hartford Civic Fortin Funeral Home, 76 Prospect John Paxson scored 17 points. Fair- Caravella, 73, of 25 Hartl Drive, Square Dance Gub. Order and was ordained a priest in Center when Howe’s jersey will be formerly of Fitchburg, ^ s s ., widow St., Rockville. Burial will be at the Most expensive seat in the field, 11-11, led 33-32 at halftime and He was supervisor in the Data June 1947. For the past 13 years, he retired before the Whalers entertain Notre Dame's Tim Andree(top) and Pete In South Bend, Ind. Irish escaped major up­ of Joseph Caravella, died Monday at convenience of the family. There are National Basketball Association is in trailed by a point with 34 seconds Processing Unit of Pratt & Whitney had served at St. Francis Chapel, Winnipeg...Roger Staubach, former DeBisschop of Fairfield University battle for Rockville General Hospital. no calling hours. Memorial con­ Indiana where the Pacers charge — remaining. set with two-point triumph. (UPI photo) Aircraft before his retirement in downtown Providence. Dallas (tewboy , will basketball during first half action last night She was bom in Pidminte, Italy, tributions may be made to the and get — $25. The Ixis Angeles “ We played very well at North 1974. He is survived by two brothers, speak in Hartford Wednesday night June 6, 1907. She was communicant National Multiple Sclorosis Society, Lakers have a top ticket price of $20 Carolina State Saturday and we’re Besides his wife, he is survived by James Ryan of West Hartford and to the Aetna Life and Casualty Men’s At Wichita, Kan., David Brown hit points and Providence upset Big East 24 as Drake downed New Mexico of Sacred Heart Church, Vernon. Connecticut River Valley Chapter, and the New York Knicks get $14 for getting ready for Virginia next Sun­ a sister, Alice Woodworth of New John Ryan of Ellington. Gub. four free throws in the final 25 co-leader St. John’s 73-57 ... James State 80-69 ... Clarence Tillman’s 21 230 Scarborough St., Hartford. day,” said Notre Dame coach Digger The funeral will be Wednesday at a seconds and made a crucial steal Bozeman tossd in 24 point to help points carried Rutgers past Long Phelps. “ Every team that plays concelebrated mass of Christian with four seconds left in the second Florida State hold off VPI 80-76 ... Island U. 90-72 ... Bradley, winners of Notre Dame gets up for their biggest burial at St. Francis Chapel at 11 overtime to carry Tulsa. WSU, 19-3, Mark Murphy had 18 points and Dud 30 straight at home, dropped game of the year. It’s tough for us to Center to cut spending a.m. Burial will be St. Joseph’s Fairfield scares had a 10-game winning streak Tongal 17 as Fordham beat Wagner Southern Illinois 59-36 for the Salukis get up for every game.” Cemetery, West Roxbury, Mass. snapped. Mike Anderson scored 17 69-52 ... Tennessee-Chattanooga 15th straight loss ... John Smith's 22 HARTFORD (UPI) - The Hart­ Barakat, who is resigning after this poinU for Tulsa and Antoine Carr had trounced VMI90-68 with James Jones would be paid by Hartford property thing that’s happened to Hartford,” Friends may call at the chapel today points sparked St. Joseph’s over ford Civic Center, facing a projected season, knew what he was up against. 25 points for the Shockers. scoring 18 points and Russell Schoene owners through city taxes, he said. he said. “ There certainly is no ques­ from 7 to 9 p.m. Lehigh 74-47 ... Neal Robinson hit for $1.3 million deficit in this year’s “ We emphasize two things — shot 17. The Hartford Whalers hockey team Irish in defeat In other games, Louisiana Tech 33 points and Temple smothered budget, will cut its spending by $466,- tion that there are benefits that ac- Henry J, Robichaud election and role playing,” he said. has not been playing well, the rock broke Lamar’s 10-game winning Wilbert Skipper came off the bench Bucknell 77-59... American remained 000, the Civic Center and Coliseum crue to the city and to the state as EAST HARTFORD - Henry J. “ When you’re outmanned at every music industry is in a slump national­ well.” SOUTH BEND, Ind. (UPI) - tempo and knocked minutes off the streak with a 77-71 victory as Dave for 24 points and George Washington unbeaten in the East Coast Commission has been told. ly, with fewer concerts staged, and Robichaud, 76, of 4 Webster St., died Notre Dame coach Digger Phelps position that’s the way you have to Simmons scored 20 points stopped Navy 84-79 ... Pop Wright clock it would be to our advantage,” approach it.” Conference with an 85-74 decision Frank E. Russo Jr., center the center has lost money on conven­ Junior Women Monday at a local convalescent was thankful for small favors. Barakat said. freshman Otis Thorpe scored 20 scored 28 points and Lewis Lloyd had over Drexel. executive director, told the commis­ home. tions and trade shows, Russo said. MANCHESTER - The “ As poor as we played, we did the "We emphasize two things — shot sion Monday night spending will be Bora in Fall River, Mass, he had These devlopements are expected Manchester Junior Women's Club things at the end that we had to do to selection and role playing. When reduced in such areas as heating and lived in the Hartford area for the last to reduce attendance, leading to less will meet on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. win-«V it,”li .Phelps ; said Monday night jruuyou’re le uuunanneaoutmanned at every position electricity, labor costs and adver­ 50 years. Before his retirement he money from ticket sales and from at the First Federal Savings Bank, after toe Irish claimed a 57-55 victory that’s toe way you have to approach tising and promotion. the important concession sales of was employed by the Webster & over Fairfield. Oregon State No. 1 in West Middle Turnpike. it. We felt that if we could keep Notre Even with the spending reduction, food and beverages. Webster Co. of East Hartford for 34 John Paxson scored 17 points to Following a brief business Dame on defense as long as possible NEW YORK (UPI) - Despite suf­ sixth straight week, received 23 first- Russo said, the center could have a The spending reductions include years. He was a memter of St. help his team escape and Kelly after being upset by Hawaii, No. 8 meeting, Sy Becker, a movie critic- we could get them to be overanxious fering one of its worst shooting per­ place votes for 608 poinU from toe 42 Florida; Hugh Durham, Georgia; $1.2 million deficit because of lower- $ for energy costs, $50,000 for Mary’s Church. Tripucka, fouled with 15 seconds Arizona State, No. 9 Tennessee and 211,000 who appears regularly on Channel 22 on offense.” formances of the season last week, coaches — six from each of seven Denny Crum, Louisville. than-anticipated revenues from rock advertising and promotions and $95,- He is survived by his wife, Annette remaining, hit both shots to put No. 10 Kentucky. TV, will speak. This portion ot tne Earlier Fairfield, which went Oregon State remained undefeated to geographical sections of toe country MIDLANDS— Moe Iba, Nebraska; concerts, hockey games, the circus, (Dube) Robichaud of East Hartford; Notre Dame on top 56-53. 000 for hiring part-time employees to meeting is open to the public. Those more than seven minutes without barely retain its No. 1 college basket­ The second 10 includes No. 11 Norm Stewart, Missouri; Nolan boxing matches and other events. a son, Raymond H. Robichaud of - who comprise UPI’s Board. The operate the box office and concession planning attending should arrive at \ ' The Stag’s Mike Aldridge sprinted scoring during a second-half drought. ball rating in today’s balloting by Notre Dame, No. 12 Iowa, No. 13 Richardson, Tulsa; Ted Owens, Kan­ The Civic Center expects to spend East Hartford; three daughters, Cavaliers, 22-0 and riding toe nation’s stands and to erect and dismantle 8:45 p.m. down toe court after Trip'ucka’s last r e s ^ ^ r w f t o r X a T ^ t 3 ’ UPI’s Board of Coaches. North Carolina, No. 14 Indiana and sas; Bob Ortegel, Drake; Gene $7.4 million in the fiscal year that Mrs. Rite Sliqmons of Newington, longest winning streak at 27 games, vents and conventions. Membership in the club is open to Oregon State, which improved to No. 15 Wichita State, which leaped Smithson, Wichita State ends July 1, he said. The possible Mrs. Patricia Stlelau of Middletown, f t * 66-5S° “v including a 22-footer by AlLdg^with accumulated toe remaining 19 first- Commission members said the women 18 years and older. For more it 56-55. But Bill Varner ended toe 34 seconds left to put toe Stoss within 21-0 after a 57-45 triumph over St. four places after a pair of triumphs. SOUTHWEST - Guy Lewis. deficit of $874,000 to $1.2 million and Mrs. Shirley Ann Stearns of place votes for 606 points. Last week, Civic Center may be showing a information contact Mrs. Betty Gor­ game by hitting l-of-2 foul shots with a point, 54-53 “ John’s last Saturday at Nassau Also, Idaho is rated No 16, followed Houston; Don Haskins, TexasEI South Windsor; two brothers, Albert Oregon State outpolled Virginia 22-14 deficit, but it has helped downtown man at 643-6695. eight s ^ n d s to go to clinch toe The Stags, 11-H, scored six Coliseum, nipped No. 2 Virginia for by No. 17 Arkansas, No. 18 Illinois Paso; Eddie Sutton, Arkansas; Robichaud of Windsor and Earnest match for toe Irish. in firstplace votes and 538522 in total Military whist Hartford, fostering new shops, hotels Rose Chung, 20, ■ student at San Franclfco State University, straight points midway through toe toe top spot by just two points. points. and Brigham Young and Kansas Weldon Drew. New Mexico State; Robichaud of Canada; a sister, Mrs. “ We knew they would go to a ball State, both tied for No. 19. MANCHESTER - A miiitarv '■‘« ‘ auranU that have added to first half to take control. The Beavers, who are No. 1 for toe “ Listen, we came out of a road Bobby Paschal, Southwestern Old Timers Marie Louis Bernier of Montreal, was named Miss Chinatown USA In San Francisco, Calif., control game,” Phelps said. “ They Arkansas, 186, Illinois, 185 and game with a 12-point victory and I’ll Louisiana; Abe Lemons, Texas. whist and « ^ r ty will be held ^ ^ ^ r a ~ i ^ t i n g a Uttle sick MANCHESTER - The West Side Canada, and nine grandchildren. winning over 15 other contestants from throughout the na­ played smart and that’s a credit to Kansas State, 17-5, are the newest take that anytime,” said Oregon MOUNTAINS — Tony McAndrews, Old Timers will conduct its 13th an­ Funeral services will be Thursday tion. As Miss Chinatown USA, Miss Chung receives a $2,500 (Fairfield Coach) Fred (&rakat) members of the Top 20 while UPI college hoop ratings State coach Ralph Miller, whose club Colorado State; Frank Arnold, School c7 e te ?a 7^ i t o I te CMcVnUr S u * S ' s ‘*!f drato*"® nual Ladles Nlte on Saturday, at at 8:15 a.m. at the Callahan Funeral and his club. They were catching us Michigan, Maryland and South scholarship, a round trip to the Orient and other prizes, and shot under 50 percent from toe field Brigham Young; Jerry Tarkanian, party is sponsored by the St. Bridget the taxoavers of the ritv Willie’s Steak House. There will be a Home, 1602 Main St. with a m au of in between a big act. Alabama dropp^ out of the ratings. Home School Association and in- “ L » “ J will reign over San Francisco’s celebration of the Chinese NEW YORK (UPI) - The United 13. N. Carolina (19-6) igo for just toe second time this season Nevada-Las Vegas; Lynn Archibald, ford,” said Robert K. social hour at 6 p.m. followed by Christian burial at 9 a.m. at St. “ We played very well at North Here by sections are toe coaches cludes prizes and refreshments. A Killian, corn- New Year, the year of the Rooster. (UPI photo) ' Press International Board of 14. Indiana (188) 103 in beating St. John’s. “ The only thing Idaho State; Neil McCarthy, Weber mission chairman. dinner at 7. Dancing will be to the Mary's Cemetery. Calling hours are Carolina State Saturday and we’re who comprise toe UPI major college donation of $1 will be asked. (toaches Top 20 college basketball 15. Wichita St. (182) 73 that made me unhappy was that I State; Fred Snowden, Arizona. “ I happen to think this is the best music of the A1 Carlson Orchestra. Wednesday 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. getting ready for Virginia next Sun­ basketball ratings board: ratings (first-place votes and won- 16. Idaho (283) 35 would have liked toe kids to have PAGFIC — Jim Haney, Oregon; The final committee will be held day. Every team that plays Notre lost records in parentheses); EAST — Lou Carnesecca, St. 17. Arkansas (18-6) 05 played t o their ability and we did that Marv Harshman, Washington; Pete Wednesday at 1 p.m. at the British Dame gets up for their biggest game John’s; Tom Young, Rutgers; Jack lAL EXPENSE 1. Oregon St. (23) (21-0 ) 608 18. Illinois (185) 24 only on defense.” Barry, San Francisco; Carroll American Club. Lecture set Thursday of toe jrear. It’s tough for us to get up 2. Virginia (19) (22-0) 606 Kraft, Rhode Island; Bob Weinhauer, Von Deck is stable 19. (tie) Brigham Young (185) 21 DePaul, with two victories last Williams, Santo Clara: Larry Brown, Tickets may be obtained from Nick for every game,” Phelps said. 3. DePaul (22-1) 531 Penn; John Thompson, (Georgetown; MANCHESTER — Dr. Laurence Baker, a behavioral UF| INSURANCE 19. (tie) Kansas St. (17-5) 21 week to run its record to 22-1, UCLA; Tex Winter, Long Beach MANCHESTER - Robert Von Yesterday the status oi nis condi­ Angelo, treasurer. Donation is $13 Barakat said he figured Notre 4. Louisiana St. (23-1) 507 Jim Boeheim, Syracuse. medicine fellow at the University of Connecticut Health *500 to *5000* Note: By agreement with the remained No. 3, followed by No. 4 State. Deck, chairman of the Republican tion was changed from serious to per person. Dame might be on an emotional low 5. Wake Forest (20-2) 424 MIDWEST — Jud Heathcote, (tenter and. the Newington Veterans Administration EVIRYONCACCimD National Association of Basketball Louisiana State, 23-1 after boosting Town Committee, is listed in critical critical by physicians, although he after its win at North Carolina State 6. UCLA (16-4) 315 Michigan State; Bob Nichols, Marcol pleads case Hospital, will speak at the Educational Community, 645 BotwomAg;M4«*S7 Coaches of the United States, teams its winning streak to 22 games with a but stable condition at Manchester remained stable. Von Deck should and would be looking ahead to 7. Utah (21-2) 300 Toledo; Digger Phelps, Notre Dame; Memorial Hospital. Birch Mountain Road, Thursday at 7:30 p.m. on probation by toe NCAA are ineligi­ pair of victories, and No. 5 Wake SHAWANO, Wis. (UPI) - Former have been listed as critical when first NO w 8 i . C A U Virginia. Or, Barakat felt "they’d be 8. Arizona St. (19-3) 270 Ray Meyer, DePaul; Jim Duteber, Von Deck, 50, suffered a heart at­ Dr. Baker, who will speak on "Behavioral Medicine,” ble for Top 20 and national cham­ Forest, 282 and up two spots with Green Bay Packer kicker (Xiester admitted. Write and fivo ot your dote of birth super psyched and looking for a 9. Tennessee (18-4) Minnesota; Hank Raymonds, received his doctorate from the University of Oregon In 266 pionship consideration by the UPI victories over North Carolina and Marcol has pleaded innocent to two tack Thursday. His prognosis is Von Deck, 55 Eva Drive, hqs been Now you know blowout situation.” 10. Kentucky (18-4) -' Marquette. guarded, according to hospital clinical psychology. ^ MSTQN Board of Coaches. The only team on Duke: counts of disorderly conduct. chairman of the town committee, for The average Olympic athlete con­ 4aSrot

THE HERALD. Tueg.. Feb. 17, IIWI — 15

SouthByRv I.RN LEN AtSTERAIISTER Rra/lv'e nlnsAsfWindsor frtanH jl sirls superior Brady's closest friend. with three fouls with 4:20 left. Hrrald Sporlawriler "We had a real short practice cond quarter for a 22-11 halftime ad­ mastery in the third stanza on the Kathy Cooney topped Manchester, .500 record cutoff "That business of giving up the vantage with Mackey, S-foot-8 junior, boards with an 11-5 edge. Five-foot-10 "They came to play." yesterday," Rusch began, “We had a baseline was inexcusable," ad­ which finishes 11-9 for the season, That was the simplification offered short talk and just ran through a few latching onto 10 caroms. senior reserve Margaret Shea had with 17 points and Jennifer Hedlund monished Indian Coach Steve “ I don’t care who you are. Ifou’re three offensive rebound buckets In by South Windsor Coach Kathy Rusch things. I wasn’t sure how we would Armstrong, "They’d drive the added 14. The latter was '5-for-17 after her well-schooled Bobcats be mentally. It's hard for anyone to not going to beat anyone going down the stanza for the Bobcats. She from the floor, including ^for-ll the baseline, the other forward would and getting one shot at the hoop,” finished with 14 points on 7-for-ll point for playoffs riddled Manchester High, 61-47. last handle something like that let alone collapse and they’d dish off for an first half. The Indians were 20-for-56 night in a Girls' State Basketball 16 and 17 year old kids.” stated Armstrong, “How many times from the field and 10 rebounds. from the floor. easy layup.” did we do that?” he inquired. NEW YORK (UPI) - With one winning the Atlantic last year, but season ended Monday. The Warriors Tournament Class LL Division South Windsor, dressing only eight “That was her (Shea) best game "It was Kathy’s best game ever,” quarter of the NBA’s regular season “It’s something Robyn and Andy "We work on boxing out and that ever,” marveled an astonished but they can’t pick up ground on the are the league’s most improved playdown clash at Bristol Eastern players, came through like cham­ Armstrong stated, "but taking remaining, a .500 record is the ap­ 76ers. The Knicks, 38-22, missed the High. pions. has a lot to do with it,” Rusch viewed happy Rusch. nothing away from her there should team, with a 30-30 record compared the rebounding edge. proximate cutoff point for a playoff playoffs by a game last season and it with last season's .293 club which The llth-ranked Bobcats, 16-4, The Bobcats tallied the final 4 "It looked like there were be others ahead of her (in the scoring berth. The Bobcat coach was surprised appears they will play the Pacers, 35- finished the 1979-80 season tied with were led by hot-shooting, slick­ points of the first quarter to take a Class LL situations where the ball was sitting department).” The two division winners in each her club was able to extend the lead to be rebounded and more often than 27, in the b^t-of-three miniseries. Utah for the NBA’s second-worst passing Andy Mainelli early as she 15-11 lead at the turn. Mainelli South Windsor (61)— Mainelli 4 conference automatically qualify for The Celtics will probably take on drilled holes in the Indians' 2-1-2 zone canned three long-range hoops and with Mainelli on the bench. "I was not they’d get it,” Armstrong stated, 0-0 8, Mackey 10 5-10 25, Pavone 10-0 mark. Portland, 30-31, and Kansas Tournament postseason play, along with the next the Bulls, 31-31, in the other City, 30-32, are being hounded by defense. And South Windsor kept its twice, after successfully negotiating surprised,” Rusch voiced, "but the “What surprised me the most was 2, Myers 10-0 2, Burnham 0 0-0 0, kids out there knew they had to do it. best fouf teams from each con­ miniseries, but Chicago is being Houston, 28-32, and Seattle, 26-34, for edge by showing clear superiority in the baseline, dished off to Robyn haye learned from playing together,” when she (Mainelli) went out. You Schaffner 5 04) 10, Siegmund 0 0-0 0, ference for a league total of 12 par­ They could look down the bench and feel ‘gee, we’re in good shape’ but the final playoff slots. the rebounding department, holding Mackey for easy buckets. Rusch explained. Shea 7 04) 14. Totals 28 5-10 61. ticipants among 23 clubs. — an overwhelming 43-24 final edge. It was 16-15 South Windsor with South Windsor, however, didn’t see there was no one else. They were they ,increased the lead.” Manchester (47) — Hedlund 5 4-6 The biggest dropoffs this season Philadelphia leads the Atlantic have come from the Atlanta Hawks And the Bobcats did it all despite 6:54 left in the half when the Bobcats miss a beat as Manchester misfired up, they weren’t hesitating. Mackey totaled a game-high 25 14, Cooney 8 1-2 17, Tucker 2 041 4, Division with a league-best record of and the SuperSonics. being traumaticized by the tragic went on a 12-point tear. Mainelli led nine consecutive times without get­ ”We played like a team points and 17 rebounds to pace the Wright 104) 2, Young 12-4 4, Donnelly possessed.” 50-11 and the 76ers-can boast the best The Hawks won the Central Divi­ death of Julie Anne Brady, an 18- the CVC champs to a 22-15 lead, dis­ ting a second shot and suffered Bobcats with sophomore Colleen 0 04) 0, Brown 0 0-2 0, Markham 0 04) regular season mark in NBA history The closest Manchester came in sion last year by playing at a 61 per­ year-old senior who was captain of hing off for two more hoops to through a 5:04 scoring drought. The Schaffner adding 10 tallies. Mainelli, 0, Ebersold 2 04) 4, Curtin 0 04) 0, if they win 20 of their remaining 21 the volleyball team, in a car accident Mackey after driving baseline and Bobcats extended their margin to 32- the second half was a dozen points, who played sparingly the second half, White 0 04) 0, Hopperstead 1 04) 2, T. cent clip, but injuries and an inability games. The 1971-72 Los Angeles pressured for the last playoff slot by Sunday. South Windsor was minus sandwiching a 20-foot jumper 18 at the intermission. They out- trailing 34-22 early in the third stanza had 8 points and 6 assists. South Brown 0 04) 0, Wojnarowski 0 04) 0. to win close games have reduced the and 44-32 with eight minutes to play. Lakers finished 69-13 and went on to Washington — which has tradition on clawing Hawks to peaceful doves one starter, Michele Kimmey, between those, before sitting down rebounded the Indians, 15-5 in the se- Windsor was 28-for-62 from the field Totals 20 7-14 47. capture the NBA title. South Windsor continued its with Mackey lO-for-15. iU side. The Bullets, 29-32, haven’t who arejwinning only 35 percent of Milwaukee, which won the missed the playoffs since 1967-68, their gafne's. Midwest Division last year, crossed currently the league’s best streak. Seattle has gone from a .683 club to conferences before the season began, San Antonio, which finished .500 a .433 percentage after the Rec swimmers but the different nomenclature has last season in the Central Division, celebrated All-Star guard swap (Den­ Bouquin returns had little effect on the talented holds a whopping 11-game bulge atop nis Johnson to Phoenix for Paul Bucks, who lead the Central Division the Midwest with a 41-21 mark and M.M Westphal) and the holdout status of by 9Vi games with a 44-17 mark. Phoenix leads defending NBA cham­ guard Gus Williams. gain placements in pro net play If the season ended Monday, pion Los Angeles by five games in the The Atlantic Division boasts the Two members of the Manchester pmi Boston, New York, Indiana and Pacific Division with a 47-17 record. league’s best winning percentage 5:01.3 clocking, second in the 200 free Chicago would round out the playoff Rec Swim Club took part in an 8-and- at 2:03.8, second in the 100-yard The Lakers, surprising Golden (.597), while the Midwest — largely under meet at Suffield Academy last By EARL YOST representatives from the Eastern State, Portland and Kansas City due to the,.053 mark of expansionist butterfly in 1:05.2 and third in the 200 Conference. The Celtics, 47-14, are Sunday. fly in 2:25.5. Sports Editor would fill out the Western Dallas — is the NBA's weakest divi­ playing even better than they did in Conference playoff berths if the sion with a .420 percentage. Eric Hart took second place in the Dana Clough was seventh in the 500 Second-seeded in the 1979 25-yard freestyle, third in the 25 free and 10th in the 200 free. Deb Manchester Memorial Hospital breast and sixth in the 50 free. Rauls Everyone here graduates^ Clough took ninth in the 200 Professional Tennis Tournament, Ramans also swam well in the 25 breastroke by securing the consola­ Joe Bouquin of Danbury waltzed back, 25 free and 25 breast. tion heat, Marcy MacDonald was through the field to cop top honors. Members of the swim club also ninth in the 200 backstroke by win­ The 30-year-old Hat City pro out of participated last weekend in the ning her consolation heat and 10th in the University of Miami will be in Connecticut AAU Junior Cham­ the 100 back. this year’s fifth annual play March Harvard’s basketball pionships at Southern Connecticut Steve Bylciw was eighth in the 100- 13-15 at the Manchester Racquet State College in New Haven. yard breastroke and Russ Smith took Club. ninth in the 100 free, winning his con­ He’ll be joined in the Men’s Open Angela Ebreo was second in the solation heat, and third in the 100 fly field by Doug Crawford, defending stars, students first 400-yard individual medley with a with a 1:00.6 clocking. champion, and a two-time winner. Bouquin passed up last year’s play. CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (UPI) - The eight-game winning streak and Harvard. One of his players, Chris Two years ago he whipped Eric basketball court is on the fourth floor traveled to Penn and Princeton last Mitchell, was accepted more for his Scheiding in the finals, the latter of the old athletic building and large, weekend with a perfect 5-0 league ability as a concert pianist. Soccer seniors having staged a major upset when he green shades block the view of the mark. They hadn’t won at Penn since “There was never really a commit­ sent Crawford to the sidelines in the Charles River and the bustle of cam­ 1968 or at Princeton since 1958. And ment to building a winner in the semifinals. Hale Irwin seems to be grinning as he hit Country Club. Three-under par 69 round pus life. they lost both contests this time too, past," he says. “And there are very Now in his eighth year as a pro, ball for eagle on 18th hole Sunday In final There are wooden backboards at falling two games behind Princeton few schools where there's not a dou­ gain top honors Joe Bouquin paved way for triumph. (UPI photo) all corners except on the crimson and in the Ivy League race. ble standard and that’s sad for Bouquin is a veteran of the pro tour round of Hawaiian Open at the Walalae and with Rich Bray scored a doubles the 35 (age) and over classic. brown main floor. It’s a wheezing McLaughlin is, above all, a realist. college athletics. There’s a tremen­ Manchester Soccer Club senior Tim McConville had two goals and climb to the top, so it’s no surprise to He says Penn and Princeton have dous pressure to win at all costs. team took top honors in the recently win over Jim m y Connors and Ilie Doubles competing in which all con- Tom Gardiner, Ed Gardiner and see the players wearing practice two fulltime assistants to his one We're supposed to be educators. completed first round of the Connec­ Nastase in the 1975 Volvo Tourna­ testanU will be eligible will also be Greg DeNies one apiece against ment. offered. jerseys which read “Harvard” on the (although that will change next year "Coaches talk about how many of ticut Indoor Soccer League's Meriden, 1 front and “Hard Work” on the back. their players graduate. Everyone Premier Division. The Men’s Open will consists of 16 Pros may play in only one of the when the league goes to one). And the players with another 16 taking part in singles divisions. The two seem to go hand-in-hand, on two sc h o o ls spend m o re on here graduates. That’s why they The Meriden Silvers topped MSC, MSC begins its next round Hellions’ players and off the court. recruiting. come here. There is no such thing 6-5. in the first round finale but the Wednesday evening against Meriden “I saw the gym and I really wasn’t “We’re disappointed the way we here as taking a kid just because he locals took the league title on goal Nautalis at the Glastonbury Indoor N,E. college basketball impressed,” says freshman forward played. We expected to win and we plays basketball," McLaughlin says. difference. Both clubs finished 8-2 Facility. Joe Carrahino, a Californian whose went down there thinking we'd win. McLaughlin's positive approach to 15.7 average is second best on the But they still have to come up here the game contrasts sharply with the * /.f.y want pay, no play team. “But I wanted to be part of and I think we have a good chance. If almost weekly reports of scandal Providence upsets building a'winning program.” someone told me In the beginning of elsewhere. He thinks college HARTFORD (UPI) - Players for plans to intervene. "I hope bounced so he wouldn’t give us the Downstairs, a sign hangs in Coach the year that we’d be 12-6 and 5-2 in athletics are in serious trouble and the financially strapped Hartford everything will be in proper perspec­ keys for the rooms. Frank McLaughlin’s office: It reads: the league at this time. I’d have notes most of the ads in basketball Hellions of the Major Indoor Soccer St. John^s at home tive very shortly,” he said. “The players sat around in the “Mental Toughness is Essential to taken it,” he says. magazines are for gambling ser­ League say they won’t play another Forman was expected to be in hallways, on the ground or on their Success.” Such is a given at a place Now in his fourth season at Har­ vices. He has turned down other BOSTON (UPI) ■— If Providence Dickinson over Maine 77-74; game until their back pay has been Hartford Thursday. like Harvard, where success is a fait vard, McLaughlin, a former assis­ offers because "I always look at it as ’ s. ' handed out. bags for about and hour and a half Karl Pagel College is starting to turn it around, Merriamack over Lowell 103-83; Kowalski said the team’s financial while I called back here, and we accompli. Except in basketball. tant at Notre Dame, comes across as 'is this a place where I'd like my it couldn’t come at a more opportune Nichols over Barrington 82-71; St. Players are three paychecks situation created problems during a “There are two things that make it part-coach and part philosopher. His children to go?'" behind and one staff member hasn’t finally got the keys,” said Kowalski. “ Outfielder Karl Pagel signed a 1981 contract with time. Anselm’s over Middlebury 73-62; west coast road trip last week. hard for players to come here,” says best records have been 11-15 but he is "Dean Smith (the North Carolina received any money in the last four “Right now it’s humiliating. the Cleveland Indians Monday for an undisclosed amount The Friars unleashed a relentless Stonehill over New Haven 81-69; Suf­ “We pulled into the San Francisco “I feel I have to take a little bit of a McLaughlin. “The first is the facili­ the last to complain about wins and coach) told me once that one of his pay periods. hotel and the guy takes $500 cash ’’y Cleveland from the Chicago Cubs last season. He hit combination zone on St. John’s Mon­ folk over Rhode Island A llege 84-65, stand. There is no way I can motivate ty, but that will change next year losses. recruits was thinking of going to Har­ ''f-H&n “Tile word I got from the players is from me for the rooms,” he said. -264 With the Class AAA Tacoma Tigers in 1980, seeing scant action because of day night and came away with a 73-57 and Western Connecticut over the guys anymore. They listen to me, with a new building. The second is a "I wasn’t hired to win the Ivy vard. He said he told the kid to con­ an injury, that they definitely will not play “But then the manger came out and upset over a team to whom they had Western New England 89-79. hut they’re not ready to play,” he winning tradition, which is League. I’d be upset if the dean of ad­ sider Harvard. I think I’m lucky in without any more pay,” Coach John said that our last check for $1,200 lost by 20 points earlier in the season. In college hockey, it was AIC over said. something that takes years to build. missions or the college president that respect. If we lose a kid, I feel Lamar Johnson Add the victory to a big win Saturday Holy Cross 6-5; Plymouth State over Kowalski said Monday. We don’t have it.” asked why we hadn’t won the title. bad for him. Anybody who doesn't The team is scheduled to play the 1 over Villanova, and the Friars may New England 12-1; St. Anselm's over Now entering its 50th year of Ivy Two years ago we were 8-21 and I come here is crazy. You’ll always baseman-designated hitter Lamar Johnson, who Baltimore Blast Thursday. led the Chicago White Sox in RBI during the 1980 season, has signed a one- be playing more than just a spoiler’s Boston State 8-3; Bentley over League basketball. Harvard is still thought we did a great job. It takes a have that Harvard degree and that's year contract with the team for 1981. role when the Big East Tournament Fitchburg State 6-2, and UMass- “This whole thing has been going looking for its first title. There was a special kid to turn down a something no one take away from on since August,” said Kowalski. Pearson celebrates T announced Monday they had signed shortstop starts next month. Boston over Gordon 14-2. second place finish in 1970-71 when scholarship and pay his way through you." Todd Cruz to a one-year pact. “Our execution couldn’t have been “My personal paycheck bounced in they landed a couple of Washington Harvard,” McLaughlin says. Hitching ride with Bobby Orr, Tara Donovan takes quick break June.” ® baseman and a designated hitter, batted any better,” said jubilant Providence D.C. phenoms, much to the chagrin There pre mitigating factors in .277 in 1980 with 13 homers and a career-high 81 RBI. on shouiders of former Boston Bruin great during 20-mlle coach Gary Walters. "My team Moreno signs League Commissioner Earl For­ of Maryland’s Lefty Dreisell, who building a successful sports program man would not say if the league had anniversary win Father, son win Chicago after he was obtained Skate-a-Thon on Lake Winnepesauke, N.H. Orr helped Lakes played terrific. We played with inten­ PITTSBURGH (UPI) - The advertised for, their services in at any institution which turns out Irom the California Angels. presidents with more regularity than HOUSTON (UPI) — Defending Region Hockey Assn, raise almost $50,000 for skating rink sity and we played hard. We caught Pittsburgh Pirates said Monday they DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (UPI) - After 60 laps, Marcis took command Washington newspapers. basketball stars. McLaughlin knows champions Roy and Anthony Emer­ (URI photo) St. John’s at the right time have signed speedy starting center- Veteran driver David Pearson gave before blowing a tire on lap 77. But mostly the team has struggled Mike Bossy fielder Omar Moreno for one year, behind the Penns, Princetons and his players aren't preparing for the son won in three sets Sunday to claim emotionally. They should have taken himself a 29th wedding anniversary Wallace, of Valley Park, Md., won but declined to reveal details of the Columbias. NBA though he thinks it wouldn't the fifth annual National Father and V ' same-by-game comparison of the race by the New our win over Villanova as a little bit present Monday — the $15,115 first- $8,885 for second. Third place went to of a warning.” pact. This year. Harvard reeled off an hurt a prospective pro to come to Son Indoor Tennis Championship. York Islanders Mike Bossy and the Los Angeles Kings' Charlie Simmer prize check in the rain-delayed Neil Bonnett of Hueytown, Ala., who Six New England skiers The Bugs also invited righthanded a all-time NHL goal-scoring record of 76, set in 1970-71: St. John’s shot'just 31 percent in Sportsman 300 at Daytona Inter­ earned $6,168. Ricky Rudd of pitcher Tim Burke of Omaha, Neb., Eg ® Esposito Bossy Simmer the first half and had but one field national Speedway. Chaspeake, Va. was fourth, winning to their major league camp. He was Mark Murphy 51 54 ,53 goal in the last 12 minutes. Their two Pearson, 46, held off Rusty Wallace $4,090. gain spots with U.S. team meal tickets, Wayne McKoy and with their class-A Salem farm club with some crafty manedvering on the Dan Schayes last year, but suffered an elbow in­ There was one serious accident in David Russell, combined for eight last lap and won by the length of his the race that produced five caution leads Fordham PARK CITY, Utah (UPI) - Six of in Norway for the Norwegian Nordic points and four rebounds in the first jury and pitched in only two games. Pontiac. Wallace tried to get around flags. Bob Ballantine of Ellicott City, NEW YORK (UPI) - Mark the 10 U.S, Ski Team'members who Combined Championships at Vang, half. And Providence, paced by Pearson on turns three and four, but Md. suffered a bruised lung, a broken Murphy scored 18 points and Dud will travel to Scandinavia next month starting March 17. “Lynch won one freshman center Otis Thorpe, reeled the cagy Pearson blocked him off. rib and various multiple contusions Tongal added 17 Monday night to lead to compete in Nordic World Cup World Cup event and was second off a 22-2 run to, for all Intents and Bike promoter dies after flipping his Pontiac at least Fordham to a 69-52 victory over events, are from New England. twice in January,” Page added. “He purposes, end the contest by halftime NEW, YORK (UPI) — Jimmy Then in the stretch, Pearson hung eight times coming off turn four on Wagner. Jim Page, Nordic Program direc­ will try to continue his hot streak.” with Providence leading 34-18. behind four or five slower cars and Proscia, of New York, a six-day bike lap 90. After Wagner scored the game’s tor , said Monday the first stop on the Page said Rabinowitz and “We’re on a downhill right now,” race promoter for many years, died Wallace couldn’t get around him. It first basket, Fordham, 16-7, ran off trip will be the Salpausselka Games Simoneau, along with head cross said St. John’s coach Lou (^m eseca, was Pearson's first Sportsman race Monday night at Queens General 13 straight points and took a 33-21 3t^^bti, Finland, beginning March 5. country coach Mike Gallagher, will whose team dropped its third game at Daytona. Hospital of internal bleeding. He was Early start halftime lead. Wagner came no “This is the kind of thing we must leave Oslo for Kavgolovo in the in its last four starts. “We had trou­ The conclusion of the late model 76. LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Major closer than 10 points in the second do to provide exposure for our skiers Soviet Union for two USSR national ble inside and outside and in every stock car race was postponed last Proscia, who had promoted bike League baseball on Feb. 15? half as Murphy keyed the outside at­ and develop depth in our national races March 20-21. department. We got hit from all over. ga^record on-campus crowd of 26,257 filled Syracuse's Carrier Dome for the races in the old Madison Square Saturday hy rain. Well not exactly, but some tack with strongshooting and Tongal cross country skiing program for the I don’t think I’ve seen a finer perfor­ “It will be especially exciting to es­ Garden and the Kingsbridge Armory, It was restarted with Bartow’s members of the Los Angeles Dodgers ruled the inside. coming years,” Page said. tablish contact with the Russian mance by a team. Gary did a tremen­ Carlton Fisk had been ailing for a number nf Rick Wilson, the pole-sitter, leading began limbering up Sunday. Wagner, 14-8, was led hy Howard The five men making the trip in­ coaches and their athletes, and to see dous job.” months. after 11 laps. The 40-car field took the Before 32,000 fans, lured by Thompkins with 10 points. BOSTON (UPI) - The Boston Red Sox say they hope to find out by clude 1976 Olympic silver medalist cross country skiing in the nation Thorpe had 20 points, 10 in each green flag as Wilson jockeyed with summery temperatures in the 80s Murphy, 6-foot-2 sophomore guard Wednesday whether they will have the services of catcher Carlton Fisk this Bill Koch, 25, of Putney, Vt. The that now is the best in the world,” he half and 10 In the first-half run. The Pearson for the early lead until his and free admission, the Dodgers who is a former East Catholic High other men are: Howie Bean, 24, said. Friars shot 52 percent from the floor Pontiac started smoking. Basketball edged the University of Southern standout, went 6-for-lO from the Fisk was recently declared a free agent because the Red Sox sent him his Wolfeboro, N.H.: Jim Galanes, 24, and made the free throws when toey The car developed an oil leak and Calfomia, 2-1, in their annual five- field, 6-for-6, from the foul line and contract late. The catcher's agent, Jerry Kapstein, has reportedly been Newfane, Vt.; Doug Peterson, 27, Sport Parade had to In upping their record to 9-14, Wilson fell hack, opening the door for talking to other ball clubs. ' PEE WEE inning public workout at Dodger played 37 minutes in pacing the Hanover, N.H., and Dan Sinomeau, Milt Richman, sports editor of 3-9 in the Big Blast. St. John’s, paced VFW 16 (Jim ZotU 6), CBC15 (Jim Dave Marcis, Rudd and Pearson. Stadium. Rams. ‘hinks the issue is one of 22, Livermore Falls, Maine. United Press International gives the by 14 from McKoy, is now 16-7 and 7-4 Ludes 6, Steve Joyner 4). The five women are: Pat Engberg, ins and outs on the national sports in the Big Blast. The loss dropped Willis Garage 21 (Mike McMahon SinZtoSKC '' 30, Seattle; Lynn Spen'cer-Galanes, scene on The Herald sports pans. them out of the conference lead 6, Bill Kennard 4), Blue Moon 12 Cleon Jones 26, Anchorage, A laska; Joanne Another reason not to miss ^ e shared with Boston College. (Danny Langer 6; Henry Pellerin Twins satisfy Roy Smalley Musolf, 24, East Wenatchee, Wash.; Herald. Fairfield became the second New played well). were offering $350,000. NEW YORK (DPI) — Cleon Jones, one of the stars of the Mets’ elor\- Lindsay Putnam, 21, West Newbury, England team this season to fall to MINNEAPOLIS (UPI) - player from becoming a free agent in rf'-VS- Gark Griffith, Twins executive sfructor"" ® minor leV e in- Vt.; and Judy Rabinowitz, 22, Fair­ Notre Dame on the Irish’s home Minnesota Twins' shortstop Roy. 1982. banks, Alaska. Tom Pratt court. But the Stags went down Smalley, passing up arbitration for a “I just wanted to be guaranteed vice president, said the signing Jones, 38, a native of Mobile, Ala,, will report to the Mets’ minor leaeue The squad will then head for the fighting, dropping a close 57-55 ver­ Bowling four-year $2.4 million contract, says that I would stay here,” Smalley represents a commitment by the CLEVELAND (UPI) — Tom Pratt American League club to keep the spring training headquarters next month in St. Petersburg. Fla He will work Swedish National Games at Falun, dict. U.S.MIXEU — John Rossi money was never the big issue. said. "In the final analysis I base-running, ARer sphng t r L S Sweden, starting March 10; and the has been hired byumhe Cleveland Mike Palazzi had a game-high 21 “I wanted to stay in Minnesota,” recognized that’s hard for a ball club club competitive. Until the signing Browns to coach the defensive line, 212, Fred Kozicki 221-568 1 . 4 ends, he will serve as a roving instructor for the Mets’ minor league teams.* to do for any one player. last month of catcher Butch Wynegar Holmenkollen Games at Oslo, points for Fairfield, which held an E ric Wood 212, Bruce said Smalley, who failed to secure a •'I? takking over for Dave Adolph, who “I didn’t feel like I was going to be to a five-year $2 million contract, the Norway, beginning March 15. eight-point lead in the first half and a Moquin 20^586, Dave Neff no-trade clause. “The primary con­ was moved to linebacker coach. Twins had been unwilling to Mike Gminski Nordic combined skiers Kerry 33-32 edge.at intermission. The Stags 240-567, Bill Foster 211, cern for me was not the money, traded. I felt like they had made the Pratt, 45, was defensive line coach of because the Twins have been more effort with the contract they offered negotiate long-term pacts. Lynch, 23, Grand Lake, Colo., and are now 11-11. Linda Burton 188-476, ~ Rookie center Mike Gminski will undergo the New Orleans SainU the past Oakland Manager Billy Martin than considerate as far as that was me to assure me I was going to be “What this indicates is we are Gary Crawford, 23, Steamboat Elsewhere in New England basket­ Suzanne Feltman 184-190^ three years. Adolph, 43, served as concerned.” here.” prepared to make the commitment to New Jersfy Springs, Colo., will join the cross ball action it was Boston University 526, Marge DeUsle 203-490, surveys practice session as Cleveland’s defensive line coach for The agreement announced Monday A five-year major leaguer, the community that people have been country skiers in Falun and Oslo, over C.W. Post 81-67; Bryant over Linda Etattoe 189497, Sue his club's spring training Gminski, a first-round draft pick out of Duke University, banged his right two years and will replace Dick made Smalley, 28, the highest-paid Smalley batted .278 last season with apparently demanding,” Griffith Minnesota Kicks’ Steve LItt (5) soars In front of Atlanta's Page added. AIC 84-79; Colby over Brandeis 83-66; Cote 459, Shelia Bonetti MacPherson, who recently became sessions got under way on Twin in history. It also canceled ar­ 12 home runs and 63 RBI. He earned said. “We’re very happy that players Lynch and Crawford will then stay Curry over Southeastern 483, Sue Hale 468, Sharon Miguel Avila as both players race toward ball in midfield action head coach at Syracuse University. weekend at Scottsdale, Ariz. bitration set for the same day in New about $235,006 last season and was such as Butch Wynegar and my last night in Atlanta. Chiefs won playoff game, 10-8. (UPI Massachusetts 85-71; Fairleigh Madore 452. (UPI photo) York and prevented the 1979 All-Star seeking $400,000 for 1981. The Twins friend Roy are going to be Twins for photo) a long tim e.” 1 6 - THE HERALD, Tuw., Ftb. 17, IWl ’THE HERALD. Tuei.. Feb. 17. 1981 - 17 Senior champs Business due in Hartford HARTFORD — Judy Blumberg During the five-day event, men’s Pair skaters perform their and Michael Slebert, winners of the and ladies’ skaters must present program in unison. The acrobatic Bankruptcy increase hurts all borrowers senior dance event at the U. S. three required figures, a short free sklUs of a pair are tested by lifts and NEWNRW YORKv n n if (UPI)/IIDT\ —_ Consumers . no82 _percent____ * 2jump.___1-1 in ___bankruptcies1___a*** last ...... dustry wants to have the law taining it in the future (10 years is the "We urge people to see their Figure Skating Championships in San style skating program of six have been taking advantage of a year partly to these individuals. the U.S. League of Savings throw jumps. amended to require more proof of legal limit for bankruptcy to remain creditors before going to court,” Diego S atu i^y are Hartford-bound. prescribed moves and a long free Hie acrobatics of the pairs ate liberalized bankruptcy code in record Between Oct. 1,1979, when Uie act Associations, said t o t while "laws need to file for bankruptcy.” on one’s credit record) and Iq a Gray said. "Go to a consumer credit Blumberg and Siebert, will be style program. Pairs teams must do replaced by unison and harmony in numbers, and the Industry is fighting took effect, and Sept. 30, 1980 there and lawyers matter, the.economy Gray said Citibank has case studtos credit-oriented society t o t can he a counseling service. Bankruptcy joined by men’s singles champion, a short free style program 'of ice dancing. Lifts above the waist are to help curb abuses that it says are certainly must bear part of the were 380,615 personal bankruptcies, of people "who are fully employed, disaster.” should be a last resort.” Scott Hamilton ladies’ champ, prescribed pair moves and a long prohibited, spins are limited. ’The paid for by responsible borrowers. compared to 209,543 in same period biame for the increase in bankrupt­ making six-figure salaries, who file Gray said Citibank also has run All consumers pay for abuses. cies.” Elaine Zayak, and pairs champions program. Dance teams will do three emphasis is on intricate dance steps Tl.i Bankruptcy Reform Act "was the previous year. for bankruptcy and retain all their Caitlln and Peter Carruthers. They into cases of misrepresentation, Gray said. "The abuser who can well compulsory ice dances, an original and patterns and the free style designed to make it easier for in­ Although Kurth attributes some of possessions. Including big houses, Citibank’s Gray agreed. "National will head the American team at the lawyers telling clients t o t filing afford to repay is classified with the set pattern dance and a free style progriuns include a variety of t ^ - dividuals in genuine financial dis­ the increase to "our prolonged fancy cars and other property.” Chapter 13 is not bankruptcy—which consumer debt has not increased that 1981 World Figure Skating Ouun- dance. tress to obtain relief through person who desperately needs pos. economic difficulUes” the NCFA Kurth blames part of the abuses on it is. (Under (topter 13 a court bankruptcy.” much. But the drop in real pionships, March 3 through 8 at the There are 70 compulsory figures, bankruptcy,” said Walter R. Kurth, points out that during the last reces­ the fact that in some parts of the purchasing power and increasing Hartford Civic Center Coliseum. decides how much the debtor can pay And K ui^ warned: "Creditors will also called school figiu%s, and all are World competition is limited to president of the National Consumer sion in 1975 bankruptcies rose only 33 country lawyers’ advertising is en- on the dollar, often as little as 5 taxes have overburdened many con­ Sponsored by the Skating Club of not only be forced to pass the cost variations of the figure eight. senior skaters and spectators will be Finance Association, an industry percent to 224,354, a record until last coura^ng consumers to take this cents. Chapter 7 is total bankruptcy.) sumers.” Hartford and the Travelers In­ Competitive skaters practice up to 2S treated to a variety of styles and group for consumer lending in­ year’s surge. along to all responsible borrowers rout. “We have people come in and try to but credit criteria will be tightened surance Companies, the World fijgum, but only th m are selected moods, according to Bourdeau and stitutions. Peter J. Gray, vice president at “Many people who perhaps could "What the lawyers don’t adver­ borrow money a few months after to the point where a significant Championships will also attract the just prior to the competition. Judges TeSelle. But Kurth said some people are New York’s Citibank, said the work their way out of debt are tise,” said another banker, "is that if filing a 13,” Gray said. “They say number of potential borrowers will overwhelmed by a hostile economy,)’ top figure skaters from 23 countries, look for good flow, carriage and Former Olympian and now televi­ taking advantage of the liberialized “problem is not the new law Itself you purposely damage your credit including East and West Germany, their lawyer told them they were be denied credit.” Parliament said. “Chronic inflation balance, and examine the tracings sion commentator Dick Button, code. He attributes the “alarming” but the abuses it encourages. The in­ you will have a difficult time ob- ‘restructuring,’ not going bankrupt.” Great Britain, the Soviet Union and etched on the ice. described the skaters who will com­ 'Thomas Parliament, economist for is the real problem," Defenseman Norman Barnes of Hartford Peter Marsh (17) during last Sunday night’s other East bloc nations, Japan, The free style program is pete in the 1981 Worlds as having one controls the puck as he charged through game. Whalers fought back to gain 4-4 Australia and New Zealand. choreographed to music of the thing in common regardless of their Secretaries Chicago defenders Bob Murray (6) and deadlock. (UPl pljoto) - World competition is divided into skater’s choice and includes spins home country or the event in which four categories, according to Judy and jumps, as well as elegance and plan meeting High oil prices windfall they perform ...”a love of the sport TeSelle and Paul Bourdeau, musical interpretation. Dorothy and of figure skating. Without it, the HARTFORD - The National chairpersons of the championships; Hamill’s program, including the dedication and sacrifice needed to Secretaries Association, ( Hartford men’s and ladies’ singles, pairs and now-famous Hamill camel, was reach this level of competition would Chapter, will hold their February NBA master rehounder ice dancing. developed for miph an event. be impossible.” meeting Feb. 24, at Valle’s Steak for producers of rayon House, Brainard Road, Hartford. NEW YORK (UPI) - The high manufacturing technology. Rayon Other leading American producers Cocktails and dinner at 5 p.m. and now wears as well as cotton and of cellulosics include Celanese Corp., program and meeting at 7:15 p.m. price of oil is a windfall for some out­ side the petroleum industry — name­ blends with polyester to produce Eastm an Kodak Co. and North honor to 76ers^ Jones 6corebOQrcl. Marlene Schneider from WFSB- ly producers of non-oil based rayon lon^earing fabrics that launder American Rayon Corp. TV, Channel 3, will speak to the easily and hold their shape, he said. Although its present best growth PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - There “I feel like I’m in a groove now. workmanlike Jones tends to get lost SPORTS ON TV CCIL group on her experiences on ob­ and acetates. My main concern is to go out and be After losing ground steadily for The new rayon and rayon blends prospects appear to be in fashion were plenty of candidates in the NBA in the crowd, and that suits him fine. w. 1. taining the news. She, anchors the consistent on the boards because TUESDAY years to such synthetics as polyester also dye and print well and can be fabrics, rayon has many industrial player of the week sweepstakes, in­ He’s just happy to rebound and play FEB. 1 7 ,18B1 Manchester IS 1 "News at Noon” and covers the state rebounding is one of our weaknesses. Basketball and nylon and to its ancient rival cot­ used successfully in various weaves applications. It still is used in cluding guys like Moses Malone, defense and leave the offense to the Simsbury 14 2 6 l o t e capitol for Channel 3. "I don’t look at it as a streak. I’m EVENINQ and textural finishes, he said. automobile tire fabrics and many Walter Davis and Bill Cartwright. other guys. Windham 11 4 Tuesday She was bom in Miami, Fla., and ton, these cellulosic fibers made But when the envelope was opened, just going out and doing my job. In “I try to be the same way, win or from wood chips or whole scrub trees The current viscose process used in kinds of rubber goods and other 91) NCAA B it k a lb d l C ontinu** Penney 11 5 eametLjier, degree in broadcasting production of rayon and acetates, coated fabrics, fire hoses and the man judged the best player in the the past week, the ball seems to have lose, day-in and dayout,” he said. From DiytlfiM BASKETBALL are staging a comeback. Hall 7 9 journalism at the University of requiring expensive, cumbersome transmission belts, for example, and league Feb. 2-8 was Caldwell Jones of come my way a lot. I’m trying more “My role is to play defense and get Wethersfield ' at The Rayon-Acetate Council now is to keep the ball active, so that if I 90 SporteCmtor NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOC. Enfield 610 Florida. Marlene was the first machinery and high capital outlay, in some types of filters, including the Philadelphia 76ers. the rebounds. ’The third thing is to SKW Eastern Conference Conard 5 10 Manchester. 8 woman reporter employed at the predicting U.S. output of rayon and Caldwell Jones, you say? Why, in can’t get it, one of my teammates score, if I get the opportunity.” 9!)TN«WooklnTlwNBA Atlantic Diviiion acetates will rise from the current remains a hampering factor, Hergert cigarette filters. W L Pet. GB Fermi 510 Prince Tech at East Post News Week station in Jackson­ the 76ers’ four games that week, he can. I have a tendency to go after It’s not his scoring that has brought 6:30 Philadelphia 50 11 JBO » annual level of 7.5 billion pounds to said. "What is needed is a good non­ (S) NCAABMkatbaN E. Hartford 2 13 Catholic, 8 ville, Fla. After spending seven years averaged barely more than 10 points every ball since I know I can get to the media hordes to the comer of the Boston <7 14 .770 3 perhaps 11 billion by 1985 and says it viscose solvent for the wood pulp that Both woven and non-woven (felted) 10:00 New York B 22 .633 im Wethersfield 2 14 Cheney 'Tech at Bolton, 8 there, she joined Channel 3. doesn’t react with the cellulose.” a game. That's not the kind of offense it." locker room where he dresses. It (!) Racing From RooMvalt Washington 9 S3 .475 21 Windham at Penney, 8 could reach 20-25 billion pounds by rayon and acetates are used for a Cunningham said the role Jones Racew ay New Jersey 18 44 290 32W Progress is being made in this direc­ wide variety of wiping cloths and that makes people notice you for any used to be that Jones would sit by Central Division East Hartford at the end of the century. 10:30 iCVC tion, he said. there appears to be a huge potential kind of honor, much less player of the has assumed is important if the himself on the floor at his locker and GD NBABaakatbaN Milwaukee 46 16 ,7B — Indiana 36 77 286 KM Simsbury, 8 UConn sets week. Sixers want to get over the hump in Gv I960 Popular Hot Rodding w. 1. High-priced petroleum, from First introduced in France 1(X) market for light cellulosic fabrics for examine the post-game stat sheet Chicago 31 31 .500 14tk Glastonbury at Move on to the column marked the NBA finals, where they were out- white swigging a beer. ChamplonaMpa Cleveland 23 37 283 21W Rockville 11 1 which polyester and nylon are made, years ago by Count Hilaire de Char- hospital use in gauze bandages, caps, 11:30 AtlanU 21 9 250 29W Bloomfield 8 3 Newington, 8 “rebounds” on the stat sheet, rebounded badly in losing to the Los But in the wake of his recent play, (3D BportaCantar workshops is not the only reason for the com­ donnet as “artificial silk,” rayon and gowns, masks and throwaway sheets Detroit 15 9 2 S 31 S. Windsor 7 4 South Windsor at Wind­ however, and you’ll see that Jones Angeles Lakers last May. he’s not alone too much any more. 12K)0 Western Conference sor eback, although it is the most impor­ its sister cellulosic acetate, and pillowcases. All these things now “It’s so. important for us to have a (3D TMa W eak In The NBA Midwest Division W. Locks 7 4 WEST HARTFORD - A series of tant, says Dr. Herbert Hergert, of developed into cheap fibers, often "are made mainly from cotton and in­ looms prominently. The quiet 7- “I’m happy the way I am,” he said. 12:30 ^ W L Pci. GB Cromwell at Rham footer yanked down 57 rebounds for dominant force in that area,” he San Antonio 41 21 261 — Windsor 4 7 workshops on “Women in the Legal ITT Rayonier, vice-chairman of the were used to make poorly con­ volve a big laundering burden. “I like to sit in the comer and drink (3D NCAABaakatbalt Kansas City 30 32 4M II Vinal Tech at Coventry 2:30 Newington 1 10 Rayon-Acetate Council. structed fabrics. Cellulosic fabrics, both woven and the week, an average of more than said. “'Jhe ability to rebound is just my beer and not be bothered by the Houston B 32 487 12 WRESTLING Profession; Getting In and Staying (S) BportaCantar Utah M B 287 17 Glastonbury 1 10 Land suitable for growing cotton, But the Rayon-Acetate Council non-woven, are being used in­ 14, and played stifling defense on as important as the ability to score. media. Any time I see all these guys 3KX) Denver 29 37 2 0 17 St. Paul at East Catholic, In,” will be held March 2 at the such scoring talents as Kareem. You have to be in the right place and around my locker, I get nei^ous.” (3D NCAABaakatbaH Dallas 8 53 .121 SVk coc 1 p.m. University of Connecticut School of which has enjoyed a revival in the said such recent achievements as creasingly for draperies and other Abdul-Jabbar, Larry Bird, Robert anticipate well. You have to concen-' B.-OO Pacific Division w. 1. Law. last several years, is becoming American Enka’s Zantrel, Avtex’s decorative fabrics. GD NCAABaakatbaH Phoenix 47 17 .734 - Parish and Swen Nater in the Sixers' trate at it. Los Angeles 40 20 .687 5 Portland 13 2 Wednesday ’The programs are open to the scarcer all over the world, he said. Avril and Courtauld’s high-bulk The Rayon-Acetate Council board, GoldenState 20 SO .500 15 four wins. “Caldwell is in a good groove right J\ew assignment Portland 30 31 .98 15^ Cromwell 13 2 BASKETBALL public. The major factor, Hergert hollow-rayon fiber, Fibroloft, have including a number of university Player of the week? Certainly. now. He’s a very quiet man but he Seattle B M .433 19 B. Academy 12 3 Greater Hartford at MCC, 'The first workshop, “Successful believes, is the enormous improve­ pretty well wiped out prejudice scientists, is engaged in a program to STATELINE, Nev. (UPI) - San Diego M 36 .407 204 “It’s about time someone who always does the joh for us. He’s a Former Oakland Raider wide Monday’s Games E. Hampton 10 5 8 Interview Techniques,” will begin at ment in the industry’s chemistry and against rayon. expand the future for celiulosics. didn’t score 200 points in a week got true team player.” receiver Fred Biletnikoff has joined Hockey «No Games ScbMulcd) Coventry 9 6 noon in the auditorium. Several skits Tuesday's Games Monday's ^ r t s Ttuu m Uo u some recognition, ” Philadelphia On a team known for its flam­ Caesars Tahoe hotelcasino as a West Portland at Wasnlngton Rbam 7 7 By Unitied n m IntenuUoMl recreating actual interview Detroit at Gevelana Buctatll coach Billy Cunningham said. “What boyant players such as Julius Erving Coast representative. Milwaukee at Dallas (Jheney Tech 5 9 Chicago (ALl — Signed flnt baseman situations will be presented covering a week he had." and Darryl Dawkins, the Biletnikoff, 38, was with the Boston at San Antonio Rocky Hill 3 12 Lamar Johnson and ibortatop Todd Crux topics from the appropriateness of Firm looks for bad valves Seattle at Uuh The alignment of these rotating-group components for a tur­ Jones showed on Feb. 11 he wasn’t Bolton 1 14 to 1-year contracts. certain questions to the working at­ Raiders from 1965 to 1978 and was an NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE Golden State at Phoenix Geveland — Signed outlieMer Karl boprop engine is verified by Mark Vuckovich at the Garrett RICHMOND, Va. — The manulac- tially defective valve which can Consumers who own LP gas water going to stop, pulling down a season All-Pro performer in 1969 and 1973. By United Preu International Chicago at San Diego Vinal Tech 1 14 Paeel to a one-year contract for u mospheres in different firms. Campbell Conference New York at Los Angeles Corp. facility in Phoenix, ArIz. Garrett, one of the Signal turer of ’’Unitorol” fuel control cause a gas leak and subsequent high 25 rebounds against the Ignores sore foot unolMloaed amount. A three-member panel, moderated heaters should check the heater con­ Patrick Division Wednesday's Games CCIL Girls O’all Companies, produces the TPE331 engine for business and mechanisms used on certain liquid explosion and fire. trol to determine if a Unitrol model Geveland Cavaliers. OAKLAND, Calif. (UPI) - Andrea W L T PU GF GA Geveland at New Jersey by third-year law student Sherry NY Islanders M 10 78 2S 189 Detroit at Philadelphia w. I. w. I. military aircraft. (UPI photo) propane gas water heaters is Approximately 1,000 of the poten­ 110 or 200 with a date code men­ Jones’ feats on the boards are no Atlanta at Indiana lieane, will comment on the skits. Jaeger ignored a painfully sore right Philadelphia 32 16 to 74 29 176 Hall 18 0" 18 0 renewing its efforts to publicize and tially defective controls still are tioned above has been used. If so, surprise, since he has been among foot to breeze by a weary Virginia Calgary 26 20 12 64 29 208 Boston at Kansas City ’The second workshop, "Surviving Washington 19 24 14 fi2 196 215 Chicago at Golden State Wethersfield 15 3 15 4 correct a potential delect which may believed to be in use nationwide. consumers then should contact the league leaders in rebounds since Wade, 6-3, 6-1, Sunday and capture NY Rangers 21 _ ^28 9 ^51 2Q 294 New York at Seattle Simsbury 11 WANTED . the Workplace,” will be at 6:30 p.m. cause severe burn injuries and Smythe Division Mimday's College Basketball Results Many of these controls may be found Robertshaw at its toll-free number he moved on to Philadelphia from the the $24,000 first-prize in the Califor­ St. Louis 94 12 12 80 2» 198 in Room 319. A panel of four Advocate Associates By United P r ^ International Conard 11 deaths resulting from explosion and on water heaters located in rural 800-421-1130. In California call 800- old American Basketball Association nia tennis Championships. Chicago 26 24 9 61 233 290 ^st m em ters of Hartford area iaw Vancouver 21 20 17 V 212 205 Albany St. 66. Union 64 Manchester fires. areas, such as in homes, on farms, in 262-1173. Following a free inspection, before the 1976-77 season began. Jaeger was second-seeded in the Colorado 17 9 10 44 191 237 Alfred 64, Buffalo S6 Penney firms, including Art Palmunen and y SPORTS Edmonton 17 9 10 44 219 240 TO BUY Since 1954, when the fhel controls vacation or weekend homes, or in the firm will install new controls if Before last week, however, he had event and became the favorite after American S . Drexel 74 Martha Friar, both University of moves to new offices Winnipeg 7 40 10 24 179 273 BIoomsburg9B. Wilkes79 Windham first were sold to hot water heater hunting or fishing camps. (LP gas appropriate. averaged less than 10 rebounds a top-ranked Martina Navritalova was Wales Conference Connecticut Law School graduates, EAST HARTFORD - Advocate institutional accounts. y FORUM Boston UnIv.Sl.C.W. Post67 Enfield manufacturers, there have been ^t commonly is used to fuel appliances Anyone wishing to verify the model game and was well down in the NBA upset by Befh Norton in first-round Norris Division BryantM, American Int’l. 79 will discuss law school experiences Associates, a public relations, com­ Advocate Associates opened for W L T PU. GF GA Calif St(Pa) 56, FrostburgiMd Fermi least 48 deaths and 89 severe bum in­ in rural areas due to the unavailabili­ numters or the brand name should rankings. play. Los Angeles S 18 9 79 2S2 221 GLEAN as well as post-law expectations and munications and advertising firm, business in 1975 and soon was Caniaius98, Robert Morns66 E. Hartford juries from explosions of water ty of natural gas lines.) contact CPSC’s toll-free Hotline at “1 made a pact with myself to get Norton lost to Wade in Saturday’s To Whom It May Concern: Montreal 31 18 8 70 246 172 Cheyney O. LincoInfPa.ifi realities. ^ has moved to new and larger offices retained for public relations services Pittsburgh 19 28 9 <7 206 29 Colby 8j, Brandels 66 heaters equipped with these gas con­ The potentially defective controls 800-638-8326. double-figure rebounds every game semifinals, 6-3, 3-6, 6-3, but became I have been participating on Hartford 15 28 15 45 219 275 Curry 86. S.E. Mass. 71 USED CARS Professionals and interested un­ in East Hartford. on the Connecticut Lottery account. Detroit 16 9 12 44 177 2S HCC Girls trols. were sold to approximately 110 water for the rest of, the season,” the 30- the first woman in the history of the athletic teams and using the Dickinson 84. Albright 56 Formerly located in Hartford, the A journalism graduate of Texas Adams Division Fordham69, Wagner S dergraduates are welcome to attend. The program to replace the old gas heater manufacturers from year-old native of McGehee, Ark., women’s indoor pro tour to make it facilities in Manchester for the past Buffalo 28 to 19 75 29 171 Franklin Pierce 116. Hawthorne70 AuiUence participation and questions agency has more than doubled its Tech University, Heard worked as a 18 years. In those 18 years I have Minnesota 77 17 14 68 212 161 Gannon 70. Edinboro St. 57 NWest Cath. controls with new ones is being con­ December, 1954, through February, said. “I had taken my mind off from preliminary qualifying to the Boston 25 22 10 00 223 204 George WashingtonM. Navy 79 will be encouraged at both facilities in an office suite at 30 reporter and ^ ito r in newspapers, Toronto 19 B 10 9 225 261 South Cath. CARTER ducted by Robertshaw Controls Com­ 1957. The controls include Unitrol basketball a little around Christmas semifinals. Jaeger topped third- seen the Recreation Department ex­ Hartwlck80, Ili^ aoe workshops. Nutmeg Lane. ’The new quarters in­ radio and television prior to pand most all of Its programs. Quebec 17 B 13 47 205 2C Houghton69, Eisenhower67 Mercy pany of Richmond, Va., in coopera­ models 110 and 200, showing any date Use IRS label and it took me a while to get back seeded Wendy Turnbull, 3-6, 7-5, 6-0 Monday's Games Kutztown97, Delaware Valley 73 A reception with refreshments will clude space for a photo studio and art becoming a partner in Advocate I No Games Schooled i Ehist Cath. tion with the U.S. (Consumer Product code which includes the letters W or into sync. in the other semifinals. New fields built, older fields im­ Lock Haven 74. YorkTl(ot) be held following the evening presen­ director. Associates. Tuesday's Games Mansfield 78. E. Stroudsburg 69 St. Paul Safety Commission. The manufac­ X, or the letter combinations LV, Taxpayers who use the peel-off proved, more facilities built, others Toronto at N-Y. Islanders Advocate Associates has Tarr, a graduate of the University MarislSl, Castleton St. 74 Aquinas tation. turer also is reissuing a national AY, BY or CY. label and pre-addressed envelope improved, a better grade of officials, PitUburgh at Philadelphia Merrimack 103. Lowell 83 ’The events are sponsored by the experience in all media, including of Missouri School of Journalism, Winnipeg at Detroit Mount St Mary's70. PtaiU Textile68 m -S A M W alert to warn consumers of the Consumers can identify the when filing their income tax returns more programs for girls and Queb^ at Colorado Nicholas!.Nichols ar -BarringtMTl------University of Connecticut Law broadcasting and cable television, as worked as a reporter, editor, St. Louis at Calgary severe risk posed by continued use of affected units by looking for “Unitrol help reduce the cost of processing Martin predicts A^s will win children, and something for everyone Pace 68. Kings Pdnteo well as films, video tapes and slide producer and film photographer at ^ Wednesday s Games Point -Park - ...... BrafordSS TV. Pilt-Brafor Women’s Association, the School’s water heaters equipped with the con­ 110” on the face of the control, or for and lessen their chances of making SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (UPI) — Oakland A’s manager Billy Martin went young and old to be involved in. Toronto at N.Y. Rangers Providence 73. St. John'iST Placement Office, and the Hartford presentations. KOMU, W nc and WFSB before Chicago at Washington RamapoO. Rutgera-Newark 69 trols. “Unitrol 200” on the temperature time-consuming errors, the Internal out on a limb before the first ball was thrown or hit in the Cactus Leaeue All of this is something Manchester Winipeg at Hartford Rulgera90, Long Island U. 71 Association of Women Attorneys. Partners Bill Heard and Sherm helping form Advocate Associates. Quebec at Los Angeles The warning covers the "Unitrol” dial on the front of the control. The Revenue Service said. this spring. ® can be proud of, and I am sure other ShippensburgTS, Pltt-JohnatownTl For more information, call 523- Tarr serve consumer, industrial and Boston at Vancouver SlIpMy RockM, Steubenville 69 model 110 and model 200 gas controls towns are envious of and try to make St. Louis at Edmonton controls, are located near the bottom Errors, especially if they involve Martin predicted that the A s will win the American League West over Southampton 77. Dowling 73(2o() 4841, Ext. 345. used to regulate the flow of LP California “if we avoid serious injury.” their programs and facilities as good Colorado at Minnesota St. Anselm'a73, MIddleburyO of the water heater. Date codes are incorrect or illegible Social Security St. Joseph's 74. Lehigh 47 (liquid propane) gas to water numbers can also lead to refund Oakland, which won 54 games in 1979, took 83 in 1980 under Martin, but as ours. stamped next to the gas pilot outlet St. Vincent 74, Alliance 9 Fourth in sales Motor vehicle agency heaters. These controls, manufac­ which is located on the bottom side of delays. would still need some 15 more victories to fulfill the manager’s prediction I don’t know the figures but if you Stonehlim.New Haven 69 Suffolk m. R b ^ Island Coll 65 tured by Robertshaw's Grayson Con­ the control and to the right. Use of a The peel-off label is pre-printed for this season. look at the number of participants in NA riUNAL HOCKEY LEAGUE Temple 77, BucknellSO MINNEAPOLIS - Bernard R. Compiled Standings Towson St. M. Howard 61 trols Division of Long Beach, Calif, small mirror will aid consumers in with the taxpayer's name, address, Martin Mys that he will platoon everywhere except in the outfield town athletic programs in By United Press International Johnson, FIC, ol Manchester, Conn, Upaala 80. Kean 9 reduces license costs about 25 years ago, contain a poten­ reading the date code more easily. and Social Security numbers. which IS the strength of the attack. He also says he will restructure his Manchester 15 years ago and com­ (Top 16 make playoffs) U S. Int’l. 91. St. Francis 66 ranked lourth in health insurance W L T Pti. GF GA Va. 83. Georgia T ecb0 WE’THERSFIELD - In an effort date of February 1982, have an pitching staff. Steve McCatty is expected to be converted into a reliever pare them with today’s number I am St. Louis 34 1212 2» 191 W. Conn. 9 . W. New England 79 sales among all Lutheran NY Islanders 94 1510 3S 193 to cut operating costs, the Depart­ wMe fireman Bob Lacey may become the team’s lone southpaw starter’ sure there is a great difference. W. Chester St( Pa) 83. DeUware St 76 Brotherhood district representatives orange background, black numerals, Buffalo B 1019 29 171 ment of Motor Vehicles will not issue The pitchers and catchers had their first workout Sunday The one person who has been in­ Philadelphia 32 1610 29 178 for 1980. black border and are sequentially CML promotes Barrett Los Angeles 32 18s9 258 221 new plates to dealers, repairers, or strumental in all these great im­ Montreal On the basis of life, health and numbered. 31 18 8 29 178 junk yard licensees renewing their munity College with an associates degree, provements of our recreation Minnesota 27 1714 212 181 ' mutual fund sales, Johnson also Following is a list ol types ol plates HARTFORD - Leon B. Barrett of Calgary B 2012 29 209 SCHOOL BOY licenses in February. Instead of new Barrett received his bachelor’s degree programs has been Carl Silver. Chicago B 24 9 233 230 qualified for m em bership in presently issued by the department, Windsor Locks has been promoted to BASKETBALL plates, the licensees will be issued from Western New England College and is I have bad the pleasure of knowing Boston 26 2210 2B IN Lutheran Brotherhood’s 1980 which require the'new stickers; new assistant director in Word processing Vancouver 21 2017 212 206 stickers to place on present plates. currently'working toward his master’s at this valuable man and although I Washington President’s Club. This is one of the operations at Connecticut Mutual Life In­ 19 2414 198 215 According to Commissioner dealer, used dealer, repairer, junk SN**' didn’t always agree with him he was NY Rangers 11 B 9 2 9 2M HCC O’d I top sales groups of the Minneapolis- surance Co. the Hartford Graduate center. Toronto 19 BIO 2B 281 Benjamin A. Muzlo, a savings in dealer, special dealer, new motorcy­ ADVISER always fair to all, and always based Pitts^rgh 19 B 9 206 29 w. I. w. 1. based fraternal insurance society. cle dealer, used motorcycle dealer He evaluates, develops and implements Quebec his decision on what was best for the 17 B13 206 20 South Cath. 8 1 15 3 Lutheran Brotherhood’s field force excess of $30,000 should result from and motorcycle repairer. word processing applications for use on Boise dividend ICE SKATE ON SKIS the new procedure. town of Manchester. Hartford L5 B15 219 ITS E ait Cath. 7 3 9 7 includes approximately 1,000 district In addition, the department issues the new Wang word processing computer BOISE, Idaho — Boise Cascade Corp. Colorado 17 BIO ill 237 representatives nationwide. All dealers, repairers and junk Do you Im I awKward and clumsy on So remember to tty "skating" on I know he is capable of handling the Edmonton 17 BIO 219 29 Aquinas 5 4 12 6 temporary steel plates to licensees. and supervises the word processing has increased the quarterly dividend on its your cross country skis? It so, try this job of recreation director b^ause he Detroit M 912 177 233 NWest Cath. 5 4 11 6 Johnson is associated with the yard licensees must have the new operations department. your skis lor a more relaxed and Winnipeg 7 4010 179 273 These temporary plates also require common stock to 47)4 cents per share, up exercise. rhythmic ski stride. has been doing most of the work for St. Paul 2 7 5 12 John Mosby Agency, headquartered In stickers on their plates by March 1. the new stickers. Barret joined Connecticut Mutual Life Skiing cross country Is much like The stickers, with an expiration from the 43% paid previously. The in­ the past 12 years. Xavier 1 9 5 12 Tolland. in 1977 as an associate manager in the crease brings the dividend to an an­ Ice skating. To practice, take ott your V-Q engine, auto, trane., P/S, P/B, floor mate, poles. Put your hands behind your One of the many reasons I feel he Is transcribing department. nualized rate of $1.90 per share. The back and slide your right ski toiward. Tachnical M»iiUnc« provKMM by best qualified for the job is the fact sport mirrors, body side moldings, AM radio, A 1973 graduate of Manchester Corn- ProlMtKKiRl Shi Intifuctort of Am«rica' previous annual rate was $1.75. As you slide that ski, push ott the lett that his heart is in Manchester, and SAW rally wheels, steel belted radial white wall tfraa. EAtttrn Oivition— APA taps Dr. Conklin In accordance with the revised rate, the ski and glide on the right one.' Then STAGS Stock ||I1 0 9 0 Nordic to me and many others in company’s board of directors declared a slide your left ski tonvard, push ott SHARPENING DO IT DAILY — Discover the latest in Manchester this Is his most impor­ GARDEN GROVE HARTFORD — Dr. ’Thomas J. Conklin holds an appointment as an assistant regular quarterly divident, payable April the right ski, and repeat. It's just like MANCHESTER SALE PRICED «7295 Leon B, Harrell skalingl tant qualification. of 23 Lookout Mountain Drive, professor of psychiatry at UConn Medical local, regional and national sports on The 15, 1981, to shareholders of record on CATERERS Herald ^ r t s pages. Practice your "skating" exercise on I have two sons who are coming to HARDWARE Manchester, has been named a fellow of School. He is also a member of the March 13. 1981. 649-5313 M,iin St Mdiiih b41 11?S a slight'downgrade. Start slowly, and the age that they will be getting in­ CARTER CHEVROLET IS iW the American Psychiatric Association. He American College of Psychiatrists, a then try to develop a rhythm. As In volved in some of the town’s youth will be formally cited at the APA’s annual Frank and Ernaat skating, balance is importanti After a group which studies important social short time, you should teel smoother programs that were set up by Carl. I iMHORIZEP FISHER PLON meeting on May 11. issues of the day and publishes its fin­ and more stable on your skis. Then, hope that as they go though the ’The APA, an organization of more than dings. VW-L, fjkhUB, X 5fC THAT lust put your poles on and ski like years they will have as good an op­ 20,000 psychiatrists from the United Locally, Conklin is secretary of .•.bOiMN a. .-.up J... new. portunity, to be involved in sports in MOTOR SALES States and Canada, bases Its fellowship MARCH, Inc., a group which provides A c m e eiXy/BroRs c i^ E ^ A OOtNN . . . Manchester, as I have had. CARTER awards on contributions made by housing and respite care services for op 5.- >4'* Most people would like to sm Carl \ Fir Eipirt Front End Mipinent members both to the profession and the retarded citizens. He is a lector and chair­ given the chance to prove himself, I CHEVROLET community. man of the social action committee of St. feel he has proven himself the last 12 ■N MS Bwei i i I w Nunciig- i— 1— Conklin is medical director at the James Church, where he U a parishioner. years in Manchester. Institute of Living, a 429-bed private psy­ He is married and has five children. Sincerely, TRUCK SKClALItTf chiatric hospital t o t is a center for treat­ David J. White 643-9521 ment, teaching and research in the mental 38 Pioneer Circle 1229 MM ST. MWOKSin health field. DO IT DAILY — Find out what's the talk Manchester, CT 06040 Cwwr H U A 15. M tw . ft. Conklin currently is president-elect of of the town by reading Towntalk every day Dr. Thomu J. Conklin the Hartford Psychiatric Society and in The Herald. vn 18 - THE HERALD. Tuw„ Feb. 17. 1961 People I Entertainment/Arts TV W orU IV '- ■’ Mardi gras events begin , '* ,4 ^ cf’f Artist shows By BETTY RYDER t , > Family Editor Lillian still out stumping 12 paintings Alligator soup? Crab fingers? Dir­ f l • -. MANCHESTER - Twelve pain­ = --’a ;. “ ty rice? Red fish? That’s right, folks. •.■„.■ •■ ■ y.vT. • ' • • You’re in New Orleans. Betty’s Notebook tings, landscapes and flowers, by ’These are some of the selections for more silent movies Theresa Cosma of Rocky Hill are on we were served display until April 1 at the Chamber during my recent f’' ;:EW YORK (UPI) - Ulllan Gish, because you'll have your theater years looking at it. What’s it about? of Commerce building, 20 Hartford visit to New her 103rd film behind her and half-a- destroyed.” ■ It hasn’t a beginning, a middle or an Rd. highly flavored fish from local continue until midnight. Orleans. They’re dozen new scripts under considera­ Miss Gish starred in the D.W. Grif­ The exhibit is sponsored by the waters and is available on a fresh Ironically, we foui^ ourselves sit­ end. It doesn’t mean anything. It’s not really con­ tion, is on the campaign trail to fith Civil War classic, but the film just a waste of money. Manchester Arts Council. Mrs. basis approximately 355 days a year. ting on the floor next to Howard Bar­ resurrect an art form she says was sidered exotic dis­ enrages some segments of the black “I don’t say we don’t make good Cosmas, who has won many prizes The Marriott’s R ^ is h toulouse is din of Blast Hartford, who along with cruelly strangled before it ever real­ and purchase awards in juried shows, hes in that city with his wife. Dot, and their daughter, community who charge it furthers ones, but they’re few and far its vast array of served in a rich Creole sauce topped ly had a chance to grow. racial stereotypes and their is a member of the Connecticut with shrimp and a touch of hollan- Ann Wallace and her son, Ian, were between. ‘Kramer vs. Kramer,’ "Tur­ available fresh in­ “I think films are still in their demonstrations at recent showings Women Artists and the Ck)nnecticut daise. enjoying the show. We learned the ning Point,’ ‘Ordinary People.’ And gredients and babyhood, crawling around on their have turned violent. Watercolor Society. To top off the luncheon, we enjoyed next day that We had missed hearing ‘9 to 5’ — that’s one of the funniest diverse cultural in­ hands and knees,” said the un­ “They did 315,000 worth of damage pictures I ever saw. Chaplin never Viewing hours are 9 to 5 Monday Bananas Foster, a dessert featured Howard play the bones with the jazz challenged matrjarch of movie­ through Friday. The Chamber of fluences. group. when the film ran in San Francisco,” made me laugh more than that.” by many New Orleans restaurants making as she poured tea before a she said. “It’s so crazy. That’s what (Commerce phone number is 646-2223. Alligator soup, perhaps the most Later, we were to meet Bill •But Miss Gish, who in her youth un­ and long enjoyed by Orleanians at blazing fireplace in her book-lined we went to war about. Lincoln said, unusual, is coming on strong'as an Cooney, a former East Hartfordite, der producer-director Griffith, home. It is made from bananas Manhattan apartment. “How long ‘You can't have a nation half free and alternative to turtle soup, longtime who now operates the William te a m ^ with her sister to discover favorite in the Crescent City. flamed in a mixture of brandy, did it take the printing press to come half slave,’ and we killed hundreds of banana liqueur and spices, and sev^ Cooney Antique Shop on Magazine such screen Immortals as Ronald About 18 months ago the green sea of age? This is greater than the prin­ thousands of people to set those black All invited with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Street in New Orleans. His folks are ting press. This is a living history of Coleman, Rudolf Valentino and Mary Skro turtle was classified as an en­ people free. Astor, is more concerned with the from East Hartford and we promised the world and that’s bigger and “Now black people will destroy a to rehearsal dangered species and its sale for­ we’d give them a call. It sure is a memorable than with the merry, and bidden, severly restricting the supply Sweet Emma better than a written history. theater that’s telling this story. Does with the fact that the Russians truly small world. SOUTH WINDSOR - The South of turtle meat. On the other hand, A visit to New Orleans would not “We are the first cen,tury to leave a that make sense? But the point is — “understand the power of film.” Interviewed Bill at his shop and living history of our life and times it’s still power.” Windsor High School Drama Club has Louisiana is up to its ears in be complete without a stop at Preser­ took some pictures, so will pass that “Did you see ‘War and Peace?’” and we don’t even know it. We treat Another silent film — “Napoleon,” invited all Senior Citizens of South alligators. Seems the ‘gator, former­ vation Hall to listen to'old-time jazz along on a forthcoming she ask ^. ‘T saw it four times. They it like the comic section.” shot on the very eve of talking pic­ Windsor to attend the final dress ly shielded, now poses an over­ musicians stomp out your favorite People/Places page. 'Also chatted took 10 years to make it ... you see But Miss Gish really was talking tures — recently jammed New rehearsal of its Winter Production population problem and may be tunes. with the executive chef and the factories that are so beautiful you’d taken in limited numbers. about silent films — those now- York’s Radio City Music Hall for “The Boy Friend” by Sandy Wilson, Sweet Emma, a Black wom^n in pastry chef at the Royal Sonesta and like to go out and live in them. You ’The Louisiana alligator has much vintage dramas of subtitle in which eight sold-out performances and as its guests. Feb. 25 at 3 p.m. at the her mid-eighties, who has been will pass along some of their award­ see orchards in blossom with High School auditorium. the same diet and envifonment as the playing with the group many, many she and sister Dorothy starred as the gave more fuel to Miss Gish’s cam­ beautiful little children playing un­ winning recipes. most luminous beauties of their day. paign. Tickets for the public perfor­ fresh water turtle and the meat, ac­ years, now plays the piano with only ’The Madri gras festivities began derneath them. You see Siberia cording to chefs at the New Orleans “Talkies” buried the silents over- “That brought back silent film looking like a poem in white. mances, February 26, 27 & 28 are one hand. She has had a stroke and with a parade on Saturday night by available at the school office - 644- Marriott, is similar and a bit more one side of her body is paralyzed. . night, and though Miss Gish stepped with great music and do you know “They hold their people together one of the Krewes (clubs), as easily across the grave, she always what they played to each perfor­ 1595. tender. It makes up into a spicy soup. Sitting on the floor (it’s just a tiny they are called, and we caught by the love of Mother Russia — felt something essential was left mance over there? One hundred Crab fingers, of course, are not haii and the first 10 people through doubloons and beads and laughed at “We’ve never done our great men. fingers at all, but the claws of suc­ behind. thousand dollars! They gave eight the doors get the chairs) she was the outlandish costumes and floats. There’s never been a film on Thomas culent Gulf Coast crabs, shorn of “I’ve been proselytizing for silent performances and they were just un­ How to read The wheeled in in a wheelchair and ac­ This was the first of many parades Jefferson or of our constitution. their shell and most tasty when film and great music for 11 years,” der 3800,000 at the box office. There’s companied the group with one hand which will be held before Fat George Washington, Benjamin dipped in a remoulade sauce. she said. “I’ve been around the world proof. I just hope now somebody will Herald for free and sang in a soft, chanting voice, ’Tuesday, March 3, and on that day Franklin - all that period has still to And, thanks heavens, dirty rice "Somebody Else is Taking My three times in the last five years lec­ do something about it.” from dawn until midnight (when a turing on the subject. be done. And think what that would isn’t really dirty. Those tiny spots Place.” Though she still makes them — do around the world. The world is Bargain-wise consumers know The curfew goes into effect) the reveling : “There was one silent film called "Thin Ice,” with Kate Jackson for Herald more than pays for itself. are pepper because this Cajun The doors to Preservation Hall will reach its peak. From here on in, fighting for two different ideologies ,'Birth of a Nation,’ and nobody can CBS airing-Tuesday is the latest, her . Using the many money-savings favorite is full of spices and a. touch opened at 8 p.m., but the crowd there may be as many as four or five — the Communists and this thing we of Tabasco. Basic ingredients are started lining up at 7 and for a one duplicate that to this day. Nobody view of modern movies is not call freedom. Lillian Gish, a veteran of 103 movies, says film-making coupons in The Herald every week, parades a week until all the Krewes —can ...... imitate— ...... i t ... No...... other— film ever sanguine. shoppers pay back their subscription Louisiana rice and finely minced dollar donation was enchanted by have been represented. “ Now, when they do a ‘Napoleon’ should be living history but “we treat It like the comic sec­ chicken livers and giblets, all cooked these veteran performers. A new line played to three times the population "Did you see ‘Apocalypse Now’’” on our history, they’ll make a for­ tion.” She is seated near teapot during Interview In her price and save even more. The together. We were delighted we happened to - and it still isn’t safe to run it she asked. “Well, I spent 34 and five Herald is a good investment. starts to form as soon as the perfor- be in the right place at the right time tune.” M antuan apartment. (UPI photo) And redfish, isn’t really red. It’s a mance begins, and the jazz muscians to see one. /HOUKR/COnfllMI/ NfTamTATi S4 axn as ammi lams lASTNAUTVONOBAMUM MarWBX MS^eO OAH.T ftmsT SHOW om.v at.ao

TV tonight Srittlie Phil Wiswell has a dream job. As games Clubs fo im ti tim*‘ fo r rvrrytm t' testlng new products like the Styrofoam tfHy'lH Urit itn tp lf review editor for a national magazine, he dueling swords he’s holding. They come irho him mo»t. spends about 50 percent of his time olav- I alilhnhi\. with protective goggles. fUPl ohoto) tant in adult learning and develop­ QP This Wook In Tha NBA ^a te d R) (87 mins.j B'nai BVith Parents Without Partners (PWP) of (IJCSOS N«w( 8 Tuesday Movie Of The Woek ment, will deal with development as 9 ) AN In TIm Family ®Movla-(Comady)** "SUrtIng 888FlamlngoRoadAngryand 'Intimate Stengere’ 1977 Stars; MANCHESTER - The Ben Ezra Manchester on Saturday, at 8:30 p.m. GD Jokar’aWM O var" ig70 Candice Bergen, Burt vindictiveafter discovering herhua- Dannia Weaver, Sally Struthere. A an adult. Chapter, B’nai B’rith Women of at the VFW Hall, 608 E. Center St. ® NCAA BMkatballConttnuaa Reynolde. A young writer, after a band. Field kissing Lane Ballou at couple find that iheir deep love for ’The meeting is open to the public From Daytima Provktanca va 8t. divorce, finda himself unmarried the election party. Constance acta each other cannot overcome the Editor enjoys playing Manchester is sponsoring a program Outgoing officers will be honored and Tuesday and insecure after seven years of to prevent Lane from attending an explosive emotions which threaten and men, women and couples are in­ n’a entitled “Ages and Stages” on new officers and directors will be in­ IDraamOfJaannIa whathecofiekferedagoodreletion- elegant receplion-but her plan to destroy Ihak marriage. PG’ vited. Refreshments will be served. f TV Community CoHaga: •hlp^Reted PQ) (106 mine.) backfires and causes Field toreact 12:05 Tuesday, Feb. 24 at 8 p.m. at Temple stalled. Admission is 33 per person bitterly and Sam Curtis to dely her. Qcaanua Kat6 Jackspn (right) stars as <8 & Lobo Lobo and Peaches CD ABC News NIghtHne Beth Sholom, 400 E. Middle Turn­ which includes refreshments and ® 3-2-1 Contact poseaahusbandandwifatonabthe ^mina.) 12:30 T h e a high sch(X)l teacher who falls games on company time pike. PWP dance door prizes. Beverages will be at club 9 Hogan'aHaroat blackmailerswhoara using informa­ 8 Connecticut Prime Time GC Hogan’s Heroes prices. W Jkn Rockford: Prtvata in love with one of her tion learned at a fancy marriage 8 Nightaik G!) NCAA Baeketbell Louisville vs Power Behind The program, which will be con­ MANCHESTER - There will be kivaatlgator stu(jents. and silent*screen ac­ counseling end sex therapy clinicto 8 IndapendantNawa M am ^is Stats Phil Wiswell has a dream job. He working on a similar game at the selling. ducted by Dr. Judy Krupp, a consul­ an Installation Dance, sponsored by 6:30 tress Lillian Gish portrays the put a bite on their victims. (60 10:30 8 8 8 Tomorrow Coeat- T h e T h itm e (D NBA Baakatball Los Angeles gets to play games on company time. time, you might claim later they “Independents send games all year (1) Carol Bumatt And Frtanda teacher’s grandmother, In minSj) To-Coaat Quaat< Julia Budd, David As games review editor for'a GDllcTac Dough ® (8 jN o v a ‘TheScianceofMurder' Lakers vs New York Knicks Copperiield. (90 mins.) stole yours, even though they long,” he said. “Sadly, the most jPgfilNBCNawa THIN ICE. The dramatic new NOVA looks at the reality of murder GS I960 Popular Hot Rodding 12:36 national magazine, Wiswell spends hadn’t.” usual thing is a copy of Monopoly on a O O Ovar Easy 'The Widowtr' motion picture-for-television through tha ayaa of people whose ^amplonehlpa CD S ta rTre k ‘Spactraof theOun' about 50 percent of his time play­ Wiswell said the book also tells in­ Quaal: ActorTom Boilay. Hosti: will be broadcast on 'The CBS job it it to deal with death, forensic 8 Dick Cavett Show 1:00 " T « | square board with a track around the MMH to sponsor series Hugh Downs and Frank Blair. sciantiala and law enforcement 8 Croat Country Ski School ^ Rat Patrol testing new products ^ everything ventors how to protect their ideas, Tuesday Night Movies, outside using dice. Unfortunately Sloaad-Captionad; U.8.A.) February 17. professionala. Also featured ia a 8 Hollywood Squares (D Bonanza PG from independent inventor’s mock- how to play-test games and snags to they make up about 70 percent of I Bob Nawhart Show discussion of the motives and con­ 11:00 1:16 ups to expensive electronic models 6:66 Gerard Prendergast portrays ditions which create this nation's C D 8 8 8 News 8 Movie -(Sclenco-FIcUon) *• ^ look for. what I see. One in 50 may be good.” the love-struck student. When from well-known companies. on ^The Art of Parenting^ ONawa climate of murder. (Closed- M.A.8.H. "Black Hole" 1979 Anthony Per­ "There’s no formula for success,” 7:00 the town discovers their love af­ Captioned; U.S.A.) (60 mine.) kins, YvetteMimieux.AU.S.expedi­ "At least half come from indepen­ he said. "It’s mostiy being in the )C88Nawa fair, the community erupts in a 8 Lobo Sheriff Lobo end his depu­ tion finda a long-lost madman in He tells inventors seeking a “Parenting is one of the toughest The two-seminar series will begin ties try to break up a ring of teenage S dent inventors,” Wiswell said in an else with, whom to share ideas, they JLS.H furor. spaca about to explore a 'black right place at the right time.” manufacturer to look for new game jobs in the world and yet it is one for during the week of Feb. 23. Each one f ABCNawa babyeittere, who use Iheir jobs to Program Unannouncad hole*. (Rated PQ) (117 mine.) interview. "They want advice on may doubt their decisions.” /ITERED Wiswell has been an assistant companies. "To be a success they which we receive the least amount of will meet during the c^iy for two uNaaya CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME ael up robbarias at the homes of Dick Cavett Show 1:30 marketing. editor of the 3-year-old Games Facilitators for the series will be ) BportaCanlar their wealthy employees. (60 Odd Couple (D Adam 12 must have a line of games. training,” say the coordinators of hours a week for eight weeks. These 11:30 "Don't take anything I say as magazine, a bi-monthly, “since the Lorraine Rowe, of South Windsor, ) Faattval Of Faith mins.) 2:00 "Try to get a royalty agreement,” twoi.Tfw ociiiiiicii seminar series on “Them e Art of discussion groups will uebe ittuled oyby I In Saarch Of 0Movlu-(Commly) — 4 "Cit ^ All In The Family CD Movie -(Hletorical-Orama) ** SWES marketing advice,” he tells them. “I who holds a m aster’s degree in Ballou" 1965 Jana Fonda, Lee GD Kolak third or fourth issue.” he said. It will probably be 5 percent Parenting” to be held at Manchester who are professionals and I ftowa "Story Of Mankind" 1967 Ronald can tell them how it plays," he He loves the job. education; Donna Davies of Bnaak Pravlawa Co-hoaia 7:30 Marvin. A young schoolteacher 8 SportaConter Colman. Hedy Lamarr. The History although it may rise to 10 "for a Memorial Hospital starting next who will not only share specific infor- OanaSiakaiandRogarEbartraviaw ^ 8:00 calo'a dream come true when she teemeupwithecettle rustler andhia 8Movla-(Comody)*** "HowTo of mankind, ralalad in aavaral vig- added. "Then I generally refer them Ellington; Ruth Sales, of Rockville, a PM Magaiint (X)That’aMyUnaAtwatva*yaaroid "It’s like being let loose in FAO known inventor with hot talent. week. —mation on child development, but ■ lha lataat fibna, Including Paul Naw- All In Thn Family and the Fonz are accidantalty drunken uncle who poses as a Boat Tha High Coat Of Uvtng" nattaa. (2 hra.) bachelor’s candidate in psychology; boy who is tha director and anchor­ ^rried. 1900 Susan Se in) Jamea.JaneCur- to Filis Fredericks' book, ‘How to Schwarz for the night,” he said, will also facilitate sharing between man’alataat film Tort Apache. The Family Faud praachar, and attar hia father's Gp Joo FrankHn Show ’The purpose of the programs will and Carole Shomo, who holds a Brona*. and Lily Tomlin's ‘The In* man of hia own talaviaion naws (DMovla-lS) MacNall-Lahrar Raport strong-willed brothera. both whal­ ( D Merv Qrfffin Queete: Barbers won't, give them enough money to 2:30 ting, communication, guidance and parent group seeking specific advice Parents project in Manchester. thraa of lha paopla with unusual oc- ing captains in New England of the Eden. Jerry Reed end hie Band. Wil live on JRated PQ) (105 mine.) BportaCantar ups, where to send them — “Not to at least 10 new games. The number "Inexpensive board games are SM JtB Ji Banny Hill Show orations. (60 mins.) discipline, according to Ann Bonney, such as how to handle toilet training 7:20 BamayMIllar laatcentury.cometogripawhenone Shriner, Richard Hatch, Lise 888TheTonight8howQuest; Laural And Hardy big companies,” Wiswell said. doubles or triples in summer, he tremendously popular now,” Wiswell “The Aft of Parenting” is spon­ O D a iy Number ^ PM Magailna decides to hunt treasure instead of Bimbech. Dolly Perton. (60 mint.) 3:00 Child Life Specialist at the hospital. or..discipline, the greatest benefit,” TIcTac Dough CD ® Happy Days It's Jenny Pic* THE "They’ll send the package back un­ said, when manufacturers begin in­ said, “especially role playing, sored by the Child Life and Pediatric blubber. (2 hrs.) (D 8 Laveme And SMrIoy ABC Captfonod Newa CD Movia-(Musical)**** "Top “Many parents feel insecure in Miss Bonney indicated, “often comes Laveme and Shirley fireoff hilarious Movie-(Dreme)*** "Detective gHal" 1936 Fred Aalaire. Ginger opened, to avoid lawsuits. If they are Departments of Manchester troducing games for Christmas science fiction and fantasy games.” their role as parent,” she explained. from the comradery with other salvoaofnothingbutthawackytruth Story" 1981 Kirk Douglas, Eleanor Rogers. Two young paopla mast INCREDIBLE Memorial Hospital. For more infor­ whan neighbor Rhonda Lee goads Parker. A tough detective has mari­ and fall in love, but she thinks he's SHRINKING “They want to do the best possible parents. Parents ne^ some time them into a game 'truth' that reeults Stal problems with hia wife. (2 hra.) mation, contact Miss Bonney at 64^ her best friend'e husband. (119 iPGl WOMAN job, yet feel frightened that they away from the demands of child 1222, extension 407. in e riotous round of zingere. 8 ABC NeweNIghtNne mins.) might do or say the wrong thing.” rearing. If they don’t have someone (S) NCAA BaekelbeUHoueton Vi 11:35 (0) f ^ A A BeaketbaH Houston va Texea Christian University CD Happy Days Again Texas Christian University Risk factors are valid _ 6:00 12KX) 8 Bewitched TV Tomorrow ( D CBS u t a Movto 'LOU GRANT; (XCBSTuuxduyNIghtMovlu'Thln 3:10 ”The year’s LAWRENCE LAMB, M.D. that he can estimate your Ice' l06lStera:KeteJackson.Qer- Prisoner' Stare: Ed Aener. Robert (D IMwa. Weather risk. And the risk factors erd Prendergaat. The drama Walden. Lou muat find out why hia 3:16 DEAR DR. LAMB - My Use of fluoride explained V flnneni■ revolvea around a popular l\igh friend end boat, managing editor (D Moment Of MedlUtton best rilmr MOMNNa Various Proarammlng — ChArlct Chmmplin, are the best measurement TV Communlly CoUaga a f t e r n o o n ' NCAABMketb«N(Tue.) schoolteacherwho fella inlove with Cherfie Hume, behevee irrationally 3:30 doctor claims that he can This is the ninth in a series of 13 ar­ whenlheTribrurTsenexposeofpoli- g LOp ANGELES TIMES of how much disease you communities such as yours which ap- expensive, costing less than 50 cents „ 4:88 Cartoons 13dX> Vertgue Programming one of her etudents, end the 8 HaoovDaveAQein tell me what my risk of ticles on dental helath published by Iparently do not have fluoride in thei 0 JknBikkw g ( 9 Taxae community furor that erupte when tlcel torture. (Repeat) 'GRAND have in your arteries. per child per school year. Few •dW D CD CD Naws JURY' tg77 Stare: Leslie Nielson. having a heart attack of The Herald, in cooperation with the 'public water system can protect! TomAnd Jsny 9S) Up And Coming their reletionehip is diacovered. (2 A good study was done at Dr. Lamb materials are needed, the procedure d )N M n Qhoat And Mra. Muir BruceDavidsoo.Ayoungcoupiaac* ^ Brady luneh 1 1 0 0 Card Sharks stroke is from his examina­ Manchester Dental Society, in obser­ ( i ) i ^ Three's Company Three'a capt help from a man as they start the University of Califor­ children’s teeth by instituting a only takes about five minutes of' »:SO 0 PMIOonahusSIww Various Programming (Exc. ^ 3530. tion. He says that my CD DmiMI ooim company but four’s a crowd when their married lifeend their invol­ ’TESS’ nia, Davis School of vance of National Children’s Dental fluoride rinse program in the classroom time per week, and mouth JaaPrankHn Show Fri GQ utUoRaacala _ 6:48 Cslabrstton Of Tha Eucharlsl g F.A.8occ#r(Mon.) Ralph Furley moves in with Jack, vement with hkn gale them i cholesterol is high and my Health Month. schools. 0 >astmaStrssl Janet end Cindy after the room- Medicine, that helped to reverse high risk factors, rinsing is easy for children of all ages CD NtwZooRaviw Ssssms Strsst 0 MovlaJ' g o VNIaAiogro trouble. blood pressure is high. Ac­ it is too late. matee complaints to the building 8 This Weok In Tha NBA urH “ Our seven year old recently Thousands of children across the _ 8:84 O IDraamOfsIoannio prove this point. The such as the type, you have, to learn and to do. HwMsgazIns 0FB M 7F su d owner coat Ralph hit Job end epen- (11) Or. Gone Scott On Hobfswa P»e*'ffnts tually, it is only 145 over 95 DEAR READER - It brought home a form for us to sign- country are participating in these 0 MenUnfl Priz*r 0 Richard Skninons Show 12:28 HAU FOR RENT arteries to the heart were that the process of fatty- The actual classroom procedure in­ _ 8:88 (DO f y i ^ n t . (Clpeed-Ceptioned; U.S.A.) and I have read that isn’t may not be as natural as permitting him to participate in a 8:30 CD Now Jaraay Raport F*or parti«t,.*e«frt. racipUoai, visualized with cholesterol deposits in the fluoride rinse programs. The benefits volves giving every child a dis­ 0 Today's Woflum ) Brady Bunch 12:30 4:00 8 0 8 B J And The Boar (kant MY TNXEEAIMIELS bad for a person my age. she thinks. Even the arraela the lady truckera on a maetiafs. CemplaU kitekta arteriograms and cor­ arteries will stop or even school fluoride mouth rinse program. from rinsing with a dilute solution of *•■«> ) Partrldga Family (D Saarch For Tomorrow aiohn OavMaon BbdW faciUtHa. Lar|a ntU ni partial • rontMiy hy I'm 65. cavemen wore animal posable-paper cup containing a solu­ (D Various ProgrsmnUng 1 You Bsl Tour Ufa CD VMa( Staaoon: Tour Naw QiMgan’a Inland trumped up charge end BJ errenges related with blood be reversed. Just what is involved in such a neutral sodium Ruoride have been for them to challenge the prison lot laaairr Smm St BMm Spnmrk IjkeO d He thinks I need to lose skins and you can bet they program?” tion of 0.2 percent neutral sodium NssrZooRsnis I Mauds MarvOrtffIn pressure, cigarette Incidentally, the demonstrated repeatedly by research HsaWiPIsM I BavsrtyHWbllllas Ryan's Hops Movfa guards at a game of footbeii in order weight, but I'also heard on didn’t take them off at I fluoride. The teacher instructs the to win Iheir freedom. (60 mine.) UthuaiilanHaH fAwy A 21, n, a tJIPX. smoking, cholesterol levels National Academy of Fluoride is by far the most effec­ conducted over the past 10 years. B:B8 ^ ^ ^ M t k s A Oaal OoH(Wad.) 24 QOLWAY STREET TV that a recent study by night in the winter — at children on how to rinse, including CD Nows I Waalhsrvlaw 0 0 0 Doctora Domata 8 8 Myetaryl'Rumpole of the tive agent known to prevent tooth Such studies show an approximate 35 Bailey: The Men of Cod' Rumpoje MANCHESTER Eat CMMc IS MmI and other risk factors. The Sciences’ report. did not how to swish the solution between the 12:88 JimBakkar mesm the National Academy of least for sleeping. defends an elderly vicar who hee T individuals with the lowest say that diet wouldn’t help. decay. Persons who drink fluoridated percent reduction in tooth decay. teeth. The children are timed for 60 3 0 Fintslonss C D 0P V I BMt Bunny CaUbaloralP.U. Sciences said that diet Actually, it all depends water from birth onwai^ have up to These fluoride mouth rinsing J MyThrasSons 10:00 1d)0 O flaaama Btraat been caught red-handed leaving a Ph006 643-0616 TUaM ISJI, $4JI; M M9-I44I risk factors had no signifi­ It emphasized that losing seconds, after which they expec­ ) Jsffnrsona Movia department atore with three unpur- didn’t help in preventing upon other factors. In the )Bswttchad ) Young And Tha RaaUsta cant evidence of disease in weight was important. 65 percent fewer cavitl^than they programs are easily conducted in torate the solution into the paper ) TMs Wash ki TUa NM (Thur.) Thraa Sant Bawitchad cheeed eport ehirte (with collere) in CB« .RICHARO heart disease and the winter, warm bed clothes jMIks Douglas 7 hia shopping bag. 'The trouble with their arteries while the in­ Moreover, its comments ordinarily would have. However schools because the procedure is in­ f BuBvfbtkfa AHMyChkdran ILovalaUcy W l D B l '" ' P0OR American Heart Associa­ really help, particularly if cups which are thrown away. I Various PrograiiHiilng ) RomparRoom laaU 4:30 vicars.' remerki Rumpole. 'is that dividuals with high rish about diet for the general I NoMpofRoM P BportaCantar Fintatonaa they make tha moat terrible wit- KM6 MLP GNtfTDI/WOMEirS MEIKM OXT. tion was all wrong about the house temperature is 1 0 Las Vagaa Oambll ____Jl Radas (Tua.) factors did have. public were only for those 6:88 r------1 DaytOIOurUvsa Hanlay Rw tta (Mon.) neeeee.' (Cloeed-Ceptioned; U.­ this. If I were really lowered to save on heating I AaMricanTrak ' llAllva ChriatTho Living Word S.A.) (60 mine.) P T M M lt The risk factors and who had no evidence of an I In-School Programming (Exc. 1 ln-Schoo(l>rogrammlng STIR overweight I wouldn’t bills. This is particularly Service notes ) Mavis (Exc. Mon.) Bewitchad 3530 what they mean are dis- abnormality — that is, .) OnaDayAtATima ( D O Too do eo Fo r Comfort Jury ★ ★ ALLNSW ★ ★ mind going on a diet, but important in older people Tom Larton Show duty and a tight deedUoe for hie car­ CRAZY cusseu in m e Health those who have normal risk TKW CD AddamsFtmHy Straata Of Ban Frandaco I’m really not any heavier who can gradually lose ) Mondns SBuNtsya 0 NCAA WraaUkig (Mon.) 6.00 toon atrip cause a aleepieee night JEWISH-AMERICAN REVUE Letter number 13-2, How to factors. 10:30 than most of the other men body heat and have a low Q Pppsya And lugt ■unny 0 JtktHaasOoapalTIma AN In Tha Family end great confaelon whan Henry wftfl Measure Your Risk of DEAR DR. LAMB - I D 0 OoodMomkia Amoriet CD ASca Wondar Woman mietakee written evidence as an in­ BK I know and they are not on temperature crisis that Urhanetti receives award (DLLqnLucy .1, *=00 vitation for a romantic tryat with an J o t RimtU — HtnehtS fox Heart Disease, which I am have learned that a lot of D Metiard Mnnions Show CD As Tha World Turns Ironaida a diet. What is your opinion can be dangerous. Tech. Sgt. Steven 0. Ur- meritorious service in the tram as a motor transport D iMrtoContor 0 O 0 Mockbuatara CD Sal Smart NCAA Swimming (Mon.) attractiva fellow juror. Kfoimor CoMOfvatorjr Band sending you. Others who the younger folks are Guertin of pi Keeney St.. 1 0 0 Today 0 Johor's WNd 0 0 OnaUlaToUva Movia (Exc. FrL) 10K)0 JEWISH • YIDDISH MUSIC of all this? banetti, son of Sheila M. operator. 10:80 want this issue can send 75 sleeping in the nude. While If the room is warm it is performance of their Manchester, has enlisted in I ■afanan 0 Ac c m I On Uvkig (Mon.) DavayAndOoNath DEAR READER - My Now at Fort Dix, N.J., 0 N S W S ® 8 Hart T o Hart Jonathan and AND SNTSRTAINMSNT cents with a long, stamped my granddaughter says it less important. Of course, Urbanetti of 16 Strant St., duties on behalf of the Air 7:18 0 0 0 AnoUwr World HmyDaya Again opinion is that you should Force. -for both basic and ad­ the U.S. Air Force. A 1960 CDNswt 10:88 O MlalarRogare Jennifer, with only a special pair ol TWO AL QKMTILFS ORCHESTMa self-addressed envelope for is natural and is a strong warm bedding helps but if Manchester, has been CD Nawsbrsak *•*> epectaclee aa Iheir chief weapon, graduate of Manchester ... QD Abbott And CoaloNo Cartoon BtarakyAndHulch jiiDevil follow your doctor’s ad­ vanced instruction, she is 11:00 tangle wHhdengerouemefflberaofe it to me, in care of this believer in doing things you stick out of the covers decorated with the sixth High School, he selected a . CD Orsal Spaas Cosatac 0 Domain 6:16 MONDAY, APRIL 6, 8 P.M. vice. You have managed to award of the Air Force later slated for assignment J ) Jlmliakksrthow g Various Programming HarmanoPabio gembUng ring who frame the Herts' newspaper, P.O. Box 1551, naturally, I think it could you can lose a lot of heat Enlistees position In the bomb prudent aocountent for murder to put together a lot of misin­ Commendation Medal at in Europe. '0'looafeyOao 0 MnggInAndThsBanuUlulMn- 6:30 BushnaH Auditorium Mw Devlin Radio City Station, New be harmful. I tried to tell that way. Cold will not Loreen Beth Pillard, navigations system •dW llavsBaat China (Exo.Tua.) Bamay Millar protect thek crooked deelinge. (60 formation that can harm Langley AFB, Va. IrtIghITaSi .) TICKETS I 10.M PER PERSON York, N.Y. 10019. her that is could cause cause inflammatory She attended Manchester mechanical career field ,CD CtpUnKsnaaroa 0 You Bal Your Ufa MJLB.H. you. The medal Is awarded to daughter of Mr. and Mrs. High School. (1} Woody W o o S ^ a f CAA OymnasHca (Mon.) Movia (Fri) Racing From RooaavaH BoNoMf •eao WM oaniv HI And there is other good arthritis but it can con­ and departed for basic 1 0 WhsalOlPortuna Rfcaway ■OBS-JP First, your doctor is ab­ acute inflammatory Charles Pillard, 16 Lodge (D NCAA latkaaMNdse. Tua., C D 0 F Y I Dr. Qana Scott On Habrawt r King PMAp ChtpWr/Womnn't AiiMFteM O.R.T. those individuals who .«* d .) I Don Lana Show 3-2-1 Contact 8 M o v la -(C o m o d y )* * * "U p In news. Other small studies arthritis. Would you tell tribute to muscle spasms Drive, Manchester, has training at Lackland AFB, 11:30 _ 3’OC solutely right in telling you demonstrate outstanding Jeffrey Guertin, son of 0 Periiy Mt y ja lunny (DOuMIngUghl Electric Company Sm oka" '1978 Chaech Marin. PHONB: a sse ss have shown that if you her so she will listen before and muscle cramps. joined the U.S. Army to Texas, on Feb. 9. uy Tylar Maora Show Tommy Chong. Spoof of Southern PLEASE CAU.THEATHE achievement or Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. 0 PatawsrdPhM CD Woody Woodpockar Lottary Show (Thur.) CD OlWssn's Island (1 ) 0 OanaralHospital Celifornra'e apaced-out ecene.

• .*. V .. V r, 2 0 - THE HERALD, Tues,, Feb 17. 1981 THE HERALD. 'Tues.. Feb. 17, 1961 - 21 Home

Call 643-2711 ^ 1 ..1 ’J f . tooyt OT r ^ W-.SCall 643-2711 . . ♦

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HNp W anM 13 D utfM ii OpportunUlM 14 fnyMimwiI P ro p tly 25 S t t v le t O lfpnd 31 ArUetof tar Sale 41

AMIR1CA tO L D fS T LlC lN tO R EXCELLENT O f ICC CRCAM CHOW* INVESTMENT! Good cash 1973 RUPP NITRO NICOI OUALIfiCD f AM ILIIt flow! First floor leased to SNOWMOBILE. TOORtRATC THCIAOWN package store. Second floor, HAVE niU CK WILL HAUL Speedometer, tackometer and very nice apartment, plus S ALMOST ANYTHING! Oean running lights. 3200. Call 228- car garage, 367,900. Call for attics, cellars, odd jobs. 3356 or 636-5735, ask for Don. Serving The Greater Manchester Area For 100 Years CoAJlfd. further details. Strano Real Please call 646-1096. She Iferaih ICE CREilN STORES Estate, 646-2000. PRICED TO SELL! Organ, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WMTED CANVCi RCRRCSCNTATIvrS CHILD CARE - Licensed Gas Barbeque, Redwood Pic­ W IU IC AT THC Mother to care for children In nic Table with Benches (like CamI tee C n M Mira a loving environment. Full new), 21” Rotaiy Mower, Tea P H O N E time. Please call 646-4690. Cart, Office Desk, Office 643-2711 SO. W NDSOH ELMWOOD, CONN. PRIVATE Chairs, Typewriter Table & F O ff ASSISTANCE IN PLACINQ YOUR AD Valleyvlew Dr., Deepwood 1144 New Britain Ave STEEL, ALUMINUM, VINYL Complete Home ^m ishings. Dr., Potter SL. and Birch Feb. 21st. A 22nd. PROPERTY SIDING. Trim Work A Phone 646-1790. Specialty. Small Jobs Hill Dr. Want Alls welcomed. Call 228-0600. 30 ” ELECTRIC STOVE. Four PLEASE READ AOVERTISINS CALL HELEN TO M A R I AN AAR01NTMCNT burners. Excellent condition. YOUR AD DEADLINE • 84641648 CIU TIU FREE Polntlng-Poporlng 32 046-9549. 800-43M008 □ BUSINESS Clsttlfled ads are taken PROFESSIONAL PAINTING NEW MINK HAT, Women’s and SERVICES - Interior and exterior. ^ p are l, dresses and coats. over Hie piione as a con- 12:00 noon tho day USTHiUTFOIID Commercial and residential. Boy's and Men's clothing. venionca. 'Hw HoraM Is before publication. Columbus Circle and Free estimates. Fully in­ Furniture and miscellaneous. Services Otforod 31 Call 643-9607. rsspomiMs for only one Michael Avenue Area, □ EDUCATION sured. 6464879. ADVERTISING Main & Wlllys Street Area, REWEAVING BURN Incorroet knorUon and Oeadlino tor Saturday Is •••••aaaaGDGAaaaaaADAAA*** THREE PAIR OF DRAPES, ..m • RATES Sliver Lana starting at HOLES. Zippers, umbrellas INTERIOR PAINTING llion only lo Hm size of 12 noon Friday; Mon­ Pftpete ln$tructlon» IB AND WALLPAPERING 72”x84", white, green and 1DAY...... 14*MBniM Main Street. & Beacon HIM repaired. Window shades, gold. Heavy open weave. 330. tho original Insortlon. day's doadlino Is 2:30 Venetian blinds. Keys. TV 3 DAYS ...13‘snsmin -Tolland Street Area. VOICE, PIANO, ()uality professional work at Call 5684910. Errors wtiich do not Friday. FDR RENT. Marlow's, 867 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6DAYS ...12*Mnim CALL ERNIE ORGAN INSTRUCTIONS - Main Street. 649-5221. reasonable prices. Fully in­ lesssn Hm value of tho Phone 043-2711 26 DAYS ... f't'MBmiit Former Faculty New York sured. Free estimates. G.L. Dogo-BIrdo-Polt 43 843-8038 City Music & Art High School. McHugh. 643-9321, ••••••••••••••###••••••••• advorHaamoni win not bo 1SWOM>.iS.1SM CERAMIC FIRING. Discount FREE. Two female cats. 15 Call 644-8597. rates. ()uick service. Call 643- corroetoH by an ad­ HAPPY ADS *2.60 SSI a U STO N BU R V months. Spayed. Box trained. 2543. Call 647-1152 after 5:00 p.m. ditional bisarHon. Pond Circle EXTERIOR PAINTING, and Rosewood Drive. experienced college student. Molly and Dean Hendrickson stand In the managers for the builders. She Is beside a (Quality work. Verf Muilcol Inolrumonli 44 Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hendrickson show off draperies for the skylight. The solar home FRENCH LESSONS. Conver­ oackyard of the “Sun-Tronic” solar home photovoltaic array that converts sunlight AvaHaMa Nowl reasonable prices. Call Mike, their master bedroom, with Its brass-faced hf Htralb ■ sational French and grammer 569-3458 or $694545. 2 AMPS KUSTOM II LEAD was built as a new product showcase by the 3 given in my home. Call 646- and Yamaha 210. Dependable. they occupy in Greenwich as house directly into electricity. (UPI photos) fireplace and computer-operated insulating CAU DAVE Copper Development Association. 647-9846 LEE PAINTING. Interior & Call 649-7703. Exterior. “Check my rate H tip Hfantad IS Nafp tVantad 13 SHANNON’S CERAMIC Antlquoo 45 CUPBOARD - Lessons now before you decorate." Depen­ h t dable. Fully insured. 646-1653. 3 PART TIME ARTIST, forming, Tuesday thru Friday Income Tax ANTIQUES i Living is wonderful nights, 7 to 10. Class paints, COLLECTIBLES - Will experienced in layout and cleaning tools, et cetera Se(Yice INTERIOR PAINT-ING, over purchase outright, or sell on TELEPHONE SOLICITORS paste-up. Part time mornings. ten years experience, low Typesetting helpful, broing a supplied. All techniques commission. House lot or featured. 528-6066. winter rates and senior citizen single piece. 644-8962. N O TIC ll Psrmanant Part Tima Positions must. Ask for Nora. Sierr ng EXPERIENCED INCOME discounts. 643-9980. 1 — Lost and Found Printery 649-2741. TAX PREPARATION, done Wontod to Buy 49 in home of future 2 — Partonals Homes For S»l» 23 in your home. Please call Dan CRAIG’S PAINTING - 3 — Announcements For responsible housewives and others 4 — Entertainment FULL ■HME DEPENDABLE Mosler at 649-3329. Interior/Exterior. (Complete By JAMES V. HEALION principle as a rolltop desk. They des­ the louver down an 18-foot tall SALES ASSISTANT. Some COVENTRY 5 ROOM WANTED PIANO FOR 5 — Auctions looking to supplement present income. Good Interior Remodeling. All BEGINNER - Good condition GREENWICH (UPI) - Some peo­ cend automatically at night, courtesy decorative column in the living clerical duties. Lots of contact RANCH. Fireplace. types of repairs. Free es­ FINANCIAL telephone voice required, good hourly rate Carpeting. Lake privileges. and reasonable. Call 568-5035 ple donU want to be millionaires. of the computer. room. The warmed air then heats the with public and phone work. HAVE YOUR TAX RETURN timates. 646-7254. 6 — Bonda-Stocks-Mortgages Major medical and dental. Only 332,900. Pasek Realtors, or 2894427. They just want to live like them. Mol­ "I think these shades could be used floors of the library and the game 9 — Personal Loans and bonuses. Choice of hours, 9 to 1, or 5 to 9.' EXPERTLY PREPARED by Call 569^463. MLS. 289-7475, 643-2257. Building Controcting 33 ly and Dean Hendrickson are doing in any home. It could be in a room. 10 — Insurance Sick days, holidays and paid vacation. Call leading, independant Tax Con WANTED TO BUY traditional home as well as a contem­ EMFLOYMINT RAISED RANCH - One year sultant. Please phone: Dar IMMEDIATELY, Older just that. The house has both active and 569-4993, ask for Mrs. Williams. SMALL MANCHESTER Wade, 649-6851 tor appoint­ FARRAND REMODELING - porary. They're attractive from the 13-Help W M d COMPANY needs old. 6 Rooms. Formal dining House in need of repair. Cash. They are living in the house of passive solar systems. Active solar ment. Cabinets, Roofing, Gutters, Please call Frank J.T. Strano, outside, too," Mrs. Hendrickson said. 14 — Busineis Opportunities Bookkeeper, strong in Ac­ room. Three bedrooms, IVi Room Additions, Decks, All tomorrow until, somebody pays the systems collect, store, and distribute 15 — Situation Wanted baths. Wall-to-wall carpeting. Strano Real Estate, 646-2000. There are also insulating shades in counts Receivable Collec­ Upes of Remodeling and asking price of $1 million. It is a third solar heat with the aid of pumps and SDUCATION tions. Must be able to meet Two car garage. Acre plus lot, the semi-circular library as well as ATTENDENT NEEDED for WALT’S TAX SERVICE Repairs. Free estimates. Ful­ generation solar home built as a new fans. Passive systems collect, store, 18 — Private Instructions RNS/LPNS - CresUleld Con­ deadlines and work well with with beautiful stone walls. ly insured. Phone 643-6017. the sumptuous bath areas, covering valescent Home. Manchester. Men’s Locker Room Facility. 3W,900. Group I, Philbrlck Performed in the privacy of * RENTALS product showcase by the Copper and radiate heat without mechanical 19 — Schoots-Classes sales people. If you qualify, your home. Call Walt Zingler, 20 — Instructions Wanted 3 p.m to 11 p.m. Excellent This person wiU be responsi­ send resume to Box N c/o The Agency, 640-4200. Development Association and 20 or uncovering skylights. They con­ assistance. ble for maintaining inventory 646-5346. LEON CIEZSYNSKI RIAL ISTATI benefits for part time and full Herald. BUILDER. New homes, ad­ Rooms tar Rant 52 companies, the who's who of the tain an inch to an inch and half of a time employees. Call Mrs. on work clothes for 30 EXCELLENT BUY!! Raised fiber fill similar to that in a sleeping Solar energy 23 — Homes (or Sale employees, for the daily ditions. remodeling, rec building industry. 24 — Lota-Land (or Sale Grant DNS at 643-5151. PART 'HME CUSTODIAN for ranch, 10 rooms. Only 383,000. anltorial cleaning of the rooms, garages, kitchens GENTLEMEN ONLY, The other houses built in Houston bag, which more than doubles the in­ 25 — Investment Property early morning. Apply at: Family room, recreation TAX PREPARATION - remodeled, ceilings, bath tile, kitchen privileges. Central Fifteen percent of the house heat 26 — Business Property uilding and service vehicles and Tucson, Ariz., are like it in con­ sulating value of a double pane of in­ MECHANIC i Moriarty Brothers. See Scot- room, plus great in-law apart­ Reliable and experienced ser- dormers, roofing. Residential location, security and written sulating glass. comes from passive solar, another 45 27 — Resort Property EXPERIENCED IN all and for Uie transportation of ment. Century 21. Lindsey vice in your home at cept. but not design. Between its ac­ 28 — Real Estate Wanted clothing to and from a nearby or commercial. 649-4291. references. 643-2693 after 4 percent from active solar. phases of truck and auto Real Estate, 64IM000. reasonable cost. Norm p.m. tive and passive solar systems, the The house is equipped to''take MItC. ttRVlCEA repair, gas and diesel. laundry building. Hours from BABYSITTER NEEDED in Marshall, 643-9044. Security alarms 6 a.m. to 11 a.m., Monday thru _ DESIGN KITCHENS, new "Sun-Tronic" house produces 60 31 — Services Ottsred Minimum five years Bently School area. 2 pre­ MANCHESTER. Immaculate direct sunlight and convert it to elec­ Saturday. Call Jim Fracchia cabinets, vanities, counter QUIET ROOM on busline. 340 percent of the home's heat and hot 32 — Psinting-Paperffig experience. Must have own school children. Call after 5 Seven Room Cape In a quiet tops, kitchen cabinet fronts per week, plus security. If security is breached, an infra­ trical energy. It comes into a battery 33 — Buliding-Contractlng for an interview. 633-4681. Ar­ water. tools. Start at 37.00 per hour. p.m., 649-9363. area near shopping and custom woodworking, colonial Strano Real Estate, 643-2129. red beam will pick up the intruder storage area in the mechanical room 34 — Roofing-Siding All fringe benefits. For ap­ bor Acres Farm, Glastonbury. schools. New kitchen with reproductions. J.P. Lewis 649- The Hendricksons manage the 35 — Heating-PlumDing An Equal Opportunity and flash the message to the com­ where it’s converted into alternating pointment, call 688-7596. HELP WANTED, with some built-ins. Family room. Vinyl Aportmonto For Ron! 53 house, sort of put it through its paces, 36 — Flooring Employer. siding. Carpeted throughout. puter. It will then show up on one of current. It’s calculated to supply 37 — d4oving-Trucklng-Slorage mechanical experience. Apply B-B UPHOLSTERY. Custom welcome visiting professionals, and 36 — Services Wanted HOUSEKEEPER WANTED at 270 Hartford Rd., New gas burner. Fireplace. CRAIG’S CARPENTRY - VERNON - Near 86, luxury seven General Electric television about 6 percent of the electrical for apartment in East Hart­ Garage. 366,500. 646-S6M. Work. Free Estimates. Will make an occasional women's group sets, pinpointing the location of the requirements. The rest is supplied by MItC. FOR tA Lt Manchester. pick up and deliver. Please Roofing, Siding, Gutters. Condo. Appliances. 3345 ford. Call after 5:00 p.m., 528- Cleaned and replaced. All monthly. Security, feel right at home. break as well as activate a police the power company. Northeast 40 — Household Goods 1332. MANCHESTER. Just listed. call 646-2161 after 4:00 p.m. 41 — Articles (or Sale S E a S T U Y PART TIME HELP Wpes of repairs. Free references. Call 486-3923. alarm. Utilities. 42 — Bonding Supplies WANTED afternoons and Dormered Cape. Excellent Estimates. 646-7254. MASSEUSES - Full or p r t condition!! Aluminum sided BRICK, BIDCK^ STONE - The television screen displays a Anderson said this conversion 43 — P ets-Blrds-D^s evenings waitressing. ^ply: 52 WADSWORTH STREET - 4 Molly Hendrickson, seated at a computer guest list and menu. The computer also time. Good steady clientele. with garage, IW bafhs, Fireplaces. Concrete. DidnU like idea map of the house or a diagram method is "potentially a very good 44 — (ylusicsl Instruments To officers of the South Manchester Pizza, 313 Green Chimney Repairs. “No Job ROBERT JARVIS large rooms, second floor. keyboard in the kitchen, retrieves a dinner monitors and operates the home's solar 45 — Boats A Accessories Windham area. (Jpen every Road, Manchester. fireplace, enclosed porch, BUILDING CONTRACTOR: Near schools, busline and At first, Molly Hendrickson didn't showing where the intrusion is home energy market. Northeast 46 — Sporting Goods day 10 a.m. to midnight; Sun­ Windsor Bank and Trust fen<^-in yard. Plus recrea­ Too Small." Call 644-8356 for estimates. Custom Building Additions, shopping. 3265 monthly. No think the idea of living in a house happening. If the set is off, it turns it Utilities is also interested in how and mechanical systems. 47 — Garden Products day 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. 423-7519. Company at the Main of­ PHOTOMAT tion room with bar. Only 366,- Garages, Roofing, and Siding. 48 — Antiques utilities, no pets. Lease plus other than her own was such a good on, comes to a pre-selected channel, they are going to interface with fice, 1033 John Fitch Blvd., CORPORATION, one of the 900. P lease call tor ap­ Kitchens, Bathrooms and two months security required. 49 — Wanted to Buy HAIR DRESSER pointment! Century 21, PAINTING & PAPERING - one, even though the furnishings and displays the warning and in­ something like this. They proposed South Windsor. Shorthand largest retailers of photo Ceiling Special, 25< per square Repair work of all kinds. 643- Call between 4 .00 p.m. and 6 ; • RENTALS Experienced only. Full time finishing, is looking for neat, Lindsey Real Estate, 649-4000. 6712. p.m. 643-2804. were selected by W & J Sloane. dicates whether it is a fire or a certain monitoring devices and 52 — Rooms lor Rant in busy, full service Unisex skills are a requirement. foot, paint included. ()uality •••••••••••••••••••••••••• responsible and personable in­ Work! Fully Insured. "Then we decided why pass up an burglary. evaulating techniques on this array : - ' 53 — Apartments (or Rent Salon. Call Ultimate I, 643- Good figure aptitude and dividuals interested in part 54 — Homes (rw Rent Manchester Property Pooling 34 FEMALE ROOMATE opportunity like this. We rented our The computer's format is set by so they can learn a little bit more 2103.______supervisory ability helpful. time work in the Manchester, WANTED TO SHARE top # ■ 55 — BMSiness tor Rent Maintenance, David Kay, 64& house in New Canaan, Conn., and the programmer who is teaching the about it. t i . 56 — Resort Property (or Rent ACCOUNTING CLERK - Ideal position for someone South Windsor area, from 2:30 SOUTH WINDSOR - Two 0754. ROOFER WILL INSTALL floor of 2 family house. 3182.50 we're here under contract for six Hendricksons the ins, outs, and, of "These photo cells could either 57 - m n - M tP Rant Very busy East Hartford dis­ who likes independent - 7:00, Monday through Family. Three bedrooms, Roofing, Siding, or Gutters for each, plus utilities. Includes 58 — M itc (or Rent Friday, and Saturday, 10:00 to Low Discount Price! Call Ken months or maybe a year." course, the meaning of blips — those serve a home or you could sell power tributor is expanding and work and diversified fireplaces, separate furnaces, C i M TREE SERVICE, Free wood burning stove. Call AUTOMOTIVE 4:00. Paid training and com­ two car garage, busline, 80’s. estimates. Discount senior at 647-1566. (tarol at 659-2509 after 8:00 Mrs. Hendrickson was the curator gremlins that sneak into the system back to the electric company with needs enthusiastic Mrson to responsibilities. Call •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 61 — Autoa (or Sale handle some accouitting func­ pany benefits. U Interested, Negotiable. No agents. Call citizens. Company p.m. for several years of an historical and occasionally erase what is on the them. If the right safeguards are set 62 — Trucka lor Sale tions, invoice typing and Karen Sheridan at 286-6061 lease apply at Photomat in after 4:00 p.m. on weekdays, Manchester owned and HooUng-PlumbIng 35 house. Dean Hendrickson is a retired screen. up, it’s not unlikely you might have a 63 — Heavy Equipment (or Sale for an appointment. E.O.E. fhe Caldors PIaz a in 289-7352. operated. Call 646-1327. 64 — Motorcycles-Blcycles general office duties. executive who is convalescing from In the Apple II system, the Hen­ two-way meter where you pay for Successful candidate must be Manchester. 65 — Camperi-Trailers-Mobile u o l V hip joint surgery. dricksons can override the format your power coming in from the Homes personable and able to type 60 FOR ALL YOUR NEWLY RENOVATED EARN 333 WHILE YOUR 24 and adjust the computer to changing 66 — Automotive Service wpm. Salary commensurate L o lt-L tn d for Solo CONSTRUCTION NEEDS AVAILABLE "We wanted to put together a total power company and then when you with experience. Call Mr. KIDS ARE IN SCHOOL. Sell CALL H A R P conditions — which isn't ordinarily have excess from your photo cells 87 — Autos (or Rent-Lease Avon, call 523-9401. , ! i ^ i $ x IMMEDIATELY, Heat, hot package demonstration home that Fanning at 568-1927. BEAUTIFULLY TREED CONSniUCTION. Additions, water, appliances. Second would be of interest to the building the case with home computer setups. you could reverse that meter and LICENSED RENTAL LEVEL LOT - Prestigious Roofing, Siding, Plumbing, Chip Repeir AGENT for Manchester real LOVE CRAFTS? Earn porcelain A floor. Main St. location. community across the board, not just Say it's been a hot day and it has send power back into the power MECHANIC - Experience in location, A A Zone. Almost full and Electrical, (iail 643-5001. Security and references. Call all phases of truck and auto estate office. Contact: Mr. money! Art Craft Concepts acre. Sewers, city gas. Fiberglass. Spray i architects but interior designers and cool^. The air conditioning might grid.” □ EMPLOYMENT Carlson at 646-1980. Appliances & I after 6 p.m. 646-3911. repurs. Must have own tools. looking for 3-5 women to teach Located in Manchester's CALL NOW! SPRING so on," said Paul A. Anderson, an continue, but in order to conserve crafts to small groups. Earn Cabnets Display at I Water wall Excellent opportunity for per­ finest residential area! 339,- INSTALIJUnON, sidewalks, 8 HIGHLAND ST . E H MANCHESTER 3 room apart­ association vice president. energy, the Hendricksons could use CLERICAL ASSISTANT for 350-360 per week working 10-12 000. No brokers. Principles steps, floors, repairs, etc. H«fp WaniMf 13 son with ambition and depen­ fast-paced, growing appliance GNU TUB OF NEW ENGLAND ment. Heat, hot water, elec­ an exhaust fan in the living room There’s a passive solar water wall dability. Starting rate 37.00 hours. No investment, no only. Will consider private Russ Aceto Concrete 1203) 528»e200 The 5,400-square foot house with its distributor service uepart- deliveries. Complete training. tricity. appliances. sloping copper roof and exterior of ceiling to draw in outside air simply between the family room and the PART TIME - Earn extra per hour, plus excellent financing. Call 643-8778, or Construction. 649-7364. References. No pets. 3285 per benefits. Calf 688-7579. ment. Experience helpful, but Call for personal interview, 647-9997. A. Sieffert, Sr. California redwood, slate, and by tapping out a control message on a greenhouse, consisting of six water money while the kids are in we will train. Will be moving 644-1301. month. 646-3167 or 228-3541). school. Telephone Solicita­ B 4 M TREE SERVICE - copper metals settles snugly into the computer terminal. filled copper tubes 12 inches in to East Hartford by the end at Houtohold Goods 40 tion. E. Hartford company. A DENTAL SURGICAL WEEKEND FARMERS - 45 Take advantage of our Special MANCHESTER MAIN STa earth to shield it from north winds on The computer can be an all­ diamater, which are warmed direct­ month. Please call 666-1461 for PART "nME GAL FRIDAY. acre Garland, Maine farm. 4 Winter Rates, ending ood telephone voice and dlc- ASSISTANT. Full time for appointment. EOE. two room furnished apart­ a three-acre wooded site overlooking purpose electronic filing cabinet. ly by the sun. At night, the water in lon a must. Hours 9 a.m. to I Manchester office. CDA or Typing a must, hours flexible. bedroom farmhouse. 347,500. February 28th. 25% OFF, plus USED REFRIGERATORS, ? WASHERS, RANGES - Gean, ment. Heated, hot water, a pond. Instead of putting written or typed the tanks radiates heat back into the p.m. and 5 to 9 p.m. Call Mon. previous experience Call Mrs. Bloom. 646-2900. Assume 335,000 mortgage at DISCOUNT for Senior appliances, no pets. Security. BANK TELLER - Manchester 9Vi%. Pine Cone Realty, New­ Citizens! Free Estimates. Guaranteed. Parts & Service. The multi-level house has three recipes or a wine inventory into a living areas as needed. through Fri., 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., preferred. Office skills office. First Federal Savings. C!all 523-7047. Mrs. Williams, 569-4993. required. 649-2272. SNACK BAR WAITRESSES port, Maine 04953. 207-368- Fully Insured. References. Low prices! B.D. Pearl & bedrooms, baths, living room, small box and storing it in a cup­ In another wall, the same large Three days a week, plus half needed evenings and «15. Free Catalog. 64S-n85. Son, Sb Main Street. 643-2171. day Saturday. Apply: Main TWO ROOM APARTMENT - dining room, family room, laundry, board, Mrs. Hendrickson could file copper tubes are filled with Freon NAVY VETS, Career Oppor- weekends. Experience Carpet, stove, refrigerator. Office, 1137 Kuin SuPMt, East preferred. Must be 18 years •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• mechanical room, two-story com­ the recipes into the computer and behind a copper absorber plate out­ tu n itie s available. (-all Hartford. Ek|ual Opportunity- □MISC. FOR SALE Off street parking, yard and have them appear on a kitchen televi­ side. When the sun hits the plate and collect, (SIS) 462-4321 9:00 old. No phone calls, apply Homot For Bata 23 Homoo For Solo 23 patio. 3250 plus utilities. Lease bination greenhouse and solarium Employer. manager, Parkade Lanes, plus a spacious kitchen. Mrs, Hen­ sion set. If she wanted a printout, the brings the Freon inside up to a a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and security required. 242- PRIVATE Parkade Shopping Center, A iilc lo i lor Solo 41 1872. drickson had 80 guests recently and system is equipped to produce one. temperature of 95 degrees, it SPEEDY MUFFLER KING, 'Manchester. RAISE YOUR FAMILY PROPERTY is looking for an assistant some of them gravitated to the vaporizes and travels up the tube and NEWER 6 ROOM DUPLEX. 3 INCOME! Sell Avon and earn manager for their Manchester M0CAVANA8H, kitchen. Sculptured home heats the water. Living I ke millionaires, Molly and Dean master bedroom. At left is a solar water "' good money. Call 523-9401. Want Ads DRIVER AND STOCK bedrooms. Built-in stove and store. Must be an exhaust and CLERK. 18 years or older. 'You know that old saying, ‘No It condenses and flows back down Hendrickson relax in the seating area of the wall. The multi-level home has a selling ■ R E A in ALUMINUM Sheets used as refrigerator, no utilities. The Sun-Tronic house was designed ••••••••••••••••••••••t; ••••••••••••••••••••••••HD shock specialist capable of Apply in person, Alcar Auto Business couple preferred. No matter where 1 serve my guests they the tube — transferring the heat — price of $1 million. (UPI photos) H9tp W 9nfd 19 doing paper work when Parts, 226 Spruce St., printing plates, .007 thick by the Berkus Group Architects of Help Wanled 13 •Residential 23x28(9'', SO cents each or 5 pets. March 1st occupancy. always seem to like my kitchen Washington, D.C., and Santa Bar­ and it keeps the cycle going. When requlretT I ^ n e 646-7863. Manchester. Call 6494778. the sun doesn’t shine, the Freon just •Commercial for 32. Phone 643-2711. Must be best'? I think that works out in this bara, Calif. Anderson said “the plcxedpicked up before 11 a.m. lovely, gorgeous home," she said. architect really wanted to think in lies in its liquid form. •Property Management ONLY. TWO BEDROOM Basically, the Copper Develop­ Help Wantad 13 Help Wanted 13 APARTMENT - duplex. terms of a sculptured home. Keep your TV running •Rentals Conveniently located. Heat, ment Association is interested in QuolitoDintrBri FIREWOOD FOR SALE. 380 "I think this is why you run into the NEW YORK (UPI) — Tend to take null tho nhm ana hfitrA n aAvatlflA _..1______■ ■ It now locattd at: per cord or 345 per half cord. hot water. range, Home computer things that enter the huilding market pull the and have a service where the cord can be stepped on. refrigerator. Parking. No curves, the different levels. He your TV set for granted, assuming it technic Cut, split and delivered. 872- from a copper standpoint, ranging it before further —Never place a television set on or 7S m m CENm street, inancmester 0211 pets. Adults. March 1st. The house is said to be one of the wanted the whole house to be quite a will run forever? use. . work of art, if you will, as opposed to from the solar to the plumbing near a radiator. Engineer Lease. Security. 64943^. most computerized residences ever systems. At least until you have to call a —Protect your TV set during a •4R-3800 (Set . built. The Apple II home computer a pedestrian design.” —Don’t try to fix a TV yourself. If You Are Interested COUCH 6i TWO CHAIRS - In the Sun-Tronic, they’ve repairman - and pay his bill. lightning storm or when it will be un­ ExoM tnt opportunity wltn Good condition. 3100. Please MANCHESTER 5 ROOM determines when the solar systems It may be a visual beauty, but it’s Take the set to a properly trained •ttong protpoott lor continu­ APARTMENT with garage. eliminated one run of pipe in the George Meyer, product manager attended for a long time by un­ Lolo-Lond lor Solo 24 Loto-Lond for Solo 24 call 5684910. should kick in and in what com­ practical, too. service technician. ing odvonoomonl lor ■ Quality In Being An Independent March 1st. 3375 monthly plus plumbing and introduced a self­ for US JVC Corp., maker of color plugging it frqm-the wall outlet and utilities. Lease, security, binations; when to circulate space Two fireplaces contain fans that television sets, has eight simple tips Control Enginoar. Sucoowlul op- GREEN HARDWOOD • 370 venting drainage method used in disconnecting the antenna. cord delivered. Cut and split references, no pets. Alibrio heating from storage; and when to take outside air and circulate it on how to treat your ’TV set kindly. ptlcont will hovo ■ tocOnlcol dogroo ^ Realty. 6494900. around the fireboxes, heat it, and dis­ hotels, motels, and office buildings - ’Turn off the receiver before or oquol oxporloooo In Iho ctiomicol LA K E LOT to size. Call 7424865 after 6:00 operate heat pumps, solar cells, and but not generally in new single­ Follow them, he says, and it is more cleaning the face of the picture tube. p.m. thermostats. It controls the security, charge it into the related living or prooaot Imjuolry. t-3 yooro In • NEWSPAPER DEALER $ , . VERNON - Wall-to-wall family residences. likely to run longer, safer and better Use a slightly damp cloth. Do not use Exclusively yours production onvironmont wm onhonco 3 900 fire sprinkler, and smoke detector areas, for example. for you. QUABBIN AREA 12,000 BTU, carpeting, from 3175. It’s one way that copper could an aerosol directly on the picture How well informed we are of the your cnonooo lor tnix potitloo. WESTINGHOUSE AIR Locators. Fee. 236-5646. systems. There’s a lot of glass on the south Meyer’s tips: Good otoitlng ooltiy. Allrocllvo bonollti pockogo In­ become competitive with cast iron in tube since it may overspray and activities in Washington that have please call Ernie at LOW DOWN PAYMENT CONDITIONER, Sleeve t ^ . cluding troa donlol Inxuronoo and prooortplloo drug With the push of a computer teK side of the house and on a normally —Always turn off the television 8m thia bargalnl About on« rot* in alM. bMUtttuI emk Ur m . on« mlnutt MANCHESTER • 3 rooms. new home construction. cause electrical shock. meaning to Manchester depends on plon. Sand rotumo in oonlldonoi witli M lwy hinory and Used one month, asking MOO. minal button, the Hendricksons can sunny day, heat is generated through when leaving the room for more than walk to iRkt. PtRnty of firewood. Only 90 mlnutot drIvR (rom Hartiord. Near buses. Under 3160. All the intricacies of the Sun-Tronic our Washington news sources. Every Call 6464691. raise and lower the house's "security the greenhouse glass and rises into a few minutes. Never leave a set on —Advise children not to drop or curronl rooulromonti lo: Rolond SI. Th« bank wlU flnanoR with ■ low downpaymant. Call Locators. Fee. 236-5646. may not be readily understood by push objects into television cabinet week The Herald gives you exclusive 643-803D WATERBED, KING SIZE, shades,” and chose either diffuseo the clerestory, Molly and Dean Hendrickson just when leaving the house. P A H E N BOLTON. Available February light or none at all in the daytime. A sensor behind a louver triggers a openings. Some internal parts carry reporU from our Washington bureau. complete with hand carved yet, but they’re learning as they go —Don’t operate the teievision if The Herald, the only newspaper with m m i o H head board. Payed 3500 asking 15th. 3*9 rooms. Two The shades are recessed in the fan in the basement at 85 degrees and hazardous voltages. after 6:00 p.m. fireplaces, in stone house. along. "It’s an adventure," Mrs. water or liquids have been spilled on its own bureau covering Washington REALTY CORP. 3250 firm. Men s leather suede ceiling and work on the same basic the fan pulls the warm air through —Do not rest anything on the ■wr lies, M S n . M2-2S7.4347 coat size 38. Regular 3140 Heat and appliances included. Hendrickson said. it. If the set becomes damp or wet. for news for Manchester. Ah MHif 6ppiifHrr**r ewRlepw M/P power cord or place the television Evening*, 802-257-1228 asking 370. Brand new. Call No pets. *350 monthly. 646- 6*3-9m 8893 or 8754187. 22 - THE HERALD, Tues., Feb 17, 1981

PHONE NEW PRIVATE PARTY WANT AD RATES - FAMILY THRIFT SPECIAL!!! 1 Paanuta — Charlaa M. Sehuli THE HERALD. Tues., Feb. 17. 1961 - 23 W AN T ACROSS DOWN Answer to Prtviouf Puma BUAIUNTEED RESULTSI ^ A D S HEY, BI6 BROTHER, I'M PEANUT BUTTER WILL BE U)HATIPREAaYLIKE,0F / PEANUT BUTTER^ t 1 16, Rofnsn 1 Chrittian u a II u u u u jn ] H T If Your Kam Isn't Sold Within 8 D ay s— 4 SuppTBSS holiday L 'jrj u □ □ □ A A I MAKIN6 OOR LUNCHES... COURSE IF YOU PONT MINR 1 I n .SECOND a DAYS A M PREin OKAv; 1 6 UES5..THANKlt)U 9 Btnttoons 2 Electrical unit i i i ' i B. [I 0 E E L 1 By ADigaii van Buren IJU u [t 5 M y WHATKINPOFSANPUIICH WOULP BE ROAST BEEF kirm sfd« 3 Without m £ i t LETTUCE ANP MAYONNAISE.. 12 Dross styft purpose N N [F 1 r I Prica of articlas must ba Includad In ad. WOULP YOU LIKE? T T r D E N I T y 643-2711 m 4 Rope circle 3 Lines - 6 Days ^8.50 MAYBEAUTTLEMUSTARP... II 0 0 1 1 □ □ A T A t i Additional Lin— W ill B> Charped At Low Prl»rt> Party Batw, ^ niaeminl If DaM In Arfunn# 13 B urs $1.00 Discount If Paid In Advanea FOB SALE ITEIIIg ONLY. MAXIIWUIH t1.000.00 CALL., T H E H E R A L D 5 Samovar |T A 14 W rftttn 6 Stupid fallow u T I n W 1 A L •1 [ a N 1 V A L •vow ti of B s . £ H T 7 Automotive ao-' A 1 asssaoasasaaasssaaaasaas«« sssssssssssssssssscsstssss d ib t ciaty (abbr.) 1 F I T i r J 1 T 1 A f 1 y Aparimtntt For Rant 53 M lic. for Rant 58 Prisoner Seeks to Open 15 E uh and 6 Mixed (praf} □ tvtry t D H i A a 0 0 y ssssssssssssssssssssssssss 9 Comprahan- IT D I T 16 Baginning B 9 E 1 t M FEMALE ROOMMATE TWO BAY GARAGE, one •iva E 0 • s □ n a n C 0 y door.v$30 per month. Please Minci in Closed Cell 17 Mothar 10 Rove wanted to share an apartment 16 ^ rib a n 11 Arizona city with young, working woman. call 875-^9. 33 Ciipid 51 Diraction Pritellla’t Pop — Ed Sullivan 20 Swafling 19 Whopper 35 Chaau state Call 649.02^. DEAR ABBY: I was raised a sometime Baptist but am 22 Balonging to 53 Medical Autos For Sala 61 dissatisfied with the Protestant Scriptures and the answers 21 Reduce light (abbr.) tha thing 23 Sways patient they propoee. I would like to obtain copies of other religious THIS CAR N E E P S ' 24 T h ru (prafix) 36 Compass HEBRON. 6 Room duplex. 3 HOLV V4E V , L O O K . SOU SHOULPGO VOU P BE VE(?V 24 Thirty (Fr.) point 54 Yesterday (Fr.) bedrooms. IW baths, The best reason for advertising with us Is scriptures — the Koran, the Veda, the Aveeta, or eomeOiing SMOKE T M A T IS A A T D N ( > ? TO O lE OF THOSE , GOOPONTHE 26 Ax 65 Charitable or­ 26 Hoatititv 26 Transvtrsa 42 Day of w u k appliances. Spacious Treed pertaining to Taoism, Bahaism, and anything else I can REASONABLE WORK, BUPPV.' "URBAN QCM/BOQV /MECHANICAL 26 Hsva a meal (tbbr.) ganization acquire concerning religions, 30 Young lady yard, references required. WANTED JUNK AND LATE to get resultsi Almost since our first day of e s t i m a t e .' NIGHTCLUBS. 27 Bluish-whrta (abbr.) I am presently serving a life eentence at Waycroas, Ga,, so (Fr„ abbr.) 44 Interweave One months security J475 MODEL WRECKS - Cash 34 12, Roman metal monthly. Includes heat and W H V i 46 Rains frost 68 Harden Paid. Call Parker Street Used obviously I don't have access to public libraries or other 35 Enlarga 29 Eva’s mate hot water Adjustment on oil publication, our Classified columns have 46 Balconies 59 Same (prefix) Auto Parts, 649-3391. public places where this information is available, 37 Egypt (abbr.) 31 Minstral’s in- will be expect^ . After 3 p.m.. ^ I am well-educated and not afraid of tackling complex 36 Country hotal strumsnt 49 Resign 60 Dog doctor, call for appointment. 2284)561. been the accepted marketplace in the com­ BANK REPOSESSIONS FOR doctrine. Aleo, being in a lock-up, my funds are limited. 39 Silly 32 Rules 50 Bring to ruin for short Can you help me, pleaee? 40 Duat SALE, 1976 Dodge Charger 3 3 4 6 6 7 MANCHESTER - New 4>A ’ 6 6 10 11 Special Edition. 2 door. 6 munity for individuals with something to sell. SEARCHING 41 Opinionatad Room Town House Condo. 1W faction cylinder, $2,500. 1974 12 13 14 baths. Fullv applianced. Wall- 43 Univarsat time Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme. And readers, many having successfully sold DEAR SEARCHING; Many religious societies to-w all throughout. $450 (abbr.) IB 16 17 8 cylinder $1,500. 1973 GMC make their literature available on request without monthly 649-4003. 44 Muddle Jimmy utility truck, 4 wheel items themselves, turn to our Classified sec­ charge. Aek your prison chaplain about,the Inside- 46 Navy ship II 19 20 21 drive, $1,500. 1969 AMC Am­ Outside group, whose purpose is to help prisoners MANCHESTER - Affordable 4 prafix (ibbr.) 22 23 bassador 4 door $300. 1975 24 roomer. Lots of extras. $200. tion when they’re in the market to buy! This with requeita such as youra. Please write again and 47 Gruk latter Chrysler Cordoba, poor condi­ Locators. Fee. 236-5646. let me know if you are succesaful. Captain Eaay — Crooka A Lawranca 49'Playlng card 2S 29 27 26 29 30 31 32 33 tion. best offer. The above 52 irritable may be seen at the Savings combination works to the advantage of both 56 Actress 34 3B 36 37 MANCHESTER - Deluxe 3 Bank of Manchester, 923 Mam O K A V - TMB M IP . WATCH IP ANP 9UPPENLV A BTOHE^ORBO Merkel bedroom duplex available 38 39 40 St.. .Manchester. buyer and seller ... so well that we ran >o u r ». B A a v !.., t h in k yo u SNOWBALL l>UB5 PROM THE 87 Pointed arch now. Kids ok. $355. Locators. DEAR ABBY: I recently read in your column tha\ one can FBBL UP TO IT APTBR THAT , SURROUNDIN8 TREES 1 61 Point a gun 41 42 43 44 Fee. 236-5646. obtain a "N O " button to wear if you are not interested in CLOUT ON THE H EAO f BUICK CENTURIAN, PS, thousands of ads last yearl So If you’re 62 identifications sex. 45 46 PB. AT, AC. Very good condi­ /9URE.PONT (II) 47 48 Homes for Rent 54 Do you suppose we older folks could obtain a button with 63 River in tion. $400 or best offer. 643- looking for results, put your advertising "M AYBE" or “SOMETIMES” on it? [WORRY ABOUT Germany 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 5317. M E l CLARENCE IN CALIF. 64 Dry,as wine MANCHESTER - 5 Room 65 Young child 50 57 51 59 60 61 Cape. 3 bedrooms, nice yard. message where the readers are ... in our DODGE Window Van, many 66 Slits 67 63 64 Quiet street. No pets. new parts. Needs motor. Best 67 Geological pe­ R efe re n ce s. Lease $400 offer. 643-5317. Classified sectloni riod es 66 67 monthly. The Hayes Corpora­ DEAR ABBY: Now it's my turn to air my pet peeve. I've V. f IT tion. 646-0131. 1976 VEGA STANDARD, 3 You’ll find it is easy and Inexpensive to been a ealespereon in the same store for nearly 30 years, so iNlwspap(N iNTfiaaisi a( sn i speed, good condition with you know I'm no spring chicken. Over the years I've sold EAST HARTFORD HOME - 2 snow tires. Call 684-4989. advertise with us. Just call the number shown women’s purses, gloves, costume jewelry, neckwear and bedrooms, heat included with millinery. basement. carpets, SURPLUS JEEP. Value $3,- below. A friendly Ad-Visor will help you word My pet peeve is the "looker." When I see a customer who refrigerator, stove. Just $375. 196. Sold for $44. Call 312-742- appears to be interested in something, I approach her and Allay Oop — Dava Qraua Locators. Fee 236-5646. Driclqe 1143, Ext. 5426 for info, on how ask in a pleasant tone, "May I help you. Madam?” to purchase bargains like this. your ad for maximum response. Nine times out of 10, she will drop whatever she was MANCHESTER HOME - All looking at and aay, "N o thanks, I was just looking.” Then AH'M fiLAO ytXI'RE HERE, ALL THESE RIOICULOLISf NONE ...THEV*RE CRU DE A>JD ILL- OOP! THIS CURATOR OF MINGS AM OF THIS JU NK IS modern. 5 roomer with extra Herald ClaMifled 643-2711 she walks away. P0RMEP...0BVKXI6LY THE WORK bath. Children ok. $300's. CXIR8 DCIKNT BELIEVE NtEHISIORIC, MORE THAN TEN OF INCOMPETENT AMATEURS I guess I should be used to it by now, but it still irritatee THOSE REUCS A R E /— > ------Locators. Fee. 236-5646. YEARS OLD.' LACKING ARTISTIC FLAIR A N D me. Why do most women do this? REAUY FROM THE/ CULTURAL BACKGRCXJND.' ' Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag 1973 GRAN TORINO, P/S, MRS. B. IN FRESNO STONE AfiEI ' - P/B, A/C automatic. Good running and mechanical con­ dition. Make offer, call 647- DEAR MRS. B.: Because while "Madam” ii de­ Adventurous bidding pays 9946 ask for Dave. bating, the saleaperaon interrupta her “ ihouid-l-or- PRIVATE ahouldn't-l” debate. Then Madam becomea aomewhat enough for Slavenborg to bid the slam which was not a very Trucks for Sale 62 intimidated, fearing she may be talked into a tale the NORTH 217-81 PROPERTY good one. although almost may later regret. ♦ Q984 W an t Ads A better approach would be, " I f you find oomething VK982 unbeatable with clubs break­ ing 3-3 and other suits behav­ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• you like, I'll be glad to asaiat you.” ♦ a ing fairly well. 55 Remember, all buyera were “ lookera” firit. ♦ AK96 Ottlces-Stores tor Rent FOR SALE 1973 F-lOO, four Kreyns won the diamond WEST EAST wheel drive. New snows, new lead with dummy's ace and STORE OR OFFICE SPACE « J 10 53 «K76 played ace and deuce of paint. Asking $2600 Vl0 4 VJ76 available. 200. 400. and up to Tha Flintatona — Hanna Barbara Productlona spades. WesL played the 10 negotiable. Call 295-8011. CONFIDENTIAL TO "SHORTY” IN DEDHAM, ♦ KQ92 *10543 5000 square feet 643-1442. and Kreyns went up with the MASS.: No one said it better than Malcolm Forbea, *10 8 7 *J43 / ueen to lose Eiast's king. A OFFICE, STORE, editor of Forbea magazine: "Stand tall. The dif­ ACTUALLV, 1 SOUTH Motorcycles-BIcycles 64 HA\/E MV' POUBTS iamond came back and was INDUSTRIAL SPACE for ference between towering and cowering la totally a * A 2 aruffed. Then came two rounds lease. Call: Keith Real matter of inner posture. It'a got nothing to do with HE'S A grAEATE VA(}53 1973 HONDA CL 450, $500. EXPERT AHO A of trumps ending in the South Estate, 646-4126. 3heServing The GreaterHerald Manchester Area For 100 Y ea rt height. It coats nothing. And it'a much more fun.” *J876 hand, a diamond ruff in dum­ Honda CB 175, $100. Call after TRAINED SECURITV 4QS2 my and a spade ruff in his DESK SPACE - Heat, lights, 5:30, 649-8255. GUARD, BUT VOU N EV ER MTNOW/ Vulnerable; Neither hand, followM by the play of parking. Central location. [)ealer; South the last trump. Keith Real Estate. 646^126. Getting married? Whether you want a formal At this point dummy held Automoflvo S ervice 66 West North E^st South church wedding or a limple, “ do-your-ownrthing” four clubs and a spade. West's IV Wanted to Rent 57 ceremony, get Abby't new l^k let. Send $1 plui a last five cards were the high VOLKSWAGENS, We Buy, Pass 3* Paw 3 NT Sell & Repair Bugs, 19^-1975, long, oelf-addressed, stamped (28 centa) envelope to: Pass 4V Pass 4# diamond, the high spade and MATURE GENTLEMAN Buses & Campers. Tim Abby'a Wedding Booklet, 132 Laaky Drive, Beverly Pass aV Pu3 Pass three clubs. II he had held desires room in private four clubs originally, he would Moriarty, Silktown Motors, Hilla, Calif. 90212. Pass have already been squeezed residence. Kitchen privileges 270 Hartford Rd., Manchester. out of club protection. As it desired References 643-6217 available. Call alter 4 :30 p.m., Opening lead:*K was, he just came down to two 643-0034. elute. PstroQfQph Tha Born Loaar — Art Sanaom The last spade went from dummy. Now if East held four TWO BEDROOM By Oswald Jacoby GEMINI (M ay 21-Juna 20) This is clubs and the high diamond, APARTMENT - Married cou­ THIS IS uo,t and Alan Sontag one ol those days when it's wise he would have been squeezed. ple, young child. Windsor, l<¥xir to have aa few irons in the fire as South Windsor. East Hartford possible. Spreading yourself too vTHORWLfPLe,. Here is another Kreyns-Sla- Of course, the clubs were 3- area. Quiet. Reasonable. 289- ^ B ir th d a y thin could cause you to leave IDIOUT 'ABour venborg hand. As you can see 3 all the time and everyone 8882 , 289-4535. many projects unfinished. from the bidding, they open else made the slam, although The unaided human eye, CANCER (Juna 21-July 22) TO four-card majors. Kreyns quite a few pairs had failed to in optimum circumstances, 21 Fwbrutry 16,1M1 You'd better have the facta to OIPI? made quite a bid when he bid it. Keep Smiling can distinguish 10,000,000 back you up today If you feel the RETIRE,,,, went past game and that was INEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN I 2 You are likely to be luckier this urge to express a strong opinion Be Happy different color surfaces. 2 com ing year vvith projects you've about something. What you a already started to develop. espouse will not IM accepted as « rather than those that go off on LEGAL NOTICE gospel. LEGAL NOTICE *new tangents. See things LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Be extra - 2 through to completion. careful in financial and business Our Boarding Housa TOW N OF MANCHESTER, CONNEXITICI T situations today. If you enter the fray blindly, there's a chance you C*W«««Aa« TMHaguasMAtwos NOTItF, OF ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE ; AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 16) may come out on the short end. a Before impulsively diving into VIRGO (Aug. 23-8apt. 22) You WlnthroD — Dick Cavalll TrtE (7WLSTAKE CARE OF t h e In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3, Section I and 9 of the Town ■ any type of joint venture today. may not have as much control T h eir c m in $ ic k n e b s SALAMI Charter, notice is hereby given of the adoption by the Board of Directors of the 2 investigate everything fully. You over a matter that's personally ANP IN h e a l t h ; a f t e r 6RINPER Town of Manchester. Connecticut, on February 10. 1981 e m ay be going off the diving Important as you thought you I H A T E SCHOOL L U N c X e S ARB r CONT" THINK I HEARP 5ANPy 5TRIKE5 UP A UIVELV a board at the shallow end of the HAS THE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of the Town of Manchester that had today. Be prepared to com­ S C H O O L . 'tQU NUlRmOUS, WELL-RALANCeP^ “PEL-iaOUS" IN THERE. AIR AT BEC®IDE,WE LL CLUB MOTTO the Town of Manchester convey to Satellite Aerospace. Inc . for the sum of 163,- 2 pool. Find out more of what lies promise a bit to improve your VITAMIN-PAOCEP.AND PRESENT BINGES 7fi0 00. Parcel No 13 in the Buckland Industrial Park, Town of Manchester, Coun­ 2 ahead for you in the year follow- position. LUNCHES. SHOULPNT-. MONO- ty ol Hartford and State of Connecticut Said parcel being more particularly • ing your birthday by sending for LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) The A P P E A U IN ® TO T H E E V E . CANCELED SRAMMEP bounded and described as follows • your copy of Astro-Qraph. Mail temptation to put off attending \ BAB ON TH E 2 $1 for each to Aitro-Graph. Box beginning at a point in the westerly street line of Chapel Road, said point having to responsibilities is something BILL.' S lP E IN 9 489. Radio City Station. N Y. you might have to contend with coordinates of N35j1 931 6024, f-^646,M7 93.'i2. thence the line runs along the said «.10019. Be sure to specify birth today. This is not a time to be C H IL I,' westerly street line in a southerly direction having a bearing of S29 -SS-lfi' E for a 2 date. neglectful. distance ol 25.3 M feel to a point which is the sourtheaslerly corner ol the land ; Pisces (Fab. 20-March 20) SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) Try herein desc ribed thence the line runs in a westei ly direction along other land now a Making Important decisions not to be too demanding of nr formerly ol the Grantor having a bearing of S60 -o m ? W lor a distance ol 4 under pressure is something you friends today and. by the same 313 feel to a p