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VOL. 37 | NO.31 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] |www.glimpsesoffuture.com | Price : Rs. 2.00          J-K: Schools, colleges to reopen from Feb 1, 25k Country saddened by insult to Tricolour pilgrims to be allowed at Vaishno Devi per day on Republic Day: PM Modi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

IN BRIEF Intensive Pulse Polio immunization

40 sarpanchs leave drive held across Jammu Div for five-day exposure >>AC>>>A20;;>FB8==4GC 30HB tour to Rajasthan     1>>C7B 70E4 144= 4BC01 5>A ?4A24=C2>E4A064 ;8B74302A>BBC7438BCA82CC> 7845 #43820; >55824A  =C4=B8E4&D;B4&>;8>8<  ''. 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Ram Lal Khajuria S/o Late Sh Dhani Ram UTHALA will be held on 1st Feb Sham Lal Gupta R/o H.No. 98 Khajuria R/o H. No. 402-A, Bahu Fort near Bawe wali Mata 2021, Monday from 3-4 PM at Ambedkar Nagar Old Janipur, Jammu. 13th Day Kriya will be Mandir.Uthala will be held at our residence on Monday, 1 February Laxmi Narayan Temple, Gandhi performed on 1st Feb, 2021 on Nagar. We request relatives and SUMIT DUTTA Monday at 11 AM at our resi - Smt Shakuntla 2021 at 4 PM. friends to assemble and wish dence. And Uthala will be per - Devi GRIEF STRICKEN: peace for his soul. formed on Monday at 3 to 4 PM Smt. Champa Devi (Wife) AGGRIEvEd FAmIly: 1st Feb, 2021 at Kabir Mandir, Smt. Raj Kumari and Sh. Krishan Lal - (Babhi & Brother) Parents Near High Court, Janipur, Sh. Ram lal Sh. Parmod Dutta and Smt. Anupama Dutta Jammu. Smt. Pooja & Rakesh Khajuria-JE PWD- (Daughter in law &Son) Khajuria Smt. Karan Bali - Grand Mother GRIEF STRICKEN Daughters & Son in Laws Smt. Poonam Dutta - Taji Ji Sons & Daughters-in-law Mrs Nekha Gupta & Mr Smt Sushma Sharma and Jugal Sharma Mr. Rishabh, Pranav, Paras Dutta - Brothers Sh. Mukesh Damral & Smt. Indu - Fufa Ji and Buji Mrs Deepika Gupta & Mr Mohit Gupta Smt. Neelam Sharma & Sh. Daya Ram Sharma Daughters & Sons-in-law Ph. +91-60053 14727, +91-9858553551, 9070061717 Mrs Sheetal & Mr Ajay Gupta Smt. Anuradha Sharma & Sh. Anil Sharma HNo. 699, Sec - 3, Nanak Nagar Jammu (Near Mrs Vandana & Mr Vinay Gupta Dr. Niharika Sharma & Maj. Kunal Sharma (Grand Daughter and grandson in law) Guru Harikrishan Public School) Mob.No: 7006654056, 9086071815, 7006467349 Grand Children : Hardik, Mrityunjay, Dr. Shubam, Er. Rishab, Er. Vishav, Parika & Tanyam Phone No: 94193-15977, 7006694343, 7889617171, 9906019768 OBITUARY RASAM PAGRI/UTHALA With profound grief and sorrow, we in - form the demise of our beloved (Kaka Ji) With profound grief, sorrow and Sh. Pran Kishore Misri S/o Late Girdhari tearful eyes, we inform the sad KRIYA/UTHALA Lal Misri R/o Kathi Hal, Zaindar Mohalla, demise of our beloved Smt Raka OBITUARY Srinagar, at present Flat No. J-504, Sharma W/o Sh Ram Rattan on With profound grief and sorrow, With profound grief and sorrow, we Hibird, Niho Scottish Gardens, Ahinsa 22/01/2021 (Friday) at our resi - we inform the sad demise of our inform the sad demise of our Khand -2, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, dence W No. 6/11 Hiranagar. beloved Son-in-law, Sh. Anil beloved Father Sh Dwarka Nath Uttar Pradesh on 26th January, 2021. Sh. Pran Kishore Rasam Pagri and Uthala will be Sharma H/o Smt. Shashi Raina S/o Late Pt. Thakur Dass Tenth Day Kriya shall be performed on Smt Raka 4th Feb 2021, at Chhota Haridwar, Misri performed on 01/02/2021 Sharma R/o Barian, Udhampur. Raina on Saturday, 30 January Sharma Upper Ganga Canal Road, Muradnagar, Monday from 2 PM to 3 PM at our Fifth Day will be performed on 2021, original resident of Wanpoh, Uttar Pradesh. residence W No. 6/11 Hiranagar Monday, 01-02-2021 at 11.00 Anantnag and presently living op - GRIEF STRICKEN: Sh. Anil Sharma poiste Shiv Mandir Garhi Sh Dwarka Nath GRIEF STRICKEN : AM at Brahman Sabha, Parade, Mrs. Sheela Misri (Wife) Udhampur. Tenth Day will be per - Raina Brother & Bhabhi Sh Ram Rattan Pandotra (Husband) Jammu. formed at Devika Udhampur on Mrs. Veena & Ashok Misri (Devars & Bhabis) GRIEF STRICKEN Mrs. Kriti & Anshul Misri (Daughter in law & Son) Monday, 8 February, 2021 at 11 AM. Sh Shiv Rattan Pandotra and Smt Chanchal Dr.Dwarka Nath Sharma - Father-in-Law Miss Pooja Misri (Daughter) GRIEF STRICKEN Sh Ashok Dogra and Smt Kiran Bhabhi & Brother-in-law Smt Raj Lakshmi Raina -Wife Mr.Vinay Misri (Son) Misri, Jalali, Bazaz, Sher & Zaidu families Sh Bharat Rattan (Devar) Smt. Sakshi & Sh. Satish Sharma Brothers-in-law and Sisters Mob:- 9811901353, 8968757942 Ph No. 8082825784 Smt. Amita & Sh. Shashi Kant Sharma Late Sh Dr Gridhari Lal Koul and Smt Kishni Koul MISHRA & SHARMA FAMILY Sh Maharaj Krishan Koul and Smt Kanta Koul Mob.No.: 9419141179, 9419243842 Daughters-in-law and Sons Smt Rachna Raina and Sh Predman Krishan Raina Smt Sunita Raina and Sh Kuldeep Raina OBITUARY TENTH DAY Smt Geeta Raina and Sh Sanjay Raina WITH PROFOUND GRIEF & With profound grief and sorrow, Daughters and Son-in-laws DEEP SORROW WE INFORM we inform the sad demise of our KRIYA/UTHALA Smt Suneela Koul and Sh Vijay Koul THAT THE 10TH DAY KRIYA beloved dearest Karamyogi With profound grief and sorrow, Smt Seema Raina and Sh Ashok Raina OF OUR BELOVED SH Mother Brij Mohani Bhat (Rani) we inform the sad demise of our Grand Children: Dheeraj, Siddharth, Diksha, Vimal, KULDEEP RAZDAN S/O LT SH W/o Brij Lal Bhat R/o Anantnag - beloved Smt Sudhesh Gupta Sahil, Navneet MAHESHWAR NATH RAZDAN (Earlier) H.No 14, Gali No 7, W/o Shri Bal Krishan Gupta (R/o Ph.No: 9419270126, 9419202374, 9797406667 ORIGINAL RESIDENT OF BA - SH KULDEEP Anand Nagar, Patta Bohri, Brij Mohani Bhat Batote) at present H.No. 33, NA MOHALLA SRINAGAR RAZDAN Jammu on 25/01/2021. Tenth Lane No. 10, Sector-7, Nanak WILL BE PERFORMED ON Day will be performed on 3rd of Nagar who left us for her heav - Smt Sudhesh 10TH DAY WEDNESDAY, 3RD OF FEB - Feb - 2021 (Wednesday) at enly abode on Wednesday, 20th Gupta With profound grief and sorrow, we RUARY 2021 (8.00 AM) AT Akhnoor Ghat and Assembly January, 2021. KRIYA will be inform the sad demise of our AKHNOOR GATH. ASSEMBLY will be held at 11.00 AM (at performed on Monday Ist Feb, beloved Sh. Pushker Nath Bhat S/o WILL BE HELD AT OUR RESI - Residence). 2021 10 AM at Devika Ghat, Lt. Dina Nath Bhat originally resi - DENCE H.NO. 890, LANE 6D, GRIEF STRICKEN Udhampur. And UTHALA will be dent of Kaloosa, Bandipora SURYAVANSHI NAGAR EX - Brij Lal Bhat -Husband performed on Monday Ist Feb, Kashmir at present Lane No. 3 TENSION, UPPER MUTHI, H.No. 63, Laxmi Nagar Muthi, Daughter, Son-in-law & Grand Son 2021 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM at JAMMU AT 12:00 NOON. Anjali Kachroo, Rajesh Kachroo & Rahul Kachru Shiv Mandir Sector-3, Trikuta Jammu. The TENTH DAY KRIYA Sh. Pushker will be performed on 01, February IN GRIEF:- Daughter & Son-in-law Nagar, opposite to Sain Food Nath Bhat 2021 at Akhnoor Ghat and ASSEM - SMT VIJAY RAZDAN - WIFE Sangeeta Gudhoo & Subash Gudhoo Station. BLY will be held at Muthi Ghat at 11 DAUGHTER & SON-IN-LAW Bhat Parivaar GRIEF STRICKEN AM. DR KONIKA RAZDAN & DR VARSHIESH RAINA Choudhary Parivar Sh. Bal Krishan Gupta - Husband GRIEF STRICKEN & SAMAST PARIVAR Kantroo Parivar Anuj and Shilpa Gupta - Son & Daughter-in-law SAMAST BHAT PARIVAAR 8825033613, 9682517409, 8715838013, Mattoo Parivar Heena & Harish Gupta - Daughter and Son-in-law 9871187798, 9711271996, 9796446649 Mob. No: 9149742926 Sh. Ramesh Chander and Late Smt Raj Gupta - Brother and Sister-in-law MAHAJAN AT 7, NARWAL OBITUARY Shri Vijay Kumar Mahaldar (Loving MOBILE : 9086240062, 9419627100, 9797177100 TENTH DAY Bhajan) S/o Late Shrimati Umashri KRIYA/UTHALA With profound grief and sorrow, & Late Shri Janki Nath Mahaldar With profound grief and sorrow Orginally resident of Motiyar, we intimate the sad untimely de - we inform about the sad demise Rainawari / Baghat Barzulla - mise of our beloved Surinder of Sureshta Devi wife of Late Sh. 13TH DAY & RASAM PAGRI Srinagar, Kashmir Your sudden de - Koul Sharabi (Billoo Ji) of Shalla Ramesh Chander resident of With profound grief and sorrow, mise has torn us apart and left our Kadal Srinagar, who left for 42-Ashok Nagar, Satwari, we inform the sad demise of our lives meaningless . You will live in Shri Vijay Kumar heavenly abode on 23 Jan. Jammu. Kriya will be performed hearts of your family, friends rela - Mahaldar 2021. Tenth Day Kriya shall be beloved Smt Ban Devi W/o Late Surinder Koul on 1-2-2021 (Monday) at 12:00 tives, colleagues and people across performed on 01 Feb. 2021, Sureshta Devi Sh Hony Lt. Dharub Singh Sharabi (Billoo noon also at our residence. Sambyal, VRC R/o Mandi the world for your selfless love, Monday at Jiyo Pota Ghat care, respect, support, and guid - Ji) Uthala will be performed on 1- 2- Sangwali, Samba on 22 Jan. Akhnoor and Mourning ance for ever and ever. 10TH DAY 2021 (Monday) at 4:00 PM at Assembly will be held at the res - 2021. 13th Day and Rasam Pagri Smt Ban Devi KRIYA will be performed at Chota Aap Shambhu Mandir, Narwal on 03 Feb. at 9.00 am at our resi - Haridwar (Gang Nehar), idence at 11.00 AM. Pain in Satwari. dence Mandi Sangwali, Samba. Muradnagar, Uttar Pradesh on GRIEF STRICKEN GRIEF STRICKEN GRIEF STRICKEN 05.02.2021 . Assembly will be held Sarojini Koul -Wife Daughter and Son-in-Law Sons and Daughter-in-laws at 11 am at our residence . Brother & Sister-in-law Rachna Sharma & Narinder Sharma Sh Man Mohan Singh and Sunita GRIEF STRICKEN Verander Koul & Manorama Koul Bhabhi & Brother Sh Kulbir Singh and Jyoti Mahaldar's, Koul's, Raina's, Wanchoo's, Fotedar's, Pandita,'s Vijay Munshi -Brother-in-law Saroj Sharma & Chajju Ram Flat 1603, Tower 18 , Nirala Estate Ph-1 Sh Rajeshwar Singh and Rajni Sisters & Brothers-in-law Devrani Daughter and Son-in-law GH -04 , Techzone-IV, Surajpur Road , Sudesh & Surinder Koul Greater Noida - West (UP) Anju Sharma W/o Lt. Sh. Subash Chander Chetna and Col. V S Jamwal Veena & Subash Jalali Ph : 0120- 5150533 / 9811580127 / 9717612229 / Daughter-in-Law & Nephew Kalpana & Arun Koul Grand Sons and Grand Daughters 9650397608 Romita Sharma & Vikas Sharma Lalit, Udhay Chander, Paramjit, Virender Partap and Daughters Grand Children: Omsi, Onvi Navi and Salaria Family. Bhawna, Taniya & Deepika 9419128026, 7889976707, 9419223997 9906074123, 9419763616, 9796465583, 7006730279 Brother-in-law & Sister-in-law 10TH DAY/KRIYA/UTHALA Ravinder Saraf With profound grief and sorrow, we Sanjay & Veena Saraf regret to inform the sad demise of Flat No -13, SBI Flats, Rajinder Nagar KRIYA/UTHALA 10TH DAY KRIYA our beloved father Sh Shiv Kumar Phase -I, Bantalab, Jammu -181123 With profound grief and sorrow, Sharma S/o Late Sh Pitamber Nath With immense grief and heavy Mob: 7006886356, 9419121885, 7006207027, we inform the sad demise of our heart we are pained to inform Sharma resident of H.No.13, Sec-9, 9419205817 Vikas Nagar Sarwal, Jammu on 23- beloved Smt Shanti Devi W/o Lt. you about the sad demise of Sh 1-2021 (Saturday). Tenth Day will Sh Sain Dass Verma R/o Ward. Ram Krishen Bhat (Komal) S/o be performed on 1-2-2021 Sh Shiv Kumar No. 08 Samba on 19/ Jan. / 2021. Lt. Sh Sarvanand Bhat originally (Monday) at 11 am, Kriya will be on Sharma KRIYA will start at 12.00 pm on of Logripurra Aashmuqum 2-2-2021 (Tuesday) at our resi - BARKHI 31/01/2021 at our residence. “Father’s are the Real Heroes of Smt Shanti Devi Anantnag at Present Lane No Sh Ram Krishen dence. Uthala on 3-2-2021 UTHALA will be performed on Family” It is to inform that Barkhi 23, House No 72, Swaran Vihar Bhat (Wednesday) at Brahmin Sabha Monday at 01 pm to 2 pm 1st Feb. Police Colony, Jammu on 26th from 1 to 2 pm noon. of our beloved Lt. Mr Vijay 2021 at Pacci Mandi Samba. January at 1.35pm. Tenth day FONdly REmEmBEREd By: Sharma will be performed at our GRIEF STRICKEN Sons & Daughters-in-law will be performed on 4th residence: H.No C/89, Lane 10, Sons, Daughters-in-law & All Relatives February, Thursday at Akhnoor Raman Sharma - Pinky Near National Public School, Laxman Sharma - Rajni Mob: 9858154071, 9913462789 Ghat & assembly will be held at Shiv Nagar, Jammu as on 1 Mr Vijay Sharma Daughters and Sons-in-law Feb. 2021, 11.00 AM onwards. home at 11 am. Anuradha - Gianeshwar Sharma GRIEF STRICKEN Shyama - Tardeep Dharmat dEEPly REmEmBEREd By:- Babli Bhat -Wife Satyabhama - Lt. Sudesh Dubey Smt Sunita Sharma -Wife RASAM PAGRI/UTHALA Ajay Bhat & Arti Bhat -Son & Daughter-in-law Kanta Sharma -Chacchi Ji Sons and Daughters-in-law Rasam Pagri and Uthala of Smt Anita & Sandeep Raina -Daughter & Son-in-law Nephew and Niece from Chandigarh Aneesh Mallan (Shally) & Reenu Mallan (Shallu) Chand Rani Chadha W/o Vijay Bhat -Son Awtar Krishan - Devika Gourav Sharma Ramesh Chander Chadha R/o Brother's & Sister's-in-Law Sandeep Sharma - Amita Brother & Bhabhi Sunderbani will be performed at Lt. Sh Omkar Nath Bhat & Lt. Smt Umashri Bhat Sanjay Sharma – Anandi Mr Yash Pal Sharma & Smt Asha Devi Radha Krishan Mandir Lt. Sh Rattan Lal Bhat & Smt Kaimta Bhat Grand Children Rajat Sharma -Nephew Sunderbani on 01-02-2021 from Anirudh Dev - Riya Sister's & Brother's-in-Law Neice & Son-in-law 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm. Sugandha - Ankush Kohli Smt Chand Rani Lt. Smt. Kaushalya Raina & Lt. Sh Somnath Raina Shruti Sharma & Vikas Sharma IN GRIEF STRICKEN Vasu Dev Sharma Chadha Smt Shamma Dhar & Sh A.N. Dhar Pradhyuman Sharma Neha Sharma CHADHA FAMILY Smt Santosh Raina & Sh S.L. Raina Shiva Medicos -Sarwal Chowk Anreen Mallan (Duggu) & Niviksha Sharma & ANAND FAMILY Sammast Bhat Parivar Ph: 0191-2572006, 0191-2578049, (Shruvu) -Grand Children Contact No. 7006884722, 9086160108, M : 9419359051, 7889425088 Mob: 94191-93388, 94192-20778 Mobile: 9086099110, 9086224016, 6005464844 9149491565, 7889480557     3 LOCAL ""*"$#-'*'-  #   J&K blessed with one of the richest Rana seeks LG’s – Dr Karan Singh’s intervention in ending strike cultures in world: Kavinder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He stressed upon the of - deputy Commissioner ficials to establish a close Ganderbal, Shafqat Iqbal to - connect with the farmers, es - day chaired a meeting of offi - pecially livestock breeders to cers to discuss the contain - ensure proper surveillance in ment measures and arrange - the local farm houses for re - ments to tackle the threat of porting any unusual sickness avian influenza (bird flu). and mortality. The meeting threadbare He also stressed on in - discussion to check and con - creasing the surveillance in JAMMU, JANUARY 31: the motive of organising this day on 2nd Feb, 2021 from r.S. trol the possible spread of the field and exhorted upon Trekking is exhaustive reconnais - Pura to Suchetgarh border; 2nd bird flu. the officials to visit the poul - directorate of Tourism, sance of Purmandal Surinsar area bike rally from Jammu-Patnitop- On the occasion, Chief try farms and other suscepti - Jammu today organised one day and also to explore the possibility dudu basantgarh-ramnagar- Animal Husbandry Officer ble pockets and generate Trek from Sarain to Mansar via of linking Purmandal Surinsar Mansar-Jammu and trekking ex - informed that no case of any awareness among all the dhergarh in collaboration with Mohergarh bhupnergarh as peditions in the doda and bird flu has been reported in by the Animal Husbandry lished for the people to ob - stakeholders. Tawi Trekkers. A group of about Adventure and leisure circuit. ramban districts. She asked the Ganderbal district so far and department to keep the flu at tain any information regard - The meeting was attend - 80 Trekkers was flagged off by “Promoting the unexplored desti - Trekkers to explore the nature people need not to panic in bay. ing flu on (7006915273). ed by Additional deputy Mayor, Jammu, Chander Mohan nations of Jammu division will while traversing through the this regard. The CAHO ap - He further said that the Meanwhile, dC instruct - Commissioner Ganderbal, Gupta, and Joint director boost the economy of the area and Mansar-Surinsar Wildlife prised the meeting about the district and block level moni - ed the concerned to further Farooq Ahmed baba, Chief Tourism, Neelam Khajuria, from generate employment opportuni - Sanctuary. Assistant director, district Action Plan and role toring and surveillance strengthen existing Animal Husbandry Officer, Kala Kendra, Jammu . ties for the host population” she Tourism, Ambika bali; Advisor of each concerned depart - teams have been already con - Surveillance/rrTs by in - Sheep Husbandry Officer, Special attraction of the said. She further informed that a Tawi Trekkers, Prof. Lalit ment in case of outbreak of stituted to carry intensive cluding officials from other Assistant director Fisheries, trekking expedition was participa - series of Adventure activities are Mangotra, and President Tawi bird flu. He also informed surveillance in their respec - departments like revenue, all Tehsildar, bdOs and oth - tion of a 76 year 11 year old in the pipeline in coming days Trekkers, ram Khajuria, besides the meeting that all possible tive areas. besides, district rural department, forest, er concerned officers of the trekkers. The Joint director which will include bi-Cycle rally other senior officers/officials of measures have been adopted control room has been estab - wildlife, sheep husbandry district. Tourism, Jammu, informed that on the occasion of World Wetland the Tourism department .

Critical diabetic patient airlifted from Gurez valley Udhampur: Containment strategy for Avian Influenza Bandipora, JANUARY 31: reviewed at Task Force meeting deputy Commissioner bandipora, dr Owais Ahmad, facilitated airlifting of critically ill diabetic patient from snowbound Gurez to bandipora for immediate medical Helpline established, ‘Infectious Zone declared’ treatment. The district administration received an SOS from the family for evacuation of 50-year-old diabetic UDHAMPUR, JANUARY 31: partment. He said to contain the carry out mass awareness patient bashir Ahmad dar of Khopray Gurez who was in spread of the disease it was de - among the people in coordina - unconscious state owing to abnormally high blood sugar The strategy for contain - cided to cull all domestic fowls tion with PrIs about the preven - level. While swiftly reacting to the situation, deputy ment of Avian Influenza was to - in the vicinity of 1 km area, for tive measures of Avian Influenza Commissioner immediately directed to arrange a special day discussed here at an emer - which a team of experts has been in the district. Further, the sale chopper to airlift the patient. despite adverse weather gency meeting of the district constituted to carry out culling of chicken in the vicinity of the conditions, the pilot managed to reach Gurez valley. Task Force chaired by and their proper disposal. 10 km area, where the infected However, the helicopter couldn’t land for about two Additional deputy He further informed that a case was found, has been strictly hours owing to less visibility and adverse weather condi - Commissioner, Mohammad strict surveillance and sampling prohibited. tions in Gurez. dC bandipora was continuously moni - Syed Khan. has been maintained in the Meanwhile, the district toring the operation for the evacuation while the patient The meeting discussed the vicinity of 10 km area from the Administration appealed to the was being shifted to district Hospital bandipora for situation that arose after confir - infected area. And the area has public not to panic as rapid treatment. dC bandipora appreciated the Pilot for the mation of an Avian influenza been declared an infected area Task force teams have been con - established by district Information Officer, er Sajad tireless effort in rescuing the patient and saving a life. It (H5N8) in a domestic fowl, here as per the norms. stituted and acting on the Administration. bashir Somberia; bdO Jaganoo, is pertinent to mention that snow-clad Gurez valley re - at Panchayat dhandal, West The AdC stressed upon the ground. Further poultry farmers The meeting was attended Priyanka Gupta; district Sheep mains cut off from the rest of the world during winters. block Jaganoo. Animal Husbandry department were advised to follow precau - by Assistant Commissioner Husbandry Officer, dr Sanjeev Chief Animal Husbandry to evolve an effective strategy for tionary measures strictly issued revenue, Viqar Giri; SdM Kumar; dIO NIC, Anil Sharma; DC Kupwara inspects medical Officer, dr Inderjeet Singh in - early detection of positive cases by the Animal Husbandry de - ramnagar, Naresh Kumar; Tehsildar Udhampur, Amit formed the meeting about the for controlling the spread of the partment and in case of any Assistant Commissioner Verma and other officers of con - FPS at SDH, directs detection of the case and emer - infection. The rural emergency call on helpdesk development, Mushtaq cerned department were present cancellation of license gency measures taken by the de - development dept was asked to number 01992-272727, 272728 Chowdhary; district in the meeting. KUPWARA, JANUARY 31: CHC Katra conducts advanced inguinal Dist Ramban constitutes 10 Rapid Response deputy Commissioner, Kupwara, Imam din con - ducted a surprise inspection of Medical Fair Price Shop hernia laparoscopic surgery teams to prevent ingress of Avian Influenza (FPS) at Sub district Hospital Kupwara, today. He was accompanied by Chief Medical Officer, dr. kausar Amin REASI, JANUARY 31: large enough to allow escape of soft and drug Inspector. during the inspection, the license body tissue or internal organs, espe - Control Room-cum-Monitoring Unit set up at dist level holder of the Fair Price Shop was not found present in The Health department reasi has cially a part of the intestine. It usually the shop, instead, the Medical shop was run by a sales - earned yet another feather in its cap by appears as a lump and for some people RAMBAN, JANUARY 31 – far, no case of Avian Influenza Husbandry Officer ramban men. besides, FPS had no visible sign board. On the oc - performing first an advanced inguinal can cause pain and discomfort, limit (bird Flu) has been reported and shall also comprise casion, deputy Commissioner directed CMO and other hernia laparoscopic surgery. daily activities and the ability to work. In view of the threat posed from any part of the district. Poultry extension Officer and concerned officers to initiate action under relevant rules The surgery was carried out in a If the bowel strangulates or becomes by Avian Influenza, district A two-member team of Clinical Pathologist to main - Government run Community Health against the Fair Price Shop owner and cancel the license obstructed it can be life-threatening. Administration ramban doctors has also been deputed tain constant vigil on the out - Centre Katra. The Health department of the shop owner. besides, the deputy Commissioner He further informed that TAPP Sunday constituted 10 rapid for training at the deputy break of Avian Influenza. was earlier in the news for grabbing the technique was used while performing directed the concerned officers to ensure that all Fair response teams at the block director research, Jammu, The district Kayakalp award. Price Shops running in the district should be checked pe - the complex and first of its kind sur - level to prevent its ingress in The team comprising dr Mukesh for getting updated informa - Administration has also ad - riodically to ensure patients do not face any inconven - gery. the district. Sharma, consultant surgery, dr tion on taking measures to vised people to immediately ience. Meanwhile, he informed that health care is the top deputy Commissioner, Indu Chib The orders to this effect rakesh Anand, dr Promila; dr rukku hailed the department and said that it prevent bird Flu.The orders report any instance of flu-like most priority of the district administration and every were issued by the Chief romani anaesthetic team; Sanjay is a historic moment for the district to this effect were issued by symptoms in the birds on the possible efforts are being taken to improve the health Animal Husbandry Officer, sector in the district. Kesar, Tirth ram and reeta, per - Admin reasi. The complex surgery the Chief Animal Husbandry contact numbers of the ramban, dr. bharat bushan, formed the surgery. performed at CHC level shows the Officer, ramban, dr. bharat Veterinary Assistant JDP Bandipore holds meeting The surgery was performed under commitment of the health authorities here today. bushan, here today. Surgeons (VASs) who are the supervision of bMO Katra, dr. towards providing better medical facil - deputy Commissioner, To coordinate the activi - heading the rapid response on working Panchayat Gopal dutt and the overall guidance of ities, she said. ramban, Mussarat Islam also ties of the rapid response teams at the block level. The CMO reasi dr. rajeev Sharma. While appreciating the team of held a meeting with the Chief teams at block-level, a Control VASs' have also been directed Development Index While briefing about the complex doctors she said, this is yet another Animal Husbandry Officer to room-cum-Monitoring Unit to submit daily reports re - procedure, the Chief Medical Officer proof that government hospitals are finalize the prevent measures BANDIPORA, JANUARY 31: has also been established at garding any morbidity or said an inguinal hernia is a weakness in not behind any other hospital in the to keep Avian Influenza at the district level. The unit will mortality of wild, poultry or the wall of the abdominal cavity that is Joint director Planning, bandipora Imtiyaz Ahmad union Territory. bay. He was informed that so be led by the Chief Animal migratory birds. held a detailed meeting with all the 22 identified departments for working on innovative digital Product of bandipora 'Panchayat development Index' to ensure the regular data entry into the vibrant dashboard of Intensive Pulse Polio immunization drive held across Jammu Div Index " realchangersbandipora.com ". Pertinently, district Administration bandipore has developed a Door to Door campaign follows in next 2 days maiden index to have basic data in all Panchayats spread over six thematic areas with 81 indicators of national and KISHTWAr, JANUAry 31: CMO Kishtwar dr. balbir kumar, deputy Commissioner (dC), international importance. during the meeting, JdP Intensive Pulse Polio immuniza - bMO Kishtwar dr. Sat Lal be - dr Sagar d doifode, kick started bandipore said that ranks of all Panchayats in 81 indica - tion was today carried out across sides other medical staff and offi - the three day Intensified Pulse tors shall be issued within twenty days time. The index is Jammu division amid elaborate cials remained present on the oc - Polio Programme (IPPI) by ad - paying focus on lengthy departmental procedure works arrangements put in place by the casion. ministering Polio drops to chil - for ultimate outcomes. This shall ensure social audit on a respective district administra - At Kathua dren below 5 year at OPd of periodic basis and is expected to help in development tions. Pulse Polio immunization Associated Hospital and transformation of Panchayats. The JdP appreciated At Kishtwar drive was launched by deputy Government Medical College, in the enthusiasm shown by field officials towards improv - deputy Commissioners, Commissioner, Om Prakash by presence of Chief Medical ing the performance of each department in Panchayats. Ashok Sharma launched the cam - administering polio drops to the Officer, dr yaqoob Mir; Medical Moreover, it was said that the index being user friendly paign here at district Hospital to children here at Government Superintendent, AH GMC, can attract the PrIs, policy planners and researchers to - immunise about 42,025 children Mahatma Gandhi Child and district Immunization Officer, wards grass root transformation in key areas. below the 5 year age in the dis - Maternity Hospital. bMO Ghat, besides doctors and trict. The dC said the 3-day drive Paramedical staff of the Health DC Kupwara reviews “For the hassle free pulse po - will cover as many as 10,1706 department. lio programme about 368 polio children below 5 year age for The dC said that during the 3 department to work in a mis - dr. desh raj Changotra, preparedness to contain booths have been established which 580 booths have been es - –day drive, about 71000 children sion mode and with added zeal Health Inspector, Anjali across the district to inoculate all tablished across the district. He of the targeted age group will be to ensure the 100% coverage of Sharma, ravinder singh be - spread of Avian Influenza children below 5 year. This will be further informed that a total of immunized at 523 Polio booths. the children under the pro - sides staff members were pres - followed by two day door to door 2320 officials are detailed to un - He said 105 Supervisors, 2124 gramme in the next two days. ent. KUPWARA, JANUARY 31: targeting of the beneficiaries es - dertake this extensive exercise. Anganwari Workers, ASHA He informed that a total At Rajouri pecially in remote Marwah, He said 112 High risk Area have workers, officials from health and 81385 children will be admin - district development deputy Commissioner Kupwara, Imam din today Warwan , dachhan, Paddar and been identified besides 10 mobile education department have been istered oral polio vaccine at Commissioner rajouri, rajesh chaired an urgent meeting to review the preparedness of other areas of district ”, said dC, teams, 14 transit teams, 116 su - engaged for this service to make 426 vaccination booths set up K Shavan launched the three the district administration and concerned departments in the district and door to door day Pulse Polio Programme in view of looming Avian Influenza, here. Chief Animal while speaking on the occasion. pervisory Staff, ASHA and the programme a success. visit in the next two days. here at the district Hospital. Husbandry Officer informed the meeting that no in - He further informed that Anganwadi workers have been At Poonch He further informed that Speaking on the occasion, stance of Avian Influenza (bird flu) has been found in the 1481 employees of Health, ICdS deputed for achieving 100% im - district development 1708 workers and 85 supervi - the ddC said that the drive was district so far. He said that all possible measures have and education department have munization target in the district. . Commissioner rahul yadav been adopted by the Animal Husbandry department to been engaged for booth level and Chief Medical Officer, Ashok launched the three day Pulse sors have been deputed to man si multaneously launched in all keep the flu at bay. In this regard, 40 rapid response house to house targeting of the Choudhary, ASP, ramnish Polio Programme here at the booths and ensure absolute the subdivisions of the district Teams and 6 Culling Teams have already been formulat - beneficiaries for 100 percent cov - Gupta, doctors and paramedic district hospital. coverage. and asked the concerned officers ed to put immediate control upon the flu in case of its erage. staff and a large number of people Speaking on the occasion, Chief Medical Officer, dr of the Health department to work outbreak, he added. Chief Medical officer were also present. the dC asked the concerned of - G.A Malik, Medical superinten - in a mission mode to achieve Kishtwar dr. r S Manhas, dy At Doda ficers of the Health dent, dr. Mushtaq Hussain, 100% coverage of the children. Glimpses of Future 5 lOcal/natiOnal JAMMU, MONdAy, FebrUAry 1, 2021

OFFICE OF ThE ExECUTIvE ENGINEER, OFFICE OF ThE ExECUTIvE ENGINEER, Sheetal Nanda flags off batch of TRANSmISSION lINE mAINTENANCE dIvISION-vIII, TRANSmISSION lINE mAINTT. dIvISION-vIII, JKPTCl, AmBEdhKAR ChOwK, RAIlwAy ROAd, JAmmU AmBEdKAR ChOwK, RAIlwAy ROAd, JAmmU e-mail : [email protected] Tele/Fax : 0191-2451732 No. TLMD-VIII/J/3814-16 Dated : 27-01-2021 Email : [email protected] Tele/Fax No. 0191-2451732 40 Sarpanches to Rajasthan No. TLMD-VIII/J/3439-43 Dated : 05-01-2021 CANCEllATION OF NIT lar batches visiting various CORRIGENdUm States at regular intervals. Sir, Subject : Cancellation of E-NIT No. TLCD-1/J/11 of 2019-20 He also said that the Reference to the e-NIT No. TLMD/29 of dt. 11-01-2021. dated : 03-09-2019 department in January, Kindly read the quantity of supply of steel angle post de - As discussed in Office Chamber of Chief Engineer, Transmission, February and december scription at S.No. 6 as Kg instead of cum and the quantity JKPTCL, Jammu, in the presence of Superintending Engineer 2020, sent Sarpanches from of centering and shuttering at S.No 9 as sqm instead of O&M, Cr-II, JKPTCL, Jammu, due to some technical issues, the J&K to Pune and cum. tender is hereby cancelled and will be retendered again. Uttrakhand for field expo - Executive Engineer sure tours. director rural Executive Engineer Tlmd-vIII, JKPTCl development Jammu in - Trans. line maintt. div-vIII Jammu structed Sarpanches to fol - dIP/J-3963-P/20 dIP/J-3949-P/20 JKPTCl , Jammu low all Covid protocols dur - ing the visit. He asked them to learn the best practices GOvERNmENT OF JAmmU ANd KAShmIR from the PrIs of rajasthan State as the Panchayati raj OFFICE OF ThE ExECUTIvE ENGINEER JAl ShAKTI PhE mEChANICAl dIvISION UdhAmPUR JAMMU, JANUARY 31- practices, to make them in - strengthen the Panchayati system is well established NOTICE INvITING TENdER teract with the beacon lead - raj system in the UT and to there. during the visit, the E-NIT JSPHEM/UDHR/ 141 OF 2020-21 DATED 28-01-2021 Secretary, rural ers, learn about the imple - make the rural local bodies Sarpanches shall be ex - Executive Engineer Jal Shakti PHE Mechanical Division, Udhampur, on behalf of the Lt. Governor of Jammu and Kashmir UT, invites tenders by e- development and mentation of the flagship self reliant so that they take posed to various activities tendering mode from registered firms who have sufficient experience in the relevant field of electromechanical/ electrical works. Panchayati raj, Sheetal schemes etc in the state of innovative initiatives and being carried out including Sl Name of the work Qty Name of Cost of tender Estt. Cost Earnest Money Validity of Bid Nanda today flagged off a rajasthan. develop their Panchayats in Division document/ (Rs in (in Rs.) Rates validity Solid Liquid Waste batch of 40 Sarpanches of Interacting with the all spheres not only in re - Tender Fee lacs) Management, generation of different districts from (in Rs) Sarpanches, Secretary rdd spect of physical infrastruc - Own Source revenue, Union Territory of Jammu 1. Design, fabrication, installation, testing 01 Jal Shakti Rs. 200/- 1.52 Rs. 3040.00 90 days 90 days asked them to take maxi - ture but also social and eco - Preparation of budget, and commissioning of 110 ampere LT Job PHE Mech (in case of non- &Kashmir to rajasthan on mum advantage of the field nomic fields. This is one of Integration of labour budget control panel cum fault analyzer cum Division registered firms five days training cum expo - auto starter at pumping station Jib Udhampur or Rs. 1520.00 exposure tour so that the many steps taken by the de - under MGNreGA with sure tour from Panchayat stage-1st (New) (in case of firms best practices learnt gets partment in the direction. GPdP and SdGs, registered with bhawan here. replicated in various Speaking on the occa - Integration of Panchayat DIC/SSI/MSME) Speaking on the occa - Panchayats of J&K UT. sion, director Panchayats, development plans at vari - 1. Bid documents can be seen at and downloaded from the website http://jktenders.gov.in from 29-01-2021 (11:00 PM) sion, Sheetal Nanda said 2. The Bids shall be deposited on the website http://jktenders.gov.in from 30-01-2021 (01:00 PM) to 08-02-2021 (3:00 PM). Sheetal Nanda further J&K, rakesh Sarangal said ous tiers, Panchayat that the purpose of the visit 3. After opening tender only successful bidder shall be asked for submitting the hard copies of documents with CDR and tender fee said that it is the vision of the that this shall now be a con - enterprise Suit applications 4. The complete bidding process will be online http://jktenders.gov.in. is to expose them to the best Government of the UT to tinuous practice with regu - etc. 5. The technical bid will be opened on line on 09-02-2021 at 11.00 A.M or any other subsequent date in the office of the Executive Engineer Jal Shakti PHE Mechanical Division Udhampur. 6. The Financial bids of the bidders shall be opened online in the office of the Executive Engineer Jal Shakti PHE Mechanical Division Udhampur after evaluation of technical bids. The date shall be communicated separately. SSB provides 7. Bids must be accompanied by bid security and cost of Tender Document as specified in column 5 & 7 of the table (and for DIC/SSI/MSME reg - J&K FUNdS ORGANISATION, istered firms as per Industrial Policy of J&K govt.) payable at Udhampur pledged in favour of Executive Engineer, PHE Mechanical Division, dIvISIONAl FUNd OFFICE, FINANCE COmPlEx, mUThI JAmmU Udhampur. computers, 8. Bid security will have to be in form of CDR / FDR / BG of any scheduled bank and shall have to be valid for one year or more after last date of re - Ph. No./Fax : 0191-2598377/0191-2598677 email : [email protected] ceipt of Bid. The cost of downloaded tender documents shall be in form of Treasury Challan / e-Challan in favour of Executive Engineer PHE Mechanical Division, Udhampur payable at Udhampur. other CIRCUlAR 9. Firms who will fulfill the following parameters are eligible to participate. i) Average Annual financial turnover during the last 3 years, ending 31 March of the previous financial year, should be at least 30% of this esti - Subject : SMS Alert Service for G.P. Fund subscribers. mated cost. material to 16 ii) Experience of having successfully completed similar works during last 07 years ending last day of month previous to the one in which applica - Attention of all Drawing and Disbursing Officers of Jammu Province is invited to the fact tions are invited should be either of the following:- Doda schools that Funds organization had started SMS Alert Service in respect of G.P. Fund sub - a. Three similar completed works costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of the estimated cost scribers in the year 2018, so as to facilitate them to view their GPF debits/credits and bal - b. Two similar completed works costing not less than the amount equal to 50% of the estimate cost. DODA, JANUARY 31: c. One similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to 80% of the estimated cost. ances on their mobile phones. However, all the drawing and Disbursing officers have not iii) Definition of “similar work” should be clearly defined. came forward to provide the mobile number of their employees as result lot of sub - 10. The bid shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 90 days from the date of opening bids. If any bidder / tenderer withdraws his bid / ten - The Sashastra Seema scribers are not getting their SMS facility. So, in order to update the data with regard to der before the said period or makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the bid, the earnest money of the firm shall stand forfeited. bal (SSb) 7th battalion 11. The tenderers are advised to visit the site of work before uploading their tenders so as to acquaint themselves with exact site conditions. the Mobile n umber of all the valuable GPF subscribers, all Drawing and disbursing 12. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents from the website http://jktenders.gov.in Khaleni (doda), today pro - Officers are again enjoined upon to furnish the particulars of officers/officials of their es - vided a host of equipment tablishment who are not registered for SMS service on the devised format mentioned be - Executive Engineer and education related ma - Jal Shakti PhE mech. division low to the respective District Fund Offices within 15 days so that GPF subscribers are dIP/J-10738/20 Udhampur terial to 16 schools of provided the facility of SMS alert at the earliest. doda, here under Civic Action Programme. The S. Name of the Designation Date of Computer Code Mobile donations included com - No Officer/Official Birth Number Number GOvERNmENT OF JAmmU ANd KAShmIR puters, desks, water puri - (G.P. Fund) fiers, sports kits, covid OFFICE OF ThE ChIEF ENGINEER PmGSy (JKRRdA) JAmmU. protection material, The information duly signed by Drawing and Disbursing Officers may also be furnish to school bags were present - the respective District Fund offices through e-mail. The email addresses of the District NOTICE INvITING e-TENdERS ed to the schools by the Fund Offices are as under :- e-NIT No:-CEJ/PMGSY/631 of 2020-21 Dated: 28/01/2021 Chief Guest, deputy S.No Name of the Fund Unit Email ID Commissioner, doda, dr Chief Engineer PMGSY (JKRRDA) Jammu for and on behalf of The Lieutenant Governor of Jammu & Kashmir, invites e-tenders for stage con - tracts on item Rate Basis from approved and eligible Contractors registered with J&K State Govt, CPWD, Railways or equivalent and other State Sagar d doifode, at an im - 1. G.P.Fund, Police Cell, Jammu [email protected] Govts up to 5.00 PM on 08-02-2021 for each of the following works. pressive function, held 2. District Fund Office, Kishtwar [email protected] S. Name of work/Package No. Name of Cost of Earnest Time allowed Call of Time and date Class of here at Govt Higher No the PIU documents Money for completion tender of opening of contractor Secondary School Khaleni. 3. District Fund Office Kathua [email protected] (Rs.) (Rs.) tenders Speaking on the occasion, 1. Restoration of roads under the jurisdiction Poonch 1000.00 11600.00 01 day 2nd 10.00 AM Any registered the ddC lauded the SSb 4. District Fund Office, Samba [email protected] of PMGSY Division Poonch on Emergency 09-02-2021 contractor with basis i.e (Motorable Paths only) by way of state PWD/ personnel for working day 5. District Fund Office Jammu [email protected] Clearance of Snow/Slips likely to occur CPWD/Railways and night to ensure the during financial year 2020-2021 On :- or equivalent safety and security of the 6. District Fund Office, Doda [email protected] i. Constt./ Maintenance of road from Link qualifying road from Behramgalla Package No. eligibility criteria general public amid 7. District Fund Office Udhampur [email protected] JK11-32, Length- 2.00 Kms as provided in Coronavirus scare last ii. Construction of road from Phagla to Hari the Standard bid- year, without worrying 8. District Fund Office, Ramban [email protected] Package No. JK11-43, Length- 6.00 Kms. ding documents about their own health etc. iii. Construction of road from Chandimarh to can tender for 9. District Fund Office, Rajouri [email protected] Dogrian Package No. JK11-44, Length- the works. He said that the public 8.00 Kms. connect established by the 10. District Fund Office Reasi [email protected] iv. Construction of road from Bufliaz to Marrah SSb in doda is excellent Package No. JK11-45, Length- 4.00 Kms 11. District Fund Office Poonch [email protected] and exemplary. He also v. Construction of road from Dharamohra to Sanglani Package No. JK11-46, Length- welcomed the public wel - 12. G.P.Fund Migrant Cell, Jammu [email protected] 2.00 Kms fare activities being organ - vi. Construction of road from Pamrote to La- ised by the Seema bal on director Finance thoung Package No. JK11-60, Length- regular intervals. earlier, divisional Fund Office, 6.00 Kms dIP/J-10826/20 Jammu vii. Construction of road from Seri Chouhana the students of various to Shiendara Package No. JK11-70, schools presented a Length- 9.00 Kms colourful cultural pro - viii. Construction of road from Seri-Khawaja to Narian Package No. JK11-75, Length- gramme and enthralled OFFICE ThE ExECUTIvE ENGINEER, 2.00 Kms the audience. Among oth - ix. Up-gradation of Road from L042 Bufflaiz ers present during the pro - REw, RAmBAN to Kalali, Hill Kaka, PMGSY-II, Batch-1, gram were Assistant 2019-20 Package No. JK11-192, Length- 10.50 Kms Commandant SSb 7th bN; ShORT TERm NOTICE INvITING TENdER Total length = 49.50 Kms J r bhat, Principal Govt e-NIT No. 24 of REW RAMBAN of 2020-2021 Dated : 27/01/2021 2. Restoration of roads under the jurisdiction Poonch 1000.00 9200.00 01 day 2nd 10.00 AM Any registered Hr Sec School Khaleni, of PMGSY Division Poonch on Emergency 09-02-2021 contractor with On behalf of the Lt. Governor, Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir, due to poor response of of - Anchor Master Om basis i.e (Motorable Paths only) by way of state PWD/ fice e-NITs No. 15 of REW Ramban of 2020-21 dated:- 31-12-2020, fresh e-tenders/ EOI are Prakash, besides the per - Clearance of Snow/Slips likely to occur CPWD/Railways invited from registered manufacturer for cement concrete M-30 grade interlocking Paver during financial year 2020-2021 On :- or equivalent sonnel of SSb. Blocks (60mm thick) i. Constt. and Maintenance of road from qualifying Pamrote to Sangla Package No. eligibility criteria Transgender S. Name of work Name of Cost of document Time and date of JK11-12, Length- 4.00 Km as provided in No Division (in Rs) opening of tender ii. Constt. and Maintenance of road from the Standard bid- persons sensitized Lathoung to Seri-Khawaja Package No. ding documents 1 Fixation of rate contract for supply Rew. 1000 1100 Hrs on or JK11-16, Length- 10.00 Kms can tender for about welfare and staking of cement concrete Divison after 04-02-2021 iii. Constt. and Maintt. of road from Km 5th the works. of T04 to Sanai Package No. JK11-17, M-30 grade Interlocking Paver Ramban schemes Length- 4.00 Kms Blocks 60mm thick for various iv. Constt. and Maintt. of road from Km 28th UDHAMPUR, JANUARY 31: works of Rural Development and of (Surankote Poonch Road) to Potha Panchayati Raj in all the eleven Package No. JK11-18, Length- 2.00 Kms An awareness camp (011) Blocks of District Ramban v. Constt. and Maintenance of road from “FOR” at Block Headquarters. Madana to Nabana Package No. was today held here to sen - JK11-29, Length- 5.00 Kms sitize the transgender per - (4th call) vi. Constt. and Maintenance of road from Lassana to Bachainwali Package No. sons about welfare The Bidding documents Consisting of qualifying information, eligibility criteria, specifications, schemes launched by JK11-30, Length- 3.00 Kms Drawings, bill of quantities (B.O.Q), Set of terms and conditions of contract and other details vii. Constt. and Maintenance of road from Government for their wel - can be seen/downloaded from the departmental website http://jktenders.gov.in as per below Fazalabad to Dhandhidara Package No. fare. The camp was organ - schedule JK11-36, Length- 5.00 Kms ised by Social Welfare viii. Constt. and Maintenance of road from 1 Date of Issue of Tender Notice 27-01-2021 Km 2nd of LO32 to Sanai upper Package department under the su - No. JK11-38, Length- 3.00 Kms pervision of district Social 2 Period of downloading of bidding From 28 -01- 2021 to 03-02-2021, 1630 Hrs ix. Constt./ Maintenance of road from Seri- Welfare Officer, er Sajad documents Khawaja to Malhan Package No. bashir Somberia at ward JK11-42, Length- 2.00 Kms 3 Bid submission Start Date 28 -01 - 2021from 0900 Hrs x. Constt./ Maintenance of road from Faz- number -17 Udhampur. alabaz to Mahrote Package No. Tehsil Social Welfare 4 Bid Submission End Date 03 -02-2021 up to 1630 Hrs JK11-49, Length- 8.00 Kms Officer, Tilak raj along Total length = 46.00 Kms 5 Date & time of opening of 04-02 - 2021 at or after 1100 Hrs in the Office of the 1(a) The Bidding documents can be downloaded from the website http://pmgsytendersjk.gov.in from06.55 P.M on 30-01-2021 to 08-02-2021 with counsellor, Asha devi Technical Bids (Online) on Executive Engineer REW, Ramban made them aware about (5.00PM). (04 -02-2021), in case of (b) The Bids shall be deposited in electronic format on the website http://pmgsytendersjk.gov.infrom 05.00 PM on 02-02-2021 to 05.00 PM on the provisions of transgen - holiday the bid shall be 08-02-2021. der persons (protection of opened on next day (c) A Pre bid meeting will be held on 01-02-2021 at 12.00 Noon in the Office of The Chief Engineer PMGSY (JKRRDA) Jammu to clarify the is - rights) Act 2019 and sues and to answer questions on any matter that may be raised at that stage as stated in Clause 9 of instruction to bidders of the Bidding doc - 6 Date & time of opening of To be notified after technical bid evaluation uments. Government order No.117- 2. Only online submission of bids is permitted, therefore; bids must be submitted online on website www.pmgsytendersjk.gov.in. The technical JK (SWd) OF 2020 dated; Financial Bids (Online) (Of only is completed successful technical bidders) qualification part of the bids will be opened online at 10 A.M 09-02-2021 by the authorized officers. If the office happens to be closed on the 29-05-2020, under which date of opening of the bids as specified, the bids will be opened online on the next working day at the same time. the transgender persons Sd/- 3. For further complete details kindly visit our website http://pmgsytendersjk.gov.in. Sd/- have been made eligible (Er. madan lal Chadgal) Chief Engineer PmGSy (JKRRdA) Jammu for social security schemes Executive Engineer Government of Jammu & Kashmir and pension benefits. dIP/J-10762/20 REw, Ramban dIP/J-10821/20 Jammu and Kashmir Glimpses of Future 6 Edit/OpiniOn JAMMU MONdAy FebrUAry 1 , 2021 Glimpses of Future Real power cannot be exercised from the shadows eSTAbLISHed IN 1986 BY : NADEEM PARAcHA for the 1964 polls. He was someone Schlafly was more than happy to see The ‘establishment’ is some - contesting the liberal incumbent, Reactivate Mid Day Meal Scheme times taken to be a term used by out - Lyndon Johnson. Johnson swept landish conspiracy theorists. but it the elections. even though the term he mid-day meal scheme to provide meal to children exists and is often hiding in plain was being used in the UK and the sight. The “establishment” has in - US, articles in Pakistan and in across the country represents the lifeline for millions creasingly become one of the most did not use the term between Tof school children in the country. As the schools re- frequently used words in political January 1960 and January 1970. open, the scheme will also need to be reactivated with the pro- commentaries and debates across However, some Indian newspapers the world. Simply put, it describes a did use the word “syndicate” in 1969 vision of hot, cooked meals. India offers a shining example tightly-organised matrix of shadowy to describe the “kingmakers of the through its existing food safety nets and the collaborative re- elite, whose invisible actions and se - Congress Party.” The syndicate was sponse it undertook to try and ensure that the coronavirus- cret decisions engineer the econom - described as a group of party elders ic, political and social fates of the who were against Indira Gandhi’s triggered lockdowns did not disrupt the nutrition of the polity. during the 2016 presidential anti-business ideas. In the Pakistani school children. The involvement of state agencies, civil socie- poll campaigning in the US, the pop - Press (from 1967 onwards) there ty organisations and multilateral agencies to avert hunger en- ulist republican Party candidate was mention of a powerful matrix of donald Trump and the Left-leaning the military, the bureaucracy and sured collaboration, including the creation of a standard op- democrat Party contender bernie “22 families” running Pakistan as a erating procedure for procuring, preparing and serving mid- Sanders were often described as dictatorship. The political scholar day meals. The MdM scheme has represented predictable “anti-establishment”, whereas an - Simon reid-Henry says that the other contender, the democrat seeds of the existential crisis that support and the lifeline for millions of school children in the Party’s Hilary Clinton, was under - were defending the officers’ families 1964 book ‘A Choice Not an echo’ democracy is facing today were ini - country and has a significant impact on the children's daily di- stood as the candidate of the “estab - from the Press. yet, within a few that the republican Party was being tially sown during the economic and et. As the schools reopen, this all-important scheme will also lishment.” The term “establish - years, the word had been picked up manipulated by the republican es - political upheavals of the 1970s, ment”, in the context that it is gener - which saw politicians and estab - need to be re-activated with the provision of hot, cooked by scores of political commentators, tablishment to keep out those who ally understood today, was not part journalists and activists to mean threatened its interests. She also lished political parties lose their meals. Schools across the country were closed in March last of any political lexicon till 1955, something a lot wider than what claimed that this establishment was ability to control the outcome of year to curb the spread of COVId-19. They were partially re- when the british journalist Henry Fairlie had originally intended it to made up of kingmakers who use events. rising inequality, growing Fairlie used it in an article for The domestic and international tensions opened in some states from October 15. The mid-day meal mean. The term gained more men - “hidden persuaders and psychologi - Spectator. Fairlie had used the term tion and momentum in the US than cal warfare techniques” for this pur - between races, ethnic groups and scheme is one of the three main food-based safety nets in while writing about the disappear - in the UK. For example, during the pose. However, ironically, the king - nations and the startling exposition India, reaching close to 10 crore school children with hot, ance of two UK foreign officers. by primaries for the 1964 US presiden - makers did not hesitate to nominate of political scandals, unleashed a “establishment” he had meant to de - powerful sentiment of mistrust to - cooked meals. In response to the lockdown, schools had to be tial elections, the conservative au - the far-right firebrand and populist scribe the influential people who thor Phyllis Schlafly lamented in her barry Goldwater as their candidate Real power on Page 7 closed across the country, but to ensure the continuity of the scheme, the Centre, states and Union territories issued guide- lines to provide the MdM entitlement to children in kind or cash or both. Available information suggests that most states and Union territories acted upon this guidance quickly, albeit Modi’s eighth Budget looms, there’s still no ‘grand vision with variability in the coverage, continuity and quality of im- BY : AAKAR PAtEl grand narrative or a master plan? trict level. This guid- plementation at the district or sub-dis The fact is that we cannot. We have, ance was aimed to help the schools prepare for re-opening This will be the Narendra Modi in the words of a friend who was re - with a focus on food safety, health and hygiene. A recent UN government’s eighth budget. We are sponding to Mr Modi’s national se - told that the gross domestic product curity policy, “some catchphrases, ntial short and long- report presented evidence on the pote of goods and services in the coming acronyms and advertise-able phases term negative effects of the disruption to school meal schemes financial year, meaning from April strung together”. Who remembers during the COVId-19 pandemic globally. It shows how vul- 2021 to March 2022, will be 11 per Make in India? This came with a su - cent more than it was in the period perb logo of a lion striding boldly ese schemes are, how nerable the children participating in th between April 2020 and March forward and a series of events. The coping and mitigation measures are often only short-term so- 2021. The economic Survey last year logic of Make in India was that India lutions and how prioritising the re-opening of schools is criti- had said that growth would be six was overly reliant on services, which per cent in the current year. It while it contributed well over half of ow girls are at greater cal. The report has further highlighted h turned out to be minus 7.7 per cent GdP only contributed 25 per cent to risk of not being in school or of being taken out of school early, instead. In the coming year the gov - employment. by increasing the which may lead to poor nutrition and health for themselves ernment will again get the chance to share of manufacturing, we would claim that India is the “fastest grow - have more employment in the for - igned school feeding and their children. However, well-des ing economy” because from the mi - mal sector. Well, manufacturing’s programmes have been shown to enable students to catch up nus numbers we will have modest share of GdP since the launch of from early growth failure and other negative shocks. As such, growth of about 2.2 per cent over Make in India has actually gone two years, between 2019 and 2022. down from 15 per cent to 14 per cent, mes can help address once the schools re-open, the meal sche This shift from negative to positive and possibly now 13 per cent after the deprivation that children have experienced during the clo- will come with the illusion that there the Covid-19 pandemic. sures and provide an incentive for the parents to send and is record shattering growth, which is Unemployment has naturally fol - dency that is resulting in mass at rs 2,000 and said the government simply bogus. The government also lowed the opposite trajectory, going movements all over the country, as would take all income that came chool. keep their children, especially girls, in s said this week that in 2019-20 from about four per cent before Mr we are seeing in the current time. To over that (the details of this are in my growth, which it had earlier said was Modi became PM to six per cent, and return to the original point, eight last book Our Hindu rashtra). 4.2 per cent, was actually four per then nine per cent. And this figure is budgets is a lot. It is more than P.V. Vajpayee had also said his party cent. This is the actual trajectory on not really accurate because we are at Narasimha rao, the great reformer, would force Indians to build homes which we are today. Indeed, it is low - the lowest historical labour force got. It is as many, more or less, as only on 1,000 square yards of land or er than that, but let us leave that for participation rate. This means that Atal behari Vajpayee, who was seen less. From such a socialist position, Going places now. The point is that this is Prime the number of people who have no as the great liberaliser, got. People the same Vajpayee headed a govern - Minister Modi’s eighth budget. Can job and are not looking for work, may not remember that the Jan ment that was the most privatisa - we discern, whether we are Modi having given up hope, is at the his - Sangh, under Vajpayee, once prom - tion-oriented of any that came be - haters or Modi bhakts, any idea of a torical highest. This is the despon - ised to cap the salaries of all Indians modi’s eighth on Page 7 A New Deal for India BY : MANISH tIWARI cessation of economic activity on account of the lockdown and its af - India is facing its worst econom - termath. What is, however, bewil - ic crisis since 1991. It is in now in the dering is that the total spend of the 37th month of relentless regression Union government went up by a in GdP growth. The fourth consecu - paltry rs 86,301 crore. A marginal tive year of decline so far. The coun - 4.6 per cent increase barely keeping try is officially in a recession with up with inflation. What this trans - the economy having contracted by lates into is that the NdA/bJP dis - 7.5 per cent in the second quarter. It pensation reduced its expenditure was down by 23.9 per cent in the in real terms during the most criti - first quarter of the current fiscal. cal phase of the health and econom - Will the AAP’s gamble of entering the poll fray in six States pay off, or Much before Covid-19, a Chinese ic pandemic. With the government will the voters reject it? Poised to take a leap of faith, the Aam Aadmi Party export, ravaged the world, the abstaining from delivering signifi - (AAP) is preparing to increase its footprint in electoral politics across at Indian economy was already in a cant income support to business es - least six States Uttar Pradesh (UP), Uttarakhand, Goa, Punjab, Himachal downward spiral. The ill-conceived tablishments, livelihoods were hit Pradesh and Gujarat. The ambitious plan was divulged recently at the par- demonetisation on November 8, with MSMe earnings taking the ty’s ninth national council meeting by national convener and delhi Chief 2016, rocked the economy off its hardest knock. The third quarter of Minister Arvind Kejriwal. Having experienced a few false starts, dissen - haunches. It was followed by a fiscal 2020-21 is anticipated to fin - sion, bickering and even public ridicule to some extent, the party has come shoddily implemented Goods and ish with job numbers at 395 million a long way and is hoping to keep the trajectory of its electoral fortunes high. Service Tax (GST) regime The four a 2.5 per cent drop from the 405 As early as in december, Kejriwal had let it be known that the party would fundamentals, namely, savings, million employed in the correspon - contest the UP Assembly elections. even for the upcoming gram panchay- consumption, investment and em - ding quarter of the previous year as at elections, the party fielded 40 candidates in Moradabad alone to contest ployment were already under globally. While it is correct that the seems to be more robust than their per CMIe data. MSMe units ac - from 39 wards. This came after the AAP emerged victorious on 70 seats stress. Nothing evidences it more infection rate is on the decline in western counterparts. Why so? The count for 45 per cent of the total Going places on Page 7 than the fact that, in the first six India so is it in a large number of jury remains out on that. The 11 per manufacturing in the country. months of the 2019-20 fiscal (H-1), other Asian geographies that did cent GdP growth prediction for the There is widespread rural distress financial flows to the commercial not subject their populations to the next fiscal in the economic Survey in the country as revealed by the sector were down by a whopping 88 draconian lockdown imposed by is also misleading. From a low base 38.79 per cent jump in demand for H I S T O R Y T H I S D A Y per cent. According to rbI data flow the NdA/bJP government. of -7.7 per cent this year it would re - employment figures under MNre - of funds from banks and non-banks However, if the economic Survey ally translate into a GdP growth GA (Mahatma Gandhi rural 1606 : The death of Guy Fawkes to the commercial sector was rs tabled by the finance minister on rate of only 3.3 per cent next year. employment Guarantee Act be - 90,995 crore between April and January 29 in Parliament is any - The government’s much touted tween April and September 2020 At Westminster in London, Guy Fawkes, a chief conspirator in the September 2019-20 as against rs thing to go by, the government stimulus package has simply not over the corresponding figure last plot to blow up the british Parliament building, jumps to his death mo- 7,36,087 for the corresponding pe - strategy seems to be “blame all the worked. The monetary part of the year. The employment demand by ments before his execution for treason. On the eve of a general parlia- riod in the preceding year. Then economic ills on the damn Covid” 20 lakh-crore package was about persons between April 1 to mentary session scheduled for November 5, 1605, Sir Thomas Knyvet, a came the ill-conceived lockdown of and then pat yourself on the back 3.5 lakh crores that works out to September 12, 2020, was justice of the peace, found Guy Fawkes lurking in a cellar of the March 23, 2020. All that it succeed - claiming that we are the white 1.75 per cent of the GdP only. Going 22,49,07,004 as compared to Parliament building. Fawkes was detained and the premises thoroughly ed in doing was further flattening knights in shining armour who have by publicly available figures, rev - 16,20,38,372 for the same period in the economy rather than the disease prevented millions of deaths from enues of the Union government de - searched. Nearly two tons of gunpowder were found hidden within the 2019. These figures were given in a curve. The total number of Covid-19 taking place. This simply is not true. creased by about 18 per cent or rs written response to the Lok Sabha cellar. In his interrogation, Fawkes revealed that he was a participant in infections in India today stands at If India has survived through the 1,81,372 crore between the April by the Union agriculture minister an english Catholic conspiracy organized by robert Catesby to annihi- 10.7 million out of 101 million horrific once-in-a-century pan - and November of 2020 over the cor - on September 15 last year. Close to late england’s entire Protestant government, including King James I. worldwide. That translates into demic, it is primarily because the responding period the previous 12 crore people have sought work 1606 on Page 7 10.59 per cent of the total infections immunity of Indians generally year. This was because of the virtual A new deal on Page 7

Printed, published and owned by Prem Nath Sharma, Printed at Glimpses of Future Press 63 Padha Street, Purani Mandi, Jammu. Chief Editor Prem Nath Sharma, Associate Editor : Rajiv Sharma, Ph. 2546079, Fax 0191-2547240, RNI NO. 43798/86, email : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Glimpses of Future 7 natiOnal JAMMU MONdAy FebrUAry 1 , 2021 Sonu Sood moves SC against HC order on illegal dM apologises over 'dumping' of construction notice illegal construction notice homeless people outside Indore PRESS tRUSt Of INDIA dropped near a village went viral on social PRESS tRUSt Of INDIA ed that if the application of the peti - any coercive action against his resi - Indore, Jan 31 media. The civic body has also removed New Delhi, Jan 31 tioners for conversion is approved, dential property in Juhu area. The two temporary employees from the job. the financial loss due to demolition petitioner (Sood) has not made any Indore district Magistrate Manish The incident has taken place at a time Actor Sonu Sood has moved the will not be recovered in any manner changes in the building that war - Shukla on Sunday said he has apologised when the administration of Indore, which Supreme Court challenging the and would cause miscarriage of jus - rants permission from the bMC. to God for the local administration's action has won the country's 'cleanest city' tag bombay High Court order which tice to the petitioners. The HC, Only those changes that are al - of dumping homeless people outside the four times in a row, is making all efforts to dismissed his appeal against a bMC while dismissing the actor's appeal lowed under the Maharashtra city amid the cold weather, which led to a keep the city neat and tidy to win the notice over alleged illegal construc - and application, said, "Law helps regional and Town Planning public outrage. Congress general secretary 'Sawchh Sarvekshan 2021'. In a Twitter tion at his residential building in only those who are diligent." Sood's (MrTP) Act have been done," Priyanka Gandhi Vadra has also criticised post on Saturday, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra 's Juhu area. Sood's peti - lawyer had sought a time of 10 Sood's advocate had argued in HC. the incident, terming it a "blot on humani - said it was a "blot on humanity" and sought tion stated that his application for weeks to comply with the notice is - As per the bMC, the bollywood ac - ty", while actor Sonu Sood, who came into action against the officials who ordered conversion has been approved by sued by the brihanmumbai tor had carried out structural spotlight for helping migrants return to such an action. Sood in a video message on the Municipal Commissioner sub - Municipal Corporation (bMC) in changes in the six-storey residen - their homes amid the COVId-19 lockdown Saturday appealed to residents of Indore ject to Maharashtra Coastal Zone October last year, and requested tial building ''Shakti Sagar'', and al - last year, urged Indore residents to help to come forward and help the homeless Management Authority (MCZMA) the HC to direct the civic body to legedly converted it into a hotel the homeless people. people get a roof on their heads. permission. It said the high court not initiate demolition action. The without taking requisite permis - Facing flak over the incident which When contacted, Additional order dated January 13, 2021 has high court, however, refused and sions. The bMC earlier this month took place on Friday, district Magistrate Municipal Commissioner Abhay been passed without considering said the actor had ample opportu - also filed a complaint at the Juhu Singh, while attending a religious event at rajangaonkar told PTI on Sunday that, the provisions of Section 43 (1) of ed by authorities concerned. The nity in the past and if required, he police station, seeking an FIr to be a Ganesh temple in Khajrana area here on "We are conducting a detailed investiga - the Maharashtra regional and petitioners have already stopped could approach the civic body. lodged against Sood for allegedly Sunday, said he apologised to God on be - tion into the incident. All facts will come to Town Planning Act, 1966 and his the work of internal renovation Sood had approached the high converting the residential building half of the administration. "Whosoever light after the inquiry." Around 2.30 pm on application for conversion of resi - which require no permission as per court earlier this month challeng - into a hotel without permission. might have been at fault in this incident, Friday, some municipal workers brought dential premises into a residential the provisions of Section 43 of ing an order of a city civil court at The complaint letter was sent to the but we are officers and we can't run away eight to 10 people, who were homeless and hotel was submitted in 2018 before Maharashtra regional and Town dindoshi that had dismissed his police after the bMC inspected the from our responsibility. Hence, we prayed looking weak, in a truck and dropped them the department concerned. Planning Act, 1966, therefore, the suit against the bMC's notice issued building and found that Sood had to God to forgive us for our mistakes," near Shipra village outside the city, said The plea contended that their respondents may kindly be re - over the alleged illegal construction allegedly not complied with the Singh told reporters. On Friday, Chief rajesh Joshi, who runs a tea stall in the vil - application for conversion, which strained from demolition of the carried out by him. The actor, in the requisitions and was continuing Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan suspend - lage and recorded the incident on his mo - has been approved by the renovation work already done in interim application in HC, had unauthorised construction even af - ed an Indore Municipal Corporation bile phone.They were forcibly taking out Municipal Commissioner subject the building, the plea filed by Sood sought an order from the high court ter the notice was served to him in (IMC) official after videos of homeless these people, including two women, from to MCZMA, be directed to be decid - and his wife said. Sood further stat - restraining the bMC from taking October last year. people being driven out of the city and the truck, Joshi said. For fifth day in a row, no new Bengal govt's Farmers dance to folk tunes at night as cops put COVId-19 case in Andamans health scheme a up barbed wires, barricades at Ghazipur border PRESS tRUSt Of INDIA tration is ensuring a strict compliance hoax: BJP leader PRESS tRUSt Of INDIA Port Blair, Jan 31 of COVId protocols by the natives as PRESS tRUSt Of INDIA Ghaziabad, Jan 31 well as the tourists visiting the place. Howrah, Jan 31 Picturesque Andaman and The Andaman and Nicobar adminis - Hundreds of farmers, Nicobar Islands have not reported any tration has conducted 2,21,875 sample Newly inducted bJP leader rajib who reached a key protest coronavirus case for the last five days tests for COVId-19 so far, and the posi - banerjee said on Sunday there is no site on the delhi-Meerut notwithstanding a steady inflow of tivity rate stands at 2.25 per cent, the need for the ruling Trinamool highway in Ghazipur on tourists into the archipelago, health health official said. Inoculation drive is Congress to remain in power as the the national capital's bor - department officials said Sunday. The going on at a smooth pace in the is - party has claimed that 99 per cent of der with Uttar Pradesh, Union Territory has not reported any lands. So far a total of 2,844 beneficiar - development work has already been danced to upbeat tunes new COVId-19 case since Tuesday, ies including defence healthcare undertaken by it. Speaking at a rally overnight as more support - they said. The virus caseload in the ar - workers have received COVId-19 vac - here where Union Minister Smriti ers continued to pour in on chipelago remained at 4,994, with only cine in the union territory of which Irani was also present, banerjee, who Sunday. Security measures four active cases, a senior health offi - 1,518 are in South Andaman district, quit the TMC two days ago, claimed were strengthened with cial said. No casaulty due to the virus 1,000 in North Andaman district and that the 'Swasthya Sathi' card, a free multi-layer barricading has been reported for over a month 326 in Nicobar district, the official medical insurance scheme of rs five and barbed wires coming time as the death toll stays at 62. One said. The islands known for its dazzling lakh for each family in the state, is a up on both sides of the more person was cured of the disease beauty remained coronavirus-free till "hoax". "The funds required for the highway stretch that has in the last 24 hours, taking the total the first week of June last year. The scheme are much more than the West become the bharatiya number of recoveries in the islands to first case in the union territoy was de - bengal government's annual budg - Kisan Union's (bKU) 4,928, the official said. The adminis - tected on June 10, 2020. et," banerjee said. camping site since November 28 last year in a major farmers' stir over three new farm laws of the Ghaziabad administration, were seen dancing to folk Farm Services Act, 2020 Punjab CM calls all-party meet on Feb Centre. Farmers reached senior officials and police tunes and songs eulogising and the essential the Ghazipur border from officers are regularly moni - the nation and farmers as Commodities (Amendment) western Uttar Pradesh, toring the situation at the some young protesters car - Act, 2020. The protesting 2 to show unity over farmers' protest Haryana, rajastan, Ghazipur border. Vehicles ried music systems to farmers have expressed the Uttarakhand as a turban- proceeding towards and Ghazipur on their tractor- apprehension that these PRESS tRUSt Of INDIA and evolve a consensus on chief minister told the par - vilification campaign clad rakesh Tikait led the coming from the protest trollies. Thousands of laws would pave the way chandigarh, Jan 31 the way forward on the ties. As per the government against them". Singh urged charge for the bKU, the ap - site are being checked farmers have been protest - for the dismantling of the three contentious Central statement, the meeting will all parties to join the meet - peal of which coupled with while drones have been de - ing at delhi's borders with minimum support price Alleging that farmers farm laws. The meeting will discuss the situation arising ing in a spirit of unity, in a clarion call from a ployed for aerial monitor - Haryana and Uttar (MSP) system, leaving from Punjab are being beat - be held at 11 am at Punjab out of the recent develop - support of the farmers and January 29 "mahapan - ing at the site, officials said. Pradesh, demanding a roll - them at the "mercy" of big en up by police and assault - bhawan, according to a ments in the ongoing farm - in the interest of Punjab. chayat" of farmers in "The situation is under back of the Farmers' corporations. However, ed by goons at their protest government statement is - ers' agitation in delhi, espe - The Chief Minister said the Muzaffarnagar has re-en - control and is being regu - Produce Trade and the government has main - site on delhi borders, Chief sued Sunday. "This is not cially in view of the "crisis" triggered by the ergised the stir, which was larly monitored," an officer Commerce (Promotion tained that the new laws Minister Amarinder Singh the time to stand on ego but republic day violence, "the farm laws was a matter of fast losing its sheen and of the district administra - and Facili tation) Act, 2020, will bring better opportu - called an all-party meeting to come together to save our Singhu border attack on concern for the entire state momentum after the tion said. The groups of the Farmers (empowerment nities to farmers and intro - on Tuesday to show unity state and our people," the farmers, and the massive and its people. republic day violence in farmers camping at the site and Protection) Agreement duce new technologies in delhi. According to the braving the cold nights on Price Assurance and agriculture. Contn. from Page 6 ...... Contn. from Page 6 ...... Going places ...... across 13 districts in the Maharashtra gram panchayat dinesh Mohaniya is in charge of Uttarakhand. All these Real power ...... polls earlier this month. Set up in 2012 and now into its States are scheduled to go to elections in 2022. Kejriwal third term in the Capital, the party has made small gains in claims that people were supporting the party because they wards mainstream political players. The consensus that ual growth by acting upon their desires of acquiring mate - the Goa and Kashmir local elections as AAP candidate had realised that both the bJP and the Congress had ruled was achieved after the World War-II, between the main - rial wealth. yet, even though this freed the State from try - Hanzel Fernandes won a panchayat seat in Goa. Its leader for years but done nothing worthwhile to change the lives stream Left and right groups in democratic countries, had ing to aid society through welfare programmes, it coupled Mehraj Malik won the district development Council polls of the common man; “They keep talking about the past begun to crumble. This created an opening for groups who economic freedom with external constraints, such as ab - from the Kahara constituency in doda though he contested while we are the only party with a vision for the 21st and were seen to be sidelined for being anti-establishment. stract ideas of morality, tradition and faith. After the eco - as an Independent. The AAP has already started the 22nd century,” he pointed out. Of course, the party’s These were adherents of “negative liberty” coming in to nomic crash of 1987 and rising incidents of contradictory process of handing out State-wise responsibilities to its Government has done some good work in the past six eradicate the “excesses of positive liberty.” In 1958, the po - behaviour that peddled amoral materialism with religious senior leaders. rajendra Nagar Assembly constituency years, especially in the health and education sectors, but it litical philosopher Isaiah berlin defined two concepts of piety, this set of self-appointed anti-establishmentarians, MLA and spokesperson raghav Chadha has been given the remains to be established conclusively that the nation’s liberty. To berlin, “positive liberty” involved pursuit of lib - the “neocons”, also began to be seen as being part of the es - charge of Punjab, Kalkaji legislator Atishi will take care of voters have changed their viewpoint towards the party and erty that was driven by reason and not restricted by inner tablishment. There is no tangibility in the image of a group the party’s expansion in Gujarat and Sangam Vihar MLA no longer consider it delhi-centric. constraints such as irrational passions and desires. of powerful men sitting in a secret smoke-filled room, de - “Negative liberty” is when the pursuit of liberty is not re - ciding the fates of the polity. but this is not to suggest that stricted by external constraints, such as State and segments influencing a nation’s politics and economics do 1606 ...... Government interference in the lives of people. The emer - not exist. As the veteran US congressional aide Mike gence of “neo-conservatism” in the 1980s is a case in point. Lofgren once stated, such groups, call them establishment The king was to have attended Parliament on November his fate. The “neocons” emerged to announce that they would be or “deep State, “hide in plain sight.” Take Pakistan’s so- 5. Over the next few months, english authorities killed or While climbing to the hanging platform, however, he rolling back Government interference in people’s lives. called military establishment. It doesn’t really conceal its captured all of the conspirators in the “Gunpowder Plot” jumped from the ladder and broke his neck, dying in - They saw themselves as the anti-establishment. but there political influence. That’s because power cannot be fully but also arrested, tortured, or killed dozens of innocent stantly. In remembrance of the Gunpowder Plot, Guy were inherent contradictions in what they did. Take, for exercised from the shadows . Those wielding power need to be english Catholics. After a brief trial, Guy Fawkes was Fawkes day is celebrated across Great britain every year example, ronald reagan’s America and Zia-ul-Haq’s seen if they are to be obeyed (or f eared). The establishment is sentenced, along with the other surviving chief conspira - on the fifth of November. As dusk falls in the evening, vil - Pakistan. both greatly lessened State interference in mat - therefore not a shadowy conspiracy but a position of visible ters of economics so that the people could achieve individ - power that many want to become a part of. Many do. tors, to be hanged, drawn, and quartered in London. On lagers and city dwellers across britain light bonfires, set January 30, 1606, the gruesome public executions began off fireworks, and burn an effigy of Guy Fawkes, cele - in London, and on January 31 Fawkes was called to meet brating his failure to blow up Parliament and James I. A new deal ...... under MNreGA in 2020-21 till now, the optimum level sequitor if India needs to attract any degree of foreign in - Modi’s eighth ...... since the Act was promulgated. In the preceding two vestment, especially in long-term infrastructure projects. months alone 3.5 crore people have sought work under The government must repeal the farm laws to restore fore it. His 2004 campaign was headlined “India Shining” than sufficient, to at least be able to establish a grand nar - this programme. What V shaped recovery is the govern - tranquility in the countryside for it is bad optics to have because he believed his economic policies were strong rative. This is where India was, and this is where we are ment talking about? Where does India go from here. It lakhs of farmers camping out in the cold braving Covid-19 enough and distinct enough for him to run on them. He headed, and this is how we will do it. Nobody today, in - needs a “New deal” just like the one President roosevelt and protesting for months to an end against the govern - lost the election, but it was not because he was wrong cluding those inside the government, can fill in the blanks crafted to get the United States out of the great depression ment. Incidentally, agriculture was the only sector that about his policies. They were of course quite remarkable. of this sentence. This is not because the policy and narra - in 1929-1939. The American New deal was a series of held up in the past year. A tribute to the resilience of our Can we say the same about what has happened to India tive are too complicated to describe. It is because there is massive federally-funded infrastructure and upgradation farmers. resuscitating the economy sustainably in the since 2014? Mr Modi’s first Niti Aayog head was a man no grand policy. It is being made up and shifted and projects across the US targeted at creating fresh employ - short term would require enhanced government outlays who has spent his entire life saying open and unrestricted changed and even reversed as we go along. There is the ment avenues for people and earnings for small and large especially for developing additional public goods coupled free trade was the only way for a nation to quickly grow its conviction that this particular budget will be the “game business establishments. Our new deal must push de - with a sustainable plan for robust employment genera - economy. That man, Arvind Panagariya, was left to lament changer” that India has always waited for. That is what you mand by both putting money both into the economy and tion. For India can ill afford a nine per cent plus unem - over today’s policy, which is the opposite of free trade. will hear again after Nirmala Sitharaman presents a directly into the hands of the people. However, there are ployment rate that it is currently experiencing. For that Atmanirbharta means import substitution, which in turn speech that will prove to be meaningless and numbers that certain essential pre-requisites for any new initiative to the FrbM limits must be stretched. This not the time for means cheaper foreign imports are taxed at high rates so will show themselves to be wildly off the mark. but we will succeed. There can be no substantive economic recovery fiscal conservativeness. Finally, the government must that Indian companies can sell to Indians at higher prices. continue bumbling in this fashion, not mindful of what has without restoring social cohesion. For money is a coward transfer cash directly to the deprived and vulnerable at Is this good economics? Mr Panagariya says no, but this is happened over the last eight budgets. We will allow this and goes to the safest harbour and not where there is the base of the econo mic pyramid. This would not only help in what we are now doing, a 180 degree turn from where Mr nation’s economy to be governed not by competence and planned and orchestrated social strife with the anti-con - keeping their body and soul together but also boost demand. Modi had started. eight budgets is sufficient time, more demonstrable numbers but by charisma and charlatanry. version laws being its latest manifestation. This is a non- If there was ever a time to think out of the box, it is now. Glimpses of Future 8 wOrld JAMMU, MONdAy, FebrUAry 1, 2021 In Brief WHO experts visit Wuhan wet market Israeli police use water Beijing/Wuhan, Jan 31 (PtI) tioned the premise. that the visit is part of global study cannon to disperse While permitting the 14-member about the origins of the coronavirus anti-PM crowd The WHO experts, probing the WHO team of international scientists and not an investigation. origins of the COVId-19, on Sunday to study the origin in Wuhan after con - I'd like to stress that the exchanges Jerusalem, Jan 31 visited the Huanan Seafood Market in siderable delay and controversy, and cooperation on origin-tracing be - Wuhan, where the deadly coronavirus China claims that the virus has tween WHO experts and Chinese pro - Israeli police sprayed a crowd was presumably transmitted from an - emerged from various places in the fessionals are part of a global study, of protesters with a water cannon imals to humans in the late 2019 and world while it was the first to report it. not an investigation, Chinese Foreign Saturday night as they tried to spiralled into a pandemic. Although the Huanan seafood Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian told disperse demonstrators calling The wet market was where a vari - market has been sealed off, experts media briefing in beijing on Friday. for Prime Minister benjamin ety of live animals were traded until it believe that there is still plenty to see The WHO experts' field work itin - Netanyahu's resignation over was shut down following fears that the and experience there. erary and plan for exchanges are cru - corruption charges. coronavirus had jumped to humans "(We hope to) understand the set - cial to serious, prudent scientific stud - Temperatures were about 10 de - either from bats or pangolins. ting, see the places where cases were ies. The two sides will follow the prior grees Celsius (50 Fahrenheit) on Very important site visits today - a linked, reconstruct the initial event consensus and make science-based a raw winter evening when the wholesale market first & Huanan there, search for records of animals, arrangements in light of the features crowd was sprayed. The protest - Seafood Market just now. Very in - products traded there. And possibly of the virus and the epidemic situa - ers have been gathering every formative & critical for our joint teams talk to some of the merchants who tion, he said. week near Netanyahu's official to understand the epidemiology of were there at that time," Peter ben As far as I know, the expert panel residence in Jerusalem for over COVId as it started to spread at the embarek, who leads the WHO team, will visit all the places you named, he earlier the team of international earliest COVId-19 patients in Wuhan seven months, but the use of wa - end of 2019, Peter daszak, a zoologist told the state-run Global Times. said, replying to a question whether experts, which was constituted by the were treated, said Mi Feng, commis - ter cannons is rare. In a state - with the US group ecoHealth Alliance After the visit to Huanan Seafood China guarantees that the team re - World Health Assembly (WHA), the sion spokesman, was quoted as saying ment, police said hundreds of and a member of the WHO team, Market, it is to be seen whether the in - ceives full access to scientific data and governing body of the WHO to probe by the official China daily. protesters took part in the tweeted on Sunday. ternational team would be permitted medical records. the origins of the virus, had exchanges They also visited a food distribu - demonstration. They accused Though the market remained shut to visit the controversial Wuhan Since officials and journalists are with medical workers and early tion centre for the Chinese city of some protesters of unruly behav - and cleaned up after the coronavirus Institute of Virology (WIV), where neither scientists nor specialists after COVId-19 cases in Wuhan, China's Wuhan during the 76-day lockdown ior, including throwing objects cases surfaced in Wuhan in december former US President donald Trump all, we need to entrust the experts with National Health Commission said on last year. The team, accompanied by and trying to break through a po - 2019, the visit is still important to get a alleged that the virus might have es - the very professional task of origin- Sunday. large number of Chinese officials, also lice barricade. It said one officer feel of what flow of goods, people caped into the open. tracing, give them enough time, space, The team, on a visit to Wuhan for walked through sections of the was lightly hurt, and several pro - were, daszak was quoted by CbS news Trump had asked China to permit trust and support to advance coopera - testers were arrested. The pro - scientific cooperation with its Chinese baishazhou market stated to be one of network. an inquiry amid emphatic denials tion, and minimise unnecessary at - testers say Netanyahu cannot counterparts on tracing the origins of the largest wet markets in the city. The visit which took place amid from beijing. tention and disturbance, Zhao said. serve as prime minister when he the novel coronavirus, visited several On Saturday, they visited a muse - tight security assumed significance as The itinerary of the WHO team According to the Johns Hopkins is on trial for charges of fraud, places, including Hubei Provincial um exhibition dedicated to the early the market was widely presumed to be has not yet been announced. They breach of trust and accepting Hospital of Integrated Chinese and history of the emergence of coron - coronavirus tracker, there are the source of the virus though Chinese were expected to be in Wuhan for bribes in three separate cases. Western Medicine and Wuhan avirus. China, while offering to coop - 102,663,887 COVId-19 cases world - official media in recent months ques - about a month. They also accuse him of misman - Jinyintan Hospital, where some of the erate with the WHO team, maintained wide with 2,221,737 deaths. aging the coronavirus crisis, with unemployment in double digits after a series of nationwide lock - downs. The country is in the New UK citizenship visa route midst of its third lockdown, de - spite one of the world's most suc - cessful vaccination campaigns. opens for Hong Kong residents Israel is preparing to hold new BY ADItI KHANNA make their home in our country, said elections March 23. london, Jan 31 (PtI) UK Prime Minister boris Johnson. In doing so we have honoured China's manufacturing, A new visa route that offers Hong our profound ties of history and Kong residents the option to apply to friendship with the people of Hong services sectors weaken come to the UK and become citizens Kong, and we have stood up for free - in January through a fast-track system officially dom and autonomy values both the opened on Sunday. UK and Hong Kong hold dear, he Beijing, Jan 31 Around 300,000 Hong Kong na - said. tionals are expected to apply for the Under the route, those with An official indicator of visa, which is open to holders of the bN(O) status and their eligible fami - China's manufacturing activity british National (Overseas) passport ly members will be able to come to weakened for a second consecu - and their immediate dependents and the UK to live, study and work. As tive month in January, following was announced last year in retalia - outbreaks of domestic COVId-19 with other visas, after?five years in tion of China's controversial new cases that affected the operations the UK, they?will be able to apply National Security Law. of some industries. The purchas - for?settlement, followed by?british The UK maintains the new law is ing managers' index, or PMI, for citizenship after a further 12 months. a clear and serious breach of the China's manufacturing sector fell Global britain will always stand Sino-british Joint declaration under to 51.3 in January, down 0.6 per - up for what is right and uphold our which Hong Kong had been handed centage points from december, commitments. This new visa delivers over to the Chinese authorities over according to data from the on our promise to the people of Hong 23 years ago. National bureau of Statistics on Kong, honouring our strong historic Police detain a woman during a protest against the jailing of opposition leader Alexei Navalny in Vladivostok, Russia. As part of a multi - Sunday. readings above 50 indi - I am immensely proud that we relationship and upholding their have brought in this new route for freedoms, said UK Home Secretary pronged effort by the authorities to discourage Russians from attending Sunday's demonstrations, the Prosecutor General's office ordered cate expansion of the manufac - the state communications watchdog, Roskomnadzor, to block the calls for joining the protests on the internet. turing industry, while a reading Hong Kong bN(O)s to live, work and Priti Patel. below it reflects a contraction .China has seen new virus clus - ters across the country, particu - Queen likely to host Joe Biden larly in the north, and restrictions Pak govt to join review proceedings of Supreme have been tightened to curb the at Buckingham Palace: Report spread. NbS senior statistician Zhao Qinghe said that locally Court''s acquittals in Pearl murder case london, Jan 31 (PtI) very strong royal presence be - transmitted coronavirus cases BY SAJJAD HUSSAIN Court. The judgement was de - after US Secretary of State "What is important that fore G7 events, and all senior had affected the operations of britain's Queen elizabeth Islamabad, Jan 31 (PtI) nounced by Pearl's family as "a Antony blinken spoke to there be accountability for members of the royal family certain industries, and that II is expected to host US complete travesty of justice". Foreign Minister Shah those crimes committed, said will be part of what happens, January is typically an off-season President Joe biden at the newspaper quoted a senior Amid mounting pressure The Sindh government on Mahmood Qureshi over phone Stephane dujarric said on for factories due to the Lunar buckingham Palace ahead of royal source as saying. The 94- from the US and the UN, the Friday filed a review petition in and discussed the accountabili - Friday. New year holidays. Separately, the G7 summit scheduled be - year-old Queen, who has been Pakistan government has said the apex court against the ac - ty of convicted terrorists re - The US also has been the indicators for China's service it would formally join the re - tween June 11 and 13, accord - based at her Windsor Castle quittal of Sheikh and his three sponsible for the brutal murder mounting pressure on ing to a media report on industry also dipped in January view proceedings initiated by home in south-east england accomplices. of Pearl. blinken also ex - Pakistan, demanding justice Sunday. Prime Minister amid the local outbreaks. The the Sindh administration through the coronavirus lock - A spokesman of the pressed "deep concern" over for Pearl. Last month, the US Narendra Modi is also expect - PMI for China's non-manufac - against the Supreme Court's down since last year, will be Attorney General of Pakistan the apex court's judgement. said it is ready to take custody ed to participate in events in turing sector came in at 52.4 in acquittal of british-born al- hoping to return to her on Saturday announced that The Pakistan Foreign of Sheikh, asserting that the lead up to and during the January, down from 55.7 in Qaeda terrorist Ahmed Omar London palace and get a calen - the federal government will file Office in a statement said Washington will not allow him summit in the coastal region of dar of activities going at december, according to NbS. Saeed Sheikh and his three an appropriate application be - Qureshi underscored that it to evade justice. Cornwall after India was invit - buckingham Palace after a aides in the brutal murder of fore the apex court to be al - was important and in the mu - Acting Attorney General ed as a guest country to join the year of pared-down events. A US journalist daniel Pearl. Fugitive Tigray leader lowed to join as a party in the tual interest that justice is Monty Wilkinson said the US Group of Seven the UK, one-on-one meeting between Pearl, the 38-year-old proceedings and further seek served through legal means . was deeply concerned by the Canada, France, Germany, the monarch and the new US reportedly speaks out South Asia bureau chief for The review and recall of the court's According to some media ruling affirming the acquittal of Italy, Japan and the US by UK President is set to be her first Wall Street Journal, was ab - January 28 judgement. reports, the Supreme Court individuals convicted by a Prime Minister boris Johnson. significant diplomatic engage - after months ducted and beheaded while he The federal government would hear the review petition Pakistani trial court. According to The Sunday ment after she returns to Nairobi, Jan 31 was in Pakistan investigating a will file an application for the on February 1. However, no "The release of those in - Times', the Foreign, London. A so-called soft power story in 2002 on the links be - constitution of a larger bench formal announcement has volved would be an affront to Commonwealth and reception in June is expected The fugitive leader of tween the country's powerful to hear the review petitions. In been made as yet. daniel Pearl's family, to other development Office (FCdO) is to include her son and heir, ethiopia's embattled Tigray re - spy agency ISI and al-Qaeda. cooperation with the provincial expressing concern over terrorism victims around the keen for the royal family to Prince Charles, and wife gion has reportedly made his first The Supreme Court on government, the federal gov - the acquittal of those involved world, and to the cause of jus - have a strong presence as part Camilla the duchess of public comments in three Thursday ordered the release ernment will continue to take in the brutal murder of Pearl, a tice, Wilkinson said. of a pre-summit and post- Cornwall, as well as grandson months, urging the international of main accused Sheikh and his all legal steps to bring the per - senior UN official representing In a tweet, Congressman brexit charm offensive of Prince William and wife Kate community to investigate alleged aides - Fahad Naseem, Sheikh petrators of this heinous crime Secretary-General Antonio brad Sherman said: The killers world leaders. There is a desire Middleton the duke and genocide and other abuses by Adil and Salman Saqib - by dis - to justice in accordance with Guterres said that it is impor - of daniel Pearl go free. And dr. from the Foreign, duchess of Cambridge under forces including those from missing appeals against their the law, the spokesman said. tant that there is accountability Afridi, who helped the US get Commonwealth and plans being drawn up by royal neighbouring eritrea. It was not acquittal by the Sindh High The announcement came for such crimes. Osama bin Laden, rots in jail. development Office to have a and government officials . immediately possible to verify the audio comments by debretsion Gebremichael posted late Saturday by Tigray-allied Israel to give some Russia arrests 2,300 during wide protests backing Navalny media outlet dimtsi Weyane. He Moscow, Jan 31 russia has seen in years. zones, according to OVd- has been on the run since shortly coronavirus vaccines yet despite threats of jail Info, a group that monitors after fighting broke out in early Chanting slogans terms, warnings to social political arrests. November between ethiopian to Palestinians against President Vladimir media groups and tight po - In Moscow, authorities and allied forces and those of the Putin, thousands of people lice cordons, the protests introduced unprecedented Tigray region who had dominat - Jerusalem, Jan 31 took to the streets Sunday again engulfed many cities security measures in the ed the country's government for across russia's vast ex - on Sunday. city center, closing subway nearly three decades. but the Israel defence Minister benny Gantz's of - panse to demand the re - The 44-year-old stations near the Kremlin, comments seemed to note the re - fice says Israel has agreed to transfer 5,000 lease of jailed opposition Navalny, an anti-corrup - cutting bus traffic and or - cent killings of other fugitive doses of the coronavirus vaccine to the leader Alexei Navalny, tion investigator who is dering restaurants and Tigray leaders. Many have paid Palestinians to immunise front-line medical keeping up the nationwide Putin's best-known critic, stores to stay closed. and many are continuing to pay workers. protests that have rattled was arrested on Jan. 17 up - Navalny's team initially the ultimate sacrifice, debretsion It is the first time that Israel has con - the Kremlin. Nearly 2,300 on returning from called for Sunday's protest said. He urged Tigray residents to firmed the transfer of vaccines to the were detained by police, ac - Germany, where he spent to be held on Moscow's continue the struggle and vowed Palestinians. Israel has come under criticism cording to a monitoring five months recovering Lubyanka Square, home to to do the same against those who from U.N. officials and human rights groups group. from a nerve-agent poison - was recuperating in testers and journalists by the main headquarters of are working with all their might for not providing vaccines to the Palestinians. russian authorities ing that he blames on the Germany. russian authorities for a the Federal Security to destroy our existence and iden - Israel says it is not responsible. mounted a massive effort to Kremlin. russian authori - The United States second week straight, US Service, which Navalny tity. The comments also alleged Israel is one of the world's leaders in vacci - stem the tide of demonstra - ties have rejected the accu - urged russia to release Secretary of State Antony claims was responsible for widespread murder, rape, torture nating its population after striking procure - tions after tens of thou - sations. He was arrested for Navalny and criticized the blinken said on Twitter. his poisoning. After police and intentional starvation. They ment deals with international drug giants sands rallied across the allegedly violating his pa - crackdown on protests. On Sunday, police de - cordoned off the area are carrying away what they can Pfizer and Moderna. The Palestinians have country last weekend in the role conditions by not re - The US condemns the tained nearly 2,300 people around the square, the and burning what remains, he not begun to vaccine their people. largest, most widespread porting for meetings with persistent use of harsh tac - at protests held in cities protest shifted to other cen - said. show of discontent that law enforcement when he tics against peaceful pro - across russia's 11 time tra squares and streets. Glimpses of Future 9 hEalth JAMMU, MONdAy, FebrUAry 1, 2021 5 Amazing This Blood Type Is Protective Against COVID, Study Says People with blood type O have a "The O and rh− blood groups lower chance of being infected with may be associated with a slightly or developing serious illness from lower risk for SArS-CoV-2 infec - COVId-19, a recent study says. tion and severe COVId-19 illness," Health Benefits research published in the journal the researchers concluded. Annals of Internal Medicine What does this mean? looked at more than 225,000 peo - The results are not entirely sur - ple who had been tested for prising. Other peer-reviewed stud - COVId-19 between Jan. 15 and ies have come to the same conclu - of Chickpeas June 30, 2020. Scientists found sion about COVId. that people with blood type O nega - And scientists have previously tive had a 2.1% chance of testing found that certain blood types have positive for coronavirus—the low - seem to be more protective against est probability among all blood certain illnesses than others. For groups. The highest probability example, people with type O blood was in the blood group b positive, tend to become sicker from cholera at 4.2%. read on—and to ensure than people with other blood types. your health and the health of oth - It may be due to antigens, pro - ers, don't miss these Sure Signs teins that cover the surface of red you've Already Had Coronavirus. blood cells and determine your throughout the body, which can As for yourself, do everything The blood Type resulted in blood type. When a virus or bacte - cause heart attacks, strokes and you can to prevent getting—and "Slightly Lower risk" of Infection ria enter the body, those antigens pulmonary embolisms, some of spreading—COVId-19 in the first The researchers found that trigger the immune system to fight which can be fatal. place: Wear a face mask, get tested people with blood type O had a low - off the invader. Some blood types For now, these are theories that if you think you have coronavirus, er chance of severe COVId illness seem to be more effective sentries are undergoing further study. but avoid crowds (and bars, and house or death compared to people with than others. right now, a few things are clear: parties), practice social distancing, other blood types. Specific to COVId-19, people People with type O blood are not only run essential errands, wash Additionally, people with rh- with type O blood have a lower ten - immune from the coronavirus. No your hands regularly, disinfect fre - negative blood were found to have dency to form clots overall. One of matter what your blood type, you quently touched surfaces, and to a lower probability of both infec - the most severe—and poorly un - should follow all public health rec - get through this pandemic at your While we must have enjoyed a bowl of savoury, delicious chickpeas occasionally; tion and serious COVId-19 illness derstood—complications of ommendations to avoid contract - healthiest, don't miss these 35 we might not be aware that these tiny, beige coloured, almost globular legumes are not than people with rh-positive COVId-19 is that in some people, ing or spreading COVId-19. Places you're Most Likely to Catch so tiny when it comes to excelling in the nutrition index. blood. the virus causes clotting to form How to survive this pandemic COVId. Chickpeas also known as garbanzo beans are super-rich in protein, vitamins, min - erals, fiber which make it an indispensable addition to your nutrition profile. A fantas - tic substitute for meat, a popular dish at almost every household- a cup of chickpeas (28 grams) are capable of furnishing one-third of an adult’s protein requirements. This One Exercise Melts Fat Faster Than Let’s take a look at some of its wonderful, nutrient-dense health benefits: Regulates blood pressure reap the amazing blood pressure control mechanism benefits from chickpeas. High blood pressure can be managed with a daily, sufficient, intake of potassium, Any Other, Says Science which is around 4700 mg. From 1 cup of chickpeas, you get 474 mg potassium. Improves cardiac health The workout that melts fat fastest is also one Another benefit of chickpeas is that you can ensure adequate nutrition supply to of the quickest, typically taking less than 20 your heart by its intake. As it is loaded with selenium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin minutes from start to finish. Known as high-in - b, fiber, iron- you can safely indulge in the goodness of chickpeas while it automatically tensity interval training or HIIT, it requires you takes care of your heart risks, lowers LdL cholesterol. to move fast, very fast for a very short period of Controls blood sugar time. One researcher goes as far as calling it the To keep diabetes at bay or even control its fluctuation, have chickpeas. 1 cup of "one-minute workout," because one version of chickpeas contain 12.5 grams of fiber- a quantity that is highly beneficial for diabetics. this training method amounts to just 60 sec - due to its low glycemic index, and the presence of the starch amylose, body absorbs and onds of intensely strenuous exertion, 20-sec - digests chickpeas gradually. Thus, it prevents sudden insulin spikes in the blood. ond bouts broken up by periods of rest, a se - Boosts bone health and haemoglobin levels quence that's repeated multiple times. being an excellent source of iron, calcium, vitamin C, A, e, folate, antioxidants, and you probably recognize this exercise tech - other nutrients, chickpeas contribute heavily to one’s bone maintenance and enhance nique as it has been written about here and else - the body’s iron absorption capacity. Therefore, osteoporosis and anemia can be taken where many times. but have you tried it? And, if care of with the consumption of nutrient-dense chickpeas. so, have you done it correctly and endured this Improves digestion rigorous style of exercising long enough to no - Chickpeas have soluble dietary fiber called raffinose which helps the colon in the tice results? digestive process. It maintains that the digestive tract is healthy and experiences regu - HIIT works. A number of studies have larity by flushing out toxins. reap its advantage to the fullest to get overall gut health. shown that short, vigorous workouts improve Therefore chickpeas being loaded with all the essential nutrients that the body re - markers of good health like aerobic fitness, low - quires could easily secure an absolutely delicious top position in your diet plan. er blood pressure, and more stable blood sugar. Workouts like HIIT can also burn more calories where many times. but have you tried it? And, if fast way to get fit. but first, a critical step to and reduce more visceral fat than typical en - so, have you done it correctly and endured this avoid injury: begin each HIIT workout with a durance exercises like walking, running, and cy - rigorous style of exercising long enough to no - total-body dynamic warm-up for three to five cling at a moderate pace will when done for an tice results? minutes, he says. do arm circles while marching Gajar ka Aachaar: Easy hour or more. HIIT works. A number of studies have in place, jumping jacks, jump rope, inchworms, How so? The science is complicated; strenu - shown that short, vigorous workouts improve anything that gets all your limbs involved and ous exercise triggers certain changes on the mo - markers of good health like aerobic fitness, low - raises your heart rate. lecular level that result in what's known as ex - er blood pressure, and more stable blood sugar. 30, 20, 10 Step by Step Guide cess post-exercise oxygen consumption or Workouts like HIIT can also burn more calories Use a stopwatch or clock with a second hand Are you craving for some pickle? How about making gajar ka aachaar at home and ePOC. In other words, after exercise, you get a and reduce more visceral fat than typical en - to keep time. After your warm-up, begin run - satiate your pickle craving? Carrot pickle metabolic after-burn for about 24 hours where durance exercises like walking, running, and cy - ning, cycling, or rowing for 30 seconds at a light or gajar ka aachaar is a hot, spicy, you burn more calories than normal. cling at a moderate pace will when done for an intensity. Next, do 20 seconds at a high intensi - tangy Indian pickle which can be More important than weight loss are the hour or more. ty where you find it difficult to talk in complete relished in any combination- aerobic fitness benefits derived from quickie ex - How so? The science is complicated; strenu - sentences. Without resting, go right into a 10- vegetable curry, rice, roti- ercise sessions, say researchers. In a ground - ous exercise triggers certain changes on the mo - second segment of maximum "rottweiler-in- whatever you like. breaking study from McMaster University in lecular level that result in what's known as ex - pursuit" effort. you'll know you're pushing hard basically, pickles are a Canada published in PLOS One, researchers cess post-exercise oxygen consumption or enough if you're too winded to speak. repeat the great condiment ac - demonstrated that just one minute of intense ePOC. In other words, after exercise, you get a 30-20-10 sequence four more times, followed companied with a effort in a 10-minute workout was enough to metabolic after-burn for about 24 hours where by a three-minute cooldown of walking and meal. Whether you reap the rewards. In the study, 14 sedentary you burn more calories than normal. stretching. want to have overweight men and women were asked to do a More important than weight loss are the Tabata parathas or rice – 10-minute workout on stationary bicycles, ped - aerobic fitness benefits derived from quickie ex - Woman on exercise bike pickles never dis - aling as hard and fast as they could for three 20- ercise sessions, say researchers. In a ground - Always begin with a dynamic warmup for appoint you. second intervals with 2-minute rest periods of breaking study from McMaster University in three to five minutes. Tabata training follows a Indian house - slow pedaling in between. With a warmup and Canada published in PLOS One, researchers 20-10 sequence. you begin with 20-seconds of holds are known cool-down, the entire workout took just 10 min - demonstrated that just one minute of intense high-intensity, all-out effort, followed by 10 sec - to host an exotic utes, 60 seconds of which was intense effort. effort in a 10-minute workout was enough to onds of rest (very slow pedaling or walking). array of pickles. After six weeks of these 10-minute workouts reap the rewards. In the study, 14 sedentary repeat the pattern seven more times for a total There are pickles done three times a week, the cyclists significant - overweight men and women were asked to do a of four minutes. end with a cooldown. made out of raw ly improved their aerobic capacity by 12% on av - 10-minute workout on stationary bicycles, ped - "you can play with those interval times as mango, or erage, lowered blood pressure numbers, and aling as hard and fast as they could for three 20- long as you are getting the intensity," says tamarind, onion, enhanced other markers of aerobic and muscu - second intervals with 2-minute rest periods of Stevens. "Anerobic training takes a monstrous tomato, lemon, lar fitness slow pedaling in between. With a warmup and effort. It also feels terrible at times. but if you gooseberry and the The workout that melts fat fastest is also one cool-down, the entire workout took just 10 min - want the body of a dancer, a gymnast or sprint - list continues. of the quickest, typically taking less than 20 utes, 60 seconds of which was intense effort. er, you have to train like one." Similarly, try this car - minutes from start to finish. Known as high-in - After six weeks of these 10-minute workouts Since HIIT is so physically taxing, be sure rot pickle at home and tensity interval training or HIIT, it requires you done three times a week, the cyclists significant - that you are healthy enough before trying this add this to your pickle to move fast, very fast for a very short period of ly improved their aerobic capacity by 12% on av - exercise strategy. Visit your physician for a full rack. Having this achaar time. One researcher goes as far as calling it the erage, lowered blood pressure numbers, and physical exam. not only successfully lights "one-minute workout," because one version of enhanced other markers of aerobic and muscu - Also, note that trainers like Stevens and re - up your mood, enhances the this training method amounts to just 60 sec - lar fitnessbut it can be any activity—rowing searchers like Gibala stress that the most effec - flavour of the food but also boosts onds of intensely strenuous exertion, 20-sec - classes, cycling, brisk walking, even resistance tive and efficient way to lose weight and main - your appetite, improves metabolism ond bouts broken up by periods of rest, a se - training—any activity where you can push your - tain the weight loss is not through exercise but and digestion. quence that's repeated multiple times. self to near exhaustion for short bouts. by reducing calories through a healthy diet. If Though carrot pickle generally hails from Andhra, the recipe has become universal. you probably recognize this exercise tech - Stevens suggests two basic types of sprint sucking wind isn't for you, you may be interest - It is a simple yet superb recipe that you can make within a very short span of 15-20 nique as it has been written about here and else - intervals to try if you want to sample this super- ed in Lazy Ways to Lose Weight All year Long. minutes. Assemble the following ingredients first: ● 6-7 carrots ● 1 tbsp red chilli powder ● 1 tbsp amchur (dry mango powder) One Surprising Side Effect of Drinking Coffee, According to Science ● 1 tbsp turmeric during a week of sabo - the other half had decaf - sleep, says W. Chris ● 1 tbsp mustard seeds taged sleep due to Netflix feinated coffee. Winter, Md, president of ● 1 pinch asafoetida binges and social scrolling, Those with the caf - Charlottesville Neurology ● 3 tbsp mustard oil are you doomed to brain feinated beverages showed and Sleep Medicine, and ● 1 tbsp salt fog and constant distrac - significantly better per - author of "The Sleep ● Thinly sliced 2 inches ginger tion? A recent study in the formance on the daytime Solution." "Unfortunately, ● 1/4th roasted fenugreek journal Progress in Neuro- tests, especially in terms of it doesn't take long for ● 8-10 curry leaves Psychopharmacology&bio sustained attention, com - sleep disruption to begin ● 2 tbsp white vinegar/ lemon juice logical Psychiatry offers a pared to those drinking de - causing issues with your Procedure: potential hack: Have some caf. However, both groups health, including reduced 1. Saute the chopped carrots, ginger juliennes in 2 tbsp oil in medium flame for a coffee. researchers in reported feeling sleepiness immune system function, minute, and keep them aside. This is important to enhance the shelf life of the pickle. Germany looked at 26 par - during the day, which daytime sleepiness, and 2. To the same oil add mustard seeds, red chilli, asafoetida, curry leaves. Saute till it ticipants who agreed to means that even the coffee even weight gain," he says. healthy adults. even in the that point, there was no starts to sputter. Then add turmeric, fenugreek, mustard powder, salt. five nights of sleep restric - couldn't provide a physical "That includes sleeping too recent study, the effects of difference in attention or 3. Switch off the flame and mix all the ingredients nicely with fried carrots-ginger. tion—getting just five energy boost. (related: 15 little, and even sleeping too caffeinated coffee didn't cognitive function com - 4. Let the mixture cool, then add lemon juice or white vinegar. you can add amchur hours of sleep—and day - Underrated Weight Loss much." For example, a last. pared to those who had the powder as well in place of lemon juice. time testing of their alert - Tips That Actually Work). study in the journal Sleep despite feeling re - decaffeinated coffee. That 5. Transfer the mixture in a clean, air tight, ceramic glass jar instead of tupperware ness, reaction times, mem - Although coffee can found that both short and freshed by the beverage for means if you've had a night or plastic containers. Let it remain at room temperature. ory, and accuracy on tasks. give you a temporary men - long sleeping times predict three or four days during a or two of bad sleep and 6. refrigerate it after 3-4 days. by then the carrots would have been beautifully Half of the group had a cup tal lift, it's important to re - an increased risk of not week of restricted sleep, need to rally some brain - marinated in the mixture and absorbed the spices. of coffee at breakfast and alize it's not a long-term just weight gain, but also participants started to power for work or school, That’s it. your gajar ka aachaar is ready to be served as and when you wish to. another after lunch, while replacement for quality fat gain in otherwise tank by the fifth day. At coffee can help. Glimpses of Future 10 EntErtainmEnt JAMMU MONdAy FebrUAry 1, 2021

Ananya Panday looks breath Nawazuddin Siddiqui: taking in throwback video from Bigg Boss 14: Do you think Abhinav Shukla Thank god I did not her Maldives vacay used for his benefit? become a hero

Nawazuddin Siddiqui is one actor who doesn’t mince any words. He begs to differ when you tell him he is typecast in a particular kind of roles. He insists it is the bollywood mainstream hero who is pigeonholed into doing similar roles. "I think I am the actor who does different charac - bigg boss 14 contestants in the house for Abhinav and strings. rakhi Sawant. ters and the one who gets typecast is the hero in Abhinav Shukla and rakhi rubina. even rubina and bashed rakhi for this and did ask rakhi to be in her lim - bollywood, who in their over 30 to 36 years' career Sawant have been in the news Abhinav adored her but their warned her to stay away. its and not cross the line. do only one role. Thank god I got the opportunity now for a while. This is be - relationship broke after the yesterday, Salman Khan Salman had also bashed to do different roles. If I am doing a Manto then I am also doing a Thackeray. If I am playing a police cause of their equation in the fans' interaction. during the gave a different perspective rubina and Abhinav for be - officer in raat Akeli Hai, at the same time there is house. rakhi Sawant likes session, one of the fans asked to this story. Salman Khan ing good only to people who Serious Men, too," Nawazuddin told here. The ac - Abhinav Shukla and has also her why she was bitching supported rakhi and agree with whatever they say. tor has three films lined up in the coming months said that she is in love with about Abhinav and rubina slammed rubina and Many fans on social media as of now No Land's Man, the rom-com Jogira him. She used to support did not like it. Post that rakhi Abhinav for overreacting. He have said that Abhinav had Sara ra ra and bole Chudiyan. He says the focus Abhinav and had even given Sawant began troubling said that Abhinav was visible earlier been very close to continues to be on "doing a different character".I him immunity when she had Abhinav. She tore his under - because of rakhi Sawant and rakhi and suddenly he start - have done Photograph and I have also done Kick. the power. We had seen how wear and kept moving they should have made rakhi ed having an issue. Hence, we So, I think the opportunity to play various roles much fun they had earlier around behind him all day. understand privately and not thought of asking fans the industry gave me is amazing," he added. He and Abhinav even helped rakhi Sawant also wrote humiliate her in public. whether they feel that even feels the there is some "misconception about type - rakhi drape her saree during Abhinav's name all over his Salman Khan told rubina Abhinav Shukla used rakhi cast" when it comes to our films. "The hero gets the family week. rakhi body. She crossed her limits and Abhinav that they have Sawant for his benefit and to typecast. If you see in the last 40 years, a hero has Sawant fought with everyone after she pulled his pant's completely misunderstood be visible in the game. been doing one kind of role.

Bigg Boss 14: Aly Goni's Yeh Hai Mohabbatein Guess the price: Devoleena co-star Shireen Mirza feels he cannot bully anyone; Bhattacharjee’s ruffle jumpsuit can says, 'He is a very sensitive person Ananya Panday took to Instagram to share a throwback video from her Maldives vacay. She is try of challengers. Aly Goni had en - buy you a decent hair styling kit looking stunning as she enjoys the splendid tered the show for Jasmin bhasin and views. “I’m blue da ba dee da ba daa promise this we saw their beautiful relationship is the last Maldives post hehe,” read her caption. inside the house. However, Jasmin In a past interview to Harper’s bazaar India, bhasin got eliminated recently and it Ananya spoke about body shaming. She said, was the most emotional moment for “body shaming is unacceptable, especially when everyone. recently, during a media it happens to young people, because they end up interaction, Aly was accused of bully - valuing their own worth based on someone else’s ing people. Vikas Gupta has also ac - harsh words. It appalls me that we would willing - cused Aly of bullying him. Now, Aly ly make a person feel bad about their body shape Goni's yeh Hai Mohabbatein co-star or size. She added, “We are meant to look differ - Shireen Mirza has come out in sup - ent; we are meant to come in different shapes and port of Aly Goni. In an interview with sizes and colours…that’s what makes us beauti - eTimes, Shireen Mirza spoke about ful! The worst thing a human can do to another is the same. Shireen Mirza said, " I take away their confidence and self-worth.” don't think Aly will bully anyone; he Talking about being trolled every now and then, doesn't have a bullying nature. He is Ananya said, "I get angry sometimes, I get sad a in fact a fun-loving person and he lot and there are also days when I just laugh it off. likes to pull people's legs and do but I know this: I don’t want anyone else to feel masti just the way he used to do on this way. It can really, really hurt.” earlier, in an the sets of our show. even his masti interview with Hindustan Times, Ananya reflect - was not in a bad way that would harm ed on working with deepika Padukone and anyone, in fact, he is a very emotional Siddhant Chaturvedi in director Shakuna batra's guy and a sensitive person. He is sen - next. “I have this list of people that I want to work sitive towards other people's feelings with and Shakun is on that list. So for me when I and cares about others." Shireen also got the opportunity to work with him, I put a tick gave her views on the show and also mark near his name. It was really surreal for me. spoke about doing the show in the fu - It was everything I could have dreamed of. We did ture. She said, "I do follow the show a lot of workshops and readings. Shakun is just an and enjoy watching it. I don't know if amazing director for an actor to work with. He I would like to go in, but yes if ever I gives you so much space and clear instructions. get a chance and I take it up, it would He just lets you play when you are on screen,” she bigg boss 14 has been going on well Initially, the show was quite boring but only be for one person and that is had said. and fans have been loving the episodes. later the wild-card entries and the en - Salman Khan." Bigg Boss 14: Rahul Vaidya is not turning into Nikki Tamboli's puppet; say fans One of the episodes last week on bigg do so, prompting her to complain that boss 14 required the housemates to con - he's taking advantage of her. She then tinually repeat the task assigned to them begins weeping and stating aloud that as part of a time loop. Failure to do so or a such instances are the reason she avoids requirement to step out of the loop would communicating with rahul as he always automatically disqualify a contestant makes her sad. eventually, she succeeds from participating in the next round. As in making him reveal that he hid the per the individuals tasks, rakhi Sawant broom. Later, in the same episode, rahul had the task to massage Abhinav Shukla Vaidya was seen arguing with Arshi with oil while Arshi Khan had multiple Khan, going as far as to compare his jobs of passing comments on rakhi equation with her and that with Nikki, Sawant, getting into a major fight and and bluntly stating that relationships devoleena bhattacharjee has entered the bigg boss 14 cleaning the luggage area. On the other keep changing in the bigg boss house, house as a proxy for eijaz Khan. The Saath Nibhana hand, rubina dilaik had to keep falling upsetting Arshi no end. Soon, Abhinav Saathiya actress has been gaining a lot of attention inside into the swimming pool, Aly Goni was re - Shukla is overheard telling rubina dilaik the house since her entry. She has made a fair few connec - quired to keep saving her, Nikki Tamboli how can Nikki Tamboli, who keeps bitch - tions inside the house and also has been at loggerheads was made to clean the whole house while ing about rahul, uses him as per her con - with a few. devoleena bhattacharjee recently wore a ruf - rahul Vaidya had to constantly steal cof - venience. In fact, it seems to have be - fled jumpsuit on the show that has caught the attention of fee for Nikki Tamboli. Now, as a ploy to come a pattern where rahul favours the audience. devoleena has been dishing out a lot of style goals inside the house. And the ruffled jumpsuit is from ensure a win over the tasks of the other Nikki despite the latter having degraded An’era couture by Asmita Verma. Called the ruling ruffled housemates, Nikki hid the coffee jar for him on several occasions on the show. jumpsuit, it consists of a beige top and gray bottoms. rahul Vaidya to easily discover it over And given the buzz about their shifting devoleena looked really pretty in that outfit. If you are and over again. However, rahul hid the bond on bigg boss 14, we decided to con - planning to buy this ruling ruffled jumpsuit, you can buy it broom to prevent Nikki from sweeping duct a poll and ask y'all if rahul Vaidya is from An’era’s website. but first, can you guess the price of the house. When Nikki coaxed rahul to turning into a puppet in Nikki Tamboli's this pretty outfit? Well, it can buy you a decent hair styling reveal who hid the broom, he refused to game plan. The result is finally in. range. The approx price of devoleena's outfit is rs 6,000/-.     11 LOCAL ""*"$#-'*'-

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