issue 10_Layout 1 16/01/2011 23:32 Page 1 The Looker The Community Newspaper for the Edition 10 MEETING TO LOOK AT FUTURE OF NUCLEAR POWER AT

A date has been set for the public meeting to look at the future of nuclear power at Dungeness. The meeting was secured after the Department for Energy and Climate Change agreed to a request by Shepway District Council and local MP Damian Collins to hear local people’s views about the government’s latest nuclear strategy proposals which exclude Dungeness as a site for a new nuclear power station. The meeting at the Assembly Rooms in on Saturday 22nd January is part of public consultation on the latest proposals. Shepway Council’s Deputy Leader, Rory Love, and MP Damian Collins met Energy Minister Charles Hendry, before Christmas to make the case for Dungeness and try and secure a public meeting. "It was most encouraging that the Minister made Editor David Wimble said “The amount of e-mails time to meet with us. I was particularly pleased that and correspondance goes a long way to show how he agreed to support our public meeting by sending strongly people of the Marsh really do want the his officials to listen to the views of our residents,” station. Many of the proposed sites for the new said Cllr Love. “We now have a date for that breed of power plants have met with a lot of local meeting and I hope as many people as possible will opposition, but I have found hardly anyone who is use this opportunity to make their views known, put against the station. Both A and B stations have their questions to the Energy Department’s officials, been such a positive thing for the Marsh and and help shape the government’s national nuclear annually bring millions of pounds directly into the strategy. local economy. I hope that many of our readers "We shall continue to press for a long term future for support this drive to try and get the Government to Dungeness power station to safeguard people's reconsider Dungeness as a suitable site. It ticked jobs on the Romney Marsh.” every box for the criteria for a new station with the environmental impact on local habitat being the only The meeting starts at 10.30 a.m. negative mark against it. In these times of recession I really do hope the government listen to The Looker has teamed up with both Damian the local people and realise that jobs and our local Collins to help get signitures on a petition called economy is more important than a few acres of shingle with some undergrowth on it which as ‘POWER TO THE PEOPLE’ Dungeness point is increasing in size every year, it would only be a matter of a few years for the area to We will ask the distribution pick up points of The be reclaimed from the sea anyway!’ Looker if they will agree to have some petition Have your say and contact The Looker by e-mail... sheets on their counters and we can then get as [email protected] many signatures for this venture as possible. . issue 10_Layout 1 16/01/2011 23:32 Page 2

Thursday 20th January 2011

‘bogus’ notices in the windows. EDITOR’S One in particular which caused a bit of a stir by proclaiming ‘Sex Every effort is made by The LOOKER Shop coming soon’! Sorry to newspaper to ensure that the information is WORD correct. The LOOKER newspaper reserves the disappoint the people who may Well 2011 is well right not to publish unsolicited material being have been looking forward to this sent through to the publication. Personal views and truly but unfortunately this is just an expressed in this publication are solely those of underway and the respective contributors and do not reflect example of Kevin’s sense of the team that those of the publishers or its agents. All material humour! (Another notice pointed supplied to this publication is at the owner’s risk. puts The Looker out that it was going to be the new Reproduction in whole or in part of this together are publication is strictly prohibited without prior Arsenal trophy room, but alas it busier than consent. Photographic rights remain the was going to be empty for a few property of The LOOKER Newspaper. usual with the exception of our years!.... The editor was not Sports Editor, Craig. He has taken Contact The Looker impressed!). Thanks also to David his position far too seriously and Editor: David Wimble Mills for his help with the project. decided that as a cricket loving Tel:01797 366450 Back to The Looker. As we put ‘Pom’ he really should be down Editorial together our latest issue we are now Tel: 0790 0080 656 under in Australia to witness ten editions old, and to use some Distribution retain the Ashes (nice more football manager analysis, we Tel:07866 502 578 work if you can get it)! are no longer a new publication. E-mail: [email protected] The rest of The Looker team have We have started well but it is a long been busy transforming our new term project. We did not know how The Looker is available from shop in New Romney High Street. much work was going to be involved So at last we can put the rumours with putting the paper together, but Best Kebabs , , Botolphs Bridge to bed. The Shop which was PH , Garage, City Of we do have a duty to grow both the London PH , Coach House Coffee formally New Romney Sports and paper and the business. Shop New Romney, Coastal Kebabs, Colorcraft Promotions, is the new home of the So again we ask you the readers for New Romney, Dungeness Lifeboat Station, Allied Group of Companies. Dymchurch Garage, Elsie’s New Romney, help in getting the news stories to Greatstone Fish Bar, Haugelands Farm Shops, In the shop we will have our disco us, either by e-mail or even better Heath Artcrafts New Romney, Romney Kebab sales business which sells and by calling us and letting us know Shop Littlestone Rd New Romney, Kebab Shop Station Road New Romney, Lathe Barn hires equipment to both local what is going on. , Littlestone Lifeboat Station, Lydd customers and also supplies Again this will be a lot easier being Butchers, Lydd Fish Shop, Lydd Golf Club, people across the country in what M & M Richardson Fish Shop Dungeness, situated on the High Street and it is Mittells Newsagents Lydd, Park St Stores Lydd, is quite a specialised business. great that already we have people Prince Of Wales PH New Romney, Red Lion We will also be opening a ‘Fancy pop in to see what we are doing. , Rod & Line New Romney, Romney Dress’ department selling Cycles, Romney Spice, Royal British Legion Another challenge over the Dymchurch,Royal Oak PH Brookland, costumes. But most importantly we Christmas break was to go out and Sainsburys New Romney, Spar Greatstone, will have the new Romney Marsh visit businesses to try and get new Lydd on Sea, Lydd & New Romney, Marsh Produce,Tandori Cottage Lydd, Tesco's FM studio situated at the back of advertisers. Again with the paper Dymchurch, Youngs, SMB, That Pet Shop, New the shop. growing we depend on people RomneyThe Britania PH Dungeness, We have already built the sound putting adverts into the paper. The Broadacre Hotel New Romney, Captain Howey PH New Romney, Cinque Ports PH New proofed studio and we hope that other thing that you our readers can Romney, Dolphin PH Lydd, The Gallery this will help spread the news that do is make sure that you tell the Dungeness, The George PH Lydd, The Library the station is ‘on air’ 24 hours per companies and shops that you have New Romney, Neptune PH Dymchurch, New Inn PH New Romney,The Ocean PH Dymchurch, day on the internet. seen their adverts in the paper. This Paper Shop Littlestone, The Pilot PH Terry Heath has recently become a helps show that advertising really Dungeness,The Plough PH New Romney, The does work. Railway Appledore, Royal Oak PH Lydd, Rose & partner in the Allied Group of Crown PH , Royal Mail PH Lydd, Companies and is looking forward Finally I would like to thank all the The Seahorse PH Greatstone, Ship Hotel New to getting involved with all parts of people who have supported my Romney, The Ship PH Dymchurch, The Star PH ‘Month on the Wagon’. It was Lydd, The Star PH St. Mary's-in-the Marsh, the business but really is looking at Varne Boat Club,Varne Littlestone, Fish Bar Lydd maximising both the radio station always going to be a personal on Sea, Warren Golf Club Littlestone, West and also obviously The Looker. challenge to give up alcohol for a Hythe Garage, Ward & Partners New Romney, Marsh InsuranceServices, Shaw Rabson New We would also like to say a big month, but I write this having Romney, James Hawkins & Co New thank you to Kevin Beale who not competed 20 days without giving in Romney,The Warren PH New Romney, The with only 10 to go, which will co- Woolpack PH Brookland, The Bailiff’s Sergeant only has given up a lot of time in SMB, Newsagents SMB, Foords SMB and The painting and decorating the shop, incide nicely with the official open- Bell PH . but has had a lot of fun putting ing of the Allied shop and offices.

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Lydd Resident off to the Palace

On the 31st December, Lydd resident Don Davies was very surprised but delighted to receive a letter postmarked ‘Buckingham Palace” from Prince Andrew congratulating him on being awarded the MBE. This was in recognition of his 35 years’ dedicated service to the Sea Cadet Corps, 27 years as First Lieutenant, THEY’RE PRACTICING FOR THE ‘ROMNEY MARSH’S GOT Commanding Officer and then TALENT’ AUDITION

Romney Marsh Has Talent! Entry forms and heat information will be available in the next edition of THE LOOKER Available 3rd February


If you would like to Chairman of T.S. Anson in Dartford, advertise in the next and the last eight years as Chairman edition call of New Romney Unit, T.S. Veteran. It also recognises his excellent Mandy on record of 33 years with the London 01797-366450 Ambulance Service. Don has also been very active in Lydd since moving there almost nine years ago, being Chairman of the Lydd & Dungeness Royal Naval Association for the past five years, a committee member of the Memorial Institute Club and a Sidesman at All Saints’ Church in Lydd. His modest reaction to the Award was that it is great the Sea Cadet Corps has been recognised in this way. His four children and seven grandchildren are thrilled at the news. He has been invited to the Investiture taking place at the Palace on the 24th February, the week after he returns from a month’s visit to see his eldest son and family in Australia.

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Thursday 20th January 2011

No authority, other than Parliament, is lawful effecting Is Shepway that law. Further, any advise to the contrary is unlawful. In the case of a local authority, this would appear as OutsideThe Law? maladministration. You may notice that Shepway have declared a case A long standing Royal Charter may well be the saviour of history over Hythe Beach which avoids these issues. Fishermans Beach in Hythe from development. The In itself, this appears to be unlawful. Looker has had correspondence with several people Further, it would appear, Shepway have apparently claiming that it would be unlawful to develop this site, documented a case for their own potential prosecution!’ With this in mind we set a challenge to local historian There are still many old laws which have never been Barry Gilbert to research Royal Charters that may effect removed from statute, here is just a few that The Looker development. has found in our research… Here is some of his correspondence… 1. It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament. If Shepway do not produce specific documentation by 2. It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp Parliament clearly stating that The Royal Charters are bearing the British monarch upside-down. repealed, then The Royal Charters remain in existence, 3. In Liverpool, it is illegal for a woman to be topless regardless of any other law that has been introduced. except as a clerk in a tropical fish store. Only Parliament has authority to make or repeal the 4. Mince pies cannot be eaten on Christmas Day. laws. at this level. 5. In Scotland, if someone knocks on your door and Nobody else has authority to do so. requires the use of your toilet, you must let them enter. Anybody who does act otherwise is apparently unlawful. 6. In the UK a pregnant woman can legally relieve herself Anybody who advises otherwise is apparently unlawful. anywhere she wants, including in a policeman’s helmet. Any local government authority that acts or advises 7. The head of any dead whale found on the British coast otherwise is apparently unlawful, which may result in automatically becomes the property of the King, and the criminal prosecution as from April 2011. tail of the Queen. The Editor first spoke to Mr Gilbert after meeting him 8. It is illegal not to tell the tax man anything you do not after a New Romney Town Council meeting when he want him to know, but legal not to tell him information you questioned the authority of Shepway over the Town do not mind him knowing. Council as he thought that again a Royal Charter given 9. It is illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament in a suit to the Cinque Ports town had not been recinded and that of armour. as such it was ‘unlawful’ for Shepway to dictate to the 10. In the city of York it is legal to murder a Scotsman Town on several issues. We asked him to try and within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a research more into this and Barry told The Looker ‘You bow and arrow. will obviously notice that this also applies to your own The Looker would love to know how they could enforce personal interest in law applied to New Romney. law about dying in Parliament. I wonder how you would It appears we are still responsible for ship service. enforce that since if you died, you most likely can not be Although The Royal Navy replaces ship service, it was jailed or fined. never repealed by Parliament. A Royal Charter, nor any Maybe they are trying to curb people being plain bored to other law by Parliament, can be assumed to have been death while listening to the politicians. over ridden, this is unlawful. The Looker has asked Barry to do some more Parliament must state a law has been repealed or investigation, but it would be really interesting to find out superseded, by name, with no ulterior interpretation that Shepway has not got the power it believes it has. whatever, otherwise that law remains. The Looker would like to point out that this article is merely (You may also notice this directive would appear to an observation of local History, Mr Gilbert is not suggesting include the 1972 Act. which was repealed in 1997, that Shepway have worked outside the law, other than to concerning authority of Shepway over New Romney say that there may be certain laws which may not have Town Council). been recinded.

4 issue 10_Layout 1 16/01/2011 23:32 Page 5 Thursday 20th January 2011 60 SECONDS TO DISASTER ...the flying time from Lydd Airport to the Dungeness nuclear reactors

SayNOto Lydd runway extension @ Design: PearceMarchbank RDI studiotwenty LYDD AIRPORT ACTION GROUP Phone 01797 361548

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Thursday 20th January 2011

Beaumont and her "Tourism right general idea though, the Your Dream". When is she going to live service industries are good for ‘re- in the real world of our local generation’. Just lets have one Letters youngsters who need jobs to give that’s not tourism. I am not trying to them hope for the be a NIMBY, I would just rather this future. If she looks around the were a wonderful place to live and I read John’s letter re petrol stations Marsh she will find very little work rather than just a wonderful and have had a similar experience. accommodation for the "Tourist", so place to visit. Coming in from the New Romney where are they all going to stay (Some tourism could work very well side and told by an indignant when they visit the area. I don't see locally, but not on the scale and the customer coming in from the Rye any of the large hotel groups type of tourism that Lynne has been side that I had queue jumped rushing to build in the area in suggesting.) coming in via a ‘NO ENTRY’ readiness for them. So come on Ben Hart Forum entrance which is incorrect as it is a Lynne Beaumont show us where all valid entry. So I said he should the jobs are then instead of A post on student loans has been refresh his highway code book. I rubbishing our area. A lot of people put on our Forum and this was one would like to put another point on the Marsh owe their living to of the replies. regarding this Brenzett garage. both the airport and Dungeness so Don't get me started on students.... When leaving via the Rye side exit give everyone else the chance to my view (if you want it or not) is if the view is blocked by hedges, build their lives here on the you choose to further your garage signs and cars coming from wonderful Romney Marsh. education then you must pay for it! New Romney fast around the Marsh Lover Forum roundabout. This is a bad accident Will these students pay for my waiting to happen. When coming I would not knock the idea too pension???? NO so why should I out I now go round the back of the much, tourism is a big job producer, pay for their education. store and leave via the New and can make a lot of money…. Oh It may stop people going to Uni just Romney side past the carwash hang on I just remembered it also to avoid getting a job, and also stop machine, taking care to look LEFT needs a lot of good outside people doing degrees in things like for others leaving the pumps. A investment, good infrastructure and Vulcan! very very much safer manouevre a group of people to market it too, I think it is very reasonable that they and re-join at New Romney side of in the first place. only have to pay back the money roundabout. Another solution is Don’t get me wrong, I love the once they are earning over £25,000 when busy staff place out a ‘No Marsh but it is hard to get to; a per year.... and they can pay it back Entry’ sign at the base of one set of niche market for holiday makers over a 20 year period , so it will turn pumps, pass each side at other 3 and an economic backwater. Even into the cheapest 'loan' they could rows of pumps. That way drivers if it was possible, would we want it! ever get! would have no problems, at least Tourism seems to be an ideal So stop moaning and pay your way GIVE IT A TRIAL.. option for any area, let alone one like the rest of us..... and before Peter Thomas, Lydd that needs jobs as badly as here. people start banging on about, well The simple fact is more people, he is a conservative, he would say Following are two letters from our more mess, more traffic and … well that...perhaps they forget that one, forum relating to Lynne Beaumonts more people! Labour proposed this in the first ‘Tourism Dream’ for the Marsh. Romney Marsh is a sinfully beauti- place and two, the Conservatives agreed that this was a fair way of I am so glad that there are other ful place, yet for the people that enjoy living on it the Marsh can be a paying. people out there on the Marsh that Also we would not be in this mess if agree with me about Lynne harsh place to live. Lynne has the

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the last government had not been The carriers who have head offices The possible collision releasing so happy to borrow money and act at Gatwick, obviously, have satellite radio activity, being shot down by so irresponsibly. check-in desks in other airports and SAM over restricted air space and There. I feel much better for that!! staff them with trained employees. engine failure due to bird strikes will Sue, Forum. Depending on the level of be quickly noted by the CAA. passenger business going through The management at Lydd are only Why not put your thoughts about determines the number of trained to well aware of this so it is a puzzle student loans on our forum room. check in staff employed, at any one to me why they are bothering to time. The procedure for staffing spend their money on extending the Employment on the Marsh. these satellite desks are to relocate runway and terminal facilities. experience staff, with a beneficial The best idea, I have heard from I got fed up with teaching in 1989 location package, replacing them the airfield management, is open up and decided perhaps there was with new staff resourced from the an apprentice training school. This more to life and took three years training school. These will be would give our local youngsters a out. people living near or around their positive career path and remove The period of absence was spent training schools located in Crawley the local opposition to develop- working for ATA Executive or Heathrow. No benefit to local ment. Why has there not been more Recruitment PLC in Crawley, close employment at all. news about this? to Gatwick, as a recruitment Other services like aircraft security, If we want to increase employment consultant. aircraft maintenance and baggage prospects for the marsh we need to Needless to say, some of my client handlers, would be expected to be concentrate on less controversial companies were the main airlines supplied by the air port authority plans, like the new power station or using this airport so I became fairly and perhaps a little potential local the apprentice school. These could involved with their recruitment employment here, assuming we really mean better employment procedures sourcing check-in, have located on the marsh some prospects for us all. cabin and call centre staff, which I out of work, qualified aircraft John. suspect is still in force today. Being engineers and people wanting to As regular readers may recall, we an aviation enthusiast I enjoyed this throw cases about. have asked Lynne Beaumont to role and the visits to the Airport. Secondly, all the management at Lydd have done is to apply for an write an article about Lydd Airport for The Looker to put the Liberal Therefore, it is with some extension to the runway. This on its argument. Although she agreed creditability that allows me to be own will not guarantee them a civil before Christmas as we go to able to pass comment on some of aviation licence to fly heavy press, we have not yet received it. the wild rumours appertaining to passenger jets. potential local employment if the The first consideration by the CAA local Lydd airfield, expands to is our old friend H&S and with a accommodate large passenger power station to the south, a high carrying jet liners. security Army training camp to the The comments by Damian Collins south west, a large bird reserve MP, in the Marsh Herald, as to the between both, in my opinion, is benefits of additional jobs in the going to kill their application stone new Dungeness Power Station, are dead. Especially, as the indisputable but to lump this in with predominant wind direction is from the potential employment at the the south so most takes offs will be airfield, is not very helpful. towards these perils.

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Thursday 20th January 2011

WALLERS Best Pub on the The Looker The piles they drove. the rock they inspires local placed. Marsh The gabions they filled, the caps they Song Writer cast. Poll The slopes they formed. the surveyors they marked. ‘THE DYMCHURCH WALLERS’ The steps they placed, and the grout they poured. The Dymchurch Sea Wall project is a significant project for a villlage of The blindings they poured. the wire the size of Dymchurch and it they placed. obviously represents a great The joints they tied, the shuttering they improvement in the degree of made. protection we have from the tides. The concrete they cast. the top they rolled. I, personally, also consider it to be a The surface they sprayed, and the work of significant beauty and gravel they exposed. something we should be proud of and respect. No grafitti, dog mess The posts they drove. the planks they or litter please. fixed. Although the wall will be with us for The hollows they filled, the sand they levelled. many years those who built it, and The Looker has launched a search The walls they placed. the seat they for the best Pub on Romney Marsh. treated us with so much respect, cast. You can vote for your favourite will not and maybe we could The grout they poured, and the prom premises by logging onto our remember them with a suitable folk they filled. website forum. You can vote for song. The wind it blew, the rain it poured. five different bars and we will award I have never written anything of this the prize at the end of April. The tide it rose, the snow it fell. form in the past and perhaps The wall it stood, the sea was tamed. You can also put your comments should leave it to the more expert. These were the Dymchurch Wallers. about each of the pubs. However, until such a time as a We will soon also be putting better composition is written, [If this is used as a folk song the last additional polls up relating to the perhaps Andy Holyer would have a verse is the chorus for use after each best Food Pub / Hotel so make look at the attached and, if he of the verses] sure you check on our website to thinks it worth while, find a local folk David D Searle see all the new comments and song singer who could knock it into forum posts. shape and put it to music. THE LOOKER GO TO THE LOOKER FORUM And Vote For Your Favourite Pub

To Write on our Forum ! 8 issue 10_Layout 1 16/01/2011 23:32 Page 9 Thursday 20th January 2011

Airport. I was born near Burmarsh wild life existed in abundance More and relished in the chance to across the airfield then, so why secure early employment and a should it perish with any new and Letters possible future working on the carefully integrated development Marsh - the Airport offered just such now? Without people, there would a chance. Then, many hundreds of be no Romney Marsh! Dear Sir, folk benefited from the car air ferry Christopher Coe I enjoyed reading 'The Looker' in operation based at Lydd, both from which my brother Mark Newson has direct employment and by providing Please can you tell me the name of had an article published. support services. the man who is re-building the Discovering that you are in the It was very sad to see the eventual looker huts as I have a friend who entertainment business we thought run down of the airport in the early would like to volunteer to help you may wish to visit our websites, 1970's and the haemorrhaging of renovate them. staff, myself included. In those days Regards and many of these people found Karen, KB Cars We supply 1930's / 1940's swing replacement jobs at the Power P.S. I could not see your name on dances, lindyhop /jitterbug classes, Stations that were then a thriving the editorial page! workshops and themed events, industry. vintage cars and motorcycles and I for one, had to seek employment Hi Karen my Name is David DJ services for 1930's/ 40's / 50's away from the Marsh, fortunately to Wimble, and no I do not know who functions. be able to return to work there is restoring them but if any of our Regards Gypsy John many years later until my readers know please contact us :- retirement. It is so important that [email protected] Dear Sir Marsh folk should seize the present I have recently read Mr Crocker's opportunity to support the airport I have just heard a rumour that the letter, published in The Looker (6th development in an attempt to New Romney Library is going to January). I just wish to add to my ensure that at least some local jobs close. Does anyone know if this is overall support to the points that he and opportunities may be created. true or not? made, especially to those relating I would be the first in the queue to New Romney depends on it’s to the proposed development at offer nature a helping hand towards Library so let’s hope that this is just Lydd Airport. sustainability, but in the case of the a rumour. I was fortunate enough as a young Airport, common sense should Mandy, New Romney person in the 1960's to be offered a prevail to give sensible local unique training opportunity at the development the then bustling Lydd (Ferryfield) chance to work alongside nature. Modern aircraft are quieter and cleaner than the noisy piston powered models that operated frequently from Lydd all those years ago. The

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Thursday 20th January 2011

a meal – our appetite always seem to bigger than our NATURE NOTES stomachs and let us just think of all those chocolates, drinks, crisps and buffets consumed! Second thoughts FOR THE ROMNEY MARSH - lets not think about it , please.

Have we all eaten too much ? Is that the moral of the story - it should always be little and often (within moderation) or is it just one big binge for our youngsters? While there is no military firing on the Lydd MOD My lettuce leaf diet and my exercise regime starts Ranges over the Christmas and New Year period, I tomorrow! always try and find the time to take a few walks along the sea frontage. This is also a quiet time when the Owen Leyshon, Environment Agency maximise the no firing time, to Romney Marsh Countryside Partnership push up great quantities of shingle with a fleet of bulldozers between Camber and the Dungeness Power Station next to the Green Wall.

So while walking along this wall a rabbit shot across in front of me and soon after followed by a stoat. You can always tell a stoat from a weasel, as a stoat has a black tip to its tail and hunts rabbits, while the weasel favours mice, small birds and is slightly smaller in size. If you ever see this spectacle there is unfortunately only going to be one outcome and about five minutes later, I heard some squealing and soon found a very large adult rabbit just sitting there and with a stoat jumping all over it. It is well known that Rabbits seem to be petrified of stoats and after a quick pursuit they ARE YOU A KNITTER ???? seem to give up the chase.

After ten minutes the stoat had finally bitten through Come and see the new full range the back of the neck and had killed the rabbit and I was naive to think it would start eating it. No, for of Wool and accesories another twenty minutes the stoat was trying to drag this rabbit away, which was at least twice if not getting at on for three times its size. In that time it had moved it 2 metres! They don’t have any young at this time of the year, so I can only assume it was trying to hide the Heath Artcrafts rabbit for a few days of feasting or should I say weeks of feeding! 13 High Street

I had to leave and so I took a wide berth and left the New Romney stoat to its challenge. But as I walked away I was TN28 8BN thinking what most of the British population has been doing over the Christmas and New Year period, the Tel: 01797 366450 same as the stoat - eating too much or tackling too big

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shingle, miles and miles of it, to the right and the left, The Railways Of RomneyMarsh as far as the eye could see from the carriage window. by John Wimble (Part Two) It would have looked like a vast desert as it had something of the colour of the desert, as much of it Apart from a few minor deviations to avoid farmhouses was destitute of vegetation of any sort or kind. The the line ran directly across the Marsh from Appledore shallow undulating ridges of shingle that rippled its to Dungeness. Roads were crossed by means of level entire surface completed the impression. The branch crossings, except at Lydd where although a level ended at the single platform at Dungeness, almost at crossing was used mainly for military traffic, there was the foot of the lighthouse. also a bridge, the only one on the branch line. Sixteen Dungeness, the most southerly point in , had very crossings were authorised for the eleven miles of line limited facilities regarding the railway. The station and, although they did not all materialise, enough of consisted of a diminutive weather-boarded building them did to add appreciably to the costs of operating. perched on a platform made of shingle with a timber The line had numerous underbridges, most of them face. There was a run-round loop and a small originally admiralty siding running off towards the lighthouse. constructed of The Lydd Stationmaster or his deputy, who would have timber, which travelled on the train from Lydd, would have issued were necessary tickets for the very rare passenger boarding at to carry the line Dungeness. The bare necessities – waiting room and over the Marsh convenience – were provided on what must have been drainage ditches. the remotest and loneliest station in the county. About 2½ miles Nevertheless, the shelter it offered from the cold east after leaving winds that swept across this isolated headland must Appledore, the have been welcome to the handful of people who train would have needed to use it. reached Brookland station. It was originally a passing There were a few fishermen’s huts, a coastguard place and had two platforms but the loop was closed station, a lighthouse and a signal station, from which just after the First World War. The station building was news of ships passing was telegraphed to London. on the down platform and when the station became a Channel Pilots, for ships bound up the Straits of Halt, there was only a small timber shelter for Dover, boarded vessels here and in the days of sail, passengers on the up platform. The loop was taken steam tugs waited here for the homeward bound up many years ago and there were never any sidings windjammers. there. The adjacent main road level crossing was Returning to the main line, the branch to New Romney controlled from a small ground frame hut, from which was three miles long and left the Dungeness line the resident signalman-come-porter also sold tickets to about a mile south of Lydd station. The line made a the very occasional passenger. Leaving Brookland, great bend to the left and travelling north, parallel with there is a long straight run and shortly, passengers the coast for a mile or two, passengers could see on could have glimpsed the high tower of Lydd’s church in the right-hand side the holiday bungalows lining the the distance. shore at Greatstone. Before long, the train pulled into Before long, passengers would have arrived at the the terminus of the line at New Romney & Littlestone- town whose name was probably better known to most on-Sea station. people, soldiers at any rate, than any other on the The station was, in many ways, a typical branch line Marsh. For nearly 200 years, soldiers were trained terminus and was about halfway between the town of there to be prepared to meet Napoleon and other foes, New Romney and the small holiday resort of and for many years there was a large artillery camp. Littlestone-on-Sea. The station consisted of two small Even if the town was not familiar to those who platforms with a run-round loop, a number of sidings underwent military training, it was at least familiar in and a small goods yard. The main station building and name (Lyddite) to them as an explosive! For a long goods shed were brick built and there was a water while, Lydd was the principal station on the line with tower and a typical SER signal box. quite an extensive goods yard, complete with turntable During the 1914-18 war, the Germans used their fleet and a nice gabled station building. Lydd had two of Zeppelins to mount a series of attacks on the south platforms and a passing loop and was a good coast and on one occasion, a bomb destroyed a build- impression of a typical South Eastern Railway country ing at Dungeness. Several times the local branch line station. was apparently used as a navigational aid by the air- Leaving Lydd, the line was no longer running through ship captains. In September 1916, a couple of Zep- the green meadows of the Marsh, but it was on pelins flew over Dungeness and then parted company.

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Continued from page 11 from New Romney along the coast One of them flew inland to find a on which it was possible to drive Ever thought promising target and the other almost all the way to the point for a followed the railway line towards 6d. toll. To be continued. about joining Appledore. It was never understood why this machine The Scouts should have spent so much time in Shepway’s the area, unless of course it was Romney Scout group, Explorers, lost. Just before Appledore it Future Scouts, Cubs and Beavers are turned towards Hythe and shortly looking for new leaders, Without afterwards turned again and Join the Open leaders, the groups would fold, retraced its path towards Debate which would be a loss to the young Dungeness. Having found the people and the wider community. railway line again, it once again flew north-west towards Appledore Channel Chamber members are New Romney Scout group and then set off in the direction of invited to join local business celebrated its 100th anniversary London. There it was intercepted leaders and senior representatives last year and would welcome by defending aircraft and all aboard of the District Council at an OPEN anyone who is interested in joining were killed when it was shot down MEETING of the Shepway in with these very worth while in flames in Essex. Economic Regeneration groups. A great turning point in the history Partnership (SERP) to discuss of the railways took place in 1923. important local regeneration issues So if you can spare a few hours per The “Railways Act, 1921” received for the year ahead. week why not find out whats in- the Royal Assent and it laid down volved? not only is it very reward- that the railways of Great Britain Taking place at Lydd Airport on ing for the children who attend it were to be merged into four Friday 28th January the meeting can prove to be very social as well groups. Consequently, the will start at 10 a.m. with an opening for the adults. Southern Railway was formed. address from Damian Collins MP. If you would like to know more, in When the Southern Railway took To book your place please the first instance, call Group Scout over, the Marsh was still a relative telephone Tracy Reynolds on Leader on 01797-320768 and backwater and there was still no 01303 270022 or email: mention that you read this in The road to Dungeness. A few years [email protected] Looker. later and progress caught up in the area with the Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch Railway being built and a couple of years later, it extended its line to the lighthouse. Then a narrow concrete road was built

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not the Post Office which will remain publically owned, but in time might be taken over by its employees in a Our Man In model of mutual ownership similar to that found in companies like John Lewis or the Co-op. In the week Westminster before Christmas I visited the sorting offices in , Hythe and New Romney to thank the Royal Mail staff for all this hard work in getting The public meeting on the potential to deliver a new out the post, particularly in the snow and icy nuclear power station at Dungeness will be held on conditions. They are a hard working and dedicated Saturday, on 22nd January. team, but we need to find ways of bringing more This follows the meeting I held with the Energy investment into the Royal Mail, particularly as a time Minister Charles Hendry before Christmas, along with when the number of letters being sent is falling. Other Shepway District Council. The meeting will be countries, like Germany and Holland that have gone attended by officials from the Department for Energy down this road already have seen substantial private and will give us the opportunity to put our case to investment in their postal networks. As a result they them. Please let me know if you would like more are expanding, whereas in this country we seem to information about attending this meeting. Early next have been fighting a constant rear guard action to week I will also be meeting at the Department for protect the Royal Mail and keep post offices open. We Energy with Natural England and representatives from are also going to guarantee as the Bill leaves the Kent County Council and Shepway to discuss how we House of Commons that whoever owns the Royal Mail can try to establish a positive agenda that would in the future, that The Queen’s head will remain enable us to take a new power station at Dungeness proudly displayed on our stamps. forward. I hope to be able to update readers on the progress from that meeting in next week’s column. Last Friday I had the chance to spend some time at two of our local primary schools. First at Christ Church On Wednesday in Brockman Road, Folkestone where as well as this week in meeting the staff and pupils I received some excellent parliament we questioning by members of the School Council on are matters as wide ranging as student fees and sport in considering the schools. Later in the day I joined a meeting of the final stages of School Council at St Mary’s Primary in Warren Road, the Postal Folkestone. As well as answering another set of Services Bill. I thoughtful and intelligent questions I joined the school served on the for their end of day act of worship, and also had a tour committee of the House of Commons that studied and of their new building which is due to open later this debated this Bill in the run up to month. Christmas. It allows for the sale of the Royal Mail, but

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Thursday 20th January 2011

Pliers: The most common are your slip-joint pliers. Tool Box Essentials There are also needle-nosed pliers for tight, hard-to-reach places and mechanic’s pliers which Dave’s occasional DIY corner provide good leverage. by David Wimble Adjustable Spanners: Adjustable crescent spanners are good for loosening or tightening nuts and bolts. As many of you know I have been undertaking a little Open-ended spanners will allow for flexibility in DIY whilst refurbishing our new shop. I have been reaching hard-to-reach areas. very lucky to have some good mates helping me in the form of Terry Heath, Kevin Beale and David Mills. Hammers: You only really need one for removing Kevin is a rare creature in as much as he has given up nails, which is the claw type hammer, and a lighter several days to work for us free of charge (apart from weight hammer called a ball peen hammer. But for the constant tea and bacon sandwiches) and Terry is more specific jobs a Machinist’s Riveting hammer, my partner in this venture. Upholsterer’s hammer and an Engineer’s hammer can One thing that is very apparent is that to get a good be added to the toolbox selection. job done you need the right tools for the job! Terry has a massive collection of power tools and a seems to Saws: A hack saw is a fine-tooth saw used for cutting have something for every application. However you into metal and good for shortening nails or making a only need the bare essentials to get a professional job piece of piping fit a particular job. A jig saw, which is a done. mechanical saw blade set into a steel frame, is perfect for those interior jobs or any job requiring the cutting of thin wood. A crosscut saw, which is used to cut across the grain of a piece of wood, is used for cutting the larger pieces of wood. A toolbox containing all three will offer a good enough selection for just about any home building or repair project.

Drills: Whether cordless or electric, a nice portable drill will allow you to start that hole before inserting the screw. This tool will make life much more simple when doing most building and repair projects. Contrary to popular belief, men were not born with an in-built knowledge of DIY. You only have to look at any Bits and bobs: This toolbox should also contain a number of DIY disaster shows, or perhaps your own variety or assortment of screws, both slotted and home, to know that. Phillips in a variety of diameters and lengths. Round Getting any DIY job done relies on the tools of the head, flat head, oval head, wood screws, lag screws, trade, which come in all shapes and sizes. If you have metal screws are just a few examples. Also, nails – just stepped on the first rung of the property ladder or such as flatheads, common, casing, box, finishing, and you still don’t know your left-handed screwdriver from brads – are vital toolbox accessories. By getting your tin of elbow grease, get tooled-up for the job. familiar with the variety of screws and nails available By having the proper tools on hand to work with will and their specific function will certainly help with most certainly make it easier to get whatever project must home building and repair projects. be completed done efficiently and, most importantly, Keep stocked with washers (flat, split lock, shake correctly. The following is a basic list of those tools that proof), nuts (square, hexagonal, jam, castellated) and should be a part of every homeowner’s toolbox. bolts (carriage, machine, and stove). These common Screwdrivers: The toolbox should contain both the fasteners kept on hand will avoid unnecessary trips to Phillips type screwdriver for cross-slotted screws and the DIY store. the flat type screwdriver for the slotted screws. These Other handy items to keep in a toolbox include a utility can come in a 1/8-inch blade, ¼-inch blade, 5/16-inch knife with a retractable blade, a bottle of glue, masking blade, and a 3/8-inch blade. Cordless electric tape for interior paint jobs, sandpaper in the various screwdrivers are handy but they will inevitably run out grades, a flexible tape measure, a pencil and a spirit just when you need them, so invest in both. level. When choosing a screwdriver to use, it should be no Now all you need is the practice to make perfect.... wider than the screw head and, of course, fit the screw slot. I mean how hard can it be?

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For The New Year

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was born on the Marsh, but not so. They then switched to Shepherd A Very Unique Pub She was one of nine children born in Neame. “I was never really happy Dagenham. During the war she was about that” said Doris “You could get by Mark Newson sent to live in Brenzett as a land army Shep’s anywhere. I wanted girl, and worked for her future something different and from that day In recent issues of The Looker, husband Alf Jemison who owned a onwards I’ve never looked back” mention was made of a future article 40 acre farm there. Whilst Doris This year Doris will be holding a on a competition for the best real ale drove the tractor for cutting corn Alf special event to mark 100 yrs of the pub on the Marsh. This has sat at the back of the prompted me to tell you and your machine and would shoot readers about the Red Lion at the scattering rabbits, Snargate (commonly known as which would make a tasty Doris’s). When you walk into this pub meal for supper. Doris it is like stepping back in time – the also worked at the dairy walls are full of wartime photos, land in Appledore and Lord army girls, old posters and Lumburnham’s estate advertising from a bygone age. If picking asparagus. After you’re hoping for food, accomplanied 4 yrs of courtship Alf and by background music, then don’t go Doris married in 1951. Alf there. There is no food (except crisps was a greengrocer by and peanuts) definitely no music of profession and would any kind, no draught lager, no later become a bus- driver. In 1960 family run pub, but don’t expect to machines or pool tables and no they bought The Red Lion from Alf’s see it advertised. She has such a champagne or fancy wine this is father (who had run the pub since following; she doesn’t have to do so. strictly a real ale pub. 1911). At this time the pub was Quote from the lady herself “We had All beers are served by gravity – that owned by Courage and they had a lot of characters here in the old is to say straight from the barrel. ruthlessly demolished the four old days. One of them always came in This is now a very rare form of cottages and stables in 1954 which with a pair of scissors and a comb; serving beer and I can only think of a stood next to the pub. he’d often cut customers hair, just for handful of pubs still disposing of their One of the cottages was empty at a pint of beer. He’d even cut your bitter in this method. Doris carefully one time and Alf used to keep his toenails; sadly those times are long selects breweries from all over the pigeons in there! After the building gone. Most of the older locals have UK which you will never find was pulled down, the birds took roost experienced war and had known anywhere else. She has her very own in the church, a few yards away. The tragedies one way or another. They beer called DSB (Doris Special Bitter) brewery was intending to flatten the were more tolerant than today’s and you can get this regularly, along pub too, but thank god they never customers, they weren’t so rude. with g.achers beers from Maidstone. did! When Alf and Doris took They showed more consideration for Forget about all the famous ownership of The Red Lion there was each other. They were more sociable. breweries you know of and you’ll be no electricity just oil lamps and can- It’s not quite the same today, people surprised to see ‘Far West’ from dles. There was no outside lighting have more money, they drive further Cornwall. Doris is 81 and is virtually not even in the toilets. The only form afield, but their children have come deaf. However her beautiful of heating was a coal fire in the living here, telling me of their parent’s daughter Kate is on hand to help out room and 2 separate fires for both memories of the pub, and that’s nice. and ‘Talks’ to her mother via sign bars in the pub. Doris didn’t install language. The pub has been on TV, electricity until radio and newspapers and has been 1964! When Alf in Camra’s beer guide book for the died in 1986 Doris last 26 years. Before this you could decided to start only get fizzy beer such as Double selling real ale. Diamond, Whitbread Trophy and When they Watney’s Red Barrel (horrid insipid brought the pub in stuff). 1960, Courage The Red Lion was built in 1540 as a sanctioned that coaching Inn where sheep drovers they keep selling used to stay whilst transporting their their beers for the stock from one village to the next. next 20 years. The first known tenant of the pub can Alf and Doris be named as John Bourne from reluctantly did so, 1847. Most people think that Doris but for only 17yrs.

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Thursday 20th January Thursday 27th January Dymchurch Heritage Group Meeting, Beach 48 Café, Craft Morning, St. Peter’s Church Hall, Greatstone, 10 Dymchurch, 7 p.m. a.m. Friday 28th January Friday & Saturday 21st & 22nd January Whist & Scrabble Afternoon, St. Peter’s Church Hall, Dymchurch Players present ‘Robinson Crusoe & The Greatstone, 2 p.m. Pirates’, Dymchurch Village Hall. Residents Association AGM, St. Peter’s Church Hall, Greatstone, 7.30 p.m. (Covers all local villages). Saturday 22nd January Public Meeting on future ofNuclear Power at Dunge- Saturday 29th January ness. Assembly Rooms, New Romney, 10.30 a.m. Dungeness Lifeboat Station SOS Carwash Day, Romney Marsh Walking Society meets at 10 a.m. at 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Refreshments available. Rye Market Car Park. Ice Rink at St. Nicholas School, New Romney, 10 a.m.

Sunday 23rd January Saturday 5th February Dungeness Lifeboat Exercise, 10 a.m. Brookland Village Market, 10 a.m.

Monday 24th January Saturday 19th February Crafters & Knitters Club, Hardy Hall, Lydd, 10 a.m. Romney Marsh Christian fellowship Ladies Film Night New Romney ‘65’ Club cards afternoon, Prescott and Fish Supper showing "Miss Potter". House, New Romney, 2 p.m. New members welcome. At The Centre, North street, New Romney. Bingo at Mittell Court, Vinelands, Lydd, 7.30 p.m. All Supper at 6 p.m., preorder only. welcome. Film show 7 p.m. Free light refreshments available. Contact Chris Clifton to order and pay for supper or Tuesday 25th January any other enquires at 01797-366689 or Ecumenical Service for World Day of Prayer, New [email protected] Romney Methodist Church, 10 a.m. Caring Altogether Romney Marsh, St. Peter’s Church Business Association Hall, Greatstone, 10 a.m. New Romney Bridge Club, Old School Trust, Church looks forward to Lane, New Romney, 6 p.m. New members welcome. the year ahead Youth Club, Village Hall, 5.30 p.m. (7 – 11 years). The Romney Marsh Business Association held its first Wednesday 26th January meeting at the Ship Hotel on the 11th of January. At the St. Mary’s Bay Computer Club, Village Hall, 10 a.m. meeting the committe laid out the plans for the year ahead. and 1.30 p.m. The Association is growing at a steady rate and can not Whist Afternoon, St. Mary’s Bay Village Hall, 2 p.m. only help with information to save money, but also help you Country Mice Needlecraft Club, Old School Trust, network and meet up with other like minded people. If you want to find out about future meetings and are Church Lane, New Romney, 7 p.m. interested in what the Association can offer, why not look at Marsh Ink Writers’ Group, Assembly Rooms, New their website:- Romney, 7.30 p.m. or contact association on St. Mary’s Bay Camera Club, Village Hall, 7.45 p.m. 0800 002 9080

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Thursday 20th January 2011

Anniversary Ice Rink appeal for A259 Re-scheduled

fatal collision Lots of children were recently Police investigating a fatal road disappointed to discover that the ice traffic collision on the A259 rink, planned in the playground of between Lydd and Brenzett on St. Nicholas School, New Romney Saturday 18th December 2010 will had to be cancelled due to, wait for be revisiting the scene one month it, too much ice. on from the incident. The problem was not with the actual rink, but mainly due to the Officers would like to hear from conditions with the supplier being witnesses who were around at the unable get down to New Romney time of the collision who may have but more importantly the safety of stopped and turned around and left. the children who wanted to attend. Samantha Stevens who organised The crash happened at around 10 the event said, “Unfortunately we a.m. on Saturday 18th December had to postpone the ice skating due when a blue Suzuki Grand Vitara to take place in the Christmas travelling in the direction of Ashford holidays because of the dangerous was involved in a head on collision icy conditions of the School with a blue Nissan Micra travelling playground. However, I'm pleased towards Lydd. to say we have managed to re-arrange this for Saturday 29th The driver of the Micra, 67-year-old January from10 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.’ Barry Griffin of Lydd, died shortly She went on to say that children after the collision and his wife, 66- should either be accompanied by year-old Carole Griffin, who was in adults or would need a consent the passenger seat sustained seri- form signed by parents. This can be ous injuries and passed away at obtained by contacting Sam by the William Harvey Hospital on e-mail at Monday 3rd January. [email protected]

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Just For Fun

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Thursday 20th January 2011

After a while it was suggested That raise nearly three thousand pounds, The Romney Allied took over the running of the which was a little way short of where station and in order to not only take we needed to be. The problem is Marsh FM. Story over the hardware that the group that no one had heard of us and had brought but also the grant without people having heard us why (Part one) money still in the bank it was should they sponsor us, so for the by David Wimble necessary to set the radio up as it’s first 28-day licence the station was own stand alone company. subsidised by Allied Broadcasting After taking some advice Romney Company along with all the Romney Marsh FM is nearly four Marsh CIC Ltd. was formed three equipment which was either donated years old now and with the move to and a half years ago. The CIC part of or ‘long term loaned’. our new High Street studio we the name stands for Community When we turned the transmitter on thought we would give you a little Interest Company, which is similar to at 6 a.m. on the first morning of history of the station and where we a charity and basically means that broadcast we did not know if anyone hope to be heading in the next year. the directors and staff work on a ‘not would be listening, but the phone The station was originally never for profit’ basis and take no wages. started ringing after just six minutes. meant to be a fully blown radio The first goal was to run a RSL radio By the end of the first day we had project but instead a series of ‘Pod broadcast. This stands for restricted over 200 text messages and lots of Casts’ which basically meant that it service licence, something that is e-mails. was going to be a website with some awarded by Ofcom, the government After the first transmission finished downloadable interviews and pre office which governs radio. lots of people asked why we had to recorded programmes. This was a The first of two big challenges was to go off air. Well to put down on project set up by the Marsh find a group of people to help out paper, the main reason other than Gateway, who under the leadership with the station and the second was the money is that Ofcom restrict of Jason Martin obtained some grant to raise the money to finance the 28 stations like ours to a maximum of funding to buy some portable day licence. The first challenge was three broadcasts per year with a easy. We put a little article in the minimum of four months between any two broadcasts. The only other way is to obtain a full time Community Licence, which would mean a financial commitment of five years and after our struggle to pay for 28 days this seemed out of reach. Along with this there was a lot of talk within the industry about the future of ‘radio’ with the BBC stating that from 2017 they were turning off their FM transmitters and going fully recorders and also organised a small Marsh Handbook and also digital and online. group of volunteers. contacted some friends who ran Romney Marsh FM was already full After a few months and several mobile disco’s. At this point I was the time online! So why would we want meetings it was obvious that the only person who had any FM Radio to pay all that money for a licence? group did not have a positive experience, but Mike Thompsett had A decision was made to stay online direction. At around this time David about six years of experience with on the internet and ‘Build the Brand’ Wimble from the Allied Broadcasting Internet radio and along with David making more people aware of who, Company offered some help, Along Shackle who was an old friend and what, why, when and where, (or as with fellow local resident Mike fellow Neptune radio presenter, we David always called it, the five W’s). Thompsett they suggested that a full went about building a new studio at It was important for people to know time internet radio station was the our offices at the Romney Marsh that we were all volunteers (who), way forward and within 48 hours the Potato company. Trying to raise the that we were trying to set up a local station was ‘On Air’. This coincided five and a half thousand pounds to radio station (what), with Allied opening a new studio in cover the costs of all the licences we wanted to do this as we felt that Mountfield Road. This studio was was next on our business plan. the Marsh was not catered for by built to sell news content to radio Along with our secretary Liz pope we either the BBC or the two other stations around the world and contacted over 200 companies look- ‘local’ radio stations (why), employed a full time news editor and ing for advertising and sponsorship let people know that we only team of journalists. with very little luck. However we did 20 issue 10_Layout 1 16/01/2011 23:32 Page 21 Thursday 20th January 2011

had a limited 28 day licence period on FM, but try and make people Defend Our Coast Update aware that they could listen online via our website (when), The Defend Our Coast Association held another very successful Open and that we were based in New Evening in December. Damian Collins MP attended this event and Romney and our broadcast covered re-affirmed the strength of feeling from all local communities that the marsh and that our content adequate sea defences are vital for the Marsh and its future. With would also be relevant to the Marsh (where). Government spending cuts on flood defences and the potential problems We already decided that we wanted associated with these restrictive measures, we are lucky to have the as much local content as possible, support from both our MPs, Damian Collins and Amber Rudd, who our listeners do not want to hear continuously champion our cause in Westminster . DOC is also doing its about traffic jams on the Dartford utmost to bring local sea defences issues to the attention of all relevant crossing but they may want to know Government Agencies. A consultation on national flood and coastal about how busy car parks are in the erosion risk management (FCREM) was launched late last year in No- town centre etc. vember and will run until 16 February 2011. The document describes what In the next instalment of this RMFM needs to be done to reduce the risk of flooding and coastal erosion and article we will tell you about the next how to manage its consequences. Communities , business and the public two years ‘ON AIR’ and in the third sector will need to work together locally to understand what needs to be part our vision for the future and done and to find new ways to do it. The Environment Agency also our new studio’s and how you can encourages all organisations and communities with an interest in flood get involved with the Marsh’s own and coastal risk management to read the consultation document and community radio station. complete the online question For more information pop into the new studio situated at the erosion/index.htm). DOC would urge all its members to respond and is Allied Entertainment Office, sure that together we CAN make a difference. If you wish to support DOC 19 High Street, why not come along to our AGM which will be held on the 25 March 2011 New Romney. at 7.00 pm in the Guild Hall, Lydd or why not visit our website at www. to find out more. Now is the time to get involved! Heath Artcrafts FOR SALE High Street New Romney

Adult Watercolour Class Mondays 7-9pm £5.00 including materials

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Thursday 20th January 2011

surprisingly low CO2 emissions. The New MINI If four doors isn’t what you’re looking for, we've also got the full range of redesigned MINIs to Countryman – show off, with engine refinements and a new selection of colours, trims and options. GETAWAY! Contact your local MINI Dealer, Broad Oak Ashford, to book a test drive and you could be starting your very own MINI adventure sooner than you think! Broad Oak Ashford, The Boulevard, Orbital Park, Ashford, Kent TN24 0GA

The New MINI Countryman – GETAWAY! The all new All-Four*, four door, 5 seat MINI – come and see for yourself! Not only does this new model have four doors, and comfortably seats 5 adults, it has more than enough boot space for sports equipment, buggies or medium-sized polar bears. Along with its flexible, spacious interior, the MINI Countryman has a new, dynamic outer. With familiar MINI features and go-kart handling, it offers the same driving excitement that you would expect from MINI. Powered by a choice of three petrol and two diesel engines, the MINI Countryman's technological wizardry safeguards MINI's reputation for fuel-sipping performance and

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Thursday 20th January 2011

Boy fined for Black Panthers on the Marsh endangering lives with a Mini Moto Has anybody else seen the Black Panthers on the Marsh? Apparently there are 13 of them as was reported in the national newspaper, “The Daily Star“. A 16-year-old boy from Dymchurch The paper stated: was fined £265 and received six “That they are to blame for a penalty points on his licence after riding a Mini Moto on a road with two spate of attacks on sheep on the children on the handlebars. Romney Marsh near the The youth was arrested when he Dungeness Atomic Plant.” was 15, in August last year in the Has anybody else seen these Marshlands area of Dymchurch. It wonderful creatures? Has your followed reports that he was riding a farms livestock been effected by Mini Moto with his brother and sister, these spates of sheep killings”? who were just three and four, on the Apparently, according to “The handlebars, endangering their lives. Daily Star”, “Farmers have found When police arrived the youth became violent and had to be pieces of dead sheep up trees arrested and restrained. He was where the panthers feed”. subsequently charged with five Please get in contact if you have offences: seen a Black Panther or even 13. If you are a farmer affected by the sheep killings, we would love to * No Insurance hear from you. * Driving without a Driving Write to [email protected] or ring us on 01797-366450. Licence Well, I did report this back in the summer when I saw a Black * Driving a motor vehicle without Panther, it’s on the forum page of an MOT * Obstructing a police constable in the execution of his duty Mandy Heath. * Using a motor vehicle which involved danger of injury to passengers carried on it. In the next edition At Folkestone Magistrates Court on Tuesday 4th January he pleaded guilty to the first four charges and was found guilty of the fifth. The Looker first told the story of the Inspector Daren O’Malley, head of Big Cat on the Marsh Shepway Neighbourhood Policing Unit said: “Mini Motos are not over three months ago. children’s toys and are classed as In the next edition motor vehicles under the Road Traffic Act 1988. Therefore they can’t we have excluisive pictures of be used on a highway or other place a big black cat to which the public have access including pavements and parks. never before published. ”In order to ride a Mini Moto on the Make sure you get this edition... road the driver will require a valid driving licence and a compulsory See the pictures of the big cat basic training certificate, insurance, and road tax ONLY IN THE LOOKER Available from 3rd Feb 2011

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The fall in property prices is expected to reduce income from legacies, and the recession is also likely More animals abandoned as to reduce donations to the charity. dogs and cats become The RSPCA has just relaunched an urgent public victims of the credit crunch

Latest RSPCA figures have revealed that the number of animals abandoned across England and Wales has soared by 57 per cent, and the problem seems to be getting even worse. The RSPCA dealt with 11,586 dumped animals last year, a shocking average of more than 30 animals abandoned every day of the year, compared to 7,347 abandoned animals in 2007.The number of aban- doned cats rose by 50 per cent in 2008, while dogs increased by nearly a third. And the trend seems set to continue as figures from the first two months of 2009 show a further 1,432 animals abandoned.Typical appeal for help in what has been described as The examples of abandoned animals include: a badly Biggest Animal Rescue Ever. neglected dog dumped in a bin liner and left to die; two The RSPCA relies entirely on public support and it is cats dumped in a drawstring bag and left to freeze to asking people to continue digging deep in their death; a litter of puppies found dead in a shoebox; a pockets to help raise funds for the thousands of sick pony dumped on a common. animals that are rehabilitated and rehomed - many of Commenting on the rise in animal abandonments, which are now coming into our care as the latest chief officer of the RSPCA inspectorate, Tim Wass, victims of the credit crunch. said: "It is an offence to abandon any animal and there "Now more than ever we need the public's is never any excuse for doing so. If people have pets support,"Tim Wass continued. "It is a challenging time they cannot care for, for any reason, then help and for the RSPCA, but more importantly, it is a crisis out advice is always available from the RSPCA." there for the animals, and it's only because of the Caring for the latest victims of the credit crunch, the public's help that we're able to do what we can.We 2008 figures also show a 52 per cent increase in the know things are going to get tougher. The RSPCA number of calls the RSPCA received from members of already works collaboratively with countless other the public wanting to give up an animal. The charity is animal facing pressure on two fronts as it tries to cope with charities and groups – this may well increase even the increase in workload caused in part by the further as we all work together to combat the current recession, but also face its own financial pressures. downturn."

Thursday Night ‘More Cheese Please’ Disco

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Thursday 20th January 2011

Soccer Sixes Football Fixtures 1. Legends 4 4 0 0 23 8 15 8 2. DSSC 4 3 0 1 21 10 11 6 Saturday 22nd January 3. Rose & Crown 4 3 0 1 20 9 11 6 4. Bailiffs Sergeant 4 3 0 1 19 15 4 6 Kent County League Div 1 East 5. Great Stone FC 4 2 0 2 20 6 14 4 New Romney v Bredhurst 6. New Inn 4 2 0 2 14 6 8 4 7. Marsh Monkeys 4 2 0 2 12 10 2 4 Kent County League Div 2 East 8. Savage Gardeners 3 2 0 1 12 11 1 4 Tenterden v Lydd Town 9. Woodings Warriors 3 1 0 2 8 11 -3 2 10. The Lads 4 1 0 3 4 24 -20 2 Kent County League Reserves Div East 11. The Bench Warmers 4 0 0 4 2 19 -17 0 Bearstead Res v New Romney Res 12. Meridian 4 0 0 4 7 33 -26 0 Saturday 29th January Football Results, Saturday 8th January Kent County League Div 1 East Kent County League Div 2 East University of Kent v New Romney Lydd Town 6 Broadstairs 2 A good win for Lydd Town, completing a double over Broad- Kent County League Div 2 East stairs, and three valuable points that takes them clear at the Lydd Town v Swale United top of the table. Despite going a goal down in the first cou- ple of minutes, two goals for Simon Ewins and Roy Godden Kent County League Reserves Div East and one each for Scott Bouvier and Billy Somerville secured the win.

Kent County League Reserves Div East New Romney Res 0 Sherness East Res 2 A disappointing result for New Romney sees them still near the foot of the table.

Happy New Year

26 issue 10_Layout 1 16/01/2011 23:32 Page 27 Thursday 20th January 2011

Kent County League Div. 1 East Kent County League Div 2 East

1. Bromley Green 9 6 2 1 29 14 15 20 Lydd Town 8 N K Aces 1 2. APM 8 5 3 0 28 11 17 18 3. Bredhurst Juniors 8 5 3 0 18 8 10 17 * Lydd continue their free-scoring goal record taking 4. Staplehurst & Mon. 9 4 3 2 24 16 8 15 their total in the league to 41 so far this season. 5. Premier 8 5 0 3 23 17 6 15 6. Sheerness East 9 4 2 3 21 16 5 14 They are now seven points clear at the top of the 7. Otford Utd. 8 3 3 2 12 12 0 12 table. 8. New Romney 10 3 3 4 18 19 -1 12 A one-sided game saw a couple of hat-tricks for 9. Milton & Fuston 12 3 3 6 14 24 -10 12 the Marsh side. Scott Bouvier and Simon Ewins 10. Sheppey Utd. 8 2 2 4 12 18 -6 8 both hit the back of the net on three occasions. 11. University of Kent 7 2 1 4 10 12 -2 6 * 12. Larkfield /N Hythe 11 0 4 7 11 25 -14 4 Roy Godden and Joe Nielson also got their 13. Kennington 9 1 1 7 10 38 -28 4 names on the score sheet. Although having played a few more games than their main rivals, hopefully Lydd look well placed Kent County League Div 1 East to maintain their league position for the rest of the Otford Utd 1 New Romney 3 season. New Romney move up to eighth in the table after a good away win. Goals by Richard Boorman, Lee Miles and Joey Tibble secured the points for Kent County League Res. Div. East the visitors. 1. APM 11 7 3 1 17 10 7 24 2. Canterbury City 10 7 1 2 31 18 13 22 3. Otford Utd. 8 6 0 2 19 8 11 18 Kent County League Div. 2 East 4. Bromley Green 7 5 1 1 17 10 7 16 5. Bearsted 8 4 2 2 23 13 10 14 1. Lydd Town 10 7 2 1 41 14 27 23 6. Sheerness East 12 4 2 6 17 23 -6 14 2. Swale Utd, 8 5 1 2 17 8 9 16 7. Staplehurst 10 3 3 4 18 23 -5 12 3. Saga Sports/Social 7 5 1 1 16 7 9 16 8. Kennington 10 3 3 4 16 22 -6 12 4. Hawkenbury 11 5 1 5 24 23 1 16 9. Bly Spartans 9 3 2 4 25 18 7 11 5. N. K. Aces 9 5 0 4 18 20 -2 15 10. Platt Utd. 10 3 2 5 18 23 -5 11 6. Broadstairs 12 3 3 6 25 30 -5 11 * 11. New Romney 8 2 1 5 12 18 -6 7 7. Tenterden Town 8 3 0 5 14 25 -11 9 12. Borden Village 11 2 1 8 20 32 -12 7 8. Malgo 5 2 1 2 13 8 5 7 13. Larkfield/N Hythe 10 2 1 7 20 35 -15 7 9. Platt Utd. 6 2 1 3 8 13 -5 7 10. Borden Village 9 2 1 6 17 29 -12 7 11. Guru Nanak 9 2 1 6 15 29 -14 7 * Points deducted

27 issue 10_Layout 1 16/01/2011 23:32 Page 28 Thursday 20th January 2011 LOOKER SPORT Sponsored by JEFF MABEY LTD Turf Accountant

Well,as I write this, Craig Avery is still claiming his expenses and on holiday ‘Down Under’ in Austrailia, celebrating England retaining the Ashes along with Kent County Cricketer, James Tredwell. With no Sports Editor to write for us it is left to me to fill the back page. As we go into 2011 it is time to look at local sports around the Marsh, and it amazes me how many competitive sportsmen and women we have.

Wayne Ryan Hot hopes for 2011

forward once again to Speedway country and we hope to give you taking place at Belgar Farm near reports on their success. Lydd. It has come as quite a Some of the indoor sports will also suprise to many locals that such a get a look in and we are asking high level of club speedway action members of some of the following goes on at the track. clubs to send us regular reports. The Editor has been challenged to Badmington, Table Tennis, Golf take part in a session, and the last and Squash. Dave Usher & Bill Richards time I rode a bike of any kind was If you know of a sport that we have several years ago... so watch this not covered, once again drop us a Craig regularly reports on the space for updates on that. line or e-mail and we will put that Football (across all leagues) and The Looker also hope to cover right. the cricket, but we have many other other sports on the Marsh including So hopefully next edition we will be sports represented by local people. Bowls. back to normal, but for now I hope This includes Motor Sports with New Romney Bowls Club is right up you all have a winning season. competitors such as Dave and Phil with some of the best clubs in the Usher who along with Bill Richards are regulars in the British Dunlop Motorsport News Saloon Car Championships, which soon gets underway again on the Marsh and we will be following them as they battle on most of the race circuits across the country. Another one to watch is on two wheels with young local racer Wayne Ryan, who won a scholarship for the Racing Steps Foundation and will be racing in the British 125cc class. Also on two wheels we can look