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Inventory by Author Last Updated 6/10/2019 If the Title begins with "The" or "A" that has been omitted. Added TITLE AUTHOR Pub. 2014 2008 World Bridge Games Beijing ACBL 2008 Adventures in Duplicate Bridge ACBL 1988 Adventures in Duplicate Bridge ACBL 1988 2018 Laws of Contract Bridge 1934 Laws of Duplicate Bridge 2008 ACBL 2008 2014 Laws of Duplicate Bridge 2008 ACBL 2008 Welcome to No. American Bridge ChampionshipACBL 2002 2011 Defenses to Artificial Preempts, ACBL pamplet Bridging of Troy, Short Stories Ackerley, Chris 1986 2017 If I Only Had a Heart Adamson, Alex 2016 Get Smarter at Bridge Alder, Phillip 1984 2010 Deadly Endplays, a novel Allan, Ken 2008 2012 Deadly Endplays, a novel Allan, Ken 2008 Control Asking Amsbury 1980 Lebensohl Convention Complete Anderson, Ron 1987 Preempts from A to Z Anderson, Ron 1993 Preempts from A to Z Anderson, Ron 1993 2016 I Love this Game Auken, Sabine 2006 Learn Bridge Fast Barclay, Shepard 1944 2014 Bridge Student Text Vol 3 Baron, Randall 1989 2013 Becker on Bridge Becker, B. Jay 1971 2012 01. Modern Doubles Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 02. 2/1 Game Forcing Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 03. 1NT Forcing Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 04. Hand Evaluation Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 05. Mastering Weak 2-bids Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 06. Bergen Raises Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 07. How to Play 3NT Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 08. How to Play 4 of a Major Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 09. After Your Opponent Opens Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 10. Responder's Rebids Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 11. Opening Leads vs. NT Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 12. Opening Leads vs. Suit Contracts Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 13. What You Must Know About Transfers Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 14. The Best of Bergen Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 15. How to Defeat 3NT Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 16. Creating Trump Tricks Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 17. Make the Most of Your Entries Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 18. How to Execute an Endplay Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 19. The LAW of Total Tricks Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 20. A Fresh Look at Seven Conventions Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 21. Good Judgmemt. Great Openings Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 22. How to Play a Part-score Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 23. DON’T, DON’T Runouts and Delayed DON’T Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 24. Better Balancing with Bergen Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 25. The Ultimate Cheat Sheet Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 26. What to Know about Cue-bids Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 27. 101 Important Conventions Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 28. Counting at Bridge Bergen, Marty BKLT 2013 29. Essential Tips for Good Competitive Bidding Bergen, Marty BKLT 2013 30. Defense with a Capital "D" Bergen, Marty BKLT 2013 31. Improve Your 2/1 GF Bidding Bergen, Marty BKLT 2013 32. Opener's Best Rebid Bergen, Marty BKLT 2014 33. Squeezes Made Easy Bergen, Marty BKLT 2014 34. How to Bid Good Slams and Avoid Bad Ones Bergen, Marty BKLT 2014 35. Terrific Tips for Better Bidding Bergen, Marty BKLT 2014 36. After Partner Passes Bergen, Marty BKLT 2015 37, Draw Trump, or NOT Bergen, Marty BKLT 2015 38. 2 Clubs, Open or Not? Bergen, Marty BKLT 2015 39. Timing is Everythings Bergen, Marty BKLT 2015 40. Improve Your Bidding Judgment Bergen, Marty BKLT 2012 Bergen for the Defense Bergen, Marty 2004 Bergen for the Defense Bergen, Marty 2004 2012 Bergen's Best Bridge Quizzes, Vol 1 Bergen, Marty 2003 2013 Bergen's Best Bridge Quizzes, Vol 1 Bergen, Marty 2003 2012 Bergen's Best Bridge Tips Bergen, Marty 2004 2013 Bergen's Best Bridge Tips Bergen, Marty 2004 Better Bidding Judgement – Understanding 1NT ForcingBergen, Marty 2003 Better Bidding Judgement – Understanding 1NT ForcingBergen, Marty 2003 2017 Better Bidding with Bergen Bergen, Marty 1986 Better Bidding with Bergen Volume 1 Bergen, Marty 1985 Better Bidding with Bergen Volume 1 Bergen, Marty 1985 Better Rebidding with Bergen Bergen, Marty 2003 Better Rebidding with Bergen Bergen, Marty 2003 2010 Declarer Play the Bergen Way Bergen, Marty 2004 2011 Declarer Play the Bergen Way Bergen, Marty 2004 Everyone's Guide to the New Convention Card Bergen, Marty 1994 Everyone's Guide to the New Convention Card Bergen, Marty 1994 2012 Hand Evaluation: Points Schmoints Bergen, Marty 2001 2012 Hand Evaluation: Points Schmoints Bergen, Marty 2001 2014 Introduction to Negative Doubles Bergen, Marty 2000 2012 Marty Sez Bergen, Marty 2001 Marty Sez Bergen, Marty 2001 2012 Marty Sez Volume 2 Bergen, Marty 2002 2012 Marty Sez Volume 2 Bergen, Marty 2002 2012 Marty Sez Volume 3 Bergen, Marty 2003 2012 Marty Sez Volume 3 Bergen, Marty 2003 2012 More Declarer Play the Bergen Way Bergen, Marty 2006 2012 More Declarer Play the Bergen Way Bergen, Marty 2006 2012 More Declarer Play the Bergen Way Bergen, Marty 2006 2011 More Points Schmoints! Bergen, Marty 1999 More Points Schmoints! Bergen, Marty 1999 More Points Schmoints! Bergen, Marty 1999 2010 Negative Doubles Bergen, Marty 2000 2012 Negative Doubles Bergen, Marty 2000 2012 Negative Doubles Bergen, Marty 2000 Points Schmoints Bergen, Marty 1995 Points Schmoints Bergen, Marty 1995 2010 Slam Bidding Made Easier Bergen, Marty 2008 2010 Slam Bidding Made Easier Bergen, Marty 2008 2010 To Open, or Not to Open Bergen, Marty 2012 To Open, or Not to Open Bergen, Marty Precision Today Berkowitz, David 2002 2010 Cue Bidding in a Nutshell Berry, Dee 2008 2010 Cue Bidding in a Nutshell Berry, Dee 2008 2010 Cue Bidding in a Nutshell - Teachers Manual Berry, Dee 2009 2010 Two Over One in a Nutshell Berry, Dee 2003 2010 Two Over One in a Nutshell Berry, Dee 2003 2010 Two Over One in a Nutshell Berry, Dee 2003 2010 Two Over One in a Nutshell - Teachers Manual Berry, Dee 2003 2017 15 Winning Cardplay Techniques Bird, David 2011 2012 25 Bridge Myths Exposed Bird, David 2002 2015 52 Bridge Mistakes to Avoid Bird, David 2014 2011 52 Great Bridge Tips Bird, David 2004 2016 52 Great Bridge Tips Bird, David 2004 2013 Abbot and the Sensational Squeeze Bird, David 1999 2013 Abbot, Witchdoctor, and Disastrous Double Bird, David 2012 2015 Advanced Bridge Bird, David 2014 2016 Arrow Through the Heart Bird, David 2016 2012 Clever Plays In The Trump Suit Bird, David 2012 2016 Clever Plays In The Trump Suit Bird, David 2012 2011 Defensive Signaling at Bridge Bird, David 2010 2013 Defensive Signaling at Bridge Bird, David 2010 2014 Famous Bridge Disasters Bird, David 1999 2018 Famous Bridge Swings Bird, David 2017 2016 Heavenly Contracts Bird, David 2007 2012 Kosher Bridge 2 Bird, David 1994 2019 On the Other Hand Bird, David 2019 2018 Planning Notrump Contracts Bird, David 2004 2013 Planning the Play in No Trump Bird, David 2001 2018 Planning the Play in No Trump Bird, David 2001 2016 Secrets of Expert Defense Bird, David 1999 2011 Simple Squeeze Bird, David 2004 2016 Tricks and Finesses Bird, David 2001 2016 What's Your Line? Bird, David 2015 2015 Winning Duplicate Tactics Bird, David 2014 2012 Winning Notrump Leads Bird, David 2011 2016 Winning Notrump Leads Bird, David 2011 2013 Winning Suit Contract Leads Bird, David and Taf Anthias 2012 2018 Winning Suit Contract Leads Bird, David and Taf Anthias 2012 2012 Bidding Slams with Blackwood Blackwood, Easley 1970 Blackwood on Slams Blackwood, Easley 1970 Blackwood on Slams Blackwood, Easley 1970 2016 Card Play Fundamentals Blackwood, Easley 1987 Complete Book of Opening Leads Blackwood, Easley 1983 Complete Book of Opening Leads Blackwood, Easley 1983 Play of the Hand with Blackwood Blackwood, Easley 1978 Play of the Hand with Blackwood Blackwood, Easley 1978 Winning Bridge With Blackwood Blackwood, Easley 1977 Bridge at Your Fingertips Blake, Jackie 1997 Bridge at Your Fingertips Blake, Jackie 1997 2016 Bridge: A Thinker's Game Blatnick, Joe 2013 2013 Why You Seldom Win at Bridge Blatnick, Joe 2011 2013 Teaching Bridge on Cruise Ships Boden, Rosemary 2012 Thinking About IMPs Boeder, John 1994 2014 Big Deal - A Memoir from the Wonderful World ofBoehm, Bridge Augie 2014 2016 Big Deal - A Memoir from the Wonderful World ofBoehm, Bridge Augie 2014 2016 Bridge Smarts Boehm, Augie 2015 2018 Three No Trump in Depth Boehm, Augie 2007 2016 Wielding the Axe Boehm, Augie 2008 Countdown to Winning Bridge Bourke, Tim 1999 2014 The Are of Declarer Play Bourke, Tim & Justin Corfield 2014 Countdown to Winning Bridge Bourke, Tim & Marc Smith 1999 2016 Bridge Quiz Bidding Brock, Rayond 2000 Step by Step Planning the Defense Brock, Rayond 1996 2016 Step by Step Planning the Defense Brock, Rayond 1996 2012 Bridge at the Edge Brogeland, Boye 2011 2016 Bridge at the Edge Brogeland, Boye 2011 Winning Defense Brown, John 1952 2014 Winning Defense Brown, John 1952 2 Over 1 Game Force, an Introduction Bruno, Steve 1993 2014 2 Over 1 Game Force, an Introduction Bruno, Steve 1993 100 Bridge Problems Cappelletti, Mike 2004 50 Bridge Problems Cappelletti, Mike Cappelletti Over Notrump Cappelletti, Mike None Cappelletti Over Notrump Cappelletti, Mike None 2017 Tips on Bridge Casey, Ken 2016 Fair Play or Foul: Cheating Scandals Chua, Cathy 1998 2014 Bridge Play from A to Z Coffin, George 1954 Endplays in Bridge Coffin, George 1932 ACOL System Cohen, Ben 1938 Your Lead Partner Cohen, Ben 1964 2015 Bidding Challenge Cohen, Larry 2002 2013 Bridge Below the Belt Cohen, Larry 1997 2010 Following the Law Cohen, Larry 1992 Following the Law Cohen, Larry 1992 2010 Following the Law Sequel Cohen, Larry 1994 Introduction to the Law of Total Tricks Cohen, Larry 1997 Introduction to the Law of Total Tricks Cohen, Larry 1997 2012 Larry Teaches 2 over 1 Game Forcing Cohen, Larry 2012 2017 Larry Teaches Declarer Play at No Trump Cohen, Larry 2017 2016 Larry Teaches Declarer Play at Suit Contracts Cohen, Larry 2016 2015 Larry Teaches Defense Cohen, Larry 2015 2015 Larry Teaches Doubles Cohen, Larry 2015 2015 Larry Teaches Opening Leads Cohen, Larry 2014 2015 Larry Teaches Opening Leads Cohen, Larry 2014 2015 My Favorite 52 Cohen, Larry 2009 2016 My Favorite 52 Cohen, Larry 2009 To Bid or Not to Bid Cohen, Larry 1992 To Bid or Not to Bid Cohen, Larry 1992 To Bid or Not to Bid Cohen, Larry 1992 Elements of Play Cohen, Ruth 1961 2011 How You Can Play Like an Expert (W/O being one)Colchamiro, Mel 2007 Grand Slam Cole, E.R.
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