By Electing Pafford As Incoming Leader, House Dems Lurch Further To The Left, Tacitly Endorsing ’s Leading Liberal Over Crist

STATEMENT FROM RPOF CHAIRMAN LENNY CURRY: “With Mark Pafford anointed as the incoming leader for the House Democrats, this means that the House Democratic Caucus is lurching further to the left and tacitly rejecting as their standard bearer. By electing one of the most liberal legislators as their leader, it’s not a matter of if, but when, Democratic legislators line up behind their former colleague and fellow liberal Nan Rich.”


Just Over Three Years Ago, Pafford Endorsed Kendrick Meek Over Charlie Crist In 2010 Senate Race. “Kendrick Meek, Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate, continues to consolidate support from Florida Democrats as he receives the endorsements of Rep. Mark S. Pafford (D-West Palm Beach) … Rep. Pafford (D-West Palm Beach) said, ‘Kendrick Meek’s career has always been defined by his commitment to the people of Florida. Like me, he has stood in opposition to big oil and offshore oil drilling to protect Florida’s coastlines. Kendrick also understands the importance of protecting another natural resource: our children. As a father I am grateful that Kendrick fought to restrict class sizes so that our children can excel. I am honored to give Kendrick my support and will continue to fight with him for Florida.’ (Press Release, “Rally For Kendrick Meek, With All Gore And Three More Endorsements,”Kendrick Meek For Florida, 9/23/10)

After Rouson Was Ousted, Florida Liberal Blogger (Who Has Openly Criticized Crist) Endorsed Pafford Because He Is “The Most Progressive Voice In The Entire Legislature.” “My personal preference would be that Rep. Mark Pafford (D-West Palm Beach), the most progressive voice in the entire legislature to take the reigns of leader. Besides being the most progressive voice, Pafford’s vote and rhetoric is the least prone to manipulation in the entire body, and he is a shining example of what other Democrats can be if they bothered to try.” (Kartik Krishnaiyer, “Rouson Ousted: Where Should House Democrats Turn Next?” The Florida Squeeze, 9/24/13)

In Early 2013, Dem Activist (Openly Skeptical Of Crist) Said Pafford Would Be Better Leader Because “He Is A Liberal” That “Will Not Sell Out.” “As for Rep. Pafford, he is a liberal, he is a loyal Democrat, he will not sell out, he will agree with the majority of his party on the issue, he will provide passionate debate, he will be an effective leader and he will help Democrats make a name for themselves during a vitally important session …” (Dave Trotter, “Would Mark Pafford Be A Better Options For Democratic House Leader?” The Political Hurricane, 2/8/13)


Alan Williams Entered The Race Because Democratic Establishment “Wary” Of Pafford Being “Too Far To The Political Left,” Wanted Leader Close To Lobbyists.“Williams entry, however, is seen as a sign that some in the caucus are wary about Pafford, seeing him as too far to the political left. The leader’s job involves candidate recruiting and fund-raising, and some Democrats view Williams as having a stronger bond with the Capitol’s lobbying corps.” (John Kennedy, “Williams, Pafford Contest Shaping Up For Top House Dem Post,”The Palm Beach Post, 9/24/13)

Last Year, Williams Stepped Aside In Race For Leon County Dem Chairmanship To Make Room For Establishment-Backed Allison Tant To Take State Chairmanship. “Meanwhile, State Rep. Alan Williams (D-Tallahassee) has stepped aside in his race against longstanding powerhouse Jon Ausman for the Chair of the Leon County DEC. This clears a potential path for Tant if she can knock off Ausman and become the Chair of the Leon DEC … Williams in explaining his decision said ’We are fortunate that someone of Alison’s stature and talent is willing to serve Florida Democrats. An opportunity like this doesn’t happen very often, and we must take advantage of it.’ Following his departure from the race, Williams almost immediately declared he would run for Minority Leader designee in the House.”(Kartik Krishnaiyer, “Activists Statewide Failing To Coalesce Behind Tant Despite Opening Leon Path,”The Political Hurricane, 12/9/12)

Liberal Blogger Notes Florida Democratic Establishment Is “Desperate,” “Lack Rational Thought” And Have Not “Put Forward A Positive Set Of Ideas For Leading Florida Forward.” ”Florida Democrats in 2014 seem equally desperate to the way the Republicans appeared in 1940. Being out of power as the Democrats have been in this state for 16 years means desperation and lack of rational thought has crept into the minds of some. Others simply want to “win” to increase personal influence rather than put forward a positive set of ideas for leading Florida forward. Since the Democrats have been so unwilling to adopt hard and fast policy positions in this state Crist would have no standard to be held against and potentially could do a Willkie on the party especially considering the rest of Tallahassee if he were elected Governor is almost certain to be controlled by Republicans.” (Kartik Krishnaiyer, “Could Charlie Crist Be Florida Democrats Wendell Willkie?” The Florida Squeeze, 8/30/13) Krishnaiyer Chides Democrats Being Open To Crist Because They Are Desperate For Electoral Success. “With many Democrats desperate for any kind of success on the state level ready to accept Crist with open arms, they may not ask the questions that need to be asked of him.” (Kartik Krishnaiyer, “If Elected Governor Again, Would Charlie Crist Actually Govern From The Left?,” The Florida Squeeze, 7/29/13)


Democratic Women’s Club Of Broward County “Embraced” Nan Rich, “Where Many Were Familiar With And Approved Of The Kind Of Liberal Politics – She Calls Herself ‘Progressive’ – She Championed During 12 Years Representing South Florida In The State Legislature.” (Anthony Man, “Nan Rich Seeks Dems’ Support In Race For Florida Governor,” The South Florida Sun-Sentinel, 9/22/13)

Rich Receives Endorsement From Florida NOW, “Has A Long History As A Liberal.” ”The political arm of the National Organization for Women has issued an early endorsement for Nan Rich, dark horse Democratic contender for governor. According to an announcement from Rich’s campaign, Donna Slutiak, president of NOW’s political arm, called Rich ‘the best hope for Florida’s women.’ Rich, a former state senator from Weston, has a long history as a liberal on issues including abortion, gay rights and other social issues.” (William March, “Rich Gets NOW Endorsement,” The Tampa Bay Tribune, 5/21/13)

Nan Rich On Her Differences With Charlie Crist: “It Will Give Florida Voters A Clear Choice Between Someone Who Has Life-Long Core Democratic Values And A Commitment To Working Families And The Middle Class …” (Dara Kam, “Sink Bows Out Before She Begins,” News Service Of Florida, 9/20/13)