Glebe Field Centre Tel: 01773 853928 Glebe Field Close E-mail: Crich Website: www



0070/21 Present: Cllrs: M Lane (Chair), M Baugh, V Broom, C Collison, K Smith, Cllr V Thorpe, R Walsh, P Yorke and Cllr Allister after Co-option In attendance: C Jennings – Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer Also present: 2 members of the public, 1 after Co-option

0071/21 TO NOTE ABSENCE Cllr J James (apologies)


0073/21 CO-OPTION Resolved – To appoint Ms Hazel Allister as Councillor for Crich Ward. Cllr Allister signed: ▪ Declaration of Acceptance of Office - signed ▪ Members’ Code of Conduct – schedule 2, Local Election Compact - signed ▪ Members must complete and return a new Register of Pecuniary Interest form to Borough Council for publication. Members’ have 28 days from date of election to submit the form, failure to do so will result in removal from office. A copy must be provided to the Parish Council Clerk – provided and submitted ▪ Councillor Essential Training course booked - 22nd April 2021. ▪ One-to-one introduction with the Clerk to be arranged. ▪ Councillor binder containing Council’s Policies and Procedures to be provided.

0074/21 DECLARATION OF MEMBERS INTERESTS a) To enable Members to declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest they have in subsequent agenda items, in accordance with the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct. Interests that become apparent at a later stage in the proceedings may be declared at that time. b) To receive and approve requests for dispensation from members on matters in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest. Personal Interests (not Pecuniary) declared: Cllr M Baugh – Planning Application AVA/2020/0978 and TRE/2020/0868 - 3 Taylors Yard, Market Place – neighbouring property. Cllr M Lane - Planning Application AVA/2021/0178 - The Little Cottage, The Dimple, Fritchley – near neighbour. Cllr V Thorpe - Planning Application AVA/2021/0178 - The Little Cottage, The Dimple, Fritchley – near neighbour.

PUBLIC SPEAKING 0075/21 a) A period of 15 minutes will be made available for members of the public and members of the Council to comment on any matter. Speaking is limited to 3 minutes per person and is at the discretion of the Chair. A resident gave more information regarding the request to install crosses to the outside of the Bulling Lane Planter, as part of the Crich Easter Journey.

0076/21 b) If the Police Liaison Officer, a County or District Councillor is in attendance, they will be given the opportunity to raise any relevant matter. AVBC Cllr V Thorpe gave a summary of the work being undertaken by AVBC and the First Responders in relation to Covid. Cllr Thorpe advised there had been problems with missed recycling collections, anyone missing a collection should contact her.

0077/21 CHAIR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair said the Mercian Regiment were hopeful that the usual Pilgrimage to the Stand would take place this year. Those wishing to attend should pencil-in the date of Sunday 4th July.

0078/21 MINUTES Resolved: To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 1st February 2021, with one amendment: CRAG Working Party Minute no 0060/21, Resolution: ‘DDC’ to be changed to ‘DCC’. Council Chair to sign at a later date.

PLANNING 0079/21 a) Planning Authority applications Delegated decision making: Cllr Collison Lead, consultation with all Members. Resolved: That the Parish Council representations on planning applications comments made at the meeting be submitted to AVBC.

0080/21 b) Planning application AVA/2020/0978. 3 Taylors Yard, Crich – boundary issue Chair advised she had now worked through the deeds and related documents provided by the Clerk, and confirmed whilst there was mention of an attached ‘map’, there was no copy of said map. This meant there was no historic record of boundaries. She would now draft a response for the Clerk to issue based on the Land Registry map which was felt did show the most current and correct boundary.

0081/21 c) Crich Quarry – Water Park Cllr Yorke advised Members that there was an article on the DerbyshireLive website regarding the Amber Rock Resort project. (Web-link sent to Cllrs). It was noted that the plan for the site was being developed with Derbyshire County Council (DCC), and that they had also been appointed to determine the application, with Amber Valley Borough Council (AVBC) acting only in capacity of consultee. Resolved: To contact Derbyshire County Council and say the Parish Council had noted a report that the Crich Quarry Water Park applicants were developing a plan with DCC, and as the proposed development was to be located in Crich, the Parish Council would like to be involved in the plan, prior to any proposal being finalised. The Parish Council also think it is inappropriate for a proposal to go to Planning prior to an in-depth public consultation being carried out, and considers a link for feedback on an on-line News Site to be insufficient.

FINANCE 0082/21 a) Payments Resolved: That payments of the attached accounts in the sum £7,294.14 be formally approved.

0083/21 b) Receipts Resolved: That receipts of the attached accounts in the sum £880.00 be formally approved.

0084/21 c) Training Resolved: The Clerk to book a place for Cllr Broom on the DALC training course Finance for Councillors, on suitable date to be agreed.


RECREATION GROUND 0085/21 a) Signage Review Working Party had nothing further to currently advise.

0086/21 b) Annual Safety Inspection play and outdoor gym equipment Confirmation had been given to Amber Valley Borough Council that Crich Recreation Ground should be included in their annual inspection list so the Council can benefit from group rates.

0087/21 c) Crich Patients’ Participation Group (CPPG) – event request CPPG would be submitting an urgent application to hold Easter Holiday Club Activities on the Recreation Ground for local children. Due to the deadlines involved, it would not be possible to consider the application at the next Full Council Meeting which was after the date of the planned activities. However, it was noted the activities would be the same or similar to those undertaken previously which had been approved by the Council, and that the Council had already approved the idea in principle by awarding a funding grant.

Resolved: The review of the Application and accompanying documents from Crich Patients’ Participation Group to hold Easter Holiday Club Activities on the Recreation Ground for local children, be undertaken outside of the next Full Council Meeting under Delegated Powers. The Application would be considered by Council Chair, Cllr Margaret Lane, Vice Chair Cllr Paul Yorke, and the Clerk. Consideration of the Application would be dependent on receiving the necessary documents as quickly as possible, with sufficient time allowed for review. The opening hours of the Council Office to be provided.

CRAG WORKING PARTY 0088/21 a) At the last meeting it was agreed CRAG would review their latest plan for works to select. Lead will report at April’s meeting.

0089/21 b) At the last meeting it was agreed that CRAG would review their latest plan of Crich Recreation Ground improvement proposals to prioritise outlined works and timescales. Lead will report at April’s meeting.

0090/21 c) The proposed article for Crich Standard, Parish Council website, Facebook etc on hold pending discussion by CRAG as to best way forward re items a) and b) above, and local Community ‘Green’ Groups already in existence.

0091/21 d) The proposed letter re Harron Homes Roes Lane, phase 1 planting, was sent to AVBC Planning Enforcement, cc AVBC Cllr G Gee. Two Officers have been appointed to the case.

0092/21 TREES ON ‘COMMON LAND’ IN WHEATCROFT Cllr Walsh had been in touch with the Records Office in Matlock, who had advised that whilst they were not open to visitors, staff could undertake chargeable searches. It was felt that undertaking such a search could be time consuming and potentially unsuccessful if someone without local knowledge were to undertake it. AS the matter was not considered urgent it was

Resolved: Cllr Walsh to undertake a search at the Records Office in Matlock, as and when it was open to visitors again, and it was safe for him to do so.

0093/21 DOG FOULING The problem had been reported to Amber Valley Borough Council (AVBC) who would be visiting the area and undertaking patrols. Wardens have the authority to issue Fixed Penalty notices if they witness an offence. Articles have been posted to the Council’s website, social media, and sent to Crich Standard for publication, all of which contain the on-line link for residents to report any incident they witness. It had previously been noted that no Council or Authority UK wide had been able to resolve the problem of dog fouling.

Resolved: Cllr Allister be appointed to the Allotments, Burial Ground, Jubilee Ground, Footpaths Working Party.

Resolved: When the Allotments, Burial Ground, Jubilee Ground, Footpaths Working Party meet to discuss the Burial Ground Rules and Regulations, to also look at ideas of how to resolve the Dog Fouling problem in Crich Parish.

0094/21 ACCESSIBILITY The Clerk undertook website training on 15th February 2021. Updates will gradually be made to the website as time permits

0095/21 DECISIONS MADE UNDER DELEGATED POWERS Resolved: Monthly report of decisions made under delegated powers, circulated with Agenda, was accepted.

0096/21 FUNCTIONS AND SERVICES STATUS The document provided an up-to-date report of all Council Function and Services, outlining progress of each one, what tasks needed to be undertaken, and timescales. Resolved: Monthly report of functions and services status, circulated with Agenda, was accepted.


BURIAL GROUND 0097/21 a) Working Party Crich Burial Ground - Rules and Regulations Comments and queries from the Clerk are with the Working Party. Cllr Walsh said he would organise a meeting shortly, when the Working Party would also consider the issue of Dog Fouling.

0098/21 b) Repair and extension of access road The Clerk has had two responses from Cadent Gas, the second response was very helpful and once a couple of queries are resolved, it is hoped it will be possible to put together a brief for quotation purposes. It will be a complex brief due to the terms and conditions of Cadent as well as the Easement, and will take some time to develop. Resolved: The Clerk to be allocated extra paid hours of up to three days to produce the necessary brief, issue it for tendering, attend inspection visits, answer any queries, and produce a report for Council. To keep the Staffing Sub-Committee abreast of hours worked.

0099/21 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL COUNCILS (NALC) Preparing for the possible return to in-person meetings, briefing document circulated on 8th February 2021, and with Agenda. The Clerk has discussed the briefing with staff at the Glebe Field Centre to alert them to the content. The Association of Democratic Services Officers (ADSO) and Lawyers in Local Government (LLG) have been lobbying the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government to change primary legislation to enable local authority remote meetings to take place beyond the current statutory deadline of 6 May 2021. In the event of this not being successful, and to support the Secretary of State in his wish to find a solution, ADSO, LLG and Hertfordshire County Council have instructed counsel to issue proceedings in the High Court to seek a declaratory judgement to enable such meetings to take place within existing legislation.

Resolved: Council Chair to draft a letter for the Clerk to send to the following parties to request an extension to the ability for Councils to hold meetings flexibly beyond 7th May 2021: ▪ MP - Mr Nigel Mills - [email protected] ▪ MP - Miss Sarah Dines - [email protected] ▪ MP - Mr Robert Jenrick - Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government - [email protected] ▪ Derbyshire County Council, Cllr Trevor Ainsworth - [email protected] ▪ Association of Democratic Services Officers – Mr John Austin, Chair - [email protected] ▪ Lawyers in Local Government – Mr Quentin Baker, President - [email protected]

Resolved: If it is agreed that meetings can continue to be held virtually post 7th May 2021, the Annual Meeting of Crich Parish Council will take place as planned on Monday 10th May 2021 via video conferencing. If permission is not gained to continue to hold meetings virtually, the Annual Meeting of Crich Parish Council will be brought forward and will take place on Wednesday 5th May 2021 via video conferencing. All Members who are free, are requested to hold the evening of Wednesday 5th May 2021 in their diary pending further information. The Clerk to advise The Glebe Field Centre of the situation, and that there is no requirement for a meeting room in May 2021.

0100/21 EASTER REQUEST – BULLING LANE PLANTER Request from resident circulated with Agenda. Resolved: To Clerk to give Council’s permission to the local group to erect a willow ‘basket’ and three willow crosses, one 4ft two 3ft, to the outside of the Bulling Lane Planter, as part of the Easter Journey route round Crich. The installation to be securely fastened down and removed after Easter.

0101/21 ALLOTMENTS Report circulated with Agenda. The Council is responsible for providing allotments to residents in Crich Parish. Over the last year or so, due to increased interest and the Covid situation, allotments have become very popular and there is a growing waiting list. Due to historical lettings some plot holders are not Parish residents, and currently some of the applicants are also not from Crich Parish. Resolved: Due to the high demand for Allotments provided by the Parish Council and to try and ensure fair allocation, the following conditions to be implemented immediately: ▪ Going forward there will be two waiting lists held; a) those who are a resident of Crich Parish and b) those who are Out of Parish ▪ When allotments become vacant preference will be given to waiting list a) Crich residents, in order of position on that waiting list ▪ Allotments will only be let to those on waiting list b) Out of Parish, if there is no one waiting on list a) resident of Crich Parish. Again allotments will be offered in order of position on the waiting list. ▪ When plots become vacant, one household to be eligible to hold either one full sized plot or two half plots. ▪ Anyone failing to tend their allotment plot/s on a regular basis to keep them tidy and in good state of cultivation to forfeit their right to said allotment plot/s – except in exceptional circumstances, when the allotment holder must inform the Parish Council in writing and ask for dispensation, explaining why it should be granted. The Council’s decision will be final.

Resolved: The Clerk to contact: ▪ All current allotment holders and advise them of the agreed changes. ▪ All those on the waiting list and advise them of the change affecting them. ▪ Ask the Allotment Lead to undertake an inspection of the allotment which may not have been tended during the past rental year due to the absence of the plot holder. ▪ The absent allotment plot holder to be made aware of the new condition that anyone failing to tend their allotment plot/s on a regular basis to keep them tidy and in good state of cultivation will forfeit their right to said allotment plot/s – except in exceptional circumstances, when the allotment holder must inform the Parish Council in writing and ask for dispensation, explaining why it should be granted. Council’s decision will be final. ▪ The owner of the allotment land and enquire how a review of allotment rents is carried out as it would appear this has not been done for some years.

0102/21 CENSUS 2021 E-mail from Stephen Walkley, Office for National Statistics, circulated with Agenda. The e- mail advised that the Census Support Centre staff would not be able to support residents complete their Census questionnaire face-to-face due to security and confidentiality restrictions. Other sources of information had revealed paper copies of the Census or telephone guidance would be available on request. Resolved: The communication from Stephen Walkley, Census Engagement Manager, South Derbyshire, Office for National Statistics was noted.

0103/21 CORRESPONDENCE Resolved: February’s list of correspondence and information circulated to Members on receipt, circulated with Agenda, was noted.

0104/21 NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Annual Parish Meeting – Monday 12th April – 7.00pm Via video conferencing

Parish Council Meeting – Monday 12th April – 7.30pm Via video conferencing

Staffing Sub-Committee Meeting – Monday 26th April – 10.00am Via video conferencing

Finance Committee Meeting – Monday 26th April – 10.30am Via video conferencing

Meeting Closed 9.31pm


(Response agreed and submitted to avoid missing deadline for comment 22/02/2021) Ref: AVA/2021/0132 Proposal: Construct a new building which includes the change of use of an existing store building to form holiday let and removal of an Ash tree Location: Red Lion Front Street Fritchley Belper Derbyshire DE56 2FT Response: Crich Parish Council strongly objects to the proposals on the following grounds: 1. The proposals include the unnecessary wholesale alteration of a perfectly functional stone-built building that is a heritage asset and which makes an important contribution to the character of the heart of the designated Fritchley Conservation Area. Alteration of this heritage building will have a severe detrimental impact on the significance of the Conservation Area. Paragraph 184 of the NPPF is very clear that buildings of local historic value are an irreplaceable resource and should be conserved in a manner appropriate to their significance, so that they can be enjoyed for their contribution to the quality of life of existing and future generations.

2. The proposed development will result in the demolition and removal of a substantial length of characterful stone wall at a prominent corner location that will severely harm the significance of the Fritchley Conservation Area. The proposal is contrary to Policy NP2 of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan which requires that built features on the site that have value should be retained in the scheme. To be supported development must be to of a scale, density, layout and design that is compatible with the character, appearance and amenity of the part of the settlement in which it is located. The loss of a significant length of important stone walling is wholly unacceptable.

3. The proposal is contrary to Policy NP11 of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan which states applications for development will only be supported within the Conservation Areas in Crich Parish where the proposals are of a high design quality and where such development meets the following criteria: a) it is in keeping with the character of the area particularly in relation to historic development patterns and plot sizes; and b) the design preserves and where possible enhances the heritage attributes of the Conservation Area. The proposals fail to meet these requirements.

4. The proposals are contrary to Policy NP8 of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan which states development that would have an adverse effect on the openness or special character of the designated Fritchley Green Local Green Space will not be supported except in exceptional circumstances.

5. The proposal is contrary to Policy NP4 of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan that requires new residential development to reflect designs that draw upon local character in terms of style to ensure new development enhances the distinctiveness and quality of the Parish as a whole.

6. The proposals include the unnecessary loss of the most significant single tree in the Fritchley Conservation Area. The Ash tree contributes greatly to the character of The Green and is extensively visible from several directions. Cutting down the tree will have a particularly detrimental impact on the significance of the Fritchley Conservation Area. Paragraph 175 of the NPPF is clear that development resulting in the loss of irreplaceable habitat such as ancient or veteran trees should be refused unless there are wholly exceptional reasons. Whilst it is accepted all trees will eventually die the suggestion that the tree will die in the future is considered to be insufficient reason to remove a fine specimen that currently contributes so much to the character of the Fritchley Conservation Area.

7. The proposed development will result in harm to the setting of the adjacent Congregation Chapel Listed Building that dates from 1841 (Historic legacy system number 78672). The proposed development will be prominently seen in views of the important front elevation of the Chapel particularly when viewed across The Green and from Allen Lane and Church Street. This loss is in no way outweighed by the provision of a single unit of holiday accommodation in an area that is already adequately served in that respect.

8. The proposed house, stated to be intended for holiday accommodation, will be visually unattractive, out of character, and harmful to the visual amenity of the site and surroundings. Paragraph 130 of the NPPF states permission should be refused for development of poor design that fails to take the opportunities available for improving the character and quality of an area and the way it functions, taking into account any local design standards or style guides in plans or supplementary planning documents. The proposal is contrary to Policy NP2 of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan which requires development to be of a scale, density, layout and design that is compatible with the character, appearance and amenity of the part of the settlement in which it is located.

9. The proposal will result in the complete loss of the existing public house garden which represents the loss of an important community amenity. The planning application suggests the finance that will result from a planning permission will in some way assist the ongoing maintenance and provision of the public house. It is noted that the previous grant of planning permission for a detached residential property in the public house garden, which is regarded locally as a wholly inappropriate development, does not seem to have resulted in any noticeable investment in the public house building.

10. The identification of two parking spaces in the existing public house car park for the occupants of the proposed accommodation is not regarded as a workable solution to meeting the need for off-road parking space associated with the holiday accommodation. The proposal is contrary to policy NP17 of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan in this respect in an identified problematic pinch point location.

11. The quality of supporting documentation leaves much to be desired being virtually unreadable particularly for those with visual impairment.

12. The requirement for heritage research has not been met with insufficient details provided of the site history.

Ref: AVA/2021/0105 Proposal: Loft conversion and re roof the property. Location: Holmfield 201 Crich Common Fritchley Belper Derbyshire DE56 2FL Response: No objection

Ref: AVA/2021/0133 Proposal: Non material amendment to AVA/2019/1102 for the alteration of the approved rear first floor window as shown on drawing A.02 Location: Land Adj Market House, Market Place, Crich, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 5DD Response: No objection

Ref: TRE/2021/0898 Proposal: Fell one Sycamore tree and pollard 3 other Sycamore trees Location: Ashmount Middle Lane Whatstandwell Matlock Derbyshire DE4 5EG Response: No objection

Ref: AVA/2021/0172 Proposal: Two storey extension to north west elevation, ground floor extension to north east elevations and miscellaneous alterations Location: Stand View Folds Yard Crich Matlock Derbyshire DE4 5DL Response: No objection

Ref: TRE/2021/0903 Proposal: Various tree works Location: DERBYSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Crich Junior School School Lane Crich Matlock Derbyshire DE4 5DF Response: No objection

Ref: COR/2021/0025 Proposal: Request for comments on demolition of property Location: Highcroft Cottage Park Head Matlock Derbyshire DE4 5GY Response: No objection

Ref: AVA/2021/0178 Proposal: Erection of two storey extension adjoining south gable wall of existing two storey dwelling Location: The Little Cottage The Dimple Fritchley Belper Derbyshire DE56 2HP Response: Objection Reasons: 1. The proposed development is contrary to Policies NP 1 and NP2 of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan as it proposes a house extension outside the Fritchley settlement development boundary in an area that must be treated as open countryside which should be protected for its intrinsic character and beauty.

2. The proposed development is contrary to Policy NP 3 of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan as it represents a significant visual intrusion into the landscape setting and fails to conserve or enhance the landscape character and setting.

3. The proposals are contrary to Policy NP 4 of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan in that the proposed extension is not led by the proportions of the existing dwelling. The proposed addition to the house is over-large in relation to the existing building which has already been extended recently.

4. The proposed development also represents the loss of a small dwelling suitable for occupation by a single person for which there is an unmet need in the locality.

5. A large double garage currently under construction (the application description and drawings misleadingly do not include this) is contrary to Policy NP 4 of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan in that it is not designed to reflect local character, and is not guided by the proportions of the existing dwelling. The design would be appropriate on an urban estate. The visually inappropriate roller shutter door and double patio style doors, and footprint as large as the existing dwelling pay no attention to local character and are out of scale with the property and with the other scattered dwellings in the vicinity which give the distinctive local character of this rural location.

6. The proposals are contrary to Policy NP 11 of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan which states “Applications for development will only be supported within the Conservation Areas in Crich Parish where the proposals are of a high design quality and where such development meets the following criteria: a) it is in keeping with the character of the area particularly in relation to historic development patterns and plot sizes; and b) the design preserves and where possible enhances the heritage attributes of the Conservation Area, and c) the materials used should be locally inspired and in keeping with the prevailing colour palette. Where applicable, development adjacent to the Conservation Areas should not detract from the setting of the Conservation Areas and should ensure that building lines and boundary treatment reflect the positive attributes in that character area and preserve the significance of the asset.” The application site lies within the Fritchley Conservation Area adjacent to the important former mill buildings, millpond and dam. The proposed addition to the house, and the garage, are contrary to Policy NP 11 of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan as they would be harmful to the character of the Fritchley Conservation Area and would fail to enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.

7. The proposals fail to satisfy the requirements of Policy NP 9 of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan relating to the maintenance and enhancement of the Parish’s biodiversity.

PAYMENTS – FEB/MARCH 2021 Date Cheque Payee Vat No Vat Total Amount Detail No 03/02/21 on-line Crich Parish Well 0.00 100.00 100.00 Grant award Dressings on-line Crich Careline 0.00 185.00 185.00 Grant award on-line Fritchley 0.00 400.00 400.00 Grant award Community Association on-line Crich Patients' 0.00 750.00 750.00 Grant award Participation Group on-line Derbyshire Toy 0.00 200.00 200.00 Grant award Libraries 08/02/21 on-line Crich Carnival Fund 0.00 475.00 475.00 Grant award (Crich Fete) 15/02/21 on-line Crich and 0.00 135.00 135.00 Grant award Neighbourhood Community Care Scheme (Luncheon Club) 11/02/21 d/d Firefly Internet (Jan) 828125726 8.50 50.98 42.48 Tel line and broadband 18/02/21 on-line Whatstandwell & 0.00 100.00 100.00 Grant award District WI 26/02/21 on-line C Jennings 0.00 1,230.45 1,230.45 Payroll (incl Trustee hrs) on-line HMRC 0.00 132.40 132.40 Payroll on-line C Jennings 0.00 70.23 70.23 Expenses - includes Allotment 2021/22 Agreements postal costs, receipts provided 01/03/21 s/o Keptkleen 287852742 88.75 532.48 443.73 Cleaning public w/c s/o Software into action 789358066 7.80 46.80 39.00 IT support - SIA s/o Fox Grounds 129495383 97.60 585.60 488.00 Landscaping Maintenance & Landscaping Ltd s/o Crich Glebe Field 0.00 846.40 846.40 Glebe payment Trust Ltd s/o Mr D Creed 0.00 260.00 260.00 Burial Ground/landscaping on-line Fox Grounds 129495383 84.00 504.00 420.00 Recreation Ground - Maintenance & extra landscaping, Landscaping Ltd trees, shrubs, cut back tree in wall near swings etc

on-line DALC 0.00 50.00 50.00 Training - digital mapping Cllr Baugh on-line Derbyshire County 0.00 120.00 120.00 Annual licence Fritchley Council Primary School playing field on-line Water Plus Ltd 0.00 178.80 178.80 Public toilets - annual water charges on-line Mr D Creed 0.00 166.00 166.00 Handy Services - extra work Covid RG safety inspecs/Jubilee Ground and Burial Ground works on-line Cubic Ultrasonic 0.00 175.00 175.00 Floral displays 2021 – annual stress testing

Totals 286.65 7,294.14 7,007.49

RECEIPTS - RECEIVED Date Slip no Payee Total Detail E Cope & Son Ltd (T Burial Ground 27/01/21 465 110.00 Berresford) E Cope & Son Ltd Burial Ground 466 60.00 (ME Jordan) Archway Funeral Burial Ground 467 475.00 Service (M Wragg) McNamara - Garage Annual Licence 04/01/21 on-line Sun Lane (licence fee 120.00 to end of 2021 £120) Western Power Annual Licence Distribution - rental 17/02/21 468 55.00 leasehold substation Jeffries Lane J Beresford & Son (G Burial Ground 469 60.00 Brocklehurst) Totals 880.00