1. PaDIL Species Factsheet

Scientific Name: mellipes Cresson, 1878 (: : : )

Common Name Tribe Representative - Exomalopsini Live link: http://www.padil.gov.au/pollinators/Pest/Main/139825

Image Library Australian Pollinators Live link: http://www.padil.gov.au/pollinators/

Partners for Australian Pollinators image library

Western Australian Museum https://museum.wa.gov.au/

South Australian Museum https://www.samuseum.sa.gov.au/

Australian Museum https://australian.museum/

Museums Victoria https://museumsvictoria.com.au/ 2. Species Information

2.1. Details Specimen Contact: Museum Victoria - [email protected] Author: Ken Walker Citation: Ken Walker (2010) Tribe Representative - Exomalopsini(Exomalopsis mellipes)Updated on 8/14/2010 Available online: PaDIL - http://www.padil.gov.au Image Use: Free for use under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY- NC 4.0)

2.2. URL Live link: http://www.padil.gov.au/pollinators/Pest/Main/139825

2.3. Facets Bio-Region: USA and Canada, Central and South America Host Family: Not recorded Host Genera: Fresh Flowers Status: Exotic Species not in Australia Bio-Regions: Nearctic, Neotropical, Greater and Lesser Antilles, Araucanian Body Hair and Scopal location: Tibia, Basitarsus Cleptoparasite: No Episternal groove: Present but not extending below scrobal groove Wings: Submarginal cells - Three, Apex of marginal cell truncate or rounded, Stigma significantly larger than prestigma, Hind wing with second abscissa of M + Cu greater than half as long as vein M, Submarginal cells - One or Two cells Head - Structures: One subantennal suture below each antennal socket, Row of erect hairs along inner margin ocular orbits Legs: Arolia present, Middle coxa fully exposed Metasoma & Metanotum: Pygidial plate present Head - Mouthparts: Galeal comb absent, Mandibles simple, Stipial comb present, Lorum V shaped; mentum tapered Male Genitalia: S7 with 4 small apical lobes, S7 broad and transverse, S7 narrow, transverse and without lobes Nests, Ovarioles & Immatures: Communal nesting, Soil, Nesting cell with waxlike lining, spins a cocoon, Larva does not spin a cocoon, Ovarioles per ovary equals 4 or more Larval provisions: Pollen and nectar only, Provisions lifted off the cell floor with a projection

2.4. Diagnostic Notes The subfamily Apinae consists of the corbiculate Apidae and taxa from the Anthophoridae. There is no known unique subfamily character that is present in all species, many such useful characters are lost in the cleptoparasitic species.

Most species have a pygidial plate and well developed prepygidial fimbriae. The scopa is restricted to the hind leg and basitarsus.

Source: Michener (2007). of the World. John Hopkins University Press. 3. Diagnostic Images

Mexico USA Lateral female view: Laurence Packer York Lateral male view: Laurence Packer York University University

Results Generated: Monday, September 27, 2021