SQUEEZE ME IN VineRight.com

INTERMEDIATE 48 COUNT 4 WALL Choreographer Sandy Flolo Music Squeeze Me In by &

HEEL SPLITS, HEEL TOUCHES 1-2 Take both heels out to the sides, bring heels back to center 3-4 Take both heels out to the sides, bring heels back to center 5-6 Touch right heel out in front, step right foot next to left 7-8 Touch left heel out in front, step left foot next to right

RIGHT VINE WITH A BRUSH, LEFT VINE WITH A ¼ TURN LEFT AND A BRUSH 1-4 Step right foot to right, step left foot behind right, step right foot to right, brush left foot forward 5-8 Step left foot to left, step right foot behind left, step ¼ turn to left on left foot, brush right foot forward

ROCKIN' TURNS 1-4 Rock forward on right into ¼ turn left, touch left toes next to right foot, rock back ¼ turn right on left foot and touch right toes next to left foot 5-8 Rock back on right into ¼ turn right, touch left toes next to right foot, rock forward ¼ turn left on left foot and touch right toes next to left foot

2 HALF TURNS LEFT, RIGHT VINE WITH A TOUCH 1-4 Step forward on right foot, pivot ½ turn left, step forward on right foot, pivot ½ turn left 5-8 Step right foot to right, step left foot behind right, step right foot to right, touch left foot next to right

2 HALF TURNS RIGHT, LEFT VINE WITH A TOUCH 1-4 Step forward on left foot, pivot ½ turn right, step forward on left foot, pivot ½ turn right 5-8 Step left foot to left, step right foot behind left, step left foot to left, touch right foot next to left STEP BACK 3 STEPS,SQUEEZE HITCH, STEP, TOGETHER, STEP, STOMP ME IN 1-2 Step back on right, step back on left 3-4 Step back on right hitch with left 5-6 Step forward on left, slide right to left 7-8 Step forward on left, stomp right next to left


3-Oct-2021 1/1 VineRight.com