Modelling Crime: A Spatial Microsimulation Approach

Charatdao Kongmuang

Submitted in accordance with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

The University of

School of Geography

September 2006

The candidate confirms that the work submitted is her own and that appropriate credit has been given where reference has been made to the work of others.

This copy has been supplied on the understanding that it is copyright material and that no quotation from the thesis may be published without proper acknowledgement. i

Academic Acknowledgements

a. The 2001 Census statistics used in this thesis are Crown Copyright produced by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Licensed for academic use by the ESRC/JISC Census Programme, which funded access to the data for researchers in the UK, free at the point of use. The ESRC/JISC Census Programme funds the Data Support Units which provide access to UK Census Data. The 2001 Census Area Statistics are provided by the Census Dissemination Unit (CDU) through the Manchester Information and Associated Services (MIMAS) of Manchester Computing, University of Manchester through an interface called CASWEB.

b. All maps are based on data provided by the Boundary Outline and Reference Database for Education and Research Study (UKBORDERS) via Edinburgh University Data Library (EDINA) with the support of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) and boundary material which is copyright of the Crown, Post Office and the EDLINE consortium.

c. The 2001/2002 British Crime Survey, material from Crown Copyright records made available through the Home Office and the UK Data Archive has been used by permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office and the Queen’s Printer for Scotland.

d. The recorded crime datasets (2000/01, 2001/02, 2002/03, and 2003/04) and known

offender dataset (2000-2004) are provided by West Police.

e. and NRAs boundaries are in dBase and Shapefiles formats provided by Leeds Statistics, ’s Neighbourhood and Housing Department. All Neighbourhood Renewal Areas maps are based upon Ordnance Survey material with permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office.



This research would not have been possible without the help, support and advice of many people whom I am extremely grateful. First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisors, Prof. Graham Clarke and Dr. Andy Evans for working so hard on reading my thesis and appreciating what this thesis is all about. Their advice, guidance, and comments have been invaluable and helped me to complete this research. Thanks to my research support group, Dr. Dimitris Ballas and Dr. Debbie Phillips for their advice. In particular, thanks to Dimitris for helping me to build on his spatial microsimulation work and other suggestions at various stages. I would also like to express my gratitude to Prof. Phil Rees not only for examining this work, but also for his kindness, comments, and suggestions which were also of great value.

I would like to acknowledge the funding that was provided by Naresuan University, Thailand. Without such generous financial support my PhD would not have been possible. Thanks P’Bid, Assoc. Prof. Kanchalee Jetiyanon, for her long-distance support and caring. Thanks Nikki for sharing lots of experiences when we were in the UK.

It is very hard to individually acknowledge everyone who has helped me to reach this point. However, I would like to thank all the people who have directly or indirectly helped me in completing this thesis. Firstly, thanks Pete, Dan, Alison, Dianna, and Andy Turner for your very helpful comments at various stages. Thanks Jin for sharing your programming expertise. Secondly, thank to those with whom I have shared the last four years: Dear Thai friends, you are too many to list here, but you know who you are. Thank you my other friends at the School of Geography for providing an inspiring and friendly atmosphere. A further special thanks to Jin, my very best friend. Your help, care, support, company and patience over the past two and a half years has been wonderful. Our friendship will never be forgotten I promise.

Last, but not least, I would like to thank my family for their love, support, and encouragement that create whom I am. They have always been there when I needed them. People always ask me why I am doing a research on crime. My dad, Police Major General

Sanam Kongmuang, is my inspiration.

This thesis is the result of a four-year long journey in Leeds, a chapter of my life which I will always remember with a smile.



Spatial microsimulation offers a potentially powerful framework for modelling crime at small area levels. It is more powerful than traditional crime analysis in that it can make policy-centred predictions.

This thesis presents SimCrime; a spatial microsimulation model for modelling crime and an analysis using this software at the ward level in Leeds. The model is based on the UK 2001 Census and the 2001/2002 British Crime Survey. The model effectively adds ‘geography’ to the British Crime Survey data (which is not currently released below the national level). Adding geo-references into the British Crime Survey makes it more valuable, with the spatial aspect of the data enabling an analysis of the geographical variations of factors of interest to policy-makers at a range of scales.

Within this innovative framework, victims, offenders and locations are examined. The results show the geographical distribution of the likelihood of being a victim of burglary dwelling, the risks for different types of household and the reporting rate of each crime type. The addition of a spatial interaction model allows for the analysis and prediction of offender flows, and in combination with the microsimulation of victims, the complete framework thus provides a predictive capacity which can be used to inform policy making.


Table of Contents

Academic Acknowledgements………………………………………………………………..i Acknowledgements…………………………………………………………………………...ii Abstract………………………………………………………………………………………iii Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………………….iv List of Figures……………………………………………………………………………….vii List of Tables…………………………………………………………………………………x Abbreviations………………………………………………………………………………..xii

Chapter 1: Introduction…….…………………………………………………………….... 1

1.1 Background………………………………………………………………………...... 1

1.2 Aims and Objectives of the Research…………………………………………………. 3

1.3 Thesis Structure ……………………………………………………………………... 4

Chapter 2: Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature Review …………8

2.1 Introduction……………………………………………………….……………………. 8

2.2 The Geographical Approaches to Crime………………………………………………. 8

2.3 Crime Attributes……………………………………………………………………… 11

2.3.1 Demographic Characteristics………………………………………………... 11

2.3.2 Socio-economic Characteristics……………………………………………... 12 Employment………………………………………………………… 12 Tenure Type……………………………………………………….... 13 Poverty and Deprivation………………………………………….… 13

2.3.3 Neighbourhood/Area Characteristics and Offence Locations...…………...... 15

2.4 Movement of Offenders: Journey to Crime………………………………………….. 17

2.5 Crime Victimisation………………………………………………………………….. 18

2.6 Modelling Crime……………………………………………………………………... 20

2.6.1 Multivariate Regression Model…………………………………………….... 20

2.6.2 Poisson and Negative Binomial Regression Model…………………………. 25

2.6.3 Logistic Regression Model………………………………………………..…. 26

2.7 Concluding Comments………………………………………………………...…...... 29

Chapter 3: Microsimulation Modelling: A Literature Review……………………….… 31

3.1 Microsimulation: An Introduction……………………………………………....…… 31

3.2 Types of Microsimulation…………………………………………………………..... 31

3.2.1 Static and Dynamic……………………………………………………….…. 32

3.2.2 Spatial and Aspatial………………………………………………….……… 34

3.3 A Review of Selected Microsimulation Models…………………………………….. 35

3.4 Advantage and Disadvantages………………………………………..………….…... 40

3.5 The Creation of Synthetic Microdata……………………………………………..….. 41

3.5.1 Synthetic Reconstruction…………………………………………………..... 41

3.5.2 Combinatorial Optimisation…………………………………….…………... 42

3.6 Combinatorial Optimisation using Simulated Annealing Method…………………… 45

3.7 Concluding Comments…………………………………………………….……….… 48

Chapter 4: Modelling Crime: Data Sources and Issues…………………………...……. 49

4.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………..…….….…... 49

4.2 Data Sources and Issues……………………………………………………..…….…. 49

4.2.1 The 2001 Census………………………………………………………..…… 49

4.2.2 The 2001/2002 British Crime Survey…………………….………...………... 55 4.2.3 Police Recorded Crime Datasets……………………………………..……....60

4.2.4 Offender Dataset………………………………………………………….…. 63

4.3 Concluding Comments……………………………………………………………….. 64


Chapter 5: Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds………………………….. 66

5.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………..….…… 66

5.2 Leeds Crime Figures and Trends…………………………………………….….….. . 67 5.3 Geographical Variations………………………………………………………………73

5.3.1 Police Divisions………………………………………………………...…… 73

5.3.2 Wards…………………………………………………………………...…… 78

5.4 Findings by Crime Type……………………………………………………………… 80 5.4.1 Burglary Dwelling……………………………………………………………80

5.4.2 Burglary Elsewhere………………………………………………………….. 81

5.4.3 Criminal Damage……………………………………………………………. 81

5.4.4 Drug Offences……………………………………………………………….. 82

5.4.5 Fraud and Forgery…………………………………………………………… 82

5.4.6 Handling……………………………………………………………………... 83

5.4.7 Homicide…………………………………………………………………….. 83 5.4.8 Other Crime…………………………………………………………………..84

5.4.9 Other Theft…………………………………………………………………... 84

5.4.10 Robbery……………………………………………………………………… 85

5.4.11 Sexual Offences……………………………………………………………... 85

5.4.12 Theft from Motor Vehicle…………………………………………………… 86

5.4.13 Theft of Motor Vehicle……………………………………………………… 86

5.4.14 Violent Crime……………………………………………………………….. 87

5.5 Known Offenders and Victims Characteristics……………………………...………. 87

5.5.1 Known Offenders Characteristics…………………………………………… 87

5.5.2 Known Victims Characteristics……………………………………………... 91

5.6 The Relationship between Crime and its Related Determinants………………...…... 93

5.6.1 Population/Household Density………………………...….……...…………. 95

5.6.2 Demographic Characteristics……………………………………...……....… 96

5.6.3 Percentage of Students……………………………………………...……….. 97

5.6.4 Rented Tenure Type………………………..………………………………... 98

5.6.5 Number of Cars per Household……………………………….…………...... 98

5.6.6 Unemployment………………………………………………………………. 99 5.6.7 Deprivation……………………………………………………………...... 101

5.6.8 Number of Offenders……………………………………………………..... 103

5.6.9 Multiple Regression Model.………………………………………………... 104 5.7 Concluding Comments………………………………………………………….…...107

Chapter 6: SimCrime: A Spatial Microsimulation Model for Crime in Leeds….……108

6.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………. 108

6.2 SimCrime Model Specification……………………………………………………... 108

6.2.1 Input………………………………………………………………………... 109 6.2.2 Input Adjustment……………………………………………………………114

6.2.3 Model Execution Process…………………………………………………... 116

6.2.4 Model Output………………………………………………………………. 121 6.3 Evaluation of Synthetic Microdata…………………………………………………..124

6.4 Concluding Comments……………………………………………………………… 130

Chapter 7: Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level…………………………...……..131

7.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………. 131

7.2 Comparing the Victim Estimation and Police Recorded Crime……………………. 131

7.3 Victim Estimation…………………………………………………………………... 132

7.3.1 Victim of Burglary Dwelling Estimation………………………………...… 133 7.3.2 Index of Wealth…………………………………………………………..…139

7.3.3 Burglary Dwelling Victimisation Rate…………………………………….. 143 7.3.4 Risk of Becoming a Victim of Burglary Dwelling:

Household Characteristics Most at Risk………………………….………... 145


7.4 Recorded Crime Estimation………………………………………………………… 148

7.4.1 Recorded Burglary Dwelling Estimation…………………………………... 148

7.4.2 High Risk Areas for Burglary Dwelling…………………………………… 151

7.5 Reporting Crime in Leeds…………………………………………………………... 154 7.6 Concluding Comments………………………………………………………………156

Chapter 8: Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling……….…….. 158

8.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………. 158

8.2 Movement of Offenders…………………………………………………………….. 159

8.2.1 Crime Travel Patterns……………………………………………………… 159

8.2.2 Crime Type Areas………………………………………………………….. 162

8.2.3 Offender Flows…………………………………………………………….. 166

8.2.4 Inflow/Outflow Ratio………………………………………………………. 171

8.2.5 Self-Containment…………………………………………………………... 172

8.3 Spatial Interaction Model for Burglary Dwelling: Model Specification…………… 174

8.3.1 Model Formulation………………………………………………………… 175

8.3.2 Attractiveness Factors……………………………………………………… 176

8.3.3 Scaled Attractiveness Factors……………………………………………… 177

8.3.4 Model Calibration………………………………………………………….. 181

8.3.5 Goodness-of-fit Statistic…………………………………………………… 184

8.3.6 Model Summary…………………………………………………………… 185

8.4 Concluding Comments……………………………………………………………… 190

Chapter 9: What-if Analyses………………………………………………………….…. 191

9.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………..... 191

9.2 Policy and Scenario Issues………………………………………………………….. 191

9.3 Modelling the Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy…………………………………... 196

9.3.1 Scenario 1: Economic Activity Changes in Gipton NRA………………….. 196

9.3.2 Scenario 2: Economic Activity Changes in the Harehills NRA…………… 201 9.3.3 Scenario 3: A Reduced Number of Offenders Committing

Burglary Dwelling in the Gipton NRA………….....……….……………… 204 9.3.4 Scenario 4: A Reduced Number of Offenders Committing

Burglary Dwelling in the Harehills NRA……………………….…………. 208

9.4 Concluding Comments……………………………………………………………… 211

Chapter 10: Conclusions……………………………………………………………...…. 215

10.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………. 215

10.2 Summary of the Research Findings………………………………………………… 215

10.3 Evaluation and Limitations of the Research………..………………………………. 219

10.4 Possibilities for Future Research……………………………………………………. 221 10.5 Concluding Statements………………………………………………………………222

References………………………………………………………………………………… 223

Appendix A: Recorded Crime by Crime Type at Ward Level…………….…...………… .. 236

Appendix B: Crime Rate per 1,000 Population by Crime Type at Ward Level……....….. 240

Appendix C: Demographic and Socio-economic Variables from the 2001 Census…...… 242

Appendix D: Model File……………………………………………………………....….. 244


List of Figures

Figure 1.1: Framework for modelling crime at the small area level………………………….3

Figure 1.2: Chapter linkage…………………………………………………………………...7

Figure 2.1: A model of repeated, multiple crime victimisation…………………………….. 22

Figure 3.1: Microsimulation procedure for the allocation of employment status…………...42

Figure 3.2: A simplified combinatorial optimisation process…………………...…………. 44

Figure 3.3: Flowchart of simulated annealing algorithm…………………………...……… 47

Figure 4.1: Discrepancies in census counts between tables………………………………… 55

Figure 5.1: Leeds Crime……………………………………………………………………. 68

Figure 5.2: Leeds Police Division…………………………………………………………...73

Figure 5.3: Crime rates per 1,000 population by police division……………………………75

Figure 5.4: Percentage changes (between 2002/03 and 2003/04) of selected crime types….76

Figure 5.5: Leeds wards ……………………………………………………………………. 77

Figure 5.6: Crime rate per 1,000 population (2003/04)…………………………………….. 79

Figure 5.7: Burglary dwelling:

a) Rate per 1,000 households 2003/04 b) Change, 2002/03 to 2003/04.…...... 80

Figure 5.8: Burglary elsewhere:

a) Rate per 1,000 population 2003/04 b) Change, 2002/03 to 2003/04……… 81

Figure 5.9: Criminal damage:

a) Rate per 1,000 population 2003/04 b) Change, 2002/03 to 2003/04……… 81

Figure 5.10: Drug offences:

a) Rate per 1,000 population 2003/04 b) Change, 2002/03 to 2003/04……… 82

Figure 5.11: Fraud and forgery:

a) Rate per 1,000 population 2003/04 b) Change, 2002/03 to 2003/04……… 82

Figure 5.12: Location of homicides from 2000/01 to 2003/04……………………………... 83

Figure 5.13: Other crime:

a) Rate per 1,000 population 2003/04 b) Change, 2002/03 to 2003/04……… 84

Figure 5.14: Other theft:

a) Rate per 1,000 population 2003/04 b) Change, 2002/03 to 2003/04……… 84

Figure 5.15: Robbery:

a) Rate per 1,000 population 2003/04 b) Change, 2002/03 to 2003/04……… 85

Figure 5.16: Sexual offences:

a) Rate per 1,000 population 2003/04 b) Change, 2002/03 to 2003/04……… 85

Figure 5.17: Theft from motor vehicle:

a) Rate per 1,000 population 2003/04 b) Change, 2002/03 to 2003/04……… 86

Figure 5.18: Theft of motor vehicle:

a) Rate per 1,000 population 2003/04 b) Change, 2002/03 to 2003/04……… 86

Figure 5.19: Violent crime:

a) Rate per 1,000 population 2003/04 b) Change, 2002/03 to 2003/04……… 87

Figure 5.20: ‘Population density’ and burglary dwelling…………………………………... 95


Figure 5.21: ‘Household density’ and burglary dwelling…………………………………... 95

Figure 5.22: Distribution of ‘young adult’ and burglary dwelling………………………..... 96

Figure 5.23: Distribution of ‘male young adult’ and burglary dwelling……………...……. 96

Figure 5.24: ‘Percentage of students’ and burglary dwelling………………………………. 97

Figure 5.25: ‘Rented tenure’ and burglary dwelling…………………………………...…... 98

Figure 5.26: ‘Number of cars per household’ and crime…………………………………… 99

Figure 5.27: ‘Number of cars per household’ and criminal damage…………………...….. 99

Figure 5.28: Distribution of ‘unemployment rate’ in Leeds………………………………. 100

Figure 5.29: ‘Unemployment’ and criminal damage…………………………………...… 100

Figure 5.30: ‘Male-unemployed’ and criminal damage…………………...……………... 100

Figure 5.31: Correlation between ‘male unemployed’ and criminal damage……...……... 101 ..

Figure 5.32: ‘Index of Multiple Deprivation’ and criminal damage………………...……. 101

Figure 5.33: ‘Number of offender’ and criminal damage…………………...……………. 103 ..

Figure 5.34: Correlation between ‘number of offenders’ and criminal damage……...…... 103

Figure 6.1: Constraint table adjusted method…………………………………………….. 115

Figure 6.2: The process to check each individual fits the column constraints…………… 118

Figure 6.3: SimCrime Framework………………………………………………………... 120

Figure 6.4: Distribution of female single, widowed, or divorced aged 25-49 living in

rented house by output area in Leeds…………………………………...……. 122

Figure 6.5: Distribution of full-time student aged 20-30 living in rented house by

output area …………………………………………………………………... 122

Figure 6.6: Distribution of high-class households with owner occupier having at least 1 car……………………………………………………………………………123

Figure 6.7: Distribution of male aged 16-24 unemployed and living in the rented house by ward…………...…………………………….………………………123

Figure 6.8: Spatial distribution of SAE for age and sex by living arrangement at output area level……………………………………………………………….128

Figure 6.9: Spatial distribution of SAE for NS-SEC by tenure type at output area level… 128

Figure 6.10: Spatial distribution of SAE for tenure type and car or van availability

by economic activity at output area level……………………………………. 129

Figure 6.11: Spatial distribution of SAE for all constraints at output area level………….. 129

Figure 7.1: Crime recording process……………………………………………………… 133

Figure 7.2: Comparing estimated number of victims and police recorded

burglary dwelling 2001/02………………..………………………………….. 134

Figure 7.3: Index of Multiple Deprivation by ward………………………………………. 136

Figure 7.4: Number of burglars resident by ward………………………………………… 136

Figure 7.5: Self-containment for burglary dwelling by ward………………………...…... 137

Figure 7.6: Relationship between self-containment of burglary dwelling and Index of

Multiple Deprivation…………………………………………………………. 137

Figure 7.7: Catchment area of burglary dwelling for ward………...………… 138


Figure 7.8: Leeds surrounding areas……………………………………………………… 140

Figure 7.9: Index of Wealth………………………………………………………………. 140

Figure 7.10: Estimated victim rate per 1,000 households by ward of burglary dwelling

in Leeds………..…………………………………………………………….. 143

Figure 7.11: Stepwise multiple regression analysis……………………………………….. 149

Figure 7.11: Estimated burglary dwelling rate per 1,000 households……………...……... 153

Figure 7.12: Recorded burglary dwelling rate per 1,000 households (2001/02)………….. 153

Figure 7.13: SimCrime estimated reporting rate of each crime type comparing with

the results from the BCS……...………..……………………………………. 154

Figure 8.1: Distance decay for burglary dwelling……………………………...….……… 161

Figure 8.2: Area classification of output areas: Super-group……………………….…….. 164

Figure 8.3: Catchment area for crime in …………………………………….. 170

Figure 8.4: Catchment area for crime in ………………………………..……..170

Figure 8.4: Relationship between ‘inflow/outflow ratio’ and ‘degree of

self-containment’…………………………………………………………...... 174

Figure 8.5: Burglary dwelling flows to be compared in the calibration process…………...183

Figure 9.1: Neighbourhood Renewal Areas (NRAs) in Leeds……………………………. 193

Figure 9.2: Effects of socio-economic changes on crime…………………………………. 194

Figure 9.3: Spatial distribution of people aged 16-74 and economically active by

output area……………………………………………………………………... 195

Figure 9.4: Spatial distribution of unemployed people aged 16-74 by output area……….. 195

Figure 9.5: Gipton Neighbourhood Renewal Area………………………………………... 197

Figure 9.6: How number of victims of burglary dwelling in the Gipton NRA would

change under Scenario 1…………………………………………………...….. 199

Figure 9.7: Change in the number of victims of burglary dwelling in the Gipton NRA…. 199

Figure 9.8: Harehills Neighbourhood Renewal Area……………………………………... 200

Figure 9.9: How the number of victims of burglary dwelling in the Harehills NRA

Would change under Scenario 2……………………………………..…….…. 202

Figure 9.10: The changing number of victims of burglary dwelling in the Harehills NRA under Scenario 2……………...………………………………203

Figure 9.11: Decrease in burglary dwelling under scenario 3……...…………………….. 205

Figure 9.12: ‘Percentage share’ change under Scenario 3………………………………… 207

Figure 9.13: Decrease in burglary dwelling under Scenario 4…………………………..... 208

Figure 9.14: ‘Percentage share’ change under Scenario 4………………………………… 210

Figure 9.15: Change in recorded burglary dwelling (2001/02 and 2003/04)……………... 213

Figure 9.16: Change in ‘percentage share’ of recorded burglary dwelling

(2001/02 and 2003/04)……………………………………………………….. 213


List of Tables

Table 1.1: Thesis outline……………………………………………………………………... 4

Table 2.1: Best fitting final model for HIA data after including spatially averaged

variables………………………………………………………………………..... 27

Table 2.2: Crime attributes…………………………………………………………………. 30

Table 3.1: Requirement profile for a static microsimulation model………………………... 33

Table 3.2: Synthetic reconstruction versus combinatorial optimisation……………………. 45

Table 4.1: Topics in the 2001 Census………………………………………………………. 51

Table 4.2: Census Area Statistics dataset tables available from CASWEB ………………...53

Table 4.3: Selected topics in the British Crime Survey…………………………………….. 56

Table 4.4: Comparing the British Crime Survey and police recorded crime………………..60

Table 4.6: Details on recorded crime……………………………………………………….. 63

Table 4.7: Detailed data on known offenders………………………………………………. 64

Table 5.1: Number of crime and crime rate (all crime) in Leeds compared to West

Yorkshire and and Wales………………………………………………. 67

Table 5.2: The effects of NCRS on ……………………………………….. 68

Table 5.3: Leeds Crime figures and trends (2000/1-2003/04)……………………………… 69

Table 5.4: Recorded crime in England and Wales by offence 2000/01 to 2003/04 and

percentage change between 2002/03 and 2003/04………………………………. 70

Table 5.5: Detection rates in Leeds compared to England and Wales……………………… 72

Table 5.6: Number of crime by division (2000/01 to 2003/04)…………………………….. 74

Table 5.7: Crime rates (per 1,000 population) by division (2000/01 to 2003/04)………….. 74

Table 5.8: Leeds Crime rates by ward (2003/04)………………………………………..…. 79

Table 5.9: Age group of known offenders (2000-2004)………………………………...….. 88

Table 5.10: Gender of known offenders (2000-2004)…………………………………...…. 88

Table 5.11: Ethnicity of known offenders (2000-2004)……………………………...….…. 89

Table 5.12: Age groups of known victims (2003/04)………………………………..…..…. 90

Table 5.13: Gender of known victims (2003/04)….…………………………………..……. 91

Table 5.14: Victimisation by major crime types and ethnic group in Leeds (period 2001/02, 2002/03, and 2003/04)…………………………………..……92

Table 5.15: Correlation coefficient of crime and its related determinants…………………. 94

Table 5.16: Indices of deprivation for Leeds wards 2000 (ranking from high to low)…….102

Table 5.17: Burglary dwelling model (model summary)…………………………………..105

Table 5.18: Coefficients of the models……………………………………………………. 106

Table 6.1: SimCrime constraint variables…………………………………….………….. 112

Table 6.2: SimCrime constraint tables……………………………………….……..….… 113

Table 6.3: Comparing the distribution of constraint table and synthetic microdata

to get the Total Absolute Error (TAE)……………………………………..….. 125


6.3a: Constrainted table………………………………………………….…… 125

6.3b: The distribution of synthetic population……………………………….. 125 6.3c: Compare constraint table and the synthetic microdata to get TAE of

each area………………………………………………………………... 125

Table 6.4: Standardised Absolute Error (SAE) between runs………………..…………… 127

Table 7.1: Victim of burglary dwelling estimation from the SimCrime………………...... 134

Table 7.2: Index of Wealth values………………………………………………………… 142

Table 7.3: Victimisation rate of burglary dwelling (estimation)……...………………….. 144

Table 7.4: Proportion of households being victims of burglary dwelling by

household type of the 2001/2002 British Crime Survey…………...………….. 145

Table 7.5: Propensity of household victims of burglary dwelling in Leeds………………. 147

Table 7.6: ‘Recorded burglary dwelling’ estimation…………...………………..……….. 150

Table 7.7: High risk areas of burglary dwelling in Leeds…………………………...……. 152

Table 8.1: Average distance travelled of known offender………………………………… 159

Table 8.2: Percentage of offender committed crime………………………………………. 160

Table 8.3: Crime type areas for overall crime…………………………………………….. 163

Table 8.4: Crime type areas for burglary dwelling……………………………………...... 163

Table 8.5: The National Classification of Census Output Areas (Super-Group)

aggregated to ward level………………………………………………….…… 165

Table 8.6: Distance between origin ward (i) to destination ward (j)……………………… 167

Table 8.7: Offender flows of all crime in Leeds…………………………………………... 168

Table 8.8: Offender flows of burglary dwelling in Leeds………………...………………. 169

Table 8.9: Self-containment of crime in Leeds by ward………………………………….. 173

Table 8.10: Correlations between potential attractiveness factors and inflow of

burglary dwelling…………………………………………………………...... 176

γ j Table 8.11: The values calculated for for 33 wards……………………………………. 180

Table 8.12: Model summary………………………………………………………………. 187

Table 8.13: Predicted burglary dwelling flows…………………………………………….188

Table 8.14: Predicted inflows burglary dwelling by ward………………………...……… 189

Table 9.1: SimCrime attributes……………………………………………………………. 192

Table 9.2: Economic activity in Gipton NRA and in Leeds………………………………. 198

Table 9.3: Scenario 1……………………………………………………………………… 198

Table 9.4: Economic activity in Harehills NRA and in Leeds……………………………. 201

Table 9.5: Scenario 2……………………………………………………………………… 201

Table 9.7: Estimated burglary dwelling flows under Scenario 3………………………… 206

Table 9.8: Scenario 4……………………………………………………………………… 208

Table 9.8: Estimated burglary dwelling flows under Scenario 4…………………………. 209

Table 9.9: Recorded burglary dwelling (2001/02 and 2003/04)………………………….. 212

Table 9.10: Trends of ‘percentage share’ of recorded burglary dwelling by ward


(between 2001/02 and 2003/04)………………………………………………. 214 Abbreviations

ACORN A Classification of Residential Neighbourhoods ACPO Association of Chief Police Officer BCS British Crime Survey BHPS British Household Panel Survey CAS Census Area Statistic CASWEB Census Area Statistics Website CCD Census Collection District CCG Centre for Computational Geography CPUs Central Processing Units DETR Department of the Environment Transport and the Regions DYNASIM Dynamic Simulation of Income Model ED Enumeration District GAM Geographic Analysis Machine GIS Geographic Information System HIAs High Intensity Crime Areas HMP Her Majesty's Prison IDS Income Distribution Survey IMD Index of Multiple Deprivations IPF Iterative Proportional Fitting IW Index of Wealth JSA Job Seekers Allowance LSP Local Strategic Partnership MicroMaPPAS Micro-simulation Modelling and Predictive Policy Analysis System NATSEM National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling NCRS National Crime Recording Standard NRA Neighbourhood Renewal Area NRU Neighbourhood Renewal Unit NS-SEC National Statistics Socio-Economic Classification OA Output Area ODPM Office of the Deputy Prime Minister ONS Office for National Statistics SAE Standardised Absolute Error SAR Sample of Anonymised Records SAS Statistical Analysis System


SAS Small Area Statistics SDSS Spatial Decision Support System SEG Socio-Economic Group SLA Statistical Local Area SMILE Simulation Model for the Irish Local Economy SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SRMSE Standardised Root Mean Square Error STAC Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Crime STINMOD Static Income Model SVERIGE System for Visualising Economic and Regional Influences in Governing the Environment SYNAGI Synthetic Australian Geo-demographic Information TAE Total Absolute Error TOPSWING Total Population of Sweden Individual and Geographical database UK United Kingdom WYP

Chapter 1- Introduction 1

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background 1.2 Aims and Objectives 1.3 Thesis Structure

1.1 Background

Crime is one of the most important problems facing the United Kingdom today. Crime can result in economic, physical and emotional suffering for victims and can have wider social and economic impacts on areas. Consequently crime has become a major issue of public policy. Although crime has been studied for a long time, most research centres on patterns of offences and crime prevention rather than offenders and victims. Crime is a social phenomenon involving people (offenders and victims) and places, yet a long-standing criticism of the official statistics (see for example, McClintock and Avison, 1968) has been that they do not give a clear picture of the social or situational context of crimes, or of the likelihood of different kinds of people becoming victims (Maguire, 2002). Crime victimisation is unevenly distributed across populations, time and space. Who is at greatest risk of becoming a victim? How is victimisation distributed across space and what are the demographic dimensions? The British Crime Survey (BCS), organised annually by the UK’s Home Office, provides rich information about levels of crime and crime victimisation; however, it cannot presently be used to explain crime victimisation for small geographical units. The BCS now provides limited information at the police force area level, but not for smaller geographical areas.

“Macro studies have been criticised for their failure to explain or accurately forecast more recent trends in crime and also for the lack of practical policy implications that can be drawn form their findings.”

(Hansen and Machin, 2003: 4)

Typical approaches to modelling crime have involved the use of regression models. These techniques are unable to model policy impacts effectively. Moreover, the spatial scales used in most studies are at the national or local authority district level. In the UK, the smallest area of crime modelling is generally at the police force area level (there are 52 police forces

Chapter 1- Introduction 2 in the UK) and there has only been a limited amount of work carried out so far at this scale (Hansen and Machin, 2003). The work of Hansen and Machin (2003) shows the importance of taking geographical areas into consideration when looking at crime and offending models. Their work suggests that there is a much greater need to provide a geographical breakdown of crime. This is both very plausible because of the large variation in demographic and socio-economic patterns in various parts of the country, and necessary because, as Maguire (2002) comments, there are growing demands for more detailed information at the local area level from multi-agency crime and disorder partnerships. In addition, greater understanding at the smallest level, that of the geo-located individual, would enhance behavioural studies, such as those on offender movements, by allowing comparison with larger scale crime statistics.

‘Microsimulation’ is a methodology aimed at building large-area datasets of individual units such as persons, households or firms (Clarke, 1996; Ballas and Clarke, 2000) and can be used to simulate the effect of changes in policy or other changes on these microunits. It essentially creates individual-level data from example individuals and aggregate statistics, matching the two together and allowing the merging of additional datasets. The microsimulation approach dates back to the work of Orcutt (1957) and Orcutt et al. (1961). It has been increasingly adopted to study the impacts of social and economic policies on individual units (Merz, 1991; Ballas et al., 2005c), mainly for predicting the future effects of changing public policies (Clarke, 1996; Ballas and Clarke, 2001a, b). Spatial microsimulation combines the advantages of aspatial micro-analytical approaches with those of geographical models that take space into account. The key advantage of the spatial microsimulation approach is that it contains geographical information that can be used to investigate the local area impacts of policy changes. Spatial microsimulation is useful for modelling the socio-economic and spatial effects of policy changes at different geographical scales. Due to the advantages that it offers over traditional approaches, spatial microsimulation has become increasingly popular and a powerful tool within applications that have a geographical aspect.

A major challenge in modelling crime in the UK is adding geographical detail into the British Crime Survey, which is not available for small geographical areas. One solution is to attach the information from the BCS to the more geographically disaggregated UK national census data using spatial microsimulation techniques. Blending geo-referenced data into the BCS microdata makes it more valuable and the spatial aspect is capable of providing geographical detail for different scales.

Chapter 1- Introduction 3

Spatial detail is of utmost importance when studying crime. When it comes to offenders, victims, and offences it is important to take account, not only of the number of events, but also their locations. Spatial microsimulation offers a potentially powerful framework for modelling crime victimisation at the small area levels. This also can be linked with spatial interaction models to explain offender flows (Figure 1.1). Spatial interaction modelling is a technique which allows the predictions of flows based on the attractiveness of areas and the constraints on travel between them.

Although social scientists have developed numerous theoretical and empirical models of crime, currently there are no published examples of spatial microsimulation models being applied to study crime. Moreover, there are no examples of crime modelling being linked to spatial interaction models to explain offender flows. This study aims to address these shortcomings.

Figure 1.1: Framework for modelling crime at the small area level

1.2 Aims and Objectives of the Research

The principal aim of this thesis is to investigate the potential of spatial microsimulation for modelling crime. In order to achieve this aim the following research objectives were formulated. 1) To review the geography of crime and crime modelling. 2) To review microsimulation models and the procedures involved in creating a synthetic population microdata dataset. 3) To investigate and review the available data for modelling crime in Leeds. 4) To explore the geography of crime in Leeds.

Chapter 1- Introduction 4

5) To study the relationship between crime and its related determinants in the Leeds context. 6) To use the knowledge that has been gained in objectives 1-5 to build SimCrime, a static spatial microsimulation model for crime in Leeds. 7) To use this model to estimate crime victimisation at ward level. 8) To investigate movements of offenders 9) To explore the interaction between the location of offence and the location of offender by linking the microsimulation model with a spatial interaction model. 10) To enable the what-if analysis of a range of policy scenarios. 11) To evaluate the success of the research and propose the possibilities for future work.

1.3 Thesis Structure

In order to achieve the research objectives set out in § 1.2, the thesis is organised into ten chapters as outlined in Table 1.1. Each chapter relates to one or more of the research objectives.

Table 1.1: Thesis outline

Chapter Objective

Chapter 2: Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature 1 Review

Chapter 3: Microsimulation Modelling: A Literature Review 2

Chapter 4: Modelling Crime: Data Sources and Issues 3

Chapter 5: Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 4 & 5

Chapter 6: SimCrime: A Spatial Microsimulation Model for Crime in Leeds 6

Chapter 7: Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 7

Chapter 8: Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 8 & 9

Chapter 9: What-if Analyses 10

Chapter 10: Conclusions 11

Chapter 1- Introduction 5

Chapter 2 (Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature Review) reviews the geographical approaches to crime and modelling crime. Crime victimisation is reviewed and crime attributes are summarised in relation to three main categories: demographic characteristics, socio-economic characteristics, and neighbourhood characteristics for a given offence location. Different types of regression model for modelling crime are presented showing the method, variables used, and findings. The chapter concludes with a table of crime attributes relating to offenders, victims and offence areas derived from the literature reviewed.

Chapter 3 (Microsimulation Modelling: A Literature Review) reviews different types of microsimulation model. A number of major microsimulation models are briefly reviewed to show their variables and application areas. The advantages and disadvantages of such models are also summarised. The procedures involved in creating a synthetic population microdata dataset, which can be seen as the most important part of the microsimulation, are also reviewed and compared to select the best method to use for this research (which turns out to be combinatorial optimisation using simulated annealing method).

Chapter 4 (Modelling Crime: Data Sources and Issues) provides detail on the data that will be used throughout the thesis, including the 2001 Census, the 2001/2002 British Crime Survey, police recorded crime datasets (2000/01, 2001/02, 2002/03, 2003/04), and a known offender dataset (2000-2004). Details and limitations of the datasets are described and discussed.

Chapter 5 (Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds) describes Leeds crime figures and trends and the geographical variation at police division and ward levels using the four years worth of recorded crime data detailed in Chapter 4. Findings by crime type are presented. The chapter contains maps and graphs for a better understanding of the spatial patterns. The relationship between crime and its related determinants are explored. The chapter concludes with the variables that need to be included in the spatial microsimulation model to provide reasonable predictions.

Chapter 6 (SimCrime: A Spatial Microsimulation for Crime in Leeds) presents SimCrime, a spatial microsimulation for crime in Leeds. The chapter describes in detail the creation of a synthetic microdata dataset which comprises 514,523 individuals aged 16-74 in households in Leeds. The chapter runs through the SimCrime model specification by explaining the inputs, model execution process, and model outputs. The chapter also describes a method to tackle the problem of discrepancies in census counts between tables. The evaluation of the synthetic microdata dataset is also described.

Chapter 1- Introduction 6

Chapter 7 (Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level) demonstrates how SimCrime can be used for modelling crime victimisation rates. The synthetic microdata created by the process described in Chapter 6 provides an estimation of the likelihood of being a victim of burglary dwelling at ward level under the assumption that if the synthetic population from SimCrime has the same characteristics as the population from the BCS, they will have the same propensity to be a victim of crime. The chapter also gives recorded burglary dwelling estimates based on the victim estimations.

The chapter proposes a method for comparing the relative wealth of proximal areas using the ‘number of cars in the areas’. It then gives an ‘Index of Wealth’ score by ward which will be used in following chapters to help model criminal flows. The chapter also provides the household characteristics indicating a risk of becoming a victim of burglary dwelling. The reporting rate of each crime type is also estimated and compared with the rate for England and Wales.

Chapter 8 (Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling) explains the movement of offenders including crime travel patterns, crime type areas, offender flows, inflow/outflow ratios, and self-containment rates for wards. It then presents a spatial interaction model for burglary dwelling in Leeds. The chapter details the model formulation, attractiveness factors, model calibration and goodness-of-fit statistics.

Chapter 9 (What-if Analyses) shows how SimCrime (from Chapter 6) and the spatial interaction model (from Chapter 8) can be used together for what-if analysis. The chapter focuses on factors that are most likely to have a major impact on crime. The scenarios presented in this chapter are based on real policies from the Leeds Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy. SimCrime is used to estimate the impact of changing the socio-economic structure of the Gipton and Harehills Neighbourhood Renewal Areas in Leeds: specifically, how this is likely to change the number and location of victims of burglary dwelling. The chapter also gives examples of analyses in which the spatial impacts of a change in the offender flows are investigated using the synthetic populations and the spatial interaction model.

Chapter 10 (Conclusions) provides a conclusion to the study by summarising the findings of the research. The chapter reviews how well the aims and objectives have been fulfilled. It then moves on to limitations of the research. The chapter finally looks to the possibilities for future research and ends with some concluding statements.

The way in which each chapter links to others is summarised in Figure 1.2.

Chapter 1- Introduction 7

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2 Chapter 4 Chapter 3

Review Available data Review Geography of crime ƒ The 2001 Census Microsimulation Models and and modelling crime ƒ The 2001/2002 BCS the creation of ƒ Recorded crime datasets Synthetic Microdata ƒ Known offender dataset

Chapter 5

ƒ Studying geography of Chapter 6 crime in Leeds ƒ Exploring relationship Building SimCrime, a between crime and its spatial microsimulation for related determinants crime in Leeds ƒ Finding variables to be included into the microsimulation model Chapter 7

ƒ Estimate ‘victim of burglary Chapter 8 dwelling’ at ward level ƒ Estimate ‘recorded burglary Studying movement of dwelling’ at ward level offender and building Spatial ƒ Provide household Interaction Model characteristics most at risk of becoming a victim of burglary dwelling ƒ Estimate ‘reporting rate’ by crime type

Chapter 9

What-if analyses

Chapter 10: Conclusions Figure 1.2: Chapter linkage

Chapter 2- Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature Review 8

Chapter 2

Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature Review

2.1 Introduction 2.4 Movement of Offenders: Journey to Crime 2.2 The Geographical Approaches to Crime 2.5 Crime Victimisation

2.3 Crime Attributes 2.6 Modelling Crime 2.3.1 Demographic Characteristics 2.6.1 Multivariate Regression Model 2.3.2 Socio-economic Characteristics 2.6.2 Poisson and Negative Binomial Employment Regression Model Tenure Type 2.6.3 Logistic Regression Model Poverty and Deprivation 2.7 Concluding Comments 2.3.3 Neighbourhood/Area Characteristics and Offence Locations

2.1 Introduction Crime is a violation of law (Mannhiem, 1965), associated with offenders and victims. It is a problem which can be identified and acknowledged by most people who experience it directly and indirectly. It adds stress to peoples lives and impairs the quality of life of individuals and communities (Smith, 1989). Crime has been studied for almost two centuries (Herbert, 1983) by a variety of different academic disciplines, including criminology, biology, psychology, economics, psychiatry, anthropology, sociology, and, of course, geography. There have been many theoretical and methodological advances that have allowed crime to be studied from a number of different geographical perspectives (Yarwood, 2001).

This chapter starts with consideration of the geographical approaches to crime in § 2.2, followed by the exploration of crime attributes such as demographic, socio-economic, and area characteristics and offence locations in § 2.3. Movement of offenders and crime victimisation are also described in § 2.4 and § 2.5 respectively. Crime modelling using regression approaches are reviewed in § 2.6. Finally, § 2.7 is concluding comments.

2.2 The Geographical Approaches to Crime The study of the geography of crime can be traced back to the beginnings of the Cartographic School of criminology in France in 1830, and its subsequent spread to England and other European countries. The Cartographic School was mainly concerned with regional patterns of crime, focusing on where crime occurs. They used maps to show crime rate variations. In the period 1830-1880, most studies on the geography of crime examined the relationship between crime rates and other indicators of social condition along with climatic factors.

Chapter 2- Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature Review 9

The spatial distribution of crime has been extensively studied over the decades, particularly in respect to the socio-economic characteristics of the neighbourhoods in which the offender lives or a crime occurs (Harries, 1974; Shaw and McKay, 1969): so-called ecological analysis. Ecological analysis has focused on mapping with modelling often being used to link the distribution of crime to other socio-economic and environmental variables. This approach was first developed in Chicago by Shaw and McKay (1942), who made major contributions to the methodology. They correlated variables such as substandard housing/housing quality, poverty, foreign-born population, unemployment, ethnic minority group and mobility, with high delinquency rates. They demonstrated how the development and persistence of delinquent behaviour is associated with social deprivation, disorganisation, and disadvantage (Shaw and McKay, 1969). Basing their approach on Burgess’s city model, they found that juvenile delinquency was highest in the innermost ring of the city and declined steadily outwards. The Chicago School had a great influence over criminological studies, not only in the United States but also in European countries in the 1950s-1970s.

The fundamental relationship between crime and socio-economic factors remains the core of criminological study. Following Shaw and McKay’s ecological approach, much of the continuing research has focused on the relationship between low socio-economic status, residential instability, and resulting crime. Witt et al. (1999) examined the relationship between economic factors and property crime using aggregated data from 42 police force areas. They were mainly concerned with the impact of unemployment on crime. They found that high crime is associated with increases in male unemployment, high growth in the number of available properties and high wage inequalities. Entorf and Spengler (2000) studied the socio-economic and demographic factors of crime using panel data from the German States. They found socio-economic and demographic factors are important and significant influences. Being young and unemployed increases the probability of committing crime substantially. The concept of ‘place’ is fundamental to ecology analysis. Most of the studies about crime using the spatial ecology approach have found a strong relationship between crime and ‘poor’ environments.

It can be argued that mapping is a valuable tool for revealing patterns of crime. In particular crime mapping in recent years has become increasingly sophisticated by the arrival of Geographic Information System (GIS). The use of GIS has become more prevalent in recent years for capturing, storing, managing and displaying spatial data (Haining, 2003). It has proved useful for crime analysis. With GIS, we can obtain a better understanding of crime

Chapter 2- Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature Review 10 from a geographical perspective by using computers to represent and analyse spatially related crime incidents. They have two important functions: 1) to display maps or geographic features such as crime location (points), flows (lines), or areas (polygons); and 2) to use a digital map database to link spatial data to descriptive information. As an example, suppose two datasets are available for an area: number of burglary dwelling incidents, and number of households. These two datasets can be either mapped individually or combined to show a burglary dwelling rate (for example per 1000 households). Moreover, GIS can combine data using either spatial or tabular file attributes and allows the combination of information associated with different geographical boundaries. One of the advantages of using the GIS is the ability to use and display a large amount of data. Information shown on a map can often be better understood than if only displayed in tabular form.

In addition, there have been significant advances in the analytical tools such as those for the identification of hotspot areas, where concentrations of crime exist (Read and Oldfield 1995; Longley et al., 2001). Important to such analyses is geographically referenced crime incidents. Hotspot maps are very useful for visualising areas of high crime and they are now widely used by the police. Most police departments have limited resources including manpower; therefore the identification of hotspots helps them to prioritise the needs of areas. There are some well known hotspot identification methods. For example, the Geographic Analysis Machine (GAM) developed by Openshaw and colleagues (Openshaw et al., 1987) can be seen as an early attempt at automated exploratory spatial data analysis (Turton and Openshaw, 2001). It has been used for looking for clusters of events in heterogeneous spatial populations. The Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Crime (STAC) package developed by the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority is also very popular. It is one of the most widely used point-based methods for crime analysis. The STAC package was completed in 1988, with support from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics. Another program developed in the US is CrimeStat, a spatial statistics program for the analysis of crime incident locations and concentration (Levine, 2006).

In the UK Hirschfield et al. (1995) examined relationships between the spatial concentration of disadvantaged residents and levels of crime on Merseyside and identified hotspot areas by using the STAC Software. Groff and La Vigne (2001) applied opportunity theories to the study of crime for residential burglary. This research examined the utility of raster–based mapping software for predicting likely and unlikely locations for burglaries, as well as likely locations for crime displacement or diffusion. Craglia et al. (2001) used a GIS-based spatial analysis system to try and model the location of high-intensity crime areas (HIAs) in English cities using census data (for more detail see § 2.6.3 this chapter). GIS has also been used to

Chapter 2- Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature Review 11 analyse the ‘journey to crime’ patterns based upon police recorded crime data (Costello and Wiles, 2001). It can be used to examine the location of offences and the location of victims and to help analyse the relationships between these locations. The book ‘GIS and Crime Mapping’ by Chainey and Ratcliffe (2005) provides GIS application use in three broad areas (operational, tactical and strategic) including case studies at relevant areas.

2.3 Crime Attributes There are a large number of studies that suggest some basic demographic and socio- economic attributes and neighbourhood/area characteristics are related to crime. A strong association has been found between the level of property crime and some key economic and demographic factors (Shaw and McKay, 1942; Schmid, 1960; Herbert, 1982; Kongmuang, 1995). The next sections will describe the key attributes, including demographic, socio- economic, and area characteristics which are associated with crime.

2.3.1 Demographic Characteristics Crime is not evenly distributed throughout the population. The associations between demographic characteristics and crime have long been observed. For as long as observation of offending has been made, it has been noted that men and women have different offence rates and patterns, and experiences of victimisation (Heidensohn, 2002). In particular, the demographic variable that appears to most effect crime is the number of male young adults. It has been found in many studies that males and young adults are more prone to commit crimes than females and older adults (Kongmuang, 1995; Rephann and Öhman, 1999; Croall, 1998). Schmid (1960) found high proportions of males to be the main indicator of crime. Nelson et al. (1996) studied the spatial distribution of shoplifting using crime data reported to the police for Cardiff City Centre in 1993. Offender characteristics indicated that shoplifting is predominantly carried out by young males. In a study of crime in Thailand, Kongmuang (1995) also found that most offenders are males under 25 years old. The single and divorced have higher propensities to commit crime than the married. It is interesting to note that single parent families, which might be seen as broken homes or weak families, and large families (a large number of children in the family) are significant features of delinquent groups (Ellis, 1988) and there is also above average offender rates among minority groups (Herbert, 1976). Offenders from ethnic minorities are also over-represented in the prison population (Croall, 1998). For young people, significant risk factors that may increase the likelihood of offending behaviour are low income, poverty, poor parental supervision, poor housing, poor school behaviour (attainment and attendance), and socially-disorganised communities (Raikes, 2002).

Chapter 2- Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature Review 12

2.3.2 Socio-economic Characteristics There is now widespread acceptance that there is a strong relationship between criminality and socio-economic factors. Socio-economic status has been suggested as a key indicator by several studies and unemployment appears to have special significance (Schmid, 1960; Becker, 1968; Herbert, 1983; Darden, 2001; Edmark, 2005). A large number of studies have shown a consistent and inverse relationship between crime, delinquency, and social class or socio-economic status (Herbert, 1983). Field (1998) pointed out that economic factors have a major influence on trends in both property and personal crime. He found that personal crime (sexual offences and violence against the person) show a distinctive relation to personal consumption, which could be explicable in terms of a relationship between the economic status of individuals and their propensity to become involved in crime. People who are unemployed, poorly educated, and have a low income will have higher risks of committing crime (Becker, 1968; Darden, 2001, Kongmuang, 1995). Employment There has been a long debate as to whether there is a relationship between crime and unemployment. Schmid (1960) found high rates of unemployment to be the main indicator of crime. Empirical studies trying to link unemployment and property crime have been undertaken in many different ways. Two recent and interesting examples are Hale (1997) and Witt et al. (1999). Hale found that there is a long-run relationship between trends in recorded burglary and theft and the structure of employment. By using aggregate data from 42 police force areas for the period 1986 to 1996 Witt et al. (1999) found a significant relationship between high property crime and both increases in male unemployment and high wage inequality (see, for more details, § 2.6.1 this chapter). Reilly and Witt (1992) examined the relationship between crime and unemployment in Scotland using regional data. They concluded that unemployment cannot be dismissed as one of the determinants of the crime rate. A study in Sweden that investigated the effects of unemployment on crime using county panel data for the period 1988-1999 also found that unemployment had a positive and significant effect on property crime especially burglary and car theft (Edmark, 2005).

There are a lot of studies indicating that unemployment has a great influence on crime. Chamlin and Cochran (2000) studied how best to measure unemployment within the context of the relationship between unemployment and property crime. They suggested that the number of individuals unemployed for 15 weeks or more significantly affect the level of property crime. Long term or permanent unemployment, rather than temporary unemployment, is reflected in the production of higher levels of property crime.

Chapter 2- Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature Review 13 Tenure Type In Britain, Herbert (1979) and Baldwin and Bottoms (1976) found that spatial variations in offender rates are associated with variations in household tenure. Areas dominated by owner-occupied dwellings show lower rates than would be predicted by their socio- economic composition alone. The owner-occupied dwellings show the lowest crime rates. Public-sector housing display relatively high levels of criminal activity (Cater and Jones, 1989).

Housing and criminality are related because social groups with a greater propensity to commit crime are concentrated in certain types of housing. Some areas have a large numbers of offenders residing within them because the type of housing in such areas is more available to those individuals at greater risk of offending. Examples include areas of privately rented accommodation with over-representations of young single males, and transient populations (Bottoms and Wiles, 1988). Individuals who rent a home may have a higher propensity to commit crime. Baldwin and Bottoms (1976) strongly suggested that the housing market might be relevant to the spatial distribution of offender rates over other variables, for example, social class distribution of households in the area. Wikström (1991) also found similar results, based on the path-model analysis for offender rates in different areas of Stockholm. Poverty and Deprivation Poverty and crime are believed to be highly correlated (Kongmuang, 1995; Hirschfield and Bowers, 1997; Darden, 2001). However, Laycock (2003) argued that crime is not the result of poverty per se but of growing disparities in affluence. Indeed, from the end of the First World War, crime has risen steadily, in line with growing prosperity.

“Individuals, families and groups can be said to be in poverty if they lack the resources to obtain the types of diet, participate in the activities and have the living conditions and amenities which are customary, or at least widely encouraged or approved in the societies to which they belong”

(Townsend, 1979: 31)

Poverty, which is defined as low income or material resources, can be considered as narrower in scope than deprivation. Deprivation is a difficult concept to define. It involves anything from poverty to inequality. Deprivation overlaps, but is not the synonymous with, poverty (Carstairs and Morris, 1991). However, deprivation is narrower than both social exclusion and inequality (Senior, 2002). When people face difficult situations, they may

Chapter 2- Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature Review 14 have greater propensities to commit crime. It has been found in many studies that deprivation has a high correlation with crime. Ratcliffe and McCullagh (2001) explored the relationship between repeat victimisation and deprivation using GIS techniques. They found that burglary increases linearly with increasing household deprivation.

There have been a number of deprivation indices used for crime analysis. For example, the

Townsend Index of Deprivation made up of the following four census variables: ƒ Unemployment: unemployed people aged over 16 years as a percentage of all economically active people aged over 16. ƒ No car: households with no car as a percentage of all households. ƒ Overcrowded accommodation: households with more than one person per room as a percentage of all households. ƒ Not owner occupier: households not owning their own home as a percentage of all households.

The Townsend Index has been used to study crime pattern analysis in many studies (see for example, Craglia et al., 2000; and Craglia et al., 2001). The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) developed by the Index Team at Oxford University for the Department of Transport, Local Government and the Regions is another index which has been accepted as useful for studying crime. The IMD 2000 was constructed by combining the six domain scores, using the following weights:

ƒ Income (25%) ƒ Employment (25%) ƒ Health Deprivation and Disability (15%) ƒ Education, Skills and Training (15%) ƒ Housing (10%) ƒ Geographical Access to Services (10%)

However, it can be argued that the relationship between socio-economic attributes and crime cannot explain every type of crime, especially ‘white-collar crimes’. The ‘white-collar crime’ was first defined by Sutherland in 1941 as crime committed by persons of respectability and high social status in the course of their occupations (Croall, 1998). Currently, the definition of ‘white-collar crime’ is still unclear. However, it is generally associated with wealthy and powerful offenders. The most common ‘white-collar crimes’ include different kinds of fraud, for example credit card fraud, bankruptcy fraud, insurance fraud, and financial fraud. ‘White-collar’ offenders are motivated by two important factors:

Chapter 2- Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature Review 15 economic difficulty and greed. ‘White-collar crime’ can be accepted as a ‘crime career’. Individuals and organisations commit these types of crime to obtain money; to avoid payments; or to secure personal or business advantage. The socio-economic status of ‘white- collar’ offenders is different from common offenders because ‘white-collar’ offenders have higher socio-economic status.

2.3.3 Neighbourhood/Area Characteristics and Offence Locations Crime also varies by the kind of area in which people live. It seems to be commonly accepted that urbanisation is an important factor when considering crime against property in modern western societies. Urbanisation is highly related to the extent of propensities to commit crime. In many cases relationships between propensity factors and crime rates have been found to be stronger with higher levels of urbanisation (Dahlbäck, 1998). Such analysis has a long history. Guerry (1833) used a series of annual reports to analyse French crime patterns. He found that crimes against property were higher in urban areas. If society moves from a rural to urban character, and particularly as large cities begin to emerge, official crime rates will rise (Scott, 1972). Urban areas not only have much higher crime rates than rural areas but crime rates are also positively correlated with city size and hierarchical rank (Harries, 1974). Several parts of the world also show a link between urbanisation and crime. In Thailand for example, it has been found that violent crime and property crime are clustered in commercial and residential areas in the city centre rather than the surrounding suburbs. Crime has also been related to population density in that areas with high population density tend to have high crime rates (Kongmuang, 1995).

In general, as detailed elsewhere (Bottoms and Wiles, 2002) there are considerable differences in both offending and victimisation between neighbourhoods. These differences have some relationship to social class composition, degrees of deprivation, types of housing, and features of the physical environment (Smith, 2002). Schmid (1960) concluded that urban crime areas (areas where offenders live and where crimes are committed) are normally characterised by all or most of the following factors: low social cohesion, weak family life, low socio-economic status, physical deterioration, high rates of population mobility and personal disorganisation.

According to research findings by Shaw and McKay, the inner city stands out as a high crime area and area of offender residence even when demographic and socio-economic characteristics are taken account of. This can imply that crime is to a significant degree the product of a neighbourhood and not only the residents’ characteristics. The same people tend to behave differently in different places/locations and environments (Cater and Jones, 1989).

Chapter 2- Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature Review 16

Baldwin and Bottoms (1976) found that lower-class individuals were more likely to commit crimes if they lived in lower-class neighbourhoods than if they lived in higher-class or mixed neighbourhoods. The neighbourhood type may either expand or reduce the propensities of individuals to commit crime. Demographic and socio-economic characteristics of neighbourhoods could affect life-cycle events and may affect an individuals’ propensity to experience crime. However, Wikström (1991) argued that area of residence and offender rates might be related because of the distribution of more or less crime-prone individuals or groups. The social life of the area itself might not affect the criminality levels of the residents.

Community change can also produce crime. The study of juvenile offender rates in different areas of Los Angeles for the period 1950-1970 by Schuerman and Kobrin (1986) found that there is a three-stage process to making particular areas develop high offender rates. First, there were changes in land use such as an increase in rented accommodation. Secondly, there were changes in demographic features such as an increase in residential mobility. Third, there were changes in socio-economic characteristics such as more unskilled people and more unemployed people. These changes were cumulative and in the order specified for the areas examined, ultimately resulting in a shift from low to high offender rate areas. Urban land use changes, together with new patterns of mobility and new lifestyles, are inducing changes in offence patterns and the emergence of new geographical concentrations of offences (Ceccato et al., 2002).

Wiles and Costello (2000) carried out an area-based analysis of residential neighbourhoods by using police recorded data. Residential neighbourhoods were categorised as high, medium, or low offence rate areas. They found that residential areas with a high offender rate but low offence rate did not exist, and few areas had a low offender rate but high offence rate. On a neighbourhood basis, crime tends to be highest in areas with low neighbourhood stability, high poverty, and a high minority ethnic population (Bottoms and Wiles, 2002). Bottoms and his colleagues argued that in Britain social segregation emerged as the intended and unintended consequence of policy decisions taken by local government departments responsible for housing. Housing allocation was an indirect effect of moral judgements about tenants that resulted in the concentration of criminal populations (Bottoms and Wiles, 1986; Bottoms et al. 1989).

The lack of social cohesion and high disorganisation within a neighbourhood are possible variables explaining where high offence rates occur and where offenders come from (Shaw and McKay, 1942; Hirschfield and Bowers, 1997). Explanations of where offenders come from often focus on spatial attributes and emphasise housing type and neighbourhood

Chapter 2- Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature Review 17 socialisation processes. Wikström and Loeber (2000) identified neighbourhood socio- economic context as having a direct impact on offences for certain groups of young offenders.

In terms of the proximity to opportunity, Waller and Okihiro (1978) examined burglary in Toronto, Canada and found that proximity of affluent housing to public sector housing was the highest correlate of high burglary rates. The study of relations between crime and disadvantage on Merseyside (the City of Liverpool and the four surrounding metropolitan districts) in north-west England by Hirschfield et al. (1995) suggested that the impact of bordering effects, particularly the proximity of poor or disadvantaged areas to affluent neighbourhoods, is that it is likely to have high offence rates (Hirschfield et al., 1995; Bowers and Hirschfield, 1999).

2.4 Movement of Offenders: Journey to Crime Offenders travel certain distances from their residence to the offence location. The trip from the point of origin to the actual crime scene is known as the ‘journey to crime’. ‘Movement of offenders’ or ‘journey to crime’ has long been studied. Most studies of the ‘journey to crime’ are empirical. The most general and consistent conclusion is that offenders do not travel very far from where they live. The majority of offender movements are relative short. For example, the Sheffield Crime Survey found most of the city’s burglaries to have occurred within two miles of the offender’s residence (Baldwin and Bottoms, 1976). In North Staffordshire, England, Evans (1989) found that almost half of the burglaries are committed within 0.8 km of the convicted burglar’s home.

Most offender movements associated with crime appear to be based on opportunities. Offending appears to be concentrated around offenders’ homes, areas of work and recreation, and the pathways in between (Brantingham and Brantingham, 1981). Wikström (1991) tried to model where offences occur by looking at the forms of social interaction taking place within the urban area and their variation. He found that offences take place where criminal opportunities intersect with areas that are known to the offender because of their routine use of that space.

A study of ‘travel to crime’ patterns in Sheffield by Wiles and Costello (2000) found that 1) the vast majority of offender movements are relative short: on average offenders travelled only 1.93 miles to commit a crime from their homes 2) much travel is not primarily driven by plans but opportunities and 3) although the travel distance can be different depending on the offence type, an offender’s travel to crime is local in nature.

Chapter 2- Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature Review 18

2.5 Crime Victimisation The risk of victimisation is unevenly distributed across populations, time, and space. Who is at greatest risk from crime? How is victimisation distributed across space and what are the demographic dimensions? Studies have consistently shown that the likelihood of victimisation varies dramatically with demographic, socio-economic and area characteristics (Budd, 1999; Zedner, 2002). Individual and community attributes significantly affect household victimisation risk (Trickett et al., 1995). A person’s lifestyle may also affect the likelihood of victimisation (Gottfredson, 1984).

Laub (1997) suggested that age is one of the variables most highly correlated with victimisation. Income is also related to risk of individual victimisation because if income goes up, risk goes down; those who live in urban areas are more prone to be victims than are residents of suburban or rural areas. Laub proposed this pattern can explain all individual and household crimes. A victim-focused study by Maguire and Bennett (1982) examined residential burglary by mapping recorded burglary and carrying out in-depth interviews with victims. They found that burglaries tended to be clustered either in poorer housing areas or in more expensive properties close to main roads. Houses were more likely to be burgled if located near a road junction, or if they offered good access to potential offenders. Zedner (2002) found that the risk of burglary is much higher in inner-city areas, particularly those with high levels of physical disorder, and in rented accommodation rather than owner- occupied households. The British Crime Survey (BCS) has indicated that both Afro- Caribbeans and Asians suffer more victimisation than whites. The possible reasons are that minority groups tend to have lower household incomes and have a larger proportion of young people and higher rates of unemployment. In the study ‘university student safety’ Barberet et al. (2003) found that property crime including burglary, theft and criminal damage victimisation was more prevalent than violent crime. Over 70% of all crimes experienced by students are property crimes and nearly 12% of students in private accommodation were burglary victims (compared with 5% of students who live in university accommodation).

In general terms, the British Crime Surveys reveal that urban areas have higher rates than rural, and inner city areas have higher rates than suburbs. However not all inner city areas have higher rates of crime. It can be argued that crime rates are related to a variety of factors including the kind of area in which people live which are not always reflected in the distinction between inner city and suburban areas. Generally, geographical differences are related to social differences, which are illustrated in the way that victimisation rates are

Chapter 2- Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature Review 19 spread between different types of areas (Mayhew et al., 1993). There are ‘place’ variations with differences between types of areas, and ‘people’ variations with specific types of people at greater risk. For example, households with lower income, single-adult, young, or unemployed heads of households, are at greater risk (Kershaw et al. 2000; Budd 1999). In the 2001 British Crime Survey, it has been found that young households, single-parent households and those in areas of high physical disorder were particularly at risk for domestic burglary (Kershaw et al., 2001).

Most research on the relationship between crime and opportunities has been strongly influenced by the ‘routine activity theory’ proposed by Cohen and Felson (1979). According to the routine activities theory, crimes can occur when three elements come together: a motivated offender, a suitable target such as unprotected property, and the absence of people who could prevent the offence from being committed. According to this theory, changes in routine activities can strongly affect crime opportunities and crime rates, even if individuals’ propensities to commit crime do not change. More activity away from home and families increases the opportunity for crime and thus generates higher crime rates (Cohen and Felson, 1979; Felson, 1994). For example, teenagers or young adults typically go to study/work 5 days a week and leave their rooms/houses empty. This can put these houses at greater risk of burglary say compared with the houses of elderly persons, who may spend considerable time at home.

A good deal of previous research shows that offenders are very likely to select targets not far from their own residence (see § 2.4). For this reason, living close to motivated offenders produces a much higher victimisation risk and living in a high crime area increases individual’s risks of victimisation (Cornish and Clarke, 1986). Miethe and Meier (1990) found that people who lived in areas with higher levels of offenders had higher risks of burglary. In the UK, inner city residents or council housing occupiers have higher burglary risks and rates (Ellingworth et al., 1997; Osborn and Tseloni, 1998).

In some cases the risk of crime differs according to demographic characteristics which are in turn related to lifestyle. One of the interesting factors has been discovered by the British Crime Surveys is that individuals who tend to have an increased risk of victimisation spend several evenings a week out, drink heavily, and may be more likely in turn, to assault others (Budd, 2003).

Chapter 2- Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature Review 20

2.6 Modelling Crime There have been a number of attempts to develop crime models, especially in regard to property crime. For example, in 1998 the Home Office developed two models of property crime based on long-run aggregate relationships between recorded crime and macroeconomic and demographic factors. These have been updated and revised to incorporate new techniques and, for the first time, to investigate the implications of projecting trends in crime on the basis of the ‘macro-level’ relationships captured by econometric models (Dhiri et al., 1999). Earlier Home Office research by Field (1998) attempted to model historical trends in the level of recorded crime in England and Wales over the last half century. The research focused on a subset of recorded property crime– burglary and theft and handling, which accounts for around two-thirds of total recorded crime incidents.

In terms of crime predictors, it is now well established that household and area characteristics play important roles. The British Crime Survey has been used to develop statistical models describing property crime victimisation at the household level (Tseloni et al., 2002). The statistical modelling studies of British Crime Survey data at the individual household level typically use the technique of logistic regression. Recent years have seen the development of models that try to explain property crime victimisation at the individual household level using data from the British Crime Survey. The resulting models tried to predict the victimisation risk of a particular household. The predictors generally include household characteristics and the characteristics of the area of residence (Trickett et al., 1995).

Regression has been used in many studies to develop crime models. Examples of multivariate regression, poisson and negative binomial regression, and logistic regression models are shown in the following sections.

2.6.1 Multivariate Regression Model Dahlbäck (1998) applied a non-linear longitudinal model when analysing the influence of crime opportunity and propensity factors on societies’ theft rates in Sweden. The variables used in his study were:

- Average population density - Business volume in restaurants - Relative size of agricultural population

Chapter 2- Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature Review 21

- Proportion of males 15-24 years - Proportion of divorced residents - Proportion of children in public leisure centres - Proportion of foreigners - Migration

He found that the theft rate is higher the denser the population and the weaker the social bonds. Family disintegration, cultural estrangement, and change in place of residence are three important factors that affect the strength of social bonds.

Witt et al. (1999) attempted to ascertain the relationship between some important economic factors and crime. As mentioned in § 2.2, they used data from 42 police force areas in England and Wales to examine the impact of unemployment on crime. The New Earnings Survey (NES) (an annual sample survey of the earnings of employees in Great Britain) is also used to measure the extent to which rises in earning inequality can explain changes in crime. The linear dynamic specification below forms the basis for subsequent estimation.

Δyijt = β1Δyijt −1 + β2Δx'ijt +γ t + ϕ + Δυijt (2.1)

Where yijt is the number of crimes per capita in police force area i for crime category j in year t

xijt is the vector of exogenous variables

γt is a vector of year dummies φ is a vector of regional dummies

υijt is the error term Δ is a first difference operator

As discussed in § 2.3, it has been found that high crime is associated with: increases in male unemployment, high growth in the number of properties which can be burgled, and high wage inequality associated with the distributions of weekly earnings of full-time manual men. The increase in the size of police force is negatively correlated with property crime.

Chapter 2- Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature Review 22

Hope et al. (2001) tried to identify antecedents and correlates of multiple crime-type victimisations by fitting an appropriate multivariate statistical model to data taken from the 1992 British Crime Survey.

“Multiple crime-type victimization is the extent to which some households or persons are victims of more than one kind of offence over a given period”

(Hope et al., 2001: 595)

Victim/target proneness

Property crime Property crime victimization victimization

Personal crime Personal crime victimization victimization


Figure 2.1: A model of repeated, multiple crime victimisation (of Hope et al., 2001)

Figure 2.1 outlines their theoretical model. The model tried to explain the variation in two discrete random variables: being a present property crime victim and being a present personal crime victim. Thus, they used the bivariate probit model which is defined by:

Y1* = β1x1 + ε1, Y1 = 1 if Y1* > 0, 0 otherwise (2.2)

Y2* = β2x2 + ε2, Y2 = 1 if Y2* > 0, 0 otherwise (2.3)

Where E(ε1) = E (ε2) = 0, Var(ε1) = Var (ε2) 1 and Cov(ε1, ε2) = ρ

Y1 and Y2 denote the individual observed binary outcomes for property and personal crime victimisation during the reference period. The coefficients along with the correlation can be estimated using the maximum likelihood technique.

If ρ = 0, any correlation between property and personal crime victimisation is well explained by the influences of the variables x1 and x2. These influences can be ascertained by estimating each of the equations separately.

Chapter 2- Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature Review 23

If ρ ≠ 0, there is a correlation between two types of crime victimisation which is not captured by the explanatory variables (prior victimisation, selected characteristics of respondents, their households, and area of the household).

They found a highly significant positive association between the binary victimisation variables. The model shows young adults living in households where the head of household is a young adult, living in a household that have a number of children, renting tenure, and living in a below average car ownership area have higher proneness to be a victim. Both affluence and disadvantage are associated with the probability of being the victim of property crime. The risks of personal crime are associated with a number of variables such as being single/divorced, young adults, living with children, and rented dwelling.

Gaviria and Pagés (2002) focus mainly on how the relative socio-economic status of individuals, the population size of the city of residence, and the population growth affects the probability of being a victim. They found that the probability increases with socio- economic status, city size, and urban growth. They also found that the victims of property crime in Latin America typically come from rich and middleclass households and tend to live in the bigger and faster growing cities. The ‘Latinobarometer’, a public opinion survey covering more than 50,000 households in 17 Latin American countries, was used as the main source of data. The survey includes information about demographic characteristics as well as crime victimisation at the household level. Major shortcomings of the ‘Latinobarometer’ are the absence of information about victimisation type and data on household income. In reality, Gaviria and Pagés used only two sets of data: ownership of durable goods and housing characteristics related to the socio-economic status of the households. They ranked households according to their socio-economic status. Their procedure has three main steps:

1) Use principal components to compute a weighted average of the relevant household attributes. 2) Rank all households on the basis of the average. 3) Use the corresponding ranking to compute quintiles of socio-economic status.

They used the following equation to study the patterns of crime victimisation in Latin America

Chapter 2- Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature Review 24

Yijct = c + X ijct β + Z jcθ + λc + ζ t + εijct (2.4)

Where Yijct is a dummy variable showing whether a member of family i who lives in city j of country c was a victim of crime in year t Xijct is a vector of household characteristics (including education of the household head, relative socio-economic status, and house ownership) Zjc is a vector of the city characteristics (including population size and population growth). λc is a country effect. ζt is a year effect εijct is an individual error term.

The study by Martin (2002) used multivariate regression and spatial analysis to test the significance of several concepts as predictors of neighbourhood burglary rates. Three hundred and twenty census tracts were used as proxies for neighbourhoods in Detroit. He used official reported residential burglaries during 1995-1997 obtained from the Detroit Police Department. Because of a highly skewed distribution, the Freeman-Tukey transformation in the SpaceStat software was used to transform the burglary rate.

Formally, the Freeman-Tukey transformation can be stated as

Zi = Ei / Pi + (Ei +1) / Pi (2.5)

Where Ei is the number of events in unit i Pi is the population at risk

The Freeman-Tukey Transformation was computed in his study as

Burglary rate = 1000x n + 1000(x +1) n (2.6)

Where x is the count of burglaries in the census tract n is the number of housing units in the tract.

He modelled the burglary dwelling rate as a linear function of neighbourhood characteristics including poverty concentration, age composition, social capital, and residential stability. Age composition has the strongest effect on burglary dwelling rate. Poverty concentration and residential stability are also significant effects. Social capital is negatively related to burglary dwelling.

Chapter 2- Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature Review 25

2.6.2 Poisson and Negative Binomial Regression Model Poisson regression is often used to model the number/rate of occurrences of an event of interest such as crime, as a function of some independent variables. However, if evidence of underdispersion or overdispersion is shown, it indicates an inadequate fit of the poisson model. In 1998 Osborn and Tseloni studied the distribution of household property crimes (Osborn and Tseloni, 1998). They adopted the negative binomial generalisation of the poisson model because they found that a standard poisson model does not capture the distribution of victimisation (negative binomial is the test for overdispersion in poisson regression).

Osborn and Tseloni examined how socio-economic and demographic features of the household and their neighbourhoods affect the probability distribution of the number of property crimes, including theft, burglary, and criminal damage. Because they argued that no previous study had used individual and area characteristics to model the entire crime probability distribution, socio-demographic attributes of the household and community-level characteristics were used in their study to predict victimisations, with the victimisation data from the 1992 British Crime Survey. The 1991 Census Small Area Statistics were used for variables at the household level, including the number of adults in the household, ethnicity and the age of the head of the household together with the socio-economic status of the head of the household, and also the number of cars in the household.

The Poisson Model If the number of events (crimes) for the ith case (i = 1, 2,….N) is expressed by the random

variable Yi, then the poisson model assumes that the mean number of events (crimes), λi =

E(Yi), is related to a vector of interpretive variables xi , through

T ln(λi ) = β xi (2.7)

where ln indicates the natural logarithm. The mean number of events is the expected

property crime incidence for household i. The probability that Yi takes the specific value yi

(yi = 0,1,….) is

yi exp(−λi )λi Pr(Yi = yi ) = (2.8) yi!

Chapter 2- Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature Review 26

The Negative Binomial Model The assumption of the poisson regression model of (2.7) and (2.8) are successive events occur independently and at a constant rate. However, in practice, overdispersion can be found. They model overdispersion with

T (2.9) ln(λi ) = β xi + εi

where exp(εi) follows a gamma distribution with mean 1 and variance α. Combining equation (2.9) with (2.8) results in one version of the negative binomial model for the number of events with

Γ(y + v) vvμ yi Pr(Y = y ) = i i y = 0,1,.... (2.10) i i v+ yi i yi!Γ(v) (v + μi ) where v = 1/α is the precision parameter and Γ is the gamma function. As in the poisson T case, the expected property crime incidence is E(Yi) = µI = exp(β хi). The negative binomial specification has variance

2 Var (Yi ) = μi + αμI (2.11)

Osborn and Tseloni used maximum-likelihood estimation in the software package LIMDEP. They found that characteristics of the household affect the victimisation rate.

The negative binomial regression allows the estimation of the probability distribution of crimes. From probability distributions, incidence can then be obtained as the estimated crime rate, whilst risk can be found as estimated probability of at least one victimisation.

2.6.3 Logistic Regression Model

Craglia et al. (2001) used a logistic model to predict police-defined, high intensity crime areas (HIAs) in English cities. HIAs are areas that produce special policing problems due to particularly violent crime where residents are either unwilling or afraid to cooperate with the police. To develop the model, they used three police force areas, Greater Manchester, Merseyside and Northumbria.

Chapter 2- Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature Review 27

The response variable was a binary one, the value depending on whether each Enumeration District (ED) was in a police defined HIA or not. The initial model specification showed the link with many census variables that captured different aspects of socio-economic disadvantage, population instability and ethnic mix. These attributes have been found to be associated with levels of violent crime. At first, they started with all the possible predictor variables and then eliminated non-significant variables. The variable INDEX, the Department of the Environment Transport and the Regions (DETR) index of deprivation, was also included. The probability that an ED is in an HIA, according to the final model, is given by

exp(Χβ ) (2.12) 1+ exp(Χβ )

Where exp( Χβ ) is the exponential function of

Χβ = -2.3465 + 0.2351(INDEX) + 0.0102(TERRACE) + 0.0229(TURNOVER) (2.13)

INDEX is the Department of the Environment Transport and the Regions (DETR) index of local deprivation. TERRACE is proportion of people living in terraced housing TURNOVER is residents with a different address one year before the census

The model performed well in general because there are a few ‘false positives’ (EDs predicted by the model to be in HIAs but had not been claimed by the police). However, there is some evidence of positive spatial autocorrelation. Therefore the model was re-fitted with additional new variables that were the spatially averaged values (WTERRACE, WTURNOVER, WINDEX). The results of this model fitting are shown in Table 2.1. The model concludes that HIAs are characterised by populations who are deprived and live in high density areas with high levels of population turnover.

Table 2.1: Best fitting final model for HIA data after including spatially averaged variables

Variable Coefficient Correctly Incorrectly (percentage) (percentage) INDEX 0.1801 Percentage of HIA EDs classified 53.68% (634) 46.32% (548) TERRACE 0.0091 52.9% (707) 47.1% (557) TURNOVER 0.0201 Percentage of non-HIA ED classified 81.49% (1554) 18.51% (353) WINDEX 0.1447 79.9% (1523) 20.1% (384) WTERRACE 0.0056 Constant -2.9470 Source: Craglia et al. (2001) Note: Numbers in parentheses are the numbers of EDs.

Chapter 2- Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature Review 28

Entorf and Spengler (2000) explored the socio-economic and demographic factors of crime in Germany based on the Becker-Ehrlich deterrence model. From the basic model of Becker-

Ehrlich: Lnο = α + β ln D + γ lnY + δ ln X (2.14)

Where O is the crime rate D is deterrence Y is income X is other influences

They applied other influence variables such as unemployment, increasing income inequality, number of foreigners, urbanisation. They ran a static regression using the specification written as follow:

a r lnO = α + β ln p + γ1 lnY + γ 2Y + X 'δ (2.15)

Where O is the crime rate (number of crime per 100,000 populations) p is the clear-up rate Ya is absolute income X is unemployment, age, foreigners, urbanisation, and east-west differentials

The second step was the implementation error correction model taken from dynamic time- series analysis.

a r a ΔlnO = c + g(lnO−1 − γ1 lnY−1 − γ 2Y−1 − X '−1 δ ) + βΔln P + γ1ΔlnY + ΔX 'δ (2.16)

Where ∆ is the difference operator and g should have a negative sign. The following variables were used: FOREIGN = percentage of foreigners in the population Ya = GDP per capita in constant prices M15-24 = percentage of male aged 15-24 Yr = relative distance between states’ GDP and federal GDP UNEMPL = unemployment rate UNEMPL24 = share of unemployed persons under 25 years of age out of all unemployed persons EAST = indicator variable for East Germany CITY = indicator variable for the city-states

Chapter 2- Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature Review 29

The results of this study support the notion that demographic and economic factors play important and significant influences. Being young and unemployed increases the propensity to commit crime.

2.7 Concluding Comments There has been almost two centuries of studies into the geography of crime. This chapter describes the geographical approaches to crime together with crime attributes and its related determinants. The geography of crime always carries its particulars in spatial structures, in environmental associations, and in the special qualities of place (Herbert, 1989). Crime is a very unevenly distributed phenomenon and cannot be understood outside its social context. The association of demographic and socio-economic characteristics with the locations of crimes can provide a clearer picture of crime. To understand crime patterns it is useful to examine the determinants of crime, such as demographic and socio-economic characteristics, by using GIS together with statistical analysis.

Crime models are generally based on statistical regression approaches. In particular, for the estimation of small area crime rates, regression coefficients are typically estimated from survey data for large geographical areas and then applied to small areas using small area census data (Tanton et al., 2001). Moreover, as mentioned in § 1.1 these techniques are unable to model policy impacts. In the UK, the smallest area of modelling crime is generally at the police force area level.

As can be seen from the literature reviewed in this chapter, there is considerable evidence that demographic, socio-economic, household and neighbourhood characteristics are related to crime, especially the likelihood of victimisation. Table 2.2 shows crime attributes relating to offenders, victims, and offence areas derived from the literature reviewed. In Chapter 5 these attributes will be explored in relationship to crime to find out: whether or not they are good predictors of Leeds crime, and how these can be possibly linked in a spatial microsimulation context.

Chapter 2- Geography of Crime and Modelling Crime: A Literature Review 30

Table 2.2: Crime attributes

Categories Indicators High propensity

Age Ö Young adult Demographic Sex Ö Male characteristics of Marital status Ö Single offender Family status Ö Weak family life (divorce, single parent families) Family size Ö Large

Socio-economic Income Ö Low income characteristics of Employment Ö Unemployed offender Education Ö Less Deprivation Ö High level of deprivation

Household Density of living Ö High density (substandard) characteristics Type of tenure Ö Rented

Age Ö Young adult Victim Sex Ö Male characteristics Ethnicity Ö Minority group Lifestyle Ö Away from home Tenure Ö Rented, not owner-occupied

Urbanisation Ö High Population density Ö High Neighbourhood No of offender Ö High characteristics Social cohesion Ö Lack of social cohesion and disorganisation Ethnicity Ö High minority ethnic population Proximity Ö Inner city, proximity to disadvantage areas

Chapter 3- Microsimulation Modelling: A Literature Review 31

Chapter 3

Microsimulation Modelling: A Literature Review

3.1 Microsimulation: An Introduction 3.5 The Creation of Synthetic Microdata 3.2 Types of Microsimulation 3.5.1 Synthetic Reconstruction 3.2.1 Static and Dynamic 3.5.2 Combinatorial Optimisation 3.2.2 Spatial and Aspatial 3.6 Combinatorial Optimisation using Simulated 3.3 A Review of Selected Microsimulation Annealing Method Models 3.7 Concluding Comments 3.4 Advantages and Disadvantages

3.1 Microsimulation: An Introduction The microsimulation technique was first used to study socio-economic systems in the United States by Guy Orcutt, in the late 1950s and early 1960s (Orcutt et al., 1961). It is a methodology aimed at building large-scale datasets at the micro scale for individual units such as persons, households or firms (Clarke, 1996; Ballas and Clarke, 2000) and simulating the effect of changes in policy or other changes on these microunits. In essence it is the distribution of a sample of individuals to meet a set of aggregate real statistics or probabilities. Simulation entails conducting a baseline simulation using a given initial population sample and later changing either the sample characteristics or parameters within the model in order to measure the effects of policy or structural changes (Rephann and Öhman, 1999). Microsimulation models have been increasingly adopted to study the impacts of social and economic policies especially for income and tax policy on individual units (Merz, 1991; Clarke, 1996; Ballas et al., 2005a, c). In the past two decades, microsimulation models have become very powerful tools and have been used widely in North America, European countries and Australia.

Section 3.2 describes the types of microsimulation. Selected microsimulation models are reviewed in § 3.3. The advantages and disadvantages are summarised in § 3.4. Synthetic reconstruction and combinatorial optimisation are compared in § 3.5 while combinatorial optimisation using simulated annealing method is described in detail in § 3.6. Section 3.7 is concluding comments.

3.2 Types of Microsimulation Microsimulation models are generally divided into two main types: static and dynamic. However, in this study, there are two key characteristics to be considered: static and dynamic, spatial and aspatial.

Chapter 3- Microsimulation Modelling: A Literature Review 32

3.2.1 Static and Dynamic Microsimulation models can be static or dynamic. The distinction between static and dynamic models is an important one, because they have evolved along different lines, and have very different areas of application (Martini and Trivellato, 1997). The difference between static and dynamic depends on the particular method that is used (Mitton et al., 2000). Most crucial is the method for ‘ageing’ the microunits (Merz, 1991).

Early microsimulation models were often static and generally used when only cross- sectional information is required to answer a policy question. The microdata database of static models is typically comprised of cross-section information at a certain point of time. Such models are mostly designed for answering questions about short-term effects or the immediate distribution impact of policy changes, for example, the effects on income distribution if welfare systems are changed. Generally, these models produce output that shows the gains or losses from such policy changes. Static microsimulation models (especially tax-benefit models), have been developed for the majority of industrialised countries. Merz (1991) summarises the requirements for a static microsimulation model (Table 3.1) as the provision of an appropriate microdata database with implements for merging data if they come from several sources; a construction that computes the characteristics of microunits; the simulation part of the model (which is the process of imitating the behaviour of system patterns); the adjustment of microdata (before or after the simulations), and the evaluation of the executed simulation. In addition, each of these should be considered for efficiency and ease of use.

Dynamic microsimulation models are more complicated and involve updating each attribute for each microunit for each of a set of time intervals. Dynamic microsimulation models often start exactly the same as static microsimulation models. The difference is that the dynamic microsimulation models project a sample of the population forward through time by simulating the major life events that individuals would be expected to experience in the real world. These could be birth, death, marriage, divorce, education, labour force participation, health, retirement etc. The probabilities of these life events occurring are estimated using data concerning the rates at which each particular event happens, either in the populations or for a given individual. Therefore, within a dynamic microsimulation model, the characteristics of each microunit are recalculated for each time period. This allows the original population to be projected forward in time, while maintaining detailed information on the individuals within the simulation.

Chapter 3- Microsimulation Modelling: A Literature Review 33

Dynamic microsimulation models usually include cross-sectional analysis, with static microsimulation being one dimension of these models. This view might be justified on the basis of the attempts to extend existing static models to dynamic models by including behavioural functions. An example of combining a dynamic model with an existing static system is the dynamic spatial microsimulation model developed by Ballas et al. (2005a).

Table 3.1: Requirement profile for a static microsimulation model

Requirement profile for a static microsimulation model 1. Initial data- Preparation and construction 1.1 Microdata processing 1.2 Macrodata processing 1.3 Modifications of initial data 1.4 Statistical methods for matching (merging microdata) 1.5 Construction of the initial file 1.6 Extraction of subfiles 1.7 Documentation: Initial database, subfile(s) 2. Module construction 2.1 Construction of micro modules 2.2 Construction of macro modules 2.3 Econometric and statistical methods for hypotheses testing and formulation 2.4 Documentation: Module construction 3. Modifications of model parameters- Model operations 3.1 Scenario formulation 3.2 Parameter changes 3.3 Module changes 3.4 Handling of module sequence 3.5 Linkage micro to macro or other models 3.6 Testing 3.7 Documentation: Model operation 4. Adjustment of microdata 4.1 Demographic adjustment ‘static aging’ 4.2 Economic aging 4.3 Stochastic changes and ‘alignment’ 4.4 Sensitivity analyse and changing aggregate control data 4.5 Statistical adjustment methods 4.6 Documentation: Adjustment 5. Evaluation of simulation 5.1 Results of single simulation 5.2 Results of several simulation runs 5.3 Statistical methods for data analyses 5.4 Documentation: total and particular evaluation 6. Efficiency in processing 7. Ease of use

Source: Merz (1991)

Chapter 3- Microsimulation Modelling: A Literature Review 34

Static and dynamic microsimulation models each have their own strengths. Dynamic models are viewed as better in terms of producing realistic long-range estimations. The main advantage of static versus dynamic microsimulation models is that static models are less computationally expensive (Merz, 1991; Fredrikson, 1998) and they also provide the possibility of more detailed representation (Fredrikson, 1998). It is less expensive because time-consuming simulations of demographic processes (with interactions among members of different microunit associations) are not included (Merz, 1991).

3.2.2 Spatial and Aspatial Until recently, most static and dynamic microsimulation models were aspatial (Clarke, 1996), concerned with ‘who is affected’ not ‘where these people live’. Most of the microsimulation models developed so far do not take spatial scale into account (Birkin et al., 1996). As Clarke (1996) points out, very few microsimulation studies to date have had a spatial dimension. The most important limitation of such models is that results are only available at the national level (Brown and Harding, 2002). It is plainly not possible using aspatial microsimulation models to predict the spatial impact of policy changes upon the household sector.

Spatial microsimulation is a recent development, starting mainly in the late 1970s and 1980s (much at the University of Leeds) (Clarke 1996; Caldwell, Clarke, and Keister 1998; Ballas and Clarke 2000). For example, Birkin and Clarke (1988) used static spatial microsimulation techniques to create a synthetic microdata database for Leeds (UK) and used this to generate incomes at the individual level. Williamson developed a model for the spatial analysis of community care policies for older people (Williamson, 1992) and a microsimulation model for water demand estimation for small areas (Williamson et al., 1996; Williamson, 2001). Ballas (2001) developed SimLeeds, which is a spatial microsimulation model for Leeds’ local labour market.

The key advantage of spatial microsimulation models is that they contain geographical information that can be used to investigate the local area impacts of policy changes. Spatial microsimulation is useful for modelling the socio-economic and spatial effects of policy changes at different geographical scales (Ballas and Clarke, 2001a, b). It also helps policy makers to think more geographically about the possible effects of policy options they may consider (Ballas et al, 2005c). The availability of geo-coded microdata and new techniques for merging geographical, population, and socio-economic data make it likely that spatial models will become more prevalent (Clarke, 1996).

Chapter 3- Microsimulation Modelling: A Literature Review 35

As Ballas et al. (2005a, c) point out; spatial microsimulation normally involves four major procedures: ƒ The construction of a small area microdata dataset from samples and surveys. ƒ Sampling from this dataset to generate a micro population for individuals for small areas who match the known data on those areas. ƒ Static what-if simulations, in which the impacts of alternative scenarios on the population are estimated. ƒ Dynamic modelling (updating a base microdata dataset) and future-oriented what-if simulations.

It has been noted that spatial dynamic microsimulation is an extremely difficult task involving the behavioural modelling of individuals over time and at various geographical scales (Ballas et al., 2005b).

3.3 A Review of Selected Microsimulation Models

A large number of dynamic and static microsimulation models have been developed since the 1960s covering the following topics: tax policy analysis, income tax, social welfare, urban housing market, distributional impact of energy policies, national health insurance, state unemployment insurance, land-use forecasting, energy demand, health benefit, pension analyses, health insurance, labour supply shortening of working hours, distributional impacts of child allowance changes, effects of transfer wage and social policies, economic and social policy market and non-market activities, the shadow economy, and effect of tax regulations on agricultural firms (Merz, 1991). A number of the major models will now be briefly reviewed.

DYNASIM (Dynamic Simulation of Income Model) is a dynamic model which simulates the economic and social behaviour of households in the United States. It was among the first micro models to adopt the dynamic microanalytic simulation approach (Zaidi and Rake, 2001). It was developed by Guy Orcutt in the early 1970s. The model consisted of behavioural relationships for birth, death, marriage/remarriage, divorce, leaving home, disability, education, location, wage rate, labour force participation, hours in the labour force, unemployment, earnings, social security, other pensions, unemployment compensations and welfare programmes (Orcutt et al., 1986). Its uses included forecasts of the population to 2030 employing different assumptions about demographic and economic scenarios, and analysis of the cost of teenage childbearing to the public sector under different policy scenarios (O’Donoghue, 2001a). DYNASIM 2, a second version was

Chapter 3- Microsimulation Modelling: A Literature Review 36 developed between 1979-1983. The time horizon extends from 1973 to 2030. DYNASIM is organised in three sub-models: the family and earning history model, the jobs and benefits history model, and the cross-sectional imputation model (Spielauer, 2002).

Some of the ideas and experiences of DYNASIM are brought to CORSIM, a dynamic population model, developed at Cornell University in 1987. CORSIM is accepted as the first PC-based simulation model of the United States population. It was much influenced by DYNASIM (Zaidi and Rake, 2001). It was designed to model individuals and their families, basic demographic characteristics of birth, death, marriage and divorce, emigration and immigration, as well as levels of education, economic patterns of work and earnings, the accumulation of assets and debts, and contributions to pensions. It can be run through the recent past and carried on into the future making the program a robust tool for both basic social science research and policy analysis. The 1960 Public Use Microdata Survey is the base microdata for CORSIM. This database is a one-per-thousand representative sample drawn from the 1960 US Census which consists of about 180,000 persons (70,000 families) (Zaidi and Rake, 2001). The core CORSIM modules were also widely adapted by other models for example, DYNACAN and SVERIGE.

In 1995 CORSIM was chosen to be used as a template for building a dynamic microsimulation model for Canada. It replaced US data, equations, regulations, etc. with Canadian counterparts. This model, called DYNACAN, was developed by the Office of the Chief Actuary of the Canadian Pension Plan. Therefore the model aims at projecting and evaluating the financial impacts on individuals and families of alternative policy options for the Canadian Pension Plan (Spielauer, 2002). The base population is the one per cent (213,000 person) public-use sample of the population from the 1971 Canadian Census then aged annually through to 2100.

ESPASIM is a static microsimulation model of taxes and benefits for Spain. It is used to study the effect shortly before or immediately after a reform, before the agents adjust their behaviour as a consequence of the policy change. It is also static in that it takes only one period of time into consideration, assuming the demographic and socio-economic structures remain constant. ESPASIM uses microdata from representative samples of the Spanish population. It is set up to work with two different databases: the Household Budget Survey 1990-91, and the third wave of the Spanish sample of the European Community Household Panel. These two databases provide information on the income, housing and other demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the individuals and households (Levy et al., 2001).

Chapter 3- Microsimulation Modelling: A Literature Review 37

The National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) was established at the University of Canberra in 1993 and STINMOD (Static Incomes Model) is NATSEM’s first static microsimulation model of the Australian tax and transfer systems. The first version of STINMOD was launched in 1994. It has been used to analyse income distribution, poverty, and inequality (Lambert et al., 1994). It was developed in Statistical Analysis System (SAS). The base population of STINMOD is generated from the Income Distribution Survey (IDS) by a reweighting method. NATSEM also have a dynamic microsimulation model, called DYNAMOD, designed to project population characteristics over a period of up to 50 years. The model operates with a 1 per cent sample of the Australian population (Zaidi and Rake, 2001; King et al., 1999) which is about 160,000 individuals (Brown and Harding, 2002). Major elements of the DYNAMOD include demographics, international migration, education, the labour market and earnings (Zaidi and Rake, 2001; Spielauer, 2002).

PENSIM is a dynamic population microsimulation model developed by Hancock, Mallender and Pudney in1992. It was built to project incomes of future pensioners, in order to enlighten policies on income security in old age in the UK (Hancock et al., 1992). It was used to project certain characteristics of the distribution of pensioner’s incomes up to 40 years in the future. The initial database for PENSIM came from three different sources: The 1988 Survey of Retirement and Retirement Plans, the 1988 Family Expenditure Survey, and the Social Change and Economic Life Initiative (O’Donoghue, 2001a).

MOSART is a dynamic microsimulation model for Norway developed by Statistics Norway to examine policy options with regard to financing public expenditure (Andreassen et al., 1994; Fredriksen, 1998). The base dataset of the model consists of 12 per cent of the Norwegian population in 1993. This initial population is derived from a combination of several registers from Statistics Norway and the National Insurance Administration (Zaidi and Rake, 2001). The first version of MOSART was developed between 1988-1990. It focused on demographic behaviour, education and labour force participation in order to study the impact of demographic change on the labour force and educational achievement. The second version was used for pension modelling. Currently MOSART is in the third version. It includes more detailed behavioural modules concerning household formation and disability (Zaidi and Rake, 2001).

LIFEMOD is a dynamic cohort microsimulation model developed by the London School of Economics. LIFEMOD models the life histories of a cohort of 4,000 persons, comprised of 2,000 males and 2,000 females. It was built to model the lifetime impact of a welfare state and to estimate the degree to which income is redistributed among people over time or across life-cycles (Falkingham and Hills, 1995a, b).

Chapter 3- Microsimulation Modelling: A Literature Review 38

The SAGE model is a dynamic microsimulation model developed by the Simulating Social Policy in an Ageing Society research group at London School of Economics. It aims to assess the impact of different social policy options on the future demand for pensions, health and personal social services, and long term care (Evandrou et al., 2001). The base population contains data for each individual on gender, date of birth, current marital status, current labour market status, educational attainment, and current health and disability status (Zaidi and Scott, 2001).

In 1997 the Spatial Modelling Centre in Kiruna, Sweden, developed a spatial dynamic microsimulation model, called SVERIGE or System for Visualising Economic and Regional Influences in Governing the Environment. It is the first national-level spatial microsimulation model (Rephann et al., 2005). It has been noted that the initial structure of the SVERIGE was a replication of CORSIM (Caldwell et al., 1998), which itself is a modification of Guy Orcutt’s DYNASIM, the first dynamic microsimulation model (Caldwell and Keister, 1996). CORSIM was used as a template in the same manner as DYNACAN. It was replaced by Sweden data, module by module, with estimation equations based on the ‘Total Population of Sweden Individual and Geographical’ database (TOPSWING) (Holm et al., 2002). The main difference which can be seen as the greatest advantage of the TOPSWING database (over any other microsimulation model) is that it contains individual, longitudinal information for each person living in Sweden, on demography, family, work, income, employment, location etc. The locations of the individuals are given in coordinates accurate to the scale of 100 metres. Therefore, there is enormous potential to explore the spatial aspects of any policy. SVERIGE is based on households. SVERIGE is different from CORSIM as it is a spatial model.

SimLeeds is a spatial microsimulation model that has been used to explore the potential spatial impact of a factory closure in Leeds, and to estimate the geographical impact of changing national social policies (Ballas, 2001; Ballas and Clarke, 2001a, b). It was developed by Ballas in 1999 in the University of Leeds. SimLeeds used a simulated annealing-based reweighting method to create spatially disaggregated population microdata at the Enumeration District (ED) level. SimLeeds variables include: ƒ Location (place of residence) at the ED level ƒ Location (workplace) at the ward level ƒ Age ƒ Sex ƒ Marital status ƒ Tenure ƒ Employment status ƒ Industry (SIC)

Chapter 3- Microsimulation Modelling: A Literature Review 39

ƒ Socio-economic group ƒ Earned income ƒ Job seekers allowance (JSA)

MicroMaPPAS (Micro-simulation Modelling and Predictive Policy Analysis System) is a Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) developed for Leeds City Council. It can be seen as the first attempt to link spatial microsimulation modelling frameworks to Spatial Decision Support Systems. The system is based on a spatial microsimulation model which links data from different sources including the 2001 Census data for output areas and sample data from the 10th wave of the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) (Ballas et al., 2004). The simulated annealing method has been adopted to create a population microdata dataset involving reweighting the microdata sample from the BHPS so that it fits small area statistics for Leeds from the census. In fact the MicroMaPPAS model builds on SimLeeds. Some simulated results from the MicroMaPPAS can be found in Stillwell et al., (2004).

In recent years NATSEM has developed a spatial microsimulation model called SYNAGI (Synthetic Australian Geo-demographic Information) which seems to be influenced by the works of Williamson (especially in the method to create the synthetic microdata). The SYNAGI uses a reweighting method to combine the census and Australian Bureau of Statistics sample survey data together to create a synthetic unit record file for every Statistical Local Area (SLA) in Australia (Lloyd and Harding, 2004). Reweighting is undertaken using an optimisation method to iteratively generate a set of weights that best fits each Census Collection District (CCD), which is the smallest geographical area in the Australia Census (Melhuish et al., 2002). The variables used in SYNAGI include:

ƒ Total household income ƒ Age ƒ Marital status ƒ Country of birth ƒ Labour force status by sex ƒ Occupation ƒ Family type ƒ Student status ƒ High income segments by age ƒ Housing type ƒ Housing tenure ƒ Household size ƒ Number of motor vehicles ƒ Mortgage repayments ƒ Rent payments

Chapter 3- Microsimulation Modelling: A Literature Review 40

SimBritain is a spatial dynamic microsimulation that uses the 1991 Census Small Area Statistics (SAS) and the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) to dynamically simulate the entire population of Britain up to the year 2021 at the small area level. SimYork was used as the pilot project to test different methodologies and combinations of datasets. SimYork is the model for the city of , whereas SimBritain is the model for Britain. The main difference between these two models is that the SimYork was implemented at the ward level, whereas SimBritain was implemented at the parliamentary constituency level. SimBritain is used for what-if policy scenarios and to assess the impact of different social policy options on the future demand for pensions, health, and personal social service, and long-term care (Ballas et al., 2005a).

SMILE (Simulation Model for the Irish Local Economy) is a dynamic spatial microsimulation model designed to examine the impact of policy change and economic development on rural areas in Ireland. Same as SimLeeds and SimBritain, SMILE has the advantage of providing spatially disaggregated microdata that can be aggregated to any spatial scale. SMILE is model of population simulating the basic components of population change such as mortality, fertility and internal migration at the small area level (Ballas et al., 2005b).

3.4 Advantage and Disadvantages There are many advantages of microsimulation (see Ballas and Clarke, 2000; Clarke, 1996). The first advantage is the ability to link data from different sources. This enables the provision of estimates of new population cross-classifications unavailable from published sources to be created. The second advantage is spatial flexibility. The microunit-base is not only a characteristic of such models but also the main advantage because they produce results which can be analysed at the individual level. This makes it possible to assess the impact of policy changes across different geographical scales through aggregation (Lambert et al., 1994). The third advantage is efficiency of storage because in the microsimulation framework variables are specified as lists rather than as matrices. The fourth advantage is the ability to update and forecast.

However, there are some drawbacks. First, is the difficulty of validating the model outputs, because microsimulation models estimate distributions of variables which were previously unknown (Ballas and Clarke, 2000; Clarke, 1996). However, as Ballas (2001) pointed out, the validation of microsimulation models can be done by re-aggregating the estimated datasets to levels at which observed datasets exist (by comparing the estimated distributions

Chapter 3- Microsimulation Modelling: A Literature Review 41 with the observed). Another drawback is the large requirements of computational power. Traditionally, computer storage and computational speed were main barriers to microsimulation but nowadays these issues are getting less problematic because of the dramatic technological advances in computer hardware. Developments in computing allow microsimulation models to analyse more sophisticated problems.

3.5 The Creation of Synthetic Microdata Although many countries, for example Sweden, have a microdata database, because of confidentiality problems, in the UK we do not have a microdata database on individuals and households. Thus, it is useful to create synthetic microdata. Synthetic reconstruction and combinatorial optimisation are the two main approaches used to create small area population microdata which comprise lists of individuals along with an associated set of individual characteristics. (Williamson et al., 1998; Williamson, 2002).

3.5.1 Synthetic Reconstruction Synthetic reconstruction, a well-established technique, has been used in many studies when suitable microdata have not been available (see for example, Birkin and Clarke, 1988; Williamson, 1992). This approach requires the construction of a set of synthetic individuals or households whose characteristics match aggregate characteristics for the small area. It normally involves a method such as Iterative Proportional Fitting (IPF) using contingency tables or conditional probability analysis to estimate chain conditional probabilities. The method proceeds in a sequential manner. Conditional probabilities, calculated from available known data, are used to reconstruct detailed micro-level populations by repeating Monte Carlo Sampling from a chain of conditional probabilities. For example, from the census data we can get the number of household heads by age, sex, and marital status in each small area. Given employment probabilities, the next step of the IPF procedure involves the estimation of the probabilities of economic activities given age, sex, and marital status of household head (Figure 3.1). Such a procedure is carried out for all the variables we wish to include in our synthetic microdata. The variables such as age, sex, marital status, tenure, and socio- economic activity can be estimated using census data. However some variables are not available from the census. Using IPF procedure, data from different sources may be linked together. For more details on using IPF to estimate conditional probabilities see Birkin and Clarke (1988). The main advantage of the synthetic reconstruction approach is that the use of conditional probabilities allows data to be integrated from the widest possible range of sources (Huang and Williamson, 2001)

Chapter 3- Microsimulation Modelling: A Literature Review 42

Household head (hh)

Steps 1st 2nd Last

1. Age, sex, and marital Age: 19 Age: 25 Age: 65 status (M) of household Sex: Male Sex: Male Sex: Female head (From SAS Table 39) M: Married M: Married M: SWD

2. Probability of employment status of household head, 0.6 0.6 0.0 given age, sex, and marital status (From SAS Table 34)

3. Random number 0.43 0.38 0.27 (Computer generated)

4. Employment status Employed Employed Unemployed assigned on the basis of random sampling

5. Next household head (repeat until all household heads assigned an employment status)

Figure 3.1: Microsimulation procedure for the allocation of employment status (after Clarke, 1996)

3.5.2 Combinatorial Optimisation

An alternative approach to generate synthetic microdata dataset is the combinatorial optimisation approach (Figure 3.2). The process involves selecting the combination of household records from available microdata which offers the best fit for known constraints in the selected small area. Williamson et al. (1998) describe this process in more detail and explore various techniques of combinatorial optimisation including the hill climbing approach, the generic algorithm approach, and the simulated annealing approach (used here: see § 3.6 for details). They found that modified simulated annealing stands out as the best solution. They estimated small area populations by combining information contained in the Sample of Anonymised Records (SAR) and the census Small Area Statistics (SAS) tables from the 1991 Census. The process starts from an initial set of households chosen randomly

Chapter 3- Microsimulation Modelling: A Literature Review 43 from the SAR. These are randomly allocated into SAS areas until the number of households matches the number reported by the SAS tables. The other SAS aggregate statistics are then generated (for example the gender distribution). One household is then randomly replaced with a new household from the SAR, and the aggregate statistics reassessed. If the replacement improves the fit, the households are swapped. Otherwise, the swap is made or not made on the basis of the simulated annealing algorithm (see § 3.6). The process is repeated with the aim of gradually improving the fit between the observed data and the selected combination of SAR households. Given computational time limits, the final combination is the best achievable rather than the guaranteed optimal solution (Huang and Williamson, 2001).

Synthetic reconstruction and combinatorial optimisation methodologies for the creation of small area synthetic microdata have been examined by Huang and Williamson (2001). They found that outputs from both methods can produce synthetic microdata that fit constraining tables very well. However, the dispersion of the synthetic data has shown that the variability of datasets generated by combinatorial optimisation is much less than by synthetic reconstruction, at ED and ward levels. The main problem for the synthetic reconstruction is that a Monte Carlo solution is subject to sampling error which is likely to be more significant where the sample sizes are small. Ordering is also important in the generation of new characteristics (Clarke, 1996). The ordering of conditional probabilities can also be a problem as synthetic reconstruction is a sequential procedure. The degree of error will increase when we go further along the chain in the generation of characteristics. Another drawback of synthetic reconstruction is that it is more complex and time consuming to program. The outputs of separate combinatorial optimisation runs are much less variable and much more reliable. Moreover, combinatorial optimisation allows much greater flexibility in selecting small area constraints. They conclude that combinatorial optimisation is much better than synthetic reconstruction when used to generate a single set of synthetic microdata. Table 3.2 summarises the difference between synthetic reconstruction and combinatorial optimisation from the work of Huang and Williamson (2001)

Chapter 3- Microsimulation Modelling: A Literature Review 44

Step 1: Obtain sample survey microdata and small area constraints Survey Microdata Known small area constraints [Published small area census tabulations]

1. Household size 2. Age of occupants Household Characteristics (persons per household)

size adults children Household Frequency Type of Frequency

(a) 2 2 0 Size person

(b) 2 1 1 1 1 adult 3 (c) 4 2 2 2 0 child 2 (d) 1 1 0 3 0 (e) 3 2 1 4 1 5+ 0

Total 2

Step 2: Randomly select two household from survey sample [ (a) & (e) ] to act as an initial small area microdata estimate

Step 3: Tabulate selected households and calculate (absolute) difference from known small area constraints

Household Estimated Observed Absolute Estimated Observed Absolute Size frequency frequency difference Age frequency frequency difference (i) (ii) │(i) – (ii)│ (i) (ii) │(i) – (ii)│

1 0 1 1 adults 4 3 1 2 1 0 1 1 2 1 3 1 0 1 4 0 1 1 Sub-total: 2 5+ 0 0 0

Sub-total: 4 Total absolute difference = 4 + 2 = 6

Step 4: Randomly select one of selected households (a or e). Replace with another household selected at random from the survey sample, provided this leads to a reduced total absolute difference. **(The simulated annealing algorithm introduce additional at this stage)**

Households selected: (d) & (e) [Household (a) replaced] Tabulate selection and calculate (absolute) difference from known constraints

Household Estimated Observed Absolute Estimated Observed Absolute size frequency frequency difference Age frequency frequency difference (i) (ii) │(i) – (ii)│ (i) (ii) │(i) – (ii)│

1 1 1 0 adults 3 3 0 2 0 0 0 1 2 1 3 1 0 1 4 0 1 1 Sub-total: 1 5+ 0 0 0

Sub-total 2 Total absolute difference = 2 + 1 = 3

Step 5: Repeat step 4 until no further reduction in total absolute difference is possible: Result: Final selected households: (c) & (d)

Household Estimated Observed Absolute Estimated Observed Absolute size frequency frequency difference Age frequency frequency difference (i) (ii) │(i) – (ii)│ (i) (ii) │(i) – (ii)│

1 1 1 0 adults 3 3 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 3 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 Sub-total: 0 5+ 0 0 0

Sub-total 0 Total absolute difference = 0 + 0 = 0

Figure 3.2: A simplified combinatorial optimisation process Source: Williamson (2002), page 237

Chapter 3- Microsimulation Modelling: A Literature Review 45

Table 3.2: Synthetic reconstruction versus combinatorial optimisation (Summarise from Huang and Williamson, 2001)

Synthetic Reconstruction Combinatorial Optimisation @ Step by step process @ Iterative process The value of each household or With the aim of gradually improving the fit individual’s characteristics is estimated between actual data and the selected by random sampling from a probability sample of microdata datasets, the process conditional upon previously generated is therefore repeated many times. attributes. @ Flexibility of selecting the constraining @ Ordering matters tables Because of the step by step process, We can select small area constraints to each value is created in a fixed order. match our own requirements. @ More complex and time consuming

3.6 Combinatorial Optimisation using Simulated Annealing Method

As mentioned in the previous section, simulated annealing is one of the combinatorial optimisation methods that has been used successfully to generate a microdata dataset (Ballas, 2001; Williamson et al., 1998). It has been noted that the simulated annealing procedure can generate real people living in real households (in the sense that individuals are modelled and not synthetically reconstructed, not statistical entities) which is a key advantage over the IPF-based methods (Ballas, 2001).

The term ‘simulated annealing’ derives from the physical process of heating and then slowly cooling a substance to obtain a strong crystalline structure (the annealing process) until no further changes occurs. The simulated annealing algorithm is based upon that of Metropolis et al. (1953), which was originally proposed as a means of finding the equilibrium configuration of a collection of atoms at a given temperature. Because it can be formulated as the problem of finding a solution among a potentially large number of solutions, Kirkpatrick et al. (1983) suggested that it forms the basis of an optimisation technique for combinatorial problems.

Figure 3.3 shows a standard simulated annealing algorithm. It consists of a sequence of iterations. Each iteration consists of randomly changing the current solution to generate a new solution in the universe of possibilities. Once a new solution is generated a goodness- of-fit statistic is generated and the change is compared with previous combinations to decide whether the newly produced solution can be accepted as the current solution. If the change is negative (lower than the previous one) the newly produced solution is accepted

Chapter 3- Microsimulation Modelling: A Literature Review 46 unconditionally and the system is updated. If not then it is accepted dependent upon Metropolis’s criterion (Metropolis et al., 1953) which is based on Boltzman’s probability (Pham and Karaboga, 2000).

The option of whether or not to accept a ‘worse’ combination instead of a ‘better’ one is essentially determined by the laws of thermodynamics (Williamson et al., 1998). Each iteration has a simulated ‘temperature’, and ‘energy’ determining the likelihood of a worse solution being chosen. At a given temperature T, the probability of an increase in energy p(δE) is given by

δE p(δE) = exp(− ) (3.1) kT

Where k is a constant, called Boltzmann’s constant.

Briefly, some changes are accepted even if they lead to a reduction in performance. This means the simulated annealing algorithm has an ability to avoid becoming trapped at local minima in the universe of solutions, a major advantage over many other methods. When the value of the current solution has not changed or improved within the last iteration, the search is terminated and the current solution kept.

Chapter 3- Microsimulation Modelling: A Literature Review 47

Initial Solution

Evaluate the Solution


Update the Current Solution

Generate a Change New Solution Temperature?

Decrease Temperature

Terminate the Search?

Final Solution

Figure 3.3: Flowchart of simulated annealing algorithm (after Pham and Karaboga, 2000)

Chapter 3- Microsimulation Modelling: A Literature Review 48

3.7 Concluding Comments This chapter has introduced microsimulation models and described the difference between static and dynamic, spatial and aspatial models. Further, the characteristics and uses of selected microsimulation models have been reviewed. Advantages and disadvantages are also summarised. Moreover, the methods to create a population microdata dataset were reviewed. Finally, the simulated annealing procedure which has been used successfully to create a microdata dataset was described.

It should be noted that dynamic models need much greater resources to build and maintain than static models, having much greater data and modelling requirements. They are, therefore, currently more suitable for long term scientific research than immediate policy reactions. Spatial microsimulation can be seen as a technique that creates synthetic microdata for small areas. Spatial microsimulation combines the advantages of aspatial micro-analytical approaches with those of geographical models that take space into account. Adding geo-references into the microdata makes it more valuable and the spatial aspect is capable of providing geographical detail for different scales. The benefits of creating synthetic microdata are the construction of spatially disaggregated data from aggregate data such as surveys and the ability to create tables of census variables that do not exist in published sources.

The simulation of tax-benefits and social security policies is one of the fundamental applications both of static and dynamic microsimulation. Although there are a large number of microsimulation models, they have currently not been used for crime analysis. As mentioned earlier, the spatial microsimulation approach has been used successfully to examine changes in policies, and there is no reason why this should not apply to crime policies. It can be argued that spatial microsimulation is ideally suited to analyse crime, given the considerable associations between crime and individual demographic and socio- economic characteristics, as well as place. In terms of policy analysis potential using what-if analysis, it will be possible to demonstrate how policy change may make a difference to crime rates.

Chapter 4- Modelling Crime: Data Sources and Issues 49

Chapter 4 Modelling Crime: Data Sources and Issues

4.1 Introduction 4.2 Data Sources and Issues 4.2.1 The 2001 Census 4.2.2 The 2001/2002 British Crime Survey 4.2.3 Police Recorded Crime Datasets 4.2.4 Offender Dataset 4.3 Concluding Comments

4.1 Introduction

This study is mainly based on the UK 2001 Census and the 2001/2002 British Crime Survey (BCS). To model crime the microsimulation model creates an individual level microdata database of Leeds, estimated using multiple census datasets. This includes all the attributes from the British Crime Survey. The model provides small area estimates of being a victim of crime and thus pinpoints high risk areas. To validate this procedure results need to be compared with real figures from police recorded crime. Moreover, with detailed data on known offenders, spatial interactions between the locations of offenders and crime locations can also be simulated. Four main sources of data will thus be used in this study: the 2001 Census, the 2001/2002 BCS, police recorded crime datasets, and police known offender dataset. The next section provides general information together with the limitations of these datasets. Finally, § 4.3 provides some concluding comments.

4.2 Data Sources and Issues

4.2.1 The 2001 Census

The census is a survey of the whole UK population. It has been carried out every ten years since 1801. The latest census was held on 29th April, 2001. The data in the census describes the characteristics of the population of the UK including demography, households, families, housing, ethnicity, birthplace, migration, illness, economic status, occupation, industry, workplace, transport mode to work, cars, and language (Rees et al., 2002). The questions listed in Table 4.1 allow the generation of results in a cross-tabulation format which is available for academic use. It provides a comprehensive spatial coverage. However, the output is modified when small numbers are involved and raw microdata itself is not released because of respondent confidentially (Rees et al., 2002). Data are thus released for small

Chapter 4- Modelling Crime: Data Sources and Issues 50

areas only, e.g. output areas (OAs) or wards, and are not available at the individual or household level. The aggregate outputs are counts of people or households broken down by demographic and socio-economic characteristics. These are contained in a series of tables on a specific topic or area of interest. The 2001 Census aggregate statistics datasets include:

ƒ Key Statistics: The Key Statistics datasets provide an overview and summary of the main topics which are the most important and generally used statistics in a series of straightforward tables. It is available for all 2001 Census geographies. ƒ Standard Tables: The Standard Tables datasets provide the most detailed information in a large number of cross-tabulated tables. It is available down to ward level in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and postcode sector level in Scotland. It is not available for output areas. ƒ Standard Table Theme Tables: The Standard Tables Theme Tables are designed to contain information about ranges of subjects related to particular themes available down to ward level in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and postcode sector level in Scotland. It is not available for output areas. ƒ Census Area Statistics: Census Area Statistics provide the most detailed results possible for smaller areas. They are generally produced for the same areas as the Key Statistics. ƒ Census Area Statistics Theme Tables: The Census Area Statistics dataset includes a subset of Theme Tables, designed to contain information about a range of subjects related to particular themes. They are available for the full range of 2001 Census geographies down to output areas. ƒ Census Area Univariate Tables: Available for the full range of 2001 Census geographies down to output areas describing a single variable only. ƒ Armed Forces Tables: Provide information on members of the Armed Forces available down to Local Authority District level for England and Wales only.

All of these datasets are available via Census Area Statistics Website (CASWEB)

Chapter 4- Modelling Crime: Data Sources and Issues 51

Table 4.1: Topics in the 2001 Census ______No Topics ______

For all properties occupied by households and all unoccupied Household accommodation: 1 The address, including postcode 2 Type of accommodation 3 Names of all residents Names and usual addresses of visitors on census night (optional) 4 Tenure of accommodation 5 Whether rented accommodation is furnished or unfurnished (in Scotland only) 6 Type of landlord (for households in rented accommodation)a 7 Number of room 8 Availability of bath and toilet 9 Self-containment of accommodation 10 Lowest floor level of accommodation 11 Number of floor levels in the accommodation (in Northern Ireland only) 12 Availability of central heating 13 Number of cars and vans owned and available

For residents: 14 Name, sex, and, date of birth 15 Marital status 16 Relationship to others in household 17 Student status 18 Whether or not students live at enumerated address during term-time 19 Usual address one year ago 20 Country of birth 21 Knowledge of Gaelic (Scotland only), Welsh (Wales only), and Irish (Northern Ireland only)a 22 Ethnic groupa 23 Religion 24 Religion of upbringing (Scotland and Northern Ireland) 25 General health 26 Long-term illness 27 Provision of unpaid personal care 28 Educational and vocational qualifications 29 Economic activity in the week before the census 30 Time since last employment 31 Employment status 32 Supervisor status 33 Job title and description of occupation 34 Professional qualifications (England) 35 Size of workforce of employing organization at place of work 36 Nature of employer’s business at place of work (industry) 37 Hours usually worked weekly in main job 38 Name of employer 39 Address of place of worka 40 Means of travel to worka 41 Address of place of study (in Scotland only) 42 Means of travel to place of study (in Scotland only) ______Source: Denham and Rees (2002), pp 311-312 Note: Bold indicates a new question (compared with the 1991 Census); Italic indicates a question to be used in only one part of the United Kingdom. aResponse categories vary among parts of the United Kingdom.

Chapter 4- Modelling Crime: Data Sources and Issues 52

The main dataset used in this study is the Census Area Statistics (CAS), which is equivalent to the Small Area Statistics (SAS) of the 1971, 1981, and 1991 Censuses. It is available for geographical levels down to output area (OA), the smallest unit of the 2001 Census geography. Each output area contains approximately 290 persons or 125 households. This is different from the 1991 Census when the smallest areas were Enumeration Districts (EDs) and electoral wards with an average size of about 180 and 2,000 households respectively (Dale and Teague, 2002). As mentioned above, the Census Area Statistics provide the most detailed results possible for smaller areas. In terms of data volume, it is the largest of the 2001 Census datasets, containing approximately 2 billion individual items of data. Table 4.2 shows the Census Area Statistics dataset tables available via Census Area Statistics Website (CASWEB), the academic web interface to census aggregate outputs and digital boundary data. Census Area Statistics dataset tables vary in size. The number of cells in a table range from 21 to 540 depending upon the number of variables involved and the number of categories. Larger tables provide more detailed information. However, the larger the tables are the greater the possible effect of data blurring as the likelihood of private data disclosure is greater as detail increases.

“The 2001 CAS will differ from the 1991 SAS in a significant respect. To avoid even the perception of disclosure, counts in tables will not only be subject to imputation and record swapping, but will also be randomly perturbed and rounded to the nearest three”

(Denham and Rees, 2002: 305)

Such data blurring applied to the released census can lead to discrepancies in census counts between tables. The impact of data blurring may mean that there is no possible combination of households that would match every constraining table perfectly (Huang and Williamson, 2001), as each may have different totals. Figure 4.1 shows the number of people aged 16-74 by output area from different tables. As can be seen, there is a different number in each different table. This problem will be discussed in more detail in § 6.2.2.

Chapter 4- Modelling Crime: Data Sources and Issues 53

Table 4.2: Census Area Statistics dataset tables available from CASWEB

Census Area Statistics dataset tables

CS001 Age by Sex and Resident Type: All People

CS002 Age by Sex and Marital Status: All People

CS003 Age of Household Reference Person (HRP) by Sex and Marital Status (Headship):

All Households

CS004 Age by Sex and Living Arrangements: All People in Households

CS011 Family Composition by Age of Family Reference Person (FRP): All Families

CS012 Schoolchildren and Students in Full-Time Education Living Away from Home in Term-Time by Age: All Schoolchildren and Students in Full-Time Education who

Would Reside in the Area were they not Living Away from Home During Term-Time

CS013 Age of Household Reference Person (HRP) and Tenure by Economic Activity of

HRP: All Households with HRP Aged 16 to 74

CS016 Sex and Age by General Health and Limiting Long-Term Illness (LLTI):

All People in Households

CS017 Tenure and Age by General Health and Limiting Long-Term Illness (LLTI):

All People in Households

CS019 General Health, Limiting Long-Term Illness (LLTI) and Occupancy Rating by Age:

All People in Households

CS020 Limiting Long-Term Illness (LLTI) and Age by Accommodation Type and Lowest

Floor Level of Accommodation: All People in Households

CS021 Economic Activity by Sex and Limiting Long-Term Illness (LLTI):

All People Aged 16 to 74

CS023 Age and General Health by NS-SeC: All People Aged 16 to 74

CS025 Sex and Age by General Health and Provision of Unpaid Care:

All People in Households

CS026 Sex and Economic Activity by General Health and Provision of Unpaid Care:

All People Aged 16 to 74 in Households

CS027 Households with a Person with a Limiting Long-Term Illness (LLTI) and their Age by

Number of Carers in Household and Economic Activity: All Households

CS029 Sex and Age by Hours Worked:

All People Aged 16 to 74 in Employment the Week Before the Census

CS030 Sex and Economic Activity by Living Arrangements:

All People Aged 16 to 74 in Households

CS032 Sex, Age and Level of Qualifications by Economic Activity:

All People Aged 16 to 74

CS033 Sex and Occupation by Age: All People Aged 16 to 74 in Employment the Week Before the Census

CS034 Former Occupation by Age:

All People Aged 16 to 64 not in Employment the Week Before the Census

CS035 Sex and Occupation by Employment Status and Hours Worked:

All People Aged 16 to 74 in Employment the Week Before the Census

CS038 Sex and Industry by Employment Status and Hours Worked:

All People Aged 16 to 74 in Employment the Week Before the Census

CS039 Occupation by Industry:

All People Aged 16 to 74 in Employment the Week Before the Census

CS040 Sex and Occupation by Hours Worked:

Chapter 4- Modelling Crime: Data Sources and Issues 54

All People Aged 16 to 74 in Employment the Week Before the Census

CS041 Economic Activity and Time Since Last Worked by Age: All People Aged 16 to 74

CS042 NS-SeC by Age: All People Aged 16 to 74

CS043 Sex and NS-SeC by Economic Activity: All People Aged 16 to 74

CS044 NS-SeC of Household Reference Person (HRP) by Household Composition:

All HRPs Aged 16 to 74

CS045 NS-SeC of Household Reference Person (HRP) by Age (of HRP):

All HRPs Aged 16 to 74

CS046 NS-SeC of Household Reference Person (HRP) by Tenure: All HRPs Aged 16 to 74

CS047 NS-Sec by Tenure: All People in Households Aged 16 to 74

CS048 Dwelling Type and Accommodation Type by Household Space Type:

All Household Spaces. All Dwellings

CS049 Dwelling Type and Accommodation Type by Tenure (Households and Dwellings):

All Occupied Household Spaces. All Occupied Dwellings

CS050 Dwelling Type and Accommodation Type by Tenure (People):

All People in Households

CS051 Tenure and Household Size by Number of Rooms: All Households

CS052 Tenure and Persons Per Room by Accommodation Type: All Households

CS053 Household Composition by Tenure and Occupancy Rating: All Households

CS055 Dwelling Type, Accommodation Type and Central Heating by Tenure:

All Households

CS056 Tenure and Amenities by Household Composition: All Households

CS059 Accommodation Type and Car or Van Availability by Number of People Aged 17 Or

Over in the Household: All Households

CS060 Tenure and Car or Van Availability by Number of People Aged 17 Or Over in the

Household: All Households

CS061 Tenure and Car or Van Availability by Economic Activity:

All People Aged 16 to 74 in Households

CS066 Sex and Approximated Social Grade by Age:

All People Aged 16 and Over in Households

CS067 Age of Household Reference Person (HRP) and Dependent Children by

Approximated Social Grade: All Households

CS068 Age and Dependent Children by Household Type (Household Reference Persons):

All HRPs

CS103 Sex and Age by Religion: All People

CS105 Age by Highest Level of Qualification: All People Aged 16 to 74

CS113 Occupation by Highest Level of Qualification: All People Aged 16 to 74

CS114 NS-SeC by Highest Level of Qualification: All People Aged 16 to 74

CS118 Number of Employed People and Method of Travel to Work by Number of Cars or Vans in Households: All Households with at Least One Person Working in the Week

Before the Census

CS119 Sex and Age by Method of Travel to Work:

All People Aged 16 to 74 Working in the Week Before the Census

CS122 NS-SeC by Method of Travel to Work:

All People Aged 16 to 74 Working in the Week Before the Census

Source: 2001 Census Area Statistics Note: Release of Census Area Statistics tables 15, 62, 64, 65 and 133 has been postponed pending the resolution of concerns over data quality with, and the re-supply of corrected data from the Office for National Statistics. Tables 5, 7, 14, 18, 22, 24, 28, 31, 36, 37, 54, 57, 63, 64, 65, 126 and 133 have been withdrawn due to a concern regarding the corruption of data supplied by ONS. However, these tables will be re-issued.

Chapter 4- Modelling Crime: Data Sources and Issues 55

Figure 4.1: Discrepancies in census counts between tables Source: 2001 Census Area Statistics Note: Each cell shows the number of people aged 16-74 living in households

4.2.2 The 2001/2002 British Crime Survey

The British Crime Survey (BCS) produced by the Home Office is one of the largest social research surveys conducted in England and Wales. The BCS was first carried out in 1982 and further surveys were carried out in 1984, 1988, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000 and 2001 respectively. The surveys have been carried out on a continuous basis since April 2001 and results from that point have been reported by financial year. The BCS is primarily a victimisation survey and is a very important source of information about levels of crime and public attitudes to crime. People do not always report crimes to the police for a variety of reasons and those crimes are therefore excluded in police recorded crime statistics. In the BCS the respondents are asked about their experiences of property crimes of the household (e.g. burglary) and personal crimes (e.g. theft from a person), and whether or not they reported these incidents to the police. Moreover, it is a rich source of detailed micro-level information. The BCS covers a wide range of topics describing the demographic and socio- economic characteristics of respondents and household references (Table 4.3) (e.g. age, sex,

Chapter 4- Modelling Crime: Data Sources and Issues 56

marital status, ethnicity, economic activity, socio-economic group, household income, car ownership, number of adults/children in households, long-term illness) and area characteristics, all of which play an important role in this study.

The 2001/2002 BCS had a target sample of 40,000 households in England and Wales. The respondents were randomly selected from the Post Office’s list of addresses in England and Wales. Therefore it has a good mix of people from different ages, backgrounds and situations. The 2001/2002 BCS represented two linked populations: households in England and Wales living in private residential accommodation, and adults aged 16 and over living in such households. It has been noted that the BCS does not count all crimes that occur in England and Wales, but it does provide a consistent measure of trends in crime from one year to the next. Moreover, the BCS gives a more accurate picture of crime levels and trends compared with the police recorded crime, because it asks people about their actual experiences (thus covering crimes that do not get reported to the police).

However, there are some limitations with the BCS. Firstly, the BCS only surveys people aged 16 and over in private households. Therefore it does not include crime against people aged under 16 and it does not cover the population resident in student Halls of Residence, those in residential care, those in prison, or members of the armed forces. Secondly, it does not cover certain types of crime including: victimless crime (drug offences), fraud, sexual offences and homicide because the victims cannot be interviewed (while police recorded crime does) (Table 4.4). Thirdly, while the BCS provides a picture of crime at the national level, it cannot tell what is happening in the local authority or neighbourhood as the police recorded data can. Thus, the BCS cannot identify small area hotspots or high risk areas.

Table 4.3: Selected topics in the British Crime Survey ______

Selected topics in the British Crime Survey

Area Characteristics: Inner city flag Area type: Inner-city/Urban/Rural Standard Region Government Office Region ACORN type: ACORN Group ACORN category ACORN change type ACORN change group Police Force Area ONS Ward Classification : Group ONS District Level Classification : Family ONS District Level Classification : Group

Chapter 4- Modelling Crime: Data Sources and Issues 57

Council areas (based on ACORN type) Government Office Region (Grouped) Area type: Rural/Not rural Neighbourhood type Structure of household

Respondent: Sex Age Marital status ONS harmonised marital status Whether respondent living in a couple Cohabiting status HRP status/Respondent status Ethnic status Respondent Socio-Economic Classification (NS-SEC) - Operational Categories Respondent Socio-Economic Classification (NS-SEC) - Analytic Categories Respondent Socio-Economic Group (SEG) Respondent employment status Are you a full-time student at college or university Respondent on government training scheme Respondent away from job Whether respondent full-time student Respondent working full-time or part-time Respondent working as employee or self-employed Respondent managerial status Whether respondent employs people or not Highest qualification Cultural background In which way do you occupy this accommodation Who is your landlord ONS Harmonised Tenure type ONS harmonised accommodation type Number of adults in household Number of children under 16 in household Number of cars Total household income in last year Personal earnings of respondent in last year Personal earnings of partner in last year Total household income (4 bands) Total household income (5 bands) Total household income (6 bands) Is respondent victim or not ONS harmonised long-standing illness

Respondent Lifestyle: No. visits /wine bar evening last month How often have you visited a nightclub in last month How often do you drink alcohol How many units of alcohol do you drink How many hours spent away from home during day Household occupied during day Number of hours home left unoccupied on average Is home ever left unoccupied during weekdays How long home is left unoccupied on an average weekday

Chapter 4- Modelling Crime: Data Sources and Issues 58

Household Reference Person: Age of Household Reference Person Sex of Household Reference Person Marital status Cohabiting status HRP social class Ethnic Group Disability/illness Number of cars HRP Socio-Economic Classification (NS-SEC) - Operational Categories HRP Socio-Economic Classification (NS-SEC) - Analytic Categories HRP Socio-Economic Group (SEG) Household reference person employment status HRP: On a government scheme for employment training Is HRP a full-time student at college or university Whether Household Reference Person full-time student Household Reference Person on government training scheme Household Reference Person away from job Household Reference Person working full-time or part-time Household Reference Person working as employee or self-employed Household Reference Person managerial status Whether HRP employs people or not

Victim Experiences: If vehicle stolen or driven away without permission How many times has this happened (MotTheft)) If something stolen off or out of vehicle How many times has this happened (MotStole) If vehicle tampered with or damaged How many times has this happened (CarDamag) Owned a bicycle at any time in reference period How many bicycles does household own If bicycle stolen How many times has this happened (BikTheft) If anyone got into previous residence to steal/try to steal How many times has this happened (PrevThef) If anyone got into previous residence and caused damage How many times has this happened (PrevDam) If anyone tried to get into previous residence to steal/cause damage How many times has this happened (PrevTry) If anything was stolen out of previous residence How many times has this happened (PrevStol) If anything was stolen from outside previous residence How many times has this happened (PrOside) If anything was damaged outside previous residence How many times has this happened (PrDeface) If anyone got into current residence to steal/try to steal (Movers) How many times has this happened (HomeThef) If anyone got into current residence to steal/try to steal (Non-movers) How many times has this happened (YrHoThef) If anyone got into current residence and caused damage How many times has this happened (YrHoDam) If anyone tried to get into current residence to steal/cause damage How many times has this happened (YrHoTry) If anything was stolen out of current residence How many times has this happened (YrHoStol) If anything was stolen from outside current residence How many times has this happened (YrOside) If anything was damaged outside current residence How many times has this happened (YrDeface)

Chapter 4- Modelling Crime: Data Sources and Issues 59

If anything was stolen out of hands pockets or bag How many times has this happened (PersThef) If anyone tried to steal anything from hands pockets or bag How many times has this happened (TryPers) If anything has been stolen from a cloakroom office etc How many times has this happened (OtheThef) If personal items have been deliberately damaged How many times has this happened (Delibdam) If anyone has deliberately used force/violence on respondent How many times has this happened (Delibvio) If anyone has threatened to damage things/use force or violence How many times has this happened (ThreViol) If respondent has been sexually assaulted or attacked How many times has this happened (SexAttak) If member of household has used force or violence on respondent How many times has this happened (HhldViol) Have you ever been victim of crime reported to police Have you been the victim of crime in last 2 years Have you ever been arrested by police Have you been arrested by police in last 2 years Have you ever been in court during a criminal case Have you been in court in last 2 years Have you ever been a juror in criminal case Have you been a juror in a criminal case in last 2 years Have you ever been in court as the accused Have you been in court as the accused in last 2 years Have you ever been in contact with probation service Have you been in contact with probation service in last 2 years Have you ever been inside a prison Have you been inside a prison in last 2 years Have you been the victim of a vehicle crime in last 5 years How many times have you been the victim of vehicle crime Have you been insulted pestered or intimidated How many times have you been insulted or intimidated How many people insulted or intimidated you How well did you know person insulting you Any fires in last 12 months How many fires in the last 12 months Was the Fire Brigade called ______Source: The 2001/2002 British Crime Survey, Crown Copyright. Note: A Classification of Residential Neighbourhoods (ACORN) variables are not included in the dataset for copyright/royalty reasons.

Chapter 4- Modelling Crime: Data Sources and Issues 60

Table 4.4: Comparing the British Crime Survey and police recorded crime

The British Crime Survey Police recorded crime

ƒ Starting in 1982, it measures both reported and ƒ Collected since 1857. Provides measure of unreported crime. As such it provides a offences both reported to and recorded by measure of trends in crime not affected by the police. As such they are influenced changes in reporting, or changes in police by changes in reporting behaviour and recording rules or practices recording rules and practices ƒ In recent years has measured crime every two ƒ The police figures are published annually years. From 2001 the BCS has moved to an in Home Office statistical bulletins annual cycle ƒ Only includes ‘notifable’ offences which ƒ Measures based on estimates from a sample of the police have to notify to the Home the population. The estimates are therefore Office for statistical purposes subject to sampling error and other ƒ Provides an indicator of the workload of methodological limitations the police

Has not measured crime at the small area level Provides data at the level of police force well, but more reliable regional information areas and for Basic Command Units

will be available from 2001 onwards (similar in size to Local Authorities)

Does not include crimes against: Includes crime against: ƒ Those under 16 ƒ Those under 16 ƒ Commercial and public sector establishments ƒ Commercial and public sector

ƒ Those in institutions, and the homeless establishments

ƒThose in institutions, and the homeless

Does not measure: Measures: ƒ Victimless crimes ƒ Victimless crimes ƒ Crimes where a victim is no longer available for ƒ Murder and manslaughter interview ƒ Fraud ƒ Fraud ƒ Sexual offences ƒ Sexual offences (due to the small number of incidents reported to the survey and concerns where these have been reported to the police about willingness of respondents to disclose such offences, estimates are not considered reliable)

Collects information on what happens in crime Collects information about the number of (e.g., when crimes occur, and effects in terms arrests, who is arrested, the number of of injury and property loss) crimes detected, and by what method

Provides information about how the risks of Does not show which groups of the crime vary for different groups population are most at risk of victimisation

Source: Kershaw et al. (2000)

4.2.3 Police Recorded Crime Datasets There are two accepted ways of measuring crime in the UK. The first way is by police figures, which reflect recorded crimes. The second way is by the British Crime Survey as mentioned in the previous section. However, it has long been recognised that police recorded crime does not represent the total crime picture because not all offences are reported to the police. The 2001/2002 BCS suggests that only 42 % of offences were reported to the police

Chapter 4- Modelling Crime: Data Sources and Issues 61

(Simmons, 2002). Levels of crime reporting tend to vary with the type and the seriousness of the offence. Generally speaking, less serious crimes have a lower probability of being reported to the police than more serious crimes. Moreover, not all crime reported to the police will be recorded. As Simmons (2002) note, the number of crimes that are recorded by the police are dependent on, firstly, the victim or a representative of the victim bringing that crime to the attention of the police or on the crime coming to the attention of the police through some other means (such as the police officer being present at the time), and then whether that incident is determined as being recordable.

Changes in the way police record crime also affects crime figures. In 1998 and in 2002 there were changes in the Home Office Counting Rules for the counting and classifying of notifiable offences recorded by the police forces in England and Wales (Home Office, 2006a). In particular, in 2002 the Counting Rules were revised to incorporate the National Crime Recording Standard (NCRS). In April 2002 the NCRS was introduced across police forces to improve consistency in how police record crime (Home Office, 2006b). In many cases the NCRS has led to an increase in police recorded crime figures. However, not all crime types are similarly affected. The impact of the recording changes varies considerably between different types of recorded crime. Information about this change can be found in Simmons et al. (2003a, b).

However, information on crime as reported to the police is the principal database enabling us to study the geography and determinants of crime in Leeds in Chapter 5 and to validate the model outputs in Chapter 7 and 9. Four fiscal years of recorded crime datasets were obtained from the West Yorkshire Police:

ƒ April 2000- March 2001 ƒ April 2001- March 2002 ƒ April 2002- March 2003 ƒ April 2003- March 2004

Problems related to the quality of recorded crime data, from a geographical perspective, are widely known (Shepherd et al., 2004). For example, some data have no geo-referencing and others contain geo-referencing errors. Therefore, it is important to audit the quality of crime data before using them (Bowers and Hirschfield, 2001). However, these datasets were cleaned to produce geographically more reliable data. This was done by the West Yorkshire Police divisional intelligence analysts. This has improved the spatial accuracy and reliability of the crime data quite considerably. Table 4.6 shows the variables in the recorded crime

Chapter 4- Modelling Crime: Data Sources and Issues 62

datasets. The advantage of this geo-coded data is that it can be plotted in a Geographic Information System (GIS) which could be supplemented with socio-economic data. These can then be aggregated up to any spatial zone such as police beat, police division, output area, community area, or ward. It can be argued that geographical referencing provides a better understanding, not only of geographical variations in certain types of offending, but also of the relationship between the number of crimes/crime rate and other variables from the census data. It should be noted, however, that victim and offender information in these datasets are not complete, and that the accuracy varies by crime type.

There are 14 crime types recorded by the police including: 1) Burglary dwelling 2) Burglary elsewhere 3) Criminal damage 4) Drug offences 5) Fraud and forgery 6) Handling 7) Homicide 8) Other crime 9) Other theft 10) Robbery 11) Sexual offences 12) Theft from motor vehicle 13) Theft of motor vehicle 14) Violent crime

Chapter 4- Modelling Crime: Data Sources and Issues 63

Table 4.6: Details on recorded crime

Variables Detail

CRIMENUMBE Crime number DATEENTERE Date entered HOCLASS Sub-group of offence type OFFENCE Offence types STATUS Status (detected/undetected) CRIMETYPE Crime type DATEFROM Date from TIMEFROMH Time from (hour) TIMEFROMM Time from (minute) DATETO Date to TIMETOH Time to (hour) TIMETOM Time to (minute) DIVISION Police division BEAT Police beat FEATURE Detailed on where the crime occurs (ex. Roadside, garage etc.) HOUSENUMBE House number STREETNAME Street name AREA Area TOWNCITY Town city POSTCODE Postcode OSREFERENC OS reference EASTING Easting NORTHING Northing IMPROVED Improved VICTIMAGE Victim age VICTIMGEND Victim gender VICTIMETHN Victim ethnicity NOMINALNUM Nominal number OFFENDERAG Offender age OFFENDERGE Offender gender OFFENDERET Offender ethnicity OFFVICRELA Offender and victim relationship POLICESTN Crime committed in the police station Source: West Yorkshire Police

4.2.4 Offender Dataset An offender dataset was also derived from the West Yorkshire Police for the period 2000- 2004 giving 70,645 records in total. It should be noted that in fact this dataset provides a list of people linked with offences (which is a so-called ‘nominal’ dataset). Such individuals might be wanted for questioning, they might be suspects, they might have committed the crime and/or they might eventually be prosecuted for the crime. However, for this study it has not been possible to disaggregate the ‘nominals’ into these categories. The ‘nominal’ is replaced by the word ‘offender’ for the analysis in chapter 7, 8 and 9. Some of these people will turn out not to have been involved in the crime to which they have been linked. The relationship of crimes to ‘nominals’ is ‘many to many’ which means one crime may have been committed by one or many people and one person may be linked with one or more than one crime.

Chapter 4- Modelling Crime: Data Sources and Issues 64

From detected offences, the postcode of the offence and the postcode of the offender were recorded (Table 4.7). However, it has been noted that the police may not have charged all the offenders associated with a crime. In this dataset (in some cases) the offender’s postcode and ward may not be their home address at the time of the offence. It can be the case that the postcode and ward reflects the address they were arrested from.

As with the police recorded crime data the x y coordinates of known offenders can be used for geographical referencing and plotted in a Geographic Information System. This dataset provides information on ‘where crimes occur’ and ‘where the offenders live’. The movement of offenders can be explored and the travel distance of offenders can be calculated. It can also provide a picture of areas associated with offenders and their demographics through links with the census data.

Table 4.7: Detailed data on known offenders

Variables Detail

ID Number of case U_ID ID number of each case CRIMENO Crime number HOCLASS Sub-classes of offences OFFENCE Offence type OFFENCEEAS x y co-ordinate of offences OFFENCENOR NOMINAL Offender reference NOMAGE Age of offenders NOMGENDER Gender of offenders NOMETHNICI Ethnicity of offenders NOMPOSTCID Postcode of offenders NOMEAST x y co-ordinate of offenders NOMNORTH DRUGS For the drugs offences: supply or possession

Source: West Yorkshire Police

4.3 Concluding Comments This chapter has reviewed the available data usage for modelling crime in Leeds. The Census Area Statistics of the 2001 Census and the 2001/2002 British Crime Survey (BCS) are the main data sources identified for building a spatial microsimulation for crime analysis. They are used to build a micro-level population at the output area spatial scale in Chapter 6. Although the census provides a comprehensive spatial coverage for small geographical

Chapter 4- Modelling Crime: Data Sources and Issues 65

areas, it has limitations. To protect the confidentiality of individuals, the output is sometimes modified and the raw microdata are not released. The limitation of the UK census is the discrepancies in census counts between tables. This problem can be tackled by a method described in § 6.2.2. The BCS provides a rich source of individual and household information together with crime victimisation data, but is not available for small geographical areas. One solution to this lack of detail is to combine the BCS with the geographically disaggregated census data to create synthetic microdata for small areas. In particular, data from the BCS is used in Chapter 6 to add victim of crime variables to the census data. It should be noted that this new microdata dataset includes attributes from all the original datasets and this microdata dataset can be re-aggregated to any spatial scale. Further, police recorded crime data and data on known offenders were also reviewed and their advantages and drawbacks were discussed. The police recorded crime datasets are used for two purposes in this study; to study the geography and determinants of crime in Leeds in Chapter 5 and to validate the model output in Chapter 7 and Chapter 9. The dataset on known offenders is used in Chapter 8 to study the movement of offenders using a spatial interaction model.

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 66

Chapter 5 Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds

5.1 Introduction 5.4.12 Theft from Motor Vehicle 5.2 Crime Figures and Trends 5.4.13 Theft of Motor Vehicle 5.3 Geographical Variations 5.5 Known Offenders and Victims Characteristics 5.3.1 Police Divisions 5.5.1 Known Offender Characteristics 5.3.2 Wards 5.5.2 Known Victim Characteristics 5.4 Findings by Crime Type 5.6 The Relationship between Crime and its Related 5.4.1 Burglary Dwelling Determinants 5.4.2 Burglary Elsewhere 5.6.1 Population/Household Density 5.4.3 Criminal Damage 5.6.2 Demographic Characteristics 5.4.4 Drug Offences 5.6.3 Percentage of Students 5.4.5 Fraud and Forgery 5.6.4 Rented Tenure Type 5.4.6 Handling 5.6.5 Number of Car per Household 5.4.7 Homicide 5.6.1 Unemployment 5.4.8 Other Crime 5.6.2 Deprivation 5.4.9 Other Theft 5.6.3 Number of Offenders 5.4.10 Robbery 5.6.4 Multiple Regression Model 5.4.11 Sexual Offences 5.7 Concluding Comments

5.1 Introduction Within this chapter, information on crime as reported to the police is used to study the geography of crime in Leeds. Four fiscal years of recorded crime (2000/01, 2001/02, 2002/03, 2003/04) from West Yorkshire Police (WYP) are used for the analyses. Each period was recorded between the 1st April and 31st March. Information related to the recorded crime dataset has already been described in § 4.2.3. Plainly there are also crimes which are not recorded to/recorded by the police, and later chapters will attempt to deal with this issue – here only reported crimes are dealt with. Crime statistics in this chapter are presented in the form of ‘number’ and ‘rate’. Crime rate relates the incidence of crime to population totals, so that crime levels can be compared consistently without bias from population size. In this study ‘crime rate’ is calculated as per 1,000 population except burglary dwelling which is per 1,000 households. Note that most of the crime statistics presented in this chapter are similar to the work that the author has completed for ‘An Analysis of Crime and Disorder in Leeds 2000/01 to 2003/04’. This work was undertaken in the School of Geography, University of Leeds and was commissioned by the Leeds Community Safety Partnership.

This chapter starts with a review of crime statistics and overall trends at national, regional, and city levels. This is followed by an analysis of crime at police division and ward level in § 5.3 and findings by crime type in § 5.4. Section 5.5 describes known offenders’ and

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 67 victims’ characteristics. In § 5.6 the relationship between crime and its related determinants are explored. The final section gives some concluding comments.

5.2 Leeds Crime Figures and Trends

The population of Leeds, as measured in the 2001 Census, was 715,402 of which 48% were male and 52% were female. The population of Leeds accounted for one third of the residents of the county of West Yorkshire. In 2003/04, 39.1% of all crime committed in West Yorkshire took place in Leeds with the rate of 177.95 crimes per 1,000 population. This was higher than the average crime rate in West Yorkshire, which was at 155.8 per 1,000 population and significantly in excess of the national picture at 114.04 per 1,000 population (Table 5.1). However, the number of crimes and the crime rate in Leeds dropped in 2003/04. There were 127,304 offences recorded in Leeds in 2003/04, which represents a 1.5% decrease in crimes over the previous year. However there has been a 20.32% increase overall since 2000/01.

Table 5.1: Number of crime and crime rate (all crime) in Leeds compared to West Yorkshire and England and Wales

Leeds West Yorkshire England & Wales

Year Up/ Up/ Up/ Number Rate* Number Rate* Number Rate* down down down 2003/2004 127,304 177.95 ª 325,556 155.80 © 5,934,580 114.04 © 2002/2003 129,254 180.67 © 322,794 154.45 © 5,899,450 113.36 © 2001/2002 120,623 168.61 © 298,847 143.73 © 5,527,082 106.20 © 2000/2001 105,803 147.89 258,908 124.29 5,170,843 102.28

Source: West Yorkshire Police and Home Office Note: Rate* is per 1,000 population © Increase from the previous year ª Decrease from the previous year

Its not surprising that there was a large increase across the country in the period of 2002/03 because in April 2002 the National Crime Recording Standard (NCRS), which aims to bring greater consistency in crime recording, was introduced across police forces. However, some police forces adopted the recording practices earlier, including West Yorkshire, where the NCRS was adopted in February 2002. As a result of the introduction of NCRS recorded crime rose considerably across the country. It is estimated that for 2002/03, the overall impact of the NCRS has been to increase recorded crime by 10% (Simmons and Dodd, 2003). This reflects a change in recording practice and is not a real increase in crime. It should be noted, however, that the impact has varied considerably by type of offence. The effects of NCRS on West Yorkshire are summarised in Table 5.2.

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 68

Table 5.2: The effects of NCRS on West Yorkshire

Offence NCRS Impact (%)

Violence against person 47 Burglary dwelling 1 Burglary other 9 All burglary 3 Robbery -9 Vehicle theft 24 Other theft 61 All theft 40 Criminal damage 27

Total crime 25

Source: Simmons et al.(2003b)

0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 Burglary Dw elling

Burglary Elsew here

Criminal Damage

Drugs Offences

Fraud & Forgery



Other Crime

Other Theft


Sexual offences

Theft From Motor Vehicle 2000/01 2001/02 Theft Of Motor Vehicle 2002/03 2003/04 Violent Crime

Figure 5.1: Leeds Crime. Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 69

Table 5.3: Leeds Crime figures and trends (2000/1-2003/04)

2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 Crime Type Change Change Change Number Crime Rate Number Crime Rate From the Number Crime Rate From the Number Crime Rate From the per 1000 Pop per 1000 Pop previous year per 1000 Pop previous year per 1000 Pop previous year Burglary Dwelling 13,607 45.11* 15,693 52.03* 15.33% 16,374 54.29* 4.34% 13,833 45.86* -15.52% Burglary Elsewhere 11,478 16.04 12,429 17.37 8.29% 12,179 17.02 -2.01% 10,849 15.16 -10.92% Burglary 25,085 35.06 28,122 39.31 12.11% 28,553 39.91 1.53% 24,682 34.50 -13.56% Criminal Damage 18,304 25.59 21,646 30.26 18.26% 22,826 31.91 5.45% 24,952 34.88 9.31% Handling 275 0.38 267 0.37 -2.91% 312 0.44 16.85% 310 0.43 -0.64% Other Theft 21,999 30.75 25,455 35.58 15.71% 27,421 38.33 7.72% 27,290 38.15 -0.48% Robbery 2,285 3.19 3,307 4.62 44.73% 2,677 3.74 -19.05% 1,981 2.77 -26.00% Fraud & Forgery 4,336 6.06 5,366 7.50 23.75% 7,460 10.43 39.02% 7,088 9.91 -4.99% Theft from Motor Vehicle 15,477 21.63 16,864 23.57 8.96% 16,064 22.45 -4.74% 14,145 19.77 -11.95% Theft of Motor Vehicle 9,093 12.71 9,624 13.45 5.84% 9,321 13.03 -3.15% 7,339 10.26 -21.26% Vehicle Crime 24,570 34.34 26,488 37.03 7.81% 25,385 35.48 -4.16% 21,484 30.03 -15.37% Total Property Crime 96,854 135.38 110,651 154.67 14.25% 114,634 160.24 3.60% 107,787 150.67 -5.97% Homicide 14 0.02 10 0.01 -28.57% 14 0.02 40.00% 15 0.02 7.14% Sexual Offences 488 0.68 538 0.75 10.25% 754 1.05 40.15% 800 1.12 6.10% Drug Offences 1,694 2.37 1,559 2.18 -7.97% 2,087 2.92 33.87% 2,212 3.09 5.99% Violent Crime 5,813 8.13 6,825 9.54 17.41% 10,734 15.00 57.27% 15,308 21.40 42.61% Other Crime 940 1.31 1,040 1.45 10.64% 1,031 1.44 -0.87% 1,182 1.65 14.65% Violent Crime & Other 8,949 12.51 9,972 13.94 11.43% 14,620 20.44 46.61% 19,517 27.28 33.50% Total 105,803 147.89 120,623 168.61 14.01% 129,254 180.67 7.16% 127,304 177.95 -1.51%

Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police Note: * Rate is expressed per 1000 households Total population = 715,402 and total households = 301,614

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 70

Table 5.4: Recorded crime in England and Wales by offence 2000/01 to 2003/04 and percentage change between 2002/03 and 2003/04

Change between Crime Type 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2002/03 and 2003/04 Burglary Dwelling 402,984 430,347 437,571 402,333 -8.05% Burglary Elsewhere 433,043 448,162 451,256 416,309 -7.74% Criminal Damage 960,087 1,064,495 1,109,258 1,205,576 8.68% Drug Offences 113,458 121,393 141,101 141,060 -0.03% Fraud & Forgery 319,324 314,859 330,104 317,949 -3.68% Homicide 850 891 1,043 853 -18.22% Other Crime 63,188 65,683 72,461 74,193 2.39% Other Theft and Handling 1,176,925 1,283,688 1,389,359 1,378,972 -0.75% Robbery 95,154 121,359 108,032 101,195 -6.33% Sexual Offences 37,311 41,432 48,644 52,070 7.04% Theft from Motor Vehicle 629,651 655,161 658,697 598,514 -9.14% Theft of Motor Vehicle 328,037 316,321 305,618 279,111 -8.67% Violent Crime 600,072 649,439 833,884 954,899 14.51%

Source: Dodd et al. (2004), Crime in England and Wales 2003/2004 (Home Office Statistical Bulletin 10/04)

Figure 5.1 shows Leeds crime figures between 2000/01 and 2003/04 while Table 5.3 shows more details on crime numbers, rates per 1,000 population, and changes from the previous period by crime type. Table 5.4 details recorded crime in England and Wales by offence for the period 2000/01 to 2003/04 and percentage change between 2002/03 and 2003/04 (which can be compared to the right column of Table 5.3 that shows ‘percentage change’ in Leeds for the same period).

The total number of recorded crimes in Leeds increased significantly from 105,803 in 2000/01 to 120,623 in 2001/02 or from 147.89 per 1,000 population to 168.61 per 1,000 population (a 14% increase). Then crime increased by 7.16% from 120,623 in 2001/02 to 129,254 in 2002/03. This rise partly reflects the implementation of the NCRS. However, the total number of recorded crimes has decreased slightly from 129,254 in 2002/03, to 127,304 in 2003/04 (by 1.5%) and some offences have fallen substantially, such as vehicle crime, while some offences such as violent crime continue to rise.

As can be seen from Table 5.3 the crime figures are dominated by ‘property crimes’ accounting for 84.67% of total crimes in Leeds for 2003/04. Burglary, criminal damage, other theft, and vehicle crime are the crimes accounting for the largest proportion. In terms of rising crime over the four year period, criminal damage and violent crime do not fair well

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 71 compared to other crime types. In percentage terms, violent crime is the only type that has increased significantly and continuously while burglary elsewhere and vehicle crime have decreased continuously in Leeds over the same period.

In 2003/04, burglary dwelling dropped to the previous levels of 2000/01 (down 15.52% from the previous year) with the rate 45.86 offences per 1,000 households. This is actually a greater improvement compared with the reductions being seen across England and Wales (down 8.1%) (Table 5.4). The rate of burglary elsewhere in 2003/04 was 15.16 per 1,000 populaion, down 10.92% from the previous year which is also better than the England and Wales rate (down 7.7%). Criminal damage has risen by 9.3%, quite similar to England and Wales. Although there was a small drop in fraud and forgery (5%) in 2003/04, there has been a 63.5% rise since 2000/01 whilst there was almost no change over the same period (2000/01 and 2003/04) in England and Wales. Other theft rate was 38.15 offences, down 0.5% on the previous year, quite similar to England and Wales. In the year 2003/04 robbery has fallen considerably, down 26% compared with England and Wales which fell just 6.3%. There was a small rise (up 6.1%) in sexual offences in 2003/04 which is quite similar to the national trend. The rate of theft from motor vehicle and theft of motor vehicle are almost double the England and Wales average. However, the theft from motor vehicle rate dropped by 11.95% compared to a national drop of 9.1% and the theft of motor vehicle dropped 21.3% compared to a national drop of only 8.7%. Note that in 2003/04 burglary elsewhere, robbery and vehicle crime were at their lowest level in 4 years.

Violent crime in Leeds is above the national average and rose 42.61% compared to a rise of 14.5% across England and Wales. Although violent crime has risen by 124.29% during 2001/02 and 2003/04, this figure should be noted with caution. Change in the way violent crime is recorded has affected rates, making it difficult to assess the true trend over the last three years (2001/02-2003/04). As mentioned in Simmons et al. (2003a), prior to the introduction of the NCRS many of these offences, particularly low-level violence offences, might have been dealt with by way of advice and not necessarily recorded as crimes, because they seldom involved injury.

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 72

Table 5.5 shows detection rates in Leeds compared to England and Wales. As mentioned in Thomas and Feist (2004), for any crime to be counted as ‘detected’ the following conditions must apply:

ƒ A notifiable offence has been committed and recorded; ƒ A suspect has been identified (and interviewed, or at least informed that the crime has been cleared up); ƒ There is sufficient evidence to charge the suspect; ƒ The victim has been informed that the offence has been cleared up.

Note that detections are counts on the basis of crimes, rather than offenders. For example, if three offenders are involved in a robbery, and are all arrested and charged, this counts as one not three detections. If only one of them is identified and charged, while the other two remain unidentified and go free, this also counts as one detection.

Table 5.5: Detection rates in Leeds compared to England and Wales

Leeds1 England and Wales2 Crime Type 2002/03 2003/04 2002/03 2003/04 Burglary dwelling 62.7% 50.2% 53.9% 50.2% Robbery 50.4% 36.8% 43.3% 39.2% Theft from motor vehicle 23.2% 27.7% 18.5% 18.4% Theft of motor vehicle 13.1% 11.8% 14.6% 15.0% Sexual offences 11.7% 11.8% 13.4% 13.1% Violent crime 3.5% 5.4% 6.1% 6.3% Total 18.5% 15.4% 23.6% 23.5%

Source: 1 Derived from West Yorkshire Police 2 Home Office

As can be seen from Table 5.5, the detection rate in England and Wales in 2003/04 remained stable at around 23.5% (there was a very slight decrease of 0.1 percentage points between 2002/03 and 2003/04). While the detection rates in England and Wales have remained quite constant over the last two years there has been a marked drop in the detection rate in Leeds. The overall detection rate in Leeds in 2003/04 was 15.4%, much lower than the England and Wales average of 23.5%. However, detection rates have improved for Theft from motor vehicle and violent crime.

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 73

5.3 Geographical Variations

5.3.1 Police Divisions There are four police divisions in Leeds (Figure 5.2): 1) and 2) Chapeltown 3) 4) City and

Division Oldwards Divisions Chapletown City and Holbeck Killingbeck Weetwood and Pudsey

Figure 5.2: Leeds Police Division Source: West Yorkshire Police

The ‘Weetwood and Pudsey Division’ is based in the North and West of Leeds. It covers the University of Leeds and Leeds Metropolitan University and large student areas including Headingley, Burley, and Woodhouse. It also houses one of the largest prisons in the country at Her Majesty’s Prison (HMP) Leeds (in the ward). ‘Chapeltown Division’ incorporates the North Eastern area of Leeds including inner city and rural areas as well as prosperous suburbs. ‘Killingbeck Division’ covers the Eastern area of Leeds. ‘City and Holbeck Division’ covers the city centre and stretches to the district’s southern boundary incorporating Morley, Rothwell and surrounding villages. The city centre has an enormous transient population made up in the daytime of thousands of people travelling to the city to work and shop.

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 74

Table 5.6: Number of crime by division (2000/01 to 2003/04)

Offence Types Weetwood & Pudsey Chapeltown Killingbeck City & Holbeck 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 Burglary Dwelling 5,834 6,802 7,159 7,103 3,367 3,709 3,354 2,443 2,506 2,954 3,048 2,424 1,900 2,228 2,813 1,863 Burglary Elsewhere 3,594 3,817 3,659 3,688 2,155 2,099 1,940 1,611 1,945 2,280 2,430 1,990 3,784 4,233 4,150 3,560 Criminal Damage 6,526 7,190 8,003 8,882 3,355 3,741 3,585 3,769 4,132 4,785 5,009 5,948 4,291 5,930 6,229 6,353 Drugs Offences 528 511 636 651 360 381 597 590 253 212 291 329 553 455 563 642 Fraud & Forgery 1,226 1,707 2,435 2,624 679 843 1,043 1,108 667 841 1,248 922 1,764 1,975 2,734 2,434 Handling 73 63 77 92 45 46 52 58 58 57 48 67 99 101 135 93 Homicide 5 3 6 6 4 1 2 4 2 2 1 2 3 4 5 3 Other Crime 260 309 342 420 248 213 198 234 131 151 130 159 301 367 361 369 Other Theft 5,952 6,767 7,480 7,574 3,109 3,134 3,286 3,559 2,726 3,477 3,764 3,408 10,212 12,077 12,891 12,749 Robbery 734 1,162 984 790 686 870 666 538 288 334 347 260 577 941 680 393 Sexual offences 148 208 209 278 104 113 218 199 93 63 104 141 143 154 223 182 Theft From Motor Vehicle 5,408 5,632 5,736 5,104 2,815 2,614 2,564 2,345 1,867 1,935 1,913 1,633 5,387 6,683 5,851 5,063 Theft Of Motor Vehicle 3,376 3,393 3,084 2,584 1,987 1,520 1,444 1,238 1,463 1,799 1,919 1,576 2,267 2,912 2,874 1,941 Violent Crime 1,792 2,074 3,420 4,934 1,032 1,181 1,707 2,659 852 1,098 1,705 2,995 2,137 2,472 3,902 4,720 Total 35,456 39,638 43,230 44,730 19,946 20,465 20,656 20,355 16,983 19,988 21,957 21,854 33,418 40,532 43,411 40,365

Table 5.7: Crime rates (per 1,000 population) by division (2000/01 to 2003/04)

Offence Types Weetwood & Pudsey Chapeltown Killingbeck City & Holbeck 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 Burglary Dwelling* 48.52 56.57 59.54 59.07 54.99 60.57 54.78 39.90 45.32 53.42 55.12 43.84 29.35 34.42 43.46 28.78 Burglary Elsewhere 12.60 13.38 12.83 12.93 14.81 14.42 13.33 11.07 14.57 17.08 18.20 14.90 25.07 28.04 27.49 23.58 Criminal Damage 22.88 25.21 28.06 31.14 23.06 25.71 24.64 25.90 30.94 35.84 37.51 44.54 28.43 39.29 41.27 42.09 Drugs Offences 1.85 1.79 2.23 2.28 2.47 2.62 4.10 4.05 1.89 1.59 2.18 2.46 3.66 3.01 3.73 4.25 Fraud & Forgery 4.30 5.99 8.54 9.20 4.67 5.79 7.17 7.61 5.00 6.30 9.35 6.90 11.69 13.08 18.11 16.13 Handling 0.26 0.22 0.27 0.32 0.31 0.32 0.36 0.40 0.43 0.43 0.36 0.50 0.66 0.67 0.89 0.62 Homicide 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.02 Other Crime 0.91 1.08 1.20 1.47 1.70 1.46 1.36 1.61 0.98 1.13 0.97 1.19 1.99 2.43 2.39 2.44 Other Theft 20.87 23.73 26.23 26.56 21.37 21.54 22.58 24.46 20.42 26.04 28.19 25.52 67.65 80.01 85.40 84.46 Robbery 2.57 4.07 3.45 2.77 4.71 5.98 4.58 3.70 2.16 2.50 2.60 1.95 3.82 6.23 4.50 2.60 Sexual offences 0.52 0.73 0.73 0.97 0.71 0.78 1.50 1.37 0.70 0.47 0.78 1.06 0.95 1.02 1.48 1.21 Theft From Motor Vehicle 18.96 19.75 20.11 17.90 19.35 17.96 17.62 16.12 13.98 14.49 14.33 12.23 35.69 44.27 38.76 33.54 Theft Of Motor Vehicle 11.84 11.90 10.81 9.06 13.66 10.45 9.92 8.51 10.96 13.47 14.37 11.80 15.02 19.29 19.04 12.86 Violent Crime 6.28 7.27 11.99 17.30 7.09 8.12 11.73 18.27 6.38 8.22 12.77 22.43 14.16 16.38 25.85 31.27 Total 124.32 138.98 151.57 156.83 137.07 140.64 141.95 139.89 127.19 149.69 164.44 163.67 221.39 268.52 287.60 267.42

Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police Note: Burglary dwelling rate is per 1,000 households. ‘Number of households and population’ calculated for Table 5.7 are from local base statistics produced by Leeds City Council. Source: Leeds Statistics (2004).

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 75

Table 5.6 shows the ‘number of crimes’ by police division yearly (2000/01-2003/04) and Table 5.7 show ‘crime rates’ for the same period. The rates may be different slightly from other published sources; in this case the number of households and population totals are from local base statistics produced by Leeds City Council.

In 2003/04, only the ‘Weetwood and Pudsey division’ had a rise (up 3.5%) in overall crime on the previous year while the rest had seen a decrease. ‘City and Holbeck’ was down 7% while ‘Killingbeck’ and ‘Chapeltown’ decreased by 0.5% and 1.5% respectively. Overall crime in ‘Weetwood and Pudsey’ rose steadily from 2000/01, particularly for criminal damage, fraud and forgery, other crime, other theft, sexual offences, and violent crime. In ‘Chapeltown’, fraud and forgery, Handling, other theft, and violent crime rose steadily while vehicle crimes declined steadily from 2000/01. In ‘Killingbeck’, it has been found that there has been a steady increase in criminal damage, and violent crime. ‘City and Holbeck’ also has seen a steady increase in violent crime (Table 5.6 and Table 5.7).

Crime Rate per 1,000 Population






100.00 Weetw ood and Pudsey Population 1,000 per Rate Crime 50.00 Chapeltow n Killingbeck City and Holbeck 0.00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 Year Figure 5.3: Crime rates per 1,000 population by police division Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police

Figure 5.3 shows crime rates per 1,000 population by division over the four year period. As can be seen the crime rate in the ‘City and Holbeck’ division was higher than the other three divisions with a rate of 267.42 crimes per 1,000 population. ‘City and Holbeck’ has the highest rate for every crime type except for burglary dwelling, which is highest in ‘Weetwood and Pudsey’ (Table 5.7).

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 76

-60% -40% -20% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Weetw ood and Pudsey Chapeltow n lling Dwe lary Killingbeck Burg City and Holbeck

re whe Else lary Burg

e mag al Da rimin C

ry orge d & F Frau

ft r The Othe

bery Rob

cle Vehi otor m M t Fro Thef

hicle r Ve Moto t Of Thef

rime nt C Viole

Figure 5.4: Percentage changes (between 2002/03 and 2003/04) of selected crime types Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police

Figure 5.4 shows changes (between 2002/03 and 2003/04) for selected crime types by police division. Over the period of 2003/04 there have been large falls in the burglary dwelling rate in all divisions except ‘Weetwood and Pudsey’ (a slight decrease). There is more variation in burglary dwelling rates at ward level as described in the next section. Burglary elsewhere decreased in every division except ‘Weetwood and Pudsey’ (a slight increase). By contrast, criminal damage increased in all divisions. This reflects the impact of the National Crime Recording Standard (NCRS) on criminal damage which means that many more minor offences are being recorded than before. Fraud and forgery decreased in ‘Killingbeck’ but increased in ‘Weetwood and Pudsey’ and ‘Chapeltown’. Other theft remained stable in ‘Weetwood and Pudsey’ and ‘City and Holbeck’. There was a large decrease in robbery in every division especially in ‘City and Holbeck’ (down 42.2%). Vehicle crimes also had a decrease in every division. However, violent crime has risen substantially in every division, especially ‘Killingbeck’ (up 75.7%).

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 77


Otley and Wharfedale



Horsforth Roundhay Weetwood Pudsey North Bramley Headingley Harehills Barwick and Kippax University Burmantofts Armley Halton Pudsey South City and Holbeck Richmond Hill Wortley

Beeston and

Morley North Rothwell Middleton

Morley South

Figure 5.5: Leeds wards

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 78

5.3.2 Wards

The is comprised of 33 wards as shown in Figure 5.5. Note that the ward boundaries used throughout this thesis are those defined at the time of the 2001 Census (which were used officially up to the June Election 2004). After this date the boundary lines were changed.

Details on the number of recorded crime for each crime type by ward (2000/01 to 2003/04) are given in Appendix A. In 2003/04, the wards with the highest percentage of recorded crime were City and Holbeck (16.53%), University (5.66%), Armley (4.4%), and Burmantofts (4.14%). Relative to the previous year, the largest increases (in 2003/04) occurred in (up 32.7%), Armley (up 18.03%), Pudsey South (up 17.5%), and and Wharfedale (up 15.34%). In contrast, the wards with the largest decreases in crime were Halton (down 18.99%), Morley North (down 16.5%), North (down 15.81%), and Headingley (down 14.61%).

In relation to population size, crime rates vary widely within each ward (Table 5.8). Crime rate per 1,000 population was the highest in the City and Holbeck ward (1,017.51 per 1,000 population). The small number of residents living in City and Holbeck produces ‘artificially’ high crime rates as most crimes are committed against the transient not inhabiting population. The next highest rate is University, followed by Burmantofts, Richmond Hill, Armley, Chapel Allerton, Hunslet, Seacroft, and Kirkstall. Note that all of these wards have crime rates higher than the Leeds average (183.43 crimes per 1,000 population). The lowest crime rates are recorded in Wetherby with the rate 71.28 crimes per 1,000 population, and Barwick and Kippax (75.77 per 1,000 population).

From the four years recorded crime, it has been found that 2,231 of the records (2000/01: 470 records; 2001/02: 563 records, 2002/03: 578 records; and 2003/04: 620 records) pertain to offences committed inside police stations, prisons and young offender institutions (especially drug offences and violent crime). This number seems to be a very small percentage of all crime committed in Leeds. However, it is likely that the presence of a police station or prison could bias statistics at the ward level, especially in Armley, City and Holbeck, Chapel Allerton, and Seacroft.

Figure 5.6 depicts crime rates by ward. As can be seen the highest crime rates in Leeds are found in close proximity to the city centre.

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 79

Table 5.8: Leeds Crime rates by ward (2003/04)

Crime Rate Ward per 1000 Population

City and Holbeck 1,017.51 University 337.11 Burmantofts 284.65 Richmond Hill 259.32 Armley 254.33 Chapel Allerton 228.88 ABOVE Hunslet 223.40 Seacroft 209.53 Kirkstall 207.57

Average by ward 183.43 Headingley 182.19 Beeston 180.87 Bramley 178.45 Harehills 174.52 Wortley 164.27 Weetwood 151.92 Middleton 146.13 Pudsey South 133.20 Roundhay 132.38 Morley South 132.12

Morley North 130.30 Halton 129.58 Pudsey North 123.71

BELOVW Rothwell 123.42 Whinmoor 121.75 Moortown 113.44 112.05 97.78 Aireborough 96.85 Otley and Wharfedale 88.42 Garforth and Swillington 88.15 North 82.40 Barwick and Kippax 75.77 Wetherby 71.28 Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police

All Crim e 71.28 - 97.78 97.78 - 151.92 151.92 - 228.88 228.88 - 337.11 337.11 - 1017.51

Figure 5.6: Crime rate per 1,000 population (2003/04). Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 80

5.4 Findings by Crime Type

Note that crime rates presented in this section are based on the period 2003/04 and the changes are based on the difference between 2002/03 and 2003/04. Details on the rate for each crime type by ward (2002/03 and 2003/04) can be found in Appendix B. All figures shown in this section are produced from the police recorded crime datasets from West Yorkshire Police.

5.4.1 Burglary Dwelling

% Change Burglary Dwelling -46.27 to -30.0 18.53 - 22.3 -29.99 to -15.0 22.3 - 30.53 -14.99 to 0 30.53 - 41.97 1.00 to 15 41.97 - 72.08 15.01 to 30.0 72.08 - 104.54 30.01 to 40.67

a) Burglary dwelling rate b) Change, 2002/03 to 2003/04 per 1,000 households (2003/04)

Figure 5.7: Burglary dwelling

Recorded burglary dwelling rates vary across the region. Generally speaking, the highest rates are in the inner, urban part and the lowest rates in the most rural (Figure 5.7a). Rates in 2003/04 were the highest in Headingley, a large student population area which presents a relatively easy target for burglars, with the rate of 104.54 offences per 1,000 households. This is much higher than more affluent suburban wards such as Morley North (18.53 offences per 1,000 households), Barwick and Kippax (18.76 offences per 1,000 households), Morley South (19.32 offences per 1,000 households), Wetherby (21.75 offences per 1,000 households), Rothwell (22.22 offences per 1,000 households) and Garforth and Swillington (22.3 offences per 1,000 households).

Figure 5.7b shows the percentage changes between burglary dwelling rates in 2002/03 and 2003/04. By comparing the two maps above it is clear that while the wards in central and east Leeds had higher rates the hotspot areas of Headingley, City and Holbeck, Harehills, and Roundhay wards appeared to show declining number of offences. However, an increase in burglary dwelling offences is noted for Armley and Bramley.

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 81

5.4.2 Burglary Elsewhere

% Change Burglary Elsewhere -54.41 to -30 5.89 - 9.2 -29.99 to -15 9.2 - 12.98 -14.99 to 0 12.98 - 17.24 0.01 to 15.0 17.24 - 22.31 15.01 to 30.0 30.01 to 83.53 22.31 - 60.02

a) Burglary elsewhere rate (2003/04) b) Change, 2002/03 to 2003/04 per 1,000 population

Figure 5.8: Burglary elsewhere

Although Headingley has a very high burglary dwelling rate it has a very low burglary elsewhere rate (7.25 per 1,000 population), that is, burglaries against shops, warehouses etc. City and Holbeck has the highest rate for burglary elsewhere (Figure 5.8a) due to the large number of businesses in this area. However, it dropped 7% from the previous year. In percentage terms the most increases in 2003/04 were in suburban wards in North-West Leeds (relatively affluent) such as Cookridge (up 83.53% or a rise from 170 offences in 2002/03 to 312 offences in 2003/04). Those wards seeing the greatest falls in burglary elsewhere include Harehills (down 54.41%), North (down 40.52%), Hunslet (down 33.21%), and Moortown (down 30.46%) (Figure 5.8b).

5.4.3 Criminal Damage

% Change -17.12 to -10.0 Criminal Damage -9.99 to 5.0 9.59 - 19.25 -4.99 to 0 19.25 - 30.15 0.01 to 15 30.15 - 42.54 15.01 to 25 42.54 - 68.72 25.01 to 33.21 68.72 - 114.72

a) Criminal damage rate (2003/04) b) Change, 2002/03 to 2003/04 per 1,000 population

Figure 5.9: Criminal damage

City and Holbeck ward has the highest rate for criminal damage with the rate of 114.72 offences per 1,000 population (Figure 5.9a) but this is mainly because of the use of

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 82 residential not day time population to calculate the rate. Most wards have increased and problems seem to be worst in Pudsey South (up 33.21%), Armley (up 31.29%), and Garforth and Swillington (30.75%) (Figure 5.9b). However, there was a drop in criminal damage in University (down 17.12%) and Rothwell (down 11.02%).

5.4.4 Drug Offences

% Change -63.86 to -45 Drug Offences -49.99 to -15 0.37 - 0.9 -14.99 to 0 0.9 - 2.04 2.04 - 3.86 0.01 to 50 3.86 - 8.1 50 to 200 8.1 - 23.31 200.01 to 330

a) Drug offences rate (2003/04) b) Change, 2002/03 to 2003/04 per 1,000 population

Figure 5.10: Drug offences

The figures for drug offences comprise offences relating to supply and possession. The highest drug offences rates were in the City and Holbeck and Chapel Allerton wards with rates of 23.31 and 16.92 offences per 1,000 population respectively (Figure 5.10a). The largest decreases in drug offences were in Halton (down 63.86%), Barwick and Kippax (down 60.53), and Aireborough (down 48.15%) (Figure 5.10b). However, these decreases are based on very small numbers.

5.4.5 Fraud and Forgery

% Change Fraud and Forgery -55.67 to -40 1.36 - 3.76 -39.99 to -20 3.76 - 7.19 -19.99 to 0 7.19 - 12.43 0.01 to 30 12.43 - 20.92 30.01 to 100 20.92 - 46.29 100.01 to 335.71

a) Fraud and forgery rate (2003/04) b) Change, 2002/03 to 2003/04

per 1,000 population

Figure 5.11: Fraud and forgery

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 83

From Figure 5.11a, fraud and forgery appears to show a different pattern from other crime types because there are concentrations across many parts of the city. The reason for this is that petrol stations bare the brunt of these crimes, with 62% of fraud and forgery offences in 2003/04 (Shepherd et al., 2004). Therefore, there are high records in those wards that include a petrol station. The highest rates of fraud and forgery were in City and Holbeck, Armley, and Horsforth. Armley and Horsforth have also seen increases since 2002/03 of 29.13% and 39.68% respectively while City and Holbeck has seen a slight decrease (Figure 5.11b). Barwick and Kippax and Wetherby did not have as many offences as many other wards but their fraud and forgery offences have risen 335.71% and 104% respectively since 2002/03. However, although the largest increases were in Barwick and Kippax and Wetherby, these are also based on very small numbers.

5.4.6 Handling

The number of handling offences is very low across the area with only 310 cases in 2003/04. The very small numbers make aggregation to wards inappropriate. However, the highest rate is found in the City and Holbeck ward with a rate of 2.85 per 1,000 population. The number of offences of handling in City and Holbeck accounted for 20% of all handling offences in 2003/04.

5.4.7 Homicide


# # # ## # # # # # # # ## # # # # # ## # # # # # # # ## # # # # # ## # Homicide_2003/04 # # # # # # Homicide_2002/03 # # Homicide_2001/02 # # # Homicide_2000/01 # Oldwards # #

Figure 5.12: Location of homicides from 2000/01 to 2003/04.

Although the impact of Homicide is very large in human terms, in number terms it remains relatively small. Over the four year period there were only 53 cases in Leeds. Because of this small number it makes the aggregation to wards inappropriate. However, Figure 5.12 shows the location of the offences over the four year period. There is some evidence of clustering in the city centre area, but this is likely to be due to the population density effect.

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 84

5.4.8 Other Crime

% Change Other Crime -48 to -30 0.21 - 0.92 -29.99 to -10 0.92 - 1.36 -9.99 to 0 1.36 - 2.54 0.01 to 22.73 2.54 - 4.31 20.01 to 50 4.31 - 11.46 50.01 to 145.83

a) Other crime rate (2003/04) b) Change, 2002/03 to 2003/04 per 1,000 population

Figure 5.13: Other crime

The range of crimes in this category is very varied. The sub-classifications of other crime that have been found in large numbers in Leeds include: other offences (against the state and public order), indecent exposure, dangerous driving, going equipped for stealing, and attempting to pervert the course of public justice. The highest rate of other crime is found in the City and Holbeck ward with a rate of 11.46 offences per 1,000 population (Figure 5.13a). Headingley did not have as many other crime offences as the City and Holbeck ward but its other crime offences have risen by 145.83% since 2002/03 (Figure 5.13b).

5.4.9 Other Theft

% Change -34.7 to -20 Other Theft -19.99 to -10 13.85 - 20.47 -9.99 to 0 20.47 - 31.31 0.01 to 15 31.31 - 46.25 15.01 to 30 46.25 - 63.24 30.01 to 52.58 63.24 - 435.92

a) Other theft rate (2003/04) b) Change, 2002/03 to 2003/04 per 1,000 population

Figure 5.14: Other theft

The City and Holbeck ward is the main hotspot for other theft with a rate of 435.92 offences per 1,000 population (Figure 5.14a). It is slightly down (1.87%) on 2003/04 (Figure 5.14b).

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 85

5.4.10 Robbery

% Change Robbery -50 to -40 0.11 - 0.72 -39.99 to -20 0.72 - 1.52 -19.99 to 0 1.52 - 3.49 0.01 to 20 3.49 - 5.63 20.01 to 60 5.63 - 12.91 60.01 to 130

a) Robbery rate (2003/04) b) Change, 2002/03 to 2003/04 per 1,000 population

Figure 5.15: Robbery

Generally, robbery rates in Leeds are low for the most part. The highest rates are in the City and Holbeck (12.91 per 1,000 population) and University wards (11.42 per 1,000 population) (Figure 5.15a) but these are the areas that have also seen the largest decreases (Figure 5.15b). Ten wards have seen a rise in robbery. However, all rises are very small numbers.

5.4.11 Sexual Offences

% Change Sexual Offences -50 to -30 -29.99 to -15 0.19 - 0.42 -14.99 to 0 0.42 - 0.86 0.01 to 75 0.86 - 1.52 75.01 to 100 1.52 - 2.95 100.01 to 300 2.95 - 5.03

a) Sexual offences rate (2003/04) b) Change, 2002/03 to 2003/04 per 1,000 population

Figure 5.16: Sexual offences

The City and Holbeck and Chapel Allerton wards accounted for 24% of sexual offences in 2003/04 with rates of 5.03 and 4.83 offences per 1,000 population respectively (Figure 5.16a). For the most part, those wards that saw high percentage rises (Figure 5.16b) only had a small number of offences. For example, a 300% increase in Horsforth is accounted for by a rise from 4 to 16 offences.

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 86

5.4.12 Theft from Motor Vehicle

% Change -51.16 to -30 Theft from M otor Vehicle -29.99 to -15 4.91 - 9.59 -14.99 to 0 9.59 - 14.69 0.01 to 15 14.69 - 33.68 15.01 to 30 33.68 - 60.1 30.01 to 47.02 60.1 - 116.27

a) Theft from motor vehicle rate (2003/04) b) Change, 2002/03 to 2003/04 per 1,000 population

Figure 5.17: Theft from motor vehicle

Although overall crime rates in South Leeds (Morley North and Morley South) were low as indicated in Figures 5.6, theft from motor vehicle in these areas were as high as those in the inner city areas. The rate of theft from motor vehicle per 1,000 population is highest in City and Holbeck ward (116.27 offences per 1,000 population) (Figure 5.17a). The most common items stolen were CD players, CD discs and mobile phones (Shepherd et al., 2004). In terms of percentages, Cookridge, Horsforth, Headingley, and Seacroft are the wards that have seen the biggest decreases (Figure 5.17b). The most considerable rise appears to be in Wortley (up 47%).

5.4.13 Theft of Motor Vehicle

% Change -44.93 to -30 Theft of Motor Vehicle -29.99 to -15 3.02 - 5.97 -14.99 to 0 5.97 - 9.56 9.56 - 13.67 0.01 to 10 13.67 - 18.48 10.01 to 20 18.48 - 29.74 20.01 to 35.4

a) Theft of motor vehicle rate (2003/04) b) Change, 2002/03 to 2003/04 per 1,000 population

Figure 5.18: Theft of motor vehicle

City and Holbeck, University, and Richmond Hill wards have the highest rates per 1,000 population of theft of motor vehicle (Figure 5.18a). However the rate has decreased by 32.19% (Figure 5.18b) in the City and Holbeck ward between 200/03 and 2003/04.

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 87

5.4.14 Violent Crime

% Change Violent Crime 16.07 to 22.28 7.1 - 11.34 22.28 to 37.23 11.34 - 16.75 37.23 to 47.99 16.75 - 31.65 47.99 to 62.99 31.65 - 45.39 62.99 to 91.78 45.39 - 129.96

a) Violent crime rate (2003/04) b) Change, 2002/03 to 2003/04 per 1,000 population

Figure 5.19: Violent crime

The highest rate of violent crime is in the City and Holbeck ward with the rate 129.96 per 1,000 population, followed by Burmantofts (45.39 offences per 1,000 population) and University (43.62 offences per 1,000 population) (Figure 5.19a). It is interesting to note that violent crime has increased between 16% and 92% in every ward (Figure 5.19b). Although City and Holbeck ward has the highest rate, it has seen the smallest increase. The highest increase is found in Burmantofts (up 91.78%).

5.5 Known Offenders and Victims Characteristics

5.5.1 Known Offenders Characteristics In Leeds, offenders aged between 16 and 44 make up almost 85% of recorded crimes (where the age of the offender is known). Burglary dwelling, burglary elsewhere, criminal damage, drug offences, handling, homicide, other crime, robbery, theft of motor vehicle were mainly committed by young adults or people aged between 16 and 24, while fraud and forgery, other theft, sexual offences, theft from motor vehicle, and violent crime were mainly committed by people aged 25-44 (Table 5.9).

The age structure of offenders’ committing sexual offences is different from most other crime types, with a higher proportion of people from the older age groups. As can be seen 21.5% of offenders committing sexual offences are in the age range 45-64 (compared to only 4.9% committed by this age group in total). Criminal damage has a much higher proportion of young people aged less than 16 compared with other crime types.

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 88

Table 5.9: Age group of known offenders (2000-2004)

Age Group of Offender Crime Type 0-15 16-24 25-44 45-64 65-74 75+ Burglary Dwelling 10.1% 51.9% 36.7% 1.4% 0.0% 0.0% Burglary Elsewhere 12.4% 53.7% 33.1% 0.8% 0.0% 0.0% Criminal Damage 23.5% 40.1% 31.8% 4.4% 0.2% 0.1% Drugs Offences 4.0% 52.3% 41.1% 2.7% 0.0% 0.0% Fraud & Forgery 1.7% 37.8% 55.2% 5.0% 0.2% 0.0% Handling 7.2% 46.4% 42.1% 4.0% 0.3% 0.0% Homicide 0.0% 47.8% 39.1% 8.7% 4.3% 0.0% Other Crime 5.4% 48.4% 40.6% 5.3% 0.4% 0.0% Other Theft 10.2% 36.1% 48.0% 5.3% 0.3% 0.1% Robbery 19.3% 56.8% 23.7% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% Sexual offences 9.7% 20.1% 42.0% 21.5% 4.8% 1.9% Theft From Motor Vehicle 7.3% 40.1% 52.4% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% Theft Of Motor Vehicle 11.7% 66.3% 21.3% 0.6% 0.0% 0.0% Violent Crime 10.2% 35.3% 45.8% 8.0% 0.5% 0.2% Total Known Offender 10.8% 42.4% 41.6% 4.9% 0.3% 0.1%

Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police Note: Bold figures are the highest values for each crime type and highlight figures (in gray) are the highest values for each age group.

Table 5.10: Gender of known offenders (2000-2004)

Gender of Offender Ratio Crime Type Male: Female


Burglary Dwelling 7.36% 92.64% 12.6 Burglary Elsewhere 4.29% 95.71% 22.3 Criminal Damage 14.03% 85.97% 6.1 Drugs Offences 13.44% 86.56% 6.4 Fraud & Forgery 28.32% 71.68% 2.5 Handling 21.73% 78.27% 3.6 Homicide 8.70% 91.30% 10.5 Other Crime 9.52% 90.48% 9.5 Other Theft 30.38% 69.62% 2.3 Robbery 12.76% 87.24% 6.8 Sexual Offences 2.02% 97.98% 48.5 Theft From Motor Vehicle 3.70% 96.30% 26.1 Theft Of Motor Vehicle 6.75% 93.25% 13.8 Violent Crime 18.19% 81.81% 4.5 Total known offender 17.44% 82.56% 4.7

Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police

Females are generally less likely than males to commit crimes. Offenders in Leeds are predominantly male for every crime type (Table 5.10). Overall, the ratio of male offenders to female offenders is 4.7 to 1. The ratio is the highest for sexual offences (48.5 to 1) and is the lowest for other theft (2.3 to 1). Females are most likely to commit other theft with a higher proportion (30.38%) compared to other crime types.

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 89

Table 5.11: Ethnicity of known offenders (2000-2004)

Number Of Crime Type Known Offender

AFRO-CARIBBEAN ARAB ASIAN DARK EUROPEAN ORIENTAL WHITE EUROPEAN UNKNOWN Burglary Dwelling 5,478 8.7% 0.0% 2.2% 0.8% 0.0% 87.7% 0.5% Burglary Elsewhere 2,714 2.8% 0.0% 1.2% 0.6% 0.0% 95.1% 0.4% Criminal Damage 6,986 6.0% 0.3% 3.1% 0.9% 0.1% 89.0% 0.7% Drugs Offences 5,695 15.6% 0.2% 7.6% 1.0% 0.2% 75.1% 0.3% Fraud & Forgery 3,095 5.8% 0.4% 10.1% 0.9% 0.2% 82.1% 0.5% Handling 949 7.5% 0.0% 6.0% 0.7% 0.1% 85.6% 0.1% Homicide 46 15.2% 0.0% 2.2% 0.0% 0.0% 80.4% 2.2% Other Crime 2,986 10.8% 0.6% 7.0% 1.1% 0.2% 80.0% 0.3% Other Theft 15,217 5.7% 0.4% 3.6% 1.4% 0.3% 88.2% 0.4% Robbery 2,405 21.5% 0.1% 5.7% 0.8% 0.1% 71.4% 0.3% Sexual offences 896 7.4% 2.6% 8.9% 1.3% 0.2% 78.6% 1.0% Theft From Motor Vehicle 1,734 2.4% 0.1% 1.0% 1.4% 0.1% 94.9% 0.2% Theft Of Motor Vehicle 3,572 4.8% 0.2% 2.9% 0.5% 0.1% 91.3% 0.2% Violent Crime 18,861 10.2% 0.5% 5.7% 1.0% 0.1% 81.7% 0.8% Total 70,645 8.53% 0.35% 4.72% 1.01% 0.15% 84.7% 0.5%

Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police. Note: Overrepresentation in bold.

Table 5.11 gives details of the ethnic breakdown of known offenders. Offenders in Leeds are predominantly ‘white’ (84.7% of total known offenders). This is not surprisingly as 91.85% of Leeds inhabitants are ‘white’. The ethnic breakdown shows that ‘Afro-Caribbean’ (‘black’) people are over-represented in homicide (15.2%), although the reliability of this statistic is affected by a relatively small sample size (n= 46). ‘Black’ people are also over- represented in robbery to a considerable degree, making up 21.5% of the offence robbery but only 1.4% of the Leeds population as a whole. ‘Asian’ people account for 4.51% of the Leeds population as a whole but they are over-represented making up 10.1% for fraud and forgery, and 8.9% for sexual offences.

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 90

Table 5.12: Age groups of known victims (2003/04)

Crime Type a) Age Groups

0-15 16-24 25-44 45-64 65-74 75+ Unknown Burglary Dwelling 0.2% 19.7% 41.6% 22.2% 5.2% 6.7% 4.3% Burglary Elsewhere 0.2% 3.6% 32.7% 24.1% 4.4% 2.4% 32.6% Criminal Damage 0.2% 11.4% 38.5% 20.5% 4.2% 2.4% 22.8% Other Theft 3.3% 21.4% 28.8% 14.5% 3.7% 2.6% 25.8% Robbery 18.3% 36.1% 26.3% 11.3% 2.5% 2.8% 2.8% Sexual Offences 37.3% 28.2% 21.8% 4.8% 0.1% 0.4% 7.4% Theft From Motor Vehicle 0.1% 18.9% 45.8% 21.7% 2.6% 0.7% 10.2% Theft Of Motor Vehicle 0.2% 17.9% 47.9% 22.3% 2.4% 1.1% 8.3% Violent Crime 12.9% 24.6% 37.3% 10.1% 1.2% 0.5% 13.3% Total Crime 3.0% 16.6% 34.8% 17.1% 3.2% 2.3% 23.0%

Leeds 20% 13.6% 29.1% 22% 8.1% 7.2%

b) Distribution of Victims by Age and Gender Crime Type 0-15 16-24 25-44 45-64 65-74 75+

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Burglary Dwelling 0.1% 0.1% 19.8% 21.5% 44.7% 42.3% 25.4% 21.0% 5.5% 5.5% 4.5% 9.6% Burglary Elsewhere 0.2% 0.1% 5.0% 5.8% 46.4% 51.7% 38.3% 31.9% 6.9% 6.2% 3.2% 4.3% Criminal Damage 0.2% 0.2% 12.7% 16.9% 47.1% 52.8% 31.0% 21.9% 5.9% 4.9% 3.0% 3.3% Other Theft 6.1% 3.1% 26.9% 30.3% 39.4% 38.3% 21.0% 18.5% 4.5% 5.3% 2.2% 4.5% Robbery 22.3% 11.3% 37.6% 36.2% 27.9% 25.0% 9.7% 15.7% 1.6% 4.5% 0.8% 7.3% Sexual Offence 54.2% 38.4% 19.3% 31.9% 22.9% 23.6% 3.6% 5.4% 0.0% 0.2% 0.0% 0.5% Theft from motor vehicle 0.0% 0.1% 20.3% 22.4% 50.1% 52.2% 25.2% 22.6% 3.3% 2.3% 1.0% 0.4% Theft of motor vehicle 0.2% 0.0% 19.0% 20.9% 51.0% 55.1% 25.4% 21.8% 3.1% 1.5% 1.4% 0.6%

Violent Crime 17.3% 11.7% 28.6% 28.4% 39.3% 47.3% 12.8% 10.6% 1.5% 1.3% 0.4% 0.7%

Note: proportions shown in Table 5.12b are percentage of each gender with different age groups. Bold numbers show the highest proportion of each gender across the age categories. Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 91

5.5.2 Known Victims Characteristics

Table 5.12a shows the age groups of the victims of different crimes types. Table 5.12b gives more detail on the gender of victims by age group for each crime type and for Leeds as a whole. The percentage shown in the table is the proportion of each gender across the age categories while Table 5.13 shows overall rates and ratios for each crime type.

In 2003/04, where the age of the victim (of all crime) was known, 34.8% were people aged between 25 and 44. However, victim’s age varies by crime type. Between 25 and 44 was the most common age of victims of burglary dwelling (41.6%), burglary elsewhere (32.7), criminal damage (38.5%), other theft (28.8%), theft from motor vehicle (45.8%), theft of motor vehicle (47.9%), and violent crime (37.3%). Victims younger than 25 are most likely to be victims of robbery and sexual offences. As can be seen from Table 5.12a, 36.1% of victims of robbery were people aged between 16 and 24 while 37.3% of victims of sexual offences were people younger than 16 years old. These were over-represented relative to the overall age structure in Leeds. More than half of male victims of sexual offences are younger than 16 (Table 5.12b).

Table 5.13: Gender of known victims (2003/04)

Gender of Victim Ratio Crime Type Male: Female MALE FEMALE Burglary Dwelling 49.7% 50.3% 1.0 Burglary Elsewhere 60.5% 39.5% 1.5 Criminal Damage 51.8% 48.2% 1.1 Other Theft 43.3% 56.7% 0.8 Robbery 68.5% 31.5% 2.2 Sexual offences 11.4% 88.6% 0.1 Theft From Motor Vehicle 62.4% 37.6% 1.7 Theft Of Motor Vehicle 69.3% 30.7% 2.3 Violent Crime 52.4% 47.6% 1.1 Total 53.2% 46.8% 1.1 Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police. The highest proportion in each crime type is in bold.

Table 5.13 shows the gender balance of known victims together with the ratio of males to females. The overall ratio of male to female victims is not much different. The ratio of male to female victims of burglary dwelling is 1 to 1. However, this means nothing if the house is occupied by a couple or more than one person. Males are more likely than females to be victims of burglary elsewhere, criminal damage, robbery, vehicle crimes and violent crime. As can be expected, females suffer from sexual offences far more than males.

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 92

Table 5.14: Victimisation by major crime types and ethnic group in Leeds (period 2001/02, 2002/03, and 2003/04)

a) Victims of crime 2003/04 Crime Type Ethnicity Missing Unknown White European Afro-Caribean Arab Asian Dark European Oriental Burglary Dwelling 19.0% 1.5% 72.4% 2.1% 0.2% 3.2% 0.4% 1.2% Burglary Elsewhre 32.0% 6.5% 57.7% 0.6% 0.2% 2.7% 0.2% 0.3% Criminal Damage 32.6% 6.1% 54.4% 1.7% 0.3% 4.5% 0.2% 0.3% Other Theft 53.7% 5.0% 37.3% 1.0% 0.2% 2.2% 0.2% 0.4% Robbery 15.5% 0.6% 68.0% 3.0% 0.9% 10.0% 0.8% 1.2% Sexual Offence 18.7% 1.1% 73.1% 3.3% 0.3% 2.3% 0.7% 0.5% Theft from a vehicle 38.3% 9.2% 48.8% 0.9% 0.1% 2.2% 0.1% 0.3% Theft of motor vehicle 38.5% 10.0% 45.6% 1.5% 0.5% 3.3% 0.3% 0.3% Violent Crime 18.5% 1.5% 68.7% 3.8% 0.6% 6.1% 0.5% 0.3%

b) Victims of crime 2002/03 Crime Type Ethnicity Missing Unknown White European Afro-Caribean Arab Asian Dark European Oriental Burglary Dwelling 2.5% 1.5% 89.0% 2.2% 0.2% 3.5% 0.4% 0.6% Burglary Elsewhre 30.4% 19.4% 45.2% 0.5% 0.1% 3.8% 0.2% 0.4% Criminal Damage 29.7% 18.6% 45.2% 1.4% 0.2% 4.2% 0.3% 0.3% Other Theft 51.8% 16.1% 28.4% 0.8% 0.1% 2.1% 0.2% 0.5% Robbery 2.0% 1.2% 81.1% 2.1% 0.7% 9.9% 1.0% 2.0% Sexual Offence 2.5% 1.3% 89.5% 3.0% 0.2% 3.0% 0.3% 0.2% Theft from a vehicle 44.1% 28.4% 25.0% 0.5% 0.0% 1.5% 0.1% 0.2% Theft of motor vehicle 42.1% 26.8% 27.7% 0.8% 0.2% 2.2% 0.2% 0.1% Violent Crime 2.0% 1.1% 84.6% 3.9% 0.5% 6.9% 0.7% 0.3%

c) Victims of crime 2001/02 Crime Type Ethnicity Missing Unknown White European Afro-Caribean Arab Asian Dark European Oriental Burglary Dwelling 1.4% 2.0% 88.2% 2.3% 0.3% 4.2% 0.6% 0.9% Burglary Elsewhre 11.6% 22.5% 59.4% 0.7% 0.1% 5.0% 0.4% 0.3% Criminal Damage 13.4% 25.4% 54.2% 1.4% 0.1% 4.8% 0.3% 0.3% Other Theft 15.4% 31.6% 47.4% 1.0% 0.1% 3.4% 0.3% 0.8% Robbery 1.7% 1.6% 81.5% 1.8% 0.8% 10.2% 0.7% 1.8% Sexual Offence 0.4% 0.8% 92.0% 3.3% 0.0% 2.1% 0.8% 0.6% Theft from a vehicle 20.1% 37.5% 39.0% 0.6% 0.1% 2.2% 0.2% 0.3% Theft of motor vehicle 20.9% 39.8% 35.4% 0.7% 0.1% 2.7% 0.2% 0.2% Violent Crime 1.0% 1.3% 85.1% 3.8% 0.3% 7.6% 0.7% 0.2% Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 93

Table 5.14 shows victims’ ethnic status. Note that records where no victim is identifiable have not been included in the calculation. It is not surprising that victims’ ethnicity for all crimes is majority ‘white’. Nevertheless, when comparing each group, it has been found that ‘Asian’ suffered from victimisation relatively more than other groups.

5.6 The Relationship between Crime and its Related Determinants

The x y coordinates of existing data provide a better understanding, not only of geographical variations in certain types of offending, but also of the relationship between crime and other variables from the census data. The association of demographic and socio-economic characteristics which can be correlated with the locations of crimes provide a clearer picture of crime. Patterns of crime vary considerably across the region depending upon a range of different factors.

In line with Table 2.2 shown in Chapter 2, the Pearson’s correlation coefficient is used in this section to investigate the possible relationships between demographic, socio-economic, and area characteristics and crime. The unit of analysis is the ward. The correlation coefficient always takes a value between -1 and 1 indicating the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two variables. A value of 1 or -1 indicates perfect correlation. A positive correlation indicates a positive relationship between the variables (increasing values in one variable correspond to increasing values in the other variable), while a negative correlation indicates a negative relationship between variables (increasing values in one variable correspond to decreasing values in the other variable). A correlation value close to 0 indicates no relationship between the variables: thus the higher the absolute correlation coefficient the better in terms of finding relationships. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used for the correlation analysis. Table 5.15 shows the correlation coefficient of selected demographic and socio-economic variables for overall crime and each crime type. Note that handling, homicide, and sexual offences are not shown in the table due to the small number of offences.

The analysis started with Pearson’s correlation coefficient calculated for (overall) crime in Leeds for each crime type. Note that numbers of crimes used in this section are from the period 2001/02 which is the same period as the 2001 Census. The dataset can be found in Appendix C. The correlation coefficients (Pearson’s r) for each variable for each crime type are shown in Table 5.15. Some variables are more closely correlated with some types of crime than others. These correlation coefficients will be used to describe crime and its related determinants in § 5.6.1 to 5.6.8.

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 94

Table 5.15: Correlation coefficient of crime and its related determinants

Determinants of Crime

All Crime_2001/02 Burglary Dwelling Burglary Elsewhere Criminal Damage Drug Offences Fraud and Forgery Other Crime Other Theft Robbery Theft From Motor Vehicle Theft of Motor Vehicle Violent Crime

Household density .228 .786** -.038 .462** .338 .152 .08 .081 .449** .17 .355* .207 Population density .174 .766** -.078 .393* .274 .092 .04 .042 .378* .118 .276 .156 Percentage of student .234 .826** -.065 .236 .204 .102 .057 .121 .492** .276 .424* .117 Number of car per household -.513** -.506** -.329 -.841** -.557** -.435* -.371* -.369* -.562** -.401* -.650** -.539** Number of rented tenure .586** .723** .316 .782** .564** .416* .420* .434* .729** .543** .770** .545** Number of young adult .206 .768** -.06 .198 .153 .072 .054 .115 .409* .246 .359* .098 Number of male young adult .196 .758** -.065 .178 .136 .071 .038 .11 .394* .238 .339 .084 Number of unemployed people .642** .442* .489** .897** .688** .491** .548** .519** .679** .536** .709** .688** Number of male unemployed .665** .468** .502** .904** .718** .510** .569** .540** .709** .563** .722** .709** Number of unemployed male young adult .545** .471** .406* .827** .569** .379* .451** .423* .573** .433* .623** .597** Index of Multiple Deprivation .480** .32 .345* .825** .550** .383* .408* .361* .485** .346* .557** .547** Number of offender living in area .658** .411* .500** .915** .730** .510** .600** .551** .636** .537** .673** .726**

Note: ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed) Demographic and socio-economic variables are derived from the 2001Census (See Appendix C). Number of offender is derived from the West Yorkshire Police. Significant coefficients are marked in bold and the highest are marked in colour.

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 95

5.6.1 Population/Household Density Generally, crime statistics show a positive correlation between ‘population density’ and crime rates (Entorf and Spengler, 2000). However, in Leeds, ‘population density’ has a low correlation with overall crime but has a very high correlation with burglary dwelling (.766). This means an area with a high ‘population density’ tends to have higher burglary dwelling. ‘Household density’ also has a high correlation with burglary dwelling (.786), criminal damage (.462), and robbery (.449). Figure 5.20 and Figure 5.21 show that high ‘population density’ and high ‘household density’ areas such as Headingley, University and Harehills have higher burglary dwelling than low density areas. Density has two roles in causing crime: it increases the potential victims and it reduces the chance of being caught (Glaeser and Sacerdote, 1999; Kelly, 2000). In the lower ‘population density’ areas the number of potential contacts between offenders and victims (attractive targets) is low. However, this pattern is not uniform. For example, in the City and Holbeck and Roundhay wards this pattern does not hold. These two wards have much lower densities compared with Headingley but quite high rates for burglary dwelling offences.

Recorded Burglary Dwelling 2001/02 Recordedburglary_0102 Population Density 287.97 - 823.01 823.01 - 1685.24 1685.24 - 2926.69 2926.69 - 4404.95 4404.95 - 9434.55

Figure 5.20: ‘Population density’ and burglary dwelling

Recorded Burglary Dwelling 2001/02 Recordedburglary_0102 Household Density 118 - 331 332 - 626 627 - 1018 1019 - 2238 2239 - 3485

Figure 5.21: ‘Household density’ and burglary dwelling

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 96

5.6.2 Demographic Characteristics From the previous studies described in Chapter 2, it can be seen that the ‘young adult’ group (especially males) are more prone to commit crimes and to be the victims of crimes than other age groups. Young people (aged 16 to 24 years old) are around three times more likely to be victims of burglary than people in other age groups (Home Office, 2006c). This also can be seen in Leeds. Although, ‘(male) young adult’ has a very low correlation with overall crime, it has a high correlation with burglary dwelling. Areas with a high number of ‘(male) young adult’ tend to have high levels of burglary dwelling. Figure 5.22 shows the distribution of ‘young adults’ (people who are 16-24 years) in Leeds while Figure 5.23 shows only males of this age group. As can be seen, Headingley has the highest number of ‘(male) young adults’ followed by University, and Kirkstall. These wards also have high numbers of burglary dwelling offences. This would suggest that areas with high concentrations of ‘(male) young adults’ would experience higher burglary dwelling than areas where this group does not make a significant contribution to the total population.

Recorded Burglary Dwelling 2001/02 Recordedburglary_0102 Young Adult 1770 - 2060 2061 - 2512 2513 - 3199 3200 - 7671 7672 - 15732

Figure 5.22: Distribution of ‘young adult’ and burglary dwelling

Recorded Burglary Dwelling 2001/02 Recordedburglary_0102 Number of Male Young Adult 813 - 1022 1023 - 1490 1491 - 2299 2300 - 3389 3390 - 7431

Figure 5.23: Distribution of ‘male young adult’ and burglary dwelling

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 97

5.6.3 Percentage of Students It has been found that ‘percentage of students’ living in an area has a very high correlation with burglary dwelling, with a correlation coefficient of .826. This is higher than any other variables correlated to this crime type. ‘Percentage of students’ also has a significant correlation with robbery (.492).

Figure 5.24 shows the distribution of students in Leeds. The highest percentage is found in Headingley, followed by University. As can be seen, areas with a high proportion of students also have high burglary dwelling. Generally, students are less likely to be at home during daytime. Therefore, these areas are more likely to be targets for burglary dwelling.

Recorded Burglary Dwelling 2001/02 Recordedburglary_0102 Percentage of student 4.15 - 5.68 5.68 - 8.09 8.09 - 10.37 10.37 - 22.89 22.89 - 60.42

Figure 5.24: ‘Percentage of students’ and burglary dwelling

Statistically, students are one of the most likely groups to fall victim to crime. One third of students become the victim of a crime each year (Home Office, 2006c). However, surprisingly, the majority of studies on ‘modelling crime’ undertaken to date have not included this student factor despite the very high correlation with burglary dwelling. Traditionally, such models are more likely to include variables such as unemployment, inequality, income, deprivation, poverty, and tenure type.

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 98

5.6.4 Rented Tenure Type In 2001 within Leeds, 62% of households lived in owner-occupied accommodation, whilst 38% lived in rented housing. ‘Rented tenure’ is concentrated in inner city areas which have a high correspondence with burglary dwelling (Figure 5.25). There are significant correlations between ‘rented tenure’ and every type of crime except burglary elsewhere (Table 5.15). The highest correlations are with criminal damage (.782), theft of motor vehicle (.77), robbery (.729), and burglary dwelling (.723). Housing type and crimes are related, possibly because social groups with a greater propensity to commit crime and to be a victim of crime are concentrated in certain types of housing.

As seen in Figure 5.25, University, Headingley and City and Holbeck have high numbers of ‘rented tenure’ housing. Therefore, burglary dwelling is higher in these areas, especially in University and Headingley, which are also the most popular areas for students.

Recorded Burglary Dwelling 2001/02 Recordedburglary_0102 Rented Tenure 1028 - 1939 1940 - 2999 3000 - 4113 4114 - 5347 5348 - 9078

Figure 5.25: ‘Rented tenure’ and burglary dwelling

5.6.5 Number of Cars per Household ‘Number of cars per household’ can be seen as one indicator of affluence. As can be seen from Figure 5.26, the outer parts of Leeds are more affluent than inner parts in terms of ‘number of cars per household’. According to Table 5.15, there is a significant negative correlation between ‘number of cars per household’ and every type of crime except burglary elsewhere (negative correlation but not significant). ‘Number of cars per household’ has the highest (negative) correlation with criminal damage (-.841). Figure 5.26 shows ‘number of cars per household’ and crime and Figure 5.27 shows ‘number of cars per household’ and criminal damage. Areas that have higher ‘number of cars per household’ such as Barwick and Kippax, Wetherby, Garforth and Swillington tend to have lower crime. In contrast, areas that have lower ‘number of cars per household’ such as City and Holbeck, University, Headingley, Burmantofts, and Harehills tend to have higher crime, especially criminal damage.

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 99

Crimes 2001/02 Allcrime0102 Number of car per household 0.42 - 0.61 0.61 - 0.78 0.78 - 1 1 - 1.18 1.18 - 1.43

Figure 5.26: ‘Number of cars per household’ and crime

Criminal damage Number of car per household 0.42 - 0.61 0.61 - 0.78 0.78 - 1 1 - 1.18 1.18 - 1.43

Figure 5.27: ‘Number of cars per household’ and criminal damage

5.6.6 Unemployment While ‘unemployment’ is low for Leeds as a whole, there are some areas in Leeds that experience unemployment that is more than double the average for the city. In Leeds, the rate of economically active unemployed aged 16-74 was 3.32% in 2001 (3.35% in England and Wales). The inner city wards of City and Holbeck, Harehills, and University have the highest amount of economically active unemployment for those people aged 16-74; 989, 889, 881 respectively. ‘Unemployment rates’ are highest in City and Holbeck (6.65%), Harehills (6.32%), Seacroft (6.32%), and Burmantofts (6.06%) (Figure 5.28). It is interesting to note that the ‘number of unemployed’ has a significant correlation with every crime type (Table 5.15), and highest for criminal damage (.897) (Figure 5.29).

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 100

% of Unemployment 1.7 - 2.07 2.07 - 2.51 2.51 - 2.85 2.85 - 4.69 4.69 - 6.65

Figure 5.28: Distribution of ‘unemployment rate’ in Leeds

Criminal damage Number of unemployed 303 - 374 375 - 423 424 - 564 565 - 775 776 - 989

Figure 5.29: ‘Unemployment’ and criminal damage

Criminal damage Male unemployed 187 - 234 235 - 277 278 - 424 425 - 507 508 - 692

Figure 5.30: ‘Male-unemployed’ and criminal damage

Male-specific unemployment is more likely than any other groups to generate significant (at 0.01 level) results for every category of crime especially criminal damage (.904) (Table 5.15). The correlation is almost linear with the R2 value at 0.8175 (Figure 5.31).

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 101

900 R2 = 0.8175 800


600 500 400 300 Male unemployed



0 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 Criminal Damage Figure 5.31: Correlation between ‘male unemployed’ and criminal damage

5.6.7 Deprivation The view that ‘deprivation’ has a crucial effect on crime is supported by a large number of studies (see Chapter 2). There is a close correlation between areas of high deprivation and those experiencing the worst levels of crime. Around 150,000 people in Leeds, almost 20% of the population, live in areas officially rated as amongst the most deprived in the country (Leeds Community Safety, 2004). In this section the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) is used for analysis. In Leeds, areas with high deprivation tend to have high crime, especially criminal damage (Figure 5.32). However, the correlation between deprivation indices and crime is not perfect because not all deprived areas have high crime, and demographically very similar areas can have markedly different rates. For example, Headingley has relatively high crime but it does not have a very high degree of deprivation (Table 5.16).

Criminal damage Index of Multiple Deprivation 6.89 - 8.8 8.8 - 13.87 13.87 - 19.56 19.56 - 42.5 42.5 - 55.41

Figure 5.32: ‘Index of Multiple Deprivation’ and criminal damage

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 102

Table 5.16: Indices of deprivation for Leeds wards 2000 (ranking from high to low)

Index of Multiple Ward Deprivation (IMD)

1 City and Holbeck 55.41 2 Seacroft 55.07 3 Harehills 54.07 4 Burmantofts 53.66 5 Richmond Hill 52.52 6 Hunslet 47.97 7 University 47.76 8 Chapel Allerton 42.50 9 Beeston 40.73 10 Middleton 37.04 11 Bramley 35.06 12 Armley 33.20 13 Wortley 31.61 14 Whinmoor 30.28 15 Kirkstall 29.22 16 Pudsey South 19.56 17 Morley South 18.65 18 Barwick and Kippax 16.99 19 Rothwell 16.87 20 Moortown 16.55 21 Headingley 16.17 22 Weetwood 15.71 23 Morley North 15.04 24 Garforth and Swillington 13.87 25 Cookridge 12.07 26 Roundhay 11.99 27 Pudsey North 11.98 28 North 11.66 29 Halton 10.65 30 Aireborough 10.15 31 Otley and Wharfedale 8.80 32 Wetherby 6.91 33 Horsforth 6.89

Source: ‘Indices of Deprivation for wards, 2000’, Office for National Statistics (2003)

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 103

5.6.8 Number of Offenders In addition to variables from the census, ‘number of offenders’ i.e. those detected aggregate up to ward level (derived from West Yorkshire Police) can also be tested for correlation with crime. ‘Number of offenders’ living in an area has significant correlation with every crime type and has a strong positive relationship with criminal damage (R=9.15; R2=.837)

Criminal damage Number of Offender 450 - 687 688 - 1028 1029 - 2210 2211 - 4001 4002 - 5285

Figure 5.33: ‘Number of offender’ and criminal damage


R2 = 0.837 6,000




Number Offender of 2,000 1,000

0 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 Criminal Damage

Figure 5.34: Correlation between ‘number of offenders’ and criminal damage

In summary, ‘household/population density’, ‘percentage of students’ living in an area, ‘number of (male) young adults’, have no effect on (overall) crime but a strong impact on burglary dwelling with a significant correlation above 0.7. By contrast, ‘deprivation’ has a significant effect on criminal damage and overall crime but little or no significance on burglary dwelling.

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 104

5.6.9 Multiple Regression Model

A multiple regression was also employed to explore the relationship between crime and its related determinants. It can be used to describe the relationship between multiple variables precisely by means of an equation that has predictive value. The multiple regression modelling in this study was carried out using ‘stepwise variable selection’ which is a method of choosing the best predictors of a particular dependent variable on the basis of statistical criteria. Fundamentally, the statistical procedure decides which independent variable is the best predictor, the second best predictor, etc. It is a combination of forward and backward procedures. When each variable is added, variables which are entered in earlier steps are re- checked to see if they are still significant. If not, they will be removed.

As mentioned in Chapter 2 and discussed in the previous section, there is considerable evidence that demographic, socio-economic, household and neighbourhood characteristics are related to crime. Therefore recorded crime incidents for the period of April 2001- March 2002 and demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the people in those areas derived from the 2001 Census were analysed. Note that the model presented in this section is for burglary dwelling, the most important crime type in this study, chosen for its importance and because it is likely to represent the most predictable crimes-relating, as it does, to home locations for which census data is available. As with the correlation analysis in the previous section, SPSS was used for the statistical modelling.

The Model:

With p independent variables, the regression equation is

ˆ = + + 2211 + ... + xbxbxbay pp (5.1)

Where ŷ is the predicted value of the dependent variable. b is the regression coefficient x are independent variables

Number in sample = 33 (wards)

The number of burglary dwelling incidents used in this section is for the period 2001/02. For independent variables, all potential possible census variables are taken into account.

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 105

Variables entered as independent variables (details can be found in Appendix C): ƒ Household density ƒ Population density ƒ Number of student ƒ Percentage of student ƒ Number of rented house ƒ Percentage of rented house ƒ Number of high-class people (a combination of large employers and higher managerial occupations, higher professional occupations and lower managerial and professional occupation) ƒ Percentage of high-class people ƒ Number of young adult people (aged 16-24) ƒ Number of male young adult (aged 16-24) ƒ Number of unemployed employed (aged 16-74) ƒ Percentage of unemployed people (aged 16-74) ƒ Number of male unemployed (aged 16-74) ƒ Number of male young adult unemployed (aged 16-74) ƒ Number of people who have no qualification (aged 16-74) ƒ Number of car in area ƒ Number of car per household ƒ Index of Multiple Deprivation ƒ Income deprivation ƒ Number of offender living in area (derived from West Yorkshire Police)

Table 5.17: Burglary dwelling model (model summary)

Adjusted Std. Error of the Model R R Square R Square Estimate 1 .826a .683 .673 152.229 2 .892b .795 .782 124.299 3 .948c .898 .887 89.265 4 .956d .914 .902 83.400 5 .965e .931 .918 76.091 6 .963f .928 .918 76.377 7 .969g .938 .927 71.968 8 .967h .934 .925 72.970

a. Predictors: (Constant), PerCentOfStudent b. Predictors: (Constant), PerCentOfStudent, PerCentOfUnEmp c. Predictors: (Constant), PerCentOfStudent, PerCentOfUnEmp, PerCentOfHighClass d. Predictors: (Constant), PerCentOfStudent, PerCentOfUnEmp, PerCentOfHighClass, MaleYoungAdult e. Predictors: (Constant), PerCentOfStudent, PerCentOfUnEmp, PerCentOfHighClass, MaleYoungAdult, AllCarInArea f. Predictors: (Constant), PerCentOfUnEmp, PerCentOfHighClass, MaleYoungAdult, AllCarInArea g. Predictors: (Constant), PerCentOfUnEmp, PerCentOfHighClass, MaleYoungAdult, AllCarInArea, NumberOfMaleYoungAdultUnEmployed h. Predictors: (Constant), PerCentOfHighClass, MaleYoungAdult, AllCarInArea, NumberOfMaleYoungAdultUnEmployed

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 106

The model summary (Table 5.17) can be used to assess the relative importance of each variable. The goodness-of-fit statistics displayed in the table are R, R2, adjusted R2, and the standard error of the estimate. The R (Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient), R2 (coefficient of determination), and adjusted R2 statistics can take on any value less than or equal to 1, with the values closer to 1 indicating a better fit. The key column ‘Adjusted R2’ can be used to assess which model is the best. The figure .673 means that 67.3% of the variation in burglary dwelling is explained by variations in the independent variables of Model 1. Correspondingly, 78.2%, 88.7%, 90.2%, 91.8%, 91.8%, 92.7%, and 92.5% is explained by variation in the independent variables of Models 2 to 8 respectively. Therefore, Model 7 is the best for explaining burglary dwelling in Leeds. The equation with the smallest Standard Error of the Estimate will most likely also have the highest Adjusted R2.

Table 5.18: Coefficients of the models

a Coefficients Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 292.501 34.700 8.429 .000 PerCenOfFTStudent 19.080 2.335 .826 8.171 .000 2 (Constant) 94.403 56.406 1.674 .105 PerCenOfFTStudent 19.243 1.907 .833 10.090 .000 PerCentOfUnEmp 56.258 13.851 .335 4.062 .000 3 (Constant) -590.776 133.175 -4.436 .000 PerCenOfFTStudent 21.907 1.456 .949 15.049 .000 PerCentOfUnEmp 127.211 16.478 .759 7.720 .000 PerCenOfHighClass 16.403 3.037 .541 5.401 .000 4 (Constant) -795.578 153.341 -5.188 .000 PerCenOfFTStudent 11.531 4.740 .499 2.433 .022 PerCentOfUnEmp 146.925 17.648 .876 8.325 .000 PerCenOfHighClass 19.622 3.168 .647 6.194 .000 MaleYoungAdult .111 .049 .495 2.285 .030 5 (Constant) -477.176 186.671 -2.556 .017 PerCenOfFTStudent 5.426 4.931 .235 1.100 .281 PerCentOfUnEmp 107.709 22.157 .642 4.861 .000 PerCenOfHighClass 22.950 3.166 .757 7.249 .000 MaleYoungAdult .156 .048 .698 3.281 .003 AllCarInArea -.031 .012 -.374 -2.576 .016 6 (Constant) -474.196 187.353 -2.531 .017 PerCentOfUnEmp 105.839 22.175 .631 4.773 .000 PerCenOfHighClass 24.579 2.809 .811 8.749 .000 MaleYoungAdult .207 .014 .922 15.118 .000 AllCarInArea -.038 .011 -.451 -3.527 .001 7 (Constant) -395.981 180.315 -2.196 .037 PerCentOfUnEmp 46.523 34.816 .277 1.336 .193 PerCenOfHighClass 26.270 2.764 .867 9.506 .000 MaleYoungAdult .186 .016 .828 11.418 .000 AllCarInArea -.048 .011 -.575 -4.296 .000 NumberOfMaleYoung 2.174 1.021 .313 2.130 .042 AdultUnEmployed 8 (Constant) -219.937 124.829 -1.762 .089 PerCenOfHighClass 26.364 2.801 .870 9.412 .000 MaleYoungAdult .170 .011 .756 15.216 .000 AllCarInArea -.059 .008 -.708 -7.875 .000 NumberOfMaleYoung 3.265 .621 .470 5.257 .000 AdultUnEmployed

a. Dependent Variable: BurglaryDwelling

Chapter 5- Geography and Determinants of Crime in Leeds 107

The multiple regression model for burglary dwelling was carried out and is statistically significant as detailed in Table 5.17. According to the coefficients (Table 5.18) the best model for burglary dwelling is given by

Burglary Dwelling = -395.981+46.523* %of UnEmp+26.27*%of HighClass +.186* MaleYoungAdult -.048*AllCar+2.174*MaleYoungAdultUnEmp (5.2)

Age, sex, economic activity, socio-economic classification, and car ownership play important roles and are important predictors for burglary dwelling. Therefore, these variables will be included in the spatial microsimulation model for crime discussed in the next chapter.

5.7 Concluding Comments

This chapter has presented the geography and determinants of crime in Leeds. It is clear that most of the crime types tend to be clustered in certain areas in the proximity of the city centre, while wards with the lowest rates are predominantly in outer areas. The City and Holbeck ward has the highest number of crimes and crime rates in every type except burglary dwelling. However, different types of crime tend to occur in different types of areas. For example, vehicle crimes occur not only in the inner part of the city. It should be noted that an apparent rise of crime in 2002/03 was mainly due to a change in the way crimes were recorded (National Crime Recording Standards). Known offenders’ and victims’ characteristics (age, sex, and ethnicity) were also described. Generally, most of the known offenders are European white males aged between 16 and 44. Victims’ age varies by crime type. However, one third were people aged between 25 and 44. The ethnicity of victims is predominantly ‘white’, reflecting the population of Leeds as a whole.

Correlation coefficients provide a better understanding about the relationship between crime and its related determinants. It can be argued that the student factor is one of the most important for modelling crime. Finally, the multiple regression model provided a picture of which variables need to be included in the spatial microsimulation model. Correlation coefficients and the multiple regression model suggested that the tenure type, age, sex, economic activity, socio-economic classification, and car ownership variables play an important role in predicting burglary dwelling. Although, ‘tenure type’ did not appear to be important in the multiple regression model, it has very high correlation with burglary dwelling in single-variable regressions, and, more importantly, it is a useful variable for manipulating social structure in the final model. It is, therefore included, along with the other variables, in the spatial microsimulation model that will be described in the next chapter.

Chapter 6- SimCrime: A Spatial Microsimulation for Crime in Leeds 108

Chapter 6 SimCrime: A Spatial Microsimulation Model for Crime in Leeds

6.1 Introduction 6.2 SimCrime Model Specification 6.2.1 Input 6.2.2 Input Adjustment 6.2.3 Model Execution Process 6.2.4 Model Output 6.3 Evaluation of Synthetic Microdata 6.4 Concluding Comments

6.1 Introduction

SimCrime is a spatial microsimulation model that is designed to estimate the likelihood of being a victim of crime and crime rates at the small area level in Leeds and to answer what- if questions about the effects of changes in the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the future population. The model is based on individual microdata. Specifically, SimCrime combines individual microdata from the British Crime Survey (BCS) for which location data is only at the scale of large areas, with census statistics for smaller areas to create synthetic microdata estimates for output areas (OAs) in Leeds using a simulated annealing method. The new microdata dataset includes all the attributes from the original datasets. This allows variables such as crime victimisation from the BCS to be directly estimated for OAs. Section 6.2 describes the SimCrime model specification, associated processes, and the creation of 514,523 individuals aged 16-74 in households in Leeds whose characteristics match as closely as possible the characteristics of the 514,523 actual individuals living in Leeds, as shown in the 2001 Census. The result is an individual- level dataset constrained by the census statistics. The synthetic microdata is evaluated in § 6.3. The final section gives some concluding comments.

6.2 SimCrime Model Specification

As with most microsimulation models the first step is to generate population microdata, which comprises of a list of individuals along with an associated set of individual characteristics (Williamson et al., 1998; Williamson, 2002). The chief task in microsimulation is to select individuals from a microdata dataset to fill small census areas. Usually this procedure begins by using random individuals initially, and then swaps out poor

Chapter 6- SimCrime: A Spatial Microsimulation for Crime in Leeds 109

(badly fitting) individuals for others to improve the match with the census statistics for the area in question. Previous studies (Williamson et al., 1998; Ballas, 2001) have shown that the simulated annealing technique works effectively in terms of finding the combination of records which best fits known small area statistical constraints (more detail appears in § 3.6). Therefore, in this study, combinatorial optimisation is achieved by using simulated annealing.

The synthetic population microdata dataset was generated at the census output area for Leeds with the use of a Simulated Annealing-Based Reweighting Program1. The latter was implemented in Java, an object-oriented programming language, which has been accepted as the most suitable type of programming language for spatial microsimulation modelling (Ballas, 2001). It can be operated on any computer system and platform without amending any code (i.e. it is platform independent). The program implements a combinatorial optimisation using simulated annealing approach to generate spatially disaggregated population microdata dataset at the small area level. Specifically, here, the implementation of the microsimulation approach for Leeds involves selecting the combination of individuals from the microdata (the 2001/2002 BCS) which best fits the known constraints in the selected small areas of the 2001 UK Census.

More specifically the 514,523 people aged 16-74 living in households found in Leeds in the 2001 Census were recreated. The procedure involves taking records of individuals from the 2001/2002 BCS, and redistributing them (multiple times) in areas until the aggregate statistics for each area match those found in the census. The end result is an individual-level dataset constrained by the census statistics. To recap, an individual-level estimation is necessary as the individual-level census data is not available because of confidentiality restrictions.

6.2.1 Input

There are four important files needed to run the program: 1) Model File 2) Microdata File 3) Constraint Table Files 4) ‘Group Number’ File (number of people in small areas)

1 The program was first developed by Dr. Dimitris Ballas in 1999. It has been maintained and further developed at the Centre for Computational Geography (CCG), School of Geography, University of Leeds. Thanks to Mr. Jianhui Jin for providing the program to generate the base micro population and source code for modifications.

Chapter 6- SimCrime: A Spatial Microsimulation for Crime in Leeds 110

1) Model File Model file is a text file containing the path to the constraint tables’ files, microdata file, ‘Group Number’ file, and filter definitions. The filter definitions use logic operations and conditions to define the fitting conditions for each column (for more detail see Appendix D).

2) Microdata from the 2001/2002 British Crime Survey

As Huang and Williamson (2001) pointed out, the quality of the synthetic microdata is likely to be affected by the size of the sample used as a parent population. The larger the sample size, the more possible combinations of individuals exists and the better the fit is likely to be. The 2001/2002 BCS used as a microdata database in this study has 32,824 records. To make the variables from the BCS compatible with the census, the following variables in the BCS were checked to determine whether an individual fits each column in the constraint tables from the census or matches the classifications that exist in the census.

sex: Respondent Sex 1 = Male 2 = Female

age: Respondent Age

marst: Respondent Marital status 1 = Single, that is, never married 2 = Married and living with husband/wife 3 = Married and separated from husband/wife 4 = Divorced 5 = Widowed 8 = Refused 9 = Don’t know

remploy: Respondent employment status 1.0 = Employed 2.0 = Unemployed 3.0 = Inactive

infstudy: Are you a full-time student at college or university 1 = Yes 2 = No 8 = Refused 9 = Don’t know

Chapter 6- SimCrime: A Spatial Microsimulation for Crime in Leeds 111

respsec2: Respondent National Statistics Socio-Economic Classification (NS-SEC) 1.10 = Large employers and higher managerial occupations 1.20 = Higher professional occupations 2.00 = Lower managerial and professional occupations 3.00 = Intermediate occupations 4.00 = Small employers and own account workers 5.00 = Lower supervisory and technical occupations 6.00 = Semi-routine occupations 7.00 = Routine occupations 8.00 = Never worked 9.00 = Not classified

numcars: Number of cars

tenharm: ONS Harmonised Tenure type 1 = Owners 2 = Social rented sector 3 = Private rented sector

3) Constraint Tables

Generally, the more constraint variables used the better the synthetic microdata dataset produced. However, the more constraint variables are added in, the more comparisons with the real data will be required which means more time will have to be spent running the model. It has been noted that using a different set of constraints would generate different results (Huang and Williamson, 2001). The constraint variables in this study were chosen as they are potential predictors for crime analysis. Specifically, stepwise multiple regression was used to identify the best predictors (see the detail in previous chapter, § 5.6.9). Three cross-tabulation tables from the 2001 Census Area Statistics (CAS) were used to cover the seven constraining variables (Table 6.1) including table CS004: Age by Sex and Living Arrangements, table CS047: National Statistics- Socio Economic Classification (NS-Sec) by Tenure, and table CS061: Tenure and Car or Van Availability by Economic Activity (Table 6.2). All data is at the output area level. There are 2,439 output areas in Leeds.

Chapter 6- SimCrime: A Spatial Microsimulation for Crime in Leeds 112

Table 6.1: SimCrime constraint variables

SimCrime Constraint Variables Categories

Aged 16-24 Age Aged 25-34 Aged 35-49 Aged 50-74

Male Sex Female

Couple Living Arrangement Not couple


Unemployed Economic Activity Inactive

Full-time Student

Owned Tenure Type Rented

No Car Car or Van availability One Car Two or more car

Higher Managerial and professional occupations Lower Managerial and professional occupations Intermediate occupations Small employers and own account workers Socio-economic Classification Lower supervisory and technical occupations Semi-routine occupations Routine occupations Never worked and long-term unemployed Not classified

Chapter 6- SimCrime: A Spatial Microsimulation for Crime in Leeds 113

Table 6.2: SimCrime constraint tables

CS004: Age by Sex and Living Arrangements: CS047: NS_Sec by Tenure: CS061: Tenure and Car or Van Availability by Economic Activity: All People in Households (16 categories) All people in Households Aged 16-74 (18 categories) All People Aged 16 to 74 in Households (24 categories)

1) (Zone Code) 1) (Zone Code) 1) (Zone Code) 2) Male_16-24_couple 2) Higher Managerial and professional occupations_Owned 2) Owned_NoCar_Employed 3) Male_16-24_not couple 3) Higher Managerial and professional occupations_Rented 3) Owned_NoCar_Unemployed 4) Female_16-24_couple 4) Lower Managerial and professional occupations_Owned 4) Owned_NoCar_Inactive 5) Female_16-24_not couple 5) Lower Managerial and professional occupations_Rented 5) Owned_NoCar_FTStudent 6) Male_25-34_couple 6) Intermediate occupations_Owned 6) Owned_1Car_Employed 7) Male_25-34_not couple 7) Intermediate occupations_Rented 7) Owned_1Car_Unemployed 8) Female_25-34_couple 8) Small employers and own account workers_Owned 8) Owned_1Car_Inactive 9) Female_25-34_not couple 9) Small employers and own account workers_Rented 9) Owned_1Car_FTStudent 10) Male_35-49_couple 10) Lower supervisory and technical occupations_Owned 10) Owned_2 or MoreCar_Employed 11) Male_35-49_not couple 11) Lower supervisory and technical occupations_Rented 11) Owned_2 or MoreCar_Unemployed 12) Female_35-49_couple 12) Semi-routine occupations_Owned 12) Owned_2 or MoreCar_Inactive 13) Female_35-49_not couple 13) Semi-routine occupations_Rented 13) Owned_2 or MoreCar_FTStudent 14) Male_50-74_couple 14) Routine occupations_Owned 14) Rented_NoCar_Employed 15) Male_50-74_not couple 15) Routine occupations_Rented 15) Rented_NoCar_Unemployed 16) Female_50-74_couple 16) Never worked and long-term unemployed_Owned 16) Rented_NoCar_Inactive 17) Female_50-74_not couple 17) Never worked and long-term unemployed_Rented 17) Rented_NoCar_FTStudent 18) Not classified_Owned 18) Rented_1Car_Employed 19) Not classified_Rented 19) Rented_1Car_Unemployed 20) Rented_1Car_Inactive 21) Rented_1Car_FTStudent 22) Rented_2 or MoreCar_Employed 23) Rented_2 or MoreCar_Unemployed 24) Rented_2 or MoreCar_Inactive 25) Rented_2 or MoreCar_FT Student

Chapter 6- SimCrime: A Spatial Microsimulation for Crime in Leeds 114

4) Group Number (Number of people in small area)

‘Group Number’ is the number of people in each small area (expected count). To run the program we need to specify how many people we want to populate in each small area. This is according to the census counts. However, as mentioned in § 4.2.1 there are inconsistencies between the constraint tables produced by official disclosure control measures. The unfortunate result of this process is that there can be different numbers of people in the different tables for a given output area. The impact is that the simulated annealing process may not find the combination of individuals that would match every constraining table perfectly (Huang and Williamson, 2001). In some cases it would be unlikely to achieve an absolute error of zero and will always run until the iteration limit is matched (Ballas, 2001). This can produce a high error for the synthetic population (when compared with the real population) in some areas.

6.2.2 Input Adjustment

Given the problems mentioned above, it is therefore necessary to adjust the ‘Group Number’ and the constraint tables before using them. It should be noted that there is no way of deriving a true estimate of the number of residents or households prior to the imposition of disclosure control. However it is possible to improve on the method by extending the search for the same variable totals to tables in different datasets.

There are two steps needed to adjust the constraint tables. First is to adjust the ‘Group Number’ (number of people in the small areas that we want to populate). To do this the mean value of all related tables is used to give the number of people aged 16-74 in households for each small area. Secondly, each table cell is adjusted such that the row totals match these means.

The number of people in each cell is given by

Number of people from the constraint table x Group Number Total Sum for each area of the constraint table (6.1)

Chapter 6- SimCrime: A Spatial Microsimulation for Crime in Leeds 115

Figure 6.1 shows the (original) constraint table from the census on the left and the adjusted constraint table on the right. The number of people for output area 00DAFA0001 in the adjusted table is 115, which is derived from 116 divided by the total sum of people in that area (from the constraint table) and multiplied by the ‘Group Number’.

As can be seen we attempt to minimise discrepancies between the totals of the constraint tables using this method. Although the adjusted tables may not be more accurate than the original CAS table, the adjustment method ensures the constraint tables are more consistent or at least can be guaranteed to produce the smallest discrepancy. Despite this, a rounding error of up to + 5 can be expected.

Figure 6.1: Constraint table adjusted method

Chapter 6- SimCrime: A Spatial Microsimulation for Crime in Leeds 116

6.2.3 Model Execution Process

The algorithmic steps of the Simulated Annealing-Based Reweighting Program are as follows:

Step 1: Read in model file Step 2: Read in constraint tables and microdata records referenced in the model file. Step 3: Query the microdata according to the definitions in the model file Step 4: Select sufficient individuals at random to populate the tables. Step 5: Apply simulated annealing to find the best fitting set of individuals by the step 3 query result. Step 6: When error = 0 or iteration count is exceeded then write out the best set of records.

Clearly, the program starts by reading in the model file (see Appendix D) which contains the path to all input datasets. Then the constraint table files are read in followed by the microdata file and the ‘Group Number’ file. The first key part of the program is the ‘microdata filtering process’. During this process the algorithm goes through the entire microdata database and checks whether an individual potentially fits into each column of the constrainting tables for the current area. This operation essentially links variables in one dataset to similar, but not identical, variables in another dataset. The filter queries the microdata by using logic operations and conditions including:

- OR - AND - OR NOT - AND NOT - = - ‘some value’ < ‘Variable’ < ‘some value’ - ‘some value’ < ‘Variable’ =< ‘some value’ - ‘some value’ =< ‘Variable’ < ‘some value’ - ‘some value’ =< ‘Variable’ =< ‘some value’

Chapter 6- SimCrime: A Spatial Microsimulation for Crime in Leeds 117

For example, for the column of ‘Rented_1Car_Employed’ (people who are employed living in rented house and have 1 car) the following variables were queried.


Where: TENHARM is tenure type (2=Social rented sector; 3=Private rented sector) REMPLOY is Employment status (1 = Employed) NUMCARS is Number of Cars INDIVI#DUAL is individual microdata

Another example is useful: for the column ‘Male_25-34_not couple’ the following variables were queried.


Where: MARST is marital status (1 = Single, that is, never married, 3 = Married and separated from husband/wife, 4 = Divorced, 5 = Widowed) SEX (1= male)

Through this process, we gain information as to whether the individuals fit each of the column constraints for all tables. Figure 6.2 shows the results of the ‘microdata filtering process’. Each individual is checked to see whether or not it fits the column constraints. If it fits the system returns 1, otherwise it returns 0.

Chapter 6- SimCrime: A Spatial Microsimulation for Crime in Leeds 118

: : ID List Male_16-24_couple Male_25-34_couple Male_25-34_couple Male_35-49_couple Male_50-74_couple Female_16-24_couple Female_16-24_couple Female_25-34_couple Female_35-49_couple Female_50-74_couple Male_16-24_not couple couple Male_16-24_not couple Male_25-34_not couple Male_35-49_not couple Male_50-74_not Owned_1Car_Employed Owned_1Car_Employed Female_16-24_not couple Female_16-24_not couple Female_25-34_not couple Female_35-49_not couple Female_50-74_not Owned_NoCar_Employed Owned_NoCar_Unemploy 11002130 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. .. 1 11006020 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 .. .. 0 11010040 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 .. .. 0 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : .. .. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : .. .. : 25068320 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 .. .. 0

Figure 6.2: The process to check each individual fits the column constraints

The second key part is the ‘simulated annealing process’. This searches for the best combinations of individuals based on the result of the filtering process. It is used to swap out individuals until the microsimulated individuals match the aggregate area statistics for a variety of census data. A simple example can be described. Assume that if there are 200 people in a particular output area according to the census and 100 are females and the remaining 100 are males. The aim of simulated annealing is to find the set of people that best fit this sex constraint. To do this an initial random sample of records is selected from the BCS until sufficient individuals are represented (which is 200 in this example). Then, individuals are swapped to improve the match with the census statistics (male 100 and female 100). The ‘simulated annealing process’ is applied in an iterative manner. It is repeated with the aim of gradually improving the fit between the observed data and the selected combination of individuals from the BCS. A record is randomly selected and then replaced, with the replacement being kept if it improves the ‘error’ when compared with the constraint table (details of this procedure can be found in § 3.6). Each pair of tables is compared and the absolute error is calculated (Table 6.3 in § 6.3).

In particular, we adopted a similar methodology to SimLeeds 2 used by Ballas (2001). SimCrime uses a similar object-oriented simulated annealing algorithm to minimise the difference between constraint tables from the 2001 Census Area Statistics and tables aggregated from synthetic microdata. In order to do this an initially selected individual is selected at random and replaced with one selected at random from the entire records. The error is recalculated and the change in error (Δe) is calculated. If Δe is less than zero, the change will be automatically accepted as an improvement. If not then, exp(-Δe/t) is

2 A spatial microsimulation model that has been used to explore the potential spatial impact of a factory closure in Leeds at ward level, and to estimate the geographical impact of other national social policies (Ballas, 2001; Ballas and Clarke, 2001a, b)

Chapter 6- SimCrime: A Spatial Microsimulation for Crime in Leeds 119

compared to a random number between 0 to 1. If it is greater than the random number, the change is accepted; else the change is rejected and reversed. If Δe is 0 the change is accepted to allow the exploration of a greater part of the solution space. If the new error is the best seen so far the set of individuals is kept. The whole process is summarised in Figure 6.3. The process will continue until certain conditions (control parameters) are reached.

To find the best possible solution within available time the parameters must be carefully specified for the simulated annealing algorithm. These are an initial temperature, the percentage of temperature reduction each iteration, the number of iterations to be performed at each temperature step and a stopping criterion for the search.

The temperature plays an important role as a ‘control parameter’. It is initially set high and then slowly lowered. Master (1995) showed that at higher initial temperatures there are usually less iterations. When the temperature drops there are more iterations. In this study the algorithm begins with a very broad search area and the distance searched at the reduced new temperature will be less than its predecessor. But how quickly or how much should the temperature reduction be each time? It has been found that if the temperature drops too slowly a large amount of computation time may be required. If it drops too quickly we may not find the best solution because the fast reduction may be too confining (which can cause the algorithm to get stuck in a local minimum).

To run the Simulated Annealing-Based Reweighting Program these control parameters were set: ƒ Initial Temperature = 10,000 ƒ Max Iterations = 10,000 ƒ Dropping Percentage = 0.05 ƒ Number of Model Restarts = 3 times (the ‘simulated annealing process’ is repeated three times and the best result is retained)

It should be noted that the Simulated Annealing-Based Reweighting Program is very computationally intensive, particularly when several constraint tables are introduced. A simulation can take more than a day to run if relative high temperatures and a large number of iterations and number of model restarts are chosen. Most computing time is spent on comparisons between constraint tables and aggregated microdata. A powerful computer cluster enables high parameters to be set. For example, to run in a parallel manner using 15 nodes or 30 Central Processing Units (CPUs) (memory = 1 Gigabyte per node) on a Beowulf Cluster requires more than 12 hours using the parameters described above.

Chapter 6- SimCrime: A Spatial Microsimulation for Crime in Leeds 120


People Aged 16-74 in HHs 3 Constraint Tables The BCS Microdata CS004 CS061 CS047 Number of people 16 categories 24 categories 18 categories 1,642 variables

2,439 x 1 2,439 x 16 2,439 x 24 2,439 x 18 32,824 x 1,642 cells cells cells cells cells

32,824 individuals 2,439 Output Areas 2,439 Output Areas

Apply Simulated Annealing A record is randomly selected and then replaced for the best error by comparing with the constraint table

(Each pair of tables are compared and the absolute error will be calculated)

Rules If the change in error (Δe) < 0 The change is accepted unconditionally (as an improvement). If exp(-Δe/ t) > random number (0-1) The change is accepted probabilistically Else The change is rejected and reversed If the absolute error = 0 Stop searching

The process will continue until certain conditions are reached


List of Individuals (with the attributes) Aged 16-74 in Households Error Report by Output Area at Output Area Level

2,439 Output Areas 2,439 Output 514,523 individuals

Figure 6.3: SimCrime Framework

Chapter 6- SimCrime: A Spatial Microsimulation for Crime in Leeds 121

6.2.4 Model Output

The output from the Simulated Annealing-Based Reweighting Program comprises of two files:

1) Synthetic population microdata: The list of individuals with their associated demographic and socio-economic characteristics. In addition, the attributes include victimisation-related variables from the 2001/2002 BCS. There are 514,523 individuals aged 16-74 in households in Leeds whose characteristics match the characteristics of the 514,523 individuals living in Leeds, as shown in the 2001 Census. 2) An error report by output area: The error report provides information on the difference between distributions of each constraint table and the synthetic microdata at the output area level. Each cell shows the absolute difference between the estimated and expected count (Table 6.3c).

It should be noted that the microsimulation enables us to estimate populations and simulate new cross-classifications that are unavailable from published sources such as the census. One of the major advantages of spatial microsimulation models is the ability to estimate geographical distributions of socio-economic variables which were previously unknown (Ballas, 2001). For example, it becomes possible to identify individuals with the characteristics of being male aged 16-24, unemployed and living in a rented house, i.e. people associated with a higher propensity to commit crime. Figures 6.4 to 6.7 show some model outputs. In particular, Figure 6.4 depicts the estimated spatial distribution of female single, widowed, or divorced, aged 25-49 living in rented house by output area. Figure 6.5 shows the distribution of full-time students aged 20-30 living in rented houses by output area. As can be seen, there are concentrations in some wards such as Headingley, University and City and Holbeck. Likewise, Figure 6.6 depicts the distribution of high-class households with owner occupier status and having at least 1 car. Again, as mentioned in Chapter 3, once the list of individuals and their attributes has been estimated, they can be aggregated to any spatial scale. Figure 6.7 depicts the distribution by ward of males, aged 16-24, who are unemployed and living in rented accommodation.

Chapter 6- SimCrime: A Spatial Microsimulation for Crime in Leeds 122

Oldwards Females SWD aged 25-49 in rented house 0 0 - 5 6 - 12 13 - 20 21 - 31 32 - 68

Figure 6.4: Distribution of female single, widowed, or divorced aged 25-49 living in rented house by output area in Leeds

Figure 6.5: Distribution of full-time student aged 20-30 living in rented house by output area

Chapter 6- SimCrime: A Spatial Microsimulation for Crime in Leeds 123

Figure 6.6: Distribution of high-class households with owner occupier having at least 1 car

Figure 6.7: Distribution of male aged 16-24 unemployed and living in the rented house by ward

Chapter 6- SimCrime: A Spatial Microsimulation for Crime in Leeds 124

6.3 Evaluation of Synthetic Microdata

The objective of generating synthetic microdata is to generate data that does not currently exist for small areas. Therefore validation is difficult. This is one of the biggest drawbacks of the microsimulation framework. However, as Ballas (2001) pointed out, one way of validating microsimulation model outputs is to re-aggregate estimated datasets to levels at which observed datasets exist and compare the estimated distributions with the observed. The model outputs in this study are therefore evaluated in terms of their match to the constraint tables (socio-economic characteristics of individuals) from the census at the output area level.

The fit of a combination of individuals to known small area constraints is evaluated by the Total Absolute Error (TAE), the sum of the absolute differences between estimated and observed counts:

TAE = ∑ U ij − Tij (6.2) ij

Where U ij is the observed count for the row i in column j

Tij is the expected count for the row i in column j

Ideally, an optimal solution would have a TAE of 0 which means there is no difference between the observed and estimated counts, in other words a ‘perfect fit’. Table 6.3c shows the difference between a constraint table (Table 6.3a) and synthetic microdata (Table 6.3b). For example, for the output area DAFA0003 the program produced 13 males aged 16-24 living as a couple but from the census there are 12 people. Therefore, the absolute different is 1. The sum of each row is the TAE for each area. To compare across tables, the Standardised Absolute Error (SAE) can be used. This is the TAE divided by the total expected count for each table. From table 6.3, it can be seen that total population for the output area DAFA0003 is 318. The TAE for this area is therefore 4. The SAE is 0.0125, from 4 divided by 318.

Chapter 6- SimCrime: A Spatial Microsimulation for Crime in Leeds 125

Table 6.3: Comparing the distribution of constraint table and synthetic microdata to get the Total Absolute Error (TAE).

6.3a: Constrainted table3

Table CS004: Age by Sex and Living Arrangements (People aged 16-74 in Households)

Output Area Zone Code Male_16-24_couple couple Male_16-24_not Female_16-24_couple couple Female_16-24_not Male_25-34_couple couple Male_25-34_not Female_25-34_couple couple Female_25-34_not Male_35-49_couple couple Male_35-49_not Female_35-49_couple couple Female_35-49_not Male_50-74_couple couple Male_50-74_not Female_50-74_couple couple Female_50-74_not DAFA0001 3 11 6 8 16 16 16 6 21 11 18 12 30 9 29 15 DAFA0002 0 9 3 10 20 3 21 9 24 3 29 8 35 9 26 6 DAFA0003 0 12 4 4 27 17 28 9 40 14 37 16 40 9 40 23 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : DAGK0083 3 8 3 13 6 6 8 5 19 6 18 9 14 9 17 14

6.3b: The distribution of synthetic population4

Synthetic Population

Output Area Zone Code

Male_16-24_couple couple Male_16-24_not Female_16-24_couple couple Female_16-24_not Male_25-34_couple couple Male_25-34_not Female_25-34_couple couple Female_25-34_not Male_35-49_couple couple Male_35-49_not Female_35-49_couple couple Female_35-49_not Male_50-74_couple couple Male_50-74_not Female_50-74_couple couple Female_50-74_not DAFA0001 3 11 6 8 16 16 16 6 21 11 18 12 30 9 29 15 DAFA0002 0 9 3 10 20 3 21 9 24 3 29 8 35 9 26 6 DAFA0003 0 13 4 4 27 17 28 9 40 14 37 13 40 9 40 23 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : DAGK0083 3 8 5 13 6 6 8 5 19 6 18 9 13 9 17 14

6.3c: Compare constraint table and the synthetic microdata to get TAE of each area

The absolute difference between the observed and estimated tabulations

Output Area TAE Zone Code Male_16-24_not couple couple Male_16-24_not Female_16-24_couple couple Female_16-24_not Male_16-24_couple Male_25-34_couple couple Male_25-34_not Female_25-34_couple couple Female_25-34_not Male_35-49_couple couple Male_35-49_not Female_35-49_couple couple Female_35-49_not Male_50-74_couple couple Male_50-74_not Female_50-74_couple couple Female_50-74_not DAFA0001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DAFA0002 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DAFA0003 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 4 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : DAGK0083 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3

Source: 2001 Census Area Statistics and SimCrime Model

3 Table CS004 from the 2001 Census 4 From SimCrime

Chapter 6- SimCrime: A Spatial Microsimulation for Crime in Leeds 126

The simulated annealing method is a semi-stochastic process because the initial position is selected randomly. Model reliability is judged by the variability of the model fits between runs. To assess the variability the model was run ten times. Table 6.4 presents a comparison of the SAE between the runs. As can be seen the Simulated Annealing Based-Reweighting Program produced relatively consistent results (because there are few differences between the ten runs).

Figures 6.8 to 6.11 depict the spatial distribution of SAE by output area from the 8th run. There are 2,439 output areas in Leeds. The number in the bracket shows the number of the output area for each SAE group. In particular, Figure 6.8 depicts the spatial distribution of SAE for age and sex by living arrangement. As can be seen the overwhelming majority of output areas (1,318 output areas) have a SAE of 0 which means there is no difference between the observed and estimated counts and the maximum error is low at only 4.2 per cent. Figure 6.9 shows the spatial distribution of SAE for NS-SEC by tenure type. The maximum error is also low at 6.8 per cent and there are a large number of output areas that have a SAE of less than 10 per cent. The distribution of SAE for tenure type and car or van availability by economic activity is shown in Figure 6.10. As can be seen 1,466 output areas have a SAE less than 1 per cent but the maximum error is higher at 34 per cent. However, there are few output areas with a high error. Figure 6.11 depicts the SAE for all constraint variables. The SAE are higher and the maximum error is 34 per cent. It is evident from this that the more variables are added in, the less perfect the fit with the census statistics. However, the overall results from the Simulated Annealing-Based Reweighting Program show that a large number of output areas match the socio-economic characteristics from the 2001 Census very well. Only a few output areas are less well represented. This means that the synthetic population has characteristics that are very close to the real population shown in the census.

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Table 6.4: Standardised Absolute Error (SAE) between runs

Number of Output Areas Run Time Perfect Fit 0.0010.10 SAE for all tables (58 columns) 1st Run 157 566 1,532 156 28 2nd Run 155 569 1,527 159 29 3rd Run 158 561 1,531 160 29 4th Run 162 551 1,544 154 28 5th Run 158 571 1,525 157 28 6th Run 156 558 1,542 155 28 7th Run 170 535 1,551 155 28 8th Run 158 577 1,519 156 29 9th Run 161 562 1,529 159 28 10th Run 161 550 1,547 153 28 Run Time SAE for Tenure and Car by Econ (24 columns) 1st Run 930 547 892 46 24 2nd Run 928 550 888 48 25 3rd Run 932 543 893 47 24 4th Run 921 560 885 47 26 5th Run 928 540 899 48 24 6th Run 941 528 895 49 26 7th Run 944 517 903 49 26 8th Run 952 514 899 47 27 9th Run 926 530 910 48 25 10th Run 914 540 912 48 25 Run Time SAE for NS_SEC by Tenure (18 columns) 1st Run 798 1,149 490 2 0 2nd Run 793 1,147 496 3 0 3rd Run 801 1,150 487 1 0 4th Run 795 1,152 491 1 0 5th Run 794 1,154 490 1 0 6th Run 792 1,166 479 2 0 7th Run 796 1,162 480 1 0 8th Run 805 1,152 479 3 0 9th Run 812 1,143 481 3 0 10th Run 816 1,156 464 3 0 Run Time SAE for Age by Sex & Living Arrangement (16 columns) 1st Run 1,319 691 429 0 0 2nd Run 1,317 688 434 0 0 3rd Run 1,320 686 433 0 0 4th Run 1,308 707 424 0 0 5th Run 1,317 695 427 0 0 6th Run 1,313 692 434 0 0 7th Run 1,337 673 429 0 0 8th Run 1,318 689 432 0 0 9th Run 1,329 687 423 0 0 10th Run 1,322 686 431 0 0 Maximum of Standardised Absolute Error (SAE) Run Time Total Tenure and Car by Age by Sex and (58 columns) Econ NS_SEC by Tenure Living arrangement (24 columns) (18 columns) (16 columns) 1st Run 0.34 0.34 0.09 0.04 2nd Run 0.34 0.34 0.10 0.04 3rd Run 0.35 0.35 0.08 0.04 4th Run 0.35 0.34 0.10 0.04 5th Run 0.35 0.34 0.06 0.04 6th Run 0.34 0.34 0.08 0.04 7th Run 0.35 0.34 0.06 0.04 8th Run 0.34 0.34 0.07 0.04 9th Run 0.35 0.35 0.07 0.04 10th Run 0.34 0.34 0.06 0.04 Control Parameters Temperature = 10,000 Iterations = 10,000 Dropping Percentage = 0.05 Number of Model Restart = 3

Source: SimCrime Note: 2,439 Output Areas in Leeds TAE = Difference between distribution of constraint table and synthesis microdata SAE = TAE divided by the total expected count for the table

Chapter 6- SimCrime: A Spatial Microsimulation for Crime in Leeds 128

Note for Figure 6.8-6.11: The number in the bracket show the number of the output area for each SAE group. There are 2,439 output areas in Leeds. Source: SimCrime

SAE of Age and Sex by Living Arrangement 0 / Perfect fit (1,318) 0.001 - 0.01 (689) 0.01 - 0.02 (377) 0.02 - 0.03 (51) 0.3-0.042 (4)

Figure 6.8: Spatial distribution of SAE for age and sex by living arrangement at output area level.

SAE of NS-SEC by Tenure type 0 - 0.002 (811) 0.002 - 0.007 (786) 0.007 - 0.013 (588) 0.013 - 0.027 (233) 0.027 - 0.068 (21)

Figure 6.9: Spatial distribution of SAE for NS-SEC by tenure type at output area level.

Chapter 6- SimCrime: A Spatial Microsimulation for Crime in Leeds 129

SAE of Tenure type and Car by Econ 0 - 0.01 (1,466) 0.01 - 0.029 (706) 0.029 - 0.074 (234) 0.074 - 0.175 (23) 0.175 - 0.342 (10)

Figure 6.10: Spatial distribution of SAE for tenure type and car or van availability by economic activity at output area level.

SAE of all tables 0 - 0.017 (1,213) 0.017 - 0.036 (802) 0.036 - 0.072 (367) 0.072 - 0.147 (43) 0.147 - 0.342 (14)

Figure 6.11: Spatial distribution of SAE for all constraints at output area level.

Chapter 6- SimCrime: A Spatial Microsimulation for Crime in Leeds 130

6.4 Concluding Comments

This chapter has presented the SimCrime spatial microsimulation model. First, a population of synthetic individuals was created with the Simulated Annealing-Based Reweighting Program. A microdata dataset from the 2001/2002 BCS, which can be seen as the parent population, is geographically distributed to represent the population at the micro-spatial scale. The distributed people had attached details of their age, sex, living arrangement, economic activity, tenure type, car or van availability and socio-economic classification, which correspond to variables found in the 2001 Census. As mentioned in § 3.4, a great advantage of spatial microsimulation is the ability to link data from different sources. This creates new population cross-classifications unavailable from published sources. SimCrime used data from the 2001/2002 BCS to add victim related and other non-census attributes to the microsimulated database. In the context of this thesis these attributes are the most important for modelling crime and this process will be described in the next chapter. It was argued that the constraint tables should be adjusted to minimise discrepancies between the total populations in small areas. The adjustment method proposed in this chapter ensured the constraint tables were more consistent. The perfect match would be likely if there was only one constraint. However, in this study the simulated annealing technique was used to select individuals that match several constraints. It should be noted that the more variables (gender, age, marital status, employment status etc.) are added in, the harder it becomes to get an exact match and the less perfect the match with the census statistics. Nevertheless, the Simulated Annealing-Based Reweighting Program generated (for the majority of output areas) a good match for the socio-economic characteristics from the census. Only some output areas are less well represented. The simulated annealing technique has been shown to be a useful tool for finding the global optimal solution. However it is computationally intensive. Most computing time is spent on evaluating the difference between constraint tables and synthetic microdata. To assess model reliability multiple runs are necessary.

Spatial microsimulation is as much an art as it is a science. The quality of the synthetic population is likely to be affected by the size of the sample used as a microdata database, the number of constraint variables, the consistency of constraint tables, and the value of the control parameters of the simulated annealing method. It should be noted that once the list of individuals and their attributes has been simulated, the individuals can be aggregated to any geographical scale.

The SimCrime database provides a synthetic population which is used to undertake analyses of being a victim of crime at the small area level in Leeds in the next chapter.

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 131

Chapter 7 Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level

7.1 Introduction 7.2 Comparing the Victim Estimation and Police Recorded Crime 7.3 Victim Estimation 7.3.1 Victim of Burglary Dwelling Estimation 7.3.2 Index of Wealth 7.3.3 Burglary Dwelling Victimisation Rate 7.3.4 Risk of Becoming a Victim of Burglary Dwelling: Household Characteristics Most at Risk 7.4 Recorded Crime Estimation 7.4.1 Recorded Burglary Dwelling Estimation 7.4.2 High Risk Areas of Burglary Dwelling 7.5 Reporting Crime in Leeds 7.6 Concluding Comments

7.1 Introduction

Spatial detail is of utmost importance when examining crime statistics. When it comes to offenders, victims, and offences it is important to take account not only of the number of events but also their locations. Although the British Crime Survey (BCS) provides rich information about levels of crime and crime victimisation, it cannot be used to explain crime victimisation for small geographical units. The BCS now provides limited information at the police force area level, but not for smaller areas. The process of modelling crime using a spatial microsimulation in this study is different from traditional approaches to modelling crime which are normally based on statistical regression approaches. From the previous chapter it can be seen that SimCrime provides a synthetic microdata dataset. Each individual has crime victimisation variables from the BCS associated with them. Therefore, it is possible to make small area estimates of being a victim of crime by aggregating up to any spatial scale.

This chapter describes the estimation of crime at the ward level. There are two types of estimation: ‘victim of crime estimation’ and ‘recorded crime estimation’. ‘Victim of crime estimation’ aims to quantify the chances of being a victim of crime whether or not the crime is reported to the police, while ‘recorded crime estimation’ aims to estimate only crimes that are recorded by the police. High risk areas of burglary dwelling in Leeds are also highlighted and household characteristics most at risk are estimated.

7.2 Comparing the Victim Estimation and Police Recorded Crime To estimate the likelihood of being a victim of each crime type, it is important to ensure comparability with recorded crime, which is based on National Crime Recording Standard (NCRS) and Home Office Counting Rules (instructions issued to the police by the Home

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 132

Office on how the police should count and classify crime). Thus, the incidents estimated need to be adjusted to produce a comparable subset of offences. For example, burglary dwelling is recorded by the police if a person enters any building as a trespasser and with intent to commit an offence of theft, rape, grievous bodily harm or unlawful damage. Therefore, to estimate burglary dwelling we need to combine two variables in the microdata database: the variable “yrhothef” which records whether anyone got into the residence to steal/try to steal and “yrhotry”, which records whether anyone tried to get into the residence to steal/cause damage.

However, for small area estimates there is an additional problem: a mismatch between the place of residence and the place of victimisation can occur. The problem is that the recorded crime data provides information about ‘where the crimes occur’, but in the BCS there is no question that can identify ‘where the crime took place’. Models based on the BSC are, therefore, by necessity modelled on the basis of where the victims live. A person from a given area could be victimised in another area. This means that in cases which assume that place of residence is the same as the place of victimisation, there will be an associated error. It can be argued that in the BCS itself there is no problem with this because the BCS is used to explain crime victimisation for the whole country not for small areas. For comparative purposes, this study therefore estimates only burglary dwelling crime for which the place of residence and victimisation are the same.

7.3 Victim Estimation To estimate the likelihood of being a victim of crime the assumption is that if the synthetic population from SimCrime have the same characteristics as the population from the BCS, they will have the same propensity to be a victim of crime. Crime victimisation variables attached to each individual in the SimCrime microdata from the BCS make it possible to build up estimated aggregate statistics to any spatial scale using GIS.

The main purpose of this section is to estimate the number of victims of burglary dwelling in 2001/02, including those not reported to, or recorded by, the police. Section 7.3.1 provides the estimated number of victims of burglary dwelling at ward level in Leeds. The method for comparing wealth of an area in terms of proximity is described in § 7.3.2. Section 7.3.3 gives a picture of the high risk areas of burglary dwelling victimisation. The risk of becoming a victim, or household characteristics most associated with risk of burglary dwelling are also described in §7.3.4.

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 133

7.3.1 Victim of Burglary Dwelling Estimation

The estimation of victims of burglary dwelling is based on the characteristics of the demographic and socio-economic nature of the people living in an area. In Table 7.1 comparisons are made between the police recorded burglary dwelling during 2001/02 and the estimated number of victims of burglary dwelling for the same period. The last column to the right shows the difference between the police recorded data and the estimated number of victims. It should be noted that there will always be a difference between the number of recorded crimes and the numbers of victims. Generally, the crime recording process starts when someone reports that a crime has been committed (after the victim has made the choice as to whether or not to report it to the police) or the police observe or discover a crime. In the latter case the police decide whether to record it as a crime or not (Figure 7.1).




3 Record? Report Figure 7.1: Crime recording process

Source: 1) CUSU (2005) 2) Victim of Crime in Scotland (undated) 3) South Yorkshire Police (undated)

As can be seen from Figure 7.2 the estimated number of victims is much higher than the figures from the police records. There are three main reasons for the difference between these two figures. First, many of the crimes in the BCS will not have been reported to the police; second, not all those reports will have been recorded; and third, there is undoubtedly a model error involved in the SimCrime estimation.

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 134

Table 7.1: Victim of burglary dwelling estimation from the SimCrime Figure 7.2: Comparing estimated number of victims and police recorded burglary dwelling 2001/02

Recorded Estimated Ward Burglary Dwelling Victim of Burglary Difference 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2001/02 Dwelling Aireborough Aireborough 295 647 352 Armley Armley 380 694 314 Barwick and Kippax Barwick and Kippax 203 555 352 Beeston Beeston 287 530 243 Bramley Bramley 469 592 123 Burmantofts Burmantofts 612 661 49 Chapel A llerton Chapel Allerton 729 585 -144 City and Holbeck City and Holbeck 632 646 14 Cookridge Cookridge 426 581 155 Garforth and Swillington Garforth and Swillington 216 543 327 Halton Halton 287 472 185 Harehills Harehills 702 676 -26 Headingley Headingley 1,391 1,576 185 Horsforth 453 598 145 Horsforth Hunslet 295 487 192 Hunslet Kirkstall 832 732 -100 Kirkstall Middleton 338 524 186 Middleton Moortown 567 590 23 Moortown Morley North 210 633 423 Morley North Morley South 261 709 448 Morley South North 551 532 -19 North Otley and Wharfedale 240 633 393 Otley and Wharfedale Pudsey North 364 555 191 Pudsey North Pudsey South 259 537 278 Pudsey South Richmond Hill 711 565 -146 Richmond Hill Rothwell 272 605 333 Rothwell Roundhay 694 642 -52 Roundhay Seacroft 547 443 -104 Seacroft University 997 1,064 67 University Weetwood 645 705 60 Weetwood Wetherby 168 681 513 Wetherby Whinmoor 334 402 68 Whinmoor Burglary_recorded 01/02 Wortley 326 583 257 Wortley Victim of Burglary (Estimation) Total 15,693 20,978 5,285 Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police and SimCrime Source: West Yorkshire Police and SimCrime

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 135

According to the SimCrime estimation, the difference between the total of the two sets of figures for Leeds is 5,285 incidents (Table 7.1). Assuming no model errors this would mean that the recording rate for burglary dwelling in Leeds is 74.81%. At the ward level, SimCrime estimates being a victim of burglary dwelling is highest in Headingley and University with over 1,000 burglaries. However, it has been found that SimCrime under- estimates being a victim of crime in a small group of wards including Chapel Allerton, Harehills, Richmond Hill, Seacroft, Kirkstall, North, and Roundhay. From their demographic and socio-economic status alone, they appear to have lower burglary dwelling incidents that might be expected. A closer look at these wards produces a simple explanation of their outlier status. According to information on the Indices of Multiple Deprivation for wards 2000, Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) constructed by the Index Team at Oxford University for the Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions (using combinations of six domain scores of income, employment, health deprivation and disability, education, skills and training, housing, and geographical access to services), Seacroft, Harehills, Richmond Hill, and Chapel Allerton are very deprived areas with a Multiple Deprivation Index of 55.07, 54.07, 52.52, and 42.5 respectively (Figure 7.3). They also have a large number of burglars resident in the areas (Figure 7.4). Kirkstall does not have as high as level of deprivation (29.22) as Seacroft, Harehills, Richmond Hill, and Chapel Allerton but it does have much higher numbers of burglars living in the area. It should be noted that burglary dwelling incidents in these areas (Seacroft, Harehills, Richmond Hill, Chapel Allerton, and Kirkstall) were committed mainly by their own residents (Figure 7.5) (more detail about self-containment can be found in the next chapter). It has also been found that high deprivation has high degrees of self-containment for burglary dwelling (Figure 7.6). The outlier status of these wards therefore suggests that it is because of the close proximity to offenders. It can be argued that proximity to areas of offender residence raises the risk of burglary dwelling since offenders tend to target victims in close proximity to their residences.

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 136

Index of Multiple Deprivation



Richmond Hill

Chapel Allerton

Index of Multiple Deprivation Less than 10 11 - 20 N 21- 30 W E 31- 40 S More than 40

Figure 7.3: Index of Multiple Deprivation by ward Source: Derived from ONS (2003)

Number of Burglars


Number of burglars 8 - 28 29 - 82

83 - 161 N

162 - 299 W E Kirkstall 300 - 436 S

Figure 7.4: Number of burglars resident by ward

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 137

Self-Contained of Burglary Dwelling



Richmond Hill

Self-Contained of Burglary Dwelling 1.61 - 12.16 %

12.16 - 28.21 % N 28.21 - 42.65 % 42.65 - 53.69 % W E 53.69 - 63.56 % S

Figure 7.5: Self-containment for burglary dwelling by ward

Relationship between Self-contained and Deprivation 70



(%) Self-Contained 40



10 y = 12.472e0.029x


60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Index of Multiple Deprivation

Figure 7.6: Relationship between self-containment of burglary dwelling and Index of Multiple Deprivation

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 138

Origin of Offenders for Burglary Dwelling Committed in Roundhay



Number of Offenders Chapel Allerton 0 - 1 2 - 4 5 - 9 N 10 - 30 W E 31 - 48 S

Figure 7.7: Catchment area of burglary dwelling for Roundhay ward

Roundhay is another ward where SimCrime under-estimates being a victim of burglary dwelling. Bowers and Hirschfield (1999) have suggested that geography is important in the form of the proximity of wealthy areas to poorer ones. To some degree this can be seen in Leeds. Figure 7.7 shows the catchment area for burglary dwelling in Roundhay (which is an affluent northern Leeds suburb). As can be seen, the area is very attractive for offenders living in Harehills, Burmantofts, and Chapel Allerton. These surrounding areas are much poorer. It should be noted that generally most offenders commit crime in their local areas (more detail will be shown in the next chapter). However, it is very interesting that those burglary dwelling incidents in Roundhay were mainly committed by offenders from the surrounding areas mentioned above. Only 3.90 % of burglaries were committed by local residents. Thus it can be said that wealthier households are very attractive to burglars and it is likely that, more generally, affluent areas surrounded by poor areas will experience relatively higher crime rates than might otherwise be expected. It is therefore incumbent upon any study to try to include such behavioral trends. The method for comparing wealth of an area in terms of proximity will therefore be described in the next section.

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 139

7.3.2 Index of Wealth

The ‘Index of Relative Income’ used to measure inequality and proximity in the study ‘Spatial Patterns of Crime in Israel: Investigating the Effects of Inter-Urban Inequality and Proximity’ by Portnov and Rattner (2003) has been adapted and adjusted to become the Index of Wealth in this study. The Index of Wealth is designed to compare the relative wealth of proximal areas. In fact the best variable that should be used for wealth is income but income data is not available from the 2001 Census. However, it has been found that there is significant relationship between car ownership and income and car ownership is often used as an indicator of income (Clarke, 2003). Car ownership can be used to estimate income and measure social affluence. Therefore, the total number of cars in the areas is used to measure the wealth in this study.

Index of Wealth (IW) is defined using the following:

n n ∑∑(C j H j ) / H j j==11j IWi = (7.1) Ci

Where IWi is Index of Wealth of area i

Ci is number of total cars in ward i

Cj is number of total cars in ward j, located within the neighbourhood of the subject ward i

Hj is number of households of ward j n is the number of wards located in the neighbourhood of ward i

In this study the neighbourhood is taken as wards contiguous to the ward i where necessary wards outside of the study area were included to avoid boundary-condition issues (yellow area in Figure 7.8).

The index above relates a total number of cars in a subject ward i with surrounding wards (j = 1, 2, …, n), while taking into account the number of households of the surrounding wards

(Hi) to avoid the overrepresentation of small zones at the expense of the ward’s large neighbours.

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 140

Figure 7.8: Leeds surrounding areas

Index of Wealth


Roundhay INDEX OF WEALTH 0.503 - 0.750 0.750 - 0.950 0.950 - 1.050 1.050- 1.500 1.500 - 1.762



Figure 7.9: Index of Wealth (calculated from surrounding areas including outside Leeds) Note: If IW > 1 means that a subject ward is poorer than its surrounding wards If IW < 1 indicates that a subject ward is richer than its neighbours

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 141

The resulting values of IW are as follows:

ƒ If IW > 1 indicates that a subject ward is poorer than its surrounding wards (e.g. , IW = 1.5 indicates that the wealth in the surrounding wards is 1.5 times greater than in the subject ward) ƒ If IW < 1 indicates that a subject ward is richer than its neighbours (e.g., IW = 0.5 signifies that the wealth in a subject ward is double that of its neighbours).

Table 7.2 shows Index of Wealth values for the Leeds wards whilst Figure 7.9 maps their distribution. It should be noted that the Index of Wealth provides not only the ‘direction’ (positive or negative) of such a relationship but also the ‘degree’ of that relationship. It can be clearly seen that Roundhay has a very low score (0.744) which in this case means it is much ‘richer’ than it surrounding wards – in other words it is surrounded by much poorer zones. This explains why SimCrime under-estimates being a victim of burglary dwelling in this ward in § 7.3.1. It is most likely to be the effect of the proximity of poor areas. It would be expected that affluent wards surrounded by poor neighbours (IW <1) will have higher crime rates than the model estimates. However, if affluent areas are clustered at some distance from their poor neighbours, crime may not affect such affluent areas uniformly.

From the Index of Wealth it can also be confirmed that Chapel Allerton (IW=1.316), Harehills (IW=1.228), Richmond Hill (IW=1.513), and Seacroft (IW=1.762) are not only deprived areas but also poorer compared with surrounding areas.

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 142

Table 7.2: Index of Wealth values

Number of INDEX Surrounding Ward All cars Number OF WEALTH of HHs Wards Leeds1 Total2 Leeds3 Total4 Aireborough 12,579 10,663 2 5 0.959 0.808 Armley 7,068 9,295 5 5 1.027 1.027 Barwick and Kippax 12,143 9,647 6 13 0.935 0.778 Beeston 4,730 7,053 5 5 1.598 1.598 Bramley 7,059 9,016 5 5 1.279 1.279 Burmantofts 4,494 8,270 6 6 1.259 1.259 Chapel Allerton 5,759 7,949 6 6 1.316 1.316 City and Holbeck 4,907 10,056 7 7 1.151 1.151 Cookridge 10,633 9,216 5 5 1.018 1.018 Garforth and Swillington 11,301 9,598 3 5 0.955 0.842 Halton 10,601 9,500 7 7 0.735 0.735 Harehills 4,886 7,964 5 5 1.228 1.228 Headingley 7,517 9,585 4 4 0.838 0.838 Horsforth 10,916 8,857 7 8 0.924 0.904 Hunslet 3,998 6,940 5 5 1.558 1.558 Kirkstall 6,715 8,730 7 7 1.057 1.057 Middleton 7,455 8,628 5 6 1.252 1.238 Moortown 9,610 8,858 5 5 1.001 1.001 Morley North 11,701 10,414 4 6 0.766 0.713 Morley South 12,828 12,320 2 5 0.762 0.683 North 11,795 9,496 6 7 1.024 1.007 Otley and Wharfedale 13,034 10,345 4 7 0.853 0.780 Pudsey North 11,087 9,630 3 7 0.533 0.503 Pudsey South 9,241 9,252 4 6 0.915 0.800 Richmond Hill 4,223 7,727 6 6 1.513 1.513 Rothwell 9,523 8,729 5 6 0.827 0.838 Roundhay 10,953 8,633 7 7 0.744 0.744 Seacroft 4,333 7,437 5 5 1.762 1.762 University 4,524 10,854 7 7 1.227 1.227 Weetwood 8,457 9,295 6 6 1.014 1.014 Wetherby 15,309 10,714 2 6 0.782 0.645 Whinmoor 6,383 7,104 4 4 1.533 1.533 Wortley 8,481 9,839 5 6 0.911 0.864

Note: If IW > 1 means that a subject ward is poorer than its surrounding wards If IW < 1 indicates that a subject ward is richer than its neighbours 1 is number of surrounding wards in Leeds only 2 is total number of surrounding wards (highlighted number shows number that include wards outside Leeds) 3 is Index of Wealth calculated from surrounding wards in Leeds only 4 is Index of Wealth calculated from surrounding wards both inside and outside Leeds

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 143

7.3.3 Burglary Dwelling Victimisation Rate

Using the results of the number of burglary dwelling victimisation in Table 7.1, in the column ‘Estimated Victim of Burglary Dwelling’ in § 7.3.1, the burglary dwelling victimisation rate (per 1,000 households) can be also estimated.

Burglary dwelling victimisation rate per 1,000 households in an area is derived by

NumberOfVictimOfBurglaryDwelling ×1,000 (7.2) NumberOfHouseholds

Table 7.3 shows victimisation rates of burglary dwelling per 1,000 households. The victimisation rate gives the picture of high risk areas (Figure 7.10). Leeds has an expanding university population. Student numbers are increasing every year and student clustering can be found in Headingley and University wards. Figure 7.10 shows the model’s estimation of victimisation rate per 1,000 households by ward for burglary dwelling in Leeds. As can be seen there are higher risks in inner city areas. The highest risks of burglary dwelling victimisation are in Headingley, University, Harehills, and Kirkstall with the rate 164, 98, 85, and 84 per 1,000 households respectively and is lowest in Halton with the rate 50 per 1,000 households.

Victim Rate per 1000 households of Burglary Dwelling

Headingley Victim Rate Less than 60 University 61 - 70 71 - 80 81 - 90 More than 90 N W E


Figure 7.10: Estimated victim rate per 1,000 households by ward of burglary dwelling in Leeds

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 144

Table 7.3: Victimisation rate of burglary dwelling (estimation)

Victimisation Rate of Burglary Dwelling WARD Per 1000 Households (ESTIMATED)

Aireborough 61 Armley 75 Barwick and Kippax 58 Beeston 75 Bramley 66 Burmantofts 80 Chapel Allerton 74 City and Holbeck 64 Cookridge 63 Garforth and Swillington 57 Halton 50 Harehills 85 Headingley 164 Horsforth 68 Hunslet 70 Kirkstall 84 Middleton 61 Moortown 67 Morley North 61 Morley South 58 North 56 Otley and Wharfedale 61 Pudsey North 58 Pudsey South 58 Richmond Hill 73 Rothwell 69 Roundhay 74 Seacroft 60 University 98 Weetwood 76 Wetherby 64 Whinmoor 57 Wortley 59

Victimisation Rate of Burglary Dwelling of Leeds 70 per 1,000 households

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 145

7.3.4 Risk of Becoming a Victim of Burglary Dwelling: Household Characteristics Most at Risk

With SimCrime we can analyse results by ‘household characteristics’ as well as spatial locations. This section considers the risk of burglary dwelling victimisation for different types of household and shows that there is considerable variation in risk among different groups of the population.

There are different categories of person and household in the SimCrime estimation and in the British Crime Survey (shown in ‘Crime in England and Wales 2001/2002’, an annual report combining the results from the British Crime Survey with police recorded crime figures to give a picture of crime across the country) (Table 7.4). SimCrime estimation is based on the categories in the census to aid comparison with other socio-economic variables.

Table 7.4: Proportion of households being victims of burglary dwelling by household type of the 2001/2002 British Crime Survey

% Victim of burglary dwelling

Age of head of household 16-24 9.1 25-44 4.2 45-64 2.9 65-74 2.0 75+ 2.4

Head of household under 60 Single adult & child(ren) 9.3 Adult & child(ren) 3.5 No children 3.7 Head of household over 60 2.2

Tenure Owner occupiers 2.6 Rented 5.7

Head of household employment status In employment 3.5 Unemployed 5.1 Economically inactive 5.1

Accommodation type Houses 3.2 Detached 2.5 Semi-detached 2.9 Terraced 4.0 Flat 4.7

All household 3.5

Source: Crime in England and Wales 2001/2002 (Simmons, 2002)

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 146

Table 7.5 shows the propensity to be a victim of burglary dwelling for each group of people and households. The percentage of victim of burglary dwelling estimation shown in the table is derived by comparing victim estimation number from SimCrime with total number of each group of people and households from the 2001 Census. The column to the right shows the results of the 2001/2002 BCS that can be compared (same categories) with the SimCrime estimation.

SimCrime estimates that 5.02% of households in Leeds had experience of at least one burglary in the period 2001/2002, which is higher than England and Wales overall (3.5%). SimCrime has also shown that the risk of burglary dwelling victimisation varies considerably across households with different characteristics. Some types of household face higher risks, than others. Overall, it has been found that risks of burglary dwelling victimisation decrease with ‘age of head of household’. This corresponds to previous studies: for example Tseloni et al. (2002). Households most at risk are those where the head of household is young (aged 16-24), though there is a higher risk where the head of household is married has a higher risk compared with those that are single, widowed, or divorced. Socio-economic factors are also related to the risk of burglary dwelling victimisation. Generally, economically disadvantaged households are at higher risk. Most at risk are households where the head of household is unemployed and households where the home is rented tenure (particularly for terrace houses and flats). It is interesting to note that the estimates of burglaries in detached housing in Leeds (8.48 per cent) is much higher than the national average (2.5 per cent). One reason is because there are proportionately fewer detached properties in Leeds, 14.7% compared to 22.8% in England and Wales, and proportionately more semi-detached, 38.8% compared to 31.6%. SimCrime estimates 4.72% of owner-occupiers households in Leeds had experience of burglary dwelling, which is much higher than in England and Wales. That is partly because 62.2% of households in Leeds are owner occupied, compared to 68.9% in England and Wales.

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 147

Table 7.5: Propensity of household victims of burglary dwelling in Leeds (result of SimCrime)

Household Characteristics 2001 Census1 Victim of Burglary Estimation2 BCS 2001/20023 (Number) (Number) (Percentage) (Percentage of victim) Age of Head of Household 16-24 20,468 1,666 8.14 % 9.1 % 25-34 53,596 3,257 6.08 % - 35-49 83,298 4,978 5.98 % - 50-74 109,943 4,927 4.48 % - Marital status of Head of household Married 133,471 8,016 6.01 % - Single, Widowed, Divorced 168,124 7,130 4.24 % - Head of Household Employment Status Employed 176,254 10,145 5.76 % 3.5 % Unemployed 7,679 483 6.29 % 5.1 % Inactive 78,452 3,587 4.57 % 5.1 % Head of Household Socio-economic Classification Large employers & higher managerial occupations 15,654 759 4.85 % - Higher professional occupations 26,367 937 3.55 % - Lower managerial & professional occupations 91,233 2,622 2.87 % - Intermediate occupations 53,335 925 1.73 % - Small employers & own account workers 28,627 1,427 4.98 % - Lower supervisory & technical occupations 35,157 1,345 3.83 % - Semi-routine occupations 61,341 1,916 3.12 % - Routine occupations 48,165 1,542 3.20 % - Never worked & not classifiable for other reasons 101,115 3,673 3.63 % - Accommodation Type Detached house 46,082 3,908 8.48 % 2.5 % Semi-detached house 121,398 4,217 3.47 % 2.9 % Terraced house 87,336 4,420 5.06 % 4.0 % Flat 57,338 2,334 4.07 % 4.7 % Tenure Type Owner occupiers 187,651 8,848 4.72 % 2.6 % Rented 113,963 6,298 5.53 % 5.7 % Households in Leeds 301,614 15,146 5.02 % 3.5 %

Source: 1 2001 Census Area Statistic, 2 SimCrime, and 3Crime in England and Wales 2001/2002 (Simmons, 2002)

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 148

7.4 Recorded Crime Estimation

7.4.1 Recorded Burglary Dwelling Estimation

The SimCrime model aims principally to estimate victims of crime, specifically burglary dwelling. However, from the model it is also possible to predict recorded burglary dwelling. As mentioned in § 7.3.1 there is a difference between recorded burglary dwelling and victims of burglary dwelling. Following a stepwise multiple regression analysis it was found that the variables ‘percentage of high-class’, ‘number of car’, and ‘number of male young adult who are unemployed’ are the best predictors of the dependent variable ‘difference between recorded burglary dwelling and victim of burglary dwelling estimation’ (Figure 7.11). Therefore these variables are used to quantify the ‘predicted difference’ (between recorded burglary dwelling and victim of burglary dwelling estimation). Figure 7.11 shows the variables entered; model summary; and coefficients from the stepwise multiple regression.

The ‘recorded burglary dwelling estimation’ is given by

‘Victim of burglary dwelling’ + ‘Predicted difference’ (7.3)

Where ‘victim of burglary dwelling’ is derived from the SimCrime estimation and ‘predicted difference’ or the residual between the recorded burglary dwellings and victims of burglary dwelling estimation is derived by this following equation

-347.494 + (PercenOfHighClass*23.542) + (AllCar*-0.069) + (MaleYoungAdultUnEmp*2.047)


Where ‘PercenOfHighClass’ is the percentage of high-class people living in an area which comprises ‘large employers and higher managerial occupations’, ‘higher professional occupations’, and ‘lower managerial and professional occupations’.

‘AllCar’ is number of cars in an area.

‘MaleYoungAdultUnEmp’ is number of male aged 16-24 who are unemployed in an area.

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 149

Variables entered ƒ Number of student ƒ Percentage of student ƒ Number of high-class people ƒ Percentage of high-class people ƒ Number of car per household ƒ Number of all car in area ƒ Number of rented tenure ƒ Percentage of rented tenure ƒ Number of young adult (people aged 16-24) ƒ Number of male young adult unemployed ƒ Number of unemployed people ƒ Number of male unemployed ƒ Number of employed people ƒ Number of people with no qualification ƒ Number of full-time working people

Model Summary

Adjusted Std. Error of Model R R Square R Square the Estimate 1 .702a .493 .476 130.249 2 .782b .611 .585 115.879 3 .860c .740 .713 96.332 4 .855d .731 .714 96.321 5 .887e .787 .765 87.163 a. Predictors: (Constant), FullTimeWorking b. Predictors: (Constant), FullTimeWorking, PerCenOfHighClass c. Predictors: (Constant), FullTimeWorking, PerCenOfHighClass, AllCarInArea d. Predictors: (Constant), PerCenOfHighClass, AllCarInArea e. Predictors: (Constant), PerCenOfHighClass, AllCarInArea, NumberOfMaleYoungAdultUnEmployed

Figure 7.11: Stepwise multiple regression analysis

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 150

Table 7.6: ‘Recorded burglary dwelling’ estimation (‘Victim of burglary dwelling’ + ‘Predicted difference’)

% Of All Car Number Of Recorded Burglary Victim of Burglary Predicted Recorded Burglary Error WARD Difference Residual HighClass in Area MYAUnEmp 2001/02 Estimation Difference Estimation (%) Aireborough 31.43 12,579 78 295 647 -352 -316 331 36 12.25 Armley 19.92 7,068 102 380 694 -314 -157 537 157 41.20 Barwick and Kippax 27.44 12,143 52 203 555 -352 -433 122 81 39.86 Beeston 17.5 4,730 86 287 530 -243 -86 444 157 54.76 Bramley 18.2 7,059 128 469 592 -123 -144 448 21 4.50 Burmantofts 14.21 4,494 130 612 661 -49 -57 604 8 1.30 Chapel Allerton 29.9 5,759 123 729 585 144 211 796 67 9.17 City and Holbeck 15.35 4,907 171 632 646 -14 25 671 39 6.22 Cookridge 35.3 10,633 53 426 581 -155 -142 439 13 3.13 Garforth and Swillington 26.26 11,301 63 216 543 -327 -380 163 53 24.58 Halton 29.32 10,601 60 287 472 -185 -266 206 81 28.19 Harehills 15.2 4,886 169 702 676 26 19 695 7 0.98 Headingley 16.53 7,517 118 1,391 1,576 -185 -235 1,341 50 3.63 Horsforth 36.98 10,916 60 453 598 -145 -107 491 38 8.32 Hunslet 12.38 3,998 132 295 487 -192 -62 425 130 44.17 Kirkstall 26.15 6,715 87 832 732 100 -17 715 117 14.08 Middleton 19.63 7,455 119 338 524 -186 -156 368 30 8.83 Moortown 36.21 9,610 76 567 590 -23 -3 587 20 3.61 Morley North 27.5 11,701 50 210 633 -423 -405 228 18 8.52 Morley South 26.62 12,828 105 261 709 -448 -391 318 57 21.84 North 38.25 11,795 74 551 532 19 -109 423 128 23.30 Otley and Wharfedale 34.57 13,034 60 240 633 -393 -310 323 83 34.51 Pudsey North 31.35 11,087 55 364 555 -191 -262 293 71 19.47 Pudsey South 24.17 9,241 66 259 537 -278 -281 256 3 1.16 Richmond Hill 13.48 4,223 156 711 565 146 -2 563 148 20.84 Rothwell 26.24 9,523 71 272 605 -333 -242 363 91 33.64 Roundhay 42.95 10,953 61 694 642 52 33 675 19 2.77 Seacroft 11.99 4,333 141 547 443 104 -76 367 180 32.83 University 14.69 4,524 148 997 1,064 -67 -11 1,053 56 5.63 Weetwood 33.54 8,457 51 645 705 -60 -37 668 23 3.56 Wetherby 36.08 15,309 47 168 681 -513 -458 223 55 32.61 Whinmoor 19.59 6,383 85 334 402 -68 -153 249 85 25.37 Wortley 19.47 8,481 131 326 583 -257 -206 377 51 15.59 Total of Leeds 15,693 20,978 15,762 69 0.44 Predicted difference = -347.494+(PercenOfHighClass*23.542)+(AllCarInArea*-0.069)+(NumberOfMaleYoungAdultUnemployed*2.047) Mean 17.89

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 151

The results for estimating recorded burglary dwelling can be seen in Table 7.6. For Leeds, it produced a very good match with an error less than 1 per cent. The ‘estimation of recorded burglary dwelling’ for Leeds in total is 15,762 incidents, which is very close to the ‘real figure of recorded burglary dwelling’ that is 15,693 incidents. At the ward level, it has been found that the average error is 17.89%. Fifteen of the 33 wards have less than 10 per cent error including Harehills (0.98), Pudsey South (1.16), Burmantofts (1.30), Roundhay (2.77), Cookridge (3.13), Weetwood (3.56), Moortown (3.61), Headingley (3.63), Bramley (4.50), University (5.63), City and Holbeck (6.22), Horsforth (8.32), Morley North (8.52), Middleton (8.83), and Chapel Allerton (9.17). However, there is a very high error in some wards for example, Armley (41.20), Beeston (54.76), and Hunslet (44.17). This may be due to the small proportion of ‘high class’ people (that is used for predicted residual) in these areas.

7.4.2 High Risk Areas for Burglary Dwelling

From the model estimations Leeds has a burglary dwelling rate of 53 per 1,000 households which exactly matches the figures from police recorded data. Table 7.7 shows the result of burglary dwelling rate by ward from SimCrime estimation compared with the police recorded data. The highest burglary dwelling rates are found in close proximity to the city centre. SimCrime estimates the risk of burglary dwelling to be highest in Headingley, Chapel Allerton, University, Harehills, and Kirkstall respectively (Table 7.7 and Figure 7.11). As can be seen from Table 7.7, the ranking of high risk areas for ‘estimated burglary dwelling’ corresponds to the ranking of burglary dwelling rates calculated from police records. Figure 7.12 shows the high risk areas for burglary dwelling from the recorded crime data for the period 2001-2002. The greatest risk was found in Headingley, followed by Kirkstall, Richmond Hill, University, and Chapel Allerton respectively. This means that households located in Headingley are at a much higher risk of being burgled. Conversely, households in Barwick and Kippax, Garforth and Swillington, and Wetherby are at a much lower risk of being burgled.

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 152

Table 7.7: High risk areas of burglary dwelling in Leeds (Ranking by burglary dwelling rate per 1,000 households)

Burglary Rate Burglary Rate Rank Ward per 1000 HHs H Rank Ward per 1000 HHs

(Recorded) I (Estimated)

G 1 Headingley 145 1 Headingley 140 H 2 Kirkstall 95 2 Chapel Allerton 100 E 3 Richmond Hill 92 3 R University 97 4 University 92 4 Harehills 87 5 Chapel Allerton 92 R 5 Kirkstall 82 6 Harehills 88 I 6 Roundhay 78 7 Roundhay 80 S 7 Burmantofts 73 8 Burmantofts 74 K 8 Richmond Hill 73 9 Seacroft 74 9 Weetwood 72 10 Weetwood 69 10 City and Holbeck 67 11 Moortown 64 11 Moortown 66 12 City and Holbeck 63 12 Beeston 63 13 North 58 13 Hunslet 61 14 Bramley 52 14 Armley 58 15 Horsforth 51 15 Horsforth 55 16 Whinmoor 47 16 Bramley 50 17 Cookridge 46 17 Seacroft 49 18 Hunslet 43 18 Cookridge 48 19 Armley 41 19 North 45 20 Beeston 41 20 Middleton 43 21 Middleton 39 21 Rothwell 42 22 Pudsey North 38 22 Wortley 38 23 Wortley 33 23 Whinmoor 35 24 Rothwell 31 24 Otley and Wharfedale 31 25 Halton 30 25 Aireborough 31 26 Pudsey South 28 26 Pudsey North 30 27 Aireborough 28 L 27 Pudsey South 28 28 Otley and Wharfedale 23 O 28 Morley South 26 W 29 Garforth and Swillington 23 29 Morley North 22 E 30 Morley South 21 30 Halton 22 R 31 Barwick and Kippax 21 31 Wetherby 21

32 Morley North 20 32 Garforth and Swillington 17 R 33 Wetherby 16 33 Barwick and Kippax 13 I Burglary Rate per 1000 HHs Burglary Rate per 1000 HHs 53 S 53 for Leeds (Police recorded) K for Leeds (Estimation)

Source: Derived from SimCrime and West Yorkshire Police

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 153

Burglary Dwelling Rate per 1000 Households (Estimated)

Burglary Dwelling Rate (Estimated) 0 - 35 36 - 50

51 - 65 N 66 - 80 81 - 140 W E S

Figure 7.11: Estimated burglary dwelling rate per 1,000 households

Burglary Rate per 1000 Households (Recorded 2001/02)

Burglary Rate per 1000 HHs (Recorded 01/02) 0 - 35 36 - 50 N 51 - 65 W E 66 - 80 S 81 - 145

Figure 7.12: Recorded burglary dwelling rate per 1,000 households (2001/02) Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 154

7.5 Reporting Crime in Leeds

There will always be a difference between the number of crimes that are recorded by the police and the number of crimes that are measured by the BCS. There are obvious reasons for the large disparity between recorded crime and victim of crime (see § 7.3.1). The most important limitation of recorded crime is that it can only consider those crimes that are brought to the attention of the police.

Reported crimes include incidents reported by the victim, those reported by someone else, and those which the police came to know about it in some other way- for instance because they were already on the scene (Simmons, 2002).

Reporting Rate

44.4 Burglary (attempt & 49.1 no loss) 84.1

Burglary with Loss 88.5

25.7 Common Assault 21.0 45.3

Robbery 64.0 56.3 Wounding 68.5 BCS 53.1 SimCrime

Bike Theft 55.0

48.0 Theft from Vehicle 45.4 94.0

Theft of Vehicle 98.5 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 Percentage

Figure 7.13: SimCrime estimated reporting rate of each crime type comparing with the results from the BCS

Source: Derived from SimCrime; Simmons (2002)

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 155

Figure 7.13 illustrates the reporting rates for different types of offence. SimCrime estimates the reporting rate by using the information on incidents said ‘to have been reported to the police or was known to them’. In broad term, the BCS and SimCrime display similar results.

According to the 2001/2002 BCS, it has been found that: ƒ Thefts of vehicles are reported most often (94%). ƒ Burglaries in which something was stolen have relative high reporting rates (84.1%) while burglary (attempt and no loss) has a lower rate at 44.4%. ƒ Reporting rates are relatively low for crimes such as common assault (25.7%)

For Leeds, the likelihood to report crime or the reporting rate varies considerably by crime type as with the BCS and it has been found that in 2001/2002: ƒ Thefts of vehicles are most likely to be reported (98.5%) ƒ Burglaries in which something was stolen (with loss) have relatively high reporting rates (88.5%) but this is lower for attempt burglary and burglary with no loss (49.1%) ƒ Reporting rates are relatively low for crimes such as common assault (21%) ƒ The majority of crimes that go unreported are relative minor offences ƒ The more serious offences such theft of vehicle and burglary with loss, are well reported.

The most frequently mentioned reason for not reporting incidents was that victims perceived them to be not serious, there was no loss or they believed that the police would or could not do much about them. However, this does not mean that the police record data provides a comprehensive measure of all serious crime. Many incidents that would commonly be thought of as serious in terms of their offence classification are not reported, such as robbery (64% reporting rate) and wounding (68.5% reporting rate). However, these figures are higher than the estimates of the BCS authors which are 45.3% reporting rate for robbery and 56.3% reporting rate for wounding (Simmons, 2002).

In most cases of loss, victims need to report the incident to the police in order to claim their insurance and questions about this are asked in the BCS. For example, 33.33% of burglary dwelling with loss that are reported to the police in Leeds are due to insurance claims.

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 156

7.6 Concluding Comments

This chapter has demonstrated how spatial microsimulation can be used to model crime victimisation at the small area level. In particular, SimCrime described in Chapter 6, is used to estimate victims of burglary dwelling and recorded burglary dwelling for Leeds at ward level. The most important thing to ensure comparability with the police recorded crime statistics is that the incidents estimated need to be adjusted to produce a comparable subset of offences.

The victim of burglary dwelling estimation in this study is based on the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of people living in the area. The model shows that using this information from the BCS alone underplays the importance of geographical factors. Generally, geographical differences are related to social differences, which are illustrated by the way that victimisation rates are spread between different types of areas (Mayhew et al., 1993). However, it can be argued that the proximity to offenders’ living areas raises the risk of victimisation. If a household is located in an area that offenders live, they face an increased risk of burglary dwelling. Moreover, it should be noted that if affluent areas are surrounded by poor areas, they tend to have higher burglary dwelling rates than we might otherwise expect. The risk of burglary dwelling is also much higher in inner-city areas, particularly in Headingley and University wards. These two wards contain a mixture of income groups, but are especially dominated by the large Leeds student population which presents a relative easy target for burglars (if someone is home most of the time, the house is much less likely to become a target for burglars) and in rented accommodation rather than owner-occupied households. SimCrime has shown the risks for different types of household. The results help to confirm previous studies, for example Budd (1999) and Zedner (2002), which found that the likelihood of victimisation varies dramatically with demographic, socio-economic and area characteristics.

The difference between number of recorded burglary dwelling incidents and the number of victims of burglary dwelling has a relationship with the percentage of high-class people, number of cars, and number of male young adults who are unemployed. Therefore these variables were used to estimate number of recorded burglary dwelling. Generally, the model produces a good estimation with 15 of 33 wards within 10 per cent error. However, it has been found that SimCrime gives a much better result for Leeds as a whole compared with ward level results.

Chapter 7- Modelling Crime at the Small Area Level 157

As with England and Wales as a whole, the reporting rates for Leeds vary considerably across offence types. Reporting rates are low for minor offences and high for more serious offences. It should be stressed that police recorded statistics alone do not give an accurate picture because many crimes are not reported to the police. This gap is the main reason why the victimisation estimation from SimCrime is higher than the recorded crime figures.

As mentioned earlier, this chapter noted that the geography of offender, victim, and offence locations are crucially important. Therefore, the next chapter presents an analysis of the interaction between the location of offences and the location of offenders.

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 158

Chapter 8

Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling

8.1 Introduction 8.2 Movement of Offenders 8.2.1 Crime Travel Pattern 8.2.2 Crime Type Areas 8.2.3 Offender Flows 8.2.4 Outflow/Inflow Ratio 8.2.5 Self-Containment 8.3 Spatial Interaction Model for Burglary Dwelling: Model Specification 8.3.1 Model Formulation 8.3.2 Attractiveness Factors 8.3.3 Scaled Attractive Factors 8.3.4 Model Calibration 8.3.5 Goodness-of-fit Statistics 8.3.6 Model Summary 8.4 Concluding Comments

8.1 Introduction

In the previous chapter, the spatial microsimulation model was used to estimate the likelihood of being a victim of a crime and recorded crime. In this chapter the interaction between the location of the offence itself and the location of offender will be explored by combining the microsimulation model with a spatial interaction model. Spatial interaction models are commonly used for conducting policy simulations and forecasting. There have been considerable developments in spatial interaction modelling over the last 20 years and the models have been applied to a wide range of topics (Birkin et al., 2002). However, they have not yet been applied to the study of crime.

The offender dataset, provided by the West Yorkshire Police, has 70,645 records in total (for every crime type) for the period 2000-2004. Offenders’ home addresses can be geo-coded and mapped using GIS. Travel distance can then be calculated. However, it should be noted that while the data includes information about offences committed in Leeds by those living in Leeds and elsewhere, it does not include information about those living in Leeds who commit offences outside Leeds. The dataset used for the spatial interaction modelling in § 8.3 has 4,728 records for burglary dwelling (where both the origins and destinations of offenders are contained within Leeds).

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 159

This chapter starts with a discussion of the movement of offenders for different crime types, crime type areas, offender flows and self-containment for overall crime and burglary dwelling only. Section 8.3 describes the spatial interaction model for burglary dwelling including model formulation, attractiveness factors, model calibration, goodness-of-fit statistics and a model summary. Finally, § 8.4 presents some concluding comments.

8.2 Movement of Offenders

Each offender record was first geo-referenced. The travel distance of the offender was then calculated as a straight-line distance from the centroid of the origin ward to the centroid of the destination ward.

8.2.1 Crime Travel Patterns

It has been found that the great majority of offender movements are relative short, with an average distance of only 3.003 km (for overall crime) between the offender’s home address and the scene of the crime. Over 50% consist of journeys of less than two km and only 7.46% involve travel greater than 10 km. This overwhelmingly local pattern is similar to the findings of previous studies, for example by Wiles and Costello (2000). The origins of offenders are known for a total of 61,018 incidents, where 93.62% or 57,124 incidents are committed by offenders living in Leeds and only 6.38% are from somewhere outside Leeds. For burglary dwelling, 94.15% of offenders are from Leeds.

Table 8.1: Average distance travelled of known offender

Crime Type Average Distance (km) Standard Deviation

Burglary Dwelling 3.157 5.836 Burglary Elsewhere 3.065 7.016 Criminal Damage 1.988 7.336 Drugs Offences 2.977 9.540 Fraud & Forgery 5.774 17.265 Handling 2.120 4.499 Homicide 3.803 8.090 Other Crime 3.025 8.082 Other Theft 3.596 7.330 Robbery 2.660 3.833 Sexual Offences 4.419 19.981 Theft From Motor Vehicle 3.425 4.031 Theft Of Motor Vehicle 3.215 6.777 Violent Crime 2.338 8.726

Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 160

Table 8.1 summarises all movements made by known offenders committing crime in Leeds. It shows the average travel distance of offenders for each crime type. The distance for fraud and forgery is, not unexpectedly, higher than for many other crime types, probably reflecting the average commuting distance for higher income groups in Leeds. The shortest average distance is for criminal damage. Fraud and forgery and sexual offences are more random than other crimes.

Generally, therefore, offenders travel short distances to commit crime. Most crime types are a highly localised phenomenon. Table 8.2 shows the percentage of offenders committing crime for different distances. Again, it has been found that most offenders commit crimes close to where they live (see the distance less than 1 km), except again fraud and forgery.

Table 8.2: Percentage of offender committed crime

Percentage of offender travel in different distances

Crime Type Distance between Origin and Destination

0-1 km 1-2 km 2-3 km 3-4 km 4-5 km 5-10 km > 10 km

Burglary Dwelling 34.35 14.89 11.65 7.63 6.63 17.86 6.99 Burglary Elsewhere 28.62 21.66 17.75 6.56 5.39 14.05 5.96 Criminal Damage 55.93 13.31 7.45 5.73 4.07 9.14 4.35 Drugs Offences 39.18 13.65 11.68 7.00 5.61 13.36 9.52 Fraud & Forgery 12.35 14.26 13.01 8.55 7.96 26.92 16.94 Handling 46.34 11.10 13.19 5.87 4.57 13.45 5.48 Homicide 32.56 18.60 9.30 6.98 4.65 20.93 6.98 Other Crime 37.23 15.08 10.77 9.21 7.00 13.53 7.19 Other Theft 18.49 17.97 18.10 9.92 6.86 18.56 10.11 Robbery 31.88 19.34 16.35 9.42 5.19 13.18 4.64 Sexual Offences 38.96 11.04 10.90 5.99 6.54 13.62 12.94 Theft From Motor Vehicle 19.02 15.95 20.23 12.32 6.25 18.44 7.79 Theft Of Motor Vehicle 27.13 19.31 13.88 9.73 6.89 17.37 5.69 Violent Crime 50.79 13.62 9.49 6.34 4.23 10.04 5.48 Total Known Offender 36.29 15.53 12.78 7.84 5.65 14.45 7.46

Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 161

Distance Decay







Number of movements of Number 1,000


0 1 to 5 6 to 10 11 to 15 16 to 20 21 to 25 26 to 30 31-35 Distance from origin to destination (km.)

Figure 8.1: Distance decay for burglary dwelling Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police

For burglary dwelling, a potential offender may prefer to commit the crime somewhere close to where they live. However, this may not always be true. For instance, where they live may be too poor to provide the kinds of goods they are interested in stealing, or opportunities are limited. For this reason, offenders may need to travel further to commit crime. However, it has been found that:

ƒ Most burglaries occur in relatively close proximity to the home of the offender. The average distance is 3.157 km (1.962 miles). About 50% of burglary dwelling incidents were committed by offenders who live less than 2 km away (Table 8.2). ƒ The number of offenders drops steadily with an increase in the distance between the place of their residence and where they commit burglary dwelling (Figure 8.1). The distance decay principle shows that offenders commit burglary dwelling near their homes with proportionally fewer burglary dwelling incidents occuring at longer distances from home.

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 162

8.2.2 Crime Type Areas

There are clearly relationships between offence rates and offender rates (see below) of different areas. Following the method of Wiles and Costello (2000), an area can be categorised in terms of whether they have a high/medium/low ‘crime rate’ and ‘offender rate’. ‘Crime rate’ is derived by comparing the number of crimes with total population (or with number of households for burglary dwelling) while the ‘offender rate’ is derived by comparing the number of offenders with the total population. By a combination of these categories there are, in theory, nine possible crime type areas. However, in practice some of these are very unlikely to exist. Tables 8.3 and 8.4 illustrate the nine crime type areas for Leeds in a simple trichotomous form where Table 8.3 shows overall crime and Table 8.4 shows burglary dwelling. As can be seen, both for overall crime and burglary dwelling, the majority is found in two types of area:

ƒ High ‘offender rate’ and high ‘crime rate’ (burglary dwelling rate). ƒ Low ‘offender rate’ and low ‘crime rate’ (burglary dwelling rate).

This suggests that if an area has a high ‘offender rate’, it tends also to have a high ‘crime rate’. However, for burglary dwelling, an area with a low ‘offender rate’ may have a high burglary dwelling rate if it is attractive to burglars. As can be seen from Table 8.4, Roundhay and Moortown have low ‘offender rates’ but have high burglary dwelling rates. This shows that Roundhay and Moortown are very attractive to burglars living nearby (as also discussed in Chapter 7).

This data can be further explored by reference to the ‘National Classification of the Census Output Areas’, a three level hierarchy consisting of 7 Super-groups, 21 Groups and 52 Sub- groups. The classification was created from 41 census variables and classifies every output area in the UK based on its value for those variables (Vickers, 2006a). The output area classification was aggregated up to ward level. Table 8.5 shows the number of output areas and proportion of each Super-Group in Leeds by ward.

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 163

Table 8.3: Crime type areas for overall crime

Crime Rate Offender Rate High Medium Low

High/High High/Medium High/Low (9) (2) (1)

Burmantofts Armley Bramley Chapel Allerton Beeston City and Holbeck High Harehills Hunslet Kirkstall

Richmond Hill Seacroft University Medium/High Medium/Medium Medium/Low (0) (0) (3) Medium Middleton Whinmoor Wortley Low/High Low/Medium Low/Low (0) (2) (16)

Headingley Aireborough Roundhay Barwick and Kippax Cookridge

Garforth and Swillington Halton Horsforth Low Moortown Morley North Morley South North Otley and Wharfedale Pudsey North Pudsey South Rothwell Weetwood Wetherby

Table 8.4: Crime type areas for burglary dwelling Burglary Dwelling Rate Offender Rate High Medium Low

High/High High/Medium High/Low (8) (1) (2) Burmantofts Bramley Armley Chapel Allerton Hunslet High City and Holbeck Harehills Kirkstall Richmond Hill Seacroft University Medium/High Medium/Medium Medium/Low (2) (2) (3) Medium Headingley Cookridge Beeston Weetwood Whinmoor Middleton Wortley Low/High Low/Medium Low/Low (2) (2) (11)

Moortown Horsforth Aireborough Roundhay North Barwick and Kippax Garforth and Swillington

Halton Low Morley North Morley South Otley and Wharfedale Pudsey North Pudsey South Rothwell Wetherby

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 164

Roundhay and Moortown are dominated by the ‘prospering suburbs’ super-group (Figure 8.2) which is obviously seen as a potential target for burglary dwelling. Armley and Hunslet have high ‘offender rates’ but have low burglary dwelling rates. This is partly because Leeds prison is located in Armley. Hunslet is one of the most deprived areas in Leeds and it has a very high proportion of Super-group 5 (‘constrained by circumstances’), mostly Group 5c or public housing, groups likely to be associated with high crime:

“It is apparent that council estates are exposed to the highest risks of property crime, that they are associated with high offender rates…”

(Murie, 1997: 23)

The National Classification of Census Output Areas (Super Group)


Roundhay Moortown

Chapel Allerton

Wards Classification Blue Collar Com mumities City Living Countryside N Prospering Suburbs Constrained by Circumstances W E Typical Traits Multicultural S

Figure 8.2: Area classification of output areas: Super-group Source: Derived from Vickers (2006b)

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 165

Table: 8.5: The National Classification of Census Output Areas (Super-Group) aggregated to ward level

The National Classification of Census Output Areas (Super-Group)

Number of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 WARD Output Blue Collar City Living Countryside Prospering Suburbs Constrained by Typical Traits Multicultural Areas Communities Circumstances number % number % number % number % number % number % number % Aireborough 89 16 17.98 2 2.25 2 2.25 21 23.60 9 10.11 39 43.82 0 0.00 Armley 74 11 14.86 2 2.70 0 0.00 6 8.11 20 27.03 22 29.73 13 17.57 Barwick and Kippax 79 18 22.78 0 0.00 13 16.46 27 34.18 4 5.06 17 21.52 0 0.00 Beeston 56 5 8.93 0 0.00 0 0.00 6 10.71 13 23.21 20 35.71 12 21.43 Bramley 76 15 19.74 2 2.63 0 0.00 4 5.26 31 40.79 22 28.95 2 2.63 Burmantofts 66 18 27.27 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 4.55 24 36.36 5 7.58 16 24.24 Chapel Allerton 64 5 7.81 11 17.19 0 0.00 4 6.25 4 6.25 5 7.81 35 54.69 City and Holbeck 80 5 6.25 5 6.25 0 0.00 0 0.00 26 32.50 12 15.00 32 40.00 Cookridge 74 4 5.41 3 4.05 1 1.35 41 55.41 17 22.97 7 9.46 1 1.35 Garforth and Swillington 80 19 23.75 0 0.00 4 5.00 36 45.00 6 7.50 15 18.75 0 0.00 Halton 76 2 2.63 1 1.32 1 1.32 37 48.68 3 3.95 32 42.11 0 0.00 Harehills 64 4 6.25 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 4.69 4 6.25 2 3.13 51 79.69 Headingley 77 2 2.60 60 77.92 0 0.00 1 1.30 0 0.00 1 1.30 13 16.88 Horsforth 71 7 9.86 4 5.63 2 2.82 28 39.44 5 7.04 25 35.21 0 0.00 Hunslet 56 15 26.79 2 3.57 0 0.00 2 3.57 31 55.36 4 7.14 2 3.57 Kirkstall 70 4 5.71 21 30.00 0 0.00 4 5.71 14 20.00 14 20.00 13 18.57 Middleton 69 27 39.13 1 1.45 1 1.45 10 14.49 16 23.19 13 18.84 1 1.45 Moortown 71 0 0.00 9 12.68 0 0.00 29 40.85 13 18.31 13 18.31 7 9.86 Morley North 84 10 11.90 0 0.00 1 1.19 25 29.76 9 10.71 39 46.43 0 0.00 Morley South 99 20 20.20 1 1.01 2 2.02 22 22.22 15 15.15 39 39.39 0 0.00 North 79 2 2.53 11 13.92 2 2.53 41 51.90 9 11.39 8 10.13 6 7.59 Otley and Wharfedale 83 11 13.25 1 1.20 7 8.43 22 26.51 8 9.64 34 40.96 0 0.00 Pudsey North 77 9 11.69 2 2.60 0 0.00 22 28.57 5 6.49 38 49.35 1 1.30 Pudsey South 75 16 21.33 1 1.33 1 1.33 5 6.67 14 18.67 38 50.67 0 0.00 Richmond Hill 62 24 38.71 1 1.61 0 0.00 1 1.61 25 40.32 8 12.90 3 4.84 Rothwell 70 13 18.57 1 1.43 2 2.86 24 34.29 14 20.00 16 22.86 0 0.00 Roundhay 70 0 0.00 11 15.71 2 2.86 26 37.14 2 2.86 18 25.71 11 15.71 Seacroft 59 17 28.81 0 0.00 0 0.00 4 6.78 36 61.02 2 3.39 0 0.00 University 87 0 0.00 34 39.08 0 0.00 0 0.00 7 8.05 0 0.00 46 52.87 Weetwood 74 3 4.05 25 33.78 0 0.00 12 16.22 11 14.86 16 21.62 7 9.46 Wetherby 87 10 11.49 0 0.00 18 20.69 39 44.83 4 4.60 16 18.39 0 0.00 Whinmoor 58 21 36.21 0 0.00 1 1.72 13 22.41 17 29.31 6 10.34 0 0.00 Wortley 83 16 19.28 0 0.00 2 2.41 12 14.46 27 32.53 25 30.12 1 1.20 Total 2,439 349 14.31 211 8.65 62 2.54 530 21.73 443 18.16 571 23.41 273 11.19

Source: Derived from Vickers (2006b)

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 166

8.2.3 Offender Flows

The starting point of almost all spatial interaction analysis is an origin-destination matrix. Movements of offenders can be seen as spatial interactions, with origins (where offenders live) and destinations (where crimes occur). Each pair can be represented as a cell in a matrix where rows are related to the origins, while columns are related to the destinations. Such a matrix is commonly known as an origin/destination matrix or spatial interaction matrix. In this study this matrix has been constructed at the ward level. There are 33 wards in Leeds. Therefore the offender flow matrix dimensions are 33 × 33 (1,089 cells in total). By summing the observed interaction matrix across each row, we obtain the outflow from each origin and by summing the observed interaction matrix down each column we obtain the inflow into each destination. The sum of either the outflows or the inflows gives the total movements/total flow.

In terms of mean distance travelled a problem arises whenever intra-zonal distances have to be calculated. If the origin and destination are the same, the calculated distance would be zero (while the average distance travelled from within the zone would be positive in reality). This is a problem caused by using aggregate data and assuming the population to be located at zone centroids rather than distributed continuously across the region.

Table 8.6 shows the distance between ward centroids within Leeds. The distance of each pair was calculated as a straight-line from the centroid of the origin ward to the destination ward centroid. Table 8.7 shows offender flows for all crime types in Leeds. As mentioned earlier, there are 70,645 records of known offenders but there are only 57,124 offenders from within Leeds. As can be seen there is less interaction if the distance between two wards is high. Table 8.8 gives the offender flows for burglary dwelling in Leeds. There are 4,728 flows in total.

It should be noted that there will be a very high interaction if the origin and destinations are the same. However, in some cases it might be the case that there are more outflows to other areas. For example, the number of offenders living in Beeston that commit crimes in City and Holbeck (701) is more than the number contained in Beeston itself (599) (Table 8.7). Similarly, the number of offenders living in Kirkstall committing burglary dwelling crimes in Headingley (130) is more than that contained in Kirkstall itself (114) (Table 8.8).

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 167

Table 8.6: Distance between origin ward (i) to destination ward (j)

Distance between i to j Destination ( j ) (km) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Origin ( i ) reborouArmleyick & KBeestoBnramlermantopel Alle & Holbookridgh & SwHaltonHarehilel adingHl orsfortHunsleKirkstaMiddletMooortowrley Norley So North& Whadsey Ndosey SohmondRothweoundhSaeacrofniversWieetwoWoetherWbhinmoWortley 1 Aireborough 0.0 11.6 25.0 16.2 9.0 17.6 14.0 15.0 8.5 25.0 21.0 16.3 12.2 6.2 18.3 10.7 19.7 13.0 15.3 19.5 13.3 5.7 7.3 10.4 18.2 22.8 15.9 18.2 14.3 10.3 22.9 20.0 13.0 2 Armley 11.6 0.0 15.6 4.7 2.7 7.5 4.9 3.5 6.0 14.1 10.7 6.8 2.7 5.5 6.7 1.8 8.2 5.8 5.7 8.6 9.9 10.0 5.4 4.4 7.2 11.3 8.2 9.1 3.9 3.7 18.1 11.6 2.5 3 Barwick & Kippax 25.0 15.6 0.0 13.7 17.8 8.1 11.3 12.7 16.5 5.6 5.2 9.0 13.5 19.3 10.9 15.3 12.9 12.0 18.0 16.3 13.1 20.4 20.8 19.8 9.0 9.4 9.1 6.8 11.7 14.9 10.3 5.1 16.6 4 Beeston 16.2 4.7 13.7 0.0 7.2 6.4 6.3 2.2 10.2 10.7 8.5 6.6 5.5 10.1 2.9 6.1 3.5 8.1 4.4 4.6 12.6 14.5 9.6 7.3 4.7 7.1 9.1 8.5 4.5 7.6 18.9 11.1 3.7 5 Bramley 9.0 2.7 17.8 7.2 0.0 9.7 6.6 6.1 5.0 16.6 13.1 8.8 4.3 3.1 9.4 2.5 10.7 6.8 7.0 10.7 10.1 8.2 3.0 3.4 9.7 13.9 9.7 11.1 6.1 3.8 19.2 13.5 4.1 6 Burmantofts 17.6 7.5 8.1 6.4 9.7 0.0 3.6 4.9 9.4 7.6 3.4 1.4 5.5 11.6 4.5 7.3 7.3 5.0 10.6 10.3 8.5 13.8 12.7 11.8 2.2 6.9 3.7 2.2 3.6 7.2 12.7 4.7 8.7 7 Chapel Allerton 14.0 4.9 11.3 6.3 6.6 3.6 0.0 4.1 5.8 11.2 7.0 2.4 2.4 8.0 6.1 4.1 8.8 1.9 9.6 10.8 6.3 10.3 9.6 9.2 4.8 9.9 3.3 4.5 1.8 3.6 13.3 6.9 6.9 8 City and Holbeck 15.0 3.5 12.7 2.2 6.1 4.9 4.1 0.0 8.3 10.7 7.6 4.7 3.5 8.8 3.3 4.4 5.2 5.9 5.8 6.8 10.4 12.7 8.9 7.2 3.9 7.8 7.0 6.9 2.4 5.6 17.0 9.5 3.9 9 Cookridge 8.5 6.0 16.5 10.2 5.0 9.4 5.8 8.3 0.0 17.0 12.8 8.1 4.9 3.8 11.3 4.3 13.5 4.6 11.6 14.5 5.7 4.5 6.8 8.4 10.5 15.5 7.4 9.8 6.7 2.7 15.3 11.6 8.4 10 Garforth&Swillington 25.0 14.1 5.6 10.7 16.6 7.6 11.2 10.7 17.0 0.0 4.4 9.0 12.8 18.9 7.8 14.5 8.7 12.6 14.7 12.0 15.4 21.4 19.5 17.8 6.9 4.4 10.6 7.8 10.7 14.7 15.4 8.0 14.2 11 Halton 21.0 10.7 5.2 8.5 13.1 3.4 7.0 7.6 12.8 4.4 0.0 4.7 8.9 15.0 5.8 10.7 8.0 8.3 12.8 11.3 11.0 17.1 16.0 14.8 3.8 5.5 6.2 3.4 7.0 10.7 12.5 4.3 11.5 12 Harehills 16.3 6.8 9.0 6.6 8.8 1.4 2.4 4.7 8.1 9.0 4.7 0.0 4.5 10.4 5.3 6.3 8.2 3.6 10.6 10.8 7.2 12.4 11.8 11.1 3.3 8.2 2.7 2.4 2.9 6.0 12.3 4.9 8.3 13 Headingley 12.2 2.7 13.5 5.5 4.3 5.5 2.4 3.5 4.9 12.8 8.9 4.5 0.0 6.1 6.4 1.8 8.7 3.2 8.0 10.0 7.5 9.3 7.3 6.9 6.0 10.8 5.6 6.8 2.1 2.2 15.5 9.2 4.9 14 Horsforth 6.2 5.5 19.3 10.1 3.1 11.6 8.0 8.8 3.8 18.9 15.0 10.4 6.1 0.0 12.0 4.5 13.6 7.5 10.0 13.8 9.4 5.3 3.3 5.7 12.0 16.6 10.5 12.5 8.2 4.4 19.0 14.6 7.2 15 Hunslet 18.3 6.7 10.9 2.9 9.4 4.5 6.1 3.3 11.3 7.8 5.8 5.3 6.4 12.0 0.0 7.6 2.9 8.0 7.2 5.8 12.3 15.7 12.0 10.0 2.4 4.6 8.0 6.6 4.6 8.6 17.1 9.0 6.5 16 Kirkstall 10.7 1.8 15.3 6.1 2.5 7.3 4.1 4.4 4.3 14.5 10.7 6.3 1.8 4.5 7.6 0.0 9.5 4.5 7.5 10.3 8.2 8.4 5.5 5.4 7.6 12.1 7.2 8.6 3.8 1.9 16.9 11.0 4.3 17 Middleton 19.7 8.2 12.9 3.5 10.7 7.3 8.8 5.2 13.5 8.7 8.0 8.2 8.7 13.6 2.9 9.5 0.0 10.7 6.4 3.4 15.0 17.9 13.0 10.5 5.1 4.4 10.8 9.4 7.2 10.8 19.9 11.6 7.0 18 Moortown 13.0 5.8 12.0 8.1 6.8 5.0 1.9 5.9 4.6 12.6 8.3 3.6 3.2 7.5 8.0 4.5 10.7 0.0 11.1 12.6 4.5 8.8 9.6 9.9 6.6 11.7 3.0 5.3 3.6 3.2 12.4 7.1 8.1 19 Morley North 15.3 5.7 18.0 4.4 7.0 10.6 9.6 5.8 11.6 14.7 12.8 10.6 8.0 10.0 7.2 7.5 6.4 11.1 0.0 4.4 15.4 15.2 8.1 5.0 9.1 10.7 12.8 12.7 8.0 9.3 22.8 15.3 3.2 20 Morley South 19.5 8.6 16.3 4.6 10.7 10.3 10.8 6.8 14.5 12.0 11.3 10.8 10.0 13.8 5.8 10.3 3.4 12.6 4.4 0.0 17.1 18.6 12.3 9.3 8.2 7.6 13.4 12.4 9.1 11.9 22.9 14.8 6.6 21 North 13.3 9.9 13.1 12.6 10.1 8.5 6.3 10.4 5.7 15.4 11.0 7.2 7.5 9.4 12.3 8.2 15.0 4.5 15.4 17.1 0.0 7.9 12.4 13.5 10.5 15.4 4.9 7.6 8.0 6.4 9.7 8.1 12.3 22 Otley & Wharfedale 5.7 10.0 20.4 14.5 8.2 13.8 10.3 12.7 4.5 21.4 17.1 12.4 9.3 5.3 15.7 8.4 17.9 8.8 15.2 18.6 7.9 0.0 8.4 11.0 15.0 20.0 11.3 13.9 11.2 7.1 17.3 15.3 12.2 23 Pudsey North 7.3 5.4 20.8 9.6 3.0 12.7 9.6 8.9 6.8 19.5 16.0 11.8 7.3 3.3 12.0 5.5 13.0 9.6 8.1 12.3 12.4 8.4 0.0 3.1 12.6 16.5 12.6 14.1 9.1 6.5 21.8 16.5 6.0 24 Pudsey South 10.4 4.4 19.8 7.3 3.4 11.8 9.2 7.2 8.4 17.8 14.8 11.1 6.9 5.7 10.0 5.4 10.5 9.9 5.0 9.3 13.5 11.0 3.1 0.0 11.1 14.4 12.5 13.5 8.2 7.1 22.3 16.0 3.6 25 Richmond Hill 18.2 7.2 9.0 4.7 9.7 2.2 4.8 3.9 10.5 6.9 3.8 3.3 6.0 12.0 2.4 7.6 5.1 6.6 9.1 8.2 10.5 15.0 12.6 11.1 0.0 5.1 5.9 4.3 3.9 8.0 14.8 6.6 7.7 26 Rothwell 22.8 11.3 9.4 7.1 13.9 6.9 9.9 7.8 15.5 4.4 5.5 8.2 10.8 16.6 4.6 12.1 4.4 11.7 10.7 7.6 15.4 20.0 16.5 14.4 5.1 0.0 10.6 8.3 8.8 12.9 18.0 9.7 10.8 27 Roundhay 15.9 8.2 9.1 9.1 9.7 3.7 3.3 7.0 7.4 10.6 6.2 2.7 5.6 10.5 8.0 7.2 10.8 3.0 12.8 13.4 4.9 11.3 12.6 12.5 5.9 10.6 0.0 2.8 4.8 6.1 10.0 4.2 10.2 28 Seacroft 18.2 9.1 6.8 8.5 11.1 2.2 4.5 6.9 9.8 7.8 3.4 2.4 6.8 12.5 6.6 8.6 9.4 5.3 12.7 12.4 7.6 13.9 14.1 13.5 4.3 8.3 2.8 0.0 5.3 8.1 10.5 2.6 10.6 29 University 14.3 3.9 11.7 4.5 6.1 3.6 1.8 2.4 6.7 10.7 7.0 2.9 2.1 8.2 4.6 3.8 7.2 3.6 8.0 9.1 8.0 11.2 9.1 8.2 3.9 8.8 4.8 5.3 0.0 4.1 14.8 7.8 5.5 30 Weetwood 10.3 3.7 14.9 7.6 3.8 7.2 3.6 5.6 2.7 14.7 10.7 6.0 2.2 4.4 8.6 1.9 10.8 3.2 9.3 11.9 6.4 7.1 6.5 7.1 8.0 12.9 6.1 8.1 4.1 0.0 15.4 10.2 6.2 31 Wetherby 22.9 18.1 10.3 18.9 19.2 12.7 13.3 17.0 15.3 15.4 12.5 12.3 15.5 19.0 17.1 16.9 19.9 12.4 22.8 22.9 9.7 17.3 21.8 22.3 14.8 18.0 10.0 10.5 14.8 15.4 0.0 8.3 20.2 32 Whinmoor 20.0 11.6 5.1 11.1 13.5 4.7 6.9 9.5 11.6 8.0 4.3 4.9 9.2 14.6 9.0 11.0 11.6 7.1 15.3 14.8 8.1 15.3 16.5 16.0 6.6 9.7 4.2 2.6 7.8 10.2 8.3 0.0 13.2 33 Wortley 13.0 2.5 16.6 3.7 4.1 8.7 6.9 3.9 8.4 14.2 11.5 8.3 4.9 7.2 6.5 4.3 7.0 8.1 3.2 6.6 12.3 12.2 6.0 3.6 7.7 10.8 10.2 10.6 5.5 6.2 20.2 13.2 0.0 Note: is i = j The distance was calculated as straight-line from centroid of origin ward and destination ward Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 168

Table 8.7: Offender flows of all crime in Leeds

All Crime Destination ( j ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Out Origin ( i ) eboro Armleyck and BeestonBramleuyrmantoapel Alley & Holboeokrid & SwHaltonHarehillseadingleorsforHunsletKirkstalMiddletoMoortoworley Norley So North& Whadsey Nosey SchmondR othwReoundhaSeacroUf niversiWt eetwoWoetherhinmoWortley flow 1 Aireborough 586 1415 46 5 4303 7 3 1 12814 1 1 1 1 13411 762 2 Armley 20 1,047 7 27 217 53 19 554 9 9 12 37 76 63 33 158 17 18 46 38 10 10 111 68 33 18 27 23 100 32 3 7 180 3,082 3 Barwick & Kippax 1 2 391 2 19 6 54 70 19 7 3 2 1 3 1 4 5 4 5 2 2 2 7 9 6 12 17 4 5 5 670 4 Beeston 11 20 6599 14 13 29 701 12 2 10 127811839 10 119 62 4 1 10 5 10 11 12 13 56 10 3 5 20 1,916 5 Bramley 22 253 7 32 1,181 22 21 270 10 1 13 10 84 29 13 148 918 3392612193 75 16 5 10 19 48 45 3 5 81 2,723 6 Burmantofts 7 17 22 18 13 1,405 92 672 6 25 164 243 50 2 34 26 12 31 30 15 20 21 15 179 19 102 183 214 11 28 63 12 3,751 7 Chapel Allerton 8 32 5 18 28 43 1,173 509 14 6 17 189 105 18 23 42 7 206 20 756 15 7 6 11 12 88 17 231 151 21 7 19 3,111 8 City and Holbeck 18 202 10 352 64 69 61 3,042 35 8 27 42 86 34 186 98 46 45 148 59 38 9 69 39 40 34 29 36 149 39 8 21 142 5,285 9 Cookridge 19 12 2 3 11 17 14 134 382 13 6 3 26 99 7 53 4 15 5 261613 2 5 11129 25 73 2 5 6 1,021 10 Garforth&Swillington 1 2 39 3 8 10 108 1336 26 12 813 10312 1239 2616 115 647 11 Halton 2 1 18 11 3 43 6 110 1 25 224 8 4 5 12 3 3 1 2 1 25 6 3 43 8 9 3 32 1 613 12 Harehills 8 46 9 53 20 274 291 852 25 6 44 1,141 69 13 52 64 8 74 36 14 20 11 27 9 51 23 252 115 290 31 19 22 32 4,001 13 Headingley 620 18 11 17 40 259 84 4 17 455 10 18 82 6 39 2215 314 461813 116 622321,267 14 Horsforth 31 1 1 2 2 93 32 1 1 8 228 1 27 1 1 14 10 71 44 23 8 1 538 15 Hunslet 8 15 12 97 6 29 19 501 13 24 14 18 21 3 1,089 13 245 24 98 47 9 6 7 11 34 87 29 22 50 24 3 14 33 2,625 16 Kirkstall 43 31 34 39 12 24 301 49 2 3 13 280 166 3 815 4 27 5 5 8 16 40 3 8 8 11 7 96 135 6 5 11 2,210 17 Middleton 3 10 2791216 6274 3 5 31176139 17 779 47061 31161046 4 5 26 5 72 5 1,637 18 Moortown 2319210 77 88 13 3 14 13 2 1 11 1 298 214721 1241421125 687 19 Morley North 4 1 14 7 11 5 117 1 3 2 1 10 1 16 6 3 5 337 135 8 4 4 13 9 1 3 2 16 8 1 15 763 20 Morley South 1 3 2 35 4 5 6 158 1 4 3 8 9 3 9 9 21 6 172 914 1 3 3 4 5 5 8 2 2 5 1,411 21 North 11 4 2 5 784613171416 22 612 5 117 24406 2611135 317 25 93 2 903 22 Otley & Wharfedale 41 134276 1 9 3 10 2350 10 117 1477 23 Pudsey North 8 12 4 23 3 45 3 4 15 1 13 1 2 11 1 285 69 1 1 2 2 4 8 518 24 Pudsey South 4 25 1 3 51 8 3 59 3 1 3 2 4 1 21 4 1 2 1 99 454 2 1 3 4 3 2 29 794 25 Richmond Hill 6 22 25 26 16 294 58 902 6 47 218 97 37 10 47 31 11 20 28 17 33 14 15 2 1,089 42 51 110 187 16 19 23 10 3,529 26 Rothwell 432421110100 110872 21426 31662 25 9355 2913 136 5 652 27 Roundhay 9 5 1 18 55 113 2 10 64 15 5 3 11 5 50 1 2 46 5 1 2 2 183 4 27 4 7 3 3 656 28 Seacroft 13 20 37 25 27 227 69 381 6 32 209 144 28 15 28 26 7 49 28 9 33 6 31 10 47 18 77 1,322 78 12 31 140 3 3,188 29 University 10 44 41415 97 145 902 31 13 16 135 178 16 25 106 16 36 32 11 29 15 21 8 25 944 31 971 73 5 5 20 3,102 30 Weetwood 108269929174 59 7 3 4 73 37 12 44 6 44 11 10 20 16 11 1 1 6 14 755 3314231,028 31 Wetherby 2 3 3 8 18 1 2 1 2 1 5 2 1 1 1 4 3 4 5 1 376 4 2 450 32 Whinmoor 3 6 31 18 79 19 151 2 15 125 20 6 2 5 13 13 3 6 14 8 9 2 10 17 22 140 19 9 12 554 2 1,335 33 Wortley 6 202 1 56 60 20 20 323 2 4 5 27 9 15 48 6 6 34 6 5 1 72 27 17 8 11 2 29 11 1 6 732 1,772 Inflow 913 2,076 647 1,548 1,869 2,846 2,375 12,169 735 672 1,187 2,270 1,700 846 1,886 1,944 1,289 1,181 1,313 1,451 868 594 1,117 834 1,665 787 1,086 2,192 2,940 1,187 602 949 1,386 57,124 Note: = No interaction = When i = j Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 169

Table 8.8: Offender flows of burglary dwelling in Leeds

Burglary Dwelling Destination ( j ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233Out Origin ( i ) eboroArmlecyk & Keestoramlermantpel All& Hoolokrid& SwHaltonarehiladingorsforHunslKeirkstaiddletooortowrley Nley SNorth& Whasey Nsey Smondothwoeundheacroniv erseetw oetherhinmWo ortley flow 1 Aireborough 38 32 1 44 2 Armley 258 5 131 5 1 7 2 8 122272109 2 413 4 4 4 3146 4 4 61 9 269 3 Barwick & Kippax 22 1 4 1 28 4 Beeston 1 1 49 1 3 18 1 5 9 2 4 231 2112 1 107 5 Bramley 2 22 4 13 80 11 1 19 4 10 2 8 6 3 14 3 13 8 5 475 414 1 18 281 6 Burmantofts 243 97115 11279 2 12 3 163 32 3013522131276 7 Chapel Allerton 2221 36122 26371 27 33 12 21 2256 11276 8 City and Holbeck 122298621162 75 11 11 20 8 5 27 4 10 20 3 7 3 7 3 2 8 11 6 10 365 9 Cookridge 33 1212247 101922 11 23 23311123144 10 Garforth&Swillington 2111 120 1 36 11 Halton 110 1171111112 7 3327 4 10 82 12 Harehills 1 5 332415 9 47833 92719235 2485 32 3 4 2 3 330 13 Headingley 3 4 72 1 72 28 213 3121 4 1614 1156 14 Horsforth 4 12 1 3 11 15 Hunslet 26 1216925 125813141325 3 3 7 2 19 19 1 1 6 1 10 232 16 Kirkstall 15 4235 24 12 1 130 26 114 2 1 3 3 16 1 1 3 1 10 30 4 7 436 17 Middleton 1 3 1 211 1 111 70 2 1311 100 18 Moortown 1 5 13 1 1 19 6 9 46 19 Morley North 1311921220 20 Morley South 2311122375 1 109 21 North 11 1 15 62 1 4 4 1 90 22 Otley & Wharfedale 31 8 12 23 Pudsey North 11 1 4 1 8 24 Pudsey South 12 1 111 1219 25 Richmond Hill 245 418144 811118 3 6 1 3 2 4 4 1 879 7 115 12 1 1 237 26 Rothwell 221 1 3 1 2 28 1 41 27 Roundhay 1211 9 2123 1831 35 28 Seacroft 2225 2 3 4 3 3 7 10 3 4 2 3 3 1 1 6 1 9 99 14 1 20 210 29 University 321315 11 12 6 49 9 5 78115 3 3 1 1 17 1 113 11 1 1 299 30 Weetwood 222125 31 245 24 1312 1 1717 1132 31 Wetherby 12 12 32 Whinmoor 1 2 13 1 1 6 18 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 2 11 2 55 124 33 Wortley 11 29 3 1 1 51 41 11 412 249161 Inflow 75 127 68 187 149 170 151 310 121 53 62 162 443 124 136 236 138 162 74 118 169 48 51 39 150 114 205 157 272 195 30 115 117 4,728 Note: = No interaction = when i = j Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 170

Figure 8.3 shows the catchment area of crime for Burmantofts, one of the most deprived wards in Leeds and one that contains a large number of offenders. The catchment area is quite tight with most crime being local (average distance is 2.151 km). However, Figure 8.4 shows the catchment area for the ward of Headingley. This ward contains a mixture of income groups, but is especially dominated by the large Leeds student population. Thus, it provides a wealth of opportunities for the criminal community. This is reflected in a wider catchment area (average distance is 2.646 km) for criminal activity in Headingley.

Offender from other wards to Burmantofts

Offender from other wards to Burmantofts 0-1 % 1-5 % 5-10 % 10-20% More than 20 %


Burmantofts W E


Figure 8.3: Catchment area for crime in Burmantofts Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police

Offender from other wards to Headingley

Offender from other wards to Headingley 0-1 % 1-5% 5-10 % 10-20 % Headingley More than 20 %



Figure 8.4: Catchment area for crime in Headingley Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 171

8.2.4 Inflow/Outflow Ratio

As mentioned in the previous section the inflow and outflow totals can be derived for each origin and destination from the offender flow matrix. Inflow and outflow can be compared to get an inflow/outflow ratio which is a measure of the relative flow of offenders residing in one area but committing crimes in other areas. A ratio greater than one means there is a greater number of offenders coming into an area than going out, while a ratio less than one means there are less number of offenders coming in than going out.

Figure 8.3 plots inflow/outflow ratios and shows certain inner city wards to have more offenders going out to commit burglary dwelling than coming in (more burglars living in an area than burglary dwelling committed in an area), notably Harehills and Armley (ratio of less than 0.5). On the other hand, outer city wards have more offenders coming in than going out, especially in Roundhay, Horsforth, and Pudsey North with a ratio greater than 5. Inflow/outflow ratios reflect push and pull factors. If the ratio is very low it means that an area may be too poor and does not have valuable things to steal or that there is more policing/less opportunities and therefore offenders are encouraged to travel for some distance to commit burglary dwelling. If the ratio is very high it means that an area is very attractive to burglars.

Inflow/ Outflow (Burglary Dwelling)

Harehills Horsforth Roundhay

Pudsey North

Inflow/Outflow Armley 0 - 0.5


1 - 2.5 N 2.5 - 5 W E More than 5


Figure 8.3: Inflow/Outflow of burglary dwelling in Leeds Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 172

8.2.5 Self-Containment

It should be noted that most offenders commit crime in their local areas (not far from where they live). To measure this it is also useful to define‘self-containment’ as

O SelfContainment = ij C j

Where Oij = Number of offenders travelling from origin i to destination j

Cj = Number of crimes occuring in area j

And we only consider cases where i = j

The ‘degree of self-containment’ shows the proportion of crimes committed by people who live in that area. It can be measured at any spatial scale. Table 8.9 shows ‘degree of self- containment’ for crime in Leeds by ward. The table shows degree of self-containment for every crime type on the left and for burglary dwelling on the right. As can be seen, most areas have high degrees of self-containment. For burglary dwelling, generally about half of burglary incidents in each ward are perpetrated by their residents, and the rest come from elsewhere. However, it is interesting to note that Horsforth (0.02), Roundhay (0.04), Pudsey North (0.08), and Weetwood (0.09) have very low degrees of self-containment which means burglary dwelling incidents in these areas are mainly committed by offenders from other areas. This implies they have high attractiveness to offenders living in other areas. As mentioned in § 8.2.2 Roundhay is dominated by output areas that are classified as ‘prospering suburb’. Horsforth is the same (Table 8.5). Being prospering suburbs makes them more attractive than other areas. In Weetwood most of the burglary dwelling crimes were committed by offenders living in Chapel Allerton and Kirkstall (Table 8.8) which are connected to Weetwood from the south east and from the south west respectively.

It should be noted that there is high negative correlation between ‘degree of self- containment’ and ‘inflow/outflow ratio’. As can be seen from Figure 8.4, areas with a high ‘degree of self-containment’ generally have a low inflow/outflow ratio, as might be expected.

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 173

Table 8.9: Self-containment of crime in Leeds by ward

Total Crime Burglary Dwelling Ward No of offenders Total Inflow Number of crime Self-containment No of Burglars Total Inflow Number of Burglary Dwelling Self-containment in area i of area j When i = j in area i of area j When i = j Aireborough 762 913 586 0.64 44 75 38 0.51 Armley 3,082 2,076 1,047 0.50 269 127 58 0.46 Barwick & Kippax 670 647 391 0.60 28 68 22 0.32 Beeston 1,916 1,548 599 0.39 107 187 49 0.26 Bramley 2,723 1,869 1,181 0.63 281 149 80 0.54 Burmantofts 3,751 2,846 1,405 0.49 276 170 97 0.57 Chapel Allerton 3,111 2,375 1,173 0.49 276 151 61 0.40 City and Holbeck 5,285 12,169 3,042 0.25 365 310 116 0.37 Cookridge 1,021 735 382 0.52 144 121 47 0.39 Garforth & Swillington 647 672 336 0.50 36 53 11 0.21 Halton 613 1,187 224 0.19 82 62 11 0.18 Harehills 4,001 2,270 1,141 0.50 330 162 78 0.48 Headingley 1,267 1,700 455 0.27 156 443 72 0.16 Horsforth 538 846 228 0.27 11 124 2 0.02 Hunslet 2,625 1,886 1,089 0.58 232 136 58 0.43 Kirkstall 2,210 1,944 815 0.42 436 236 114 0.48 Middleton 1,637 1,289 779 0.60 100 138 70 0.51 Moortown 687 1,181 298 0.25 46 162 19 0.12 Morley North 763 1,313 337 0.26 20 74 9 0.12 Morley South 1,411 1,451 914 0.63 109 118 75 0.64 North 903 868 406 0.47 90 169 62 0.37 Otley & Wharfedale 477 594 350 0.59 12 48 8 0.17 Pudsey North 518 1,117 285 0.26 8 51 4 0.08 Pudsey South 794 834 454 0.54 19 39 11 0.28 Richmond Hill 3,529 1,665 1,089 0.65 237 150 87 0.58 Rothwell 652 787 355 0.45 41 114 28 0.25 Roundhay 656 1,086 183 0.17 35 205 8 0.04 Seacroft 3,188 2,192 1,322 0.60 210 157 99 0.63 University 3,102 2,940 971 0.33 299 272 113 0.42 Weetwood 1,028 1,187 331 0.28 132 195 17 0.09 Wetherby 450 602 376 0.62 12 30 12 0.40 Whinmoor 1,335 949 554 0.58 124 115 55 0.48

Note: i = origin ward; j = destination ward Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 174






Self-Containment 0.20 R2 = 0.7767 0.10

0.00 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 Inflow/Outflow

Figure 8.4: Relationship between ‘inflow/outflow ratio’ and ‘degree of self-containment’

8.3 Spatial Interaction Model for Burglary Dwelling: Model Specification

Some questions emerge from the offender flow matrix: ƒ Why are there large flows between some areas but small or no flows between others? ƒ What are the characteristics of destinations that make them attractive for burglary? ƒ What are the characteristics of origins that have a large proportion of outflows that are unattractive to local offenders? ƒ From the offender dataset we know the outflow from each origin and the inflow into each destination, so what is the pattern of flows likely to be between these areas? And what determines the magnitude of spatial interaction between where the offenders live and where the crimes occur?

To help answer these questions, a spatial interaction model is formulated. This can be used to explain and predict flows between areas. Spatial interaction models normally take the form of an equation which is made up of the independent variables that influence the level of

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 175 spatial interaction between areas (the dependent variable to be estimated). Once a spatial interaction model has been validated for a region, it can then be used for simulation and prediction purposes: such as how many additional flows would be generated if the population increased. The spatial interaction model in this study is designed for burglary dwelling only. The following sections will describe model formulation, attractiveness factors, model calibration, goodness-of-fit statistics and then a model summary.

8.3.1 Model Formulation

In general, flow-based spatial interactions are a function of the attributes of the places of origin, the attributes of the places of destination, and the friction of distance between the origins and the destinations. The basic formulation of the spatial interaction model is as follows:

α −βdij (8.1) = jiiij eWAOS

Sij = Interaction between area i (origin) and area j (destination), which is the flow of offenders from area i (offender living area) to area j (offence area).

Oi = The attributes of the location of area i (origin), which is the number of offenders.

Wj = The attributes of the location of destination j, which is a measure of the attractiveness of destination j

dij = Distance between area i and area j

Ai = A balancing factor, which formally is written as: 1 A = i −βdij (8.2) ∑ k eW k

To ensure that ∑ ij = OS i (8.3) j

α (alpha) = The attractiveness power β (beta) = The distance decay parameter

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 176

8.3.2 Attractiveness Factors

The attractiveness factor is the ‘pulling power’ that a destination has. The more pulling power then the more likely the destination is to pull offenders across greater distances. However, it should be noted that the factors that prompt offenders to commit crimes are not the same as those inducing people to travel to work or to spend money in shops. For example in the case of burglary dwelling, attractiveness could be the number of affluent households that have more valuable things to be stolen. To be more accurate, the attractiveness factor may be a function of several factors. The factors used here are census variables, or derived from census variables (Table 8.10). In order to determine the best variables, they were regressed against crime inflow for burglary dwelling. The variable with the highest correlation coefficient is accepted as the most important determinant, though the match with the hypothetical ‘attractiveness’ will not be exact as the regression does not include the push factors (yet the flows are influenced by these). In addition, we should recall that we only have data for detected crimes, and the attractiveness associated with undetected crimes could be different. Nonetheless, as can be seen in Table 8.10 the ‘percentage of rented tenure multiplied by percentage of students’ has the highest R value. Therefore this factor has been used as the first (though see next section) attractiveness variable for the spatial interaction component of burglary dwelling.

Table 8.10: Correlations between potential attractiveness factors and inflow of burglary dwelling.

Potential Attractive Factors R

All people Age 16-74 0.058 All HHs -0.120 Number of Student** 0.762 Percentage of Student** 0.793 Number of HighClass -0.330 Percentage of HighClass* -0.349 All Car in area -0.534 Number of Rented House** 0.765 Percentage of Rented** 0.735 Number of Unemployed** 0.503 Multiple Deprivation Index* 0.377 IndexOfWealth 0.235 Percentage of Rented x Percentage of Student** 0.791 FTStudent x HighClass** 0.689 HHs x Student** 0.768 HHs x Student*HighClass** 0.676 Percentage of Rented x Percentage of HighClass** 0.694

** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 177

8.3.3 Scaled Attractiveness Factors

It was found that the first attempt using the attractiveness variable ‘percentage of rented * percentage of student’ did not produce a very accurate prediction (the results will be shown later in Table 8.14, § 8.3.6). Therefore a new attractiveness factor is incorporated by adapting the method used by Eyre (1999). The current attractiveness factor σ j is multiplied

by a new weight factorγ j (which could be comprised of many variables).

W =σ γ jjj (8.4)

The weight factor is made up of two components, a weight associated with the variable value and a weight associated with the correlation coefficient. The total weight factor is calculated thus:

1) The value-associated weight is set so that the weight associated with the most attractive ward for a given variable (i.e. the ward with the highest value for that variable) is 10. All the value-associated weights for the other areas are scaled relative to this using their variable levels. The scaled value of each weight for each

f area is given by η j , Where f is the variable being considered.

f f f ν j η j is formulated by η j f ×= 10 (8.5) ν =highestj

f Where ν j is equal to the value of the variable f for area j.

2) Each of the correlation coefficients for the variables are not equal. Therefore, the importance of the variables need adjusting on this basis using a correlation- associated weight. This is given for each variable by r f χ f = (8.6) ∑ r f f

where r is the correlation coefficient.

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 178

We thus have a value-associated weight for each area, and a correlation-associated weight for each variable. The final weight factor γ j used to adjust the prior attractiveness for each

f f area j is χ for the given area multiplied by the η j for each variable, summed together for the area.

f f j ∑ ×= ηχγ j (8.7) f

In practice, to determine the appropriate variables to use a number of experiments were run using different variables and Standardised Root Mean Square Error (SRMSE) was used to compare which model was the best, including:

ƒ Deprivation and wealth (SRMSE = 0.312) ƒ Deprivation, wealth, and working hours (SRMSE = 0.294) ƒ Deprivation, and number of cars per household (SRMSE = 0.284) ƒ Deprivation, and number of cars in an area (SRMSE = 0.282) ƒ Deprivation, number of cars in an area, and wealth (SRMSE = 0.284) ƒ Deprivation, wealth, and percentage of high-class people in an area (SRMSE = 0.298) ƒ Number of cars per household, and full-time working (SRMSE = 0.31)

It was thus found that the ‘deprivation’ and ‘number of cars in an area’ variables gave the best results with an SRMSE of 0.282 (more information about SRMSE will be given in § 8.3.5). Therefore ‘deprivation’ and ‘number of cars in area’ were incorporated, as above,

into the value of the current attractiveness variable,σ j (percentage of rented tenure * percentage of student).

γ j derived by experimentation:

f1 = Deprivation variable

f2 = Number of cars in area variable

Step 1) The value-associated weight for ‘deprivation’ and ‘number of cars in area’ for each ward were derived using equation 8.5. The most attractive ward was set to 10. The real values of ‘deprivation’ and ‘number of cars in area’ can be found in Appendix C.

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 179

Step 2) The correlation-associated weights for these two variables were set using equation 8.6. The ‘deprivation’ variable and ‘number of cars in area’ variable originally had correlation coefficients of 0.377 and 0.534 respectively (Table 8.10). Therefore ∑ r f = 0.911 (derived by 0.377+0.534) and this gives a weight of 0.414 (derived f by 0.377/0.911) for the ‘deprivation’ variable. In the same manner the ‘number of cars’ variable has a correlation coefficient of 0.534 and therefore it gives a weight of 0.586 in the attractiveness factor (derive by 0.534/0.911).

Step 3) γ j is derived by equation 8.7 for each area.

For example, γ j for Aireborough is derived by

γ j = (0.414*6.79) + (0.586*8.22) = 2.81 + 4.82 = 7.63 (see the right column of Table 8.11)

For Armley:

γ j = (0.414*2.08) + (0.586*4.62) = 0.86 + 2.71 = 3.57

Table 8.11 shows the γ j values calculated for the 33 wards in Leeds.

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 180

γ Table 8.11: The values calculated for j for 33 wards

r f Step 1: Step 2: f Step 3: χ = f f ∑r ν j η f ×= 10 f j f ν =highestj

Ward Original R= Original R= 0.377 0.534 f f j ∑ ×= ηχγ j f f f χ = 0.414 χ = 0.586

Weighted Weighted Number of Scaled Deprivation Scaled Car in area Deprivation Number of f f f f Car in area ( ×ηχ ) ( ×ηχ ) j j Aireborough 6.79 8.22 2.81 4.82 7.63 Armley 2.08 4.62 0.86 2.71 3.57 Barwick and Kippax 4.06 7.93 1.68 4.65 6.33 Beeston 1.69 3.09 0.70 1.81 2.51 Bramley 1.97 4.61 0.81 2.70 3.52 Burmantofts 1.28 2.94 0.53 1.72 2.25 Chapel Allerton 1.62 3.76 0.67 2.21 2.88 City and Holbeck 1.24 3.21 0.51 1.88 2.39 Cookridge 5.71 6.95 2.36 4.07 6.43 Garforth and Swillington 4.97 7.38 2.06 4.33 6.38 Halton 6.47 6.92 2.68 4.06 6.74 Harehills 1.27 3.19 0.53 1.87 2.40 Headingley 4.26 4.91 1.76 2.88 4.64 Horsforth 10.00 7.13 4.14 4.18 8.32 Hunslet 1.44 2.61 0.59 1.53 2.13 Kirkstall 2.36 4.39 0.98 2.57 3.55 Middleton 1.86 4.87 0.77 2.85 3.62 Moortown 4.16 6.28 1.72 3.68 5.40 Morley North 4.58 7.64 1.90 4.48 6.38 Morley South 3.69 8.38 1.53 4.91 6.44 North 5.91 7.70 2.45 4.52 6.96 Otley and Wharfedale 7.83 8.51 3.24 4.99 8.23 Pudsey North 5.75 7.24 2.38 4.25 6.63 Pudsey South 3.52 6.04 1.46 3.54 5.00 Richmond Hill 1.31 2.76 0.54 1.62 2.16 Rothwell 4.08 6.22 1.69 3.65 5.34 Roundhay 5.75 7.15 2.38 4.19 6.57 Seacroft 1.25 2.83 0.52 1.66 2.18 University 1.44 2.96 0.60 1.73 2.33 Weetwood 4.39 5.52 1.81 3.24 5.05 Wetherby 9.97 10.00 4.13 5.86 9.99 Whinmoor 2.28 4.17 0.94 2.44 3.39 Wortley 2.18 5.54 0.90 3.25 4.15

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 181

8.3.4 Model Calibration

Calibration is a significant challenge associated with the use of spatial interaction models. It is the process by which model parameters, in particular the distance decay parameter (beta) and the attractiveness power (alpha), are set to ensure that the estimated flows are similar or close to the observed flows. Changing the value of alpha (α) and beta (β) will influence the estimated spatial interaction. For example, the relationship between distance and spatial interactions will change according to the beta exponent. The parameter beta is attached to the distance decay function. If the beta value is high (higher than 0.5), the friction of distance will be much more important or, in other words, people find it difficult (or are unwilling) to make long trips. A low value of beta (e.g. 0.25) indicates relative ease of travel. When beta is 0 distance has no effect and interactions will be the same even if distance is changed. Alpha (α) reflects scale economies - ‘bigger’ destinations are even more attractive when alpha is greater than 1. A value of 1 means there is a linear relationship.

The spatial interaction model in this study is calibrated to reproduce existing interaction patterns between ‘where offenders live’ and ‘where crimes (burglary dwelling incidents) occur’. It is calibrated by trial and error using a small program written in Java called the ‘Spatial Interaction Calibrator’ which completes a brute-force search of the solution space to find the best represented parameters (alpha and beta values) that minimise the difference between the ‘predicted’ and ‘observed’ set of flows.

To run the program the following data needs to be input.

1) Attractiveness (Wj)

2) Number of offenders at the origin (Oi) 3) Distance between the origin i and destination j (33 x 33 matrix) 4) Observed counts, which in this case is burglary dwelling flows (33 x 33 matrix)

In addition the following control parameters were set:

ƒ Minimum value of beta = 0 ƒ Minimum value of alpha = 0 ƒ Maximum value of beta = 2 ƒ Maximum value of alpha = 2 ƒ Increasing value = 0.01 each iteration

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 182

Thus, every combination of alpha and beta between 0 and 2 is tried, with a resolution of 0.01.

The program starts by calculating this following equation

α −βdij = jiiij eWAOS (8.8)

At each alpha and beta values the predicted set of burglary dwelling flows of the 33 wards is compared against the observed counts. Highlight areas (in blue colour) in Figure 8.5a and 8.5b show those cells in the observed flows and the predicted flows to be compared. If Total Absolute Error (TAE) or sum of the residuals (sum of the ‘observed – predicted difference’ for each cell) (Figure 8.5c) improve then the alpha and beta value will be kept. The TAE is derived by

ˆ TAE = ∑ − SS ijij (8.9) ij

Where Sij is the observed count for the row i in column j ˆ Sij is the predicted count for the row i in column j

This process was continued until the maximum values of both parameters were reached. The final results are the value of alpha and beta that make the predicted flows as close to the observed flow as possible.

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 183

Observed Destinations ( j ) Flows 1 2 3 … … 33 ()Sij

1 38 0 0 O … … … R 2 2 58 5 … … … I 3 0 0 22 … … … G I : … … … … … … N : … … … … … … S : … … … … … … ( i )

33 … … … … … …

8.5a: Observed burglary dwelling flows

Predicted Destinations ( j ) Flows ˆ 1 2 3 … … 33 ( Sij ) 1 38 0 0 O … … … R 2 0 64 0 … … … I 3 0 0 23 … … … G I : … … … … … … N : … … … … … … S : … … … … … … ( i ) 33 … … … … … …

8.5b: Predicted burglary dwelling flows

Absolute Destinations ( j ) Error TAE ˆ 1 2 3 … … 33 − SS ijij

1 0 0 0 O … … … R 2 2 6 5 … … … I 3 0 0 1 … … … G I : … … … … … … N : … … … … … … S : … … … … … … ( i ) 33 … … … … … …

− SS ˆ ∑ ijij TAE ij

8.5c: Total Absolute Error (Sum of Residual)

Figure 8.5: Burglary dwelling flows to be compared in the calibration process

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 184

8.3.5 Goodness-of-fit Statistic:

The assessment of a model’s ability to replicate a known dataset is an important part of model building. Model evaluation consists of measuring the accuracy with which a set of predicted data replicates a set of known data. Many goodness-of-fit statistics have been used for this purpose. However, for the spatial interaction model, Knudsen and Fortheringham (1986) examined the various statistics for comparing observed and predicted spatial interaction matrices. They found that for analysing the performance of two or more models in replicating the same dataset, the most appropriate statistic appears to be the Standardised Root Mean Square Error (SRMSE).

SRMSE is a useful measure of model performance in predicting the observed values and it will be used as a method of comparing model results in this chapter to select the best model. It should be noted that the SRMSE is used in two different ways in this study: 1) ‘Matrix comparison’ where the whole grid of 33 x 33 ward relationships are tested 2) ‘Total inflow (by ward) comparison’ where only the inflows into 33 wards are tested.

ˆ SRMSE is a general distance statistic which is characterised by functions of Sij - Sij . For matrix comparison the SRMSE is defined as

ˆ 2 ∑∑( ijij ) ×− nmSS ij SRMSE = (8.10) ∑∑ ij × nmS ij

Where Sij is an element of the matrix of observed flows ˆ Sij is an element of the matrix of predicted flows m and n are matrix dimensions

The differences are squared to avoid summing positive and negative differences. This statistic has a lower limit of ‘zero’ indicating a perfect fit. It has been noted that SRMSE ˆ should only be used when ∑∑ ij = ∑∑ SS ij but this condition is usually met in spatial ij ij interaction modelling.

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 185

When comparing the result of ‘inflow burglary dwelling’ at ward level the SRMSE will be given by

ˆ 2 ∑ ( − ii ) nyy SRMSE = (8.11) y

Where yˆi is the predicted value of burglary at ward i

yi is the observed value of burglary in ward i

y is the mean value of yi n is the number of wards (which in this case is 33)

8.3.6 Model Summary

In practice there are many experiments which can be done including those mentioned in § 8.3.3. This section summarises 4 main models.

1) Model 1: The first estimation.

Wj= Percentage of rented tenure*percentage of student Alpha= 0.25 Beta= 0.52 2) Model 2:

W =σ γ jjj : add deprivation and number of car factors to Wj of Model 1 Alpha= 0.25 Beta= 0.52 3) Model 3:

Wj= Predicted burglary dwelling from regression model Alpha= 0.6 Beta= 0.56 4) Model 4:

Wj = Predicted burglary dwelling from inflow regression model Alpha= 1.26 Beta= 0.52 5) Model 5:

Wj = Recorded burglary dwelling Alpha= 0.77

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 186

Beta= 0.54 Note that the alpha and beta values of each model are different. They come from the

‘Spatial Interaction Calibrator’ program explained in § 8.3.4. Different Wjs give different alpha and beta values. The reason for using the regression equations to derive the attractiveness of the areas in models 3 and 4 is that crime will largely reflect the attractiveness of victims (though see § 8.3.2). The regressions can therefore be used to predict offender flows and crime. In model 5, however, the recorded burglary dwelling is used as attractiveness for comparison because it sheds light on current conditions.

Table 8.12 shows the SRMSE values of the 5 models described above. There are two main comparisons in the table as mentioned earlier: ‘matrix comparison’ and ‘total inflow comparison (by ward)’. As can be seen the SRMSE values are very high for the matrix comparison, partly because of large numbers of cells without any interactions. Note that there are 1,089 cells in total for the burglary dwelling flows in Leeds but there are only 519 cells that are active (have a non-zero flow). This affects the mean value of observed counts used in equation (8.10). Therefore, another SRMSE value is included which calculates using only active cells.

Model 2 shows the best result according to the SRMSE values of both the ‘matrix comparison’ and ‘total inflow comparison (by ward)’. Table 8.13 shows the predicted burglary dwelling flows from the best model. There are 492 (highlight in green) of 1,089 cells that have a perfect fit matching the exactly the number of observed flows. Table 8.14 compares the observed total inflow for burglary dwelling with the ‘first estimation’ (attractiveness = percentage of rented tenure*percentage of student) and the ‘best estimation’ (attractiveness = percentage of rented tenure*percentage of student multiplied by scaled deprivation and number of car). Overall the best prediction has greatly improved. As can be seen the average relative error is 24.87% compared with 34.92% for the ‘first estimation’. A large number of wards (25 wards) have improved, though there is poorer performance in 9 wards.

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 187

Table 8.12: Model summary

Inflow Comparison Matrix Comparison (by ward)

Model Description SRMSE TAE TAE 1089 1089 Active SRMSE by cells cells Cells Ward st 1 Estimation: Wj = % of Rented * % of Student 1 Alpha=0.25 Beta=0.54 1.3192 0.6287 2886 0.3909 1524

W =σ γ jjj : add deprivation and number of car factors to Wj of Model 1 2 Alpha=0.25 Beta=0.52 1.3004 0.6197 2822 0.2817 1002

Wj = Predicted burglary dwelling from original regression 3 Alpha= 0.6 Beta=0.56 1.3839 0.6595 2904 0.3991 1528 Wj = Predicted burglary dwelling from inflow regression 4 Alpha=1.26 Beta=0.52 1.3321 0.6349 2855 0.3437 1316

Wj =Recorded Burglary dwelling 5 Alpha=0.77 Beta=0.54 1.3821 0.6587 2956 0.4078 1521

Note: Matrix comparison: n=1,089; Active cells= 519 Inflow comparison: n=33

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 188

Table 8.13: Predicted burglary dwelling flows

BurglaryDwelling Destination j Prediction Oi A i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Out Origin Ø eborouArmleyck & KBeestoBramlermantopel Allaend Hoookridgh&SwHaltoHnarehileading orsforHunsleKirkstaMiddletooortowrley Norley SoNorth& Whadsey Ndsey ShomonRdothweoundheacroniverseetwoWetherWbhinmoWortley Flow

i Wj Ö 25.3 14.4 19.6 10 16.1 9.9 12.6 12.2 23.7 19.5 18.2 11.2 38.1 31 8.5 19.9 13.2 20 19.5 21.5 24.8 26.5 20.5 17.5 9.0 17.7 23.3 9.2 17.7 28.4 31.1 13.2 14.7 1 Aireborough 44 0.034 38 0000000000002000000021000000000044 2 Armley 2690.0160640418149500143813514511158101010190018269 3 Barwick & Kippax280.041002300000011000000000000000000001028 4 Beeston 1070.02804030111120011706361660001211052006107 5 Bramley 281 0.018 1 19 0 1 83 0 2 3 9 0 0 1 21 32 0 28 0 3 3 0 1 2 22 15 0 0 1 0 4 20 0 0 9 281 6 Burmantofts 2760.023022216312612203514053291120001832119174071276 7 Chapel Allerton 276 0.016 0 5 0 2 2 6 54 6 5 0 2 14 48 2 2 10 1 32 1 0 4 1 1 1 3 0 18 4 31 18 0 2 2 276 8 City and Holbeck 365 0.021 0 18 0 24 5 6 11 93 2 1 3 7 48 2 12 15 7 7 7 5 1 0 2 3 9 2 5 2 39 12 0 1 15 365 9 Cookridge 144 0.019 1 2 0 0 3 0 2 0 66 0 0 0 9 12 0 6 0 5 0 0 4 7 2 1 0 0 1 0 2 20 0 0 1 144 10 Garforth&Swillington360.039001000000273000000000000003000000036 11 Halton 820.030003004110545210101100000033241004082 12 Harehills 330 0.020 0 3 1 2 1 32 24 7 2 1 10 74 24 1 4 5 1 20 1 1 4 0 0 0 11 2 38 18 26 8 0 7 1 330 13 Headingley 156 0.011 0 6 0 1 3 1 7 4 3 0 0 2 68 2 1 14 0 7 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 11 16 0 0 2 156 14 Horsforth 110.01800001000100006000000001000000100011 15 Hunslet 232 0.032 0 3 0 16 1 7 4 16 1 3 7 5 10 0 63 3 22 2 3 8 0 0 0 1 19 12 3 2 12 2 0 1 4 232 16 Kirkstall 436 0.013 1 33 0 2 25 1 9 7 15 0 0 2 86 18 1 114 1 11 2 1 2 2 7 6 1 0 3 1 14 61 0 0 9 436 17 Middleton 1000.03601060103011120714803130000260020001100 18 Moortown 460.017010001402001600201600200000402400046 19 Morley North 200.031000100000000000000121000100000000220 20 Morley South 1090.0340103000100001020807790001010010002109 21 North 900.029000000103001210105006410000501311090 22 Otley & Wharfedale 12 0.029 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 23 Pudsey North 80.025000010000000010000000041000000000 8 24 Pudsey South 190.02801001000000011010010002900000000119 25 Richmond Hill 237 0.028 0 2 1 6 1 21 7 11 1 4 17 14 11 0 16 3 6 4 1 2 1 0 0 0 61 8 7 7 16 3 0 3 2 237 26 Rothwell 410.039000000000320001020010000128000000041 27 Roundhay 35 0.021 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 17 2 1 1 0 1 0 35 28 Seacroft 2100.027013101872121719602117003000613152621190210 29 University 299 0.015 0 9 0 4 3 7 23 16 3 0 2 11 59 2 4 13 1 14 1 1 2 0 1 1 5 1 9 3 81 15 0 1 4 299 30 Weetwood 1320.0130400403110001215013070021110020449001132 31 Wetherby 120.031000000000000000000000000000000120012 32 Whinmoor 1240.037006004200194100002002000111211112610124 33 Wortley 1610.02401506701610011131811143004101000440056161 Inflow 43 193 43 114 163 178 182 206 134 52 142 201 501 102 128 279 110 164 69 123 96 28 55 62 147 74 185 127 291 268 16 110 138 4,728

No Note: Wj = (Percentage of rented tenure and percentage of student)* deprivation and number of car factors; Oi = Number of offender committed burglary dwelling is cell that exactly matches to the observed count (492 cells of 1,089 cells)

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 189

Table 8.14: Predicted inflows burglary dwelling by ward

First Estimated Best Estimated Improve

Ward Observed Inflow Burglary ? PredictedFlow Residual Error (%) PredictedFlow Residual Error (%) Aireborough 75 40 35 46.29 43 32 43.32 9 Armley 127 206 79 62.01 193 66 52.13 9 Barwick and Kippax 68 33 35 51.69 43 25 36.35 9 Beeston 187 148 39 21.10 114 73 39 ° Bramley 149 192 43 28.91 163 14 9.7 9 Burmantofts 170 242 72 42.62 178 8 4.47 9 Chapel Allerton 151 216 65 43.29 182 31 20.71 9 City and Holbeck 310 276 34 11.07 206 104 33.44 ° Cookridge 121 101 20 16.79 134 13 10.6 9 Garforth and Swillington 53 39 14 26.31 52 1 1.81 9 Halton 62 76 14 22.96 142 80 129.54 ° Harehills 162 264 102 63.04 201 39 24.19 9 Headingley 443 397 46 10.33 501 58 13.17 ° Horsforth 124 55 69 55.34 102 22 17.35 9 Hunslet 136 182 46 33.84 128 8 5.56 9 Kirkstall 236 309 73 30.97 279 43 18.33 9 Middleton 138 105 33 23.93 110 28 20.16 9 Moortown 162 112 50 30.90 164 2 1.24 9 Morley North 74 44 30 40.99 69 5 6.89 9 Morley South 118 89 29 24.91 123 5 4.57 9 North 169 74 95 56.29 96 73 43.44 9 Otley and Wharfedale 48 20 28 57.43 28 20 40.82 9 Pudsey North 51 36 15 29.91 55 4 6.89 9 Pudsey South 39 51 12 31.41 62 23 58.95 ° Richmond Hill 150 205 55 36.43 147 3 1.77 9 Rothwell 114 53 61 53.37 74 40 35.02 9 Roundhay 205 97 108 52.68 185 20 9.59 9 Seacroft 157 186 29 18.76 127 30 19.06 ° University 272 412 140 51.58 291 19 7.09 9 Weetwood 195 216 21 10.61 268 73 37.6 ° Wetherby 30 13 17 56.04 16 14 45.19 9 Whinmoor 115 112 3 2.65 110 5 4.78 ° Wortley 117 126 9 7.95 138 21 17.96 ° Total 4,728 4,728 TAE=1,524 Average= 34.92 4,728 TAE=1,002 Average= 24.87 9

Source: West Yorkshire Police and spatial interaction model for burglary dwelling.

Chapter 8- Movement of Offenders and Spatial Interaction Modelling 190

8.4 Concluding Comments

This chapter started with an explanation about the movement of offenders. As found in previous studies the movements of offenders are relative short. It was found that offenders commit crimes close to where they live for most crime types except fraud and forgery. The distance decay principle matches the pattern that the number of burglary dwelling incidents that an offender commits drops steadily with an increase in distance from the offender’s residence. Generally, an area with high offender rates tends to have high crime rates while an area with low offender rates tends to have low crime rates. However, an area with low offender rates may have high burglary dwelling rates if it is very attractive for burglars.

Movements of offenders can be seen as spatial interactions. Plotting the origin and destination of offenders creates a flow matrix. Inflow/outflow ratio and degree of self- containment give a picture of the attractiveness of an area. It can be argued that there is a high negative correlation between inflow/outflow ratio and degree of self-containment. Horsforth, Roundhay and Pudsey North wards show that they have high level of inflow/outflow ratio and have very low degrees of self-containment. This shows that these areas are very attractive for burglary. Most offenders committing burglary dwelling in these areas come from other wards.

The spatial interaction model for burglary dwelling was formulated to replicate offender committed burglary dwelling flows in Leeds. There are large flows between some areas but small or no flows between others. The factors that determine the magnitude of spatial interaction between where offenders live and where the crimes occur are attractiveness of the destinations and distance between the two areas. It has been found that some areas are very attractive for offenders committing burglary dwelling but some are not. The characteristics of destinations that best replicate the known interaction are the 1) proportion of rented tenure type and students 2) scaled deprivation and number of cars in the area.

The model can not only be used to explain spatial flows but also can be used to predict the consequences of changes in the conditions generating them. It will thus be used for simulation and prediction purposes in the next chapter.

Chapter 9- What-if Analyses 191

Chapter 9

What-if Analyses

9.1 Introduction 9.2 Policy and Scenario Issues 9.3 Modelling the Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy 9.3.1 Scenario 1: Economic Activity Changes in Gipton NRA 9.3.2 Scenario 2: Economic Activity Changes in Harehills NRA 9.3.3 Scenario 3: A Reduced Number of Offenders Committing Burglary Dwelling in the Gipton NRA 9.3.4 Scenario 4: A Reduced Number of Offenders Committing Burglary Dwelling in the Harehills NRA 9.4 Concluding Comments

9.1 Introduction

One of the major advantages of the spatial microsimulation model is the ability to perform what-if analysis. It can be used to conduct policy simulations and for forecasting. In particular, spatial microsimulation models can be used to estimate the impacts of different policy scenario changes and their effects. This chapter aims to show how SimCrime, a spatial microsimulation for crime in Leeds, can be used for what-if analysis. In developing scenarios, this study focuses on those factors that are most likely to have a major impact on crime. Section 9.2 describes policy and scenario issues in Leeds, specifically focussing on the Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy. Section 9.3 gives examples of how SimCrime was used in order to perform what-if analysis. Changes in input parameters provide a new estimation of the likelihood of being the victim of crime. In particular, the impacts of socio- economic changes on crime victimisation at output area level are illustrated in § 9.3.1 and 9.3.2. Plainly changes in socio-economic structure also mean changes in the number of offenders with a subsequent increase or decrease in criminal flows to different areas. These changes lead to further alterations in the number of crimes in different areas. Sections 9.3.3 and 9.3.4 examine the impact of a change in socio-economic structure on offender flows for burglary dwelling. Finally, § 9.4 offers some concluding comments.

9.2 Policy and Scenario Issues

The key variables of SimCrime are important for the prediction of policy impacts. The variables that are focused upon are listed in Table 9.1. Spatial microsimulations, such as SimCrime, become policy relevant when the variables within them can be related to the targets of a specific policy scheme. It is not always the case that the variables that give a good current population distribution are those which are easily related to policy. However in SimCrime there is a good overlap. For example, SimCrime can be used to examine the impacts of the Leeds Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy on potential crime activity.

Chapter 9- What-if Analyses 192

Table 9.1: SimCrime attributes

Micro-unit attributes of SimCrime

Location (place of residence) at output area level Age Sex Living arrangement Economic activity Tenure type Car or van availability

Socio-economic classification

In January 2001 the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, launched the initiative ‘A New Commitment to Neighbourhood Renewal: A National Strategy Action Plan’. The Strategy sets out the government’s plan to narrow the gap between the most deprived neighbourhoods and the rest of the country. The aim is to bring economic prosperity, safe communities, high quality education, decent housing and better health to the poorest parts of the country. At the national level the Action Plan is carried out by the Neighbourhood Renewal Unit (NRU) of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM). At the local level, neighbourhood renewal is the responsibility of Local Strategic Partnerships (LSP). The Leeds Initiative, led by Leeds City Council, is the Leeds Local Strategic Partnership (LSP).

The Leeds Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy, produced by the Neighbourhood and Communities Partnership of the Leeds Initiative, was launched in late 2001. The Strategy aims to narrow the gap between the most disadvantaged neighbourhoods of Leeds and the rest of the city. It has been noted that almost 20% of the Leeds population live in areas officially rated as among the most deprived in the country. Many of these are in the inner- city areas, but there are also pockets of deprived neighbourhoods in the more affluent outer areas. They suffer high crime rates, high levels of unemployment, low income, poor housing, poor health, family breakdowns, and low educational achievement (Leeds Initiative, 2005).

The Leeds Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy identifies key areas of the city in which regeneration activity should be focused. Two of these are the Harehills and Gipton areas (Figure 9.1). The aim of narrowing the gap between the communities in these areas and the rest of the population will only be achieved by simultaneously lowering unemployment,

Chapter 9- What-if Analyses 193 reducing crime, improving health, increasing skills and providing better housing and physical environments. The crime aspect of the proposed programme of changes is examined here.

Figure 9.1: Neighbourhood Renewal Areas (NRAs) in Leeds Source: Leeds City Council

The micro-spatial impacts of the policy of Neighbourhood Renewal Areas (NRAs) can be estimated using spatial microsimulation models such as SimCrime. As mentioned in Chapter 7, the risk of burglary dwelling victimisation is related to socio-economic circumstances and, generally, economically disadvantaged households are at a higher risk. If the population changes (discussed by the plan) are carried out in the microsimulated population, it is then possible to use the new relationships between circumstances and crime to predict future crime levels. Broadly, one would expect, in areas where socio-economics are improved, that there would be a decrease in victimisation rates.

Changes in socio-economic structure cause changes in the chance of becoming a victim of crime but also in the number of offenders, which, in turn, can be related to changes in the number of victims and number of crimes (Figure 9.2). There is, then, the potential for two crime predictions: the first is to predict victims of crime, the second is to predict crime locations. The first proceeds by simulating the new population forecast under the plan, and attaching British Crime Survey (BCS) statistics to give general victim numbers. The second proceeds by then taking this population (without the crime data playing a part) and using it to predict both offenders and the attractiveness of the renewed areas, which can then be used in the spatial interaction model to predict the crime locations. It should be noted that both methodologies allow for the creation of new crimes and an analysis of their predicted locations.

Chapter 9- What-if Analyses 194

Changes in Socio-economic

Increase/decrease in Increase/decrease in number of victims number of offenders

Changes in Number of crimes/Crime rates

Figure 9.2: Effects of socio-economic changes on crime

Gipton and Harehills are the major Neighbourhood Renewal Areas in Leeds where unemployment and crime rates are greater than the Leeds average. The Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy aims to induce changes to the employment structure. A reasonable question would therefore seem to be ‘what will happen to crime rates if there is higher employment and less unemployment?’ It might, for example, be expected that a lowering in unemployment could mean a lower number of offenders, with subsequent decreases in the flow of criminals to other areas.

Figure 9.3 shows the estimated spatial distribution of those people living in the Gipton and Harehills NRAs which will be affected by the NRA initiative. The group dealt with, both in the figure and the analysis following, are people aged 16-74 who are economically active (employed, unemployed, or full-time students). Figure 9.4 shows the estimated spatial distribution of the subset of these people who are unemployed, and therefore likely to be affected the most.

Chapter 9- What-if Analyses 195

People Age 16-74 Economically Active

Gipton NRA Harehills NRA People Aged 16-74 Active 24 - 94 95 - 129 130 - 161 N 162 - 197 W E 198 - 357 S

Source: SimCrime

Figure 9.3: Spatial distribution of people aged 16-74 and economically active by output area

People Aged 16-74 Unemployed

Gipton NRA Harehills NRA People Aged 16-74 Unemployed 0 - 4 5 - 9 N 10 - 14 15 - 20 W E

21 - 35 S

Source: SimCrime

Figure 9.4: Spatial distribution of unemployed people aged 16-74 by output area

Chapter 9- What-if Analyses 196

9.3 Modelling the Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy

The Gipton and Harehills NRAs will be used in what-if analyses that change employment in the following sections. Specifically, § 9.3.1 and 9.3.2 show the impact of socio-economic changes on the number of victims of burglary dwelling, while § 9.3.3 and 9.3.4 deal with the spatial interactions between offenders’ home addresses and where they commit crimes.

9.3.1 Scenario 1: Economic Activity Changes in Gipton NRA

The Gipton NRA is located east of the City Centre (Figure 9.5), and lies within the Burm antofts and Harehills electoral wards. This area has gained a poor reputation and has a predominance character of higher than average levels of deprivation. The 2001 Census statistics recorded 11,868 people (1.7% of the population of Leeds) living in the Gipton NRA in 4,638 households. Fifty-eight per cent of households in the Gipton NRA rent their hom es, whether from the council or from private or social landlords, against only 38% for Leeds as a whole.

Some 56.72% of the population aged 16-74 is economically active, compared with 66.37% for Leeds as a whole. The Gipton NRA has 7,982 people in this age group of whom 4,527 are economically active. If the area met the city average, there would be 5,297 economically active people, i.e. about 770 more than at present. Economically active people fall into three groups:

ƒ Employed ƒ Unemployed ƒ Full-time students

Chapter 9- What-if Analyses 197

Figure 9.5: Gipton Neighbourhood Renewal Area

Source: Leeds City Council

Chapter 9- What-if Analyses 198

Scenario 1 is to change the economic activity of the people aged 16-74 in the Gipton NRA to match the Leeds average, with the crimes being predicted through changes in victim numbers, not offenders. The figures shown in Table 9.2 illustrate how labour market conditions would have to change if Gipton NRA were to correspond to the Leeds average, while Table 9.3 summarises the number of people in each category. Note that the total number of economically active people in the Gipton NRA under Scenario 1 is derived from the number of people that already existed plus the increase/decrease required to correspond to the Leeds average. For example, the total number of employed people aged 16-74 under Scenario 1 is 4,754 (3,773+981).

Table 9.2: Economic activity in Gipton NRA and in Leeds

Percentage of population Number of population aged 16-74 aged 16-74 Status Increase required to Gipton Leeds Gipton correspond to Leeds average % % Nos. Nos. % Employed 47.27 59.56 3,773 981 26.01 Unemployed 6.53 3.35 521 -254 -48.72 Full-time student 2.92 3.46 233 43 18.37 Total 56.72 66.37 4,527 770 17.01 Source: Leeds City Council (2004a)

Table 9.3: Scenario 1

Scenario1: Total economically active people in the Gipton NRA under Scenario 1

Economic Activity of Gipton NRA Number

Employed 4,754 Unemployed 267 Full-time student 276

Figure 9.6 depicts the estimated spatial distribution of the number of victims of burglary dwelling in the Gipton NRA resulting from the changed economic activity under Scenario 1. As can be seen, most output areas would have a smaller number of victims. However, in 12 output areas the victims of burglary dwelling would increase and in two output areas they would remain the same (Figure 9.7). Overall, burglary dwelling decreases around 20% (from 308 incidents to 247 incidents) in the Gipton NRA under Scenario 1, assuming no change in offenders.

Chapter 9- What-if Analyses 199

Scenario 1

Figureigure 9.6: How number of vicvicf tims of burglary dwelling in the Gipton NRA would chd ch ange under Scenario 1

Roundhay Seacroft


Gipton NRA


Figure 9.7: Change in the number of victims of burglary dwelling in the Gipton NRA

Chapter 9- What-if Analyses 200

Figure 9.8: Harehills Neighbourhood Renewal Area

Chapter 9- What-if Analyses 201

9.3.2 Scenario 2: Economic Activity Changes in the Harehills NRA

The Harehills Neighbourhood Renewal Area (NRA) (Figure 9.8) is home to some 19,694 people, and lies within the Harehills, Burmantofts, and University wards. From the 2001 Census, it is clear that this area is one of the most deprived in Leeds. The Harehills NRA has 2.8% of the population of Leeds, but only 1.9% of the white population of Leeds, with 44% of the Bangladesh community, 18% of the Pakistani community and 15% of the ‘black’ community. Sixty-seven per cent of households in the Harehills NRA rent their homes, whether from the council or from private or social landlords, against only 38% for Leeds as a whole.

About 57% of the population aged 16-74 is economically active compared with 66.37% for Leeds as a whole. The Harehills NRA has 14,036 people in this age group, of whom 7,999 are economically active. If the area corresponded to the city average, there would be 9,315 economically active individuals in this group (i.e. 1,316 more than at present). Table 9.4 shows how the economic activity would have to change if the Harehills NRA were to correspond to the Leeds average. The most notable thing is the large decrease (56.30%) in unemployment that would be required. The required increase in employment is 28.19%. We use these changes in Scenario 2, and the resulting changes are shown in Table 9.5.

Table 9.4: Economic activity in Harehills NRA and in Leeds

Percentage of population Number of population aged 16-74 aged 16-74 Status Increase required to Harehills Leeds Harehills correspond to Leeds average % % Nos. Nos. % Employed 46.47 59.56 6,522 1,838 28.19 Unemployed 7.66 3.35 1,075 -605 -56.30 Full-time student 2.86 3.46 402 83 20.64 Total 56.99 66.37 7,999 1,316 16.45 Source: Leeds City Council (2004b)

Table 9.5: Scenario 2

Scenario 2: Total economically active people in the Harehills NRA under Scenario 2

Economic Activity of Harehills NRA Number

Employed 8,360 Unemployed 470 Full-time student 485

Chapter 9- What-if Analyses 202

The Harehills NRA is bigger than the Gipton NRA in size, the number of output areas, and the number of individuals. Figure 9.9 illustrates the estimated spatial distribution of the victims of burglary dwelling in the Harehills NRA resulting from the changed economic activity under Scenario 2. It is interesting to note that there is no improvement in terms of burglary dwelling victimisation, indeed, things get worse. Under Scenario 2, the number of victims of burglary dwelling in the Harehills NRA would change from 531 to 595, a 12 per cent increase.

Scenario 2

Figure 9.9: How the number of victims of burglary dwelling in the Harehills NRA would chan ge under Scenario 2.

It is always assumed that efforts to reduce crime in disadvantaged areas should aim a t increasing local socio-economic sta tus. Logically we might expect decreases in victimisation and in the number of crimes in areas where socio-econo mic conditions have improved . However, in some cases it may be that the areas in question become more attractive (improving the socio-economic structure attracts more affluent residents) and that causes a higher risk of victimisation. Moreover, the process of socio-economic improvement brings with it social instability. Improved economic conditions are not necessarily associated with lower levels of crime. If disparities within a region re main large, improvem ents in wealth and income ma y encourage the less advantaged groups to commit crimes against the more affluent groups (Glaeser and Sacerdote, 1999). It seems that this is the condition present in the Harehills NRA, and these results point towards future difficulties that may arise under the NRA scheme, if carried out in Harehills in isolation.

Chapter 9- What-if Analyses 203

Chapel Allerton


University Burmantofts

City and Holbeck

Richmond Hill

Figure 9.10: The changing number of victims of burglary dwelling in the Harehills NRA under Scenario 2

As can be seen in Figure 9.10, there are a large number of output areas that would have more victims of burglary dwelling if Scenario 2 occurred. Output areas that would have an increase in the number of victims of burglary dwelling are mostly concentrated within pockets of the Harehills NRA itself and particularly those output areas on the edge of the NRA. This is likely to be happening in the model because the Harehills NRA improvement attracts offenders living in surrounding wards such as Chapel Allerton, Richmond Hill and City and Holbeck to come into the Harehills NRA. These wards have a very high number of offenders (Table 8.8 in previous chapter). This shows that the chance of becoming a victim of burglary dwelling is higher not only in disadvantaged areas, but also in the areas that are undergoing socio-economic improvement.

Chapter 9- What-if Analyses 204

9.3.3 Scenario 3: A Reduced Number of Offenders Committing Burglary Dwelling in the Gipton NRA

Section 9.3.1 and 9.3.2 have already shown the result of changing the employment status of people in the Gipton and Harehills NRAs on the number of victims of burglary dwelling. It should be noted, however, that changing the employment structure impacts not only on victim numbers but also on offenders. Scenario 3 is therefore to add in these offenders to the previous microsimulation changes and to predict their movements. In this study, it has been found t hat the ‘number of offenders committing burglary dwelling’ (burglars) has a very high correlation with the ‘number of unemployed people’. The correlation coefficient is high at 0.819 (significant at the 0.01 level). Therefore, following the regression analysis, the ‘number of offenders’ in each area is adjusted using the following simple equation:

Number of burglars in area = -133.336 + 0.529* Number of Unemployed (9.1)

Table 9.6: Scenario 3

Scenario 3: Total offenders in the Gipton NRA under Scenario 3

Gipton NRA Number of Burglars

Burmantofts 77 Harehills 108

As with § 4.2.4, it should be noted that ‘offenders’ in this sense are essentially offence- events as offenders that commit multiple crimes are listed multiple times. This does not cause problems because the numbers are being calculated by regression. It is not, here, important which people are doing the offending, just total numbers. Table 9.6 shows the number of offenders committing burglary dwelling (burglars) calculated from the above equation. In line with the spatial interaction model described in Chapter 8, the attractiveness is derived from the ‘percentage of rented tenure * percentage of students’ multiplied by ‘scaled attractive factors’ (deprivation and number of car). Under Scenario 3 there is an 18.37 % increase in full-time students in the Gipton NRA (see Table 9.2). Therefore, the attractiveness factor in the spatial interaction model is also adjusted.

The impact of the changes in the number of offenders and attractiveness factors can be assessed in terms of the changes in offender flows. Given the lower number of burglars in the Burmantofts and Harehills areas of the Gipton NRA, and looking at the flow (travel to crime) patterns, it is reasonable to expect that Harehills and Burmantofts, as well as the surrounding areas, will have lower numbers of burglary dwelling. In particular, for

Chapter 9- What-if Analyses 205

Roundhay the previous chapter shows that 23.42% of offenders who commit burglary dwelling in Roundhay live in Harehills, while 14.63% come from Burmantofts. Therefore, it can be reasonably expected that Roundhay will be strongly affected by the improvement in employment.

Figure 9.11 shows the decrease in burglary dwelling in Leeds under Scenario 3. The overall effect is that every ward would have less burglary dwelling. Harehills and Burmantofts themselves decrease more than 30%. As for surrounding areas, the largest effects are in Roundhay and Seacroft, with decreases in burglary dwelling of 22.75% and 20.93% respectively.

Decrease in 'burglary dwelling' under scenario 3


Gipton NR A Decrease in burglary dwelling Less than 1% 1-5 % 5-10% N

10-20% W E

20-30% S More than 30%

Figure 9.11: Decrease in burglary dwelling under scenario 3

Table 9.7 summarises offender flows under Scenario 3. Columns on the left show the number of offenders travelling from Burmantofts and Harehills to other wards, calculated both the base line model (in Chapter 8) and under Scenario 3. Columns on the right show ‘total inflow’ into each ward of burglary dwelling offenders. Again there is a comparison between the baseline spatial interaction model and Scenario 3. Each category shows ‘number’ and ‘percentage share’. Note that burglary dwelling flows in Leeds is initiated within a closed system. Therefore, flows within this system are generated by area conditions only, and without external inputs. Once the number of offenders is lowered, it is no surprise that each ward has a decrease in the total number of inflows. The reason for the expression of the figures as the ‘percentage share’ is that it allows comparison as a proportion of the total flows, useful when comparing results within this closed system.

Chapter 9- What-if Analyses 206

Table 9.7: Estimated burglary dwelling flows under Scenario 3

Number of flows Number of flows Total inflow of burglary dwelling to each ward From Burmantofts From Harehills Number Percentage Destination Ward Baseline SI Model Scenario3 Change Share Baseline SI Model Scenario3 Baseline SI Model Scenario3 Number PercentageShare Number PercentageShare Change Aireborough 0 0 0 0 43 0.90 42 0.99 -0.09% 0.09 Armley 2 1 3 1 193 4.09 190 4.40 -1.82% 0.32 Barwick & Kippax 2 1 1 0 43 0.92 41 0.95 -5.25% 0.04 Beeston 2 1 2 1 114 2.41 111 2.57 -2.97% 0.16 Bramley 1 0 1 0 163 3.46 162 3.76 -0.80% 0.31 Burmantofts 63 18 32 11 178 3.76 116 2.69 -34.81% -1.07 Chapel Allerton 12 3 24 8 182 3.86 156 3.63 -14.29% -0.23 City and Holbeck 6 2 7 2 206 4.36 197 4.57 -4.66% 0.20 Cookridge 1 0 2 1 134 2.83 131 3.05 -1.90% 0.22 Garforth & Swillington 2 1 1 0 52 1.10 49 1.15 -5.16% 0.05 Halton 20 5 10 3 142 3.01 120 2.79 -15.47% -0.22 Harehills 35 10 74 25 201 4.26 132 3.06 -34.58% -1.20 Headingley 14 4 24 8 501 10.60 474 11.01 -5.39% 0.41 Horsforth 0 0 1 0 102 2.17 101 2.36 -1.02% 0.19 Hunslet 5 1 4 1 128 2.72 122 2.83 -5.12% 0.11 Kirkstall 3 1 5 2 279 5.91 274 6.35 -2.03% 0.45 Middleton 2 1 1 0 110 2.33 108 2.50 -2.18% 0.17 Moortown 9 3 20 6 164 3.47 143 3.33 -12.67% -0.14 Morley North 1 0 1 0 69 1.46 68 1.58 -1.14% 0.12 Morley South 1 0 1 0 123 2.61 122 2.84 -0.75% 0.23 North 2 1 4 1 96 2.02 91 2.12 -4.32% 0.10 Otley & Wharfedale 0 0 0 0 28 0.60 28 0.65 -1.04% 0.05 Pudsey North 0 0 0 0 55 1.15 54 1.26 -0.65% 0.10 Pudsey South 0 0 0 0 62 1.31 62 1.43 -0.74% 0.12 Richmond Hill 18 5 11 3 147 3.12 126 2.93 -14.40% -0.19 Rothwell 3 1 2 1 74 1.57 71 1.64 -4.78% 0.07 Roundhay 21 6 38 12 185 3.92 143 3.32 -22.75% -0.60 Seacroft 19 5 18 6 127 2.69 100 2.33 -20.93% -0.35 University 17 5 26 8 291 6.16 260 6.05 -10.60% -0.11 Weetwood 4 1 8 3 268 5.67 259 6.02 -3.37% 0.35 Wetherby 0 0 0 0 16 0.35 16 0.37 -2.76% 0.02 Whinmoor 7 2 7 2 110 2.32 99 2.30 -9.47% -0.01 Wortley 1 0 1 0 138 2.92 136 3.16 -1.28% 0.24 Total 276 77 330 108 4,728 100 4,307 100 -8.91% 0.00

Chapter 9- What-if Analyses 207

It is interesting to note how offenders’ flows patterns would change under Scenario 3. The main trend is a decline in the total inflows (Table 9.7). The ‘percentage share’ of burglary dwelling inflow would be decreased in Harehills (-1.20), Burmantofts (-1.07), Roundhay (- 0.60), and Seacroft (-0.35). The impact on the rest of the system is also important. It has been found that Chapel Allerton, Halton, Richmond Hill, Moortown, University, and Whinmoor also decrease in ‘percentage share’.

The ‘percentage share’ change under scenario 3 is demonstrated in Figure 9.12. It shows that those areas in close proximity to the Gipton NRA would have less ‘percentage share’. Although the amount of burglary dwelling would decrease across the city, those wards further from the Gipton NRA would have a higher ‘percentage share’ under Scenario 3.

Change in 'Percentage Share' Under Scenario3

Gipton NRA 'Percentage Share' Change Decrease more than 1 Decrease 0-1 Increase 0.01 - 0.45 N


Figure 9.12: ‘Percentage share’ change under Scenario 3

Chapter 9- What-if Analyses 208

9.3.4 Scenario 4: A Reduced Number of Offenders Committing Burglary Dwelling in the Harehills NRA

Here, under Scenario 4, the number of burglars are changed in the same manner as in § 9.3.3. The numbers of burglars living in the wards lying in the Harehills NRA are given in Table 9.8. Moreover, under Scenario 4 full-time students in the Harehills NRA are increased by 20.64% (see Table 9.4).

Table 9.8: Scenario 4

Scenario 4: Total offenders in the Harehills NRA under Scenario 3

Harehills NRA Number of Burglars

Burmantofts 46 Harehills 72 University 70

Figure 9.13 shows the decrease in burglary dwelling in Leeds under Scenario 4. As with Scenario 3, the overall effect is that every ward should see a decline in burglary dwelling. Harehills and Burmantofts decline by more than 40% while the University ward decline by 30%. Surrounding areas such as Roundhay, Chapel Allerton, and Seacroft would be the most affected, with a decrease in burglary dwelling of 30.05%, 26.48%, and 25.91% respectively.

Decrease in 'burglary dwelling' under scenario 4


Harehills NRA Decrease in burglary dwelling Less than 5 % 5-10 % 10-20 % N 20-30 % 30-40 % W E More than 40 % S

Figure 9.13: Decrease in burglary dwelling under Scenario 4

Chapter 9- What-if Analyses 209

Table 9.8: Estimated burglary dwelling flows under Scenario 4

Number of flows Number of flows Number of flows Total inflow of burglary dwelling to each ward From Burmantofts From Harehills From University Number Percentage Destina tion Ward Baseline SI Model Scenario4 Change Share Baseline SI Model Scenario4 Baseline SI Model Scenario4 Baseline SI Model Scenario4 Number Percentage Share Number P ercentage Share Change Aireboroug h 0 0 0 0 0 0 43 0.90 42 1.06 -0.24% 0.16 Armley 2 0 3 1 9 2 193 4.09 182 4.54 -5.76% 0.45 Barwick & Kippax 2 0 1 0 0 0 43 0.92 40 1.01 -6.45% 0.09 Beeston 2 0 2 0 4 1 114 2.41 107 2.66 -6.60% 0.24 Bramley 1 0 1 0 3 1 163 3.46 159 3.97 -2.48% 0.52 Burmantof ts 63 11 32 7 7 2 178 3.76 99 2.48 -44.00% -1.28 Chapel All erton 12 2 24 5 23 5 182 3.86 134 3.34 -26.48% -0.51 City and H olbeck 6 1 7 1 16 4 206 4.36 182 4.54 -11.73% 0.18 Cookridge 1 0 2 1 3 1 134 2.83 128 3.20 -4.19% 0.37 Garforth & Swillington 2 0 1 0 0 0 52 1.10 49 1.21 -6.51% 0.11 Halton 20 3 10 2 2 1 142 3.01 115 2.87 -19.15% -0.14 Harehills 35 6 74 17 11 3 201 4.26 110 2.75 -45.26% -1.51 Headingley 14 2 24 5 59 14 501 10.60 424 10.56 -15.47% -0.04 Horsforth 0 0 1 0 2 0 102 2.17 100 2.48 -2.81% 0.32 Hunslet 5 1 4 1 4 1 128 2.72 118 2.94 -8.22% 0.22 Kirkstall 3 0 5 1 13 3 279 5.91 262 6.54 -6.05% 0.63 Middleton 2 0 1 0 1 0 110 2.33 106 2.65 -3.68% 0.32 Moortown 9 2 20 4 14 3 164 3.47 129 3.21 -21.57% -0.26 Morley Nor th 1 0 1 0 1 0 69 1.46 67 1.67 -3.02% 0.21 Morley So uth 1 0 1 0 1 0 123 2.61 122 3.03 -1.49% 0.42 North 2 0 4 1 2 0 96 2.02 89 2.23 -6.45% 0.21 Otley & W harfedale 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 0.60 28 0.69 -2.23% 0.09 Pudsey No rth 0 0 0 0 1 0 55 1.15 53 1.33 -2.01% 0.18 Pudsey So uth 0 0 0 0 1 0 62 1.31 61 1.51 -2.37% 0.20 Richmond Hill 18 3 11 2 5 1 147 3.12 118 2.95 -19.62% -0.16 Rothwell 3 1 2 0 1 0 74 1.57 69 1.73 -6.50% 0.16 Roundhay 21 3 38 8 9 2 185 3.92 130 3.23 -30.05% -0.69 Seacroft 19 3 18 4 3 1 127 2.69 94 2.35 -25.91% -0.34 University 17 3 26 6 81 20 291 6.16 202 5.04 -30.56% -1.12 Weetwood 4 1 8 2 15 3 268 5.67 246 6.13 -8.37% 0.45 Wetherby 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0.35 16 0.40 -3.50% 0.05 Whinmoor 7 1 7 1 1 0 110 2.32 97 2.41 -11.71% 0.09 Wortley 1 0 1 0 4 1 138 2.92 133 3.31 -3.84% 0.39 Total 276 46 330 72 299 70 4,728 100 4,011 100 -15.16% 0.00

Chapter 9- What-if Analyses 210

Table 9.8 shows the estimated burglary dwelling flows under Scenario 4 in the same format as Table 9.7. The ‘percentage share’ of total inflow of burglary dwelling declines in 10 of 33 wards including Burmantofts (-1.28), Harehills (-1.51), University (-1.12), Roundhay (- 0.69), Chapel Allerton (-0.51), Seacroft (-0.34), Moortown (-0.26), Richmond Hill (-0.16), Halton (-0.14), and Headingley (-0.04). The same pattern can be found here under Scenario 4. There would be a decline in the ‘percentage share’ of total inflow of burglary dwelling in those areas with a close proximity to the Harehills NRA, while to balance the calculation the rest of the city would see an increase.

Change in 'Percentage Share' Under Scenario 4

Harehills NRA 'Percentage Share' Change Decrease more than 1 Decrease 0-1 Increase 0.01 - 0.63 N



Figure 9.14: ‘Percentage share’ change under Scenario 4

Chapter 9- What-if Analyses 211

9.4 Concluding Comments

This chapter has demonstrated the usefulness of the spatial microsimulation model in the evaluation of policies such as the Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy. In particular, SimCrime was used to estimate the impact of changing the socio-economic structure of the Gipton and Harehills NRAs in Leeds, specifically how this changed the number and location of victims of burglary dwelling. Further, examples were given of analyses in which the spatial impacts of a change in the offender flows were investigated using the synthetic populations and the spatial interaction model. When interpreting results from scenarios presented in this chapter, it is important to understand that they do not predict the future crime trend. Instead, they estimate what changes in crime are likely to occur as a result of demographic and socio- economic changes.

The findings resultant upon the improved socio-economic status of areas under Scenarios 1 and 2 shed new light on the way in which an area’s socio-economic structure affects the risk of victimisation. The risks are not intuitive, indicating the worth in making such a model. The results from Scenario 1 and 2 support the social disorganisation study of Van Wilsem et al. (2006) that victimisation is more likely in disadvantaged neighbourhoods, but may increase in neighbourhoods where socio-economic improvements are taking place.

When an area’s socio-economic conditions, such as employment structure, are changed, this affects the number of offenders and attractiveness of destination areas, resulting in a different pattern of offender flows. The results from Scenarios 3 and 4 show that burglary dwelling in an area is not only dependent upon individual and area characteristics, but also upon the city context. The total inflow to one area is dependent on what is happening in neighbouring areas. Improving the socio-economic structure in the Gipton NRA and Harehills NRA would have a significant impact on the existing offenders’ flows patterns, especially in surrounding areas.

One of the drawbacks of the what-if analysis presented in this chapter is that the validity of the estimated spatial impacts of the Neighbourhood Renewal Area cannot be assessed. However, the results from Scenario 3 and Scenario 4 can be compared with the police recorded crime data for the latest year available to see if the trends they reveal correspond to real data about the areas, which are currently under the Strategy. Note that the spatial interaction model can provide a predictive accuracy of around + 25% on average (Table 8.14 previous chapter); with matches of + 4% for Burmantofts, + 7% for University, and + 24% for Harehills.

Chapter 9- What-if Analyses 212

Table 9.9: Recorded burglary dwelling (2001/02 and 2003/04)

Recorded Burglary Dwelling Ward 2001/2002 2003/2004 Number Percentage Share Number Percentage Share Number Percentage Share Change Change Aireborough 295 1.88 311 2.25 5.42% 0.37 Armley 380 2.42 792 5.73 108.42% 3.30 Barwick & Kippax 203 1.29 181 1.31 -10.84% 0.01 Beeston 287 1.83 296 2.14 3.14% 0.31 Bramley 469 2.99 600 4.34 27.93% 1.35 Burmantofts 612 3.90 508 3.67 -16.99% -0.23 Chapel Allerton 729 4.65 429 3.10 -41.15% -1.54 City and Holbeck 632 4.03 597 4.32 -5.54% 0.29 Cookridge 426 2.71 381 2.75 -10.56% 0.04 Garforth & Swillington 216 1.38 214 1.55 -0.93% 0.17 Halton 287 1.83 290 2.10 1.05% 0.27 Harehills 702 4.47 450 3.25 -35.90% -1.22 Headingley 1,391 8.86 1,002 7.24 -27.97% -1.62 Horsforth 453 2.89 446 3.22 -1.55% 0.34 Hunslet 295 1.88 275 1.99 -6.78% 0.11 Kirkstall 832 5.30 790 5.71 -5.05% 0.41 Middleton 338 2.15 246 1.78 -27.22% -0.38 Moortown 567 3.61 367 2.65 -35.27% -0.96 Morley North 210 1.34 193 1.40 -8.10% 0.06 Morley South 261 1.66 238 1.72 -8.81% 0.06 North 551 3.51 348 2.52 -36.84% -1.00 Otley & Wharfedale 240 1.53 305 2.20 27.08% 0.68 Pudsey North 364 2.32 335 2.42 -7.97% 0.10 Pudsey South 259 1.65 357 2.58 37.84% 0.93 Richmond Hill 711 4.53 557 4.03 -21.66% -0.50 Rothwell 272 1.73 194 1.40 -28.68% -0.33 Roundhay 694 4.42 468 3.38 -32.56% -1.04 Seacroft 547 3.49 395 2.86 -27.79% -0.63 University 997 6.35 735 5.31 -26.28% -1.04 Weetwood 645 4.11 533 3.85 -17.36% -0.26 Wetherby 168 1.07 233 1.68 38.69% 0.61 Whinmoor 334 2.13 261 1.89 -21.86% -0.24 Wortley 326 2.08 506 3.66 55.21% 1.58 Total 15,693 100 13,833 100 -11.85% 0.00

Table 9.9 summarises the recorded burglary dwelling between 2001/02 and 2003/04. It is interesting to note that recorded burglary dwelling in Leeds has decreased 11.85% within three years. Twenty-four of the thirty-three wards have seen a decrease in the number of burglary dwelling. Changes in recorded burglary dwelling are shown in Figure 9.15 and the change in ‘percentage share’ of recorded burglary dwelling is illustrated in Figure 9.16. The red colour depicts an increase whilst the green colour depicts a decrease. As can be seen, areas close to the Gipton and Harehills NRAs have decreased in the amount of burglary dwelling. This decrease is likely to be a result of the Neighbourhood Renewal Area Strategy, which started in late 2001.

Chapter 9- What-if Analyses 213

Change in 'Recorded Burglary Dwelling' (2001/02 and 2003/04)

Harehills NRA Gipton NRA Burglary Changes Decrease more than 30% Decrease 15-30% Decrease up to 15% Increase up to 30% N Increase 30-50%

W E Increase more than 50%


Figure 9.15: Change in recorded burglary dwelling (2001/02 and 2003/04) Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police

Change in 'Percentage Share' of Recorded 'Burglary Dwelling' (2001/02 and 2003/04)

Harehills NRA Gipton NRA 'Percentage Share' Decrease Increase N W E S

Figure 9.16: Change in ‘percentage share’ of recorded burglary dwelling (2001/02 and 2003/04) Source: Derived from West Yorkshire Police

Chapter 9- What-if Analyses 214

It is interesting to compare the ‘percentage shares’ of burglary dwelling under Scenario 3 and Scenario 4 with the real statistics (Table 9.10). As can be seen, they are a good match. Twenty-seven of thirty-three wards show the same trend as the real data. Examining the effects of socio-economic change on crime using such examples as presented in this chapter could, therefore, be an important step in the process of developing crime prevention initiatives.

Table 9.10: Trends of ‘percentage share’ of recorded burglary dwelling by ward (between 2001/02 and 2003/04)

Change in ‘Percentage Share’ of burglary dwelling

Ward Recorded Burglary Dwelling Under Scenario 3 Under Scenario 4 Aireborough + + + Armley + + + Barwick & Kippax + + + Beeston + + + Bramley + + + Burmantofts - - - Chapel Allerton - - - City and Holbeck + + + Cookridge + + + Garforth & Swillington + + + Halton + - - Harehills - - - Headingley - + - Horsforth + + + Hunslet + + + Kirkstall + + + Middleton - + + Moortown - - - Morley North + + + Morley South + + + North - + + Otley & Wharfedale + + + Pudsey North + + + Pudsey South + + + Richmond Hill - - - Rothwell - + + Roundhay - - - Seacroft - - - University - - - Weetwood - + + Wetherby + + + Whinmoor - - + Wortley + + +

Note: + = increase - = decrease.

Highlights are wards with the same trends as the recorded burglary dwelling

Chapter 10- Conclusions 215

Chapter 10 Conclusions

10.1 Introduction 10.2 Summary of the Research Findings 10.3 Evaluation and Limitations of the Research 10.4 Possibilities for Future Research 10.5 Concluding Statements

10.1 Introduction

This final chapter concludes the thesis by providing reflection on the results of previous chapters and outlining the potential for future work. Section 10.2 summarises how the aims and objectives which were stated in Chapter 1 were achieved, and highlights the main findings made with reference to the research objectives. An evaluation and the limitations of the research are given in § 10.3. The possibilities for future research are detailed in §10.4. The chapter ends with concluding statements in § 10.5.

10.2 Summary of the Research Findings

As stated in Chapter 1, the principal aim of this thesis was to investigate the potential of spatial microsimulation for modelling crime. Chapter 1 established that in order to achieve this research aim a number of research objectives needed to be accomplished.

The first objective was to review the geography of crime and crime modelling; this was achieved in Chapter 2. Crime mapping is a key component for studying the geography of crime and the discussion focused on the location of crimes in respect to demographic and socio-economic characteristics. The chapter summarised crime attributes relating to offenders, victims, and offence areas derived from the literature reviewed in Table 2.2. These variables were explored (in Chapter 5) to find out whether or not they are good predictors of crime in Leeds and to assess how these could be linked in a spatial microsimulation. Chapter 2 also reviewed the work on crime modelling. Crime models are generally based on statistical regression approaches. Most of them are based on long-run aggregate relationships between recorded crime and macroeconomic and demographic factors. In the UK, the smallest area of crime modelling to date is at the police force area level.

Chapter 10- Conclusions 216

Chapter 3 fulfilled the requirements of objective two: to review microsimulation models and the procedures involved in creating a synthetic population microdata dataset. The chapter introduced microsimulation models and described the difference between static and dynamic, and spatial and aspatial models. Selected microsimulation models were reviewed and the advantages and disadvantages of microsimulation models were summarised. There have been a large number of microsimulation models to date. However, they have not been applied to the study of crime. The chapter then reviewed and compared the two main methods used to create a synthetic population: synthetic reconstruction and combinatorial optimisation. There are some key advantages of combinatorial optimisation using simulated annealing over other methods. Therefore, this method was adopted to create a microdata dataset and was described in detail.

Objective three, to investigate and review the available data for modelling crime in Leeds, was attained in Chapter 4. Four main sources of data were used in this study: the 2001 Census, the 2001/2002 British Crime Survey (BCS), police recorded crime datasets (2000/01, 2001/02, 2002/03, 2003/04), and a known offender dataset (2001-2004). General information on, and limitations of, the datasets were described and discussed. Although the census provides a comprehensive spatial coverage for small geographical areas, it has limitations. The main problem for this study is the discrepancies in census counts between tables because of actions taken to preserve the confidentiality of individuals. The BCS provides a rich source of individual and household information together with crime victimisation data, but is not available for small geographical areas. Police recorded crime data and data on known offenders were also reviewed and their advantages and drawbacks were discussed. Geographical referencing of the latter two datasets provided very useful information on where crimes occur and where offenders live.

Chapter 5 focused on objectives four and five: to explore the geography of crime in Leeds and to study the relationship between crime and its related determinants in the Leeds context. The chapter presented Leeds crime figures and trends. The geographical variations at the police division and ward levels were presented. Different types of crime tend to occur in different types of areas. However, it is clear that most of the crime types clustered in certain areas (close to the city centre). The City and Holbeck ward has the highest number of crimes and crime rates for every type except burglary dwelling. Known offenders and victims in Leeds were also described.

Chapter 10- Conclusions 217

Pearson’s correlation coefficients provided a better understanding of the relationship between crime and its determinants. Focus was placed on a range of factors correlated with crime. It was argued that ‘student’ factor is one of the most important for modelling crime. The multiple regression model and correlation coefficients developed in the chapter suggested that ‘age’, ‘sex’, ‘economic activity’, ‘socio-economic classification’, ‘car ownership’, and ‘tenure type’ play an important role for burglary dwelling and need to be included in the spatial microsimulation for modelling crime.

Chapter 6 addressed objective six: to use the knowledge that has been gained in objective 1- 5 to build a static spatial microsimulation model for crime in Leeds, by presenting SimCrime, a spatial microsimulation model for crime in Leeds. The knowledge gained from Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5 was used to create SimCrime. The model in effect added ‘geography’ to the existing BCS data. The chapter demonstrated how to spatial disaggregate the BCS to output area level, so that the information pertaining to the characteristics of victims of crime can be used to estimate similar information for zones as small as output areas. Specifically, SimCrime combines individual microdata from the BCS with census statistics for smaller areas to create synthetic microdata estimates for small output areas in Leeds using a combinatorial optimisation simulated annealing method.

The output of SimCrime is a list of 514,523 individuals aged 16-74 living in households in Leeds whose characteristics match the characteristics of the 514,523 individuals living in Leeds, as shown in the 2001 Census. Attached to these individuals are attributes including victimisation-related variables from the 2001/2002 British Crime Survey. Moreover, it is possible to estimate the geographical and socio-economic distribution of the people which are unavailable from published sources. Validation is difficult, however, the individual synthetic population was aggregated to output area level and then evaluated in terms of their match to the constraint tables from the census to give a model calibration error. SimCrime constraint variables are age, sex, living arrangement, economic activity, tenure type, car or van availability, and socio-economic classification. It was argued that the constraint tables should be adjusted to minimise discrepancies added by the confidentiality process between the total populations in small areas. The adjustment method proposed in the chapter ensured the constraint tables were more consistent. The quality of the synthetic population is likely to be affected by the size of the sample used as a microdata database, the number of constraint variables, the consistency of constraint tables, and the value of the control parameters of the simulated annealing method.

Chapter 10- Conclusions 218

Spatial microsimulation models such as SimCrime provide an ideal framework in which crime victimisation for small areas can be estimated. To accomplish objective seven, to use this model to estimate crime victimisation at ward level, Chapter 7 demonstrated the potential of spatial microsimulation for modelling crime victimisation at the ward level in Leeds. For ease of comparison, the chapter estimated victims of burglary dwelling for which the place of residence and victimisation are the same. The assumption is that if the synthetic population from SimCrime have the same (demographic and socio-economic) characteristics as the population from the British Crime Survey, they will have the same propensity to be a victim of crime. SimCrime estimated that the likelihood of being a victim of burglary dwelling is much higher in inner-city areas, particularly in the Headingley and University wards. However, the model showed that using the information from the BCS alone underplayed the importance of geographical factors. SimCrime also showed the risk for different types of household. It was argued that the proximity to offenders’ living areas raises the risk of victimisation. Moreover, it was noted that if affluent areas are surrounded by poor areas, they tend to have higher burglary dwelling rates that the model might otherwise estimate. The results confirm that the likelihood of victimisation varies dramatically with demographic, socio-economic and area characteristics.

As SimCrime initially predicted all crimes, but the crime statistics are for recorded crimes, recorded burglary dwelling was also estimated using SimCrime. SimCrime gave a much better match with real data for Leeds as a whole compared with results at ward level. The flip side of this analysis is that SimCrime can also be used to estimate the reporting rate. It has been found that reporting rates in Leeds vary considerably by crime type, matching the conclusions of the British Crime Survey. Insurance claims are the main reason for reporting crime in Leeds.

Objectives eight and nine: to investigate movement of offenders and to explore the interaction between the location of offence and the location of offender by linking the microsimulation model with a spatial interaction model, were examined in Chapter 8. It has been found that movements of offenders are relative short. Offenders commit crimes close to where they live for most crime types except fraud and forgery. The journey to crime helps to explain why areas with more offenders are not necessarily areas with more offences and areas with a smaller number of offenders are not necessarily areas with a smaller number of offences.

The spatial interaction model for burglary dwelling was formulated to model offender flows for burglary dwelling. The factors that determine the magnitude of spatial interaction

Chapter 10- Conclusions 219 between ‘where offenders live’ and ‘where the crimes occur’ are attractiveness of the home area and distance between the two areas. The characteristics of destinations that affect the interaction are the proportion of rented tenure type and students, scaled deprivation and number of cars in the area.

To fulfil objective ten: to enable the what-if analysis of a range of policy scenarios, Chapter 9 demonstrated how SimCrime and spatial interaction models can be used for what-if analysis. Scenarios presented in the chapter attempt to describe how current conditions may change in the future. They are not forecasts per se; they are descriptions and portrayals of events and trends as they could change dependent on policy decisions – not as they will. SimCrime was used to estimate the impact of changing the socio-economic structure of the Gipton and Harehills Neighbourhood Renewal Areas (NRAs) in Leeds. The results of presented scenarios shed new light on the way in which an area’s socio-economic structure affects the risk of victimisation, specifically for burglary dwelling. It has been found that burglary dwelling victimisation is more likely in disadvantaged neighbourhoods, but, surprisingly, may also increase in neighbourhoods where socio-economic improvements are taking place. SimCrime indicated the likely effects of demographic and socio-economic changes on crime victimisation trends assuming no other factors come into play.

When the socio-economic conditions of areas are changed, it also results in a different pattern of offender flows. This was assessed by using the spatial interaction model. It has been found that burglary dwelling in an area is not only dependent upon individual and area characteristics, but also upon the city context. The offender flows to one area is dependent on what is happening in neighbouring areas. Changing the socio-economic structure in one area would have a significant impact on the existing offenders’ flows patterns, especially in surrounding areas.

10.3 Evaluation and Limitations of the Research

As stated in Chapter 1, the principal aim of this thesis was to investigate the potential of spatial microsimulation for modelling crime. This aim has been achieved to a large extent. The work in this thesis has shown that the spatial microsimulation model has enabled the modelling of crime victimisation at small area levels (e.g. ward level). Before this the smallest area of modelling crime in the UK was at the police force area level. In practice, SimCrime is able to identify those most at risk of becoming a victim of crime down to the output area level or community level. This could help in the planning of crime prevention programmes in the future.

Chapter 10- Conclusions 220

Adding geo-references into the British Crime Survey makes it more valuable and the spatial aspect is capable of providing geographical detail for different scales. This is one of the advantages of spatial microsimulation. Moreover, it is possible to estimate new geographical distributions of geo-demographic which are unavailable from published sources. For example, it becomes possible to identify individuals with the characteristics associate with a higher propensity to commit crime, i.e. male aged 16-24, unemployed, in rented tenure. This might be useful for monitoring change over time and can provide the basis for policy initiatives centred on ‘crime prevention’ because crime can be prevented by having an impact on those characteristics which lead people to be more likely than others to commit crimes – for example, by increasing their income.

Spatial microsimulation has a great advantage over other approaches for modelling crime in that it can be applied for policy analysis. It can identify which types of households and which geographical areas would be affected under different policy scenarios. The examples of what-if analyses that were presented in Chapter 9 may be useful for policy makers to evaluate the socio-economic impacts, as well as spatial impacts, of proposed policy changes. Examining the effects of socio-economic change on crime, and understanding the effects of possible trends on crime, is an important step in the process of developing crime prevention initiatives. Very little work has been undertaken to date in this field.

Although crime hotspot analysis has proved to be useful for developing crime reduction strategies and policing plans, it neglects the dynamics of the system – the interaction between where the offenders/victim live and where the crimes occur, as well as the negative side effects of crime on an area. Crime is the product of an interaction between the person and the setting. What attracts offenders to commit crime in some areas, but not others? This thesis has shown the strength of a spatial microsimulation framework that has been successfully linked with a spatial interaction model. The spatial interaction model developed in this study can be used not only to explain spatial flows but also the consequences of changes in the conditions of areas.

However, it is important to recognise the limitations of the research. As Ballas (2001) pointed out, caution is essential when using spatial microsimulation methodologies to carry out what-if policy analysis because the output of all microsimulation models is always simulated and not actual data. Moreover, it should be noted that the model presented in this thesis cannot be used to analyse the longer-term effects of policy changes. It is only a snapshot and does not deal with many of the complexities involved in the dynamics of urban renewal - for example the problems of developing strong community economies.

Chapter 10- Conclusions 221

Models can always be improved, and this model is no exception. The quality of the synthetic population in this thesis is likely to be affected by the size of the sample used as a microdata database, the number of constraint variables, the consistency of constraint tables, and the value of the control parameters of the simulated annealing method.

SimCrime was constructed from the 2001 Census and the 2001/02 British Crime Survey. The constraint variables from the census were from the only data available at the time of the research (see Table 4.2 in § 4.2.1). One limitation of the UK Census is the discrepancies in census counts between tables. This produced some inconsistencies in the constraint tables used in this study (see § 4.2.1 and § 6.2.2). This means that in some cases there is no possible combination of individuals that would match every constraining table perfectly, as pointed out by Huang and Williamson (2001). This thesis has demonstrated a method to minimise discrepancies between the totals of the constraint tables. However, some areas still have different numbers of total population (up to + 5 people).

The validation of the synthetic population has limitations. The problem is that there is no available microdata dataset for comparison. Moreover, the validation of being a ‘victim of crime’ is also problematic. It has long been noted that many crimes are not reported to the police and not all those reported are recorded. Therefore, there is no available data that

captures all the victims that can be compared with the results of SimCrime.

10.4 Possibilities for Future Research

Having summarised the research achievements, evaluated the research and discussed its limitations, this section proposes how the work presented in this thesis can be extended. Some potential future investigations are also provided.

Spatial microsimulation models such as SimCrime can be further developed by including more constraint variables to improve the quality of the microdata distribution. It should be noted that the method used to generate the microdata distribution in this study is flexible and it is possible to add more constraint variables or change some of them.

One of the strengths of using spatial microsimulation is the ability to apply it to different scales. The framework developed within this thesis has the potential to be applied to different areas and different spatial scales. For example, it would be interesting to apply this method to district or police force area levels across the country to see the difference in levels of victimisation. To do this the constraint tables need to be selected to correspond to the area of the study.

Chapter 10- Conclusions 222

The British Crime Survey is accepted as the most authoritative and reliable indicator of crime trends. The surveys have been carried out on a continuous basis since 2001. As well as using different geographical scales, the experimentation could also be used for a different period of time (for example, annually along with the British Crime Survey) to see the trend of crime victimisation at the small area level. However, the static nature of the census data may cause a problem because it represents a snapshot only every ten years.

Static spatial microsimulations such as SimCrime can be extended to be dynamic. At the moment SimCrime is based on snapshots of the current circumstances of a sample of the population in 2001. To be dynamic we need to build up a synthetic longitudinal microdata dataset that describes the individuals’ lifetimes in terms of their criminality or victimhood into the future. However this is beyond the remit of the current study.

10.5 Concluding Statements

In this thesis, an innovative spatial microsimulation framework has been presented which models crime at the small area level. Within this framework, victims, offenders and locations were examined. The model provides a predictive capacity which can be used to inform policy making. Crimes at the small area scale often do not match expectations based on national averages, and this study found that patterns of crime vary considerably across Leeds both geographically and by type of area. Many of these differences result from the variation in the demographic and socio-economic make-up of these areas, for both victims and offenders. The risk of becoming a victim or an offender can be very different depending on both demographic attributes and the socio-economic characteristics of the local neighbourhood. This model takes such conditions into account in order to provide a more accurate reflection of crime across the city and its outlying regions.

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Appendix A: Recorded crime by crime type at ward level

e cle

WARDNAME Total 2000/01 Robbery Handling Homicide Other Theft Other Other Crime Other Violent Crime Violent Offences Drug Fraud & Forgery Fraud Sexual Offences Sexual Criminal Damage Criminal Burglary Dwelling Burglary Elsewhere Theft of Motor Vehicl Motor of Theft

Theft from Motor Vehi Aireborough 252 323 307 28 1266083712116169150741,851 Armley 484 387 655 62 133 14 2 32 484 58 21 427 287 216 3,262 Barwick and Kippax 146 231 283 11 17 1 0 11 181 6 14 146 106 46 1,199 Beeston 228 271 475 38 115 7 0 14 303 37 20 241 200 119 2,068 Bramley 514 282 630 31 73 12 1 41 400 29 19 260 214 228 2,734 Burmantofts 622 332 878 50 258 23 0 40 680 72 31 359 269 203 3,817

Chapel Allerton 732 251 789 153 92 11 0 37 503 182 41 336 387 251 3,765 Appendix A City and Holbeck 457 1,220 1,696 401 947 57 1 202 7,334 448 66 3,139 1,025 1,426 18,419 Cookridge 2852584012827308253216302135961,823 Garforth and Swillington 149 202 243 9 69 4 0 12 217 18 6 190 123 63 1,305 Halton 256 380 521 41 113 2 0 15 705 53 5 375 284 97 2,847 Harehills 653 351 767 101 131 10 4 38 522 161 19 308 319 235 3,619 Headingley 1,163 176 603 72 167 5 1 22 834 141 8 805 476 155 4,628 Horsforth 373 315 352 20 115 2 0 13 384 14 5 560 233 69 2,455 Hunslet 317 441 546 39 143 12 0 21 517 28 19 240 237 153 2,713 Kirkstall 801 254 818 90 173 7 0 18 739 68 19 590 484 188 4,249 Middleton 361 352 530 19 125 10 0 20 319 16 12 404 170 139 2,477 Moortown 618 330 394 18 134 4 0 13 360 62 5 296 213 98 2,545 Morley North 189 412 333 24 180 5 0 15 684 14 9 371 187 94 2,517 Morley South 229 564 439 28 97 6 0 15 639 14 8 424 168 126 2,757 North 5243353921856308319434448215882,453 Otley and Wharfedale 199 254 354 18 48 3 1 18 361 8 6 397 163 66 1,896 Pudsey North 246 304 292 31 124 1 0 18 397 11 6 271 143 115 1,959 Pudsey South 169 293 492 7 22 2 0 17 340 17 5 294 140 132 1,930 Richmond Hill 519 331 909 27 51 10 0 24 400 59 14 437 379 191 3,351 Rothwell 195 446 265 9 101 3 1 15 293 8 10 317 197 79 1,939 Roundhay 566 438 431 18 100 2 0 13 646 136 9 611 392 102 3,464 Seacroft 418 182 841 68 59 15 0 13 329 49 23 164 185 197 2,543 University 564 394 1,029 127 219 16 2 45 1,176 374 34 1,394 834 361 6,569 Weetwood 525 355 540 38 119 7 0 18 491 62 8 406 323 109 3,001 Wetherby 164 220 220 25 32 2 0 121 297 6 6 201 107 79 1,480 Whinmoor 219 259 423 14 93 8 1 16 228 25 7 297 143 79 1,812 Wortley 470 335 456 31 77 2 0 19 293 24 7 298 205 139 2,356 23 Total 13,607 11,478 18,304 1,694 4,336 275 14 940 21,999 2,285 488 15,477 9,093 5,813 105,803 6

Appendix A: Recorded crime by crime type at ward level

e cle

WARDNAME Total 2001/02 Robbery Handling Homicide Other Theft Other Other Crime Other Violent Crime Violent Offences Drug Fraud & Forgery Fraud Sexual Offences Sexual Criminal Damage Criminal Burglary Dwelling Burglary Elsewhere Theft of Motor Vehicl Motor of Theft

Theft from Motor Vehi Aireborough 295 226 299 20 213 3 0 28 457 27 6 232 141 121 2,068 Armley 380 410 718 71 187 10 1 39 480 58 23 478 290 255 3,400 Barwick and Kippax 20322630262710619562144126601,304 Beeston 287 284 632 39 207 3 0 21 388 69 8 408 230 152 2,728 Bramley 469 329 742 44 82 13 0 35 477 46 13 211 221 245 2,927 Burmantofts 612 376 1,209 35 261 18 0 34 877 124 18 441 338 286 4,629 Chapel Allerton 729 291 953 151 97 13 1 42 503 231 38 361 276 347 4,033 City and Holbeck 632 1,585 2,179 323 705 61 4 251 8,506 720 89 3,998 1,094 1,591 21,738 Cookridge 4262444191055108269175390175902,109 Garforth and Swillington 2162703509111407272153189169791,694 Halton 287 416 404 24 143 2 0 17 799 55 5 357 275 85 2,869 Harehills 702 392 925 87 142 12 0 31 621 207 25 363 295 305 4,107 Headingley 1,391 178 755 40 114 6 0 24 930 242 24 837 416 180 5,137 Horsforth 453 290 328 17 135 2 0 15 424 64 14 478 274 79 2,573 Hunslet 295 394 902 24 274 16 0 31 661 46 22 278 368 231 3,542 Kirkstall 832 201 834 108 279 8 0 34 751 150 26 506 343 225 4,297 Middleton 338 332 652 22 79 8 0 24 421 20 16 298 273 152 2,635 Moortown 567 329 394 16 172 7 0 17 359 70 6 301 161 97 2,496 Morley North 210 438 463 19 262 5 0 19 883 24 5 490 332 90 3,240 Morley South 261 669 715 19 142 2 0 23 744 27 6 557 311 197 3,673 North 551 226 331 19 75 2 0 12 307 39 6 266 132 102 2,068 Otley and Wharfedale 240 224 321 15 52 0 0 15 420 13 6 346 161 95 1,908 Pudsey North 364 475 343 44 211 4 0 26 513 33 7 260 216 113 2,609 Pudsey South 259 398 528 9 27 0 1 16 353 18 11 311 149 123 2,203 Richmond Hill 711 373 1,093 33 39 10 0 32 518 91 18 438 406 220 3,982 Rothwell 272 445 449 20 202 5 0 10 374 16 8 344 235 91 2,471 Roundhay 694 441 460 15 163 4 0 10 546 155 7 662 246 94 3,497 Seacroft 547 224 1,064 80 108 10 2 39 535 39 19 215 308 230 3,420 University 997 502 1,266 118 287 16 1 42 1,492 578 44 1,519 905 393 8,160 Weetwood 645 282 507 42 128 5 0 22 506 57 25 505 262 134 3,120 Wetherby 168 191 182 40 53 1 0 80 290 11 9 136 90 74 1,325 Whinmoor 334 373 417 15 148 7 0 14 279 18 6 172 184 121 2,088 Wortley 326 395510 25 186 8 0 16 305 21 18 373 222 168 2,573 23 Total 15,693 12,429 21,646 1,559 5,366 267 10 1,040 25,455 3,307 538 16,864 9,624 6,825 120,623 7

Appendix A: Recorded crime by crime type at ward level

e cle

WARDNAME Total 2002/03 Robbery Handling Homicide Other Theft Other Other Crime Other Violent Crime Violent Offences Drug Fraud & Forgery Fraud Sexual Offences Sexual Criminal Damage Criminal Burglary Dwelling Burglary Elsewhere Theft of Motor Vehicl Motor of Theft

Theft from Motor Vehi Aireborough 372 276 450 27 238 9 1 11 584 27 9 232 113 169 2,518 Armley 563 475 1,013 62 357 10 0 49 618 76 34 651 392 448 4,748 Barwick and Kippax 235 308 297 38 14 4 0 13 267 7 6 171 145 113 1,618 Beeston 378 311 761 31 237 6 2 25 513 66 33 264 232 304 3,163 Bramley 481 329 1,010 36 97 4 1 39 525 53 28 285 250 407 3,545 Burmantofts 629 358 1,338 64 292 19 1 27 810 121 32 353 366 438 4,848 Chapel Allerton 588 172 922 290 145 15 0 57 535 179 130 426 252 408 4,119 City and Holbeck 704 1,336 2,040 429 1,056 76 1 214 9,185 475 124 2,956 907 2,315 21,818 Cookridge 539170404151101092732052151381412,040 Garforth and Swillington 273344348112084093341081951671432,054 Halton 420 556 472 83 232 4 0 22 925 59 4 406 288 167 3,638 Harehills 552 272 810 124 203 11 0 38 606 178 26 336 339 441 3,936 Headingley 1,104 209 734 49 176 11 0 24 1,015 206 13 1,339 378 278 5,536 Horsforth 559 247 391 12 247 2 0 13 461 28 4 316 165 119 2,564 Hunslet 438 527 862 29 315 20 1 27 638 51 14 283 359 338 3,902 Kirkstall 727 194 738 122 286 8 1 33 842 117 25 420 356 336 4,205 Middleton 379 337 798 24 103 12 0 33 460 26 19 330 329 295 3,145 Moortown 683 348 444 34 231 2 0 19 358 66 8 324 130 193 2,840 Morley North 327 635 557 17 340 7 0 16 882 22 10 557 314 188 3,872 Morley South 378 601 768 27 280 9 1 31 766 20 18 770 345 292 4,306 North 533 343 278 10 56 5 1 15 386 33 9 255 104 142 2,170 Otley and Wharfedale 316 207 315 8 66 7 1 16 434 14 15 247 119 113 1,878 Pudsey North 394 401 365 62 292 3 0 27 614 18 12 231 155 172 2,746 Pudsey South 356 337 542 15 54 2 1 27 381 28 17 342 177 235 2,514 Richmond Hill 643 417 1,114 24 47 15 0 31 597 76 27 423 385 369 4,168 Rothwell 293 325 490 15 267 6 0 14 343 11 11 425 254 170 2,624 Roundhay 543 332 391 40 255 2 1 16 578 89 8 510 238 124 3,127 Seacroft 514 251 1,029 83 145 7 0 24 563 49 21 270 384 326 3,666 University 679 424 1,326 178 272 14 0 84 1,474 433 38 1,390 777 710 7,799 Weetwood 718 236 435 61 236 4 0 12 480 48 13 479 185 204 3,111 Wetherby 217 185 203 10 75 3 0 22 310 6 17 176 86 112 1,422 Whinmoor 313 296 481 15 235 5 0 12 268 19 8 168 240 182 2,242 Wortley 526 420 700 42 293 5 1 22 396 46 8 319 252 342 3,372 23 Total 16,374 12,179 22,826 2,087 7,460 312 14 1,031 27,421 2,677 754 16,064 9,321 10,734 129,254 8

Appendix A: Recorded crime by crime type at ward level

e cle

WARDNAME Total 2003/04 Robbery Handling Homicide Other Theft Other Other Crime Other Violent Crime Violent Offences Drug Fraud & Forgery Fraud Sexual Offences Sexual Criminal Damage Criminal Burglary Dwelling Burglary Elsewhere Theft of Motor Vehicl Motor of Theft

Theft from Motor Vehi Aireborough 311 216 437 14 259 6 1 22 583 16 6 242 153 215 2,481 Armley 792 479 1,330 85 461 13 0 56 614 77 41 742 251 663 5,604 Barwick and Kippax 18124535415615084051091711351821,781 Beeston 296 261 700 31 170 0 0 13 495 38 22 330 205 415 2,976 Bramley 600 245 1,140 27 108 14 1 42 592 63 34 256 239 618 3,979 Burmantofts 508 347 1,490 90 249 18 1 56 856 96 35 340 342 840 5,268 Chapel Allerton 429 192 1,004 308 103 14 0 57 612 169 88 304 222 665 4,167 City and Holbeck 597 1,241 2,372 482 957 59 3 237 9,013 267 104 2,404 615 2,687 21,038 Cookridge 381 312 447 11 154 4 1 16 352 32 4 105 76 198 2,093 Garforth and Swillington 2142964551022680533123102001212072,106 Halton 290 414 547 30 209 9 0 19 604 34 13 334 186 258 2,947 Harehills 450 124 862 104 90 15 1 36 568 110 31 280 255 748 3,674 Headingley 1,002 188 681 53 150 4 1 59 895 146 27 809 344 368 4,727 Horsforth 446 212 399 8 345 7 0 19 438 31 16 177 118 200 2,416 Hunslet 275 352 960 56 226 12 0 22 678 32 21 283 244 448 3,609 Kirkstall 790 201 726 124 278 11 0 35 763 92 26 346 273 479 4,144 Middleton 246 293 821 26 79 8 0 27 532 21 16 386 269 345 3,069 Moortown 367 242 507 30 267 7 1 25 344 42 14 247 107 236 2,436 Morley North 193 488 538 12 301 8 0 19 700 16 9 496 195 258 3,233 Morley South 238 504 747 38 312 8 0 38 760 21 9 541 216 431 3,863 North 348 204 291 20 50 6 1 13 336 24 8 230 91 205 1,827 Otley and Wharfedale 305 266 385 15 57 2 0 19 538 12 15 263 96 193 2,166 Pudsey North 335 369 397 81 307 5 1 21 613 20 13 275 163 225 2,825 Pudsey South 357 328 722 10 53 2 0 25 454 24 19 428 165 367 2,954 Richmond Hill 557 395 1,375 36 24 14 0 37 603 80 26 363 427 654 4,591 Rothwell 194 377 436 12 244 3 0 14 455 11 7 450 174 216 2,593 Roundhay 468 258 420 26 259 1 0 28 543 88 14 432 151 201 2,889 Seacroft 395 230 1,218 101 87 9 0 34 555 27 40 170 287 561 3,714 University 735 395 1,099 173 238 19 2 92 1,351 244 63 1,284 575 932 7,202 Weetwood 533 254 496 63 243 4 0 24 537 46 22 415 192 319 3,148 Wetherby 233 198 254 43 153 1 0 27 473 3 13 221 80 188 1,887 Whinmoor 261 281 520 44 115 4 0 13 244 17 9 152 151 289 2,100 Wortley 506 442 822 34 253 10 1 24453 49 16 469 221 497 3,797 23 Total 13,833 10,849 24,952 2,212 7,088 310 15 1,182 27,290 1,981 800 14,145 7,339 15,308 127,304 9

Appendix B: Crime rate per 1000 population by crime type at ward level (2003/04)

WARDNAME Robbery Handling Handling Homicide Other Theft Theft Other Theft of MV Theft Other Crime Other Violent Crime Theft from MV Theft

Drugs Offences Fraud & Forgery Fraud & Forgery Sexual Offences Sexual Offences Criminal Damage Criminal Damage Burglary Dwelling * Burglary Dwelling Burglary Elsewhere Aireborough 29.17 8.43 17.06 0.55 10.11 0.23 0.04 0.86 22.76 0.62 0.23 9.45 5.97 8.39 Armley 85.21 21.74 60.36 3.86 20.92 0.59 0.00 2.54 27.87 3.49 1.86 33.68 11.39 30.09 Barwick and Kippax 18.76 10.42 15.06 0.64 2.60 0.21 0.00 0.34 17.23 0.43 0.38 7.28 5.74 7.74 Beeston 41.97 15.86 42.54 1.88 10.33 0.00 0.00 0.79 30.08 2.31 1.34 20.06 12.46 25.22 Bramley 66.55 10.99 51.13 1.21 4.84 0.63 0.04 1.88 26.55 2.83 1.52 11.48 10.72 27.72 Burmantofts 61.43 18.75 80.51 4.86 13.45 0.97 0.05 3.03 46.25 5.19 1.89 18.37 18.48 45.39 Chapel Allerton 53.97 10.55 55.15 16.92 5.66 0.77 0.00 3.13 33.62 9.28 4.83 16.70 12.19 36.53 Appendix B City and Holbeck 59.37 60.02 114.72 23.31 46.29 2.85 0.15 11.46 435.92 12.91 5.03 116.27 29.74 129.96 Cookridge 41.34 14.58 20.88 0.51 7.19 0.19 0.05 0.75 16.44 1.49 0.19 4.91 3.55 9.25 Garforth and Swillington 22.30 12.39 19.04 0.42 9.46 0.33 0.00 0.21 13.85 0.96 0.42 8.37 5.06 8.66 Halton 30.53 18.20 24.05 1.32 9.19 0.40 0.00 0.84 26.56 1.50 0.57 14.69 8.18 11.34 Harehills 56.50 5.89 40.95 4.94 4.28 0.71 0.05 1.71 26.98 5.23 1.47 13.30 12.11 35.53 Headingley 104.54 7.25 26.25 2.04 5.78 0.15 0.04 2.27 34.50 5.63 1.04 31.18 13.26 14.18 Horsforth 50.36 9.83 18.50 0.37 16.00 0.32 0.00 0.88 20.31 1.44 0.74 8.21 5.47 9.28 Hunslet 39.63 21.79 59.42 3.47 13.99 0.74 0.00 1.36 41.97 1.98 1.30 17.52 15.10 27.73 Kirkstall 90.49 10.07 36.37 6.21 13.93 0.55 0.00 1.75 38.22 4.61 1.30 17.33 13.67 23.99 Middleton 28.51 13.95 39.09 1.24 3.76 0.38 0.00 1.29 25.33 1.00 0.76 18.38 12.81 16.43 Moortown 41.43 11.27 23.61 1.40 12.43 0.33 0.05 1.16 16.02 1.96 0.65 11.50 4.98 10.99 Morley North 18.53 19.67 21.68 0.48 12.13 0.32 0.00 0.77 28.21 0.64 0.36 19.99 7.86 10.40 Morley South 19.32 17.24 25.55 1.30 10.67 0.27 0.00 1.30 25.99 0.72 0.31 18.50 7.39 14.74 North 36.65 9.20 13.13 0.90 2.26 0.27 0.05 0.59 15.15 1.08 0.36 10.37 4.10 9.25 Otley and Wharfedale 29.48 10.86 15.72 0.61 2.33 0.08 0.00 0.78 21.96 0.49 0.61 10.74 3.92 7.88 Pudsey North 34.79 16.16 17.39 3.55 13.44 0.22 0.04 0.92 26.84 0.88 0.57 12.04 7.14 9.85 Pudsey South 38.59 14.79 32.55 0.45 2.39 0.09 0.00 1.13 20.47 1.08 0.86 19.30 7.44 16.55 Richmond Hill 72.08 22.31 77.67 2.03 1.36 0.79 0.00 2.09 34.06 4.52 1.47 20.50 24.12 36.94 Rothwell 22.22 17.94 20.75 0.57 11.61 0.14 0.00 0.67 21.66 0.52 0.33 21.42 8.28 10.28 Roundhay 54.21 11.82 19.25 1.19 11.87 0.05 0.00 1.28 24.88 4.03 0.64 19.80 6.92 9.21 Seacroft 53.11 12.98 68.72 5.70 4.91 0.51 0.00 1.92 31.31 1.52 2.26 9.59 16.19 31.65 University 67.72 18.49 51.44 8.10 11.14 0.89 0.09 4.31 63.24 11.42 2.95 60.10 26.91 43.62 Weetwood 57.34 12.26 23.94 3.04 11.73 0.19 0.00 1.16 25.92 2.22 1.06 20.03 9.27 15.40 Wetherby 21.75 7.48 9.59 1.62 5.78 0.04 0.00 1.02 17.87 0.11 0.49 8.35 3.02 7.10

Whinmoor 36.74 16.29 30.15 2.55 6.67 0.23 0.00 0.75 14.15 0.99 0.52 8.81 8.75 16.75 240 Wortley 51.43 19.12 35.56 1.47 10.95 0.43 0.04 1.04 19.60 2.12 0.69 20.29 9.56 21.50 Note: * per 1,000 households

Appendix B: Crime rate per 1000 population by crime type at ward level (2002/03)

WARDNAME Robbery Handling Handling Homicide Other Theft Theft Other Theft of MV Theft Other Crime Other Violent Crime Theft from MV Theft

Drugs Offences Fraud & Forgery Fraud & Forgery Sexual Offences Sexual Offences Criminal Damage Criminal Damage Burglary Dwelling * Burglary Dwelling Burglary Elsewhere Aireborough 34.89 10.77 17.57 1.05 9.29 0.35 0.04 0.43 22.80 1.05 0.35 9.06 4.41 6.60 Armley 60.57 21.56 45.97 2.81 16.20 0.45 0.00 2.22 28.05 3.45 1.54 29.55 17.79 20.33 Barwick and Kippax 24.36 13.10 12.64 1.62 0.60 0.17 0.00 0.55 11.36 0.30 0.26 7.28 6.17 4.81 Beeston 53.59 18.90 46.25 1.88 14.40 0.36 0.12 1.52 31.18 4.01 2.01 16.04 14.10 18.48 Bramley 53.35 14.75 45.30 1.61 4.35 0.18 0.04 1.75 23.54 2.38 1.26 12.78 11.21 18.25 Burmantofts 76.06 19.34 72.30 3.46 15.78 1.03 0.05 1.46 43.77 6.54 1.73 19.07 19.78 23.67 Chapel Allerton 73.97 9.45 50.64 15.93 7.96 0.82 0.00 3.13 29.39 9.83 7.14 23.40 13.84 22.41 City and Holbeck 70.01 64.62 98.67 20.75 51.07 3.68 0.05 10.35 444.23 22.97 6.00 142.97 43.87 111.97 Cookridge 58.49 7.94 18.87 0.70 5.14 0.05 0.00 0.42 12.75 0.93 0.23 10.04 6.45 6.59 Garforth and Swillington 28.44 14.40 14.57 0.46 8.71 0.17 0.00 0.38 13.98 0.42 0.33 8.16 6.99 5.99 Halton 44.21 24.45 20.75 3.65 10.20 0.18 0.00 0.97 40.67 2.59 0.18 17.85 12.66 7.34 Harehills 69.31 12.92 38.48 5.89 9.64 0.52 0.00 1.81 28.79 8.46 1.24 15.96 16.10 20.95 Headingley 115.18 8.06 28.29 1.89 6.78 0.42 0.00 0.93 39.12 7.94 0.50 51.61 14.57 10.71 Horsforth 63.11 11.46 18.13 0.56 11.46 0.09 0.00 0.60 21.38 1.30 0.19 14.66 7.65 5.52 Hunslet 63.11 32.62 53.36 1.80 19.50 1.24 0.06 1.67 39.49 3.16 0.87 17.52 22.22 20.92 Kirkstall 83.28 9.72 36.97 6.11 14.33 0.40 0.05 1.65 42.18 5.86 1.25 21.04 17.83 16.83 Middleton 43.93 16.05 38.00 1.14 4.90 0.57 0.00 1.57 21.90 1.24 0.90 15.71 15.67 14.05 Moortown 77.11 16.21 20.68 1.58 10.76 0.09 0.00 0.88 16.67 3.07 0.37 15.09 6.05 8.99 Morley North 31.40 25.59 22.45 0.69 13.70 0.28 0.00 0.64 35.55 0.89 0.40 22.45 12.66 7.58 Morley South 30.68 20.55 26.27 0.92 9.58 0.31 0.03 1.06 26.20 0.68 0.62 26.33 11.80 9.99 North 56.13 15.47 12.54 0.45 2.53 0.23 0.05 0.68 17.41 1.49 0.41 11.50 4.69 6.40 Otley and Wharfedale 30.55 8.45 12.86 0.33 2.69 0.29 0.04 0.65 17.72 0.57 0.61 10.08 4.86 4.61 Pudsey North 40.91 17.56 15.98 2.72 12.79 0.13 0.00 1.18 26.89 0.79 0.53 10.12 6.79 7.53 Pudsey South 38.48 15.20 24.44 0.68 2.43 0.09 0.05 1.22 17.18 1.26 0.77 15.42 7.98 10.60 Richmond Hill 83.21 23.55 62.92 1.36 2.65 0.85 0.00 1.75 33.72 4.29 1.53 23.89 21.75 20.84 Rothwell 33.57 15.47 23.32 0.71 12.71 0.29 0.00 0.67 16.33 0.52 0.52 20.23 12.09 8.09 Roundhay 62.90 15.21 17.92 1.83 11.68 0.09 0.05 0.73 26.49 4.08 0.37 23.37 10.91 5.68 Seacroft 69.11 14.16 58.05 4.68 8.18 0.39 0.00 1.35 31.76 2.76 1.18 15.23 21.66 18.39 University 62.56 19.85 62.07 8.33 12.73 0.66 0.00 3.93 68.99 20.27 1.78 65.06 36.37 33.23 Weetwood 77.25 11.39 20.99 2.94 11.39 0.19 0.00 0.58 23.16 2.32 0.63 23.12 8.93 9.85 Wetherby 20.25 6.99 7.67 0.38 2.83 0.11 0.00 0.83 11.71 0.23 0.64 6.65 3.25 4.23

Whinmoor 44.06 17.16 27.89 0.87 13.62 0.29 0.00 0.70 15.54 1.10 0.46 9.74 13.91 10.55 241 Wortley 53.46 18.17 30.28 1.82 12.68 0.22 0.04 0.95 17.13 1.99 0.35 13.80 10.90 14.80 Note: * per 1,000 households

Appendix C: Demographic and socio-economic variables from the 2001 Census

Ward AllPeople16to74 AllHHs HH density PopDensity Number Student % of Student NumberOfHighClass % of HighClass NumberOfCarPerHHs AllCarInArea Rented Aireborough 18581 10663 507 1218.12 985 5.3 5840 31.43 1.18 12579 2428 Armley 15920 9295 1718 4072.83 996 6.26 3171 19.92 0.76 7068 3960 Barwick and Kippax 17225 9647 118 287.97 721 4.19 4727 27.44 1.26 12143 2111 Beeston 11588 7053 1610 3756.62 729 6.29 2028 17.5 0.67 4730 2834 Bramley 15988 9016 1385 3425.19 1658 10.37 2910 18.2 0.78 7059 3840 Burmantofts 12790 8270 1716 3839.63 727 5.68 1818 14.21 0.54 4494 5347 Chapel Allerton 13083 7949 1736 3975.11 1058 8.09 3912 29.9 0.72 5759 3597 City and Holbeck 14869 10056 1018 2092.71 1537 10.34 2282 15.35 0.49 4907 6523 Cookridge 15334 9216 827 1921.45 1074 7 5413 35.3 1.15 10633 2413 Garforth and Swillington 17354 9598 331 823.01 778 4.48 4558 26.26 1.18 11301 1865 Halton 16831 9500 496 1188.19 821 4.88 4935 29.32 1.12 10601 1028

Harehills 14062 7964 3040 8035.11 1321 9.39 2137 15.2 0.61 4886 4104 Appendix C Headingley 23219 9585 3485 9434.55 14029 60.42 3839 16.53 0.78 7517 7181 Horsforth 16059 8857 766 1865.22 1462 9.1 5938 36.98 1.23 10916 1868 Hunslet 10975 6940 923 2148.27 473 4.31 1359 12.38 0.58 3998 4113 Kirkstall 15481 8730 1823 4167.85 2981 19.26 4048 26.15 0.77 6715 4482 Middleton 14781 8628 626 1522.99 614 4.15 2901 19.63 0.86 7455 3644 Moortown 14864 8858 1637 3969.13 1080 7.27 5382 36.21 1.08 9610 2303 Morley North 18375 10414 625 1490.21 796 4.33 5054 27.5 1.12 11701 2097 Morley South 21236 12320 599 1422.13 914 4.3 5653 26.62 1.04 12828 3586 North 15612 9496 223 519.59 1000 6.41 5972 38.25 1.24 11795 2389 Otley and Wharfedale 17643 10345 240 568.09 886 5.02 6100 34.57 1.26 13034 2214 Pudsey North 16941 9630 711 1685.24 875 5.17 5311 31.35 1.15 11087 1711 Pudsey South 15921 9252 987 2366.92 770 4.84 3848 24.17 1 9241 2898 Richmond Hill 12103 7727 819 1877.41 605 5 1632 13.48 0.55 4223 4623 Rothwell 15274 8729 420 1010.58 680 4.45 4008 26.24 1.09 9523 2371 Roundhay 15515 8633 744 1879.67 1199 7.73 6663 42.95 1.27 10953 1767 Seacroft 11572 7437 1734 4131.7 553 4.78 1387 11.99 0.58 4333 4973 University 17504 10854 2238 4404.95 6994 39.96 2572 14.69 0.42 4524 9078 Weetwood 15727 9295 1313 2926.69 3600 22.89 5275 33.54 0.91 8457 4049 Wetherby 19328 10714 139 344.3 1000 5.17 6974 36.08 1.43 15309 1939

Whinmoor 12191 7104 563 1366.8 666 5.46 2388 19.59 0.9 6383 2999 24

Wortley 16533 9839 803 1885.32 712 4.31 3219 19.47 0.86 8481 3628 2

Appendix C: Demographic and socio-economic variables from the 2001 Census

Ward % of Rented MaleYoungAdult MaleYoungAdultUnEmployed YoungAdult UnEmployed UnemploymentRate MaleUnEmployed IndexOfMultipleDeprivation Aireborough 22.77 1177 78 2346 410 2.21% 261 10.15 Armley 42.6 1213 102 2711 608 3.82% 415 33.2 Barwick and Kippax 21.88 1066 52 2093 421 2.44% 264 16.99 Beeston 40.18 956 86 1965 544 4.69% 381 40.73 Bramley 42.59 1061 128 3199 626 3.92% 397 35.06 Burmantofts 64.66 919 130 1990 775 6.06% 507 53.66 Chapel Allerton 45.25 1009 123 2122 671 5.13% 468 42.5 City and Holbeck 64.87 1490 171 3190 989 6.65% 692 55.41 Cookridge 26.18 1093 53 2095 345 2.25% 234 12.07 Garforth and Swillington 19.43 1118 63 2119 332 1.91% 211 13.87 Halton 10.82 1022 60 1993 339 2.01% 226 10.65 Harehills 51.53 1329 169 2868 889 6.32% 597 54.07 Headingley 74.92 7431 118 15732 513 2.21% 354 16.17 Horsforth 21.09 1013 60 2512 303 1.89% 187 6.89 Hunslet 59.27 813 132 1770 617 5.62% 413 47.97 Kirkstall 51.34 2299 87 4616 564 3.64% 396 29.22 Middleton 42.23 1021 119 2151 653 4.42% 424 37.04 Moortown 26 1073 76 2056 423 2.85% 273 16.55 Morley North 20.14 1170 50 2365 363 1.98% 202 15.04 Morley South 29.11 1374 105 2806 533 2.51% 343 18.65 North 25.16 952 74 1887 380 2.43% 247 11.66 Otley and Wharfedale 21.4 1064 60 2060 348 1.97% 211 8.8 Pudsey North 17.77 1068 55 2180 351 2.07% 214 11.98 Pudsey South 31.32 1115 66 2195 420 2.64% 277 19.56 Richmond Hill 59.83 922 156 1925 722 5.97% 480 52.52 Rothwell 27.16 936 71 1872 417 2.73% 271 16.87 Roundhay 20.47 1143 61 2213 374 2.41% 252 11.99 Seacroft 66.87 930 141 2002 731 6.32% 465 55.07 University 83.64 3389 148 7671 881 5.03% 595 47.76 Weetwood 43.56 1825 51 4539 353 2.24% 217 15.71 Wetherby 18.1 959 47 2221 329 1.70% 213 6.91 Whinmoor 42.22 914 85 1816 420 3.45% 275 30.28 Wortley 36.87 1152 131 2326 626 3.79% 417 31.61 243

Appendix D- Model File 244

Appendix D

C:\Documents and Settings\geock\Desktop\MyWork\TOK\My Model\InputFile_Constraints C:\Documents and Settings\geock\Desktop\MyWork\TOK\My Model\BCS2001.csv C:\Documents and Settings\geock\Desktop\MyWork\TOK\My Model\NewGroupNumber_16-74 in HHs.csv

Selected Area Code Start Selected Area Code End

Column&Name,Male_16-24_couple OR,SEX,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL AND,16.0,=<,AGE,=<,24.0,INDIVI#DUAL AND,MARST,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL


Column&Name,Female_16-24_couple OR,SEX,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL AND,16.0,=<,AGE,=<,24.0,INDIVI#DUAL AND,MARST,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL


Column&Name,Male_25-34_couple OR,SEX,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL AND,25.0,=<,AGE,=<,34.0,INDIVI#DUAL AND,MARST,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL


Appendix D- Model File 245

Column&Name,Female_25-34_couple OR,SEX,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL AND,25.0,=<,AGE,=<,34.0,INDIVI#DUAL AND,MARST,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL


Column&Name,Male_35-49_couple OR,SEX,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL AND,35.0,=<,AGE,=<,49.0,INDIVI#DUAL AND,MARST,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL


Column&Name,Female_35-49_couple OR,SEX,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL AND,35.0,=<,AGE,=<,49.0,INDIVI#DUAL AND,MARST,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL


Column&Name,Male_50-74_couple OR,SEX,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL AND,50.0,=<,AGE,=<,74.0,INDIVI#DUAL AND,MARST,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL


Appendix D- Model File 246

Column&Name,Female_50-74_couple OR,SEX,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL AND,50.0,=<,AGE,=<,74.0,INDIVI#DUAL AND,MARST,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL










Appendix D- Model File 247

Column&Name,Owned_2 or MoreCar_Employed OR,TENHARM,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL AND,REMPLOY,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL AND,2,=<,NUMCARS,=<,100,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Owned_2 or MoreCar_Unemployed OR,TENHARM,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL AND,REMPLOY,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL AND,2,=<,NUMCARS,=<,100,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Owned_2 or MoreCar_Inactive OR,TENHARM,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL AND,REMPLOY,=,3,INDIVI#DUAL AND,2,=<,NUMCARS,=<,100,INDIVI#DUAL








Appendix D- Model File 248







Column&Name,Higher Managerial and professional occupations_Owned OR,RESPSEC2,=,1.1,INDIVI#DUAL OR,RESPSEC2,=,1.2,INDIVI#DUAL AND,TENHARM,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Higher Managerial and professional occupations_Rented OR,RESPSEC2,=,1.1,INDIVI#DUAL OR,RESPSEC2,=,1.2,INDIVI#DUAL AND,2,=<,TENHARM,=<,3,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Lower Managerial and professional occupations_Owned OR,RESPSEC2,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL AND,TENHARM,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Lower Managerial and professional occupations_Rented OR,TENHARM,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL OR,TENHARM,=,3,INDIVI#DUAL AND,RESPSEC2,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Intermediate occupations_Owned OR,RESPSEC2,=,3,INDIVI#DUAL AND,TENHARM,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL

Appendix D- Model File 249

Column&Name,Intermediate occupations_Rented OR,TENHARM,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL OR,TENHARM,=,3,INDIVI#DUAL AND,RESPSEC2,=,3,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Small employers and own account workers_Owned OR,RESPSEC2,=,4,INDIVI#DUAL AND,TENHARM,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Small employers and own account workers_Rented OR,TENHARM,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL OR,TENHARM,=,3,INDIVI#DUAL AND,RESPSEC2,=,4,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Lower supervisory and technical occupations_Owned OR,RESPSEC2,=,5,INDIVI#DUAL AND,TENHARM,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Lower supervisory and technical occupations_Rented OR,TENHARM,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL OR,TENHARM,=,3,INDIVI#DUAL AND,RESPSEC2,=,5,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Semi-routine occupations_Owned OR,RESPSEC2,=,6,INDIVI#DUAL AND,TENHARM,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Semi-routine occupations_Rented OR,TENHARM,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL OR,TENHARM,=,3,INDIVI#DUAL AND,RESPSEC2,=,6,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Routine occupations_Owned OR,RESPSEC2,=,7,INDIVI#DUAL AND,TENHARM,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL


Column&Name,Never worked and long-term unemployed_Owned OR,RESPSEC2,=,8,INDIVI#DUAL AND,TENHARM,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Never worked and long-term unemployed_Rented OR,TENHARM,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL OR,TENHARM,=,3,INDIVI#DUAL AND,RESPSEC2,=,8,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Not classified_Owned OR,RESPSEC2,=,9,INDIVI#DUAL AND,TENHARM,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL


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Appendix A: Recorded crime by crime type at ward level

e cle

WARDNAME Total 2000/01 Robbery Handling Homicide Other Theft Other Other Crime Other Violent Crime Violent Offences Drug Fraud & Forgery Fraud Sexual Offences Sexual Criminal Damage Criminal Burglary Dwelling Burglary Elsewhere Theft of Motor Vehicl Motor of Theft

Theft from Motor Vehi Aireborough 252 323 307 28 1266083712116169150741,851 Armley 484 387 655 62 133 14 2 32 484 58 21 427 287 216 3,262 Barwick and Kippax 146 231 283 11 17 1 0 11 181 6 14 146 106 46 1,199 Beeston 228 271 475 38 115 7 0 14 303 37 20 241 200 119 2,068 Bramley 514 282 630 31 73 12 1 41 400 29 19 260 214 228 2,734 Burmantofts 622 332 878 50 258 23 0 40 680 72 31 359 269 203 3,817

Chapel Allerton 732 251 789 153 92 11 0 37 503 182 41 336 387 251 3,765 Appendix A City and Holbeck 457 1,220 1,696 401 947 57 1 202 7,334 448 66 3,139 1,025 1,426 18,419 Cookridge 2852584012827308253216302135961,823 Garforth and Swillington 149 202 243 9 69 4 0 12 217 18 6 190 123 63 1,305 Halton 256 380 521 41 113 2 0 15 705 53 5 375 284 97 2,847 Harehills 653 351 767 101 131 10 4 38 522 161 19 308 319 235 3,619 Headingley 1,163 176 603 72 167 5 1 22 834 141 8 805 476 155 4,628 Horsforth 373 315 352 20 115 2 0 13 384 14 5 560 233 69 2,455 Hunslet 317 441 546 39 143 12 0 21 517 28 19 240 237 153 2,713 Kirkstall 801 254 818 90 173 7 0 18 739 68 19 590 484 188 4,249 Middleton 361 352 530 19 125 10 0 20 319 16 12 404 170 139 2,477 Moortown 618 330 394 18 134 4 0 13 360 62 5 296 213 98 2,545 Morley North 189 412 333 24 180 5 0 15 684 14 9 371 187 94 2,517 Morley South 229 564 439 28 97 6 0 15 639 14 8 424 168 126 2,757 North 5243353921856308319434448215882,453 Otley and Wharfedale 199 254 354 18 48 3 1 18 361 8 6 397 163 66 1,896 Pudsey North 246 304 292 31 124 1 0 18 397 11 6 271 143 115 1,959 Pudsey South 169 293 492 7 22 2 0 17 340 17 5 294 140 132 1,930 Richmond Hill 519 331 909 27 51 10 0 24 400 59 14 437 379 191 3,351 Rothwell 195 446 265 9 101 3 1 15 293 8 10 317 197 79 1,939 Roundhay 566 438 431 18 100 2 0 13 646 136 9 611 392 102 3,464 Seacroft 418 182 841 68 59 15 0 13 329 49 23 164 185 197 2,543 University 564 394 1,029 127 219 16 2 45 1,176 374 34 1,394 834 361 6,569 Weetwood 525 355 540 38 119 7 0 18 491 62 8 406 323 109 3,001 Wetherby 164 220 220 25 32 2 0 121 297 6 6 201 107 79 1,480 Whinmoor 219 259 423 14 93 8 1 16 228 25 7 297 143 79 1,812 Wortley 470 335 456 31 77 2 0 19 293 24 7 298 205 139 2,356 23 Total 13,607 11,478 18,304 1,694 4,336 275 14 940 21,999 2,285 488 15,477 9,093 5,813 105,803 6

Appendix A: Recorded crime by crime type at ward level

e cle

WARDNAME Total 2001/02 Robbery Handling Homicide Other Theft Other Other Crime Other Violent Crime Violent Offences Drug Fraud & Forgery Fraud Sexual Offences Sexual Criminal Damage Criminal Burglary Dwelling Burglary Elsewhere Theft of Motor Vehicl Motor of Theft

Theft from Motor Vehi Aireborough 295 226 299 20 213 3 0 28 457 27 6 232 141 121 2,068 Armley 380 410 718 71 187 10 1 39 480 58 23 478 290 255 3,400 Barwick and Kippax 20322630262710619562144126601,304 Beeston 287 284 632 39 207 3 0 21 388 69 8 408 230 152 2,728 Bramley 469 329 742 44 82 13 0 35 477 46 13 211 221 245 2,927 Burmantofts 612 376 1,209 35 261 18 0 34 877 124 18 441 338 286 4,629 Chapel Allerton 729 291 953 151 97 13 1 42 503 231 38 361 276 347 4,033 City and Holbeck 632 1,585 2,179 323 705 61 4 251 8,506 720 89 3,998 1,094 1,591 21,738 Cookridge 4262444191055108269175390175902,109 Garforth and Swillington 2162703509111407272153189169791,694 Halton 287 416 404 24 143 2 0 17 799 55 5 357 275 85 2,869 Harehills 702 392 925 87 142 12 0 31 621 207 25 363 295 305 4,107 Headingley 1,391 178 755 40 114 6 0 24 930 242 24 837 416 180 5,137 Horsforth 453 290 328 17 135 2 0 15 424 64 14 478 274 79 2,573 Hunslet 295 394 902 24 274 16 0 31 661 46 22 278 368 231 3,542 Kirkstall 832 201 834 108 279 8 0 34 751 150 26 506 343 225 4,297 Middleton 338 332 652 22 79 8 0 24 421 20 16 298 273 152 2,635 Moortown 567 329 394 16 172 7 0 17 359 70 6 301 161 97 2,496 Morley North 210 438 463 19 262 5 0 19 883 24 5 490 332 90 3,240 Morley South 261 669 715 19 142 2 0 23 744 27 6 557 311 197 3,673 North 551 226 331 19 75 2 0 12 307 39 6 266 132 102 2,068 Otley and Wharfedale 240 224 321 15 52 0 0 15 420 13 6 346 161 95 1,908 Pudsey North 364 475 343 44 211 4 0 26 513 33 7 260 216 113 2,609 Pudsey South 259 398 528 9 27 0 1 16 353 18 11 311 149 123 2,203 Richmond Hill 711 373 1,093 33 39 10 0 32 518 91 18 438 406 220 3,982 Rothwell 272 445 449 20 202 5 0 10 374 16 8 344 235 91 2,471 Roundhay 694 441 460 15 163 4 0 10 546 155 7 662 246 94 3,497 Seacroft 547 224 1,064 80 108 10 2 39 535 39 19 215 308 230 3,420 University 997 502 1,266 118 287 16 1 42 1,492 578 44 1,519 905 393 8,160 Weetwood 645 282 507 42 128 5 0 22 506 57 25 505 262 134 3,120 Wetherby 168 191 182 40 53 1 0 80 290 11 9 136 90 74 1,325 Whinmoor 334 373 417 15 148 7 0 14 279 18 6 172 184 121 2,088 Wortley 326 395510 25 186 8 0 16 305 21 18 373 222 168 2,573 23 Total 15,693 12,429 21,646 1,559 5,366 267 10 1,040 25,455 3,307 538 16,864 9,624 6,825 120,623 7

Appendix A: Recorded crime by crime type at ward level

e cle

WARDNAME Total 2002/03 Robbery Handling Homicide Other Theft Other Other Crime Other Violent Crime Violent Offences Drug Fraud & Forgery Fraud Sexual Offences Sexual Criminal Damage Criminal Burglary Dwelling Burglary Elsewhere Theft of Motor Vehicl Motor of Theft

Theft from Motor Vehi Aireborough 372 276 450 27 238 9 1 11 584 27 9 232 113 169 2,518 Armley 563 475 1,013 62 357 10 0 49 618 76 34 651 392 448 4,748 Barwick and Kippax 235 308 297 38 14 4 0 13 267 7 6 171 145 113 1,618 Beeston 378 311 761 31 237 6 2 25 513 66 33 264 232 304 3,163 Bramley 481 329 1,010 36 97 4 1 39 525 53 28 285 250 407 3,545 Burmantofts 629 358 1,338 64 292 19 1 27 810 121 32 353 366 438 4,848 Chapel Allerton 588 172 922 290 145 15 0 57 535 179 130 426 252 408 4,119 City and Holbeck 704 1,336 2,040 429 1,056 76 1 214 9,185 475 124 2,956 907 2,315 21,818 Cookridge 539170404151101092732052151381412,040 Garforth and Swillington 273344348112084093341081951671432,054 Halton 420 556 472 83 232 4 0 22 925 59 4 406 288 167 3,638 Harehills 552 272 810 124 203 11 0 38 606 178 26 336 339 441 3,936 Headingley 1,104 209 734 49 176 11 0 24 1,015 206 13 1,339 378 278 5,536 Horsforth 559 247 391 12 247 2 0 13 461 28 4 316 165 119 2,564 Hunslet 438 527 862 29 315 20 1 27 638 51 14 283 359 338 3,902 Kirkstall 727 194 738 122 286 8 1 33 842 117 25 420 356 336 4,205 Middleton 379 337 798 24 103 12 0 33 460 26 19 330 329 295 3,145 Moortown 683 348 444 34 231 2 0 19 358 66 8 324 130 193 2,840 Morley North 327 635 557 17 340 7 0 16 882 22 10 557 314 188 3,872 Morley South 378 601 768 27 280 9 1 31 766 20 18 770 345 292 4,306 North 533 343 278 10 56 5 1 15 386 33 9 255 104 142 2,170 Otley and Wharfedale 316 207 315 8 66 7 1 16 434 14 15 247 119 113 1,878 Pudsey North 394 401 365 62 292 3 0 27 614 18 12 231 155 172 2,746 Pudsey South 356 337 542 15 54 2 1 27 381 28 17 342 177 235 2,514 Richmond Hill 643 417 1,114 24 47 15 0 31 597 76 27 423 385 369 4,168 Rothwell 293 325 490 15 267 6 0 14 343 11 11 425 254 170 2,624 Roundhay 543 332 391 40 255 2 1 16 578 89 8 510 238 124 3,127 Seacroft 514 251 1,029 83 145 7 0 24 563 49 21 270 384 326 3,666 University 679 424 1,326 178 272 14 0 84 1,474 433 38 1,390 777 710 7,799 Weetwood 718 236 435 61 236 4 0 12 480 48 13 479 185 204 3,111 Wetherby 217 185 203 10 75 3 0 22 310 6 17 176 86 112 1,422 Whinmoor 313 296 481 15 235 5 0 12 268 19 8 168 240 182 2,242 Wortley 526 420 700 42 293 5 1 22 396 46 8 319 252 342 3,372 23 Total 16,374 12,179 22,826 2,087 7,460 312 14 1,031 27,421 2,677 754 16,064 9,321 10,734 129,254 8

Appendix A: Recorded crime by crime type at ward level

e cle

WARDNAME Total 2003/04 Robbery Handling Homicide Other Theft Other Other Crime Other Violent Crime Violent Offences Drug Fraud & Forgery Fraud Sexual Offences Sexual Criminal Damage Criminal Burglary Dwelling Burglary Elsewhere Theft of Motor Vehicl Motor of Theft

Theft from Motor Vehi Aireborough 311 216 437 14 259 6 1 22 583 16 6 242 153 215 2,481 Armley 792 479 1,330 85 461 13 0 56 614 77 41 742 251 663 5,604 Barwick and Kippax 18124535415615084051091711351821,781 Beeston 296 261 700 31 170 0 0 13 495 38 22 330 205 415 2,976 Bramley 600 245 1,140 27 108 14 1 42 592 63 34 256 239 618 3,979 Burmantofts 508 347 1,490 90 249 18 1 56 856 96 35 340 342 840 5,268 Chapel Allerton 429 192 1,004 308 103 14 0 57 612 169 88 304 222 665 4,167 City and Holbeck 597 1,241 2,372 482 957 59 3 237 9,013 267 104 2,404 615 2,687 21,038 Cookridge 381 312 447 11 154 4 1 16 352 32 4 105 76 198 2,093 Garforth and Swillington 2142964551022680533123102001212072,106 Halton 290 414 547 30 209 9 0 19 604 34 13 334 186 258 2,947 Harehills 450 124 862 104 90 15 1 36 568 110 31 280 255 748 3,674 Headingley 1,002 188 681 53 150 4 1 59 895 146 27 809 344 368 4,727 Horsforth 446 212 399 8 345 7 0 19 438 31 16 177 118 200 2,416 Hunslet 275 352 960 56 226 12 0 22 678 32 21 283 244 448 3,609 Kirkstall 790 201 726 124 278 11 0 35 763 92 26 346 273 479 4,144 Middleton 246 293 821 26 79 8 0 27 532 21 16 386 269 345 3,069 Moortown 367 242 507 30 267 7 1 25 344 42 14 247 107 236 2,436 Morley North 193 488 538 12 301 8 0 19 700 16 9 496 195 258 3,233 Morley South 238 504 747 38 312 8 0 38 760 21 9 541 216 431 3,863 North 348 204 291 20 50 6 1 13 336 24 8 230 91 205 1,827 Otley and Wharfedale 305 266 385 15 57 2 0 19 538 12 15 263 96 193 2,166 Pudsey North 335 369 397 81 307 5 1 21 613 20 13 275 163 225 2,825 Pudsey South 357 328 722 10 53 2 0 25 454 24 19 428 165 367 2,954 Richmond Hill 557 395 1,375 36 24 14 0 37 603 80 26 363 427 654 4,591 Rothwell 194 377 436 12 244 3 0 14 455 11 7 450 174 216 2,593 Roundhay 468 258 420 26 259 1 0 28 543 88 14 432 151 201 2,889 Seacroft 395 230 1,218 101 87 9 0 34 555 27 40 170 287 561 3,714 University 735 395 1,099 173 238 19 2 92 1,351 244 63 1,284 575 932 7,202 Weetwood 533 254 496 63 243 4 0 24 537 46 22 415 192 319 3,148 Wetherby 233 198 254 43 153 1 0 27 473 3 13 221 80 188 1,887 Whinmoor 261 281 520 44 115 4 0 13 244 17 9 152 151 289 2,100 Wortley 506 442 822 34 253 10 1 24453 49 16 469 221 497 3,797 23 Total 13,833 10,849 24,952 2,212 7,088 310 15 1,182 27,290 1,981 800 14,145 7,339 15,308 127,304 9

Appendix B: Crime rate per 1000 population by crime type at ward level (2003/04)

WARDNAME Robbery Handling Handling Homicide Other Theft Theft Other Theft of MV Theft Other Crime Other Violent Crime Theft from MV Theft

Drugs Offences Fraud & Forgery Fraud & Forgery Sexual Offences Sexual Offences Criminal Damage Criminal Damage Burglary Dwelling * Burglary Dwelling Burglary Elsewhere Aireborough 29.17 8.43 17.06 0.55 10.11 0.23 0.04 0.86 22.76 0.62 0.23 9.45 5.97 8.39 Armley 85.21 21.74 60.36 3.86 20.92 0.59 0.00 2.54 27.87 3.49 1.86 33.68 11.39 30.09 Barwick and Kippax 18.76 10.42 15.06 0.64 2.60 0.21 0.00 0.34 17.23 0.43 0.38 7.28 5.74 7.74 Beeston 41.97 15.86 42.54 1.88 10.33 0.00 0.00 0.79 30.08 2.31 1.34 20.06 12.46 25.22 Bramley 66.55 10.99 51.13 1.21 4.84 0.63 0.04 1.88 26.55 2.83 1.52 11.48 10.72 27.72 Burmantofts 61.43 18.75 80.51 4.86 13.45 0.97 0.05 3.03 46.25 5.19 1.89 18.37 18.48 45.39 Chapel Allerton 53.97 10.55 55.15 16.92 5.66 0.77 0.00 3.13 33.62 9.28 4.83 16.70 12.19 36.53 Appendix B City and Holbeck 59.37 60.02 114.72 23.31 46.29 2.85 0.15 11.46 435.92 12.91 5.03 116.27 29.74 129.96 Cookridge 41.34 14.58 20.88 0.51 7.19 0.19 0.05 0.75 16.44 1.49 0.19 4.91 3.55 9.25 Garforth and Swillington 22.30 12.39 19.04 0.42 9.46 0.33 0.00 0.21 13.85 0.96 0.42 8.37 5.06 8.66 Halton 30.53 18.20 24.05 1.32 9.19 0.40 0.00 0.84 26.56 1.50 0.57 14.69 8.18 11.34 Harehills 56.50 5.89 40.95 4.94 4.28 0.71 0.05 1.71 26.98 5.23 1.47 13.30 12.11 35.53 Headingley 104.54 7.25 26.25 2.04 5.78 0.15 0.04 2.27 34.50 5.63 1.04 31.18 13.26 14.18 Horsforth 50.36 9.83 18.50 0.37 16.00 0.32 0.00 0.88 20.31 1.44 0.74 8.21 5.47 9.28 Hunslet 39.63 21.79 59.42 3.47 13.99 0.74 0.00 1.36 41.97 1.98 1.30 17.52 15.10 27.73 Kirkstall 90.49 10.07 36.37 6.21 13.93 0.55 0.00 1.75 38.22 4.61 1.30 17.33 13.67 23.99 Middleton 28.51 13.95 39.09 1.24 3.76 0.38 0.00 1.29 25.33 1.00 0.76 18.38 12.81 16.43 Moortown 41.43 11.27 23.61 1.40 12.43 0.33 0.05 1.16 16.02 1.96 0.65 11.50 4.98 10.99 Morley North 18.53 19.67 21.68 0.48 12.13 0.32 0.00 0.77 28.21 0.64 0.36 19.99 7.86 10.40 Morley South 19.32 17.24 25.55 1.30 10.67 0.27 0.00 1.30 25.99 0.72 0.31 18.50 7.39 14.74 North 36.65 9.20 13.13 0.90 2.26 0.27 0.05 0.59 15.15 1.08 0.36 10.37 4.10 9.25 Otley and Wharfedale 29.48 10.86 15.72 0.61 2.33 0.08 0.00 0.78 21.96 0.49 0.61 10.74 3.92 7.88 Pudsey North 34.79 16.16 17.39 3.55 13.44 0.22 0.04 0.92 26.84 0.88 0.57 12.04 7.14 9.85 Pudsey South 38.59 14.79 32.55 0.45 2.39 0.09 0.00 1.13 20.47 1.08 0.86 19.30 7.44 16.55 Richmond Hill 72.08 22.31 77.67 2.03 1.36 0.79 0.00 2.09 34.06 4.52 1.47 20.50 24.12 36.94 Rothwell 22.22 17.94 20.75 0.57 11.61 0.14 0.00 0.67 21.66 0.52 0.33 21.42 8.28 10.28 Roundhay 54.21 11.82 19.25 1.19 11.87 0.05 0.00 1.28 24.88 4.03 0.64 19.80 6.92 9.21 Seacroft 53.11 12.98 68.72 5.70 4.91 0.51 0.00 1.92 31.31 1.52 2.26 9.59 16.19 31.65 University 67.72 18.49 51.44 8.10 11.14 0.89 0.09 4.31 63.24 11.42 2.95 60.10 26.91 43.62 Weetwood 57.34 12.26 23.94 3.04 11.73 0.19 0.00 1.16 25.92 2.22 1.06 20.03 9.27 15.40 Wetherby 21.75 7.48 9.59 1.62 5.78 0.04 0.00 1.02 17.87 0.11 0.49 8.35 3.02 7.10

Whinmoor 36.74 16.29 30.15 2.55 6.67 0.23 0.00 0.75 14.15 0.99 0.52 8.81 8.75 16.75 240 Wortley 51.43 19.12 35.56 1.47 10.95 0.43 0.04 1.04 19.60 2.12 0.69 20.29 9.56 21.50 Note: * per 1,000 households

Appendix B: Crime rate per 1000 population by crime type at ward level (2002/03)

WARDNAME Robbery Handling Handling Homicide Other Theft Theft Other Theft of MV Theft Other Crime Other Violent Crime Theft from MV Theft

Drugs Offences Fraud & Forgery Fraud & Forgery Sexual Offences Sexual Offences Criminal Damage Criminal Damage Burglary Dwelling * Burglary Dwelling Burglary Elsewhere Aireborough 34.89 10.77 17.57 1.05 9.29 0.35 0.04 0.43 22.80 1.05 0.35 9.06 4.41 6.60 Armley 60.57 21.56 45.97 2.81 16.20 0.45 0.00 2.22 28.05 3.45 1.54 29.55 17.79 20.33 Barwick and Kippax 24.36 13.10 12.64 1.62 0.60 0.17 0.00 0.55 11.36 0.30 0.26 7.28 6.17 4.81 Beeston 53.59 18.90 46.25 1.88 14.40 0.36 0.12 1.52 31.18 4.01 2.01 16.04 14.10 18.48 Bramley 53.35 14.75 45.30 1.61 4.35 0.18 0.04 1.75 23.54 2.38 1.26 12.78 11.21 18.25 Burmantofts 76.06 19.34 72.30 3.46 15.78 1.03 0.05 1.46 43.77 6.54 1.73 19.07 19.78 23.67 Chapel Allerton 73.97 9.45 50.64 15.93 7.96 0.82 0.00 3.13 29.39 9.83 7.14 23.40 13.84 22.41 City and Holbeck 70.01 64.62 98.67 20.75 51.07 3.68 0.05 10.35 444.23 22.97 6.00 142.97 43.87 111.97 Cookridge 58.49 7.94 18.87 0.70 5.14 0.05 0.00 0.42 12.75 0.93 0.23 10.04 6.45 6.59 Garforth and Swillington 28.44 14.40 14.57 0.46 8.71 0.17 0.00 0.38 13.98 0.42 0.33 8.16 6.99 5.99 Halton 44.21 24.45 20.75 3.65 10.20 0.18 0.00 0.97 40.67 2.59 0.18 17.85 12.66 7.34 Harehills 69.31 12.92 38.48 5.89 9.64 0.52 0.00 1.81 28.79 8.46 1.24 15.96 16.10 20.95 Headingley 115.18 8.06 28.29 1.89 6.78 0.42 0.00 0.93 39.12 7.94 0.50 51.61 14.57 10.71 Horsforth 63.11 11.46 18.13 0.56 11.46 0.09 0.00 0.60 21.38 1.30 0.19 14.66 7.65 5.52 Hunslet 63.11 32.62 53.36 1.80 19.50 1.24 0.06 1.67 39.49 3.16 0.87 17.52 22.22 20.92 Kirkstall 83.28 9.72 36.97 6.11 14.33 0.40 0.05 1.65 42.18 5.86 1.25 21.04 17.83 16.83 Middleton 43.93 16.05 38.00 1.14 4.90 0.57 0.00 1.57 21.90 1.24 0.90 15.71 15.67 14.05 Moortown 77.11 16.21 20.68 1.58 10.76 0.09 0.00 0.88 16.67 3.07 0.37 15.09 6.05 8.99 Morley North 31.40 25.59 22.45 0.69 13.70 0.28 0.00 0.64 35.55 0.89 0.40 22.45 12.66 7.58 Morley South 30.68 20.55 26.27 0.92 9.58 0.31 0.03 1.06 26.20 0.68 0.62 26.33 11.80 9.99 North 56.13 15.47 12.54 0.45 2.53 0.23 0.05 0.68 17.41 1.49 0.41 11.50 4.69 6.40 Otley and Wharfedale 30.55 8.45 12.86 0.33 2.69 0.29 0.04 0.65 17.72 0.57 0.61 10.08 4.86 4.61 Pudsey North 40.91 17.56 15.98 2.72 12.79 0.13 0.00 1.18 26.89 0.79 0.53 10.12 6.79 7.53 Pudsey South 38.48 15.20 24.44 0.68 2.43 0.09 0.05 1.22 17.18 1.26 0.77 15.42 7.98 10.60 Richmond Hill 83.21 23.55 62.92 1.36 2.65 0.85 0.00 1.75 33.72 4.29 1.53 23.89 21.75 20.84 Rothwell 33.57 15.47 23.32 0.71 12.71 0.29 0.00 0.67 16.33 0.52 0.52 20.23 12.09 8.09 Roundhay 62.90 15.21 17.92 1.83 11.68 0.09 0.05 0.73 26.49 4.08 0.37 23.37 10.91 5.68 Seacroft 69.11 14.16 58.05 4.68 8.18 0.39 0.00 1.35 31.76 2.76 1.18 15.23 21.66 18.39 University 62.56 19.85 62.07 8.33 12.73 0.66 0.00 3.93 68.99 20.27 1.78 65.06 36.37 33.23 Weetwood 77.25 11.39 20.99 2.94 11.39 0.19 0.00 0.58 23.16 2.32 0.63 23.12 8.93 9.85 Wetherby 20.25 6.99 7.67 0.38 2.83 0.11 0.00 0.83 11.71 0.23 0.64 6.65 3.25 4.23

Whinmoor 44.06 17.16 27.89 0.87 13.62 0.29 0.00 0.70 15.54 1.10 0.46 9.74 13.91 10.55 241 Wortley 53.46 18.17 30.28 1.82 12.68 0.22 0.04 0.95 17.13 1.99 0.35 13.80 10.90 14.80 Note: * per 1,000 households

Appendix C: Demographic and socio-economic variables from the 2001 Census

Ward AllPeople16to74 AllHHs HH density PopDensity Number Student % of Student NumberOfHighClass % of HighClass NumberOfCarPerHHs AllCarInArea Rented Aireborough 18581 10663 507 1218.12 985 5.3 5840 31.43 1.18 12579 2428 Armley 15920 9295 1718 4072.83 996 6.26 3171 19.92 0.76 7068 3960 Barwick and Kippax 17225 9647 118 287.97 721 4.19 4727 27.44 1.26 12143 2111 Beeston 11588 7053 1610 3756.62 729 6.29 2028 17.5 0.67 4730 2834 Bramley 15988 9016 1385 3425.19 1658 10.37 2910 18.2 0.78 7059 3840 Burmantofts 12790 8270 1716 3839.63 727 5.68 1818 14.21 0.54 4494 5347 Chapel Allerton 13083 7949 1736 3975.11 1058 8.09 3912 29.9 0.72 5759 3597 City and Holbeck 14869 10056 1018 2092.71 1537 10.34 2282 15.35 0.49 4907 6523 Cookridge 15334 9216 827 1921.45 1074 7 5413 35.3 1.15 10633 2413 Garforth and Swillington 17354 9598 331 823.01 778 4.48 4558 26.26 1.18 11301 1865 Halton 16831 9500 496 1188.19 821 4.88 4935 29.32 1.12 10601 1028

Harehills 14062 7964 3040 8035.11 1321 9.39 2137 15.2 0.61 4886 4104 Appendix C Headingley 23219 9585 3485 9434.55 14029 60.42 3839 16.53 0.78 7517 7181 Horsforth 16059 8857 766 1865.22 1462 9.1 5938 36.98 1.23 10916 1868 Hunslet 10975 6940 923 2148.27 473 4.31 1359 12.38 0.58 3998 4113 Kirkstall 15481 8730 1823 4167.85 2981 19.26 4048 26.15 0.77 6715 4482 Middleton 14781 8628 626 1522.99 614 4.15 2901 19.63 0.86 7455 3644 Moortown 14864 8858 1637 3969.13 1080 7.27 5382 36.21 1.08 9610 2303 Morley North 18375 10414 625 1490.21 796 4.33 5054 27.5 1.12 11701 2097 Morley South 21236 12320 599 1422.13 914 4.3 5653 26.62 1.04 12828 3586 North 15612 9496 223 519.59 1000 6.41 5972 38.25 1.24 11795 2389 Otley and Wharfedale 17643 10345 240 568.09 886 5.02 6100 34.57 1.26 13034 2214 Pudsey North 16941 9630 711 1685.24 875 5.17 5311 31.35 1.15 11087 1711 Pudsey South 15921 9252 987 2366.92 770 4.84 3848 24.17 1 9241 2898 Richmond Hill 12103 7727 819 1877.41 605 5 1632 13.48 0.55 4223 4623 Rothwell 15274 8729 420 1010.58 680 4.45 4008 26.24 1.09 9523 2371 Roundhay 15515 8633 744 1879.67 1199 7.73 6663 42.95 1.27 10953 1767 Seacroft 11572 7437 1734 4131.7 553 4.78 1387 11.99 0.58 4333 4973 University 17504 10854 2238 4404.95 6994 39.96 2572 14.69 0.42 4524 9078 Weetwood 15727 9295 1313 2926.69 3600 22.89 5275 33.54 0.91 8457 4049 Wetherby 19328 10714 139 344.3 1000 5.17 6974 36.08 1.43 15309 1939

Whinmoor 12191 7104 563 1366.8 666 5.46 2388 19.59 0.9 6383 2999 24

Wortley 16533 9839 803 1885.32 712 4.31 3219 19.47 0.86 8481 3628 2

Appendix C: Demographic and socio-economic variables from the 2001 Census

Ward % of Rented MaleYoungAdult MaleYoungAdultUnEmployed YoungAdult UnEmployed UnemploymentRate MaleUnEmployed IndexOfMultipleDeprivation Aireborough 22.77 1177 78 2346 410 2.21% 261 10.15 Armley 42.6 1213 102 2711 608 3.82% 415 33.2 Barwick and Kippax 21.88 1066 52 2093 421 2.44% 264 16.99 Beeston 40.18 956 86 1965 544 4.69% 381 40.73 Bramley 42.59 1061 128 3199 626 3.92% 397 35.06 Burmantofts 64.66 919 130 1990 775 6.06% 507 53.66 Chapel Allerton 45.25 1009 123 2122 671 5.13% 468 42.5 City and Holbeck 64.87 1490 171 3190 989 6.65% 692 55.41 Cookridge 26.18 1093 53 2095 345 2.25% 234 12.07 Garforth and Swillington 19.43 1118 63 2119 332 1.91% 211 13.87 Halton 10.82 1022 60 1993 339 2.01% 226 10.65 Harehills 51.53 1329 169 2868 889 6.32% 597 54.07 Headingley 74.92 7431 118 15732 513 2.21% 354 16.17 Horsforth 21.09 1013 60 2512 303 1.89% 187 6.89 Hunslet 59.27 813 132 1770 617 5.62% 413 47.97 Kirkstall 51.34 2299 87 4616 564 3.64% 396 29.22 Middleton 42.23 1021 119 2151 653 4.42% 424 37.04 Moortown 26 1073 76 2056 423 2.85% 273 16.55 Morley North 20.14 1170 50 2365 363 1.98% 202 15.04 Morley South 29.11 1374 105 2806 533 2.51% 343 18.65 North 25.16 952 74 1887 380 2.43% 247 11.66 Otley and Wharfedale 21.4 1064 60 2060 348 1.97% 211 8.8 Pudsey North 17.77 1068 55 2180 351 2.07% 214 11.98 Pudsey South 31.32 1115 66 2195 420 2.64% 277 19.56 Richmond Hill 59.83 922 156 1925 722 5.97% 480 52.52 Rothwell 27.16 936 71 1872 417 2.73% 271 16.87 Roundhay 20.47 1143 61 2213 374 2.41% 252 11.99 Seacroft 66.87 930 141 2002 731 6.32% 465 55.07 University 83.64 3389 148 7671 881 5.03% 595 47.76 Weetwood 43.56 1825 51 4539 353 2.24% 217 15.71 Wetherby 18.1 959 47 2221 329 1.70% 213 6.91 Whinmoor 42.22 914 85 1816 420 3.45% 275 30.28 Wortley 36.87 1152 131 2326 626 3.79% 417 31.61 243

Appendix D- Model File 244

Appendix D

C:\Documents and Settings\geock\Desktop\MyWork\TOK\My Model\InputFile_Constraints C:\Documents and Settings\geock\Desktop\MyWork\TOK\My Model\BCS2001.csv C:\Documents and Settings\geock\Desktop\MyWork\TOK\My Model\NewGroupNumber_16-74 in HHs.csv

Selected Area Code Start Selected Area Code End

Column&Name,Male_16-24_couple OR,SEX,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL AND,16.0,=<,AGE,=<,24.0,INDIVI#DUAL AND,MARST,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL


Column&Name,Female_16-24_couple OR,SEX,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL AND,16.0,=<,AGE,=<,24.0,INDIVI#DUAL AND,MARST,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL


Column&Name,Male_25-34_couple OR,SEX,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL AND,25.0,=<,AGE,=<,34.0,INDIVI#DUAL AND,MARST,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL


Appendix D- Model File 245

Column&Name,Female_25-34_couple OR,SEX,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL AND,25.0,=<,AGE,=<,34.0,INDIVI#DUAL AND,MARST,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL


Column&Name,Male_35-49_couple OR,SEX,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL AND,35.0,=<,AGE,=<,49.0,INDIVI#DUAL AND,MARST,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL


Column&Name,Female_35-49_couple OR,SEX,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL AND,35.0,=<,AGE,=<,49.0,INDIVI#DUAL AND,MARST,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL


Column&Name,Male_50-74_couple OR,SEX,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL AND,50.0,=<,AGE,=<,74.0,INDIVI#DUAL AND,MARST,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL


Appendix D- Model File 246

Column&Name,Female_50-74_couple OR,SEX,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL AND,50.0,=<,AGE,=<,74.0,INDIVI#DUAL AND,MARST,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL










Appendix D- Model File 247

Column&Name,Owned_2 or MoreCar_Employed OR,TENHARM,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL AND,REMPLOY,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL AND,2,=<,NUMCARS,=<,100,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Owned_2 or MoreCar_Unemployed OR,TENHARM,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL AND,REMPLOY,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL AND,2,=<,NUMCARS,=<,100,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Owned_2 or MoreCar_Inactive OR,TENHARM,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL AND,REMPLOY,=,3,INDIVI#DUAL AND,2,=<,NUMCARS,=<,100,INDIVI#DUAL








Appendix D- Model File 248







Column&Name,Higher Managerial and professional occupations_Owned OR,RESPSEC2,=,1.1,INDIVI#DUAL OR,RESPSEC2,=,1.2,INDIVI#DUAL AND,TENHARM,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Higher Managerial and professional occupations_Rented OR,RESPSEC2,=,1.1,INDIVI#DUAL OR,RESPSEC2,=,1.2,INDIVI#DUAL AND,2,=<,TENHARM,=<,3,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Lower Managerial and professional occupations_Owned OR,RESPSEC2,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL AND,TENHARM,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Lower Managerial and professional occupations_Rented OR,TENHARM,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL OR,TENHARM,=,3,INDIVI#DUAL AND,RESPSEC2,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Intermediate occupations_Owned OR,RESPSEC2,=,3,INDIVI#DUAL AND,TENHARM,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL

Appendix D- Model File 249

Column&Name,Intermediate occupations_Rented OR,TENHARM,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL OR,TENHARM,=,3,INDIVI#DUAL AND,RESPSEC2,=,3,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Small employers and own account workers_Owned OR,RESPSEC2,=,4,INDIVI#DUAL AND,TENHARM,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Small employers and own account workers_Rented OR,TENHARM,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL OR,TENHARM,=,3,INDIVI#DUAL AND,RESPSEC2,=,4,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Lower supervisory and technical occupations_Owned OR,RESPSEC2,=,5,INDIVI#DUAL AND,TENHARM,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Lower supervisory and technical occupations_Rented OR,TENHARM,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL OR,TENHARM,=,3,INDIVI#DUAL AND,RESPSEC2,=,5,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Semi-routine occupations_Owned OR,RESPSEC2,=,6,INDIVI#DUAL AND,TENHARM,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Semi-routine occupations_Rented OR,TENHARM,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL OR,TENHARM,=,3,INDIVI#DUAL AND,RESPSEC2,=,6,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Routine occupations_Owned OR,RESPSEC2,=,7,INDIVI#DUAL AND,TENHARM,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL


Column&Name,Never worked and long-term unemployed_Owned OR,RESPSEC2,=,8,INDIVI#DUAL AND,TENHARM,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Never worked and long-term unemployed_Rented OR,TENHARM,=,2,INDIVI#DUAL OR,TENHARM,=,3,INDIVI#DUAL AND,RESPSEC2,=,8,INDIVI#DUAL

Column&Name,Not classified_Owned OR,RESPSEC2,=,9,INDIVI#DUAL AND,TENHARM,=,1,INDIVI#DUAL