331 bus time schedule & line map

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The 331 bus line (Hertford - Buntingford) has 3 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Buntingford: 6:45 AM - 6:55 PM (2) Hertford: 6:30 AM - 6:50 PM (3) Ware: 6:45 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 331 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 331 bus arriving.

Direction: Buntingford 331 bus Time Schedule 43 stops Buntingford Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:45 AM - 6:55 PM Bus Station, Hertford Bircherley Street, Hertford Tuesday 6:45 AM - 6:55 PM

Tesco, Hertford Wednesday 6:45 AM - 6:55 PM Bluecoats Avenue, Hertford Thursday 6:45 AM - 6:55 PM Raynham Street, Hertford Friday 6:45 AM - 6:55 PM

Fairfax Road, Hertford Saturday 7:16 AM - 6:55 PM

Kings Road, Hertford

Viaduct, Chadwell 331 bus Info Springs, Chadwell Direction: Buntingford Stops: 43 Pumping Station, Chadwell Trip Duration: 44 min Line Summary: Bus Station, Hertford, Tesco, Hertford Regional College, Ware Hertford, Raynham Street, Hertford, Fairfax Road, Hertford, Kings Road, Hertford, Viaduct, Chadwell, 29-31 Amwell End, Ware Springs, Chadwell, Pumping Station, Chadwell, Old Town Hall, Ware Hertford Regional College, Ware, Old Town Hall, Ware, The Priory, Ware, Watton Road, Ware, East Street, Ware Kingsway, Ware, Wodson Park, Ware, Maltons, The Priory, Ware , Village Hall, Thundridge, The Feathers Inn, , White Horse Ph, High Cross, Street, Ware Cottages, High Cross, Barwick Lane, High Watton Road, Ware Cross, Lamb & Flag, Colliers End, Dowsetts Lane, Colliers End, St Edmund's College, Old Hall Green, Waggoners Yard, Ware Cambridge Road, , South Road, Standon, Kingsway, Ware Heron Restaurant, Standon, Recreation Ground, Puckeridge, Chapel Hall, Puckeridge, The Crown & Bryce Close, Ware Falcon Ph, Puckeridge, White Hart Ph, Puckeridge, Wodson Park, Ware Station House, , War Memorial, Braughing, The Golden Fleece Ph, Green End, Hay Lane, Hay Street, Hobbs Lane, Dassels, Stonebury Farm, Maltons, Thundridge Dassels, Swan Lane, Hare Street, Alswick Hall Lane, Buntingford, Bridgefoot, Buntingford, The Crown Inn, Village Hall, Thundridge Buntingford, Edwinstree C Of E Middle School, The Feathers Inn, Wadesmill Buntingford, Freman College, Buntingford, Greenways, Buntingford White Horse Ph, High Cross

Cambridge Cottages, High Cross Cambridge Cottages, Thundridge

Barwick Lane, High Cross The Orchards, Thundridge Civil Parish

Lamb & Flag, Colliers End Bird Court, Standon Civil Parish

Dowsetts Lane, Colliers End

St Edmund's College, Old Hall Green

Cambridge Road, Puckeridge

South Road, Standon Kent's Lane, Puckeridge

Heron Restaurant, Standon Station Road, Standon Civil Parish

Recreation Ground, Puckeridge

Chapel Hall, Puckeridge

The Crown & Falcon Ph, Puckeridge Roundhaye, Puckeridge

White Hart Ph, Puckeridge Buntingford Road, Standon Civil Parish

Station House, Braughing

War Memorial, Braughing Green End, Braughing Civil Parish

The Golden Fleece Ph, Green End Green End, Braughing Civil Parish

Hay Lane, Hay Street

Hobbs Lane, Dassels

Stonebury Farm, Dassels

Swan Lane, Hare Street

Alswick Hall Lane, Buntingford

Bridgefoot, Buntingford Bridge Foot, Buntingford

The Crown Inn, Buntingford High Street, Buntingford

Edwinstree C Of E Middle School, Buntingford Bowling Green Lane, Buntingford

Freman College, Buntingford

Greenways, Buntingford Direction: Hertford 331 bus Time Schedule 44 stops Hertford Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:30 AM - 6:50 PM Greenways, Buntingford Tylers Close, Buntingford Civil Parish Tuesday 6:30 AM - 6:50 PM

Edwinstree C Of E Middle School, Buntingford Wednesday 6:30 AM - 6:50 PM Bowling Green Lane, Buntingford Thursday 6:30 AM - 6:50 PM Freman College, Buntingford Friday 6:30 AM - 6:50 PM

The Crown Inn, Buntingford Saturday 7:55 AM - 5:50 PM The Old Dairy Mews, Buntingford

Bridgefoot, Buntingford Sunny Hill, Buntingford 331 bus Info Alswick Hall Lane, Buntingford Direction: Hertford Stops: 44 Swan Lane, Hare Street Trip Duration: 48 min Line Summary: Greenways, Buntingford, Edwinstree Stonebury Farm, Dassels C Of E Middle School, Buntingford, Freman College, Buntingford, The Crown Inn, Buntingford, Bridgefoot, Hobbs Lane, Dassels Buntingford, Alswick Hall Lane, Buntingford, Swan Lane, Hare Street, Stonebury Farm, Dassels, Hobbs Hay Lane, Hay Street Lane, Dassels, Hay Lane, Hay Street, The Golden Fleece Ph, Green End, War Memorial, Braughing, The Golden Fleece Ph, Green End Station House, Braughing, White Hart Ph, Puckeridge, The Crown & Falcon Ph, Puckeridge, 20 Green End, Braughing Civil Parish Chapel Hall, Puckeridge, Recreation Ground, War Memorial, Braughing Puckeridge, Heron Restaurant, Standon, South Road, Standon, Cambridge Road, Puckeridge, St Edmund's Green End, Braughing Civil Parish College, Old Hall Green, Dowsetts Lane, Colliers End, Station House, Braughing Lamb & Flag, Colliers End, Barwick Lane, High Cross, Cambridge Cottages, High Cross, White Horse Ph, White Hart Ph, Puckeridge High Cross, The Feathers Inn, Wadesmill, Village Hall, Thundridge, Maltons, Thundridge, Wodson Park, Buntingford Road, Standon Civil Parish Ware, Kingsway, Ware, Watton Road, Ware, Old Town The Crown & Falcon Ph, Puckeridge Hall, Ware, Gilpin Mews, Ware, Hertford Regional College, Ware, Pumping Station, Chadwell, Springs, Chadwell, Viaduct, Chadwell, Kings Road, Hertford, Chapel Hall, Puckeridge Fairfax Road, Hertford, Raynham Street, Hertford, Caxton Hill, Hertford, Tesco, Hertford, Bus Station, Recreation Ground, Puckeridge Hertford Meadow Walk, Standon Civil Parish

Heron Restaurant, Standon Regal Close, Standon Civil Parish

South Road, Standon Kent's Lane, Puckeridge

Cambridge Road, Puckeridge

St Edmund's College, Old Hall Green

Dowsetts Lane, Colliers End Lamb & Flag, Colliers End Bird Court, Standon Civil Parish

Barwick Lane, High Cross The Orchards, Thundridge Civil Parish

Cambridge Cottages, High Cross Cambridge Cottages, Thundridge Civil Parish

White Horse Ph, High Cross

The Feathers Inn, Wadesmill

Village Hall, Thundridge

Maltons, Thundridge

Wodson Park, Ware

Kingsway, Ware

Watton Road, Ware Waggoners Yard, Ware

Old Town Hall, Ware 68 High Street, Ware

Gilpin Mews, Ware

Hertford Regional College, Ware Ware Road, Ware

Pumping Station, Chadwell Chadwell, Ware

Springs, Chadwell

Viaduct, Chadwell Nags Head Close, Hertford Civil Parish

Kings Road, Hertford

Fairfax Road, Hertford

Raynham Street, Hertford

Caxton Hill, Hertford

Tesco, Hertford Yeomans Court, Hertford

Bus Station, Hertford Bircherley Street, Hertford Direction: Ware 331 bus Time Schedule 16 stops Ware Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday Not Operational Greenways, Buntingford Tylers Close, Buntingford Civil Parish Tuesday Not Operational

The Crown Inn, Buntingford Wednesday Not Operational The Old Dairy Mews, Buntingford Thursday Not Operational Road, Buntingford Friday Not Operational Plashes Drive, Buntingford Saturday 6:45 PM Kingsher Park, Buntingford Olvega Drive, Buntingford

Westmill Turn, 331 bus Info White Hart Ph, Puckeridge Direction: Ware Buntingford Road, Standon Civil Parish Stops: 16 Trip Duration: 27 min The Crown & Falcon Ph, Puckeridge Line Summary: Greenways, Buntingford, The Crown Inn, Buntingford, Aspenden Road, Buntingford, Chapel Hall, Puckeridge Kingsher Park, Buntingford, Westmill Turn, Westmill, White Hart Ph, Puckeridge, The Crown & Falcon Ph, Recreation Ground, Puckeridge Puckeridge, Chapel Hall, Puckeridge, Recreation Meadow Walk, Standon Civil Parish Ground, Puckeridge, Heron Restaurant, Standon, South Road, Standon, Cambridge Road, Puckeridge, Heron Restaurant, Standon Wodson Park, Ware, Kingsway, Ware, Watton Road, Regal Close, Standon Civil Parish Ware, Old Town Hall, Ware

South Road, Standon Kent's Lane, Puckeridge

Cambridge Road, Puckeridge

Wodson Park, Ware

Kingsway, Ware

Watton Road, Ware Waggoners Yard, Ware

Old Town Hall, Ware 68 High Street, Ware 331 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in London. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved