MINUTES OF MEETING: 23rd November 2009


Marjorie Sinclair Seonaid MacRae Martin Laycock Greg Kousourous Simon Bates Louise Kinloch Zoe Kean Jennifer Bonnar Naill Kinloch Janie Munro Margaret Barr Margaret Logan Anne Burke Laurie Motherwell (attending) Joe Meloy (attending) June Wells (Clerk)


Apologies were received for Greg Kousourous, Louise Kinloch, Jennifer Bonnar and Seonaid MacRae. Janie welcomed Simon back to the Parent Council after his period of ill health. Joe Meloy was also welcomed to the meeting.


Joe Meloy, Families and Schools Partnership Officer, West of Wider Access Forum gave a short presentation on his work. He handed out a draft questionnaire and handbook aimed at harder to reach parents who often had no contact with their child's school or became involved in their child's education.

Joe asked for feedback on both content and language used and if the Parent Council felt the handouts were accessible and easy to interpret. Discussion took place and issues raised. It was agreed that the handbook contained worthy information but that it could be more colourful perhaps with cartoon characters to make it more appealing. The layout was discussed with the suggestion that a contents page would be helpful. Joe explained that he was also trying to reach a balance with the language used. He wanted it to be informative without being patronising. Over all it was agreed the language had achieved the correct level but that perhaps certain words could be changed. For example transition, as not everyone has a great understanding of what this means. The words "level of demand" were also discussed and Joe explained this was the amount of work necessary for pupils to achieve the necessary grades. Laurie suggested that "level of work" might be a better way of expressing this. It was also felt that many parents would be ignorant about access levels.

It was suggested that the questions in the questionnaire were very general and quite gender orientated and that family status may have to be broadened. Information on funding for further education would also be helpful and may help parents encourage their child to go on to college or university. Funding options would also remove finance as a barrier used by many parents not to encourage further education.

Joe said that the aim was to run workshops alongside the handbook so that he can talk directly to parents and explain the contents of the handbook. He is also aware that more mums than dads tended to come along to information nights and that that could have a bearing on subjects chosen as dads tended to push boys more to do certain subjects than girls. Joe will try and address this when speaking to parents. The main aim is for all pupils to leave school having obtained as much as of their potential as possible. Joe will start meeting with parents in January and thanked the meeting for their very helpful contribution.


The Minutes were approved by Marjorie and seconded by Zoe.


Simon was welcomed back again to the Parent Council. Discussion followed about the Vice Chair role as Simon felt he had no time and could not do it justice. He told the meeting he was standing down as Vice Chair but would continue as a member of the Parent Council. Discussion followed. Niaill suggested that time should be allowed for people to consider options. The matter to be brought to the next meeting.

Merrylee Catchment: Janie read out an email she had received from Maureen McKenna about the re-shaping of catchment areas. The main points being:

* Reviewing of catchment areas was a necessary consequence of the many changes to the school estates across , eg, Project 2002, the Pre 12 Strategy, recent school closures/mergers and the Additional Support for Learning Review. These positive developments have reshaped the school communities served by schools. * The reshaped school communities have had a number of individual alterations/ amendments to their catchment areas. Officers have advised that the number of alterations highlights that there would be benefit in reviewing the catchment areas of all primary and secondary schools in the city. A city wide review has been agreed and should be undertaken commencing in the West Strategic Area. * The scale of this exercise will necessitate input from a number of services. To expedite matters this will be undertaken by a "Leading with Impact" Project Team of 12 senior managers drawn from across several council services. The team will ensure a holistic approach by utilising the breadth of management expertise available with the council. They will be supported by Education Services and will develop a 'template' to ensure that local communities receive the best possible local solution. * Three learning communities are in scope for the project: Kingspark, Hyndland and . It is expected the work of the team will be completed by July 2010 and Education Services will present a report to the Executive Committee in September 2010.

Janitor's House: It has been confirmed that this is owned by . Nothing else of note heard.

Youth Games: An email had been received from Kay Cherrie re the cancellation of the Youth Games originally planned for May 2009. The day chosen was apparently an in service day for schools in the east of the city so therefore at least seven schools would not have been able to attend. The date was changed to September but due to pressure of the curriculum most schools chose not to take part. It is proposed that the games will be held on the 14th May next year. Janie had forwarded this to Steven Capaldi.

Disclosure: Margaret Barr had had meeting with Steven Capaldi re parents needing forthcoming dates to allow them to help out. The swimming gala had been arranged for the 17th December. Steven said that once the school sports day was arranged he would get in touch with parents willing to help out but parents would need to get disclosure. The policy for Parent Council is that any event held by them means they are responsible for getting their own disclosures. If a school asks a parent to help with events the school has to pay for the disclosure. At present the school could not afford to do this. The Parent Council agreed that they would be happy to pay for disclosure for parents helping with school events. Zoe asked about the time involved in completing disclosure registration and Simon thought it was done quite quickly. However they are not transferable and only valid for their original use. Niail suggested that a bank of parents with valid disclosure would allow flexibility for future events. Margaret asked if any of the Parent Council currently had disclosure. Niall and Marjorie said they did. Margaret will get forms for distribution and will bring along to the informal meeting on the 7th December. It is currently £23 per disclosure.

John Harkins, Youth Complex: Janie read out an email received from John Harkins. The main points being: • Pupils from all five SE secondaries were invited to attend an evening at the Youth Complex on 10th September to help establish a Youthbank. An information stall in the foyer gave out flyers during lunchtime. Unfortunately no KP pupils took up the offer but Holyrood, and St Margaret Mary pupils are all part of the group. • The group has about 16 young people involved. They have a pot of money for other young people or groups to access. The application process has yet to be decided. The money can be for recreational activities, new and existing projects or anything to help improve their areas. The pupils involved attended a training week in October which gave them an understanding of the priorities etc in these areas. They will also be using information from the Health Summit to gauge whether bids should be accepted. • Initially there will be a pot of £4,000 for the whole of the SE, with limits of £500 to be applied for. This should be a available around January/February. • The young people are still going through training and Youthbank accreditation. Hopefully KP pupils will get involved at the next recruitment drive but they will still be welcome to apply for money when the time comes.

John had added to his email that a new health survey was to be carried out in 2010 which would allow feedback from the previous health survey. Laurie asked what age group this concerned as he had heard nothing nor heard anyone talking about it. He said he hadn't even known of the stall giving out flyers at lunchtime. Janie will ask John about this.

Simon asked it this was a form of credit union and if the money would have to be paid back. The finance was thought to be funding and therefore not paid back. Janie will ask John to confirm.


Fundraising Group: Niall spoke for Louise at this point. There are sufficient funds in the account for basketball strips. Should Louise and Jane order, and if so, what sizes are required? Margaret said it might be cheaper to order them through the school. Laurie to talk to basketball team re sizes and the school will order.

Louise also wanted the Parent Council to consider setting up a separate Fundraising Account. From an auditor's point of view this would be much easier to work with. Margaret Barr totally supports this. Colin is signatory for both so could be link between Parent Council and Fundraising Group, but they would need a Treasurer and another signatory. Niail suggested it would be much better to keep separate accounts as it would show amounts raised at specific fundraising events and money spent on specific things. Also any expenses incurred. The meeting supported this in principle. Louise to feedback. Agreed that for security reasons Colin should be second signatory as he is not part of the Fundraising Group.

The December raffle had not gone ahead as it would have been too rushed. Stall to be set up at Open Evening and also at concert with small raffle available. Any raffle prizes gratefully received and can be left in office.

Janie suggested a fundraising idea she had heard of. Pupils buy clothes from charity shops, fashion into something new and hold a fashion show. This benefited charity shops and was still a great fundraising event. Pantomime: All organised and tickets had been handed over to Margaret Logan. The meeting thanked Zoe for collecting all the money for this.


Minutes of and Kingspark Parent Councils: Noted.

Minutes of and Old CC: Noted. The issue of the lights on at the football pitch had been dealt with.

Kings Park Stables Feasibility: Clare Harker and pupils from the school had been involved in the sensory garden but no mention had been made in the minutes from Collective Architecture. The key groups appeared to be elderly and nursery. Mention was made that the Youth Health Forum had spoken of using the stables for sports activities. Janie has asked Hazel McEvoy to keep us informed of next workshop so that we can be represented.

Living Streets: Email received from Living Streets, an organisation that promotes and supports communities wishing to make full use of their streets and pavements. They encourage walking and can provide resources to assist with congestion and problem parking. A session is to be held from 10.45 to 12 noon on 11th December at Kings Park Primary School. Margaret Barr agreed to attend with a group of pupils.

HMI: A booklet had been received from HMI Learning Together. Janie brought this to the attention of the meeting.



A Performance Review meeting (looking at SQA and 5-14 results, exclusion statistics and attendance statistics) was held in September, attended by Maureen McKenna, Morag Gunion, David Lawson and SMT.

Main points:  Exclusions continue to fall (the actual number, and the number of days lost), but our figures are still higher than comparator schools in Glasgow.  Attendance improved, then slipped back a bit last session while we had not Education Liaison Officer. However, it is improving again.  5-14 results continue to improve.  There is an improving trend in: o English and Mathematics at level 3 or better o 5+ General level awards at end of S4 o 5+ Credit level awards at end of S4 o Boys’ attainment in S4 and S5 o 1+ Highers at end of S5 o 3+ Highers at end of S5 o 5+ Intermediate 2 at end of S5

 In the following there has been an improving trend then a dip in 2009: o 3+ Highers at end of S6 o 5+ Highers at end of S5 and S6.

In the Quality Review of w/b 19 October, the reviewers commented on the surprising dip in 5 Highers, but, having scrutinised the school closely for 3 days, could not suggest a particular reason for it. Ad hoc comments were that the huge range of opportunities for pupils, and the improvements in teaching and learning, may take some time to ‘work their way through the system’. However they will give us a written report in a few weeks, and we hope to have some good advice. …………………………………………………  Children in Need Day had been the best ever – very well organised by the Charities Committee, and good fun too. Final amount raised still to be confirmed.  Olivia Newall and Raj Dhillon of 2A reached the national final of the Determined to Debate competition at the University of Stirling. They did not win the competition, but performed very well on the topic ‘Scotland’s Future is More Important Thank Its Past’.  Miss Lee Cahill had started a Classical Studies Group, which was proving very popular.  The Open Evening was due to take place this Thursday.  The date of the Christmas Concert would now be Wednesday 9 December.  The programme of Supported Study had now begun, and had been issued to all senior pupils, along with information about ‘Open Doors’ sessions for further support. Also published on the school website.  Co-op Solar Panels – Thanks again to Colin Towler for nominating the school. The panels were now operational, and the press were coming next day to take publicity photos.  Visits to Primary School parents’ evenings had now been completed, and this had been a useful exercise.  Many S1-S3 pupils had gained Merits. A reward programme would take place in December. Pupils would be going Ice Skating, Bowling, or to the Dr Who exhibition. The only flaw was that the school needed £200 for buses to transport the pupils to these rewards. The Parent Council kindly agreed in principle to support this, and M Barr would prepare a formal application.  Congratulations to Candice Towler and Carol Nicoll, on their success in the Glasgow Schools Under 16 Badminton team, who won the Inter Area tournament. First time Glasgow has won!


Lockers: Simon asked about the availability of lockers and how they were allocated. Margaret Barr explained that there were so many keys per class and it was literally a name out of a hat. The lockers had been allocated last week but there were usually lockers still available after this period.

Traffic Lights: Marjorie reported that the traffic lights were out at the junction of Kingspark Avenue and Aitkenhead Road which was a major safety issue. She wondered if because of this the school could apply pressure to have them fixed quickly. Margaret Barr was unsure of this. it was agreed all should chase.


Informal meeting on Monday, 7th December 2009 at 7 pm.