From the Vicar Revd Anne Donaldson

I seem to have caused some confusion last month when I said that these Mags have been going though all the doors in Stanstead Abbots for some years. To explain: Stanstead Abbots is on the east side of the River Lea. Everything on the west side of the river to the north of Station Rd is Great Amwell and to the south of Station Rd is . It’s just that the Post Office called all of St Margarets and a significant chunk of Great Amwell ‘’ for their convenience, and never reinstated them when postcodes came in. I hope that makes things clearer! We are now in Lent. The time when we remember Jesus’ 40 days being tempted. He was fully human as well as being God – we are tempted by similar things! The first was to turn stones into bread to feed His hunger. We are tempted to ‘feed’ our needs with material things. Jesus’ reply is that we don’t live a full life by material things alone, but need God Another was to win men by worshipping the devil. But Jesus refuses to compromise. The end does not justify the means – we need to do the right thing in the right way. Another was to throw Himself off the top of the Temple and make the angels catch Him! But Jesus says we mustn’t test God – we act responsibly and do what we can to obey Him and He will help us and take our efforts and do wonderful things. We mustn’t try to force God’s hand! Even if you don’t believe in God, acting responsibly is good for yourself and others!! So, in Lent we think about how we are living our lives: is it the way we would like? What are we going to do about it? We have until Easter (3rd - 5th April) to think about it – then on Good Friday we can take the things we want to get rid of to the Lord’s Cross, and enjoy His cleansing and new start on Easter Day. Of course, we can take things to His Cross any day, but we remember it particularly at Easter, when we celebrate what He did to buy us that cleansing and new life. It’s offered to us for free, but at such enormous cost to Him I wish you a ‘good’ productive Lent Anne

PS: I still have the post-viral Fatigue ……………….. Church News

Lunches for Charities: Thursday 5th March for Nuthampstead Airfield Museum and Thursday 2nd April for Bible Society Come and join us – everyone, of all ages, is welcome to these free lunches at 1pm in the Wilshere Hall, Stanstead Abbots. Please invite friends to join you. The lunch in February raised £135 for Isabel Hospice.

April 2015 Parishes Magazine Items for the next edition should preferably be emailed to [email protected] or left at the Vicarage by 13th March at the latest please. Copy can also be given to Lynne Heraud.

Transport to Church. If you would like a lift to church please phone one of the Churchwardens (see back cover of this magazine).

From our Registers

We Welcomed Oliver Charge 1st February (St John the Baptist)

We offer our condolences to the families and friends of William Johnson Chapelfields 27th January (Parndon Wood) James Pollicott Caxton Road, Hodd. 9th February (Parndon Wood) Bill Thake Chapelfields 11th February (Parndon Wood)

St Andrew’s church is praying for:-

Cappell Lane – week beginning 1st March Holycross Lane, Easneye, All Nations – week beginning 8th March St Andrew’s school – week beginning 15th March Local pre-school groups – week beginning 22nd March Maltings and other local work places - week beginning 29th March

Please note: The Administrator works on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9.15am until 2.15pm and can be contacted on 01920 870115

Need a lift to hospital?? If you need a lift to take you to a hospital appointment, hospital visiting etc or short-term help with shopping, dog-walking (eg during or following an illness), or would like a visit or a prayer call 3 Churches Careline: 01920 871678 between 9am and 6pm (except in an emergency) We’ll do our best to help Lunches for Charities

5th March for Nuthampstead Airfield Museum During the lunch there will be a speaker on the charity’s behalf. Nuthampstead was commissioned by the USAAF in 1942, to the standard bomber field specification. The majority of the camp is situated to the west, in and around Nuthampstead village. During this period of the Second World War the site was inhabited initially by 55th Fighter Group from September 1943 until April 1944 when they moved to a new base. On the 22nd of April the 398th Bomb Group arrived with their distinctive all-silver finished, B-17Gs. The 398th flew it's first combat mission on 6th May and completed a total of 195 missions during the next 12 months. Whilst the 398th were at Nuthampstead, the famous Glenn Miller Orchestra visited on 2nd October 1944 and played to the servicemen and women from one of the T2 hangers on the airfield. Towards the end of May 1945 the B-17 crews left to fly back to the States and the ground crews left Nuthampstead on 22nd June. The Mission of the NUTHAMPSTEAD AIRFIELD MUSEUM is to provide a facility for public education of the 8th Air Force 398th Bomb Group and the 55th Fighter Group and attached units, and of these organisations’ activities and roles in the national defense. Their aims are to do this through collections, exhibitions, interpretation, conservation, restoration, education, research and publication.

2nd April for the Bible Society Lent Appeal Lent is a time for giving up, but this year the Bible Society are challenging us to just give. 51.2 million people are currently forcibly displaced worldwide. That’s roughly equivalent to the population of . They have left behind their homes, possessions and families in order to escape terror in their homeland. For us, giving up is a fun challenge, but for them it’s a reality of everyday life. Refugees around the world are asking for Bibles and basic supplies. Bible Society is working tirelessly to provide them. Will you give to those who have given up so much already? We are challenged to raise £40 in the 40 days of Lent. Do something different this Lent, don’t give up, just give . With this lunch we hope to raise this and possibly more and would very much like your support. For more information go to give

2015 Lent Course on the Theme of Prayer

Lent started on Ash Wednesday, 18th February, and is a time to do something to draw nearer to God in preparation to celebrate Easter fully. So it is traditional to have some sort of study group. This year we are looking at prayer. So please do try to find the time to come to one or several of the evenings. They are on Tuesdays in the Wilshere Hall, Cappell Lane (next to St Andrew’s church) from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Everyone is very welcome to come along, for either the whole course or select sessions.

March 3rd Listening Prayer: Prayer that shapes the future March 10th ways of intercessory prayer March 17th Taize Evening March 24th Prayer through Meditation

“Palm Saturday” March 28th 10.00am – 12 noon Members from the 3 churches will be in Stanstead Abbots High Street giving out bags that include a palm cross, a hot cross bun and Easter eggs!

Palm Sunday Service 29th March

On Palm Sunday we use palm leaves folded into crosses to remind us that Jesus was welcomed into the city of Jerusalem by people waving Palm branches – and then killed there, on a cross, less than a week later.

10.00am Walk starting from station car park to 10.30am Communion Service for all three churches at St Andrew’s Stanstead Abbots, with a reading about Jesus’ last days instead of a sermon

Easter Services

GOOD FRIDAY Friday 3rd April Possibly the most important day in the Christian year. The day on which Jesus was crucified was ‘good’ because He who was sinless took our sins on Himself, and died for those sins, so that those of us who go to Him in sincere sorrow may be forgiven, and reunited with God.

10.15am Short service at St Andrew’s, starting with prayers in High St 12noon-3pm Three Hour Vigil at St Margarets - please see page 8 for details (come / go during the hymns every 30min) 7.30pm “The Way of the Cross” choral service at St John’s


Saturday 4th April We think about Jesus on the night when He was in the tomb and rose early next morning, by hearing readings that summarise some of the reasons for His willing death for us. And we celebrate the new life and light that His rising to life again brings to us today if we accept that gift. [A traditional service also found in Catholic and Orthodox churches]

9.00-10.00pm Easter Vigil service at St Margarets’

EASTER DAY Sunday 5th April After being dead for three days, and being shut in the tomb, Jesus rose again, promising a new life for those who decide to follow Him. A life without fear of death; and a life with hope, meaning, purpose, joy and peace, in all the ups and downs of life.

9.30am Family Eucharist at St John’s 10.15am Communion for all ages together at St Andrew’s 11.00am Family Communion at St Margarets’

celebrate this great day– & hunt eggs afterwards!!

Mothering Sunday Sunday March 15th

Flowers for the Mums in all our services.

Great Amwell - 9.00am: Sung Eucharist

Stanstead Abbots - 10.15am: Celebration for all ages together

Stanstead St Margarets - 10.30am: Family Service

St John’s Quiz Evening with Fish/Chicken & Chip supper

Saturday 7th March, at the Parish Hall in Great Amwell

7.00pm for a prompt 7.30pm start

Tickets: £12 per person - profit to go to St. John's Church. Tables of 6/8. Bring your own drinks and glasses. Tickets available from Bryan & Julia Brace (01992 447845) or Richard & Margaret Mellor (01920 460474).


in St Margarets’ Parish Church Friday 6th March 2014 at 7.30pm followed by Bahamian refreshments! There is also a daytime service at St Mary’s church, Ware at 10.30am

Over 3 million people world-wide will be praying, all worshipping during this annual day of prayer, using a service prepared by Christian women in The Bahamas Jesus said to them ‘Do you know what I have done for you?’ Women, men and young people all very welcome to attend

Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study The next meeting is on Saturday 7th March from 8.00am to 9.30am in the Wilshere hall. All men welcome – of any church or none. For more

information please contact the Goldsmiths on 01920 422065.

FairTrade Fortnight

Fairtrade Fortnight continues to 8th March 2015 ! We’ve come so far since the first Fairtrade Fortnight in 1995, educating the public on why to choose Fairtrade and increasing sales on Fairtrade terms for marginalised producers. Over the past 20 years, together we’ve made the Fairtrade mark the biggest and best known ethical label in the UK. 78% of the UK public recognise the FAIRTRADE Mark. For Fairtrade Fortnight 2015, we’re celebrating the impact of Fairtrade . For information go to See stories of the producers who grow the products we love for new materials, case studies and a brand new 15 minute film. C hoosing Fairtrade makes a dramatic difference and it is still needed Our 3 churches have be en committed to using only FairTrade coffee, tea and sugar for some years now

St Andrew’s Evening Prayer Group on the 4th Monday each month 7.30pm – 8.30pm in Wilshere Hall (next to St Andrew’s Church) Just turn up. Come into the warm and dry, and pray for St Andrew’s church and our ministry

TICTACs This is a group for secondary school youngsters, and we have just welcomed some new members! We meet once a week in the Wilshere Hall Upper Room for an hour on a Wednesday 7.00pm to 8.00pm. Please do come and give it a try, no commitment to join! Just turn up (Each meeting starts with food!!!!)

Great Amwell Parish Hall AGM The AGM will be held at 8pm in the hall on Monday 9th March. Everyone is welcome to attend

Articles of Local Interest for the Magazine? If you have something you feel others would be interested in reading about, please get in touch; we always like to have a variety of articles going into the magazine. You can contact me by either email ([email protected] ) or telephone as I work in the Vicarage three days

a week 9am-2pm on 01920 870115 . Katrina Dukes

Daytime Study Group This Study group meets on alternate Friday mornings 11.00am until 12.30pm in St Margaret’s Parish church. That will mean that children can play in the crèche corner in church while we have coffee and discuss in the back room. I’m doing a series about the Biblical basis for various aspects of our faith : Bible – New Testament part 1 (March 6th) and Bible – New Testament part 2 (March 20th). Revd Anne Donaldson

Mums & Tots’ Time

On your own in the day with a baby?

Struggling with a toddler?

All Mums of pre-school children are welcome to come along to Wilshere Hall (next to St Andrew’s church)

EVERY FRIDAY 1.00pm – 3.00pm

Children can play while the adults have an opportunity to relax, chat and support each other over a cup of tea or coffee.

FREE (no subscription or weekly fee) EVERYONE WELCOME

What difference does the Cross make? The Three Hours time on Good Friday will ‘watch with Jesus on the Cross’ by looking at why it makes any difference! God’s story (His – story). Why the Cross was and is necessary, what has happened since, and then the last 30mins will focus on that first Good Friday’s events. Feel free to come / go during the hymns which will happen every 30mins. (This avoids disturbing people’s thoughts by doors and pew door noises! There are chairs in the entrance room where you can wait)

15 th June, 2015, will mark the 800 th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215. That document, sealed by King John, is widely recognised as a key step in the development of democracy in this country and across the English-speaking world. The 800 th anniversary will be celebrated widely through a series of special events. The Magna Carta resulted from a revolt by many of King John’s barons. Under clause 61 of the document a committee of 25 barons was appointed to ensure that the king complied with the terms of the agreement. Three of those barons had their principal manors in what is now . They were Robert Fitzwalter of Little Dunmow, Geoffrey de Mandeville of Pleshey and Robert de Montfichet of Stansted Mountfitchet. Each of these parishes will be marking the anniversary with a range of activities, mostly in May and June. When details are confirmed they will be included in the ‘What’s On’ page of our website . From January to March, snowdrops can be seen in many of our churchyards. Great Amwell churchyard always has a spectacular display, as does Birchanger Wood. Both are on walk routes that can be downloaded from our website. Great Amwell is on route number 19 that covers 4 miles from St Margarets Station to Ware station, whilst Birchanger Wood is on walk number 9 – a 6 mile route from Bishop’s Stortford station to Stansted Mountfitchet station. Another popular snowdrop venue is the Gardens of Easton Lodge (in Little Easton, just north of Dunmow) which has an open day on Sunday, March 1 st . Ken McDonald-Secretary

Have you just moved in? Or know someone who has? We provide a pack to welcome people into the Villages. It has information about bin days, doctors, children’s activities…. If you see someone has moved in near you, please ask the Vicarage for a pack for you to give to them, a good way to introduce yourself! They are kept at the Vicarage so we can endeavour to keep them up to date.

For help with debt – CAP (Christians Against Poverty) 0800 328 0006 (free call)

Regular events in the three churches:

TICTACs ( Year 7+ students): weekly in term time at 7.00pm on Wednesdays in the Wilshere Hall Upper Room. Phone 01920 870115 Prayer Meeting: Tuesday mornings 9.30am – phone 01920 870580 Monday Bible Group: Alternate weeks 7.30pm phone 07507 541884 Tuesday Homegroup : Alternate weeks 7.30pm. phone 01920 422065 Friday study group alternate weeks 11.00am phone 01920 870115 Alpha Courses Enquires - 01920 870115 Crèche: toys and books are at the back of St John’s and St Margarets’ churches and in the tower area at St Andrew’s Challengers (for Primary children): every Sunday 10.15am at St. Andrew’s (except when All Ages worship together) Sunday School : (see Diary pages) at St Margarets’ every Sunday, 10.30am on 1 st and 3 rd Sundays, 11.00am on 2 nd Sunday (Family Service 10.30am on 4 th Sunday) at St Johns on 2 nd Sundays during the 9.30am service St. John the Baptist Bellringers: Thursdays 7.30pm-9pm St. Andrew’s Music Group: one Wednesday each month, 7.30pm in Church St. John the Baptist Choir Practice : Saturdays 10.00am in Church St. Margarets’ Church coffee : every Saturday 10.30am – 12.30pm Church Tots’ Time: Fridays 1.00pm – 3.00pm in Wilshere Hall Evergreen Club of the Three Villages

Ian White and his team came to us in January, but I must put on record how interesting he was - talking about Stanstead Abbotts, and incidentally, learning lots of snippets from our members! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US! We have been running for 55 years now and we are still in very good health! We still provide the very best Club for people over 60 in the whole world! Come and find out for yourself if you don't believe me - Mondays, 2-4pm at Stanstead Abbotts Parish Hall on Roydon Road. At our Birthday Lunch we will have said a sad farewell to Margaret Peterkin who has been an active member for nearly 20 years - first as a driver, through collecting the monies for tea and all manner of other positions, but as Chairman and chief do-er for the last 14 or more years. We all wish her a long and happy retirement to Broadstairs and thank her for all she has done for our Club. In April we are going by coach to Tiptree for tea. There is a fascinating museum there telling the story of the world-famous jam makers. There is also a shop where you can buy exotic or plain conserves! Non-members are welcome to join us. Please book all further outings with Mary Sewell, 871024 evenings only. Rosemary Imroth

News from the Wider Church

In a pastoral letter from the House of Bishops to the people and parishes of the Church of England, the Bishops urge Christians to consider the question how can we "build the kind of society which many people say they want but which is not yet being expressed in the vision of any of the parties?" The letter also encourages church members to engage in the political process ahead of the General Election and to put aside self-interest and vote for 'the common good': "The privileges of living in a democracy mean that we should use our votes thoughtfully, prayerfully and with the good of others in mind, not just our own interests."'- pastoral-letter-on-the-2015-general-election.aspx The Church of England has made its Reflections for Lent for 2015 available online in an app format across both Apple and Android devices. Reflections for Lent, provides daily readings and reflections. In 2014 the Reflections for Lent 2014 iOS version became the UK’s top selling book app on Ash Wednesday, and the latest apps join a collection of mobile apps available across both iOS and Android platforms which have collectively seen over 130,000 first-time downloads, including the popular Daily Prayer, which was downloaded more than 25,000 times in its first year Thomas Allain-Chapman, head of Church House Publishing said:“By making Reflections for Lent available across a range of digital formats we hope that more people will find it easier to make time for daily prayer and reflection, however busy they may be. New technology can provide a great way into the Christian tradition of taking up good habits - as well as letting go of bad ones - for Lent.” The apps are available now on iOS and Google Play, with more details available at: Diocese also has excellent verses available for each day of Lent available from Loneliness and isolation are the most widespread social problems affecting English communities, regardless of income or social class, according to the findings of a survey of vicars published by Church Urban Fund (CUF) and the Church of England. For further details: The House of Bishops of the Church of England have expressed the hope for political parties to discern "a fresh moral vision of the kind of country we want to be " ahead of the General Election in May of this year.

MARCH Saturday 7th - Mayor of Civic Dinner Tickets are now on sale for Cllr Chantal Geall, Mayor of Hertford's Civic Dinner in aid of Isabel Hospice and Hertford and Ware Street Pastors. Drinks will be at 7pm with dinner at 7.30pm. Black tie/lounge suit dress code. There will be a bar, raffle and entertainment during the evening. Tickets are £40 and available from Nikki Milton on 01992 552885. Saturday 14th - Fire Walk for Isabel Hospice Take on the amazing challenge of a Firewalk! Walk barefoot over red hot coals burning at over 1200ºF, the ultimate test of mind over matter. Achieve the seemingly impossible and walk across fire – an amazing way to impress your friends, yourself and have some fun! So come on, if you dare and join us for our Fire Walk Fundraising Event! We ask that you raise at least £75 in sponsorship for Isabel Hospice on top of your entry fee of £25. Don't worry, this is not as difficult as you may think - people will be more than willing to sponsor you to walk on fire, as long as they don't have to do it!! Sign up at or call Beth Hardy 01707 382500. Friday 27th - Golf Day for Isabel Hospice This day is being held at Grange near Hertford in aid of the Hospice. Full details are to follow, but to register your interest, call Cheryl Cusack on 01707 382500.

Food Bank Collection We have a collection for the Food Bank in Hertford. They would like dry foods of all sorts, long-life liquids, and tinned foods – that will help people who are sent there by Social Services / CAB etc, when they cannot afford to feed their family until the next cheque comes in. They also need toiletries, washing-up liquid etc. Please put your contributions in the box in Burtons or in the churches, and we will take the contents to Hertford.

Thank you for your thoughtfulness, people are being really generous. Please keep it coming as help is still needed in these particularly trying financial times.

Stanstead Abbotts Local History Society

Our February speaker, Stephen Poulter, was almost as fascinating as his topic! Stephen, a former TV producer, is proprietor of Books@ - the last independent bookshop in a 12 mile radius. Where local bookshops excel is their highlighting and publication of books and DVDs that feature local interests and pursuits. So Stephen has helped produce a successful series of “Through Time” books featuring ‘then and now’ photographic stories of our neighbouring towns of Hoddesdon, Ware & Hertford. Stephen’s shop is on the High St in Hoddesdon; remember its “Use it or lose it” - so get your copies soon! Stephen is an expert on Theobald’s Palace, the great lost palace of at Waltham Cross. Just off the A10, going south past the traffic lights, it’s a site packed with history. Built by William Cecil (Lord Burghley) in 1580 it was beloved by Elizabeth 1 st who visited it

10 times; James 1 st persuaded the Cecils to do a “swopsies” and they took over the site of Hatfield Palace while he extended Theobalds. It was here that his son, Charles 1st, raised his Royal Standard and rode off to inaugurate the Civil War. The Palace no longer exists, but you can see it reflected in Hatfield House which was modelled on it. Cedars Park now guards the remnants of this once opulent building and is well worth a visit. Thank you Stephen for an engaging, well-illustrated presentation.. Now we look forward to March 13 th when we’ll welcome Alan Thompson (a previous speaker) who will tell us how the Poor Law affected the citizens of our area and county. As always our meetings are in the Parish Hall at 7.30pm. Besides receiving speakers SALHS also sends out Committee Members to give talks on their specialist fields. So in the past few months we’ve addressed gatherings organised by Rotary, U3A and other local history societies. Maybe we could assist at one of your own gatherings? Our first book on the history of our local villages sold – and is selling – very well. Now we are on the cusp of bringing out our second book. This will be on the history of Rye House and will be a joint venture with the Hoddesdon History Society. Watch this page for further details about it! Our programme of talks is organised well into 2016 but if you have a topic that you would like to see presented at one of our monthly meetings then do please let us know, by email at: [email protected] Bob Hunt

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Future events to Rosemary Imroth (01920 424140) by 7th March

MARCH 2015

Monday 9th Evergreen Club: 2pm We are very pleased to welcome Margaret Rogers for a talk with slides. Everyone is invited to come to the afternoon and join us for tea. Friday 27th Amwell Society: 8pm in the Parish Hall in Great Amwell, Speaker John Fisher from the RSPB.


on Saturday 28th March in Parish Hall, Great Amwell 3.00pm – 5.30pm


Enquiries to Ann Hardy 01920 87056, [email protected]

Are you interested in St James church? St James church is a wonderful ancient building – a real treasure in Stanstead Abbots village. We now have a St James Friends group. That group has its AGM on Thursday 5th March at Stansteadbury. You are welcome to come and give us your ideas : how could we make more of this wonderful church? What would you come to in that building? If you cannot come to the meeting, please feel to contact the Vicar with your ideas (870115 or [email protected] ). If you would like to join St James Friends please contact Anne Sauntson on [email protected]

Your child joining Great Amwell School?

A point of clarification: some people come to church in order to enhance their chances of their child joining a school such as Great Amwell. Please be aware that you need to come to church services at least once a month for more than a year before the minister of that church is able to sign your school form. That means you should have started now for completing a form next February!!

Stanstead Abbotts & St Margaret’s Scout Group

Cooking and Health are always popular activities for the beginning of the New Year, and o ur Forest Beavers have had a lot of messy fun learning about best way to clean their teeth and really wash their hands as part of their Health and Fitness Badge activities. They loved the purple disclosure tablets and trying to clean oil and flour off their hands with cold and then, more successfully, with hot soapy water. Our Woodland Beavers meanwhile made healthy home-made popcorn and ciabatta pizzas on their ‘Healthy eating’ night. Meanwhile our Jaguar Cubs discover how quick and easy it is to make healthy and delicious home-made burgers - from scratch - for their Chef's Badge! Scouts Charlie, Holly, Lily L and Oscar took part in the Ware & District Scouts World War 1 - themed team Cooking Competition. Their carefully devised, planned and cooked £18 three course menu for 4, went down a storm with the judges. Congratulations to the team and many thanks to everyone who helped with the shopping and practice sessions. Over the last few weeks the girls and boys in the Scout Troop have been working on their UK Space-Agency sponsored Astronautics Badges splitting into their 4 patrols each week to take on different activities and learning about the solar system, the International Space Station, the history of space exploration, rocket propulsion, and building working rockets ready for a mass rocket launch in March. With 20 rockets now built, it’s going to be a great day. March is set to be packed with more adventures, challenges and fun starting with the huge Ware & District Cubs Activity Day to celebrate Founder’s Day, the Scouts’ Dartmoor ‘March March’ camp, plus the Chief Scout Silver Award presentatio ns at Ware Priory, to name a few. Please visit our website to find out more about our many adventures, news and announcements, or to find out more about Scouting and how to join the adventure. Extra adult volunteers ALWAYS needed. Follow us on Facebook Twitter @1stSAScoutGroup or visit our website Fiona McKenzie-Smith

Card making classes

Card-making classes are in the Wilshere Hall, on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month from 1.00-4.00pm All materials are provided and whatever you create is yours to take home with you. Come and give it a try. For further information please contact Janet Dance on 01920 871262.

St James Church Grass Cutting Fund

Sorry I am late in letting you know the final total raised for 2014 (some donations were late in arriving) and once again many, many thanks to the loyal supporters of this most worthy fund, it is very much appreciated. The amount this year of £488 has been handed to the Treasurer. The grounds when mowed are a credit to the village as well as a tribute to St James’ and those who are buried there. I send my very best wishes to one man who is always very supportive, and one of our highest givers who is going through a bad time at present due to unforeseen circumstances, and to the family of a very sweet lady who died last year and had been supporting the fund since day one. Every good wish to all. Iris Lyon

Stanstead Abbotts Online The best online resource for the village of Stanstead Abbotts, with news and wide-ranging information on the amenities, events, activities and businesses within the village. Regularly updated. Take a look and add it to your favourites!

Need Help with a Problem??? Contact the East Herts Citizens Advice Service 4 Yeoman’s Ct., Ware Rd. Hertford, SG13 7HJ (opposite Tesco) Open: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 10am – 2pm or 20 Tudor Square, West Street, Ware SG12 9XF on Tuesdays 10am – 1pm Adviceline telephone service is also available Monday – Friday 10am-5pm 03444 111 444 Amwell Society

January Japes takes the form each year of a light-hearted quiz, and this time the theme was “An Italian Evening.” The Hall, the tables and the helpers were all decked out in red, white and green to signify the Tricolore, and each of the five tables was named after a Roman Emperor. Every round represented an old or modern Italian theme – the food fortunately was modern. First, pictures of places were projected on the screen and had to be identified. There followed a wine tasting – five different brands to name. Then there were many various Roman gods to identify. After that we received pieces of pasta, taped to paper, to name; then a music round including many composers - some very obscure! Throughout this there was much to eat and drink available, and the last round involved identifying the food consumed (photos were provided in case we had eaten it all already, of bread, meats and cheese.) Throughout the evening a continuing round required each team to construct a trebuchet with the aid of a ping-pong ball and various bits of wood, rubber bands etc. At the end the resulting machine was fired the length the missile achieved measured. One team had an engineer on board and we expected great things from them, so were a little disappointed when their projectile landed 10cms. behind the construction. (He later complained of being provided with faulty equipment!) Team Nero, without any fiddling, were the winners of this last round and the whole Quiz, and duly received the magnificent trophy. Ann Hardy and her team had put a lot of work and thought into this evening, and good fun was had by all. Diana Matthews British Red Cross Spring Sale at Village Hall, Cottered SG9 9QR on Thursday 23rd April, 10.30am – 3.00pm Ladies clothing, shoes, bags, homeware, gifts and accessories Entrance £3.50 including coffee and biscuits