aeration proyarn i,„e augmented by the is and a few hecti th department hd of ancestry in- assemblies on vat. e pride Cauliflower is nothing bus tealth education, .ecusem In the ratio of cabbage with a college edu- nrich our program gfi distance. impossible to eve, cation. --GEORGE WM. CURTIS values arising from —MARK TWAIN Ilth program, The program are ottet livIdual throughout AINUCVER TOWNSMAN rely submitted, VOLUME 62, NUMBER 12 ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, NUARY 6, 1949 PRICE, 5 CENTS Ruth S. Wegtemm School aura VIEWS LOT eel y raise my real Is all the way up for School Corn. Adopts le attic? OF at 'ou use more stain Ise. THE Budget Of $316,244 EXPERIIINCI IN Increase Over 1948 Due To Jump In IN NEWS N iNG N Basic Prices and School Enrollment )DELING By LEONARD F. JAMES ALTERATIONS School Com. Favors Move There's one New Year's resolu- lUITS, COATS, tion that is worth consideration by a VOTE TO ACCEPT And Town To Gain ADE TO ORDER American statesmen and diplomats About $2500 Annually 0 Irmo? and, more important, by the Amer- BOXFORD PUPILS Increases in basic prices and in ican citizen. A resolution that the Boxford high and junior high school enrollment were reflected in UL'S past year of international politics L school pupils will be accepted in the annual budget of $316,244 has clearly pointed out. It is that the local schools beginning next which the school committee voted I AND DYERS the United States and not Russia September. at its meeting Monday night, an BEET TEL. 2125 has the initiative in international C This decision was voted by the increase of $34,880 over the $281,- affairs in 1949 and must keep it. • 364 appropriated for 1948. If we are irresolute we can lose it.. school committee Tuesday night But it is ours to keep if we have after a discussion of the problem Although the teachers have a the courage and determination to with members of the Boxford Petition before the board for a school committee. About 55 pupils salary increase of $300 the 1949 use it. will be accommodated here and in budget makes no provision for The early months of 1948 the financial transactions involved, such an amount. All town employ- brought the cold war out into the Andover stands to gain about $2,- ees, as the result of a vote taken open when Czechoslovakia fell to 500 a year. One new teacher will at the last annual town meeting, Russian domination. The Western • be necessary. receive a $4 cost-of-living bonus Powers were to have been pushed whirls expires the end of next out of , perhaps out of Ger- Members of the Boxford com- mittee who discussed the matter March. Although not officially con- many, by the summer. But Amer- firmed it is expected that this ican determination and generosity M a q 0 with the local committee and su- perintendent were: Supt. William amount will be incorporated in built an "air bridge" of far more basic salaries this year. than supplies to Berlin. The United D. Johnson, Dr. Stephen Maddock, chairman, Mrs. Warren Chadwick In adopting the new budget the States kept alive a hope in millions committee noted that on accotint 7. and William Greenler. of Europeans and proved that - of action taken earlier in the meet- American was not imperialist- In explaining its position the ing in regard to 13oxford students minded but was prepared to back iftmooveR ituaincAurniawry- I3oxford committee said the town attending tine local high schools, up its promises of freedom and de- had 10 pupils to the grade from that there would be a return to Architect's plan of the veterans' housing area on Morton street showing the lay-out of buildings and mocracy. United States action the seventh to 12th, and that after the town from the state and from new street prepared by Clinton P. Goodwin, town architect, proved that courageous disregard and for which the special town meeting great deliberation the people of Boxford of $34,545. of danger succeeded were doubts recently voted to change the zoning laws to allow construction of the multiple-type dwelling there. Boxford had decided that they The transportation refund from and fears could have caused re- There are four parking spaces to take care of off-street parking. wished their children to have the the state was estimated at $2400 treat. advantage of the type of education vom First Round to U.S.A. offered by the Andover schools. (Continued on Page Eleven) Democracy, and' the United Deputy Fire Chief Local Man Victim Seize Revere Pair Dr. Maddock said that during States, have by no means won the the past few years several Box- contest. They perhaps merely find To Be Appointed Of Hit-Run Driver After Wild Chase ford people had sent their children Williams Chairman to the Andover schools paying for themselves still standing at the Appointment of a permanent Found lying in the roadway in Two Andover officers in a 90- the tuition privately and these end of the first round, with many deputy chief in the fire department front of his home at 112 N. Main miles-an-hour chase from Andover '1 your own ideas parents were high in their praise of Of Polio Campaign 'ith floors by the citizens amazed to find themselves will be made soon as the result of at., New Year's eve with a gash in square to Reading square early the Andover school system. George Williams. 51 Whittier lquare by square not on their backs. But the will- recent civil service examinations his head. Andrew N. Karakanas, Wednesday morning succeeded in The Andover committee in con- st., a World War 2 veteran and Now you create ingness of those citizens to sup- taken by five members of the de- 36, died Tuesday, Jan. 4, at the capture of two Revere men who sidering the matter brought out fireman. has been appointed March ambine a host of port their government's Marshall partment. Massachusetts General hospital, were later arrainged on charges the fact that the tuition would be of Dimes chairman for Andover oor pattern you Albert Cole, a permanent lieu- Boston. that included the kidnpping of a (Continued on Page Eight) $160 a year for each junior high this year. le is first choice tenant, has been acting deputy girl who was in their car. A partial report which local school pupil and $180 for each Mr. Williams' appointment has olors go through since the retirement of Deputy The wild chase ended when police received from Dr. William high school pupil. Supt. Johnson been announced by Daniel R. Har- nal' off). Super- Lester Hilton, December, 1944 Reading police, notified of the Brickley, Suffolk county medical stated that there would be approx- rington, Haverhill, Essex county 00% floor (no "Cardiac Crusade" and Kerr Spark, a permanent fire- pursiut from local headquarters, examiner, showed that he had re- imately 55 pupils in all six grades. campaign chairman for the March We'd like to tell put up a road block in Reading man, has been acting lieutenant in ceived a fracture of the skull and of Dimes. e. Drop over, or Opens In February square and shot the tires of the car The Andover committee, on the the department. a fracture of the pelvis. Mr. Harrington said that Fire come over with when it swerved to avoid the trap. Harold D. Hodgkinson, vice- Members of the department who Police investigating the case (Continued on Page Eleven) Chief C. Edward Buchan of An- lutes, serve any- This caused the fleeing car to over- president and general manager of took the examinations have re- since Karakanas was found about dover will serve as honorary turn but none of its occupants Filene's department store, and ceived their ratings but up to Wed- 8 o'clock by Eugene St. Jean of 9 chairman. to call with sample were injured. Thomas A. Pappas, foods mer- nesday evening Chief C. Edward Red Spring rd., have no clues to Plans are now being advanced chant and prominent philanthrop- Buchan had not received a copy of the manner in which he received Andover police were notified Catholic Club or the start of the March of Ditties the eligible list which the examin- ist, will serve us New England co- the injuries. early Wednesday morning by a drive here. chairmen of the February fund- ations have established. Lawrence taxi driver that a car Installation Jan. 8 Upon learning of the medical ex- A film, "Braces and Crutches," raising campaign of the New Eng- was travelling at a high rate of aminer's report Chief George A. Installation of the newly-elected showing polio-stricken youngsters land Heart association. speed over South Broadway with Dane said that he is now certain it officers of the Andover Catholic at "Sea Haven," the Plum Island The campaign will be conducted Caldwell In Legion a girl in the back seat calling for is a hit-run case. club will be held Saturday, Jan. summer camp for crippled chil- w. Tel. 38751 trim February 7 to 28 in conjunc- help. 8 at the Andover Country club, Sgt. William R. Hickey was in- dren, will be nuulu available to I - Haverhill tion with the $5,000,000 national Oratorical Contest Sgt. David L. Nicholl, who was starting with a catered dinner at vestigating another accident in the organizations and clubs in An- drive of the American Heart asso- Brian Caldwell, a junior at Pun- in the station at the time, radioed 7:30 p. no. vicinity when informed that the dover by Mr. %%Milan's. He may ciation. The national chairman is chard High school, has been the police car in which Officers Following the dinner, the mod- injured man was found on the be contacted at the Central fire Harold E. Stassen. chosen to represent Andover in Joseph E. O'Brien and William erator, the Rev. Matthew A. Mc- station, telephone 212. Governor Paul A. Dever, who is the annual American Legion ora- street. Taken to the Lawrence Tammany were on duty. They soon General hospital in the town am- Donald, O.S.A., of St. Augustine's honorary chairman of the "Cardiac torial contest to be held soon. He noticed a speeding car approach- church, will invest the new officials bulance, Karakanas is reported to Crusade" to enlist volunteers now will compete with other contest- ing the square and signalled for it with the duties of their office. have asked the attendants, "Did for the drive next month, has ants from the county and if he to stop, but it kept going and the An interesting program has you get the fellow who hit me?" asked citizens who' wish to help, wins will compete in the state officers gave chase through the been arranged which will include The injured man later in the eve- to write to him as crusade chair- finals. From the state one contest- mist and fog. At the top of the hill songs by James Sheard and a ning was removed to the Massa- man in care of the state louse, or ant is chosen to represent the Com- near the academy art approaching comedy sketch by IBA Wennik chusetts General hospital for treat- to address campaign headquarters, monwealth in the national contest. car was driven over to the side of and a group of members. This ment. 44 Kilby at., Boston. The head- The county contest will be held the road but the speed of the flee- will be followed by general dan- quarters telephone is Richmond in the Oliver school at Lawrence. Police learned that Karakanas, ing car did not diminish. cing until midnight. About 251) 2-0100. The Andover entrant will receive about 15 minutes before he was After their capture in Reading members and their wives and In an appeal to the public a prize for winning the local con- found, left his home to garage his (Continued on Page Twelve) guests are expected to attend. through press and radio, Gov. test. The state prize is $150 and auto in a lot across the street Dever declared, "Heart disease is the national prize is a $4000 owned by Edward Downes. He had everybody's problem. Because of scholarship. Last year Jack Sher- Parked his machine and started to the seriousness of this health man represented Andover. return home when hit. Examina- problem, I am making this per- Caldwell has taken part in many tion of his clothing and of the sonal appeal to ask you to join in plays during his school career and street at the scene of the accident BLE? ids the Cardiac crusade." is well chosen for his part in the revealed no elves as to the way he Legion contest. lie is the son of received his injury. "DEPENDA al theyr• Mr. and Mrs. John Caldwell of 2 Oh, yos. • . N. Main st. (Continued on Page Twelve) ion Parking Meters Proscript . s' Collect $3815.55 Specialist The town parking meters which BUCHAN & MCNALLY PLUMBING & HEATING CO. have been in operation since last All types of plumbing and heating work performed August collected $3815.55 up to and Dec. 31. maintaining their average All work and materials guaranteed to be satisfactory of about $38 per day for every day .4 they were in operation, according VISIT OUR STORE • The story of our prescription service to the records of Town Treasurer MC. 26 PARK STREET spreads ... our care in compounding, our Thaxter Eaton. • fresh potent drugs, our uniformly fair During the month of Decem- — WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF — ber the total collections were PLUMBING AND HEATING SUPPLIES prices. But why not learn for yourself ? $ 1018.95. Come to us with your next Cabinet Sinks Garbage Disposal Units prescription. Electric Water Pumps C Lavatory Sinks t, Yes, sir! Regular MAN Laundry Combinations Heating Units ORIENTAL AND Hot Water Tanks A to Z Lubrication—every 1000 RUGS DOMESTIC RUGS Bathtubs CLEANED — Hot Water Heaters miles—helps your car run better, MOTHPROOFED — REPAIRED Shower Units CARPETING ' EPERTLYX CLEANED Water Closets Tankless Hot Water Systems longer. Get it today! IN HOTELS - 111 Plumbing Fixtures DALTON PHARMACY THEATRES - HOMES Septic Tanks —ORIENTAL RUGS A SPECIALTY— ALL TYPES OF STOVE PIPE—STOVE BOLTS AND FITTINGS 16 MAIN ST TEL. 107 gg4,:. lover Otash Rug Cleaning Co. Open from 8 A. M. until 5 P. M..--24-Hour Service. In Case of Green's Service t BROOK STREET Andover 1102 - R or Andover 97. — METHUEN EMERGENCY, Call Either 205 NO. MAIN ST. Tol. Lawn.. 22298 or La wren. 4172 2 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN — JANUARY 6, 1949

TREE BREATHES Bradlee School Holds Mentally-III Veteran PITNCTIARD 111011 BASK] Responsibility of Public (At Ipswich) I Nation's Transportation IN WINTERTIME, Christmas Program What Our The public now is facing the PUNCHARD (57) Pupils of the itradlee school In NEEDS MOISTURE problem of the mentally ill vet- FG. Ballardvale enjoyed a Christmas A tree breathes even in Winter, eran intelligently and objectively, Readers Say 2 Major Public Problem program Wednesday, Dec. 22, with pwyer, If SR through its bark and roots. And it realizing that a psychiatric illness 5 Over $30 billion was spent by the vested in creating these facilities. pupils of the kindergarten and Watson, If suffers as much from drought in is not a stigma, but, like a phy- SEAL SALE SUCCESSFUL Chelsea, rf 4 people of the United States for all Through local, state and federal grades taking part. January and February as it does sical disability, must he treated Editor of The Townsman: McVey, rf 2 of kinds of transportation In 1948—for governments, taxpayers provided The program: during a midsummer dry spell. and may be 'cured, according to Dear Sir: Deyermond, 6 Al transporting of people and goods by $46 billions for this machine, while The life processes of a tree never KINDERGARTEN Dr. H. I. Harris of Boston, psy- 6 highway, by rail, air, water and $44 billion was provided by private Your generous use of our news Hall, c in "Santa Claus Is On His Way;" chiatrist who heads the extensive 1 investors. stop during Winter. They simply releases and newspaper features Muise, Ig pipeline. Barbara Harrington, John Lawrie, Veterans' Administration neuro- 1 Using these facilities ure almost slow down like those in a hibernat- has contributed greatly we believe Deveaux, ig Public and private funds in al- Richard Brown, Gail Forsythe, psychiatric program in New Eng- Maucieri, ig 0 31 million automobiles, almost 7 ing bear, according to Dr. Rush P. to the fact that the total returns bE most equal amounts have built up Harry Fisher, Wayne Moore, Carol- 1 the vast facilities which make up inillion trucks, 130,000 buses, 10,000 Marshall, director of the Bartlett land. in the Christmas Seal sale con. Craig, rg N Tree Research Laboratories at ann Shaw, Marion Gotten, Edwin "The realization that the men- ducted by the Essex County Health Collins, rg 0 the transportation system of today. vessels engaged in commercial tally and emotionally ill aro the jo transport, 42,000 locomotives, Stamford, Conn. Davison, Ruth Hall, Patty Butler. association amount to somewhat The major part of a tress's breath- responsibility of the community," more than last year at this time Totals 28 to The system includes 30,533 miles 1,700,000 freight cars, 3,000 commer- "Santa Claus I s Plump And . Dr. Harris said, "and that an IPSWICH (1 2) cial airplanes, and some 80,000 pri- ing—the exchange of gases—occurs Round:" Margaret Williamson, Our hearty thanks for your ti- understanding attitude on the FG. coastal and intercoastal routes; rate planes. Total facilities are throug the stomata or tiny pores in Jonathan Langdell, Craig Warner, help in the prevention and control part of the community can do Podanonitka, if sit 3,313,000 miles of highway. 390,000 greater than in all other countries a leaf. But when leaves drop, special Diana Johnson, Gene Marshall, of TB. . much to effect a cure, gained con- Publicover, If 0 I y miles of railroad track, 40,000 of the world combined, and the cost openings in the younger bark take Kenneth Newcomb, James Smelt- Yours sincerely, siderable momentum after World Nikas, rf 0 lighted operating airline miles, and to users is barely half the cost for over the respiratory functions. zer, Janet Sherry, Robert Spinney, Mrs. Elbert C. Weaver, War II when thousands of veter- McKay, rf 2 6,000 airports, 140,000 miles of pe- comparable service in any other These are called lenticles, the tiny Robert Crawford, Dean Ward, Chairman ri ans returned home emotionally Sweeney, c 0 troleum pipelines, and the equip- country of the world. black dots that can be seen on Catherine Lyle, Donna Jean Hazel- Andover Christmas Seal committee inent operating over these basic fa- „ twigs. This breathing, however, is disturbed. Hardy, Ig 1 I his vast, vital service has grown ton. ditties. in it very restricted sense because "The public was faced with the batik). ig 1 like Topsy, giving the American APPRECIATVS COOPERATION Nearly $90 billion has been in- the needs of a dormant tree are not Grades 1 and 3 fact that the majority of veterans Player. rg 1 sc people unexcelled service in peace "Silent Night"': Gail Smelt- hospitalized in VA hospitals were The Salvation Array or war. But because it has devel- too great. Boston, Mass. U Breathing also takes place zer, Rita Harkins, Marilyn Waldie. so-called NP—or neuropsychiatric Totals 5 oped without a policy or program Recitation—"Our Chimney": Gail —patients. The problem of treat- Townsman Editor: Score by periods: a W. SHIRLEY BARNARD through a tree's root in Winter as to assure coordination and direc- Davidson, David Baldric. "Away In ing, curing and rehabilitating The Salvation Army, rounding 1 2 3 tion, It has resulted in an over- in Summer. out another year of service in New ei Real Estate and Insurance In Winter also, a certain amount A Manger": Grades 1 and 2. "First these mentally ill veterans in Punchard.. 18 12 14 development and a colossal waste England, looks ahead to even —: at :— of water is evaporated through the Noel": Grades 2 and 3. Recto. order that they could resume Ipswich ... 0 2 3 which threatens the solvency and greater opportunities for helping Referees: Pinch, Fagot Main and Barnard Streets bark. High drying winds take it up. tion--"In The Bakery Shop": their rightful place in the com- n •Iliciency of the entire system. the unfortunate in the year ahead. Telephone 66 Evergreens adapt themselves to Grades 2 and 3. "God Rest Ye munity had to he faced directly." of periods: 4-8s. Ct Congress for more than twenty What we have been privileged the-se extreme drying conditions by Merry Gentlemen": Grades 2 and Dr. Harris pointed out that of years has permitted nature to take to do in the past, and what we JUNIOR VARSIT1 rT the waxy condition of their leaves 3. Recitation—"Christmas Sugges- the 5,8 7 0 patients in New Eng- its course, failing completely to par- land VA hospitals on September hope to accomplish in the futum, PUNCHARD J.V. (2 and by their ability to close the tion": Grade 3 boys. Song—"So rests to a large extent upon the When Your Shopping or allel modern trends with modern 30, 3,9 5 5 are classed as "NP" ' FG. policy. In these two decades over stomata, or breathing pores in their Do I": Janet 13ouleau, Jeffrey splendid cooperation of news- patients. Stack, If 1 $35 billion of taxpayers' funds have needles. Deciduous trees adapt Hall. Recitation--"The Angel's papers such as yours, and of your day's work is done, Drop "On the basis of our experiences Wetterburg,, rt 2 themselves by dropping their leaves Song": Grades 2 and 3, "Away In public. been used to build a vast network after World War I," Dr. Harris McCullon, c 2 ft in and enjoy a cool re- of highways and airways, and to ex- in the Fall. A Manager": Richard Smalley, Whether or not you have space But both types of trees must re- Bruce Myers, Donald Lawrence. continued, "we have every reason McCarthy. c 0 tl pand waterways. The existence of to anticipate that the number of to print this sincere word of ap- Lawrence, 1g 0 freshing drink at . . plenish the moisture that is lost in Plano Duet—Priscilla and Robert preciation and thanks, I want you these new basic facilities has NP veteran patients will increase. Gerish, Ig 0 p Winter. If they do not, drying re- Colpitts. "0, Little Town Of Beth- to know that we are grateful for changed the entire transportation Now, however, with the backing Dimlich, rg 0 sults and serious injury follows. lehem": Paula Coates and Barbara your friendliness, and hope that picture. of an understanding public, plus Curry, rg 4 If tile water in the ground is Partridge. "0 Come All Ye Faith- we may merit it in ever-increasing Shippers, utilizing these publicly- the increased skill and knowledge WALTER'S frozen solid by deep frost, that ful": Grades 2 and 3. Recitation-- measure. I- financed facilities, have gone into of competent psychiatrists, we are Totals 9 moisture is denied. Add to this high Closing Piece: Alfred Lefebvre and the transportation business for able to effect more and more Sincerely yours, IPSWICH J V. (17 ft 6 Park Street their own account In competition winds and extreme sunlight, and Richard Goodwin. RICHARD F. STRETTON the bark of deciduous trees become cures." FG. A with the regulated common carriers. Colonel sunburned and scalded and ever- Grades 4, 5, fi In addition to its three NP Somers, If 3 Over 85 percent of the trucks and hospitals, the VA in New England Provincial Commander Hood, If green needles brown and burn. Greeting: Barbara Wakefield, 0 8% of the ships and barges are now has out-patient mental hygiene Bolles, rf ft In Winter there is a certain sap Play—"Star In The East": Grades 2 used by thousands of such private clinics in Boston, Providence, GARDEN PLOWING Poirer, rf How in trees, sufficient to replace 5 and 6. Introduction; Paul Mc- 1 0 ELECTRIFYING carriers. Hartford, and Manchester, N. H. Sklang, c water loss. That is why a blanket of Farlane. Three sheperds: Richard RUBBISH REMOVED I- And other thousands of so-called These mental hygiene clinics, Murphy, Ig 1 snow is preferred to deeply frozen Carroll, Marilyn Ness, Joan Wil- GENERAL TRUCKING R A D 1 0 contract carriers have entered the Dr. Harris explained, comprise Edmonson, Ig 0 turf. The ground beneath the snow son. Angel corus: Joan Lakin, Gail DEVELOPMENT business in this period. These agen- the "preventive psychiatry" phase Mourikas, rg 0 is warm enough to permit the roots Goodwin, Cynthia Lawrence, Joyce BATESON & SON Specially for clef; are only partially regulated. of the VA's neuropsychiatric pro- TEL. 1467 - W Ross, rg 0 to absorb soil water and lessen the Nason, Geneva O'Hara, Marjorie gram. 'anger of winter damage. HARD-OF-HEARING SEAL SALES JUMP Davis, Thelma Sparks, Julia Zie- "Through our mental hygiene Totals 7 Returns of the Christmas Seal lienski. Angel: Anne Lefebvre. 74e -31to, clinics," Dr. Harris said, "we treat Phone 3-4000 — Res. 9066 Score by periods: sale compiled Jan. 4 were $8 9.1 5 Established 18117 Scone 1—Hills outside Jerusalem. the mentally ill veteran before his 1 2 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN 3 in excess of those made at the same Published every Thwedey by Scene 2—The manager scene. emotional disturbance requires Punchard.. 8 4 8 ACOUSTICON-RADION' time last year. Total sales at that The Consolidated Prins, Inc. t h r e e kings: Gaspar, Paul that he be hospitalized. The old Dr. Joseph B. MeCavitt Ipswich ... 6 2 2 time, according to a statement by 4 Park Street, Andover, Mem. Bouleatt; Melchior, Robert Nolin; adage—'An ounce of prevention CHIROPODIST - PODIATRIST Referees: Pinch, Fagno A Hearing Aid That Is Mrs. Elbert C. Weaver, chairman Balthazar, James Butler; Joseph, is worth a pound of cure'—applies of periods: 4-65. Entered es second class matter at Ella 351 Essex St. Lawrence, Mass. Also An Incredibly TINY of the local committee, were $ Andover Post Office. James Green: Mary, Priscilla Col- particularly to the emotionally (Battery - Contained) Cus- is 1.99 as compared with $2,5 7 1.- Price Sc par copy $2.50 par year tom-Fitted RADIO. Come pats. "Away In A Manager": angel disturbed veteran, for by treating 14 for Jan. 4, 1949. These figures in—Send coupon at once— Publisher J. K. Lilly, iii chorus. him in the early stages of his Ill- for details about amazing do not include the 1 3 8.2 4 contri- Hiller Frank J. A. Humphrey ness we usually can arrest its DAMPHOUSSE buted by the schools. Students of Associate Editor Byron T. Ruder Recitation—"The Night Before reception — incredible size ! West Parish Sarah Lewis progress, arriving at an eventual SIDING — INSULATION Christmas:" William Townsend, •P.a. App. for the Shawsheen school donated 1110 Weeseu's Nett,/ Lois Smith cure. per cent. Hollordtiole Haael Schofield Richard Nolin, Warren Russell, ROOFING • Shateshees Mildred Best "Once a veteran's emotional ill- ACOCSTICON OF LAWRENCE Ruth II. Trott Paul Payne, Richard Lumenelio Advertising Arsittont ness is such that he must be hos- Telephone 29488 Any Time E. C. STEVENS, DISTRIBUTOR John MacMillan, Nelson Townsend. Roost 305, Bay State Bldg. Lawrence, Mast, pitalized, curing him becomes in 200 MT. VERNON STREET PRESCRIPTIONS at Wasp ANDOVER CRAFTSMEN Recitation—"The First Christmas most cases a long, difficult and 594-B ESSEX ST., I wish more information about the Gift": Grade 4, Jane Hall, Frank new ACOUSTICON-RADION. expensive process." Name RE-UPHOLSTERING O'Hara, Virginia Eldredge, Robert -- When you have Each VA mental hygiene clinic ons Address Carroll, David Robinson. Solo— prescripti City Zone . State Musgrove Building Telephone team is made up of a psychiatrist, FOR intelligent "Noel": Joan Jedrey. Recitation-- ....-- filled here you Elm Square And. 1820 - W a psychologist and a social service friendly service ic- "Old Santa Claus In His Den": worker. The clinics offer resi- sw. know you get e% Robert Mills. Dialogue — "What dency training to private psychia- on all of your sc- sctly what You. orderer Means christmas?" Curtis Blinn, trists working for certification by insurance needs :-...3. doctor Margaret Bouleau. Trumpet selec- American Specialty Boards. ::-... Quality. Purtt tions: Carl Buschmann. call and accurac Recitation—Overhead at Christ- INDIAN RIDGE LODGE 1 are our watt Indian Ridge Rebekah Lodge mas:: Ralph Buschmann. "A Smart & Flagg, words. held a New Year's party follow- Thought For Christmas Week": ing a business meeting Monday Inc. Leigh Henderson, Arvilla Mason, evening in the lodge rooms. Anne Ward, Ann Froburg, Pattie The Insurance Office Games were played and com- Andover 870 Cao4oliciateci Azed4, Smalley. Poem—December: Clif- munity singing was enjoyed. Mrs. Bank Bldg. ford Sharpe. Clarinet and piano se- Thomas E. Woodhead, and Mrs. HARTIGAI lections: Donald Milligan, Priscilla Thomas Chadwick favored with Colpitts. "Grace For Christmas duets. Delicious refreshments LIST PHARMAC Publisher of the Townsman Eve": Anne Perry, John Gotten, were served by the committee in George Lyle, Daniel McIntyre. charge. YOUR "Jingle Bells": Dennis Mills, Ray AND PROPERTY Youmans, Roger Ray, Leo Gillis, Auto Insurance "Things Differen Robert Lefebvre, Willard Ferris. FOR SALE Printer of the Phillipian Piano accompanist: Ralph Busch- 1949 PLATES AT ONCE mann. $10 TO $30 DOWN New or Old Cars—No Waiting WITH Going South Fire, Theft, Property Denise • e Placed "Two books will. guarantee a D. HARDY DREWREY OPEN EVENINGS successful marriage for any wom- 141 Milk St. 1430 Mau. Ave. Barton Harvard Sq. -c Has the Facilities and Personnel an: Mother's cook book and fa- Liberty 2-3070 ELiot 4-0132 E. CARLETON BEMIS ther's check book." MAIL AND REGISTRY SERVICE to give you the best of service Realtor BOX 86, ANDOVER on your printing requirements IT HAPPENED EVERYWHERE Last Friday, this store did more business in one clay than we had done in the three days prior. Our boys were run WINTER GO • LETTERHEADS • PROGRAMS ragged putting up orders and in the delivering of them. FOOTWEAR MICHAEL JA This store was no different than hundreds of other In- . . . fi • POSTERS dependent Operators doing business the same way. The RUBBERS CRUISAWEAR • BILLHEADS good old-fashioned manner of telephoning your Inde- pendent Grocer anti having him attend to your needs, OVERSHOES COATS 4 and then leaving your time to the urgent demands in SUITS Publication Work of All Kinds your home. BOOTS DRESSES New "FADS" appear on the horizon from time to time "SHOES THAT sA risno COVI'ONS

4 PARK STREET that attempt to belittle and discredit the time honored TEL. 1943 and proven methods of INDEPENDENT FOOD * X-Ray Fitting * • . . Coming in Daily OPERATION. THE ROCKPORT MARKET REINI101,1) S TELEPHONE ANDOVER 1234 — ACCOMODATION SERVICE ,


PUNCH 1111) HIGH BASKETBALL Boosters Conducted ANDOVER TOWN LEAGUE HOME AND GROUNDS Traffic Safety Record Operator Injured (At Ipswich) (Recreation Alleys) LEAFLETS AVAIABLE Best in Mass. History As Truck Hits Pole PCNCHARD (57) Successful Campaign HILL'S (4) Two new leaflets —for the home 102 100 95 297 Tabulation of a 32-year record Joseph M. Lonergan, 18 Pear- FG. F. Pts. The 13oostere' committee closed Batch and grounds — are now available a very successful campaign with G. Cargill 84 104 140 338 of motor vehicle registrations, son st., was treated for injuries at ;ay Dwyer, If 2 0 4 tree to Massachusetts residents. its football banquet at which Donahey 128 116 112 356 licenses and deaths issued by Ru- the Lawrence General hospital Watson, It 5 1 11 104 87 99 290 Leaflet No. 103, "House Plants," dolph F. King, registrar of motor following an accident the night of 4 0 8 sweaters were presented to mem- R. Cargill CESSFUL Chetson, rt bers of the squad. Boudreau 117 122 107 346 and leaflet No. 85, "Lawn Manage- vehicles, shows that Massachusetts Friday, Dec. 31, on Harding at.. McVey, rf 2 0 4 rnsman: Totals 545 529 553 1627 ment," are the titles of the publica- closed the year 1948 with the best smear N. Main at. Deyermond, c 0 12 In addition, the committee hon- ored the band and cheer leaders FRED'S LUNCH (0) tions just issued by the Extension motor vehicle highway traffic safe- Lonergan was injured, accord- 6 0 12 use of our news flail, c by presenting each one present Milne 104 94 90 288 Service, University of Massachu- ty record in the history of the ing to a police report, when the Mulse, Ig 1 0 2 repaper features with a corsage. Head Coach Rob- Nichol 81 108 100 289 setts, Amherst. Commonwealth. truck he was operating struck a DeVeaUX, 1g 1 0 2 reatly we believe erts and Assistant Coach Dunn Gordon 118 95 90 303 Preparation of the seed lied, seed "This tremendous improvement pole, breaking it off at the base. Mauler', 1g 0 0 0 '..he total returns were presented inscribed desk sets. Earley 126 108 112 346 selection, seeding, fertilizer, clip- in highway traffic safety," says He was taken to the hospital in Craig, rg 1 0 2 e Seal sale con- The financial report of the cons- Nelligan 97 111 93 301 ping, watering, and pests are sub- Registrar King, "was due to the the local ambulance. The truck 0 0 0 SX County Health Collins, rg mittte was read by James P. Totals 526 516 485 1527 jects contained in the lawn manage- enthusiastic cooperation of motor had to be towed to a garage. nt to somewhat 28 1 57 Christie, treasurer. It showed ment leaflet. Suggested seed formu- vehicle operators, pedestrians, ear at this time Totals gross receipts of $4,420.95; ex- IPSWICH ANDOVER COAL (3) las for home mixing also are in- newspapers, radio stations, busi- hanks for your (12) penditures of $2,018.26, and a BIRTH FO. F. Pts. Harris 113 112 120 345 cluded. ness, civic, fraternal, and safety ation and control balance of $2,402.69. However, Giata 119 105 91 315 groups, as well as to the efforts of °Connor-- A son Wednesday. Podanorotha. If 0 0 0 Practical suggestions for the se- there is little of this balance left Erler 99 101 114 314 the judiciary, police, and my en- Jan. 5, at McGowan Memorial hos- Publicover, If 0 0 lection and maintenance of house r, since the committee, in addition to W. Holden 93 95 86 274 tire department." Registrar King pital to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Nikes, rf 0 0 plants are covered in the leaflet pre- of C. Weaver, sweaters and uniforms, has pur- Low 140 117 98 355 extends his thanks to all who con- O'Connor (Eunice McDonald) McKay, rf 0 0 4 pared for the homemaker. Chairman chased track and basketball suits, Totals 564 530 509 1603 tributed to make this improve- 49 Elm at. 0 0 0 Included in the house plant leaflet as Seal committee Sweeney, c and warm-up suits for both basket- CENTRAL (1) ment possible. 1 2 4 are sections on the care of holiday Hardy, ball and track. Stewart 112 108 136 356 Ig 1 0 2 plants, foliage, shade loving, and In 1917 when. 18,5,339 certifi- Receipts Wolfenden 115 91 118 324 cates of registration were issued William "Bill" Barron, Jr. COOPERATION Player, rg 1 0 2 Sale of ticket books flowering plants. Single copies of $3193.75 Rueel 95 98 89 282 the number of deaths was 438. In OIL BURNER Hon Army Donations both leaflets are free to Massachu- 829.00 Ferrier 86 105 111 302 1948 with an estimated number of SALES AND SERVICE , Mass. Totals 5 2 12 Programs advertising setts residents by writing the Mail- 292.50 Craig 100 90 114 304 1,285,000 registrations and 1,560,- r: Score by periods: Sale of programs 105.70 ing Room, University of Massachu- Domestic Heating Systems Army, rounding 1 2 3 4 T. Totals 508 493 568 1569 000 operators licenses issued the setts, Amherst. death total was 437. In 1947 the 4 Vtrenta Rd. Tel. And. 1987 of service in New Punchard.. 18 12 14 13-57 5' $4420.95 ENGINEERS (3) registrations were 1,195,803; li- ahead to even 0 2 3 7-12 Ipswich ... Expenditure's censes 1,510,680; deaths 525. cities for helping Referees: Pinch, Fagon. Time Printing Estell 80 80 89 249 SOUTH CHURCH MEN'S GROUP $282.50 Witzgali 93 87 110 '290 .n the year ahead. of periods: 4-88. Stamps 41.48 The South church Men's group. ANYTHING OLD McDonald 86 91 97 274 amyoreauns 3 been privileged Advertising 24.88 resuming its Sunday morning ses- Mele 112 115 105 332 "My wife had a dream last BOUGHT AND SOLD at, and what we JUNIOR VARSITY Rental of bleachers 300.00 sions after the holidays, will hive Smith 90 99 117 306 ish in the future, Sound truck 20.00 as its speaker next Sunday, Jan. night and thought she married a THE SHED PUNCHARD J.V. (22) Totals 461 472 518 1451 extent upon the Prizes 413.12 9, at 9:30 a. m., Dr. William V. millionaire." 77 MAIN STREET • FG. F. Pts. GRECOES (1) "You're lucky. Mine thinks that ation of news- Films 149.00 Emmons of the board of health. Tel. 592-9 After 6 P. M. Stack, If 1 1 3 Hajj 104 88 94 286 in the daytime." ours, and of your Equipment purchase Joseph Staples, instructor at Phil- Wetterburg, rf 2 0 4 Fitzgerald 91 89 82 262 to date 787.28 lips academy, will speak the fol- McCullon, c 2 2 6 93 94 98 285 )t you have space Viveney lowing Sunday. All men are wel- Maytag - Spartan - GM Frigidaire - Eureka - Bendix McCarthy, c 0 0 0 Grecoe 84 101 93 278 Lcere word of ap- Lawrence, ig 0 0 0 $2018.26 come. 'tanks, I want pot Balance $2402.69 MacCullom 94 96 109 299 Gerish, 1g 0 1 1 Totals 466 468 476 1410 9 are grateful for F. J. LEONE CO. Dimlich, rg 0 0 0 FIRE RECORD s, and hope that Curry, rg 4 0 8 P.A. Hockey Team ROYAL CROWN (4) Jan. 3-5:58 a. m., box 58. —5 FLOORS— in ever-increasing — — In N. J. Tournament Rizzo 93 99 119 311 Essex and Brook sts. Flash in FAMOUS BRAND NAMES Totals 9 4 22 Tudiro 96 91 112 299 light switch at Purity Cleaners & IPSWICH J.V. (17) Phillips academy's hockey team F. STRETTON won its first round game at the Biery 100 86 111 297 Dyers, 13 Essex st.. when lights Rac/404 - Olfsrdiamcsa FG. F. Pts. Maranto 97 99 116 312 were turned on caused employee iolonel '1 0 6 Lawrenceville invitation tourna- Somers, If Naylor 101 95 96 292 to sound alarm. No service. 430 ESSEX ST., LAWRENCE, MASS. .1 Commander Hood, If 0 1 1 ment this week at Princeton, N. J., but lost its second round and con- Totals 487 470 554 1511 Jan. 3-6:53 p. nt., still alarm. Bolles, rf 2 1 TELEPHONE 7117 solation round games. ANDOVER SILVER (0) Truck owned by Flying Feather PLOWING Poirer, rf 1 0 2 In the opening games at Prince- Forfeit. farm developed smoky brakes on Sklang, c 0 0 0 Stromberg Carlson - Television - Domestic Sewing Machine REMOVED ton's Hobey Baker rink the local WOMEN'S THURSDAY LEAGUE Central et. No service. Murphy, lg 1 0 2 school team took a 3 - 0 victory NAVY (0) TRUCKING Edmonson, 1g 0 0 0 over Peddle school, but ran into a R. Thompson .101 80 98 279 Mourikas, rg 0 1 1 N & SON 9 - 1 setback against Nichols M. Rielly 71 81 91 243 Ross, rg 0 0 0 1467 - W school of Buffalo, N. Y., untimate Dummy 76 74 81 231 winners of the tournament. Dummy 85 84 86 255 Totals 7 3 17 In the consolation round the Dummy 88 95 77 260 Score by periods: In January 0 — Res. 9048 Northwood school of Lake Placid, Totals 421 414 483 .1268 1 2 3 4 T. N. Y., topped the Andover team AIR CORPS (4) Punchard.. 8 4 8 2-22 6-1. Exeter got into the champion- B. Todd .... , 78 74 102 252 B. N1cCavitt Ipswich ... 6 2 2 7-17 ship round but was nosed out 3-2 J. Dean 88 84 81 253 Referees: Pinch, Fagnon. Time - - PODIATRIST by Nichols school. M. Fowler 102 97 86 285 of periods: 4-6s. Lawrence, Mass. E. Briggs 85 96 77 268 CLAN JOHNSTON LEAGUE B. Byrne 88 95 104 287 (Recreation Alleys) 439 446 450 1335 SAVE Totals GORDONS (0) 'HOUSSE D. Strachan .. 92 91 99 282 COAST GUARDS (1) INSULATION Dummy 100 92 93 285 E. Schaberg .. 76 80 91 247 )FING Dummy 107 101 94 302 E. Reed 62 82 99 243 at J. Gorrie, Jr 105 92 96 292 M. Anderson 86 95 97 278 1)488 Any Time 1RNON s'fREET PROSCRIPTIONS J. Denholm 99 103 106 308 N. Himmer 77 74 98 249 ST., at It'way Totals 503 479 487 1469 M. Butler 99 118 107 324 CAMPBELLS (4) Totals 400 449 492 1341 When '10,1 have H. Pattullo 116 92 93 301 MARINES (3) ions tnelligent prescript J. Bissett 108 101 105 314 L. Littlefield 87 79 79 245 here you A. Meek 110 113 107 330 M. Littlefield 80 109 85 274 SUTHERLAND'S kited 96 121 81 297 y service know you get ex- J. Caldwell, Sr.107 103 107 317 I. Killilea your W. Gerrish 86 80 103 269 of your „tilt what A. Holden 100 104 94 298 doctor ordered • Totals 541 613 506 1660 C. Fiedler 81 90 91 262 Totals 429 479 439 1347 ice needs Quality, Purity SEAFORTHS (1) !all and accuracy W. Vannett .. 95 126 116 C.B.'S (4) are our watch- 337 G. Nicoll .... 94 79 81 254 I. Briggs 71 77 88 236 & Flagg, words. Dummy 80 82 92 260 G. Blamire 83 92 95 270 D. Anderson 88 92 90 270 H. Rielly 102 84 79 265 ac. A. Ferrier 95 110 98 303 M. James 93 101 94 288 ante Office Totals 458 489 477 1424 Totals 349 354 356 1059 STORE WIDE Andover 870 JOHNSTONS (3) ARMY (0) HARTIGAN A. Harris 86 91 103 280 A. Vaughan 88 78 9.6 262 W. Deyermond.115 82 97 294 E. Dodge 78 81 84 243 LIST J. Thomson, Sr. 93 86 92 271 G. Carr 71 86 80 237 PHARMACY J. Thomson, Jr. 98 88 128 314 B. Clarke 85 87 95 267 YOUR J. Corrie, Sr 98 100 116 314 Totals 323 332 355 1009 Totals 490 447 536 1473 PROPERTY Complete Line of —"Things Different" ff NOW BLACKWATCH (2) AUTO BATTERIES FOR SALE G. Craig 94 103 119 316 s•-f Don White 97 88 84 269 $10.00 and Up WITH Going South? /CV° IN PROGRESS R. Ferrier 108 86 104 298 DELCO F. Westcott 118 116 96 330 J. Henderson 93 89 90 272 WILLARD Totals 610 482 493 1485 NORWALK TON BEIllS CAMERONS (2) John Nicoll 78 109 106 293 ,altor R. Maitland 108 83 71 262 TOMPKINS ANDOVER Dummy 93 86 84 263 SERVICE STATION 91 129 115 335 W. White St. Shawshesn 1/2 416 No. Main SAVE '/3 to J. Caldwell 90 107 125 322 Totals 460 514 501 1476

GO Clearance savings on everyone of 'WEAR MICHAEL JAY'S We're careful, . . . first thorough our five great floors. Savings for CRUISAWEAR give individual ;HOES COATS every member of the family and BOOTS SUITS attention to DRESSES the home! kT SATISFY.' COTTONS YOUR WASH • Fitting * . . Coming in Daily Try Us and See ALL SALES FINAL SHOP DAILY 9:30 to 5.30 101,11 S CALL ANDOVER 110 ON SALE ITEMS I N ANDOVER STEAM LAUNDRY


follow. Reservations for the sup- WOMAN'S UNION per can be made by phoning Mrs. The Woman's Union ,,1 the Free I tart well Abbott. AT THE CHURCHES Christian church held its first JUNIOF WEST PARISH Personals meeting of the year, Wednesday Mrs. Sarah Lewis, Correspondent, Telephone 584-J evening, at the church. Mrs. G. Richard Abbott of Up- BAPTIST CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH land rd. and Mrs. Stephen Pettit REV. WENDELL L BAILEY, Poster ( Ballardvale) The Rev. Levering Reynolds, CHURCH MEETING to the Andover Association of of Beech circle attended the State Friday: 7:45 p. in., Philathea PLAY REV. WILLIAM CRAWFORD, Minister Jr., pastor, installed the following annual stage pr The West church held its an- Churches are to be appointed by home demonstration council meet- meeting at the home of Mrs. Sunday, 10:30 a. nl., Mortiaig new officers for the year: Miss The of the school will be pres nual meeting Wednesday evening, the pastor. Arthur Lewis was ing held Tuesday, Dec. 28, in Hor- Henry Albers, Watson ave. Worship and Sermon; 11:40 a. m., Margaret B. Laurie, president; in February unde AI Dec. 29, with the report of officers elected layman for the Layman's ticultural hall, Worcester. At Saturday: 10:30 a. m., Royal Church School with classes for Miss Emma Stevens, first vice- time lion of Miss Ansi Ange in and the annual election following council. the afternoon meeting, Dr. Ambassadors meet at Guild hall; all ages. president; Miss Ina Petrie, second for the play, entitled the church supper. The opening Reports of the various activities Thomas Briggs of New York gave 4 p. m., Youth choir rehearsal at + + vice-president; recording secre- of Loreland," has no prayer was offered by the Rev. of the church were given by the a lecture on "Tips For Shoppers." the church parlor. tary, Mrs. Roger Whitcomb; treas- ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH selected. It will con be Newman Matthews, pastor emeri- following officers: Mrs. Carl Stev- Mrs. Karl Ilaartz and her chil- Sunday: 9:30 a. m., Church REV. THOMAS P. FOGARTY, Poster urer, Miss Grace Lake; corre- Friday, 7:45 p. In., Novena enth, eighth, and n N tus. 'rhe clerk's report was given ens, secretary of the Woman's dren, Karla and David, of High school for all departments. Men's sponding secretary, Mrs. Thomas devotions. d en te:st. by Herbert P. Carter and the re- union; Mrs. Fred Ortstein, secre- Plain rd. have returned from a Disciple class meets with Herbert Chadwick. Miss Laurie lia ta jo' Saturday, 4 to 6, and 7:30 to 9, announced P :trties port of the treasurer by Ilarry A. tary of the Junior Woman's union; visit with her brother, the Rev. Otis. teacher. 10:45 a. m., Morn- that her executive board includes Christmas Confessions. to Wright. Richard Williams, secretary of the Richard Carter of Suffield, Conn. ing worship. Sermon by the pas- the officers and Mrs. Levering h i tan , parties A Men's brotherhood; Warren Lewis, tor: "The Potency and Peace of Sunday, Masses 6:30, 8:30, homerooms tF The following members were Mrs. Russell Foster and her Reynolds, Mrs. George J. Adams, lc the superintendent of the Sunday Prayer." 6:15 p. m., Baptist Youth 9:45 and 11:30. morning, Dec. 23. In sii elected to office for 1949: Clerk, daughter, Evelyn, recently enjoyed Mrs. David L. Coutts and Miss school; and Jane Young and fellowship will leave church in a homerooms small gift Herbert P. Carter; treasurer, a visit with. Mr. and Mrs. James Gladys Gill. ly Robert Gaskill, Young People's group for the inter-church youth changed and refresh] Warren A. Lewis, to succeed Harry Marshall at their home in Chico- ST. JOSEP▪ H'S CHURCH At a recent board meeting a Fellowship. meeting at Christ church. (Ballardvale) A. Wright; auditor, Richard Wil- pee. budget for the year was recom- liams. The resignation of John A music committee is to be ap- Monday: 7:45 p. m., Friendly Sunday, 9:00 a. m., Mass. mended and accepted. Room 4 a Chr ri Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Broadhead, who has moved to pointed by the church committee. circle meeting in the church An announcement was made m was condu Vandenbergh, who have recently Greenfield, was accepted with re- Grange Notes parlor. that Miss Fonnie E. Davis, meal- spReraroIevgnberdaRur. n Hathaway act moved into their new home on SOUT▪H CHURCH grets and Dean Hudgins was Andover Grange, 183, will meet Tuesday: 3 p. m., Prayer• c ell FM/ FREDERICK B. NOSS, Pastor dent of the Andover District for ter of ceremonies. Et Argilla rd., gave them a house- elected to serve his unexpired term at 6:30 p. in. Tuesday, Jan. 11 in meeting at the home of Miss Friday: 7:15 p. m., Troop 73, Woman's Work, will be guest contributed an inexpet sc warming Saturday evening, Jan. 1. as deacon. Grange hall. A supper will be Edna Todd, High at.; 7:46 p. In., Boy scouts. speaker at the February meeting, the jackpot, which ti At that time, they presented the Sunday: 9:30 a. m., Church The three members of the Every served at this time preceding the Standing committee meeting in Miss Davis will speak on the nem, Judy Maddock Vandenberghs with a gift for their school and the Junior church; a Member canvas elected were: annual installation of officers. the church parlor. "Second Mile" and work of the Thompson, divided bel new home. 9:30 a. m., High school classes; et Horace Thomas, Dean Hudgins Mrs. Hartwell Abbott will be In Wednesday: 2:30 p. m., Pioneer' district. Student Council Miss Frances Little has re- girls meet in the church vestry. 9:30 a. m., Men's group; 10:45 and Richard Williams. Newly- charge of the supper. The install- A student council r turned to her studies at the Uni- Thursday: 2 p. m., Woman's a. m., Morning worship and ser- elected delegates to the Andover ing officer will be Deputy Alfred BRADFORD COLLEGE EVENTS held Monday. The pm versity of Michigan at Ann Arbor union meeting in the church par- mon; 10:45 a. m., Church kinder- Council of Churches are: Mrs. Jackson of West Newbury. The bers received their st after spending the holidays with lor; 8 p. in., Adult choir rehearsal garten; 11:16 a. m., Educational The following events at Bradford ci Arthur Lewis, Dawn Dunn and public is invited to the supper and ell pins which will be her mother on Shawsheen rd. in the church parlor. motion pictures; 6:30 p. m., Inter- Junior collage will be open to the rr Robert Marland. The delegates also the installation which wi 1 public during January: the end of the year. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maynard church Young People's meeting + + + Thursday, Jan. 6, 8:15 p. m., piano There was a discuss) of Manchester, N. H., were week- at Christ church. CHRIST CHURCH recital, Phyllis Moss (no guest tick- possibility of having s( end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest REV. JOHN S. MOSES, Minister Monday: 7:15 p. m., Junior ets necessary). Instead of dances. Luc' Baillargeon, Brechin ter. Friday: 6:45 p. m., Boy scouts, King's Daughters. cActziancE. gravd Wednesday: 1:15 p. m., Week- Sunday, Jan. 9, 5:16 p. rn., vesper dance committee cha The many friends of Mr. and Troop 70. day school of the Christian Reli- service, the Rev. Dr. Joseph soon meet with Mrs. , fi Mrs. Hartwell Abbott will be Sunday: 8 a. m., Holy Com- (Formerly with Raymond Whitcomb Co.) gion; 7:45 p. m., The Church Sizoo, president, New Brunswick concerning this. tl pleased to know that their young munion; 9:30 a. m., Sunday choir. Theological seminary of New Jer. James Murray will 1 son, Jim Tim, is sufficiently re- school; 11 a. m., Morning prayer AIRPLANE STEAMSHIP Thursday: 10 a. m., All-day sey. of posting the intra-m covered so that he can remain out and sermon; 4 p. m., Confirmation sewing meeting of the Women's The college will also continue its ball results and news RESERVATIONS of his cast. He was stricken with class (adults); 6 p. m., Inter- RESERVATIONS union; 2:30 p. m., Women's union series of radio broadcasts over sta- letin board. a spinal infection five months ago church Young People's meeting. meeting; 3:30 p. m., The Junior tion WHA.V with programs Wednei- Eighth Grade Classes Domestic Europe — Bermuda which confined him to the hos- Monday: 7:45 p. in., Girls' choir. (lay, Jan. 12 and Wednesday, Jan Foreign South America Cruises pital for several months. Friendly society; 8 p. m., Vestry In the social studies f. meeting. 26 at 8:30 p. In. ducted by Walter 1,1 Word has been received from + + + 6 School Street, Andover Telephone 1977 Tuesday: 3 p. m., Girl scouts. pupils have completed Denmark of the safe arrival of UNION CONG. CHURCH Mrs. Fox's troop. (Ballardvale) the Revolutionary W Mrs. John Rasmussen, who arrived Wednesday: 1:15 p. m., Week- REV. PHILIP M. KELSEY, minister now studying the org in time to have Christmas with her f. day Religious education, South Friday: 4:30 p. in., Rehearsal Fuel ty Range Oil the Union and the poll aged father whom she had not of Junior choir in, church vestry. seen for many years. church; 2 p. m., Girl scouts, Mrs. The students in Mi Johnson's troop. Sunday: 9:30 a. m., Sunday gold's English classes Mr. and Mrs. Leverett Putnam BY GENERAL ELECTRIC Thursday: 10 a. m., Holy Com- school and Junior church; 11 giving oral book re and their daughter, Mary, spent TH E FACT I S munion. a. in., Nursery and church; Ser- have not yet received New Year's day with their son ANDOVER COAL + + + mon: "These Knew The Master." assignment sheets. ,George Putnam and his family of Monday: 8 p. no., Meeting of FREE CHURCH Sports Rochester, N. Fl. REV. LEVERING REYNOLDS, JR., Pastor Sunday school staff at the home COMPANY Mrs. Fred Thresher of Brain- 7 p. in., Boy scouts; of Doris Shaw. TheT Andover Junio tree, Vt., is enjoying a few days' 7:30 p. m., Cub scout committee Wednesday: 2 p. m., Church ally basketball squad meeting. Central Catholic team visit with her daughter, Mrs. service league in vestry; Mrs. Carl Stevens, of Virginia rd. Saturday: 9 a. m., Basketball Barbara Hall, hostess. 27 MAIN ST. TEL. 365 Friday at 2:30 p. m. Miss Lolita Machon of Beech practice in the Andover guild for Notes: This is Family Sunday. The girls' intra-mu circle and the Misses Ruth -Ann juniors; 9:45 a. m., Basketball There will be special music by the Tuesday, with the Re :end Nancy Chadwick of Lowell practice for intermediates; 2 p. m., mixed choir. The sermon will be the Greens, 16-3, and t feating the Golds, 16- st. were recent visitors in Hol- Basketball practice for seniors. based on the current best-selling • ' • ..... %,70car brook. Sunday: 9 a. m., Meeting of novel "The Big Fisherman," by team will be picked fr Miss Doris Newton has returned the board of trustees; 9:30 a. m., Lloyd C. Douglas. teams after the tourn The girls' gym c to her duties as music supervisor Church school; 11 a. m., Nursery + j in the schools of Montpelier, Vt., class for children whose parents WEST PARISH been doing apparatus after spending two weeks with her wish to attend church; 11 a. m., Sunday: 10:30 a. m., Chil- includes the horse, b parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morning worship, with sermon by dren's church service. Sermon: 7-1"R bars, and the travelin the pastor; 6 p. m., The Pilgrim C0 The seventh grad Newton of Doutwell rd. "God." Classes for adults, teen )00 Norman Machon of Beech circle Fellowship will attend the An- agent, and pre-school children. playing a series of tht and David Batcheller have re- dover United Young People's 11 a. m., Morning service of wor- a round robin tour turned to the Great Lakes Naval meeting in Christ church; 7:15 ship. Music by the West Parish Tuesday the "Celtic HELPS POLIO VICTIMS Training center, Chicago, Ill., p. m., The Young People's Chris- church All-Girls' choir under Remember That the "New York Gil with Raymond Yancy THIS NEeMUSCLE-STIMULATOR/IDEVELOPED BY after enjoying the holidays at tian association. direction of Mrs. Dean Hudgins. Anniversary . . . their homes. Wednesday: 7 p. in., Cub pack Sermon.: "The Touch of the Mas- of the Celtics 13 IEF.AL ELECTRIC SCIENTISTS ARTIFICI'I..Y "Crusaders" defeated EXE,:.CISES PARALYZED MUSCLES—XS:61-'5 Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Lewis meeting. ter's Hand." 6 p. m., The Young . . . with something special and family of Laurel lane spent Thursday: 3:45 p. m., Junior People's Fellowship will meet with 39-0, with George Ad 1;, THEM FROM WASTING AWAY. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carlton choir; 7 p. in., Girl scoutp; 7:30 all the young people of Andover at an dCarleton Broi from the JOHN H. GRECOE White of Whitman. p. m., Senior choir. the Christ church. for the winners. Tb r Wednesday: 3:15 p. m., Chil- JEWELRY STORE! Lustrous , r will oerk dren's choir rehearsal; 6:45 p. m., Guisaandtes, and lthe MILKED AT' precisi on meet K FREE PARKING TEL. I I-W All-Girls' choir rehearsal. silverware, Kentucky.en t ucks w TThe be held next Tuesday. THE COST.. ANDOVER Thursday: 8 p. m., Junior Wom- watches, china, glasswarf an's union will meet in the vestry. The members of tt EVEN FOR FARMS WITH as foliow Mrs. Harriet Sparks, president. s, Cru sa ONLY A FEW COWS/ PLAYHOUSE Notes: There will be an execu- ders — Capt. ELECTRIC MILKING tive board meeting of the Andover John H. Grecoe's Richard Fairburn,Ge FRIDAY, SATURDAY — .January 7, 8 Council of Church Women at the JEWELRY STORE Floyd, ark MACHINES REDUCE TIME John carver. Julia Misbehaves Greer Gerson Walter Pidgeon home of Miss Fonnie Davis, Elm 48 MAIN ST. TEL. 830•R AND LABOR BY F/FTY • 3:00 5:55 8:50 at., Friday, Jan. 14, at 2:30 FUR CENT. CHOOSE A Nintryn Moffett Ted Donaldson o'clock. Rusty Leads The Way 1:45 4:40 7:35 *KEEP BUYING MILKE7.' WITH A G-E MOTOR. SUNDAY, MONDAY — January 9, 10 Big City Margaret O'Brien, Robert Preston Thrifty shoppers have found that they don't LOUIS SCAN FREE! SCIENTIFIC 2:15 5:40 9:05 Black Eagle Wm. Bishop Virginia Patton *ON THE ANDOVI "COMIC" BOOK ai (The Story of a Horse) 3:55 7:25 have to wait for a "sale" to buy furniture at reason- POWER! EXCITI, 5 READING FOR YOUtI,5 AND TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY — January 11, 12, 13 able prices. Our every-day-in-the-year prices are lower Clark Gable Spencer Tracey OLD. 16 PAGES-4 COLORS. San Francisco Janet McDonald than the usual "sale" price. WRITE: DEPT. 6-235-AP 2:55 5:55 8:55 GENERAL ELECTRIC, Adele Jergens Marilyn Monroe Ladies of The Chorus 1:45 4:45 7:45 Compare and see for yourself. SCHENECTADY, N.Y. FRIDAY, SATURDAY January 14, In Hills of Home Edmond Gwent' Donald Crisp CU (lassie') 3:05 6:00 8:55 You can rvi in Gilbert Roland Angela Greene King of The Bandits 1:45 4:40 7:35 THE FURNITURE BARN USUAL SATURDAY MORNING CHILDREN'S MOVIE - 10 O'CLOCK GENERAL 4: ELECTRIC NORTH ANDOVER 134 JACKSON Feature Picture .1 it nior G Man (Serial) WILSON'S CORNER Moor the Fred Waring Show ...NBC Network Thursday Night...Coast to Coast Cartoons and Short Subjects


ION Mobile Blood Unit Parking Violations s Union of the Free SHAWSHEEN rch held its first JUNIOR HIGH By JANET THOMPSON To Be Here Jan. 31 Becoming Fewer Mrs. G. Edgar Best, Oorreapondent, Telephone 171 year, Wednesday Andover chapter of the Red Parking violations are becoming church. Cross met recently at the head- fewer, according to Police Chief bring a beautiful exhibit of shawls ..evering Reynolds' PLAY quarters in Elm square to make George A. Dane who notes that the WOMAN'S CLUB Kentucky—Capt. Ronald Muise, with her. tailed the following The annual stage production of plans for the visit of the blood number of no-fix tags given out by The meeting of the Shawsheen William Bird, William Mooney, The hostesses for the day will or the year: Mies the school will be presented some- bank which will be at the South the department in the past few Village Woman's club was held Ronald Paparella, William Gene, he Mrs. Carleton Schulze and Mrs. Laurie, president; time in February under the direc- Francis Hendrick. church Monday, Jan. 31. weeks is far below the number Monday afternoon in the audi- Stevens, first vice- Frank MacMackin. tion of Miss Ansi Angelo. The cast Celtics—Capt. Frank Herbert, Mrs. Harry I. Emmons, chair- issued a month ago. torium of the Shawsheen school. s Ina Petrie, second for the play, entitled "Cinderella Philip Coates, Arthur Shwarzen- man of the blood bank program, Chief Dane says that autoists are Tea was served prior to the meet- Shawsheen P.T.A. To Meet. recording seer, of Loreland," has not yet been berg, Allan Shwarzenberg, Ray- presided at the meeting. The fol- becomming better acquainted with ing with Mrs. Edward Carey and The Shawsheen Parent-Teacher sr Whitcomb; treas- selected. It will consist of sev- mond Yancy, Robert Dominque, lowing appointments were an- the operation of the parking meters Mrs. Frank R. MacMackin as association will meet at 8 p. m. race Lake; corre- enth, eighth, and ninth grade James Curry. nounced: Mrs. Henry G. Tyer, and art getting to like them better, chairmen hostesses for the day. Wednesday, Jan. 12, in the audi- story, Mrs. Thomas chairman of volunteer workers; torium of the Shawsheen school. students. New York Giants—Capt. Ken- as fewer complaints are coming into Mrs. Norman Miller, president of s Laurie announced Mrs. C. C. Kimball, co-chairman; the club, presided at the business Herbert Ortstein, president of Christmas Parties neth Sparks, Lawrence Lewis, headquarters. dive board includes Mrs. Charles Gregory, chairman of One woman, who was tagged for meeting and it was announced tItat the association, will preside at the Christmas parties were held in Robert Blomquist, Roger Hajosy, and Mrs. Levering nurses and nurses aides; Mrs. C. parking in a restricted area near a Mrs. Chester Kopatch is the new business meeting. all the homerooms Thursday Thomas Shepherd, Allan Ward- . George J. Adams, man, Harold Whitworth. D. McDuffie, chairman of canteen; corner, where the curbings are press correspondent for the club. Paul McKinnon will be program morning, Dec. 23. In many of the Coutts and Mu Notes Mrs. Foster Barnard, chairman of painted red, took her no-fix tag very Mrs. Joseph Cardella announced chairman for the evening and he homeroom small gifts were ex- The ninth grades will be given registration; Mrs. Leon Field, graciously and then asked if the the speaker for the afternoon, will introduce the speaker for the changed and refreshments were of t board meeting a mid-year exams January 24, 25, chairman of transportation. police could recommend some way Gertrude Beattys, who gave a evening, Miss Elizabeth Harris e year was recta- served. A statement issued from the she could get a red paint off her dramatic interpretation of Harriet the M.S.P.C.C. In Room 4 a Christmas quiz and 26. Each exam will be two xepted. hours long. local headquarters says: white- tires. Beecher Stowe. The stage was set Refreshments will be served at program was conducted, with cement was made "The National Red Cross blood One man complained recently with period furniture and Ger- the close of the evening by the Raeburn Hathaway acting as mas- Honor cards and report cards nie E. Davis, presi- will be given out Friday. program which began operations that the Chestnut street meters are trude Beattys' characterization second and third grade mothers ter of ceremonies. Each member tndover District for last January, is one of the most trot working. He said he put eight was given in authentic costume of with Mrs. Leo Daley, Mrs. Paul contributed an inexpensive gift to Gardner Townsend, Phyllis All- rk, will be guest important aspects of Red Cross pennies into one of them and no the period. She wore the wedding Goldman, Mrs. Raymond Beaven the jackpot, which the two win- trey, and Elizabeth Stevens left ) February meeting. disaster relief. The experience parking time was registered. gown of her great aunt who was and Mrs. John Calnan as hostess ners, Judy Maddock and Janet school January 3. Gardner will sill speak on the gained during the war, when Red (Chestnut street meters are set for married during the Civil War in chairmen for the evening. Thompson, divided between them. enter Amesbury High, while Phyl- ' and work of the lis and Elizabeth will probably Cross collected 13,326,242 blood two hours parking time for five 1861. Gertrude Beattys script Schools Reopen Student Council enter the Boston public schools. donations for the armed forces cents. They can be operated only was written by her and her audi- The schools of the village have A student council meeting was and in peace time cooperation with a nickel. Pennies will drop ence felt that they were spending again resumed their studies. The COLLEGE EVENTS held Monday. The present mem- with various health agencies make right through them—into the coin the afternoon with Harriet Beech- students of the Sacred Heart 107,430 Lbs. of Scrap school in the center of the village. g events at Bradford bers received their student coun- Red Cross the logical organization box!) er Stowe herself, so realistic was cil pins which will be returned at Collected In Drive to set up and operate a blood pro- she portrayed. arrived Sunday and classes began will be open to the Monday morning on regular ached- January: the end of the year. gram national in scope. MERRIMACK COLLEGE Antique Dept. The Andover committee for the The Antique department of the tile. School will continue now un- tn. 6, 8:15 p. m., piano There was a discussion as to the "Andover chapter is proud to With the re-opening of classes New England Industrial Scrap drive be a part of such a program. But Shawsheen Village Woman's club' til the March vacation period. Moss (no guest tick. possibility of having school parties Monday, Jan. 3, activities at Mer- has completed its work and records Shawsheen school opened its doors instead of dances. Lucille Spinella, we are more intimately concerned rimack college are again in full- will meet at the Historical house, show that it collected 107,430 with the calls for blood in our own Andover at 2:30 p. m., Jan. 14. at 8:30 a. m. Monday to an eager 9, 5:16 p. Tn., vesper dance committee chairman, will swing. Intra-mural basketball un- pounds of the much-needed scrap. community and with our ability to The guest speaker for the after- group of boys and girls and on Rev. Dr. Joseph R. soon meet with Mrs. Anna Walsh der the direction of Fr. William G. Frank Zecchini of Main et., was answer these calls, To date we noon will be Mrs. Frank Brigham questioning them, the majority ,nt, New Brunswick concerning this. Cullen, O.S.A., moderator of ath- chairman of the committee. With have been able to supply every re- and her delightful subject will be were very eager to again resume .tainary of New Jes James Murray will be in charge him were: James R. Mosher, Fred letics, is now in the second half of posting the intra-mural basket- quest for blood made to our head- of the league. The Dons are in "Shawls of Many Lands." She will their studies. H. Smith, Walter S. Downs, Jr., quarters. In an effort to insure will also continue its ball results and news on the bul- first place at present. Twelve Richard Zecchini, Charles E. Hayes, this same service for the future letin board. teams are competing for the Ed- broadcasts over eta- George G. Brown, George H. Wins- we are entertaining a mobile unit RUTH HAMMOND th programs Wednei Eighth Grade Classes low, Hyman Krinsky, Lewis W. ward J. Higgins trophy. for the collection of blood at The informal hockey team com- and Wednesday, Jas, In the social studies classes con- Muise, and Alexander Ness. HOLIDAY — AFTERNOON — CASUAL DRESSES South church, Monday, Jan. 31. posed of Merrimack college stu- M. ducted by Walter Roberts, the In acknowledgment of the com- Anyone able to donate blood is dents is undefeated with victories BLOUSES — SKIRTS — GLOVES pupils have completed the study of mittee's service, Chairman Roy E. earnestly requested to do so as a over some of the better amateur the Revolutionary War, and are Hardy of the board of selectmen, -- SWEATERS — community service. Chapter head- teams around Boston. They are now studying the organization of has sent the following letter to Mr. quarters (tel. 1496) will be de- slated to play the Boston college 14 PARK STREET Range O il the Union and the political parties. Zecchini: lighted to receive your name and freshmen team sometime this December 29, 1948 The students in Miss Ansi An, to answer inquiries concerning month. 'Mr. Frank Zecchini gelo's English classes have been the program." Plans for an operetta in the giving oral book reviews. They Gutterson & Gould, Inc. near future are being made by Fr. RADIO REPAIR VER COAL have not yet received their third 54 Medford Street VITAL STATISTICS Francis X. Smith, O.S.A., modera- assignment sheets. Lawrence, Mass. Vital statistics recorded to date tor of the Dramatic society and at the office of Town Clerk George Sports Dear Frank: Fr. William J. Wynne, O.S.A., di- SERVICE %WA N1 H. Winslow show that the number The Andover Junior High var- rector of the Glee club. Iwish to thank you very much for of births for 1948 fell short of the sity basketball squad will play the the prompt, forceful and expeditious record established the previous Central Catholic team in our gym Injustice TEMPLE'S manner in which you handled the year, while the number of deaths Friday at 2:30 p. m. An old colored man was com- TEL. 365 Scrap Drive for the Town of An- increased. The latter may be due 66 MAIN STREET TEL. 1176 The girls' intra-murals started plaining about the railroad refus- dover. I think you and your commit- in some measure to the number of Tuesday, with the Reds defeating ing to pay for his mule which had tee have done a very fine job and I out-of-town deaths recorded here. been killed by a train. the Greens, 16-3, and the Blues de- will see that public acknowledg- The figures to date are as fol- feating the Golds, 16-12. A school "Dey won't pay for mah mule. Dey <..14%r ment is made of this fact. lows: won't even gimme back mah rope." A team will be picked from the color 1948 1947 SAVE UP TO 10 GALLONS A LOAD . . e WITH ,• teams after the tournament. Sincerely, "What rope?" he was asked. Board of Selectmen Marriage intentions 160 162 "Why, sah," he replied, "de The girls' gym classes have Marriages 164 176 WESTINGHOUSE been doing apparatus work, which By Roy E. Hardy rope ah done used to tie de mule on Births 197 256 de track." includes the horse, buck, parallel Chairman. Deaths 155 133 bars, and the traveling rings. Agent for Airplane Reservations The seventh grade boys are aamfoxat COURT ST. MONICA Hotels and Steamship Lines with the exclusive water savor playing a series of three games in Births -Court St. Monica, C. D. of A., a round robin tournament. On will hold a business meeting at Andover Travel Bureau Tuesday the "Celtics" defeated Cebula — Twins, a son and a FRED E. CHEEVER Mgr. daughter, Wednesday, Dec. 29, at 7:45 p. m. Monday, in the school the "New York Giants," 13-3, Also REAL ESTATE mber That the Lawrence General hospital, to hall. Activities for the year will with Raymond Yancy scoring 12 21 Male St. Tel. 775 or 1098 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick. Cebula be discussed and planned at this 'ersary . . . of the Celtics 13 points. The time. "Crusaders" defeated "Kentucky," (Gladys Small) of 30 Enmore st. something special 39-0, with George Adams scoring Crossley — A daughter, Thurs- day, Dec. 30, at the Lawrence Gen- DHN H. GRECOE 15, and Carleton Brown 10 points for the winners. This Thursday eral hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. John The BON MARCHE the Crusaders will play the New F. Crossley (Marjorie Boland) of STORE! Lustrous Rocky Hill rd. York Giants, and the Celtics will LOWELL, MASS. precision meet Kentucky. The playoff will Broughton — A daughter, Sat- be held next Tuesday. urday. Jan. 1, at the Lawrence :hint, g lasswart! The members of the teams are General hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. as follows: Louis Broughton (Mildred Edwards) of 43 Balmoral at.. 72 x 108 Cannon Muslin Crusaders — Capt. Leo Ruel, Measures Water of Shawsheen. to the S co I. Grecoe's Richard Fairburn, George Adams, The Load. All You De Is Set (Md. Clark — A son, Tuesday, Jan. .LRY STORE James Floyd, Carleton Brown, FOR PROOF John Carver. 4. at the Lawrence General hos- T. TEL. 830-R pital, to Mr. anti Mrs. Whittredge SHEETS Lot us wash a load of row Clark (Doris Anderson) formerly clothes MEI of 354 N. Main st., now of Bedford. Phone us and make ar- *KEEP BUYING BONDS* rangements to Kea loud of Boyce — A son, Sunday, Jan. 2. your clothes washed thor- in Portland, Me., to Mr and Mrs. '2.39 mighlii cleat the easy Frederick Boyce. Mrs. Boyce is the Laundromat way. There's hat they don't LOUIS SCANLON'S former Winifred Bryant, daughter no obligation. • 81x99 * ON of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bryant anti Lure at reason- THE ANDOVER LINE* Inches 1. SAVES WATER—Precious hot water and soap. niece of Mrs. Karl Haartz. $2.59 Important savings that help the Laundromat pay for irices are lower • 81x108 itself while working for you. Inches 2. WASHES CLEANER—Exclusive patented washing $2.69 action washes gently, thoroughly. Soiled water drains • 42x36 In. AWAY from clothes, not THROUGH them. CASES 3. ENDS WASHDAY WORK — No bending or stooping. Eli) inaL 57c Completely automatic. Fills, washes, triple-rinses, damp-dries, cleans itself, shuts itself off. Stock up now on these fine Cannon 128 muslin sheets $29995 (BUDGET TE..MS IF DESIRED) at these low, low January Sale prices (our lowest CUSTOM-MADE MILLINERY ~ llc prices on these sheets in years). Everybody knows LAWRENCE GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY ((. that Cannon sheets are extra fine quality, long wearing tARN P?il oeVztIOY Telephone 31306 and serviceable. Buy your supply now! PART OF NEW ENGLAND ELECTRIC SYSTEM ruzelfami


VISIT OUR NEW DEPARTMENT TODAY SEE GILBOARD'S ANDOVER DOVER Open Tuesday and Friday Evenings Until 9 IN Located in the Private Demonstrations Can Be Arranged by Calling ACTION Andover 1822-M. 1939-J, or 838-R VfR J ri SE A\



the Western Pacific and China sea rj • Obituary... area. IN MEMORIAM PERSONALS... OW12 Ot/CC1 I IA RBA RA MARION SMITH Frederick B. Ccle, Jr., 10 During the midnight hour of Dec. WEDDI Little l'eggy Savinelli is re- Little Linda Cargill daughter Barbara Marion Smith, 11-year- Fletcher st., a freshman at the Mrs. Kenneth P. Thompson, 21 cuperating at her home, 5 Walnut of Mr. and Mrs. George Cargill, of old daughter of Arthur W. and 19, Mary Ellen Grant Anderson, one SK University of Massachusetts at Enmore st., has been chosen as ave., following an appendectomy N. Main st. is ill at her home. Phyllis (Zerbe) Smith of Rattle- of Andover's most respected and ETBROF—It E I LLA RI] performed last Wednesday at the Amherst was recently appointed to one of New England's outstanding well-loved citizens entered into her John Lynch of Shawsheen rd.. snake Hill r(1., died after a brief Following their weddi Lawrence General hospital. the staff of the Collegian follow- cooks and awarded a wrist watch eternal rest. of has entered the employ of the ing a six-weeks' competition. A illness at Children's hospital, Bos- ay, Jan. 2 in St. Patrick's Mrs. James Foster of Red by station WLAW. Her winning Born in Great Village, N. S., is Al Simeone Pharmacy on Main et. graduate of Punchard High school ton, Tuesday, Jan. 4. Born in An- awrence, Mr. and Mrs Spring rd. is detained at her home recipe will be included in the 52 1861, daughter of the Rev. Robert The Rev. and Mrs. Frank E. last June, Mr. Cole is also a mem- which will feature the WLAW dover, she had always lived here eterof left on a wedding in by illness, and friends will be glad Grant and Rebecca Jane McKim, Dunn and family of Feeding Hills ber of the freshman basketball cook book now being assembled and was in the sixth grade of the dane to Wealth' .on, D. to know that she is improving she came to Lowell spent the weekend with Mr. and team which has recently rung up for publication. Stowe school. A member of the in her early 'Ow York City. nicely. Baptist church Sunday school, she womanhood, and there she was The bride is the form be Mrs. Thomas E. Woodhead of 184 its second straight victory. The Men's Brotherhood of the Mr. and Mrs. Merrill F. Burnett also attended that church. married to James Anderson, elle Rita Remillard, dau Elm st. Mrs. Converse Parker an*tam- West Parish church will sponsor in the N Appleton Street r. and Mrs. Arthur J. Re and son Thomas of 14 Cheevor Andrew Hamilton has returned fly recently of Walnut ave., are a square dance class in the church She is survived by her parents; Presbyterian circle, spent the recent holidays church by the Rev. Robert Court, 84 Salem st., Lawrence, 10 to the soldiers' home at Chelsea now living in their new home at vestry Friday night, Jan. 7. one sister. Jacquelyn C.; one with friends in New Jersey. Sept. 19, 1883. tusband is the son of MT to after a Christmas visit at his 175 No. Main st. A representative of the state brother, A. Wayne; her paternal James Adams of 34 Pasho et. home on Harding st. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur She and her husband came to An. ins Peterof of Chandler th Romilly Humphries. son of Mr. income tax office will be at the spent the school holidays at the J. Smith of Andover; and her ma- clover, following their marriage, and over. sit Charles Wirtzburger, who has and Mrs. Floyd T. Humphries of town house Wednesday, Jan. 12. home of his grandparents, Mr. and ternal grandfather, Harry Zerbe of spent the rest of their lives here, During the 2 o'clock c been visiting his grandmother, Main et., and a graduate of Deer- from 9 a.m. until noon, and from ly Mrs. Frederick Adams in Wind- taking an active interest in the well. hich was performed by Mrs. J. R. Sullivan of Red Spring' field academy, was recently elected 1 to 4 p.m. to assist persons mak- Longmeadow. ham, N. H. being of their community. illiam E. Culhane of Li rd. during the school holidays, to the vice-presidency of the class ing out their state income tax re- The funeral will be held Friday, he church organist pe ri Miss Ruby N. Laurie is improv- has returned to his home in Whit- of 1952 at Trinity college, Hart- turns. Jan. 7. from the Lundgren funeral Mrs. Anderson's love of her home ing nicely at her home, 59 Whit- man. ford, Conn. Lewis N. Mears has resigned his home with services at 2 o'clock and family was an outstanding trait he well-loved "Ave e. Prayer for a Perfect L tier st. after a recent illness. Local boys at Governor Dummer office of sealer of weights and by the Rev. Wendell L. Bailey. in her character. Her devotion to Sgt. William Farrenkopf, who 'Mother At Thy Feet Is Kt Miss "Gene" Murray, a sop- has been spending the Christmas academy who were home to spend measures and the selectmen have Interment will be in Spring Grove her husband was beautiful to beheld made a temporary appointment marriage sc homore at Radcliffe college, has holiday with his wife and son at the Christmas vacation with their cemetery. and in her loving rearing of her Given, in returned to school, following a their home, 72 Essex st., has re- parents include: John C. Gallag- of Wilson J. Crawford, town house children, she faithfully fulfilled her ether, the bride wore custodian, to carry on the work sacred trust. tonal candlelight sad' al 10-day vacation with her parents, turned to his duties in the army her, son of Dr. and Mrs. -Roswell FORMER ANDOVER PASTOR Mr. and Mrs. James J. Murray, 29 at Baltimore, Md. Gallagher, 107 Highland rd.; until a civil service list can be es- DIES IN MAINE Her gift for making friends and ashioned in period sty tablished. The position requires a sop shoulders of lace, el Bartiet st. During her visit, Miss The many friends of Mary Jane Robert S. Godfrey, son of Mr. and The Rev. William E. Lombard, her loyalty to them were other man with a car. Persons interested odice, bouffant skirt w SI Murray visited the Tewksbury Hodges of N. Main st., will be Mrs. Harold T. Godfrey, 33 a former pastor of the Baptist marked characteristics. She may apply at the civil service com- was oped treatment over tier hospital, and sang for the sick and happy to learn that she is recover- Pasho st., and Allan B. Rogers, church, died at his home in South sensitive to, and sympathetic with mission at the state house. owing into a full court tr shut-ins. ing from recent operation which son of Mr. and Mrs. Irving E. Freeport. Me., Tuesday, Jan. 4. them in their joy and sorrow; she CI At the December meeting of the ace border. Her silk illu Joseph W. McNally has re- was performed at the Baker Me- Rogers, Sunset Rock rd. Gal- Born in Turner. Me.. 80 years ago, loved to share with them whatso- Salem Teachers' College club as attached to a Bath rr turned to his home, 28 Park at., morial hospital, Boston. lagher played junior varsity soc- the Rev. Mr. Lombard was pastor ever she had of spiritual and ma• which was held recently at the An- eaddrees and she carried following a recent illness at the Friends of Mrs. Andrew Basso cer this fall, is associate editor of of the West Springfield Baptist terial value; she was truly the dover Inn, guest speaker was allot purse of orchids at Lawrence General hospital. will be glad to know that she has the school magazine, and has been church from 1924 to 1942 and "Good Neighbor." Arthur W. Bassett of Hidden rd., eas. A Mrs. Phyllis Davis has returned returned from the Robert hospital on the honor roll all fall. God- served many churches in Maine, Her interests outside her home, who gave an interesting talk on The matron of honor a to her home in New York after in Boston and is resting at her frey won hie letter in varsity soc- Massachusetts and Vermont. centered. in the Andover Historical cer, and Rogers won his in varsity "Bells". f the bride, Mrs. Lorri spending the holidays with her home at 67 Chestnut st. He is survived by his wife; two society and in the Women's Relief ft football. For her elegant cranberry and ontaine of Lawrence, mother, Mrs. John R. Sullivan on From Kenyon college, Gambler, sons, Edward W. of South Free- corps of the G.A.R. It was while she Mrs. Walter Roczka of Hartford, apple pie recipe, Mrs. Stephen Ink satin brocaded gow tl Red Spring rd. Ohio, comes news of the pledging port and William R. of West was in office that the soldiers' mon- Conn., spent a few days recently at Pettit, 2 Beech circle, was awarded led with silver dust ant of Michael Goriansky of 148 Main Springfield: and two daughters, ument in Spring Grove cemetery p Miss Betty Anne Dunn has re- the home of her parents. Mr. and a prize of $10 in a recent state- cascade bouquet of cav st., to the Lambda chapter of Delta was erected and the graves of the turned to her home in Feeding Mrs. Samuel Forsythe, Bernard at. wide competition sponsored by the Mrs. Margaret Remus of West Kapp Epsilon, national fraternity. veterans were re-located. A member oses. Hill, after spending the weekend Essex county Agricultural insti- Springfield and Mrs. Gertrude Mc- Identical gowns of pow Eugene R. Boeglin, 29 Norman of the Free Christian church for at, the home of Chester Yeaton tute. Mrs. G. Richard Abbot of An- Gingley of East Eddington. nd aqua were worn by th rd., North Andover, a student at Service Club Meeting over 40 years, she kept in touch and family of Elm st. dover and four other women from aids, Julie Peterof, silt, Middlebury college, Middlebury, with the group of boys whom she ft :Miss Beverly Adkins of New In South Church Vestry Essex county also entered the con- Adopt New Wedding ridegroom, and Mildred I Vt., has been accepted into mem- The next meeting of the An- had taught in the Sunday school York City Is visiting for a few test which was held in Worcester. heir headdresses of sa bership of the Alpha Tau Omega dover Service club will be held Anniversary List into their late manhood. days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. All local residents interested in uplicates of that worn fraternity at the college. Thursday, Jan. 13, in the South The new wedding anniversary Active in the Benevolent society, Fred W. Doyle of Chandler rd. soil conservation are invited to at- onor attendant and the: ft Wesley E. Rich, 2nd, son of Mr. church vestry, with dinner at 6:15 list recently adopted in the United she was always ready to serve, Mr. and Mrs. James Dodge and tend the meeting to be held at ascade bouquets of cav and Mrs. W. T. Rich of 57 Central p. m. This change of the place will States has now been adopted in when and where she might be 0 son, Stanley have returned to their 7:30 p. us., Monday, Jan. 10, in nd yellow roses. st., has been pledged to Phi Phi apply only to this meeting. Canada. needed, and her devotion to her h home in Ellsworth, Me. after the Grange hall when this program The bride's niece, BI Delta fraternity at Hobert college, Thaxter Eaton's Social commit- pastor was deep-rooted and sincere. spending the Christmas holidays will be discussed. George D. Abbott The new list replaces the one LaFontaine, in a pint Geneva, N. Y. A graduate of St. tee has arranged an outstanding Her interest in civic, national and with Mrs. Dodges' parents, Mr. of Red Spring rd., will be chair- created some years ago by the taffeta flower girl's frock George's school, Newport, R. I., program which includes a talk, and Mrs. Charles A. Stone of 173 man of the meeting. American National Retail Jewelers international affairs never flagged, lines identical with the 1 Rich is a member of the freshman "The Collegiate Dilemma," by and because of her keen sense of High st. class at Hobart and was a member association and was made public tendant's, wore a bon] guest speaker Kenneth R. Fox, RECENT ADDITIONS IN with their approval and that of justice, s-he was outspoken in her of the yearling football squad. headdress of the same president of Lowell Textile insti- LIBRARY REFERENCE DEPT. the National association of Credit opinions. Walter B. Hopping, machinist's tute. songs and musical selections American universities and colleges. Jewelers and the National Whole- Her intellectual attainments were 4 WALLPAPER mate, 3rd class, husband of Mrs. by Roy Wilkinson, and some lively sale Jewelers association by the innate—she was surrounded by the The Lee-Chalma Charlotte H. Hopping of 997 Dale 5th ed. 1948. games of ping pong. the American coun- Jewelry Industry council. In Can- books she loved and by the music Upholstery She ALLIID PAINT STORIS at., North Andover, is serving Published by cil on education, this valuable ada the new list has been made she had made so much a part of her All types of furniture re-ui JOSEPH T. GAON!, president aboard the aircraft carrier USS. NEIGHBORHOOD and refinbhed—Custom mat PARTY reference tool is diveded into two public by the Canadian Jewelers life. Her friends will remember the Princeton, which is now undergo- lure and slipcovers. 34 Amesbury St. Lawrence Mrs. John R. Sullivan, 61 Red association. lovely soprano voice of her younger ing an intensive training period in sections. Part I, contains descrip- 1414) High Street Spring rd., entertained a group of tive material on higher education days. She loved poetry and could neighborhood children at a Christ- The new list, as did the old, in- Tel. 801M in the United States; and Part II, cludes products of other industries express herself beautifully in verse; mas party recently at which Santa contains material on about 820 her love of beauty enveloped all Claus put in an appearance and along with jewelry. Gifts for the accredited institutions of higher first nine anniversaries are gifts things of nature and art. "IT'S THE FOC distributed gifts from the hostess. learning in the United States. The joy of having known Mrs. that help complete the household. Where there's the rare comb The children also exchanged gifts. Ayer's Directory of newspapers Anderson has not ceased with her Carols were sung and games They include, china, crystal and atmosphere and good food, ti and periodicals. 1948. glass, electric appliances and sil- death. She will live on forever in pared and In sizable portions played. Refreshments were served The new edition of the work the memory of her children, and of —Specializing In Lobster and I Cherry by Mrs. Sullivan assisted by Mrs. ver. which gives circulation figures for all those who knew and loved her. Michael Belka. After the ninth wedding, per- Little Red School) magazines and newspapers as well Route 125 Nor* as the location, the editor, the sonal gifts are suggested for a span of five years, because by then chil- Subscribe to The Townsman frequency, and the price. Gramophone shop encyclopedia of dren are usuallly out of babyhood recorded music. 3rd ed. 1948. and parents have more freedom to $2.50 a Year leave the house. Then, as growing Visit Toher's Lumber — Pc . . all listing of serious music children show an increased pride in currently to be found in the cata- their home as a place to entertain ELECTRIC CITY Paper an( logues of the world's record manu- Webb's friends, gifts for refurnishing the (Tohor's, Inc.) facturers." Pref. home are designated for the 16th Hardware National formulary. 8th ed. 1946. 213 - 15 Essex St. — Lawrence Howard Johnson's to 19th years of marriage. Per- 1st. supplement, 1947. sonal gifts are again chosen front Mason Supp SUNDAY SPECIAL I'ublished by the American Phar- the 20th on, when the children of maceutical association, this is a most married couples are at work, Roast Young Tom Turkey book of recipes and formulas for college or are married, and the J. E. Pitman all the standard drugs. parents are comparatively free to NOW... 63 PARK ST. AN Home Style Dressing Political handbook. 1948. think of themselves. Alphabetical list of the countries TEL. 664 Gifts for the first nine wedding JANUARY Giblet Gravy of the world, giving present poli- pressfire anniversaries are: clocks, china, tical set-up with names of presi- crystal and glass, electrical appli- Whipped Potatoes dents, cabinets, premiers; poli- ances, silverware, wood, desk sets tical parties and their leaders; frying' Instrument Instru and equipment, linens and laces Buttered Squash and the press listing newspapers and leather. Official suggestions for PRIVATE and 01..A and news agencies. the 10th to 20th are: diamond with the NEW • Cranberry Sauce Scholes. Oxford companion to mu- Accordion • C jewelry and accessories, pearls or Sensational MARKDOWN sic. 7th ed. 1047 colored gems, textiles and furs, • Saxophone • T $1.40 Besides being an alphabetical en- gold jewelry, watches, silver hol- • Piano •Bass Viol cyclopedia to music and musicians loware, furniture, porcelain ROUTE 28 ANDOVER this volume also has a valuable bronze and platinum. The 25th is • Electric & Spanish At the By-Pass pronouncing glossary in the ap- the sterling silver jubilee; 30th, • pendix. diamond; 35th, jade; 40th, sap- Vibraphone; phire; 60th, golden jubilee; 55th. emerald; 60th, dimond jubilee. METRO MUSIC CI SALE 420 COMMON ST. TE Taking No Chances LUNDGREN "My dear," said the borrowing neighbor, "when I returned Mr. "Frpmasters ttrzzzaf orrzt Jackson's lawn mower with that g broken blade he swore at me." His wife sniffed. BEST FOR( SAVES YOU "We don't want that sort of thing to happen again," she re- MALCOLM E. LUNDGREN plied. "You'd better borrow the DONALD E. LUNDGREN ; preacher's the next time." Another PRESTO COOKER triumph — it's the 01444.44 "FRY-MASTER". For the first time, you can • fry foods under pressure with amozMg 1/4 1/3 1/2 speed ... foods to thrill the tulles of your FORT ,OeteCt family and friends. Personal Service YOUR HOME Beautifully designed, in bright highly polished-flnish, easy to clean, the PRESTO REMOVE in COOKER "FRY-MASTER", with Anger-tip PART Storewide values that DANGEROUS balance, pressure-fries small, or large, OVERHANGING quantities of food with perfection. give your budget LIMBS OR Get your PRESTO COOKER "FRY. Any City or Town DECAYED TREES MASTER" nowt 96.pag• recipe book a lift. Watch the given at no sutra cost. $15.95 Tribune for daily SHAWSHIll MOTOR MA savings at Cherry 8 Webb's Telephone 2073 Tour Andover Ioril 1 le Elm Street 41 itaverht,11 St., Slur W. R. HILL 'fd. 117—Law. Andewsrw, Mo Tel. Manchester 300


IORIAM Coming Events tight hour of Dec, WEDDINGS... ant Anderson, one et respected and ETEROF-REMILLARD and carried a basket filled with Jan. laither aub. *mutton I entered into her Following their wedding Sun_ cavalier rose petals. 7 Drama department of No- vember club meets at home ay, Jan. 2 in St. Patrick's church, The bridegroom's best man was Village, N. S., in awrence, Mr. and Mrs. Frank of Mrs. Charles Currier, 2 Joseph Hosmus. Robert Remillard, p. m. the Rev. Robert eterof left on a wedding trip by the bride's brother, and Michael 8 Andover Catholic club instal- ca Jane McKim, D. C., and lane to Washir Karcz, a cousin of the bride, were lation and dinner at Andover cell in her early York City. the ushers. GREAT ew Country club, 7:30 p. m. there she was The bride is the former Mar- For her daughter's wedding, 10 Art department of November Anderson, in the elle Rita Remillard, daughter of Mrs. Remillard chose a grey print club meets at home of Mrs. t Ir. and Mrs. Arthur J. Remillard, Presbyterian with black accessories and a cor- George Sanborn, 3 p. m. 3V. si Salem st., Lawrence, and her Robert Court, sage of red roses. Mrs. Caroline MID- usband is the son of Mrs. Caro- 10 Court St. Monica meets in St. Peterof, mother of the bride- Augustine's hall, 7:45 p. m. ine Peterof of Chandler rd., An- 'band came to An. groom, wore a grey dress with 11 Priscilla Abbot chapter, N.S. teir marriage, and over. matching hat and a corsage of D.A.R., meets at home of Mrs. their lives here, During the 2 o'clock ceremony pink roses. They assisted the Charles D. McDuffle, 19 WINTER iterest in the well. hich was performed by the Rev. young couple in the receiving line School at., 2:30 p. m. nmunity. Villitun E. Culhane of Lawrence, at the reception held in French 11 Andover grange supper and i love of her home he church organist performed Social hall, Lawrence, which was installation, Grange hall, 6:30 outstanding trait he well-loved "Ave Maria," attended by many friends and p. m. Prayer for a Perfect Life" and Her devotion to relatives from Boston, Vermont, 12 Literature department of No- 'Mother At Thy Feet Is Kneeling." mautiful to behold and Greater Lawrence. vember club meets at home of OVERCOATS - SUITS g rearing of her Given in marriage by her Mrs. Peterof attended St. Pat- Miss Julia Twichell, 43 Bart- ifully fulfilled her other, the bride wore a tradi- rick's High school and her hus- let st., 2:30 p. m. ional candlelight satin gown band is a graduate of Johnson 13 Andover Service club meeting ashioned in period style with aking friends and High school. at South church vestry, 6:15 rop shoulders of lace, a fitted hem were other p. m. TOPCOATS odice, bouffant skirt with scal- ristics. She was Engcgement 14 Art department of Shawsheen oped treatment over tiers of lace Village Woman's club meets sympathetic with Beer-McKay owing into a full court train with at Historical house, 2:30 p.m. Reg. $49.50 Reg. $60.00 Reg. $69.50 and sorrow; she Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Mc- ace border. Her silk illusion veil (Notices for this column should reach ith them w-hatso- kay, 5 Arundel at., announce the as attached to a satin period The Townsman office not later than spiritual and ma- eaddress and she carried a maline engagement of their daughter, Tuesday night of each week.) a was truly the allet purse of orchids and sweet Ann Marie McKay, to Arthur J. Beer, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. $3475 $4475 $5475 ens. iutside her home, Arthur J. Beer, 3 Summer st. Patents Anti-Rattle .ndover Ilistorical The matron of honor and sister f the bride, Mrs. Lorraine La- Miss McKay, who is now em- Device For Windows Regular Now e Women's Relief ployed by the McKesson and Rob- ontaine of Lawrence, wore a Atty. William C. Ford of 17 It was while she bins company of Boston, is a ink satin brocaded gown sprin- York st., and Joseph F. Vinciguer- Suede Jackets $22.50 $15.00 the soldiers' mon• graduate of Punchard High school led with silver dust and carried ra of Methuen have been granted Grove cemetery and the Felt and Tarrant school. McGregor All wool Jackets, brown and cascade bouquet of cavalier red a patent on an anti-rattle device the graves of the Mr. Beer attended college in green 18.95 9.50 ocated. A member ores. for windows by the U. S. Patent Identical gowns of powder blue North Carolina of er graduation Corduroy Reversible Jackets.. 15.95 9.50 istian church for office. ad aqua were worn by the brides- from Punchard High school. He he kept in touch The invention pertains to a Sleeveless Sweaters, Plain colors and aids, Julie Peterof, sister of the served in the navy for three years novel and quickly attachable de- f boys whom she argyles 3.95 and 5 1.95 ridegroom, and Mildred Chaplick. and now is employed by the Ford vice that fits between the sliding le Sunday school 1.19 heir headdresses of satin were Motor company of Somerville. sash and the frames of a window. Ski Caps, Gabardine and Wool Plaids 1.50 Lnhood. duplicates of that worn by the It is adapted particularly for use Cotton Flannel Shirts - Smart Plaids 3.50 2.59 enevolent society, WEDDING RETURNS honor attendant and they carried on old buildings and serves not Sport Coats - Odd Lot - Corduroys and Woolens 22.50 and 25 12.50 ready to serve, cascade bouquets of cavalier red The following wedding return only to prevent rattling but also 19.95 13.95 e she might be and yellow roses. has been filed at the office of Town to take the place of a weather Maine Guide Coats - wool lining, gabardine shell, reversible devotion to her The bride's niece, Bernadette Clerk George H. Winslow: strip and [hue reduce drafts. With Wool lining, Rayon twill shell, detachable Wood 27.50 19.95 ooted and sincere. LaFontaine, in a pink moire Lucien Couture, Greenwood rd.. In its general construction, the 25.00 14.95 civic, national and Pile Lined Jackets - Odd Lot taffeta flower girl's frock styled on and Yvonne (Cayer) Bearden, contrivance of Messrs. Ford and • 1.65 1.15 it's never flagged, lines identical with the honor at- Greenwood rd., married Friday, Vinciguerra consists of a bowed Wool Gloves ter keen sense of tendant's, wore a bonnet type Dec. 31 at South church parsonage sheet spring, preferably of metal Bathrobes - Odd Lot - Rayons and Woolens 12.00 and 18 7.45 outspoken in her headdress of the same material by the Rev. Frederick B. Noss. one end of which is flat and con- Bostonian Shoes - Broken Sizes and Styles 14.95 8.95 tains a number of teeth that are attainments were Mansfield Shoes - Broken Sizes and Styles 9.95 6.45 The Lee-Chalmers WEDDING INTENTIONS arranged in groups of three. The surrounded by the The following wedding inten- other end of the device is turned and by the music Upholstery Shop tions have been filed at the office slightly upwards and, in addition. ouch a part of her All types of furniture re-upholefornd of Town Clerk George H. Winslow: is formed with a few rounded bos- Regular Now NM remember the and refinished-Custom mad. furni- ture and slipcovers. Wilfred L. Lamontagne, 48 ses or projections thereon that ex- All Wool Shirts, mostly plaids $7.95 $4.50 ice of her younger 100 WO Street Andover Beacon st., and Marie E. Gillis, 167 tend to a slightly greater distance McGregor All wool Sport Shirts, plain poetry and could Tel. 1101M Gilbert st., Lawrence. than the turned-up end. 7.95 and 8.95 • 6.50 .autifully in verse; Thomas J. Duff, 59 Maple ave., By flattening the bowed or colors Alf ity enveloped all and Marion E. Carpilio, 21 Bigelow curved part of their device with McGregor All Wool Sport Shirts, and art. "IT'S THE FOOD" st., Lawrence. the hand, it may easily be inserted Washable 10.00 7.95 ving known Mrs. between the side of the window Where there's the rare combination of t ceased with her atmosphere and good food, tastily pre- sash and that part of the channel pared and In sizable portions. Juvenile Delinquency ice on forever in that is nearest the inside of the Regular Now tr children, and of -Specializing In Lobster and Chicken- Topic on WCCM Jan. 9 house. When this is done, the ac- At 3:30 p. m. Sunday. Jan. 9. ow and loved her Little Red Schoolhouse tion of the spring will cause the $10.95 $7.95 station WCCM will broadcast a Maine Guide Jac Shirts .... Route 125 North Andover aforementioned teeth to work 9.95 panel discussion on the problem of gradually into the wood of tine sash Extra Heavy, With Zipper 14.95 Juvenile Delinquency. Senator and maintain a firm grip therein, Excellent Selection of Fine Shirts 3.50 2.45 Phillip K. Allen, George Baker, with no twisting out of place re- Whites and Fancy Patterns 3.95 3.65 I superintendent of the Essex Train- o e r's Lumber - Paints gardless of the movement of the 1.95 up .89 up ing school, and Mrs. Alden Cook window. The purpose of the bosses Wool or Rayon Scarfs IC CITY Paper and will participate in the discussion. is to permit their end of the con- Pajamas - All Sizes and Styles 3.95 up 3.49 up The moderator during the half trivance to slide, with no possibi- 28.50 18.50 's, Inc.) hour program will be the Rev. Guy Reversible Coats Hardware lity of catching, within the chan- 1.00 and 1.50 .69 St. - Lawrence, Allen. formerly chaplain of the nel. Wool Hose - Odd Lot - Anklets and Regular Length Allegheny county work house in Obviously therefore, this inven- Wool Boot Sox 1.00 .49 Mason Supplies Blanox, Pa., and now minister of tion of Messrs. Ford and Vinci- 2.95 1.00 the Parker street Methodist church Felt Hats - Odd Lot guerra, because of its spring-like .65 .25 J. E. Pitman Est. in Lawrence. properties, functions to force the Initial Handkerchiefs - Odd Lot sash Into close contact with the All Wool Glove and Scarf Sets 3.95 2.95 AI• • • 63 PARK ST. ANDOVER The Equitable Life Assur- face of the channel nearest the Rayon and Cotton Hose - Odd Lot .39 .29 TEL. 664 outside of the building, to there- ance Society of the U. S. 4 for $1.00 by minimize rattling and effective- LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE .95 .79 . ly keep out the wind. Broadcloth Shorts HARRY E. CLOUGH The application for •this paten Fy fit' • Instrument Instruction 117 CHESTNUT STRUT was filed Sept. 24, 1945 and con TEL. ANDOVER 111 PRIVATE and CLASS sists of three claims of originality le NEW • Accordion • Clarinet itional • Saxophone • Trumpet DEPT. Your Printing Requirements BOYS Alf • Piano • Bass Viol • Drums mma • Electric & Spanish Guitar , Regular Now • Vibraphones Regular Now

Cotton Flannel Shirts $1.95 $1.39 Whether Sweaters $3.95 $1.50 METRO MUSIC CENTER Plain Red or Green 2.50 1.69 420 COMMON ST. TEL. 20232 Shirts 2.50 1.95 QUALITY Wool Plaid Shirts 4.95 2.95 All Wool Mackinaws 13.85 7.95 Large McGregor Wool Plaid .49 Laster Printing White Tee Shirts .69 Shirts 7.95 4.95 Maine Guide Jac Shirts. 10.95 6.95 or McGregor Jackets - Re- Service Extra Heavy, with Zipper 12.50 8.95 versible, Black and Red Maine Guide Coats - All Plaid, Wool Lined, Out- Small 444, Wool Lined, Rayon Twill side 15 00 10.95 Outside, Detachable Finger Tip Reversibles -

Hood, Reversible 22.50 14.95 Sizes 10 and 14 11.95 5.00 NM triumph - it's the ho first hrne, you can Will Be Given Prompt, Careful Attention resume with amazing thrill the tailes of your

nod, in bright highly Friday 'Til 9 r to clean, the PRISM - at - Open Daily 'Til 6 TER", with finger-tip hies small, or large, 'Oh perfection. ITO COOKER "ER, ilne. ;.page recp.i bock '1171; ConsoriciatEd .081. $15.95 SHAWSHININ MOTOR MART Publisher of "The Andover Townsman" elatnher&t5utattion Tour Andover 1ori1 Dealer HILL 41 Haverhill St., Illhawslumm PARK STREET TEL. AND. 1943 Tel, 741-Law. 641116 8 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN — JANUARY 6, 1949

EDITORIAL. THOUGHTS Views of MLET Down the Years BALLAR The News wit:1 Mrs. Basel Schoflel SIB WHAT IS THE LAW? (Continued from Page- One) NEW YEAR'S PARTY Over the Christmas and New Year's weekends, the usual The Townsman Plan and airlife is responsible for Mr. and Mrs. Randolph of annual squabble took place regarding the selling of liquor to present success. And now that the entertained a group .o 50 Years Ago — January, 1899 friends at a New Year's pa Al Massachusetts residents by the New Hampshire State Liquor first round has not proved disas- trous we must be prepared to stand The Ladies' Musical club is en- day evening at their home mart in Salem. Commissioner Long of this state has maintained in our ground. There are •those who tertained by Mrs. Arthur Cox at By PHILIP K. ALLEN et. Movies were shown 1 that all such liquor sold and brought into this state is subject counselled leaving Europe to its her Whitler street home. Vain and a social hour C. 0. Pearson, meat cutter at the Last week we were mainly to the Massachusetts tax. Many customers (and there seem to fate, who believed that we were Refreshments were served be the cause of friction with Russia. Andover public market, resigns to concerned with the past history Of hostess assisted by Mrs. have been many Massachusetts patrons of the Salem, N. H., N There are still those who think open a market of his own in Law- public welfare in Massachusetts McFarlane and Mrs. Rob, store) claim, for the most part, that they should not be taxed rence. and with the general 9ncept of chell. A birthday cake s jo that kindness and light are the sole on liquor bought out of the state. requirenients for peace in the Arc light at the corner of Elm and the relief of the needy and death seated to Mr. Valz in hunt to world. There are those who be- Summer streets which has been out tute. This week and next we will th day. th We do not claim to know the answer to this $64 question, lieved that the United States was as often as on, for some time has take up in some detail the opera- T hosre present include sit but, because of the controversy, we do think it is about time dragging recluctant neutrals into been replaced. tions of the department. One fact and Mrs.m s Howard Nash a fight against Russia. Some still George A. Christie resigns as bar- must be kept in mind throughout and Mrs. Dino Valz of A ly that the issue was decided once and for all. New Hampshire say so. But they fail to realize that itone in the Christ church quartet. this discussion: it is the firm be. the Rev. and Mrs. Willianl authorities have been peeved that representatives of Long's the situation is none of our choos- Harry H. Noyes will replace him. lief of the present commissioner of Windham, N. H.; the I ri office should go into New Hampshire and take the numbers ing, that it is the inevitable result EDWARD VINTON FRENCH Mercury descends to 14 below and his predecessors that public Mrs. Philip Kelsey, Mr. a of Massachusetts cars parked near the liquor source. Are they of the emergence of two great zero. assistance should be administered Robert Mitchell, 'Mr. at powers after the war. In 1946, Edward V. French, Lot of land on Main street, be- locally by the cities and towns. Charles Langdell, Mrs. right, or has Massachusetts got the right to send such agents Democracy (lets Its Wind one of the pioneers who brought tween Dr. Scott's and Dr. Merrill's The department of public wel- McFarlane, Robert Mitch Sc into another state? They fall to understand that had to fire protection the application sold to Dr. A. E. Hulme. The latter fare is divided operationally into Miss Ann Perry and Mr. we withdrawn from Europe it of engineering principles, retired will erect a residence and office five divisions: the bureau of ac- Randolph Perry. 1.11: We have always believed that there is not, and cannot be, from active participation in the would have gradually, if not there. counts, the division of research Girl Scout Notes al any duty between the states of the United States. k this effort quickly, come under Russian dom- business to which he had devoted Miss Goodwin of the kindergarten and statistics, the sub-division of Members of Troop 7 el to tax liquor bought in New Hampshire an infringement of that ination and exploitation. American 54 years of his life. department of the John Dove school incorporated charities, the divi- resumed their meetings Si constitutional rights? If something is taxed in Massachusetts, physical aid and moral support Born in Lynn in 1868, Mr. accepts a position as principal of a sion of child guardianship, and were omitted during the turned the tide in the 1948 Italian French attended the Lynn public the division of aid and relief n we, of course, must pay the tax. But, if something is not taxed school in New York City. Miss . They meet Wednesdays elections, they helped to keep schools and after graduating from Evelyn Reed replaces her. These divisions come under the p. m. at the home of thei CI in a neighboring state, why must we pay a tax to Massachusetts France out of communist control, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- Cashier Kimball of the Andover direct control of the commissioner Mrs. Arthur Weiss. rr on something we did not buy here? and they gave time for other nology spent three years in indus- National bank is ill and Mr. Bout- of public welfare, Patrick Thomp- The clothing kit packe people to realize that communism trial plants and as an instructor well is assistaing temporarily at the kins, and an advisory board of six girls has been sent. The The same probably holds true for cigarettes purchased is not in actuality so attractive as at M.I.T. In 1892 he joined the bank. members appointed by the gov- are now selling calends A through the mails by Bay Staters in states which do not tax its surface appearance may sug- Factory Mutual organization. Dur- The grip has many victims in ernor and approved by the coun- money obtained from thi them. If a resident of Massachusetts wants to buy something in gest. This may seem like a small ing the first years of his associa- town. cil. is divided, some going gain. But it is in effect one of in- tion with this institution, he ex- Several of the town's fastest The bureau of accounts by local troop, some for the ft another state, can Massachusetts, legally, tax him for so doing? calculable importance. For once a perimented with sprinkler sys- horses show speed in Lawrence. statute is charged with the respon- work of the Lawrence cot tl Perhaps Massachusetts can exact such a tax, and perhaps country becomes communist it has tems and hydraulic testing. We say: "We are glad to chron- sibility of auditing claims for re- some to pay for postage little if any opportunity to realize Through his research on elec- Commissioner Long is well within his rights in trying to collect icle the fact that great improve- imbursement in public assistance kits. Anyone desiring t( p tricity in industrial plants resulted its error in time to change its ments have been made on the An- from cities and towns and the this project is asked to co e that money. On the other hand, perhaps Massachusetts has mind. The results may appear to be some of the early rules for safe dover line of the L. L. & H. Street direct claims for care of children girls or the leaders. slight compared with the cost. But electrical installations which were not legal right to that money. railway. They consist of a new set in the division of child guardian. Boy Scout Notes what has been demonstrated is the forerunners of the- National I- It does seem that the matter should be settled once and of straps for car No. 48, and a ship. Members of Troop Russia's unwillingness to face an Electric code. broken pane of glass in another car The bureau of research and every Tuesday evening in ft for all. actual showdown. We know what For 12 years front 1906-1918, which greatly helps ventilation." statistics collects, compiles, aifa- of the fire station with vt methods Russia has used, and we Such a decision would certainly clear up a lot of mis- he was vice-president of the Awk- The following elected trustees of lyzes and publishes statistics of all Schofield as leader. Rece can anticipate how she will in the wright Mutual Fire Insurance types of relief and assistance; pre- at their meeting were understanding on the border between Massachusetts and New future attempt to gain her ends. the Andover Savings bank: M. T. company, a branch of the Factory Stevens, president; John H. Flint, pares monthly and quarterly re- Kent and Robert Gant fi Hampshire. We know where we stand and how Mutual organization, and in 1918 ports for the social security board, Eagle scouts of Lawrence 0 to keep our position. And we vice president; Peter D. Smith, Fe- * * * * * he entered the army as a major and issues semi-annual and special Gift from England should now know how to act in the lix G. Haynes, William S. Jenkins, h and had charge of fire protection Lewis T. Hardy, H. A. Taylor, Jo- bulletins primarily for the use of Mrs. James McGhie THINGS ARE LOOKING UP! future.. for the depots of supplies, hos- rd., who celebrated her 91 p seph A. Smart, M. C. Andrews, J. local boards of public welfare. Old Sol is journeying northward. He reached the souther- Realism with idealism pitals and other army property in day last fall was the re( Another resolution worth our Tyler Kimball, James P. Butterfield, The sub-division of incorporated most point of his annual pilgrimage a few days before Christ- France. a beautiful bouquet of et consideration is that we remain Arthur Bliss, Horace H. Tyer. charities investigates applications is Upon his return to civilian life, cabled her by her reli mas, and from now, until the latter part of June, when he politically realistic. The United 25 Years Ago — January, 1924 filed for charters for charitable he became president of the Awk- England for the holiday. States may find itself in association School committee considers fit- causes. The results of these in- reaches the summer solstice he will appear to be spending his wright compahy and later was Women's Service League with some rather curious acquaint- ting of a dressing room with show- vestigations are forwarded by* the time traveling in the opposite direction. And his northward trip made chairman of the board of The next meeting of t ances in the international field. ers at Punchard High school for the commissioner to the secretary of Factory Mutual. en's Service league of t is one that is bound to bring pleasure to all of us. It means that But such an association is not benefit of the athletic teams. state. Some 1,500 such charitable Among his clubs are the Epis- Congregational church Spring is on the way, and, after spring, summer. necessarily caused likes and in- Mr. and Mrs. Warren K. Moore- corporations come under their copalian club. Engineers' club, held in the church vestry terests but rather by common dis- head, after spending the holidays in supervision and every year this Down Town club, and the North Mrs. Ernest Hall will be It is a little early now, of course, to think of spring and likes. Nations are fully aware that New York with their son, S. P. division must publish the annual Andover Country club. He also The newly-elected office summer. Before those seasons come we must have a lot of cold, communist ideology does not need Moorehead., leave for the South reports submitted to them by holds membership in the Ameri- installed are: Mrs. Curti: a Red Army to gain its ends. They where Mr. Moorehead will carry on these private charitable corpora- dismal weather. January and February bring us the coldest of can Society of Mechanical Engin- president; Mrs. Leslie know that there are always those explorations in the mounds near tions. the entire year. When the days begin to lengthen, the cold eers, American Society of Elec- vice-president; Mrs. Wa ready to serve communism every- Natchez, Miss. The division of child guardian- trical Engineers, American Water tis, treasurer, and Mn begins to strengthen. where in the world. Practical pol- Memorial Hall library issued 3842 ship is one of the two most he Works association, New England Moody, secretary. But, the very fact that we are well on our way into the itics may mean that we line up books for hone use during Decem- portant divisions in the depart- Water Works association and the Ballardvale P.T.A. with whatever nations actively op- ber. At Ballardvale 633 books were ment and is likewise the second New Year, and that the sun is actually getting higher every National Fire Protection associa- The regular monthly pose communism. We may net be borrowed. largest (250 employees). This tion. of the Ballardvale day—rising earlier and setting later—means that things, from entirely comfortable in such com- Esther Smith holds open house at division plays a dual role as hes- Mr. and Mrs. French live at 20 held in the Bradlee se a weather viewpoint, at least, are looking up. pany, but we may well be safer in her home on Shawsheen rd. tablishes a program of direct care School st. They Have two daugh- evening. Movies on safet face of common danger. And, Batters up for the new residence for children and has at the same And let us hope 1949 will bring us a lot of good things in ters, Mrs. Jerome C. Greene of shown. A short business growing up as we are to interna- of Dr. W. H. Simpson on Wolcott time certain regulatory functions. every other way. Perhaps congress and the president will get New. York and Mrs. Sandford G. under the will be held with Mrs. J tional politics, we must accept ave. The children who come Gorton of St. Lawrence, Jersey, division are son, the president, prim: together and act in accord for the best interests of the whole what sometimes seem to be a com- Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Batcheller direct care of this promise with our ideals. It may be C. I. those who are "dependent and social hour will follow country! Perhaps labor will try to see the employers' point of 'of South Main street go to Hills- that our odd associates may not neglected" and who, by verdict of treshments will be serve, boro, N. H., for the winter. view just as little more, and perhaps the employers will look only be saved from communism the courts or on application made racy must go on. For by so accept- Eva Cross, a student at Chevy upon labor as deserving the best possible treatment. but may even be won to our ways. by parents, relatives, friends, or ing we know where we stand, we Chase, Washington, D. C., home for Lawrence's Oldest Je Need for Atlantic Union have no illusions and so do not per- local boards of public welfare, Perhaps the nations will see eye to eye. Perhaps even com- the holidays. A third resolution should be to suade ourselves into a false posi- must come under the charge of the John L. Dugan of Maple avenue munistic Russia will come to realize that there really is a whole realize that the Atlantic Pact most tion. We must realize that Russia state. Originally "wayward and made freight traffic representative lot to democracy and all that it stands for. develope into an Atlantic Union of does not stand alone. Besides her delinquent" children were also of the Wabatali railroad. Perhaps common interests. Western Union Soviet sphere in Eastern Europe given to the care of this division of Britain, France and the Bene- she has the potential millions of 10 Years Ago — January, 1939 by the courts. By the authorityof Oh, one might go on for a long time, hoping for this and lux nations is only the beginning, Asiatics who resent white imperi- Charles S. Cook, Arthur M. Gra- act of 1948, however, these chil- hoping for that. not the final accomplishment. alism. Our foreign policy must ham, Edith H. Kitchla, Myrtle D. dren will now be committed to the But it does no harm to hope, and if all of us would try just Western Union is nothing without take that into account. It cannot McQuesten, John V. Doyle, Percy newly established youth service the United States. Of course, be passive but must strive towards R. Holt named assistant assessors. just a little harder to make this a better world we might, in the board which has general respon- Russia will argue that we are the elimination of such danger New desks placed in Punchard sibility over all juvenile delin- long run, really make it so. Let's really expect things to look using the dependence of those na- spots. And we must realize that we High school. Some of the old ones quents sent them by the courts. up in 1949! tions for our own interests. If we do not stand alone. Whatever the had been there 40 years. Under the general category of * * * * didn't expect such propaganda we petty criticism of hungry, tired Mr. and Mrs. Chester W. Holland dependent and neglected children. must be blind to Russian methods nations, the fact is that there are announce the engagement of their the division of child guardianship FIRES! FIRES! FIRES! and objectives. If we don't antici- basic common interests. And the daughter, Clara Macfarlane Hol- is handling approximately 6,200 December was a bad month for fires, and many of them pate criticism front the very na- democracies in physical and moral land, to Elwood Noron Chase, son cases in the Commonwealth. In tions we asist, we are not prac- potentiality can line up resources of Mr. and Mrs. Garfield S. Chase of were caused by heating systems and kitchen stoves A number tised in international politics. Na- that could far overshadow Russia (Continued on Page Nine) Canterbury st. • of lives were lost that never should have been lost, because tions do not like to depend on and her satellites. many of those fires never should have happened. others, and Russia expertly plays Our greatest resolve must be to upon their dependance on outside unify into common action all those Every person who lives in a house—and most people do— help. We can expect to hear crit- peoples who believe fundamentally 051tr10 ":•)ltype should see to it that everything is in order. Never take a chance icism for whatever we do. If, we as we do, those peoples who singly where fire is concerned. And always be ready to act quickly if asist Europe, Russia claims that can fall but together can bring the 74 MAIN STREET, ANDOVER we are merely serving our own in- world nearer peace in 1949. fire does strike. terests. If we don't asist Europe, Have you looked in the CURIO SHOP lately? There Fires caught at the start may be extinguished with then 'Russia would argue that we you will find a beautiful pair of Dresden Candlesticks for bucket of water, and while it is well to try to control a blaze at are deserting our former allies. ASBESTOS SIDING New beauty in Johns Manville Per- that unusual wedding gift you are looking for. Here are its start, the wise person loses no time in calling the fire de- Unity for Demoreracies matone Colored Asbestos Sidewalls. We should resolve to acccept, Also Insulated Brick and Stone. gifts that are distinctive. partment. Sometimes the firemen have needless calls, but with all its implications, Russia's Roofing. Estimates Free, whenever there is a fire—however slight—they should be called confirmed belief that the struggle WILLIAM P. DOYLE Closed all day Mondays just the same. between communism and democ- Foster Circle, And. — Tel. 1483 Call Andover 2210 Inquiries Welcomed "Made and guarantee * * * * * Longines-Wittnauer Wa pany." Can 1949 promises to be a big one at the race tracks. In other we say more? of new and lovely mode words, a lot of suckers are going to lose a whole lot of money, every need and taste. trying to pick winners between now and next January 1. Pre-Stock Taking Sale — Longines watches from Wiltnauer watches from c STOCK Alil11t1er ;31 it it 20% OFF ON ALL MATERIALS IN Prices include Federal "A Treadway Inn" • GROSHEEN — CHINTZ — CRETONNES — rAILLES • The Book Room Located on Campus of AND LINENS — ALSO UPHOLSTERY FABRICS Phillips Andover Academy Reverse Calls Reci BOOKS TOYS DOLLS Inviting all to enjoy its facilities: cAludolviedc, OPEN DAILY 9 -5:30 -- FRIDAYS 9 -8 Rooms — Meals — Functions STRATFORD SHOP Visit Our Newly Installed Gift Shop 50-A MAIN STREET gyina Wawa/mi. 77 MAIN STREET TEL. AND. 2010 Edward A. Romeo, Mgr. Tel. And. 903


Report From the State House untarily or by court order, and the Store Owners Hosts Skating Areas (Idea and towns of "settled de- (Continued from Page Eight) pendent children" also contribute. At Christmas Party BA LLARDVALE Await Jack Frost Last year the division paid nearly The owners of Elander & Mrs. Ilszel Schofield, Correspondent, Telephone SDS-M order to administrate this program With the cooperation of the $400 000, while the cities and Swanton, int.'s Exeter and An- in a more efficient manner, the towns' contributed almost $250,- dover stores recently held an en- I the Weather Man, skating areas in work Willi decentralized three N Ely I EA IC'S PARTY Mr. and Mrs. George Sparks at- town will be prepared to accom- 000 and the parents $150,000. In joyable dinner for all their em- years ago by setting up district addition to this, $365,000 for tui- ployees tat the Andover inn. , Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Perry tended a New Year's party in modate greater crowds than ever offices in Springfield, Worcester, Lancaster on Friday. tion and transportation was paid NOUS entertained a group of their before. Lawrence, Brockton, New Bedford The ladies were presented with friends at a New Year's party Fri- Mr. and Mrs. Warren Overstreet The new central skating area by the division to the cities and corsages and Mrs. Elander and and Boston. For the information towns of Massachusetts for the day evening at their home on Iligh of Lynn were recent visitors at the adjacent to the schools and the of readers of this column the dis- Mrs. Swanton were pleasantly sur- st. Movies were shown by Dino home of Mr. and Mrs. James new area near Carter's corner will puling schooling of children in the prised with orchids from the em- P K. ALLEN trict office in Lawrence is at 46 division's care. This was paid at Vain and a social hour enjoyed. Nicoll. provide adequate room for the ployees. Following the dinner, Amesbury st., under the super- per capita per diem rates based on we were mainly Refreshments were served by the Mr. and Mrs. James H. McGee sport in these two sections, while vision of James B. Carson. Chester Howe, manager of the the past history of hostess assisted by Mrs. Pauline of Milton and Mr. and Mrs. Orrin the department of education costs Exeter store, entertained with the Sacred Heart school play- Perhaps the primary function in Massachusetts McFarlane and Mrs. Robert Mit- Collins of Lancaster spent Sunday of the preceding year. sleight of hand and magic. ground will take care of hundreds of the division is the providing of ;eneral .ancept of chell. A birthday cake was pre- with Mr. and Mrs. George Sparks in Shawsheen Village. In addition to this program for Those present were: Mr. and of River st. foster homes for these children, the direct care of dependent chil- 3 needy and dean- sented to Mr. Valz in honor of his By opening up a nitwit larger Mrs. Carl E. Elander, Mr. and Mrs. Word was received over the homes where the children will be dren, the division of child guard- and next we will birthday. area near the central schools, the Stanley F. Swanton, Mr. and Mrs. holiday from Miss Joanne Myers, treated as regular members of the ianship is charged with certain a detail the opera- Those present included: Mr. Andover Recreation committee has Alcide LeGendre, Mr. and Mrs. formerly of the 'Vale who is family and where they may regain regulatory functions. They must. sartment. One fact and Mrs. Howard Nash and Mr. provided a space about 270 feet Chester Howe, Mr. and Mrs. spending the winter with her some of what they lost through no for example, license boarding a mind throughout and Mrs. Dino Valz of Andover; long and about 120 feet across at James Carmichael, Mr. and Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard fault of their own. At the same homes for children. By statute it is the firm be- floe Rev. and Mrs. William Switzer its widest point, to take care of Robert Coombs, Mr. and Mrs. Myers at Orlando, Fla. time these homes must be run by they must investigate any homes sent commissioner of Windham, N. H.; the Rev. and youngsters who might otherwise Adam Murray. Mr. and Mrs. James Miss Dorothy Greenwood and people with a semi-professional in which there is a child under 14 essors that public Mrs. Philip Kelsey. Mr. and Mrs. seek more dangerous spots for Petteruti, Mr. and Mrs. Placide Miss Marguerite Greenwood of the attitude coupled with warm hu- years of age unrelated to the fos- Id be administered Robert Mitchell, 'Mr. and Mrs. their sport. Spitaleri, Edward McCabe, Leland 'Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Misak Asa- man feelings, for frequently they ter parents by blood or marriage ties and towns. Charles Langdell, Mrs. Pauline The central area just made Fredette and Miss Marilyn Hans- dorian of Ward Hill and Maurice may have to give up those chil- and they may grant, refuse or re- ant of public wel- McFarlane, Robert Mitchell, Jr.; ready this season, includes the con. Hennessy of No. Andover at- dren when parents take them back voke a license to conduct a hoard- operationally into Miss Ann Perry and Mr. and Mrs. space formerly taken up by tennis tended a party in Watertown New or for other reasons. At the pres- ing home where there are boarded the bureau of er- Randolph Perry. courts and a section of adjoining REALTY TRANSFERS Year's eve. ent moment there are between two or more children under 14 asion of research Girl Scout Notes ground that was not used for any Carl A. Schulze, et ux to James Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Howard 2,500 and 3,000 such homes in years of age. The license fee is $5. :he sub-division of Members of Troop 19 have particular purpose. of North Andover spent the week- the Commonwealth. J. McLaughlin, et ux, "Shawsheen amities, the dirt- resumed their meetings which At the beginning of the school They must also investigate and Village." Enmore street. end in Brockton. Mrs. Howard is These homes cannot, of course, guardianship, and were omitted during the holidays. holiday there was skating there he run without financial support. report to the probate courts on the former Bettina Greenwood of Dora Messer Frost to William f aid and relief. They meet Wednesdays at 3:30 for about five days but the rain every adoption petition concerning Ballardvale. The state, therefore, subsidizes H. Stopford, et six, Chestnut ; come under the p. m. at the home of their leader, and warm weather caused this to a child under 14 years of age. In- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Green of them to the extent of paying for street. f the commissioner Mrs. Arthur Weiss. disappear. This area had been the individual child's board, cloth- vestigations are not made, how- Marland rd. entertained Mr. and Jennie F. Perkins to Frank E. re, Patrick Thomp- The clothing kit packed by the flooded from the high school un- ing, and medical expenses. Under ever, in the case of social agencies Mrs. Howard Chesley and Mr. and Ward, et ux, "Ballardvale," Dale visory board of sin girls has been sent. The members der the direction of Donald D. the item of board which is paid sponsored by charitable corpora- Mrs. Edward Smith of Newfield, street. inted by the gov- are now selling calendars. The Dunn, supervisor of physical edu- monthly, the state reimburses the tions and engaged in the care of N. H., at a New Year's party on 'raved by the con- money obtained from this project cation, and with the assistance of foster home on the following children. Edward P. Hall to Muriel Hap- Friday eve. Is divided, some going for the Thomas Webster, a senior, and schedule: for babies up to two As in other departments, addi- hey. Flint circle. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Myers of of accounts by local troop, some for the general three veterans, Charles Barrett, years of age, $10 per week; two tional funds could be used and Guillaume Deneu to Frank P. Marland rd. spent New Year's as ed with the respon- work of the Lawrence council and Mr. Winn of Shawsheen Village to fOur, $8.50; five to nine, $7.50; perhaps sometime in the future Deneu, et ux, Mason street. guests of Mr. and Mrs. MacLeod ting claims for re. some to pay for postage for the and Charles Naylor. girls 10 to 7, $8; and boys 10 to these funds will be forthcoming of Haverhill. a public assistance kits. Anyone desiring to help in The area will he flooded again 17, $8.50. Under the item of either by appropriation or through Alfred Lefebvre, son of Mr. and Andover Welding Co. id towns and the this project is asked to contact the just as soon as the weather gets clothing, which is paid quarterly, gifts. For example, the division Mrs. Edward Lefebvre is ill at his or care of children girls or the leaders. cold enough to cause the ground the state reimburses the foster is not equipped at the present GAS AND ELECTRIC home on Tewksbury st. of child guardian. Iloy Scout Notes to freeze. The flooding process is home on the following schedule: time to care for the specific needs Shop Hours 11- 11 Members of Troop 76 meet really a spraying job, and a cold for babies up to three years of of the individual child nor is it Tell. And. 201111- R every Tuesday evening in the hall NOVEMBER CLUB one, at that. It is done at night able to provide higher education of research and age, $42 per year; three to five, 40 PARK ST. ANDOVER As, compiles, ada- of the fire station with Arnold Monday afternoon, Jan. 3, the with Mr. Dunn and his assistants $50; six to nine, $60; 10 to 15, for the promising child. shes statistics of all Schofield as leader. Recent guests November club had as its guest working in relays until morning. $70. A new child is completely and assistance; pre- at their meeting were Robert speaker the famed foreign corre- It takes about three coatings be- outfitted at the state's expense, and quarterly re- Kent and Robert Ganley, both spondent and author, Ray Joseph. fore it is ready for skaters. and all, medical, dental, and host icial security board. Eagle scouts of Lawrence. who has spent more than five years The area will be supervised and pital expenses are paid by the For Your 1949 Baby -annual and special Gift from England living in almost every Latin coun- then crowded hockey games will state. ally for the use of Mrs. James McGhie of Clark try. He has written for many pub- not be allowed. The space is pri- Some of the parents who can ... Get a Simple and Unusual PINE CRIB with Hand public welfare. rd., who celebrated her 90th birth- lications and is an accredited cor- marily for youngsters and for contribute in part to the support respondent for the Christian ;ion of incorporated day last fall was the recipient of adults who do not want to depend of the children do so, either vol- Blocked Print Skirt. See ours in the window of a beautiful bouquet of cut flowers Science donitor. on the river or ponds. It is hoped Ligates applications He spent nine months revisiting Carleton Bemis Shop. $50. tern for charitable cabled her by her relatives in that before next season the area CESSPOOLS PUMPED OUT England for the holiday. the countries he knew so well in will be enlarged to provide room 'esults of these in- order to bring back the latest in- —ALSO—L1 Women's Service League • at all times for hockey. Casapools and Septic Tanks e forwarded by the formation about Latin America to to the secretary of The next meeting of the Wom- Besides being utilized for skat- Installed Craft-Wood Products en's Service league of the Union his lecture audiences. He compiled ing ita winter the area is large VISIT OUR SHOP — OSGOOD STREET 500 such charitable the questions which his listening CHARLES CORBEIL name under their Congregational church will be enough for two soft ball diamonds OPEN DAILY TEL. 2129-W hold in the church vestry Jan. 12. Audiences had asked him during which youngsters can use during TEL. LOWELL 7236 id every year this his lectura tours and made these publish the annual Mrs. Ernest Hall will be hostess. the baseball season. The newly-elected officers to be queries the basis for the material The section set aside for skating tted to them by he sought south of the border. charitable corpora. installed are: Mrs. Curtis Scholtz, near Carter's corner will be president; Mrs. Leslie Hadley, These answers and all the other flooded by residents of that area vice-president; Mrs. Walter Cur- wealth of information which he and kept in good condition by of child guardian- brought back Ile presented in a We Start the New Year the two most is- tis, treasurer, and Mrs. P. W. them as soon as the weather Moody, secretary. clear and extremely interestin permits. ins in the depart style. ikewise the second Itallardvale P.T.A. The regular monthly meeting The Art department of the No- Every man, woman and child in employees). This vember club will meet with Mrs. of the Ballardvale P.T.A. will be the United States had a fire bill of With a BANG!! a dual role as it es- George Sanborn at 3 o'clock, Mon- held in the Bradlee school this $4.84 for last year — more than gram of direct care day, Jan. 10. Mrs. Byron Butler evening. Movies on safety will be double fire costs in 1940, when the ad has at the same and Mrs. Stephen Sorota will have shown. A short business meeting per capita loss was $2.32. sgulatory functions charge .21' the program. Mrs. But- and a BOOM rho come under the will be held with Mrs. John Wil- son, the president, presiding. A ler will have for her subject "Nor this division are man Rockwell Illustrator," and social hour will follow and re- UPHOLSTERING 'e "dependent and that of Mrs. Sorota will be "The Chairs -- Refinished -- Cane Seating who, by verdict of freshments will be served. Venetian Blinds — Window Shades to your Budget . . . . Art of Walt Disney." High Grade Coverings for Davenports )n application made The Literature department will Lino Rugs — Mattresses Remade illative's, friends, or Lawrence's Oldest Jeweler meet at 3 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. Packing — Shipping — Crating of public welfare. 12, with Miss Julia Twichell, 43 ROWLAND L. LUCE ler the charge of the 7 Bartlet at. "The Story of Induraja" (Formerly Buchan's) Ily "wayward and wyeailare by Hilda Wernher will be reviewed 19 Barnard Street Tel. 1840 hildren were also by Mids Fonnie Davis. are of this division By the authority of P %AI ur ds aowever, these chit- be committed to the i/led--/awd IN LOWELL shed youth service has general respon- all juvenile delta- em by the courts. ct. general category of • I neglected children, likkesi/ f child guardianship January Store-wide ,pproximately 6,200 Commonwealth. In 1 on Page Nine) • SALE!

'ER Do all your SHOPPING— P lately? There Candlesticks for all your SAVING— for. Here are That new bathroom you've been waiting for will really stand out with VIKON tiled wails in one STORE! $100 VIKON Tile Is easily and ceiling. For VIKON TILE'S twenty-odd and quickly Installed pastel, solid and two-tone colors have been Call Andover 2210 scientifically developed to harmonize with "Made and guaranteed by the over existing walls. on every floor, every day this Longinea-Wittnauer Watch Com- No costly alterations the newest equipment and accessories. You'll pany." Can we say more? A variety or disconnection of find lust the right shade and lasting beauty Of new and lovely models, to suit fixtures. In VIKON TILE. month — tremendous values Sale every need and taste. 234-2:16 Essex St. Tel. )173 Longinee watches from $71.50 Wiltnauer watches from 539.75 IN STOCK hi.. include federal lax VIKON for your Home! ES — rAILLES ellAVIT • ICINOMY RY FABRICS ea/A/Li -9 ow. your Family! Reverse Calls Received TILE , 1111 Yourself! )11 cAdkifed4onfr • 1111118811111 Convenient Credit POLLARDS IN LOWELL gvine.i-kiaailetcKkied- Accommodations


Cotnntonwettith of Massa PROBATE COURT BUSINESS PERSONALITIES AND SERVICES Docket No. 144,655 ss. Essex,To all persons interested in tl tate under the will of Mary Mu: ta of Andover in said County Ilot the benefit of Fannie V. o You Should Know and Patronize heft The trustee of said estate ha, said Court for allowance its to twenty-fourth accounts, inch!: object thereto Biker Refrigeration Ce, If you desire tn at; Polly Prim Beauty Shop Building Contractor Cheerful Atmosphere attorney should file a written Specialist In all said Court at Lawrence before ANNIVERSAY SALE in the forenoon on the tenth day Branches of 1949,, the return day of this citat For Thirty Years At Coles' Nursing Home All Items Over $50.00-20°. Discount Witness, John V. Phelan, F-or Beauty Culture All Items Under $50.00-10,, DhcauM Judge of said Court, this lifter Number in the year one thousar SS MAIN ST. AND. 1914 dred and forty.eight. LAW. 21111 Td. 970 RICHARD J. WHITE, JI

ANDOVER SAVINGS Week-End Meat Special De following pass books iso THE Andover Savings Bank have be application has been made of duplicate books. public notice SHAWSHEEN LAUNDRY lication is hereby given, in acs BACON-59e lb. ection 40, Chapter 590, of 1 CO., INC. 1905. Payment has been stopped. Book No. 56,293. The Finest Laundry and CORNED BEEF-59e lb. LOUIS S. FINGEI CLEANING SERVICE The ANDOVER NATION, AVAILABLE The Annual Meeting of the of The Andover National Bank TRY US AND SEE FOR at its Banking House, 23 Main done, Mus., Tuesday, the etc, January, 1949, at ten o'clock a YOURSELF choice of directors anti the to TOIL. 620 AND. any other business that may p before the meeting. CHESTER W. HOLLA SPECIAL Silk or Woolen (plain) Commonwealth of Mass M. T. WALSH PROBATE COUR' nr. 1555 DRESSES Docket No. 226,10. PLUMBING AND HEATING 63c Kowa, es. To all persons interested in CONTRACTORS Expertly Dry Cleaned and Barbara M. Edmunds late of Pressed said County, deceased. AIR CONDITIONING .t petition has been preset Court, praying that William H SHEET METAL WORK Sudbury in the County of 1 some other suitable person be 2$ ESSEX STREET ministrator of said estate. C_ E a--.N.F= R If you desire to object therett TEL. AND. 201 t attorney should file a written o said Court at Newburyport o'clock in the forenoon on the Philip I. Gaudet, building con- Center, Melrose and Andover. His day of January 1949, the recur 35 MAIN ST. ANDOVER DISTINCTIVE tractor and remodeler, is at services have always been in citation. r. Witness, John V. Phelan, I SERVICE present building the home on Bal- great demand by those who de- Judge of said Court, this twe Lady Attendant lardvale road pictured above. of December in the year one mand a well built house and ex- hundred and forty-eight. M. A. BURKE Mr. Gaudet has been a building ANDOVER RICHARD J. WHITE, contractor for thirty years, and pert workmanship throughout. FUNERAL HOME has built many homes in Boston, Foundation and hot-top work is 351 Ns. Main Be., And. Commonwealth of Mas Newton, West Newton, Newton also a specialty of his, as' well as Sales and Service PROBATE COUP Docket No. 220,73 stone, brick and cement work. General Essex, sa. To all persons interested in If you are planning to build a AUTO REPAIRING George C. Richards late of At new home, or remodel your old County, deceased. Weston F. Eastman 'Eddie' Ellis 'Hank' Broady The administrator of said e one, you would be wise to call Mr. muted to said Court for alloy TEL. SI and final account. INSURANCE Gaudet for a free estimate. An Si PARK ST. If you desire to object there) experienced, honest contractor can attorney should file a written REAL ESTATE Mrs. Dora Frost attended by Nurse Lincoln. said Court at Newburyport bef save you considerable needless in the forenoon on the twenty expense. CAR HARD STARTING? January 1949, the return day Bay State Bldg. Mrs. Pauline Coles, who owns or other special foods, and Mrs. Lion. Mr. Gaudet was foreman of the and operates Coles' Nursing home Coles provides special diets to suit TRY TEXACO HIGH-TEST Witness, John V. Phelan, sidewalk department in Andover Judge of said Court, this thir RES. AND. 1775 LAW. 3 - 2149 at 10 Summer street, is a gradu- the varied requirements of each. and December in the year one thou for 15 years. He is married and ate of the Deaconess hospital, class There are six nurses on the staff, dred and forty•eight. HAVOLINE MOTOR OIL No. 10 has eleven children. The family of 1918, and is a verteran of world so the patients have 24 hour nurs- RICHARD J. WHITE, home is at 17 Cuba street. war 1, having joined the army ing care. BLACKIE'S SERVICE STATION ERNEST L. WILKINSON PHILIP I. GAUDET If you need advice or a free esti- nurse corp the following year. We visited each patient in his ANDOVER SAVING Building Contractor-Remodeling mate, call Philip I. Gaudet at Andover, Mass, Real Estate — Insurance After that, she had considerable or her clean, pleasant room, and The Annual Meeting of the FOUNDATION and HOT-TOP Andover I 51 9-W. experience in institutional nursing. found them all remarkably cheer- JOHN M. MURRAY the Andover Savings Bank o RES. AND. 1653 Cement Block, Stone, Brick and the Bank on Monday, Januat (',meat Work In April, 1939, she started tak- ful. It is obvious to the visitor 3:15 o'clock P. M. for the chi LAW. 4782 Sand, Leant and Gravel ing convalescent and bed patients that they are well cared for, and and the transaction of any SERVICE that may legally come before 111 - 312 BAY STATE BLDG. For Free listmotes Tel. 1519-W COLES' into her Summer street home. The treated as individuals in a real CHARLES C. home has accomodations for ten home. NURSING HOME patients In either private or semi- For more information about the MAIN AND CHESTNUT STS. TEL. 1414 The Annual Meeting of tl ' Home of Ilelpfui Strvise for Chromic private rooms. home, you may call Mrs. Coles at COME Ill US FOR YOUR VIM NUR the Cambridge Mutual Fire 1 DIANA (fonvolescent, and Bed Pohiende pany for the election of Die AUTO LOANS Some patients require bland or Andover 1389. transaction of any other bus BEAUTY 10 Summer St. And. 1886 legally come before them, v the office of the Company, 3, EQUIPMENT LOANS SALON Bank Provides Space Plan $400,000 Drive SHATTUCK'S EXPRESS Street, Andover, Musachuset All Types Of January 17, 1949, at two o'clo PERSONAL LOANS PERMANENTS Blue Bird Beauty Shoppe For Auto Parking For Lying-In Hospital EST. 1911 E. C. NICH( DIANA LANE, Prop. The Annual Meeting of tl PERMANENTS — HAIR TINTING The Andover National bank is Andover is included in the area Daily Dependable Benno Deposits — $7,407,090.97 Musgrove Bldg. Sterrimack Mutual Fire : Elm Sq. providing a free auto over which Dr. Paul Gustafson of pay for the election of Dir Tat 164 CARRIE P. BACON parking area 32 Park St. Tel. And. 571 ill the rear of the bank building Cambridge will be chairman of the trunnion of any other busi FOOT TREATMANTS legally come before them, wil for the convenience of patrons general campaign to begin early in office of the Company, Andover Musgrove Bldg. And. 1504W 34 while transacting business in the February for realization of Boston Street, Andover, Massachuset PURITY CLEANSERS, Inc. January 17, 1949, at two bank. Lying-In hospital's $400,000 de- F.. C. NIC111 National Hank Home of Quality The auto entrance to this area velopment fund project. Reading, Salem, Marblehead ANDOVER, MASS. 3 HOUR SERVICE is from Central street. Access to THATCHED ROOF the bank from the parking space and Beach Bluff are other com- PLUMBII "An toting Placa of D.s.:ne on munities in the area and com- 13 ESSEX ST. TEL. 1951 is by a passage south of the build- TILL LAW. 277)2 ing, indicated by signs. The park- munity chairmen with volunteer NO. ANDD\ ER ing space is provided as an added workers will be enrolled in these and service for the benefit of customers places. !Wilding Materials, Hardware NEW COTTON DRESSES ROUTES 125 -'33 of the bank. Purpose, of the fund is to re- LAW. 9018 - 5004 Seersucker 12 to 20 58.98 HEATIt ESSEX ST. COR. BROADWAY construct portions of the hospital, LAWRENCE, MASS. Striped cotton, button 11.1'. V. MEETING to replace wornout equipment and down rr 38 to 44 7.00 MOTOROLA License #95 RES. AND. 1529 The board of public works at to further its program of teaching W. H. Wel( and research in the obstetrical 2nd Floor — MUSGROVE BLOIS. THE IRMA BEENE SHOP TELEVISION Monday night's meeting spent TEL AND. 8 MAIN STREET 795-M some time discussing the buget for sciences. ANDOVER SQUARE Now Siensalisuutlly N. E. Milk Producers Assn. the present year but as their con- TEL. ANDOVER IIIes LOW PRICED! sideration of all items had not PRISCILLA ABOTT CHAPTER FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS been completed, voted to hold an- The Priscilla Abott chapter elite Bea444 Shop $179.95 other session tonight. N.S.D.A.R., will meet at the home CHEESE — MEATS WALNUTHURST DAIRY ROOF' NOW — In connection with the vote of Mrs. Charles D. McDuffie, 19 Frozen Fruit and Vegetables School et., Tuesday, Jan. 11, at Serving Andover ROOF REPAI EVERYONE can affeni this taken at the special town meeting AND. 709 to construct a new bridge on Cen- 2:30 p. M. The chapter regent. Fir Over OF ALL KI 3 MAIN ST. TEL. 867 new Entertainment far the tral Mrs. Guy Howe, will preside. Fol- street the board has engaged 35 YEARS 25 Years of Exi ENTIRE FAMILY an englnner to work on the speci- lowing the regular business meet- O~ Cif fications so that bids may be sent ing, Mrs. Frank L. Brigham will All Work Co LORIS DI STEFANI ANDOVER out in time to be returned by talk on "Shawls." By Insurai Jan. 24. TAR AND GRAVEL ROOFS PAINTER and DECORATOR HOME SERVICE It was voted to install a new HENRY E. street light on Poor street on a News Roofs losshollod mod Repaired RISIDINTIAL—INDUSTRIAL—SCHOOL 2 ESSEX ST. TEL. 1970 HAGGETT'S POP pole already installed. J. A. PEROS & SONS Mortgages WEST ANDC 244 SO. MAIN ST. TEL. 1431-W INSULATION AND GENERAL Telephone Lawre CONTRACTING TEL. LAW. 4081 LOANS THE GARDEN SHOP SHAWSIIEEN MARKET Her( Stodman • Sea Martha and Frank Rolalason, Savings John Flowers, Proprietors Andover Plants, Shrubs, DELIVERY HOURS Evergreens MON., WED., FRI. MORNINGS ONLY VERRETTE'S 8u; Tel. 276 SATURDAY ALL DAY Bank Cox 2 It1VERINA RD. TEL. EEO Cher 140 LOWELL ST. Restaurant 61 MAIN ST. TEL. 103 In The Tile-phone 73313 Square




LOST FOR SALE—THE FACILITIES OF Commonwealth of Massachusetts PROBATE COURT Commonvrealth of Mamenehuselts our modern job printing plant for Docket No. 144,655 PROBATE COURT LOST—ON MONDAY, TAN MALE all your needs in printing — Irish Terrier, 1 1/2 years old. Essex.To all s. persons intereated in the trust eis Docket No. 226,113 letterheads, bill heads, posters, tate under the will of Mary Muzzy Plaisted Essex, es. Tel. 1020. Reward. D30 flyers, cards. Quality and service late of Andover in said County, decea,ed. for the benefit of Fannie V. Cross and To all persons interested in the FOR RENT are our specialties. The Consoli- estate of Gustav H. Dimlich late of dated Press, Inc., 4 Park Street others.The trustee of said estate has presented Andover in said County, deceased. to said Court for allowance its twenty-first FOR RENT-2 ROOMS, EITHER FOR SALE—DAVENPORT AND to twenty-fourth accounts, inclusive. • petition has been presented to If you desire to object thereto you or your one or both without board; CHAIR in good condition. Tel frigeretion Co, attorney should file a written appearance in said Court for probate of certain in- business person preferred. Lo- said Court at Lawrence before ten o'clock 27. J6-20 struments purporting to be the last cated in center of town. Refer- RsAv SALE in the forenoon on the tenth day of January 1949, the return day of this citation. will and a codicil of said deceased ences required. Tel. 2205-W. WANTED TO BUY $50.00-20. Witness, John V. Phelan, Esquire, First by Samuel B. Dimlich of Andover in Judge of said Court, this fifteenth day of D-9-16 DInovm December in the year one thousand nine hun- said County, praying that he be ap- ANYTI-IING OLD-FASHIONED Oft LAW, uul dred and forty-eight. pointed executor thereof without HELP WANTED—FEMALE ANTIQUE: also Furniture re- RICHARD J. WHITE, JR. Reister.g .(23.30.16) giving a surety on his bond. WANTED—CLEANING WOMAN, finished. Guy N. Christian, 5 If you desire to object thereto you one day a week. Tel. Andover Union St., Georgetown, Mass. ANDOVER SAVINGS BAEZ or your attorney should file a writ- 2172. Write or phone 2851. We will I Meat Special The following pass books issued by the Andover Savings Bank have been lost and ten appearance in said Court at call. application has been made for the issuance Salem before ten o'clock in the fore- FOR SALE of duplicate books. Public notice of said ap• ANTIQUES OR ANYTHING OLD plication is hereby given, in accordance with noon on the seventeenth day of NO. 8 RANGE WITH OIL BURN- N-59c 1k Section 40, Chapter 590, of the Acts of January 1949, the return day of this Marbletop, Walnut, Grape and ER, China closet, Four poster 1908. citation. Rose-carved Furniture. Glass, payment has been stopped. bed, Glass door Bookcase, Lea- Hook No. 96,293. China, Silver, Jewelry, Clocks, Witness, John V. Phelan, Esquire, ther Sofa, Club Chair. (5,13,20) BEEF-59e lb. LOUIS S. FINGER, T Prints, Frames, Guns, Coins, Fur- ( 23-30-J 61 First Judge of said Court, this twen- Roland Luce, 19 Barnard Street ty-eighth day of December in the niture, Etc. William F. Graham, The ANI)OVER NATIONAL BANK year one thousand nine hundred FOR SALE — GIRLS' SHOE Jr., 165 Golden Hill Ave., Haver- The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders hill, Mass., Telephone Haverhill onsumers Co-op of The Andover National Bank will be bald and forty-eight. Skates, size 6, Wright & Dixon at its Banking /louse, 23 Main Street, An- RICHARD J. WHITE, JR., make; excellent condition. Tel. 7010-W. Will call to look. dover, Mass., Tuesday, the eleventh day of CHICAGO—A welcome to a pair of Y.M.C.A. boys from Argentina Front office of Register 2077-M. D30 (tf 261 ANDOVER January, 1949, at ten o'clock a. m., for the is extended by A Fletcher Marsh, "Y" board chairman, as the boys choice of directors and the transaction of Anna M. Greeley say other business that may properly come arrive at Chicago's Y.M.C.A. Hotel after completing a 27,000 mile trip before the meeting. 21 Main et., by bicycle from Argentina to Alaska. The amazing feat was accom- School Committee Adopts CHESTER W. HOLLAND, Cashier. Andover, Mass. plished in 27 months time by Wiwi and Pedro Rocasalvo (shown left Do You Know ECIAL (1643-3040 to right). They are returning home by jeep—a present from the Budget of $316,244 21553 Reg. citizens of Fairbanks, Alaska. Massachusetts? in (plain) Commonwealth of Rfassachusetts Commonwealth of Massachueetta (Continued From Page One f PROBATE COURT DO YOU KNOW 'I'llAT . . . Up- 1[1.0 LAND COURT Docket No. 226,103 wards of 200 Masachusetts cities Estimated receipts from tile getter traC To Charles H. Murname, Antonina Essex, ss. and towns have applied to the To all persons interested in the estate of al education fund (state aid) were Dry Cleaned and Barbara M. Edmunds late of Andover in J. Murname, George H. Dumont, School Building Assistance for aid 'reseed said County, deceased. all of Andover, in the County of $26,000. A petition has been presented to said AT THE LIBRARY in increasing their public school Court, praying that William H. Delaney of Essex and said Commonwealth; facilities, provided under Chapter C. Carleton Kimball represent - Sudbury in the County of Middlesex or Sarah J. Sweeney, of Boston, in the 645 of the Acts of 1948. . . . ing the Andover Taxpayers asso- some other suitable person be appointed ad- Among the new books at the Women's International League for ministrator of said estate. County of Suffolk and said Com- People and Industries in Boston ciation was present at the meeting If you desire to object thereto you or your monwealth; and to all whom it may library are the following, any of Peace and Freedom. Here are her are using nearly 6,500,000 quarts and took part in the discussions. attorney should file a written appearance in which may be borrowed for home contacts with Roosevelt, Hoover, ,aid Court at Newburyport before ten concern: of milk a week, which is approxi- It was brought out that the in- o'clock in the forenoon on the twenty-fourth Whereas, a petition has been pre- use: • Senators Borah, Nye, Taft, Cordell mately 4% more than a year ago, crease In the school budget was ANDOVER day of January 1949, the return day of this Hull, Sumner Welles, Drew Pear- citation. sented to said Court by Frank R. Whites House Diary Nesbitt as shown' by the Milk Control due mainly to increase in enroll- %Vitness, John V. Phelan, Esquire, First Gainey and Teresa A. Gainey, of Henrietta Nesbitt was official son, etc. Here is the story of de- hoard's records for the months, ment and increase in basic prices, Judge of said Court, this twenty-ninth day mocracy in action, from the lob- of December in the year one thousand nine Lawrence, in said County of Essex, housekeeper at the White House October and November . . . . The particularly in maintenance and hundred and forty-eight. to register and confirm their title for thirteen years during the byist's point of view, and proof state department .of conservation also due to the fact that increment RICHARD J. WHITE, JR., Register. that public opinion is the most DOVER In the following described land: Roosevelt's stay. Her book is inti- reports that $400,000 worth of made last year for three quarters (6-13.20) powerful factor in our politics. A certain parcel of land with the mate, detailed, friendly and frank. DDT sprayed from airplanes ono of a year would continue for a foil Ind Service Commonwealth of Massachusetts buildings thereon, situate in that This is how the housekeeping for Profile Of Europe Welles woodlands of Massachusetts would year tills year. However, it was PROBATE COURT the nation's largest home is man- exterminate the gypsy moth in noted that while the budget had In- Docket No. 220,734 part of said Andover, bounded and An all-over picture of the con- ieneral Essex, ss. described as follows: aged, and here is a new angle on tinent of Europe, as drawn by an three years, whereas cities and creased, the enrollment had dras- To all persons interested in the estate of many national and international towns of the Commonwealth are tically increased and, therefore, George C. Richards late of Andover in said Northwesterly, by Tewksbury of its foreign news writers — a REPAIRING personalities. sppending $870,000 annually with- County, deceased. Street, 158.00 feet; Northeasterly, associate editor of Time and one the perpupil cost was only slight. The administrator of said estate has pre- out attaining complete extermina 'Hank' Broady by land now or formerly of Sarah J. Story Of Induraja Wernher review of why it is as it is, a fit- ly larger than last year . sented to said Court for allowance his first lion . . . . Heavy rainfall during C. TEL. SI and final account. Sweeney, 461.78 feet; Southeaster- In India a widow, regardless of ting in of all parts of its puzzles Chairman Gordon L. Colquhoun If you desire to object thereto you or your November raised the ground water ly, by land now or formerly of her age, should follow the Hindu and a preview of what will happen announced that the committee had attorney should file a written appearance in . level in Middlesex county to .41 said Court at Newbury port before ten o'clock Charles H. and Antonina J. Mur- code of eating one meal a day, tomorrow. Good reading, good rea- been directed to appear before the in the forenoon on the twenty-fourth day of feet above normal average for the kRD STARTING? name, 161.77 feet; and Southwest- wearing only white saris, discard- soning finance committee Tuesday, Jan. January 1949, the return slay of this cita- month. The only important defi- tion. erly, by land now or formerly of ing all jewels and becoming an 11. ACO HIGH-TEST Witness, John V. Phelan, Esquire, First What Electronics Does Zeluff ciency reported in the state was George H. and Yvonne F. Dumont, outcast. In this novel, young The committee discussed the Judge of said Court, this thirty-first day of Easy to read description of the the Winchendon area where the and December in the year one thousand nine hun- Induraja refused, and returned to 471.74 feet. level in November was 3.24 feet possibility of a school survey but MOTOR OIL No. 10 dred and forty-eight. her father's home with her son. many interesting jobs that electron RICHARD J. WHITE, JR., The above described land is postponed further discussion until Register. There she was to find a situtation tubes are doing in the industrial below normal, as reported by the SERVICE STATION (6-13-201 shown on a plan filed with said pe- a later meeting. which demanded that she break world. U. S. Geological survey . . . . The ANDOVER SAVINGS BANK tition and all boundary lines are Federal Reserve bank's tourist Previous to tile meeting the even further with tradition. Fine Creative Hairshaping And Andover, Mass. claimed to be located on the ground index shows that even in October committee attended a dinner The Annual Meeting of the Corporator, of picture of modern India. Hairstyling You Can Do Anderson as shown on said plan. 43% of the capacity of Massach- served by Miss Angie Dantos and M. MURRAY the Andover Savings Bank will be held at All Our Years Lovett the Bank on Monday, January 10, 19-19, at If you desire to make any objec- Guide method to hairshaping setts' resort hotels and 15%, of ca- a group of her pupils. The meal 3:15 o'clock P. M. for the choice of Officers, A scholarly type of biography of tion or defense to said petition you and basic details of styling, correct pacity of the tourist houses was was enjoyed by all. and the transaction of any other business Robert Mores Lovett, a teacher SERVICE that may legally come before them. or your attorney must file a written mass outlines, how to design styles occupied . . . . The poultry indus- who inspired many to become CHARLES C. KIMBALL, appearance and an answer under suitable for personality, age arid try represents approximately a Clerk. writers. Beyond that, he was a occasion. Excellent charts and il- 100 Postals, Mimeographed Addressed sod oath, setting forth clearly and speci- third of Massachusetts argricul- UTNUT TEL. 1414 The Annual Meeting of the Members of man of man of many parts, and Mailed (Not. Inc. Cards) $1.00 fically your objections or defense to lustrations, helpful to hairdressers tural income . . . . The state plan- FOR YOUR TIRO HUN the Cambridge Mutual Fire Insurance Com- served as a government official in MIMEOGRAPHING pany for the election of Directors and the each part of said petition, in the and their patrons. ning board has filed a bill in the transaction of any other business that may the Virgin Islands. ADDRESSING — MAILING office of the Recorder of said Court Reporting To Parents Strung legislature provding for the acqui- legally come before them, will be held at Road To Survival Vogt the office of the Company, 342 North Main in Boston (at the Court House), on sition by the Commonwealth of Andover Letter Service Street, Andover, Massachusetts, on Monday, Bernard Baruch, in the intro- A brief monograph designed to CK'S EXPRESS or before the twenty-fourth day of ocean beaches in Westport, Dux- 18 PARK STREET TEL. 1295 January 17, 1949, at two o'clock P. M. duction, says that the productivity improve procedures among schools ST. 1111 E. C. NICHOLS, Secretary. January next. bury, Gloucester and Sandwich. of much of the earth, through wishing to make a more successful Unless an appearance is so filed (Compiled by State Plan- lendable Bernice The Annual Sleeting of the Members of man's mistreatment, has fallen to reporting to parents. Criteria for the Merrimack Mutual Fire Insurance Cons- by or for you, your default will be appraising reports, problems en- ning Board) Tel. And. 511 pony for the election of Directors, and the such an extent that what one man recorded, the said petition will be transaction of any other businness that may hour of labor could produce now countered in changing produres legally come before them, will be held at the taken as confessed and you will be and practical suggestions for im- ANDOVER office of the Company, 342 North Main requires as much as a hundred Academy Headmaster 60 forever barred from contesting said proving present methods. INIMIMMINIMOS m, Andover, Massachusetts, on Monday, man hours. This is an attempt to Commends Fire Dep't. January 17, 19.19, at two o'clock P. M. petitions or any decree entered E. C. NICHOLS, Secretary. show man as part of his total en- Americans From Hungary Lengyel The Andover fire department LUNCH thereon. vironment, what he is doing to Another in the "People of Amer- has been commended by Headinate 1ANS Witness, JOHN E. FENTON, Es- that environment, on a world scale, ica Series." Emil Lengyel, Buda- ter John M. Kemper of Phillips quire, Judge of said Court, this and what it is doing to him. It pest born, tells the contribution academy for its efficiency in hand- PLUMBING twenty-ninth day of December in OPENING HOURS -0 $2,000 deals with how we are to be fed, made by his people to the Ameri- ling the fire at the Abbot house a the year nineteen hunderd and sheltered, clothed and if we are to can tradition. short time ago. Monday Thru Thursday and forty-eight. live at peace or at war with each In a letter to Chief C. Edward )OVER Attest with Seal of said Court. other. Buchan, Headmaster Kemper says 6 A. M. — 8 P. M. (SEAL) SYBIL H. HOLMES, Vote To Accept that he was particularly impressed HEATING Pioneer Preacher Berryman Recorder. at tile skill with which the fire NCE CO. The story of Baptist preacher 19QX ford Pupils Friday and Saturday .enes #11 Eaton and Chandler, Esqs., was localized, as the result of George Carroll Berryman as told W. H. Welch Co. 301 Essex St., Lawrence, Mass., (Continued from Page One) which water damage was particu- 6 A. M. — 11 P. M. MUSGROVE BLDS- by his daughter. Here is Texas of Attys. for petitioners. larly non-existent. He also ex- TEL AND. 128 the early 1900's as it felt the 'ER SQUARE (30-J6-13) motion of Atty. Vincent F. Stulgis, pressed his pleasure with the satis- impact of the man's courage and ,IDOVER 1901 unanimously voted to accept the factory relations existing between Sunday wisdom, and the struggle against Boxford pupils for the school year the department and the academy 8 A. M. — 11 P. M. HE'S ALL WET the existent evils of saloons, beginning September 1949. and sent his thanks to the men for An officer asked a tough "old cattle rustling, the Ku Klux Klan, The committee added $1500 to their skillful work. DURST DAIRY ROOFING army" sergeant to look after a and the wild life of the times. the budget on the recommendation Serving Andover ROOF REPAIRING plot of grass in front of the mess Vouza Anil The of Supt. Kenneth L. Sherman to hall. The sergeant promptly ap- Fer Over OF ALL KINDS Selenium Islands MacQuarrie cover the cost of the additional pointed a private to water the teacher necessary. However, it was 35 YEARS 25 Years of Experience "Picture of pre-war life in the plot each afternoon. Soloman Islands and of the people pointed out that the tuition for the All Work Covered One day, during a terrific four months of 1949 would be PROP. AND. VA for whom the author has a warm- thunderstorm, the sergeant storm- $1000, which would not only offset By Insurance hearted love. The 'Vouza' is a ed into the barracks and caught native lance corporal in the, con- the 1500 but would give approxi- HENRY E. GOSSE the private doing bunk fatigue. stabulary and is tile focal point of mately $2500 direct revenue to the "It's 3 o'clock," roared the the story of the Incidents of native Town. The tuition receipts for a HAGGETT'S POND ROAD sergeant, "and you're supposed to full year would be approximately tgages WEST life." ANDOVER 310,000, while the cost to the be out there watering the grass!" ' Intent On The Hill Detzer Telephone Lawrence 38806 town for these inutile would lie ill "But sergeant," the private An tiecount of liorothy Detzer.'s the neighborhood ,if $40110. IANS pleaded, "look at the thunder- t wenty years as lobbying for the storm." Here To Serve "That's no excuse," the ser- !r• Savings John M. Murray geant bellowed. "Haven't you Gulf got a raincoat?" Super Service CURRAN & JOYCE COMPANY COM - COKE — OIL ank Cor. Main and "Bear" is the name given to trad- Chestnut Streets ers on the markets who seek to OIL BURNERS TEL 103 iT. lower quotat ions. —MANUFACTURERS— Telephone 7339 Established 1854 ervice Station GAS — OIL GEO. W. HORNE CO. SODA WATERS RANGE OIL LAWRENCE, MASK, ACME TIRES f %It 1ND GRAVEL ROOFING SHEET METAL WORK and GINGER ALES ND BATTERIES SPECIALIZING IN ASPHALT SHINGLING twice n St. Tel. 155 c40. MAIN ST. THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN — JANUARY 6, 1949

CAN YOU STOP? P.T.A. To Resume Include Local Residents Legion For In World Biography WINTER'S NO. 1 Meetings Jon. 19 Andover residents have received international recognition by the lutah no fury The first of a new series of An- inclusion of their biographies in Pension Of r.,..mbatant. SAFETY QUERY dover Central P. T. A. meetings "World Biography," the largest no Can I stop in time? will be held at the Memorial au- international biographical refer- —O. HI ditorium at R p. m. Wednesday, That's the question every motor- $60 At 60. ence hook just published. Compris- The American Legion will ask the Jan. 19, when Dana M. Cotton of ing 5120 pages it lists sketches of ist must ask himself as more than 81st congress to enact legislation the Harvard Graduate School of 40,000 living men and women 30,000,000 motor vehicles roll into granting old-age pensions to vet- Education will speak to the largest distinguished in various fields. the hazardous months of winter erans of World Wars I and II, start- membership in the history of the Included from Andover are: •••••••• LUME 62, NUM ing at $60 at the age of 60 years. association. Maud Cabot Morgan, artist, in driving. As a result. of a survey conduc- The "60 at 60" pension decision structor; the Very Rev. Vincent ACA, The National Safety Council re- ted last fall the theme of the meet- was reached by a special subcom- McQuade, president, membe'A L ports that in the northern half of ing will be an appraisal of the mittee of the national executive board of trustees, Merrimack col- IEWS the United States, the mileage value of college as other secondary lege; Dr. Claude Moore Fuess,'"° 't committee of the American Legion, training. The program will consist headed by educator, author; Bartlett Hard-".". death rate is from 24 to 53 per cent Chairman Leonard W. of two parts, the first Mr. Cotton's F Esper of Springfield, Ill., at a two- ing Hayes, Tr., director Addison "'I higher during the winter months address. and the second a demon- day meeting in Indianapolis. gallery; Lt. Col. John Mason than in summer. stration by means of interviews Kemper, educator, headmaster '— The subcommittee was named by E The importance of stopping is em- between faculty members and Phillips academy; the Rev. Leon- National Commander Perry Brown students how guidance is being phasized by the fact that about two- ard F. Bacigalupo, O.F.M., profes- to clarify the two pension resolu- handled in the local school system thirds of all winter traffic accidents sor of theology, St. Francis' sem- EWS tions adopted by the 30th national at the present. A question and an- in four typical snowbeit states oc- inary; and Frank Davis Ashburn, convention at Miami, Fla., and to swer period will follow. LEONARD F. curred on snowy and icy surfaces, held by educator, headmaster Brooks Ily Dramatization of "The Nativity" at the Christmas party direct the national legislative com- Mr. Cotton is a member of the according to a special Council pupils of the John Dove kinderg,ttrten afternoon group. Standing, school, North Andover. mission of the American Legion in faculty of the Harvard Graduate Tile Dutch "police study. left to right: Margaret Covell, angel; Charles Smith, Joseph; and John God- what form to present the proposal School of Education, and director denude officially ter While there are many ways to Nancy Pearson, angel; kneeling, Frank McBride nua y 4, according tc dard, shepherds; Janice Bowman, Mary; and Jack Sweeney, to congress. of placement and public relations have wintertime traffic accidents, shepherd. (Look Photo) The Esper NEC subcommittee is- there, and is also associate of the We Are Authorized esumably, from the 1 such as too much speed on a slip- sued a six-point directive to the Harvard university summer school. int of view, the pery curve, the Council says that Dealers for— public is propely Local Man Victim national legislative commission to stopping control would prevent incorporate the following provisions r terms of settlement Miss Christie On Air imated arutely that many of them. Here's how to an- Of Hit-Run Driver in the American Legion pension bill In School Broadcast yore got around to swer "Yes" to the question "Can I (Continued from Page One) to be submitted to congress: stop in time?" Dorthy Christie, the girl win- DEVOE log practical—it any Confidence in the future of New 1. The legislation shall include ner of the Goldsmith speaking con- Find out how slippery it is when Born on the isle of Cyprus in re actually possib veterans of both World War I and test, will broadcast "The Mur- starting out. Get this feel of the England is expressed in the New's the Mediterranean sea in 1912, he tch opposition—the World War H. derer's Confession," by Edgar Paints, Varnishes road by stepping on the brakes message of Irwin L. Moore, presi- had been a resident of Andover for ould be with the I 15 years, and for the past few 2. Eligible for pensions shall be Allan Poe, over WCCM Friday at recs. Depending upon lightly or "gunning" the motor. But England Electric dent of the New veterans who served 90 days or 10:30 a.m. This is the selection view, the terminatl be sure you are going slow and that months had been employed as chef system, the largest electric utility more on active duty or who were presented by Miss Christie in the ides can be interpre no other cars are near. at Redman's Card Clothing com- and system in the region. pany in Andover. He was a mem- discharged for service-connected contest. a nasty situation Keep your speed down. On ice, "We in the New England Elec- ber of St. Matthew's Lodge A. 'F. disability incurred in line of duty Those who have an opportunity Jetting a difficult m don't ever drive faster than 10 to 20 and who were discharged under con- to do so are urged to listen every tric system," says President and A. M. Artist's Materials future. Some cort miles an hour. Speed too fast for Surviving are his wife, daughter ditions other than dishonorable. Friday at 1 0:3 0 a.m. to the An- n Europe are alert Moore, "have great faith in the conditions is the No. 1 winter bogey- of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Baduvakis, 3. The pension is to be effective dover school broadcasts. They are Dutch action as man. future of New England. We be- with whom he made his home; and at the attained age of 60 years at always interesting and frequently net the spread of Use tire chains—good ones that lieve the area is an economically one sister of Alexandria, Egypt. the rate of $60 a month and at the contain pertinent information NEW ENGLAND PAINT sia. They and the bite into the surface. On ice and mature, stable region in which a The funeral will be held Thurs- attained age of 65 years at the rate about the town and its school AND WALLPAPER CO. e rationalized then snow, tests have proved chains re- high percentage of our alert, in- day, Jan. 6, from the Lundgren of $90 a month. which may be entirely new to believing. What is 70 BROADWAY - LAWRENCE duce braking distances 40 to 50 per telligent workers own their own funeral home with services at 2 4. Before attaining the age of 60 many listeners. ortance is that the cent. They are the best self-help homes and earn their living in o'clock in St. Constantine and years, the following degree of non- ionalized into acce you have. Council studies show that steady, unspectacular businesses Helen Greek Orthodox church in service-connected disability shall be eat answer. "Pessir, tires with abrasive particles imbed- and industries. Lawrence. Burial will be in Spring payable: IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO REDECORATE seasoned correspor ded in the tread, recently placed on "We have no regrets that New Grove cemetery. $20.00 a month on a 20 percent WE HAVE FABRICS FROM ALL HOUSES whole East rising in the market, have almost no effect England is not an area of spectac- disability rating. ide chasm developi on stopping on ice at low or moder- ular boom businesses which blos- Seize Revere Pair $40.00 on 40 per cent. to and the West" And ate temperatures, but help some at som forth with a flourish when $60.00 on 60 per cent. at because no -path temperatures above 23 degrees. things are going well but which After Wild Chase $90.00 on total disability. ppened, the Dutch at Slow down well in advance of in- fade into economic oblivion when (Continued from Page One) 5. Those veterans having service' iced. tersections, railroads or any situa- the going gets tough. We are connected disabilities and receiving ANDOVt [41 - NOVSE lath, Nationalism Cs the men gave their names as compensation shall continue to re- tion which might require a stop. thankful that our businesses and shed industries here are of the rugged Arthur Bucciero, 23, and Vincent ceive such benefits and in addition Sudden maneuvers are dangerous Stanchi, of Revere. Arrangned in type, built to withstand better than thereto shall be recipients of the But more thoughtft on slippery surfaces. Lawrence district court later in most the economic cycle. old age pension. e minds are very Follow other cars at a safe dis- the morning. The cases were con- t successful though "Because we believe this we are 6. Income shall not be considered Park Street Telephone 1822 M tance. And use hand signals to give tinued and each was held under upon application for pension. y have been in the the driver behind you a break. building to meet the growing de- bonds of $1 0,6 0 O. on, their political mands of a virile New England Keep windshield and windows Stanchi was charged with s is by no means economy. This coming year the clear with good defrosters and rape, kidnapping, operating to en- eral details are wet New England Electric system will wipers. If necessary, roll down the danger and failure to stop on the eration. The British spend over $4 5,0 0 0,0 0 0 in new window a little. You can't stop in signal of an officer. Bucciero was I nation, may have construction and plant additions. time if you can't see in time. charged with attempted criminal n though they did t At the present time we have major assault, kidnapping, operating to tch action. But the Pump the brakes when you slow expansion programs under way in endanger and failure to stop. has remained or stop. The idea is to slow the Rhode Island, Vermont,. New Police said that the two men lous and indefinable wheels without locking them. Hampshire and Massachusetts met two girls, one from Lawrence re of its characte which when completed' will add a and, the other from Haverhill, in quarter of a million kilowatts of a Lawrence cafe and offered to (Continued on Page STUDY POPULAR PIANO generating capacity to our system. IN YOUR OWN HOME drive them home. They took the It is not• easy to keep up with the Lawrence girl home but instead of NO EXTRA CHARGE electric demands of the people of taking the other to Haverhill lub To Elec this area because since 1920 elec- started iii the direction of Boston. WALTER SLOCOMB tric usage has grown 20 times as fficers Frid TELEPHONE 2037 - MK fast as population. This is particu- 18 YEARS' EXPERIENCE he Andover Squat, larly true of electricity used in the IN club will hold home. The average domestic cus- ling Friday night tomer in our lines now uses two DRESSMAKING AUTO GLASS INSTALLED oars on Elm street and one-half times as much elec- REMODELING The meeting will b WHILE U WAIT tricity as he did 18 years ago. It ALTERATIONS 6:30 o'clock with is possible for him to make liberal LADIES' SUITS. COATS, v dinner through t use of electricity with the knowl- DRESSES MADE TO ORDER two of the club's b edge that of all the things he buys, G. Brown, Jr., only electricity is cheaper. Act- Yd. Both succeede: ually, it is cheaper in the home r in New Hamp than before the war, and even with PAUL'S hunting season. the increase use it still represents CLEANERS AND DYERS ollowing the dinne only 1.3 per cent of the average 127 MAIN STREET TEL. 2126 lagg and election householder's budget. Channels, Regulators, Inside and he h D urin i outside door and trunk handles meat program mot Mirrors, Furniture Tops, Mirror he shown by Rob resilvering. We all give Christmas gifts for various he club has bee rag CITY GLASS CO. reasons, depending on who's at the receiving funds for at t1 311 COMMON STREET t is to LAWRENCE end. Hut whatever the reason for giving—all led for this meetin eking forward to TELEPHONE 9539 Make up your mind to make '49 a year filled with wholesome, This year The Andover National tasty meals--prepared as economically as you know how. And those gifts add up to a pretty penny. If you on with an increai you KNOW how—just depend on your friendly A&P to supply Bank mailed out to 1970 Christmas and a variety of you with all your food requirements at budget-easing prices— find it a tight squeeze this year—plan now Model 744. Club members the sum of $138,- Also available Is IT'S A SMOOTHIE! START THE DAY RIGHT! to have of Christmas shopping cash omination full keyboard I meats ANN PA PEANUT Start the YEAR right—starting 075.50 which they have been sys- BUTTER. It's creamy smooth, the day right by enjoying plenty next year. Join our Christmas Club now. spreads so easily and evenly. Pan- of crisp delicious SUNNYFIELD tematically saving during the e By Feb try raiders and lunch-box toters CEREALS from your friendly Try our new 25 Payment Plan! 'kb the annual toe gloat over its rich flavor of A&P. SUNNYFIELD means the past year to help them with their eld Monday, Merck freshly-roasted finest of rich, golden grains, care- ow, town clerk peanuts. For a fully blended into the finest of Christmas shopping. The 1949 club tempting, satisfy- tasty breakfast cereals. Fur the 4:30 p. tne Thur ing home lunch, number one meal of your day, is now open to membership; inquire closing date for serve soup, then resolve now to let the SUNNY- Papers and also peanut butter FIELD label brighten your break- at our Christmas Club window. articles for the Smalldown Dement sandwiches fast table. lug warrant. To ii Low monthly terms. French-toasted and topped with Liberal frede•Ins ANN PAGE JELLY or PRE- ROLL YOUR OWNI le, 65 signatures n SERVE. Hold on, pardner—want to please connection with VICTOR ADDING your favorite tribe of Indians at tics the board of FR2SH AND FINE FOR '491 MACHINES Saturday Night Supper? It's as rs have announce Clod eating every meal! Stant the easy as beans with this tasty Bean dates for registrat New Year by serving MARVEL Roll. Spread 6 to 8 slices bologna Sales c. Service - Rentals BREAD. It's always deliciously or salami with b. 1, Town house ORICED FROM fresh — dated fresh right on the ANN PAGE h. 3, Sacred Hear wrapper. And you know how im- PREPARED Andover National Bank $95.77 Up portant freshness is, for when MUSTARD. 0. 8, Grange hall, freshness fades, flavor fades. Per- Arrange ANN 9 p. m. fect Wilding, patient baking give PAGE BEANS The Typewriter shop A&P's IVRVEL the smooth, even (any style) on • 11, Fire stutter Incorporated texture at spreads easily, toasts bologna. Roll. Bake in shallow pan ' P. m. mmon St. Lawrence golden branvL all over. And top in hot oven, 400'F., about 6 min- 16, Peabody 11 quality ingreo5ejots make A&P's utes. ANN PAGE oroducts? At "'9 P. m. Tel. 4702 MARVEL tops r taste, too. . your well-stocked A&P, of course! Town hem r —