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10-8-1903 El independiente (Las Vegas, N.M.), 10-08-1903 La Ciá . Publicista de "El Independiente"

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LA PENITENCIARIA TERRITORIAL. ti mii ala Me i s aparto man- - LOS PROSPECTOS REPUBLICANOS UNA CHANZA RARA. íhwu mi cintura a los sefiotes Una Institución Bien Dirigida y cuyo Ma d manera que no hay En Nuevo México para la Próxima Elec- nejo Económico y Rígida Disciplina nodo de largarse. ción General. 'TMMrTkv TOT Tí Tira Dan Satisfacción General. l'or el lado económico la eni. dinero, por sacate ó avena: Venderé por fH-h- tenciaría ha hecho progresos' A la todo el pmspccto es A. M. ADLER, Propietario. asombrosos en los últimos seis Digan lo que ipiierau acerca de haliigüeñoy favorableparael par- años, no obstante que el uümero Un Buckboard, algunas deltistiultidas institucio tido Republicano de Nuevo Méxi- de presos ha aumentado enorme. de dos nes territoriales, hay una que co y el porvenir un hori- ROPA Y ATAVICA Un Hermoso Carruaje asientos, & mente, siendo la fecha más de zonte despejado y sin nubes y to-d- o aunque durante cierta admitiis- - 250. El trabajo de los presos es-t- A ydocisi-vo- . Un Carro Express. ncion dió mucho indica un triunfo fácil Pora Hombres y Demócrata 'rindiendo mucho producto, Muchachos. que decir, tiene ahora la garantía l'or una parte el partido De- tauto e el sentido pecuniario co- condi- de ser la más admirablemente mócrata está muy debilitado y Zapatos, Han sido usados pero están en buena mo eu suministrar artículos de Sombreros, Cachuchas, Baúles, inaueiada de todas, y desmoralizado y .necesita de mu contra uso indispensable que ántes te ción. Vengan pronto. ;uyu manejo nada verídico y corn chas circunstancias pata poder nian que comprarse con dinero Atavíos de Wilson Bros. Cuellos de E. W. irobativo puede alegar la opo hacer una oposición formal y del territorio. Las diferentes iu- - efectiva. En el estado que so ha. Ferretería de la Calle del Puente. sicioti mas euconuiia. hsta es lustrias que eu la prisión eprao ne- - Vestidos Hechos a penitenciaría territorial de lia es una organización que al Orden una Especialidad. ticuti uyudan en ambas mane- Suevo México, que bajo el manejo cesita refuerzos en la cabeza y en ras, pero la n.ás importante y decir, oficiales y Plaza del Hon. 11. O. Rursum se lia con los pies, es sol Nueva, las Vegas, N. M., Enfrente del Banco de la de mayor alcunc es la fábrica , LUIS ILFELD,Prop. vertido en uu gran centro indus dados que le suministren nuevo San Miguel. de ladrillos, que en los últimos aliento y fortaleza, trial que i la par que rebaja ma ror otri dos uños ha dado & conocer su el terialmente los gasto incurridos parte partido Republicano es producto no solamente cu el ter en su mantenimiento, utiliza de tá muy bien orgauizadoy tiene la ritorio sino también en muchos mayoría una muñera muy loable el traba en los condados nuls Tendían un descuento de ao y je nor ciento lof nuernmr.ivri puutos de afuera, donde disfruta Mé- - .os con dinero al contado en la tienda oooooooo jo de los presidiarios y ofrece po fuertes y populosos de Nuevo de o o o o o o o o de alto crédito. La empresa tuvo el 'o Hay Duda Bibilidades de que en un tiempo xico y tiene además prestigio oooooooo un fuerte atraso con la destruc- que la victoria y la o o o o o no muy lejano la penitenciaría se suministra DAVIS & o o ción del ingenio que funciouuba do SYDES, que en la tienda de Los Morenos sostenga de por si sin necesidad ventaja una administración se pueden comprar los efectos y oooooooo en la fábrica ú causa de una ex Republicana en lo To de que gaste mucho el territorio nacional. abarrotes más baratos que en plosión, y el trabajo estuvo sus- EüüEN EFECTOS SECOS Y ABARROTES, para su mantenimiento. dos nosotros .abemos lo que es cualquier otro lugar. LOS MORENOS pendido por cerca de dos meses, to significa en Nuevo Mexico y lo Cualquiera que vaya á visitarla nm pero gracias A la actividad del rKarcl Hito pin Vestidos de Hombre que se Velinn penitenciaría quedará sorprendí útil que es para un partido tener asisteute Martin se procuró A un el do antes por $4.00 ahora por $2.00 BacnaraGQ do, en primer lugar, por la lim apoyo moral los oficiales PRODUCTOS IP.A muy módico un ingenio DEL IS. ".$3.00 " " $3.50 de! precio de la nación, pero aparto de ello pieza y seo que son el órden H tle'io oomerolo queda l poulniH de U plain, I dol "110.00 " " nuevo y de mayor tamaño, el el partido Republicano tiene mu ra quina dtflt O'Biln $0.30 üia en ei euincio principal y sus cual A la fecha está en acción con chas otras ventajas sobre el De. Sombreros de hombre y de mu-jf- t- nos coutornos y eu todos los demás el el resultado de (pie ahora se está mócrata y es la prepondo iIhs1h 15ct hasta mt'is íino PLAZA NUEVA, departamentos, y en segundo lu tanta á .150. haciendo mayor cantidad do la del primero quo casi se LAS VEGAS. gar, la sorprendente actividad rancia 4-- ' too drillo que Antes. Ultimamente puede decir que no será necesurio . Zapatos de hombre y de mujer Kn frente del que reina deutro de las murallas STERN & NAHM. de $3.50. fué quemado un horno do U30,- - ningún esfuerzo para ganar la 73ct hasta Hotel Ckatüfleila déla institución; y los muchos 4! 000 ladrillos. Esto asegura un en la elección del año que Indianías y Carranclanes de 5c trabajos que se están allí Inicien victoria abasto suficiente para lo de ade viene. Sin. embargo, semejante la yarda para arriba. Buenas Tenemos para la do traen & la memoria algunas Mercancías Generales. clases y bonitos colores. de nuestro de aquellas poblaciones indus lante. creencia es del todo errada, jor amig-o- s un corral muy El Rursum es que así como resucitan los muer En nuestra tienda se encuentra grande. triales que hay en el oriente, don superintendente todo lo pie se desee. Unenos ue4 se operan manumeturnsm eu un hombre excelente, muy capaz tos cuyo aliento vital no so ha N. del de igual mo Las Vegas, M. efectos a buenos precios. Trata- grande escala. Aquí en la ni y activo en el desempeño de sus extinguido todo, 4 miento cortéz. Ahorrarán dine- el mas caí oooooooo tenciaría lo que se fabrica en deberes y se ha grangeado res do los partidos políticos ro visitando y comprando sus o o o o o o o do i-- 1 peto y estimación do todos sus dos suelen tener periódos efectos en la Tienda de Los grande escala es el ladrillo de di CALLE DEL PUENTE. oooooooo y de la prisión en reuasecucia. Respecto al partido Morenos. No dejen de hacernos o o o o o o o íereutes clases, de construcción y subordinados una visita. tera, pues es hombre muy consi Demócrata puede decirgo que es- Vi a. oooooooo para pisos y empedrado, y en ir ambos g5uf ros el artículo es de derado y afable A U ynr que muy tá como la víbora "adormilado í" í --í i "i'-- --J i' --í í 5n no muerto," y que por un lado i 4 8 4 r4 H v superior calidad y no le aventaja justo y firme ensutídisposicioiies. y los impulsos é, incentivos do I. 1 de uinguna otra parte. Tero Es la cabeza que uinje y ordena nece- do que a teoría y regla de los maneja todas las medidas que son ambición y la esperanza Ropa Hecha al Orden administración de sus correligionarios políticos en dores es tener A los presos tra sarias para la ir él pudieran triunfar en Para Hombres y Mujeres. bajando en alguna cosa, y asi es la lenitenciaría y sobre rene los estados responsabilidad y es la elección piesidencial serAn mo que los que no se ocupan en la toda la K parto do tuií'stroH ncirocioH. Loh precio no son ni'is nllos n 110 A el di- suficiente paraquesacudasu ábrica de ladrillo están emplea acreedor todo crédito que tivo otros. So gnriintizu buen trabajo y tuona mcdiila. un letargo y haga un esfuerzo su Prescripciones dos eu otros quehaceres que sur mane de sus actos. Tiene en premo ganar la elección ROPA HECHA, ten el doble objeto de hacer n los asistente muy capaz y activo para I'n nuestro Hurtido va otm arto de nuostrox nfirocioH. Procio E. Sabido es que en política no hay lijos, primero, ú!t imo Serán atendidas á todas horas del día y iresos pusar su tiempo de una el señor William Martin, quien y ipnijirc de su su- cierto ni seguro si los quo manera útil y saludable y de au- posee toda la confianza nada S quiere un bonito Sombrero de Verano vean nuestra li A quo ha teui-d- o nea y precios, leudo de la noche en la Botica de mentar el trabajo productivo de perior y le ayuda eficazmente en dirijen un partido $1.00 hasta $5.00. A el predominio se a penitenciaría. Asi es que unos todos los negocios que atañen largo tiempo camisas (un si: abrochan adi;lanti: señor confianza de todas claseny estau empleados en la cocina, esa institución penal. El dejan ofuscar por una estiles. Precios: 7"e. $1.00, $1.23, $1.30, $1.75 í F Martin es hombre tan competen- excesiva y no hacen el esfuerzo J.UU, J.J.j y $J..iO. onpa ft verlos Kegurnniente que comprara otros eu la zapatería, otros en la porque el precio es barato. MANN, te y versátil que durarite la au- que es necesario para tener cierta sastrería, otros en la barbería y UaYfira, ftO.1. En caso habría otros en muchas y diversas tare- sencia del superintndente, él se la victoria. tal Nneto Moxlco . Y HARRIS, ?: Sexta, Al do derrota porque la fox: Oriento do la Plaza, Las Vegas, as. De este modo la pribión ter encarga enteramente del mando riesgo una siempre t ri unía de lade-sidi- a. ritorial no da cabida A holgaza y administración de la peniten- actividad nes y con el trabajo que suminis ciaría v se manifiesta igual a sus 0OOOO00XXXXOOOOOOO No obstante que la superiori- IE tra dios penudos muchos de ellos responsabilidades y da satisfac- - A En dad del partido Republicano so-br- u se reforman y cuando cumplen su ción completa su superior. su adversario político es in- Una Chanza Vd. condenu salen eu ciu- cuanto A los empleados subor para convertidos cuestionable, le corresponde man- dadanos útiles y trabajadores. dinados, el hecho de quo todos años el tenerse siempre alerta y no des puede el valor de - Do esto se han muchos ellos han durado en servi Vd comprar $20enefec- Gran Rebaja de Precios: visto ya cuidarse ni un momento en defen- casos rt cien tes. cio v ninguno ha sido despedido tos con solamente $J0. Ademas recibirá; abla muy bien sobro su compe der sus intereses. Mayormente Kstoy listo para poner mis precios en El trato que bajo el manejo hay tencia y fidelidad. en el caso presente cuando un retrato libre de costo con esta compra.; relujes que estén al alcanzo do todos. presente reciben los prisioneros dentro do las filas Republicanas el Vd con; es mejor y más humano que se CORAZON AUTOMOBIL un elemento compuesto delndiú Si viene a nuestro comercio y trata Vengan puedo A personan en su ó á Desengañarse. dar triste Dicen doColorado Springs que duos que se titulan Republicanos nosotros lo siguiente nos manda una or- -j los condición, pues nadie maltra entre los pacientesdo aquel lugar, los cuales padecen do una enfer- Un buen Reloj 1 75 Centavos Un Reloj Rctnontoir y se les suministra alimento den por correo remitiéndonos $10 le man $1.00 ta A donde van muchos con aficio medad quo se llama ''desconten " A y Al mis Mejor, á 85 Mejor, fl.25 abundante, sustancial. nes pulmonares, hay un tal Me to crónico," y quienes según se daremos lo siguiente'. mo tiempo se mantiene vigi una Curry quo tiene A los médicos es infiere sólo aguurdan uua opor lancia continua y rígida sobre GARANTIZADOS tupefactos. El eonuon se lw ha tifnidad para atacar al partido os prisioneros, 20 libra do mnntcca talen $1.75 por $1.30 de manera que pasudo al lado derecho hace co Republicauo por la retaguardia ROBERT J. TAUPERT. dentro del nrcinto do la peniten- A lo mo un año, y no sufre la menor fin do ver si pueden derrotar. A 600 Arenlda Dong la, Plata Jineta, Laa Tf jn. ciarla tienen oportunidad muy Un Sobretodo para niño do 2 5 inconveniencia, nieue suecuer Tareco no haber duda do que años do pdad, vale en dondo quie- escasa do podorescapar. Duran que una efusión haga mudar de harAn el atentado en la próxima ra ... $3 y $7.00 por .1.00 el te tiempo de Mr. Ilursum han ha-cí- se ' sitio al coruzón, empujándole a campaña, pero es dudoso quo sido muy y las : raras contadas el centro del pecho; pero cu el realicen sus perversas intenciones Un Vestido para niño do flrt7nfios fugas de prisioneros y los que se do $3.10 por 1 .73 . . caso d McDurry se corrió ul otro si los Republicanos cumplen con edad, vulo JLibrcria Española han fugado han sido casi inva- lado del cuerpo, A la misma ultu- - su deber trabajando con activi He comprado la Librería Lupaffola de Ro- Un 0 23 por 51.73 Herlberto riablemente recapturados. Esto y útilizando la fuerza que in Reloj chapeado en oro, vale mero la cual contiene un completo nartldo de ra y ocupando lugar unAlogo ul dad dice muy bien por la disciplina lo en el Terrt que por naturaleza correspon dudablemente poseen 1 30 tensillos de Escritorio, que ina en la institución y por 3 Corbatas del valor de .30 por n do en el lado Izquierdo. Kegfm torio. Haciendo esto podrán la vigilancia y cuidado que man Como tamblea nn nrtldo do los médicos el caso es único en la triunfar contra cualquiera com- $20.00 $10.00 tienen guardias. Las pocas ios historia y hacausadogrannsorn binación que se pueda presentar Materiales para Escuela. evasiones que ge han visto duran bro. y elegir sus candidatos. Ordene por Correo Recibirán Inmediata Atención. te los seis años que ha estado C. L. HERNANDEZ. Mr. Rursum A la cabeza de la ins- APPEL BROS. titución han ocurrido cuando los VeruH, N. M Local ea la Entafeta de la riaia Yieja. Cullo del Puente?, Lhh presos estaban trabajando afue Lo Vega, r i s i I Muero Mexico. Plaza Trust & Savings Bank, Soooooooooocxxooooooc ra. Ni uno sólo se ha evadido de LAB VKQA. NKW MeXIOO. I la penitenciaría. For lo general, los presos de poco tiempo en su A USTED, A SU MJO O HIJA. gran mayoría están muy confor - Nlniriio Wvcnó pueden projjrMar nlri tennr un principio- W. H. HUPP, Primer Banco Efaclonai mes con su sucrU y no tienen Deben ayudarle a principiar 6 principiar elloa miara o. uon nwuure incentivo de que los ron Andrew Carneólo ana John II. liocKeiciier, io suo . Las Vegas, Nuevo Mexico. traten han hwbo mA dinero fuir dn-íroei- os que nlnsrunoa otroa boiabruquo para querer evadirse y asi c que Lan vivido, comentaron ahorrando mi primor peo. Mcrrcro y carrocero, le avudamo. No ao deten- prefieren cumplir su cocona. En rorouo no haca pruebaV Nonotroa Capital' Existente. .flOO,OOL gan en abrir una cuenta calina que no pueden depositar máa qiw una Calle del rúente, Las Vegas, N. M. cnanto A los presos de largo tiem pequeña unía. NoHotroa queremoa ayudarle y neccultamoa iu Influjo Se reciben sumas sujeta A-- orden. So pnga interf sobre deposit y d para ayudar á edtilear el Hanco, Tor esta anuncio mit mime roioi amiRoi y parroquiano! que he abierto po principalmente los la vi Tomamoi dnpóaito de dleí centavo arriba, y pagamoa Intcrít A i ano. de nuevo mi herrería y carrocería en mi antiguo local en la eallc del puente, prmnnfntfs. da, Mr. Rursum y su usisteute ratón de i por ciento al Mr. Martin mantienen ojo avizor JErrERSQN DÁYN0LD3, Preafioatg jr liempre estare? listo & ejeeutar I! .1 F.FFERSON RAY.NOLDS, Presidente. E. D.RAYNOLDS, Cajerc y emplean la táctica de suavíter UALLLTT BAYNOIDS, Cajoro, A. R. BMITÍI, Vie.pridrat. HALLET RATNOLUB, Alt la modo, fortiu m re. v en c I

, EN BALDE. PROFESIONALES. y Mc-xieo- y en renumidHS cuen Un candidato prospectivo para PATRIOTISMO AIUETAS El Independiente lo nnle. Ixj a presunueiai ue-- Mademoiselo MarieCosteau, re F. Gehring, tas resulta que nadie nominación Dr. n. J. MiLiitR, J. cierto es que los mócrata parece que se asoma en sidente en Boston, gastó dos único que hay de Horaad contilt, 10 4 12 m ,J da 3."p. 1 N- - íléorge B. McClellan, años de 22 que dice tener, en ha- . otli iTiiu lasaltoid l'ri ner Uaniii Hojalatero y Plomero. en persona - v Publica lo Jueves restos fueroJi Hepultmlos Jiña TelfoQ Vega, 2K, real- ferretero, tc ...... t cioual 1m oficina ue na siuo nomurauo por ios cer á mano una bandera america enría, l . jE, H. SALAZAR, íM.'Mí. ÜU1I1U1UH 'C áulico, )emócratas como mayor de la na con los mejores materiales Aifente Calontones Propietario. cual va no existe. GEO. H. HUNKER, tcneillo iara taper. ciudad de Nueva York. Si triunfa que pudo adquerir. Calcula ha áVM,Y"ttuj Kingn. y Hornos de

M. semi-oíicialmen- te ABOGADO KN LKY. i- m MIKKTK, 11 Vfí:í, N. Se anuncia en las elecciones, y de ello ' tiene ber dado á su 150,000 pun 'Ji obra Ferretería, Estufas y KangesT-ár- qnc " ' ' ! en l Tiene an oficina ea el edlflcl i da Veeder. en mano toda clase de Kmraiwim mataría de ngiiuda por los jefes Republicanos de la pro es- Tenemos . M. Mistante probabilidad, es tadas. Las cuarenta y cinco Veajaa. N. M. completo surttuo oe r rasies oe f ' I.'U iie L Vea..N La los trabajadores hagan pronto sus comidas, un cauiara de representantes, (pie bable que surja como uno de los trellas le salieron á peso cada Ojálala, Alambre para cercos Apata-to- s Preda de Sitsrririoii: Oialata y Trastes Esmaltados, flatos de -- ' - - Jf en próxima sesión del congre & ule, Molinos de la candidatos más fuertes. McOel- - una. Plisólo todo en una caja VEEDER VEEDER. para poner vapor, Destornilladores de tubes y pipas, tripas 2 00 R.iñoí!. no .:. , ... a inmhinnpi!. v toda clase so quincuagésimo octavo hay 11. j '.....,..- i 1 . I 00 an es hijo del afamado general brrada de raso, y con atento rompas, enmare!-- iinins, m" y Consejeros Viento, ii intención alguna xle que haya al McClellan, que figuró en los dos L. M. y la dedicatoria '"llégalo Abogados dlomeria. 'í tNlWin llll,,tl.l ! Irifl llf mm rn.ii. " tll ó leyes 1 pKme InvartoUh-wi'iil- lnido. teración enmienda en las años de civil ul EN l.EY. bra prmeros la guerra de una francesa, pero americana Atención, con (Jarantla de . . t .. a Nuestra Pronta ' Y l J... .Iw.inm a.tlf'lMl- se pro- Practican tunda lai corlea del Territorio Toda-l- ordenes recibirán u H ) Hlllgtina WMmiT mil financieras del pais y que mando de los ejércitos uuionis-tas- . lo despachó & A. .... & muy patriota" V í ... 1.a-" - mid moran T in ne auviamv (Ti'- i -- I Buen Trabajo. .1...... I. pon dejar el sistema monetario Satramore IX 11, Oyster Bay. La v t nrteila laHwiu Jimio con mnira EUSEBIO CHACON, VEGAS, X. M. H - en el estado que se halla. el MASONICO, EAST LAS .,, Uoa Carta Amorosa respuesta firmada por secreta Abogado y Consejero. ÍDIFIO DKL TEMPLO JUEVES 8 DE OCTl'BRE DE 1903. rio particular de Mr. Itoosevelt Los anarquistas están dando No interesa cuando se busca Tiene su doHpacho en Núm. 18, fué: "Gracias. Kl Fresidenteno Nacional - cu Alloa del Primer Banco El elemento ioK1íco nritoerft- otra vez señales de uctividad y una Salvia garantizada para T Quemaduras ó A- puede acept ir regalos," y adjunta Las Vetras, : : New Mexico .? ti ímih ciiil fililí l üt il'llUtltM. tramando planes subtemineos rnr Llagas, venía la cr.i 1 con la bandera, & bueno pa- lmorranas. Kscribe Otto Dodd, W NTKD SKVKK4L PEIWOSH OK CHAK- - T. Raywood que no auguran nada arter and enod each átate (one tu J. X eonvowi'iid'realioaju-i- 1 Imagínese la desilusión de la po reiintutinn lu j ? l'na ra las cabezas do gobierno. VA de Fonder, Mo.: Sufrí durante un tht county r- ouirvd) to rcprene t nnd advertise A tumbo al xit o de la feria de bre francesita. "Cómo! decía. oía weanny numiien ooiise oí miun Importadores y Traficantes en : dan! tima ment e se ha descubierto que uño do una terrible llaga, pero Una clKl ttuirt.tiK. tsalury 121 weekly witn ex Que no recibo regalos? Ya lo neiiM i dilitloual. all navahle lu CHh dlr-- rt Albuquerque. esta, el asesinato del una cajetilla de la Hucklen's Ar each Wedueiiday (rom bead ofHoe. II orne and se tramando ei ' i- - - - que sí. Recibe cajas de rarrlaxe (urtilnhed wh n nereary. Kcfcr-no- curó. creo Kuolo-e- d . M ' de t.afíaeionewy leu- - do y del Key Al- nica Salve me Ks la mejor m aildremed envelop colonial, Vt'iV La cuestión Sultán Turquía ucaroorn ni., unicano. el Vale champaña, pases de ferrocarril, LICORES AL POR I la que mas preocupa á la fonso. Sin duda alguna el anar Salvia eu mundo. 25ct díis es presentes del Papa v del Kaiser; llffl generalidad de le is q tie t lenen alfro. quismo es el cuarto poder social. en todas las boticas. Hermosas Tarjetas de Visita. y 110 de mí porque soy una po BRANDIES V WHISKIES. Una docena de hormonas tarjetas de , Kl no parece Despachos recientes anuncian bre muchacha que sólo desea man- - - y 5 espíritu militar Kstado de )hio, Ciudad de Toledo visita, nombreoculto Impresa, so Cuartillos 2S y S Centavos. Mcaios i5 fa extendido entre nonutros y Lucas que la desgraciada emperatriz mostrar su patrotisrno?" Dicen uau u i'uaiijuici a uiioujwu nji 11; vcu- - niuv Condado de Kl nombre oue se quiera será DEL PAIS Y DE CALIFORNIA. no Carlota, viuda do Maximiliano, el objeto do Mr. Itoosevelt tavos. VINO Ion esfuerzo en esa dirección Frank J. Cheney jura que es oue bien impreso en letra clara. Podrán a Darau, em por Botella. -- : Vendemos rrecios dan el fruto debido. compañero principal déla compa cuyo trágico reinado como al rehusar el regalo fue sentar mi mandar estampillan de correo. No se ntaea5Cvos. menos que 1 para ñía Cheney &. Co., con ne icrador de México fué de tan bre Imprimen tarjetas LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO. do F. J. precedente. Kn su opinión, esas una persona. Calle del Puente, Kl intendente ambulante ha gocios en la ciutlud do loiouo, ve duración, se halla en artículo 150.000 puntudos, item más el Diríjanse á S. C. Lovg well, aparta Justificado la exactitud de mi tí condado v estado arriba dicho, de muerto. No ha encontrado do de estafeta 2til, Frusno, California. y la dicha firma, pagará la muterial, se emplearían mejoren lulo y kóIo falta qu justillque la íiuo ni un momento de alivio eu su suma de cien pesos por cada caso recoser enaguas, zurcir medias y BENIGNO MARTINEZ, utilidad deu empleo. en su de catarro quo no so cure con el ocal ra y todavía persiste reulizar otras labores menos pa- COMERCIANTE EN MOORE LUMBER CO. Los condado mas importan uso do Hall s Catarrh Cure. ilusión de que sigue reinando en trióticas y más prácticas. Toda clase de Efectos y Abarrotes FILVNK J. C1IKNKY. más Lana, tes no son los que tienen mayor México y que su esposo Maximi Paa los precios altos por .Juramentado ante mi y firma Salva á Dot de la Muerte. .ueros y ales. Traficantes en los que mno vive todavía. Hay pocas M populación y riqueza sino en mi presencia, este dia U do Calle del Pacifico, Las Vepas, N. do eu Kscribo laSra. W. K. Haviland, saben raspa. A. IM'.Mi. trairedias la historia tan las En la misma calle tiene ejtablecida sacarina Diciembre, I. ni en donde hallarán los me V. CLKASOX, timosas como la de Maximiliano do Armonk, N. Y.: "Nuestra una cantina, Sello. A. jores Vinos, Licores y Clirarros. A pesar de muclias desventajas Notario l'i'iblico. y Carlota. ñita tuvo un utaque cusí fatal de MADERA deTODAS CLASES y obstáculos Nuevo México sigue Catarrh Cure sotomain bronquitis, Hall's Muchas Madrea Opinan lo Mismo. tos ferina y pero ya Aviso al Público. nd.bitiindo más cada día en el ternanientey actúa directamen su cuando todos los demás remedios En vista de que bay muchos que lie Tienen siempre en mano todo lo que se requiere tn Um'U la sangro y superficie mo Dice la Sra. Filmer, do ('ordo- -- un conocimiento del bien y del mal fallaron, le salvamos la vida con van el nombre de "Francisco (ionza anio do negoeioH. AdemtÍH phíu eoinpnfiía tiene cuosa del sistema. Manden por va, les," desde esta fecha para adelante a la política. lowa: "Uno de mis unios el Dr. King's New Discovery completo surtido de testimonios trrn t m. Chea era propenso al croup de carác suplico á todas las personas que tengan O. Se sobrina, '(pío tenia tisis comunicación conmliroueairiinr su cor La necesidad aviva el, ingenio; neyiVÍ'o., Toledo, vende Nuestra VIDRIOS, Y CEPILLOS. 7."c. ler mu v severo, pero siempre se reHponuencia con mi nombre completo ""ÍNTAS, ACEITES, en todas las bot icas. Hall's en forma muy avanzada, también ue do ente por lo cual no es cxraño pie se e! a es modo: Family Pilis son las mejores aliviaba al darle prontamente ii y po usó esta maravillosa medicina j a ii uuincriiio r rtncisco uonzaies en la callt trate en el diade remendar Chamberlain's Couch Itemed y Progreso, N. M. Se solicita el patrocinio del )üMico. Oficina y depósito ner en orden reputaciones políti- y hoy se halla en perfecta salud." La barbarie de los turcos en su Muchas madres do esta vecindad Nacional No. 12H. Ambos teléfonos, Xo. 150. i'htáii de moda y Casos desesperados de enferme cas que va no guerra coa los insurrectos do Ma- tienen mi misma opinion tocante á dados de garganta y de pulino PABLO ULIBARRI pertenecen otra época. cedonia has sido verdadera men á este remedio y 110 quieren EAST LAS VEUAS, X. M. otro nos ceden ul Dr. King's New Dis tó monumental y pasa do tnani para sus niños." Do venta en to Kl censo tomado últimamente covery como á ninguna otra me Colector de Deudas Particulares agen-te- s tiesto la indiferencia y egoísmo las las boticas. eu las Islus Filipinas por los dicina en el mundo. Ks infalible allá por el gobierno de las potencias llamadas cris enviados BUENA MANÓ. liara toses y resfríos, botellas Notario Publico resultado en tians. Los turcos han destruido con ese objeto, ha La tenía la iteina Victoria pa lo 50o y if 1 garantizadas por to MANZANARES GO po- 11 1 aldeas matando á gran pro Hace y Reconoce toda Clase de Doca BROWNE & que el archipiélago tiene una ra que sus primeros ministros dos los boticarios. Botellas de d porción de sus habitantes, y los mentóse Hipotecas. pulación de siete millones ha vivieran bastantes años. Dediez prueba, gratis. sobrevivientes ea numero do 50, LAB N. Ai. Comerciantes látantes. quo tuvo, sólo dos murieron an- YUGAS, (MM) han huido á las montañas y LOS RAYOS X. Oficina: Kl Indio civilizado y mimado tes do los 70, sr Hubert Feel á allí están pasando gran escacezy Do ellos so puede dinar que En la Oficina de El Indki'ENuiknte por ti gobierno c1á destinado á los 02 y lord Melbourne A los Oí). , cuando no matan, engordan A1L MAYOR, el Lord Derby falleció á los 70, Ihrd POR durar más poco tiempo que en Kl Phh. Northeastern System. 751, Hace poco una inujer puso piel y salvaje por- LA INMIGRACION Y SU UTILIDAD Salisbury á los lord Aberdeen General Passenger Department, estado primitivo v penuieios a uu y lo inI Itussell á los 70, Disraeli to nor danos El Paso, Texas, October 2.1, 1992 que las conn de eutn. nat undena Siendo Nuevo México un pais á La compra y venta de Lana, aleas y Pieles recibirán nuestra atenciói lontista de Hrooklvu ouien, h To editors, agents aud all concerned su órden natural los 77. Fnlmorston á los 81 y especial. no se sacan d' h magnificas distancias, esto es dejó en la mi Train No. i, west bound, will change (iladstone á los 88 y medio. Kl desollada y calva impunemente. d graa extensión territorial y tad do la cara y la cabeza. Kn lime, inov. ', iw. uondensou toldado, necesita un núme quo sobrevive, lord Hoseberry, scliedule, as follows: i poco Muiros so creyó hallado Mein Min-- e mucho el nombre tiene 50 años y promete vivir haber Leave Santa llosa 8:1)5 p. in East Las Vegas y Socorro, N. M. d. India- ro quintuplicado do habitantes a en los rayos X curación del cáu " Pastura 8:51 del senador Fairbanks, otros tantos. Marino 10::4 " más do los que ahora tiene par v tisis, y lo so halló na, como randidato cor as de la oue " Torrance 11:01 " los lugares vacíos y su " 11:21 la ia cu ca- llenar Mejore que fué que mataban los gérmeiu Corona " UO pnra Pildoras. " Ancho 12: IS a. m I!oo-evc- ministiur los brazos necesarios ó so d la uomiuaeióu de lt Ho ha preguntado Kn que" buenos con tanta masfacilidm Arrive Carri.o.o 1:00 " para su completo desarrollo y la !ttve " l:ar " MAQUINA DE MOLER jmra prcsidenle por la conven, modo son las (.'ha tubería i n's que los malos, y por lo tanto utilización do sus recursos. For " Tularosa 2:21 " ción nnciíMial Itepublieana. Stomach and Livor Tablets su- apresuraban la crisis. Lu este Arrive Alamogordo 2:50 " supuesto, 110 necesita ánicameii " periores a las pildoras ordina pafs, hace poco, un ayudante d Leave 3:00 M. Los pcriódieíts de Arizona sb te la labor física que suminis " Jarilia Junction 4:05 De Las Vegas, N. l itis? NucMtra Mr. Kdison se ouonió uu brazo " Hereford 4:.Vi " guon exprehando su repugnancia respueslaes Son tiara tal inmigración, sino (pie úm y " Fort Bliss 5:20 " in fáciles y más agradables pa- con los rayos X, mientras " contra la propuesta consolida-ció- n también so requieren con mucha El Paso 5:r ra tomar y su efecto es tan suave protomedico estudiaba el efecto A. N. imOWN.G. P A. de Nuevo México y Arizona mayor urgencia los capitules y y agradable ipio apenas se siente do los rayos en los tejidos célula y su admisión como un estado. empresas que puedan traer par enconó J. R. SMITH, Frio. que es efecto una res, la quemadura se Kn este paiticular son iguah-s- producido por DR. ICING'8 CERCA DE LA CASA RE DON' DA, (pie aumenten el volumen de ri fue menester la amputación, se- prevalecen en medicina. Luego ademas do mo- sentimientos pie (pieza territorial. Nuevo México manas nasudas un módico de HEW DISCOVERY ios. ver los intcNtinos mejoran el ujks "v umbos territoi os un pais pobre en recursos di i i titoy ayudan la digestion. Se New Jersey anunció que los rayos FOR THAT COLD. Ofrecemos render harina de Flor y segunda, después de ser iJe ncj potiibles y mil pobre aun en in ofresco precio tan barato que no puede competirlo ninun coni'Ti io de Lal Austria. Alemania y Kusin las vendo A --Tct. la botella en todas mataban ínstanteanieute los TAKE NO 8UD3TITUTE. i dustrias y necesita la oyuda de según Vegas. Hagauos una visita para que lo puedan creer mejor. unciones que llevaron ú cabo la las boticiiM. mosquitos, y lo (pie hacen, Cures Consumption.Coughs, inmigrantes posean medios partición de lVdoida hace más do (pie el médico municipal de Newark C0M3, Bronchitis, Asthma abundantes para hecer florece nuVs Mirlo v medio tratan á la fe ha PASO A LA MODESTIA. es darles vida, y peor aíin rncumoniaJIayFevcr.Pleu lo lugares incultos y para esta mils ferocidad. Y por fin, ahora de dividir la Turquí. 1 eiiroea y "HofioroH tlíjo hace poco el eaiiei risy, LaGrippc, Hoarseness blecer nuevos centros do iudus In G tomar cada una su porción. Ni ller von llülow en un discurco do viene un doctor llawley, do :ore Throat, CrouD ond LEGIODESA tria y producción. Kstoes pre DJj, nsi lo tienen d' tei iniinido serán sobremesa, el año que viene hará diana, diciendo haber descubier Whooping Couifh. cisamento lo que tendremos cuan oue con la biíililes lai protesta V qiejadel 7"0 que el Hombre do von lliilow to accidentalmente NO CURE. NO PAY. do entre al teint oiio un gran vo aplicación de los rayos X, el cu Mc 50c. and SI. TRIAL BOTTLES FREE resto del taiiudo. apareo en la historia de Alema. X" - - - . lumen do inmigración quo siiini sjl ?- ,f ? v f nía. No ho v ni hubo en el país bello blanco vuelve a su color A lindie se le oculta ipie el fra- re ul mi-m- o los me lust tiempo familia que tantos Hervidores ha original, y el descubrimiento fué caso del del canal de Fa el tratado dios pecuniaiio y trabajo lísi ya dado á la pat ria, sol lados y de doble efecto, mientras so los ttainá fué delado á l is intrigas engrandecido ot co que ha ras co oinbrcs do talento. Recordad aplicaba A un anciun para cu ra incitiieiniies le algunas poten miiimiailes une mas estaban que el leniu del cseildo (le los VOn un cAncer quedó extirpado y la p t iüs otM'opeaK, coila) por ejemplo, atrasada que nuestro territorio cabellera del paciente, blanca co mínima lliilow es: "Provenir de antigua malea i I ña "lítitn d4 mí latirán 'act a y Alemania, que llesMcto á la venid; - 4 Km ii ii m temprana alcurnia no hace al hombro noble mo algodón, se puso del todo ue- mo. inoa lilto maa no ven con ojos favorables uoexís pruvarnu turn torn, niari iHanani, de esta gran inmigración do gra, Kl doctor, (pie estaba muy i tina lodat lai infirma M dorinr n un un soltó, ni basin dinero pnra H. HA Kali K. MIllHriILD, de un eniial intero-ceáiiicoc- n promto tela menor duda, pues entre los nohh-M- . se el experimento Id4., I. U. ! A. adquerir Ios pergami- canoso, aplicó i,.no.-MK- -- j manoHilelos listados ochenta millones do r-- : habitante nos se ilustran con hechos, gran- y se (piedó sin una cana. Black - Drtuttht" Fliidos. (pie ivcn cu los Cuidos ea muy rápido tn fortalecer el litados des hechos; Virtudes, grandes estómago y haota eura lo eaaoa hay muchísimos que buscan ho Remedio de Chimbcrlaln Para la To. crónlooa d 61 toma Fe, Nuevo Mexico. l'orlirio l'iaj! cumplió el otro virtudes." indiíatión. Santa gaii-- donde reseiitarso y forzosa Nadie que esté al tanto do sus Ud. de ve n cuando una pequeña dia 7.'l fio de y va á m-- i do da "Thedford'a Hlack-Draug- ht' til l Cuadrage'simo-quint- o se el dia de incale tendrán que venir á este Lo que Cauta Títiao. buenas cualidades puede sorpren tu MtomaKO é hígado Cyi-'- afto abrirá i Septunitre 1903. nuevamente electo romo pn-- atarán siempre en perfect con- de primer tciíiiorio poiijue ya sou jhx-- Tétano o espasmos, son causa derse de la gran popularidad do! El colegio est.i $ aderado por ley para girar certificados dente. A parte de qnr es el hom dición. vh los fugares vados quo hay en c dos por uu germen que existo en Chamberlain Couuh Uomedy. No de maestros á sus g 'uados, cuyos certfn ados serán honrados por los direc bre má grande que ha produci- pais pata el ojeto. Asi es quo i abundancia en el polvo de solamente cura efectiva y perma torei de escuelas en el Territorio de Nuevo México do America durante un periodo las ca "Thedford's el curso do unos cuantos años lles. No es activo mientras per- nentemente- los resfríos la grippe HERMANO KOTl IVM. IMe. prolongado, se pueda sentir (pie vendrá una gran inmigración manece expuesto al uiro, oro si sino que también evitan que es México no tenga nuigéiii estadis- Black-Dranght- Nuevo México, la cual lo conver se introduce debajo del enfermedades resulten en pu ." ta suficiente útil para suc leile cutis, co tas tirá en un estado populoso y ri mo cu hist maduras de clavos mouiu. También es cura segura en ti puesto. Hay mi enfeimedades oca Uto 11 co y uno que no tendrá sino lia mohoso, etc., y cuando el ñire para el croujr. La tos ferina no ilonadiupor 1 Mtrtfitmiesto qua ijuiuxi III viiriiririiiriii iiri u por euaifMUlwra otra mará la pm-rt- del congreso queda excluido ésto gérinon se es peligrosa cuando se adminis cauta. l'na epidemia de liebre amari Dlack-Draugb- 'Thed ford's t" do lia prevaleew en algunos para ser constituido en un esta ponera actividad y produce este remedio: no contiene solo alivia el eatrenimlonto, sino punto tra , Suceiores de K. (J. MURPHI'.V y COM TAÑIA soU-ian- también eura la d larrea ydisanteria dt México, ello. do do la Fuión. veneno más viruleuto que se co-- opio otra Nustuncia dañosa entre Laredo y y regulariza la acción de los In- Linares. Ka este ultimo punto, beneficio que acá tree este suceso noce-- listos gérmenes so puedeu so puedo dar con tanta confianza telti nos. t FARMACEUTICOS y B0TICA1U0S. que es una l indad de L',000 ha- para la generalidad del piiebl destruir y todo peligrode tétano Aun niño como A un adulto; es Itn tMlat lai botica, aa tnsa '.qui. Mi cwufoa da bitantes, la enfermedad ha pre- del leiiitorio será grande, poi so puedo evitar aplicando el también agradable al tomarh MU aiatlcloa. valecido con mucha violencia y que numitiisllalá nlliiento t'haml"'rbiin's Paín Italm con Cuando se toman todos estos he Tbedford's nisek-Draui- ht is II la mejor medicina qus bs está haciendo grandes estrago, medioH para sobrellevar la car frecuencia tan pronto como su-ce- chos en consideración no hay (pie usado para regulariiar !a acciís El establecimiento de su (ríase más complete mucha la rsoaas g;o que pesan sobre lillest ro pin una lastimadura. Kl Paín admirar qu gentes de lejanos ds los fnfsMno."-MR- S. A. M. iendo qii I GRANT, Soeadj Terry, N. han niuei lo. blo y cíuistituírá una garantía Ibilm es un anticéptico v sana países, así como las del nuestro E. U. ds A. en el Territorio. toda iluso de opresión tas cortaduras, rasnonen, rtc, sin estimen tanto este remedio que Se está discutiendo á la fecha tiranía que hombre ambiciosi causar materia y on una tercera muy pocos prefieren ot rodespu "STTodas lai Prescriprirmei e prepararán con el mayor cuidado, en la prensa acerca delinear don. puedan tratar do establecer, y 1 partedel tiempo requerido con de halterio usado por puniera i todas horn del día ó de la noche. de están uterrudos los resto de todi ñutiera será de Isuicficio el tratamiento acostumbrado vez. De venta en todas las boti raeiii ' 1 í ., f De venta eii todo las Initiens. CMS. AGENTES DEGRAPAPHONES YÜTENCILIOS EL INDEPENDIENTE VOL. X. LAS VEGAS, X. M., OCTOBKK S, 1ÍMK5. NO. 30. TAX LIST SUPPLEMENT.

XV. by A. Nieto, H. tiy (.'. Pudín. Taxes, Precinct No. 7. ANTONIO SANDOVAL DKSU'KRIO PADIA. J. Fresuuei. K. by O. Murtlnei. H. by id N. by F. Jlinenex, 8. by P. IH rrern, NOTICE $.".',11; penalty, 2tic; publication, ll.Ui; to-t- All Tuxes-- u varas land bounded N. All Taxes Lund bounded N by t'nlnn c. Alcona, W. by Kovrrniueul land. K. by cunada. V. y Quintana. Taxea. $.t2. SANTIAGO CRF.Sl'IN. bv V. San.leial, S. by A. Frhiin, K. by road, 8 by N. Martille. K by Gallinas Taxes, $17.: pennlty, kmc; publication, $4.i.4: penalty, 22c; publication, "Oc; to- (Amounts under $25.) $IV'.i7: PKPKO SAIS. Ail 'laxesijij yards land bounded N. by river. W, by hill. Taxes. penalty, rind, W. by Kmierro canon. Tuxes, Re; tolal, $19.2:1. lul IT, ttl. by r.. !'4c; SV; total, $2i)Jt;. $XVi; l:H ; publication. Xn-- to- All Taxes tiX land, bounded N. Supcllo river. 8. coiunion iinbts, publication, penalty, TOM S 8AXCHKZ. Y A To all vuras I), y by $1.37. IDA LI MONTANO. taxpayers of San Miguel by J. Junado Hi tlx. 8.. K. ami W. by by J. Mares, '. road varas FLOltKNTIXo VAI.KNC1A. tal. All Taxes pai tierra land bounded N. by All Tuxr Ijind bounded N. by , N. llo 8. by r. A. ounty, New Mexico, sume. Thxi-h- Ss.Jl; peuully, 40c; pub- - land boundeil by Sapi river, Second Half Ta.xes-.- "7 varas land Jl'AN 8. U1 INTANA. road. S. by G Tenrolo, K. hy V. do Miles, 8. G. K. by rlv- who are delin- 1 4 . - road. bv tionxales, il tn- nnyon, F.. and H by T. F. Jones, M. y bW belli- y quent Illation, 3V; total. $S.Xt. boundeil N. by A. Oulnlana hy All Taxes acres land, the 8. by Koveinment laml. Taxe. $ti.32; pen-Hlt- rr, W. by hill. $5.S9: penally. for the first or V Taxe. ascond half or 'iaxis, K.4:i; penally, $1.1.; puuilc.ilton, . by $:. pen- K. 12 3H K. KM 1.1 AN A TAKOYA. canon. river. Taxes, 'l; ' Sec :l. In Twp. N.. R. 31c; iiublicatlon, 3ác; total, $ii.S. 2:ic; puhllcAtlon, 35c; total, $ti:&3. all taxes of A. D. 1902: ii'e; total. I2j.:.u. IÍH-- $ I. I.V Taxes. $8.1.1. penalty, 'Mi-- ; All X2 bind, b nindeil N. by alty. publication. ;Im;: total. publiemlon, M. DK PACJIF-CO- Taxes vara G DK Sic; $i;.7.V Gl'ADAH'PK ROYHAU JOSR DOMINGO . F. Flores, 8. by mesa, li. by A. Mon- - Cl.OTILDl.; GALLKGOS. I'AHLO VARIOLA. total. All Taxes X."0 N, Psi To All Persons Named In 'I a N. by yanls land bouniled All Tsxes varus land bounded N. r the Annexed timo, W. by 8. Madrid. Taxe $..p;; All axes acus luiiu tiounded All Ta xes PHI acres laud boumb d N. by KM MA ROGKHS. by M A. Goiixnlea, 8. by hills, 8. 12. A. U. 8. W. by Sapelio C ltlaiuiutrd, twin by ChtatHina Rincón, List, Whose Taxes Are Below the tenuity, IV; publication 3V ; total. Gállenos. and J. Lujan, S by A. Vulencla. K. and W. All Taxes-- Itsi acres land bouinled N. bv V.. by river. W. by common rlKht. by Canuda ile Ins W. hy Sala K. by A. G. Gallegos; ,j ncres $."..s4; mujerr, Sum river. . bv public land. Taxes, penalty, M. Racl. 8. bv F. Ksiiulbel. F.. bv M. Tttxes, $3.4S; penalty, 11.16; pubilt.titliin, fcix) of $25, Greeting: N. 8. by A. A. canon: vara land bounded N. by 3. bounded and Gállenos. 2!'c; iublicatl 3,'ic; tolnl. $i;.4v Rivera. W. by 8 Royliul. Taxes. $'l2.u:i; 3.c; total. $;'l.!. hills, fi. W. Precinct No. K. by 8. Galli by J. lu. twin bv Canuda Ancha, You are hereby notified that on the bet's of tos. HAHTOLo.Mi: VIGIL. pennlty, line; publkution, isj; lolul, siiim?. Taxes, $20.44; penalty, $1.02; pub- RKRKCOA SoptUA ARNOLD. .. ue .xiart:nen. Taxes, P.'Sl; penalty. 112. liñ. Precinct No. 19. 10th day A. D. be- Taxes-ljin- d bounded N. lication, 7tic; $22.16. of December, l!)o3, All 8. K. , See. Twp. ;tk : 7uc: Second Halt total, Taxes 8 h of publication, total, by D. K. K. JOSK LA CR1Z ARAGON. tween the 10 17, N. It. 12 S. K. Vleil. 8. by íkII. by hill. GHKGORIO VARKLA. PK hours if o'clock In the i:.. and N. W. ALH1N') G. GAI.LKGOS. V. $l(M.i.. Taxcs-7- All Taxe-2- ü varan hotindisl N. by A. Precinct No. 25. N. li. N. W. ' See. 14, by river. Taxes. penalty. ...ic; All ii actes land bounded N. bv forenoon and 4 o'clock in after- and of of All Ji.i varas lainl bounded N 3.V; F. by K. 8. T. Apodaeu, VI. by riv- the 17 11. 12 i'axes putuuattcn, total, $11. til. Marlincx: 8. J, I. Venavbles, Jarumlllo. by JOSK A. ARCm-I.KT- Two. N, Ii. Tuxes. $7..'i; ',. by A i VV tjt noon of day, by Sanello bill. 8. same. u ml by river and lull; acres iand er. W. by dllch. Taxes. penalty, Tuxes-1- said at the court house alty, Use; Sir; total. $x.;W. 42 FRANCISCO VARKLA. $1; All 3i acres land Isiunded N. by I. iiIIckiis. W. by T. F. Jones; Miras N. bv tin S. bv Ksqul-be- l. 21c; iiublicatlon. IV; total, $4.X.". in 1 All Tuxes 411 land bounded N. by hounded ill. J. F. J. H. Duran. 8. by M. Sanchet, 10. hy San Miguel county. shall offer for EMKI.INK N. by hill, S. by Sapello vards VV. DALTON. lano uoumlcd S. by ,1. K. bv K. and by hill: Its! Hens laud IGNACIO CONZALKS. Morn W. by government lnno. ale All Taxes-- N. K, 14 Sec. 22. Twp. 17 K. by M. J. Haros. Várela. river, Grant. and sell to the highest bidder for of river, J. tSailcK. ,'.U N bounded N. by X. Alnilio, 8. by G. Vá- All Tuxes liüi ncre bound "d N. by Plr-tlr- a $H).x'2; &4c; '. W. bv load. vards land bounded bv Taxes. penalty, publication, N.. R. 12 K. $x.n4: penalty, 40c; by Taxes, Ilea..; pen- VV . Isi-pe- cash the property described in the fol- Taxes. I'. Galleaos. A. Rmhul. S. bv J. Vltstl. K bv river. rela. K. by road. by G. ami K. Lumbre cumin, 8. by Jarlta canon, 3iV, total. $11.71. publication, .lac; total, $x.73. alty, I4.BH; iniblicallon, $l.u.i; toial, $;ii..'.i. $2.73; iull-CMtlct- l, lowing list, W. bv Pueblo hill. Taxes. ILPM; pnuil-ty- , Taxes, $lt7l; penally, K. by J. tioitxules. V. by public land: and rhall continue said SALVADOR OONZALKH. N. GAI.LKGOS. $l.a.i, tolul, $.'l.;.2. 4u N. by 8. WILLIAM McINTOSlI. JUSF 2.c: publication, 7i'c; total, $.'i.!l. liens bounded public laml, All Taxes-p- si acres land, belnir the N". sale from day to day until all here- All 121 land, hounded N. 42 land bounded N. by by A. Gt K, Hitd W, by the Taxes vutds Ad Taxes varas PA HI O nxalrs. putille of 8. K. s. N. K. of B. XV. Vi nd by C. Vlííll. 8. by C. Roybal, V. by hill, Led hills, S. by Sapello river, K. by A. IGIL. Precinct No, 12. land. $11. fix,: penalty, T..xe; publl- i inafter described property shall be 1 axes- - :!H yards N by Taxes. N. W. of 8. V. H Sec, 20. Twp. 19 N., K. by river. Taxes, $7.12: penally, Ule; tóldenos. W, by 8. Galleaos; ;u varas All land boundeil eatlon, 7l)c; total, $l2,!i6. i sold or until the amount due thereon A. Praoa, S. bl creek, 1'.. bv ditch w. Jt'I.IANA DKAN. R. It li. Ttixea, $7.tni; 3xc; pub- publication. Sic; total, $7.i2. hounded N. by Sapi llo S. by ; land river. 1.K-- All Taxes-- lá aeres N. ALPINO H. GALLKGOS. lication, 3.V; shall be paid or realized. And case ( auyon. V. by A. G. GiiIIckoh. by mill ditch.' Taxes, $iol; penally, laud hounded bv total, tSSt. in ISIDRO MARTINKZ. t.lue :i',c; $:',.. d. A. K. by A. T. A 8. F. rail- All Taxes- - lütt acres bouniled N. by P. Ki; '.Oi ; publication. total, Hcnavbbs. TV:OFlLO MARTINKZ. there Is no purchaser in All Tnxts-- N. K. Sec. 21, Twp. 17 N.. same, laxes, llx penalty, VV. lie V M. Hlea, Rood faith road, 8. by Tritios Grant. by (jov l:. l.oiex, siimt, 8. by Second Half 15 R. 12 K. Taxes. $7.lti: penalty, 3,1c; pub- itK': lota), 2a.:2. ASCKNSION VIGIL. $7.l!7; K. by $7t).ii2; Taxes ncrr bot'ded bidding upon uaid property, then the All leu land bounded N by eminent land. Taxes. penalty. Koverninetit land. Tuxes, N. by N. Teotllu. 8. by T. Simio, L. by lication, llclti total, HAt'SSOlN. Taxes varus ;;sc: :C,c; $;2."; publlculion, 3..c; total, same will off F.I'GKNO J. A. Mull. S. bv J. Valentin. K. d publlcutlcn, total, $v4(, penaltv. Kovernment land, W. ame. be struck to San Miguel Second '1 axes l'ersonal property. $11.3!'. T.'xr. SKNA. llall ilitt h, V. bv river. Taxes. $.i.7v pciial-t- ), Jl'AN KXCIXIAS, $1 HO; ticnulty, 23c; publication, 35c; to- county as purchaser. This adver- 3oti N. 4ml sheep and 12 bead of cattle, axes, ; I the All Taxes varas land, hounded i 2xc; IU-- $11 II. All H land bounded N. by PA IUTA DK GAI.LKGOS. $Ti U 'iaVl: 77c; to- publii all. ni. total Taxes uctes I. tal, tisement is not published within the by J. de L. Reyes, 8 . K. and W. by A. II. penally, piibllcauon, :U; Triaos S. hy P. Kuiinlus, K. by All TaxesIlia acre Isiunded 8. and li. KH-- ; Grant, RAFAKL SAXC1IKZ. Sandoval. Taxes. $7.x7; penalty, tal, hy VV. It, V. d time prescribed by chapter 22 of No. 9. Trlifos tlrant, W. by road. Tuxes, coverninent hind. by All Tuxe- - 12 acres, bounded by J. It. the publication, Xle; N DK Precinct A. H. fi. total, $8t. A H'F.TA GALLIOGOS MoNToYA. H2.US, penalty, i't'c; publii alion, 3Je; total, Lopex, N. by Galleaos. Tuxes, Martini H. bv F. A. K. by J. Session Laws of 18.19, for the reason N. Iiy $ti. 13; ;tV; t. Armllo, Jl'AN R. PANLOVAU All Taxes 42 varas land bounded DA M M lo HACA. $13.14. peuulty, 30c; publication, total, R Martines, vV'. by L. Sunches; 8 acre that it has been impossible to do the All Taxes 2's ncres, bounded N. by M. common Guilts, S. by Saia-ll- river. All Taxis- I.'1.; varas land bounded X. I J.7x. N. K. by 8. W". It. Mon- JKS1S TIKRHKZ. bouniled and J. Rainlrr, clerical work and printing necessary Salas, 8. by T. Sena, K. and W. by b J. N. UalleKos. by J. by F. Manzanares, S. by H. lie Olero, All Taxt itiids lain) bounded N. by Precinct No. 20. by H. Duran, W. by noverninent lund. Taxes, $3 17: peuulty, n; lj varas land bouniled N. by riv- K. VV in Koveinmcnt land. to) by street, W. by Romero illicit. road. K. by liver, 8, by A. Pradu. . Taxes. $1.411; penalty, 22c; publication, the preparation of this list within er,' Iiy common K. by J. N. lis-- ; C. HACA. IV: publication. 3.V; total, $3.t7. 8. lights, Taxes. $.;.2; penalty, publication, by foot bills Taxes. $11 ."; penally, toe, FRANCISCO iK "ar; total, $;. 32. . riv- such time, there being only one as- S1MKON GallcKos, by J. A. Monloya. Taxes, a.'ic. tolnl, $;l.7t. pulillcatb n, 3.V; All Tuxes laO vuras bouniled N. by VIVKASH. $171; penally, 2.ic; publleatlon. Tuc; to- total. $12.. 8. by K. by D. C. M ATI AS SANOIIKZ. sessment roll available for such pur- All Ii. "t and S. .'. of S. V. VA1.K1UO HACA. er. eoiniiioii lilits. TuxnN. $a.U7. ANASTASIO HKRHKHA. lie Haca, VV". by F. Haca. Taxes, $; Socunil Half Taxrs 100 varos land S. W. 8. K. of Sec. 1'.. and tal, 112 V. pose. EUGKNIO ROMERO, and 'i of t All Tuxes laras land bounded All Taxes m varus land bouniled N. by penalty, ;c: piilillcntluii, 3.V; total, $V3S. bounded N. bv M. Sandoval, 8. by A. N, K. 4 of N. li. 4 of See. 21, Two. 17 JOSK ANHRKS MONTOYA. by river, K. by road. N. by Hrowne 4c old river, W. by foot hills. 8. by M. Suasn, K. by 4'uehlllo, V. hy Spark. and ExOfflcIo ; U) Treasurer Collector of N., R 12 K N. (j of N. V. '4 and 8. Seccnd Half 'iaxes-- varas land Manzanales Co., 8. by 8. Haca. Taxes, K. by Taxes, $3.4.1; U IS C. DK HACA. $2.11: penalty, publlcuUon. N. by Aíul, K. by Sandoval, liver. s N. by riv- Taxe. J0r; San Miguel County, New Mexico.' K. 'i of N. IV and N. W. of N. K. bounded red bill of $2i:.So; penally. I,;:, publliailon, Joe; penalty, lie; publication, 3V; tutal, All Taxi lti varas boumled 3.V; totul. $2.7.6. l, of Sec. 22. Twp. 17 N.. R 12 K. Taxes. W. Frank. . by J. 8. de Lujan; l'i total, Í2X. i:i. $;i.'.i;. er. 8 , K. and W. by common rutins. 7uc; N. by Sapello riv- Tuxes, $í.ilt: (icnulty, 3Vi", pulillcntlon, $3ti.34; penalty, $1.M; publication, varas land bouniled A. HACA. Precinct No. 26. He;" publication, 3 8. by Hlue K. by A. Sanche?., JOSK Jit. MARCOS I.FCKKO. üc; total, $.3'.i, penalty. V; total, er. Canon, Taxes-;!- ;! d X. .' i.2"; ual-t- All acies bind bountb by All Taxes- - psi acres laml, helntr the 8. $:.!1. by J. Moutoya. Taxes, " Gl ADALl PK i DK HACA. ANO A ft MIJO. iiublicatlon, 'no; total, x.2ii. Insane Asylum, 8. by Ltttx, K. by Mora W. l, of Sec, 22. In Twp. II N., It. 12 K. FK.LK'l NOTICE Precinct No. 4. road, W. by Gallinas liver; '.:) ncres Taxis, $7.u; penalty. 3.V; publlculion. All Tuxes !t) vara boundeil N. by rlv- All Tiixrn Ilouso and lot bounded N. (Amounts over $2 VIDAL MONTOYA. SILVKUIA G DK MoNToYA. land hounded same as the fnre'ilni; 3.V; totul. $7.79. rr. S. by common light, K. by V. l by H. Homero. 8. by Mora St.. K. by All Taxes 117 varus land bounded N. by $2, ile Haca. W. by N. C. dv Hai'u. Tuxes. R. M. la. V. by Ortls alley, 44a land, N. by tu'opciiy. Taxes, $u.7!i; penalty, Hi; I de Gun All Taxes acre bounded L. by AG At'ITl ORTIZ. iHi: 3Xc S.V; to- s. 1'.. Sanilo liver, ti. by Hlue Canon, liulillcailon, 7ac; total, $IM..i2. L penalty, publlculion, Taxe. $S.!á; pennlty, 41c; publication, ('. Monloya, by common rlKhts, by Nino. Taxes, Second Half Taxes 7ti yards bind $v;w. bv V. by Tecolote river. I'. Garda. W. Santo tul, 3fsi; tolul, $lt.(.l. To all taxpayers cf San Miguel foot of hills. $.".i::; N?; iublicailon, 3ic; to- Il l" HACA. bounded N. bv J. KstUlbe, VV. bv fool Taxes. fp.i.áx; !'7c; publication. penalty, Taxis-l- N. FKLK'IAXA 4". DK HACA. I.OI.A A. HAt'A. county, Mexico, delin- penalty, lii.JH. All 'i acres land bounded bll'r. S. by A. Archuleta, K. by liver. New who are tal. ; A II Taxcs-l- hounded N. by riv- 11 12, In 3,ic; tidal, ant! 8. by F. Manxanares. K. by Home- Taxes. $"i.0X; penalty, 2"s-- publication, ii vuras All Tiixa l.t nnd Vi of block 1(1 K. by P. Mur-tine- Gon-11- quent for the first oi second half or MA. .TCI. I'ACHKCO ro ditch, VV. by Gallinas liver. Taxes, tic. total, .'i.'.S. er, 8. bv common liitlits. 1. M. Romero Addition, cornor of 1 JOSK ROMKRO. v. Vi'. F. Hacn. Taxes, $7.Kii: $it.3d. all taxes of A. 0. 1902: All Taxes V) varas land, bounded N. All Taxes 2i'4 acres land bounded $V2'1: penalty, lie; publication, ;'..(; to- by tei les and Orinado Sts. Taxrs, by V. Lucero. S. by litcti, K. by M. KI'.ICI. Hl'MALDO Hl'IZ. ally. :ixc; publication, S.V; totul, $S.3ti. 47c; publlculion, 40c; tota!. by V A Given. S. by 8. Homero, K. tal. All Tuxes Utml at Los TrlRos bounibd penalty, iiiid V. $l.4n; t rehplu, N. by Sapello liver; b acres MA. C. HACA. $111.33. To the Delinquent Taxpayers in the bv bills. Taxes. penalty, T. T. CHAPMAN N, by VV . ANA DK land bounded N. bv Ho river, W. by creek, 8. by duni, by Pecos liv- 22c; publication, 3tic; total, l.:7. Saa W Hi',; , All Taxes- - Vuras hounded N. by HACA. Following Tax List, WhoHe Taxes S. by K. by M. Mares, S'econd llall Taxes varas land bill. Taxes. $ii pennlty, Klc; puhllcn-llon- bi KI'GKNIO It. I'. Gania, ditch. hy L. K. er. 8. by common litthts. hy F. Mar All Taxes-l'erso- nal property. Taxrn, 11IGINIO SAN I 'OVA L. la in No. fd. bounded N. bounded N. I.tltí. hy Molt! ".'..; total, $7.i.V li Are Over the Sum of $25, Greeting: acus I'leiinct road, 8. by VVilllams i VV. by tille W. by J. M. Gonxales. Tuxes, U.'M: penally, lie; publication, 3ic; totul. All Taxes 2il varas land, bounded N. . by M. 8. by Isnis, You hereby I will bv hills, Crespln. 8aa $i..2'i, PKDHO RFIZ. $ peiialt), tlse; publicallon, 3,.c; to are notified that and 8. by belts of A. Jacobsnn, K. by K. M. ot one Ganlnas liver. Taxes, penalty, $22. river. by Sanchex; i $i!.Sii. All Tuxes sti aere land bounded N. by tul, $S.3. pen- - aie: publication, i'.c; Trl-Ko- M. HACA. on November 10, A. D. 1903, apply trull, V. bv creek. Taxes, $Ui.M: Here at Los Visiles, bounded N. by total. liver, K. by Koveriitueut land. 8. by s TKODORA DR K4e; 117. W. II ÍÍAHCIA. Tuxe-x.i- O btiundcd N. nlty, publication, JV; total, It, V. by N. t ilero, 8. by Gallinas lll'GH CIIAPKLL. it r tit W. by laud. JII.IAN All yard land to the District Court of the county of nib Kovernmetit sou N. by red K. GARRIKI. MONTOYA. rivet, K. by N. VIk'1. Taxes, $12.'. All Taxes lint yiittls of land Isiunded Taxes, $.'7.71: pennlty, $l.SN; publicallon, All Taxes varus bounded by 8, Tufoya. 8. by 8. Roniulllu, by Miguel In 1 by $15.61; San the Territory of New All 7a land, bounded N. bv penally, t!2c; publii ution, Jl.lo, total, N. by 1. Jones, 8. by K. Unhurt, 10. by üf.c; $!K.I4 bills. 8. bv river, W. Wm. Flunk, hill. W. by Crestón. Taxes, pen Taxes varas taltal. K. by A. Taxes, $.'!.7S; pennlty, Mexico, as provided by law, for Judg- 8. Iiy hills, K. by C, Monloya, VV. 114 i. Morn road, . by K. F. Ilobart. Taxes, Semi. nlty, 2v; publlcutlon, lie; total, $lt.i4. rier. ; C. V. WA8SON Mimlty, Hh-- publiculloii, to- Ixc: publication, lie; total, I4.;u. ment against all of the parties named by M. Kstpilbet. Taxes, fi.HK; penalty. $!.:: ;; All Tnxrs-- ,t yarns land bounded N. UOMAI.DO 8. H liC K Kit. ANTONIO SANCI1KZ. $111.11 411 t.t t.,t 4ui.inilMal M 13c; publicHtion. 5"c; total, $3.16. tal. nnd K. by bills. 8. by Peco river. W. JOSK GOXZALK8 Y HACA. i'.. .U.iud in the following delinquent tax list and Second Hall Taxes lnu vanis land All Taxes 3x,i yards land bountled N bv Ann St., 8. by unta Fe Bt. N bv bill, 8. by Sapello PATH ICIO GOXZALK8. by M. Desnutráis. Taxes, 111.4!' pen- Suntii Hgalnst the lauds, real estate and per 5. bouniled red N. by by Sanello river, 8. by foot bills, VV. by W. hy A. 1 K. by J. I'ere4da; Precinct No. K. bv Al. Delgado, V. by t All Taxes bl acres html bounded ult . C7c; pulillculion, 3,'ic; tolul, $12.11. river, in. A. í S. F. 8. by II. M, liar-fol- NI. Jinn lie K. by Isi Lucero. Tuxe, nnd lot bountled N. by Hants Ana sonal property mentioned and de ! 40 Joya T. Iitilroail. ; hiiusr JOSK IGNACIO AN A Y A. rank; varus land at Ijitiot, K. by W. by com- 13. $itt Vi; peiiiilly, Mc; publlcittltili, Jit-- to- 81.. 8. by Ft St.. M. by jntblle scribed therein, for the amount of said bounded N. Iiy hill. 8. bv Sapello river, N. T. Cordova, Precinct No. Santa All Taxes 52 varas land, bounded X. by mon rights. Taxes, $t; til ; peuulty, ;i:ic; tul. $11. M. chool. W. by H. Iicckcr. juxe, aa.m; by W . jy T. Mitchell. delinquent taxes, together with the 1 Sabinar, 8. by old river, 10. and W. by T Wallace. r,c; $7.211. CAI.LF.TANO HL'STOS. penally, 4xc; publication, 70c; totul. Taxes, lá.Jx: penally. 2i.c; publicallon, publlciilcii. total. Jl'AN A GUTI KRRKZ. costs, penalties and lnt"rest due and Luciano y R Salnxar. Taxes. iM.'.Vi All Taxis X2 acres land bouniled N. All Taxe-- 5 acre bounded N. by mesa. $10.P.I. 7c; toiai, jt;.::t. jANirr ross. l pennlty, 71c; publication, Xlc; total. ;:ii N. snil 8. bv Koverniiu-n- land, K. by A. 8. bv liier. K. by R. Mailrl.l. W. hy un- HKLL. unpaid thereon, and for an order to All Taxes varas land bounded bv VV'. A LIZIK ílíi.42. A,- Hustos, by Haiti hill: bound- 1' N. Z, 4. B, 6. . RAFAKL GAI.LKGOS. Mil S. : Davis 8. by Porter Mills' itere known nwners; ncrea bounded by All Taxes Ia 1. J. 7,', sell said property to satisfy such judg- ed same as above: 3 Here bounded N. V. 12. 14. 16. 17 1H, 20, 21. MONICO ANAVA. , Secon.l Half Taxes lii acres land atblltlon. V.. by Hot Sprlims bouleiard, illtch, 8. bv liver, li. by J. Garcia, ill II. bl. la. 1. I by com- by J. I. Martines. S. by J. Huslos. K. M. $13 Ai; '.'2. 4, 27, 2X. 2H, .10, 31, 32, W, ment, and within thirty days after the All Taxes louse and lot. bounded N bounded N. by .Main road, 8. . bv C'estoii; lm yarns land bolilidi d bv Madrid. Taxes. penalty. 23. V. M. K. by J W. by mud; 2 crea fi!H ; 7tlc; $15.12. 42, by public property. 8. bv A. Velarde mon HkIiIs, W. by A. Delnado. by X. by A. .1. S. by same. K. by Martillea, publlcittlon. total, 34. , in block of Porter Mill' rendition of such Judgment against the Hrowne. I by by 3. K. by Chiivei street. V. by alley M. Moutova: H acres land boundeil N. Gallinas liver. W. bv main ditch. Taxes, Lamióla. N. by illtiii. 8. road: K. I'KDRO MOXDRAGON. Addition. Taxes, $iiiX7; penalty, prope rty In af- , VV . bv Taxes, $2 x'i; pen-i- $2x.U8, described said list and Taxes. i'.::il: penalty, :ilc; publication and ?.. by Las Venas Gianl. S. and N. In ::;: penalti-- 7ite; to- illlch, town. bt N. 8. publication, $7 20; totul, íde: publication, $4 3D. All Taxes-- vurH houndetl ami irt-- ; y . Itc; publication, II I"; ter having given notice by a handbill total. 7.U2. by N. T. Cordova W. by railroad track; tal, III..M. total, by mesa. K. bv J. VValluee, V. by M. M. HROWN. list oi iHiundeil N. by second .1 JOSF. Y AKMIJO. ns land 8 CANDKLAHIO Sena. Tuxes. $7 till pennlty, 3Xc; inibli- All Taxes-- 1 sat fí. , In block M, posted at the east front door of the I MONICO TAFOYA. 2. II S. bv W. by I!. Romero. Rociada, bounded All Taxes-L- ots 1. 2 and in block 1!i; it. ton. All Taxes .'si land boundi d N. bv All Taxes-- Lund at callon, lie; total. $x.3i Porter A Mills' Addition. Taxe $4.7.1. building In which the District Court K. by i Arroya. In I'leclin t No. vaias X. bv Hustos, by 8 by $...."si. botiKc and lot hounded N. bv 'et;iisa alalina S. Haca. S. by'F. A. Maiiiianan s, K. J. illtch. JOSK MANl'F.L NARANJO. ii unity. 23c; publlcutlon, tine; total, county Miguel held 4. H: varas laud Isuiiuleil N. by liver, VV. by K. Huilnlph. Tuxes, $.'i.7ti, for said of San is St., 8. bv lot K. bv Chaves St., W. by ii Mola loiol, . by river. Taxes. Tiixm- -3 acre bounded N. D Iiy . by M. Gallinas Second Half IIRIDKXSTKIN. :!. 2'.i ; S. cominon liwhls. J. ; t'cnaltv, 2Sc: publliatloli. IIV, total. at ten days prior to the day of llev No. Taxes. t'i'.M: penalty. $lp'i.ll: pena II 1, I'tVi; publication. Ifác by 8. by T.ix.-s-l,o- t 2:1. Dl, least K. by C. h In I'leclint No. $t:.i7. Sapi llo river, roiriinoit rlirlu. All in blaicK Janea' publleatlon. It.'ic; $7.1á. ivei. 1122.211. K N.. pul, II- - I public total. $r,.".i;; 2i.e; pitlilii.'a-liiu- i. total, by R. Gallemi; Uiiucte bounded plat Taxes, 2.3ii; penully. lie sale, shall offer for sale at 2n. Taxes, penally, t I I.IZZ1K F DAILY. by MK'HAF.I. HRI'GGKR. l A C. MIX" 1.1 .. K.. S. and W. land. $2.i... In building, io; total. I..t'2. RKRTI TIP -- cation. tolnl. auction front of said the 1 2. In 4. All Taxes HW lantl. hi Inn the N ii 1'.; ; publlculion, :. All Tit xi s Lots and block - :ai - W. acies jteiiulty. All Taxes- acies land bouinleil IC. Tax., GlxNKVIKVK I. COLLINS. de- Mal-beoti- 1, f N. ttial N W of N. W. '1 .if 7t : real estate and personal property hounded N. by strcil, S. by alley and bv Mora K. by Mr A l. tolul. $7.1... - Mi. , load. iter ?,". In Ill N,. 14 K.. M All Taxes- lllo. k In Porter Mill K. by W . by alle,. Precinct No. 8. N. by At See. Twp. nnd 4ii; scribed in said list against which Gon.aks. slieel. S. In Dctteilck, Ismik - VV No. 22. Addition, Tuxes, I'1 penult)', 4ic iiub- Hi: 47c; s belnu- the 8. iV. of 8. . Precinct Taxes. Ill pciialiv. publleatlon. olney; :!n acres laml lioundeii same us lien laml. '. ; $111.13. may be p.. VV. i VV . ' licatlon, lolul, judgment rendered, for the 4"c: fi:;:i. C.oVZAI.F.S DK Y A H FLA. and of 8. and N. of row I K HKLL. total loSKFA foreitolmr tract. Taxes .lll.'.l: penalty. I X. S K , of Sec. 22, III Tup. N.. R 14 Tuxes-Perso- nal property, consist-In- s PKDHO CKDDIO. amount of taxes, penalties and costs HACA UK 1 1'.ltltl'.l! A. All Taxes 4 acres bind boutuleil by IJ.I'.i. iiublicatlon, 7m ; total., All JFANITA K. Taxes $17.t'i'l: penally, Ksc; publica- ta $21 All Taxes- - House ami lot boiiliili'tl . is All Taxes -- !il land, bounded N. by bind ol I'ecos i horcb. 8. by II. Ro hal. of nil tlf. Tuxis. ;': Jienalty, due thereon. This advertisement villus 7'ic; totul, $11127. $23. bv K Lueeio. 8. by C. Jacobl. K. by K. Spina road. 8. by road, K. by liver, W. K bv liver, V. bv diliii; isi vaias land No. 10. tion. $1 11:'; publlculion, :t.c; lolul, 3i. not published within the time pre- by Precinct Dill an. VV. by A. Ma. Lucero; liouso bv KoiiM tov lile road. Taxes, pcii-ait- bouiiihil N. bv F. M. ile Roybal. 8. KSTATK OF HKHXARD DAILY. T K It KS A Gl'TIKRHKZ DK HACA. 8. hy In 22 rlM-r- . VV. s- -li bouniled X. bv arroyo, montee, scribed chapter cf the Session 44c: pnbllcallMU. ?.:; total, I'.i.tW. ibureh. K by by ditch. Ta xes. PLACIDO AI'ODACA. All Tux. aeits laml. belnir tbr 8 All Tuxes-P- st Itttitt. belUK til N V uitrs c. li. by D. Romero. Taxes, 1SÜ9, H'i.117. peiialis, 7".e, publication, 7'K'; to- All s 7a N. bv '4 of Sec. 22. In Twp IS X.. It. II K. 1.. K. K. IS". K. Jacobl. Laws of for the reason that It IGNACIO LSijCIRF.L. Taxi vaias lan.l bounded of N. and 's of the publiculloii, Toe; lu-tl- JdSK '.2 $v:tJ; 41c; publication, 2S, 17 21 K. ; !,'.!'.; penaltv, J.c; Taxes-Hou- se tal, lb! Gallinas liver, K. bv S. Galleáis. S by Tun.. penalty, nf Sec. 'n Twp. N., R. has been Impossible to do the clerical All and lot boundeil N, :;.c. $:i 11. li $N.'2. I bills. VV. In Gallinas Ivor. Taxes. totul. bi Iría N. K. 'sj of Sec. 21. bv Tecolote St.. s. bv '. R. ile Itoinei... KN AllAMON lb iNZALKS. ere, the I work and printing necessary In the 112 "ic; to- 17 21 K. $l2.2ti: pen- - ANITA - 1X8. . K. Ma. Ksipil-bc- l: All Taxes- - ,2 Mil'ls I. mil bnuiubd X. by !.': peiiiiltv, i;e; publication, K. y. LONG. Tup. N.. R. Taxi. col. . bv Main road, W. bv J. 411 K. tal. i:i.'i N. ; total, $11:17. All laxes Lots ami ;si, in i.toca preparation of within such by .1. land 8. I' by hill. U. All Tlixrs-- acres of land hounded ally, tile; laibllcntloli, 7t' - this lift lot bounded N. by creek, 8. public iImi. I'orlci- Mills' Addition. Taxes, $::i.1.i, L. 10. .1. V. by I'V M. Gonzales. Taxes. ... Is; penalty. X. A- CO. by H. K. by din h. 8. by J. time, there being only one assessment I'adia. bv 8. Kavanani;li, GOLDSMITH Donin. JOSK FRANCISCO GALI.KG08 $1 4oi'; total, I'.'ii Tv Per-onal W ill; ptibllcullou, Main road. TaK. s, 110 :,4. penult). .V.c, 11.2.. publii ution. IV: total, Seconal Half Taxes pmpa it) . by Vennelo river. Tims, All Taxis-H- UI acres, bebiM tbe 8 1" 4 ' roll available for such purpose. ; to- V32. publliailon. 7H'; total, II1.S7. Catlislstllli; a.f hadSeS. tlilatall. Sailllle. 111 4": prnnllv. i7e; publliailon, .Is of Sec. .13. Ill Twp. x N H. 24 K. Tute. A HKIt'H. $12.41. ,'l.'.c; ORRIS CASK EUGENIO HOMERO, II bainiss. nicrchan.lUe, hooks anal house- tal. $7. mi: pi null) . Sxc; publlt ation, lis. MARY A. GiMN. All Tux. s Pi rsoiial In ml of - 1. 3. 3. 4, f.. , 7, S. V.I pr..rt $; 77; $VJ.i. All Taxes- Lots "s. In v III; : liubll- - hold furniture. Taxes. penalty, VH'LXTK F MARTINKZ tul and Collector of All Taxes- - :. and block Taxes uelulll), l"i '., Mills' Treasurer lits rutile. publliailon. 3V ; lotatl. $x..i. Second of Taxes ,M varus land nnd P.t and In block ,. Porter T. G. Davis' plat, Tas es. $11.1; cation. ;t'ic; total. iS.'.'i. :!; Half RAFAKL 8AXCIIKZ. $12 77; Miuill), Íi3c; San Miguel County, New Mexico. N. H Monloya 8. by Mau-11- 1 - 20 Addltliili. Taxes. ty, 7ic: pidillcatlon 4'ic total, lir..2:i. FRANCISCO l.l'CKRO. bouniled bv All Taxi s I'eiaoital nropet ly. brad HÜ.KU. V.i iliGK HKHKHT. I iniblicallon, 4J.2U, total, All Taxes "St varas laud bounded X. by Illas rixer. K. by J Mntlm. W. ot initio Taxes. $12 74; penalty., tac; JOSF. GAI.1DCNO. All - I in I'ecos Grant, bounded $'. Mi. Taxis- "I S. K. I.v Ma. hi nldex Tuxes. pi unity, 2V; . II. CAHHl'TII. All I a xes louse anil lot bouniled N. S. land tliih. hi Gallinas river, publication. 3ic; total. $l2.i2. No. ,1. N bv I'. Vuil. bv Koveiiuiiciit G. Alircoii, VV. hi Taxes pidlTTcallon, IV; total, ...'. All Tuxes-Lo- ts II and 17, In bhs k 72. Precinct bv Alamos St., K. bv i'bav ex St.. W. by K. by A H by r. Taxes. de chinch. G. II WIXX. mil. rni 112.-- I'a. ría r K Mills Aablltlou: Isil 2 und 3. I. Tax.--- . :!..".: 17c; ' to- penalti, ptibliealloii. Xic; to li FDl'LPH. - Itüi Hie X. of Alley No. penalty, :i m'.; pi n ill ) I'." publleal lori Hie: i LFGKMO All Taxis- urns, luiun 31. Ik MUIS t i;lso haca. :r.c; tal, $l:.M. All Taxes 2 acres land hounded N. by K. Sec. Ill l.ltM'k Poller AlllllllOII T. publication. total. Im. tal, II la. 8 W.. 1, ami N. of 8. lt of Second Half Taxis-- ncres of land at . Taxes, I'.'.i'.': penally ."'r; publii alliili, J D. A. Salurar, 8. by Tecolelenas road. 22, Twp. IX X., I! 2i K. Taxes. $.M .'..'.; tHiunded N. Hiat 8. by Jesus Y MAIITIXKZ. xi ; La Cuesta. I'ASCl'AL LfRF.Nl. ICAX MARTINKZ KSI'IXOSA. :I7 K. by Monloya tolal. I.'ii -- I All Tuxes land boundeil X. by bv main ditch. rlvrr penult), $2ri7, pollination. ilV; lolul, M.i. Vllliinucvu, K. by old rlM i, V. by Second Hall Taxes louse and lot I ). of laud boliuil d N vaias All axes vaias I, Lulu z. 8. bv .1. M. M.irtliicx. K. by Taxis, 117 Ii7' penally. Sac; puiillciitlon. .14.. IIF.I.F.N CONSTANT. main (lib li. f acus ol land, boundi d N. bounded N. by J. C. Mont. urn. 8. and I: bv F. A. 8 and K, by A 8 in- - 11, 11. 17. Pi, Maiihim. W. by bill. Taxes, $l '.".i; :l'.i . loinl. lis :ki. All Tuxes Lot 12. It. Maca, L by 8. b) W. by ulley. Taxes. 12. W: VV 117. 4:e - Gallinas liver. P. WLLLH. bv Mari Loir llerrTa. street, doxal. bv liver. Taxis. peit- Sic; MRS J. 2o. 21. 22. 2!. 24. 2.. 27. 2!i in VV. Taplu. :C.e; penalti, ;lc; publliailon, total. C N. SPARKS I proper! y. ll'i head 1, 2. bv river. by Donaelano penalty, lie; publication, total. lilt), va" publication .T.c; total. IIV. I. . All Tu 3.1. 31. H, 37, :W, 41, 42 ..:r. Sieond Dnlf Tnx-s-N- K. 4 of Hc. 17 $.'...!(; "I 32 'K 3. I louse and lot bounded N. by public $..32. of rutile. Taxes. $ti.ll: penalty, 4l! 4ti, 4!i. fsi, M. ra, M, K. pru-1- 1 4li 4... 47, 4s, K. 8 by HASH. 10 MAI S CA IS V N.. It It T'lxrs. $i'.l7: 3ac; 1 -- I. T'i. street, by Martlne. F. Itl.i MAIITIXKZ. Tp. publii atloii. t'llal. a."., fu;, iix, tin. 1, ra, ti."., F.STAT OF I.ORF.N.O l.ol'J'.Z 11 vi, 'i. - 21"' a 1 "i publla lúe; tadlll, $1172 1, Garcia, In Trfl All Taxes- Minis land bounded X. by All Tuxes-l- acres land hounded N. by ution, town, W. bv Josefa I'leiinct All Taxes land boundeil N. by DIMA8. t.7 tlx. 11:1, In !, Mills' 2ii, iHiiind-.- varus 1'. 8. by K. Ro)bul, K. and W. K. IIFRfl'LAXO block Purler No. 2. House in No. I F.. M.i.s, House. S. by liver. by W. by t - In nit N. -' I'ncinct G. L. d" Romero. 8. by Koiim ro and ;!', liter. All Taxes- 4ii varas bouniled by 11. II W: penalty ; pub- N. by Allen, K. by New Mexico ave- bv "Vcrnineiit laud. Mints lind F. A rellane. Taxes. $í.í2: Jieually. Precinct No. 14. K. W. Tax.. railroad V. by public road house Rol-ba- 8. by wall, by A. Chave, H. I IS', ll3.,a.X. Mclhin-ald'- s track. bi'mnile.l I!. 8. by K. l. Xa-- rlier, It lull. III. lotlll. nue. W. by Alien s alley. 8. by lot N. Moreno St., 8. X. bv Vlisll. publliailon, total. '!..:.. by bountled N. by hill, 22c; and boundeil bv I'V 1' W. by uovern-n- n $2. JFANITA OALLLOOS. river, ii vara V DAWK INK. house. Taxes. (I penalty, K. Ha V. K. Rivera. M A K. by VV. bv WILLIAM by II. laxar. Iv by i:. Romero. MARTINKZ. Stconil Half of Txr-- (i acre land 8 bv J. Dimita. liver. s. '.i. 12, 1.1. II. to; nt laiui. Taxes. 12'Ml: penally, III"; l All Taxes-I- Is II. aim publlcMtlon, II. total, bv II C. Taxes, I2H.:!7; pen-alt- All Tuxes- -j acres land botiiiib-i- X, by by r.. by N. and 8 by creek. I. V. Moiislmer. 7'K ; $21. VI. bounded N. bv rlvrr. 8. hills, bill bouse bounded .2 23 21,- - 2i 2:. 27. 2S. In bl.s k M. of Y $1.41: 7oc; publleatlon. total, bv K bv F. Is. peg. W, t!7, fiv I y Taxes, $v;tx; I'AHI HACA GONZALKS. publication, total, lilV House 8. rlier. toad, W. bv K. Marlln. Tine, $lfl K. Cerro, W. trail. y Mills Tuxes, llli.xx; San- $'W ,4", m $1 Poller A.blltlon. All Tuxes varas boundeil J. ANDRK8 MARTINKZ. M'.t.o MAIITIXKZ. bv G illlnas rlier. Taxes, lunallv. Mr; publliatloli, ü.i ; totul. peuulty, 41' . publicallon, if.; total. Taxis-2i;- 7 N. $!X..',7. nalt), Mi, publication, .''", total, doval, S. by middle dllch, W. by J. N. by All aias land bounded b) $l2; publliatloli, 3.V; total, $17. Mi. fci.M. All Taxes;., varas land bounded F. K. by Jlt.i'2. .laramlilo: W varas bound. d 8. by the J. Garduño, 8. G. Martinez. K. by II. Martin, x. 8. bv Maitlnex. INKS PIN0XK8. CASIMIRO DIMAS. V. Taxes, bv. V. bv ditch. Taxes, IJ2nl; I'ANIKL MONTOVA. A. D. VAI.LKY. road. K. Iy illnb. V. pen-ti- lt I'.ces ilur, If xes list hound- Taxes-2.- 1 X bv hill. rler, "i"-- strut. bv alley. Taxes. II. Si; ' Seconal Ha Ta varas land All Taxta-.r- fi vuras land boundeil f bv All VHiti bolltubrt 1. 2, 1, 4, . tv'.rj: 41c; iubllcatlon, to- di). II. la; publication, total VV. I. All Taxes- - Lots ..... penalty. 21c; puidl.atloii. total, I1.IC. ed .N. by illlch. 8. bi G river. W. K. by J ii 8. L. í K. by 8. Olron, ."; Jiel ilhltas bills. W. bv P. Mobtoyit, bv Cbavt t. In blink lot 13, In block 32; lot tal. IW.tW. ' by anil C. Hilan. K. by Gallinas $3 x; J, A. 1:0s al VIIIU bountled N. by J t A N H MALS. titir Montovii. Taxes, peuulty, I... llalla 4 In bloi k is',; nod lot 13 In block fit. 11. 1 K. IX. Oitl-l- . No. 2. Tivrs-Hons- e J1AN MARTINKZ. n er; varas In baatinded X. by IV; tolal, $3 M. Dliiias. 8. by river. by J. Precinct Second Half of and lot t publlciitla.n, nil Porter Mills' Addition. Tuxe. All Taxes 2ii. varas land uinded X bV bv K. ! P. Rlverti, V. VV M. Dlmas; 24 vara in hounded N. bv ,1. 8. bv main illteb. 8. river, iios. bv 11 111, publication, I: 'Si. M. HACA. liulla. l. I K bV ; K. by I i", penalti, JKSl s K. .1. A. J. Martini. 8 Ma. atn. In K. Taxes, $12:'. paiially, 2b JKHI'S MAKS. booiiileal N bv hill. 8. by rlv.r. 'luxes-Hou- se N. by 8. Or-- l dlti h. by G. Montuno, W. by l'.'i oit.ra. X. 2j.1 All bounded I' s rlier W. by Mesa. Tax 47; publla alion. I'll, total, t ' 2", All Taxes 2uu Miras laml boundeil J. It. W. bv rlier. house houlitl-t- il total. W . Mattlner,. Taxes. .:..':i: penalty. Pie, 1 Dlina. t!a. 8. by mesa. K. by hills. Taxes, II "i publleatlon total. I 8 bv hills K. I.v Medina. VV. Ill by lull. K. by G. MAXI I.L FI.OHKS. . . to- publication. :i' ; ::.S2. peiiall). MAM KLITA 8. DK SKXA N. by river. 8 Go- tieiialty, 2itc; publication. total. $)7.m!: $.i peiiiil- - ai by alley. X; $21X1. - N by P. Jara-.Mlll- J. Ma. Una T IXes IslUlltl, W. bv C. It. Taxes, .1; All Taxes House boim.b All Tax Ram h Isiamlcd ::.' nial.. V. by tal. P:.:a. J LSI 8 MAFS. iiabiii ation. ; lolul, $v3;i tv, 2.e; publication. $1 total, $'' .Mi. V. In M. Scmtu. K. by street, All Taxi bounded X. bv F.XTFRA FORTH LOS. 8. by A Al.nid, K by Caaovaa 4; boumleil N. by Taos Oo bv VV C Plnai'l; hoiiHc FRANCISCO FLOItl'S. F. All luxe" ' varas land hoiituli d N. bV Celll.l del Ve,ai. Taxes. OLIVAH. A DIMAS. 4:1 by St.. 8. bv common rights, by L. l.u lal ANACLKTo JOSK K by W. ley Ml land, bounded N. .1. t ii I K. W. t - -- 4 11 Ara-üi.- Hie. t. 8. bv .reek. alley. Taxes jards A. Sandoval. S. hi ix. and .'a I iiall II., all blil a laill, lo- All Taxes- - 4isi In ml boumleil N by All Ta xes aeres limitan N. ny $1 K. K. by i i ro. v. by common rights; -- i. varus $2.1.:.; penally, L. II Gutierres. K bv Tafou, boue bv (11I1 lomeot land Taxi" I 'I v V.": II K. vy K. bv A. 8 by bill. Tuxe, li. Flotes. Tixes. bounded X. bv J. Silva. 8. by T. Garcia tal, ra.iid. 8. bv river, by roaal. by G. Casan, 7' ; $2.i.l4. Montano, W. by 8. I'adlu. Taxes pi-- 21 .Ik to- publli ailon. total. A. illv, II publication. total 111 X N. by $3 v;; ix'tuilly, l'.tc; iUbllciilloii, JV; l, F. bv alie V. by street. Taxes, 11.7': No. 11. II. v; b a ras land lu.uiA.rii Sltii; penalty, ptdillcallon, V; J.H..I7. Precinct ID II. MAN. 7IH-- h 8. bv Sapello K. by tul $4 A. FIXXI 2.'!c; piibllcitl Ion, total Chun toad, river. X H.já. Í'eniil $21 32, All Tax.s- - lsil II. In bba :ii, l oner M ' I A A ARMI.IO, Chun ti land. . by road, laxes. CiFRFLli. CKSARlK NT N PKRFK' TO MAI.CKLINO .V $i27; penalty, O GONZALLH. - Mills Aiii.Pi I'AHI. A pSI l.itlH In. mill X bv Alt Tuxes- I2U nercs laml l.eiiuf the 8 !.'.: publliatloli. c tolal, Secoltd Half Tue-l- ll Vuin boundeil Taxi. 40 land, bounded N. Iiy MARIA HIT MARKS DK I'l.lHARRI All Taxes lilies ' 41c; publliailon. 2iV, total, $vx. All Taxes varas - VV G ' N. VV. N. VV. , of S . la" N P. Tupia, 8. bv F. Martillea, li. . All luxes- House bounded X. and 8. by road. K. by M. IJiitntaiiu. by of and bv h. 8. bv river. K. by M. IMirun, 17. 11 It. K. .1. by lands Taxes, of 8. c IS. Tup. l' X.. R II Tuxes. Precinct No. 15. bv illtch VV. bv Matiitoya; 4a vara JAM KS FRASKIt. penult), W; J. Macs. by I'ncllic St.. W. by Ito', 8 2, 4. n. .... by G. Flores. Taxis, I7.:; ; by Taxes-Lo- ts 1. 3. in hus k im. H. Mares: bouse Isiunded X. by It. t tienallv. :lxi ; publican ic lo Jit,.!: priiillv, publiculloii. lie; In b.itiiiilcd N. bv A. I'llhurrl, 8 and li. All publication, &; total, Iv.lx. tuí. JK8I '8 MA GARCIA VV. bl I. Guiiia; HI xurns Ik. mul- muí lots i. 7 x. In bio. k IA nil in Ijis 8. by I. 1'. y Mares. K. and W. tal IV.I. :. river $I7X; peuulty. 2.U-- ; ml Half Taxes 2'"' varus bind N. In K. 8 by M I'aallu. Addltloit. Tuxes. l'KTRONILO l.rCF.HO. alb v. Taxes. II. i'!; y. N RAFAKL A KM I Jo. ed Galled". taas N ROM HOYHAL. V. M 8. K. : , $1 lolul, All Tilín--X acres laud, bounded 7is-- It- bounded bv J. I'adia. by K. L. Sant b. x. V. by J. 8 3i vara l.i puhlli, mi. $i... total. af latol hounded X. All Taxi" Lit 111 ns land. iMiiiii 8 bv 1 mesa. K. bv K. Uuln All Taes lll xaias G N. by darn. K. bv inesit I 8. by k, li. by ! tn..r 8 bv or, i., f N, VV N W. of 8 VV. its Giir.ia, In. ulule N. by nvrr rni MA iIOXZAI.KS H'CKRO. 4 JOSK LF.oN I'ADIA. hi C. Valem la 8. bl creek, K bv ii i mid $4 21c; $3 V. by K. Aihkoii. acres laud, 1 T s, Si.. snnllv, publiculloii. W. bv dllch. Tnxrs, 7; penalty, I Ii, tana, N $x penalty, 4U of 81 c. I.".. Tup. Ill N It. K. Tax. hi river. All Tuxes 1.01s anil ill linas i'". r. 8. Iiy K. All laxes-- I. eres bind bouiubd b W. bv bills. Taxes. ?: All land Is.iinalfl 8. by l'.i. ; total, $'..4H. iHiiiuded N. bv I'.'eos rlv In. ; Ta-- to- Tax. ll7acre publication. Ill", IxlhlbeiMS pint. Tuxes. r.i2". llllU), K. J. Morafts, 8 by road. K. bv V. .IV, total $'."o. vl; isnilty. publliailon, I ijulnlanu, K. by C. Martlnex. V. by ansa ,'a.s'; to ul, $.i.4i. 4ilc; ; totul, $lu.W. pi I'V In blH k tal. IVf-- l'AI:l.o MONTOYA. publlt Is AraKoii. fi acres land, bounded N. by common rlubts; lots ami RIO HAL. lanal N. b , ."si. $!i m Tlltltflil ,N . 1 RAXgl ILIN'O GARCIA AM Tuxes t"i ura boundeil .1. GALLKGOS I 8. nn-sa- K. by 1'. Mon- Klblbirtr s plat. Taxes, in Taxes-(- ii varas land hoiiii.teit by A. ADAMS JKSF8 'ecos river. bv All : M 8 P. Garcia, K by main - 1 ally, 47c; publicallon, 7V; total, psi acres Ik Inn tlx- S. M Kiit-- I'V M. Mamioviii. xv. ny i Dtirim. bv Sect'lul Half Taxi- House anu im tano, W. by M. Sals. ncres land, lln .1. VIkII: 8. bv It. Ri.vbal, i:. bv river, All Tuxes lainl. M. $1 II V VV. (Olla III bv lii.-s- ; x aere lanal ditch, W. bv Duran. Taxes la,. X. Ann St . 8.. K. N liver, H Iiy mesa. 'M AH A X D W bv bill. Taxes. penalty, Tie; or N W. ',. VV. .if 8. 1, lu ll N. tin. led bv Santa bounded bv I'ecos TIH RoSH JAMKH ItoHHINR I!':t: M by K. publlcutlon. 3ár, totul, $1 Hi. VV. II $1 pen- V 2 l p Hi, ,V, R II. K 8. K N by liver. 8 road, penally. 4c; ami bv Pi nu. Tax.s. .!; F. by K. Tafina. W. by J. ItaeM. Mouse All laxes :ii nias bind booinle. by piib'ii Mllmi. ::; total. 11.17. Sit. and N . 14 bV W bV P. Tlllllllo. publication. 3V, totul, $1.12. bounili d N. by A. Lin ero, 8. by I.. Lu- I'm lllr St., K. bv Tie Works. 8. by M of 8. K. ', Sec :i. Tp I'l II K talWII. Tines. IlklltS OF JOSK LKAXDRO PKHKA. alty, !'c; JOSK Ii A. j i 7m ; 7K', Taxeg, '!' - s. I !; I's , publication, $i,'se pennlty, puhlli atloii, lu All Tuxe.-2- si lund botindrd N. b cero. K. Htid W. by street. A rim on. N. by I'. I'llbarrl. Taxes. 12 1 I T hi penult). AXASTACIO GARCIA. All laxes acres lau. nominen n) ."..ic; $.;.7V :'V II. F. by M Gurule, r., Mid-Inn'- s penalty, tl.l'is; publication, $l,(.; penalty, b'.c; publlciitloh, Is- total M i:. by rlv- - lolul. tul. in, road 8 bv Otero. All T.ix.h pi bliuk III. 2..V; It. Hoi bal. 8. bv II. I'lno, l.l !c I W. by F. Oitlx; land at Siritcena plat. Taxes $171: pi luí It)', total, 2v 1 r. W. bv malu roinl, acre isiunoeij To.M HKKKN. AI.IINO LFCIRO N. by 8. Iiy unknown ; .11. hill, K bv Vaiela, All 4KI s laml boUIaa hv All Tuxes- - '11 Minis land boundeil N. by b..tiii..'.l ditch. liiibllcfitloii. 2"i total, $i ZACARIAS VALDKZ N. bv 8 bv river 8 Taxes lien VV A. I'AHLO H'CKRO. - by K. Ham hex. . ns iter s F. bv P. Lucero. W. by 8 Tixc-.- .u land, Thxi'S-IIoii- sa N V M. I.HHl; petl- l.esp. e road. L bv M Hlvra. 8. road 8 bv bill. K ..,,..hI Half varas All and lot Is. muled bv llnvll.ll. Taxes. ruin $1.'. W: wiinlty, $1.7'.t. pult-- HKXRY GKIST. " tio-s- . ; VV, OalliiiH'i R. Taxes. $117; ruru. Taxes. I X 4. 1U. 8. by V. by bV J IV I V . F.. 7i total, In Geioiilinn roaal bv lolul. bi Chave. ; s Lot ! In block bounded N. by river, C. MtlX. 8. bv Man nit i;2. via-- $.:x 4X All Taxi $22 :: Ion, 4n ; publii ,T,c; total, $ia Peat 'on. total, 113; , i. I m l: bv M Tauhi. lull", fi ll bv Main ditch, W by I'aellle St. Taxes. M Taxes. t.. unity, II II, publlciit alloc. KlhlbetK pial. Taxes. $'. poltull) ; I F.filto IUVKHA Irion. n.'s-- , IVI.?..,. is-- 3m ; 'M ; totul, , $7.23. netiiiltv. :&: publication, total. $:!.72 penally, IXc publicHtion, to All Taxes-2- ii vnrim land bounded X. by total XH ANOR MARTIXKZ. Precinct No. 24. pulillculion. $!; V - I'Jt hounded N. by J7.M. tal. 14 2... I'. Hlls 8. by 8. Armllo. K. mid MRS HANNAH CA It H. All Taxis- vara land I'. V IIKIXXKMAX ni .1 K. by J. VIGIL. by Kovernmeiil land; 74 yaids laud Sen, ml Hill of Taxes-bi- n acres land, I'rrra. 8 by Saprllo river, AGAPITO ARAGON All Taxes Lots II and 12. In blmk 13. Kl ILIO l.l'CF.RO. l.MiAMI K. ) N, 3. k 9. 8. hill, K. by the 8 K of 8 W 8 W. '4 Padlii, W. by J C. Garcl. Tuxr. All Taxes- - viirds land bo.iiulnl N Taxes, V; All Taxes-1- 7a vsras land, boundeil All Taxes l ot In bhs Join s' plat bouniled X. by river, bv IsiiK lo- Porter Mill' Addition. ,... V. by Flores, $".44: S7c; Rivera, of 8 K. ',. N. K. of X VV. '4. and N. $1 y , lc; puhllcat Ion, 3V; by common rlKhl, 8 by hill. li. ity 8 ; tolul, $1 4x 8 hv river. A. i'nues. iHiiiilty, pubbcatlon I". Haca, W. bv P. minor. 'i ': . V; publlcutlon, ; Iniltv, '.C-- - , J $'IDU. Titxt s 17. pflial-ly- F. by river, ilouso bounded N. by T. 2n; total, $.'.). Taxes. 111.71: penalty, publicallon. W. t, of X i: of Sec II If ta). Haca W. by road. AGF.R, Ti pub-1- IV31. I.OI IS IP LLKN W ".' 11. K. iiriiMlty, :iej IV; T.'iK.rlo. H. W. by common ; total. HI. It Tuxes, aR.K. ANTIAGO I'ADIA S7r: pulillcntlon, total, Tnx.-AI- 44. lot D. bv bill. JOHN WALI.ACK. Ill ; All I of nnd ll..t2; lb all. .Ta-- tr ial, II 2Í. 3.". varas land bounded N. by rights. K. same. Tsxes. AII Taxes Isil 4 and t In blis-- r. ATAXAt'lO ItoVHAf. All Tuxes UIVCI'I lll'lllAllll 111 blask 4"., I'a.rter ft Mills' Addition. ll.'i.Ti. Kihlls-iK'- s 7 I Ar de III Frens.i, K. bv M. PudlH. Se'conil Tixe-H- bound' 71c; publication, ?; total. plot. Taxes. II penalty, Sis-oli- Half Taxes-- ri sens land DA I.V ADAMS Cánida Half 1 iiiT' t Taxes, iMi;;, p. nalt), Ekle; publii atloti, .1 8 be W. by J I'adlu. Tuxe, by K hv creek .'sx. MANI KL A. MARTINKZ. Me; publication, : total, $ V,. U.licit. N and 8. bv A. Várela I. bi- Seeoiul Half Tax. P. rs.. nal property. titer N. bv mesa. 8 inesit, ei . totul, $11 I.".!; iTV.: pul.lloMtlon. (.ruulty Pic; ptibll.iilloii, 3'.c; to- W C. Taxes. $11 M: n Ail Thxi 75 veril Intnl. bounded N. b rlvrr. W.' by main ditch. Taxes ll Taxes. ii.nali), fl.M; lire by M. 'KS. ZKNoHIO OONZALKH ,T.c. I'si.V. tal. V. vi. ally. i.7c; publleatlon, 3V; total, $12. ki. GORDON IIP I lol'.S H. IIV nilHH, v. oy rom, r. All Taxt s IIoiisp nnd lot boundeil N Mlialt), tic: pilbllclitbui, total. totul. AH Taxes- - Ail of till" k JH. In porter k Iiy river. Taxes. fcl.:K; Mimlty, pub by alley, 8. by C. ' Rnd W :..r.i. C. II KXC.LFSnV. NICANOR SANDOVAL 11. lilt 1(1 lll'lllAliO Mills' Addlil.Mi. Taxts. $171: !; Cntili, xes-X- N by t 7. laxcs-p- m H All Ta .'. bind boundeil Tiixe-i- land N. llriitlnn, totiil. by Taxes, $ti.fB; penalty. All acres lund b.lni the viirna All acre bounibd 2a . publiculloii, 2ix lolul, $1.11. lrerl. UK ItOVIllN ,r. IC. by D K I $7. Hi It. 8. K '4 nnd 8 bv J l'er.11. J. Mures M. Deliriido. 8. by wat.r nnd 4 kill IfllX II MAliUHl pniilliatbn, total. si. . Jx 1 land boundeil N bv of of 8e rli.r K N All Taxes mas 4 Twp. 1 VV, by 4ITi vnr bind bouniled $i ,Vx; penult) 4ii J. II. all. Lit. Js land, bounded N. by I11111I, K. 11111I0 8 of 8. W. of In N.. F Guile: W. bv eaiioii. Taxi T All Tsxes-- vara Pecos 8 Iiv by X-- : Tax.s-Ii- t III block 4. Porler liver. :i :iv-- pub- N. by creek, 8 by Peco rlvrr. K. by total, I Ul. 40. All r (:!!,. H bv M. Aiauon, h. by Precinct No. 6. r.Mitl. W. A.; varus hind It K. Tuxes. $7is. pcuall). piil.lliuls.ii. penally, ic; r bv $.:-- '. k. W. I.v Taxes $; 31, ll ' Mills' Atldlll.'ii. Tixes. W. bv bills. IVisonnl iimperty, X bv 8. bv riv- liculloii, total, de. moilu. $1!.: river bounded I'ecos Grant. Us ; publlculion, "ta ; tolal, 47. i;iill publii all. ill pic; tolal. 4iii Taxes, $24 ,'.i,".: 121; AI'mLINARIO K. A. W. bv M. di KI MAIITIXKZ. ally I' .ml Half Tuxes-- 3 vnrns land shin er. bv Roihul U FINO Sr.. F. K I II .11 l.'Ri I. l2t.M. All Tuxes 4 varus laml boumb d N. bv .1 N Taxes-2:- m 1 boutub-- by iMiunded W. bv K Ga relit, li. bv Hodrl pul.lli atloti, "; total. 8.11a: lux mriis laud Isiunib bv rlv All land S. Precinct No. 16. II In l i".. ts road. 8. bv river. W. bv M K K W. bv II. bv F. bv Is. In. Taxes. $3 iti: penally. I1' All Tax. Is.l Porler AGF8TIN NIKTO. Ataron. rr 8 bv hills bv P. Hlv.ta P. GoineX 8 F. Mirilla 10 Gun A $.' .: (H'nult), . 4 X by 27c; VV. l: $3 .77. Mills' billion. Tasr. wi I by on Ii, varas Ismndeil riv $', o. penult), publi- bv hill". III P' A publicallon. JV: tolal, All Ti. varas land, boundeil N Seioi. Taxes !;..biil. Taxes M VI 'I.L MARTISKZ He; publla iittnn. ; total, $2.il7. I H. by K bv I. i ir ; :i".e, 112 '.t - M bv mesii. K. bv J. Homo. V. er cottinion rliibts, cation; I.'., total, t,M tmbllt atloii. total. All Tuxes- IK varus land Isiunded N. by liiVAlio (IliN'AI.I S rii.r W. IlKlsl M V. V. 1X8. iHiiiiiib'd N. by public temí bv N. Martille, M. I In., rn bv raisil bv rlvrr VS. Ma laiul hounded N. b LAWK I.v load. Iloiisi Ml SIMONA DK MAHTIXK. All Tax le s- 30. - Tt.7'N - -l ot In him k and bd M by Ara- publlrallon. total JOAOPIN ItoYllAI. 'ay 31. 40 ImiuiiiI- l I' 1 11 non, by All Tax. i,.i,.t bv J AriiK'Ui. J. I'. Iieictlt !e. by All Tax. laml Isiunib .l X. bv I'lecUiet No. Mira laml umbre 8 Jurlta :. 3, All II I.U'd Iwnuide.l N. :''. laras VV li.dru In k 3 and In W. Tsxes. t'.M; penalty, Taxes laras K, ajr a.l 8 raaad K bv ree k . by Ve- bv An. on rr In llols.i I! lilis and has icon. bv road. Via Ha. I 8. P. Maes K. bv 1.. F M.lllitex. 8 by G. Vai.ii. bv .anon, li Tales 4,i. Mills' Atblltlon. tair bill bv m n..l-- all II. Porter N", IoImI, H KX'CK i A l( KM .A NF.8 VV . ':.' I varus laud bouiul. $13 t!i 'H iialty. publli ailon, IV; to lltv; pulilli stl. II i. Fl.l VV . . bills bv river. Tuxes If. nas roinl Pi ir; M Hlv. ia hi ifa.veriilneiil land: $IH.'.ii; He, publlcutlon. V ItuVKHO. All Taxrs m rr land bounded N, b Roy .is publii alion. Xs", lolul. lb. i::. ul N. bi 1101 iblneiit lund 8. bv A Lu- till 114 M Tax.. lill'Altlil M xiird land bouiole.l N. bv Vb lor i. W by M. Sis ', tolal, $IX 20. 27 N. Iiy road, 8 bv K. bv Arajoo, W cero, K. bv F. A. An liulrln, 1 R Kit A Y JIMKNKZ All Taxes vsras laiul. bounded riirr. l.i.l 8 bv P Mni.. K bv itovertimctit LKAXDRo MARTINKZ tili- - JCAN JoSK Kit V. bv K Crdlllo. I'! :!: pi iinll) . I's I Hin a. ''axes, $l'i 7a, penalty, M Its. AXXA M IrtTOI UKTTIi mesa, rt bv river. K. by M. Crloste. Taxes. VV. bv P Taxes III'.. Is 11 Second Half Taxes Ton Milus It' lc. All Taxi Hi le blilinde.l N. by W'f 3.V: land. Mies. .11, $1 tiTi; $21 7:i Tuxes-A- ll block V.. Ic. Porler Isiund publii Htioii. total. II..ÍÍ. ' ; .Do MtlHt-- I, In .all. biliil, H river, li b All of Iiv J. F. Arnaon. ar,is bind. Hllv. 2.c; piibl'i at Ii 11, lolul, $'."7 hi 01.. led N bv read. K by P. ler canon. bi Gnlllna li.t. pet.ull). rVl bv F.. by J F s y .V. c. Mills' A1ldltl.n1 Taxes, $x N. by mesa. 8 rlvtr, norrfixo liim hknavidkh, V I .. 8 In I'. Hoi bul, W, by Lnrori.. SISNl:!'.'-'.1!- . H. G..itia by AruKon: ; Si. HILARIO Ho HA . Jim.' pililo M 'H-- i...., 3V; t..'tsla ;.""s F Hals. Taxes. ri Hecoiul i.l lam . prltaai. . Kn-.le- I 1...I X 8 il. Tapl.i.! At: i, W. by Half Taxes vain Tsxcs-Jn- ti l..a..o.b s (Mto.o TaXi.'. I!.4.:. i1'. nolo All Tax.- - I t ml bouniled N by J bv ll.rreni H. A. All anls b.iol K. .'" VV. .1 run It), Sic; liubHciiiKMi, hounded N. bv G. Homo. b. Gar r.V; $, m. y K. by 8. bv J. bv point of mesa . bv J. Ha'MiHl H bv It Viull. K nnd W rallón, total, 8 bv P. Liner., G.iniii. Herrera. MIIFIl. k Í rtn. K. rtiteh, v . tiv corner W. bv All Tuxe-- .I II and 1Í. In bhs .. bv nvr. luxes bv Taxes. $12 P s n- - .1 Goiimibs W. by roininon rltht. nt iiatr Vri I i.. 12 ps nally. lb', publication, lie; to cominon rlubls J 8. NKI SON. $12" penalty, $ii(d; publlcittloii, Ha Mills' Addition. Tuse, $173; i.' I. IliiMII Usm ; Haul Ion, :is-- $1.111 Tax.s, II p.mill), fi2r, pul.lli ution, Taxes l., I'ortrr loa I í'1'! ally, pul. psi a i re land ''; IM. 23c; - a I. IV Seeoiul half Tax 7a. ; I2i publlt slion. W, total. Half Tsxes-.'i- O varas land boiiml- I. . ; lolul, $11 I'l. total, 4 ,1. II I V 1 11 k Is ii'H the VV of N K. Mini 8 K te' by by W. by L LI'CAS ORTKGA. I'll 1 KltR Kit A, .d N. bill 8 river V of N W. and 8 W. 's of N. K "4 ' Jl LI IN u.,is K. I.v If. Maes M varus land All vnrna bind iMiiinde.l N by All TX.-- 1 lirrc laml Is.lllldeal bv Precinct No. 17. All land bounded N. b K.DITII I. MAUI. ANU. 'laxer IS N , 14 F., l Taxes vr K. W ' 8er. II T R axe, 1 boen.ied N I'V river. by ditch. W. hy r'ver H bv K. by A Alumnxsr Vallrv rniicli 8 by rlvrr. and II, li. bv It Herrera, F.. bv Alt Taxes - 1 .I "'. tii. 21. 22. !l. IX $1 at piiblicitllon, il's', to. MALI six Al - F. F. M vara H P. Hlvrra Taxes. 17.4"' J.c nniHllv ile; Tit IXwl'IMNA 3.Í land bound- $!. 17. 2 &, M. .U 14. M. Il J Haca bv AtencUt. W. bv i S. An huirla Tales. i $4 1 10 ls.uiiale.1 X. road W. by nirsu: vaina :. 7C- Vs-- ::. All Tax. Irs land land Uainded N. by river, 8. by bills MiMlly. ! : publii ullon. total, I4JI7 pub. ballon. total, $x.í. tal. t' 1?: 19. Jfl. 21. S. X 21. 25. SB. o Gi;RCLK. Work lot I. Addltlna. TaxK. 1122; AI.KX. LKVT. A. HCHILIF.R. - MARTIN ÜS, tu. 32, Vii.ll, Tnxca. .Hj; ptMialty, 4tr; pulill- JANET ROSS. AO vara land bounded N. by Í7. 31. S3. 4. .V. 3S. In block one; 4'ic; 4. 5. 11. 4. Taxt?-- 3. Sfi bulld-Ini- All Taxea S. prnnlty, xiubllcaltun. total, Afl 1. In block All Ut In hlia of f taxe-Onc-t- hlrd Interest In 11 k'r. rutimi, 11.75; 111.05. All by Gallina K. by 4. in Porter A Milla' Addition. Taxe 112 21 mat lota i3. M. Si. In tdot k 3. all In lota adilltion. Taxea. 11.55; total. JM ditch S. rier, J. I2.X4; 17.20; jienalty, Trout Siirinfc'a Ranch. raxr. (iarri'a. W. by K. Salz; 45 varas land penalty, He; publication, to 1'ti.lo H.icn Addition; ami tola ID and 22c; publication, ax ; total, $l.7. ANTONIO JOSB VIGIL. t EFFIE HHOWN. : pcnaltv, $1.11; publicaiioil, N. by U Uipez, S. by F. Cha-ye- z tal. iu is. taxea-U- 13. 14. in. In block 20. Han MlUcl Town Co. Ad- Hecfiiid Half Tnxra varail land laiundcd All ita S', Si. In hi k MANCKL HKNA. $24.46. s U4.U; tietialty, 13.22; pub- t b'Mitided N. nnd 8. hv Cuchilla, K. hy F. K. hv river. W. by menu. Tax.-- JOHN MKRNIN. !4A. 3; Iota Addition. Taxea dition. Taxi. All 21. bl.a-- 12. I of bulldtnir i)9.46. Tnxtt Ud In T. Rome- Val.lcx, W. by A. Vigil; land SANDOVAL. pcnaltv, or; publlcatiun, 7c; to- v All 23 and In hlock W :.73; 4,Sc; 80c; lication, total, a 20 vara PLACIDO n $' is: Txel,ta 3. penalty, aubllcutlon. to ro Addition Taxea, 14.92; penalty, 23c; bouiHlfal N. F. 160 land bounded . $2.98. Porter A Milla' Addition. Taxca. 11.43 ul. A LICK H. and 8 bv I'lichilla. K. hv All taxca acre tal, tal. fio IXN0. publication, 2ir; total, $',.3i. XV. hy Vliiil. $7.:fii; AI. 8. by Crestón. K. by penalty, 7c; publication, 40c; tout, 11., All taxea 13 and II. In block 40, VHlttit. R. Taxea. Romero. 44. ; !.AUA II. CAHKl'TH. Uita FliAN'f'lHCA T. HKNA. . 30c; publication. 7tK-- totul, $s.3S. N. by Creaton Pelado. luxe. Precinct No. KB McKMQHT. lllll Sit Town Co. Addition. Taxea. 3ic; to- JAM All taxea Uni.l on northwest corner of All Taxea Lota X. , 10. In block 13, Ui- H.x.57 penalty, 12.22; publication. All Taxe Uit I, in Work W. Tortor KlKbth and Main atreeta. by (M ft. 173.43: penalty. I3.7; publication. 40c; to- No. 31. N. GONZALES. tA $77.59. pci, Hul.bucher ft Rysenwald a Addi- Precinct tal. $51.14. FELIPE Milla Addition. Taxea. wiial Tuxea. penalty, IS. 03; publication, tal. tion. Taxea, I2;.5ti: 11.32; Nc. 38. All Taxes 170 varus land bounded n. R: p.i; penally, Precinct 8. hy AI. xJV I1C. publication, ZOc; tut it I, Sir; total. 104.17. J. I lJV&Z AND A. n. r.Al.LF.GOS. 0c; totul, I2X.4H. APOLtlNIO CHAVEZ. .V D. Gonzales. Romero, K I'll-bar- All Tuxea SO aerea. K. U, W. by J. Co. Taxes, $4.61. MciXJNALD MHS. A. CIIAFFIN. All taxi. Latnd bounded N. by J. 8. A. HMITII. Mrg tho VICTOR CARILLO. by river, d I. Taxea-U- 8. by L. . . vt . of 8cc. 19, Twp. 11 N.. Jt 13 n 23c; publication, 35c; total, $5.i,i. All da and . In block All taxea 1 and !. In block 2' of U. de Kaiiulbel. B. bv All Tnxea fi. 9. 10 All taxea 70 ncrea Innd bounded .V penalty, Ixta Arroyo V. by Uita and ft off north N. M. 1'. M.: I tin aerea, N. by Milla & Klhlberis'a Addition. Taxes, 3t. bullillnit lota Addhlon. Tuxea. :I3.I4; Pero. Oalllnaa river. aide of lot pi, A brlnx tho P. Sanchez. 8. by F. Sunche. L. FACA'NDO JIRON. 133 43: C7; In block of Hoaenwald a H t.jf 8. W. N of 8. K. 4. 8. V. V, e, Í14.19: penalty, 70r; putdieallon, fx.1; to penalty.; publication. 4"c; total, Taxea. penalty, II. publication, 135. M; 't. t, KI Hordo de la Canada del Terromo All Taxes loo acres land bounded N 3.V; 135.45. Addition. Taxoa, iwualtv. $17'.; of N. K. i Her. 19, Twp. II 13 K. $9.12: tal, $15.79. total, $5(s.25. N.. It. W. by de Alora. Taxes. N. Jiron, 8. bv A. Lucero, W. by publlciitlon, 0; total ; H. la linea hv JOHE Y. N. M. P. M 159 aerea, beliiK lot of 47c; publluallon. 35o; tulul. rrieaa, by lainlo del rlo; V. n. MeCLVTIE. CAMPiiKi.r.. LUJAN. IX 13, penalty, K. el land nrm - 9. R. HVNl'KR. K. N. W 8. E. N. U of 8. XV. "4 All 4 S, In block S3. tnx.B-U.t- Ho- Hecond half Ud In block A. t. $10.24. . bounded N. by river. S. by el bordo, W. TaxeUd and All B In, I. ! In block 1. All Tnxea Ud 5 and 6. In hlock 35 In Hoc. 29. Twp. 11 N., R. 12 K. N. M. P. 1'orter Milla' Addltlfin. Taxea. aenwald Co.' Adilltlon. Taxea. HoHcnwitld'a Addition;ta lot 6. In block 7. lllll GRKOORIO AIAK8TAS. by anme, K. by river. Taxes, $I1.;s; Hltn Town M. Tnxea. $16.32; 76c; publica- Se; publication, 4oe; totul, Verna Town Co. Addliloii: lota I Otra Ailditlon. Taxca, $V!3; penally, N. by 56c; publication, 70c; Penally, xii.zt; twnalty, 12.3; publlcalioti. tie iinlty, 12.44; publication, lc; tion, $1.05; total 117.13. All taxe 370 vara land bounded total, 91.40. IW.Itl. and 2. I linker Addition: lot 3 and 1. total. 8. by S. Alacatn. K. bv L. $12.5li. total. 17. 151.77. JOHF. o. Sandoval. JAMFH In hlock Veuna Town Co. Addi- MA. CHAVKZ. Joae. W. bv Urn Pino. Tnxca. $X.M; HENIGNO MARTINEZ. MrPARUSn. JOHN W. COOK. tion. Taxea. Iaf 124.10; penally. IO); pub- MHH Rl'HV J. SPIKKS. Second Half Taxca fi acre hounded N. total, All Taxea-U- da 4. 5. In liba k 1ft). Klhl- - -- 13 penult v, 41c; publication, 35c; AI! Taxes 76 vara land bounded N. by Í Heeond half taxea lot nnd II. In lication. 11.20; total. H33.0U. All Taxtn Uita 2:t. 24. 25, In block 2. fif by J. AI. Uipcz. H. by U. tionunlea, K. hcrii'a plot. $1.73: penalty, 23c 6. Taxca, $9.60. arroyo anlado, 8. by F. Sanchez, K. by Taxi'. block hi Jhirado Adilltlon. KoacriWHlda Addition. Taxea. ii.7!i; by river, V. bv ditch. Tax' $;.2X; pen- PÍT..1- - publication, Ox ; 15.56. II. K. LKONARD. W bv T I,.. total. ill. .hi: penalty, ate; publication. 4"r; to lKMiulty, $:;,03; publication, ta-- ; ully, 31c; publication, 35c; total, 16.91. JOSK K. RAAIIRKZ. , 1 12. All taxea-Ui-ta 1, 2. 3. 4. In hlock B. Lo- total, xo X. bind bounded N. by arroyo subi- NEW MEXICO COLONIZATION CO. tal. Sí. Ii4,42. All taxea vurna land bound . varus pe. TKODOOIO CHAVKZ Y MARQUKZ. M.tes-tn- s, All Taxe Lot It, 12. 13. 14, IS. In block p. Hulíbarher ft Roaciiwnld'a Addi- mid 8. by Cuchilla. K. hy Al Cusan!-- do 8. bv common rlRhts, K. by J. WIM.IAM COOK. tion. Taxea, 124.32: penalty. 11.21; publi- (!. W. STILL ANO WIFK. All Tnxea 76 vara land boimdeil N. by $6.74; rienal-tv- 71. . 4. block 71, Por- - W bv A. 15n vara Innd bounded W.'hv T Pino. Taxea, . and lota I, I. In Kceond , half taxea Uila II 12. In 11 YIkII: pen- - nnd ca lion, Mic; total. 126.33. All Taxea U.ta niwl 12. In block 6, .1, C Martínez. H. by J. N. Chavez. K. and h. 33c: mihllcatiiin, 7or; $7.77. trr A Ml la Addition. Tnxc, 1473: bl.u k 7. Uipct, Kiil.lia. her & Himcnwnld V. by N bv Cuchilla. S. bv P. Domlnnuez. total. Hlty, VINt'KNTE MAHT1NKZ. J. Lopea'a Addition. Taxea. 102.32; pen- ineaa; SHrna lurid bounded N. by W. by la Cuchilla: M MARTINEZ. 23e; publication, $:.; total, $.M. A'tillUon. Taxca, 13.04: penully, l.V ally. 11; C. H. M. K. by bv P. Aliicsln. tViSTASIO All tnxea I tonne and N. publication, 40c; total, IHi.Ki. Alarilncz. by J. Chavez. vitrua N. by Cuchilln. 1"0 C. NEWMAN. publication. 4i:; tolal, 13. Mt, lot bounded by flitch, W. 17.67; bind hounded All Taxes vara land bounded N. DAVin N, 11 H. A. 11 HTONK. by 1. Lucero. Taxca. W. by K Takt-a-U.i- t J mm. by J. Hena. K. bv M. Ap- by river. K. by A. Lurero, J. river, S. by F. Sanchez, K All bounded N. by Santa 8. A. ('(I.N'.N'KU.. Taxea-Lo- penalty, publlcutlon, 70c; $X.75. by Tecolote odara, V, by ditch. Tnxea. ir,.2o; All la Hi. 20. 21. 23. In bl.tck 2, ;r; totul, Taxes, $7.17: penalty, 3,ic; AI. by H. Iiy J. O. Newman. E. t.y t 1 Jarumlllo. by Romero, W. Dr. Tipton. Ana St.. All tnxeal,oi and 2. In block A. Ho. 7tic; Uipei, r Addi-tlot- IS.D7. N. by publication. 3.V; total, Hi,31. Hiilxbaclu-- ft RoHcnward a i. DKHIDKRIO CIIAVKZ. Idililicatton. $1.05; totul, Taxes, ts.iül; penalty, 43o ; publication, 4rteia: house and lot bounded aenwald Audition. Taxea. .V..r,l; pen $13. OH; All HI.. 8. by M K. by JUANITA (1. OK MARTINKZ. Tnxea, penully, 7lK:; publi- Taxes Hoiiae hounded N. nnd 8. by 8ILVA. 35c; totul, I9.X.X. Itcrrinlillo H.aura. ally. I2.H3; publlcutlon,. a ; total, 59.H4. $1.011; main road, XV. by C. K. K. FRANCISCO F. XV. by J. Sect.nil tin If tnxea Ud 2i. In block !. cation. total. Ili.tíf. Martinez, by All arros Innd bounded N. by ' Oliva. I'llbarrl Tnxe. 8ATI HNIA l, J)K Ooiiznlea. Tnxca, $X.i;2; penalty, 43c; taxes548 l'INARD & ROM ERO. tñ.; penalty; 2!tr; publication, 70c; total, COHDOVA. Uihi. Hulxliaclier ft Rnaenwnld'a Addi- J. f'. HTOWKLL ft HON. F. Sanchez. 8. hy H. Vlull. E. by hordo Taxes 1.634 arrea All h 11 nil 7. In hlock II. ho- - publication, ::.V; total, $9.40. Second Half land 1.M. tnxeitiitit tion. Tuxea. H3.4I: nenalty, l.ti7; Hecond lit If Taxea Uita 17. IS, 10 JO del Terromote. W. by ineaa. Tuxc. hounded N. bv common rlhts, 8. bv ptx. Hulxbiicher & ltoaenwald Addition. 20c; I.'S.SI. 21, 22. 23, 21. 25, 20. 27. 2i. 2!i, :tn, AM I!K8 (H1KOO. $1.33; publication, 35c; WILLIAM OKKEFB. Ta,xca 117.33; tolnl. v. $26.55; tienalty, Cerro del Salitre, E. and W. by J. j. i.etinlty, Mir; publication. 4, I I. I n Addi-lio- All Taxes 50 All 21. 22. 23, In hlock f.7, VINCKNTK MAIIKH. in block Ruynold ft lam. vara land bounded N. bv total, 12S.33. Taxes, $37.61: penalty, $l.xv, TaxaU.t 40c; total. tIM.M. .1. Herrera. Milla' IMS: All taxea jjind N. Tnxca, I7.M; pcnulty, ,'nic; luibllta-llo- l'. Mirabel. 8. mid li. by M. Lopez publication, 35c; totul, ,$39.94. Porter Addition. Tnxe. W, boiinibd hv Main $3.24; $lo.Mi, W. bv wm N. HKOl'RA. penalty, 7c; publication, 60e; total, $2.09, CltlTKH. alreet. 8. hy Ilnice ft Hehb. na. K. total, ditch; vara land hounded N. 174 ncrca land bounded N. by tnx-,- ota 9. 10. hv by All taxe CANDELARIO ROY HAL. All II. 12. IJ. nnd II, Liatón Hnicc. Taxca, A. HI L1KH. Mean. 8. by Ceimlo Arrovii, K. bv y part of Alora Jl'AN FAMA. IS. 16. 17. lli.i; penally, I. XV. F. Haca Sandoval and All Taxes 160 acres land bounded N. by It. In Heldllmter'a Addition. 70c; publication. Sic; Hecond Taxia-Lo- ta 4 5, In i. Martin. by nubile land. Taxes. K. by la cima N, total, lli.ül. Half and ! line. 8 bv P. Sanche. E. by All Taxe Hon and lot hounded Taxca. IIUill: penalty, publication, block lx.l2: penully, publication, 7oc; to- - A. Garcln, 8. by river, el bordo, M. K. by Mexico i.!; I'PH. It of Roaenwiild'a Addlllon. de la Cuchilla, W. by Alora road and liy Delirado, New Av. 12.00; total. 12.64. MARCOTTK. i'H.vm, 117.0.'!; nil, i:i. pen- W. by Canada Honda. Taxes, $l.60; 8. by I'. Lucero. XV. by alley. Taxed All taxea- - Ui rid bounded K. he T. penalty, SXc; publication, part of Alora line. Taxca. J29.S1; penalty, 43c; publication, 35c; total, uy.y.u: v. iAit,KT. 4ti; total, lix.'.il. FIOKL I.KVRA. $1.4x; 35c; $31.41. I5.S0; penalty. lie; publication, 35e; to H. K. Itv.. W, bv ditch, H. by P. i; alty. publication. total. $9.38. All 1 2 1. All Tuxea K tal, $5.78. tnxeaUil and In block J. A. bnrrl. N. bv P, Nolnn. Tnxi JAMKH Hl'LI.IVAN. lloiiao bounded f. l,v PORFIRIO SANCHEZ. A. Hac IMi.57; pen-all- Lcylia N. W. by meao, 8. FELIPE TRI'JILLO. Addition. Taxea. liennlly, 1.",2; puhlh tlon, 3ic ; total, All Taxca- - Lot 4. in bba k 1. L and by R. All bounded N. by N. V. A. VAMOS." 12.17; publication, toe; I'tf.'JI. Veiiax Rnybal. Taxea, $5.40; 26c; 'pub- taxea Uintl All Tuxes 160 ocres land bounded N. bv total, Town Co. 121 32: peti-nll- pennltv, W. by All Taxe-- Ud Í1, In block TA nnd lota Addition. Tuxea, lication, 35c; 8 bv P. Sanchez. Cuchilla. J. Chavez, 8. by Tres Hermanos, XV. by CHAHI.KH $1.21: publication, 20c; $25.73. total, $6.01. Tuxes. . 7. . In block S9. Porter Milla' Addl OANIOKR MRU. WILLIAM MALHICOCF total, K. bv Cuchilla de Terromote. G. Chavez. K. bv J. A. Pino. TaxeH, Hcconil titxea-U- fi 7, Dol.ORKH 22c; 35c; l. tlon. $4.73; penalty, 21c; publi- - half it and In All tnxea-L- ota 13 14. In 12, TIIK MONTKZI'MA LCCKRO. $1.53; penalty, publlcutlon, $10.92; 54c; to- Taxe. 4. and block CU'II. All pcnulty, publication, Sic; ; block Hlanchurd A Cn.'a Addition, Lna Vckhh Town Co. Hecond Tnxca Tnxea ho vara land hounded N. by $5.10. ration, total, ii.iii. 112.71: 12.13; Adilltlon. Taxea, Half Pcrannnl property, h. H. tal, III.M. Tnxca. penally. pub'lciitloti, l.'ñ.li: tienalty, I2.S.Í; publication, Inc; to- coiikIhIIiik of fllli bv river, K. by M. Manxunnrcii, K. ft. RAYMONDS. 40r; I1.Y2I. fiirtilture. Tuxea, $iio7:i' W. by A. pa) JKSCS AIA. VIGIL. AI. HERNANDEZ. total. tal, liiO.40, $.'!.ix!; Lucero; vara land bound- 109 N. JESI'S All Taxca-A- II block 74. iicii;ii', publication, ;tV; lotul' All tnxca yunta land bounded 1611 of Portar 1 1 y ed N. by M. Lucero, H. by M. K. All Tuxes acres land, belnir the S. 17.11; FN It DKNWOOI iY, , T. O. $64.17. Haca, bv Terromote bordo. 8. by Canada de Mill' Addition. Tnxca. penalty, MKRNIN. by creí k, W. by ditch. I19.9X; XV. of N. K. 4. 8. E. U of N. K. ; All taxea-U- it 12 and 13. In block M, Tuxea, L. W. by 'i publication, coc; total, All tuxea IVraonal properlv. coiihIkIIiik CIIARLKH TOUNLKY. loa curra lea. E. by Aruiron. 8. XV. 'a of 8. E. and N. XV. of $.i, lllll Hit Town Co,' Adilltlon, Tuxea, penalty, 9xc; publication, 70c; total, AI.; 4o0 hounded N. by 'i 4 of alock of Kooda In atore, Tnxca 121,5!' All Tnxea Uita 3 unit 4, In I $21.66. J. L. vnrda land V4 21. 15 15 C. DAN RHODES.' 1. M; penalty. 7 e; block 8. E. of Sec. Twp. N., R. )'. Taxi-Perso- publication. 4c; lotul, 11.07; 8. bv A. Vliiil. K. by F. Antiron, All nal properly. 1'erinlty. publlcnllon. Sir; total, halt view Adolllon. Tnxca, 110.31;- pon-all- ruad. Taxes, $7.5S; penalty, 37c; publication, Taxe, 12.01. 123.01. 51c; J LSI '8 AI. RIYKRA. XV. bv T. $11.11: pen- mm.; .'.U; publlcHtloti, 35e; to. piibliciition, lor; total, 111.27. Alnrllnez. Tnxe. 35c; penally, A Kt ' K I All Tnxea 137 vara N. 7oc; $12.3'i. total. Ul, W. NCION MOM NOI'KZ. JOHN MKRNIN. I- - K TRA1NKR. bind bounded bv alty, 55c; publication. total, All Lot 6. In 13. D. .llrnencic, 8. by C. Apodiicn, K. by tnxca block Utpeg. taxea-l,- ot All Tuxea-L- ota 26. !7 "... C.AVIN0 VIC1L. No. 45. JAN KT riOHit Hecond half 1.. In block 22, and of 2 in ditch. W. bv P. AlaiiXHimrt-a- . Precinct Hiilisbacher ft Hoaciiwald Addition. Han MlRuel block A. Tuxea, All tnxca personnl property consisting All Taxtv :tii0 vnrua hind Iwiimdcd N 13 Town Co. Adilltlon. Tuxea, of RoaentMild'a Addition. 17.66; pcnulty, .'Se; publication, 35c; to- inxea. 0): penally, lie puljllcitllon, IIK.2I: 113.93; of 7 bend cnttlc. Taxca, II.SI: pen-all- LI PR A DC APODACA. l'.y H. II. Imvla, 8. by & Milla' 2o; penalty. Die; publication. 20c; to- tixea. iienalty, I2.1Ü; publication, lnl, $x.:w. of I'orler total. 13.3. IIÜ.35. line; $16.72. 21c; publication. 35c; $5.13. All Taxes 72 vurna land bounded N. by Addition, tal. Intnl. 1 total. H hy lloulrvnrd. W. by t'rea. N I A LUCIO HKNA. .1. 8. by A. Sena, K. by I'ATHICK HCÍ1AN. K, F. Apodaca. ion 'tuxea, li.pi. pchMlty, Itn publlcii-;lo- CKOIL1A MILLH1AN. RK'AHOO THt'JILLO. Tiixet. S2 No. 37. pen- ÜK- -. All tiixca-l,- ot 13, 10, T. nomcrn All vnrua bind bounded N. bv Precinct bills. W. by river. Taxes, $551; total, In block All inxea-U- ita 28 2ÍI. 1! All Taxca 7. 0, ; and In block Lot In him k T. Rome- J. M. Clcivcz, 8. 27c; 35c; $6.13. 7. Addition, Taxea. I3.HS; ncnalty, IÍK-- ro a by F. OiiIIciío. K. bv alty, piibliciition, total, FANNIK M. KOHS. Hnn MlKiiel Town Co, Addition, Tnxea Ailditlon. Tnxca, $16.72; W. 30 MANCKL liiilillciitlnti. 20c; total, 11.22. loo. penalty incKu. hy Pecoa river; vara land ARMIJO. TRINIDAD APODACA, All Tniea-U- ita V, 21, In ill: penalty, 13.03; publication, 4m:; to- Mr; publication, Sic; totul, $17.75. All 50 bounded N. and block 71. CA bounded N. by road. 8. bv Peco river, taxes vnraa land All Taxes 50 varus bind bounded N. by I'orter ft Milla' Addhlnn-TiiX- fa, l.7.i; RFKI.ITA Dl'RAN, tal. Ii4.22. AI.HKRT 1 I W. hy F. by Cerro. S. C. Garduño. K. bv P. -- J. 'TON. Ateticlo, K. by R. Jarmnlllo. b' .1. K. IM.mtlly, fit--; All taxea I,ot 7 In block 9. It. Hneii Ad- IV. 47 land Pinza 8. by Garcia, by Gallinas publlcutlon, 411c; total, M. M. MILLIC.AN. All Toxt'H Uit 6 and i of 7, In block ÜI ruxea. II.S2: penalty, 21c; publication, L. Duran. bv river; vara $2.6X; v..:w dition. Taxea. 113 08: penalty, Car; publl-cntloi- i. tHxeH-- K. river, W. bv hill. Tuxes, penalty, All j,t 3, nnd V. !"0 ft. of lota lllll Hile Town Co. Ailditlon. Tux. a' 70c; total, bounded N. by F. Quintana. 8. and 35c; $3.16. 20c; total. HJ.M, 37 XV. $'i.3X; 13c; publlcutlon, total, IM"l.iFM'IT. and 3S, In block I'i. Han MIhiu I Town ;4S; penally, 27c; publication, 40; totul, Jl'AN D. TAPIA. by rlvr-r- bv rneaa. Taxes. Tiixfa-llou- Al "tll'HT Addition, $7.110; $0.1 1, pénnltv, 31c; publication, 70c; total, FRANCISCO A. GARCIA. All ao and lot iMiiindi-- N. KIIHICH. Taxea. pennltv, 2V All Tnxca-- 53 Innd liounded N. by .1. pecoiid tnxca 1 2, iiur; IK..ÍS, vain $7.39. All Taxes 160 acres land bounded N. hv liy I. Mfirc. H. bv Hh nt 11 Ann Hi., K. hair im nd In block I'lililliii linn, total. VKKIiKH ft H. 8,'iluziir, 8. by K. , I. Ad- VKKIiKR. river. bv road. W. unknown owner, 8. by L. Galle-ios- If. liy New Trti-Jlll- o l.oM' Hulubachar ft Hoaenwiild LI Z A ll Tuxea-Lu- nd 51 Mexico Avt.. W. bv M. MONOHAtloN I)K LI'CKRO altiiuled on aoittb aide by l. Hubiziir; vara bind bounded LAZARO FLORES. A. illtlon. IIH.78: Use; , by J. Alnilrid. W. by unknown ow- Taxea, $.'l.jü: pcnulty, Kc; publica- Taxea. prnalty. pulj. All taxca-Lo- ta 7 S, In 3 Fair-Vie- of Mil in Ht., - N. by J. Riiim-m- 8. by K, All tnxc Personal property. 10 bend of 4)c; 121.14. nnd block coniiiiencliiK- nt the N. K J. Duran, by ner. Tuxes. $lo.o7: penalty, 50c; publica- tion, IV; total, 11.07, Ilcittlon. total. Id '01111 K. Taxes. $7.97: penalty, 3'Jc; pub- Addition, Taxea. tlHt; penalty, ciirner of an lot at the property of Motilova. W. hv Jl. Hnluznr. Tuxes, cattle. tion, 35c; total, $10.92. TIMOTKO BKNA. JIHH. LOCK IK C, FOHT. "; publication, 40c; total, $20. lx, Oldeon HI. líenla, thence W. nloiiir Main 110.12; penalty, iJic; publlcnllon, 70c; to- lication. 35c; total. $S.71. All Taxea-- '. vnrua Innd liounded N. bv All tnxc-- Uit 20 nnd 21 In block 20, K. MOORK. HI. il ft. In property of J. Piidla. tal, $11.22. CRKSENCIO fiONZALKS. RA Fit KL G. LI 'CERO. Han H. no thence 14 Innd hounded N. by A. It. dH H. l. Mlmicl Town Co. Addition. Taxea xea-Fro-nt ft. to property of otb-er- 24 by Taxes litres linen, bv Homero, K. by - Hecond half In part of Iota S. Rordcn and All tnxea vnrn laud bounded N. llis.M- penalty. II.H.",; to-la- l. K. 7l No. 32. It. Lucero, 8. Ti nil E. by river, W. by litlllnaa river, W. bv llotilenird. Taxca publication. 40c; lo. II. 12. in block 2. J. J. Lop. Ad- Ihclice: ft. In property of Precinct river. 8. hy H. lionziilea. K. hv river. 1101.11. Ht Denla, N. 71 .1. D. Lucero; 30 acres land bounded N. 'i.?; penalty, l. 2; pnlillfutloii, 8h' dition. Taxea. 130.10; penalty, .i(i, thence ft. to place ISA DHL DIP.KTtA l W. bv hill. Taxea. $2.92: ponuity. lie; total, tfl.m. C. 11.00; of beiílniiliin; Innd K. K ie HACV. 35c; $3.41. by river, 8. nnd E. by J. K. Apodaca, U Fort. total. $32.'.0. bounded hv J 3 piihllcatlon, total. Í6.9X; tuxea-rVran- H. Hecond Hulf Tuxea ncrca land bound- V. bv river. Taxes, penalty, 31c; All property. Martin. by ditch, W. bv A. Htruiiaa AI MH8. m ilV 3. BI'IKHS Tnxc. J. Air it pi H. ed N. by V. Quliilnii,'!. W. by RA ON AIA NZA NARKS. 70c; $9.02. Taxea-U- II2.I.V flOt ; ir. N. by wall of Iioiinc M. F. Rivera. publlcutlon, total, All ita 4. 6. 1.1 14. .ennlly, publication Sic; to. All tnxea-U- ita 1, 2, 3, 31 of Apodaca; pe-ro- property. S and mid N. In block 8.1 n 5. 1 H. by T. Romero de Romero, K. a Second half tnxe IN'rsonal IHI, I'd In block I, .11 a Vea. by A. LCCKRO. W, I, of lot . In block I. HiiynoIdH' tIJ.ll, MlKiiel Town Co. Addltlnn. Tnxea ll'.2l; Town Co. river. Taxea, $2.45; heud of cattle. Taxea. $.3 25: penalty, AMADA Addition; lota 15 and p;, 2 penally. 12r; 12 hy Addition. Tnxea. lilftl; miily, l.Jn; M. J. FHANKI.IN. pcnuiiy. we; Uoc In block Hi 16c; publication, $3.76. All Taxec arres land bounded N. publlcalioti. tolnl. '"bio Addition; U,la x luil, uicn. 35c; total, $2.92. total, E. riv- publlcutlon, II. 00; tutu I, All tnxea--Ui- t 3. In block 33, flan Miguel fill. iiu. Dura' and 9, In old river, 8. by 8. Jarnmlllo. by t.Ki. redera Adilltlon ; Iota 5 mid 6, In L. RIHKRA. ALHINO A1ANZANARK8. er, XV by main road. Taxes, t5.26: pen- Town Cu.'a Addition. Taxca. I3.7x- pen-all- block J8K CO EIXOOIO BAt,AZ. AII'TCAT, HI'ILMNO AND LOAN AH- - I. J. J- Addition; land Iniutnled Hcccnd Half Taxca IIoumh Iniunded N. All taxes vara bind bounded N. by ally, 2"o; publlcnllon. 3V; total, li.xl. All lHc; publlcutlon, total, pi M Tue,,iiw. boiinileil N by T Tt. ?(; lli. IA HON. N. by P. Hncl. H. by A. Frunza, K. bv by V. gitinlniut. W. hv mini. 8. by 1st- - river. 8. by ditch. K. by M. Quintana. H. taxea-l'crao- nnl I FRANCISCO UVERO. Milla. bv N. Martim. K bv Orllx J. OII.CIIR1HT. Ail properly. Tnxca. Ul alie alley, W. by J. (liad 1. ilr Rivera. K. bv ditch. Tiixea, XV. by N. Alontova. Tnxea. $3.oi; tien-nlt- tnxca-U- na :i.ii3; Padla: land All Taxes I nena land bounded N. by iilley. W. by alley. Taxca. t!.M ; pen. All 10. 11. 12, In block I. Pali, iienalty, lie; publication, 3ic ; to- - o led N. by Main Ht., 8. hy M Ap- Ix.OI. penally, 43c; publicnt Ion, 35c; to- 15c; publication. 35c; totul. $3.56, lo $3.ix. ditch. 8. by Gallinas river, E. by D. uliy, ííc; puiilkittiori, ait?; total,, Haca Addition, Taxen. :!2.i4; 'pen- lal, odal 11, U. by XV. Ruppe, v. ,v A tal, $9.39. 2; ' ANASTASIO AIANZANARK8. Galb'uos Taxes, $2.6X; penalty, i:c; ally, II. publication, tine; total, 3I.7. L, Hii'iuaa. Tuxea, $126.11: taxes-Perso- nnl J, r. stiiniic. J. MKYF.R. penally. $6 ,Ur ROMAN HA LAZAR. All properly. 16 head of publlciilinn. 35c; totul, $3.16. Taxra-Ko- taxea-l'crao- . pulillcallon, I2.XU: All tp Jj n ,, K in TVirtcr MUM. T. II. IIOI'I.I). All prnpr-rty- Taxca, totul, $1.15.21. All Taxea II ouae lanindcd K. hy ditch, cattle. Taxes. $x.n3: nenalty. 41V; pub- -- De DIOS Milla Addition. Titxea. II ncnulty. All time Holme mid lot hounded W, hv II.IH; penalty, 20c; iiubllcuiloii. Xic; to- - d. w. W. by T. N. by C. H. lication. 35r ; tolal. $X.7X. Jl'AN UVERO. , John vkkdkr. Halusur. rilburrl, 90 N. In . All Tuxer varas bind laiunded 9r; publli-atlon- 20c; fc!.IH. II. t'okc. H. by Mr. Klaller. K. hv Xth .hi, All Tnxca-Lo- la 22. 23, 21, 25, 26 by p. Hubiz.-ir- total, and 27 Pcraotial property AO APITA AI DE AIA NZA NARKS. 8. by liver. by R. J. Hamil- at., w. bv or. riiiton, Tuxea 100.711; HA FA Lucero Addliloii; of abecp 175 flltih. K MILTON Bill UK". KL ORTIZ. bind bounded N hv and cattle. Taxea, All tuxes vnraa land hounded N. hy ton, XV. by 11. Lucero. Taxes. $7.71. Tnxea-U- 4 penalty, 3.ii3; publication. 3.V; total, taxea-U- da 23. 21. 25, 1, lllutichnril Ht., K. by went 43.73; pemilty, $2.02; publicalion, 70c; All it tn bin. k 72 nnd lota All In bbak line of lot 2; Innd on other side. 8. hy F. Qulntiina, penalty, Sxc; publication, 35c; total, $S.44. 18. of Lucero Addition, H. tolnl, $12.76. $211.110: . 21. 22 23, 21. 2V 2K. In block la. l'ablo Itnca Addlllon. Taxea, :is.7i; pen. bv Voed.r ft W. hv flitch K. hv river. Taxea, t oner 4i Mtlla Mn ft. ciiAid.oTTi': ally. $4.S3; publkulloii, nc; ceder. V. by II1I1 Ht. Tiix.-a- . ' penalty. ll.uO; publication. 35c; totul. GREGORIO MADRID. Ail.lllloll. Tute ii.üi: onoHcir tolal, No. 33. All Tuxea Personal property. 17x sheep. Jlc; publication. II.mi;' tollil, All tnxta-U- .i lo. II. 12. block 22. Hun II0Í.1S. l"llll,lUl""' ""V; Precinct $21.35. Mlauel Town On,' Addition. Tu ' Taxes. $10.97: penally, D4c; publication, xea. JI'ANITA ORTIZ, ANICKTO CHK8P1N. C li E8( KNCIO AI A NZA N A R K8. $11. Mi. I)2.l'i: piliulty. lior; to- - ALHF.P.T :tV. total, M tiP. n. R. iiubllcatloti. G"e; All laxan Lot I. In block 32. Hnn Mieuel H. WATHON All Tnxea- - lorn vara Innd bounded N. All tuxi a Personal properlv, 15 bead of Al.i TTTFn, I INKS SEN A. tal. . pen-all- Tnxea-Ui- ta 27 LN Cc-Jil- $13.91: JI.8K All Tnxe-U- J In I. Town Co. Addition. Taxca,; He llulf nnd In by M Crrrlto. 8. by . Alontunu. H. la a, cattle. Taxes. penalty, 69c; pub- .t bloik Il.ivnolda' 2. , 1,1111,,., Tnxt a 50 vnraa Innd bounded N. by I",.! JAMF.fl W'. IIANHON. 3oi'; iubllcatlnn, 2or; tolal, H.,Vs. lock Pablo H.'ien'a Tn xea, W. hy loo lication. Sic; total. $11.95. All Adilltlon. Taxea. iiciinlly, $3.01: ,v; Crestón; acre land creek, 8. bv fence, K. by rrrek, W. by 2oc; All taxc-- Uit In hlock V), Iluctm FHI TOHO piibllcutloii, l"c; lo bounded N. by It Uipei, 8. by F. x, Y inildicutlon. lolnl. KI2. ttRTIZ. 1.1 1, $3 59. Jl'AN MADRID TRI'JILLO. feme. Taxea. $9.37: penalty, 46c; publi- Vlat oia K. by F. Quln-tnn- noMt i Addition. Taxe, III penalty All tuxea-L- 1, 2. 3, 4. In block fi. Quliitunn. W. hv auine All tnxea Lund hounded N. bv A. cation, 35c; $I0.1S. ri.iHAitat. Mr; publication, 2oc; 112.01. WILLIAM land. $13.35: 61V; . - total. All Taxca-lloii- ao nnd N. total, Lope, Hlilzbaclicr ft Roaenwnld Addl. WKLI.8. Tixea. penally, imbll-- K. bv J. Al. Quintana- W. by lot bounded All Tit xea-L- ot a 21. 22, 23 7'h-- FRANCISCO TAFOYA. by Ha n In Fa, H. I., THOMAH IIAKRIHON. lion. Inxea. Ill, 3; piliulty, 4sc publl- - nnd 21 in block ration, tolal, IH.71. river, 8. by ditch. Taxes. 112.3s- pen- Hi.. by '.iiII'Kom, E, I, Ion'. All Taxes lno ucrea land bounded N. hy M. F, Jltncm-- A II laxea-h- ot 22, In 31. Hun ration, Mir; tolnl, $11. ul. Roaenwnld ft Coa Addli Tn xea, AIKLQVI.VriKH CRF-8PI- alty, 51c; publication, 3.V; total, 113.31. W. bv K Monlovit. block 31: hy II. Piirrua, 8. hv E. by AI. Co.'- Hi. pcjuilty, N',c; pulillcallon, Sue; ! river. Tnxea. 17.34: penalty. .TtU'; Mlmirl Town Addition. Taxca. MHH AIIRANA lo All Taxea vnraa bind in Precinct , iubl!ciilon. ; PAOIA. Huleado, W. by R. Porras. Taxe.-t- $6.31. I.tot; penally, i'n-- to- taxea-lliju- mi, ti:i.mi. 7. Hun-ll- H. Precinct No. 38. 3.; total. Um, lie; piibllcutloii, All ae and lot boundid N. hv No. houiiilcd N. bv tler. pcnulty, 21c; publication, 35c; tolal, tal. I3.3D. LFNA W liy liltic K. T, Á. I'ltltANHK V. Normal Hchool, H. by Alain atrcct, V, LI.LH ciiiton, hv Prim. W. by AIONICO A NAYA. $7.97. H.coiiil Tnxea-U- 1 Crrapln. 1.1x3; All Taxea-li- t 7 s i) p, 72 MIIH. HOPIIIR R. HAMILTON. bv Normal Hchool. K. hy Mra. t'olinan. Hnif il mid 2 ll) Taxea. penully, 19c; All lno N. block blink I. .1., 35c; 11.37. taxes vnrn bind bounded ALFONZO TAFOYA. I'orter Milla 14 73 All tnxea-U- it II. In bio 'k I, Uipes, iixlii ft, Taxea, $!.4X; .enalty, ISc; J. Uipcz'a Adilltlim. Tux total, by R. K. Addition. Tuxea a I'i: 12.6.1; J. Carillo. by common rinlita. All Taxes in líeles Innd hoitndi'd N. by 23c; .'. 7 Hiilabacher HohciiwhIiI Sir; total. 110.31. pcnulty, publication, 4oc; to- rlvt-r- penalty, publication, mic; total. ft Ailditlou. .j;.2I. DKMKCIO OKKHI'IN. bv W. hv N. L. Roaenthal. Taxes. 1'. Rivera. 8. by P. Uipez, W. by hllln: Tn xea, I.!M: pctiulty, M.V; tal. All Thxc-.- 5o YFF.nKH ft VFF.KF.R. pulill. iilloll. P. It. PAC.K. vara hind Iniiinded N. bv II. In: penalty. 22c; publication. 35c; totul. V .u rea hind bounded N. bv P. AKuilar, 2H ; tolal, 120.11. 13, P.KRT P. AI. Otero, 8. bv F. K. by Crea-to- 11.97. All I'axea-U- md and biill.llnir bound. Hecond half of tiixe Lota hi. 17 In WKAN. Pudín. 8.(hy F. Cluncz, E. hy river. W. hy it 1,. blin k 43. H.iond Half Tuxea-Ud- a 2. 3. 4, 5, fi. 7, W. by bill. Taxea. $1.71: N by public H. hy I'lnxa. H. bv MHH. A. 1IAHVKV. Iliictia VlalH Addition, Tuxea, FRANCISCA Apt iDAOA. I.II'k. Taxis, 110.1.1: penalty, Boc; pulili-latto- alreet. l.-- In 3. Hoaeii-wald'- $.5.32. I All tnxca-Lo- la 23 3ft. 1.'; penitlty, publication, tu- - block Uipcc, Hulzbnclier a publlcnllon. 35c; total, .V) Martt. x.l.l W, In J. It. il lirviui 11 ml and !l In hi ick l!"c; ft All taxes vurna land hounded N. hy 7K; totul $11.31. , lllll Kile Town Addition. Tuxea, tal. $10.17. Adilltlon. Tnxea. I22.t:; iwnnlly, 8A NT I At It I AI A NKZ. 4'atbollr fhureli.; oennl-,J'- t'o.' 11.12; KTI F. Apodaca. 8. by A. Al.irtincz. K. bv JOSE AIADR1U IIJ.W; III1V1: penally, 67r; publication, nr; lo- puhlli ntlon, $1.211; totiil, $24 x1. All Taxea-ii.- 5 bind N. FELIPE publKallon. 3.V; tottil, J73., ROUT. popK. varaa bounded river. W. by hill. Taxes. 12x7; penalty, All Taxes- - 150 acres land bounded N. by ?. tul. II2.Í.3. TAX LIHT-tlal- lcy 9 H. W. WKHHKL. iiml 8. by Arroya. K. by roml, W. by lie: publicalion, total, 13.36. At'OFftT WFir. ineaa del Toro, E. by mesa, 8. by Co- All tiixea-l'eiaoi- ial All Tnxca Lota 20 iiml 21. In I. del lu.illn; peraoniil All Taxea-U- na S nnd 0, In bloi k 72 jon itAr.FN'FR, propettv. Tixe, block Cri'lon properlv FLORENCIO VALVKRDK. rito Alon'oso. XV. by hi Ceja. Taxea. $10.77; '.1 ; Uia Venua Town Co. t fiiiKlailnu f'f 21 bend of Tax-i- t, Milla $1 All tmia-U- .t 4. In block 2.'.. nr 3tl iienalty, publliatlo'n, Sir ; to Addlllon. Taxea, cattle. All 115 $1(1.17: 50r; 35c; to- I'orler Addition. TiiXen VI; $d.66; Uor; to- taxes vurna land hounded N. bv penalty, publication, loin Taxca, ; pen- till, I.'I.IU. penalty, $25x; publication, 4nc; I27: alt), publication, 7dc; Ir; publlcallou. ia: tolal. 12.31. hiiil.llnif Addition. $13.37. river. 8. by hill. W. by A. Montnvii. K. tal. $11.02. 2m ; s.l',. total, ?!..'.. tul, $'2.K3: AN1 ully. 3c; iiiilill. nilón. total, F. A. I'Ol'K. bv C. Vnlverde. Taxes, pcnaltv, FELIPE N. LI VERO. ' F.8TATU OK A tnxca-Lo- WIHK .V: KHTATK AIAR1A MHH. ANN IK 11 A HTM AN. All ta nnd 10. In block 2. IIOOHLTT. tiF JOHH MARTI NKZ. 13c; ptibliculloii. 35c; total. $3.11. All Taxes lno vara N. hv Tnxca-Lo- ta 1:21 land bounded lnxca-l.o- HoHciiMitld Co. Hecond Half 9. 10. II, 12, In All Tnxca vurna bind hoiindcil N. a, All Taxca-U- il 12 1. It :, fi JJ, is Hecond half ta 7 and 8. In block Addition. Taxea, VIVIAN DI RAN. main illtch, 8. by river. K. by D. f 2.1. 3ii I, $35.07: $1.7i; to- blot k 21. Hnn .MIkui-- Town Co. Adill- by bill, 8. by Cmlltiina river, K. by AI. , ÍI. !2. In block 11. lot fi of hiillillnt; Iota A. III Inn. Taxea. jienully. publlcutlon, tor: All taxes 50 varaa Innd bounded N. W. by A. A. Taxes. f, mid In block 1 1x5 bv Sulazar. 12 t.-- lal, $17.22. tlon: lot A. In A. I'i, hlo C.alliKoa. W. hy lllue varaa or; 2"i; I'J penalty, tic; publication, 4'V; l. bbak of Ihcii'k cniinn; 8. bv K. by R. Mendnz.'i, $3.x.i; I'je; publication, 35c; to- it. Nr. Mexico avenue. Taxea. It Addition. IS.X.X; bind In No. 21. N. river; ditch. penalty, 21c; 7. JOHN ROHHINH HCol'HINtl Co Tnxea. penult', 4I" Precinct hounded hv W. by anme; 7no vara land bounded N. tul, $137. J't'Jtlly. publfutlon, !!; total, VOL pul, II. ntlon, $1.011; $ln.;s. bill, 8. hy linllliina river, K. by AI. liui-- b &. total, All tuxea 4. J, . H. In. 12, by 8. bv K. MHH. AUNF.H A. IIKHHFIt. Uila II, W. by ennon; aerea creek, J N. Alnrllnez. bv I In 4, 1 m I. KI an. Water ri 75 No. 47. All Inxea-- 1,, h li hi, 17. In block in, block In ne ft Maiiauiiurea Add!. WHIOIIT N. creek. W. by P, Montano; land Precinct Hecond Tnxra-U- 26. 11 land bounded by roml. 8. bv J. II111 pell-all- ), Hull. Taxea. $lil.M; $;.M; Half In hi. k 2 N. hv Precinct No. 28. tin VIhIh Adilltlon. Tuxea, I7.!i; penult), pub- d of K. by F. Rlveru: Innd boiinded N. bounded river, 8. by ditch. K. and 3iic: lication, $1,60; total, ll'.l.lx. HohciiwhIiI ft Co.' Addliloii. Tnxea, W. by J. J. Durnn. Tnxea. 35M9; pen-nlt- v ptihllcatlon. tine; total. s.2'i. I. V J. D. 8. hv Iyer. V. P. , $9.12; pcnulty, 4.V; publlcul Ion, 2H-- Alat'ttliez. tliilllnua $1.79; publication. 'raker. UAM-F.I- MHH I 1'1'HTAQt'IO HO.MKRO. K. by 126.24: Il.oi; total. All Tnxea-- Uit 1. In 27. Allila fllAVFZ. llol.l, FN tal, I'.i 7.". (. bill. Taxca. penult y, $1.21; $37. S3. blink All Tane.-n- o anea Innd. Im luir the N. All tuxea-,o- ta 14 and li, In hlock 4. Lo- Hecond Half 1'axea- - Uita 1. 2, 3, In block publication, 11.40; totul, I2X.95. KlhllierK Addition. Taxes, 96c; pen- W. V, Uipc, Huillín, rVKNuWN OWNKRH. ANASTASIO ,V; Sa-- ; $1.21. of N. K. ' H. V, ' of N. W. K,, in i, Hulzbiicbcr ft Hoaenwald Addition. her ft Hlcrn Addition. Jl'AN D. AIARTINKZ. Dl'RAN. alty, piiMicatlon, total, nd N. K. , of H. W. of aectlon Taxca, IP..H3; penally, 12.43; publication, Taxia, 13.04; pcimlty, l.V; publicalion, All Tnxea-Ui- ta II, 23. 25, 2fi, 27 nnd 3n. All tnxc 175 vnraa Innd hounded N. hv HMO ; All laxea Twelve ncre Innd hounded VHTi HKNA VIDES. townflilp IS N It. 21 K Tnxca, 1.7.; 4ic: 4. "t total. $3.79. ' in block 10; lot 5 mid 6 and 16, 17, l (lalllnaa river, 8, by J. (ullcijoa, K. bv pin hy total. Ill 19. 20, 21. N. hV J. D. AIARTINKZ. 8. bv F. A. All Tuxen aerea Innd bounded N. penalty. 21c; 3.V; Ill block 13. T. Honiero'a Ad.ll-llo- n rher, W. by bill. Tnxea. $2.12: pea-all- ptibllcutioii. tolal, K.,23, KARL J. llill.LINnHWOHTM. JANKT ROH3 AND JOHKPI N H 8. Alunxniiarea, K. ky D. AI W. J. Alurtin. 8. bv A. Espinosa, K. by Tnxea, $21 2.x; penully, $1.111!; publl- J. irtlnez. lor; publication Sir; $2. 57. t'KHATtIO MAItgl'F.. All UUft-lx- it 14, pi block 2. HMITII. by Oulllnna 9'n bound- total, Crestón, W. by Ojito. Taxea, $x.r.; Himcnwnld All Tnxea-- cnllon,; total, $2.5.11. river; nena land All Taxea-b- Ki crea of helo ti,. ft Co. 'a Ad. II1I..11, Hint lot 1,1 and 14. In X aerea land hounded N. hy ed N. by F. A, Alniizatiiirta. 8. hv D, IiANIKL FLORES. pcnulty. 41c; publicalion, 35c; total, k A. Illicit, h". by Mora H. I NKNOWN All tuxr-fi- O N. H of N. K. N, K. of N W. . block I. Ilfeld ft Hiiea A .1.11 Ion. Taxea, road. by Julia OWNKRH. Aliirtliux. K. bv bill. V. bv Creaton; vnraa lamí hounded N, hv V J. HOWELL. 1, 13 ; A. Cutroll, V. by Ht. 40; All Tn x.-- Lot IK, In fi; 3, 4, K. V?. and lot In aectlon IS N . penally, Hi; publlcutlon. mh-- Mb Tnxea, III. block lota 2nd ncrea land bounded H. hv fence, K. dIHh. 8 by hill. hv J. Ortetm. All Tuxer 16 V. 15. In tonhlit !;.; r. fi. 7. X. Uit nnd U rf 24 K. ! 7c; publlcutlon, 35c; In I.Iih k 7: loia 9. in lx, pi. 1 by Al. Florea y Jt. Taxea. M penully, air; total, ltiH. Jienally, total, and hv . .loma. XV. hv J. D. Alartliuz. N. Kaimllnd. Taxes, ti. 'J; block 10. AllllH ti Addition. ,M. 20, 21. 22, 23 21. 2.'.. 26. 27, 2x. 29. In 27r; publlcutlon, KlbllierK'a Ifc; total, $ MHH. MARY A. hlock by Hundlliiela Oriitit; 75 acre Innd IK'nulty, XV; total. Tnxca, $ penally, 3v; publication. III'NHAKFR. K; It, It., 16, 17, ; a JANKT IIOHHJ. lota In block I; Iota I. 2. hounded N. by J. 8. by 4'-- 16.41. JHK MAHTINK. v (1AIWIA. H.coii.l half tin.a-l.- ..t t. pi. 3. 4. T I. Atnrtlucc. total, Tiixea-b- 1, 2, S, . nnd 26. In bl.a k II. all In Fori feint-- XV. All k) aerea of Inn, I II 111 hlock I. HlHiicliard Ci Add All Tnxea Ud 3, 4, , 7. , 9, K. by J. 1. Mirtinos. bv ORKHORIO FLORES Y F.SQl'IRKL. U L. bonn.l.d ft 1.1. ft Mnitlnez a Addition. p',: PfKiKKR N. bv T. H. M. 7 I". 11, 12, 14, 15, HI. 17. In IiI.m k A. Tnxea. IV ditch; vnraa land hounded N. hy j. All taxca-- vurna land N. Ilrllit by l.uccro W hv tlon, Taxea. tl.V.: tienalty, Ptibll- - of it y, boundetl hv All Tuxca-L- ot 1, J, 3, 4. 9. 10. 31. S2. 4.'!. It. K. PhIiIii Rni'H'a $2n0; ptibllrntlon. 6.6n; tolal. Itaynold. 8. hy U N. de Alontoyii. K. 8. hy K. hy F.ntlnliia hv F. A. Murtliun. cation, 11.2; total. ll.i.M. Addition and hi Init a ii:i..n. river. hill. J. It. Kami, 41. 7 and 9. In liba k 10, Milla A. Kllil- - 113 two-thir- d lull-ren- t hy hill, W. by $26.90; W. L. $6 Taxea, 47' putnlty, 13c; publication, JAFFA RROH. In aahl Ima; Iota Is Creaton. Tnxea. hv Florea. Tuxea. 51: penally, beru'a A.Mit Ion. 111.49; penally. --c; and id, In hlock It or Pnhlo Ad-illt- l. INKNOWN OWNKRH. licnnlty. $1.31; publicalion. $1.75; tolal, 32c; publication. 3.V; $7.1K. Taxe. total. !3Ci. ta 11 Hiica'a total. 57r: 12. Hecond half taxea-Ui- 23 nd 21. In -- piihllratlon, 4n; total, $14.46. hi; 9. In Wo. 3 or Ad- All Tuxea . 9. 10, . 12, 13 I2.'.9!'. TIIOMAfl Mct'OllMlt-K- . k 34 lot k Lucero Ud It. ISAIMIRA II. O. DK OALLKOOS. hint lllll Hltr Town C j a Addition. V-- 16. 17, KNGLKA1AN. illtlon; Iota and 7, In blot k X, IX, In blin k II. mid II. I J. 301 JOHN All Taxea-- - ....., Lna loia HK HASTIAN OHTKfiA. All tnxea varna land bounded N. Jt acre bind, finr- iwnmiy, z.r; publication. 15, I All Taxea lot) hy laxca. Tinan Co. Addition; loia 5, 6, 7, In It. 16. 17. Ill hlock 19. and lota 160 1 K, vara land bounded V lahth In V. . H K All taxca ucrea land IhiuihIi N. hv mid hv river; 8 hv mesa. W. bv N. AI. by Inter..! of ami total, fi ll. k 2, ft IHI. 111, 3. 4. . ti. 7. a. 9, 17. IX, in, 20. ? J. Lurero. 8. by Al. Alaes. K. r:-- R Ilfeld linen a A.I. Tnxca. l', I'emiaco Illanco, W. by II. K. A 14.79: , H, W. of In ton-ahl- n C. by union. Taxea. V; pen- t nellou JCAN F. JARAMILU1. IIsiiím; 0.ii2; 23. ü. Z., , Ill bank, W. hv rreck. Taxea. $3.xt; 14 I'eri-uti.i- peiinlly, pu)licHilon il. 2, .. hlock Arroyo. W. hy public S5o; $5.37. N . It r? l $:'; lauda, ui Pie. total. VM-- ; F l!i4..'-:i- . $4.37, praiuilv. All tnxea Un . a. 7. In block B, Uiprl. lotul, lot 1, 2. 3. Ill block 21: lota 1. 2. 3, 12. 47; 61 alty, publication, 35r; total, 4 heM.l I tdiict vnraa bind bounded N. hy rnnalatlnr of of tie nnd 'Mi Ad-$- JKHI'8 OALLKOOS Y GARCIA. ml Hulihaclier ft Htenrn Addition. Tuxea. 13. II, n blink 21. fill In the I'li-i- 2 H. hy A. ISAAC FLOOD. aheeii. Taxca flM07: J3 ta i 12 74 li II. KtvjFKt. lltch. Qiiinlniui. K. hv Hoi All !' tieinlly f ponully, 13c; publication, (xk; In- lllii-i- i Taxca, 113.77: penally IH; XV. tnxea arna bind hounded N bv All Taxea-U- da 19. 20 1. tl'-V- . All Taxea- - I. 0 . 2. pub Hpiiui:, by F. Pmlla. Taxea. $xx2; and 21. In block publication, iur; total. 77. 13 47. ota nnd In hl.n k A. Duran 8 bv J. Aludrld K. bv (lul-.llt- tnl. - llcatlon, l;u2o; total, M.I5, penally. 41c; publication, I9.96. Allll At Taxes. I'KliltO ItOMKlin, Loji.'i. Hulxlutcher A Hoaetiw ibl a Ad- "or; total, river. W. bv ditch; 50 vnrn land KlhllierK Addition. W. II JtiHK III Ion. - I 111.!: penalty, ;&; publication, 6uc; to- Taic-.r,- n Tuxea, llu.l.i: penally, ioc; pulill- NK.N.iWN OWNKRH LMILIO 8ANCIIKZ. N. by hill H. Hifond Half crea a- Ü bounded bv Galllmi river, 113.27. of land All taxi - Lot I 2, 2. 4. 7, block 4H ; total, All Tuve -- Lot 2. In block 8. and lota 3 - yarn tal. hounded N. M. hv V. tallón. lll.ui. All Inxea- 2'' land bounded N. hv K. by A, Hiiro XV. bv road. and Public buida I Hlalictiard ft Cu.'a Addition. 4. In k II, 9. In, Taxe. AI. O. by H. V. A Taxea. M. J. RKILI.KY. uud bl.a and loia II. In J. Miirtlin 1. 8. bv J. I. Martínez, K. nnd lx.26; nenalty, 33c; publication. 7'c; to- OORIWiN. Homero. hv Mnudovnt. 4 l 6, Ki ll; tienalty, 2i; publication, 10, Tuxea-I.- bl.ak 10. and lot In 12; I'd 7 W, by AI. All Tnxea-- --u in! 0 Taxea. HI; Hernial ol 1! il ml In ' hbak F, Aliirllnex. Taxea. IPl.iil, tal. $9.73. 1 hounded N. by road It penalty. 4tc; publication. Half 2. H11I-b- I-- ; total. I'i iind a. in block 12. all In the U.p. m 6Sr; north aide by J total, .7n. hlock 10. Uia eaaa Town 'o. publlcutlon. iV; total. ROAIAN LOPEZ Y OALLKOOS. of Giilllnna river. E. CIIAH F. KB. ; her ft Hoaenwald Addition. Tnxea. Ala. Hi. 111I11 H. HI JON Hon Taxca, IIS2..T; pennltv, All laxea-Ji- m 1. mid W. hy Gallina FA AN ROM F. HO tnm-l,- x Ml 1.7 35; $1.36; vara bind bounded N by by All .,i tn 3 penully, publication, l.xn, 1 1 land laiuiuled N. by 8. Kfrontl - .v block Pablo liacn llcatliui, 4oc; total, tl'.il.xi. Hi: Initio TAFOYA. river 8. hv Mesltu de o Torres. E bv road. Half Tar iierea, bounded Ad.r.ilon 2 21 41. total. $.10.51 main illtch, K by main and lota and In him k All tuxea- - l'üi land d N. I hv Garcia. W. N, hy J Huaio H hv I'. Mania. .; bv JOHN RKNFIIAN. acre houtid. bv ll Flore W. bv J Duran. nxi . riv- Itiiemi Vlxtu Addition. Taxca. loi.T.i; I OWM'.HH 1111.59: ',2. illtch; laud bounded N. by Gallina V. by V. m 71 Hecond Half Taxea-U- d 1 find 3, In NkNiiWN F. A. Rodrliiinx. 8. by C. Polnco, K. penalty,, Iiubllcalion, 3"'; to ineaa. Maroncx Tax. I'ciinlty, Tnxea-L- ota 27 2 Viii'i-hi- er, 8. by E. alie, W. 43c; llini; puhlli atloii, iiia total, 10. T. All nnd In Ido. k 2I.V bv F. W. by Ab.rn roml. Tuxea. 1 11.46. mill dltch. bv mill twnalty. publication. IV; total. I:i.."d ttKl.tH,), block Itonieio Addition Tnxea. ;m tul. by It. 115.32'; 76c; p. - of hulldliikT l"la udditioii. Taxca, 12 37: penally, publication, 3.V; l, Alar. Tuxea. penalty. I'i 21. tiulty, 31c; puldlctttion, 4"c; to- lie; $1.0.5; John r. w. $"i'i. .Tor; puhllenllnu, 4'N , tu- $2.X3. Jl'I.IAN LI'CKRO. publication, total, $17.13. vfkif.h. KLI.A J. JullNHTON tal, ill'.'). ii) All iaea--H W. ' t.f 32 $6..X. All tuxea- - vera bind bounded N, hv aectlon In All I'nrt of lota 1. 3 4 In hloek llir. Al Htil'IIIE K. HAA1ILTON. lownabln 13 N., H, K M M R U RICIIMliNIt AHI ANO VIOIL. Aballa. 8. be river. K. hv J. Aloya. W. A ,, I' . (.J. I All T.ixea-- I.t 2:t, n block 4. ladd lai J Unica Addliloii. Tnxea. pin;. roiialat-2X- . NKNOWN OWNKRH. 8eron.l hulf tuxe-- í V.iru by 177 mtitulnlnit aerea. Tinea la 13: pin-ali- r. All Taxca IVraonnl property. luid Cerro: vnrn land bounded N. Alllla' petinlt). Ki.3. piibllcntloli. oc; tolal, All Taxi 9. In hlin k 13. I.., Ulule, I Ali-r- e Addition. Tiixe. 96r; publication. i; tnll), In: t.f niercliandlae. Taxea. I'.': lien- - ll: lota II. N. hv J. tjulliliina, 8. hv by KI Cerro, H. bv river. K. by P. IV: loUl, ;. I'd li, III 12. 7, X. 9. 1.', ir; piihllratlon. 2ir; total, $1.21. 11.11 publican 12.1. HI. bba k nnd loia, Id II. micro. K. hy roud. V. hv Creaton: W. bv Monti. no. flltForiHK, V A It F I .A nlt, 3.V; tolnl U Thxc. I t W, JOIINHToN. II. 14, 15, If. 17, IX. 19. In blink IX. nnd l'i Innd hounded N. by dltch, 8. 125X2' $1 19; 7iic; O. II EN 'RICK8. All Taxea-- M K Minia penalty, piihllcatlon. l. Sand N. ',. and N V All taxea-l.t- a .1, JOHN RIOIIARI'HllN. lota I, 2. 8. 2", 21. 25. 26, 27. 21. 29. In All Taxea-U- it 13. In 11, In Mill" H and 10 In hlock fi H bv thtlllnna rlver. 8. hv A. Hnncliiz. W. I27.M. block ' of K .,t 3 pi .., ,m lid - 1. In I. ; ami l, i, J. Uipci Addition. Taxca l;i 13; Half Tnxca Ud hhw k blink 19. ail 111 T I lll.iiril a Addliloii. bv Al. tcrn: vuru bind bmiii-b- N. 4 KihllaTK Addition. Taxea, '.' pen- townaliip II 21 K, penult. To 11 A1I.II1I011, F. MOYA. N. H. Taxea KII..11, 4ue; Lna Viftna Co. Tnxea. $11. lil; pcnulty, $2 ó, piibllciKlon, by 8. hylibilla, K. At Jl'AN alty iV; piihllcatlon, 20c; $1 21. l- total, Taxe. rlver. bv Jimenez. tnxea-10- total, - nalty. 2hc; puhlli tV; ;H. tnn.ulty, Jik ; to- - X All 3 vnrda hind bounded N. hv alion. I.V; lotiii, PAC: $I3. publication. $...4n: lotnl, $tx W. bv J. VIk.II. Tuxea. $3 04: EMILY IlKNZKI.AfAN. It KAHTLFH. . 8. by K. , tai. f l'.x ; 11.0."., illlch. river. hv L. lionml. 5, All taxea - Hiill.litiK FN KNOWN OWNKRH. publication, tut ill. $5.x. K. All Tuxea-Lo- la 14. 15, 16, 17, In block Precinct No. 29. on renle.l rroond H m ! W. by Hoaenwald. Taxe. $14.74: 124 32 C Hi F.HH. All Lot 12. In bl.a k 20. mid-lo- Hot Spill, 1115; taxea iMiialty, 12l. publication. , Taxca 73r: SV; I5.S2. Ka Addition. Taxe. MH P All lux.-.-l.i- t (I 1; 5. I No. 34. i.iibllrallon. total. ftiHA AltcllIMAI.Ii 3 ; lotul, iJ.'i.Xk. h, In block In hbak .11. an. lot II. In block 31. all Precinct 'iiiilt, ,V; puhllciiilon, ink; total, Taxea- .t I Uim x, Ad- GI ADALI PK AIARTINKZ. lliilf - nn. In MHH Hulxbai her ft ItoaniwHld a In (muí Mlmicl Town Cu.'a Addlllon. JAMI H Id.M k 3 of I Mm I'HKoHK KLIN'K illtlon, I't.13; ; - I'KDHO CAHI'8. All l.ixc-Lm- id hounded N. hv A. A. KENNEDY. Vk T,.nn t'.i Tuxea. publl- Taxea, $l9 4f.; V; U, X All taxea-Lo- ta i r; ,,. p, 30 ia penalty. publlcutlon, All 'l ta and 9. 2. Alllls non - p block 4ne; total, :i.!i. All tnxea 2m viirn bind boiin.lcl N. hv Romero. 8. bv Ui Anaoatura Colorinla. iii. In block lain iMimltt, lip, pub- ration, line: totul. $21. nt Klblb-i- X 1191. llcallon. 4n-- ; 131 lllll HHr Town Co. autnlli IhIoii of lota La Cela. H by J. A. llnlleiio, W. Hv K. bv river. W. by mean. Tnxea. $1 15; Adilltlon. Taxea. FHTATK OK JOHN V. 9.-- ; tol. l. r. H 17 lx. Taxca i7 M- l. wi lUall'.HH I XKN'OWN OWNKRH. F. Flotea. K. hv hill. Tnxea. $2 54; pen- iwiially. 20r: publl. 35r; 11.70. innnlty, publlcutlon, a; totul, 12.1". F.I AHHI.I.Y penally, All Taxea-U- n I, 3. 4 In 1,1... ntlon. totul. piiblh lit. , t. k II. All Tn xea U.I I'I, In lil.H k 3, Roaenwnld Tax.a-I.i- -- I tola). II'C ni. alty. L'c; piibliciition. total. $i.til, F. O. KlHI.p.KRG. .1 2. k 4, Uipei, or Ion Addition, fV I RKVF.8 VALVKRDK. ,il In hi... H Illtl lux.', n. a Addition. Tnxca, $6i. petiiilly. All 8. by I mI.I. i T. KI.INK UK-- ; ATA Tnxea bounded N. and linen Addition Taaen I'.'.!; $:I.H3; pulill. tlon, to- 21 ii ; NACIO CAHAFH. All tnxea lio yarda bind bounded N. bv ' - 1". publication, I. .Inl, $.,.'.. billa. K. All taxea- ,, ix nnd lf In SI All Inxea- -J a N. hllla. H. by l by west boimdnry of H"t vnlty. li.U; publl, a. I,,,,. .N block tal. Mti2. at n hind liounded hv linilliiua river: K hv atrei-- Hprli-i- Han Mikii.I Town Co. I Nk SOWN OWNKRH. hill. H. by F. K. Mean. W W. hv H. Torrea. I10.2X: Co. W. hy.N'erro canon; lot Addliloii and Iota Florea. bv Tnxea. tH I " 31 uud 3 In 31. PKI.FtlHINA RoMKHO All Lola 23 and 21. In block 3. hv 3 and 2. In bbak 1, Allll A Chapmnn's W. hloek I'al.lo Hnea Addi- - Taxca J. A. Dim.!; aerea land hound. 'd Mr; publlcutlon. 35c; total. $11.11. AI.I.KN All Taxea- U. a in block II. Uipi 1 a 42'; tion. Tnxca. iH "',; publl-cntlo- n ft irndd Addition. Tnxea, N mid H. hy K. Addlllon. Tiixe. lanulty, All Tanea-Hu- lf 1 inlly. t: hill mid Alcat hv T. of lot n, ,il In t.i3. Hulmbncher ft Hoeenw llld'a Aih Mt loll. x.!: ; to- publlriitliin. 75r; 43 II li; total. ,!C7;. fi M'iial(y, 9c; puhlli ntlon, Fiona. W. hy river; 3 ncrea bind bound- No. total, IS.). hba k Ilio n,, .iM A..lMt..ii. Taxt-- a Tnxea 12.43; h 2t , Precinct 39. W iiiiII, puhlli atlon. lnl. I2...2. ed N. and H by K. bv J. 11. AND XV. 12 publl. MiU.n, il KlNMll.KH. 2iS'; 127V nica, Cuiiu.ia ile G. KOOC.LEK. ! oe, I total, 1 I,, ":.":""...l 41 t. Heron, biilf lux. Lola 22 3 0 nll, . NKNOWN 1WNKIIH Hornirf W. by T. linrcln: land lamuiled FELIPE IM'HTAAIANTE. All Tuxea Uit HI and 11, In block tal. ROHKHI-RRV- N It. -Ud A.l-.- N. by 1m 1:. Mill Ac 26, 27. In lil. It 2IA of M lint! Ad.11-llo- Ml Ta x r 2. In hit k I. 'i ti Kit Cuevn. 8.. K. mil V. hv All tnvta vara land hounded N. hy Chupmun Addition; lota V. A bull. bita Tnxea-U- na , r. M.F.N. All I IS. In t. :tih-- hllla. ; puhli-ciitloi- l. H. 31 K2, I publl-talloi- i, and bbak 1011. 'I'u Ifinx; piliulty, publl- Taxea. li'.iH; penally, hill bv Peroa K. hv J. In nnd In l,, k 10 Mill All Tea-U- .t p; T.txea. Ill i.i.iiitlty, x.a river. de KlhllierK r, St 10, Iji Town Co. Addition Taxea. $fi iX. II. u',; totul, I..39. W. hy AiniMlon. 11.9k; '"'. Mitr ,4 , i.t.t, mie; total. IL'I !; cutlon, 2ix total, Cruz Lucero. J. Archlbeiiue. Tnxea, penalty. irl '., 2fl; pennltv, H ill, 4"c; fl.97; $1 JJtn Addition. A I .A ii puhllcntlcli, I Tnxc. penally, l'.ic; publlcutlnn. pilhlicallon. 2ti; total, $6. 13. Jaxea I.. a. y, ; .,,,, J. HI' I' $f 7. NKNOWN OWNKRH. AI.FJO FUlRKH. S ,( tolnl, mx S.V; totnl. $1.51. total, 7x. All tnxea-I'erao- rlv. Taxea, All Tnxea- - U.ta II and 15, In hbak 1; All tnxt varna land iN.unde.l N. J. H KfM '. 21 ir,.. M HALA'AR. ' 63, lanalty. II ai, publl. 111I011. 3.'k'; I. li la IX and 19. Ill hli" k 9, Iota 2x mid 2"', hv hill. 8. by C. Alnriln. K. bv rlxer. Jl'AN DK Jl HI'H JAHAM1I.UV All Taxia- - Lota I. 10, 13, II, I, 82 and A .h All Taxea-U- da 1 by 1A.TK,,AN" J, :uto lal. 22 nnd t In bto. k II of In I, lot k 10; lota 2, X 4 and 22. 1. 21. 2'., W. hill. Titxe lin.xl: pennltv. 2.o; All tnxt iti vnrn Innd b.mnil.-- V hv In hbak 9. Allll Chapman's Addition. ' 4. , l', pi 7 IH 1u P11I1I0 linca a A. billion Tnxea. Ill In all In It Addition. publication. 3.V; total. $U.2. hill. H.. K. nnd W, bv river. Taxea, $1.34-- ür; publication. 3". Ill hlm k Tae.I. Jir.-- Haca" W A, LANK bhnk It. thr Hint Taxi. pmalty, A.idlih.n' 111111., 11. publication, 4"r; Tnxia, 123 xti; penally, II II, publication, $i...59; 33c; publlcalioti, IV; lo- 11.40; total, I2.X0. Ami mil. pieeo b .ir laica - Lota I and I In hi. a k Í TRINIDAD ORTIZ. of Hn. N I3.M. . 54. iai $7.17. bv I. tolnl, l All lilX-a-t- III .la nnd N. tnl. ANDRES rriedman A H .v ait H J, I ex AH, OH, ,it Tax a L,A. hv AIARTINKZ. tin im PI.ACIINI I C. W. H K. All a- -1, 11 hl.H k Í. Ilfeld A Ih. W lifilty 12; puhlh all. .11, (.K ; tolal. HANIaiVAl. NKNOWN OWN F.RH. Ri.vhnl hv hill nnd h river; J. It. ESTOLA NO RAKL. Taxi ml bounded N. by ladera hi 2 - 2i Hlila - f,m ib I HI. i lix All Tinea- Lot 4. . 7. I , In hl.H k II Taxea-Trlana- le, lü-l- land hnuniltsl N. hv All tuxea- I'i raoniil t,roa rtc fheeti rerro Colorado. 8. hy 1'el'Oi. tin Tx. It:, tutialiy, - All bt.ln t.f mm . Cerro 11 I:";. iib- I 8 nnd K hy rlvt-r- W. Tnxea t9.4H; $1.97. L. by loa W. hy llrailon, M H of T libarrl Addlllon; lot 21. In bl.a k 11. lot I 3 k ". hv T. publica, rincón de carbonero. ii. total liMI I.At'KKV. i" hiI.oIiiiiic and tn lda - I". 1 lliircia. Tuxea. $4.itl: penalty, 23c; pnhll- 35c; totul. $11.7. Cerro Colorín!.!. Taxea, $14 10; pennli). Wit It. Hecond tin r taxea- - Lota 7 I. Homero Adilltlon. Tnx a. I.'ii Addlllon. Taxca, $".n'-- ; lion. lUiAltliMAN nnd in II. k I.citnao Una rnllon. ;or; total. IS.N9. i"r; piiblieatiou. S.V; $15.15. All Taxel.( tj a p, , II. I'nhl.i IU.1 Addition. Tinea Imn penully, 1130; piildtt ntlon, II 2n; lotul. pi unity, l a : puhlli allon, 3.V, total, II total, T iii,-- T. AI. MINNIE K. ttomr An.ntion. IMrinli), publiiallon. 4v : total, .;. HIICCKIIART. Precinct No. 41. MARTIN. lanally, a -- a T.ixea-- U.l A 1axr.;i, FKI.ICIAN'O HAIZ. No. 30. All luxi Pcracnnl property All 9. in tilia k Ti. Allll "i i..u. toiai m. I.AM V K i A H Precinct 5, VINI, CO, -- nf lite alock, Tuxea, II5..11: chapman' Adilltlon; 7. In block A. V. ITI.LINtl All Taxi Uita !2 and 23. In blink 12. CANDE! ARIO FUHTKH. lot HI'fK. All Un I I. 4 I2M; piibllcutloii. 3.V, $17 .92. Mill" Kllilla-r- i 1, m p, , laxe. I. In hlo. k I. of T. Addliloii. Taxea, total. Kecotid hit If tuxea IK) arrea land Addition. Tnxc. uifi-i,- it ,,,4 HH'I. LIVIANO ALMtTINKZ. hound 1191: iienalty, Do; total. 'mi liroi ft simumur,, Addition Tnxea In nnlty, ,V; -- : by I H. f. m publication, t i Addition pulill. ntlon. toe, totul. Ml Taxi vnnia bind hounded N. hv Precinct No. 35. ed N. aniiinnn, bv e. K. U 40. f'i V. i..' inni i.n all- la iiuliy. II 2., piihllcuilon. h.i ; to. t,i.;,x K. by A by ihi Until. XV. by Mom roml, 1' Cuchilla, 8 bv river, U p'"""y- lM"'llction. tal. In. tlnicln. MARY K. "'Tutlr l Ii OLOROi: Hi OTT. W. bv J. IViidiirlea, Tnxea $;,.: p, I. CIIKNK. Taxea. $l "3: m natty. 2ic; publication. AHI I.S. ai Xa-- All Inxea- S'xi 1". $1.37. All Tnxia-Hl.- nk 1. 4. In Alllls W. T. HF.t'K A M CHAHI.l I.FWIH :;.', publlciitlon, total, $7 21. nrmi bind I.v 35r; (..till, ! I And II All Tnxca-U- IS. X. . HprliiK-Tnxea- All a- 1 í '' II li'i.l In block La N I daiH-uaua- H. Kilill.eiii a - lax. Two.lhlrda of I.. la 3. ( 1 A 1 .1 .1 ,1 ;t .bulla. hv Uia hv CA It A Addition to Hot half t:n. j.u ; ' k Mnitlne ft Fort Addlllon Tnxea, Itl.l A MAKHTAH H . MIT IARCIA DE CORtniVA. 'n In hliak 2I. Han Miauel Town Ad-li- lili lr tiitiaa. W. bv A. Lucero. Tuxea All Iiiii.m: penuny, $a.0I ; publlcnllon. '"I"" Addition. Taxen pen. I. oi-- 277 ."2' in prooertv. 3il atieen, ; f.Kf lion 7'i 3 - im; iHiinlty, a; piihllcuilon, i.iinl. All Txi- - xatna lunil bounded N. bv Il7 xc; public 3a ; im II, it, Inxea, tvi peiinh nj pub- 1.1 iiinnllv, lo- $29. : tieiiulty, 11.4; publli-nllim- tolnl. ally. 4:', pul. Mil,,n 5 I11II.1 I', 1 IX X.",. Tnxea ,,.,) (h.(J III nilon. tan , , 12 lililí.. 8 hv 11. hy 1. do tnl. 1 tolnl, in. IV: totul. $31.71). T. I! All 1. 1,8, WAItr K KF K!iAM I AM HCIIII.TZ.' W. bv I. M.iilln. A IKK I.KUIH Ml.l H It.rroirt. Tnxa. It Ml iN Dt ItVN - 111 He. on 1 4 5 C la-- R. OALLFOOH. All Tat"- U,! 6 J, . 10. 11. ,uf ta,.r p, ,l... k - 21 $ !i, publlcnllon, to. uí F.roKNIo All inxea Lota II 12 11 All Taxca U, ta :1 l In l. Ail tnxea-l- in rea bounded S. hv A 11 - Ut.V,, ,,. .., I,,.. H' .. ... and to hi eb n ii hl.a Ini, ln,a. ;; tnxea I'eramml protwrl v - I O'lO hbak 17. Alllls A Ohnpmim' Addlllon. ' ? Ui)Mt. Hiilrhm t'rtcB.i, 8. li. b Ort.-a- . ""i aiiauei Addition T'u ma. her ft H'cin'a Addition hv titer, It. W. allf.-ll- InXea 111 UK' $:!'!.,; Tnxea. n nully, r-- publicalion. V," VJu'r tan . $: í pub. '.'; íT"h"' "ii 11. unity, :, ,1 1, I. Tim a. 12 h unity, fa; líKMIi:ii I'll!.. bv A It. de Lucero; t yunta Inn I Ilcntpin. ,tV; totul. $' l Il.4fi; tolnl. 12 41. Inl I '., in, II 0", total. $n.:,7. All Tnxei.4X turn bind hounded K. bv iM.nmltd N. I.v hill. 8. by river. K hv .'. Altfll. HFf.l.. MHH MAHV LI'.vVIH V YiMil. W. by P. J tinnni. ,N bv A H tie Lin t ro. W hv J F. J ilnndlbi. No! CLARENCE PI LLEN. 11 J C. Precinct 43. laxea-i- ii 13 and W of lot II lot All Hi'HLtiTT. t'nchlllii. H. by Cuchilla de Hnn Vitua Taxe It t: tttdlnll:', 21c; pldillcutioii, All Taxi J, 3, 4 3 In lib" k 2' U K ,,t 11 1,1,., x I'iiiihI t.roiH'tlv. T.vra, Tuxia-Uil- 7'a ; and of k it,. I All a 1 5. it 7 in Hie,!, 11 urna 4i,nd bo, 111. 1. d I'.. I.v C. 1 .11. t.,hi I. Ü.7X. fl Y. Milla Klhl.eru' Addition. Taxe. a i,ity, pnbll, nil,,,, ... llo. OltCCi HilO RCIA OONZAI Lit. . ald t, t n Ad I.e. 1 V 4: '11111)'. 2V ; X"c, to- li.,n Inl, II ;.. limn r'a Addllnui: h.ia !, Ja, J mid :t; 1. W. by D. it Idea, N. and H auine; DA LI PK AI MtTINKZ All Ta xea-3- 7" yarns Im.d N ,v publlcatloit. 2 ; T., : ir t'I'A tf.Mlly, publl. .Itlon, . III block of K hv tnx-a-tit- i tal. ;.2. (!! LK IH ft N It :i hiillillnr lota ad.lltl.m P. nr.ia Innd It ll.rri.j All turn bind laniiided N. 111. n. F. mid 8 bv river. W. by l! n,.u TtiltFN, 1 ti. 3 I. H. M 11 lota and In limit A. IP W N bv Ylidl. Mi p. Hnn-dov.- il X" a l N. I Falivbw lit. and tain' nnd 8. by A. Triilnine. W I. rrtak: in n uid, the of TIH 'M AS H. linea I'll ,!.,. Tnxea Ion- I H I . 1. AI. I REED. WM II HAIINKH hni'llv tola and a. n I.I.k k .Martin. mil I'. YlMt. W., N. uud i;, N K. '1 of Her. 22 13 N , It. 22 K. Taxi-Lo- , ,.. penally, publicalion. IV; , bv F. Trui. one. Inxea, 115.3'. TP. All ta I. 2. 3. In hbak 4. Hot a. V"-- 1.1-- iiul. ft Fort a Adilltlon. Tnxea. xi 1.1 pen- H Ih.hii.I. .1 ' '' 17 0. hv A. Allrea; Innd puhlli itlon. a'; Tnxt !x3X' 1191; piibiiiatlou, Sir!ii.-- Addition; I,, 14. I'i. 16. 17. In alty, It :!3: pulill, 12 M, ',J, liar,tV total. la allon, 0; tolnl. K. by A. Alllea. ., N ami 8. hy A Iifi.a 7cc, tolnl. $l0 9i.. lata k 5, Hot Hiriiiti Addlt'ou; lota 3 nnA L In Wwk !V nnd lots 1 and 1 in Estrada. W, by school section. E. bv Precinct No. 63. ESTATE OK JOHN W. ROC.EU8. FORT BAYARO SANITARIUM. block 2. Mills & 7. s, . ltun-ImII- 's kihlbtrg' AiluitWin 8 Gelleiios. Taxes. $41. 5i. penalty, All taxes Lots In block N, ".nuliy.. ,U6 Publication', $2.07: publication, ve; total. $14.32. HS ltHon. Taxes. $M.K penalty. INTERESTING ITEMS OF NEWS total. Í38.U. TOMA8 CHAVEZ. $4.72' publication. 6iv; total. i.IW. kW varas land ' N. by VAITK JKHIKK. PKDRO LOPKZ. All Taxes Hounded Wonderful Development During the All 120 land. th S. 1". Olguln and V. Santlllanes, 8. by A. FELIPE 8. HI VERA. 12 1111,1 taxes acres bfng ny Thre Year. A.'.1Ta?,!87,.'",s 1" Mock 2T. W. U of B. E. 8. of S. W. vi of Padla, K. bv L. Chaves. W. by J. J. All tax s House and lot hounded Pat Milla & Tax.-!-- , 4 8. by K. bv OVER NEW MEXICO KI!i11tk's A.liitton. section 32. in township 15 N.. R. Í2 V:. lutlcrrci. Taxes, $.26$; penalty, lie.; unknown owners. street. FROM ALL Il.i'l; penally. He; 4(H", W. by alley. Taxes. If any person looked at Fort Bay publlciiluin, t'otiil, Taxes. $3.0(1: penalty, lie; publication. publication. 35c; total, $116. New Mexico Ave.. $1.4'1. $10.65: 53c; pulillcaliun, STc; to- 1900, has 85c: total. $3.56. I. CRKSI'IN. penult'. ard in the beginning of and GKORGE K. JOSE tal. $11.53. per- WILLIAMS. GKRTRT DIS MKDINA. - All Taxes 160 acres land bounded .. by a chance to look at It now, that All 21. 21 an, I 2r,, L. RIVERA. 5,6T4,OC.t of Mexico' Taxilx.t In block All tuxes 250 vards Isiul boundsd N.. 8. J. Jlmn, S. by mesa, E. by Y. Sandoval, HITA PK New Mexico has head New School. son will be surprised at the change 2,. Mills Tax.-R- , All I Ivwndeit .N. ov KihltMTK'H Addition. and K. by Y. W. by A. Jura-mlll- W. bv l libarrl. Taxes, penal- laxes louse and lot itheep and wool year was $.'; J. Luían. l $3.: F. by St.. 8. bv H. Its din this A Santa which have takeri place within three penalty, publication. Sue; to- lHc; Sic; Ortlx, W. l'acitlc I IULA defunct privt.e school at lc; Taxes. $12.2; penalty. He; pub- ty. publication. total, $!..!. ? On. nnimilA., . . tal, I4.SÍ. I'erex. E, bv Gonsales St. Taxes. $14.11; ,1 V".VVV JÍ ,1 I year, ay correspondent oi me lication. 35c; total. $13,25. GHEOORKJ CUTHORRE,. uo; publication, m Fe, which called Itself some sort of a the K - total, County WIUlER JK8C8 M. MARTINKZ. All Tax- 33 acres land bounded N. by Iiellall The ímhIou of the Lineóla Albuquerque Journal Democrat. All Taxes 7, X, 11, 11 IS 1 V university, which ,put Lots Id All taxes Personal property. 1.250 nsa J. L. lleiiavides. 8. bv D. Atenclo. W. DlaUiot Oourt Judge Frank W. Park and bad been In January, J800, there were about In block 14, 9, 10, 13, 15 BENJAMIN ROMERO. and lots )n biock of sheep. Taxes. $7(1.17: $3.80; bv fence. E. by river; acres land Fres by public 1., una 2i, 27, SI, XI, ST., Ifj All House bounded N. by J. Luc- er sitting, has acquitted Komaldo out of business the excellent thirty patients for treatment, soldier lots 34. and publication, 35c; total, $so.32. boumbd N. by Geoffrlon & taxes 40. In Week 27, all In Mills & Kihlberx'a 8. K. W. by river, K. by ero, E. hv 10. Romero, 8. by A. Abi'Vtia. quee of the charge of murder. New was of the regular army only. To-da- y bv IJiillerrei. S1.M0I: school system of Mexico, Addition. Tiixen, 11.(3; ix.natty, 7t; pub- - fencfc Tax'S, $5.03; penalty, 2ic; publl-catioi- i, VV. bv Pacllic 81. Taxes. penalty. treat- , S5c, $11. thirty-nin- e there are 345 patients uader nui.-irii- IUIHI. fcJ.WI. Precinct No. 56. 7oc; total, $5. 9. 51c; publication. total. M. Qulrino Sedlllos, aged sold out for debt about two weeks ago, r ment. Including soldiers home bene SAMT'KL WOODWORTH. ' A. A SEN ECAL. years, died e, uctoix-- m, Journal-Democra- t. NICANOR ARMIJO. TilONICIO MARTINEZ. N. at Santa f says the Albuquerque All Taxes-I.- ot 3, ' In block 5, Hot acres land All Taxeh House and lol hounded Injuries dropping ficiaries, soldiers, sailors, marines, All 300 land bounded N. by Second Half Taxes II 10. C. of received by coal 3.S:l: taxes varas 10. by National St., by Poller, S. by The telegraph reports from San- aoove ninn; Addition. Taxes. penally, 1". Salas. S. bv 1. Truilllo. K. bv mesa, hounded N. bv road. S. by mesa. by coal or tbe etc., and The -. F. Pesniura s, W. by I. Piivts.. Tuxes, on hlra from the chutes puuuctiuoii. &í; loiai, W, by Lynrh. $1J.5; penalty. P. Pudla. and W. by J. I Gomes and to- applies to the present pa- fi.. Taxes. by $15.37; penallv, 76c; publication, 35c; Santa Fe railway at Lamy. ta Fe contained a brief mention of the number JOHN D. W. VKKHKR. 63c; publication. 3.5c; total, $l3.o4. Jaramlllo; 6 acres land hounilcd X. opening of two-- by mesa, K. by F. Jaramlllo, . tul. Ü6.4S. tient only, as since the iVIl Taxes A t birds Interest in tbe ADRIAN OONZALKS. bill. 8 Albuquerque has fact, and then our particular friends lollnwing lots In Mills & Chapman bv P. Padla: 8 acres land bounded 8. by vv. ii. siirpi. E. J. Gibson of (he sanitarium a total of 1,264 cajea All 2.ri0 varas land bounded N. .1 N. by throughout United who irst Addition, t: 1. 2. 3, 4 tax' bill, K. bv J. K. Santlllanes. W. by Ail Tuxes Ijind bounded Hrldue e.n appointed division superlnlenueat the States, of were and f and nnd 8. bv hills. K. bv A. Sandoval. W 10. by tuberculosis treated the 12. 13, 14, 15, in block IS; lots 27 2S. In F. Esiiulbcl; 25 seres laud bounded N St., S. bv alley, by Kllilberg, W. of and by Taxes. $ii.S3: 31c I2.r of the Albtujtieriiue division the San never' lose a chance to give New Mex being only about twelve per block 1; lots Hi, IS, It, In black lots U Salas. penalty. bv creek. S. bv mesa, K. by J. C. Mar ditch, frontline ft.; house and lot death rale i; publication. 3.V; total; $7.62. $3.6S V. Romero, 8. by C. 11 Mr. Gibson cornea tip , X). 3fi, 40, 41!, 41, 47, 4S, 51, i.2 Ki, Cnen V. bv F. Martinez. Taxes. houmim by F. ta Fe railroad. ico a kick, look up the Incident re cent. 3, VV, 59, fO. 7, 11, 12. 1.".. 2:1, HIDAIXIO. 17c; publication, $1.40; feld. 10. hv K. Rosenwuld. by More In, fl. 8. Hi. lit. . Gl'ADALl'PK penalty, total. from the office of trainmaster. Fort Bajard will, the course ot 27, 28 31. All HO land bounded N. by $..15 no St. T.ixes. $62.46: penalty, $,!12; pub ferred to, and have already given it 24. and in block 9: lot . In taxes acres a few years, tweome not only in thi block 13; lots 1, 2. 3. S. and In, in block A. Garcia. 8. by common rinhts. K. by KlSK MA PINO. lication. 70c; totul, $66.2S. ArclibiKhop Peter Ifcmrgrtde ni the more space and publicity they $2.5.''; er than World, w lots 14, li, is and 21, In block It; road. W by L. Hlbarrl. Taxts. Tnxes-2- 00 varas land IRA SMITH. United States, but In the whole $3.02, Second Half archtllmene of Santa. Fe arrlvea lots 1, 2, 5, 8, In 15; 1, 2. 3, penalty. 12c; publication. 35c; total. b.-x- . 4. In ,7. Klhlhei K s have given altogether to en block lots bounded N bv J. Sam 8. by 8. Gar All Taxes Lot block iJMh in New York after a so ever the the largest sanitarium for fighting the 7, 8, . 12, 13, lfi, 17, 20, 21. 24. 2.V ill block I1KN1TO LOl'EZ Y BACA. cia; E. by river. W. by J. Ma. ITno; 1 plat. Taxes. $4.73; penally, '.Me; publi ; at public school system of New Mex- white pest consumption of the lungs, li and all Interests in the 'following All taxes f00 varas land bounded N. bv ai res land boundtHl N. by F. Ilibato, S. cation. 2ic; total, $ journ of live months In Italy and his tire io-w- ;,. lungs. una, L,oifi i, z, 4, tn hiock Truchas S. bv H. Calleros. K. bv I. hv W. W llawllns. K. iiy J. Ma. I'ino, M. THORP. old home in France. He was en route ico. For Instance, the North Adams lots 12. 13, 14, lit. 10. 11, 17, 1K. 19, 20. 21. I'adia. W. by 8. Homero. Taxes. $15 32; W. hv mesa. Taxes, $3 3..: penulty, loe; AW Taxes Lot 2, In block I, I' in Hice i to Santa Fe. Transcript a Journal which seems to And why should it not? The facili- in blo k 2. all In Mills & KlhhVrK's Ad- penalty, 76c; publication, 35o; total, publication. 70c; total. $1.21. plat. Taxes, $11. S2: penalty, ,'.!v; publi- know as little of the conditions in New ties are here, the latest inventions and dition; lots 11 and 12, In Mock 7; lots $hi.43. HAKL Dn Gl'TI IORREZ. cation, is-- ; totul. 12.11. comptroller of currency, on it. i'2, Si. 30. block 1. & RAFAELA . The the as of those lu tho moon, gives discoveries are In practical use with 2, in Mills ('Imp CAI.LKTANO MAHQl'EZ. All PHI bind boiinued ny Mexico lí'.Mi; pen- - Ttxes acres GREOORIO VARELA. 2d Instant, authorized the Deming mans Addition, nixes, VK by P. Toxes-AHmi- the following phenomenal success, a staff of scien- -- All taxes varas land bounded N. 1'. Olpuln, 8. hv J. Jirón, E. hy Cha. All and lol bminiled X it the brilliant paragraph: any, uc;; Ar-ml- I New Mexico, puuiicaiion, total, a. Knclnosa. 8. bv Lvnch. W. by N. vex W. by hills: 336 yards land hound- hy E. Murtlnex. 8. hy Socorro St.. E. by National Dank, leming. .Educational Interests seem to be tific and experienced physician to AHK YOUNCr. $4.55: Monioya. VV K. by land. Taxes. penalty, ed N. by J. Ma. Ortlx. 8. by S. Cuballcros de Labor. . Iiy H. Lucero to commence business. The new brum in New Mexico, where look poor sufferers, and be- All 7 S. In 10, $5.12. 10. Taxes, 73c; looking down arter the Taxes I.ids and block 22c; publication, 25c; total. by railway, W. by hills. Taxi , $1.73; penult y, pubilcallon, will employ a capital of 2o,0U0. 1. M. forgotten, corn of Mills & MhlberK's Addition. Taxes $s.55; penally, 42c; pubilcallon, 70e; to- 35c: tolal. $5.31. the entire plant of the University of fore it should be a He; 40; DKS1DERIO I'ADIA. la and J. Dennett, Jl.Sl; penulty, publication, total 2sfl N. by tal. $9.67. Wlngo president, i. New Mexico has been sold to satisfy well U allied and army J2.40 All taxes acres land bounded TIOR.'OSA VILLEGAS. 1). Mirabel. 8. by J. A. Truiillo. 10. by PERNAP1NO SENA Y I.oMATO, Ail 1 axes House bounded N. by 1 cashier. a $5,tH)0 mortgage. Tho correspond nurses, who endeavor to make the J. DeVALLKY. 160 bounded N. by Ü V old road. W. by Ojo del 1'enasco. Taxes. All Taxes. acres land Hlanchnrd. S. by P. Heltmn. and wan cirtvi- - of a patient as cheerful and com- All Taxes-l,-ol 22. In block 17. Mills & $17.11: penalty, 86c; publication, 35c; to- 8. 8. by land, K. by $3.31; lis.' On October 2nd.W. 8. Hopewell ence schools should send their life Lobato. Kovernment street. Tuxes. penalty, In power. KlhlberK's Addition. Taxes. !c; penal tal. $18.31. I. y 10. Armijo, W. hy 1), Murtlnex. publlcuilon, 25c; totul, $3.s2. succeeded as the general manager of lars thitherward." fortable as Is their ti ly, ae; puoiicHiion, sic; total, J1.21. Taxes, $2.S2: penalty, lb'; publication, by W. of the of Should territory of New Mexi- - JUAN TAPIA. No. 65. the Santa Fe Central railway For the Information writer the WO by A'.c; total. $3.31. Precinct No. 51. All taxes acres land bounded N. I). Lee, hiw been superintendent the above and other like him, c CO cver become a state, which in all Precinct K. Tafova, K. H. by nubile lands. Sa.nTII.LANIOS. who nnd I HUHENCIO Uead-quiirie- rs robabllity will occur very Boon and 160 N. by F.iorm:i.o guti krrez. Hlo (iiande Southern, with would call attention to the fact that AT.H'fi A. ULAKK. W. bv M. Tafoya. Taxes. $7.6: penalty, All Taxes acres land bounded p.0 acres bind of the Sso; 11. E. W. by Second Half Taxes University of New Mexico Is locat- Is to be hoped lor, Fort Bayard will Ail Taxes N. K. of X. K. H of 8e publication. 35c; total. $S.3. facu. 8. hv P. OlKuln. and bounded N. by tilll. S. by 1.. A. Raw at Sullda, Colorado, for eleven the 31s build-log- s 4. in Twp. IS N U 14 K., N. ' II. A. THORXLKY. , common rluhts: ai res land hounded VV. by the Den- ed at Albuquerque, Is housed In bo the chief attraction to all who and of 8. by creek, W. by J. linns, K. hy el alto del hevoia, years and who haa been with N. VV. , of Kee. 3. Twp. IX N.. H.. II K All (axes property. ÍA head of K. bv P. Atenclo. VV. by twooty-tw- o $ , Personal A. el alto del bevora. J. J. Archu & Kio Grande for that cost 150,000, and though pass through here. Taxes, ,19.21; penalty, Wie; publication rattle. Taxes. $23.71: penulty, $1.1; P. Santulones, K bv Crespln, Taxs, $3.54; penalty, He; publica ver $7 36c; publication, 7ne( to- Ida. Taxes. as big as many of great Insti- At present. If tho stranger should w; loiai, i.u s, 3Tic; total. $25.27. 36: penalty, t on 35c: totul. SI.W. years. not the $S42. fa- or. ne A. tal. ,1. I,. Archuieta. Tuxes. $354; penalty tutions of learning, will compare come in sight ron uayarci, F. ÜIJVKK. ISIDORO TRCJILIO. No. 64. Irrigation work nt the - Taxes-- N. V. 1 taxes-La- nd N. by Precinct l.c; publication, 3.. total, H.oti. On account of In equipment expect to enter Into a good- All of N. W. , of N. K. Second half bounded Cru- vorably character anl would V Vi S-- c. 4. y Torres, View reservoir site, and N. of N. W. of In Twi N. Armlio. 8. by F. Maitines ANICETO C. AREYTIA. M. F JIMENEZ. Klephatit lis with the best In the country, and Is sized city, as It will Impress any one IS N., ft. 11 K. ! N Vi. of H. K. y, of N. K K. bv Knclnosii. w. by fence. Taxes. All lines-Hou- se and lot hounded N. hy ces, New Mexico, the Interior Depart- - 160 land bounded N not in debt. It at tbe head of who comes near the fort tenta in and 4 Hoc 5, Twp. IS N., 14 K. ; N. K $2.07: penalty. 10 cents; publication. 35c; T. E. by Hon- All Taxes acres stands it. J. S. Esutilbcl. 8. Casnus. K hau ordered the withdrawal from build- of lots 2. 3. 4. of Sec. 4. Twp. IS N., K. total, $2.52. rules W. bv Pacitlc street. Taxi s by M. Jlmenex, 8. by Colera creek. ment the educadora! system of NewMe.Voo, around the reservation. Frame street VV". by peisonul prop fol- 14 10. : lot No. 1. In See. Twp. IS N I47.2H: nemiltv. $2.36: pubilcallon. 35o; to bv lu celn. fence; all forms of entry whatever of the good any ing buildings are spring- I1KIRS OF ALHINO TRCJILLO. of R bead of and a system as as that of state and brick K. 14 8. Taxes, IIMS; penallv, 75c; pub- 4s tal, $50.00. eitv cotie'.sllnii cuttle lowing lauds: Townships . All taxes vards of land bounded OH $19.06; $; described in tho Union, and which Include be- ing up everywhere l'.ke so many lication, Í1.40; total, $i;.2s. K. W. by sbieti. Taxes. penalty. 11 south, N. bv J. Smith. bv Crestón. FELIPE ANGEL. alien. 7oc; total, $.2.21. 10, 11, south, range 3 west, norma, school mushrooms. And it Is safe to say MK'.t'KL CRKSI'IN. ' road. Taxes. $12.65; penally, 63c; publi All vea aim vards land bounded N. Iiy sides the university, a in range 4 west and northeast quarter of All Taxes H1 yards land hounded N. by cation, 35c; total. $13.63. J. Cbavei. 8. bv J. I. F.siprtbel. W. bv ESTATE OF 1lRKNZO LOl'EZ. at Vcgns and one at Silver City, that there Is as much and more K. 56. 1 township 12, south, raute mesa, by J. Jaeheco. W. by K. Ro- Jl'AN M. TRt'JILI-O- . roiul E bv Crestón, in Precinct No. All Tux s l.'Jl.iw acres land, being the section in a school of mines at Socorro, na agri- building being done at on Mwe than 475 Sa-pel- mero; land bounded N. by penally. 13c; publication, 1 yards All taxes 61i yards of land bounded Is. Taxes, $2.!: N. 10 La of Sec. 2. ill Twp. 11 N.. R. 21 4 west. cultural college at Las Cruces, a mil- any western town, mere a uigj river, K. by mesa, K. by II. (bike, by A. Truilllo. 8. by D Resinarais. 10. 35c; total. $3.11. IC; H1 acres land, belnir the S. VV. VV' M. 13.74. Santa itary Koswell, a common addition to Infirmary, a large offi' by Homero. Taxes. enalty. bv Crestón. W. by road. Taxes. $11.44: MAHT1XA M RACA. if Sec. 21. Ill Twp. 12 N.. It. 24 K. : 160 Mariano Salazar. n printer of school at the Wc; publication, 70c; PE tidal, il.i.l penalty, 57c; publication. 35c; total All taxes!) varas of land in precinct acres land. Is Inn the S. VV. U of Sec, v aava that he made a pbenominai school In every country district, a cers' hospital, quarter for FERMIN OAIUMA. $12.36. No 5 bounded X. by I Loitcx. 8. hy X. In Twp. 11 N R 24 10. Tuxes. $30.60 southeast of common echool In each ward and a corps men to accommodate 150 men. 1I0O $1.53; $1.0."., strike of gold six miles Second Half Taxes yards land MANTEL VARIOLA. IV Martiiiex. W. by river, E. by road: penalty, publication, total 3 1". la of talc carrying hitfh school centrally locale:?: each Another quartermaster' storfhouse bounded N by Vuldcx. 8. by A. All taxes 160 acres land hounded N. bv house bounded N. by J. Rivera. 8. hy $33. SS. th cltv. It a vein Y 10. ."i0.000 1 building progress Archuleta Bustos. K. by K. (iarcla. F. I'rsua. 8. bv A Jaramlllo. K. and W. Ellsworth. W. by Parllle street. by F. P. McOlRMICK. free cold assaying, ho asserts, city, while a big brick or uton ichool lu at the sanitt . g.ivi-rnine- $4.72; str-et- . $13.62: penalty, stor- by land. Tuxes. bv 10. Cortina. Taxes, $13.37: penalty. (tízales Taxes. Second Half Taxes-li- Jl acres land to th tun. SalHiar Is keeping the ex house Is the most conspicuous object time. There Is also a large cold penalty, 23c; publication, 35c; tidal, $5.30. 70c; totul, $ln.oo. 10. 66c; publication. 3jc; total, 111.34. 5sc: publication. helm the VV. of S. E. i4 and of samples of In nearly every village In Nevr Mttflco age building In erection and an elec VV'. 14 act location Quiet, but the I'KDnO OARC1A Y CON.ALKS. MANTKL VELASOVKZ. FRANK CAYOT. S. of Sec. IS, lu Twp. N.. It. 22 wlir by 10.; !oo reddish-yello- w cement talc that the traveler pusses through.. And tric llitht and steam heat plant All Taxes id yards land bounded N. by All taxes prnpTty. i of All taxes House and lot bounded lH'isonal proiierty euiislstttiK of the ore. a K. Personal hud 2,50u Tuxes, public ot grades soon. As for the treat- el bordo del venado, S. bv Tenaja, bv cuttle. Taxes. $3.51: penalty, l.c; publl M Freedman & Hro:. E. bv Pucllb' head of cuttle and sheep. hv created considerable excitement when to the schools all be Installed H. tloke, W. by K. arda. Taxes, $11.40; cation, 35c; total, $4.11. street. 8. by F. Cayot. W. by ArnKon $111.22, penalty, $5.56; publication, 7iK we add the private and denominational ment of patients, that la about tho penalty, 67c; publication, 3.V1; total. street: house and lot bounded X. and $117.16. among prosiiectors. V school and college that are to be best which Uncle Sam can give his fl2.?2. Precinct No. 57. 8. bv F. Cayot. 10. hy Pacllic str t. NICOLAS SA LAZAR. Incorporation articles have Just boen house iui.1 lot boiimb 31, 1 In all parta, of the territory it hick boy., aad, although now and T. .1 OROfNIX hv AriiRon street: All Tuxes-- 8. VV. i4 Sec. In Twp. Mining and Reduc- found N. F. 8. bv Socorro stroet HO. filed by Bonito growl AM Taxes 15S acres land. beliiR tbe N. MODESTO ARAliON. ed bv Cavot. N., H. 2) Tux.u. $145; pciinlly. 22 the is safe to say there Is no community then you may hear men who 1, 2. 3. 12. E. bv Pacific V. by Araifon. ..n2. Parsons, Lincoln K. ' of 8. W. 4 and lots in See. All luxes- - Personal property consist strut. piii.ileHi ...n. ;cc; mtai, tion Company of of equal numbers anywhere In the for certain reason are denied th Twp. IS K. 14 K; 5. In See. 11, tu Taxes. $137,65; penalty, $6.Si; puhllcn Huu.OtM). The N.. lot Inn of 11 head of cattle and 3 head of nonr.iv i 'a nit al l7.nt Ion i remaining is plain cn-alt- lion, $l.0i5; total. $I15.5S. United States upplld with more or privilege of here, it Twp. IS N It. 14 10. Taxes. $10.4H; sheep. Taxes, $21. In: penalty, $1.05: if Kiin So Heaven Had Its Limits. H .V Antonio. men 52c; publication, 35c; total, (11.33. publication, Sue; total, MODESTA L HE PIOLGAPO. V'rH'M.lJ better educational facilities than too ungratefulness of tho certain All taxes Lind bounded N. bv A. L. do Thire was n:re a Ronton woman, corro county, capitalization $2.U00,0U0, speak wrong or thin Institution. II THKO. J. HAINLKN. CECILIO ERES. by busi- people of New Mexico. to .'20 11, In Delirado. 8. and E. bv railway W. Mama-thusst'it- engage the cattle All Taxes acres land In Sec. All taxes-Perso- nal property, consisting says Congrfsaman l'ower of which will in I an established fact that a patient 11. prop- common rluhts: lot hounded N. hv al Twp. IS N., II R, and personal of 15 head of cattle and 5oo sheep ness, and the Mclnkyie Mercantile regu erty, 13 Taxes, $7i.!4: penally, ii v E hv A L de Peluado. W. bv 8 who hal afternoon lias, must conform to the rule and cattle. Taxes. $4..I6: penalty, JJ.2.1: publication. ; county, with $3.74; publication, íuc; total, $7'J.:;s. Loncx. 8. bv A. I'llbarrl lot hounded N. to a Browning club. Ml HI, and of San Antonio, Socorro Great Railroad Tucineii. latlon of any hospital, no matter ó'C; totul. Iiv A I. de Peleado. 8. bv Pacific st $15,000. JTAN LKdKK. tshe lia.i In a capital stock of where It may be, and tbosu who can FRITZ EdtlEHT. 10. bv (i Dev. W. bv A. L. de Pelando, finally iliwl. Wlion bern New York, Oct. 5. After months of Second Half Taxes lAnd bounded X. All Taxes4.1 land hound N.. 8. r. Tuxes, $5.35: penalty, 26c; publication, Jury nt Albu- not do this, are cordially mvited tu K. 1'. acrs lii'avt'n days her husbatnl ralkul The territorial giand engi and S. by cuchillo, by Kresouen, and W. by river; 160 acres land bounded $1.05; total. $6.6:. eiinic consultation between eminent from the outside. W. S. Taxes, $3.12: pen- Vt September presented close tbe door by Clements. N. by fence. 8. by in sa. 10. by hills. . hor up through a Kplrltuallst. "Will, querque on 2lh neers or Hi s Slid cutes, me l'.c; publicution, 3.x-- : total, $3.52. CECILIO GARCIA. Indic- inner The medicine which is adminstered alty, by road. Taxes. $15.3s. penally, i's: X. tiy "hnw final report. Including fHtccn finally All tuxes House nnd lot hounilcd my drar," innuliwl tho husliand. Iti nnrilvatila Bailroad Company I Y publication. 70c; total, $16.M. V are to chieily the irestj anu JUSK H'JAX. E Monsirner. 8. hv E. 11. Balaxar: tment, for burglary. Three of these upon method by the sick Second Taxes-- 1 &l yards land I do yoti liko hfavrn?" "Very will,' s!ie has decided tho Mexico Half FELIPE EHQt'IF.EL bv Pai llic St.. E. bv a, Lopes; house ftgnliiHt logan. James Dolnu and dry air, which has made New IsiUtided K. by J. de la Homero. W. James It tunnel under - lox All taxes 160 acres land iKuinded is. hy hounded N bv T. Wiilntuna. S. bv R. replied. "Wo lavn afternoon teas lifir, May In which It will build famous, and patients- who preler to by rito le los Chaves, N. by Manuellta mesa. E. bv J. M. Crux 8. hv mesa. W. W, bv B. bv George Lewis, Birestcd lust F.ast Manhat .'150 Rainlnx. street. flub. Hut. the North and rivers and night permit- Isirdo. 8. by Harris; yards Land by mesa Taxes. $2 17. penult, 10c: Ave. Tuxes. $I9S; penulty. 23c; and also a Ilrownlns after Florence, Colorado, for the robbery of sleep out of door at are bounded K. by San lgnucio town. V. by Poston."---.New- - tan Island, and has advertised for bids publication, 35c; total. $2.62. in i ti iiu Mi ill. To.'; total. $6.01. all, Henry, it's not Company of Albu- ted to do bo. For nourishment the best J. Medina. 8. by Saladlo river, X. by tho Vann Jewelry on tbe work and material. ;oslinn Capadn. Taxes. $5S.1S; penalty, CHESTER J WOOLFOHI). MRS. JESI'S M. HERNANDEZ York Times. querque. burglars ate said to have of food is now provided; for example, MiO 8. 10. A. The beneath the North $2. HI; publication. 7c; total, $1.S2. All taxes acres land, twlnir the All tuxes Ids s and In block The construction eggs in every style, cof- N. V . $21. penally. secured worm oí ummouu mu for breakfast, S of N. E. "1 and 8. E. of KlhlberK's plat. Taxes. si: iio.ouu river will consist of two singlo cast po- JTAN MASCAUKXIAS. '4 N. E. W of 8. W. L, of section $1.24; publication. 4oc: total. $26.4s. fee, cocoa, plenty of fresh milk, "i! .and Mcon. Jewelry. entering city the Second Half Taxes acres land SI, In township N.. H. 21 E. Taxes, Bits About the Iron tubes this at lunch, potatoes. l'ls-pens- is JOSIO tatoes, etc. For roast hounded N. by Hita Colorado, S. bv $1.71; 35c; Jl'AN HERRERA in September 201 h West street and run $3l.3o: penalty. publication, to taxs-L- ot N. hv Mclvellar, If there were a "man the moon" Governor Otero on foot of Second of descriptions, iKirdo. K. by road, V. by It. All bounded . soups, dessert various $36.36. 10. Ave., slsty-fou- r at stre-et- They will be $2.1S; 10e; tal. 8. hv National St., bv LoinX the earth would look times apimlntcd the following delégales nlng under that dinner, cow Hareln. Taxes. penalty, $5.u4- 2'ic; vegetables, etc. ror 35:; $2.63. T. F. WEL8H. W. by alley. Tuxes. la nalty, irrigation convention to ne built by the shield process. Cast Iron total, 60 larger him than the un docs to in large to the milk, tea, etc., and the All taxes-1- ucres land. helnK the Y. publication, 35c; totul. $5.74. to Sol- meats, salads, JOSIO CCADALCl'K MASCAHIOXIAS. 10. Albuquerque October 13tb: tubes will be built In sections behind of N. E. i and W. V of B. of Ll IS JAHM1LLO. on earlh. The surface nrea of t'i held at Sunday dinner would do honor to Second Half Taxes varas land section 8. in township 17 N.. R. 21 K. : Lunas; W. M. Keed, as the shields are pressed for S. All .hi vurds or land miimiliil i i f Asi omon Luna. los shield, any Harvey nouse. , ijosiues, mer bounded N. bv Canada Harris. by personal properly. 2' of cuttle. taxis nxKin about as (reat m that be 11. head hv S. by river. E. bv O. Halle. F. G. Tracy,; Jay ward and us de the cast Iron will bordo de In Jurlta. K. by 8a la sit r. $131.14. nehalty publication, msa. In Hoswell; Is lots of It to eat. ; Taxes. $6.i; V. by F. In No. and Australia combined. Onco i.iew-elly- n, $ penally, 2'h-- publication, Mis. Lucero. Precinct Col. vv. ll. u. lining of concrete. di- Taxes. 7oc; total. $141. 04. 5 by p. Turley, Santa Fe; in to produce the proper 35c; total. $1.5.5. house hounded N. bv street. 8. twelve and a half years there la a Twltchcll, many precautions ar order I'erex. K. bv J. Lev ha. W. hv A. Colby. Us Cruces; Col. It. B. Among the gestion the food, which 1 also one 11. MONTOYA. that it, moor s of ANTONIO Precinct Ne. 58. Tuxes $3.65: penulty, 17c; publication, "moonleRH month the Las Vegas; A. I nouns, j.ns ranaed to make the tunnel a safe All ami bounded N. and 8. by ; of the essential part In the treatmeut Taxes I. Tn-- total. $142. no full moon. The bint moonless iw.A. D. will be two concrete side .1. V. Luían. K bv hills. W. by el rito, has George I. Brooks, Albuquerque; nosslble. of tuben ulosis, the patient have now Taxes. $2.41; penalty, 12c; publlcutloii, JCAN UlHATO. PA II, UN A T. KIHLHEHG In 1 Stí and tLu next one B. C. Hernandez. walk built Inside the tubes on a level N. Lot 12 X. on month fell Coon. Socorro, and the privilege to ride horses, Wcycies. 3.5c: total. $2.93. All taxes 160 ac res land boundeil hy All luxes in block Ilrl.ti!" the plans I'. Jarnmillo. 8. by hill. K. hv public St. Tuxes, $2.1.65; lunalty. $1.1; publi- 111 fall Id 1911. Tierra Amarilla. with the enr window, and walk, or drive in a buggy, whichever" HION1CIO MONTOYA. $7. on: pen 2s--: total. $25.03. provide tubes must be roomy Isninded X.' by J. Y land. W. bv Crestón. Taxes. cation. that the may be most convenient. The latest All Taxes lnd ult y. 35c; publication. total. .. a. O. A. LARRAZMLA. I'pon request f the New Mexico Ir ample these Lujan. A. II. Montoya. K. by bill $.; - noueh I" allow width for govern- 8. by All Taxi's- House nnd lot hounilcd Curing n SnrVe Bite. CoinniisHlon. Governor uion. kindness which our glorloua WT bv rilo. Taxes, tl M; penally, Sc HEYMI NIKi NIETO. by 8. by F. Mures. E. rigation walks. Tim object or the walk Is lo AH 160 N. by Jesuit Fathers 1$ to ment has shown to the toy In blue Is publication. 35c; total, $3.27. taxes acres land hounded W. Tuxes. TMi Low tho Ind'ata of Central has called an Irrigation convention passenger In case of H. Meto, 8. by F. E. bv Indinas hv National St. bv street. provide exits for - who drawing any O MKIllN'A. Nieto. $61.26: penallv, $3.06: publication, 35e; to- bite; They pin held at AlliunneiQiie October lain. that thorn- aio not t'lil W. bv road. Tax's. pen- Ameilra cure a rnako be accident. From tue car winnows 12-- X. by liver. $J; not any Incomo All Taxes varas land botindod 1:k-- ; tul. $.l.67 dclegules to this pension or have Ja- - alty. publication. 55c; total. $1.11. he unlucky patient to the ground and lie will O'.'lioiiil ten easy step to the avenue o bordo de Harris. 8. by bordo de la men- will be an through cause, are provided W. C. Hoybal. THOMA8 HOSH. RfZ. H'CFRO ,vind t convention, which will consist oí ionic .ItM K. bv T. I'ena. by All ImiiuhKmi . ny FtroiiR reepers above nnd below safety, and It Is calculated that the taxes-l.o- o4 m. Taxes House ireeu. Terrlto-rii- il writing material, tic. Taxes. $i.K(: penalty, Xtr; publlcutloii, All acrs land hiiuiideit E. W. by M. as well as the nienibeis of the with L. Lopel. E. hy Huella lata S. hv street. bv J. Ansel. the bile until they cut Into the flesh. two walks will contain room sufllelcnt provided 35c; total, $V."2. by J. I $5 91 penalty, 29c; pub- the United This sanitarium ts also Co., by P. w. ny rlo'ste. Taxes, IrilKatlon Commission, provide a woy of egres to a many I'KXA. Ranch 8. Jarnmillo, lication, 35e; Then they apply a llvo rial to tho to with a well stocked library, a barber Crestón de los oHos Fríos. Taxes. total. $:. tules IjiihI ConimlHslon. the lloara oi Do Taxes-10- 0 vimis land ; It, follow nssseneers as can aceouimooaiea Second Half $57.44: penulty, $27; publication, :.'s-- to FELIPE N. f.rcERO. round to cauterize. and that IaSiuiIs. delegates from caen shun, a ihkiI room plenty of batli bounded N. bv Harris canon, 8. Iiy Public ten w It li tía tal, $60.66. All Taxes House and lot nonnocii up by mbbltiK In a mixture of cnewt d the cars. Including showers, a chapel h.inln itel la Jarlta K. bv K. Martliieg. by F. Ituca, 8. bv alley. 10. by F. county In the territory, nve ueieRBic roonia, W. by K. Mascnrenias; 'ftnl yards land A. P. TITTLE. lot N. cruwhed garlic. uve which, In case of need can bo trans- 15 r.. V. hv street; hounded tobáceo and from rsch ncoruoiaf en city ami N. bv canon. 8. by la All taxes yards land houmled r. K. by C. Fair. every hounded Harris V. (I. hv F. Ituca: 8. by P. Feres, organized town. The Territorial formed into a theater, where .Inrita V. hv It. Arcbulet ii W. by road corner by stone marked L i miles. hv t. $6 62: pen- delegates from each 615 west yards. 8. Armlio. W. strei Taxes. In now and then a show goe on which, 4o vards land bounded N. by Harris Huns north vards. lo alty :nc publication, 70; total, $7.65. "Humbug," considerable Judging from statement the callón 8. bv In Jarlta, 10. by road.. W. 615 yards, E. ISO vards. Tuxes. $2.9: Governor Otero, after by the wy, Is composed of J It I ores thioiinhout the snuUiwcst, there tntlr! hv B. Hnvhal. Taxes. $f.7l; isnully. $1.4; publication. S; toliil. CAN I.rc FRO. "Huinbim córniptlon t Haw work, hag obtained from tun secretary Íenally, Taxes-Hou- se .N. ny S'reei, Im I Influx of home talent. $:.o3; publication, $1.05; total, $13.7:. All Isninded war in the mat will a. record break nit 8 hv II. KnliiiTii. K. bv F. Lope. VV. by burg. In an old time continental of the Interior a concession They Tho sanitarium I commanded by ItOMKRO, CECILIO GARCIA . to the fair thla tiiMIi It. Iji CItl" St. Taxi-s- $; lunuliy, 2'H'; Ham-bur- having Illustrations In his an visitors ir. N. by All taxes S60 varus mn l bounded X. by Pai'llie many false reports cam from ter of remote part Ucut.-Col- . K. 8. Corny gey , assisted by All Taxes 105 acres hind tmunded publication, 35c; total, $l.5s. the in are coming from the most ..,,1,11.. Unils M hv I). Homero. K by L. Loiiei. 8. bv C. Kohh'ilo. K. bv road Thus It tame about that Wien mini rciort to the secrelary of Major Bushnell and Well and First M 1IIW1-- ' t. of ihe territory between Denver and same. W. bv K. Homero. Taxes, $2. W. by mesa. Taxes. $145: iiulty, lie 1ll'K.Z say lerlor for the year ending June 3o, Cap'. Hiram M. publication, 3ie; total. publication, 35c; total, $3.V, All Tuxi'B Lund lit l'U rtoi ito ooiinin ii any one was Incredulous hi would KI 1'aso. the Needle and Albuquerque Mcutcnact JVarson. ;enalty lie; X hv wire fence. 8. by 8. II. Xeufus, Wo:.. The number, however, Is limited quartermaster of the post. 12. !. "That camo from Hamburg." or "That Preparation for the queen contest row ell Is Precinct No. 61. W. anil E. by Mrs. L. Itax. Tuxes to twenty-fiv- e and cuts accoruinniy - these men ere.nt iiotyu b imimTlin BflMKHO Hi. 21: penulty, ; publication, 35c; he Is Hamburg." In tlm "Hamburg" are nearly completed. Tbe other siiec- and to ho bounded N. by weri furnbdied the iiovernor recently management Aii Hens land tul, $1M5. "humbug." lal feaiurc of the carnival are being given for the excellent of rivertmH. hv .1). Homero. E. by J. V. a AVTIAf.d AH ACON' became by the bureau of Immigration and All credit to our gov- W hv II. Homero. Taxis. $11 41 ny JOSE L 1iPEZ. exploited Hh due haste such a the this Institution. i.ntun All Tuxes 15 ai res lamí tioiiiiilnl A. All were sent lo the Interior Department. glorlou for pro- penalty. 67c: publication, S.V; total, Sapello E. by ,V. Martines. Tuxes Peisonul properly rnnsisiuiR "Country Store," the "Kangaroo ernment and nation river. of 10 bend of cal tie. Taxis, sii.m: M'ii Denominations Meet of a general ennracter. oi soldiers M. N. bu. 8. by hill: varus "s-- ; Where Two Thee ire Wedding." viding this Institution for the $12.. bv !.: J" alty 5K", pjibllcalloll, totul, $12.5. farming. Irrigation Court," "The Public Oriental DESIDERIO ROMERO. land hounded X. hv hill. 8. hy river. K The Church of tho Holy tíhont nt nubile bullillriKS. Show," and other features and sailor who have lost their health It land bounded N. Martines, W. hy H. tlarclu. Taxes, I'l l ii'i.: ijii'toy.. descriptive of "The Bhbv All Taxes acres the ; , scenes and other views ."H-- Tuxes-Hou- se lot ny Is only one In at- In service of their country. 1 v 1 .11 Inn and I). Homero. S. hy iieiiultv, $2.i; puhlUallon, to- All and liollliiled Heidelberg the the added lo the mull Ifarlotis shows, tue . $11.: L. 1e will add greatly V. Arun-nn- W. hy Pispen 1. M3.67. K Humero and others E. hv P. Troti-man- t New Mexico. These by !.., hv J. la by M. I world In which bod and tractions and diversion furnished sus hill, faxes, $11.36: penalty, Vc by R. (larda. Tnxs. $I1AS: penalty. Pi lliailo. 8. bv Pik IIIc St., W. to I bo anneiirnnce Slid value OI IU' company. Early Frost In Place. $K'..67. Tn xi s, $1)19: M Tin Catholic services are held nt the big Southern Carnival publication, 35c; total, $I2.2i. $2.09: publication. 70 c; total, de lu lii.i.lo. iialt, Koman report. Issued for New putillcatlon, 35c; total, $16 24. A in merchants promise to decorate The crop bulletin ivTovin v A 11 ivt. A V OIITIZ. ROMAN (AlU'lA. the same time. partition wall The weather ucres hind holllldl li X. by All luxes ion varas latid uoiiniten ItiiXIFACIO MAF.8TA8. A Boston says: The Cochl freely In the carnival color, which are Mexico by the l'n.ic.1 Stale til 1. Taxes-Hou- 1 center separates the two conrc .li'l 8. by Red river, K. by l,v Siioello river. B. bv hills. 10. by P All se and lot liounni I.. the ii Mlnlniz ComiiHiiy. owned In green. burean at Santa Fe Septemlwr 24'h, John rendarles. VV. N red, gold and V W. by W. (Iround. (laniu, W. bv T. Gurda; 4so urus land hv C lllani hard. bv T. Marlines. gallons. alamar. Taxs. II5.H5 with a mining plant In Bland busting, steer tying and says: ei- nemiltv. fine: DUhllcalloll. to hounded X by bills, 8. by Satiello river. hv ii lb v. 8. bv J. Aranda. Tuxes. liosion. The broncho ill ?'; N!ic; 35c; lu part week was unusually cold taí, 114.64. 10. hv V. Martines. W. hy F. Aranon. peimlly, publli allon, total. New Mexlio, which has been the outlaw horse handling promise to be The $17.09. degrei a day below Taxi's. $15.37; penalty, 7c; publication. Complimentary Words. hands of a receiver for two years, Is the most exciting and Interesting fea- averaging several 52. 7"c; total, $16 S3. I'l'lllllV MU IHIN'AIK) January 1st to satis will the normal, la the north central Precinct N. - All of the complimentary ft'lll", in be sold before ture at ti e fair grounds. There JiiHK 8 flONZALEB. Vll Taxes- House suit lot ii. .linn. i r. cold and snow ny E. hy L Maldoniido, W, brlllUii t hand fy who are pressing their be spirited cnnlcsi of roping, riding a light rain the i ,i in ivilttuU'A All Taxes P varus lunn iMiuiiuen n. and 8. hv alley. such as accomplished, creditor week N. 10. F. y Gun lu. Taxes. II 3: pep. reorganization, as planned refractory first of Ihe season, fell early last aii T,.T..-- t1 157 varas land boundt d hill N hv W. Frank, by l. I unur by liaea charming, gallant, etc, laiio claims. The and subduing wild and v. B. by ' Taxes. $s W uily. 2.1c; puoiliiilloii, total, $.' 31. winr, followed by unusually cold hv Hell ranch. F. rl, V. bv F. Arehul. in. bv the Federal Trust Company of this pore-dev- il feat if horseman- and was $1 0; 35c; total, $:'16 InslgnlficADCO Id old nun lief i ii J itock VV. fv nubile land. Taxes, penaTiy. :ilc; pubilcallon, ANTONIO MAPItlP. Into the lia- wit- weather end destructive frosts, Ughr .ni a city was not possible because ship the like of which are seldom publlcathiti, J.V; total, KlUI.' 1 I All Tuxes-Hous- e and lot iiounm-- e conveys that ii penalty, sic; I'KIKI or word that tnoie overbalanced the ranges will be froi--t to frcerlng tcmiierature was quite $20.37. All Taxes varas lamí nounoio vy hv hi Ira of P O. de pi lirado, S. by bilities so heavily nessed even in the VV. K, by and that word is ja. them-reive- s In the central and northern CAYflT. hill S. bv 8ii"'llo rlv.-r- K. bv J. I . t.ui SplcKcllicr. by Pin Itlc St.. comrI")értarjr; available assets. A director of the seen, as tl e boys w'V spread gcMml $2 $,.31: eiiulty, n r.. so land, belna sil mi' l hv (1. Martini s. Taxis. si ltosiiall. Tuxes, tlcut ' the stockholder have $'J,Ooo lu prlxe district excepting Ihe Santa Fe tJlley. irrn 3r-- cormianv sss lor a share of the Vi 15. 15c; loiai, $..4i $s.i.2. ot .livlde.4 nne-hn- lf Of 8. W. "f Sec. penalty. He; publication, pulilU lilloll. total. realizing on In the. vallty taa corn : - If any, chance of uvrr 24 K. M. P. M 1 Y little, money. Tun. 15. N.. H. N. lr- UlVTl lul'V'.. PKPIIO MARTINEZ SENA. so-- flejiU In the northeastern a- -. k Is one of the topic were fi'cft. nronertv. I lW sheep. Taxes, Tuxia-li- iu nouiiiieo ny All House llllil lol IMilinneil rs of ii,ir utiu I'm bill This tournament Is the chief .r,l joc All Hrus land .. Tun Weird Idea the West late S1K5.M: iwnalty, $9.29; publlcutloii. HaiH'lhi 8. by hill. V.. by 1'lnilta hv 10. Marinos. 8. bv street F.. by F Coram properties, in which Jo great cattle lunges throughout IKirGon It believed that the K. Lancn called on the In-f- ore rlr. pen Tuxes. $6 --" penal Vrs. Ceoriie Smith of will hardly rlpcu total. $lü5lu. W. by P. K. I'llbarrl. Taxes. $lt.u; Chaves le Homero. senil A. Coram of Uiweii, who organ the southwest. Another Interesting pear nnd peaihe ti i t'í'irnrí ally, 46c; publication. 3.5c, totul, $lo,21. ly. .Tic; piibllculloil. Xr; tolal. $7), iMre recently wrole to the Kaiuah Mining kilting frost come; grass I rurlng emTaxes'-IVrso- 7 Bingham Consolidated Hint much divcunslon Is nnl property, head of MAHTINIOZ. i. i ".iv. vi--: ii lied the feature cans" aii leVTIN of police for Info' 1 Is Mill b I'll i City chief afkiiiK (Viiiiimnv ot I tHh. Wfi one 01 lie Albuquerque and bay lug lute and probably .attic. Taxes $s.?i: penalty. 41c; publi Second Halt Taxs-r- .i varas iiino aii T .1. I j i. i a. in hum k the baseball lournain nt. K 1 whom b by froM. cation, lie; total, $J.0T. laiiitid.'d N. by Haiello river, 8. by hill Jones' pint Tuxes. $! 55: iiulty, matlon about her husband, principal rn. .lournal-l'eiri- rst. caught the hv M K OotlSiiliS. W. bv 8. Ariiaotl publli Ms ; total. $4 12. years. Hb ou the In very Precinct No. 54. alioii. had riot seen for thirty dispatch of September Wih'er NJ ratine M vuras bind bounded N. by hill, 8. Iiy H A Hill K.I. MOXTOY A. hunting buffs A 13 Vivas short, but of good quality, cnttie r rlVi-r- . thought that he vas I,co!ioid Wood and UooKrv.'li ccun Hapellu N. ny M. r,. iriinraies, All taxi and lot hoiinoeii rs. nv 20th Two confessed train rob- well. 8C8ANO GARCIA. V AriiLfoii: 112 land hotindc. wanu-- him sn: upon what fat and are still doing The third aii T,. 10A vnrna land hounded he varus p. Vuldes 8. by H Martin K. by toes In Ka'.MiH City and and William ties. Irtiiig unable to settle N 8. bv 8iiP river. E. by H y. Tux.-s- . SI 30: pen bers. Tl'onas Hamilton alfalfa ha been cut and whera 1 u é H bv C. Garcia. 10. and bv hill. llo street. VV. hv alb of Hie iMiuiily b lit the former nop of k itt is la Vv It ThXI'S. $10 7i. $I.V6. locked up and rent homo. were brought to the illy thl;i portion ti li $16 41: K2c C...r. hv AheVlla. ulty. 2le; publication. 35c; total. Jackson, Irrigated. 8,"d. I l" the lower vé .i.i. Taxis. us : $l!A5; iiitil.ty of Guadalupe should be assumed $17.5H. iiennltv. iiubllcalioil. totul by a pm-s- sent from Hie i ll) piihlli'tntloii, 35c; total, nancy Mfil'l.ToN. afternoon or valley It was very mini. $12.39. tnt by a eoinitil'slon consisting of Hlo Grande UA firiVHAT.. All taxea-N- .t 7. In blo,k 77. KUIihere's No Mor Tie Counting. In search oi Ibein. The men lu id up a fich. account Die atbl iL.euo JCAXITA PIONA He MONTOYA. $1071. Mc; publl K. Bartleit, Territo- t!cli eil on of drouth All Taxes-- 3 seres land houmh'il N. 1f plat. Tuxes, freight Inst night mar dispclle. Gineial I. I axes propen y "Do you favor a thenir under tbe trsln Tcrrl-lorl- nl dcfleiiiuy lu Irrigation water. puerts d l ranon, 8. ny J. Half callón. 2i': total. $111 gold rial Auillier W. G. Snigent and .uininu.$1 16 Taxes, nnany robbing a brakeman of bis watch I.., .i..- - w l.v Iji. I. ra. Taxes. head eat lb'. IioM: I. I. of the i:overnmu.l?" fruit. uih a pear, plums, peachea ...... ,.. 5:1c, 3s", 111 I'll. iillTIZ ft'ronage up Ti ciHiiKT J. II. Vaiighu will '' .,,.,.1 pubilcallon, total, - Hoi'ise In No all hU money. They also held I I penalty. itK'; uoui niioii. - All luxes- and lot Precinct do," replied Biormlngion Hurpes and and apple. being gathered and lliMI- A HAVIHlVAI- - "I meet nt the iapl:ol lo pass uimhi the $.1.63. í N. by T. Purun. 8. bv six I ramps and collected quite a sum ' 4"t varus iMiunu-i- i VV. should like to ace government own fairly plentiful. K. 1'OYIIAI All Txs Innu sire l. E bv alley. hv street; bouse "I y Hu m. It Is niippnscd qili'iillon. JOSE 8. hills, E. by K F. Martines, a. I..I I,. I No. 64 hounded N of mow liotn Tsxis-- N. W. i 2i. In Twp ami bv in I'rei lncf ertvhlp of the theaters and govern. All i'.J,f penulty, sc.; W. bv A. Cordova: varas Ian 8 hv J L. K. bv ihe men had designs on passenger train An Albuquerque dispatch of October 17 N 13 F. Taxis, . hv Ellsworth. River. An Abandoned Child. It. II. Mari-s- I tnent ownership of the railways, and Citl-xen- hounded N. hv Pena. 8. bv (loiisulis Hi.. VV. bv Pncllle 81. Tax No. 7. hlili par-ne- ChapiUc a few nienils rshlp of the s' publication, Hie; loiai, t.n. ; 2nd. The hv lllun ration. W. hv Sierra. Taxes 19 t.enally. $1.65, pubilcallon, tie hope for bciw :i: Sept. 21. mystery $1 $3 then nili.utVs In fore the robliers appeared, of Albuquerque Is grow- Iwnver, The sur Precinct No. 65. I.3..M: nenalty. 66; iiublli allon, "0c; to tal. $151.1. Alllanie these two great branches of our . a curried a considerable sum lu few day com- rounding the discovery of a three tul. $3i.m VlliülVIA It I E" PETTI NIO. and whbh ing rapidly and a the ?. HLKA express car. The rob- weeks-ol- d baby In Ihe Union depot on MARIA liOVli'llKd THCJlt.Ir All tax-s-lii- tioiimbd N. hv Rrnwnc tlon system." .if money In the mittee appointed at the meeting of the 160 seres, 8. I All taxes bclnf AH Tsu.a l..ik araa Inn. liinin.iiil r V Co., E. bv Gallinas river, apprehended near Ribera. will night of September 11 ha been l A II N.. H. Muiisanares ber were merchant and employer have Ihe n In tfimiishlo laiM.llo H. hv MU. I'., ny M M rlier hv J.snlt Futbera. V. by main illicit brskeman's watch In signatures of al- cleared up by County Attorney Henri) Taxes. $11.74: Miially. fiS'l plihllatlHI, Martines v Amr. lis, W bv J. M. Ixip i .V" heail if shwn, wife of our nilnMer to As Ihey had the seen and secured ihe $12 7. Personal pr.rtv Mrs liowen. Wyo, at 35c: total. Taxes, $2X15: (Hliulty, $I 40; publication T $'..79 w nu lly. $2 . 3, publication their poKMisHlon and the crime hnd most every merchant and employer ir. of Casier. who. the nolle" -, axes very entertainingly RC8TO8. 3U- 7nc; $A23. Vonezurla, talks disguise, ytsierdsy, told a stiange story ANA8TA8IO total $.W. total. - bren commit tu! without the Ihe town for membership. No memlier taibm 160 land, bi lnit B. rh do- All taxes acres CUT PAPA. ..i A ha Vi.nuelaiis. , whom deny grandmother, who, hating bee V, H.f. ATE OF FELIX lA ...... nun made no ai tempt to their of the Cltli'lis' Alllmiee has expressed of a .,1 .,..i,,r. In lownshln II N.. 62. All niea-lj- N b Mn' ÍÍ.W!; Precinct No. .l bounded I. acribes as of donicsile virtue. afternoon bound son-in-la- wreaked her hate on hi K iMiinl'y. 3m'; publli'a 10 VV nnIels guilt and were Ibis himself against the employment of Taxes tlns bv O. Hmllft. 8 hv alri'it. they by lion, I5r; total. $H.3. M s. $1 penalty Msnv are also very beautiful, but the giand Jury. but ll.ey do not propose IniiiHcnt child kidnapping It nl V OIITI7. bv E. u sía. Taxi '2 , mer to union Isbor. Il'l ; $20 21. i All ny . mi lile; publli u'loii. totul very little In public-- hi lug cf lie d as In Gin management abandoning it lo the tender lucirle ni" renin 1m In- I Tui ijiim rHiiinneu go out Itellarce Mining Con.punv wl'li lo dliiatt lo 111 Ji In ml - 1be i. I Ihe . Jrea H. hv UdiHto. K. by W. PINOS'IOH. tin u u d to find It. i.. .f oi n. .:. "i i"i ir L Hiih. ivyn UnAnlth ileKf'l nt. Mrs. Itowen. who Mili eu at Albuquerque, lili d pa- of their own business ai.d to wtmui to whoever iv s w. fJL.M : 12c. pub - K. hv principal riillioiiil. Tuxes. penalty, Alt luxes House and lot bounded To-da- ay H i . In I'uor-poiuto- is County Attorney llenen that X. li of E. of S.e. rM VV, N In figure and of girlish limn ot Sunt Fe. (Hlobcr 2nd; Klve i niplovnirnt. cin tilar , u a tn iii ut ion. av; toiui ri.os. Mrs J II Shout. hv C. Lucero li slight per condi- i; rf rnntt.n townshlo l ... .. I ill.. H hv nubile street Owen, K. Into the ihissiukIou of men bants Ihe ban found In a starving .' $6 p unity rii."uiiiK.ii iAIiIA W.-.- a M'M Cb itn of Galveston Hairy I'. J. Ilikr N It 22 K. Taxes. I Wil-iit- it II All 17 iMHinncn Tuxes ti lie; publl. stlon. i.ri. m - Jul) olDcn giving the il li'l of Mr. and Mrs. J5c; Tuxea vards lutm "v pom, among B. ii. rr; fn'.'l'f'i-sile- f bv a priming tion J2c; publication. total. $.!, I 3.M : I I. 12 S2 Khe is fond of and ami M Tioi;ilo. H. bv M Maeslas, K oi ii Ten. en-- 1 t'f runner. Wyoming, n.I I j r i 'll ltiiics. P.I llht of "full" nierehnil who are r.:K3 iei iiu l'fl. rill Halado s. W. bV Bulliré ( F, HITENHECK , nniiHiial ones ci tci tnlncd at the (Mr, toil, ru MARY 11 a from by tn taxr-Pero- nnl property. 4" hend , K. Sntuer-vill- e. and A list of of "u ifair" it siobvi thm All ff Tases. ITs:,: penalty, publliullin All lax.s-l.- is 4 h In blink in pa letn. ,Mannu hiisi Its; C. F.lll i, led to ttsde that -- $1.3.; pub J'! In Caraca aro reveía! grardmother. Mrv h.en. Taxes. 7..' tmiliy. V.. M a.. hunts Yr Ave, Tux. s. $s'e: iwnutly lecallen MasHchuretl; Waller llnym. turn hauls hkuIuM whom it Is said child Maternal lication. I5c; Intnl. $9 iiT. Wc, $.'o 16. some monkeys brought It to ihl city n. ir Tiil'JiLI.f ilc; piihllcatlon. rots, A fino peacock nnd S. Percy. B.iih, Maine, will be declared. Since the cir- Trout, ho i. Ll'CEHO rtrfiv Artliur l.mio.t liVtil'O All latea- - 4 vsnia Id ml 1S1IIIIIKH .1 HV I'll A HI F.8 8 HIMIEHH allowed to n am at will lo oiou: were Issued m aiiy every man on leaving' It In lh depot, returned l'oni. ah' er land bounded N, hv M. which aio A II Diunitwmd Bangor, Maine, and culars ....aliA N Herretu. fl. nnd K by Maislua All taxi s - l' rf" rtv. coelslliiK , II hv land bv ruil $ .1. Bal-rr- U Bu-- hi name an dun lug kiiow.i dse of lis wbtres. L. Oonsales. 8, rnihllc W. be Sulllr creek. Tanes till, n i.f hliu ksmlih s I., T axes. 2' the gaiden. Harry I Owen. I. 8. Hie "fslr" list ha s'uned I K bv ll Iiicmo: m Hcrr V- -, $1 . 0,.lnlalia. 4.'a . pul.MciUloil, ; total. lie; tolul. SI. member of the CliUens' Alliance. lumia. . 1,,'n.l l..,iiiel..l N. bv E. I.uiero. 8. bv K Bit'. lr!t I , AlbniituT'iue. o

Thar la m Catarrk la tli! rtl n f the tnaatry Alien Foot Ease, Wonderful Remedy. tha all oibor Slaaaaea (nit an natll it BIRD VENTRILOQUISTS. laat l wa 'iipoaa4 li"'tr.ta oa Yot a FOOT-EAS- fvara lamribi. Have tried ALLEN'S and MRS. mrif yaar tfix-ii- (troaouur I It !x-a- l dla- - rt JEFFERSON DAVIS. WHO IS ea ana praiftMiii remaq aa. ua iy TO find it to be a certain cure, and givri com-fo- (t iia.'al coaataatle STRAIGHT THE SPOT pronounr 1 Amuae Visitors to Paria Botanical suffering faUtnf lacur with local tra iticrat, It Aching back are cased. Hip. back, the pain was less. Hu began to gnia toon with nor, tender and SERIOUSLY ILL AT BUFFALO, N. Y. eieni n ia prirra uatarrs tos eta- rollen feet. I will recommend ALLEN'S aaa aaa oiararora eoaatuu- Garden. and loin pain overcome. Swelling of and is to-da- a well boy, his life saved by wireBiaanfx-tur- FOOT-EAS- E i Ooaal traatniaat Hal!' Catarrh M. to my . friends, it Em lie Mcrwart, secretary general the limbs, rheumatism, and dropsy signs Doan's Kidney Pills. at sr r. J. tisT Co.. Ohio, I isaaolf o certainly a wonderful remedy. Mr. H, t::i!onai cur ua tti mrkt.Tit, IIIiuiid Internally of French Guiana, has sent to the Jar-di- n vanish. Ri ddi.ks Mills, Kv. I received the la due frwm h)drop ta a teaapmaful. 4t 1L Guilford, Lai" It act dea Plants, tn Paris, brick-dus- free trial of pills. They did me Raw Orleans. rai-tl- f - two pair of They correct urine with t great oa tb kiiaid and ri inula turfai- of tk good. yátaro. Ttir-- offnr on huolral dollar for any ventriloqulal fowls. These birds, the I had bladder trouble, compelling a et sediment, high colored, excessive, pain He bad a mint of money, it rani io cur s naaii ror rimna-- aa utatnaoniai. Temp aays, are greatly amusing to me to get up often during night. Now A by A 1fl ra r . 4. rjtKNKr CO., l e.edo, u in passing, dribbling, frequency. Donn's caatla the lake . 1 well ; no pain - ar 7.H-- visitors to the gardens, who assemble sleep in neck of bladder; Uut he couldn't eat a bVom!n- thing r'no irriiafiflta Kidney Pills dissolve and remove calculi And miss the tumactt ache. llall't Kami, 'l!t ar th twt. around their cage by their crie, which pain in back is gone, also headache, at one time appear to come from the and gravel. Relieve heart palpita- Jso. L. Hilu tion, headache, nervous- Dealer nay that as soon ax a Honesty Is Ihe heat policy. Hut It ts trees, at others from the sky, and tries Defiance starch It la Im ro inauranee mrninei lire in tuts wurlil, sometimes from the midst of the crowd ness. any nowevrr may no m the next. itself. The flesh of the blrda Is said possible to sell them other cold Citt. Ind. I received the free 'Doan's to be mere savory pueas-ant- a Tell wabar starch. It taa be used cold "Tt heat how a rlgar you than that of trial Doan's Kidney Pills. all" eaa or the finest guinea of They are or boiled. buy for t rents If buy lh rlaht oraint fowls, and splendid. I had an awful puiu in Trv a liullhearl.'' their eggs are In great favor among my WW back ; on taking the pills thn pain left vm m ruis, "It takes travel to bring out what American epicures. The Empress raiti ta cuts "Did you serve In the Civil war?" Josephine me right away and I feel like a new a tvutvvb ocean tried to acclimatize the spe- man.--Steph- there is la a mau." "Yes, "S'po,p. they I Schacftr. travel." called It, but found cies in the Malmalaon aviary, but with- 2 ir Mrs. A none R. P. 1. migmy uncivil." out success. Akdhrws, D. No. NAMC. Brodiiead, Wis., writes I received emfl of eeMsfnetlon oe with on of " A Guaranteed Cuea foe the free trial of Doan's Kidney Pills with P. O. SMtatar llutmaad cnt ciaara. Pitea. Automobile in the Sahara. Itching, blind, bleeding much benefit. My little nephew was or protruding Pile Tourists in Egypt will soon be able TATE '"Wasn't Tliicrttlev rowllns ssiiln about positively cured or money refunded. suffering terribly with kidney trouble being varwurkvilr"' 'Ven. When ht went to cross the Sahara desert in a n Tnr fra trial boi. mall hl conpoa tn ALLEN w DISCOVERY for PILES, from starlet fever. Two doctors failed Foauir-MiIM- Co., S. V. to hi jm)' they mailo roto anew hour automobile, specially llurralo. If aix.ra 1wn ditv discovery that absolutely to help him and he finally went into aiiai-- la luauffleiaut, writ adUrea on i ue juty roil. cures all kinds o! constructed for traveling rale allp. Piles. Prepared for Piles only. All Drug over sandy spasms. His father gave him Doan's c en - r. . , . wastes. The vehicle is to accommo- PUTNAM FAD.3I.ESS RYES pro uy man on of. Kidney Pills and from the second dose MKDK AL oiurcs, oic reni receipt date forty passengers. While the ADVICE FRKK dues the brightest and fastest colors prj e. Aaoress L.t)CK lioxítóJ, Koy, X, ie N. speed seems slow, it is greater than t that of (arnel transportation. "Jtihnny," !if toucher to a anuí!! Lumber Supply Decreasing. We have die moil compren; Ore Testing Plant in the United (mini, "whira la the north pole?" "At the hutea for the tealni); of ore of all by mod- - ' character, any of Ihe loi of the tiiMfi, tiiiinnly answered the Estimates by conservative lumber ORE TESTING ...... ,.,. u, uic rre aeiermine trie uest ana mote tiul Easy to Get, ecomimical iiiuiciii. i riful Httiiittit. men show that the riavs of Inmlierlnir i metrnxl of ircaungnrei and contract to detien, erect Pierpont, o Oct. 5th. and turn oer in tninplei working order Ore Milling Planu of any description, in the Upper península of Miehiirnn Remarkahla and and cuarantee elficieircv Indeed is capacity. uur catalogue fto. 39 descnben tint department fully. Pina' Core Is the beat medicine wa ever nset will soon be the experience of Mr. A. S. past. liefcre five years. Office 8th A Larimer tur all affection of (tie thro it and lunas. Wat. Turner, a man now e Work. fit. THE nave passed there will be practically over sjventy-on- F. M. DAVIS IRON WORKS CO. Ul IChiw.S7, Vauburen, tod., Keb. 10, Ilwo. years Metallurgical Pep't, Champa St, Pr.NVF.K, CÜI.O. U. S. A. no timber left standing in liaraga, of age, and whoso home is here. Houghton and Keweenaw For many years this old gentleman rbarlle-Tiiall- y, you look goml enouuti counties . rat. Noll!.. - tr. J think t could cut large enough to make a loe. Menom had suffered with a very unoleasant ome Ice cream inee county, which about ten years ago form of Kidney Trouble, a kind that was the largest lumber producing dls-Irh- t very often bothers aged people. He Tha milite! tnhrro (hat arrow Is ttit in p the world, lost Its tn the make-u- of Haltera Bullhead has rank would have to get. un four or flvo ybursfora and now produces ClearHead aaot clear, Ttr on sod scarcely aatenth of times everv us rormer nlirht and hl amount. The mills which some (linease Maalatrnte-1'H- it the primmer offer any were located there have been movod was fast wearing him BR0M0-SLTZER- realKiaiire? t'olU'ctmtti - None worth men- - out. s Omina?, your Ootmr. Only a couple of to Louisiana and Washington. Haraga tloüiirH, has timber enough to keen Its few At last after having almost made un íop&iOLD JS VERYlVIfE&JE mills running for a few years more, his mind that he would never bo Dont you know that Deflsnca out like a- - the other parts or the state able to get relief, he stumbled over a Htarrh besides being absolutely supe- where lumbering has been carried on, medicine which relieved him almost its end Is near. Every season rior to arty other, Is put up ounces - - makes Immediately, - H rwotr- or-- ccwrzzxr&iacr- and has cured him nor- la package and soils at same price the timber tracts of Houghton county rcanently. It 1e so very easy smaller. to get NOW RE V as It ounce packages of other kinds T and so simple that Mr. Turner thinks AD everyone 4heI hear ve tmve sprctjltillug; President Diaz of Mexico. should know of It. Evprv A Strong and Realistic Story mi the Htnck tt!sil;ii(t'', Here you a bud dealer In he country has it, and all r a bear? He- - Nriilier, I was a don- President Diaz of Mexico, the George you a.-t- key. Washington of that republic, has have to do is to for Dodd's reached the age of seventy three years Kidney Pills. Mr. Turner says: 6Ae Wln1nw' Hentltlnt Nyrnp. I can Mr. with vigor only slightly Impaired after heartny and honestly rnenm. SMERRODSBy QCORQC fur rhiiilfwa en'taiia ilia ralnr la BARN MoCUTCHION 4&.DMtja,U'ya pain, aura, alad olio. a a his long life ot unusual activity. He mond Dodd's Kidney pills for koto. thv Auihor ef "ORAtTSTAHK." "CASTI.K will probably Mex- CRAMíVCIiOW" te. remain president of cured me. Several others in the fam- Ju an entirely different velu inim bla former worka. "I understiuiil that your wife I ft ico as long as he lives, or, any il. Mrs. JiifTcrmni Davis, widow of the Wife," Mrs. Davis Is accounted to be at rate, ily havo used them too, and always The scene is in liilert riruuettci," "Hlied he Just a decid- as long as he wants to. He has Clay County, Indiana. The tale begins with the idyllic ed if h were a blonda." prasldout of thfl eonfiulcracy, who Is a delightful conversationalist, and her with tho best results. I think they love of a young farmer a a desire to give up public life and girl teacher, which culminates in a marriage that 111 extensive knowledge have no equal." brings perfect bliss in reported to ho HcrlotiHly at fltiffalo, and charming alter service of fully half a century. spite of poverty and bard work. The development of an T Cure at Ool1 In Otiet tlay. manner of expression are intricate plot, worked out in masterly keeps Take Ijatatlre Bromo N. Y was horn at Natrliex, Miss., May said to be a a manner, the interest of the Vululne Tabiet. All He I've not rav father's none ami reader at the highest tension, as one follows the raf und money fails 3Aa 7, source of pleasure to all. She had Don't Rent a awakening of ambition in the druggist if it to cura. I82i, and was murried on the 25th Farm Buyt mouth. She Well, old was young man, his life in Chicago live children, but one of whom Is liv- the man where he rises rapidly in his profession, his first A Ffluuary, 1845, Since lic--r hunliaiids Colorado farmers can get gisid Irri- lucky to get rid of them. downward step, the frightful entanglement into Plumber I atopiied leak up St the ing, Mrs. J. A. Hayes which his weakness leads htm that h s of Colorado gated land, best of water lights, splen- II II Iw I In MM has willtcit iiiinttT-ju- up to the tragical end which brings into high ho.iee. t'oal tenter All she Hprings. Mrs. up relief the character of two noble rlKltt; Í aunt you tons yeeter-rU- v. Davis took her resi- did crops, and pay about the usual women. two of coal news-haiifr- Hundred of dealer say the. extra 1.1 t!rlt!clrn!H and arHcl fur In -- Ultmiie ami we ll coll It siiuuia, dence New York Stale becauso the rental for the use of the laud. In three A Ant-rat- e American Story, I want to twt n you, "Jof-fmio- quantity and superior quality of De-- foil of Action and Intere.t." don't hard and In 18Ü0 published southern climate did years they'll own it dear. The best f not agree with nance Is l'lki "'í." V. "O"'"'''1 " which have had enorn.ooa alea. It ha A by His díam e, to get a good farm ever offered' Starch fast takltia dace of .K.r moke Hatter's ,Hullhif' reni olaar Davis: Mniolr her. In the state. Write to-d- to The all other brands. Other say they Colorado Bureau of immigration, Clti cannot sell any other starch. l ull-pa- illustration by C. D. WILLIAMS. PANIC STRIKES RUSSIAN JEWS. BEAUTY AND HEALTH Majestic building, Denver, Colorado. ALLIED. Klip it Is eiisv to win a wniiiHn'a Inva PWIOE, I , B O The Just srtve her ell the money ahtt wnnta Hellnvs Klshsncv Murdersrs ted Mob French Physician Advises municipality of 3'rassbnrg, Ger- He Ureal Vou don't call that D0DD, MEAD Patients to many, has voted to an $80,000 ensy, du you? COMPANY, Publishers, NEW YORK Against Hebrews in Gomel. This Effect. luild dental hospital for school children. Honsatlonal nitnors are beliiK clrcu Dr. Paul Klchter, the Every pupil In Th secret of the popularity of Itaxlar's recent h the srhools is to bo 'Itullhearl" elirar ta ravaalerl In ana throughout Kuropo coiicorning professor submitted to a cartridges nd :trd of anatomy In the dental examination on ytord "Wuallty." shot shells Paris Heatix-Aris- , iho recent antl.lewlNh rilhtuibance In Kcolo des was for- entering and twice during school tima A h appointed are inada 'n the largest and ItiWHla. have merly an until the age of thirteen. wmnnn been at Col Cornel, The auttmritlos assistant of the eminent spe-elall- umbia t'tilveralty to be professor of best equipped shut off all private telegrams and let- in nervou.4 disorders!, Prof liyatcK not the kind our mothers Ufed ammunition to mix, however. ters. Prominent Jews, however, who Charcot, at the Hull pel riere. For him Sensible Housekeepers factcry In the world. he will have rMCMBSTBM havo secret means of Information, made a number of sketches demon- Deflanco Starch, not alone one-thir- d Storekeeper report Mate that the riots prevailed at Inter- strating hysterical symptoms, because they get more for that the extra while quantity, together AMMUNITION vals throughout a period of two weeks. ilolng this work he was led to adopt the same money, but also because of with the superior 'NEW RIVAL" BLACK POWDER SHELLS. Hie maxim thut there, superior quality. quality cf Defiance Starch makes it A large number of houses have been can be no per-lec- t It 8 the thoroughly of U. M.C. make is now beauty next to impossible to sell any other modern and scientific system of load- destroyed and many persons killed. As without perfect health. He ing and the use of onlv the heat material which mkj accepted by as noted pathological WASTED POSTAGESTAMPS. brand. shooters yt no reliable estímale of the loss of features in many Winchester Factory Loaded "New Rival " Shells give bet- "the worlds standard" for life and property has been obtained. we.(,,0wii wij.Kh ()f ar, Hn C(,n(,hl(. ter pattern, penetration and more uniform results gener id faulty Net Uncle Sam More Than a Million Mnmimi- - Come now. Hurry It's pied It Is alleged that annuo tho loaders that models were respon- yrnir lime lo t up. Harry Never mind, ally man sny otner sneiis. he special paper and the Win- it shoots well in any gun. sible. He Dollars a Year. a' i i of the mob that attacked the Jewinh accordingly advises his pu mamma. I'll Just tay In bed till my time chester patent corrugated hesd used In making "New plls to p. mi's round uhIii. Tour deakr sells it. quarters were Koine of the men who avoid the usual atelier models An experienced clerk in a branch Rival" shells give them strength to withstand reloading. t.nd KIs seek for tho Uncu f human beau- jMistoftlie up town says that t'nele von a participated in the murders at If hv smoked Bullhead BE SURE TCT GET WINCHESTER MAKE OP SHELLS. Th Union ty among the In Ham Is In pocket every year more ,lar you know how good thai ar; If Metallic henev, Fe:;r has fslleii on the whole acrobats the circus you lav not better try on the blacksmiths and the than $1,000,11011 by purchases of post- Cartridge Co. partially age stamps nude I which never are used. laborers st he 11 docks and In tho I sji sj 1 up Bridgeport, - Conn. veo lleldH. "How many stamps." he says, "do H Hi ij vt aetWv iieuilty H(.;" ,H n)l( you 4, . motto. lose through carrying them care- Denver Directory, Ttl i nisei o lessly In ycur pockets and fishing them Teacher: Vhtdoes swing mean?'! out again, glued together and useless? I l?N I St HI, IH IK H e l l. MAKING s i aj K MAHt K f A KK WV.t.l Ia 5&id EXCUSE FOR ERRORS. How many do you put In a comer of rreddy: lat night that to your pocket book, finding them again v U5e Littleton New Form Now month looking the Used by Leading later like anything but i DENVER TENT " ..J aa v Creamery WEATHERWISE 1tw Business Firma. poklage stamps? Of course, nobody &AWNING CO. Co'3 D&irv Since hiiHluc ever thinks of sending such stamps In 15 THE MAN WHO WEARS correspondence Imi for redemption. u Appliances & come to be Suplióse the waste I lias mean6 conducted almost entirely am' speaking of averaged 20 cents an- LARIMER STREET through the y J v n metllum of tho stenog- nually for each business to- i v " iw iv man. The a orar JOJ rapher and typewriter gravo errors tal would be enormous. Fidelity Savings Ass n ll me occasionally I hi ml to happen "Hot weather was a great revenue SkKil toil KfcM OkiO'. OKfOSU Pass uoui errors tmt only of composition maker for the government before the a A rnul&linnmmaiTarvnirtn avr and RTitVIc HKJaia a .aarr kaoa mat. o! rhetoric, but of figures as well. Tho little oiled books came In; but many P I r f li tuna, luruaoa or rautfa. t. aixly-ai- x and our persons lose hooks, rtilXkM, UBI Uiwraiua SU. Oauar. 'faou Itk yers line 'Dictated" at tho top of a type- their and the aver- Jl rubr&ntt at b&cK of age Is about the same. Home persons M s. written letter no longer seems suff- Modern . very tf School of Business i.IIim";"."".'? arment besnnd th icient to actually come back to tho stamp win- tir-.K- "! TUB. CI CUI relieve the writer of n upons!-blllt- y A. M. kt k,m, Ptlu. I alal Kree. UIU11 VI Ik I I, dow and ask If lost stamp books can tír!. lJ for Ther are many,l imitationa mistakes, A Philadelphia be traced, llko bank books. Another 8 firm has gone this V3 IA '1 1 C sur of the nair V form one better by way In which liiele Sam gains Is n 4L i. . . the use of a rubber stamp through v Tr-- on ue puiiona with the tradesmen sending out letters Niuiiln - following Inclosing stamped . OH AALf- V'ÍYWHIÍ anouiicement; "Notice addressed envelopes This was for replies which In the majority of ÍWJtitJJí m Scene of Latest Jewish Massacre. biter written and mailed In roarn im. tojiuN, nuitw a a. i , Vi l. the ase are never used. TOWtt CANAMAN UM ToOONTGt CAN. lli of went ltulnn in u Inri (lonn absence of the writer. Stenograph-l- e SHORTHAND AND TELEGRAPHY. H'fiin of l!:a nmaaiu're In I'mt'ltiin ot 'Some business houses collect such a Ou i mistaken are If are a4k.rlHUK, lhu at 4tt., Oaurar. O.Si .Molilli'v, la liulunlrd a atar I anshe. there I NOW iililencft or such errors envelóles and redeem ihem, hut few isaiatataunaul, uaat 4wI a Url O.- ihlse n i take the trouble to Sana iu tn Waak aoi.loi a4 u tu Oaurar Mar. Jewish population of l.lttlo liuislu and promptly." do this. Think of iiauM ami tUuta, u na Ir la M I la I a or' FREE TO WOMEN. the thousands of return postal cards, Uiuiutt& Oati ar ant IK uiiwt ratal Malo JITI11: To prue the tirsaua and the wildest ri'istrls arc renilily r too, that are never used. of per- ,ílJ f I lil a n. p"W I'aitla r red i I ed, HAS Ids Í . I Ant.eeptle we til CONFIDENCE OF FOLLOWER j sons are careless of pitit'ng stamps on COLORADO Hi.itl a lariir trial letters or papers, and they fall off. with lHik nt lnlruction V tr-r- EMMANUEL'S VISIT TO PARIS. Doukhobort Then the Is up ahxlull 1 hia In ao Trust Their Leader Witlt matter held for double tiny ample, hut a larga All isistagi on the other Simiente anrollivl am , I ranma M ill, Saml Surplus Wealth. end of the line. , .a hi i ll J .r l,-- ll. FORGET ran kitlie. rluilliih to i PlWr Elaborate Preparation for Reception Peter Velegln, iHntk-lioltor- ill aiivmir hi ill eiine leader of the a Women all uvi r the eountrf in the French Capital, in Manitoba, Is t by IT'S A MISTAKE. Vf 11 an tiTKUItitf 1'atlltitfi ft.r hat runted hls " ' Victor Fnimanticl will pay his tn.t-pote- " ' I 1 i... ,i..,.I ... followers with largo sums of money, ' ...i. T Hotel. iil mt III, eurlim visit to Paris between Oc. VI a good den I Attribute Coffee III to Poor Oxford of which ho about lHravar. On Bl'-- from t'nlori a. Ptra-iirt- all Innammattoa 1 km llal a a carries nt intriM. aomlrrful and lfl preparaltons arc liltu Grade of Coffee. C. It. MoKSk. Mtft.Ia anaiua k'ihl doiM tie, lor xirn lliroat, baial net tlreat with in cash, A reporter who vis- Mirra, mixiih and tartai ln lliK minie for his eoniliiK As tie Is ited him in Many people, lay ata , n teue Winnipeg a few days ago all the blame for and w tn win t!i tw-th- ttkml , a Unala! card NO PAY TILL CURED f uila well known be oiithUHlsst In I I III (V. lo ail f" he leader in a poorly furnished the dUeases caused by colTott upon enial ail Soul Ilia MatMbrdraf flalaortant enatpatd by a. tiumlsma'lcs. fifty nine medals will he loom with thousands upon the poorer grades is nilI PP Mala, larga ealtatarilna (aarwateail. thousands of coffee but this HI h knila. Ilia aw presented to him. Some of these are of Wre-gi- purfart math, i,l I It., Ilnalwa. bank bills scattered around. n an error as tha following proves: "l " Don't forget when yoú iaaS I'tiniN l li'ia n. Sft la rr mnvtar; St of great hltitorlc vslue, raiiKlng from 2m) s i.laailii Ae has purchased teams of hoi m-- have used every kind of the best in uSr. of iVSora-l- tha days of Klcliclleti to those of far-nut- , and great yuautltle grade taatiiniMiiat. W rite h rniy fraa order starch to jret the of farm machin- of tea and coffee that cart be taaiko-- l eiptaituiHf all. i'naatil-tatin- a W. L. DOUCLAS Van r and Umbet. A few of ery for ue by his fulhiwers In their got from a first class grocer but never fren, best. Get DEFIANCE. No them commemorate happenings In settlements. Olor Ken stoves, five found one would not upset my Dr. J. Pa Bower & that lu hank kit., laniaer, Colo, SHOES"," Italy, as reeim-stlo- of Sen-lie- . '3. 3 such lite complete flouring mills and dry good nervous system and It waa not until I more "yellow" looking Tr eaa tram S ta yearly by A wilt be clothes. ft special medal struck in of all kinds are also among his Inve-t- - beg,an to drink Postum Food Coffee kr-utli- AaaAla. vaartag W. L Dotiata UM r abasa. i his honor. menta. In place of coffee I bad .sisajiai .It. no more cracking or breaking. It I hey equal thiaxt ana tea that kM I MMi,aif,Utfa"... Uw t Ikx-i- i fwi. relief from the terrific attack of Satura aa a all nampiaa il roahaliooi Fancy Costumes for Boys. H,lt..s AaaAt IIIMI'ASI doesn't to iron. It gives satis- lof lino Offers Estate te Tenante. nervous sick heaiache from which I ITS traeanoa atraas, OkSVl a, lOliistlwt stick the tut tao Ilia Kwell mothers In New York Talbot Sale VV. haf Iird of Malahide has nffeicd t.d suffered fur 30 year. f I.. dressing Itoys faction or you get your money back. The IkmKtM !:. pnif taken to their little In to sell to bis tenants under the new "I had tried all Wind of medicine - leir shr.ltj over lancy costumes Prince Charlies Irish land act his catate at Malahide but nono helped me. E. E. nURLINGAME A CO. 10 16 alt cost is cents for ounces of tne best vtker amkfa. I.'AIkIoiu and what mil. The Little tin the wat near Dublin, I CHEMICAL try To this "Soon after stopped drinking Cof ASSAY OFFICE H..I4 tlioa I old launtleroy idea has gone out. possession LABORATORY you' ifalfs every a hf ra, of the Tsllstti a unique his- fe and began tn drink Postum Ibe starch made. Of other starches get Not a few little sw anhbiK klei a tory It Kalibltakad la Color art a. I SO. v SHllat I 'k fur natna and ' with attaches. Is the only Imtanca headaches less It wa not aoit frew and ! will sroaapt aait rref ul attaatlo (tro un U.IUm,, i, " vy J leather IcCRlnaa and belix may be of a baronial enlato In Ireland, long I metí but 13 ounces. Now don't forget. It's at at until wa entirely cured and Mi SDiif Balnea flat SHlMi,Ur. seen toddlliix aloiii; with their nurses, any rate- - hating I oTX'XXT" a I all arataa I tear la continued for up- have never h4 a return of thl dis- i (hoibtlnss numerous ConctBtritlci your grocers. . iia la ShiIh the romsntic ward of six and a half tn (lis 1 Tisti - t ikm eeuturies tressing trouble for nowadays never l0,íXÍ "Mia Ik klahaal plays i l ITlS-ITi- a S of the medieval i hsve male heirs and name Lawraaea Daavee, Cot).. S'S Pal aa4. ,W- '. i d of the original drink coffee but stick la Postum. red ar e. ' W f -- mstt hints for the ctiNlumea. arante on whom H wa conferred by th" $i ttttmi "A soon as my wife saw what Pos- i ttf aa m,v Henry II aaaa a, call, tS aa'Miat I ra. Illailrala tum had don for me ah gave up IT THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO., tatakajf L, IMMet Diplomatic Bishop WON'T PAlb! N. .UH, krerkiaa, coffee, which she had drank ail her !. A woman recently In otitat pin cunuTsMnti Wants Too Much for Her Money. ll'e wa ago p.íB,vB,;:i3?is O.HAMA. NHB. This sit week and t i Ijaka aa.ii.ll-a- a , . lili Hlshiip 14 aait oui Inca Poller skI.iiI 'How An I .areSaPa American woman write from aim is a changed woman, for ber ner- .;, t.r Mt It sail lr..rsfi-- . t,r seul rMiv t, lUtthop, that jou tlinl Loudon, i x mnj anuir nm itf 91 $ words of iiii :Ihiiiiiiu hccsuo she vousness has all dlsapiH.ared and her ti, raise to ssilxfy all the mot In r u thp get could lint a flralclaaa hoilxe aer-an-t lace has beettin sitntoih and her THE ORIENT REMEDY CO isbies you cbrlalnt wltbollt who y- - wie i'srTTf. L caualnn could cook and sew and do cbcel, hate a gistd rosy ted color. Hereford and Shorthorn Bulls !w N t';,i)ü"VVE't Na 'txra b alousy!" "1 just lake I he bsiby In everything le shout the hniise, for She sleeps well, aomctliing she I lk ttal.teiftd aild kli-- w,..Im- alan .... K, CATARH-lAVrEvron,1COI,Oin- tli tia. ny arms, It to i - Wheat rmk ami fn." answer-m- the mollineen! wakes of i: 1 s ai. S.IOIM. IrJk aa.ilr.HS UHr.t.O- Anwrlng AdvtrtlMmtnta jar, could never do while sha drank Cof '"'"tlaa' aaaia,lAl . WIJ K.l!tf re eeit and I l l.jr the) lileliop 'ami sat 1m IV or lus, i ioari Maa lf tt This les than f; a month Many Atmr-i- i fee. We house-hol- "'TITrioriiptfln'i Iji Vatir ajw, kauaiana I aula, Kindly Mention This Papr. iUi wotidi rfiiily ti'iiin tliK uneitU'--uu- d ' " - consider IVtstiim a IIKKI) a Itsliv New York Time. sn st home would think IhcmoeUra (eolio Mpt lilc. 1'rlt.a It a ltd necessity in my house and have j Suit. lucky if tln-- y Ah your drusasL Pans Trees. could lind sui h a par. induced many friends lo try this Ron ; s at three limen the price. Parts has S 2 trei-- in iu atreein, wonderful food drink In place of cof fee." loale of tlioac in Us park eitusrea fkhnitlboyt' k.e.S0 frip. Name given by Postum Co, PDTCaACa MatUa FADELESS ind gardens. Flxhly eight Creek. Mich. tiii stilt ta li( it'll -- men hav n litiudred and firty scImk.Íikíí ra I ook In copy .r a far afcead (a.khmed I ia i up a f sr'iftaia Ji rara of the trees and the mi f recently made a walking tour through each package for a of tMaia ! licbt r.ndl 111,w and. a. ,p Mleriitt wT'i gnkilí C ' ai wepliig lit th famous little "The Road to tka kat le. ia.Ni kaae "iff 7.0..111 iM " BllU' i,lB r pruer book, 1 la. aT J roidliiun is toe Jura Alps, and the cost t eaca , l,,ea .r. f.f ae b, a. t.araU,s .rer,.,,; i " 'mOC fr a riait averaged ? for a fortaiglt. wuinv 411. ovtt CoTtStt,!' PROCEDIMIENTOS líos Oíob Calientes v de nl! de un I vs A. Ribera. 13.80: Leandro Ln- - r .1- s...... pumoa vnireuLe uei1..I i:u uc-1 cero, juez ueI irgiBirmuuu,:4 1. !.. - eumcio tj, CÍRCO 4. - 11,1 uerpo de Comisionados del Con- fuerza motriz de esta compañía, blo A. Lonez, secretario de olee- - GRAN I de San Miguel, Ntmo nnniftnnh dada h.(gta ,j vjj (JpJ Atphjonf TofM. cio,)( 2; Jerónimo Márquez, juez LdUUIUÜCO ka and Santa. Fe Rmlrond Com- - de elección. Í2: Juan C. Maestas, juez de paz, post. K,,ninlafn.l(1i,ianue le fué entre Las VeRa8 y los Ojo derechos de I cu vos carros - iM.siM Lppeison y sus vaHientes, caminan- i írujiuu, fo.4J, linos. ,..,,',,, l1o . . De a-- . vn...-..- Piano Gratis. ' I - Vegas uurciueucuciuu i nuuuiiii,juiov ..trnrin... nsif?n:iíd t s , the as Hot de Ringlingff sar por la parte norte del cuadro Valentin Valdez, secretario oe la plaza y yendo haciaelorie... elección, 2; Anselmo Gonzalos, KlxTx' t, deberán pasar pore, lado sur uez de decdon.12; Cipriano L, A.h.nrlnrlnflpleon.l (1e d,cho cuadro y deberán correr jan, juez de registracion, $-- II. OCTUBRE DE 1903. Cnn cada niano (Ule ido SABADO 10 DE & " i de a. m. S. Wooster, por componer cami- - to:Z2rrMí, rf día 4 de Abril, entre las horas las 6:30 N. y aH 7 p. dja y dentr0 nog póblCOí,, $10.25; Juan mes dare mf cada A Mundo. Terusalem . vendamos este I x-4- Jkx - y la te del JS VU1IIUU11, li unuui; A 0 re--1 , imr":"-TZ:Zhann- p.m. Ruymundo Martinez, juez de cín adí- - de lec- , -- JrtC inrliiiríns --- -- nrecio- mos gratis un mes I c n . . . , . 4... .! ,... ,. V W,AV r- COiniSlUniluon "c wuunu", .... remu 1U UAWU) Wi j.v.www - A .nua, simwbargo, f', día 4 de Abril, 1901, concedió Í11M reo--i t t Jm,e nnmir,MI de ra V4rH-- v veracidad ma- ,u,,u t l ' JUi4 7 ciones por cualquier IM wlul u""" r Clülldlt uwuiwuiwu wirn wihw iaíM I-- los triunfos de la entrega de - i ower SvoLMlS; histórica ensavosó v estro que el comprador rucnrnl eléctrico sobrecenas earir de tasa-- L , . T Sr.f.k " p;,u1 mmiinn i . n ' caminos y avenidas, en el - " " " . on', I lerUSaiCITl QZ IOS OaratCIlüb 1K , --2Cl- n1:- , lisencia9 pul lo.InrUS.n Xtirruul Tprr fo. l'ul H0JC 1'"' lc "- - v- .- escoja en la ciudad. ñor los linderos de la plaza de Las $20.40; estampas, .Nuevo Mexico, para no de j J Las sicuieutoa lianzas oficiales mantener y operar ana construir, más.nor dicho fueron aprobadas: Olegario planta eléctrica pura aiumuraao - Montova. supervisor de caminos y mantener pos- - yfuerzamotrw deSanMiKuel del precinto 14; Luciano Quinta- - tes extender alambres, y hacer nnervisor de caminos del en jyv cuttip ir tutio loconcernieiue Snrinrrs lWtrie Ilaihvav. Litrnt precinto di. ndlW Company noreste. Sea resuelto por el cuerpo de Todos los maestros de lio f , ,iainTindns de condado del de alumbradof0(2Zy fuerza motriz, y ' M.íruel, que la 1R Q1,na fÍ0 Lindado de San música estfin invitados de I Por Cuanto, la compañía Las . . AvAan nuto, el di 'mi nri v i i'vf íi v iiirii-Ti:iii- f un.- i uiuvu Wha Ve-- as Hot Llectnc ' ' ' and bprings ....i ...'. , J in An KnftPn. A. 1). 1003. por la venir á darse á conocer y Railway, Light and 1 owei Com- - aluni- - cnol el tesoréro dedicho condado imnv. asnrnado de la franciuisia y . . ' w i ninn,ir. v i ' i,; caieiaecion y ioerza mo- - uei.e..dhu íu.í;. - probar nuestros linos ,'',.,...w obrado, - tPM1. r ':,:;i'i....,ir trfz.yparaerigir todos los apa. rígido deno pagar ningunos cii- comcn2ará A fcs dOS de la tarde V la SegUnaa a f " " r. ratos, maquinaria y adjuntos pones de bonos de dicho conaauo

n íí i uieuuw imiten ,auuUv,Uuv, fi r nni-- uínn ios ue qp -- . . t i, íiirtfir tenedores ios iíic ñrnn ia- nociic. j. i ui.j; utxcoaiiua 'am luí mi, j imu laí m8mosde pre8entarlos á K. D. Las l'uertas so abren una hora ánte L. Lpperson y sus asigna- - cho L. cualauier Shepard &Co, de Nueva York, . . , dos, como se ha dicho, y Ha pre. pgta etJ revoca(ia. una petición dueños el sentado .los fi r(?al dd Y sea ordenado ademis, que en- - vti . . de propiedades que quedan te80rero de dicho condado de San callesy bandado - frente de ciertas gin pmb la dicha Miguel 8ea y e8 por esta ordena- su conseutnnieiito para la cons- . .,. do - dirifíi(í0 de pagar al ser pre- - ti uccion de dicho ferrocarril de 5 r . sentados los cupones siguientes, U ,1 calle mi ln ldiuu viejii Laa ...í ,.i . míen Tmlns bonus iln 1889. m , Ka,,,IU.l,o8.luK,Sclpr,1i1a. " . Cupón No. 15, debido Enero 1 de The Columbine Music Co., " i . . . nt it i ...... des renresentan mas de la mitad .1- 1HUT. vuiKiii i ...4.... - .i:..i. r .a..a inna. bono io dii,ü,oo calles, y 1 1807, La Pension, del- frente en ciertas la Ka. lfl. debido Julio de Adjunto al Hotel i i ihaiiu 1 k lia Tiiiuiiiii iiiiij'iiriii v i n OI,, y ""'.l'':': 83. 34. 3o; cupón No 1:',,:e,Kl .f I1.??! no en exceso de los precios según bono N. Las Vegas, N. M. S nr , . derado (jeiuuaiueuie ,v muiu .. o 10 1a 1 . demon ranero 1 ue íoua, IHMIU , ., ., 1 1 . bien en el asunto, por . . ... , .... vn. v,--ít:l cunon No. de enterados 1 I 111 I U.t 3.: 1 TOTMrnii Ha t r T!l av.-"v4-n .I t' mía! X"X UU It VJ I UUIIUUUU .i ..."" 4 nun 1...... V,. lo tanto es ,1 un o de loucs, uonu , , .1.1. t v'v- - Julio i 1 1.. couuiuu ue ií uiuuuu no jxc 0 rtl Kesueiporeiuicuocue.u vnun(,nvil!irnim(in 1 dia 83, a, ao, ni, r,n, 10,00,0. que . . Cada de comisionados de condado la M in G0, 07, 08, 09, 70. su-- 1 " '"L"Ll " '" "" "" ' compaHia Las Vegas llot , chos cupones siendo por la J jw .pi" 'l "t""-- ""Sí JT" ;. r , misma. I cuva Precio de Entrada 50 evos. Niños: Medio Precio. TT4 Sdiíhíts Lie 'trie Hallway. Light ,. , nía de $ 15, haciendo la suma de ' IIIW'MII Or H'I1II17,L V uiiieiiuiiuivA...n ? I I .,...,.. ( 'ninnil 11 V IIÍM OMtll MP ' IIIIU lUlin WU'F""! " 1 -- f,.,...n:o V UO $3ü0. ullf de Ufmbrli- - lecon(;ede por (4 per,o,lode cua- - you road any of Sweden-borf'- s Contri fl Hábito de, nú cual. Have ever dufj.ugtu, h i Ixukpenüikn- - will you senil rentayocho(48)a.1osdesdeeHta , Suscríbanse Kl Works? If nt, olruj mo your addresn enelorilriij a siunii ;r I S 2.UO. so del la- - 14 f,,l,u, el derecho para poner tk, two'and I will mail yon one of his eeley; ATIQ listos Hermosos Frescntco. y las bato Nciiwtenié. nnm V - ord(.anzaNo. 123 - uii books fkkk State whether you want it v. b culi cmli Hi' ni ai reiiij iii iiiuiiuiu j j" operar y mantener un ,1o y r r - construir de ,a mig(nai cu. Confesiones de uo Sacerdote. iu Kngliwh or in German. THE KEELEY remontar ' - - v; (; ivi,Bu..m. rm un UhSiII de calle de AlHUMl ItOKUliU, ferrocarn eléctrico INSTITUTE, Al 1 .VK .í! L. Pi.,.ii.i,.armi,rim nailu n- - al los n miletitiii litrmoos y vnsnrovÍ8to8.,roducirianunanu. el Itev. Jno. S. Cox, de Orange-- , punjcncl (lure .i..... Escribe 80 Cleveland St., N.J. Óni Nolldn le . " VTi. iV. KrnuilB lHiulll fie mlii ro!,lo, II; o y para w DWiCHT.ILl .e U.díA. - vimm. minuüo vle villa doble sencilla jiim;uto ,a franquicia Confidential. lililí' iirnücutes: : !. .""- ív.. i; i iitrrllo, lid V:numle de eutom Wake, Ark.: "Durante 12 anos r."i- - r:..".. ..i. i.iuil!mrlo Kwforon, vantar y mantener palos y otros fnt iKmr8U. ÍTlilmoo a&-!- Vnn t J tl Nlel V" ,dH lfcha ordenanza padecí de Ictericia. Consulte va- soporten y extender alambres y . . conHÍderadü9 de, rios médicos y probe t oda clase 1114 BO YEARS' ... Tiene propiedad Qsf... í- nacer touo ío " EXPEKIENCC . o; Vn, -i preso; y mi(4m0 órden, per U- ,Xll 1 P;;1 nu. modo ,n esta sin alivio. 14 V 7M "i i de medicina, obtener nrowiiios M'f J r Jevnello nnw.tra eost dicho ferrocar o triar y mantener i.15 imr di i. t lm .t mandar I ln.jrta cora-n- ó Luego empezé t usar los Klectric non Hiillsfucloili. io "íi Jr"? r,l de calle sobre el camino calle "t.'i w d,J,,ro ..,,. Inil eon U rf d IiitterH y ahora me siento curudo para vender? conocido como la ra le raciona comlrfonado8 de enfermedad que me tuvo vv. de uuh VKGAS i .uii.iw" .. L,.,.,i. om Wi imlBMlss dn Inrao en vend na soo e e, hí eaní Inncribala eon LAS no y del centro del pueuie dfi uu Htilo wniir " l,n,1u;'" "Y14 i Y T3fl lllorh. CHICAtit condü(o padeciendo doce unos. bi IIKAL ESTATE EXCHANGE al ur Tkvv t ii (O Metropolitan el k Trade M.v.sía Rio (allinas, baca l'"wnte dem-ho- s an lr de la plaza en laolicitia do El Indo "-- nuereis uuamedicinaseguiapara Desteja npndientc. NoHotroa anunciaremos CnpvniaHTB Ac. 4e IK.1C,U1 .viaona,, ) - niantlurtl l cll de eu estampa. ,, '0ce(1do8 did,0 Hígado y Hiño- idiomas. . .i.. - -- i. ..i. .i.rf rir.rln1lnn mnv 1 1 1 del en ambos rrii' i I . I ..1 l t,rm(,tv" enfermedades u propiedad , uo nü ' nnr iniii"ii froe Ihmiht 11 uo eu e. ca. ro ue nnli'hir wwriaui niuiiiiiiili Knperson v sus asignados, del estomago 6 liiT.Mil Ion m iiniimlilf iwlfiiliil'lc, i. . nes. desarreclos de Venta los Te A y dn ue cane hora Tenemos egas ho lerrocar ,a Ve. i'iii t l,1Ht imii for wuiiim iiitiii. wtcona,., Las general, tomen Llectric lr..n. A t .o- - . debilidad frenos Siguientes. I'uifiit liikcn liirnuiíh Wiiiiii o. roculri en dicha partéele. a cane g tprrlftl rmllcd, lilmut tlmriía ill th Hectrc Bitters. Garantizados por to- casa de euatroeuartos imldesded.cho puente hasta a - . SITIO 2 Una y y flnd boticarios Valen sola- con dar, en la eaüü uei raeuieo, ter- ScUntific JUnerican. ,w dos los - elr- una vina encina d la plaza, Las Vegas, A wwklr. !.nrwt deberá .er fc id(J ca del cuadro hmlomilrmniriitw1 l pli v lado8 SOctvos. riiliill" of niif ipnilllo tniiniHl. 'lonin, .1.1.1 , t,..l.l,ii. ir íin nm. ,u . mente 80 Vendo por PWHI. "U vamr uu enw ym,umm-- j j Epperson 6 por bus asigna propiedad en 11,500. - lf1UNN&Co,fj8-t'- !: New York bos lado del cuadro uacia .aca- Un ha dado en la ftnd ot tejano SITIO 3 Una cana de tres cuartos Iirimih omco. K I. lld,. l'ac.nco,la RDJnl!1! Filectric Railway, Ugh mania do coleccionar con establo y un solur muy grando, en re-ieu- egun, v Her una villa a muerto, vez con el fin la calle do sania Ana, uas por no cumplir de tal tKX); vale Í.VK) HOMBRES DIBILITAD0S. ca- - vende por di. a ü.cna ...... i... l. ..,1,1 ,.(..,., .1 lililí, ri'i lollr de ha plaza hata C()nce. do singularizarse con tener una I m .. coq dentr0 rf tietnp0 (le CUDrtOM nu. cimIi-Iiii- ii, la var í tITWt 1 TTnnV. .... niwnv ...... IIOH lio ln nvcMiUiil lali mo lled.-- l I'ac.fKO, y .orla Calle del de este cenero. 1 a tie ill I 41 morís, timiili' nt'ivliiKlilu'l, . . según domnatrndo Pn el de. enleofiónvu,v... r. con r.aguan un establo y unsolarN.JXlT. luí olí liria, I"! "o ca- - uiuo Precio, f:x). etc. Huni'HUil .alivio naxtíioi vhiioi i'iilfiiaii' Pacifico hacia el sur hasta la numero considerable eu su pie, bien cercado. do piifiiuilo a ) eiBlllR", rompraiol fa WITH TIIK psta P 4 de ne un ir - IN CON.NKCTIOX creto de 0 dia K'i'trli v n ilinH y ' ii too el- - jMHi ii rui liiit'iii Sapelló, y por la calle del 0-- no bue- o- - lie del gf)Q aJlom ren0va- - poder y A más do eso tendrá la SITIO Un pedazo de terre Iimi al iiiiilMiin y riinrimii 6- - "nuil mal " me tolmroii ili' iiiiuinn man. el calle - lta Moreno hacia surhasta la de que cuando él muc "- ,, Chsi ar ll un o tul a Knr iiui ii'a nuiti lar on rlnu y'exicn'di(o8 un ft5o dc8. rogurdad "v,- , m. m . n.i.i . por "i . .ii.i. .. i. ., ni, no o. Mi- illA ni ttl11 ,a - i) (íonzales, y de Pop ca"e agregará- á su colección una 14ü anohü. Preeio.fliO...... ,..iirí. i, ni iflainetilt'. lio en illa me 11061! BVSKM, cxwsnto en lo que ra se vftrdiw d0 , ...... ,...... de wta fha, ilento n a un i. r- - u i . ,. . de un mena. . . .1...... i. ....i.ilum . fit. mm t.onzaiesnaNtaiainaza.y nils- -la , ra i'sto iiiiianii' none ui,y n,lwlan enmenda. calavera MtM ... ürUiittd0u ...' ciaiie iiieni'.t'-- n iin"llo tA I uní. i oi ha mi luH'iíi iiortí? nor i a. w - ftliuuda en la i I U I lo South-wes- t, tiln7iilUfVlt la dicha I I II a 1a.aHJ1j I IWJIIWi W iinionhík." . ti íi neiiDlaiioe mrl Inf.iiiiiiu Kl dos anuí. I'll lili n. poco un euiilHlo-al-a;'' , U the short lino between Paso, the dreat .. nnlln ll NlIHVO MÓX CO. LHCasat'Sta I.apiepa'iv mi ru uta Mem-phi- - iit". Miunlari-ilirl.- i . s lili .U,nnnn y ; h i fiirivlo ft Chicngo, Ht Louis. caiieoei racii.tuu.uMuCnrwi,- del e.m.truida el solar tica i'iuri'. - and Kansas City, HiH'hn en sesión abierta r"wnVmñt Ho; o i lmriulaii; na- 17"i píos tie IiiiJ1; ii" o iltoo'"' lm .North & 1.jü de ancho y ,u ...... u tu , - ti East, Southeast. ce como la avenida aeiosujun de con mido pier in i .... ,i,.r iium ítiHiiuar- iinuR'it" anl principal points cuerpo de comisionado . i ...... ii." no V ó un v t largo. 1'recio .w. iu.1.. i.., un lioinliro iilioriiin Caliente boulevard hasta .1 Kan Mirrnnl S. U'Quinil, de Uveildisll, cotilo un ci to vttirrnilo Hi no mo encnoiitra 000000000 AAA Mi. i lleno nc o 8.-- Dos solare- - do lio railiioii tiMloian diluí, tie mo acostumbrada , s.TIO i ...... minto enfrente la planta rí) TnoT íué robado de su mu.d. nriii.i. . .. i.i.. 1. iiiriiHii... - .Sloeiiers, Free llecliu Testedia5de Agosto jt v puiimnn Sinndard and Tourist peticionario, y por ..v . i iti isas, lio r iiIcmr ni. ri..,.4 triz de vuestro ROMAN GALLKOOS, wuuuui ,.aío.. un8 CBHtt techada con lejaoun Cars and Day Coaches on. all trains. . I : I ...... ng Chair ó avenida Porter . í'mo nílfi Ins Dr. .i --.i.. r.i v un 7inriiiin. una noria la calle Mills, la - Te-,H:- ó Presidente del cuerpo de conusm- - ; V - n" J u de d... ó Louden, la aveni " ... -r- ,e la avenida nados de condado, del condado 1V1U i isos, esta situada entre la ca ac VBGA8 Unexcelled. htaf-for- LAS avenidas d Dining Car Service da Ilarrold, las deSan Miguel, .Nuevo Mexico, ?'dtt,ft: calle i . . . . i IM t i v KlizalH'th de dicha - uiia- íi riTMi lililí fiiiw i i nú ooooooooo i nTiiurur ni- " d.'l ó boulevard do los curado. Son caran Paciüco enteramente Call on nearest ngent for full information or address the Oalli- - ' " ' las Ojos ('alinnles hacia el rio , tizadas. Valen 23ct en todas Las Vegas undersigned. Añora viene .' ñas v A través dicho rioGalliuns boticas. SANTA ROSA como 11 handsomely illustrated booklet descriptivo of ,.;.. i., At,bia(,n Tnneka presenta bu resignación Real Estate Exchange. N Por a . .. . hnr. d pleceion del cuarto barrio t nnGrónmln irimrra entre and santa l e uauroaai company 'l " y la acepta la misma y y parece que ahora tu operación por el peticio- - comisión Tnrquíu Bulgaria CLOUD CROFT, nombra A Doroteo handoval en no m llevará á efecto, gracius ft Summer Resort of the Southwest, send four cents post- - . - su lugar. l.i intervención v esfuerzos de los the Premier 1 eSlH Unit ", l'tl.i.iroj J r.n.ii""- poten-niwi- o Vtnw A la St tiutna. ngestnmsto 1 es bajo la condición que el Lus siguieuU'O cuentas fueron gobiernos de la grandes Salo Tres brown. quicia - tío K. U. y Pasajeros que asi ea por- Lluva el Correo IVN-E- . ! de pasaje de cualquier aprobadas: cias. Es mejor 0. V. k P. A., E. Sjitera, .v.- - wv. minto. en la Maza ue Ln8egas utw" ituuiu, piuu, I ,,Un n. ' I El Taso, T xi. $14.50; Ter- - cstabaciertadereslutaren if ÍW KLIíKMO ItOMEKO, l'ropit tarlo A cuahmiei punto en la ciudad de ritorio r T. Uak. gual y , - u I a no excederá cinco (5) ntono v u uaraa, io.ou-- icr- lavorue íurquin, ui W'u ' I ó ' . . . .Ma- - A na más Purtc do las Vt (,'iis A las 7 a. ni. y me-di- o ritorio vs T. Hoybal, $11.50; ayudasen Bulgaria centavos por adultos y dos y Viernes, mu- - Vim's. Mi.'rcolcs niños bajo nutencion de prisioneros y de la potencias. A i:cst cent a vos por I mismo dia las I (Jí) aA a 41 aBmaiaa.. Lli't'a 6 Santa llosa el AGENTS WAÍN cu mus. I21o.íjU: wena, na-- .. ., r-- '.AWN Ja edad de doce (12) años y arri- bnnnue" i (1 p, rn. : u . isoscriDanseai i.iir...u.,.,.r., SWINÜ ba do la edad de (3) unos, y quo laño como ctuwuiv, rni , . Ltwa Swlafi aad Serte, fiimmock tf w t MADB fkalra. Cama Chaira tai Stoolft. 'Á egas and Hot Valterde. salario como guardia, " l'A( A. la dicha Las Iroolof Tablet, Watt Bemb, Etc. o,. , m'i"t Hailway Light ?40; Hipólito Roybal. jap tor, . noflUOD i. k.i il.i. nt. rmi Viaic $6.00. Viujc Rcdondu $11.00 Spring LlKtric nrftflftrnn nmft rBft .. In Co., libros Itll H Hrl I H QD ,,f ...f rr, MVt,NH HU.AIIM sus suceso- $31; Pub. üüyilÜQ. m De Bado Juan Pali $3.00. and Power Company, ImW nUllilll r""woJ 4 al de AgenU canil T tnak STANDARD FOB ACCURACY AND res y asignados, deberán correr DURABILITY Day. f i: t . 4 t Aitt 2 InlAKhMfa .Til. S10 Per en , r- llwi.Wll.i $5 to A lo menos un carro cada i u;.H.v,- .. uu.i.en H.a Wn watmrtnüt7uii Ho llova Kxpraso A precios razonables. l: On 4. TmAtn Aafii fimhn ...... iihIi la eu- . 13.00 $150.00 bo-br- e HU JT- , rimr RIFLES, from Juan I'als quince minutos, tfÍ.U -h,. M l.eWr uronla. So tómala comida en Hado Munplei re- - cada """ from . M 80.00 Will fuiuUh 'A L MSTOLS. 2.Í0 r $4: L. V. Light and Fuel Co., lu-- mt deairiiig V esa parte de dicho ferrocarril I' . .r.,ii ntn. ml:',útJ!XZSS linTnilN5.lrom 7.50 30.0 dnced pricei to tho I houibr calle, del puente del condado nam nnr .Tiinirt V .TllHo. 11 fl5 : K. ii tordillo llav una ur Mr Rency. Kxcluilv territory g tie irtTlt Vo,,.l0rtararVrt.Ufuoral W. will inr i4 " i.l ilrwm mhm riil" lo" Addreiw, 1 en la calle National para el po mí).l ti j'm tmtn AGENTES given. IlfcUl, CanU-- r mm, nteiito há ia la plaza y alrededor la cárcel, $2.70, Chas. ESSINOElt Jcddki.i,, íit., iT Stevens Arms & Tool Co., 1'iiHt Las V'ciras. m,m " a I! escribanía para el ase . iratB paeieme. weiuüua.i J. AfW fcnwrufcPi d plaza y hacia el norte tículosde I M - V" dicha I pttrtea de lx Ku1o nilj. P.O.BOX i.- iTriiit vw So.v. Plaza, La i'" FALLS, MASS. t por la calle del Pacifico, 6 lo quo sor, 11.75; Lázaro Sandoral, de CHICOPEE 1 Veiftts. 3 jneg paz, 1 MA.VfflS.& jwnwicu tu conocido como el boulevard rochos de de erntono mnm ai"fmí i0 I "Fui5 casi un milagro. Los R ERECCIONES MELANCOLICAS ENRIQUITO. EL INDEPENDIENTE Amargos de Burdock parala san- - r gre me curaron de una terrible Que Todo rUceoos Cátodo la Moerte Dedicado a su Padre, Don enfermedad en todo mi cuerpo, sos Privt de Aljui ter Querido. E. ti. Salazar. rFjTL mas Grande Estoy muy complacida." Miss t Surtido de Muebles en el Julia Filbridge, West Coruweil, Triste es en verdad la vida del Como prenda de amistad territorio esta ahora en exhibición en 9: Los comisionados de condado Conn. hombre que tiene por fin y termi Estos versos te dirijo, nuestra tienda. han rstadodi sesión estos dias. UN VOTO DE GRACIAS. no inevitable la muerte y el se- - Cuando iveiaga enfermedad Calidad garantizada. Precios damos & personas pulcro, V triste aun es Don Celso Ilaea,deSuntaHosn Lo todas las pnra Ha arrebatado l tu hijo. los mas reducidos. quenosneompuñaron y ayuda- - los que creen que cou la muerte visitó latiodadelMartespasado Enriquito, en tierna edad rou ñ xeutir la muerte de nuestro todo se acaba y la inmortalidad A mjor vida llamado, Don Jesus M. Duran, delCerri querido hijo, Enriquito, y la vida nueva son un sueño y felPl Sillas cohio Ha dejado A su papá to, estuvo en Ja ciudad el Imes también a los que nos una quimera, Pero aquellos que Sill pasado. Muy triste y desconsolado 77 como extendieron sus simpntiasdecon- - tienen fe y conflan y creen que al alias Don Mateo Sunche, de Iloriu dolencia. otro lado del sepulcro se encuen La maní 1, bañada en llfinto, da, estuvo on Ja cindad A prínci E. II. Salazau y Esposa. tra la inmoralidad y la vida eter- No encuentra paz ni consuelo, JJ la del para píos do la na guardan en sueoruzóu con- Y siente mortal quebranto, wniana. NEFANDO CRIMEN. uu íliflON . . suelo y una al ver de- Pues su niño voló al cielo. G ravad o El Lfines de la presente semana Un despacho de Lumbertoa, N. enperuiizn j saparecer ante su vista & los sé. desde visitó la ciudad Don Kpitacio M7 anuncia que Albert F. Coa pe, Ambos presa del dolor. res queridos que amaron en la Qnintana, delCerrito. mató á balazos ri su esposa y Lamentan tan dura suerte, 81.00 tierra. A no wr por esta fe y Viendo de su I)on Modesto Aragón, de Wa cuñada y después se voló la tapa picuda amor se apoderarían de sus lili hasta de los sesos el mismo mientras las garras de la muerte. $1.15 gon Mound, nos hizo nna agrá coruzones la desesperación ó dablo el Lfines de se- - estaba en un estado dedemencia. Vén de luto entristecida I 1 32.50. visita esta aquella insensibilidad que uada Cada una. muna La señora Coapo y su cuñada La alegi'ia de su hogar, siente ui deplora y que se cifra en eran nativas del pais con el nom No oyendo la voz querida . Los nuevos edificios qno están el amor propio y el egoisma. l'e bre do Hernandez. Coae era bien Que los eolia alegrar. construyendo DonXíargarito lio pérdida de uu conocida en esta ciudad. rola padre, una Armarios de $5.50 has mero E. Hartar. cstrin ja lia madre ó un hijo son un golpe tina triste sepultura ta $!).50. tos para el techo. AVISO. los anonadador para los que ven con- - Cubre rentos de aquel, Va piano de primeraelnse, muy Tengo en mi poder ior órden vertidos en cudav er verto iirinp Que fué su gloria y dulzura del poco osado pc puede obtener muy juez de paz del precinio 23, i0 uue fufi hu doria, bu l)mcer v Y su esjeranza mis fiel. una oscura, aU-evi- barato en la tienda de Música jegua jobera, cones Lu mientras vivió, v cu va Eu decreto tan final tas CM en Coloubina,.adjunto h! Hotel La mareas la pierna al ausencia deja en su corazón un No es posible apelación, lado derecho y nalga Pensión, Las Vegas, N. M. JV ea la vacio que es imuosihle v una nena Y sólo queda al mortal del mismo lado ICldue. derecho. Mue nunca s acaba del todo ni El tener resignación. Si rois molestados por una di ño podrá obtenerla después de uoll UH distracciones ni coa el gestión débil probad la Charo Su alma se ha refugiado lagar todos os costos incurrí- - trascuño del tiemno. El canino. berlain's Stomach and Liver - I En las regiones de paz, dos. I'kiihoA. Tai- IA. Mllfltl! tU III Vllllil fu tul .mu Tablets. Os harán provecho. trr Y á ojos mortales no es dado San José, N. M. término ri todas lusdiehashumu. Fo renden en todas la boticas. Volverá verlo jamás. XLOS PAQADORES DE CAPITACION, ñus y no hay ser sobre la tierra Kl sufior Cris Miman, antea ró Carruajitos de Nino, de Sepan todos por estos presen- - cuyo corazón no se vea alguna ó El padre diet: "Enriquito, $6 arriba de ciudad c encuen ldente esta tos que desde hoy en adelante es. muchas veces lacerado con el re Para siempre te perdí, MfSAS COM 11 GRAVADO 24x24, peligrosamente enfermo de tra taré listo en mi oficina, en la Jo cuerdo de los seres queridos que Siento dolor infinito Precio $2.25. canceren Topeka y hay muy po Porque lejoa de ruí." yeria de Lujan y Lucero para re-- ha tragado la hambrienta se estas Aguamaniles esperanza do quo recobro. como el ra cibir la capitación que es debida pulturu. El pensamiento de la La madre dice llorando: Gravado. $2.25. Monarca sobre el dolor. Para por los residentes del distrito es- - muel le siempre la tenemos pre-colo- r "Ilijito; queharé sin tí? las quemadura, cortadas, torci- No. 1. Los que no lo ha ente y ul asistir al entierrode un La pena me está matando ó das, mordeduras Alivio instan gan nsf eion tratados según conocido, uu amigo un parien. Porque estAs léjos de mí." tangamente. Aceite Klect rico del a ley. JtONiK.u'io te nuestra meditación di- - Litkiu), no se No habiendo remedio ya Thomas, l'u todas Jus boti Pis- - a los que han í'r. Secretario y Colector del h 'J ya atravesa Dejad, padres, de gemir; cap. frito No. 1. do los umbrales del sepulcro sino El tiempo os consolará Kl 135 A los que están eu camino paru día de Setiembre próximo PROXIMO ENI ACE. Y al fin habéis de morir. ALFOMBRAS ri en primer tér-- pusado nueva heredera vino Dentro de poco se eu los ft,.,á wtindonos Desde 12c hasta $1.50 la unirán Si constantes tenéis fé, yarda. el do pro-ciabl- e ' y alegrar hogar atiesto indcsolubles h.zos del - niiwnoB a mutrimo- m"V ""N Lograreis paz y consuelo, l.'atres de Hierro en colore amigo y miseritor Don nio el inteliirento ióven ílabriel 'THlaH W Pensando y creyendo qué co, azul, color de rosu y colo- Marcelino Homo, de Sabino ñilbos, hürwlel llnnnrnM,. Un 'ailOH y tllUS qUCIldaS. r i v iiviiuiinMiv i t. t I'.nriquito est A en el cielo. rado, .;l.7". Spring, N. M. mon (ialletroH.t,,.r. 1 1 TU " n,'c" ut' 1,1 '"u,!l ie ' el términolilifatal é inevitable de Un A.mkjo Kl ióven Luciano Sunchez, den-- 1 po de comisionados de este con todos los séres humanos es un in- - LN CASO DE ELLO. i Nosotros damos estampas azu fmitánnni tinrtirí nura Ma.ldadfl. V íln Dnfiíl íltrntolitii Kixrii vu " CÜI UM" ,uuu ,M!wíUtt les mercantiles con cada compra tinoso, en donde vA a tomar car ra de Gallegos su eposa, con la . SOPANDAS DB CAMA Aparadores de vur H $2.50 godelawcuelade aquel distrito, honesta y hermosa jóvenJoseflta ,,Uü )lim Muchos Pirecldot ea E. Lat Vetas. $2.50 Cada una. hasta $7.75. con dinero. te, nos sometemos como Alindes- - fin Lucero, hija de Don Lucero ' par ese ha firmado on con Jesús turn r íifiiiilUAtMiii' ?' i i WVT'i'MUII BWJH! siete meses. ? esposa. Doña Patricia Iílea de I I' I U I t l LS llilülk íltl lllkt Mil Itt3 trato por W!. 1.. .1 ÍS ruiiuMVwo Lucero, todos tes do San h inucbos parecidos .íue ocurren llar on remedio únicamente pesar que nos José, en este condado. Congra- causa la separa ). en de vez diariamente en Las Vegas. Fs en fcrS ú muido que para una ción eterna de miembros queri- AS. IÍTlIJ.,1,1 tulaciones están en órden. uu asunto fácil para verificar su las comezones i!. l cutis en cual dos de nuestro hogar doméstico, Las Vegas, N. M. LA CONVENCION OE REQADIO certidumbre. Seuuramente Vd.. quier parte del cuerpo. Doan's aquellos (jue han sido nuestroeu- - (4 no puede pedir mejor prueba que Ointment. En las 1L V" 'todas boticas caiito V niicstiiL isiiirnni imi lw in'i'áitfA i. RO centavos QaeTe.dréLunrtoAlbuquorqueeldla esa evidencia conclusiva. Ubo,t;do M tmia juuuca IJ de Octubre, La señora Marta Mnes.Iarami Una fiesta para los viajeros. El lmnl:l tmiort mii immi iI.iu.hmh lio, de la venida de Nuevo México Extracto de Fresa Silvestre del dada é inflexiblH nos vitn Anno. Las Vegas, dice: '"He tenido ai Dr. Fowler. deslnteriu, Esta reunion que estí llamada Cura dia batar cuando menos lo ríñones E. e Hijo, fe- - de los por Rosenwald - para congregarse durante la rrea, enfermedades de mar, ñau- müH. La llaga que tal separa-n- a de ciu- seis años, indicado por dolor en ca. Agradable al tomarlo. Ac-- Albuquerque en dicha - ck'u hnm on nnnstms mmmM "Plazo," Lodo Sur - la espalda y dificultades cou las taa prontamente. dad, el dia KJ del corriente, sur- no ,,ueje coneebirse sino por secreciones de los ríñones. tira dos efectos a la vez, siendo ,imi,.iH ,. i,,,,, fn..,.,,f,.íi,. Cuan El Centro mas grande para tratar de Las Vegas. Mercancías del El famoso circo de Hingling do estos en su el primero aumentar la concur- - o estaban estado el Uui uii(.(.i(',n Entónees oobs Bros., darán dos exhibiciones agudo era obligada irme a la ca- - mejor grado, Las últimas novedades, El uugur cun-c- Surtido mas grande á los Sábado prolimo, cu esta ciudad, M.m.i.juui imporuiucia el horizonte de niiestrnn L la feria con la tendencia de U"rt Re gran esperanzas y se nos aparece la '"Jtí m' rb8tm,te prCCÍOS mas reducidos, anticipa concurrencia. minl.-A- qua usaba otras medicinas ga- - personas caracterizadas 1 va procchión tendrá lu''ur entre V. vida n.lütl su estéril y triste . . i.. J r matizadas pura curnreufernieda. .. . uuiuuin mn uci icrriiorio ai w.,.ií,i,i,i , , , .. ., , . aicz y mañana. : ios idóneo nula uui.,v a i. - - -- ... i uoiniii u ui uniría iiiii., y en se. Iiui-nil- i :.7...luolUKUJ)iiutiti4a - a...... ! Nuestro Departamento de Zapatos el má completo Los señores Hlete M un perh'.di. Lujan y Lucero guudo lugar, so uu ministra una Lw i Mi,;,in,i v i., ,i;,.i ,i..i "' 'lo ocasión muy J 0K,UK',, rí,Jor"8 do en la ciudad docstaciudad han aceptado la oportuna para que hombreen este valle delnirrimas ,lue1,,.a8 - agencia ofreeer sea I l.fl l .1 t vilivf pura de venta en ngitada y ventilada una cues. lili l'HH nilllllMllf M llníAm. lumlii i', 'till lrn llf ll lllli 1 los condados do San Miguel, íeo Itióii tan iinDoiliirihwnnw. di .... . ineditL'ina altamente recomendada Acabamos de recibir una linea completa do Chinelas i la ilusiones neriiKiHiiH mío iiiionhis v Woody tjuay, un hermoso y irrigución I. .1 ! . . para dolor de espalda otros y Zapal os Ibijitos para útil á fiado llamar aten IllllllilllIflM 11111 l'l.l'l.lfl omifnu Señoras, de diferentes precios, irabinete de cociim Icióu v fue síntomas de enfermedad de los rí oiienoiMnln'm1 dentin u .... desde l.L'5 A 1 i (;u u nill'HlI'H. Hllinti. v $ hasta $.'1.75. Vengan vellos. a ""íiv.iw ñones, ri monos quo comprarlo ri y demostrar que en Nuevo Méxi- - y fui a botica de (Jood primera ,t,ilZanios ...i o ,t ,n.i. en eo se est A haciendo ío- - an la plaza nueva y compre algo para pura . ta todos es tan! ti..i,r,..i El Zapato "ULTRA" mejor zapato que el . una caja. Si me hubiera ali- - Jnmiiu lliintiiF Ik.iii 1...... 1...... I1 Uieiltar este Ilei'oeia l'n .i i t no ....v., iiwiHUlU 140 Vlf-- "i ' umlu i..n:nIIIIIIIIIIII- i llini. I .11 llllll.l'TA álfel III ...... l . . I " ...V. vr. .1. dinero puede No ...Is-ii- viado no hubiera comprado una comprar. hay zapato mejor hecho. lor, milao un balazo en una pier Lftos " convenció sera de ,v,m univi iso la con general porque el íxito le imparcialidad segunda caja y si la segunda Vale $.'1.50 ea todo el mundo y es tan bueno como cual- devora i no me hubiera dado alivio abso porotrodesu misma raza que f lodos que no hue. quier zapato que vale ?5.00. resjRMMie I luto, y aqul alivio no hubiera ni noiultre de Anderson. ti'ii ifm-i- nnt.wt . . exciMK-ioiii- en favor .1 nimrnn . . I '"HIV! iiiiunnii vi ' ' " I Nlilil l IIance que Hunter y su inujHr.l " j ii ' 'rmanente por siete meses, Todo lo que pillemos es que prueben un par. " discusiónStl'.Sdo la cuettión del ser viviente, sea cunl fn.'m mi vir. Hm. é .. i . . . I . . . r i ' "'--- ' lio podría ser inducida & reco AinjfiiNin , uitis esuuuiii em no potira menos que desertar tud. ta ento. rimipun. A y idm.i mendar el comedio." Todos los "ULTRAS" son garantizados de dar brií.gados al tiempo del suceso, h'.terés llamar atención A bis LiaMad. Todos matos van a mmmmmmm I lllil'MMIlll.llitd lia ilniui l.i.... t .... I De venta en todas las boticas, 6 se devuelve el dinero. Damos lasgraeiasrilossicnien. al sejiulcro y la no to en la iireiisa nfíblica eonm Pntr tierra - a ... i, .. .i. . . vw.... ni i ...a . iiiniu tiu 111 iiijn. i u íes cauaueros que lian remitido ios ceñiros unciales de co aerno. ","H" sersinounn inmensa se : .,:n miiiiiim i i -- n.. ii..ff..i' v I i .'i lumi ll vu., i.ui.uiu, .Ihm..,.!...... i.i ..I... i.nltm-.- londt - i. l " OHcríeiAn ri Kl ""mo de generaciones y'nuas que han ü Im.eikmukntk l0 íWMy"l Z - 1 Ii . i . l'H lie. I ...... A ...... i . mi.o. iHxuiiurii n L??iiiiinuiuui- uuu UHUwiuiluewa,'. wm I. .i (leí jt.miiiuovui, ru..M. .usa . . piiuei .io 4 ...ene m . l i i 1111 Liiiiit-i- i Medía i.iuiniii-.. iniiu. .c iiiiiii;ir """ irwiin iiLian. La no 1.(H)...... I ' Humero, lelilí San disentir flrvlf i.i. iuI.. iiiih uní. " 1$ nkiuii noun' CONTRA LA RABIA. ebez, f 1.00. J..s'. M. ilmar, $2.0u. uta uu Individuo o uuaeomuni LINCHAMIENTO DE t'N NEGRO. Del Negro 15 10 ," A Pierce, le Haltiinoiv, Gato No. Gato Negro, No reIr radilla, 2.0(. l.'ara poder coiisirtiiralgo. Kn el pueblo Lynchburg. Ten- - John I' $vDel ij.ijo osie punió de vista i iPiki. i . . mordió uu perro en una pierna e i- " " wswi, nio uikii.Ii. ... - i . . iinn,iiio la noche del i:i.Mntes tv,. i...... eiA ii, ú Para Muchachos es la mejor hecha. Para !a i ... iirinier lunes de esie mes, y aun- - Mnckubns s n cjnr lucha. un ai.imadoM de K (l,''l'U!'o el negro Alien hmall Korteoeu la tienda de Cliarh i.atriotisino v quo le cquterjzaron la llaga y no Tir.i t...... i'fiitu públici deUai lM,r eiudadanos se rw i-- cooVrar (pie ntu. fiit iu, puso rúa una capa y ri hasta londe les Horrible, .! tenía que iba morir de sea inilltaron en crireel. ilnndu a una ei. la Precio 25c vii v Precio caja para guardar ropa. L his cousiTilencias. A todo el que .v Jimni. 25c ta rifa se para negro estaba el fallo de los ssvrSt limitó finicauienle para encontraba le decía: "Ppbro do Cada par estA Garantizado. las personas que Cada par esta (amiilindo. habían liech ,m i dio y , en la , ..mina lo lo aflora Lliza rauiar. inminente, ciertas compras. Los iifortuua ayudar '1 A yaya,! Mh A fa fn.w.n . I... I i I que h.unbivs de Wh. i'tfglestui. ,"M,tr"po1n Ninguno Mejor. Prueben un Pnr. Ninguno Mejor. ui'" iHrniu'iiumiiu ájiiirro, íle i ri l eu su re es. i ..a la convención que va Kl asalto Ala crim-- lo naoiiacioti. minia I'IIUIICIILII. uu I 11 lili 11 HIT". . i.I . I . ... practi i'iiii;.. " r I 11 .1 ' lili iriUT" till - trangubiilo con uu pañuelo, I llliriir .IIUIHll.n.i.m...... IIVII1U1- t'l l'lirilll....IIIM IU1I... iil.lnu de OH ganó la y IV 1 ... capa te (íulrin, lia 13. I, iiiiiiiii i'i un i'iinii. i i jando un priiH'l que decía: 'Tre- - I'un los testimonios abajo. U ,,,,M,n,,(..... del Castañeda, uñó la caja. en su óboh. para ai.r.rx TV" 'T. ' tlero el suicidio A la rabia. Ciudadanos prominentes hacen - . " s . . inar ei iiemiioen iiumm ii.n,.li-.- " " " " mTro ai car- F. 43 rr los sigiii-iit'- á m... s manifiestos cerci ia cuerpo oeexannnadon-- na .... Ln y ,U v nnien EXAMINACI0N 0E MAESTROS. U Uta niesiii'.i. iflern. I unAr.v .i;u.... de nunlicina .'. ! v" ' " esta notable. n n rn i,, 'n""ii." mmmmJ a 1 '"f'UI u ivi m i i iLiii i .!11 111 ,1.. . 1.. .. 1 . . 1 Mi'lliiiiiii uncían ili.tiexieu ini.. K 1. iinii.i iiuntn: v ...... :....tllllll-- nwmiT Por esta sedó noticia que ha- - ... I I I tw lllllULIlKlliOS ciiiiieii-- i . . . SI.... Iln... lllu.b..l..j- ..1...u- - ti'iiniu I. .. lis... a naga bi uow.iuureoe imr.j, 'I...las ei conpitwi do A uno, Kn se-ui,- el una examinacioii de maestros l.l..l. '" Sheriff lra Kl tenor Juan N. QuInUuit dli-c- : II- - Kl ifftor IxHinurdo Tupia dire Ton m n T cnr.üto I.uimto iliee: Tur nueve de la mañana, en el '""i1 "í de rrpnwan 1,. la casa d corte en lias Vegas, -- alón ?triicción d,. 1 cAnvl iridió1 aiiTÍli.i1 f reeoinlciulomil f much o iiiVifiui uno o y ' ' 1 iMinilcnilo la nu il lela noUllo It II H placer altamente la pMi delT,to P" iiliiiueemir y r, H rilt rao Sábado e. Setiembra y en tiempo Hinque muy l; delaciudad.iMiralaiwisicióii de X mona medicina II II If. La he ua'1 M para roumátlcon diarrea, 1 . i a"UU,,,,",r ,n.M P"to vino eruto jr los de ter- - ilolorrj ih i:i (;(. ii.Unio ! enniente (Hubrepara mtiflcados 'tóina-g- o eiirnrttr. cartero n la (metí uwado c v iolernamentc para duloren tic l.iiti'uiiM (ic ú esiaiaa. y liara establit lni ento ib i policías; pero todo tafi en vano. .mulA v ,.1 rtltimn Vi..t-.- jxirque la be y eonomvi qtio n. cdü pr,,lm. Jn n.eill-'ii- a eorjfojjulr. como pura el mnl de gnr-ifan- l. II II II y mi jwn it vvillUI Id l AUUMUUVIMII f.ff lemas de lietro eu los mrt- - 1 mjir rcnu'dio que no puedo J farfaro lipona ,it Dnntns pues los Noviembre 01 ton t tumultuarios.ya habían para irrudos he pronto icfdliindo enlnpli-- Itllielik'. I itlli.'li-'- " ' aven Writes. Iajs Uu mi i'NlIrnai'li'in ce el mi niiM'i-iord- 7 tenido alivio j be pedir lo blancos i A '.'. , , i nniei-eielitiqu- neerwirios luebrado la naerta nue conducía Jkm s Ma. i.ntana, Connt'icr" e r..c-dlcl-na Je! t i .... ni ciiuKi 1 'j'e n:rjír . ! de nueden rci;::!tar u jniliñn nfltx'iiJt li ''r.sMLr.L' i..f..i.. i.!-- etO al alto, roto las rejas de la prb M a;;ii: .1. Un 111:11, úuili. quo JamA be uhJo. jaili;í lie iiniiiio, dones berrin hasta la Hí1ri(,utu;' incalculab.s y sión y matado ri balazos al negi o, IvNUKil K A KMIJO, guadas mludarri en provecho de todo viendo que no snlfan es- í'nerjs de KxaminadoresiMi v uo l sacar a a admirable medicina se vende por todos los comerciantes y boticarios. Ti. ñora ja exanimación. i - líoscnw Id c iubl.i umw te afuero. H)r el ( 'ululado de San Miguel. Hijo n los rinicoi mfentcs y distribuidores ni por mayor.