J Biol Inorg Chem B2002) 7: 23±30 DOI 10.1007/s007750100261


Richard D. Kidd á Edward N. Baker á Thomas Brittain A modeling study of the interaction and electron transfer between b 5 and some oxidized haemoglobins

Received: 27 November 2000 / Accepted: 9 May 2001 / Published online: 27 June 2001 Ó SBIC 2001

Abstract Using Brownian motion simulations we have Introduction studied the formation of docked complexes of reduced and oxidized haemoglobin. Our results 5 In many biological processes, from the cytochrome indicate that the presence of molecular electrostatic ®elds chain of the to , a reaction has a signi®cant role to play in the formation of these of major importance is the deceptively simple process of complexes. In contrast to previous modeling studies on electron transfer. This process often involves the prior this system, we clearly identify electron transfer within formation of -protein complexes before the elec- an ensemble of similarly docked complexes rather than tron transfer event. Few such complexes have been iso- the formation of a single complex. Docking involves a lated and structurally characterized [1, 2] and questions number of acidic residues surrounding the exposed haem have been raised as to whether the few isolated com- edge of cytochrome b and a set of basic residues sur- 5 plexes are indeed of functional signi®cance [2, 3]. In the rounding the exposed haem edge of the . Al- absence of well-characterized electron transfer protein though amino acids from the partner are complexes, theoretical approaches to the problem of involved to a small extent in the binding of some of the inter-protein electron transfer have been developed. In complexes, the reactivity of any particular globin is es- many cases, analyses of the formation of the initial sentially independent of the nature of its partner globin protein- have employed numerical sim- chain within the haemoglobin molecule. Comparison of ulation based on Brownian dynamic encounters modi- results from adult and embryonic haemoglobins indi- ®ed to take into account the e€ects of the electrostatic cates a signi®cant di€erence in complex formation. Ap- ®elds associated with the protein partners [4, 5, 6]; this plication of electron tunneling analysis to the complexes approach appears to yield realistic models for the initial allows us to predict the rates of electron transfer within encounter for a number of systems [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. How- each ensemble of complexes. These data provide a the- ever, more detailed investigations clearly require addi- oretical insight into the important process of re-reduc- tional analysis of such contributions as relaxation of the tion of oxidized haemoglobins as well as explaining the initial complex structures [9]. The analysis of the sub- general inability to produce crystalline forms of many sequent transfer of electrons from the donor protein to docked electron transfer complexes. the acceptor protein has often been based on the path- ways model developed by Onuchic and Beratan [10, 11], Keywords Cytochrome b5 á Haemoglobin á Brownian simulation á Electron transfer which analyses the process of electron tunneling between the partners in terms of the contributions of covalent bond, H-bond and through-space contributions, whilst explicitly taking into account the detailed structures of the partners. The original pathways model may in some circumstances also require modi®cation to take R.D. Kidd á E.N. Baker á T. Brittain B&) into account vibrational e€ects and the possible inter- School of Biological Science, ference between multiple di€erent pathways [12, 13, 14, Private Bag 92019, 15, 16]. In other electron transfer systems, gating is also University of Auckland, recognized as a major factor modifying the overall Auckland, New Zealand electron transfer process between two proteins [17, 18, E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: +64-9-3737599 19, 20]. Thus in some systems the combination of Fax: +64-9-3737414 Brownian dynamics docking and pathways analysis 24 gives no more than a ``®rst-order approximation'' of the total process of inter-protein electron transfer. However, Materials and methods in the absence of any ®rm experimental data with which The crystallographic coordinates of cytochrome b , adult haemo- to make comparisons for the reaction of reduced cyto- 5 globin and embryonic haemoglobin Gower II were obtained from chrome b5 with met-haemoglobin, we have chosen, as a the Protein Data Bank B1CYO, 1BBB and 1A9W, respectively). ®rst step, to use this combination of approaches in our Disordered amino acids in the crystal structure of haemoglobin analysis of this system to make predictions concerning Gower II Ba22) were inserted using the graphics program O [36]. this important reaction. For haemoglobin Portland Bf2c2), the globin f chain was prepared by computer mutation of the a chain using O. The c chain struc- One particular electron transfer process is indirectly ture was obtained from the three-dimensional structure of hae- used to maintain the functional properties of haemo- moglobin Barts Bc4) BR.D. Kidd et al., in preparation). In all cases globin in its role as an carrying protein. In order where protein structures were modi®ed, the resulting protein to reversibly bind and release oxygen, the atom at structure was energy minimized using CNS [37]. All haemoglobin structures used were in the met Bferric) or isostructural ferrous the center of the haem groups of haemoglobin must liganded form. remain in its ferrous form. However, under physiologi- Simulations of electron transfer complex formation were per- cal conditions the oxy form of haemoglobin is intrinsi- formed using the software developed by Northrup and his col- cally unstable and can be oxidized to the non-functional leagues [4, 5, 6, 8, 38, 39]. The simulation process occurs in a ferric form by two distinct reactions. Mono-molecular number of related steps. The charge on the partner proteins Bre- duced cytochrome b5 and ferric haemoglobin) are ®rst calculated dissociation of the oxy-haemoglobin leads to the using Tanford-Kirkwood principles extended to include amino formation of superoxide and ferric haemoglobin [21]. acid solution accessibility [40, 41]. The resulting charge distribution Nucleophilic attack on the oxy form of haemoglobin also is then used to determine the electrostatic ®eld surrounding the leads to the formation of ferric haemoglobin [22]. The proteins with the Poisson-Boltzman equation using the Warwicker- Watson method [42]. Brownian motion of the partner proteins sum of these two reactions is responsible for approxi- within the electrostatic ®elds is then simulated by employing the mately 2% oxidation of adult human haemoglobin per Ermak and McCammon algorithm [43]. In order to obtain statis- day [23]. As the circulatory lifetime of a red blood cell is tically meaningful outcomes, 10,000 Brownian trajectories were approximately 120 days [24], it is necessary to constantly calculated for each simulation. Each simulation was performed on a dual processor SGI Octane and required approximately 9 h c.p.u. re-reduce the ferric haemoglobin to the ferrous form. time. All simulations were performed at an ionic strength of 0.1, a The reduction is achieved by a small electron transfer temperature of 25 °C and a pH of 6.2. Such simulations typically chain within the red blood cell, which leads from produced 400±700 electrostatically docked complexes. From the results of the docking simulations it is not only possible to identify NADH to cytochrome b5 reductase to cytochrome b5 and ®nally to ferric haemoglobin [25, 26]. The ®nal step the structures of the docked complexes but also the frequencies with which any particular amino acid participates in complex involves the transfer of an electron from cytochrome b5 formation. Furthermore, it is possible to predict a second-order to haemoglobin within a transient protein-protein rate constant for the electron transfer process. We have chosen to complex [27, 28]. By visual inspection of the structures use an exponential distance-dependent rate equation as a good of cytochrome b and isolated globin chains alone, approximation of the electron transfer process between two redox 5 centers contained within the partner proteins [44]. This model re- Poulos and Mauk [29] proposed a structure for a unique quires only the distance information generated from the Brownian cytochrome b5-a globin and cytochrome b5-b globin motion simulation and an appropriate distance decay factor [45]. complex. It was proposed that the binding within these In order to evaluate an appropriate distance decay factor for this complexes involved predominantly ionic interactions system, we randomly chose 50 individual complexes from the cy- tochrome b5-a2b2 trajectories and evaluated the eciency of elec- between surface Lys residues surrounding the haem tron transfer in each complex using the structure-speci®c analysis group on cytochrome b5 and Glu residues surrounding of electron tunneling in proteins developed by Onuchic and Ber- the haem site on the globin chains. Some support for atan [10, 46, 47, 48]. This set of data was then ®tted to an expo- this suggestion was gained from a small number of nential decay model to yield a value of the distance-dependent studies on the reactions of mutant and natural proteins decay factor, appropriate for this ensemble of complexes, that was then incorporated with the Brownian motion simulation data to [30, 31, 32]. provide predicted second-order rate constants for the electron In common with many other protein-protein redox transfer process. reactions [33, 34], no complex has been identi®ed in the reaction of reduced cytochrome b5 and met-haemoglo- bin Thus, in the absence of any direct structural char- Results acterization of a cytochrome b5-haemoglobin complex, we have undertaken, as an initial step in our study of the Cytochrome b5-a2b2 reactions reduction of ferric haemoglobin, a theoretical investi- gation of the structural requirements for ecient elec- Brownian motion simulation of 10,000 reaction tra- tron transfer between cytochrome b5 and adult ferric jectories for the reaction of cytochrome b5 with oxi- haemoglobin, based on Brownian dynamics and electron dized adult human haemoglobin in the absence of transfer theory originating in the work of Marcus and molecular electrostatic ®elds yielded 120 docked com- Sutin [35]. We have extended this study to an investi- plexes exhibiting only moderate rates of intramolecular gation of the likely role of cytochrome b5 in the reduc- electron transfer for the ensemble. In the presence of tion of the ferric forms of human embryonic the molecular electrostatic ®elds, Brownian motion haemoglobins. simulations for the reaction of reduced cytochrome b5 25

Fig. 1 The results of Brownian simulation of the docking of cytochrome b5 and adult haemoglobin. The center of mass of each member of the docked ensemble of cytochrome b5 molecules is shown as a red sphere. The haemoglobin molecule is oriented with the a chain at the bottom left and b chain at the top right of the ®gure

with each of the globin chains in adult human ferric Energy of interaction and rates of electron transfer haemoglobin yielded 500±700 docked complexes for within cytochrome b5-a2b2 complexes each chain BFig. 1). Inspection of the structures of this set of complexes clearly shows that rather than pre- Using the analysis of electron transfer pathways dicting the formation of a single complex, or even an developed by Beratan and Onuchic [10], we observe that overwhelmingly common complex, the calculations cytochrome b5 shows a ``hot spot'' for electron transfer predict the formation of an ensemble of complexes. identi®ed with the exposed haem edge. Likewise, the Examination of the constituent complexes indicates globin chains of haemoglobin exhibit a ``hot spot'' for that the proteins have a common relative orientation, electron transfer surrounding the exposed haem edge. interacting at common surfaces, whilst exhibiting a Closer inspection of a sample of 50 individual com- range of detailed structural di€erences. Further anal- plexes identi®ed a wide range of binding energies for ysis of the ensemble of complexes allows us to identify the docked complexes of ±8.7 to +0.8 kcal mol±1. For those amino acids which have a signi®cant role in each of these complexes we have determined the elec- complex formation, together with the frequency with tron transfer eciency and compared the predicted which they appear in the binding surface of the best pathway for electron transfer between the two ensemble. Such an analysis BTable 1) clearly indicates proteins Bsee, for example, Fig. 3A and B). Interest- that the general pattern of interaction involves a set of ingly, no correlation is found between the predicted acidic surface residues surrounding the exposed haem binding energy and the eciency of the electron edge of cytochrome b5 and a set of basic residues transfer process BFig. 4). By comparison, a reasonable surrounding the exposed haem edges of the haemo- correlation is found between the eciency of the globin molecule BFig. 2). Repeating the simulations electron transfer process and the distance of approach using both the adult human haemoglobin Ba2b2) and between the haem groups on the reacting proteins the human embryonic protein Gower II Ba22) suggests BFig. 5). The data of Fig. 4 yields a decay factor of that the nature of the partner globin present in the 1.4 AÊ for the distance-dependent rate of electron haemoglobin molecule has very little e€ect on the transfer, from which we calculate that the rate of formation of cytochrome b5-a globin complexes, with electron transfer from reduced cytochrome b5 to either the average energy of interaction being essentially a globin or b globin is essentially identical identical in the two cases BTable 1). B1.15´105 M±1 s±1), irrespective of its partner chain 26

Table 1 Amino acids and their frequencies at the interface of docked complexes b5-a22 docking, a active b5-a2b2 docking, a active b5-f2c2 docking, f active Residue Freq. Residue Freq. Residue Freq.

Haem 1a Haem 1 Haem 1 Asp85 0.5 Asp85 0.16 Lys82 0.3 Lys90b 0.3 Lys90b 0.3 Glu85 0.3  Asp43c 0.15 b Glu43 0.2 Lys61 0.3 Lys6b 0.2 Lys61b 0.25 c Asp43 0.2 His45 0.15 His45 0.2 His45 0.2 Asp64 0.1 Asp64 0.2 Asp22 0.1 Arg92 0.07 Arg92 0.1 Asp68 0.09 Lys60b 0.06 Lys60b 0.2 Arg92 0.09 Asp47 0.05 Asp47 0.1 Asp47 0.08 Asp75 0.02 Asp75 ± c Lys59 0.06 Av. energyd ±2.88 ±2.79 ±0.71 Rate const.e 1.1´105 1.1´105 7.9´103 b5-a22 docking,  active b5-a2b2 docking, b active b5-f2c2 docking, c active Amino acids of b5 used in docking Residue Freq. Residue Freq. Residue Freq. Residue Freq.

Haem 1 Haem 1 Haem 1 Haem 1 Lys59 0.29 Lys59b 0.4 Lys95 0.30 Glu44b 0.23 Lys66 0.28 Lys95b 0.35 Lys59 0.30 Glu48b 0.17 Glu90 0.27 Glu90 0.32 Lys66 0.30 Glu38 0.17 Lys95 0.27 Glu43 0.29 Asp43 0.17 Asp66 0.17 Asp43 0.18 Arg40 0.17 Lys65 0.15 Asp60b 0.16 Lys87 0.17 Lys66b 0.14 Glu90 0.12 Glu56 0.07 Lys65 0.08 Asp94 0.09 Glu21 0.11 Glu43b 0.07 Gly73 0.06 a His45 0.08 Asp73 0.10 Glu37 0.04 Arg40 0.06 Lys65b 0.08 Asp94 0.07 Glu69 0.03 Glu21 0.06 Asp47 0.07 Lys76 0.03 Glu59 0.02 Asp94 0.05 Asp21 0.07 f His45 0.02 Av energyd ±4.9 ±2.86 ±2.4 Rate const.e 1.7´107 1.2´105 8.4´104 aFrequencies are normalized to haem=1 bRefers to residues identi®ed by Poulos and Mauk [29] cPre®x Greek symbols refer to residues on partner chains dAverage energies are kcal mol±1 eRate constants are M±1 s±1

BTable 1). It is interesting to note that this rate is al- Lys82. It is also interesting to note that in the case of most exactly one order of magnitude greater than that complex formation between cytochrome b5 and embry- calculated for the complexes in the absence of the onic haemoglobin Portland Bf2c2), signi®cant interac- molecular electrostatic ®elds. tions involve participation of amino acids from the partner c chain not apparent when b is the partner chain in the adult protein BTable 1). Comparison of a and f globin-cytochrome b5 complex formation Comparison of c,  and b globin-cytochrome When reduced cytochrome b5 reacts with the f chain of b5 complex formation haemoglobin Portland Bf2c2), signi®cant di€erences from the reactivity with the adult haemoglobin Ba2b2) are The ensemble of complexes formed between c globin and predicted. The average binding energy is reduced from reduced cytochrome b5 exhibits slightly lower binding ±2.8 kcal mol±1 to only ±0.7 kcal mol±1 and the pre- energies and second-order rate constants of electron dicted second-order rate constant for intermolecular transfer than the b complexes BTable 1). The  chain, on electron transfer is reduced from 1.5´105 to 7.9´103 M±1 the other hand, shows a marked increase in average s±1 BTable 1). These drastic changes are correlated with binding energy for the ensemble of complexes, together a signi®cant change in the pattern of amino acids in- with a predicted second-order rate of electron transfer for volved in complex formation. In particular, the signi®- the reaction with cytochrome b5 which is nearly two or- cant roles of Lys90 and Lys60 in the interactions ders of magnitude greater than that for the b chain. In the involving cytochrome b5 and the a globin protein are lost case of the c globin, the major di€erence between the and replaced by an interaction in the f globin involving frequency with which particular amino acids appear 27

Fig. 2 Representations of the molecular characteristics of A common reaction intermediate as proposed by Poulos cytochrome b5 and B b globin. The ®gure on the left, in each case, and Mauk [29]. Although a range of structures is pre- shows the positions of the amino acids most commonly involved in docking Bshown in ``stick'' representation) overlayed on the dicted, all of the structures show an interaction inter- molecule showing electron transfer decay coupling Bcoupling is face consisting of a limited number of amino acids from identi®ed by colour with red indicating a coupling of >10±1 graded each partner protein. Furthermore, each of these through to blue which indicates a coupling of >10±10) calculated interfaces shows the common structural feature of a using HARLEM [10]. The ®gure on the right, in each case, central haem core surrounded by polar residues which indicates electrostatic potential mapping of the surface of each molecule obtained using GRASP[51], with the potential scale interact primarily via charge-charge interaction [49]. As indicated above each ®gure suggested by Poulos and Mauk, the most important residues consist of a set of acid residues on cytochrome within the c complexes and the b complexes appears to be b5 and a set of basic residues on haemoglobin BTable 1). the relatively high frequency of appearance of the very However, in contrast to the predictions made by Poulos basic Arg40 in the b complexes, whereas Lys65 appears to and Mauk, our analysis fails to identify the presence of play the comparable role in the case of the c complexes. In a Lys56 or b Lys61 within any of the complexes. Our the case of the  chain, the higher binding energy and rate simulation of the interaction of cytochrome b5 with the of electron transfer appears to correlate with the in- whole haemoglobin molecule indicates that the forma- volvement of an additional basic group provided by Lys87 tion of any particular complex may also involve some in the  chain, which appears in the cytochrome b5- globin contribution from the partner chain BTable 1) Bthis type complexes with high frequency BTable 1). of interaction was not predicted by Poulos and Mauk, who investigated only the reactions of cytochrome b5 with isolated globin chains). Closer study of the indi- Discussion vidual complexes, in terms of the correlation between electron transfer eciency and binding energy or haem- The outcome of our calculations using Brownian mo- haem separation, shows that binding energy is not a tion simulation of the interaction of cytochrome b5 with good indicator of eciency of electron transfer. Indeed, human adult haemoglobin predicts that the binding of many of the individual tighter binding complexes show the two proteins leads to the formation of an ensemble the lowest eciency of electron transfer BFig. 4). A of complexes rather than the production of a single or comparison of our data with that reported by Mauk 28

Fig. 3 The best pathway, calculated using HARLEM [10], for the transfer of an electron from cytochrome b5 Bon the right) to the ferric haemoglobin b chain Bon the left) is shown in A for a complex with a binding energy of ±8.7 kcal mol±1 and an elec- tron transfer eciency of 6.2´10±12 and in B for a com- plex with a binding energy of ±0.8 kcal mol±1 and an electron transfer eciency of 2´10±5. The parts of the pathway involving covalent bonds are shown in thick colour and the through-space components are shown as thin red lines

Fig. 4 The relationship between binding energy and electron transfer eciency in complexes between cytochrome b5 and haemoglobin b chain 29

Fig. 5 The relationship between haem-haem distance and electron transfer eciency in complexes between cyto- chrome b5 and haemoglobin b chain. The distance represents the shortest haem edge-haem edge distance achieved in the complex, minus a constant shift factor of 5 AÊ to take account of the haem edge-iron distance in a perfect edge-to-edge contact Bsee [5, 8])

lence intermediate species. Unfortunately, no indepen- dent experimental second-order rate constants for the process of electron transfer from cytochrome b5 to haemoglobin have been reported. Although the embryonic c chain shows properties quite similar to the b chain of the adult protein, the embryonic  and f chains exhibit markedly di€erent properties to the adult b and a chains, respectively BTable 1). In terms of the important amino acids involved in the interaction of cytochrome b5 with the embryonic  chain, most of the functional di€erences appear to arise from the presence of a Lys residue at position 87 in the  chain Bb Thr). The extra positive charge, which appears in nearly 20% of the com- plexes, raises both the average binding energy and the rate of electron transfer. In the case of the f chain, Fig. 6 The e€ect of ionic strength on the binding of cytochrome b5 to adult haemoglobin. The calculated binding constant for the three signi®cant alterations in amino acid sequence interaction of ferrous cytochrome b5 with ferric adult haemoglobin appear to impact on the formation and properties of Bd) is shown compared with that measured for the interaction of the cytochrome b5-haemoglobin complexes. In the f ferric cytochrome b5 and ferric haemoglobin Bh), taken from [10]). chain, Ile and Ser occupy positions 90 and 60 of the The line shows the best ®t of the data of [10] to a simple Debye-type function amino acid sequence, respectively, whereas these amino acids are both Lys in the a chain. The potential impact of these di€erences appears to be and Mauk [27] for the interaction of the ferric forms of somewhat moderated by the replacement of a Ala82 the proteins BFig. 6) supports the view that the binding by f Lys82. Nevertheless, the f chain shows a mark- of cytochrome b5 and haemoglobin in both oxidation edly lower average binding energy and rate of electron states arises from charge-charge interactions and transfer. accounts for the marked ionic strength dependence The embryonic globin chains thus show distinct re- observed for the reaction [28]. The rather moderate activities towards cytochrome b5. At present it is unclear binding energies of these complexes, together with the whether this di€erence in reactivity impacts on the bio- diversity of detailed structure presented in the ensemble, logical functioning of these important oxygen-carrying almost certainly accounts for the lack of success in proteins during the ®rst few weeks of human life. The attempts to crystallize such docked complexes. By embryonic haemoglobins occur only from week three to comparison, the haem-haem distance does show a rea- twelve of gestation, during which time these three pro- sonable correlation with electron transfer eciency teins must equip the developing fetus with both oxygen BFig. 5) and allows us to predict that the reduction of scavenging and transport functions. We have previously both chains of adult haemoglobin should occur at very shown that the embryonic haemoglobins are more re- similar rates, so avoiding the production of mixed va- sistant than adult haemoglobin to both auto-oxidation 30 and nucleophile stimulated oxidation [50]. This fact, 20. Ivokovic-Jensen MM, Ullmann GM, Crnogorac MM, Ejde- taken together with their rather short biological lifetime, back M, Young S, Hansson O, Kostic NM B1999) Biochem- istry 38:1589±1597 may well mean that the reactivity of these proteins with 21. Weiss JJ B1964) Nature 202:83±84 the cytochrome b5 reducing system is of little biological 22. 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