Express Scripts‐Medco Merger Congressional Letters of Concern Total Members Raising Concerns: 81 Total (41 Rs, 40 Ds)

United States Senate The Honorable Ralph Hall [R‐TX]  15 Total – 7 Ds, 8 Rs The Honorable Maurice Hinchey [D‐NY] The Honorable Mark Begich [D‐AK] The Honorable Ruben Hinojosa [D‐TX] The Honorable John Boozman [R‐AR] The Honorable Kathleen C. Hochul [D‐NY] The Honorable Maria Cantwell [D‐WA] The Honorable Bill Huizenga [R‐MI] The Honorable Saxby Chambliss [R‐GA] The Honorable Randy Hultgren [R‐IL] The Honorable Kent Conrad [D‐ND] The Honorable Jesse Jackson [D‐IL] The Honorable Mike Crapo [R‐ID] The Honorable Walter Jones [R‐NC] ** The Honorable Tom Harkin [D‐IA] The Honorable Ron Kind [D‐WI] The Honorable Jim Inhofe [R‐OK] The Honorable Steve King [R‐IA] The Honorable Johnny Isakson [R‐GA] The Honorable Tom Latham [R‐IA] The Honorable Tim Johnson [D‐SD] The Honorable Dan Lipinski [D‐IL] The Honorable Herb Kohl [D‐WI] The Honorable Carolyn Maloney [D‐NY] The Honorable Jerry Moran [R‐KS] The Honorable Tom Marino [R‐PA] The Honorable Mark Pryor [D‐AR] The Honorable Thaddeus McCotter [R‐MI] The Honorable James Risch [R‐ID] The Honorable Cathy McMorris Rodgers [R‐WA] The Honorable John Thune [R‐SD] The Honorable Candice Miller [R‐MI] The Honorable Mick Mulvaney [R‐SC] United States House of Representatives The Honorable [R‐SD]  66 Total – 33 Rs, 33 Ds The Honorable William Owens [D‐NY] ** The Honorable Robert Aderholt [R‐AL] The Honorable Frank Pallone, Jr. [D‐NJ] The Honorable Tammy Baldwin [D‐WI] The Honorable Ed Pastor [D‐AZ] The Honorable Spencer Bachus [R‐AL] The Honorable Collin C. Peterson [D‐MN] The Honorable Lou Barletta [R‐PA] The Honorable Pedro Pierluisi [D‐PR] The Honorable Jo Bonner [R‐AL] The Honorable Ted Poe [R‐TX] The Honorable Dan Boren [D‐OK] The Honorable Silvestre Reyes [D‐TX] The Honorable Robert Brady [D‐PA] The Honorable Reid Ribble [R‐WI] The Honorable Mo Brooks [R‐AL] * The Honorable Martha Roby [R‐AL] * The Honorable Dan Burton [R‐IN] The Honorable Mike Rogers [R‐AL] * The Honorable G.K. Butterfield [D‐NC] The Honorable Mike Ross [D‐AR] The Honorable John Carter [R‐TX] The Honorable Lucille Roybal‐Allard [D‐CA] The Honorable Judy Chu [D‐CA] The Honorable Bobby Rush [D‐IL] The Honorable John Conyers [D‐MI] *** The Honorable Jan Schakowsky [D‐IL] The Honorable Joe Courtney [D‐CT] * The Honorable Austin Scott [R‐GA] ** The Honorable Rick Crawford [R‐AR] The Honorable Terri Sewell [D‐AL] The Honorable Danny Davis [D‐IL] The Honorable Louise Slaughter [D‐NY] The Honorable Diana DeGette [D‐CO] The Honorable Glenn Thompson [R‐PA] The Honorable Robert Dold [R‐IL] The Honorable [D‐MN] The Honorable Jeff Duncan [R‐SC] The Honorable Henry A. Waxman [D‐CA] The Honorable Blake Farenthold [R‐TX] The Honorable Peter Welch [D‐VT] The Honorable Charlie Gonzalez [D‐TX] The Honorable Joe Wilson [R‐SC] The Honorable Tim Griffin [R‐AR] The Honorable Robert Wittman [R‐VA] The Honorable Luis Gutierrez [D‐IL] The Honorable Don Young [R‐AK]

*Letter sent to both FTC and DoD **Letter sent to DoD Only ***Letter sent to House Committee on the Judiciary

Breakdown of Members: 77 have weighed in with the Federal Trade Commission; 7 with Department of Defense (4 to DOD & FTC; 3 to DoD only); 1 to House Judiciary Committee.