Usi/Scientif I C 61 ~Eichnical Inf Omation Diviaioa Attention8 ~ I S E
NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION Wnm~roton,D.C. 20116 TO: uSI/Scientif ic 61 ~eichnicalInf omation Diviaioa Attention8 ~iseWinnia M. Morganc FROM: ~~/0fficeof Assi$tapt General Chsel for Patent Matters SUBJECT: Annouicement of NASA-Owned U. 8. Patents in STAR In accordance with the procedures agreed upon by Code GP and Code USI, the attached NASA-owned U. S,,,Patent is being forwarded for abstracting and announcement in NASA STAR. ' 0 me iollowing information &a 'I;~:~v&d=d~ U. S. Patent No. Government or Corporate Employee Supplementary Corporate Source (if applicable) t /Yng NASA Patent Case No. NOTE - If this patent covers an invention made by a corporate ; employee of a NASA Contractor, the following is applicable: yes 0 NO Pursuant to Section 30S(a) of the National Aeronautics and Space Act, the name of the Admninistrator of NASA appears on the first page of the patent; however, the name of the actual inventor (author) appears at the headirrg of Col\nan no, 1 of the Specification, following the word8 . -.. with reopect te ., - , ' - -- -- - - 8, - -- L" - -- - I Enclosuze C1 (CODE) t I Oct. 20, 1970 SPACE ENVIRONMENTAL WORK SIMULATOR Filed Feb. 23, 1968 3,534,485 United States Patent Ofice .=,,, ,,,, apparatus and method for simulating the hard vacuum 3,534,485 conditions of outer space in a terrestrial environment. G.ENvIR(dNlbaENTAE Simpson, WORKand HillSmULAToW Walker, This and other objects will become more apparent when Guntersviliie, assignors to the united statesof considering the detailed description of the invention which Amedca as represented by the Administrator of the 5 hereafter.
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