HerefordshireA route provided Council toby enable easier access for all About Walk Information

The village of Colwall lies in the shadow of , Council “Miles Without Stiles” routes have an Iron Age hill fort dating from circa 200 BC. Recent been created to enable easier access for all. Stiles are one research at nearby Midsummer Hill has shown that the of the biggest obstacles to walking in the countryside for fortress was occupied permanently by up to 4000 people the elderly, those with mobility problems or simply those for four to five hundred years. The fort covers 32 acres who want an easy going walk. of the which stands at 338 metres Walks around high. Herefordshire Beacon is the 6th tallest of the twenty Stiles: 0 Gates: 6 one “peaks” which make up the . Surface Gradients: Colwall There are two gradual slopes (between 1:20 and 1:50) Colwall is well known as a “cricketing village” as it contains between points 1 & 2 on the map. There are two the largest cricket ground in the County of Herefordshire. steep slopes (greater than 1:20) over two short sections The Women’s Cricket Association was founded here in between points 2 & 3 on the map. 1926 and every year sees the annual Women’s Cricket Week. Joseph and Henry Horton who both played first class cricket with both hailed from Ludlow Colwall. Shropshire

Drinks company Schweppes has been associated with A49 A456 the area since 1851, when J. Schweppe & Co supplied Worcestershire the at the Crystal Palace. This event A44 established the national reputation of . A44 Kington Leominster A44 Water from the Holy Well was bottled and marketed as Bromyard Malvern Soda and then in 1856 as Malvern Seltzer Water. A4112 A factory was built in 1892 and in 1929 the company Powys A49 commenced bottling of water from the Pewtress Spring Colwall Hay-on-Wye A438 (renamed “Primeswell” after acquiring the spring from the A4103 A449 A438 HEREFORDSHIRE Malvern Distance: 2 miles of easy Burrows family). Today, over 12 million litres of water are Hills A438 Hereford still bottled in Colwall solely from the Primeswell Spring. AONB access paths linking the Coca-Cola & Schweppes Beverages Limited currently A449 A465 village of Colwall with M50 employs 25 people. A479 A49 A417 the Malvern Hills Ross-on-Wye A4137 St. James The Great Church is just over a mile south west A40 of the present village centre, the village having grown A40 A40 away from the church as a result of the arrival in the area Monmouthshire Gloucestershire A48 of the railway in 1860. The church has been on this site since Saxon times, the first Rector listed was Gerard de ALWAYS FOLLOW THE COUNTRY CODE. Eugines in 1275 and at that time the church would have consisted of a chancel, the nave and the south aisle. Work ENJOY YOUR WALK! on the tower began in the 14th century with a 15th century This leaflet is available in large print from Tourist top. Information Centres and Libraries throughout the County. Also at The poet W.H Auden taught for three years during the or 1930’s at the Downs School in Colwall. Here he wrote some of his finest early poems including Out on the Lawn I Designed and produced by Herefordshire Council Parks, Countryside & Leisure Development Service. This route is managed by the Herefordshire Council Public Rights of Way Team who Lie in Bed, Fish in the Unruffled Lakes, Let Your Sleeping would welcome your comments, Tel 01432 260572. Head, This Lunar Beauty and The Malverns. This leaflet has been kindly funded by the Malvern Hills AONB Partnership. Colwall

P Parking 4 Shop G G Natural Surface*

Uneven Stone Surfaced Track MALVERN HILLS Tarmac / Road Pub Station

Steep Incline Other Public Right of Way KG Kissing Gate G Gate Cafe / Restaurant 2 * Dependent on weather conditions. P This section of path is mostly smooth 1 during most of the year. However, KG KG in wet conditions this surface can Charlie Ballard be prone to become more uneven Nature Reserve and difficult to negotiate. 3 KG


1/4 Mile


To help find your way around, Location Point numbers can be found along the route. These correspond with the numbers on this map.