
Drum Play-Along: Blink-182: Volume 10 # Kindle \ WKFE0AUDN5

Drum Play-A long: Blink-182: V olume 10

By Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation

Hal Leonard Corporation. Paperback. Book Condition: new. BRAND NEW, Drum Play-Along: Blink- 182: Volume 10, Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation, Play your favorite songs quickly and easily with the Drum Play-Along Series. Just follow the drum notation, listen to the CD to hear how the drums should sound, then play along using the separate backing tracks. The lyrics are also included for quick reference. The CD is playable on any CD player, and also enhanced so PC and Mac users can adjust the recording to any tempo without changing the pitch! Includes: Adam's Song * * * Feeling This * Man Overboard * * Stay Together for the Kids * What's My Age Again?.



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