Mayor Friel in the Chair


The National Anthem was played.


Mayor Friel read the Invocation.


Present: Councillor Weaver, Councillor Sless, Councillor Martin, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Neumann, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Utley, Councillor Kings, Mayor Friel

Regrets: Councillor Antoski


Councillor Martin declared a pecuniary interest on Item 1 of Social Services Committee Report #2018-09-05 (Homelessness System Review and Proposed Recommendations [Financial Impact: Approximately $120,000 for 2019 transition costs to be funded from the Homelessness Operating Budget and the Social Housing Homelessness Reserve Fund 477] (HHS2018-036)) as he is the Chair of the Rosewood House Board. Accordingly he refrained from any discussion and voting on this Item, as well as any discussion regarding a related Delegation and Presentation on this matter.

City Council Page 2 MINUTES September 18, 2018







7.1 Carol Haberman, Public Health Dietitian, Brant County Health Unit and JoAnne Dubois, Community Developer, Grand River Community Health Centre

Re: Item #19 (Brantford Food Charter) of Committee of the Whole – Operations and Administration Report #2018-09-11

Carol Haberman, Public Health Dietitian, Brant County Health Unit and JoAnne Dubois, Community Developer, Grand River Community Health Centre appeared before Council with a presentation on the Brant Food Charter.

A PowerPoint presentation was made, highlights of which included the following: • What is a Food Charter? • Charter Creation Process o Survey in Brant and Brantford for priorities regarding food o Common themes identified o Draft Charter brought back to the community for feedback o Respondents • Brant Food Charter Values o Individual and Community Health and Well-Being o Equity and Dignity for All o Local Food Production o Environmental Sustainability o Education and Skills • Next Steps o Seeking Charter endorsement from the City of Brantford and the County of Brant o Developing a toolkit based on the Charter o Continuing engagement to allow for Charter and toolkit uptake throughout the community

City Council Page 3 MINUTES September 18, 2018

A copy of the PowerPoint presentation will be placed in the Council meeting file.

The presenters responded to various questions from Members of City Council.

7.2 Tracy Flaherty-Willmott, Associate Director, Org Code Consulting

Re: Item #1 (Homelessness System Review and Proposed Recommendations [Financial Impact: Approximately $120,000 for 2019 transition costs to be funded from the Homelessness Operating Budget and the Social Housing Homelessness Reserve Fund 477] (HHS2018-036)) of Social Services Committee Report #2018-09-05

Motion to Defer the Presentation until Later in the Meeting

Moved by Councillor Van Tilborg Seconded by Councillor Sless

THAT the presentation listed as Item 7.2 on the September 18, 2018 City Council Agenda BE DEFERRED until later in the meeting, but prior to the consideration of Social Services Report #2018-09-05, as the consultant is delayed.


Recorded vote on Motion to Defer the Presentation until Later in the Meeting:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Neumann, Councillor Van Tilborg, Mayor Friel - 9

NO: None – 0

The Motion to Defer the Presentation until Later in the Meeting carried unanimously on a recorded vote.

Councillor Martin refrained from any discussion or voting on the deferral motion given his previously declared pecuniary interest on Item 1 of Social Services Committee Report #2018-09-05.

City Council Page 4 MINUTES September 18, 2018


Motion to Waive the Rules to Permit Delegation to Speak to the Same Item a Second Time

Moved by Councillor Sless Seconded by Councillor Weaver

THAT Section 15.6.2 (f) of Chapter 15 of the City of Brantford Municipal Code BE WAIVED in order to permit the following delegation to speak to the same item a second time:

7.5 Tim Philp, Rosewood House

Re: Item #1 (Homelessness System Review and Proposed Recommendations [Financial Impact: Approximately $120,000 for 2019 transition costs to be funded from the Homelessness Operating Budget and the Social Housing Homelessness Reserve Fund 477] (HHS2018-036)) of Social Services Committee Report #2018-09-05 MOTION TO WAIVE THE RULES CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ON A RECORDED VOTE (WITH THE REQUIRED 2/3 MAJORITY VOTE)

Recorded vote on Motion to Waive the Rules to Permit Delegation to Speak to the Same Item a Second Time:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Neumann, Councillor Van Tilborg, Mayor Friel - 9

NO: None – 0

The Motion to Waive the Rules carried unanimously on a recorded vote, with the required 2/3 majority vote.

Councillor Martin refrained from any discussion or voting on the Motion to Waive the Rules given his previously declared pecuniary interest on Item 1 of Social Services Committee Report #2018-09-05.

7.3 Ryan Guetter, Weston Consulting

Re: Item 1 – Committee of the Whole – Community Development Report #2018-09-04 - Official Plan Amendment OP-03-18 (City Initiated Section 26 Amendment for Employment Lands, Conformity with Provincial Plans, 8-10 Craig Street) [Financial Impact – None] (CD2018-101)

City Council Page 5 MINUTES September 18, 2018

Ryan Guetter appeared before City Council on behalf of the Rice Group to request Council’s support in approving Item 1 of Committee of the Whole – Community Development Report #2018-09-4.

The delegation responded to various questions from Members of Council.

7.4 William Liske, Losani Homes

Re: Item 2 – Committee of the Whole – Community Development Report #2018-09-04 - Neighbourhood Plan NP-01-17, Zoning By-law Amendment PZ-10-17, and Draft Plan of Subdivision 29T-17505 – Empire Communities Wyndfield West Phase 8 – South side of Shellard Lane and West of Conklin Road (599 Shellard Lane) [Financial Impact – None] (CD2018-107)

The Mayor advised City Council that the request from William Liske, Losani Homes to appear as a delegation regarding Item 2 of Committee of the Whole – Community Development Report #2018-09-04 has been withdrawn.

7.5 Tim Philp, Rosewood House

Re: Item #1 (Homelessness System Review and Proposed Recommendations [Financial Impact: Approximately $120,000 for 2019 transition costs to be funded from the Homelessness Operating Budget and the Social Housing Homelessness Reserve Fund 477] (HHS2018-036)) of Social Services Committee Report #2018-09-05

Tim Philp, Rosewood House appeared before City Council to speak in support of Item 1 of Social Services Report #2018-09-05. While he regrets the closure of any beds in the community, he noted that the issue of homelessness needs to be addressed in a strategic way and will actually result in more beds in our community.

The delegation responded to various questions from Members of Council.

City Council Page 6 MINUTES September 18, 2018


Moved by Councillor Carpenter Seconded by Councillor Neumann

THAT the following Proclamations BE APPROVED:

8.1 Proclamation – “National Seniors Day” – October 1, 2018

WHEREAS Monday, October 1, 2018 is National Seniors Day; and

WHEREAS active transportation, transit, and access to services were identified as priorities in Healthy Aging: the City of Brantford’s Age- Friendly Strategy; and

WHEREAS the City of Brantford’s Healthy Living Campaign aims to educate older adults about different modes of transportation to support their participation in social, recreational, and cultural activities; and

WHEREAS as part of the Healthy Living Campaign the Grand River Council on Aging will be hosting the sixth annual Workshop on a Bus on October 1, 2018; and

WHEREAS in celebration of National Seniors Day the Grand River Council on Aging will be holding a Taco Festival at Harmony Square on September 30, 2018;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of The Corporation of the City of Brantford hereby proclaims October 1, 2018 as “National Seniors Day” in the City of Brantford.

8.2 Proclamation – “Rail Safety Week” – September 23 – 29, 2018

WHEREAS Public Rail Safety Week is to be held across Canada and the United States from September 23 to 29, 2018; and

WHEREAS it is in the public’s interest to raise citizens’ awareness on reducing avoidable accidents, injuries and damage caused by collisions at level crossings or incidents involving trains and citizens; and

WHEREAS Operation Lifesaver is a public/private partnership whose aim is to work with the rail industry, governments, police services, the media and other agencies and the public to raise rail safety awareness; and

City Council Page 7 MINUTES September 18, 2018

WHEREAS CN has requested City Council to proclaim Railway Safety Week in support of its ongoing effort to save lives and prevent injuries in communities, including the City of Brantford;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of The Corporation of the City of Brantford hereby proclaims September 23 to September 29, 2018 as “Rail Safety Week” in the City of Brantford.

8.3 Proclamation – “Culture Days” – September 28, 29, and 30, 2018

WHEREAS culture constitutes one of the main identity factors of the City of Brantford and of the quality of life of its citizens; and

WHEREAS culture is an intrinsic component both of individual and societal development; and

WHEREAS culture arises and flourishes first locally; and

WHEREAS the City of Brantford has already shown its intention to implement projects that affirm both its cultural identity and the active participation of its citizens to the cultural life of the municipality; and

WHEREAS the cultural community has set up an annual national event, Culture Days, that would consolidate a number of cultural events under a common theme across Canada by promoting the widest possible access to the arts, heritage and culture; and

WHEREAS Culture Days is based on a true concern for cultural democratization;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of The Corporation of the City of Brantford hereby proclaims September 28, 29, and 30, 2018 as “Culture Days” in the City of Brantford.

8.4 Proclamation – “Dr. Jane Goodall Day” – September 27, 2018

WHEREAS Dr. Jane Goodall is an English primatologist and anthropologist considered to be the world’s foremost expert on chimpanzees and is now a United Nations Messenger of Peace inspiring new generations through Roots and Shoots, a global movement of young people who create and lead sustainable change for their communities; and

WHEREAS each year the James Hillier Foundation provides students wishing to pursue a career in scientific research with scholarships of up to $20,000; and City Council Page 8 MINUTES September 18, 2018

WHEREAS the James Hillier Foundation has just achieved a milestone of over $1,000,000 in scholarships awarded to Brantford/Brant County high school students; and

WHEREAS to commemorate the legacy of Dr. James Hillier and the Foundation’s granting milestone, the Foundation has partnered with the Sanderson Centre to bring Dr. Jane Goodall to Brantford sponsoring 350 high school students and teachers while providing the public the opportunity to experience the world renowned scientist for an evening on Thursday, September 27, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.; and

WHEREAS the Sanderson Centre is partnering with local school boards on the afternoon of September 27th, 2018 to preview to local students, the critically acclaimed National Geographic film “Jane”;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of The Corporation of the City of Brantford hereby proclaims September 27, 2018 as “Dr. Jane Goodall Day” in the City of Brantford.

8.5 Proclamation – “Life-long Learning Week” – September 15 - 22, 2018

WHEREAS educational success is a key to economic growth, prosperity and improving the lives of individuals and families; and

WHEREAS the City of Brantford through its Graduate Brantford initiative supports educational achievement and lifelong learning; and

WHEREAS the City of Brantford has developed a long-term strategy entitled Building a Community of Learning to support and inspire educational success; and

WHEREAS a key recommendation within the Building a Community of Learning strategy is to create awareness of learning and education opportunities; and

WHEREAS the City of Brantford and Brantford Public Library have developed Lifelong Learning Week as a way for residents to explore new learning opportunities; and

WHEREAS Lifelong Learning Week will occur between September 15 to 22, 2018 and will include a calendar of over 50 free events; and

WHEREAS the City of Brantford is grateful to the over 30 community partners who are providing support, space and resources for Lifelong Learning Week;

City Council Page 9 MINUTES September 18, 2018

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of The Corporation of the City of Brantford hereby proclaims September 15-22, 2018 as “Lifelong Learning Week” in the City of Brantford.

8.6 Proclamation – “Child Abuse Prevention Month” – October, 2018

WHEREAS all children, youth, and families are valued; and

WHEREAS together with the entire community, Brant Family and Children’s Services shares the responsibility of nurturing, protecting, educating and guiding all children, youth and their families; and

WHEREAS Brant Family and Children’s Services supports families and their journey toward self-determination, safety and care; and

WHEREAS to increase awareness of the supports and services offered throughout the community, Brant Family and Children’s Services will be holding a variety of events on “Go Purple Day”;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of The Corporation of the City of Brantford hereby proclaims October, 2018 as “Child Abuse Prevention Month” and October 24, 2018 as “Dress Purple Day” in the City of Brantford.

8.7 Proclamation – “Childhood Cancer Awareness Month” – September 2018

WHEREAS childhood cancer is the most common disease-related cause of death in children. Leukemia, cancers in the brain and in the central nervous system, neuroblastoma and other peripheral nervous cell tumours are the causes of the majority of childhood cancer deaths in children aged 0 – 14 years of age; and

WHEREAS there are currently 10,000 children in Canada who are living with cancer. They have an 82 per cent chance of survival when their cancers are detected early and they receive treatment as soon as possible; and

WHEREAS the impact of a childhood cancer diagnosis on a family is far reaching; and

WHEREAS the City of Brantford supports organizations and individuals committed to raising awareness about diseases, conditions and illnesses that affect all Canadians. Through education, fundraising and support, the health and well-being of our communities are improved; City Council Page 10 MINUTES September 18, 2018

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of The Corporation of the City of Brantford hereby proclaims the month of September, 2018 as “Childhood Cancer Awareness Month” in the City of Brantford. ALL PROCLAMATIONS CARRIED UNAMIMOUSLY ON A RECORDED VOTE

Recorded vote on All Proclamations:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Neumann, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Mayor Friel - 10

NO: None – 0

All Proclamations carried unanimously on a recorded vote.


9.1 Clerk’s Report on Communications for September 2018 [Financial Impact – None] (CS2018-102)

Moved by Councillor Van Tilborg Seconded by Councillor Martin

THAT Report CS2018-102, Clerk’s Report on Communications for September 2018, BE RECEIVED. CARRIED UNAMIMOUSLY ON A RECORDED VOTE

Recorded vote on Clerk’s Report on Communications (Item 9.1):

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Neumann, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Mayor Friel - 10

NO: None – 0

Item 9.1 carried unanimously on a recorded vote.

City Council Page 11 MINUTES September 18, 2018


Moved by Councillor Weaver Seconded by Councillor Sless

THAT the following Minutes BE ADOPTED:

10.1 City Council – August 14, 2018 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ON A RECORDED VOTE

Recorded vote on Minutes (Item 10.1):

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Neumann, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Mayor Friel - 10

NO: None – 0

Item 10.1 – Minutes carried unanimously on a recorded vote.


Item 1 of Committee of the Whole – Community Development Report #2018-09-04 and Item 19 of Committee of the Whole – Operations and Administration Report #2018-09- 11 were moved forward as the next Items for consideration as the parties that either appeared as a Delegation or made a Presentation regarding these Items were still in attendance.

11.1 Committee of the Whole – Community Development Report #2018-09-04 (Item 1 only)

Moved by Councillor Weaver Seconded by Councillor Martin

THAT Item 1 of Committee of the Whole – Community Development Report #2018-09-04, BE ADOPTED as follows:

1. Official Plan Amendment OP-03-18 (City Initiated Section 26 Amendment for Employment Lands, Conformity with Provincial Plans, 8-10 Craig Street), [Financial Impact – None] (CD2018-101)

A friendly amendment was made to Clause B of the recommendation to include that the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Premier of receive copies of the resolution. City Council Page 12 MINUTES September 18, 2018

Recorded vote on Item 1 of Committee of the Whole – Community Development Report #2018-09-04, with the friendly amendment:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Mayor Friel - 9

NO: Councillor Neumann – 1

Item 1 of Committee of the Whole – Community Development Report #2018-09-04, with the friendly amendment, carried on a recorded vote of 9 to 1.

11.4 Committee of the Whole – Operations and Administration Report #2018-09- 11 (Item 19 only)

Moved by Councillor Weaver Seconded by Councillor Martin

THAT Item 19 of the Committee of the Whole – Operations and Administration Report #2018-09-11 BE ADOPTED as follows:


Recorded vote on Item 19 of Committee of the Whole – Operations and Administration Report #2018-09-11:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Neumann, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Mayor Friel - 10

NO: None – 0

Item 19 of Committee of the Whole – Operations and Administration Report #2018-09- 11 carried unanimously on a recorded vote.

City Council went back to the remaining Items (Items 2 through 8) contained within Item 11.1 on the agenda.

City Council Page 13 MINUTES September 18, 2018

11.1 Committee of the Whole – Community Development Report #2018-09-04

Moved by Councillor Weaver Seconded by Councillor Martin

THAT Items 2 through 8 of Committee of the Whole – Community Development Report #2018-09-04 BE ADOPTED as follows:

2. Neighbourhood Plan NP-01-17, Zoning By-law Amendment PZ-10-17, and Draft Plan of Subdivision 29T-17505 – Empire Communities Wyndfield West Phase 8 – South side of Shellard Lane and West of Conklin Road (599 Shellard Lane) [Financial Impact – None] (CD2018- 107)

3. Zoning By-law Amendment PZ-01-2018 for the lands at 396 Erie Avenue [Financial - Impact - None] (CD2018-106)

4. 2019 Heritage Day Workshop – Request for Council Priorities Reserve Fund Support - [Financial Impact - $6,000] (CD2018-098)

5. Building Construction Process Review Task Force - Next Steps

6. 2018-19 Cultural and Built Heritage Funding Program Allocations and Amendments to the Cultural and Built Heritage Funding Program Terms of Eligibility Recommendations [Financial Impact - $238,117.17]

7. 2018 Brownfields Community Advisory Committee Update: Brantford Brownfields Discovery Tour Promotion [Financial Impact: $5,000]

8. Downtown Brantford Design, Façade and Business Performance Grants for 143 Wellington Street [Financial Impact - $54,705 funded from the Downtown Reinvestment Program Reserve RF0505] (CD2018-124)

Items 3 and 8 of Committee of the Whole – Community Development Report #2018-09- 04 were separated for discussion purposes.

Recorded vote on all Items (Items 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7) of Committee of the Whole - Committee Development Report #2018-09-04 not separated for discussion purposes:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Neumann, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Mayor Friel - 10

NO: None – 0 City Council Page 14 MINUTES September 18, 2018

All Items (Items 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7) of Committee of the Whole - Committee Development Report #2018-09-04 not separated for discussion purposes carried unanimously on a recorded vote.

Council then considered the following Items (Items 3 and 8) that were separated for discussion purposes:

3. Zoning By-law Amendment PZ-01-2018 for the lands at 396 Erie Avenue [Financial - Impact - None] (CD2018-106)

Recorded vote on Item 3 of Committee of the Whole – Community Development Report #2019-09-04:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Martin, Mayor Friel - 7

NO: Councillor McCreary, Councillor Neumann, Councillor Van Tilborg – 3

Item 3 of Committee of the Whole – Community Development Report #2018-09-04 carried on a recorded vote of 7 to 3.

8. Downtown Brantford Design, Façade and Business Performance Grants for 143 Wellington Street [Financial Impact - $54,705 funded from the Downtown Reinvestment Program Reserve RF0505] (CD2018-124)


Moved by Councillor Carpenter Seconded by Councillor McCreary

THAT, as recommended by the Senior Policy Planner in the September 18, 2018 memorandum to City Council entitled “143 Wellington Street – Downtown Business Performance Grant”, Item 8 (Downtown Brantford Design, Façade and Business Performance Grants for 143 Wellington Street (CD2018-124)) of Committee of the Whole – Community Development Report #2018-09-04 BE AMENDED to change:

i. the total value of the Design Grant, Façade Grant and Business Performance Grant as referenced in Clauses A and B from $54,705 to $50,705; and

ii. the amount of the Business Performance Grant as referenced in Clause A. c. from $45,205 to $41,205. AMENDMENT CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ON A RECORDED VOTE

City Council Page 15 MINUTES September 18, 2018

Recorded vote on Amendment to Item 8 of Committee of the Whole – Community Development Report #2018-09-04:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Neumann, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Mayor Friel - 10

NO: None – 0

The Amendment to Item 8 of Committee of the Whole – Community Development Report #2018-09-04 carried unanimously on a recorded vote.

Recorded vote on Item 8 of Committee of the Whole – Community Development Report #2018-09-04, as amended:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Neumann, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Mayor Friel - 10

NO: None – 0

Item 8 of Committee of the Whole – Community Development Report #2018-09-04, as amended, carried unanimously on a recorded vote

11.2 Social Services Committee Report #2018-09-05

As the presenter listed as Item 7.2 on the Council Agenda was not yet in attendance, City Council proceeded to Item 11.3 on the Agenda. Item 11.2 would be considered later in the meeting.

11.3 Finance Committee Report #2018-09-05B

Moved by Councillor Van Tilborg Seconded by Councillor Martin

THAT Finance Committee Report #2018-09-05B BE ADOPTED, as follows:

1. Amend Fees and Charges By-law 188-2017 – Early Approval of 2019 Fees [Financial Impact - $713,428] (CS2018-085)

2. Authorization to Apply to Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (OILC) for Long-term Financing for the Sydenham Pearl Brownfield Remediation Project [Financial Impact – $4,657,805.00] (CS2018-086) City Council Page 16 MINUTES September 18, 2018

3. Update on Outstanding Capital Projects - Community Programs, Parks and Recreation [Financial Impact – $211,341 return to reserve/reserve funds] (Report CS2018-092)

4. Capacities on Designated Public Institutions [Financial Impact $10,275] (CS2018-094)

5. Update on the Application to the Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (OILC) for Long-term Financing for the City’s Cost of Acquiring 58-70 Dalhousie Street for a New City Administration Facility [Financial Impact – ($5,850,000.00] (CS2018-097)

6. 2018 Quarterly Variance Report [Financial Impact – $904,940 forecasted deficit] (CS2018-090)

7. Information Report - 2019 Police Fees and Charges [Financial Impact - None] (CS2018-087)

8. Quarterly Reserve & Reserve Fund Report [Financial Impact – $0 net impact] (CS2018-089)

9. 2nd Quarter Casino Report [Financial Impact–$1,588,614 received from OLG] (Report CS2018-093)

10. 2018 Semi-Annual Investment Report [Financial Impact – $0] (CS2018-096)

11. Quarterly Status Report of Contracts Awarded [Financial Impact – None] (CS2018-098)

Items 1, 3 and 5 of Finance Report #2018-09-05B were separated for discussion purposes.

Recorded vote on all Items (Items 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11) of Finance Committee Report #2018-09-05B not separated for discussion purposes:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Neumann, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Mayor Friel - 10

NO: None – 0

All Items (Items 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11) of Finance Report #2018-09-05B not separated for discussion purposes carried unanimously on a recorded vote.

City Council Page 17 MINUTES September 18, 2018

Council then considered the following Items (Items 1, 3 and 5) of Finance Report #2018-09-05B that were separated for discussion purposes:

1. Amend Fees and Charges By-law 188-2017 – Early Approval of 2019 Fees [Financial Impact - $713,428] (CS2018-085)

Recorded vote on Item 1 of Finance Committee Report #2018-09-05B:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor Neumann, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Mayor Friel - 8

NO: Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter – 2

Item 1 of Finance Committee Report #2018-09-05B carried on a recorded vote of 8 to 2.

3. Update on Outstanding Capital Projects - Community Programs, Parks and Recreation [Financial Impact – $211,341 return to reserve/reserve funds] (Report CS2018-092)

Referral Motion – Clause B

Moved by Councillor Neumann Seconded by Councillor Martin

THAT Clause B of Item 3 of Finance Committee Report #2018-09-05B as follows BE REFERRED to the Estimates Committee

B. THAT $41,341 from Capital Project PK1514 – Community Gardens BE RETURNED to the Council Priorities Reserve (RF0558) and the project BE CLOSED and $25,000 BE INCLUDED in the 2019 base budget for Community Gardens. REFERRAL MOTION CARRIED ON A RECORDED VOTE

Recorded vote on Referral Motion of Clause B:

YES: Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Neumann, Councillor Martin - 6

NO: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Van Tilborg, Mayor Friel – 4

The Referral Motion of Clause B of Item 3 of Finance Committee Report #2019-09-05B carried on a recorded vote of 6 to 4.

City Council Page 18 MINUTES September 18, 2018

Recorded vote on Clauses A, C and D of Item 3:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Neumann, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Mayor Friel - 10

NO: None – 0

Clauses A, C and D of Item 3 of Finance Committee Report #2018-09-05B carried unanimously on a recorded vote.

5. Update on the Application to the Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (OILC) for Long-term Financing for the City’s Cost of Acquiring 58-70 Dalhousie Street for a New City Administration Facility [Financial Impact – ($5,850,000.00] (CS2018-097)

Recorded vote on Item 5 of Finance Committee Report #2018-09-05B:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Neumann, Councillor Martin, Mayor Friel - 9

NO: Councillor Van Tilborg – 1

Item 5 of Finance Committee Report #2018-09-05B carried on a recorded vote of 9 to 1.

11.4 Committee of the Whole – Operations and Administration Report #2018-09- 11

Moved by Councillor Weaver Seconded by Councillor Martin

THAT Items 1 through 18 of Committee of the Whole – Operations and Administration Report #2018-09-11 BE ADOPTED, as follows:

1. Graduate Brantford Strategy [Financial Impact: None] (HHS2018-038)

2. Traffic Report Park Avenue – Accessible Parking Zone [Financial Implication – $100 from Operational Services Operating Budget] Port Street – Accessible Parking Zone [Financial Implication – $100 from Operational Services Operating Budget] Traffic By-law 37-83 Schedule “3” – Housekeeping Item [Financial Implication – None] (PW2018-049)

City Council Page 19 MINUTES September 18, 2018

3. Greyhound Canada Transportation ULC Agreement Amendment [Financial Impact – $21,000] (PW2018-051)

4. Brantford Food Forest [Financial Impact - none] (CPREC2018-024) (Deferral from July 24, 2018 City Council Meeting)

5. New Hospital Working Group Approved Terms of Reference and Action Plan

6. Paramedic Services Governance Agreement – County of Brant / City of Brantford [Financial Impact – None] (CAO2018-006)

7. Crossing All Bridges Learning Centre

8. Bill C-312 to support a National Cycling Strategy

9. Motion to License Payday Loan Establishments

10. Parking Restrictions on Emilie Street

11. On Street Parking of Powell Road

12. Cecil Avenue Parking

13. Brant Waterways Foundation Initiative – Trail Improvement and River Access

14. Donation of Baseball Diamond Backscreen

15. Cooling Centres

16. Erie Avenue Road Repair

17. Enhanced 2018 Remembrance Day Events

18. Recognizing Roger Chandler

Items 9 and 17 were separated for discussion purposes.

Recorded vote on all Items (Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 18) of Committee of the Whole – Operations and Administration Report #2018-09-11 not separated for discussion purposes:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Neumann, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Mayor Friel - 10 City Council Page 20 MINUTES September 18, 2018

NO: None – 0

All Items (Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 18) of Committee of the Whole – Operations and Administration Report #2018-09-11 not separated for discussion purposes carried unanimously on a recorded vote.

Council then considered the following Items (Items 9 and 17) of Committee of the Whole – Operations and Administration Report #2019-09-11 that were separated for discussion purposes:

9. Motion to License Payday Loan Establishments


Moved by Councillor McCreary Seconded by Councillor Carpenter

THAT Item 9 of Committee of the Whole – Operations and Administration Report #2018-09-11 BE AMENDED to add Clause D as follows:

D. THAT Staff correspond with Willem Bouma, MPP, regarding the introduction of a Bill to amend the Payday Loans Act to reduce the consumer borrowing interest rate. AMENDMENT CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ON A RECORDED VOTE

Recorded vote on Amendment to Item 9:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Neumann, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Mayor Friel - 10

NO: None – 0

The Amendment to Item 9 of Committee of the Whole – Operations and Administration Report #2019-09-11 carried unanimously on a recorded vote.

Recorded vote on Item 9, as amended:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Neumann, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Mayor Friel - 10

NO: None – 0

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Item 9 of Committee of the Whole – Operations and Administration Report #2019-09-11, as amended, carried unanimously on a recorded vote.

17. Enhanced 2018 Remembrance Day Events


Moved by Councillor Carpenter Seconded by Councillor McCreary

THAT Clause A, Item 17 of Committee of the Whole – Operations and Administration Report #2018-09-11 BE AMENDED to read as follows:

A. THAT the City of Brantford RECOGNIZE these contributions with enhanced commemoration events surrounding the traditional Remembrance Day Service this year at an upset limit of $10,000 funded through the Council Priorities Reserve with any unused funds being directed for use to recognize the 60 plus soldiers missing from the Cenotaph upon return of the Field Howitzer Cannon; and

AND THAT the following BE ADDED as Clause D:

D. THAT City Staff BE DIRECTED to support the enhanced Remembrance Day Events as necessary, including but not limited to, review and implementation of road closures, administering an advertisement campaign, and implementation of the street-light pole banners. AMENDMENT CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ON A RECORDED VOTE

Recorded vote on Amendment to Item 17:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Neumann, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Mayor Friel - 10

NO: None – 0

The Amendment to Item 17 of Committee of the Whole – Operations and Administration Report #2019-09-11 carried unanimously on a recorded vote.

Recorded vote on Item 17, as amended:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Neumann, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Mayor Friel - 10 City Council Page 22 MINUTES September 18, 2018

NO: None – 0

Item 17 of Committee of the Whole – Operations and Administration Report #2019-09- 11, as amended, carried unanimously on a recorded vote.

11.2 Social Services Committee Report #2018-09-05 (Items 2 and 3 only)

As the presenter listed as Item 7.2 on the Agenda was not yet in attendance, only Items 2 and 3 of Social Services Committee Report #2018-09-05 were moved at this point.

Moved by Councillor Sless Seconded by Councillor Kings

THAT Items 2 and 3 of Social Services Committee Report #2018-09-05 BE ADOPTED, as follows:

2. Update on the Cancellation of the Ontario Basic Income Pilot (HHS2018-037)

3. To provide Council with an update on the cancellation of the Social Housing Apartment Improvement Program (SHAIP) for Housing Providers and the Local Housing Corporation [Financial Impact – $2,944,215] (HHS2018-034)

Neither of these Items were separated for discussion purposes.

Recorded vote on Items 2 and 3 of Social Services Committee Report #2018-09-05:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Neumann, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Mayor Friel - 10

NO: None – 0

Items 2 and 3 of Social Services Committee Report #2018-09-05 carried unanimously on a recorded vote.

As the presenter listed as Item 7.2 on the Agenda had now arrived at the meeting, Council went back to Item 7.2 and would consider Item 1 of Social Services Committee Report #2018-09-05 following that presentation.

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7.2 Tracy Flaherty-Willmott, Associate Director, Org Code Consulting

Re: Item #1 (Homelessness System Review and Proposed Recommendations [Financial Impact: Approximately $120,000 for 2019 transition costs to be funded from the Homelessness Operating Budget and the Social Housing Homelessness Reserve Fund 477] (HHS2018-036)) of Social Services Committee Report #2018-09-05

Susan Evenden, Director, Social Assistance and Homelessness Services and Tracy Flaherty-Willmott, Associate Director, Org Code Consulting appeared before Council with a presentation regarding Item 1 of Social Service Committee Report #2018-09-05.

A PowerPoint presentation entitled “Shelter System Review – Preventing & Ending Homelessness in the City of Brantford” was made, highlights of which included the following: • About OrgCode • Housing First Core Principles • Homelessness System Ideal State • Brantford/Brant Shelter System Review Goals • Brantford/Brant Shelter System Review • Comparing Brantford’s Shelter Investment to Other ON Communities • Comparing Brantford’s Shelter Beds to Other ON Communities • Recommendations • Housing with Related Supports • Emergency Shelters • Proposed Shelter Funding Approach 2020 • Transitioning to Future State • A Vision for the Future • Contacting OrgCode Inc.

A copy of the PowerPoint presentation will be placed in the Council meeting file.

The presenters responded to various questions of City Council.

Council went back to Item 1 of Social Services Committee Report #2018-09-05 listed as Item 11.2 on the agenda.

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11.2 Social Services Committee Report #2018-09-05 (Item 1 only)

Moved by Councillor Sless Seconded by Councillor Kings

THAT Item 1 of Social Services Committee Report #2018-09-05 BE ADOPTED, as follows:

1. Homelessness System Review and Proposed Recommendations [Financial Impact: Approximately $120,000 for 2019 transition costs to be funded from the Homelessness Operating Budget and the Social Housing Homelessness Reserve Fund 477] (HHS2018-036) CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ON A RECORDED VOTE

Recorded vote on Item 1 of Social Services Committee Report #2018-09-05:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Neumann, Councillor Van Tilborg, Mayor Friel - 9

NO: None – 0

Item 1 of Social Services Committee Report #2018-09-05 carried unanimously on a recorded vote.

Councillor Martin refrained from any discussion or voting on this Item given his previously declared pecuniary interest.

Councillor Neumann left the meeting at 8:06 p.m.




The following Notice of Motion was presented:

13.1 Cenotaph Enhancements – Councillor McCreary

WHEREAS Brantford & Brant County made significant contributions to Canada's war effort during the Great War; and

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WHEREAS Brantford & Brant County honoured our war dead by commissioning Walter Allward to design and build one of the very finest WW1 memorials in the Commonwealth; and

WHEREAS due to lack of funding at the time, the memorial has never been completed according to Allward’s design; and

WHEREAS the GWCA has researched and discovered the absence of the names of many war dead missing from the original engraving;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the mandate of the Restoration of the Field Howitzer Cannon Working Group BE AMENDED to include the following investigations in consultation with the GWCA:

A. Additional engraving to add the missing names of the fallen;

B. Completion of the Brant County War Memorial, namely the addition of Allward’s designed sculpture; C. Improvements to the surrounding grounds to better accommodate Remembrance Day Services.

AND THAT the Working Group report back to Council by May 31, 2019 with recommendations including budget, funding sources and timelines.


1st and 2nd Reading

Moved by Councillor Van Tilborg Seconded by Councillor Sless

THAT LEAVE BE GIVEN to the Mover and Seconder to introduce the following By-laws for First and Second Reading:


130-2018 By-law to authorize the execution of AGREEMENTS individually dated and listed on Schedule ‘A’ attached hereto:

1. Business Performance Grant Agreement between The Corporation of the City of Brantford and Society of St. Vincent De Paul, Particular Council of Brant (CD2018-124) (Committee of the Whole – Community Development Report #2018-09-04)

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2. Amending Agreement between The Corporation of the City of Brantford and Greyhound Canada Transportation ULC (PW2018-051) (Committee of the Whole – Operations and Administration Report #2018-09-11)

3. Paramedic Services Governance Agreement between The Corporation of the City of Brantford and the Corporation of The County of Brant (CAO2018-006) (Committee of the Whole – Operations and Administration Report #2018-09-11)

131-2018 By-law to amend By-law 144-88, being a By-law to regulate Parking in the City of Brantford (Emilie Street – Schedule 10 – Restricted Time Limit, Emilie Street – Schedule 16 – Pick- up Zones, Emilie Street – Schedule 7 – Parking Prohibited at Anytime) (Committee of the Whole – Operations and Administration Report #2018-09-11)

132-2018 By-law to amend By-law 144-88, being a By-law to regulate the Parking in the City of Brantford (Cecil Avenue – Schedule 9 – Parking Prohibited During Certain Time, Cecil Avenue – Schedule 7 – Parking Prohibited at Anytime) (Committee of the Whole – Operations and Administration Report #2018-09-11)

133-2018 By-law to amend By-law 144-88, being a By-law to regulate the Parking in the City of Brantford (Park Avenue – Schedule 26 – Accessible Zone, Port Street – Schedule 26 – Accessible Zone) (PW2018-049) (Committee of the Whole – Operations and Administration Report #2018-09-11)

134-2018 By-law to authorize the borrowing upon amortizing debentures in the principal amount of $5,850,000 towards the cost of the property acquisition of 58-70 Dalhousie Street (CS2018-097) (Finance Committee Report #2018-09-05B)

135-2018 By-law to amend Traffic By-law 37-83, being a by-law to regulate Traffic in the City of Brantford (Schedule 3 – Traffic Control Signals) (PW2018-049) (Committee of the Whole – Operations and Administration Report #2018-09-11)

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136-2018 By-law to amend By-law 81-2014, being a By-law to establish Honoraria to be paid to the Mayor, Members of Council, Members of the Police Services Board and Members of the Committee of Adjustment and to repeal the One-Third Expenses Allowance (CS2018-083) (Special City Council – September 11, 2018)

137-2018 By-law to amend Fees and Charges By-law 188-2017 of The Corporation of the City of Brantford (CS2018-085) (Finance Committee Report #2018-09-05B)

138-2018 By-law to authorize an the submission of an application to Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (“OILC”) for financing certain ongoing capital works of The Corporation of the City of Brantford (the “Municipality”); to authorize temporary borrowing from OILC to meet expenditures in connection with such works; and to authorize long term borrowing for such works through the issue of debentures to OILC (CS2018-086) (Finance Committee Report #2018-09- 05B)

139-2018 By-law to levy taxes on certain designated public institutions pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001 c. 25, for the year 2018 (CS2018-094) (Finance Committee Report #2018- 09-05B)

140-2018 By-law to adopt Amendment No. 206 to the Official Plan of the City of Brantford (by changing the Official Plan designation applicable to 8-10 Craig Street from “General Industrial Area” to “New Format Commercial Area” and to establish Modified Policy Area 129, to permit the development of a retail warehouse and associated gas bar) (OP-03-18) (CD2018-101) (Committee of the Whole – Community Development Report #2018-09-04)

141-2018 By-law to amend By-law 160-90, being a By-law to regulate the use of lands and the location and use of buildings and structures in the City of Brantford (by changing the zoning from “Holding - Residential Type 1A Zone (H-R1A)” to “Holding - Residential Type 1C - Exception XX Zone (H- R1C-XX)”, “Holding - Residential Type 1C - Exception 21 Zone (H-R1C-21)”, “Holding - Residential Type 1D - Exception XX Zone (H-R1D-XX)”, “Holding - Residential Type 1D - Exception 6 Zone (H-R1D-6)”, “Holding - Residential Medium Density Type A - Exception XX Zone (H-R4A-XX)”, “Holding - Residential Medium Density Type A - Exception YY Zone (H-R4A-YY)”, “Holding – Institutional City Council Page 28 MINUTES September 18, 2018

School – Exception Zone (H-I2-XX)“, “Holding - Open Space Type 1 Zone (H-OS1)”, “Holding - Open Space Restricted Zone (H-OS3)”, and “Holding - Open Space Restricted Zone – Exception 5 (H-OS3-5)”, (PZ-10-17) (599 Shellard Lane) (CD2018-107) (Committee of the Whole – Community Development Report #2018-09-04)

142-2018 By-law to amend Zoning By-law 160-90, being a By-law to regulate the use of lands and the location and use of buildings and structures in the City of Brantford (by changing the Zoning from ”Flood Plain – Residential Type 1B Zone (F- R1B)” to “Holding Provision - Flood Plain - Residential Medium Density Type A Zone – Special Exception XX (H-F- R4A-XX)”) (396 Erie Avenue) (CD2018-106) (Committee of the Whole – Community Development Report #2018-09-04)

143-2018 By-law to amend By-law 37-83, being a by-law to regulate Traffic in the City of Brantford (Schedule 2 – Yield Right of Way Signs - Terrace Hill Street at Paris Road) (Committee of the Whole – Operations and Administration Report #2018- 09-11)

144-2018 By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Brantford with respect to the Meeting held on September 18, 2018

By-laws 134-2018, 136-2018, 137-2018 and 142-2018 were separated for discussion purposes during 1st and 2nd Reading.

Recorded vote on 1st and 2nd Reading of all By-laws not separated for discussion purposes:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Mayor Friel - 9

NO: None – 0

The 1st and 2nd reading of all By-laws not separated for discussion purposes carried unanimously on a recorded vote.

Recorded vote on 1st and 2nd Reading of By-law 134-2018:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Martin, Mayor Friel - 8

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NO: Councillor Van Tilborg – 1

1st and 2nd Reading of By-law 134-2018 carried on a recorded vote of 8 to 1.

Recorded vote on 1st and 2nd Reading of By-law 136-2018:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor Martin, Councillor Van Tilborg, Mayor Friel - 7

NO: Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter – 2

1st and 2nd Reading of By-law 136-2018 carried on a recorded vote of 7 to 2.

Recorded vote on 1st and 2nd Reading of By-law 137-2018:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor Martin, Mayor Friel - 6

NO: Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Van Tilborg – 3

1st and 2nd Reading of By-law 137-2018 carried on a recorded vote of 6 to 3.

Recorded vote on 1st and 2nd Reading of By-law 142-2018:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor Martin, Councillor Carpenter, Mayor Friel - 7

NO: Councillor McCreary, Councillor Van Tilborg – 2

1st and 2nd Reading of By-law 142-2018 carried on a recorded vote of 7 to 2.

3rd Reading

Moved by Councillor Carpenter Seconded by Councillor Martin

THAT By-laws 130-2018 through to and including 144-2018 BE TAKEN as read a third time, be finally passed and signed by the Mayor and Clerk.

By-laws 134-2018, 136-2018, 137-2018 and 142-2018 were separated for discussion purposes during 3rd Reading. City Council Page 30 MINUTES September 18, 2018

Recorded vote on 3rd Reading of all By-laws not separated for discussion purposes:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Van Tilborg, Councillor Martin, Mayor Friel - 9

NO: None – 0

The 3rd Reading of all By-laws not separated for discussion purposes carried unanimously on a recorded vote.

Recorded vote on 3rd Reading of By-law 134-2018:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Martin, Mayor Friel - 8

NO: Councillor Van Tilborg – 1

3rd Reading of By-law 134-2018 carried on a recorded vote of 8 to 1.

Recorded vote on 3rd Reading of By-law 136-2018:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor Martin, Councillor Van Tilborg, Mayor Friel - 7

NO: Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter – 2

3rd Reading of By-law 136-2018 carried on a recorded vote of 7 to 2.

Recorded vote on 3rd Reading of By-law 137-2018:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor Martin, Mayor Friel - 6

NO: Councillor McCreary, Councillor Carpenter, Councillor Van Tilborg – 3

3rd Reading of By-law 137-2018 carried on a recorded vote of 6 to 3.

Recorded vote on 3rd Reading of By-law 142-2018:

YES: Councillor Kings, Councillor Weaver, Councillor Utley, Councillor Sless, Councillor Martin, Councillor Carpenter, Mayor Friel - 7

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NO: Councillor McCreary, Councillor Van Tilborg – 2

3rd Reading of By-law 142-2018 carried on a recorded vote of 7 to 2.


The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

______C. Friel C. Touzel Mayor City Clerk

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Committee of the Whole – Community Development Report #2018-09-04

1. Official Plan Amendment OP-03-18 (City Initiated Section 26 Amendment for Employment Lands, Conformity with Provincial Plans, 8-10 Craig Street) [Financial Impact – None] (CD2018-101)

A. THAT Official Plan Amendment Application OP-03-18, submitted by The Corporation of the City of Brantford and reflected in Amendment No. 206 as set out in Appendix C to Report CD2018-101, to change the designation of the lands located at 8 - 10 Craig Street from “General Industrial Area” to “New Format Commercial Area”, and to establish Modified Policy Area 129 on the subject lands to limit the use of the subject lands to a Retail Warehouse (containing a tire station, propane station, and seasonal centre) with a maximum gross floor area of 15,050.0m2 and an accessory gas bar BE APPROVED and that Staff BE DIRECTED to submit Official Plan Amendment No. 206 to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for final approval; and

B. THAT a copy of this resolution BE FORWARDED to Willem Bouma, MPP, Brant, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Premier of Ontario.

2. Neighbourhood Plan NP-01-17, Zoning By-law Amendment PZ-10-17, and Draft Plan of Subdivision 29T-17505 – Empire Communities Wyndfield West Phase 8 – South side of Shellard Lane and West of Conklin Road (599 Shellard Lane) [Financial Impact – None] (CD2018-107)

A. THAT Neighbourhood Plan Application NP-01-17, submitted by Armstrong Planning, on behalf of Empire Communities, affecting lands located on the south side of Shellard Lane, west of Conklin Road, directly west of Wyndfield Phases 5 and 6 and the Losani Draft Plan of Subdivision – File # 29T-16502, being Part of Phelps Tract, West of Mount Pleasant Road, Part of Clench Tract, Geographic Township of Brantford, City of Brantford, municipally addressed 599 Shellard Lane, BE APPROVED;

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B. THAT Zoning By-law Amendment Application PZ-10-17, submitted by Armstrong Planning, on behalf of Empire Communities, affecting lands located on the south side of Shellard Lane, west of Conklin Road, directly west of Wyndfield Phases 5 and 6 and the Losani Draft Plan of Subdivision – File # 29T-16502, being Part of Phelps Tract, West of Mount Pleasant Road, Part of Clench Tract, Geographic Township of Brantford, City of Brantford, municipally addressed 599 Shellard Lane, to change the zoning from “Holding - Residential Type 1A Zone (H-R1A)” to “Holding - Residential Type 1C - Exception XX Zone (H-R1C-XX)”, “Holding - Residential Type 1C - Exception 21 Zone (H-R1C-21)”, “Holding - Residential Type 1D - Exception XX Zone (H-R1D-XX)”, “Holding - Residential Type 1D - Exception 6 Zone (H-R1D-6)”, “Holding - Residential Medium Density Type A - Exception XX Zone (H-R4A-XX)”, “Holding - Residential Medium Density Type A - Exception YY Zone (H- R4A-YY)”, “Holding – Institutional School – Exception Zone (H-I2-XX)“, “Holding - Open Space Type 1 Zone (H-OS1)”, “Holding - Open Space Restricted Zone (H-OS3)”, and “Holding - Open Space Restricted Zone – Exception 5 (H-OS3-5)”, BE APPROVED in accordance with the applicable provisions as noted in Section 8.2 of Report CD2018-107;

C. THAT Draft Plan of Subdivision Application 29T-17505 submitted by Armstrong Planning, on behalf of Empire Communities, affecting lands located on the south side of Shellard Lane, west of Conklin Road, directly west of Wyndfield Phases 5 and 6 and the Losani Draft Plan of Subdivision – File # 29T-16502, being Part of Phelps Tract, West of Mount Pleasant Road, Part of Clench Tract, Geographic Township of Brantford, City of Brantford, municipally addressed 599 Shellard Lane, BE APPROVED, subject to the conditions included in Section 9.0 “Conditions of Draft Plan Approval” of Report CD2018-107;

D. THAT the “Holding (H)” provision on Blocks 79 - 87 (inclusive) not be removed until a Plan of Subdivision (Losani – File # 29T-16502) has been registered for the adjacent lands to the east, and the Blocks are merged;

E. THAT the By-law to remove the “Holding (H)” provision from the balance of the lands not be presented to Council for approval until a Subdivision Agreement has been entered into between the applicant and the City, and a storm water outlet has been constructed to the satisfaction of the City;

F. THAT Community Programs, Parks and Recreation and Community Development Staff BE DIRECTED to prepare a Joint Report addressing Parkland Dedication for all Phases of the Wyndfield West Subdivisions; and,

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G. THAT Pursuant to Sections 34(18) and 51(38) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13. the following statement SHALL BE INCLUDED in the Notices of Decision:

“Regard has been had for all written and oral submissions received from the public before the decision was made in relation to this planning matter, as discussed in Section 7.2 of Report CD2018- 107.”

3. Zoning By-law Amendment PZ-01-2018 for the lands at 396 Erie Avenue [Financial - Impact - None] (CD2018-106)

A. THAT Zoning By-law Amendment Application PZ-01-18, submitted by First Home Construction Inc., affecting lands located at 396 Erie Avenue, to change the zoning of these lands from “Flood – Residential Type 1B Zone (F-R1B)” to “Holding – Flood - Residential Medium Density Type A – Exception XX Zone (H-F-R4A-XX)” to permit nine townhouse dwellings, BE APPROVED in accordance with the applicable provisions as noted in Section 8.2 of Report CD2018-106.

B. THAT Pursuant to Section 34(18) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13. the following statement SHALL BE INCLUDED in the Notice of Decision:

“Regard has been had for all written and oral submissions received from the public before the decision was made in relation to this planning matter, as discussed in Section 7.2 and 8.3 of Report CD2018-106.”

C. THAT the By-law to remove the “Holding (H)” provision from the subject lands not be presented to Council for approval until the following provisions have been satisfied:

i. All servicing issues have been addressed to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Public Works, City of Brantford; and

ii. The applicant has provided a signed Site Plan Agreement to the City, along with all necessary securities.

4. 2019 Heritage Day Workshop – Request for Council Priorities Reserve Fund Support - [Financial Impact - $6,000] (CD2018-098)

A. THAT Report No. CD2018-098 regarding the hosting of the 2019 Heritage Day Workshop in Brantford BE RECEIVED; and

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B. THAT funding in the amount of up to $6,000 BE TRANSFERRED from the Council Priorities Reserve (RF0558) to the Economic Development and Tourism Department operating budget in 2019 to host the 2019 Heritage Day Workshop at the Sanderson Centre for the Performing Arts on Friday, February 15, 2019.

5. Building Construction Process Review Task Force - Next Steps

A. THAT Report CD2018-125 regarding an update to the Building Construction Process Review Task Force Report from September 22, 2014 BE RECEIVED; and

B. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to schedule a public meeting within the first quarter of 2019 to receive feedback from the local business and development community regarding the continuum of the City’s building construction process; and

C. THAT the Clerk BE DIRECTED to include the Building Construction Process Review Task Force as part of the list of Task Forces to be appointed during the 2018-2022 term of Council that will be considered by City Council at its Inaugural Meeting on December 3, 2018 so that the Task Force can meet in January 2019 to work with staff in the planning of the public meeting referenced in Clause B above.

6. 2018-19 Cultural and Built Heritage Funding Program Allocations and Amendments to the Cultural and Built Heritage Funding Program Terms of Eligibility Recommendations [Financial Impact - $238,117.17]

A. THAT Staff Report CD2018-093 regarding the 2018-19 Cultural and Built Heritage Funding Program applications BE RECEIVED; and

B. THAT funding BE AWARDED to the Brant Historical Society in the amount of up to $107,699.17 (less ineligible HST), contingent on providing proof of ownership, from the Cultural and Built Heritage Funding Program for “Roof and Electrical Repairs and Enhancement”; and

C. THAT the applicant ENTER into a Cultural and Built Heritage Funding Program Grant Agreement with The Corporation of the City of Brantford in a form to be approved by the City Solicitor or designate; and

D. THAT the General Manager, Community Development, EXECUTE the Grant Agreement in accordance with the Execution of Routine Documents By-law; and

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E. THAT funding BE AWARDED to Her Majesty’s Royal Chapel of the Mohawks in the amount of up to $30,418 (less ineligible HST) from the Cultural and Built Heritage Funding Program for “Restoration of Her Majesty’s Royal Chapel of the Mohawks Walk-Way”; and

F. THAT the applicant ENTER into a Cultural and Built Heritage Funding Program Grant Agreement with The Corporation of the City of Brantford in a form to be approved by the City Solicitor or designate; and

G. THAT the General Manager, Community Development, EXECUTE the Grant Agreement in accordance with the Execution of Routine Documents By-law; and

H. THAT funding BE AWARDED to the Woodland Cultural Centre in the amount of up to $100,000 (less ineligible HST) from the Cultural and Built Heritage Funding Program for “Save the Evidence Phase Two Rear Roof Project”; and

I. THAT the applicant ENTER into a Cultural and Built Heritage Funding Program Grant Agreement with The Corporation of the City of Brantford in a form to be approved by the City Solicitor or designate; and

J. THAT the General Manager, Community Development, EXECUTE the Grant Agreement in accordance with the Execution of Routine Documents By-law; and

K. THAT the amended Granting Eligibility Criteria for the Cultural and Built Heritage Funding Program BE APPROVED.

7. 2018 Brownfields Community Advisory Committee Update: Brantford Brownfields Discovery Tour Promotion [Financial Impact: $5,000]

A. THAT Council BE ADVISED that the Brownfields Community Advisory Committee, in consultation with City Staff, have developed the self-guided Brantford Brownfields Discovery Tour, which is a tool used to help educate the general public, developers and investors about the City of Brantford’s successful brownfield projects and the benefits of brownfield remediation and redevelopment; and

B. THAT the Brantford Brownfields Discovery Tour BE FUNDED from the Brownfields Community Advisory Committee’s annual budget of $5,000.

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8. Downtown Brantford Design, Façade and Business Performance Grants for 143 Wellington Street [Financial Impact - $50,705 funded from the Downtown Reinvestment Program Reserve RF0505] (CD2018-124)

A. THAT the following applications of the Society of St. Vincent De Paul, Particular Council of Brant for the Downtown Brantford Incentive Programs in the total value of $50,705 for 143 Wellington Street BE APPROVED, conditional upon the Society of St. Vincent De Paul, Particular Council of Brant providing proof, satisfactory to the City Solicitor, of their ownership of the property located at 143 Wellington Street: a. Design Grant valued at $2,000; b. Façade Grant, valued at $7,500 and c. Business Performance Grant, valued at $41,205;

B. THAT the Design Grant, Facade Grant, and Business Performance Grant in the total value of $50,705 BE FUNDED from the Downtown Reinvestment Program Reserve (RF0505); and

C. THAT the Clerk BE DIRECTED to place the required Business Performance Grant Agreement between The Corporation of the City of Brantford and Society of St. Vincent De Paul, Particular Council of Brant on a Council Signing By-law for execution by the Mayor and Clerk.

Social Services Committee Report #2018-09-05

1. Homelessness System Review and Proposed Recommendations [Financial Impact: Approximately $120,000 for 2019 transition costs to be funded from the Homelessness Operating Budget and the Social Housing Homelessness Reserve Fund 477] (HHS2018-036)

A. THAT Report HHS2018-036 Shelter System Review and the Review of the Homeless Shelter and Housing with Supports System in the City of Brantford completed by OrgCode Consulting Inc. attached as Appendix 1 of this report BE RECEIVED; and

B. THAT Council APPROVE the Shelter Services Transition Plan attached as Appendix 3 of Report HHS2018-36; and

C. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED report back to Social Services Committee at the May 1st, 2019 meeting to provide an update on the Shelter Services Transition Plan; and

D. THAT Council APPROVE the single source procurement, pursuant to Section 4.02 (g) of the purchasing policy, for a 20 bed co-ed low barrier high acuity emergency shelter from Rosewood House to commence January 1, 2020 at the upset limit of $477,000 (excluding HST). City Council Page 38 MINUTES September 18, 2018

2. Update on the Cancellation of the Ontario Basic Income Pilot (HHS2018- 037)

THAT the following BE APPROVED:

THAT Report HHS2018-037 regarding the cancellation of the Basic Income Pilot BE RECEIVED.

THAT the following NOT BE APPROVED:

THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to prepare a letter to the Ministry expressing concerns with the early cancellation of the pilot; requesting that the Ministry continue funding the pilot for the remainder of the pre-determined length of 3 years.

3. To provide Council with an update on the cancellation of the Social Housing Apartment Improvement Program (SHAIP) for Housing Providers and the Local Housing Corporation [Financial Impact – $2,944,215] (HHS2018-034)

THAT the Social Housing Apartment Improvement Program (SHAIP) Cancellation Update Report HHS2018-034 BE RECEIVED.

Finance Report #2018-09-05B

1. Amend Fees and Charges By-law 188-2017 – Early Approval of 2019 Fees [Financial Impact - $713,428] (CS2018-085)

A. THAT Report CS2018-085 regarding Amendments to Fees and Charges By-law 188-2017 for early approval of 2019 fees BE RECEIVED; and

B. THAT amendments to Fees and Charges By-law 188-2017 to provide early approval of certain 2019 Fees as referenced in Report CS2018-085 BE APPROVED; and

C. THAT a By-law to amend Fees and Charges By-law 188-2017 in order to provide early approval of certain 2019 Fees BE PRESENTED to City Council for adoption at the regular Council Meeting on September 18, 2018.

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2. Authorization to Apply to Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (OILC) for Long-term Financing for the Sydenham Pearl Brownfield Remediation Project [Financial Impact – $4,657,805.00] (CS2018-086)

A. THAT Report No.CS2018-086, regarding Authorization to Apply to Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (OILC) for Long-term Financing for the Sydenham Pearl Brownfield Remediation Project BE RECEIVED; and

B. THAT a By-law to authorize an Application to Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (OILC) for Long-term Financing in the amount of $4,657,805.00 for the Sydenham Pearl Brownfield Remediation Project BE PRESENTED to City Council for adoption.

3. Update on Outstanding Capital Projects - Community Programs, Parks and Recreation [Financial Impact – $211,341 return to reserve/reserve funds] (Report CS2018-092)

Clauses A, C and D were APPROVED:

A. THAT report CS2018-092 regarding outstanding capital projects BE RECEIVED; and

C. THAT $100,000 from Capital Project PK1702 – Mohawk Park Bandshell Replacement BE RETURNED to the Capital Funding Envelope Reserve (RF0556) and the project BE CLOSED; and

D. THAT $70,000 from Capital Project PK1712 – Multi Use Pad Replacement BE RETURNED to the Parks and Recreation Facilities Reserve (RF0494) and the project BE CLOSED.

Clause B was REFERRED to the Estimates Committee:

B. THAT $41,341 from Capital Project PK1514 – Community Gardens BE RETURNED to the Council Priorities Reserve (RF0558) and the project BE CLOSED and $25,000 BE INCLUDED in the 2019 base budget for Community Gardens.

4. Capacities on Designated Public Institutions [Financial Impact $10,275] (CS2018-094)

A. THAT Report CS2018-094 Capacities on Designated Public Institutions BE RECEIVED; and

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B. THAT the by-law to levy taxes on these designated public institutions BE PRESENTED to Council for adoption; and

C. THAT the City of Brantford once again request the Provincial Government to increase the Heads and Beds levy to a rate more reflective of the actual costs of providing municipal services and that any revised levy rate include an automatic annual adjustment for inflation; and

D. THAT a copy of this resolution BE FORWARDED to the Minister of Finance, the MPP Brantford-Brant, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), the Leaders of the Official Opposition and representatives of Laurier Brantford.

5. Update on the Application to the Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (OILC) for Long-term Financing for the City’s Cost of Acquiring 58-70 Dalhousie Street for a New City Administration Facility [Financial Impact – ($5,850,000.00] (CS2018-097)

A. THAT Report No.CS2018-097, regarding an update on the application to the Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (OILC) for long-term financing for the City’s Cost of Acquiring 58-70 Dalhousie Street for a New City Administration Facility BE RECEIVED; and

B. THAT a By-law to authorize the issuing of debentures on October 1, 2018, in the amount of $5,850,000 BE PRESENTED to Council for adoption on September 18, 2018.

6. 2018 Quarterly Variance Report [Financial Impact – $904,940 forecasted deficit] (CS2018-090)

A. THAT Report CS2018-090 regarding 2018 Quarterly Variance reporting BE RECEIVED, and

B. THAT a minimum balance of $1,000,000 BE MAINTAINED in the Corporate Contingency Reserve in the event that a deficit is experienced in 2018.

7. Information Report - 2019 Police Fees and Charges [Financial Impact - None] (CS2018-087)

THAT Report CS2018-087 regarding 2019 Police Fees and Charges BE RECEIVED.

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8. Quarterly Reserve & Reserve Fund Report [Financial Impact – $0 net impact] (CS2018-089)

THAT Report No. CS2018-089, which provides a quarterly update on the City’s Reserve and Reserve Funds, BE RECEIVED.

9. 2nd Quarter Casino Report [Financial Impact–$1,588,614 received from OLG] (Report CS2018-093)

THAT the 2018 2nd Quarter Casino Report No. CS2018-093 BE RECEIVED.

10. 2018 Semi-Annual Investment Report [Financial Impact – $0] (CS2018-096)

THAT Report No. CS2018-096 regarding the 2018 Semi-Annual Investment Reporting BE RECEIVED.

11. Quarterly Status Report of Contracts Awarded [Financial Impact – None] (CS2018-098)

THAT Report CS2018-098 titled “Quarterly Status Report of Contracts Awarded” for the period of April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 BE RECEIVED.

Committee of the Whole – Operations and Administration Report #2018-09-11

1. Graduate Brantford Strategy [Financial Impact: None] (HHS2018-038)

A. THAT Report HHS2018-038 Graduate Brantford Strategy BE RECEIVED; and

B. THAT a Graduate Brantford Task Force BE ESTABLISHED for a period of twelve months to guide the implementation of strategy recommendations; and

C. THAT the composition of the Graduate Brantford Task Force be comprised of representatives from the following community organizations or groups:

• Mayor (Ex-officio on all taskforces of Council) • Two Members of Brantford City Council • Brantford/Brant Best Start Network • Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board • Brantford Public Library City Council Page 42 MINUTES September 18, 2018

• Brant Skills Centre • Chamber of Commerce Brantford-Brant • Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning • Contact North • Grand Erie District School Board • Grand Valley Education Society • Kids Can Fly • Niagara Peninsula Aboriginal Area Management Board • Six Nations Polytechnic • Skilled Trades Alliance • Wilfrid Laurier University – Brantford Campus • Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie

2. Traffic Report Park Avenue – Accessible Parking Zone [Financial Implication – $100 from Operational Services Operating Budget] Port Street – Accessible Parking Zone [Financial Implication – $100 from Operational Services Operating Budget] Traffic By-law 37-83 Schedule “3” – Housekeeping Item [Financial Implication – None] (PW2018-049)

A. Park Avenue – Accessible Parking Zone

1. THAT the accessible parking space BE REPEALED on Park Avenue in front of 60 Park Avenue; and

2. THAT Schedule “26” of Parking By-law 144-88 which pertains to “Accessible Zone” BE AMENDED as outlined in Appendix “A” of Traffic Report No. PW2018-049 dated September 11, 2018.

B. Port Street – Accessible Parking Zone

1. THAT the accessible parking space BE REPEALED on Port Street in front of 53 Port Street; and

2. THAT Schedule “26” of Parking By-law 144-88 which pertains to “Accessible Zone” BE AMENDED as outlined in Appendix “B” of Traffic Report No. PW2018-049 dated September 11, 2018.

C. Traffic By-law 37-83 Schedule “3” – Housekeeping Item

1. THAT Schedule “3” of Traffic By-law 37-83 which pertains to “Traffic Control Signals” BE AMENDED as outlined in Appendix “C” of Traffic Report No. PW2018-049 dated September 11, 2018.

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3. Greyhound Canada Transportation ULC Agreement Amendment [Financial Impact – $21,000] (PW2018 051)

THAT the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute an Amendment to the Agreement between the City of Brantford and Greyhound Canada Transportation ULC for the provision of services related to the sale of tickets and handling parcels.

4. Brantford Food Forest [Financial Impact - none] (CPREC2018-024) (Deferral from July 24, 2018 City Council Meeting)

A. THAT Staff report CPREC2018-024 Brantford Food Forest, BE RECEIVED; and

B. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to conduct a public information centre (PIC) regarding the potential for construction of a food forest in Parson’s Park and report back on the outcome of the public information centre (PIC); and

C. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to work with the Food Forest Naturally Connected group to develop a budget estimate for the purposes of establishing a fundraising goal for the Food Forest Group to achieve prior to the commencement of a project; and

D. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to review and approve the proposed Food Forest design and maintenance plan for Parson’s Park should the public consultation show support for this location; and

E. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to develop a Food Forest Policy and License Agreement for future consideration by City Council.

5. New Hospital Working Group Approved Terms of Reference and Action Plan

A. THAT the New Hospital Working Group Report BE RECEIVED; and

B. THAT the New Hospital Working Group Terms of Reference which outline the short-term and long-term goals, objectives and actions to support immediate capital improvements to the Brant Community Healthcare System and the construction of a new hospital to better serve acute hospital needs within the region BE APPROVED.

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6. Paramedic Services Governance Agreement – County of Brant / City of Brantford [Financial Impact – None] (CAO2018-006)

A. THAT Report CAO2018-006 entitled Paramedic Services Governance Agreement - County of Brant / City of Brantford BE RECEIVED; and

B. THAT The Corporation of the City of Brantford (the “City”) ENTER into an Agreement with The Corporation of the County of Brant (the “County”) regarding the governance of Paramedic Services in the City and County effective December 1, 2018; and

C. THAT the Clerk BE DIRECTED to:

i. place the necessary Agreement, which also amends the existing Cost Sharing Agreement between the City and County, on a Signing By-law for execution by the Mayor and Clerk; and

ii. include the new Paramedic Services Committee on the list of Committees to which Members of City Council are appointed for the next and subsequent terms of Council.

7. Crossing All Bridges Learning Centre

WHEREAS Crossing All Bridges Learning Centre was established in 2003 and was founded by four local, visionary mothers who wanted their adult children living with developmental disabilities to have opportunities and choices that any other child would have after exiting the public school system; and

WHEREAS Crossing All Bridges Learning Centre is a vital learning centre for a large number of individuals living with developmental disabilities in our community, and continues to grow; and

WHEREAS Crossing All Bridges Learning Centre launched Shredding Barriers, a social enterprise business that provides a safe and secure document shredding services which employs 13 adults living with developmental delays in 2016; and

WHEREAS Crossing All Bridges Learning Centre has always operated in rented facilities until recently acquiring the former St. Bernard’s School at 65 Sky Acres Drive as the permanent home of Crossing All Bridges and Shredding Barriers to facilitate the expansion and enhancement of the existing programs; and

WHEREAS Crossing All Bridges Learning Centre has a goal of raising $2.5 million dollars through their “Connections Campaign” to ensure that adults living with developmental disabilities in our community live their lives to the fullest, creating a future with hope and purpose; and

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WHEREAS Crossing All Bridges Learning Centre has requested a contribution of $350,000 over a period of three years (2018 – 2020) from the City of Brantford to help reach their fundraising goal;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Brantford make a three- year contribution as follows: $150,000 in year 1, $100,000 in year 2 and $100,000 in year 3 from the Community Groups Reserve (RF0569) to Crossing All Bridges Learning Centre on behalf of the citizens of Brantford.

8. Bill C-312 to support a National Cycling Strategy

WHEREAS cycling can be performed by all Canadians regardless of age or ability in most weather conditions; and

WHEREAS riding a bike is healthy, fun and a low impact form of exercise for all ages; and

WHEREAS cycling is an easy means of fitting activity into your daily routine by riding to shops, parks, trails, school and work; and

WHEREAS cycling is a wonderful way for Canadians to integrate healthy exercise into their daily routines while lowering and greenhouse gas emissions; and

WHEREAS cycling can improve mental well-being, strength, stamina and aerobic fitness, and promotes weight loss; and

WHEREAS cycling is an easy means of interacting with the outdoors and promotes the preservation of the environment and the promotion of local tourism;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Corporation of the City of Brantford provide a letter of support to MP Gord Johns, the Honourable Marc Garneau, Minister of Transportation, and the Honourable Catherine McKenna, Minister of Environment encouraging the passage and implementation of Bill C-312 regarding the establishment of a National Cycling Strategy.

9. Motion to License Payday Loan Establishments

WHEREAS sections 9, 10, 11, and 151 of the Municipal Act, 2001 permit municipalities to provide for a system of licences with respect to a business and further permit municipalities to impose conditions as a requirement of obtaining, continuing to hold, or receiving a business licence; and

WHEREAS The Corporation of the City of Brantford (the “City”) licenses certain businesses pursuant to Chapter 326 of the City of Brantford Municipal Code; and City Council Page 46 MINUTES September 18, 2018

WHEREAS the City has experienced the proliferation of payday loan establishments in the City of Brantford over the past few years; and

WHEREAS the Province of Ontario has instituted changes to the Provincial legislation – the Payday Loans Act, 2008 and the Municipal Act, 2001 – which grants new powers to Ontario municipalities to regulate the placement of payday loan stores within the municipality’s jurisdiction; and

WHEREAS section 154.1(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 permits municipalities to regulate the location and number of payday loan establishments within the municipality; and

WHEREAS section 34 of the Planning Act permits municipalities to establish by- laws for the regulation of properties through zoning by-laws; and

WHEREAS the regulation of payday loan establishments by the City will provide important consumer protection for the public;

NOW THEREFORE, The Corporation of the City of Brantford hereby resolves as follows:

A. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to report back to Council with respect to potential amendments to the City of Brantford Zoning By-law 160-90 to regulate the location of payday loan establishments in the City of Brantford, including minimum separation distances between payday loan establishments and minimum separation distances from various sensitive land uses, including, without limitation:

i. social service locations; ii. methadone clinics; iii. group homes; iv. schools; and v. halfway houses; and

B. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to report back to Council with potential amendments to Chapter 326 of the City of Brantford Municipal Code to add a schedule to license payday loan establishments, and to include in said schedule a cap on the number of payday loan establishments permitted in the City of Brantford; and

C. THAT the Mandate of the Healthy Brantford Task Force BE AMENDED to include the investigation of and research into the possibility of working with credit unions and other social agencies to investigate more affordable and sustainable lending alternatives for those currently dependent on short term lending or in need of access to short term loans; and

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D. THAT Staff correspond with Willem Bouma, MPP, regarding the introduction of a Bill to amend the Payday Loans Act to reduce the consumer borrowing interest rate.

10. Parking Restrictions on Emilie Street

WHEREAS on-street parking on Emilie Street between Superior Street and Mohawk Street has a 2-hour restricted time limit from 8 am to 6 pm Monday through Friday; and

WHEREAS requests have been received to remove the 2-hour restriction on Emilie Street; and

WHEREAS the circumstances that lead to the 2-hour restriction have changed; and

WHEREAS the street has sufficient width to support parking on one side of the street for 2-way traffic, emergency response, street maintenance, and driveway access; and

WHEREAS there is more parking space on the south side of the street; and

WHEREAS there is an existing accessible parking zone on the north side of Emilie Street between Gordon Street and Webling Street; and

WHEREAS there is an inquiry for another accessible parking zone on the south side of Emilie Street between Webling Street and Mohawk Street;


A. THAT the 2 hour restricted time limit parking BE REPEALED on Emilie Street from Superior Street to Mohawk Street; and

B. THAT on-street parking BE PERMITTED on the south side of Emilie Street and be restricted on the north side of Emilie Street between Superior Street and Gordon Street; and

C. THAT on-street parking BE PERMITTED on the north side of Emilie Street and be restricted on the south side of Emilie Street between Gordon Street and Webling Street; and

D. THAT on-street parking BE PERMITTED on the south side of Emilie Street and be restricted on the north side of Emilie Street between Webling Street and Mohawk Street; and

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E. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to bring necessary By-law amendments for adoption at City Council to give effect to this resolution.

11. On Street Parking of Powell Road

WHEREAS the approved parking control plan for the Wyndfield West Subdivision Phases 3 and 4 provides one parking space for every 2 residences; and

WHEREAS the last amendments to the Parking By-law for Powell Road south of Gillespie Drive were adopted by City Council in September 2014; and

WHEREAS the approved parking control plan provides 46 parking spaces for the 29 homes on this section of Powell Road; and

WHEREAS Ward 1 Councillors have recently received requests for parking on the west side of Powell Road;


A. THAT Staff, in consultation with the Ward 1 Councillors, undertake a review of the parking allocations on Powell Road south of Gillespie Drive and report back to Council regarding the potential addition of on-street parking on the west side of Powell Road; and

B. THAT as part of this review, staff consult with City Emergency Services, Operational Services and the affected residents on the street.

12. Cecil Avenue Parking

WHEREAS a request has been received to permit on-street parking on the east side of Cecil Avenue between Wayne Drive and Norman Street; and

WHEREAS on-street parking on Cecil Avenue between Wayne Drive and Norman Street is currently restricted from 8 am to 6 pm Monday Through Saturday; and

WHEREAS the original circumstances leading to the parking restrictions have changed; and

WHEREAS the street has sufficient width to support parking on one side of the street for 2-way traffic, emergency response, street maintenance, and driveway access;

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A. THAT on-street parking BE PERMITTED on the east side of Cecil Avenue and be restricted on the west side of Cecil Avenue between Wayne Drive and Norman Street; and

B. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to bring necessary By-law amendments for adoption at City Council to give effect to this resolution.

13. Brant Waterways Foundation Initiative – Trail Improvement and River Access

WHEREAS the Brant Waterways Foundation was established in 1988 as a local organization whose sole focus was the Grand River watershed in Brantford/Brant; and

WHEREAS the Brant Waterways Foundation seeks to preserve and improve the waterways and adjacent lands and thereby enhance the quality of all life in Brant County; and

WHEREAS the Brant Waterways Foundation provides funding assistance for projects that preserve, protect, restore and improve the natural resources of the Grand River, encourages and fosters understanding and awareness of the natural and heritage values of the water resources, promotes and assists projects which provide public amenities related to such water resources, and assists in the provision of health and recreational programs and facilities related to waterways; and

WHEREAS Brant Waterways Foundation has a 30 year history of being a successful project proponent as well as a partner with municipal governments, Six Nations and community groups; and

WHEREAS Brant Waterways wants to ensure investments in the Trans Canada Trail, contributions to the canoe portage at Wilkes Dam, fish habitat and trail development at D’ Aubigny Creek, the Cockshutt Bridge River Access, the Yorkshire Access Ramp, the LE & N Trail Development, the New Forest in the City and Waterworks Bike Park are protected and maintained while also developing a comprehensive plan in partnership; and

WHEREAS Brant Waterways developed the Trail Improvement and River Access (TIRA) Project with a vision to aid in the development of healthy communities through connections to world-class outdoor recreation opportunities that respect the natural ecosystems and promote their conservation; and

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WHEREAS TIRA is designed to accelerate the development of trail improvements and Grand River access projects in Brantford/Brant/Six Nations through a Capital Campaign to raise 1 million dollars;


A. THAT Council APPROVE the Brant Waterways Foundation initiative known as TIRA, in principle; and

B. THAT Council DIRECT City Staff to work with and support Brant Waterway’s goal and to continue to work together to improve and preserve our natural amenities for the benefit of our environment, culture, economy and health of our citizens.

14. Donation of Baseball Diamond Backscreen

WHEREAS the City of Brantford recently acquired the former Fairview School on Fairview Drive; and

WHEREAS the property will be used for the relocation of Fire Station #2; and

WHEREAS the property currently includes a baseball diamond with backscreen; and

WHEREAS the City of Brantford does not have any use for the backscreen although it is in good repair;


A. THAT the baseball diamond backscreen BE DONATED to Brantford Minor Softball; and

B. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to work with Brantford Minor Softball to relocate the backscreen.

15. Cooling Centres

WHEREAS according to The Weather Network the summer of 2018 had 15 days reach over 30C; and

WHEREAS nine heat warnings have been issued by the Brant County Health Unit since late May; and

WHEREAS many residents do not have air conditioning; and

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WHEREAS not all residents can access air conditioned spaces during extreme heat events;


A. THAT Staff BE DIRECTED to develop a plan and bring a report back to Council outlining costs and options for creating additional cooling centres for the summer of 2019 that are centrally located and accessible for the public; and

B. THAT staff BE DIRECTED to work with the Brant County Health Unit, local businesses and service providers to develop this plan.

16. Erie Avenue Road Repair

WHEREAS Erie Avenue north of Birkett Lane is very bumpy from previous development related, service cuts to the road; and

WHEREAS service charges were collected from the developer; and

WHEREAS the benefits went to the developer, but the ongoing irritation from faulty repairs continues to affect hundreds of vehicle drivers every day; and

WHEREAS the condition affects a major entrance to the city, and Public Works has known about this problem for years;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Brantford City Council DIRECT staff to repair this section of Erie Avenue as soon as possible, and at the very least, before the end of this term of City Council, and the estimated cost of $40,000 be funded from the Council Priorities Reserve.

17. Enhanced 2018 Remembrance Day Events

WHEREAS the First World War (1914-1918) took a huge human toll on our three communities – Brantford, Brant County and Six Nations; and

WHEREAS our communities made enormous contributions in both human and material resources; and

WHEREAS it can be argued that we had the highest rate of enlistment per capita in the entire Dominion; and

WHEREAS 2018 marks the centenary of the end of World War I;

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A. THAT the City of Brantford RECOGNIZE these contributions with enhanced commemoration events surrounding the traditional Remembrance Day Service this year at an upset limit of $10,000 funded through the Council Priorities Reserve with any unused funds being directed for use to recognize the 60 plus soldiers missing from the Cenotaph upon return of the Field Howitzer Cannon; and

B. THAT the Council of the City of Brantford SUPPORT the Battles Over Program and the Bells of Peace initiatives suggested by the Canadian Legion and those being launched in the United Kingdom in the City of Brantford; and

C. THAT representatives from the Great War Centenary Association of Brantford, Brant County and Six Nations BE INVITED to attend the 2018 Remembrance Day Planning Committee meeting on Wednesday, September 19, 2018 to meet with area veterans associations and municipal staff to include the above-noted components as part of the 2018 Remembrance Day activities; and

D. THAT City Staff BE DIRECTED to support the enhanced Remembrance Day Events as necessary, including but not limited to, review and implementation of road closures, administering an advertisement campaign, and implementation of the street-light pole banners.

18. Recognizing Roger Chandler

WHEREAS on August 3rd, 2018, in his 72nd year, Roger Chandler passed away; and

WHEREAS Roger Chandler was an avid supporter of our river, streams and tributaries; and

WHEREAS Roger Chandler was always involved with the annual river clean up; and

WHEREAS Roger Chandler visited Shallow Creek Park on most mornings while walking his dog; and

WHEREAS Roger picked up the litter he found in this park; and

WHEREAS the City has made some amenities to the park; and

WHEREAS our Parks and Recreation Department has the perfect location where they intend to install a bench; City Council Page 53 MINUTES September 18, 2018


A. THAT the Council of The Corporation of the City of Brantford install a large caliber tree with a rock and plaque recognizing Roger Chandler’s contributions to our City and this park; and

B. THAT the cost of up to 1200 dollars be provided from the Council Priorities Reserve.

19. Brantford Food Charter

WHEREAS the Government of Canada has formally endorsed the right of every individual to have food security, which means that everyone has access to enough safe and nutritious food to stay healthy and have energy for daily life; and

WHEREAS governments at all levels have recognized the need for food systems planning, and the need to establish principles to govern decisions regarding food production, distribution, access, consumption and waste management; and

WHEREAS Community Food Security is a comprehensive approach that integrates all components of the food system, from producers to consumers, which emphasizes the health of both the environment and local economies and promotes regional food self-reliance; and

WHEREAS a sustainable local food system promotes social justice, population health, and reflects and sustains local culture and environment; and

WHEREAS a resilient and diverse local food system must be inclusive, healthy, equitable, and sustainable;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Brantford adopts the following principles as the foundation of a comprehensive food security framework for research, planning and policy and program development:

A. Individual and Community Health and Well-Being

Recognizing that healthy and nutritious food contributes to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being; and

B. Equity and Dignity for All

• The right to safe, nutritious, culturally appropriate, and affordable food for all. • Accessing healthy food with dignity; and City Council Page 54 MINUTES September 18, 2018

C. Local Food Production

• Supporting local farmers and local food processing companies in an economically and environmentally sustainable manner. • Ensuring local farming and food production continues to be a viable way of life for future generations; and

D. Environmental Sustainability

• Protecting water, soil, agricultural land, and ecosystems using environmentally sustainable farming methods. • Decreasing the amount of food waste at all levels of the food system; and

E. Education and Skills

• Having the knowledge, skills, and confidence to select, grow, and prepare foods in a way that supports overall well-being. • Understanding the path that food takes as part of the food system and our connections to it.