Dimensional stability comparable to thatofteak. Substitute timberfor walnut,elm, oakalthough nocharacteristic grain structures. roofed terraces orinconservatories. wall- andceiling panels,doors,windows,parquet andotherfloorings, deckingfor work intheinterior and transition area (interior/exterior), e.g.furniture production, The timberofamburana isrecommended for all kindsofcarpentry andjoinery Uses label are available. timber invariousdimensions,semi-finished andfinishedproducts withtheFSC market. Theconcessions are mostly certified andare managedsustainably. Sawn Sufficient stocks existinthePeruvian Amazon, to secure along-term supply ofthe Availability (departamentos) Huánuco andSan Martín. , Bolivia,, , Peru. InPeru predominantly intheregions Distribution americano (BO);roble criollo, roble delpaís,roble, palo trébol (AR);trébol (AR,PY) Ishpingo, cerejeira (PE);cumarúdecheiro, imburana, umburana (BR);sorioco, roble Other commercial names Family, subfamily: Botanical name: Certification CITES status Abbreviation according to DIN-EN13556 San Martin Huánuco Amburana cearensis - AMCR available FSC certified timber commercially not protected

Amburana Amburana cearensis Amburana Botanical name: Amburana cearensis Family, subfamily: Fabaceae - Faboideae

tangential, image 1:1 cross section, image 15fold

Color and Structure of the Wood Sapwood cream-colored, heartwood yellow brown, texture medium to coarse, pores scattered, visible to the naked eye, on the longitudinal surfaces distinct pore channels, appear as darker streaks. No distinct but partly interwoven grain, wood rays narrow and medium width, hardly visible in cross section, characteristic, aromatic odor, similar to vanilla, timber ingredients can cause oily surface.

Technical Properties *at 12…15 % u Density air-dry* 0.50 g/cm³ Modulus of elasticity* 9400 N/mm² Tangential shrinkage max T 4.1 % Bending strength* 74 N/mm² Radial shrinkage max R 2.3 % Compressive strength II* 42 N/mm² Anisotropy T/R 1.8 (high Shear strength II* 5.1 N/mm² stability) Brinell hardness lateral* 35.8 N/mm²

Technical Advice Amburana is easy to work with due to its low density and even structure. It has low shrinkage and swelling values and is characterized by high stability. Good finish, smooth and slightly shiny surfaces are obtained when machining. Air-drying or kiln-drying possible without difficulties, even with harsher drying programs. Gluing and surface treatment are not problem- atic. Natural durability is stated as medium to good (class 2...3 according to DIN EN 350-2, 2 according to ASTM D 2017-5).

Contact /=FHG5<39HGJB63B67@G4ÂFC$7FJR$7FJK=3B,F367#99=57S€*5<3J7B4JF:7FGHF cg€`^^gc3A4JF: ,7@ Ƹbgb^c`bebgd^€A3=@ =B9CD7FJHF367C99=57 67

Literature - Acevedo, M.: Características Tecnológicas de las Maderas Peruanas, UNALM, Lima 2011 - Citemadera: Compendio de Información Técnica de 32 Especies Forestales, Tomo I, Lima 2008 - Acevedo, M.: Atlas de Maderas Peruanas, UNALM, Nagoya University, Lima 1994 - Silva Guzmán, J.A. & al. 2010: Fichas de Propiedades Tecnológicas y Usos de Maderas Nativas de México e Importadas. Amate Editores, Guadalajara, México, 207 pp. ISBN:978-607-00-2894-60

Editing H.P. Nock, H.G. Richter, G. Koch – Thünen Institute of Wood Research, Hamburg $

Cachimbo Cariniana domestica Cachimbo Botanical name: Cariniana domestica Family: Lecythidaceae

tangential, image 1:1 cross section, image 10fold

Color and Structure of the Wood Sapwood cream-colored to pink, heartwood reddish to grey, grain not distinct, brown uneven color streaks, fibre orienta- tion straight to slightly interwoven, texture medium to fine, pores and pore channels visible to the naked eye, axial paren- chyma banded in numerous fine bands, rays fine.

Technical Properties *at 12…15 % u Density air-dry* 0.70 g/cm³ Modulus of elasticity* 13 100 N/mm² Tangential shrinkage max T 7.6 % Bending strength* 73.5 N/mm² Radial shrinkage max R 5 % Compressive strength II* 34.2 N/mm² Anisotropy T/R 1.52 (high Shear strength II* 8.4 N/mm² stability) Brinell hardness lateral* 46.8 N/mm² Note: In the timber trade in Peru distinctions are often made between c. blanco and c. colorado or c. rosado. Although these are the same or closely related species to c. decandra, the technical properties can differ significantly.

Technical Advice The timber of cachimbo is very homogeneous and free of tension, machinability is good with all (carbide equipped) tools. However, due to the silicate content tools become blunt quickly. Air- and kiln-drying show good results with few drying defects, even with harsher drying programs. Gluing and surface treatments are possible with most of the commonly used products. Cachimbo has good mechanical properties with high stability. Natural durability of the heartwood is not very high (dura- bility class 3...4 according to ASTM D 2017-5, when wet susceptible to blue stain).

Contact /=FHG5<39HGJB63B67@G4ÂFC$7FJR$7FJK=3B,F367#99=57S€*5<3J7B4JF:7FGHF cg€`^^gc3A4JF: ,7@ Ƹbgb^c`bebgd^€A3=@ =B9CD7FJHF367C99=57 67

Literature - Citemadera: Compendio de Información Técnica de 32 Especies Forestales, Tomo II, Lima 2008 - Acevedo, M.: Características Tecnológicas de las Maderas Peruanas, UNALM; Lima 2011 FºGH7:J=  )75CD=@35=ºBNB¨@=G=G67GHJ6=CG,75BC@º:=5CG67!367F3G$7FJ3B3G $"-W#W$)Wf_W^^`  =A3_gf` - WWF Peru,USAID/PROMPEX: Guia de Procesamiento Industrial – Fabricación de Muebles con Maderas poco conocidas – LKS, Lima 2006

Editing H.P. Nock, H.G. Richter, G. Koch – Thünen Institute of Wood Research, Hamburg $


Copaiba Copaifera officinalis Copaiba Botanical name: Copaifera officinalis Family, subfamily: Fabaceae - Caesalpiniodeae

tangential, image 1:1 cross section, image 10fold

Color and Structure of the Wood Sapwood reddish-cream-colored, clearly set off, heartwood reddish-brown. Growth zones clearly notable in the cross sec- tion through dark bands, fibre direction straight, structure medium to fine and homogeneous, slight, in places decorative grain with dark strands, surface with fine gloss. Diffuse-porous, visible to the naked eye (3…8/mm²), axial parenchyma visible, predominantly terminal with enclosed resin channels, which become visible particularly in the cross section as occasional dark marks. Wood rays hardly visible to the naked eye, on the radial section visible as fine rift grain.

Technical Properties *at 12…15 % u Density air-dry* 0.71 g/cm³ Modulus of elasticity* 11 200 N/mm² Tangential shrinkage max T 7.0% Bending strength* 73 N/mm² Radial shrinkage max R 3.4% Compressive strength II* 40 N/mm² Anisotropy T/R 2.1 Shear strength II* 10 N/mm² Brinell hardness lateral* 58.7 N/mm²

Note: It may occur that different species of the genus copaifera are traded under the name copaiba which have partly differ- ing properties (color, durability, hardness).

Technical Advice Due to the high density and good strength values of the timber workability is somewhat difficult, shorter tool life and a slight blunting effect can be expected. Because of the fine structure of the wood good surfaces are attainable during all phases of operation. Air- and kiln-drying is not problematic, however it is recommended to use mild drying programs. Gluing and surface treatment are possible without problems, but gluing tests are recommended when resin emerges. The natural durability of the heartwood is moderately good.

Contact /=FHG5<39HGJB63B67@G4ÂFC$7FJR$7FJK=3B,F367#99=57S€*5<3J7B4JF:7FGHF cg€`^^gc3A4JF: ,7@ Ƹbgb^c`bebgd^€A3=@ =B9CD7FJHF367C99=57 67

Literature - Azevedo, M.: Caracteristicas Tecnologicas de las Maderas Peruanas, Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Molina (UNALM), Lima 2011 - Centro de Innovacion Tecnologica de la Madera( Citemadera): Maderas de Peru, Fichas Tecnicas, Lima (ohne Jahresangabe) FºGH7:J= .  7G5F=D5=ºB $FCDF=76367G=G=5C !753B=53GN-GCG67@3G!367F3G67@$7FJ -" !  =A3_ge^ - International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), Centre Technique Forestier Tropical: ,FCD=53@,=A47FH@3GC9 3H=BA7F=53 1C?C<3A3 "C:7BH GJF !3FB7_gg^

Editing H.P. Nock, H.G. Richter, G. Koch – Thünen Institute of Wood Research, Hamburg $

DXOD available FSC certified timber commercially not protected

Cumarú Dipteryx odorata Cumarú Botanical name: Dipteryx odorata Family, subfamily: Fabaceae – Faboideae

tangential, image 1:1 cross section, image 10fold

Color and Structure of the Wood Heartwood variable in color, from yellowish and reddish-brown to violet-brown, darkening with exposure, dark color usually is set off from the whitish-yellow sapwood, fibre direction interwoven, which causes glossy stripes on radial sur- faces. Texture medium to coarse, pores scattered, visible to the naked eye, axial parenchyma well visible, crystalline and rubber-like cell contents. Growth zones not distinct, slight striping possible. Surface often feels greasy.

Technical Properties *at 12…15 % u Density air-dry* 1.10 g/cm³ Modulus of elasticity* 21 500 N/mm² Tangential shrinkage max T 9.1 % Bending strength* 129 N/mm² Radial shrinkage max R 5.5 % Compressive strength II* 67 N/mm² Anisotropy T/R 1.6 (high Shear strength II* 14.5 N/mm² stability) Brinell hardness lateral* 97 N/mm²

Technical Advice The wood of cumarú is very heavy and hard; it has very high strength values. Therefore the workability is difficult, in par- ticular timber with irregular fibre orientation. Pre-drilling is necessary for nails and screws. Tests should be carried out before gluing and surface treatment. The drying process must be carried slowly, in order to avoid deformations and cracking. The natural durability is very high, the wood is resistant to wood-destructive fungi and insects (class 1 according to ASTM D 2017-5 and DIN EN 350-2).

Contact /=FHG5<39HGJB63B67@G4ÂFC$7FJR$7FJK=3B,F367#99=57S€*5<3J7B4JF:7FGHF cg€`^^gc3A4JF: ,7@ Ƹbgb^c`bebgd^€A3=@ =B9CD7FJHF367C99=57 67

Literature - Acevedo, M.: Características Tecnológicas de las Maderas Peruanas, Universidad Nacional Agrária de la Molina (UNALM), Lima 2011 - Centro de Innovación Tecnológica de la Madera (Citemadera): Maderas de Peru, Fichas Técnicas, Lima (ohne Jahresangabe) - Aróstegui, V.A.: Descripción, Propriedades Fisico-Mecanicas y Usos de las Maderas del Peru, UNALM, Lima 1970 - International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), Centre Technique Forestier Tropical: - Tropical Timber Atlas of Latin America, Yokohama, Nogent-sur-Marne 1990 - Silva Guzmán, J.A. & al. 2010: Fichas de Propiedades Tecnológicas y Usos de Maderas Nativas de México e Importadas. Amate Editores, Guadalajara, México, 207 pp. ISBN:978-607-00-2894-6

Editing H.P. Nock, H.G. Richter, G. Koch – Thünen Institute of Wood Research, Hamburg $

- -

Estoraque Myroxylon balsamum Estoraque Botanical name: Myroxylon balsamum Family, subfamily: Fabaceae - Faboideae

tangential, image 2:1 cross section, image 10fold

Color and Structure of the Wood Sapwood yellowish-cream-colored, heartwood dark, reddish-brown, growth zones marked by dark irregular stripes, which leads to a decorative grain. Diffuse-porous, visible to the naked eye (10…20/mm²), partly with rubber-like contents, visible as dark pore grooves on the longitudinal surfaces. Fine wood rays, hardly visible to the naked eye, with pocket lens storied struc- ture visible.

Technical Properties *at 12…15 % u Density air-dry* 0.95 g/cm³ Modulus of elasticity* 15 000 N/mm² Tangential shrinkage max T 8.1 % Bending strength* 130 N/mm² Radial shrinkage max R 5.2 % Compressive strength II* 60 N/mm² Anisotropy T/R 1.6 (high Shear strength II* 14 N/mm² stability) Brinell hardness lateral* 104 N/mm²

Note: Myroxylon balsamum and the closely related species m. peruiferum received the name balsamo due to a balsam-like extract, which can be obtained from the bark and which was used in medicine, and in the perfume, cosmetic and soap pro- duction since the 16th century.

Technical Advice It is relatively difficult to work this heavy and resistant wood, a short tool life has to be taken into account and carbide tipped tools are recommended, so that good surfaces can be obtained with machining. Pre-drilling is necessary for nail- ing and screwing. Gluing and surface treatment with common products are predominantly non-problematic, however it is recommended to start with gluing and finishing tests. The air-drying process takes place very slowly; kiln-drying should be carried out with mild drying programs. The natural durability of the heartwood is very high (class 1 according to ASTM D 2017-5 and DIN EN 350-2). The resistance against the attack of wood-destructive fungi and insects is very good.

Contact /=FHG5<39HGJB63B67@G4ÂFC$7FJR$7FJK=3B,F367#99=57S€*5<3J7B4JF:7FGHF cg€`^^gc3A4JF: ,7@ Ƹbgb^c`bebgd^€A3=@ =B9CD7FJHF367C99=57 67

Literature - Acevedo, M. : Características Tecnologicas de las Maderas Peruanas, Universidad Nacional Agrária de la Molina (UNALM), Lima 2011 - Centro de Innovacion Tecnologica de la Madera( Citemadera): Maderas de Peru, Fichas Técnicas, Lima (ohne Jahresangabe) - Aróstegui, V.A.: Descripción, Propriedades Físico-Mecanicas y Usos de las Maderas del Peru, UNALM, Lima 1970 - International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), Centre Technique Forestier Tropical: - Tropical Timber Atlas of Latin America, Yokohama, Nogent-sur-Marne 1990 - Silva Guzmán, J.A. & al. 2010: Fichas de Propiedades Tecnológicas y Usos de Maderas Nativas de México e Importadas. Amate Editores, Guadalajara, México, 207 pp. ISBN:978-607-00-2894-6

Editing H.P. Nock, H.G. Richter, G. Koch – Thünen Institute of Wood Research, Hamburg $

no record available FSC certified timber commercially not protected - - -

Garapa Apuleia leiocarpa Garapa Botanical name: Apuleia leiocarpa Family, subfamily: Fabaceae - Faboideae

tangential, image 1:1 cross section, image 10fold

Color and Structure of the Wood Heartwood yellowish brown to gold-brown, darkening on exposure, not clearly set off from the sapwood. Growth zones hardly visibly, fibre direction interwoven and irregular, therefore partially notable glossy stripes on radial surfaces. Tex- ture medium to fine.

Technical Properties *at 12…15 % u Density air-dry* 0.78 g/cm³ Modulus of elasticity* 14 900 N/mm² Tangential shrinkage max T 6.4 % Bending strength* 124 N/mm² Radial shrinkage max R 4.2 % Compressive strength II* 68 N/mm² Anisotropy T/R 1.6 (high Shear strength II* 11.4 N/mm² stability) Brinell hardness lateral* 55 N/mm²

Technical Advice The wood of garapa is very hard, heavy and firm. Due to silicon dioxide (SiO2) deposits it has a tool blunting effect. Work- ability is somewhat difficult and requires carbide tipped tools. Pre-drilling required for nails and screws. The sawdust developing during processing may lead to irritations of the skin with sensitive people. It is recommended to carry out tests for gluing and surface treatments. The drying process should be carried out using slow, mild programs, so that deforma- tion and cracking can be avoided. The natural durability is very variable (class 1 – 3 according to ASTM D 2017-5), available information indicates a range between very durable to moderately durable. Reactions between iron and tannins can lead to grey-blue discolorations.

Contact /=FHG5<39HGJB63B67@G4ÂFC$7FJR$7FJK=3B,F367#99=57S€*5<3J7B4JF:7FGHF cg€`^^gc3A4JF: ,7@ Ƹbgb^c`bebgd^€A3=@ =B9CD7FJHF367C99=57 67

Literature - Centro de Innovación Tecnológica de la Madera (Citemadera): Maderas de Peru, Fichas Técnicas, Lima (ohne Jahresangabe) - Aróstegui, V.A.: Descripción, Propriedades Fisico-Mecanicas y Usos de las Maderas del Peru, UNALM, Lima 1970 - GDHolz, Thünen Institut für Holzforschung: Merkblattreihe Holzarten, Berlin (ohne Jahresangabe) - Wagenführ, R., Scheober, Chr.: Holzatlas, Leipzig 1974

Editing H.P. Nock, H.G. Richter, G. Koch – Thünen Institute of Wood Research, Hamburg $


Jatobá Hymenea courbaril Jatobá Botanical name: Hymenea courbaril Family, subfamily: Fabaceae – Caesalpinioideae

tangential, image 1:1 cross section, image 10fold

Color and Structure of the Wood The heartwood is partly very dark, red-brown to violet brown with isolated dark colour stripes. Under UV light color de- fects can occur. The growth zones are clearly visible. The texture is medium to coarse, pores visible to the naked eye. Fibre direction predominantly straight, partly slightly interwoven.

Technical Properties *at 12…15 % u Density air-dry* 0.90 g/cm³ Modulus of elasticity* 15 600 N/mm² Tangential shrinkage max T 8.1 % Bending strength* 110 N/mm² Radial shrinkage max R 4.3 % Compressive strength II* 68 N/mm² Anisotropy T/R 1.9 (high Shear strength II* 12.1 N/mm² stability) Brinell hardness lateral* 70 N/mm²

Technical Advice Jatobá is a very hard, heavy and firm wood, therefore processing is difficult. Only with carbide equipped tools good surfaces can be obtained. The timber has a tool blunting effect but is not prone to deformations. Pre-drilling for nails and screws required. Gluing and surface treatment are problem-free. A slow and mild drying process is necessary in order to avoid dry- ing defects. The natural durability is variable (1 – 3 according to ASTM D 2017-5 and DIN EN 350-2), moderate to very good resistance against wood-destructive fungi and insects is indicated.

Contact /=FHG5<39HGJB63B67@G4ÂFC$7FJR$7FJK=3B,F367#99=57S€*5<3J7B4JF:7FGHF cg€`^^gc3A4JF: ,7@ Ƹbgb^c`bebgd^€A3=@ =B9CD7FJHF367C99=57 67

Literature - Acevedo, M.: Características Tecnológicas de las Maderas Peruanas, Universidad Nacional Agrária de la Molina (UNALM), Lima 2011 - Centro de Innovación Tecnológica de la Madera (Citemadera): Maderas de Peru, Fichas Técnicas, Lima (ohne Jahresangabe) - Aróstegui, V.A.: Descripción, Propriedades Fisico-Mecanicas y Usos de las Maderas del Peru, UNALM, Lima 1970 - International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), Centre Technique Forestier Tropical: - Tropical Timber Atlas of Latin America, Yokohama, Nogent-sur-Marne 1990 - Silva Guzmán, J.A. & al. 2010: Fichas de Propiedades Tecnológicas y Usos de Maderas Nativas de México e Importadas. Amate Editores, Guadalajara, México, 207 pp. ISBN:978-607-00-2894-6

Editing H.P. Nock, H.G. Richter, G. Koch – Thünen Institute of Wood Research, Hamburg $


Manchinga Brosimum alicastrum Manchinga Botanical name: Brosimum alicastrum Family: Moraceae

tangential, image 1,5:1 cross section, image 10fold

Color and Structure of the Wood Heartwood and sapwood yellowish-grey, growth zones not visible, grain not noticeable, structure and fibre direction are fine and homogeneous, surface slightly glossy. Diffuse-porous, pores numerous (10…17/mm ²), hardly visible to the naked eye, pore channels on longitudinal surfaces, wood rays fine, only visible on radial section as fine rift grain.

Technical Properties *at 12…15 % u Density air-dry* 0.81 g/cm³ Modulus of elasticity* 11 700 N/mm² Tangential shrinkage max T 8.10% Bending strength* 78.5 N/mm² Radial shrinkage max R 5.00% Compressive strength II* 36.5 N/mm² Anisotropy T/R 1.6 (high Shear strength II* 10.9 N/mm² stability) Brinell hardness lateral* 72.0 N/mm²

Technical Advice Despite its higher density the workability of the wood with machines or hand tools is relatively good due to its even and fine structure. Ripping may be problematic due to releasing growth tensions. Gluing and surface treatment are not problematic. Air-drying without problems, for kiln-drying slow programs with mild settings are recommended to avoid deformations. The natural durability of the heartwood is moderately good, quite resistant to fungal attack, durability class 4 according to ASTM D 2017-5 however, a higher durability is attributed to the wood in the Peruvian literature. Sensitive to fungi (blue stain) in wet condition.

Contact /=FHG5<39HGJB63B67@G4ÂFC$7FJR$7FJK=3B,F367#99=57S€*5<3J7B4JF:7FGHF cg€`^^gc3A4JF: ,7@ Ƹbgb^c`bebgd^€A3=@ =B9CD7FJHF367C99=57 67

Literature - Acevedo, M. : Caracteristicas Tecnologicas de las Maderas Peruanas - Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Molina (UNALM), Lima 2011 - Centro de Innovacion Tecnologica de la Madera (Citemadera): Maderas de Peru, Fichas Tecnicas, Lima (ohne Jahresangabe) - Aróstegui, V.A.: Descripción, Propriedades Fisico-Mecanicas y Usos de las Maderas del Peru, UNALM, Lima 1970 - Silva Guzmán, J.A. & al. 2010: Fichas de Propiedades Tecnológicas y Usos de Maderas Nativas de México e Importadas. Amate Editores, Guadalajara, México, 207 pp. ISBN:978-607-00-2894-6

Editing H.P. Nock, H.G. Richter, G. Koch – Thünen Institute of Wood Research, Hamburg $

CXRL available FSC certified timber commercially not protected

Mashonaste Clarisia racemosa Mashonaste Botanical name: Clarisia racemosa Family: Moraceae

tangential, image 1:1 cross section, image 10fold

Color and Structure of the Wood Sapwood cream-colored, heartwood yellow, darkens to yellowish-brown, texture, pores and wood rays medium to fine, axial parenchyma paratracheal in fine bands, which cause a decorative bright contrast on the tangential surface. Fibre direction straight, possibly slightly interwoven.

Technical Properties *at 12…15 % u Density air-dry* 0.66 g/cm³ Modulus of elasticity* 13 900 N/mm² Tangential shrinkage max T 6.3 % Bending strength* 93 N/mm² Radial shrinkage max R 2.8 % Compressive strength II* 54 N/mm² Anisotropy T/R 2.2 Shear strength II* 10 N/mm² Brinell hardness lateral* 69 N/mm²

Technical Advice The wood is somewhat difficult to process due to its relatively high density and hardness and due to embedded silicates (tool-blunting effect) but nevertheless good surfaces can be obtained with all cutting tools. Kiln-drying with mild programs as well as gluing and surface treatment with common products are not problematic. Indications on the durability of the wood vary widely (1…4 according to ASTM D 2017-5). The heartwood is indicated as partly resistant to fungi and insect attacks. The stability is relatively good, swelling and shrinkage values are small.

Contact /=FHG5<39HGJB63B67@G4ÂFC$7FJR$7FJK=3B,F367#99=57S€*5<3J7B4JF:7FGHF cg€`^^gc3A4JF: ,7@ Ƹbgb^c`bebgd^€A3=@ =B9CD7FJHF367C99=57 67

Literature - Acevedo, M.: Características Tecnológicas de las Maderas Peruanas, UNALM, Lima 2011 - Citemadera: Compendio de Información Técnica de 32 Especies Forestales, Tomo II, Lima 2008 - Aróstegui, A.: Descripción, Propriedades Físico-mecánicas y Usos de las Maderas del Peru, UNALM, Lima 1970 - International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), Centre Technique Forestier-Tropical: Tropical Timber Atlas of Latin America, Yokohama, Nogent-sur-Marne, 1990

Editing H.P. Nock, H.G. Richter, G. Koch – Thünen Institute of Wood Research, Hamburg $


Tornillo Cedrelinga cateniformis Tornillo Botanical name: Cedrelinga cateniformis Family, subfamily: Fabaceae - Mimosoideae

tangential, image 1:1 cross section, image 10fold

Color and Structure of the Wood Heartwood reddish to pink-brown in different shades, sapwood light pink, growth rings not pronounced, framed by irreg- ular dark strands, no noticeable, decorative grain, fibre direction straight to slightly interwoven, texture relatively coarse, diffuse-porous scattered (1… 5/mm ²), pores visible to the naked eye, parenchyma and wood rays visible with pocket lens.

Technical Properties *at 12…15 % u Density air-dry* 0.53 g/cm³ Modulus of elasticity* 10 800 N/mm² Tangential shrinkage max T 6.9 % Bending strength* 57 N/mm² Radial shrinkage max R 3.2 % Compressive strength II* 28 N/mm² Anisotropy T/R 2.2 Shear strength II* 8.1 N/mm² Brinell hardness lateral* 38.8 N/mm²

Technical Advice This wood has a medium density; its machining is good, also with hand tools. Gluing with commercial white glues not problematic, likewise the surface treatment with commonly used products. The sawdust developing during processing may produce irritation of the respiratory system with sensitive people. Both, air- and kiln-drying is non-problematic and relatively fast. Hardly any drying defects like cracking or deformations develop even when harsh drying programs are applied. A partially high natural durability is attributed to the heartwood of tornillo, it is said to be resistant to fungi and insects. However, it has been assigned to durability class 3…4 after ASTM D 2017-5 (moderately resistant).

Contact /=FHG5<39HGJB63B67@G4ÂFC$7FJR$7FJK=3B,F367#99=57S€*5<3J7B4JF:7FGHF cg€`^^gc3A4JF: ,7@ Ƹbgb^c`bebgd^€A3=@ =B9CD7FJHF367C99=57 67

Literature - Confederación Peruana de la Madera (CPM): Compendio de Información Técnica de 32 Species Forestales, Tomo 1, Lima 2008 - Acevedo, M.: Características Tecnológicas de las Maderas Peruanas, UNALM, Lima 2011 - Centro de Innovación Tecnológica de la Madera (CITEMADERA): Maderas de Peru, - Fichas Técnicas, Lima (ohne Jahresangabe) - UNALM: Àrvoles útiles de la Amazonia Peruana y sus usos, Lima 2003 - WWF Peru: Guia de Procesamiento Industrial, Fabricación de Muebles con Maderas Poco Conocidas, Lima 2006 - Silva Guzmán, J.A. & al. 2010: Fichas de Propiedades Tecnológicas y Usos de Maderas Nativas de México e Importadas. Amate Editores, Guadalajara, México, 207 pp. ISBN:978-607-00-2894-6

Editing H.P. Nock, H.G. Richter, G. Koch – Thünen Institute of Wood Research, Hamburg $