Eur Biophys J (2015) 44:613–621 DOI 10.1007/s00249-015-1054-5


Fractal model of anomalous

Lech Gmachowski1

Received: 15 February 2015 / Revised: 24 April 2015 / Accepted: 9 June 2015 / Published online: 1 July 2015 © The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at

Abstract An equation of motion is derived from frac- V0 Mean velocity of the particle or molecule (μm/s) tal analysis of the Brownian particle trajectory in which v0 Mean velocity of the particle or molecule in two the asymptotic dimension of the trajectory has a dimensions (μm/s) required value. The formula makes it possible to calculate 〈r2〉 Mean square displacement of the particle or mol- the time dependence of the mean square displacement for ecule position in two dimensions (μm2) both short and long periods when the molecule diffuses 〈R2〉 Mean square displacement of the particle or mol- anomalously. The anomalous diffusion which occurs after ecule position in three dimensions (μm2) long periods is characterized by two variables, the trans- 〈x2〉 Mean square displacement of the particle or mol- port coefficient and the anomalous diffusion exponent. An ecule position in one dimension (μm2) explicit formula is derived for the transport coefficient, α Anomalous diffusion exponent (–) which is related to the diffusion constant, as dependent on Γ Transport coefficient (μm2/sα) the Brownian step time, and the anomalous diffusion expo- λ Particle or molecule mean free path in two dimen- nent. The model makes it possible to deduce anomalous sions (μm) diffusion properties from experimental data obtained even Λ Particle or molecule mean free path in three dimen- for short time periods and to estimate the transport coef- sions (μm) ficient in systems for which the diffusion behavior has been τ Brownian step time (s) investigated. The results were confirmed for both sub and super-diffusion. Introduction Keywords Contracted or expanded Brownian trajectory · Supported lipid bilayer · Membrane structure · Obstacles to In the interior of biological cells molecules and organelles diffusion · Lipid molecules are immersed in a very crowded aqueous environment which results in specific molecular mobility. Molecule tra- List of symbols jectories in cells are described by competing motion mod- D Diffusion coefficient μ( m2/s) els which give the time dependences of the mean square of

Dw Differential fractal dimension (–) particle displacement, including free diffusion, anomalous L Trajectory length (μm) diffusion, confined diffusion, and flow or directed motion s Scale of observation (μm) which may result from molecular motor-driven transport. t Time (s) The three diffusive models can occur with directed motion, yielding more complex motion modeled by linear combina- tions of the dependences (Saxton and Jacobson 1997). The * Lech Gmachowski motion of a molecule can be classified by using a method [email protected] based on Bayesian inference to calculate the a-posteriori 1 Institute of Chemistry, Warsaw University of Technology, probability of an observed trajectory on the basis of one of 09‑400 Plock, Poland the models (Monnier et al. 2012). One of the mechanisms

1 3 614 Eur Biophys J (2015) 44:613–621 selected may be anomalous diffusion for which a single that Lévy flights generate super-diffusion. However other molecule trajectory, instead of being the of mechanisms, for example fractional , can the fractal dimension D 2, is either stretched (super-dif- also lead to it (Viswanathan et al. 2008). w = fusion, Dw < 2) or contracted (sub-diffusion, Dw > 2) (Ben- A moving particle or molecule follows linear segments. Avraham and Havlin 2000). For D 1 the motion of the For a very short time the particle travels along the same w = molecule is ballistic. segment and its movement can be regarded as ballistic Several stochastic processes lead to anomalous diffu- (Caspi et al. 2002; Kneller 2011; Wu and Libchaber 2000), sion; these include the continuous-time random walk, frac- for which the fractal dimension D 1. The fractal dimen- w = tional Brownian motion, and Lévy flights and walks. The sion then increases to achieve the asymptotic value after a continuous-time random walk is a stochastic jump pro- very long time. Suppose that the movement can be regarded cess in which random times occur between particle jumps as Brownian, along a trajectory for which the fractal dimen- with arbitrary distributions of jump lengths (Burioni et al. sion is two. Spatial restriction in one direction, however, 2014). Fractional Brownian motion is a symmetric Gauss- can retard the motion of the molecule. Wieser et al. (2007) ian process for which the second moment scales as a power showed equal mobility in the longitudinal and transverse of time (Jeon and Metzler 2010). Lévy flight (Viswanathan directions for diffusing in cellular nanotubes with et al. 2008) is a random walk with a step-lengths probabil- saturation of the mean square displacement with time in ity distribution that is heavy-tailed, so the trajectory of the the perpendicular direction. The measured diffusion coef- molecule contains occasional very long steps. In the Lévy ficient in cellular nanotubules is lower than for unrestricted walk the time to make a step is proportional to its length. environment, and can be estimated by considering confined In cell membranes, anomalous diffusion is probably the mobility phenomenon as early-stage Brownian motion result of both obstacles to diffusion and traps with a dis- (Gmachowski 2014). tribution of binding energies or escape times (Saxton and In sub-diffusion the mechanism is different. The mean Jacobson 1997). Several detailed mechanisms were con- square displacement increases with time but not linearly, sidered by Skaug et al. (2011) as the source of observed as observed for ordinary diffusion. This is a common prop- sub-diffusion: obstruction by the membrane skeleton and erty of all anomalous diffusion phenomena. The particle its bound proteins (Ritchie et al. 2003), inclusion or exclu- or molecule asymptotic trajectory is characterized by two sion from lipid domains (Dietrich et al. 2002), binding to variables, the transport coefficient Γ and the anomalous dif- immobile traps (Saxton 2007), or a combination of these fusion exponent α. The mean square displacement of the (Nicolau et al. 2007). particle or molecule position in two dimensions, detected in Sub-diffusion can be regarded as a result of coexistence experiments with long time periods, is: of normal transport, in time periods in which a particle or molecule locally diffuses freely, and no effective transport, 2 when the object is temporarily trapped as a result of geo- r 4Γ tα (1) = metrical complexity and interactions with the environment.  The mean square displacement observed may, after smooth- It seems promising to describe the trajectory of a mole- ing, be described by a power-law dependence of time. This cule by use of a modification of the scale-dependent fractal problem has been extensively studied (Burada et al. 2009; dimension method introduced by Takayasu (1982), origi- Condamin et al. 2008; Goychuk et al. 2014; Santamaria nally for describing the transition of the trajectory fractal et al. 2006). Spatial restriction retards the motion of the dimension from unity for the small scale to two for large molecule so the mean square displacement is smaller than scales. In the model proposed in this paper, the asymptotic for an unrestricted environment. The time taken to achieve fractal dimension of the trajectory of a molecule character- a given diffusion distance is longer. Anomalous diffusion izing its long-term motion can be adjusted. has been widely observed in the plasma membrane of bio- logical cells, and has been used to investigate membrane organization. Sub-diffusion has been proposed as an indi- Model cator of macromolecular crowding in the (Weiss et al. 2004). Let us analyze the fractal dimension of the random walk Super-diffusion is faster than normal diffusion. As ana- particle trajectory. The fractal dimension for a trajectory lyzed by Stauffer et al. (2007), super-diffusion is theoreti- in fully developed Brownian motion is 2. If we consider a cally possible in molecularly crowded environments. In random walk whose mean free path is not negligible, the biological systems, it can be the result of cellular trans- trajectory can be characterized by a scale-dependent frac- port processes and is observed if the diffusion is directed tal dimension. Observing on a scale much shorter than by a motor (Goychuk et al. 2014). It is believed the mean free path, one finds the trajectory is nearly a

1 3 Eur Biophys J (2015) 44:613–621 615 line (Kneller 2011). Otherwise, the random walk can be r 1 D reduced to the Brownian motion when analyzed on a suf- L(0) = 1 r w 1 kΛ − (6) ficiently large scale (Bujan-Nunˇez1998 ; Matsuura et al. + 1986; Rapaport 1984, 1985; Takayasu 1990). L(0) is the trajectory contour length equal to the sum of The scale (s)-dependent fractal dimension for a random the line segment lengths. The particle or molecule moves walk trajectory, given in a general form for three-dimen- along a segment with a constant velocity V0. So the contour sional space (Bujan-Nunˇez 1998), is: length can be calculated as the product of the time t and the 1 mean velocity of the particle. Hence: Dw(s) 2 (2) = − 1 s/kΛ 1 r r + τ r Dw 1 V t t (7) where k is a proportionality constant, being a fitting term, 1 − = 0 = Λ + kΛ and Λ is the particle mean free path. Accordingly, Dw (s) varies between 1 if s/kΛ 0 and 2 if s/kΛ . The in which the mean velocity of the particle is replaced by the → →∞ larger the scale of observation, the closer is the random mean free path of diffusing particle divided by the charac- motion to Brownian motion. teristic time, the Brownian step time: The first term on the right side of Eq. (2) is the asymp- V0 Λ/τ (8) totic fractal dimension for the Brownian trajectory. On the = very small scale of observation the fractal dimension is The relationship obtained is: unity, because the denominator of the second term is unity r r Dw 1 t − Dw 1 and then increases, approaching its asymptotic value when k k − (9) Λ + Λ = · τ the denominator of the second term tends to infinity. The  R2 first term is thus Dw, the asymptotic value of the trajectory Then, replacing r by one obtains the formula valid fractal dimension, and the initial value of the fraction is for three-dimensional space:   Dw 1. This imposes the form of the generalized formula. − 1/2 1/2 Dw 1 The formula is now generalized to describe the scale- R2 R2 − t k kDw 1 dependent fractal dimension with an adjusted asymptotic − (10) Λ  + Λ  = · τ value Substituting in Eq. (10) Dw 1 Dw(s) Dw − (3) = − 1 s/kΛ 2 3 2 + R r (11) = 2 giving the same value, 1, characteristic of ballistic motion,   if s/kΛ 0, but a required value of D , instead of 2, if → w 3 s/kΛ . This formula is supposed to describe the tran- Λ (12) →∞ 2 sition of the character of the particle trajectory from bal- = listic to that characteristic of anomalous diffusion. This one obtains the formula describing the mean square dis- approach treats the Brownian motion as a special case for placement of the particle position in two-dimensional space which the trajectory fractal dimension tends to 2 for large 〈r2〉 as dependent on the number of steps t/τ: scales of observation. This means that putting Dw 2 into = 1/2 1/2 Dw 1 Eq. (3) produces Eq. (2). Putting D 1 into Eq. (3) one r2 r2 − t w = k kDw 1 (13) obtains D (s) 1, confirming the ballistic character of − w =   +   = · τ motion in the whole range of the observation scale. The trajectory length depends on the scale of observa- For short periods this formula converges to that characteris- tion according to the fractal formula: tic of ballistic motion (D 1): w = 1/2 d ln L(s) 2 t 1 Dw(s) (4) r v0t, (14) d ln s = − = τ =  Integrating with use of Eq. (3): irrespective of the value of the fitting term k. For long periods the formula obeys: L(r) r dL s ds kΛ 2 2 α (Dw 1) s (5) r 2(Dw 1) t Dw t L 1 s Dw− 2 α = − − kΛ k k − (15) L (0) 0 + 2 = · τ = · τ      one obtains: where α 2/D is the anomalous diffusion exponent. = w 1 3 616 Eur Biophys J (2015) 44:613–621

To save the universality of the formula we have to put 1.e+3 α=2 α=3/2 α k 2. Then, for Brownian motion (α 1), we obtain a =1 = = 1.e+2 α=3/4 known formula for the mean square displacement of the 1.e+1 α=1/2 particle or molecule position in two dimensions: 2 α=1/4 λ 1.e+0 /λ2=2t/τ >/

t 2 r2 2 Dt r 1.e-1 2 4 (16) < = τ =  1.e-2 in which the diffusion coefficient is expressed as: 1.e-3

2 1.e-4 D (17) = 2τ 1.e-2 1.e-1 1.e+0 1.e+1 1.e+2 t/τ For long-term anomalous diffusion: Fig. 1 Mean square displacements of the position of the molecule, r2 t α 2 α normalized by square of mean free path as dependent on normalized 2 − (18) 2 = · τ time, depicted for different anomalous diffusion exponents in accord-    ance with Eq. (22). The straight lines correspond to the asymptotic Brownian and ballistic movements By use of Eq. (1) one can define the transport coefficient for anomalous diffusion: t α 1.0 2 2 α 2 α 0.9 r 2 − 4Γ t (19) α =3/2 = · τ = 0.8    0.7 α =1 α where t 0.6 Γ 4

2 / 0.5 α =3/4


α 2 Γ 2− (20) r 0.4

α < = · τ 0.3 α =1/2 With the definition of the diffusion coefficient, expressed 0.2 by Eq. (17), one obtains: 0.1 α =1/4 0.0 110100 1000 10000 Γ 1 α (2τ) − (21) t/τ D =

For intermediate times: Fig. 2 Normalized mean square displacements of the position of the molecule in two dimensions, as dependent on normalized time, 2 α 2 1/2 2 1/2 −α depicted for different sub-diffusion exponents according to Eqs. (22) r r 2 α t 2 2 −α (22) and (23)   +   = · τ Mean square displacements of the position of the mol- Taking into account the definitions of the mean velocity ecule, normalized by the square of the mean free path as a of the particle (Eq. 14) and that of the transport coefficient function of normalized time, are depicted in Fig. 1 for dif- (Eq. 20), one obtains: ferent anomalous diffusion exponents. This equation, giv- α 1 2 2 2 1/2 2 α 2 2 α ing the interdependence of 〈r 〉/λ and t/τ, also makes it r − r − 1 (25) possible to draw the normalized mean square displacement v t 4 tα  0  + Γ   = of the molecule position in two dimensions 〈r2〉/4Γt as a function of normalized time. According to Eq. (19): from which the normalized mean square displacements of the molecule position can be calculated: r2 r2 t α 2α 2 − − 2 (23) α 2 α 4Γ tα = · τ 2 2 1/2 2 α −     r r − 1 (26) 4 tα v t This is done in Fig. 2 for different sub-diffusion exponents. �Γ � =  − �� 0� �  Equation (22) can be rearranged to:  

α 2 Equation (25) gives the full description of the trajectory 2 1/2 2 α 2 1/2 α 2 α r τ − r τ 2 − of an anomalously diffusing molecule, irrespective of the 1 (24) t 2 α t stage of the movement. In can be used as a determinant of ·  + 2 −2 ·  =       advancement of anomalous diffusion and may be used to

1 3 Eur Biophys J (2015) 44:613–621 617 determine the transport coefficient Γ and the anomalous analyzed ergodicity by comparing time-averaged and diffusion exponent α from experimental 〈r2〉 data. This for- ensemble-averaged mean square displacements for anoma- mula corresponds to the expression for ordinary diffusion lous diffusion measured in a lipid bilayer membrane. They (α 1), previously tested for small particle movement and showed that time-averaged mean square displacements for = confined mobility in biomembranes (Gmachowski 2014). the longest trajectories are scattered around the ensemble For the phenomenon in two-dimensional space it becomes: averaged for the system investigated. Skaug et al. (2011) used supported lipid bilayers to r2 r2 1/2 model (Chan and Boxer 2007) a real . The 1 (27) 4Dt + v0t = researchers correlated anomalous diffusion with lipid   bilayer membrane structure. The diffusion and anomalous Equation (26) describes the time evolution of the mean diffusion were investigated for 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero- square displacement of the particle or molecule position 3-phosphocholine (DOPC) in a supported lipid bilayer, pre- in two dimensions as dependent on the values of the trans- pared on mica, with different amounts of 1,2-distearoly-sn- port coefficient, the anomalous diffusion exponent, and the glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSPC). Different values of the value of the mean velocity of the particle in two dimen- concentration of obstacles to diffusion were obtained which sions. The presence of the velocity is justified by the ballis- resulted in different values of the anomalous transport coef- tic contribution to the motion of the particle. This quantity ficient of DOPC. With no obstacles the diffusion coefficient can be determined from the diffusion coefficient by using was measured as 4.15 μm2/s. Increasing of the area fraction rearranged Eq. (17): of the obstacles reduced both the transport coefficient and the anomalous diffusion exponent. The authors presented v0 2D/ (28) = experimental data in the form of time dependences of the Equation (22), if taken for ordinary diffusion (α 1): mean square displacements measured for several different = area fractions of obstacles. 1/2 1/2 r2 r2 t By using values of the mean square displacements 2 2 (29) measured for ordinary diffusion at limiting experimental   +   = · τ times of 0.035 and 0.14 s, the value of the mean free path can serve to determine particle mean free path λ. Let us λ 0.0559 μm was calculated by use of Eq. (30). Then = 4 write this equation for two different mean square displace- one Brownian step time τ 3.77 10− s was computed = × ments of the particle position measured at two different by use of Eq. (17). times. The characteristic time for the two cases remains The mean velocity of the molecule in two dimensions, unchanged, so dividing the formulae one obtains, after appearing in Eq. (26), is expressed by D, Γ and α. To rearrangement: achieve this we combine Eqs. (17, 21, 28) to obtain:

1/2 1 r2 1/2 r2 t1 2 t1 Γ 2(α 1) 2 r /2/ 1 2 v √D − t 1/2 t 1/2 (30) 0 2 (31) = 2 r2 − 1  − 2 r2  = D  1    1      a formula serving to determine particle or molecule mean Equation (26) with v0 given by Eq. (31), is fitted by free path from data measured for ordinary diffusion. experimental results for mean square displacement for times 0.035, 0.07, 0.105, and 0.14 s, normalized by 4Γ tα using originally calculated (Skaug et al. 2011) data Comparison with experiment of α 0.86, Γ 1.55; α 0.77, Γ 0.78; α 0.56, = = = = = Γ 0.16. This is represented by open symbols in Fig. 3. = Biological systems are heterogeneous. Heterogeneity The corresponding filled symbols are drawn for best fit is connected with non-ergodicity. Ergodic behavior is data obtained by use of Eq. (21) with the determined value described by a stochastic process modeling anomalous dif- of τ 3.77 10 4 s. They are α 0.871, Γ 1.64; = × − = = fusion under experimental investigation. So it is important α 0.780, Γ 0.854; α 0.573, and Γ 0.193. = = = = to incorporate heterogeneity into modeling of biological Although the original values are only slightly lower than systems (Székely and Burrage 2014). Particularly relevant those calculated by use of the proposed method, quite dif- for diffusion in heterogeneous media seems to be a model ferent location of points represented by open symbols and for heterogeneous diffusion giving an approach to non- filled symbols may be observed in Fig. 3. The filled sym- ergodic anomalous diffusion (Cherstvy et al. 2013). bols are much closer to the model line, this is a result of Experimental verification of ergodicity requires obser- a more precise determination of transport variables by vation times that are sufficiently long. Skaug et al. (2011) use of proposed method. Very similar results, α 0.862, = 1 3 618 Eur Biophys J (2015) 44:613–621

1.0 1.e+0

0.9 1.e-1

α t

Γ 0.8 /D 4 1.e-2 Γ >/ 2 0.7

1.e-4 0.5 0.00.5 1.0 0.50.6 0.70.8 0.91.0 α 2 1/2 α/(2-α) 2-α [1-( /v0t) ] Fig. 4 Normalized transport coefficient of DOPC in supported lipid Fig. 3 Graphical representation of Eq. (26) with v0 given by Eq. (31), bilayers (Skaug et al. 2011) as a function of the anomalous diffusion fitted by experimental results of mean square displacement normal- exponent calculated by use of Eq. (21) and using Eqs. (28) and (30) ized by use of the originally calculated data for DOPC transport in to determine the one step time τ (solid line), fitted with originally supported lipid bilayers (Skaug et al. 2011): open circles, α 0.86, calculated values of α and Γ (open squares) and those chosen to fit = Γ 1.55; open squares, α 0.77, Γ 0.78; open inverse triangles, Eq. (26) (open circles) α = 0.56, Γ 0.16. The corresponding= = filled symbols are drawn for best= fit data= obtained by use of Eq. (21): filled circles, α 0.871, Γ 1.64; filled squares, α 0.780, Γ 0.854; filled inverse= trian- flow velocity through the porous medium. Crossover was gles=, α 0.573, Γ 0.193 = = = = observed from sub-diffusive mean square displacement, α 0.84, in the absence of hydrodynamic flow, to a super- = diffusive, almost ballistic power law, α 1.95, at the high- = Γ 1.54; α 0.773, Γ 0.812; α 0.582, and Γ 0.206, est flow rates. = = = = = can be obtained by using only the mean square displace- Let us write Eq. (18) for two different mean square dis- ment for the shortest time, 0.035 s. The corresponding val- placements of the molecule position measured at the same ues of the normalized mean square displacement 〈r2〉/4Γtα time for anomalous and normal diffusion. The molecule are 0.803, 0.752, and 0.608, which means that the proposed mean free path for the two cases remains unchanged, so method enables effective analysis of short-term experimen- dividing the formulae one obtains, after rearrangement: tal data. 1 2 2 1 α t The calculated values of the mean velocity of the mol- τ x / x − (32) ecule in two dimensions are all 148 μm/s, which cor- = Br · 2      responds to λ 0.0559 μm and one Brownian step time where the displacements in two dimensions are replaced by = 4 τ 3.77 10− s, both computed previously from data that in one dimension. From the experimental plot reported = × measured for ordinary diffusion. The values of the mean by Li et al. (2006) giving the time dependence of the mean velocity computed by use of Eq. (31) using originally cal- square displacement, it is possible to show that the mean culated (Skaug et al. 2011) data of α 0.86, Γ 1.55; square displacement ratio is 8.5 for α 1.95 and α 1 and = = = = α 0.77, Γ 0.78; α 0.56, Γ 0.16 are 137, 154, and time equal to 0.3 s. The calculated Brownian step time is = = = = 2 165 μm/s, i.e. almost the same. τ 1.58 10− s. = × The values of transport variables determined by use of The values of the transport coefficient normalized by the the proposed method are obtained by use of Eq. (21). The diffusion coefficient were then calculated from the plot for results are depicted in Fig. 4, which shows all pairs of the same time and Eq. (19) rearranged for one-dimensional transport variables α and Γ reported by Skaug et al. (2011). displacement to give: Agreement of reported results with the model line is good. 2 Complete results for super-diffusion in biological sys- x 2Γ tα (33) = tems are not available in the literature. To demonstrate  the reliability and potential usefulness of the proposed and model for a wider range of anomalous diffusion exponents, 2 results obtained by Li et al. (2006) for one-dimensional x 2Dt (34) Br = sub and super-diffusive molecular displacements in disor-  dered porous media were used. Hydrodynamic dispersion from which: of water flowing through porous glass with nominal pore Γ 2 2 1 α sizes in the range 100–160 μm was analyzed. The charac- x / x t − (35) D = Br ter of the anomalous diffusion behavior depended on the   1 3 Eur Biophys J (2015) 44:613–621 619

2.0 to sub or super-diffusive motion. The formula obtained (Eq. 26) makes it possible to derive the values of the trans- 1.5 port coefficient and the anomalous diffusion exponent from experimental data even if the data are measured in the short D / 1 term, when the power dependence (Eq. 1) is still not fully − 1.0 α 0.9 τ applicable. Γ 0.8 0.7 The data describing anomalous diffusion are connected 0.6 with those describing normal diffusion. The transport coef- 0.5 ficient normalized by the diffusion constant is the double 0.00.5 1.01.5 2.0 Brownian step time to the power of one minus the anom- α alous diffusion exponent (Eq. 21). This is a functional dependence enabling more precise derivation of the anoma- Fig. 5 Graphical representation of Eq. (36) (solid line) fitted with the lous diffusion variables from experimental data. originally calculated values of α and Γ for DOPC transport in sup- 4 The originally obtained anomalous diffusion variables, ported lipid bilayers (Skaug et al. 2011; τ 3.77 10− s; open squares) and the values deduced from reported= data ×(Li et al. 2006) both the transport coefficient and the anomalous diffusion for displacement of water molecules in disordered porous glass exponent, are slightly lower than those calculated by use 2 (τ 1.58 10− s; open circles) of the proposed method. This is because of the time period = × over which the experimental data were measured, too short to safely use the power dependence (Eq. 1). Small differ- The values determined are 0.58 s0.16 for α 0.84 and ences in the anomalous diffusion variables result, however, 0.95 = 27 s− for α 1.95, whereas the diffusion coefficient in quite different location of points in Fig. 3. More precise = 9 2 calculated from Eq. (34), D 2.0 10− m /s, is only determination of the transport variables leads to reduction = × slightly lower than the molecular diffusivity of bulk water of the mutual distance. The points calculated by use of 9 2 (2.3 10− m /s). Eq. (21) are much closer to the model line. × To obtain a universal coordinate system for anomalous The proposed method is applicable to data obtained in diffusion variables, in which the variables could be com- short time periods. Transport variables calculated solely by pared for different characteristic times, Eq. (21) is rear- use of experimental data for mean square displacement in ranged to give: the shortest times are in good agreement with those deter- mined for longer time periods. Γ τ α 1 21 α As already mentioned, and confirmed experimentally, D − − (36) · = the model presented in this paper is not restricted to sub- The resulting Fig. 5 presents all the experimental values diffusion. It describes super-diffusive trajectories up to bal- originally calculated (Skaug et al. 2011) and deduced from listic trajectories for which α 2. The corresponding form = reported data (Li et al. 2006), covering both the sub-diffu- of Eq. (20) is: sion and super-diffusion ranges. 2 v2 All the calculations discussed in this paper confirm the 0 Γ 2 accuracy of original estimate and provide an effective frac- = 4τ = 4 tal model for the trajectory of particles or molecules dif- Hence Eq. (19) becomes: fusing anomalously. The model takes into account ballis- 1/2 2 tic motion, which is essential at the very beginning of the r v0t t/τ motion, and the time evolution of the trajectory character. = = ·  The model increases the precision of the transport variables which one would expect for ballistic motion. The root obtained for anomalous diffusion. mean square displacement is the mean free path multiplied by the number of steps. Statistical models and methods lead to similar power- Discussion and conclusions law characteristics for anomalous diffusion, for example continuous time random walks (Tejedor and Metzler 2010; This fractal model of Brownian particle motion makes it Neusius et al. 2009), fractional Langevin Brownian motion possible to describe the trajectory of a molecule diffusing (Jeon and Metzler 2010), and mixed models with different anomalously if the asymptotic fractal dimension of the tra- trapping (Miyaguchi and Akimoto 2015). Recent models jectory is regarded as an adjustable variable. Except for the combined Bayesian inference (Monnier et al. 2012) with power dependence valid for long-term diffusion, the model the over-damped Langevin equation in which spatially describes the early stage of the transition from ballistic varying friction is used, reflecting the heterogeneity of the

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