The NIH Record

U.S. Department March 12 National of Health 1985 Institutes and Vol. XXXVI of Human Services No. 6 Health

Huntington's Expert Will Deliver Guthrie Lecture Dr. Joseph B. Martin, Julieanne Dorn profes­ sor of neurology at Harvard Medical School, will present the third annual Marjorie Guthrie Lecture in Genetics on Tuesday, Apr. 2 in the Masur Auditorium at the NIH Clinical Center, Bldg. 10. The lecture, entitled "Recent Studies of Huntington's Disease," will be held at 8:15 p.m. The public is invited to attend. The lecture series is sponsored jointly by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences and the National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke. It honors the late Majorie Guthrie, widow of folksinger and songwriter Woody Guthrie, who devoted her energies to promoting research on genetic diseases, especially those of the brain and nervous system. Woody Guthrie died of Huntington's disease in 1967. In the years that followed, Mrs. Guthrie founded what is now the Huntington's Disease Foundation of America (formerly the Committee to Combat Huntington's Disease). Since 1980, Dr. Martin has headed the NINCDS-supported Huntington's Disease Re­ GOURMET GALA-or. James B. Wyngaarden, Director of NIH; Jack Valenti, president of the Motion search Center Without Walls at Boston's Picture Producers Association; and Ann Landers, the famous columnist, get ready to whip up their fa­ Massachusetts General Hospital. In 1983, un­ vorite dishes as a part of the Celebrity Cooking Competition of the Capitol Area March of Dimes In der his leadership, scientists at the center were Washington on the night of March 5. the first to identify a marker associated with a gene for Huntington's disease, a progressive and eventually fatal neurological disorder. NINCDS Scientists Clarify Movements Inside Nerve Cells; Dr. Martin also serves as chief of the hospi­ Breakdown in Transport Might Cause Disease tal's neurology service and as a consulting neurologist at Mclean Hospital in Belmont, Fast-commuting cellular components move belongs to a class of enzymes known as Mass. He previously was professor of medicine along specialized filaments in nerve cells, and ATPases. He calls this ATPase "translocator and neurology at McGill University, Montreal, each filament contains multiple "lanes" upon protein." The investigators next step is to purify where he chaired the department of neurology which more than one component-or this protein. and neurosurgery. - can travel, reports a team of inves­ The scientists think that by understanding A native of Canada, he received his M.D. tigators working in the NINCDS Laboratory of how axon transport works, they may one day from the University of Alberta and a Ph.D. in Neurobiology. be able to determine whether a breakdown in anatomy from the University of Rochester In three papers published in the February the delivery of cellular materials causes neuro­ School of Medicine and Dentistry. and March issues of Ce/I, the scientists de­ logical disease. Dr. Martin has served on the advisory coun­ scribe their latest findings on axonal transport, cils of the National Huntington's Disease Asso­ the process responsible for moving critical Translocator Proteins ciation, the Committee to Combat Huntington's components throughout the nerve cell. Translocator proteins, situated throughout Disease and the Hereditary Disorders Founda­ Although the driving force behind axonal the axon, are thought to bind like little feet to tion, among others. An editor of Harrison's Prin­ transport remains unclear, Dr. Thomas Reese, ·the that travel up and down the ciples of Internal Medicine, he serves on the chief of the NINCDS Laboratory of axon. The little feet attach randomly to the sur­ editorial boards of a number of scientific and Neurobiology, and his colleagues have a face of organelles, much like spines on a sea medical journals. theory about how organelles move back and urchin. Using energy from the ATP, the Dr. Martin is a member of many American forth in the axon. He is collaborating with organelles move along the , the and Canadian professional societies and has NINCDS staff scientist, Dr. Bruce Schnapp and axonal filaments along which the organelles been named a fellow of the American Academy guest workers, Ors. Ronald Vale and Michael move in both directions. of Arts and Sciences and the American Acad­ Scheetz. · In the NINCDS laboratory, latex beads are emy of Neurology. His special areas of interest According to this theory, organelles may be used to stimulate organelles so the transport in the neurological sciencies are powered by a new type of motility protein that (See NERVE CELLS, Page 10) neuroendocrinology and brain peptides. □ R&W Theatre Group Donates $1 ,000 to Patient Emergency Fund The NIH Record

Pubhshed biweekly al Bethesda. Md., by lhe Opera lions Branch, Division of Public Information, lor lhe 1nformahon ot employees of lhe National tnstflures of Health, 0eparIment of Health and Human Services, and circulated by request 10 wnlers lllnd to researchers in b1omedIcaI and related fields The content Is ,eprinlable without permission. Pictures may be available on reQuest.

The NIH Reco1d reserves the right to make corrections, changes, or deletions in submitted copy in conformiiy with the policies of the paper and HHS.

NIH Record Office Bldg. 31, Room 28-03. Phone 496-2125

Edllor Herschel Cribb

Staff Wrltero Edlto,111 AHlallnl Joyce F McCarthy Marilyn Berman Anne Barber

Staff Correapondent1 CC, Richard McManus, DCRT Joan P Sobel, DPM Harry Marshall; DAG Sue Meadows: DAR Barbara Men,ck DRS J,m DohtHly. FIC . Susan P St.ark NCI Patricia A Newman NEI Marsha Corbell NHLBI Larry Blase,, NIA, Claire McCullough, NIAID. Jeanne W1nnick. NIADDK. Eileen Corrigan NICHD Jomes Had ey, NIDA Jod y Dove. NIEHS, Hugh J Lee NIGMS Wanda Warod eU: NIMH, Manlyn Sargent: NINCDS. Carnl Rowan: NLM Roger L G1lkeson The R&W Theatre Group presented $1 ,000 to the Patient Emergency Fund recently. Seated: (I to r) Anne Brigham, DAG, chairperson; Dr. Charlotte Berg, Social Work Department accepting for PEF; Sally Span­ TRAINING TIPS gler, vice chairperson. Standing: (I to r) Gall Luce, membership chairperson; MIiiie Fenton, treasurer; Rose Lentz, secretary. Not shown: Kate Laird, publicity; Kathy Phillips, editor; Tom Knowles, and Antea The following courses are sponsored by the Divi­ Maton, members-at-large. sion of Personnel Management, Development and Training Operations Branch. The executive committee of the R&W Theatre secretary. Course Group presented Dr. Charlotte Berg, deputy The R&W Theatre Group has been in opera­ Administrative Systems Starts Deadline (Call 496-6211) chief of the Clinical Center Social Work Depart­ tion since 1980 when an attempt was made to Basic Time & Attendance 4/11 3/28 ment, with a $1 ,000 check for the Patient Emer­ reestablish a group known as the "Hamsters " Delpro (for new users only) 4/7 3125 gency Fund on Feb. 4. Plans are under way for a production of The Funds will be dispersed to needy patients Man Who Came To Dinner by Kaufman and Technical/Occupational and their families, many of whom come from Hart. Auditions will be Mar. 10 and 11, from 7 to Related Training (Call 496-6211) Advanced Lotus 3/26 3/15 other areas of the country to be close at hand 10 p.m. in the CC Masur Auditorium, Bldg. 10. Computer Literacy tor Sec- 4/30 4/19 when lengthy hospital stays are necessary. Donations to the theatre group are tax de­ retaries and Office Sup- At the presentation were: Sally Richardson ductible. New members are welcome For fur­ port Personnel Spangler, past chairperson and current vice ther information. call Gale Gunther Luce, Programs (Call 496-6211 ) chairperson; Millie Fenton, treasurer; Gale Gun­ 496-3626 or Anne Brigham. 496-5251 or Adult Education Program ther Luce. membership; and Rose Lentz, 530-7481 . D Training and Development SeNices Program Executive. Management and Supervisory (Call 496-6371) lntroducton to Supervision 4/1 3/ 15 NIH Spring Conferences on Cystic Fibrosis Set Managing Advisory Commit- 4/8 3/15 tee Manage Your Meetings 4/15 3/29 Executive Communications 4/1 6 3/29 Spring colloquia on Cystic Fibrosis are being and CF lungs, the relationship of Pseudomonas White House Workshop 4125 418 sponsored by the National Institute of Arthritis, aeruginosa to CF, gene structure analyses, ion Effective Presentations Skills 4/22 4/5 Diabetes, and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. permeability of respiratory epithelium. sweat 512 4/5 The series, which began Feb. 21 with a lec­ gland function, inflammation and pulmonary 516 415 ture on "Control of Airway Mucin Secretion" by disease, use of monoclonal antibodies to probe Supervising in the Federal Wage System Dr. Jay A. Nadel, director of the Cystic Fibrosis tracheal mucins. and autonomic nervous sys­ rescheduled for May 13-17. Research Center, University of , San tem dysfunction. Francisco, will run through July 18. The colloquia are aimed at presenting inves­ Sailing Club Offers Training Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease of chil­ tigations which may relate to the primary cause dren, adolescents, and young people that af­ of many of the clinical manifestations of the dis­ The R&W Sailing Association invites fects the exocrine, or externally secreting, ease. The colloquia will focus on the basic sci­ would-be sailors to join the Sailing Association glands of the body. These glands discharge ences concerned with CF research and will in­ and register for the Spring Basic Training Ses­ their secretions onto the skin (sweat glands). or clude speakers from a wide range of sion on the club-owned Flying Scots. into organs that connect to body openings­ disciplines. They are designed to be of broad The training will be held for 6 weeks in April such as the lungs and intestines-either di­ interest to scientists and physicians. 'and May with practical sailing experience on rectly or through special ducts. The colloquia will be held at the FAES Social­ the Rhode River as well as classroom Approximately 1 in 2.000 newborns have CF, Academic Center, 9101 Old Georgetown Rd., presentation. and these children have a 50-50 chance of liv­ Bethesda, Md. Dates and times for the series Applications for both club membership and ing to the age of 21 . will be announced in the "NIH Calendar of basic training are available at the R&W Activi­ Other talks in this series will cover genetics, Events " If there are any questions, call Dr ties Desk. Bldg. 31 , Rm. B1W30. For further in­ salt and waler transport, properties and struc­ Ralph Frates on 496-3306. D formation call Sally Stevens, 496-4124 D ture of human airway mucin, structure of normal

Page 2 The NIH Record March 12, 1985 Preserve the Black Family, Magnify Education, NIH Library Adds Audience Told at NIH Black History Observance Touch Terminals

Despite poverty and neglect which have Morgan State University Choir directed by Na­ Touch terminals are now available in the NIH fragmented the black family, blacks must con­ than Carter. Library for searching the Library's new online tinue to value that family's worth and struggle to Guests included the Friendship Council and catalog. preserve it, Patricia A. Russell, the keynote the Hope and Happiness Senior Citizens from The Library also plans to add keyboard ter­ speaker, told the audience at the 13th annual the Vermont Avenue Baptist Church. minals in a few weeks, when all the library Black History observance held recently at the cardholders have been issued barcodes on the National Institutes of Health. back of their NIH ID card. Ms. Russell, a law graduate of Howard Uni­ These bar coded ID cards will replace NIH versity and Kentucky State University, said the Library cards. black family has been held together through The touch terminals now available have a the strong kinship insti lled by foreparents. menu presentation similar to that of many cur­ "Afro-American Family" was the basic theme rent popular computer services available to of the 1985 Black History observance. homes and businesses. Printed instructions are Besides working to preserve the black family, posted by the terminals, and librarians will be Ms. Russell said blacks must also maintain available to assist Monday through Friday from high levels of achievement in their work and 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. their religious convictions. The keyboard terminals to be added will en­ The youngest person ever to receive an hon­ able the user to avoid stepping through the orary doctor of laws degree from Bethune­ menu with each query, but they require knowl­ Cookman College in Daytona Beach, Fla., Ms. edge of a few basic commands and prefix Russell is a former chief of the Complaints codes. They may be preferred by users with Branch of the Mass Media Bureau, Federal more computer experience. Communications Commission. Printed instructions and staff assistance will Noting that education is the key to the future, also be available for the keyboard terminals. she said: "We must have a mandate to save The online catalog not only tells you that the our children. There are not enough scholar­ library owns a book; it lets you know if it has ships and grants. The message to our children been charged out or is at the bindery. How­ is to be qualified. We must prepare the genera­ ever, when the computer says an item is "on tion following ours." shelf," this means only that it is in the library; She urged blacks to read the literary works of Ms. Russell someone else may be using it. great black writers and poets such as Leroi The catalog can be searched for books by Jones, Paul Lawrence Dunbar and Dr. Martin Jessalyn Pendarvis, director of the Division of subject as well as author, and for journals by Luther King Jr. And she praised the black Equal Opportunity, represented the Office of any important word in the title. colleges because these institutions have the Director. When the system has been fully imple­ served as bridges over troubled waters for The program, sponsored by the NIH Cultural mented, the catalog will also speed up the blacks. Committee, was held in the CC Masur process of checking out books and will give the Musical selections were presented by the Auditorium.-Jasper Cummings D library staff information useful for improving services: it will record how often a book is be­ Students Invited to Submit ing borrowed and will alert staff that an overdue book has been requested by someone else or Papers to SCAMC Symposium NIGMS Presents PRAT Seminar that a book being checked out has a reserve Students are invited to submit papers to the on it. 9th Annual Symposium on Computer Applica­ The Research Associate The system will also facilitate operation of the tions in Medical Care (SCAMC). All students (PRAT) Program of the National Institute of library's new policy on overdue items: a bor­ enrolled in a degree granting program of an General Medical Sciences- a 2-year post­ rower with six overdue items or one overdue accredited college or university as well as phy­ doctoral training program in pharma­ item recalled by another borrower will not be sicians enrolled in an accredited residency cology-will sponsor a seminar on Wednesday, permitted to borrow until the overdue material specialty program are eligible. Mar. 27, 10 a.m., in the ACRF Amphitheater. has been returned. Three awards will be presented: the Martin The talk, entitled "G Proteins and Adenylate Library staff members are now available at a N. Epstein Award of $1,000 and two cash Cyclase," will be delivered by Dr. Alfred G. table near the circulation desk Monday through prizes of $600 and $400 each. The winners Gilman, professor and chairman. department of Friday 8 30 a.m. to 5 p.m., ready to attach also will be able to attend the symposium free pharmacology, University of Texas Health Sci­ barcodes to NIH ID cards so that current library of charge and will be reimbursed for actual ence Center, Dallas. cardholders may continue their library privi­ transportation and lodging expenses up to Dr. Gilman received his M.D. and Ph.D. de­ leges without interruption. $1 ,000. grees from Case Western Reserve University in All finalists will receive a certificate of recog­ Cleveland, Ohio, in 1969. From 1969 to 1971 nition and will be invited to the symposium. he was a PRAT fellow under Dr. Marshall The SCAMC Student Paper Competition Nirenberg in the Laboratory of Biochemical Ge­ deadline is May 15, 1985, for written notification netics. in the then National Heart and Lung of intent to submit a paper. Institute. To receive a call for participation in the Stu­ He is the recipient of two prestigious awards dent Competition held in conjunction in pharmacology- the John J. Abel Award from with the 9th Annual Symposium, Nov. 10-13, at the American Society for Pharmacology and the Baltimore Convention Center, write: Student Experimental Therapeutics in 1975, and the Paper Competition Chair, SCAMC-Office of Poul Edvard Poulsson Award from the Norwe­ CME, George Washington University Medical gian Pharmacology Society in 1982. He has Center, 2300 K Street, N.W., Washington, DC been a member of the NHLBI Board of Scien­ 20037, or phone (202) 676-8928. tific Counselors since 1982. SCAMC is sponsored in part by the NIH Divi­ Following the seminar, PRAT fellows will sion of Computer Research and Technology. present informal poster sessions on the re­ Terminals now installed for the NIH Library auto­ The first prize is named in honor of the late Dr. search they are conducting in the intramural mated catalog are used by touching the screen at Martin Epstein, who was with the Division for laboratories of the NIH and the Alcohol, Drug , specific places. Keyboard terminals will be added many years. 0 Abuse, and Mental Health Administration. D in a few weeks.

March 12, 1985 The NIH Record Page 3 shown that exposure of guinea pigs to high NIGMS-Supported Scientists Explore levels of oxygen, especially during the first 4 Methods to Improve Wound Repair hours after infection, greatly increased the animals' ability to retard bacterial growth. How can wound healing be improved­ growth factors and study their effects on The body's efforts to heal itself can cause especially for the elderly and people with un­ healing. scarrif)g and distortions of muscle tissue derlying diseases which cause them to heal Or. Hunt and his colleagues have recently called contractures, which can result in major more slowly? What cellular and molecular isolated a substance called angiogenesis disfigurement and seriously limited move­ factors promote or impede wound repair? factor from the fluid in rabbit wounds. The ment. In order to learn how to minimize these How can skin be made to grow over large angiogenesis factor is a powerful stimulant to consequences of severe injuries, NIGMS wounds and the development of scar tissue growth of blood vessels and thus has an im­ grantees are studying the cellular and molec­ be prevented? portant role to play in wound repair. ular events behind them. Grantees of the National Institute of Gen­ Although this factor has not yet been isola­ Dr. Paul H. Ehrlich at Massachusetts Gen­ eral Medical Sciences trauma and burn pro­ ted from human wounds, the researchers be­ eral Hospital in Boston is examining the role gram are seeking answers to these and other lieve it is there because extracts of human of the connective tissue matrix in the forma­ questions about various aspects of wound wound fluid stimulate blood vessels to grow tion of scar tissue. This matrix is an intricate healing. in rabbit tissue. If human angiogenesis factor structure composed of proteins and other Traumatic injuries set in motion a series of could be purified or synthesized, it might be molecules which holds cells together in tis­ complex processes by which the body re­ valuable in treatment, especially for wounds sues and holds tissues together in organs. pairs itself. The blood clots, the immune sys­ that are difficult to heal. Dr, Ehrlich is studying freeze injuries as tem musters defense against invading bacte­ Angiogenesis factor also acts in tumors to well as burn injuries, since although both kill ria, and scavenger cells digest damaged increase the growth of the blood vessels that cells, those caused by freezing do not leave tissue as well as foreign particles. supply their nourishment. Thus, in addition to contractures when they heal. This may be be­ Eventually the blood vessels repair them- trying to isolate and purify the human cause after freeze-but not burn-injury the . selves and new cells migrate into the wound angiogenesis factor, scientists in Dr. Hunt's connective tissue matrix is still in place . area, where they take hold and begin to laboratory are seeking an antibody which Dr. Ehrlich believes that even though its grow. Each one of these natural processes would destroy or neutralize the factor since cells are dead, this matrix serves an impor­ Involves complicated reactions at the cellular this might someday contribute to c;rncer tant function in guiding orderly cell regrowth. and molecular levels. treatment. Understanding the specific factors involved In an effort to speed up and improve Dr. Hunt is also studying the relationship of may help scientists design ways to control wound healing, many researchers are study­ oxygen to the healing process. It is well cell growth after other types of injury. ing the basic processes involved. Dr. known that wounds heal better and resist in­ A mutant " tight skin" mouse model being Thomas Hunt of the University of California, fection more effectively if their blood and developed by Dr. Ehrlich and his colleagues San Francisco, heads an NIGMS/supported oxygen supplies are good. However, in the may help answer related questions about research center devoted to the study of dif­ past there has been no satisfactory way of wound repair. These mice heal more slowly ferent aspects of wound repair. measuring oxygen supply to tissues. Dr. Hunt than normal mice do and develop serious There are a number of agents that can ei­ and his colleagues have now patented a sim­ scars which, for some reason, do not lead to ther promote or inhibit the rate of wound ple device for measuring oxygen tension in contractures. The scientists are studying the healing. These include growth factors (which human tissue. possible reasons for this phenomenon with can specilically stimulate the increased pro­ The device, which resembles an intrave­ the hope of learning ways to prevent exces­ duction of such components as platelets, nous needle, has been used with several sive scar tissue formation in humans. D which are essential for blood clotting; epider­ hundred patients and has proved extremely mal or outer skin cells; and connective tis­ valuable in deciding when blood transfusions sue), hormones, nutritional elements, and or fluids are necessary. Recent studies by oxygen. One goal of the center is to purify these researchers utilizing the device have

lntn't'I Conf. to Examine Plasminogen Activator Genes

An international conference on "Plasminogen ter, the conference will bring together molecu­ Activator Genes: Structure and Regulation," will lar geneticists from both areas of research, be held in the Stone House. Bldg. 16 on the those interested in finding out the mechanism NIH campus, Mar. 27- 28. of regulation of these genes in normal malig­ Plasminogen activator genes are now under nant cells, and those interested in obtaining the intense investigation by several groups for two highest possible expression of the genes for different reasons: First, both the urinary activa­ practical purposes. Scientists from eight differ­ tor (urokinase) and the tissular activator are ent countries-U.S , United Kingdom, very promising drugs for fibrinolylic therapy. Switzerland, Italy, Israel, Denmark, France and They are able to specifically dissolve blood People's Republic of China-will attend the clots and are therefore hot targets for all ge­ conference at Stone House. netic engineering companies. The NIH community is welcome to attend the The second reason lies in the long debated conference. Preregistration is requested. Con­ Robert E. Oakley (r), a member of the National In• stitute of Environmental Heallh Sciences Material involvement of plasminogen activator functions tact: Ruth Rappaport, HCR, (202) 955-6073.O Storage and Distribution Section, was recently in conditioning some aspects of the malignant presented a 1 O-year length-of-service certificate cancer phenotype. Malignant cells would by Louis E. Cozart, section supervisor. Mr. Cozart exploit the fibrinolytic (clot dissolving) and R&W Has Tickets for Circus said, "As a hearing impaired worker, Mr. Oakley more generally proteolytic (protein dissolving) has become one of the section's most valuable activity of the plasminogen activators to R&W has tickets available for the Ringling employees, proving that the handicapped should migrate. Brothers & Barnum and Bailey Circus, for Sun­ indeed be hired for their abilities, not their disabil­ Cancer cells cross barriers that surround the day, Mar. 24, and Saturday, Mar. 30, noon, at ities." Mr. Oakley began as a warehouse helper, initial malignant growth, reach the circulating the Baltimore Civic Center. assisting in locating stock and filling requisitions. blood and find a different target tissue where Regular ticket price is $9. R&W discount Later he worked with the delivery team in distributing material to all areas of the Institute. they start a secondary growth process (metas­ price is $7 (including service charge). Presently Mr. Oakley works in receiving where he tasis). The major danger of death for a cancer Tickets may be obtained at the R&W Activi­ records, processes, documents and fifes all or­ patient comes from such metastases. ties Desk, Bldg. 31 , and the Westwood R&W ders coming into the receiving area of the Sponsored by the Fogarly International Cen- Gift Shop, Rm. 10. 0 warehouse.

Page 4 The NIH Record March 12, 1985 High Rates of Breast Cancer Plague Women Soviet Medical Officials Breast cancer is the most common form of creases with their age at first birth. Women Tour Instrumentation Branch cancer (after skin cancer) among American who have never had children and women Three high-ranking officials of the USSR Min­ women and accounts for more deaths among who have a first child after age 30 have a risk istry of Medical Industry visited NIH on Feb. 20 them than any other type. about three times greater than women who to learn about diagnostic and therapeutic in­ The high rates of breast cancer that prevail have a first child before age 18. Breast feed­ strumentation advances in the Biomedical En­ in the - 85.6 per 100,000 for ing does not seem to affect breast cancer gineering and lnstrumention Branch, Division of white women in 1973-77, and 72.0 for black risk. Research Services. women are also seen in other western and in­ • Menstrual history: Early onset ol menstru­ The visitors were Or. Vladimir A Viktorov, di­ dustrialized countries, including Canada, ation and late menopause both appear to in­ rector of the All-Union Medical Engineering Re­ western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and crease breast cancer risk. rv,enopause in­ search Institute, Moscow: Dr. Victor P. South Africa. duced by removal of the ovaries (usually in Gundarov, deputy director of the Institute; and Rates in Asia, Latin America, and Africa conjunction with hysterectomy) before age Or. Victor H. Sabitov, director of the All-Union are low, while rates are intermediate in east­ 40 reduces breast cancer risk considerably. Scientific Research Medical Instrument Insti­ ern and southern Europe. • Benign breast disease: Women with be­ tute, Kazan. Breast cancer rates in the United States nign librocystic breast disease confirmed by They were in the United States participating are higher among women who live in cities biopsy appear to have a three-to five times in the second Joint American-Soviet Seminar than among those who live in rural areas. greater risk of breast cancer. on Medical Engineering, held at the Though genetic factors may play some part • Radiation: Large doses of radiation have Masschusetts Institute of Technology. Their visit in the variations seen in different locales, en­ been linked with the development of breast to BEIB was requested by the US-USSR Trade vironmental factors also appear to be cancer both in studies of women exposed in and Economic Council. important. Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and of women who The visit began with overviews of DRS and Migrant studies have shown that the inci­ were X-rayed many years ago for diagnosis SEIB presented by Dr. Robert A Whitney Jr. , dence among women born in countries with of pulmonary tuberculosis. The much lower Acting Director, DRS, and Dr. Murray Eden, low cancer rates increases when they move doses now used for chest X-rays and for chief, BEIB to the United States, where incidence is high. mammograms, or breast X-rays, appear to BEIB scientists and engineers discussed This has been seen among Japanese carry little or no risk. samples of instrumentation advances devel­ women who have moved to Hawaii and to the • Socioeconomic status: Women with high oped collaboratively with investigators in NIH mainland United States, and among the socioeconomic status appear to be at greater intramural programs: optical fiber probes (Or. daughters of European immigrants to the risk of breast cancer but why thls ls so is not John Peterson), noninvasive measurement of United States. clear. arterial pressure (Eli C Walker), laser doppler Epidemiologic studies have helped to iden­ • Estrogens and oral contraceptives: There velocimetry applications, and coronary tify a number of factors that carry varying de­ is some evidence for an increased risk of angioplasty (Dr. Robert F. Bonner). grees of risk for breast cancer. To date, no breast cancer associated with the use of re­ Or. Charles L. Coulter, Biomedical Research one factor or combination of factors has been placement estrogens, particularly in longterm Technology Program, ORR, discussed DRS's found that can be used to predict the occur­ users, although the data are not all consist­ ;extramural support of medical instrumentation rence of breast cancer in any one individual. ent. Generally, the use of oral contraceptives research. Meanwhile, these are among the major risk has not been linked to increased risk of The Soviet officials also visited the magnetic factors that have so far been identified: breast cancer. resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emis­ • Age: In countries where the incidence of • Nutrition: There is some evidence that sion tomography (PET) scanning facilities in the breast cancer is high, the rate increases obesity is associated with increased breast Clinical Center. D sharply after age 30 and continues to rise. cancer risk, leading to speculation that high Among population groups with low or moder­ dietary fat intake contributes to increased ate incidence, there is often a leveling off at risk. To date, most of these associations have ORR-Funded Instruments the ages of menopause and after. For women been derived from studies of geographical in the United Stales, age is a major risk factor groups, and evidence on an individual basis Dedicated at UCSF Seminar for breast cancer. is lacking. A scientific seminar on cell analysis tech­ • Family history: Risk of breast cancer is Overall, the evidence suggests that hormo­ increased when close relatives have had nal factors may play a part in breast cancer niques was held Jan. 15 by the Laboratory for breast cancer. A woman's risk is increased in addition to genetic predisposition. This hy­ Cell Analysis at the Universily of California-San twofold if her mother or sister have had it and pothesis would account for the higher risk Francisco (UCSF) and NIH's Division of Re­ sixfold if both have had it. seen in women with a long menstrual history, search Resources, as part of a joint dedication of new instruments. • Previous breast cancer: Women who because of the long exposure of breast tis­ have had cancer in one breast have a ·four- to sue to hormone stimulus. Large-scale studies ORR provided funds for the equipment fivefold risk of developing a second cancer. that would take combinations or risk factors through the Shared Instrumentation Grant Pro­ into account have not yet been done. gram, which was begun to help researchers • Reproductive experience: The risk for cope with rapid technology advances In instru­ women who have children later in life in- For more information, call 1-800- 4CANCER. D mentation and the rapid rate of obsolescence of existing equipment. NIH provides instru­ FAES Accepting Applications Women Volunteers Needed ments on a shared basis to groups of NIH­ funded investigators. For Supplemental Stipends For Studies on PMS Cell analysis uses high-technology research FAES is administering special funds known The Unit on Peptide Studies, Biological Psy­ tools to quickly analyze or sort large numbers as Predoctoral Wellcome Stipends to support chiatry Branch, NIMH, is looking for subjects of cells according to their physical characteris­ graduate and undergraduate students from for­ who would like to participate as patients or nor­ tics, DNA content, etc. They have become use­ eign countries who participate in research at mal volunteers in a series of studies of premen­ ful tools in medicine to screen potential kidney NIH. A maximum of $250 per month may be strual syndrome. Participants should be women transplant recipients. granted to a maximum total stipend of $750 per between the ages of 20 and 45 who are in UC-San Francisco chancellor Dr Julius R. summer. The selection committee will consider good health and taking no medications includ­ Krevans, and Dr. Marjorie Tingle, chief of the the scientific merit of the research to be con­ ing oral contraceptives. shared instrumentation grant activity. ORR, ducted as well as the applicant's professional Evaluation of mood in relation to menstrua­ conducted the formal dedication. This was fol­ qualifications. Applications for the summer of tion will be performed; the effects of menstrual lowed by four scientists discussing some of the 1985 must be received in the FAES office by cycle phase on glucose and salt/water regula­ ways in which the laboratory's instruments are Apr. 1. Awards will be made by Apr. 30. Appli­ tion, as well as on stress response may be ex­ used in research at UCSF, and how similar in­ cation forms are available in the FAES office amined. For information, please contact Chris struments are involved in research elsewhere in (Bldg. 10, Rm. 2C207A) or call 496-7976. 0 Hoban 496-9675. D the country. D

March 12, 1985 The NIH Record Page 5 Seven Medical Students Study Intricacies of Genetics Lack of Estrogen, Not Aging, In Two-Month Course Under Skilled Preceptors May Cause Osteoporosis

For the seven medical students spending the Estrogen deficiency rather than aging may winter studying under its auspices, there is a be the major cause of osteoporosis in post­ much shorter and more descriptive name for menopausal women, a disease that leads to the lnterinstitute Medical Genetics Program that more than 700.000 fractures in this group each sprang up at the Clinical Center 8 years ago. year. Boot camp. Dr. B. Lawrence Riggs and associates at the That's not the name you'll find the program Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., recently stud­ under in the phone book. But look at what is ied three groups of women: normal women in expected of these students during a 2-month their early fifties at or before menopause: nor­ elective period. mal postmenopausal women in their early sev­ It begins with a week-and-a-half core course. enties: and women of average age 54 who had this includes lectures outlining clinical and lab­ undergone surgical removal of both ovaries (bi­ oratory aspects of diagnosis, methods of treat­ lateral oophorectomy) 15 to 25 years earlier. ment, approaches to counseling and principles Three Groups Studied of molecular and population genetics. Once the Taking the 2-month clinical elective offered by the students have their dysmorphology (abnormal NIH lnterinstitute Medical Genetics Program are Using these three groups of women, re­ development of tissue form) and dermatog­ medical students (seated, from I) David Viskochil, searchers could compare the effects of meno­ Catherine Chapman, Christine Julian. At rear are lyphics (ridge formation on skin: for example, (from I) Vickie Williams, Richard Mararia, Timothy pause (estrogen deficiency) to the effects of f'1ngerprints) down, they go on to seminars and Meade, and Thomas Stekiel. aging on bone loss. research projects with Institute investigators. Bone mineral density was measured in each David Viskochil, a fourth-year student at the else in the world." group of women. Researchers found the same University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill School A Minneapolis native and fan of the rock star amount of decreased bone mass (bone loss) in of Medicine, is one of several genetics students Prince, Mr. Meade is studying the molecular bi­ the oophorectomized women in their fifties and studying under the preceptorship of Dr. Mi­ ology of collagen and bone disorders with Dr. the postmenopausal women in their seventies. chael A. Zasloff, chief of NICHD's Human Ge­ Joan Marini. He Is enjoying his lab work so Both these groups had significant bone loss netics Branch. much that he will stay through the middle of compared to the bone loss in the "The crux of this course is to work in some­ next month. Most students remain for only 2 perimenopausal women in their fifties. There­ one's lab on a project," Viskochil said. "I am months. fore, according to Or. Riggs, "It is clear that es­ working directly with Dr. Joe Muenzer, who is Another fel low in Dr. Zasloff"s lab, Richard trogen deficiency, not aging, is the predomi­ looking for ways of treating children with Maraia of Cornell University, also will prolong nating cause of osteoporosis during the first mucopolysaccharidoses, enzyme deficiencies the elective since courses and research oppor­ two decades after natural menopause. that result in the buildup of substances in cells tunities here go beyond what is available to him Recent studies have shown that low-dose es­ that need to be broken down for the child to back in New York. trogen is highly effective for the prevention of develop normally." "I may take a genetics fellowship after I com­ osteoporosis or bone loss in postmenopausal Dr. Viskochil, who already has a Ph.D. in bio­ plete my residency," Mr. Meade said. "I'd love women. Though estrogen is associated with in­ from UNC, is assaying cell lines in to return here. It's at the top of my list right creased risk of endometrial cancer, the re­ Dr. Zasloff's lab, trying to determine if a new now." searchers said, that adding progestin to therapy- amnion transplants-will be effective. Mr. Meade credited Sandy Schlesinger and estrogen-replacement therapy may eliminate "I've been very pleased with the elective," he Dr. Dilys Parry with creating a positive atmos­ this increased risk of endometrial cancer. said. "I would never see clinical cases like phere for the genetics students. They suggested that giving the estrogen by these In North Carolina." "The steering committee really takes care of skin patch rather than by mouth is better toler­ In medical school, obscure diseases go by us," he said. "None of the other medical stu­ ated and may reduce side effects of the drug. the name "zebras," he explained. "As the ex­ dents here feel as warm a welcome on their ro­ This research, supported by NIADDK, was pression goes when you hear hoofbeats, think tations as we do. Getting into this program is a reported in the Nov. 15, 1984, New England zebras. not ordinary horses. At the Clinical real honor.·• D Journal of Medicine.- Barbara Weldon [l Center, you see nothing but zebras. Here you get the zebras of all zebras." Viskochil, who hopes to be a pediatrician Synthetic Growth Hormone Improves Height in 2 Children and clinical researcher, has two more electives to go before graduation from medical school. Two children with deficiencies of growth hor­ 3 hours, the GAF was given every 3 hours by "This elective is an intellectually demanding mone have had their height improved and their an infusion pump over 6 months. The research­ and inspiring part of my medical education," he own growth-hormone production increased by ers observed increases in serum growth hor­ said. "It's kind of like boot camp. We're all from administration of a synthetic growth hormone­ mone (hGH) levels and serum somatomedin C different places and have to lean on each other releasing factor, two University of Virginia gran­ (a peptide that mediates the effect of growth a lot. You make a lot of good friends in boot tees of the National Institute of Arthritis, Diabe­ hormone), as well as significant increases in camp." tes, and Digestive and Kidney Diseases have height. reported. This new approach for the treatment of chil­ Choosing Research Study Drs. Michael Thorner and Wylie Vale of UVA dren with growth hormone deficiency may pro­ One of the biggest challenges of the course with colleagues from Children's Hospital in vide an alternative to treatment with human is choosing from among a variety of tempting Philadelphia and the Salk Institute in San Diego growth hormone. research alternatives. "It is hard, at this point, to used a synthetic growth hormone-releasing According to Dr. Thorner, "Growth hormone find out what you really want to study and then factor synthesized by Dr. Jean Rivier of the deficiency is often the result of dysfunction of pursue it," Dr. Viskochil said. "We're getting Salk Institute. the hypothalamus (part of the brain stimulating bombarded with information." They used the synthetic substance to stimu­ the pituitary) rather than the pituitary (gland) it­ Alongside Dr. Viskochil is Timothy Meade, a late the children's own growth hormone pro­ self. Therefore, the use of synthetic GRF has al­ third-year medical student from the University duction, and thereby achieved a significant in­ lowed us to answer the question of whether this of Minnesota who is also working in Or. crease in their height. hypothalamic factor can lead to acceleration of Zasloff's lab. The synthetic substance used is known to be linear growth by stimulating the child's pituitary "The elective is really too short a period to identical with human growth hormone-releasing to produce its own growth hormone." get anything done in terms of major research," factor which is produced by action of the This preliminary study was reported in the he said, "but it's a good amount of time to see hypothalamus in normal persons. Jan. 3, 1985, issue of the New Engfand Journal the type of patients we want to see. The pa­ Because growing children show pulses in of Medicine. □ tients that come here you don't find anywhere growth hormone secretion approximately every

Page 6 The NIH Record March 12, 1985 Two Fogarty Scholars Take Up Residence Dr. Wm. Windle, Eminent Neuroanatomist, Dies; Dr. Thomas Jovin began his Fogarty Pioneered Research on Spinal Cord Regeneration Scholarship-in-Residence Jan. 3. He is a sci­ entific member of the Max Planck Society and two ends of a severed cord. Although the ani­ chairman o1 molecular in the Max mals did not regain neurological function, there Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry. was evidence of nerve growth in areas where Goett1ngcn. Federal Republic of Germany the scar tissue was less dense. Dr. Jovin was born in Buenos Aires, where Dr. Windle's interest in neurobiology and he spent his early years He received his neuroanatomy led to studies of the relationship college education at the California Institute of between the maturation of the central nervous Technology after which he attended Johns system and the development of behavior and Hopkins University School of Medicine. He reflexes. was granted his M.D. degree in 1964 His research in Puerto Rico focused on·the After a postdoctoral fe llowship with Profes­ effects of oxygen deprivation on animal fetuses sor at Stanford Medical and newborns. In 1968, he was given the School, he moved to Goettingen. where he Albert for Basic Medical Re­ worked with Dr. Manfred Eigen at the Max search for producing experimental cerebral Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry. In palsy in newborn animals deprived of oxygen. 1969 he assumed his present pos1t1on. "Dr. Windle had a broad influence on Ameri­ Dr. Jov1n 1s best known for his can ," said Dr Clemente. "He was discovery-with Dr. F. M. Pohl- of a left­ also stridently loyal to his students and re­ handed helical form of DNA now known as search colleagues- sometimes contradicting z-DNA. Earlier, in Dr. Kornberg's laboratory. Dr. William F. Windle superiors in favor of his colleagues. He was he carried out important studies ol deeply liked." polymerase 1 from f . coli. His recent work At a 75th birthday party for Dr. Windle held at Or. William F. Windle. 86, an outstanding has been concerned with the biological role the Harvard Club in New York City, 140 of his of z-DNA. neuroanatomist formerly with the National Insti­ previous students and colleagues paid tribute tute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness. During his scholarship he will be associ­ to the man and his research. died Feb. 20 at his home in Granville, Ohio. He ated with the Laboratory ol Molecular Biology. Among his many accomplishments, he was NIADDK had Parkinson's disease. the founder and editor of the Journal of Experi­ Dr. Franz von Lichtenberg returned to FIC A pioneer in research on regeneration of the mental Neurology. He was also a recipient of spinal cord. Dr. Windle was the director of the Jan. 1. to resume his Fogarty Scholarsh1p-in­ many honors and awards In 1957, he was Res1dence. Dr. van Lichtenberg is professor Laboratory of Neuroanatomical Sciences, given the United Cerebral Palsy Association's NINDB (now the National Institute of Neurolog­ of pathology at Harvard Medical School. Max Weinstein Award. He was a double Born in the Federal Republic of Germany, ical and Communicative Disorders and Stroke), honoree in 1972- receiving both the National from 1954 to 1960 In 1960 he was appointed he moved to Mexico in the late 1930s, where Paraplegia Foundation's William Thomson he studied med1c1ne and graduated from the assistant director of the Institute, and a year Wakeman Award and the Paralyzed Veterans later he started NINDB's Laboratory for National University in 1945. He joined the de­ of America's Speedy Award. partment of pathology at Harvard 1n 1958 af­ Perinatal Physiology in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Dr. Windle was the first vice president of the ter holding appointments at the National Uni­ Dr. Windle left NIH in 1963 to become re­ versity and the National Institute of search director of the Institute of Rehabilitation American Association of Anatomists and a member of many other societies including the Cardiology in Mexico City Medicine at New York University Medical Cen­ American Association for the Advancement of Dr. van Lichtenberg's research has been ter. Since 1971 he had been a research profes­ Science, the American Neurological Associa­ principally devoted to the biology and pathol­ sor at Denison University 1n Granville. tion, and the American Academy of Neurology. ogy of sch1stosomiasis. His numerous publi­ "Dr. Windle was a world class scientist," said Born in Huntington, Ind., Dr. Windle received cations include a classic description of he­ Dr. Carmine Clemente. director of the Brain Re­ his Ph.D. degree in anatomy from Northwestern patic schistosorniasis in Brazil, experimental search Institute at the University of California, University Medical School in 1926. From 1935 studies of immunopathological mechanisms Los Angeles School of Medicine and Dr. to 1942. he was a professor of microscopic underlying granuloma formations around Windle's last graduate student. anatomy at Northwestern. schistosome eggs, immunofluorescent stud­ "His regeneration work changed the course He also served as chairman of the depart­ ies of human granulornas, and model studies of research on spinal cord injury," Dr. Clemente ments of anatomy at both the University of in mice. He has been particularly concerned said. "He was also one of the leading develop­ Washington in Seattle and the University of with study of the mechanisms regulating de­ mental neuroanatomists of the 1930s and 40s." Pennsylvania. From 1951 to 1954 he was scien­ struction of invading schistosomes in the im­ Dr. Windle's research on cats and monkeys tific director of Baxter Laboratories in Morton mune host. with spinal cord injuries showed that nerve fi­ Grove, Ill. During his second term. he will continue his bers of the cord can regenerate-a feat once Or. Windle's survivors include his wife. Ella, a association with the Laboratory of Parasitic thought impossible. He injected the animals brother, and three grandchild ren. Diseases, NIAID. with piromen, a drug that inhibits the formation Both these Fogarty Scholars have offices in of scar tissue which normally grows between the Stone House. They can be reached on 496-1213. D Bicycle Club Plans Open House Conference on Polyribonucleotides for Cancer Therapy Set Apr. 4 The 3rd annual R&W Bicycle Commuter Club Open House will be held on Mar. 20, from 5 to A 1-day conference on "Polyribonucleotides response modification. 8 p.m. at the FAES house on Cedar La. and for Cancer Therapy" will be held on Thursday, There will also be a panel discussion with Old Georgetown Rd., Bethesda, Md. Apr. 4, at the Lister Hill Center Auditorium, NIH emphasis on the relative activities and toxic ities Films on touring, racing and commuting will campus. The workshop, sponsored by the Bio­ of the various polyribonucleotides. be shown along with equipment logical Response Modifiers Program, OCT, To register for the conference. call FTS demonstrations. NCI, will include presentations on preclinical 8-935-1418 or (301) 695-1418 Seating is Club members and family admission is $1 ; evidence of antitumor and of immunomodula­ limited. □ nonmembers. $2. Memberships will be avail­ tory and other biological response modifying able at the door for $2. activities; clinical results in terms of activity and Historian: an unsuccessful novelist-H.L. For further information call George Russell, of toxicity, therapeutic efficacy, and biological Mencken 496-1873. or Carl Frasch, 496-1920. D I

March 12, 1985 The NIH Record Page 7 W. J. Cade, GMLB, Retires After 26 Years of Service NIAID's Charles Criswell Retires After 40 Years up, he worked on neighboring farms picking cotton, corn, and other crops. In 1937, at age After a 40-year government career, the last 20, Mr. Cade bought a ·used" car and came to 20 of which were spent at the National Institute Washington, D.C. , saying that the car used 5 of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Charles gallons of oil during the trip. (Cris) Criswell recently retired as administrative Before settling at NIH. he worked in local res­ ollicer of the lnstitute's Intramural Research taurants, he assisted in building an airport in Program. While with NIAID, he received several Camp Springs, Md., built roadways during the awards for superior performance. Civilian Corps Camp days in 1939 near Flint­ stone, Md., worked for the Army Map Service and at a power plant in Indian Head. Md. He also spent 3 years in New York City working on the docks and at Radio City. Mr. Cade married in 1945 and says he has "several" children and over 25 grandchildren. In 1950, he came to GMLB and over the years has performed work in "most all areas" of grounds maintenance from planting and mow­ ing to operating large loaders. According to his coworkers. he was exceptionally dependable Mr. Cade and a steady, hard-working employee. He con­ tinued to work several years after becoming eli­ Willie J. Cade, engineering equipment opera­ gible for retirement. tor in the Grounds Maintenance and A luncheon attended by his wife, friends. and Landscaping Branch (GMLB), Division of Engi­ coworkers was held in January to celebrate Mr. neering Services. retired last December after Cade's retirement. He was presented numer­ 26 years of service in the branch. ous gifts, including a miniature tractor, a gold Mr. Cade was born in 1917 in the small town snow shovel, and money to spend during his of Washington, Ga , where he lived with his "travels." Mr. Cade's immediate plans for retire­ In addition to spectator sports, Mr. Criswell is looking forward to fishing, crabbing, and catch• qrandfather and other relatives. While growing ment are to "relax, travel, and visit." 0 ing up with the gardening.

Chance Research Find May Lead to New Malaria Treatment Mr. Criswell began his career in the U.S. Navy and then served with the Veterans Admin­ Studies on DNA replication (duplication of tlOn of the parasite's DNA replication en­ istration Hospitals in Altoona. Pa .. and Wash­ the genetic material) by National Institute of zymes "could be the Achilles heel of the ington, D.C General Medical Sciences grantee Dr. David parasite. If the key enzymes are altered the H. Dressler of Harvard University in Cam­ parasites can't make more DNA and multiply, Received Lounge Chair bridge, Mass. have unexpectedly led to the so they will eventually die." Prior to his retirement, his many lriends and discovery of a potential new treatment for coworkers honored him at a reception held at malaria. This disease, long a major world Novobiocin Tested the Institute. He was presented his special "re­ health threat, currently affects more than 300 The antibiotic novobiocin was among the served" lounge chair in which he plans to million people and causes over a million compounds Dr. Dressler tested. Although it is spend many happy hours watching major deaths annually. not used clinically now, novobiocin was used sports events on television. Although he said Malaria is the resul t of infection by a in the late 1950s to treat staphylococcus (a he is "interested 1n all sports," Mr. Criswell is microbe-parasite. In its natural habitat, the type of disease-causing bacteria) infections, "particularly partial to the Washington parasite requires two hosts: a mosquito and so a great deal is known about the drug. Redskins." D vertebrate animal. The disease spreads when Novobiocin worked against staphylococ­ a mosquito picks up parasites from a blood cus by inhibiting the bacteria's DNA gyrase. meal on an infected animal. When the mos­ At dosages safe for humans, novobiocin re­ quito bites its next victim, it transmits the par­ duced parasite growth to nearly zero within asite through its saliva. The parasite invades 72 hours. When combined with quinine, a the host's red b lood cells where it multiplies common antimalarial drug, it was even more very rapidly, forming "daughter" parasites effective. and eventually bursting the cell. The host's The possibility of a new treatment for ma­ red blood cells thus serve as a tiny cell cul­ laria is especially welcome now because ef­ ture for the parasite to grow in and also shel­ forts to control the d isease are deteriorating. ter it from the host's immune system. First steps toward a malaria vaccine have been made, but experts predict that produc­ DNA Replication Studied tion and use of the vaccine could be 5 to 10 Dr. Dressler realized that the small size years away. The mosquitos that carry the dis­ and simplicity of the malaria parasite as well ease are becoming resistant to pesticides, as its interaction with red blood cells make it while the parasites are becoming resistant to More than-160 academic deans and other top offi­ an excellent system in which to study DNA quinine and another antimalarial drug, cials from almost every U.S. dental school met on replication. He began his studies with a tradi­ chloroquin. Feb. 5-7 at NIH for a special conference spon­ tional approach by testing the response of The next step in developing this treatment sored by the National Institute of Dental Research. the most lethal of the malaria parasites to var­ for malaria may be tests in animal models Purpose of the meeting was to strengthen the In­ ious drugs known to affect specific enzymes and then patients. stitutes' ties with universities. Among otticials at­ involved in DNA replication. One of these en­ This clinical advance grew out of a study of tending were: standing, I to r: Ors. John A. Gray, executive director, American Association for Den­ zymes is DNA gyrase, which folds and twists a fundamental cell process-DNA replica­ tal Research; John M. Coady, executive director, DNA into very tight coils, a step that appears tion- and the search for the best possible re­ American Dental Association; William E. Brown, to be necessary to prepare DNA for search model. The chance discovery of a po­ executive director, American Association of Den­ replication. tential treatment for malaria is an important tal Research; Or. Harald Loe, Director, NIDA, and Although his goal had been to study repli­ event arising from untargeted basic re­ John L. Bomba, president, American Dental cation, Dr. Dressler soon realized that disrup- search. - Sandy Hecker □ Association.

Page 8 The NIH Record March 12, 1985 GA Program Offers Expanded Training Three NICHD Employees Opportunities for Scientist Administrators Receive EEO Awards

Expanded training opportunities for those This specialized training may take 1 to 3 Three National Institute of Child Health and Human Development employees recently re­ who are functioning in the capacity of scien­ months and should be completed within 2 ceived Equal Employment Opportunity Special tist administrators is being offered through years. At present, there is one professional the Grants Associates Program. development assignment trainee, Dr. Barbara Achievement Awards during the meeting of the These new training opportunities have been Williams, NIGMS. lnstitute's National Advisory Council. Dr. Duane F. Alexander, NICHD's Acting Di­ endorsed by the Extramural Program man­ The third, the HSA Trainee Program, pro­ agement committee, subcommittee on training vides BIDs the opportunity to hire someone rector, presented the awards to: and the BID Directors and approved by Dr. from the previously inaccessible grants asso­ George Galasso, associate director for intra­ ciates register. These individuals could be • Dr. James F. Kavanagh, associate director mural affairs and the Grants Associates hired by the BID from the GA register for spe­ of the Center for Research for Mothers and Board. cific HSA positions. They would be offered a Children, for "informally counseling handi­ This expansion is to serve the stated needs total of 6 months training which must be com­ capped, minority and women support staff on of the BIDs and the needs of health scientist pleted during their first 2 years on the job. how to upgrade their resumes and for effectively administrators. It also reflects the philosophy Upon completion of that training and after at coaching them on approaching job interviews. that the NIH will benefit from having scientist least 1 year on the job, they would be classi­ He has encouraged and advised minority em­ administrators who are uniformly tra·1ned in fied as HSAs by the Special Examiner's ployees in their pursuit of a college education. science administration who gain more famili­ Office As administrator of the lnstitute's components arity with the agency and its various extramu­ This is the only training program in which of the Minority Biomedical Research Support ral activities. this applies; it is also \he only training pro­ and the Minority Access to Research Careers These new programs are being made avail­ gram in which the hiring of such an individual programs, he discusses NICHD and opportuni­ able on a trial basis in addition to the regular is contingent on training. The other two train­ ties with minority science students, encourag­ Grants Associates Program, and the GA sem­ ing programs are voluntary and do not carry ing them to enter the research field." inar series. with them any promotion or classification ben­ The first of these new programs is the efits. Dr. James Kiley, NHLBI, is the first such • Harvey Shifrin, supervisory contract spe­ Newly Hired HSA Training Program to accom­ trainee. cialist, for his "efforts in recruiting minority modate those who recently have been hired All three new programs involve training for women at less than the journeyman level in the into an HSA position and who, with the ap­ individuals chosen and hired by BIDs. Each contract management series, providing on the proval of their supervisors, desire orientation trainee is assigned a preceptor from the GA job training and scheduling of specialized pro­ to NIH/PHS and to the policies and proce­ board. The role of the GA board with all train­ curement courses so that each was able to dures of the NIH extramural programs. This ees will be confined to developing a training reach the journeyman GS-12 level." training should be completed during the first plan, jointly with the trainee and supervisor, year in the job and would consume about 20 and evaluation of the training performance. • Dr. James B. Sidbury, chief of the Section percent of that year. Although this program is These programs are available at the re­ on Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism in only 4 months old, there are already five such quest of the individual and the approval of the the Human Genetics Branch of the Intramural trainees: Dr. Leslye Johnson, NIAID; Dr. Mi­ supervisor of the potential trainee and subject Program, because "he has demonstrated a chael Galvin, NIEHS; Dr. Janos Varga, NCI; to the final approval of the associate director special concern that extends to all people who Dr. Marion Zatz, NIGMS; and Dr. Christine for extramural affairs. work with him. Dr. Sidbury achieves effective Parker, NHLBI The second program, Profes­ Announcements of these training programs use of employees' skills, particularly minorities sional Development Assignment Training Pro­ with definitions, objectives and application and women, by providing opportunities where gram, is designed for those who have func­ procedures have been distributed. If you wish their skills and abilities could be used tioned as health-scientist adminstrators for 3 further information or clarification, please call optimally. He shows a special interest in their or more years and who wish to broaden their A. Robert Polcari, director, or Roberta Light, research by guiding, listening and encouraging experiences beyond their cummt position. Grants Associates Program, at 496-1736. □ them in the development of their ideas."

Orientation on Employee Courses Through Montgomery College Set

Orientation sessions for the Training and De­ velopment Services Program will be held on Mar. 13 and Mar. 20, from noon to 1 p.m., in Bldg. 31, Rm. B2C02A. The program provides courses to NIH em­ ployees through Montgomery College. It is also designed to provide increased job perform­ ance skills in areas such as career planning, English, math, time management, communica­ tion and computers.

Eligibility Requirements To be eligible you must be: a GS-8 or below (WG equivalent); in a nonprofessional job series (1 graded promotional series), a perma­ nent employee and work at least 32 hours per week; a high school graduate or have a GED certificate; employed at NIH for 1 year. To team more about the program, call 496-9228 to reserve space in one of these sess ions. □ Three NICHD employees recently received Equal Employment Opportunity Special Achievement Awards tor their commitment to the principals of EEO. L tor, recipients are: (standing) Or. James F. Kavanagh, If yov don't say anything, yov won't be called on Dr. James B. Sidbury and Harvey Shifrin (sitting) with the lnstitute's EEO officer Rayna J. Blake and Act- to repeat it. -Calvin Coolidge. . Ing Director Duane F. Alexander.

March 12, 1985 The NIH Record Page 9 International Cancer Session NERVE CELLS Scheduled Mar. 18-20 at NIH (Continued from Page 1)

An international symposium on " and Molecular Genetics of Cancer Metastasis" will be held on Mar. 18-20 in the Masur Audito­ rium at the Clinical Center, Bldg. 10. · During the 2½-day symposium, cosponsored by the Fogarty International Center and the Na­ tional Cancer Institute, various aspects of the multistep process of metastasis formation will be discussed to integrate the accumulated data and current views on how and why can­ cers spread to new sites. There will be 32 oral presentations. given by invited speakers from eight different countries grouped around the following topics: • Molecular Genetics of Metastasis • Biochemical Mechanisms of Metastatic Cells • Tumor Cell Movement and the Cytoskeleton • Immunologic and Therapeutic Aspects of Metastases. A Joint poster session will give opportunities for those involved in the field to present data and results of ongoing research. Posters can be viewed on the 2nd floor mezzanine. ACRF At the NINCDS Laboratory of Neurobiology, Woods Hole, Mass,, Drs. Michael Sheetz, Thomas Reese, dining area during the symposium. and Bruce Schnapp (I to r) watch axonal transport In progress. The microscopic images--i!nhanced by All researchers are invited to attend the sym­ a special computer program-are projected onto a television screen from which they can be posium. Preregistration is requested. videotaped. For further information, contact Ruth Rappaport, (202) 955-6073. D

Frances H. Howard Elected process can be studied in detail. The beads, meters per day, through a process known as Trustee of Historical Society when coated with translocator protein, travel fast axonal transport. (Some earlier compo­ along isolated microtubules just like organelles. nents move only a few millimeters each day in Frances Humphrey Howard, special assist­ Explains Dr. Reese: "The only problem is that so-called "slow" axonal transport.) ant to the associate director for extramural pro­ so far the beads, unlike real organelles, move "Without last axonal transport, the neuron grams, National Library of Medicine. has re­ in only one direction. We suspect that when would shut down," says Dr. Reese. "Nerve cently been elected a trustee of the U.S. organelles reach the end of the axon the messages would stop being transmitted as Capitol Historical Society. translocator proteins, or feet, are somehow neurotransmitters logjammed in the cell body. As a new trustee, Mrs. Howard will bring to modified to produce movement in the opposite Conceivably the halting of transport could lead the society her broad knowledge of national direction. to disease," he says. political affairs and interest in American history "Since we now know which proteins are in­ For now, however, axonal transport is exam­ The society was founded in 1962 to research volved in the transport process, we will be able ined at a basic level in this NINCDS laboratory, and record the history of the U.S. Capitol build­ to develop antibody probes to detect the which has investigators stationed year-round in ing and the Congress of the United States. It translocator proteins,,. he says. These probes Woods Hole, Mass. strives through various educational tools to may show if the transport molecules are lacking stimulate a greater interest in American history in disease states. Studying Squid and encourages patriotism across the land. During axonal transport, organelles journey The scientists here are studying the transport During World War II, Mrs. Howard was on the from the main body of the cell, where they are process in a marine animal abundant in the staff of Eleanor Roosevelt in the National Office made, to an outlying extension of the neNe Gulf Stream current otf Cape Cod; the Woods of Civilian Defense. She served later as called the axon, where they are used. Hole squid. The squid is noted for its giant consultant to the National Conference, the U.S. The axon, a long, tubelike structure that pro­ axon, which at a diameter of one-half millimeter National Commission of UNESCO in 1955. She trudes from the cell body, is the dominant fea­ makes it the largest known axon in the world. has been active in the field of world health and ture of many neurons (neNe cells). "We separated sections of the squid's axon nutrition. Transport also occurs in the opposite direc­ that still had organelles travelling on them to In 1979 she was honorary commissioner on tion, as organelles and other substances study how transport occurs," Dr Reese says. the National Commission of the International recycle from the axon to the cell body. Although much still needs to be learned Year of the Child. She is a member of numer­ about the crucial process of axonal transport, ous cultural and educational groups of national Transport Process the story is beginning to become clear. The and international stature. To picture this transport process, the axon knowledge gained from this scientist pursuit Mrs. Howard is the sister of the late Hubert can be compared to New York's Lincoln Tun­ should lead to a better understanding of nerve H. Humphrey, Vice President of the U.S. and a nel. Like the famous tunnel, the axon is used by cell function and perhaps provide insight about longtime distinguished U.S. Senator. commuters. Regarded as some of the most im­ the functioning of cells in general. The U.S. Capit13-I Historical Society is spon­ portant commuters are tiny, fast-moving "All cells, not just neurons. have organelles soring its eighth s~mposium entitled "Women In organelles containing chemicals called moving around in them," Dr. Reese explains. "I The Age of The American Revolution", to be neurotransmitters. think we've made a big conceptual break­ held on Mar. 27-28, in the Senate Caucus These chemicals, which allow messages to through in thinking as to how this important cel­ Room of the Russell Senate Office Building, be passed from one nerve cell to another, are lular phenomenon works."- Lynn Cave □ Washington, D.C. For further information call made in the main body of the cell but are re­ 543-8919. D leased from the tip of the axon. He who lives by his wits will die w ith his Organelles containing neurotransmitters A learned fool is one who has read everything wits.- Bertrand Russel/ .. travel down the axon at speeds up to 400 milli- and remembered it.-Josh Billings

Page 10 The NIH Record March 12, 1985 Joint Watchdogs: HHS' Inspector General Office, Dr. Marvin Cassman Named NIH's Management Survey and Review Division Director, NIGMS Program

HHS' Ottice of the Inspector General and • Plays a key role in Internal Control Reviews NIH's Division of Management Survey and Re­ conducted within NIH as required by Office of view join in performing similar but not identical Management and Budget directives. functions. • Acts as liaison on audits performed by the The Inspector General's office deals with all General Accounting Office and internal audits criminal investigations involving HHS programs by the IG. or personnel and refers potentially prosecuta­ While DMSR initiates some reviews, its pri­ ble offenses to the U.S. Department of Justice mary function is to act on review requests from for action. outside sources. □ DMSR's jurisdiction Is confined to NIH pro­ grams and personnel and any potentially crimi­ HHS Office of Inspector General nal actions it discovers are referred lo the de­ Health and Human Services' Office of In­ partmental IG spector General, created in 1976 as the first The following two stories outline the various Federal statutory position of its kind, seeks to functions of lhe two offices. make administration of programs and procure­ ment of services more efficient and OMSR economical. NIH's Division of Management Survey and Under the direction of Richard P. Kusserow, Review provides advice and assistance to top the OIG uses sophisticated investigative and NIH and BID officials on a wide range of man­ audit techniques, including statistical sampling Dr. Cassman agement problems. and computer applications, to ferret out fraud, Some examples: waste and abuse. Or. Marvin Cassman has been appointed di­ The division reviews specific problems both Approximately 1,400 employees work for the rector of the new Biophysics and Physiological within NIH and with grantees and contractors. office-investigators, auditors, program ana­ Sciences Program of the National Institute of In the past these have included alleged ir­ lysts, health care specialists and support General Medical Sciences. In this position, Or. regularities or abuses within NIH programs and staff-or one employee per $200 million of the Cassman will take charge of a program estab­ real or potential conflicts of interest. The divi­ Department's budget. For every dollar spent in lished in 1984 through consolidation of the sion's staff have also looked into alleged mis­ operating the OIG, the Department gets back NIGMS Physiology and Biomedical Engineering use of government funds, both internally and up to $58, it is estimated. Program with selected research areas previ­ by grantees and contractors. The office initiates and directs all criminal in­ ously supported within the lnstitute's Cellular DMSR has also been involved in several re­ vestigations 1nvolv1ng HHS programs and per­ and Molecular Basis of Disease (CMBD) and views of alleged scientific fraud. sonnel, serving as the Department's liaison with Genetics Programs. In such fraud cases, the division may make the Departmenl of Justice. The new program supports research aimed an in-depth analysis of a contractor or gran­ OIG must by law formally submit reports to at the application of physical and engineering tee's organization or it may designate a DMSR Congress and the HHS Secretary detailing sig­ principles to the study of biomedical problems, representative to serve as advisor to a commit­ nificant problems, abuses and deficiencies in especially those of biological structure, and en­ tee of scientists who themselves perform the HHS programs with recommended correction courages the development of instruments, de­ actual review. actions. vices, and methodologies for biomedical As noted earlier, potentially prosecutable of­ OIG works with organizations within and out­ research. fenses which are found by DMSR are referred side of HHS. Through the President's Council The program will continue to support re­ to HHS' Inspector General's Office. on Integrity and Efficiency, it maintains close li­ search which broadens and strengthens the Headed by Howard Hyatt, the NIH Division of aison with Federal agencies and prosecuting scientific base in those areas of clinical and Management Survey and Review has a staff of attorneys, state auditors and Medicaid Fraud physiological research, including trauma and 14 persons: 9, including the director, have au­ Central Units, among others. burn injury, for which NIGMS is responsible. dit backgrounds; 3 are management analysts. For more information on the Office of In­ Dr. Cassman joined NIGMS as a health sci­ An administrative officer and secretary com­ spector General, call the OIG Office of Public entist administrator in 1975, and was appointed plete the staff. Affairs at (202) 472-3142. D chief of the molecular basis of disease section Overall, 33 reviews-including 9 Hotline re­ o1 the CMBD program in 1978. During this time, views and 3 internal reviews-were completed Salute to PHS Women he initiated and administered the NIGMS in 1984. Two cases for possible prosecution shared instrumentation grant program, which were referred to the IG. To Be Held Mar. 14 stimulated expanded efforts in this area at NIH. These reviews resulted in cash refunds of Born in Chicago, Dr. Cassman received his $225,544 to NIH and another $565,138 in rec­ Federal Women's Programs in the Equal Op­ B.A., B.Sc., and M.S. degrees from the Univer­ ommended refunds which are being portunity Divisions of the Public Health Service sity of Chicago. In 1965, he earned his Ph.D. in negotiated. and the Parklawn Chapter of Federally Em­ biochemistry from the Albert Einstein College of DMSR also performs certain other special­ ployed Women, Inc., are sponsoring a Salute to Medicine in New York City. ized tasks on a continuing basis: Among them, PHS Women in observance of Women's History After graduation he worked as a postdoctoral the division: Week. fellow at the University of California, Berkeley. • Investigates any Hotline complaints about On Thursday, Mar. 14, from 11 :15 a.m. to 1 From 1967 until 1975, he taught biochemistry waste within NIH programs or wrongdoing by p.m , in Conf. Rms. D and E of the Parklawn and biophysics as an assistant professor at the NIH employees referred to it by the depart­ Building, Marjorie Shaevitz will discuss how University of California, Santa Barbara. ment's IG office. The IG's office determines women balance their multiple roles. Ms. Dr. Cassman received the NIH Director's which NIH complaints it will investigate itself Shaevitz, director of the Institute for Family and Award In 1983. n and which it will refer to NIH. Work Relationships in La Jolla, Calif., is the au­ thor of The Superwoman Syndrome. Nominations for R&W Board • Manages the ALERT system which keeps Sign language interpretation will be provided The NIH Recreation and Welfare Association appropriate NIH officials informed, on a need­ at this program. □ is accepting nominations for president, 2nd to-know basis, of findings of investigations or vice president, assistant treasurer and corre­ determinations of misconduct by individuals sponding secretary for its Board of Directors. and organizations. This makes possible in­ Many a man's profanity has saved him from a The closing date for nominations is Apr. 10. formed decisions on new contracts or grants nervous breakdown. -Henry J Haskins Nominees may pick up forms at the R&W Of­ and awards or continuation of old ones. fice in Bg. 31, Rm. B1W30. □

March 12, 1985 The NIH Record Page 11 NEI Honors Ors. Cogan, Kuwabana at Symposium

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Ors. Cogan (I) and Kuwabara were honored at NEl's symposium on experimental eye pathology.

An NEI symposium highlighting advances ing the pathology of a number of eye diseases, in experimental eye pathology was held at NIH including cataract and uveitis. Many of the find­ on Feb. 14 and 15. ings they reported were obtained through the The symposium was dedicated to Ors. David use of recently developed techniques such as G. Cogan and Toichiro Kuwabara, two NEI sci­ monoclonal antibody labeling and recombinant entists who have achieved international renown DNA procedures. for studies of disease processes in ocular At the conclusion of the symposium, the tissues. NEl's new reference library was dedicated. The Dr. Cogan Is head of the section on facility. which is on the 10th floor of the ACRF, neuroophthalmology in the NEI clinical branch. will be called the David G. Cogan Library. Dr. Kuwabara is chief of NEl's Laboratory of During the ceremony, Dr. Kupfer praised Dr. Ophthalmic Pathology. Cogan for his "unique blend of scholarship and In his introductory remarks at the sympo­ warmth" as well as his accomplishments in eye sium, Dr. Carl Kupfer, NEI Director, described research. "At the NEI, he has stimulated further the two as "an extraordinarily productive team research advances and shared the wisdom ac­ of ophthalmic pathologists who have worked quired during his 50 years in medicine," Dr. together for almost lour decades." Kupfer said. "Therefore, it is highly appropriate The speakers told of progress in understand- that we dedicate this library to him." D Surgeon General Calls Conference on Violence

The Surgeon General of the United States will expected to attend the 2½ day meeting. Partici­ gather some of the Nation's leading medical, pation will be by invitation only. public health, and social service authorities to They will hear Dr. Koop and other speakers examine the modern American phenomenon on explore various facets of interpersonal vio­ violence on Oct. 27-29, in Leesburg, Va. (just lence, especially within households and within outside Washington, D.C.). families. Dr. C. Everett Koop said the purpose of the Work groups will then concentrate on com­ Workshop on Violence and Public Health is "to ponents of the problem such as child abuse. convince the medical and public health profes­ spouse abuse, sexual assaults, elder abuse, sions that interpersonal violence is a serious is­ and homicide. sue affecting the health and well-being of mil­ Participants will present their recommenda­ lions of Americans, that they can play a vital tions to the Surgeon General at the closing ple­ role in violence prevention, and that they nary session of the workshop. should develop an effective response Cosponsoring the workshop with the Sur­ strategy." geon General are the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, The workshop, he continued, will attempt to: and Mental Health Administrations; the Division • improve communications across the medi­ of Maternal and Child Health of the Health Re­ cal, public health, and social services sources Administration and the Epidemiology disciplines: of Violence Branch of the Centers for Disease Control. • stimulate graduate and continuing educa­ The Administration on Children, Youth. and tion programs on the identification and treat­ Families and the Administration on Develop­ ment of victims and on prevention. and mental Disabilities, both in DHHS, and lhe Of­ • encourage the general public to under­ fice of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Pre­ stand that violence threatens public health as vention in the Justice Department are also well as public order and must be prevented. cosponsors. D Some 150 practitioners and researchers are U S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1985 461 J1()'10012

Page 12 The NIH Record March 12, 1985