VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Cardboard November 2010 Issue 7 3,260 lbs. Harkins Undergoes an Eco-Friendly Remodel Paper You may be aware heating and energy loss dur- the three existing skylights on 13,545 lbs. that during summer 2010 ing the cold weather season. the fourth floor were utilized Harkins Hall underwent ma- to provide for natural light to Bottles and Cans jor renovations on the first, shine into the building. 9,881 lbs. second, and fourth floors. Other environmen- However, you may not be tally conscious measures in- aware of the environmentally clude using low VOC friendly measures that were (Volatile Organic Compound) taken as part of the renova- paints and adhesives, as well tion process. These include as installing in several loca- recycling demolition materi- tions “Cool Carpet” from als, using and installing InterfaceFLOR. By installing “green” products, and energy approximately 1500 square and water conservation. yards of these innovative re- The first step in the cycled carpets, we actually renovation process was the Second Floor remodel. generate environmental bene- Be on the look-out demolition and removal of fits equivalent to 2325 gallons for Outdoor existing building materials. Additionally, room tempera- of gasoline not being con- Bottles and Cans During the demolition proc- tures are now maintained by sumed! recycling ess concrete, wood, scrap computers in a centralized metal (including copper and location. Mechanical systems copper wiring), carpet and have an “economizer” mode other materials were kept which allows outdoor air to separate (as much as possi- enter in spring/fall so as to ble) to be recycled. The recy- not waste energy. When the cling and reuse of old con- outdoor air temperature is struction materials keeps it below 60o, the air is brought out of the landfill. Over 14 in as a cooling system rather tons of scrap iron and 2 tons than the use of chilled water. New construction of copper were recycled! Chilled and hot water sys- Contact Us! tems are now running on (For more information, visit Recycling Hotline “Energy Star” motors and www.interfaceflor.com.) X 1881 variable frequency drives that We are also currently

match motor speed to build- in the process of replacing [email protected] ing demand and also conserve old drinking fountains with chilled water and energy. Providence College Lighting was im- “refilling” stations so you can Office of proved throughout as well. refill your reusable water Environmental The renovated areas are now bottles. So, as you can see, Health and Safety The beginning of the end... using energy efficient fluores- being environmentally con- cent light bulbs that provide Emily Goodman and scious and cost conscious New construction the same amount of light as Kristen Montano, actually go hand in hand. We included new window seal the older models at a much Student Coordinators do not have to choose one replacements that prevent air lower energy cost. (All of the drafts from entering and exit- older bulbs, ballasts, and light over the other, and we look ing the building, which saves fixtures were recycled.) Also, forward to more of the same. The History of Eat A Turkey To Save A Turkey! As a A heritage turkey is one of greater amount of white meat, thus become nearly extinct. The heritage a variety of strains of domestic tur- making them more profitable. How- turkey population hit a low in 1997 National Holiday key which retains historic charac- ever, these Broad-Breasted Whites when only 1,300 were in existence. 1777: teristics that are no longer present have become so genetically-altered Although the population has since in the majority of turkeys raised for and industrialized, they can no longer risen, heritage turkeys still run the consumption since the mid-20th reproduce naturally and are quite risk of becoming extinct. Because so century. They area traditional disease-prone. few people purchase heritage tur- proclaimed a national "standard" breed of turkeys which Heritage turkeys provide an keys, farmers do not find the breed- Thanksgiving following have not been "industrialized" for alternative to factory breeding. Heri- ing of them to be worthwhile. So, if efficient factory production at the tage turkeys are raised naturally, more people began to consume heri- the defeat of the British expense of flavor and the well-being eating only fresh grass and insects, tage turkeys, and the demand for at Saratoga . of the turkeys. “Broad-Breasted while exercising often. The diets, them rose, farmers would begin to White” turkeys comprise 99.99% of lifestyles, and slower maturity rate of see value in raising them, and they 1820’s—60’s : supermarket turkeys. Broad- heritage birds actually cause their would move further away from ex- Sarah Josepha Hale, Breasted Whites have been deemed meat to be more flavorful than tinction. So this Thanksgiving, con- more favorable to breed by farmers Broad-Breasted Whites. And yet, sider eatting a heritage turkey! You’ll author of “Mary Had a due to their speedy growth period Broad-Breasted Whites dominate be combating the trend that is rap- (18 weeks compared to the Heri- the turkey market. idly causing heritage turkeys to move Little Lamb”, wrote to tage’s 24-30 weeks) and dispropor- The lack of consumption of closer and closer to extinction. Eat a five U.S. presidents over tionate breast which produces a heritage turkeys has caused them to turkey to save a turkey!

40 years urging that Check out http://www.localharvest.org/features/heritage-turkeys.jsp to find a heritage turkey breeder near you! Thanksgiving be made a national holiday. 1863: Upon the urging of Hale, proclaimed the last Thursday in Novem- ber to be the national holiday of Thanksgiving. 1939: Thanksgiving became known as the kick-off to Christmas shopping season. So, Presi- Donate your used books! dent Franklin Delano Roose- The Providence College community is once again collecting velt moved the Thanksgiving used textbooks for the Balme Library at the University of Ghana. Please consider donating holiday up one week to your used textbooks to this project; remember they needn't be the most current edition. stimulate the economy. The Other books, including paperbacks, are also welcome; they too are donated to other villages holiday was rightly nick- and school libraries. There will be newly labeled bins placed in several locations on campus: named “”. Howley (1st floor), Campus Ministries, the Harkins Faculty Lounge, the Science mail room, Feinstein and the Bookstore. If you donating a new edition text book, please email Stephan 1941: Mecca at [email protected] to arrange to have it picked up directly, or if you have any Congress officially declared questions. Thank you! Thanksgiving to be observed on the fourth Thurs- day of November. Happy Thanksgiving From The Office of Environmental Health and Safety http://www.providence.edu/EHS www.providence.edu/Recycling