Even on Sundays FRUIT DRINK Iianrl

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Even on Sundays FRUIT DRINK Iianrl 'V v T w T 'v PAGE FORTY-FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn,, Wed., Oct. 29, 1975 cents a month (which this proposal Urges re-election Likes Zinsser Supporting OPEN FORUM would cost) to be proud of its educational facilities? I am a of Mrs. Jackston To the editor: Ferguson The weather taxpayer in this town and I’m not Among the candidates for Board of Scattered showers, partly To the editor: proud to have two elementary Directors is a man who cares and To the editor. cloudy, high around 50. Clearing, It is with pleasure that I write in I’m supporting Vivian Ferguson I close, knowing completely that schools districts out of twelve that who listens to the people of our town. colder tonight, low in mid 20s to Thanks. Directors lack support of the re-election of Phyllis for election to the Board of Direc­ everyone does not see it the way I do, are not up to townwide standards. His actions during the time he has 30s. Mostly sunny, cool, Friday, Bentley School with no cafeteria Jackston to the Board of Directors. tors. iianrl|T0tTr SuTning Mmlh Give the United Way of responsiveness but I urge all voters to weigh the been on the board have always been high 45-50. issues and make a decision, and can offer no hot lunch program to its Dedicated and sincere, Mrs. in the best interest of Manchester. I’ve known Vivian many years and students. Washington School with no Jackston always studies the issues anything she undertakes gets done t w e n t y -e i g h t p a g e s — t w o s e c t io n s p r i c e : f if t e e n c e n t s scorned by writer please get out and vote. For these reasons I support Carl MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1975 - VOL. XCV, No. 26 Manchester—A City of Village Charm gymnasium offers a very limited thoroughly and then votes on the and gets done extremely well. She is To the editor: Sincerely, Zinsser for re-election and encourage physical education program in a issues carefully keeping the one of those people who gives more The election of our town govern­ Charles R. Pillard each of your readers to support him totally inadequate gym in the adja­ Manchester taxpayer ever in mind. to the task than is asked. You can ment is upon us again. We hear how 16 Lodge Dr. on Nov. 4, 1975. cent Rec building and has no facility Please let us show Phyllis Jackston count on her to do her research com­ much the newly nominated can­ Manchester Respectfully, for school assemblies. Did you know that we appreciate her efforts and pletely, come to a decision weighing didates are going to do and the Aldo Pavan a kindergarten class is held in the her service by getting out and voting all sides and fight for her convic­ wonderful things the incumbent can­ Jack Goldberg 376 Keeney St. News I New York City default cafeteria at Washington School? Did for her on Nov. 4th. tions. didates have done, and from this the Manchester you know both schools now use Sincerely yours, I’m voting for Vivian on Nov. 4. voters must choose! election urged storage closets for remedial reading Irene R. Pisch Maryann Turkington Not so. You must look back the last To the editor: and other special instruction 71 Grant Rd. 127 Henry St. two years of Democratic control. summary I gaid uot inevitable May I recommend Jack Goldberg Manchester Manchester Were they responsive to the teachers? Both schools also need Support Willhide to the citizens of Manchester for expanded library space and renova­ 649-5811 Coiiipileil from ;•:( WASHINGTON (UPI) - Treasury a three-year increase in its sales tax proposed, lawsuits by bondholders taxpayers of Manchester when they their November 4th vote. I most tion to bring them up to date in safety To the editor: S I lilted Press liiternulionul ij;: Secretary William E.' Simon said of 3 per cent for one year, 2 per cent demanding payment could prevent went ahead and purchased Case Cronin backed earnestly urge that his distinctive and fire codes. We, the residents of Manchester, w $: today New York State still has “vast and 1 per cent to raise the funds that the city from using its revenues to Mountain without giving the voters a Voters asked ability be continued as a Democratic The success of this referendum have been very fortunate to have To the editor: financial resources” which it could the city needs to avert default. pay police and firemen. chance to voice their opinion? Did member of the Board of Directors. will also give the Recreation Depart­ to vote for Odom Paul Willhide on our Board of Direc­ Manchester is indeed fortunate to I State I use to avert default in New York Ci­ Alternatively, he proposed that the New York officials generally were they listen to the people when they Jack is an insightful diligent quiet ment a modern recreation facility, tors. He has a wealth of experience have someone with outstanding i SHELTON — Little progress ij: ty. billions in the state’s employes pen­ outraged at Ford’s proposal to try to spent taxpayers' money on a project worker with years of experience in To the editor: and knowledge. capabilities as a candidate for town was made in a 2Vz-hour sion funds be used to collateralize deal with New York after a default equal to others in town, that would be We support the candidacy of Earl Simon testified before a House that if it had to be done could have construction, cost analysis and As the personnel manager for treasurer. That person is Louise bargaining session last night g banking subcommittee against new borrowings to keep the city instead of trying to prevent default. waited until the economy changes? I available to all town people at all B. Odom for re-election to the School management. With integrity com­ times other than school hours. This Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, he Cronin. She has the necessary between the Shelton Education legislation which would make mul­ afloat. Such a plan reportedly has am speaking of Lincoln Center. Board. Congressional reaction to Ford's mitment and capability. Jack’s dual facility will be a savings of over knows responsibility and hard work. background to perform well for Association and the school i;! tibillion dollar federally guaranteed been under consideration in quiet Did they listen to the people when A family man with children of his speech was divided, generally along citizenship in Manchester is a one-half million dollars to the His longtime interest and involve­ Manchester’s taxpayers, but more board on a contract. The >:• loans available to avert default next negotiations in New York City. party lines. Sen. Hubert H. they turned out in large numbers to own in the system, his record shows resource we can well use on our taxpayer over building two com­ ment in community affairs and his importantly, she has a deep sense of g schools opened today on a half- ij: month in the nation’s largest city. “New York State has vast financial Humphrey, D-Minn., called it ask for a “hold the line’’ budget, and excellent attendance at meetings and Board of Directors. plexes side by side. church shows that he cares about commitment to her community. g day basis as the strike entered :j^ President Ford said Wednesday he resources and there are many poten­ "political quackery." Sen. Robert then found over $300,000 that they careful consideration of the merits of Respectfully, To support this referendum with a people. Louise has pledged prudent manage­ S its third day. A previous con- would veto such a bill. But tial sources of the necessary funds,” Griffin, R-Mich., called it “exactly didn’t know we had? each individual issue. Harold R. Nix Yes vote on November 4 would give Manchester cannot afford to lose ment of town monies and wise invest­ •g tract was rejected by the g Democratic leaders, after meeting Simon said. “ But to those who would the right thing.” Did they listen to the people who Feeling that party lines have no 191 Main St. these two schools a chance to be in this director. ment of funds for the highest possible S Shelton Board of Aldermen. privately, decided to go ahead with say that all resources have been Outside New York, public opinion signed petitions in the Buckland area place in town affairs, we commend Manchester line with a prepared package in Paul Willhide deserves your vote return. She is a dedicated, sincere in­ i § efforts to pass it — even though they exhausted, these are only two appears to be running with Ford. to join the Eighth District Fire Odom to all voters. February when state funding is on Nov. 4! dividual. Louise Cronin deserves the I NEW HAVEN-Connecticut ^ seemed to sense they were losing the examples of what could be done.” Even if a bill passes, overriding a Department when they went right Very truly yours, resolved. A No vote with state fun­ Most sincerely, support of all Manchester’s voters on ^j Medical Service (CMS) says battle. He also disputed Gov. Hugh Carey, veto appears to be out of the ques­ ahead and signed away our rights Negroes ability Edith D. MacKendrick ding being resolved but possibly with Roger and Bea Bagley Nov. 4. :g new types of health insurance jj: The Senate Banking Committee who has testified that the state's tion.
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