Diocese of Coventry 2012 Support Fund Meeting

Minutes of the 2012 Support Fund Meeting held on 21 May 2011

The meeting was held in the Upper Hall at St Mary’s Church Leamington Spa.

Attendance: Deanery Representatives (voting members): Alcester Mr Roderick Boswell Mr Alan Greathead Coventry East Mr Roger Manning Revd Malcolm Tyler Coventry North Mr David Fletcher Revd Robin Trew Coventry South Mr Mark Perryman Revd Graeme Pringle Fosse Mr Peter Ashton Revd Martin Gorick Kenilworth Mr Hamish Blair Revd Canon Roy Brown Nuneaton Mr Peter Rogers Revd Peter Allan Rugby Mr Kevin Downham Mr Roger Evans Shipston Mrs Janet Owen Revd Dr Jill Tucker Southam Mr David Clarke Revd Martin Green Warwick & Leamington Mr David Wigman Revd Richard Suffern

Others (non-voting): Steve Burch Area South, morning only Matt Jermyn Committee Support Officer David Oglethorpe Director of Finance and Administration Morris Rodham Archdeacon Missioner Graham Wright Chair

The meeting began with breakfast at 8.30am.

Morning prayer Roy Brown led morning prayer, which included readings from Psalm 34 and Deuteronomy 15:1-18. Archdeacon Morris gave a short address highlighting the relevance of the Lectionary reading from Deuteronomy for the day, and then setting the reason for the day into the wider strategy of the Diocese, followed by a short time of open prayer.

Introduction and election of Chair David Oglethorpe welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained the roles of those who were there not as deanery representatives. The first item of business was the election of an independent chair and Graham Wright as Chair of the House of Laity had been proposed. Graham commented that he had made sure he did not participate in his deanery’s discussions in preparation for this meeting, in order to preserve his independence. He was elected unanimously and took the chair.

Deanery Presentations Graham explained that the rest of the morning would be devoted to listening to the deanery representatives’ presentations giving feedback on the four questions which had been posed in advance, and that the afternoon sessions would deal with the bid and offers of support for 2012 and try to arrive at a solution. He reminded the meeting of the four questions which were as follows:

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1. What do you consider to be the greatest challenges facing your deanery? 2. What do you consider to be the greatest opportunities? 3. Which of the following statements best describes your own view of your deanery? a) We think our deanery will need on-going financial assistance from the Support Fund. b) We think our deanery ought not to receive on-going financial assistance from the Support Fund. 4. How do you feel about the level of assistance your deanery is receiving from, or giving to, the Support Fund in 2011? (Is it too much? ...or too little? ...or about right?)

The deanery representatives gave presentations in alphabetical order by deanery. A card was handed out with 2011 Deanery Share information on it and a space for personal notes on each deanery’s presentation. The main points made in the presentations are listed below.

Alcester Challenges and opportunities: - 31 churches, 6.5 stipendiary clergy. Many churches have only monthly services, which inhibits growth/strong worship - Elderly congregations - High cost of maintaining churches, especially for one or two parishes - Stewardship challenges – some stewardship campaigns have happened which did not increase giving, maybe the summit of giving reached there. - Some parishes paying share out of reserves. - Concern that historic higher than inflation increases in share might repeat - Benefit of people training as NSMs and Lay Readers and a good number of retired clergy. Level of assistance given to/received from the Support Fund: - Don’t expect to draw on the Support Fund - But feel that the level of assistance given is too much and would like to approximately halve their contribution to the fund over 5 years - Concern that 4 deaneries supporting 7 is unsustainable - Some feeling of unfairness that Alcester is contributing as much as it is, especially in smaller parishes.

Coventry East Challenges and opportunities: - Mobile population with a high level of renting rather than property ownership, lots of immigrants, high multiculturalism, little stable community - High deprivation – all 16 churches in the deanery are in the 25 most deprived areas - Many young families/people. Challenge reaching them, as congregations are generally older. Difficult to encourage them to give when they are reached. - ‘Competition’ – a lot of other denominations are in the area, and the draw of the City Centre nearby. Traditionally church-run activities (eg holiday clubs) now provided by other organisations.

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Level of assistance given to/received from the Support Fund: - Very grateful for the high level of support - Need continuing support. Haven’t managed full allocation of the Deanery Share to parishes for 2011 - Would like to receive at least the same level of support in 2012, would appreciate more wriggle room - 10 Stipendiary posts

Coventry North Challenges and opportunities: - Ordinariate/Women Bishops – has affected 5 churches, 2 clergy have left with key chunks of congregations, including 50% of one church. Has seriously affected giving, especially as often the active and committee people have moved. Rebuilding the skills and the giving will take time - Shortage of lay leadership - challenges associated with UPA area, but need to be enabling people - Congregation/community links difficult. Older congregations/young community, especially unreached single mums. Also has a high rate of social change. High numbers of unchurched young men. - Big opportunity in the 20s-30s age bracket - Lots of new housing areas (eg from development of previous Jaguar and Dunlop sites) – population to increase by 25,000 - Many opportunities in local primary schools which are very open to the church/clergy Level of assistance given to/received from the Support Fund: - Very grateful for the high level of support. However, not in a grovelling way - instead recognising that we are doing the mission together - 10.5 stipendiary posts - Need continuing support, and more over next year or two because of the departures to the Ordinariate.

Coventry South Challenges and opportunities: - Mixed wealth: deanery contains some nice and some deprived areas - Lots of 1st time buyer housing and younger people - Challenge – deanery churches working together, not just alongside - Deaf Church (for the whole diocese) – a ministry with a high financial cost (£80/hour for BSL interpreter) - Some parishes which used to have difficulties but have now turned around. Many parishes are self-supporting, but some aren’t. Deprived areas still need support. - High student population mainly in four parishes – some parishes manage to attract and keep students resulting in a high level of young professionals in the congregation, some don’t. - Congregations full of busy people

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Level of assistance given to/received from the Support Fund: - Finances are tight. Intention is to move to not receiving any support. - Would like to move to giving support, but don’t want to promise this.

Fosse Challenges and opportunities: - One main town (Stratford upon Avon) and the rest rural. - Some rural parishes have very small populations, share clergy with several other parishes and struggle to meet their costs. Some paying by drawing from reserves. Puts pressure on other parishes who are supporting them. 25% of the Deanery Share comes from one church. - Some elderly congregations. Can see younger people starting to be drawn in – lots of rites of passage, new forms of church. Messy church draws people in. - Developing lay leadership. Reduction in stipendiary clergy relatively recently. No Area Dean at the moment. Level of assistance given to/received from the Support Fund: - Would like to continue to be a small contributor to the Support Fund, would struggle to give any more. Current level of support is about right.

Kenilworth Challenges and opportunities: - Split of 2 or 3 large parishes and much smaller rural parishes, with small congregations and expensive buildings. 2 or 3 big parishes are funding the surplus parish share Level of assistance given to/received from the Support Fund: - Net Support Fund benefactor – currently can continue at the same level. - Intending to apply to the Mission Fund for coming projects - Income dependant on income of members - Would like to see more transparency about where support is going and could go. Aim is to see people coming to Christ! Free will givers need to see where it’s going.

At this point there was a coffee break.

Nuneaton Challenges and opportunities: - Receiving deanery – incredible gratitude. - Largest deanery in terms of population, and has 15.71 stipendiary clergy. - Rural/urban mix - Deprivation: not as poor as Coventry East & North, but next in line and deteriorating, with some parishes in the top 10% most deprived nationally; lots of poverty, manifested in health problems and school children being shorter than in richer areas - Thinking about how the churches regain responsibility for the relief of the poor as the welfare state rolls back

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- Many church buildings used by the community & church community centres, with 100s of users per week – are they a maintenance burden or part of our mission? - Mismatch between congregations and local people – tend to be older, more literate, wealthier, women. - Many churches are growing – new ways of doing church helping. Messy church taken on as a deanery. - 12 church schools in the deanery Level of assistance given to/received from the Support Fund: - Need continuing support, a little more than the current level if possible - Many good things going on which are dependant on continuing support. Aim is to be more self supporting, but not possible immediately

Rugby Challenges and opportunities: - Transparency is important, as is educating people at the grass roots. Too many think the share pays for the Cathedral and Bishops. - Few people in the churches between 20 and 40. - Buildings continue to be an issue, and will one day need to reduce the number of churches. - Difficulty raising funds – people feeling pinched. Reserves diminishing - Aware of opportunities for growth – people using churches for occasional services, spiritual inquisitiveness – need to be culturally relevant Level of assistance given to/received from the Support Fund: - Delighted and proud to support other deaneries, and would like to keep doing it. - Realistically, need to reduce the level of giving to the Support Fund in 2012

Shipston Challenges and opportunities: - Geographically large but is the smallest deanery numerically, with a population of 15,000. One third of the population live in Shipston town, where there are new housing estates, low income families. - Remaining 10,000 people scattered over 30 villages, 28 or 29 churches. Deanery Synod – 3 or 4 from Shipston, 40 from the smaller parishes. - Challenge for the villages – aging and declining population with reducing income. Congregations getting older and smaller. Shipston is high on the wealth index, but that doesn’t necessarily reflect those who go to church. Note also that (nationally) the suicide rate for farmers is very high - Buildings very draining – of both finance and energy. Villages of 350 people are trying to maintain 400 year old buildings. - Heavy pressure on clergy – example of one vicar – area with population of 2,000 people, 7 different churches. Makes it difficult to get new clergy. Villages still want to see their vicar every Sunday – not possible. - Elderly congregations find travel to another parish difficult. No coincidence that one very flourishing church has a House for Duty of its own. - Usual challenge reaching young people.

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- Buildings are also an opportunity – an amazing resource but need to be imaginative – often the only community centre in the village and can provide the community identity. Village communities are very strong. - Schools, the elderly and high demand for weddings also present opportunities for mission. Level of assistance given to/received from the Support Fund: - Would like to be self sufficient. Need the subsidy at the moment. - Training share going up by 50% between deanery synod meetings has caused issues – perception of shifting goal posts and lack of transparency.

Southam Challenges and opportunities: - Growing younger church - Insurance premiums being increased after EIG’s re-assessment of church valuations. Recommendation to consider diocesan or group purchasing of church insurance as in the York Diocese. - Some crippling building projects - There has been collaborative working across parish boundaries for some time. Part time Deanery Missioner, Deanery Alpha, Schools team, Out of the Blue festival. - Joint support fund within the deanery – parishes help those who are struggling. - Emerging lay leadership – needs opportunity to train and grow Level of assistance given to/received from the Support Fund: - Trying to build stewardship – a number of churches have been doing stewardship programmes. Some parishes have used all their reserves to pay share, so reliant on ‘living giving’, and seeing that increase as churches grow. - Would like to move out of receiving assistance in time - Historic issue with Southam parish. - Need the subsidy for the time being – grateful for the support.

Warwick and Leamington Challenges and opportunities: - King Henry VIII Trust pays for the Warwick Team and Budbrooke clergy stipendiary and housing costs. Warwick parishes would like this to be taken into account in discussions about the Support Fund. In addition, the churches receive money from the trust directly. This has led to a lower level of engagement with stewardship, which in turn has led to strained relationships in the deanery. The money given directly to the churches has dropped below previous levels. Need to increase the giving in Warwick churches. - Challenge of three large buildings, two with small congregations. Lots of churches in Leamington and Warwick. At some point, need to look at the sustainability of the buildings. - Recession has had a heavy impact, where high earners and givers have lost their jobs. - History of long interregnums. - Opportunities for mission in fresh expressions. Good people resources.

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Level of assistance given to/received from the Support Fund: - Should not be asking for support, will be neutral in 2012

Discussion after the presentations

The following points were made in discussion - A review of the Diocese’s future leadership needs is planned. - Lay people need to be released into leadership. - A Diocesan consultation on closing buildings was proposed. It was noted that buildings are both challenges and opportunities. - There was encouragement to look at cost saving measures centrally, particularly for insurance. The recently recruited procurement officers were mentioned as potential leaders in this. - Need to start investing in emerging churches, especially as pioneer ministers arrive.

Discussion of the afternoon agenda Graham Wright explained the plan for the afternoon. The aim was to reach unanimous agreement. If that proved impossible, he would propose a list of payments to be voted on, which would need a 85% in favour to be passed. If that didn’t happen, the 2011 Support Fund payments would be frozen and used again in 2012. Any surplus in the Support Fund will be put into the Diocesan Mission Fund, to be spent on new mission projects.

After the meeting, the Deaneries will need to ratify their payment and will have until 30 September to appeal to the Bishop’s Council, whose decision will be final.

The following points were discussed: - The cost of parochial ministry for 2012 are not known, but are unlikely to rise by as much as UK inflation. - The number of curates will increase in 2012, but not as much as it did in 2011 - David Oglethorpe explained the increase in the 2011 training share compared to the 2010 calculations. The main causes were a) the increase in the number of curates, b) the housing costs for curates, which had been left out of the 2010 calculations, and c) including all of the training budget in the training share, which had added £130,000 to the total training share, but which had also increased the Support Fund subsidy by the same amount.

Graham asked the representatives to offer bids as fractions of clergy posts. He explained that this reinforces the message that the Support Fund pays for clergy posts, is easier to explain to people and automatically deals with inflation.

Graham also clarified that, following good tithing principles, payments to the Support Fund would be considered to be made first, and then the payments for the cost of parochial ministry within the Deanery. Any surplus for mission would come next and would need to be actually received.

At this point there was a break for lunch.

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Deanery Bids

Bids in terms of posts were requested to one decimal place. (However, this turned out to be a confusing constraint and was abandoned.) The following bids were made in the first round of bidding.

2011 1st offer/(bid) for 2012 Subsidy 5.57 5.5 Alcester 2.03 1.8 Coventry East -4.20 -4.2 Coventry North -3.94 -4.2 Coventry South -0.45 0.0 Fosse 0.67 0.67 Kenilworth 2.72 2.72 Nuneaton -2.41 -2.50 Rugby 1.65 1.40 Shipston -0.35 -0.35 Southam -1.22 -1.22 Warwick and Leamington -0.05 0.00 Net total 0.00 -0.38

Graham Wright invited questions between the deaneries. - Martin Gorick noted that 2 deaneries had asked for an increase in subsidy. Coventry North had explained their need, and he asked Nuneaton to explain theirs. Peter Allan explained that three churches were meeting the bulk of the share and were struggling to pay. - Malcolm Tyler explained that he did not want parishes to end up in difficulties and have to make a deal with the Diocese instead of being able to resolve the issues within the deanery. - Graeme Pringle noted that three deaneries needed continuing support, and Coventry South had decided to become neutral. He asked whether Shipston and Southam would be prepared to give some indication that they intended to become self supporting. The difficulty of encouraging giving to a vague diocesan pot and the need to pay for the ministry they were receiving was also noted. - Fruitful past links between rural and urban parishes was mentioned, and the need to improve the links and communication between the south and the north of the diocese was noted. - Malcolm Tyler explained that receiving money to support specific projects creates difficulties in poor deaneries, as it leads to a feeling of having to justify everything they do. - Morris Rodham noted that people would question why Southam was receiving this level of support when the Southam area is one of the richer areas. - Robin Trew suggested producing something which shows what the receiving deaneries are doing, without trying to justify everything. He suggested that Coventry East, Coventry North and Nuneaton could work together on a DVD to show what the continuing support allowed them to do.

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Graham Wright asked the deaneries to give an indication of their long term aspirations for support. The responses can be summarised as follows:

Alcester Aim to halve their contribution to c. 1 post through a 0.2 reduction per year for the next 5 years. Coventry East No change Coventry North No change Coventry South Aspire to contribute to the fund Fosse No change Kenilworth No change Nuneaton Would like to see support reducing – long term aim to get support down to 2 posts Rugby Reducing contribution this year because of reducing income. Hope it’s not permanent, but can’t make guarantees. Shipston Want to become more self-supporting Southam Hope to become self supporting. Ideally in 12 to18 months’ time would like to be level. Warwick and Noted that they have 2 or 3 non-viable churches. Made an offer to Leamington contribute 0.11 posts in 2012.

The deanery representatives then had some time to talk between themselves. This was followed by a number of changes to the bids as follows:

2011 1st offer/(bid) 2nd offer/(bid) for 2012 for 2012 Subsidy 5.57 5.5 5.57 Alcester 2.03 1.8 1.83 Coventry East -4.20 -4.2 -4.20 Coventry North -3.94 -4.2 -4.20 Coventry South -0.45 0.0 0.10 Fosse 0.67 0.67 0.70 Kenilworth 2.72 2.72 2.75 Nuneaton -2.41 -2.50 -2.41 Rugby 1.65 1.40 1.41 Shipston -0.35 -0.35 -0.32 Southam -1.22 -1.22 -1.20 Warwick and Leamington -0.05 0.00 0.11 Net total 0.00 -0.38 0.14

The surplus for mission of 0.14 posts amounts to £7,186 (before 2012 inflation). The new schedule of Support Fund payments was proposed by Graeme Pringle, seconded by Roy Brown, and was approved unanimously.

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Concluding Discussion - Graham Wright encouraged deaneries to consider increasing the surplus for mission while ratifying the bids. - Jill Tucker encouraged the three northern deaneries to produce the DVD. Graham Wright suggested 3 DVDs, one from urban deaneries, one from the sub-urban, one from the rural. - Morris emphasised that giving should not just be for specific projects or areas, but should be taught as a Christian principle. - Morris highlighted the potential need for a review of rural ministry in the Diocese in the light of the frequently expressed concerns by rural deaneries during the day about the challenges of numbers of buildings and PCCs. - Suggestions for areas of excellence or growth potential were requested, for ‘quick hit’ rather than ‘quick fix’ investment. - Circulating copies of the flipchart sheets which the Deanery representatives had produced via a web link was agreed. - The date of the next meeting, Saturday 9 June 2012, was noted. Another meeting to discuss principles in the autumn was proposed. - David Oglethorpe requested feedback on ratification as soon as possible, and noted the 30 September appeal deadline.

Finally, Morris Rodham read out the reading from Deuteronomy, which had been read during morning prayer, explaining that he felt the encouragement to generosity in it had been met; Graham Wright asked the deanery representatives to pray with someone from another deanery; and the meeting ended with the Grace at 3.00pm.

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