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Local Government Service 2016 Annual Progress Report March, 2017 Foreword The Local Government Service comprises the Office of the Head of Local Government Service (OHLGS), the ten Regional Co-ordinating Councils (RCCs) and the Two Hundred and Sixteen Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) with the mandate of administrative decentralisation. The LGS is required by law to account for its stewardship to stakeholders and to this end, the LGS publishes and circulates its Annual Progress Reports (APR) on the status and results of activities implemented within the year under consideration in respect of administrative decentralisation. In fulfilling the statutory reporting requirement and providing up-to-date information to stakeholders, the 2016 APR is comprehensively presented to cover implementation of programmes and projets of the OHLGS, the ten RCCs and some important issues from the 216 MMDAs. The 2016 APR provides a comprehensive update on the progress of implementation of programmes of the LGS. This APR can therefore be used for an objective assessment of the performance of the Service. The Service expresses its sincerest appreciation to the various partners and stakeholders who continue to provide support towards the steady progress of decentralisation in Ghana. Our profound gratitude also goes to the team responsible for the generation of the report. We also look forward to a stronger collaboration with all stakeholders and partners for the fulfilment of the mandate of the Service in the years ahead. DR. NANA ATO ARTHUR HEAD OF SERVICE i Table of Contents Foreword ......................................................................................................................................................... i Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................... ii Acronyms ....................................................................................................................................................... iv Executive Summary....................................................................................................................................... ix CHAPTER 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 1 General Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background to the Service .................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Mandate of the Local Government Service ........................................................................ 2 1.3 Vision of the Service ........................................................................................................... 2 1.4 Mission Statement of the Service ........................................................................................ 2 1.5 Goal of the Service .............................................................................................................. 2 1.6 Motto of Service.................................................................................................................. 2 1.7 Core Values of the Service .................................................................................................. 2 1.8 Membership of the Service ................................................................................................. 3 1.9 Functions of the Service ...................................................................................................... 3 1.10 The Local Government Service Council ............................................................................. 3 1.11 Office of the Head of Local Government Service (OHLGS).............................................. 4 CHAPTER 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 9 Policy Framework .......................................................................................................................................... 9 CHAPTER 3 ..................................................................................................................................... 12 Achievements of the OHLGS for 2016 ......................................................................................................... 12 CHAPTER 4 ..................................................................................................................................... 24 Regional Progress Reports ........................................................................................................................... 24 4.1 Composition of the Regional Co-ordinating Council ....................................................... 24 4.2 Functions of the Regional Co-ordinating Council (RCC) ................................................. 24 4.2.1 Administrative Functions .............................................................................................. 25 4.2.2 Development Planning Function ................................................................................... 25 4.3 Decentralized Departments of the RCC ............................................................................ 26 ii 4.4 Ashanti Regional Co-ordinating Council (ARCC) ........................................................... 27 4.5 Brong Ahafo Regional Co-ordinating Council (BARCC) ................................................ 40 4.6 Central Regional Co-ordinating Council (CRCC) ............................................................ 52 4.7 Eastern Regional Co-ordinating Council (ERCC) ............................................................ 63 4.8 Greater Accra Regional Co-ordinating Council (GARCC) .............................................. 77 4.9 Northern Regional Co-ordinating Council (NRCC) ......................................................... 93 4.10 Upper East Regional Co-ordinating Council (UERCC) ................................................. 108 4.11 Upper West Regional Co-ordinating Council (UWRCC) ............................................... 127 4.12 Volta Regional Co-ordinating Council (VRCC) ............................................................. 138 4.15 Western Regional Co-ordinating Council (WRCC)........................................................ 153 APPENDIXES ............................................................................................................................... 176 Appendix 1 MMDAs in Ghana and their Political Leadership ............................................... 176 Appendix 2 List of Departments and Agencies under the Control of RCCs .......................... 183 iii Acronyms AEA Agriculture Extension Agents AGSD Administration and General Services Directorate ANC Ante Natal Care APDO Afram Plains Development Organisation APR Annual Progress Report ARIC Audit Review Implementation Committee ASIP Accra Sewerage Improvement Project BAC Business Advisory Centre BaSIS Basic Sanitation Information Systems BOT Build Operate and Transfer CAGD Controller and Accountant General's Department CBF Capacity Building Framework CBN Christian Broadcasting Network CEDECOM Central Region Development Commission CHPS Community-Based Health Planning and Services CLTS Community Led Total Sanitation CNC Centre for National Culture COBAANA Convention of the Council of Brong Ahafo Associations of North America CSF Capacity Support Fund CSOs Civil Society Organisations CWSA Community Water and Sanitation Agency DACF District Assemblies Common Fund DANIDA Danish International Development Agency DCE District Chief Executive DDA Departments of the District Assemblies DDF District Development Facility DFATD Department of Foreign Affairs Trade and Development DFC Danida Fellowship Centre iv DFID Department For International Development DISEC District Security Committee DOVVSU Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit DPs Development Partners DRCCs Departments of the Regional Coordinating Councils DUR Department of Urban Roads EA Electoral Area ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States EDAIF Export Trade Development Agriculture and Investment Fund EPI Extended Programme on Immunisation EU European Union FDU Fiscal Decentralisation Unit GER Gross Enrolment Rate GES Ghana Education Service GETFund Ghana Education Trust Fund GHSP Grassroot Human Security Projects GHA Ghana Highway Authority GIFMIS Ghana Integrated Financial Management Information System GNHR Ghana National Household Registry GSGDA II Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenda GSOP Ghana Social Opportunities Project HRMIS Human Resource Management Information System HRU Human Resource Unit ICT Information and Communications Technology IGF Internally Generated Funds ILGS Institute of Local Government Service ISCCS Inter-Service and Sectoral Collaboration and Cooperation System ITFC Integrated Tamale Food Company IWAD Integrated Water and Agriculture Development v JC Judicial Committee JICA Japan Inernational Cooperation Agency JSDF Japan Social Development Fund KTC Koforidua Training Centre LEAP Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty LED Local Economic Development LGCSP Local Government Capacity Support Project LGS Local Government Service LI Legislative Instrument LIPW Labour Intensive Public Works M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MASLOC Microfinance