SAINT PATRICK ROMAN 3500 Washington Street . McHenry, IL 60050 Come Follow Me and I Will Make You Fishers of Men

St. Patrick Mission Statement A Welcoming parish called to FAITHfully know, LOVE and serve God and Neighbor in the HOPE of heaven. Page 2 Twenty-First Sunday In Time

Dear Friends in Christ,

We congratulate Rita Mahan who was selected as our Woman of Inspiration for 2019. On Sunday, September 15th, Rita will receive her well-deserved award from Bishop Malloy at the Church of Holy Apostles along with all other Women of Inspiration from the McHenry Deanery parishes.

Our series of bulletin articles on the will conclude next weekend. I hope you have enjoyed them. If you’ve missed any of these articles, you can find copies of the weekly bulletin on our parish website at

In Christ, Fr. Godwin

The Eucharist Saint(s) of the Week “Source & Summit of the Catholic Faith” St. Monica (Mother of St. Augustine) What is Benediction? (330-387) Memorial: August 27 Exposition and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament is not Patron Saint: Alcoholics, Conversion, Mothers only a very old devotion in our Church, but one that highlights the fundamental mystery of the Holy Eucha- St. Augustine of Hippo rist– that our Lord is truly present, body and blood, November 13, 354-August 28, 430 soul and divinity in the Blessed Sacrament. In his 1980 Memorial: August 28 Holy Thursday letter to priests, Dominicae cenae, St. Patron Saint: Printers, Theologians John Paul II wrote, “Since the Eucharistic mystery was insti- tuted out of love, and makes Christ sacramentally present, Although she was a Christian, her parents it is worthy of thanksgiving and worship. And this worship gave her in marriage to a pagan, While he be prominent in all our encounters with the Blessed had some redeeming features, he had a Sacrament…” (#3). While emphasizing the importance of violent temper and was licentious. She also the , the Holy Father then recommends various forms had a cantankerous mother-in-law who lived of Eucharistic devotion: personal prayer and periods of ado- in her home. While she was criticized by her ration before the Blessed Sacrament, exposition and bene- husband for her charity and piety, he always respected her. diction, Forty Hours devotion, Eucharistic processions, Eu- Monica’s prayers and example finally won her husband and charistic Congresses, and a special observance of the So- mother-in-law to Christianity. Her husband died in 371, a year after his baptism. Three children survived infancy. The oldest, lemnity of Corpus Christi. All of these devotions which focus Augustine, is the most famous. At the time of his father’s on the Blessed Sacrament aid in our spiritual union with our death, Augustine was 17 and a rhetoric student in Carthage. Lord. As Jesus said, “I myself am the Bread of Life. No one He had accepted the Manichean heresy—”all flesh is evil”- and who comes to me shall ever be hungry, no one who be- was living an immoral life, much to Monica’s dismay. One night lieves in me shall ever thirst” (John 6:35). she had a vision that he would return to the faith. From then The ritual for exposition and benediction as presented in she stayed close to Augustine—sometimes closer than he 1973 by the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship basi- wanted. cally follows this format: When Augustine turned 29, he decided to go to Rome to teach

The priest places the Blessed Sacrament in a rhetoric. His mother wanted to travel with him, but he tricked on the for adoration. At this time, a hymn of praise Monica and set sail for Rome without her. She was heartbro- (usually O Salutaris Hostia) is sung as the priest incenses ken, but followed him to Rome, only to learn that he had left for Milan. the Blessed Sacrament (optional). During the period of ado- ration, the faithful may pray in quiet and foster a deeper In Milan, Augustine came under the influence of the bishop, St. spiritual with the Lord. However, the adoration Ambrose, who also became Monica’s spiritual director. She period may also include prayers, such as a novena or Litur- accepted his advice in everything and had the humility to give gy of the Hours, and readings from Sacred Scripture ac- up some practices that had become second nature to her. She became a leader of the devote women in Milan. companied perhaps by a or exhortation to increase the understanding of the Eucharistic mystery. At the end of She continued her prayers for Augustine during his years of the period of adoration, the priest again incenses the instruction. At Easter 387, St. Ambrose baptized Augustine Blessed Sacrament as a hymn of praise is sung and several of his friends. Soon after he left for Africa. Monica (usually Tantum Ergo), and then, placing a became ill and suffered severely for nine days before her over his shoulders and veiling his hands, blesses the con- death. She said before her death that “all my hopes in this world are now fulfilled.” gregation with the Blessed Sacrament, making the . The Divine Praises are prayed and then the Most are familiar with Augustine’s journey from sinner to saint, priest reposes the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle but to really get to know him through his writings is a reward- accompanied by the singing of Holy God We Praise Thy ing experience. A Christian at age 33, a priest at 36 and a Name. bishop at 41. His love of life was redirected to a life of love. Twenty-First Sunday In Ordinary Time Page 3

Ladies Guild News St. Patrick 2019 Woman of Inspiration

ALL LADIES IN THE PARISH are invited to attend the Congratulations! Rita Mahan!

Ladies Guild Opening Mass and Installation of Officers th St. Patrick McHenry is proud to announce our Ceremony on Wednesday, September 4 at 11:30AM. Woman of Inspiration for 2019 – Rita Mahan! Following the Mass, join us for a catered luncheon and meeting in the Lane Room in the lower level of the Parish Rita our Woman of Inspiration has accom- plished the following: Center. ∗ Annual dues are still only $10 and may be paid via the col- Is a daily Mass attendee ∗ lection basket or at the Parish Center. Please place your Participates in every bible study on Mon- payment (cash or check made out to the St. Patrick Ladies day evening Guild) in an envelope marked “Ladies Guild Dues.” Dues ∗ Is on the “God Squad” which serves meals at parish may also be paid at the meeting. If you are a new member retreats (often cooking from scratch!) or if any of your contact information has changed, please ∗ Helps out as a church cleaner and cares for the fill out a membership form (in bulletin) and return it with Altar Linens your dues. ∗ Is a faithful gardener in our beautiful Prayer Garden ∗ Travels on Pilgrimage every year We hope everyone had a wonderful summer and we are ∗ looking forward to seeing all of you on September 4th! Years ago took in a young boy and raised him as her own ∗ Keeps her family on track in keeping God as part of their lives 2019 Ladies Guild Membership Form ∗ She is willing to help out in any way she can and she goes above and beyond in all that she does To join St. Patrick Ladies Guild, or to update any of your information, please fill out this form and return via the Sun- Her love of God, His son Jesus and her parish are clearly day collection basket or to the Parish Center, with annual apparent. Rita is a role model for all women who want to dues of $10, cash or check made out to the St. Patrick live and practice a Holy Catholic Life.

Ladies Guild in an envelope marked “Ladies Guild Dues.” Other women who received nominations are: Bonnie

Name: ______Curry, Allissa DeLozier, Mary Ellen Feeney, Sue Hansen, Patti Hartmann, Shelly Knight, Maureen Pintozzi, Anna Address: ______Schweder, and Jacque Swider.

City: ______Zip:______We are blessed to have so many inspiring women at St. Phone: ______Patrick! Congratulations ladies and congratulations Rita! Email: ______Birthday (Month and Day):______

Woman of Inspiration Awards Banquet Ladies Guild Membership Dues: $10 Sunday, September 15, 2019, 4:00PM Check # ______Cash______Church of Holy Apostles Questions? Please call Sue Gruebnau, Ladies Guild Pres- Congratulations again to Rita Mahan, St. Patrick's 2019 ident and Membership chairperson 815-385-8901. Woman of Inspiration! St. Patrick's is very blessed to have Rita in our parish.

There will be a ceremony/dinner banquet to honor Rita and all of the 2019 Women of Inspiration in the McHenry Join Us—Ice Cream Social Deanery on Sunday, September 15, 2019 at The Church First Saturday of the Month of Holy Apostles at 4:00PM. If you would like to pur- chase a ticket to attend the banquet please write a check September 7th - After 4:00PM Mass payable to McHenry Deanery CCW and put it in an en- velope marked "Ladies Guild - Attn: Lisa Godzicki - Join us Saturday, September 7th, after the 4:00PM Mass Woman of Inspiration Banquet" and place it in the for our First Saturday of the Month Ice Cream Social, Sunday collection basket or drop it off at the parish hosted this month by the MOMs Ministry. Come enjoy ice cream and lemonade with your church family. This will be the office no later than September 2nd. Tickets are $25 for last Ice Cream Social for this year. Our First Sunday of the adults and $12.50 for children 12 and under. Seating at Month Hot Breakfast will resume next month on Sunday, the banquet is first come, first serve. If you have any ques- October 6th. tions please contact St. Patrick's Chairperson, Lisa Godzicki at (847)638-1417 or [email protected] Page 4 Twenty-First Sunday In Ordinary Time

PRFF (Parents Raising Families in Faith) Little LAMBS First Annual Back To School Pool Party Adult & Child Program August 17, 2019 Fridays, 10AM-11AM $50/6 Week Session 2-3 year old children

Six mornings of playtime and learning for your child and caregiver. The one hour weekly program includes group circle time, Storytime, free play and a large motor activity. Class size is limited to eight children and a minimum of four children.

Your child needs to be two years of age by September 1st. Sign up for one session or all four!

1st Session - $50/child September 20 - New Friends September 27 - In the Orchard October 4 - His Grace Falls On Us October 11 - Chica, Chica, Boom, Boom October 18 - What do you see? October 25 - Brave Little Pumpkin

2nd Session - $50/child November 1 - All About Manners November 8 - Helping Others November 15 - Being Grateful November 22 - Giving Thanks December 6 - This Little Light of Mine December 13 - Away in a Manger

3rd Session - $50/child February 7 - Winter Wear February 14 - Love Is In The Air February 21 - Winter Animals February 28 - Cold Winter Nights March 6 - Shapes All Around Us March 13 - Colorful Rainbows

4th Session - $50/child April 3 - Easter is “Egg”citing April 17 - He’s Got the Whole Word April 24 - April Showers May 1 - May Flowers May 8 - I Love Mommy May 15 - Busy Little Bugs

Please contact Montini Primary at 815-385-5380 to register for a session or for more information.

Twenty-First Sunday In Ordinary Time Page 5

St. Patrick’s Marriage & Family Ministry extends our congratulations to the

following couples celebrating a August Marriage Anniversary

Mark & Stephanie Balongag, 6 yrs., August 9th Tad & Kristin DePorter, 12 yrs., August 4th LeRoy & Jen Eschenbacher, 22 yrs., August 16th Don & Billie Crotty, 30 yrs., August 12th Brian & Alice Arnet, 33 yrs., August 16th Rudy & Helga Horist, 34 yrs., August 11th Angelo & Anne Rodriguez, 37 yrs., August 7th Bill & Patti Preston, 38 yrs., August 1st View St. Patrick Catholic Church live broadcasts and ar- Fred & Mary Ann Farenzena, 42 yrs., August 6th chived videos on the Sunday Streams apps for Apple iOS Jim (†) & Judy Smith, 51 yrs., August 3rd or Android devices by entering our Church ID Jim & Sandy Perdue, 53 yrs., August 13th "stpatrickmchenry" after downloading and installing the Ron & Ardelle Conway, 59 yrs., August 27th free Sunday Streams app Ronald & Dorothy Sweetwood, 60 yrs., August 22nd Alan & Ann Latz, 61 yrs., August 2nd

May God bless you and grant you joy. May He deepen your love for each other. News from the Religious Education Office May He bless you with family and friends, and lead you to unending happiness in Heaven. May Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, keep you in His love forever and ever. Amen.

Attention Families with Children enrolled in Kinder- garten to 8th grade in public school: Religious Education registration is now open for the Religious Items to Donate

2019-2020 school year. 1st grade & 7th grade parents: Do you have any religious items that are no longer needed please note that in order for your child to receive either or broken? The St. Mary Mission in Lancaster PA the Sacrament of (2nd grade) or Confir- these items and distributes them to those in need. The mation (8th grade), they must be enrolled in RE this year. mission is looking for religious items such as rosaries, The Diocese of Rockford requires two years of prepara- crucifixes, rosary cases, missal covers, religious statues tion for receipt of the Sacraments. Registration material and prayer books. Any items that are taken in are placed will be available in the narthex this and next weekend and in other Churches, Convents and Monasteries in need as is also available on our website: well as hospice and nursing homes. Anything that is rust- ed, dented, chipped or broken they do their best to repair. th Catechists Needed: The St. Mary Mission will be in the area on Sept. 9 for We are still in need of several aides for the 2019-2020 pickups. We will have a basket in the Narthex for the next school year. This service opportunity is a great way to two weekends if you would like to donate any items to this grow in your faith and serve the smallest in our communi- very worthy organization. ty. We need willing volunteers to make this program work. It does ask for a weekly commitment to the program, with classes on Sunday from 9:00AM-11:30AM. For parents, St. Patrick Annual there is also the incentive of tuition reduction for your chil- Oktoberfest and dren enrolled in RE. We provide training and support, but 3rd Annual Talent Show need your help to make our RE department work. Applications and more information is available in the Saturday narthex this and next weekend. September 28, 2019 If you are interested in helping in this important ministry or After the 4:00PM Mass have any questions about registering your child(ren), please contact Lisa Johnson at 815-385-2959 or at [email protected] Page 6 Twenty-First Sunday In Ordinary Time

Word of Life

“Within the ‘people of life and the peo- ple for life’, the family has a decisive responsibility. This responsibility flows from its very nature as a community of life and love, founded upon marriage, and from its mission to ‘guard, reveal and communicate love’“(The of Life, no. 92).

Citing John Paul II, Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhor- tation (22 November 1981), 17: AAS 74 (1982), 100. Excerpt from © 1995, Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

Memorial of the Passion of St. John the Baptist.

We are excited to announce that Diocesan Theologi- cal Institute will be returning this fall! The Diocese of Rockford Diocesan Theological Institute provides 2 and 4 day classes for interested Catholics to advance in Adult Faith Formation. As well as providing credit hours for Deacons, DRE’s and DYM’s, and ongoing education for Ministry Formation graduates, going for- ward we will be providing classes for Adult Faith Formation for any interested parishioners!

This fall’s courses include:

Biblical Spirituality with John McGrath (for Deacons, DRE’s, DYM’s, and Ministry Formation Graduates only) Saturdays—Sept. 14 & 28/9:00AM-4:00PM/Diocesan Admin. Bldg. Rockford, IL A Christological Reflection on God’s plan of Salvation with Deacon Craig Robinson (open to anyone): Saturdays—Oct 12 & 19/9:00AM-4:00PM/Church of Holy Apostles & Gender Identity with Fr. Ken Wasilewski (open to anyone): Saturdays—Nov. 23/Dec. 7 & 14/ 1:00PM-4:00PM Diocesan Admin. Bldg. Rockford, IL

Cost per class - $100 - Register for 2 classes & pay only $150. For more information or to apply visit the adult faith formation page at: or contact: Kristina at the Ministry Formation Office—[email protected] 815-399-4300 ext. 389 Twenty-First Sunday In Ordinary Time Page 7

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Want to be Baptized? Want to Become Catholic?

Catholic and not received First Communion? Catholic and not Confirmed?

∗ How to begin? RCIA is the normal way for unbaptized persons and those who have been baptized in another Christian tradition Fill out the St. Patrick RCIA Registration form. It can be to become a Catholic. found on the parish website at: ∗RCIA is for Baptized Catholics who have received no other faith formation and have not received the sacraments initiation-of-adults or contact the parish office for one of Confirmation and Eucharist. to be sent to you ∗RCIA is for children age 7-17 who have not been  Submit the filled out form to the parish office. baptized. Parents should register for their child. You may: Mail it to the parish office: 3500 Washington Street, McHenry, IL 60050 WHEN IS IT AND WHERE? Put it in an envelope and drop it in the Sunday Collection

Basket Our 2019-20 parish RCIA for adults and children will begin in Drop it at the parish office during regular business hours. September (After Labor Day). Participants meet each Sunday after the 9:00AM Mass in the You will be contacted by Carleen Murphy (Liturgy Director/ Parish Library. Coordinator of Adult Education) to meet with you pri- Together with their catechists, they explore the elements of vately to discuss your needs.

the Catholic faith and prepare to receive the Sacraments For more information, please call the parish office at of Initiation at the Easter Vigil (April 11, 2020). 815-385-0025. Page 8 Twenty-First Sunday In Ordinary Time

The following have been given a share in the Passion of our THIS WEEK OUR TABERNACLE CANDLE Lord Jesus Christ. Please remember them in your prayers. BURNS FOR: Rev. John Cahill Bolded names have recently been added to the prayer list. † May this light which reminds us of Jesus’ presence in the Tabernacle welcome him Marie Asuquo + Vinnie Baldocchi + Alivia Bartlett + Josephine into His eternal presence. Beninato + Margaret Bedulski + Ron Bergsma + Susan Bjork + Sr. Eleanor Blake SSF + Irene Bole + Bill Bolger + Carol Saturday, August 24 - Feast of St. Bartholomew, Apostle Bolger + Kathleen Bonagura + Kale Brenner + Mark Brown + 4:00 PM Mass - † Stanley Pankiewicz Martessa Brownlow + Jake Brzovich + Charles Budreck + Sunday, August 25 - Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Louise Callaghan + Anna Ciesielka + Bridget Clarke + Susan Time (Brefeld) Coston + Pat Coughlin + Joe Cromer + Lee Ann 7:00 AM Mass - † The Peter J. Smith Family DeMarais + Jeanette Dentro + Marya Dixon + Antoinette Do- 9:00 AM Mass - † Tony Schaefer nahue + Geri Dryer + Heather Dufthiemer + Richard Dunther 11:00 AM Mass - † The Ferrara & Baldino Families + Rev. John Paul Ezeonyido + Annette Feller + Charlotte Fournier + James B. Foster + Robert & Helen Foster + David Monday, August 26 - Ordinary Weekday Freund + Kay Godina + Christopher Goerdt + Sandra 8:00 AM Mass - † Dr. Gerard Dominique Gregoire + Jackson Gundlach + George Haegler + Carolyn Tuesday, August 27 - Memorial of St. Monica Hackney/Pollock + Gary Hackney + Stephanie Hansen + 8:00 AM Mass - † Robert D. Weber June Harris + Bill Hartmann + Robbie Harwood + Greg Haze

Wednesday, August 28 - Memorial of St. Augustine, + George Haze Jr. + Meredith Haze + Jeanette Heinisch + Bishop & Doctor of the Church Lance Heinz + David Henderson + Carolyn Herriges + Harry 8:00 AM Mass - † Harold & Elizabeth Frett Hettermann + Emil Houda + James Houda + Ann Hurley + Innis Family (Tim, Jaimie, Katherine) + Msgr. Joseph Jar- Thursday, August 29 - Memorial of the Passion of St. moluk + Steven Jaszka + Jessica Johnson + Shane Johnson John the Baptist + Mary Fran Jones + Mark Jozefik + Kathy Kane + Garry Kel- 8:00 AM Mass - † Stanley Alm ler + Maura Kirchner + William Kirchner + Henry Koehl + Friday, August 30 - Ordinary Weekday Elaine Kolner + Kelsey Kowalski + Dan Kowelec + Debbie 8:00 AM Communion Service LeBlanc + Beverly Linsner + T.J. Kessell + Kenneth Ludwig +

Saturday, August 31 - Ordinary Weekday; Memorial of the Brian Lundquist + Lauriel Luther + Michael Major + Joanne Blessed Virgin Mary Maloney + Carmella Mazzullo + Norita McAndrews + Heriber- 4:00 PM Mass - † The McNeil Family to & Elisama Medina + Been Meek + Anthony P. Melone + Ann Miller + Alice Mirro + Sheila Murphy + Arianna Nelson + Sunday, September 1 - Twenty-Second Sunday in Margaret Ann Neumann + Kim Niehaus + Chrissie Noble + Ordinary Time Christine Nylander + Mary Jo O’Brien + Eddie O’Connor + 7:00 AM Mass - † Donald & Rosalie Doherty Tom O’Conner + Bill Ogryzek Jr. + Jacqueline O’Laughlin + 9:00 AM Mass - † Robert Powers Renata Pokorski + Matthew Pruessing + Ann Pugliese + 11:00 AM Mass - † Leo Diedrich Cheryl Rabine + Deborah Rannie + Dorothy Reinboldt + Chuck Riemma + Richard Robinson + Danelle & Mike Rock- well + Lydia Rother + Larry Rother + Nona Rother + Lincoln Scatena + Helen Schaefer + Jack Schmitt + Andy Schwarz + We pray for those who have recently died Shirley Schweder + J.L. Shade + Maggie Sharp + Ken Sien + Mary Checchin (mother of Gail Cooper) Marianne Simon + Nick Stevens + Grace Bolger Stilling + Cathy Sullivan + Terri Swanson + Collin Swedberg + Kath- leen Swedberg + Frank & Linda Sweeney + Nancy Siemon Sweeney + Ronald Sweetwood + Audrey Teller + Marie We remember those serving our country Thonn + Gary Vancleave + Michael Walsh + Jim Wegener + Kevin Wellington + Paul Wember + Michael Werner + Jerry SPC Sara Mahan, Wisconsin National Guard Wilson + Cade Winters + Brynlee Wold + Robert Zeller + Jen- Tech Sgt. Timothy Davis, USAF Bagram AFB Afghanistan nifer Zielinski Pvt. Kala Kessler, U.S. Army, Fort Leonardwood, Missouri Staff Sgt. Paul Reber, Whiteman Airforce Base, Missouri Corpsman Ean Reid, U.S. Navy, Camp Pendleton SSG Melissa Snow, U.S. Army, Fort. Leonardwood, Missouri St. Patrick LTC Thomas Snow, U.S. Army, Fort Knox, Kentucky Compassionate Care Ministry

Sgt. Kennon Speciale, USMC, Yuma, AZ If you or a loved one is homebound and una- Pvt. Ben Zeller, USMC, Camp Pendleton ble to attend Weekend Mass, but would like to have prayers and receive the Blessed Sacrament, please contact the Com- Please review the prayer list to the right. If you and/or your passionate Care Ministry through the parish office at relative is on the list and have recovered and are no longer in [email protected] or 815-385-0025. A mem- need of our prayers, please contact the parish office to have ber of the ministry will make contact with you or your loved name removed. Thank you. one to setup a time for a weekly Sunday visit. Twenty-First Sunday In Ordinary Time Page 9 Week At A Glance Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday August 26 August 27 August 28 August 29 August 30 August 31 September 1 7:30AM 7:30AM 7:30AM 8:00AM 8:00AM 8:00AM 6:30AM Confession Confession Confession Mass Communion Service Legion of Mary Rosary

8:00AM 8:00AM 8:00AM 7:00PM 3:00PM 7:00AM Mass Mass Mass RE-Catechist Confession Mass Meeting 6:30PM 6:00PM 8:30AM 3:00PM 8:30AM Semi-Annual Cursillo: Rosary & Color Coded Room Legend Rosary Ministry Mtg. Women’s Group Chaplet of Divine Mercy Church Hoban Room 6:30PM 8:30AM Boylan Lane Room 3:20PM 9:00AM Rosary Men’s Issues Grounds Montini Primary Rosary Mass Group Hoban/ Boylan Music Room 6:00PM (Library) 4:00PM 9:05AM Cursillo: Mass CLOW Men’s Group Muldoon Hall/ Rectory Kitchen 5:00PM 10:30AM Youth Lounge Offsite Marriage Min. Rosary Meeting 11:00AM Mass

4:00PM YM HS Leaders Formation

After Labor Day - Schedule Changes Readings for the Week

Communal Morning Prayer: Praying of Morning Prayer Divine Office: Week I (One of the Hours of the Daily Divine Office) will resume on Tuesday, September 3rd at 7:45AM. Morning prayer will be Monday: 1 Thes 1:1-5, 8b-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; prayed Monday-Wednesday and Friday as well as on those Mt 23:13-22 Thursday mornings where Mass begins at 8:00AM. Tuesday: 1 Thes 2:1-8; Ps 139:1-6; Mt 23:23-26 Wednesday: 1 Thes 2:9-13; Ps 139:7-12ab; Mt 23:27-32 Thursday Morning Daily Mass: Beginning on Thursday, Thursday: 1 Thes 3:7-13; Ps 71:1-4a, 5-6ab, 15ab, 17; September 12th, Daily Mass will be celebrated at 9:00AM. Mk 6:17-29 The students from Montini Primary will join us each Thursday. Friday: 1 Thes 4:1-8; Ps 97:1, 2b, 5-6, 10-12; Mt 25:1-13 Exceptions - No School: Thursday Mass will be celebrated at Saturday: 1 Thes 4:9-11; Ps 98:1, 7-9; Mt 25:14-30 8:00AM, All School Masses at St. Patrick: Thursday Mass will Sunday: Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29; Ps 68:4-7, 10-11; be celebrated at 9:30AM. Please be sure to check the bulletin Heb 12:18-19, 22-24a; Lk 14:1, 7-14 for Thursday Morning Mass time.

If you are new to the area or visiting from another parish, wel- come to our faith community! Please visit our website to find out more about St. Pat- rick parish. We invite you to become a member of our parish. Saturday September 7, 2019 If you’d like a registration form please contact the St. Patrick Confession at 7:30AM parish office at 815-385-0025, email us at parishof- Mass at 8:00AM [email protected] or you may print a form from the Recitation & Meditation on the Rosary Following Mass parish website. You are a stranger here, but once. Page 10 Twenty-First Sunday In Ordinary Time

Finance News .Healing After Abortion

Project Rachel provides a supportive Offering Report for the Week Ending and confidential environment where August 18, 2019 you can begin the process of healing. Number of Registered Families: 934 For more information call (815) 387-3379 or Email - [email protected]. Forward in Faith, Hope & Love: Serving God and Neighbor Visit our website:

Sunday Envelopes 205 22% $8,149 All inquires are confidential. Peace starts here. Loose $599 Children’s Envelopes $21 Not yet employed the minimum time to be eligible Total $8,769 for insurance, a broken ankle meant lost wages and new medical bills for a single mother of two. As hard as she tried, this mom was struggling to FY 2019—Budget for Week $12,000 put food on her table and pay for her ComEd bill. St. Vincent Excess (Shortage) ($3,231) de Paul delivered 3 bags of food and paid the overdue bal- ance of her electric bills. Vincentians shared prayers of sup- Works of Mercy $1,758 port and healing. Monetary donations allow SVdP to assist our neighbors in need. This month, donations of toothpaste Solemnity of the Assumption $1,456 and toothbrushes are also appreciated. Matthew 7:12 “So always treat others as you would like them to treat you, that is the Law and the Prophets”

St. Peregrine Cancer Support Group

A multi-parish group of cancer survivors and caregivers, formed to offer a place for individu- als, families, caregivers and anyone concerned about cancer to meet with others to share infor- mation, concerns, and pray together for sup- port. We also have guest speakers that we wel- come to our group meetings. Our group meets the second Tuesday of every month rotating between St. Patrick, St. Mary, Holy Apostles, St. Peter (Spring Grove) and St. John the Baptist.

Next Meeting Tuesday September 10, 2019 at 10:00AM St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 2302 W. Church Street, Johnsburg

For more information please contact Anna Schweder at 815- 385-5321.

Catholic Order of Foresters St. Mary Court #594

Golf Outing Attention Golfers!!! The St. Mary’s Court 594 Catholic Order of Foresters 75th annual golf outing will be on Saturday, September 7th at Boone Creek Golf Course in McHenry. This event is a scramble format with check-in at 7:00AM and a shotgun start at 8:00AM. The cost is $55 for COF members and $65 for non-members and includes golf, cart, lunch, refreshments, and prizes. Please contact Greg Hansen at 815-322-1096 to sign-up your foursome. Twenty-First Sunday In Ordinary Time Page 11 Liturgical Ministry Schedule August 31 September 1 September 1 September 1 September 2-7 Ministry Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday Mon.-Fri. 4:00 PM 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM

Michael Schneck Philomena Cyboran Megan Walsh Lector Ardelle Conway Volunteer Bitsy Schaefer Kristina Schaefer Alyssa DiVenere Jacque Swider/ Sacristan Bill Preston Carole Manion Karen Buenzli Mac DeLozier Carleen Murphy

Tim Madden Jim Perdue Keith Adams Susan Rother Eucharistic Althea Schwartz OPEN Sharon Santopadre Kathy Schultz NONE Ministers Nancy Schwall Sandy Perdue Mary Kate Gregg Lisa Kociecki Jenni Sykora Daniel Roycroft Christine Ludwig Christine Burkhardt Clare Schneck John Paul Cyboran Morgan Beyer Servers Lucia Schneck No Servers Joseph Cyboran Reagan Beyer Taso Sossong Molly Stockwell Hayden Hartmann Kiara Kearns Frank Gierut Sam Huff Lucas Adams Molly Harrison Gary Hackney Judy Smith Ken Buch Tom Harrison Ushers Rick Quinn NONE Mike Unterfenger Michael Kniesel David Mulick Manny Santello Russ Wiedemann Lou Vernagallo OPEN John Simon Gift OPEN NONE OPEN OPEN NONE Bearers

Rosary Jean Brown/J. Dentro Mary Mattoon Rodriguez Family Billie Crotty NONE

Thanks to our Advertisers Ministry Schedule for their Support

CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD Huemann Water Conditioning September 1: OPEN, OPEN Soft Water Sales September 8: Althea Schwartz, D. Crow 3607 Chapel Hill Rd. COMPASSIONATE CARE—MCHENRY VILLA Johnsburg 815-385-3093 September 1: Carrie Sabatka September 8: Michelle McNeill/Tim Madden

CENTEGRA—MCHENRY HOSPITAL Article Deadline for Upcoming Bulletins: September 3: Marie Galan, Tim Madden August 28th for September 8th bulletin September 10: Roger & Cheryl Kriewaldt September 4th for September 15th bulletin

CARING FRIENDS—Alden Terrace September 11th for September 22nd bulletin September 3: Maureen Montressor September 10: Bill Hartmann, Jeanette Teller Please send bulletin articles to: [email protected] ALTAR LINEN DUTY September 3 (Tues.): Arlene Bartos September 9: Rita Mahan The Music Ministry invites you to join them CHURCH / ALTAR CLEANING every Tuesday evening at 6:30PM in the September 3 (Tues.): Karla Newton, Leanne Herda Prayer Garden to pray the rosary for all the September 9: Gail Cooper, Evie Weber sick of our parish family. They will be praying COLLECTION COUNTERS for those whose names are listed in the bulletin August 26: Carol Freund, Patti Preston, Helga Horist, Sue as well as any special prayer intention which Rother, Ruth Zabielski you wish to include. September 3 (Tues): Del Grala, Ann Schweder, Don Burke, Bobbie Girard, Alice Reilly Holy Father Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for September

Universal: That politicians, scientists and economists work together to protect the world’s seas and oceans. Page 12 Twenty-First Sunday In Ordinary Time Parish Information Rev. Godwin N. Asuquo, Pastor Mass Times ([email protected]) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 8:00AM Thursday: 9:00AM w/Montini (Sept.-May) Dennis Holian, Deacon 8:00AM (June-August) First Friday: 8:00AM ([email protected]) Saturday: 4:00PM Sunday: 7:00AM, 9:00AM, 11:00AM

Tim Madden, Acolyte Communion Service ([email protected]) Friday (Other Than First Friday): 8:00AM

Rosary Parish Office Saturday: 3:20PM Phone #: 815-385-0025 Sunday: 6:30AM, 8:30AM, 10:30AM Fax: 815-385-0861 Tuesday: 6:30PM RE Office: 815-385-2959 Wednesday: 8:30AM

Office Hours Sacrament of Reconciliation Monday-Thursday: 8:30AM-Noon; 1:00PM-4:30PM Saturday: 3:00PM-3:30PM Closed for Lunch: 12:00(Noon)-1:00PM Weekdays: 7:30AM-7:55AM Friday: 8:30AM-Noon By Appointment

General Email Holy Hour with Benediction [email protected] Saturday: 3:00PM

Catholic Schools Montini Middle School: 815-385-1022 Montini Primary Center: 815-385-5380 Marian Central: 815-338-4220

Parish Staff

Cecilia Adams Steve Doherty Shelly Knight Carla Odahowski Music Director Cemetery Director Receptionist Stewardship Development Director [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Casey Buenzli Cori Fiore Kenne Ludwig John Pitzen Youth Ministry Coordinator Media Coordinator Bookkeeper Maintenance [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Megan Doherty Lisa Johnson Carleen Murphy Administrative Assistant Religious Education Director Liturgy Director/Adult Education [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Sacraments Baptism of Infants or children Sacrament of Marriage: under 7 years of age: At St. Patrick, couples planning to marry need to meet with To schedule a Baptism, please begin by calling the parish the Pastor before a wedding date can be set. Please contact office. Baptism is celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the parish office to setup an initial meeting at least 6 months each month immediately after the 11AM Mass. Please con- prior to any requested marriage date. This initial meeting sider scheduling your child’s Baptism before your child is born will give you an overview of the requirements for marriage to ensure an opening in the month of your choice. In addition, and the preparation required. At least one of the couple, or a Baptismal preparation class is required for the parents. This their parents, must be registered parishioners for at least is a one session class that is held on the 1st Sunday of each 6 months and be active participating members of St. Pat- month after the 9AM Mass. Sign-up is required and you may rick Church in order to be married at the church. Both take the class before your child is born. You must be a regis- individuals must be at least 19 years of age. tered parishioner of St. Patrick prior to scheduling a Baptism.

Annulment Process - Information

If you or someone you know needs a previous marriage investigated for its validity or invalidity (the annulment process) so that you may fully participate in your Catholic faith or become Catholic please call the Tribunal Office at 815-399-4300. Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Get this weekly bulletin delivered by email - for FREE! For further information, please call the Parish Office. Sign up here:

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512030 St Patrick Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170