VOLUME 54: 3 May-June 2014 www.namyco.org he 2014 Patrice Benson Memorial NAMA Foray atonville, Washington TE ctober 9-12, 2014 It’s the momentO you’ve all been waiting for—registration time for the 2014 NAMA Foray! Registration will open Monday, May 12 at 9 a.m. Pacific time. Foray attendees and staff will be limited to 250 people, so be sure to register early to get your preferred choice of lodging and to reserve your spot in a pre-foray workshop. Registration will be handled online through the PSMS registration system at www.psms.org/nama2014. If you are unable to complete registration online and need a printed form, contact Pacita Roberts immediately at (206) 498-0922 or mail to:
[email protected]. The foray begins Thursday evening, Oct. 9, with dinner and speakers, and ends on Sunday morning, Oct. 12, after the mushroom collection walk-through. The basic package includes 3 nights and 8 meals. The package in- cluding a pre-foray workshop or the trustees meeting starts 2 days earlier on Tuesday night, Oct. 7, and includes 5 nights and 14 meals. The actual workshops and trustees meeting occur on Wednesday, Oct. 8. Speakers Dr. Steve Trudell will serve as the foray mycologist, and he, along with program chair Milton Tam, have ar- ranged an amazing lineup of presenters for 2014. Although the list is not quite finalized, this stellar cast of faculty has already committed: Alissa Allen, Dr. Denis Benjamin, Dr. Michael Beug, Dr. Tom Bruns, Dr. Cathy Cripps, Dr. Jim Ginns, Dr.