Subject Extra Ordinary Meeting of Board of Directors Date Thursday 7 January 2016 Room New Horizons Children’s Academy Time 5.00 pm Present Peter Martin; Sarah Earle; Derek Morrison; Julie Clerk Janet Smith Spurgeon (by video conference); Denise Shepherd; Lee Miller; Stuart Gardner; Michael Bailey; Angela Barry (by video conference) Apologies accepted In Lee Round; Brian Mohabir; Juliet attendance Diaz Non-attendees Susan High (CGSB LGB)

Key Points Discussed and Action Items No. Agenda Item Action/Discussion By When whom 1. Business Interests None declared for this agenda.

2. Purpose of meeting The meeting had been called to discuss the responses to the consultation on a and Chair proposal to the Secretary of State for a substantial change to Chatham Grammar for Boys to become co-educational. The Business Case and a document outlining the responses to the proposal were tabled at the meeting, and will be sent electronically to Directors after the meeting. DS apologised for the lateness of the papers, however the consultation ended on 5 January, and responses right up to the deadline had been received. Note: SG had received late responses after the deadline, which will be added to the documents.

Directors are charged with considering the responses and, on the basis of their findings, deciding whether or not to pursue the proposal with the Secretary of State. Following the governance review, the CGSB local governing body was officially disbanded as at 31/12/2015, and currently there is no Regional Governing Body in place. Powers for moving the proposal forward have therefore reverted to the Board 1

of Directors. It was agreed that the former local governing body of Chatham for Boys should be invited to the meeting to assist with the consideration of responses, however, only the directors are able to vote on whether or not to take the proposal forward.

Michael Bailey was voted in as Chair of the meeting. He wished to record that three successful parents’ forum meetings had taken place during the consultation period.

3. Table of responses DS referred to the table in the Business Case showing responses received from various stakeholders. She explained that Walderslade Girls’ School and Chatham Grammar School for Girls had been specifically mentioned as they are single sex girls’ schools in . AB noted that responses had been received from parents of CGSB students, but no indication had been given in the table if responses had been received from Walderslade Girls or CGSG parents. DS responded that no responses had been received from parents of students at any other Medway school. AB therefore urged caution in taking the proposal to the Headteacher Board, as we cannot evidence parents agreeing to the proposal. This issue was discussed and it was the general view that non response indicates tacit agreement.

The “disagree” responses received from Medway Secondary Schools was discussed and it was the view of the meeting that some School Principals would feel the proposal a threat to their own admissions; ie Chatham Grammar School for Girls. DS reminded Directors that the governors of CGSG had been approached to work with CGSB, however they had declined.

The responses to specific comments were considered. SG informed the meeting that the same comments had been apparent in many of the responses received.

1. A reduction in grammar school places available for boys would mean the council could not be able to meet the demand for places for boys in grammar schools.

Response: Directors have agreed to admit over PAN in 2017 and increase the PAN in future. It was felt that this would address any need for boys’ selective places in Medway in the future. 2

2. A move from being a single sex boys’ grammar school to a co-ed grammar school would reduce choice for parents and would not be equitable as girls would have more choice of school than girls.

Response: The meeting felt that inequality already exists in that the least choice that parents have is for co-educational grammar school education. Rainham Mark, the only co-ed selective school in Medway is heavily over- subscribed and is evidence of this, and there is evidence from the parents’ forums that parents want their daughters to attend CGSB. SG informed directors and governors that parents regularly enquire about their daughters attending the school. LR submitted that Rainham Mark is in a different part of Medway and not accessible for students living in Chatham. He understood the fear of limiting choice for boys, but feels that the benefits of co- educational education outweigh these. DS also spoke about the sixth form at CGSB which is already co-educational and is very successful.

DS also spoke about the Trust’s experience in Portsmouth, where PAG could not recover from being in special measures as a single sex girls’ school. There has been a successful consultation and it will become Portsmouth Academy as o-educational provision in September 2016. JS endorsed this comment.

Equity: Directors and governors agreed with the statements made regarding equity in the document.

3. Reference to an Admissions Committee and the allocating of spaces to those children who have provided sufficient evidence to the Admissions Committee of being of grammar school standard.

Response: This paragraph is being removed from the consultation document. Directors and governors referred to the press article that appeared in the Messenger over the Christmas period.

4. Potential impact on local schools including Chatham Grammar School for Girls and Walderslade Girls School. 3

The responses in the document were considered and agreed.

5. Students (boys and girls) from The Victory Academy accessing the grammar school.

Response: a few students from The Victory are on a gifted and talented programme and access some teaching at CGSB. They are not on the roll of CGSB. Directors and governors were happy with this response.

6. Preferential places for students attending TSAT primary schools or with siblings in another TSAT may cause difficulties for parents trying to access the school of their choice and would this apply to all students whether educated in state or private school.

The meeting considered and agreed with the responses given in the document. In addition, another Medway Trust operates the same oversubscription criterion.

7. As Ms Shepherd is a member of the RSC she should not be part of the process for approving this change.

Response: Because DS has a conflict of interest in this case she will not receive any of the papers relating to it, will have to leave the room while it is discussed and will have no vote. The same is true for AB, who is also an HTB member.

The final more minor comments were considered and members of the meeting agreed with the responses provided.

4. Financial MB asked LM to outline any financial implications to the proposal, should it be Implications accepted. LM responded that CGSB already has facilities for girls and there will be limited financial impact. However, if the proposal were not to go forward, then problems in balancing the budget would need to be faced and there would be further management action required. 4

5. Views from See summary of vote in 7. Directors and Governors 6. Legal implications LM reassured governors and directors that we have followed legal advice from Browne Jacobson from the outset. Directors have already been through the process of a successful application to go co-ed with Portsmouth Academy and the Business Case has been prepared on the same template. If the Board of Directors approve the Business Case will go to the Regional Schools Commissioner.

7. Vote PM, as Chair of the Board of Directors, asked for a proposer to submit a proposal to the Secretary of State for a substantial change to Chatham Grammar School for Boys to become co-educational. SE proposed and DM seconded. This was put to the vote.

In favour 8 Against 0 Abstain 1

The proposal was therefore agreed.

8. Next steps 1. The Business Case and associated documents will be sent to the EFA from the Accounting Officer.

2. Contact will be made with Browne Jacobson, informing them of this action.

3. The EFA will assign a project worker who will make contact with DS and SG to discuss any issues arising from the Business Case and consultation.

4. Directors will be informed of the outcome, and, if successful, changes will be made to the funding agreement. The LA will also be informed

5. Individual responses will be sent to the LA and MPs who responded to the consultation. A general response will be on the CGSB website for all other 5

responders, although advice will be sought as to how much is published in advance of the decision being received.

6. Should the proposal be accepted, careful thought needs to be given to contact with the press, and directors will be involved in this.

9. Name change to All agreed that the school should be known as Holcombe Grammar School with Holcombe Grammar effect from September 2016, regardless of the outcome of the proposal. School Clerks note: it was subsequently agreed that this should remain at September 2017, as this was the date in the consultation documents.

MB recorded thanks to SG, DS and LM for all their hard work on the proposal. The All meeting closed at 7.00pm