Ecclesiology 4 (2008) 392–394

Contents Volume 4 (2008)

Contributors ...... 5, 129, 265 Editorials Paul McPartlan of Charity ...... 7 Paul Avis Ecclesiological Investigations ...... 131 Paul Avis Reviewing the ...... 267

Articles Angelo Scola Th e Th eological foundation of the Petrine Dimension of the : A Working Hypothesis ...... 12 Neil Ormerod On the Divine Institution of the Th ree-fold Ministry ...... 38 Joseph Famerée Local Churches, Universal Church and Other Churches in Lumen Gentium ...... 52 Will Cohen and the Visible Unity of the Church ...... 68 Douglas M. Koskela Th e Divine-Human Tension in the Ecclesiology of Yves Congar ...... 88 Michael A. Fahey Shifts in , Orthodox, Anglican and Protestant Ecclesiology from 1965 to 2006 ...... 134 John O’Brien Ecclesiology as Narrative ...... 148 Bradford Hinze On Fostering Ecclesial Dialogue: Engaging Contrasting Ecclesiologies ...... 166 Roger Haight, S.J. Th e Promise of Constructive Comparative Ecclesiology: Partial Communion ...... 183 Henk de Roest Th e Precarious Church: Developing Congregations in an Individualized Society ...... 204 Paul Mcpartlan Who is the Church? Zizioulas and von Balthasar on the Church’s Identity ...... 271

© Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2008 DOI 10.1163/174553108X373139 Contents Volume 4 (2008) / Ecclesiology 4 (2008) 392–394 393

Sarah Heaner Lancaster and Justifi cation: A Methodist Understanding ...... 289 Gordon Arthur Th e Development of Canonical Jurisprudence in the Roman and the Church of England ...... 308

Article Reviews David Carter Roman Catholic – Methodist Dialogue: Harvest or Sprigboard? ...... 107 Geoffrey Wainwright John Zizioulas on Personhood in God and for Humankind ...... 222 David M. Chapman Charles Wesley’s Tercentenary – Re-appraising Early ...... 237 Mark Santer Studies in Ecumenism and Ecclesiology in Honour of J. Robert Wright ...... 326 John Yocum Th e Ecclesiology of Karl Barth ...... 332 Paul Avis John Jewel: ’s Bane or Blessing? ...... 345

Book Reviews Michael Putney Tamara Grdzelidze (ed.), One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolilc: Ecumenical Refl ections on the Church ...... 119 Gerald O’Collins Gabriel Flynn, Yves Congar’s Vision of the Church in a World of Unbelief and Ormond Rush, Still Interpreting Vatican II: Some Hermeneutical Principles ...... 122 David Evans Reinhart Hutter, Bound to be Free: Engagements in Ecclesiology, Ethics and Ecumensism ...... 125 Gregory K Cameron Ephraim Radner and Philip Turner, Th e Fate of Communion: Th e Agony of Anglicanism and the Future of a Global Church ...... 250 Gareth Powell Adrian Burdon, Authority and Order: John Wesley and his Preachers ...... 255 Gareth Powell John A. Vickers (ed.), Th e Journals of Dr. Th omas Coke ...... 257 Judith Lieu Michelle V. Lee, Paul, the Stoics, and the Body of Christ, SNTSMS 137 ...... 259 Lynda Barley and Paul Avis Paul Weller, Time for a Change: Reconfi guring Religion, State and Society ...... 262