



…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. February 2017 From the Headteacher...

special mention in this intro- it takes its final steps to- duction. The maturity and wards securing the results thought they have demon- students need to clinch their strated, both at the Sixth places. Form taster days (see page 2) Another result I was particu- and completing applications larly pleased with this half- for sixth form study, has term was our place in the been a pleasure to witness. Progress 8 league tables. I wish also to congratulate Dormers Wells was rated the Year 13s, who have se- fifth out of 13 high schools in cured a very impressive array and, with a score of of university offers. As you 0.39, above both the will read inside, students and national average figures. have been offered places to The success that reflects, the study at a plethora of the significant progress our stu- Welcome to the first Dor- no room for complacency, UK’s leading universi- dents are making across mers Diary of 2017. The first and a great deal of hard work ties including Cam- the board, is some- half-term of the new year must be done between now bridge, Imperial, thing of which the may have been short, but it’s and the beginning of final KCL, Leeds, Liver- students themselves, certainly been very busy. examinations. By maintaining pool, Southamp- staff and families can Students’ performances in the application they have ton, UCL, Warwick all be very proud. their pre-public examinations demonstrated thus far and York. This is an I wish you all an enjoya- have been very encouraging though, students appear on excellent achieve- ble half-term week. and suggest that we may track to fulfil their undoubt- ment and I wish have much to celebrate this ed potential. the year group Róisín Walsh summer. There is, of course, Year 11 students deserve a every success as Headteacher Inside... Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge triumph

Page 2: University offers | Year 10 student James Makepeace (left) tri- Sixth Form taster days | Diary umphed in the Ealing regional final of this year’s dates | Photographers in Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge at the end of dreamland | Students becom- the Autumn term. James saw off competition ing masters of learning from 17 other students representing 13 schools Page 3: Year 10s taste City life from the borough to clinch the title, trophy and | High achievers inspired | prize that his triumph earned. James’ speech fo- Year 9s take debate to Parlia- cused on the role of seemingly-irritating behav- ment | Altius crowned Year 7 iour such as the cracking of knuckles in helping football champions | Author people deal with stress and the contribution it Chris Bradford to visit makes to preventing people venting their frustra- Page 4: Artwork of the Half- tion and anxieties in other ways. Term | Sports round-up | Congratulations also go to another Year 10 stu- Model United Nations stu- dent, Roopal Joy, whose performance at the in- dents’ further success | Blood school heats saw her competing as Dormers Wedding drama Wells’ second representative in the final. University offers flow in Photographers in dreamland

Year 13 student Avnish Year 11 GCSE Photography students have been developing their Grewal (right) has been Photoshop skills with a project based on the theme of ‘Dreams and offered a place to study Nightmares’. They began by researching and analysing surreal pho- Psychology at Jesus Col- tography, drawing inspiration from the work of figures including lege, Cambridge. She is on Jerry Uelsmann, Tommy Ingberg and Lara Zankoul. course to join DWHS The final works, including Loving Bullets by Tehreem Naz, Letting Go alumnus Zahira Butt at by Tania Dina and The Growth of Intelligence by Christian Teodoro Cambridge. Zahira, who Rodriguez pictured below, were created by meticulously digitally left Dormers Wells in cutting and pasting different elements into imagined compositions. 2014, is reading Law. Avnish’s offer is just one of many that students have received from lead- ing universities including Imperial, KCL, Leeds, Liv- erpool, Loughborough, Engineering, Film Produc- Nottingham, Reading, tion, Geography, Mathe- Royal Holloway, South- matics, Mechanical Engi- ampton, QMUL, UCL, neering and Pharmacy. Warwick and York. The Applicants to read Medi- offers have been secured cine were preparing for in a range of subjects in- interviews as this Dormers cluding Archaeology, Civil Diary went to press. Sixth Form taster days

Year 11 students whose pre-public examination results and tutor predictions indicate they will achieve the grades required for Sixth Form study at Dormers Wells were invited to participate in A Level and BTEC taster days in January. Attendees were asked to choose a selection of subjects in which to experience sample lessons and enjoyed Sixth Form privileges for the day. Mastering knowledge

Students have been using newly-created knowledge organisers to boost their attainment of key knowledge in English, Maths and Sci- ence. The organisers are available on FROG or from subject teach- ers. The organisers are being used to promote Mastery Learning and every students’ revision techniques and core knowledge was tested in a quiz in early February. Additionally, 80 Year 11 students and 80 sixth formers have attend- ed Mastery Learning workshops to help them improve their revi- Diary dates sion technique and enhance their confidence.

Mon 20th February: School resumes after half- term holiday Mon 20th & Tues 21st February: Year 9 IAG (Information, Advice and Guidance) interviews Thurs 23rd February: Year 10 Parents’ Evening Thurs 16th March: Year 11 Parents’ Evening Thurs 30th March: Year 7 Parents’ Evening Fri 31st March: School breaks up for Easter holi- day Year 10s taste City life Year 9s take debate

Year 10 Business Studies stu- dents have enjoyed a day inside to Parliament leading international audit and consultancy business Ernst and Year 9 students’ public speaking and debating skills took Young at one of the company’s them to Parliament at the end of the Autumn term for EY Foundation Employability the final of the WIT Schools Debate 2016. Workshops. The sessions sup- Eight students – Wania Ahmed, Abdurahman Al Tawel, port young people in preparing Sheroz Bhatti, Priyanshu Grover, Fiza Jivan, Sabrina for employment by developing Mann, Keren Sondi, Mathesh Wicknarajah – pitted them- their transferable skills, build- selves against a team from the Sacred Heart RC High ing awareness of career options School in front of a panel of judges from Transport for and connecting them with em- London. Despite much hardwork and preparation, the ployers. team narrowly missed out to their rivals on the day. The day involved team building activities and afforded the Dor- mers students the opportunity to quiz Ernst and Young staff on their own careers. ness environment in the heart The event proved popular, with of London and acquisition of attendees citing the ice-breaker new skills for interviews and activities, opportunity to spend self-motivation as being partic- a day in an inspirational busi- ularly valuable. High achievers inspired Altius Y7 football champs

The end of the Autumn term saw Altius become the proud holders of the Year 7 football champions title. In a final that generated a great atmosphere, the boys de- feated Laurus 4-2.

Thirty Year 10 students and their families took part in a High Achievers’ Programme event at the end of January. Participants were selected on the basis that their grades, application and com- mitment indicate they are on course to win places at top universi- ties. Attendees enjoyed a presentation from Annamarie Linnell (above, right) of The Brilliant Club who works closely with the uni- versities of Oxford and Exeter. The students have now been invit- ed to participate in the scheme. They also had the opportunity to Acclaimed author to visit meet current and past DWHS students with strong academic rec- ords, picking up tips on how they can emulate their success. Author Chris Bradford (right), re- nowned for his Bodyguard and Did you know? Young Samurai series, will visit school on Monday 27th February. When you create an Instagram account it is automati- During lunchtime, he will sign cop- cally set to public unless YOU change it to private in ies of his books and details of a the settings. special offer for those who buy Anyone can see your photos and because images often three titles have been distributed. also carry location data, everyone will know where you The deadline to order from school th were for that last pic! is Monday 20 February. Students may also bring books in. Artwork of the Half-Term UN reps UCL-bound

Three Dormers Wells students have been select- ed as London International Model United Na- tions scholars and will attend the international conference at University College London at the end of February. Daniel Ward, Rebecca Pebble and Maria Williams were selected following their participation in a model UN event at King’s College London in November 2016. Further de- tails are available at www.limun.org.uk/ Conference. Meanwhile, Daniel was one of eight Sixth For- mers to represent the school in a further Model UN meeting at Woodhouse College at the end of January. The students acted as representatives of Greece (below) and Iran. Lucas Melo was awarded the prize for the best delegate in his committee.

Our Artwork of the Half-Term is by Year 13 student Muna Ali. Working with the theme of architecture, Muna’s piece is inspired by a 3D form she created in a workshop – ’The Big Draw’ – that she participated in. The piece was developed by studying other artists’ work and the artist’s own photography. Sports round-up

The success of cross country run- ners Mohamed Ali (right) and Ha- nad Ahmed continued this half term, with the pair shining in coun- ty and national competitions. The national Cardiff Cross Challenge Blood Wedding drama saw 13-year-old Mohamed finish second in the under-15s competi- Year 12 students’ passion for drama saw the stag- tion, while Hanad finished seven- ing of the first-ever Sixth Form extra-curricular teenth. As a result of his perfor- production in January. They chose to put on mance, Mohamed has been select- Blood Wedding, the tragic tale of a love triangle ed to represent Great Britain. The written in the 1930s by Spanish playwright Fed- boys also shone in the Middlesex Youth Games finals. The boys won erico Garcia Lorca. The cast featured seven Sixth championships, with Mohamed their first regional qualifying tie Formers (Ameerah Neehor, Chloe Carter, Leonids winning the under-15 competition against a strong Southwick Acade- Jefimovs, Lucas Melo, Navjot Takhar, Zahid th and Hanad finishing ninth. my team 16-14 on 10 January. Qureishi and Aayush Alkesh) and two specially- As Dormers Diary went to press the This half-term has also seen Dor- invited Year 10s (Emily Forbes and James Make- under-13 handball team was just mers’ netball players showing that peace). Mr Batten was asked to direct. one game away from the London they are a force to be reckoned Year 9s Shannon Goody-Sheehan and Vinothika with. The Year 9 team (left) per- Jakathisan performed a Flamenco dance during formed strongly at the Ealing bor- the interval. ough tournament on 24th January, finishing as runners-up in the elev- en-team competition. The girls were undefeated in the pool games, winning against , and Acton High and draw- ing with Ellen Wilkinson, before beating Twyford in the semi-final. A closely-contested final against Drayton Manor was lost 4-2.