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if' THURSDAY, pHCEMBHtt 28, 19*8 4 TORRANCE HERALD, Torranc*. California AT LOMITA, SUNDAY, MONDAY No. Long Beach LOMITA THEATRE PHONE LOMITA AND TUESDAY, DEC. 31, JAN. 1-2 School Is Added 15c 2 4 3 lOc THURSDAY, Dec. 28 LAST TIMES TONIGHT to Mar. League "Wild Boys of the Road" All Members of New Group BJB Frankie Darro, Rochella MuCtwn, Dorothy Coftnan About On a Par As to *> I and in All-Star Catt E<:Bar Kennedy Cotn.dy, "QUIlT PLEASE" Athletic Ability Song Hit Story, "Sl-OW POKE" RACE NIGHT According to late rcimrts, North FOX NEWS Long Hoiieh hlKh school lifts been added to the Hat of schools form FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, DEC. 29-30 ing the Marine league n nd will take ]>art in iithlctTe" contests he- "One Man Journey" Lionel Barrymore, Dorothy Jordan, Joel McCn and May Robson Melody Master, "BARBER SHOP BLUES" new Marine League was The GARDEN" formed this fall by «:.llttlmr ill' Doney Tune Gartooft "BUDDY'S BEER the old league and placing tlio Ep. No. 10, "Three Musketeers" smaller schools In one list, the' Ep. No. 11, "Secret Service Sanders" lai-Ker schools In another In the balanced com NEWS FOR THE KIDDIES A big So candy ba Interests of better thi petition and to do ft*ay with th»; ill be given FREE to every kiddy-attending worry of trying to fit an outsize Saturday Matinee tensile to a boy's size schedule. With ten-teams tryine to play n six-game schedule, some teams did SUN., MON., TUES., DEC. 31, JAN. 1-2 not meet at all and the result at the end of the season as to ci>m- parntlve standing was a muddle. "The Masqueraders" Ttle new Marine l.eaKiie will A Dicney Silly Symphony, "BUGS IN LOVE" contain Torrdncc. Narbonne. Ciar- Charli* Chaplin in "THE FIREMAN" dena. I>u7.1nger. Kl SeKundo and mg With KTTcTrion^ North 1-ntiK Hindi. The latter Is a new school In about Its second 4 New Year's Eve. Midnite Show year of athletics, but Is about on vill be held on New Year's. Eve, under the auspio.r a par with the other teams us to if Co-operative Unit Mb. 263 of Lomita. This is a athletic material. jenefit show for the unemployeri so turn out iclp do your bit. A snappy line of vaudeville will as a high class DRAWS HEAVY FINE >e presented on the stage as well G. C. Roy, 23886 Pork over Paul Muni, as Orin Nordholm in "The World Changes," shouts to the howling credit Colman and Elissa LandiwThe/^asQuerader" Walterla. drew n fine of J150 "Ronald ors who besiege him. This is one of the many thrilling scenes from Warner Bros.' story WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, JAN. 3-4 On tnc same bill at Lomita, starting Sunday, will be seen Walt 75 days in jail an a C'hrt»tr of four generations of America, playing Wednesday only, January 3, at the Torrance Disney's Silly Symphony, "Bug§ In Love"; Charlie Chaplin in "The present, handed out hy Municipal Mr. Muni in "Sweetheart of Sigma Chi" Fireman," and the fifth episode of "Fighting With Kit Carson." Judge R|ppy this week. Roy Theatre. One of the greatest casts ever assembled on the screen supports arrested Decerriber 24 on complaint his first picture since the sensational, "I Am a Fugitive From a Chain Gang" stormed Bucter Crabbe, Mary Carlisle, Ted Flo Rita and Hi* (if his wife, nnd the sentence Aline MacMahon, Mary Astor, Patricia Bills, Jean Muir, and 20 other stars Orchestra easily the outstanding musical ootnedy suspended on dfndltlon thut Roy the country. the year. A Clark A MoCullousjh Comedy, Mervyn LeRoy directed. AND THE FIDDLE." Magic Carpet, "Pagodai Patronize These Advertisers cease annoying her. support the talented Mr. Munt. "FITS of Peiping" FOX NEWS I THEATRE Clara Bow In "Hoopla" Starts THERE'S NOTHING TOO GOOD FOR THE PATRONS OF AT TORRANCE THE LOMlTA THEATRE TORRANCE SUN., MON. AND TUES. Tonight At Torrance Theatre I THEATRE PHONE 132 THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY DECEMBER 28 - 29 - 30 Big Double Bill FREE! "Me falling in love like a TICKETS school girll That's a laugh I" To The * * * Read all the advertisements below. If your name appears in any of the "ads," ... go to th* Jean Hersholt and Marie Dressier in "Her. Sweetheart." store In whose advertisement your name is printed (Christopher Bean) and receive two (2) tickets to the Torrance Theatre. Twelve free admissions are given away each week. Co-starrod for the first time Rose Parade Will You are under no obligation to make a purohart in nedy, Start At 9;30 A. M. order to get your tickets. I'anadena will stage its forty- Chas. A. Cm-tlsn in "Her Sweetheart" (Christopher fifth annual Tournament of Roses TURKEYS - GEESE - DUCKS - CHICKENS Bean), playing at the Torrance Theatre, Sunday, Monday and on January 1, 1934. , The parade RABBITS, ETC. starts at 9:80 a. m.. from the cor Tuesday, December 31, January 1 Strictly Firat Class a nd Vary Reaionably Priced avenue and desires, the romance and the love and 2. Metro-Goldwyn- ner of OrnnKc Grove Clara Bow, the ever-fiery, akes nd continues .ea! of the "big top," Clara Bom is Large, Local, Guaranteed Fresh........ .....doz. 28c Mayor's much dii ed filmizatior Colorado street her latest screen appearance in EGGS, Hill street an to reach the highest poin of the stage »i >, "The Lat< on Colorado to Meredith avenue according to tl achievement in her colorful cl Christopher Bear & POULTRY STORE with tourinft departme t of the National under the Fox banner, at the Tor The other half of the big doub TORRANCE FEED Automobile Clul). The disbanding rance Theatre, tonight, Friday and bill at the Torrance Theatre f T. S. LOVELADY, Proprieto INQLEWOOD WINS. Phone 115-W. PRESTON FOSTER area will he at Tournament P Saturday. these three days is "The Soph Carton & Grameroy. CROMWELL where floats will be on display this story of carnival life more," starring Eddie Quillan ai RICHARD school defeated TnRlewoocl high throughout New Year's Day. that dramatizes the hatreds, the Sally O'Neill. Herbert Mundin San IMcgo, 7-«, In the annual con James Gleason test for the football championship of Southern California, Saturday. I Whlttior College last Friday t HAIG & HAIG, Photographers Minna Gomball The game was played at th spend the Christmas vacation with Coming to the Lomita Theatre. Announce the Removal of Their Studio to Angeles CollHeum before a large his parents, Mr. and Mrs. \V. I!, rhillljft, 2023JJ Andreo avenue. 1224 El Prado, Torrance Wednesday and Thursday (Between Dr. FoaaunVa Office and the Miller Furniture Opposite Oolhiy Drug Co.) Our new atudio nuch larger than th« former ctuart.ra at 1343 El Prado, and mable us to render more aatisfsotory service. O. F. KoltH Miller Furniture Co. "THE SOPHOMORE U. S. TIRES 1220 El Prado. Phone MS, built of tempered rubber KAPOX MATTRESSES, with Eddie Quillan and Sally O'Neil all AS LOW AS re-makes, new ticking! $7.50 SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY A WEEK Montsrey Beriroom Set PER TIRE in gresni 4 pieces btCEMBER - 31 - JANUARY 1 - 2 Edison Phonograph and SO regards; complete 1VI U JL L. I JN'S 2-piace OverstufTsd CO-STARRED ev Public r Complote Auto Service Living Room Suit* ... »13.M 2053 Torrano. Blvd. Terms to Suit Cash paid fot Phone 320 -J Used Furniture or liberal (IforBe lilmlloH trade-in allowance. i hniuloir scefoi. in "The Sweetheart of Sigmama Klmor JoneH Above is one cl the .Chris nuhrlck the 4g*nte for ate Mary Carlisle, Buster Crabbe, Charlesrles GRANT HEATERS lifo'of the party. In the cact NEW YEAR'S Dave, the Plumber 1908 222nd St., Torranc* JYLessenger Hit or high cliiBH vaudcvli: UPtH "Her Sweetheart" GREETING! Phone 358-W will ho preHoMtott. The Hhi Will and sentinel of Midnight Show I'm a telling the (CHRISTOPHER BEAN) i shut ni 11:80 p. in. und the imhllbile is inviti'tl to turn out fi tills Cock-eyed World Then McOoy the home At Lomita For :iil..u uhlrh will help the JANUARY 3 up. In WEDNESDAY ONLY THE TEni'HONB in the home means re ones of Hi.- community to tuUtaUe merchandise ia going One-Stop Service side of six months, what is in at a distance. To the one at liuim ;i UK.MIS care oi1 soiiH of their nvwH«ltU> PAUL MUNI assurance to one the Unemployed costing you ons dollar now For the Motorist, I) protection and unending usefulness. A(imih«lnn pi Ice will I,. ::, , , MlK, will cost you two dollars. "THE WORLD CHANGES'* MiiriftKev J. l>. l'.ukei- of the l.o- a VtTy low prli'i- i'»ii>,lil"i-lntt tbf Cover your want* as fast as No matter what your ear It saves strength and checks expense; organizes and lightens rr1l!a Thl'iltre IH eo-olierallllK ugatll w. oan ll Illlllllty of (In- rlli.'tl.lllinu it is possible to c^o so in al n«.ds, you will find the day; brings friends close. with th« umimMAyvil tit l.miiltu In supply it. - FRIDAY - SATURDAY THURSDAY In a tingle emergency it may be worth more than it com in, putting! on n benefit Hhow at his thi* bit of aelvice in your hat. JANUARY 4 - S - b theatre on DeeumlHir 81... The pn>- NEW FIRE HYDRANTS a lifetime. cci-dH from' the mldtiiKlit Hhow. S. S. Worrell CECIL SMITH THE HARDWARE MAN Sup»r Service Station "DESIGN FOR LIVING" Nn l.tmiltn fire hydraoU In Tn 1C7-M 2172 Torranc.