// COUNTY BLOCK 118 QUAD -r=T CITY^ LOT NAMEgeights Christian Church COUNTY: Harris ADDRESS~DP3 Heights "Ivd. riTv- UTM: ARCHrrECT/BLJILDER: nATF- 192 7 PERIOD:. P,y„rn "eights christian Church STYLE:_ P^g^^p,pj|^v.2-storvJ7n^ Heights °lvd. bric. kHous church. Tx,. basicall77008THEMy E :"squar, e with flat roof, recessed entrance behind triple arches across front of church, contrasting stone trim, round, stained-glass window,in center of front facade (east)above arches flanked, by arched windows. BUILDING MATERIAL: wall: :_ roof.. PHYSICAL CONP'TiniSiexcellent-signif icant SITE: original or moved date sicmFK-^^vr^-T^^s church first met above stores on W. Ibth Until this Suliaing ould be bijilt in the mid-1920s. The total complex for the church is quite large^ an-.r,d^ dominaterMTi-i n a I-sc tha-t-ha-lt- bloc'hi r>rlkc onf tht-hfe' boulevard.. AREA OF SIGNIFICANCE: LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE:. DESIGNATION: NR NHL RTHL HABS HAER HESI HSI OTHER: ORIGINAL USE: church PRESENT USE: church RELATIONSHIP TO giiRRmTNiniNr.s nn .qntith end of block, attached by covered walkway to ACREAGE/BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION:

BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA: SEE INFO/CORRESPONDENCE FILES: RECORDED BY: INFORMANT:. DATE: lf-2-W PHOTO DATA: 3 5mm (rev. 6-79) NPS Fofin 10-900-« OMB No. 1024-0018 Exp. 10-31-84 United States Department of the Interior National Register of Historic Piaces Inventory—Nomination Form

Continuation sheet Item number 4, 7, 8, 10 Page 11

Site No. 11

NAME Heights Christian Church COUNTY Harris BLOCK 118 ADDRESS 1705 Heights Blvd. CITY Houston "LOT 1-7 UTM Zone 15 E 268,190 X 5,298,950 ARCHITECT/BUILDER unknown DATE 1927 PERIOD 1900-- OtVNER Heights Christian Church STYLE_ Eclectic Classicism 1705 Heights Blvd.. Houston 77008 THEME DESCRIPTION Two-story brick church, basically square with flat roof, recessed three- bay entrance front behind triple arches, pilasters in Doric style support entablature above arches; contrasting stone trim; round rosette stained-glass window in center of front facade feast) above arches, flanked by small arched windows with detailed hood molds and protruding keystones.

Building material: wall ' brick roof unknown Physical condition excellent-significantgite: original or moved date Alterations none SIGNIFICANCE This church first met above various stores on West 16th Street, until the present building was built in the middle 1920s. The total complex for the church, which includes a new structure for worship, is quite large and dominates that block of the Heights Boulevard.

Area of significance architecture Level of significance local DESIGNATION: NR NHL RTHL HABS HAER HESI HSI OTHER ORIGINAL USE church PRESENT USE church RELATIONSHIP TO SURROUNDINGS On south end of block, attached by covered walkway to north end of new church building, which is a compatible structure; residential neighborhooc ACREAGE/BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION less than one acre BIBLIOGRAPHY RECORDED BY K. L. London IM-ORM.WT DATE April 2. 1980 PHOTO DATAl - 55 ram.,Tex . Hist. Commission NPS Fonn 10-900-a OMB No. 1024-0016 (342) Exp. 10-31-84

United States Department of the interior National Park Service For NPS use only National Register of Historic Places Inventory—Nomination Form date entered

Continuation sheet Item number Page

Multiple Resource Area Thematic Group

Name Multiple Resource Area State Texas

Nomination/Type of Review Date/Signature

21. Hawkins House !^!!Sl^e^t, _ T^^^per ^^^^.J^y...,^^^^ i///^>


22. Heights Boulevard^ gihataatlve iievxe* deeper ^-?oc^^^ d'^Jn


23. Heights Christian Church ^^«^;;^/R,g^Jter f^er /O^^M^^-t^.>^^->^


24. Heights State Bank Building -TTCeeper AlV^3 Entered in tlia » -7^71/—^ ^—f National Reglater Attest

25. House at 1111 Heights Eirtsrea In tEa /^eper fAitM-^^S^y'^ A'Wi Boulevard Hition^l Register Attest

26. House at 112 W. 4th Street '-^-Q^ In ' toeper r^AU^^^-y^^u/^^-ny^^^^ ^//Pv


27. House at 1210 Harvard Street feeper cA^l£

28. House at 1227 Rutland Street^^^ ^ fe^per oA^^v-.-^.,,^^^,^^ ^Mh National Register Attest 29. House at 1230 Oxford Street ^ |^eper ^JLi^jS^^^ r/^Av ITatlonal Regi*Bter Attest

30^ House at 1237 Rutland Street -^lieeper 0^uA^,y.-A^yy^ ^A^^Ad I Entered In the National Reglater Attest NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES EVALUATION / RETURN SHE UMto^natM MattoMl Pvt

Heights Christian Church (Houston Heights MRA)... = — HorrisCounty ^^^^5 Working Nb. MAY 9 1933 Fed. R«fl. OaU: ^' 7- ^"7 Date Due: ^/^/^^ -i^/^37fi'3 Action: -t::rACCEPT^/'^*^^ 1 resubmission Entered ^J^^g^er RETURN nomination by psrson or local govsrnmsnt National Res REJECT owner objsctlon Fsdsrai Agsncy: appsai Substantivs Rsvisw: _sampis _ rsqusst appssi NR dscisiio n

Rsviswsr's commsnts:

Rscom./Critsris Rs visws r Discipilns Data continustion shsst

•Nominstion rsturnsd for: tschnicsl corrsctions citsd bslow _»substantivs rsssons discussad balow

1. Name

2. Location

3. Claaaification

4. Owner ol Property

5. Location of Lagai Deacription

6. Bepreaentation in Exiating Surveys

7. Peacription

summsry psrsgrsph complstsnsss cisrity sitsrstions/intsgrity dstss boundar ••laction 8. Significance

summary paragraph completeness clarity applicable criteria justification of areas checked relating significance to the resource • context relationship of integrity to significance justification of exception other

9. Major Bibliographical References

10. Oeographical Pata


11. Form Prepared By

12. State Historic Preservation Officer Certification TlM ciMluatsd sl^nMcanoa o4 ttiis pro^arfy aMMn iKa Mats la.

13. Othsr Maps Photographs Other

Questions concerning this nomination may be directed to

Signed.^ Date Phone: 202 272 -3504

Comments for any Item may bs continued on sn sttsched sheet

Please refer to the map in the Multiple Property Cover Sheet for this property

Multiple Property Cover Sheet Reference Number: 640QQ847