Journal of Nematology 26(1): 11-18. 1994. © The Society of Nematologists 1994. Variations in Immune Response of Popillia japonica and Acheta domesticus to bacteriophora and Species 1


Abstract: The infectivities of , S. glaseri, S. scapterisci, and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora to Japanese beetle larvae, PopiUia japonica, and house cricket adults, Acheta domesticus, were compared using external exposure and hemocoelic injection. Only H. bacteriophora and S. glaseri caused high P. japonica mortality after external exposure. When were injected, P. japonica had a strong encapsulation and melanization response to all species except S. glase~. Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and S. carpocapsae were able to overcome the immune response, but S. scapterisci was not. All species except S. scapterisci were able to kill and reproduce within the host. Only S. scapterisci and S. carpocapsae caused A. domesticus mortality after external exposure. When nematodes were injected, A. domesticus had a strong immune response to all species except S. scapterisci. Steinernema carpocapsae effectively overcame the strong immune response and caused high host mortality, but S. glaseri and H. bacteriophora did not. caused high host mortality and reproduced, S. glaseri and H. bacteriophora caused low host mortality but only S. glaseri reproduced, and S. carpocapsae was able to kill the host but reproduced poorly. Most (ca. 90%) of the S. carpocapsae in the hemocoel of P. japonica became encapsulated and melanized within 8 hours postinjection. The symbiotic bacte- rium, Xenorhabduf nematophilus, was often released before this encapsulation and melanization. Key words: Ach~ta domesticus, encapsulation, entomopathogenic , Heterorhabditis bacterio- phora, immune response, melanization, PopiUia japonica, Steinernema carpocapsae, S. glaseri, S. scap- terisci, spp.

Entomopathogenic nematodes from the symbiotic (Xenorhabdus spp.) re- families and Hetero- leased by the nematodes not only provide rhabditidae are prospective agents for the essential nutrients for the nematodes but biological control of soil-inhabiting insect also play a role in suppression of the host pests (7,8,15). Although field and labora- immune response (26). The nematode is tory experiments have demonstrated that also capable of secreting hydrolytic en- hundreds of insect species are susceptible zyme(s) that destroy host antibacterial pro- to nematode infection (22), different tease(s) (10). nematode species showed different levels Cellular and humoral responses of in- of infectivity to particular insects (2,15,19). sects to nematodes were reviewed by Poi- Successful infection by entomopatho- nar (21). The major cellular responses are genic nematodes initially involves host lo- encapsulation, in which hemocytes accu- cation and penetration into the hemocoel. mulate around the nematode without sec- Nematodes subsequently encounter the ondary melanization, and melanotic en- host immune system. Steinernema carpocap- capsulation, in which an inner layer of sae can evade the host immune response by melanin forms around the nematode. In not being recognized as foreign in GaUeria some insects, encapsulation and melaniza- mellonella larvae (4,5), but nematodes be- tion involve only noncellular components come encapsulated in Culex pipiens and of hemolymph. The host immune re- Leptinotarsa decemlineata larvae (25,26). The sponse varies somewhat with species of nematode or insect. Sometimes the re- sponse is sufficiently effective to kill nema- Received for publication 23 April 1993. i New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station Publication todes (4,18,24), but sometimes it is not a No. D-08255-11-92, supported by State funds and the U.S. major factor influencing host susceptibility Hatch Act. This research was partially funded by the Rutgers Turfgrass Research Fund. (13). 2 Department of Entomology, Rutgers University, New The effects of insect immune response Brunswick, NJ 08903-0231. The authors thank James Campbell, Parwinder Grewal, on the infectivity of different nematode and Edwin Lewis for reviewing the. manuscript. species have not been fully documented. 11 12 Journal of Nematology, Volume 26, No. 1, March 1994

The biological control specialist must know group (30 insects in three blocks of 10 in- when host immune responses are elicited sects each) was maintained for 5 days to and how these responses influence nema- record mortality, and each cadaver was tode infectivity. Therefore, we compared transferred to a White nematode trap (6) the host immune responses elicited by four to count the emerged infective juveniles. nematode species in Japanese beetle (Po- Insects from the second group (30 insects piUia japonica) and house cricket (Acheta do- in three blocks of 10 insects each) were dis- mesticus), and we assessed the impact of sected 24 hours after injection to deter- these responses on nematode infectivity mine the proportion of nematodes encap- and reproduction. sulated and melanized. The same amount of Ringer's saline was injected into the MATERIALS AND METHODS hemocoel of insects in the control group (30 insects in three blocks of 10 insects Nematodes: Four nematode species were each). tested: S. glaseri (NC strain), S. carpocapsae Time course of melanization and bacterial re- (All strain), S. scapterisci (Colon strain), and lease: For observation of the encapsulation Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (HP88 strain). and melanization process, 20 infective ju- Steinernema scapterisci was cultured in A. do- veniles of S. carpocapsae in 5 p,1 Ringer's mesticus, the host best suited for nematode saline were injected into the hemocoel of reproduction. All other nematodes were grubs with the technique described above. cultured in last-instar Galleria mellonella (6). The same volume of saline was injected Infective juveniles were held at room tem- into each grub of the control group. The perature in deionized water for 3 days af- grubs were fed individually with fresh ter emergence from the host cadaver. All grass roots and dissected at 0.17, 0.5, 1, 2, experiments were conducted at 25 C. 4, 8, 16, and 24 hours postinjection. Five Insects: Last-instar P. japonica were field grubs were used for each time interval. collected. Adult A. domesticus were fed on Grubs were surface sterilized by rinsing in Hartz (Harrison, NJ) Rabbit Pellets for 3 75% ethanol before withdrawing he- days before use. To avoid injury or canni- molymph and dissecting. Nematodes re- balism, all insects were held individually in covered during dissection were grouped as 35-mm-d petri dishes. free, encapsulated (entrapped or arrested Inoculation: Insects were exposed indi- in insect tissue without melanin), or encap- vidually to 100 or 1,000 nematodes in 35- sulated and melanized (melanotic encapsu- mm-d petri dishes containing 4 g moist lation in process or complete). sand (10% moisture). The petri dishes For determination of X. nematophilus lev- were sealed with parafilm to maintain con- els in the hemolymph, 5 ~1 of hemolymph stant moisture. Thirty insects, in three were withdrawn from each grub before blocks of 10 insects each, were used for dissection and suspended in 45 ~1 of sterile each treatment and control. Host mortality Ringer's saline. Three 5-~1 subsamples of was recorded daily for 5 days. the saline containing grub hemolymph Nematodes used for hemocoel injections were streaked on 100-mm-d NBTA plates were surface sterilized in 1% Hyamine (Difco Bacto-Nutrient agar 7.5 g, bro- (methylbenzethonium chloride) for 5 min- mothymol blue 0.0125 g, 2,3,5-triphenyl utes and then rinsed with sterile Ringer's tetrazolium chloride 0.02 g, deionized wa- saline. Twenty infective juveniles in 4 p~l of ter 500 ml). The plates were incubated at this saline were injected with a microinjec- 25 C for 3 days. Colonies ofX. nematophilus tion syringe into the hemocoel of each in- were counted and the mean number of sect through the base of the first leg. The colony forming units (CFUs) per microli- syringe was inserted parallel to the body to ter of hemolymph was calculated. The avoid injuring the gut. The injected insects same method was used to estimate the time were then divided into two groups. One of bacterial release after injection of 20 Variations in Host Immune Response to Nematodes: Wang et al. 13 surface-sterilized infective juveniles of S. glaseri and H. bacteriophora to reach ap- glaseri or H. bacteriophora into the hemo- proximately these levels of mortality. S. coels of P. japonica. carpocapsae and S. scapterisci induced 60 Statistical analyses: Data were trans- and 77% mortality at a dosage of 1,000 formed with arcsine square roots and ana- nematodes. Mortality was not observed in lyzed using analysis of variance and the control group. Tukey's studentized range test (et = 0.05) The trends from the hemocoel injection (23). Means are presented with standard of nematodes were similar to those of ex- errors. ternal exposures, except S. carpocapsae was more pathogenic when injected (Fig. 3). RESULTS Steinernema carpocapsae, S. glaseri, and H. bacteriophora induced 100% mortality of P. Infectivity: S. glaseri and H. bacteriophora japonica, but S. scapterisci still did not kill a were highly infective to P. japonica larvae single grub. In A. domesticus, S. carpocapsae (Fig. 1); 100% grub mortality occurred af- and S. scapterisci induced 100% mortality, ter external exposure to 1,000 infective ju- whereas S. glaseri and H. bacteriophora veniles. In contrast, S. carpocapsae and S. caused only 33 and 20% host mortality, re- scapterisci had a low level of infectivity. spectively. Mortality was not observed in Even at a dosage of 1,000 nematodes per the control group. grub, S. scapterisci did not cause lethal in- Encapsulation and melanization: We found fections, and S. carpocapsae induced only substantial differences at 24 hours after in- 37% mortality. Mortality was not observed jection in host immune response to the dif- in the control group. ferent nematode species (Fig. 4). In P. Steinernema glaseri and H. bacteriophora japonica, few S. glaseri (2.8%) were encap- were not infective at 100 nematodes per A. sulated and melanized, whereas nearly all domesticus adult, a dose at which S. carpo- injected infective juveniles of the other capsae and S. scapterisci induced 23 and three species tested became encapsulated 20% mortality (Fig. 2). A dosage of 1,000 and melanized. In A. domesticus, most S. nematodes per host was required for S. glaseri (88%) and S. carpocapsae (92%) be-

[] 100 infective juveniles • 1,000 infective juveniles

A LU + ?s

o N s0 g o Z ~ 2s

a A

S. glaserl S. carpocapsae S. scapterlsci 14. bacteriophora Nematode species FIG. 1. Mortality of Popilliajaponica larvae after external exposure to infective juveniles of three different Steinernema species or Heterorhabditis bacteriophora. Bars at the same dosage with different letters are different (P < 0.05) by Tukey's studentized range test. SE = standard error. 14 Journal of Nematology, Volume 26, No. 1, March 1994

100 [] 100 infective juveniles • 1,000 infective juveniles

LIJ 75, or) +

'~0 50 E

o A N 25 T


S. glaseri S. carpocapsae S. scapterisci H. bacteriophora

Nematode species FIc. 2. Mortality of Acheta domesticus adults after external exposure to infective juveniles of three Stein- ernema species or Heterorhabditis bacteriopho,'a. Bars at the same dosage with different letters are different (P < 0.05) by Tukey's studentized range test. SE = standard error.

came encapsulated and melanized, sulation observed in both hosts was mela- whereas S. scapterisci experienced a lower notic encapsulation. level of immune response (16% mela- Nematode reproduction: In the hemocoel nized). Heterorhabditis bacteriophora had injection experiment, S. glaseri, H. bacterio- high levels of encapsulation and melaniza- phora, and S. carpocapsae reproduced suc- tion in both of the host species. The encap- cessfully in P. japonica (Table 1). In A. do-

[] Po•illia japonica larvae • Acheta domesticus adults a a A a 100.

,~+ 75.

o 50. E

o z 25

S. glaseri S, carpocapsae S, scapterisci H. bacteriophora

Nematode species FIG. 3. Mortality of PopiUiajaponica larvae and Acheta domesticus adults after injection of 20 surface-sterilized infective juveniles of three Steinernema species or Heterorhabditis bacteriophora. Bars (in the same host) with the same letters are not different (P > 0.05) by Tukey's studentized range test. SE = standard error. Variations in Host Immune Response to Nematodes: Wang et al. 15

l t-I Po~)illia ipDonica • Acheta domesticus a C 100 O m .Nt'- _m 75- o E "t3 C CO p- 50- ._o

:3 q) Q. 2S. m p,O U] I S. glaseri S. carpocapsae S, scapterisci 14. bacteriophora Nematode species FIG. 4. Percentage of encapsulated and melanized Steinernema glaseri, S. carpocapsae, S. scapterisci, and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, 24 hours after injection of 20 surface sterilized infective juveniles into the hemo- coel of PopiUia japonica or Acheta domesticus. Bars (in the same host) with the same letters are not different between nematode species (P > 0.05) by Tukey's studentized range test. SE = standard error. mesticus, however, only S. glaseri and S. molymph, and the grubs were dead. Bac- scapterisci reproduced in large numbers teria were not found in the hemolymph of (12,600 and 13,700 infective juveniles per control grubs. cadaver). Steinernema carpocapsae produced only 7.3% as many infective juveniles in A. DISCUSSION domesticus as in P. japonica. Heterorhabditis Nematodes have two general ways of bacteriophora did not develop in A. domesti- dealing with the host immune response: cus adults. evasion, by entering host tissue, molecular Time course of encapsulation and melaniza- mimicry, or antigen sharing, and counter- tion: Nearly 90% of hemocoel-injected S. acting (24). Dunphy and Webster (5) pro- carpocapsae were encapsulated within fat posed that S. carpocapsae evaded the im- body and connective tissue by 0.17 hours; mune response of G. meUonella by not be- 11% were free, and fewer than 1% were ing recognized as non-self. The unreactive melanized (Fig. 5). Melanization pro- surface of the nematode could be innately ceeded quickly thereafter, with 90% of the injected nematodes melanized by 8 hours. Concurrently, the number of free nema- TABLE 1. Infective juvenile production of three todes decreased sharply, none being ob- Steinernema species and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora in two hosts (Popilliajaponica and Acheta domesticus) after served after 4 hours. injection of 20 infective juveniles into hemocoel. Bacterial examination: In P. japonica he- molymph, few Xenorhabdus nematophilus Nematode species P. japonica A. domesticus CFUs were found 4 hours after injection of S. carpocapsae (ca. 4 CFU/pA he- S. glaseri 5,182 -+ 830 12,640 -+ 4,001 S. carpocapsae 22,618 -+ 6,045 1,656 + 1,197 molymph), but the number increased S. scapterisci 0 13,713 - 4,398 sharply by 16 hours (1,875 CFU/pA he- H. bacteriophora 27,400 + 4,598 0 molymph) (Fig. 5). By 24 hours, the num- Number of nematodes emerging per host cadaver is ex- ber reached almost 20,000 CFU/pA he- pressed as mean -+ standard error. 16 Journal of Nematology, Volume 26, No. 1, March 1994

[] Free Bacteria e- [] Encapsulated E 100[ [] Encapsulated and melanized I,U I :T'" 20,000 U) E + "--- 80 .C U) 15,000 -- 0 .-t "0 i._ 0 6O o E 10,000 w G) ~" 40 qb-- 0 0 / 5,000 ~ 20 L._

,0 ~ 0 i 0.17 0.5 1 2 4 8 16 24 Time postinjection (hr) FIG. 5. Time course of encapsulation and melanization of Steinernema carpocapsae injected into the hemocoel of Popilliajaponica, and associated bacterial (Xenorhabdus nematophilus) release and multiplication. SE = stan- dard error.

secreted by the nematode or acquired the P. japonica immune response. First, the from host materials during penetration bacterium Photorhabdus luminescens, associ- (4). Our study suggests that S. glaseri in P. ated with H. bacteriophora, is very virulent japonica and S. scapterisci in A. domesticus to P. japonica. By injecting different species also evade the immune response. This eva- of bacteria into P. japonica, Yeh et al. (27) sion, however, is not effective against all demonstrated that P. luminescens was so insects. Our data show that the two nema- virulent that two cells caused about 95% tode species avoid the immune response in mortality of the host. Xenorhabdus poinarii, hosts similar to those with which they ap- associated with S. glaseri, was not virulent pear to be associated under natural condi- even after 20,000 cells were injected. Sim- tions: S. glaseri with scarab larvae (9,22) ilarly, neither S. glaseri nor X. poinarii alone and S. scapterisci with mole crickets, Scap- has been shown to be pathogenic to G. mel- teriscus spp. (20). The mechanism for this loneUa (1). Second, H. bacteriophora releases avoidance is unclear and may differ its bacteria earlier than S. glaseri in P. among nematode species. japonica. Xenorhabdus poinarii was detected Heterorhabditis bacteriophora elicited a in P. japonica hemolymph 8 hours after in- strong immune response in both P. japon- jection of S. glaseri, and P. luminescens was ica and A. domesticus. The host immune re- detected as early as 30 minutes after injec- sponse was counteracted in P. japonica, and tion of H. bacteriophora (data not shown). the nematode established and reproduced. We propose that H. bacteriophora may rely In the house cricket, H. bacteriophora died on the rapid destruction of the host im- before producing progeny. Variations in mune response by its symbiotic bacterium, the virulence of the symbiotic bacteria or P. luminescens, to establish in P. japonica. speed of host encapsulation could account Steinernema carpocapsae induced low P. for this difference. japonica mortality in external exposures, In previous studies, H. bacteriophora and but caused 100% host mortality and repro- S. glaseri were shown to have high efficacy duced in the cadaver after hemocoelic in- against P. japonica (15,27). Our data and jection. This result is consistent with labo- other evidence suggest that H. bacteriophora ratory bioassays and field trials demon- may use a different approach to deal with strating poor infectivity of S. carpocapsae to Variations in Host Immune Response to Nematodes: Wang et al. 17

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