UNIVERSITY of DETROIT EXCERPT from the GRADUATE BULLETIN, 1935· 1937 PaBe Nine Use of Theses and Thesis M aterials . The University of Detroit always encourages, and even urges, the use of theses, thesis ma terials, and term papers submitted to instructors or departments of the Unive rsity in in partial fulfillment of the requirements for cred it or degrees, Such use may be oral (before meetings or conv entions) or through publication (period icals, monographs, or books.) However, as such theses, thesis materials, and term papers become the property of the University once they are sub mitted, --- it is expected that the permission of the University be secured for such oral or printed use , and a suitable credit line arranged, T his permis sion, and arrangement of credit line, should also be obser ved in the cas e of the publication of rna terials which the student intends to use later in partial fullfillment of the requirements for credit or degrees, Failure to observe such courtesy may be followed by the withdrawal of the credit or degree, Application for the use of materials and arrang ements mentioned must be made with the Graduate Office of the University of Detroit. THE UNIVERSITY OF DETROIT SOME ASPE CTS OF THE RENAISSANCE AS REFLECTED I N THE WORKS OF CHRISTOPHER MAR LOWE A THES IS SUBMI TTED TO THE GRADUATE FA CULTY IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OFTHE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS DEPARTMENT OF ENGLI SH BY SISTER M. ROSE ELLEN BROWN, O.P . DETR OIT, MICHIGAN J UNE, 1947 PREFACE The purpose of this thesis is to show t h a t Chri s topher Ma r l owe is an exponent of the Renaissance in that on e can detect some aspects of that a g e reflected i n his wo r ks .
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