I hereby give notice that the Overseal Parish Council Meeting will be held at the Village Hall on Thursday 1st July, 2021 at 7.00pm

All members of the council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out hereunder.

Signed: Karen Turrell Dated: 25th June 2021 Parish Clerk


1. Apologies To Receive apologies from members and APPROVE. Members are reminded that apologies and reason for absence for this meeting must be given to the Clerk at the earliest convenience.

2. Declaration of Interests – To receive any disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests from members on matters to be considered at the meeting. The disclosure must include the nature of the interest. If an interest becomes apparent to a member during the course of the meeting that has not been disclosed under this item, the member must disclose it immediately. Members may remain in the meeting and take part fully in discussion and voting unless the interest is pecuniary. Where a member indicates that they have a prejudicial interest but wishes to make representations regarding the item before leaving the meeting, those representations must be made under item 4b of Public Questions and Answers.

3. Minutes - To APPROVE the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd June, 2021.

4. Public Recess a) A period of up to 15 minutes will be made available for members of the public and Members of the Council to comment on any matter. b) Members declaring an interest other than a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest who wish to make representations or give evidence under the Code of Conduct shall do so at this stage.

5. County Council – To receive a report from the elected representative.

6. District Council – To receive a report from the elected representative. Clerk Mrs Karen Turrell Moira Replan, Ashby Road, Moira, , Derbyshire, DE12 6DJ T| 07572121882 E| [email protected]

7. Police Matters – To receive a report.

8. Councillors’ inspection reports - To receive reports on inspection of facilities by Cllr R O’Brien.

9. Items for Consideration and/or Approval a. To CONSIDER and APPROVE purchasing defibrillator spares

10. Items for Approval – Retrospective (Delegated Authority) a. Top soil – Hallcroft Avenue Verge b. No Parking Signs – Hallcroft Avenue Verge c. Emergency Lighting Repairs – Village Hall d. Strimmer Purchase

11. Clerk’s Reports – See Appendix 1, Appendix 2 – Available at the meeting Progress Report - A report on outstanding matters is attached – Appendix 1 Forward Planning - A list of projects or objectives to be monitored and/or progressed is attached – Appendix 1 Clerk’s Report - To receive a report for information at the meeting – Appendix 2

12. Finance a) Accounts for Payment - To APPROVE – see Appendix 3 b) Receipts – To REVIEW – see Appendix 3 c) Internal Control – Chairman and Cllr RO’B to examine the Council’s financial documents and sign.

13. Planning Planning Decisions & Applications - NONE

14. Village Hall matters - To consider any matters affecting the operation of the Village Hall.

15. Website - To consider whether any additional items should be included in the website.

16. Councillors’ reports - To receive and consider reports by members affecting the Parish.

17. Date, time and venue of the next meeting Thursday 5th August, 2021 – 7pm, Overseal Pavilion (Covid restrictions pending)

Clerk Mrs Karen Turrell Moira Replan, Ashby Road, Moira, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, DE12 6DJ T| 07572121882 E| [email protected]



FORWARD PLANNING The following matters have been identified as longer-term objectives or matters to be monitored.

Project/objective Description Date Additional entrance to Quotations invited June 2016. Higher than anticipated. January 2017 recreation ground Replacement Village Hall Long term replacement of the Village Hall will become necessary at some stage. November 2016 Traffic calming Press for traffic calming, preferably to include average speed cameras, when Mercia Park (J11) development is July 2020 active. Referred to CREST, who say that it is the responsibility of the County Council.


Min No Item Comments Person 2018/2019

59 Nature Area County Council say that they will look at the Nature Area with a view to proper Clerk management. Requested to clarify responsibility for car park in the event of damage to third parties. No response. Overhanging branches would be school’s responsibility. 2019/2020

23.3 LED street lights programme The County Council say that only a few lights now need attention and these are Clerk affected by trees. The programme for replacing the ‘strategic network’ lights is not due for completion until 2022 – these are columns of 12, 10 or 8m high, which includes Woodville Road. 30.3 Overseale House The Heritage Officer has advised that roof leaks have been repaired but that little Clerk other progress has been achieved. Derbyshire Historic Buildings Trust are to offer assistance and Historic are to include it in the Heritage at Risk Register. SDDC are continuing to monitor the property, hoping to avoid formal action. 2020/2021 Land at Manor School View Completion of the Transfer is expected shortly. Clerk/AW



Min No Item Comments Person 2019/2020 137.10 Hallcroft Avenue repairs COMPLETED TO CONTACT DCC REGARDING THE OPPOSITE SIDE Clerk OF THE ROAD BEING LEFT OPEN TO PARKING 2020/21 Verge reinstatement, Hallcroft Avenue Permission given by County Council. Consultation of statutory undertakers Clerk 58.7 carried out. County Council now say that they will grass the verge. A Cultivation Licence application has now been sent to DCC.


6. Amy Wheelton Resignation Letter of thanks KT

8. Football pitch overgrown and no white lines Contact TH Heaths - COMPLETED KT

9.b. Dog Bin Request Contact resident KT

13. Planning Response Letter to SDDC - COMPLETED KT

15. Info on Website Send updated info about district and county cllrs to Bob KT

16. Footpath between Main St and orchard overgrown Contact Pete Stone - COMPLETED KT 16. Lighting Columns – Connectable power supply for gala Ask Allen ME


14.e. Internal Auditor Report Make recommended amendments – IN PROGRESS KT

13. Footpath Audit Create Form and send to all cllrs – IN PROGRESS KT

18. Football – Language and litter Contact local PC’s to ask for their inclusion in asking football clubs for a KT retainer, which will be kept until the end of each season and returned if players and spectators, home or away, have abided by the rules. - IN PROGRESS

25 June 2021 (2021 - 2022) Appendix 3 Overseal Parish Council - PAYMENTS LIST

Voucher Cheque Code Name Description Amount

48 36 - Repairs A&J Bartlett Ltd Lighting Repair 36.00 49 36 - Repairs A&J Bartlett Ltd Lighting Repair 655.34 50 36 - Repairs Harvey & Clark Village Hall Repair 957.60 51 11 - General Harvey & Clark MUGA Improvements 5,960.40 52 30 - Electricity Southern Electric Electricity 165.21 53 31 - Gas British Gas Gas 142.54 54 56 - Hallcroft Verge The Sign Shed Signs 20.33 55 9 - Health & Consultancy Ellis Whittam Health & Safety 2,050.81 56 3 - Insurances Ellis Whittam Insurance 66.00 57 3 - Insurances Ellis Whittam Insurance 22.20 58 18 - Daisy Lane Elton Property Maintenance Grass cutting 42.00 59 5 - Clerk's Salary & Expenses K Turrell Expenses 124.19 60 23 - Pitch Maintenance I Stone Grass cutting 1,133.00 61 22 - Ground Maintenance P Stone Grass cutting 237.00 62 22 - Ground Maintenance P Stone Planting 905.00 63 21 - Pavilion L Morris Salary 80.00 64 37 - Caretaker - Village/Toilets/ L Morris Salary 15.00 65 64 - HMRC HMRC Tax & NI 1,392.49

Salary Totals - Net 1242.11

TOTAL 15,247.22

Page 1

25 June 2021 (2021 - 2022) Appendix 3 Overseal Parish Council Receipts

Voucher Ref Code Name Description Amount

13 66 - Hire SDDC Hire VH 120.00 14 67 - Hire Danceys Daycare Daycare 240.00

TOTAL 360.00

Page 1 5

Overseal Parish Council

Minutes of the Full Parish Council Meeting Thursday 3rd June, 2021 at 7pm, Overseal Village Hall

Present: Cllr Carole Knight (CK) (Chairman), Cllr Robert Cox (RC), Cllr Rachael O’Brien (RO’B), Cllr Darren Patrick (DP), Cllr Mark Knight (MK), Cllr Steve Sharpe (SS), Cllr Mandy Elton (ME)

In Attendance: Karen Turrell – Clerk, John White – Retiring Clerk Cllr Stuart Swann - County Councillor, 3 Member of the Public (2 of which were the owners of the dog exercise park to be discussed in the planning item.)

The Chairman read out a note of thanks for the retiring Clerk, John White and he was presented with a gift which had been donated by all the councillors personally. John, in return, read out a short statement.

1. Apologies Cllr Allen Cook (AC) (Vice Chairman), Cllr Sue Ward (SW), Cllr Joe Cunningham-Gardner (JCG), PCSO Thompson

2. Declaration of Interests Item 13 – Planning – Cllr Elton – Owns the land where the permission is sought - Pecuniary Item 13 – Planning – Cllr C Knight – Lives next to the development - Pecuniary Item 13 – Planning – Cllr M Knight – Son of Cllr C Knight - Pecuniary Item 13 – Planning – Cllr D Patrick – Friend of business owner seeking permission – non-Pecuniary

3. Minutes The Minutes of the meeting of 6th May, 2021 were APPROVED as a true record. RESOLVED

7:10pm Cllr Elton left the meeting.

4. Public Recess a) Item 13 – Planning Application ref no. DMPA/2021/0651 to be discussed in this section as the owners of the business applying for permission were in attendance. A resident was in attendance who lived next to the proposed dog park and has livestock. They are concerned about noise and traffic and felt that they would have no option but to move if the business was allowed to continue. Email representation was read out by the Chairman, the correspondent was concerned about dogs escaping, as it had been alleged that a horse rider had been knocked off their horse by an escaped dog. They were unhappy about planning not being sought before the business was set up and that a parish councillor was also the owner of the land where the business was located. The issue of missing speed signs on Green Lane, where the dog park is located, was also raised in the email correspondence. Cllr MK advised that there is uncertainty as to whether the signs had been removed by the County Council or

Chairman’s Signature: Date: 6

had been illegally removed. Cllr Swann agreed that he would look in to the matter of the signs with Derbyshire County Council (DCC). The Clerk would respond to the email appropriately. The owners of Field of Dreams (the business seeking retrospective planning permission) explained that they had sought advice on whether planning was needed because the field had previously been used for livestock and were under the impression that they would not require a change of use. They realise now that they should have checked with the District Council. There would be a maximum of two users at any one time at the park and 15 minutes between appointments. No hedges had been removed, as had been suggested. They did not want to cause problems for residents and wanted to work with people in the area and not against them. The business was set up with the best of intentions. Parish councillors were in support of the business as long as it is run safely with consideration being given to residents on the lane and other users of the nearby area. Cllr MK advised that it has been a longstanding issue as to what type of road Green Lane is classified as. Cllr Swann would investigate this matter.

19:25 Cllr Elton returned to the meeting

b) Cllr M Knight made a representation for the residents of Forest View (where Cllr MK is also a resident), they are not keen on construction vehicles using Forest View to access the development off Woodville Road.

5. County Council Report Cllr Swann introduced himself as the representative for Overseal at Derbyshire County Council. He advised that he had been helping several residents with various issues, relating to footpaths, parking and signs. He was pleased to see that Hallcroft Avenue had now been repaired. Cllr Swann is aware of the issues faced by residents from major planning and roads and is willing to support the council and community. Finally, the Parish Council will be assisted with any unresolved problems at DCC.

6. District Council Report The Chairman reported that she had received an email from Cllr Wheelton advising that she had resigned from her seat on the District Council. A letter of thanks would be sent to Cllr Wheelton from the clerk on behalf of the council. Cllr Simon Ackroyd had been contacted by Cllr C Knight to invite him to tonight’s meeting but was not in attendance. The Clerk advised that she had been unable to find details to contact him on the SDDC website. Cllr Swann said he would speak to SDDC on the council’s behalf to ask Cllr Ackroyd to make contact.

19:40 Cllr Swann left the meeting

7. Police Report None in Attendance. Apologies sent by PCSO Thompson. Email received with figures: The following crimes/incident have been recorded in Overseal in May/June 2021; Domestic Related – x2 Assault (Minor) – x 3 Criminal Damage – x2 Public Order – x1, Theft – x1 Chairman’s Signature: Date: 7

8. Councillor Inspection Reports – Cllr Mark Knight reported: Lower field – hole in tarmac base by climbing frame, main field shelter – smashed glass and litter, exercise equipment (Nordic skier) – grass need strimming, Soffits on village hall – may require replacing soon, cracked slabs on patio x 2, fencing – refresh required, pavilion – may require a repaint, gap in the hedge outside pavilion will require a more permanent repair, football pitch – overgrown and no white lines. Next Cllr to undertake inspection for the month – Cllr R O’Brien

9. Items for Consideration and/or Approval a. Football Fees – It was AGREED to make no changes to the fees. b. Dog Bin Request – It was AGREED not to provide a dog bin on Road, heading out the village as there was a litter bin within a very short distance, the cost of emptying bins is very expensive and the road it would be situated on is very busy and fast, creating a particular hazard for the operatives emptying the bins.

10. Items for Approval – Retrospective (Delegated Authority) a. Skip Hire – Allotments – It was APPROVED by full council to the provision of a skip at the allotments for the removal of waste off plot 6, as the new holder had taken over an extremely overgrown plot with a large amount of waste on it. RESOLVED

11. Clerks Reports – See Appendices 1&2 below the minutes Progress Report Forward Planning Clerk’s Report

12. Finance – See Appendix 3 below a. Accounts for Payment - reviewed and approved. APPROVED by full council RESOLVED b. Receipts – A report was received and approved. c. Internal Control – The relevant invoices and reconciliation was reviewed prior to the meeting by Cllr RO’B who signed them off, they were passed to Cllr CK for review and signing. (It was noted that one invoice on the statement was missing, the Clerk would forward by email for approval.

20:15 Cllrs C & M Knight left the meeting

13. Planning – See Appendix 4 below

20:25 Cllr C & M Knight returned to the meeting 20:30 Cllr S Sharpe left the meeting

14. Village Hall Matters None

15. Website Matters The Clerk is to send new District and County Cllr details over to Cllr R Cox.

Chairman’s Signature: Date: 8

16. Councillors’ Reports Cllr CK – None Cllr DP – None Cllr MK – Cllr M Knight reported that he had once again been in contact with the Footpath’s Officer regarding Footpath No. 1, it was decided that assistance would be sought from Cllr Swann. There was a meeting due to be held next week on Forest View Green with residents, National Forest representatives and District representatives. The turf will require stripping and the residents were going to pay for a turf stripper and speak to the Lullington Road Allotment Group to see if they could make use of the turf. Cllr Knight would report back at the next meeting. Cllr RO’B advised that the footpath between the orchard and Main Street required strimming – Pete Stone would be contacted. Still issues on the footpath on Woodville Road, also. Cllr ME – Cllr Elton queried whether electrics that could be used for the Gala, on the new lighting columns, had been installed, as agreed previously. Cllr A Cook to be asked on his return. Gala committee meetings have recommenced but the Gala has been cancelled for 2021. A scarecrow display had instead been agreed upon to mark the usual Gala weekend. Leaflets will also be distributed in the village to invite everyone to a residents-only picnic in the park. Cllr RC – The footpath condition on Valley Road was still not in a good state of repair, with raised ironworks, complaints sent to DCC once again.

17. Confidential Items (18 & 19) – CLOSED SESSION In accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and in view of the CONFIDENTIAL nature of the business to be transacted it was AGREED by all Cllrs to enter in to a PRIVATE SESSION.

20:44 The Clerk left the meeting

18. Clerk’s Probation Period It was AGREED by full council that they were happy for the probation period to cease and employment to continue. RESOLVED

19. Clerk’s Hours It was AGREED by full council to increase the Clerk’s weekly hours from 9 to 12 and to pay the extra 28.5 hours worked between March and June. RESOLVED

20:51 The Clerk returned to the meeting

20. Open Session It was AGREED by council to return to an OPEN SESSION. RESOLVED

21. Date, time and venue of next meeting Thursday 1st July, 2021, 7pm, Overseal Village Hall, Woodville Road.

The Chairman closed the meeting.

PLEASE SEE BELOW FOR APPENDICES 1 TO 4 Chairman’s Signature: Date: 9

Appendix 1



The following matters have been identified as longer-term objectives or matters to be monitored.

Project/objective Description Date Additional entrance to Quotations invited June 2016. Higher than anticipated. January 2017 recreation ground Replacement Village Hall Long term replacement of the Village Hall will become necessary at some November 2016 stage. Traffic calming Press for traffic calming, preferably to include average speed cameras, July 2020 when Mercia Park (J11) development is active. Referred to CREST, who say that it is the responsibility of the County Council.

PROGRESS REPORT – 1st April 2021


Min No Item Comments Person


59 Nature Area County Council say that they will look at the Nature Area with a Clerk view to proper management. Requested to clarify responsibility for car park in the event of damage to third parties. No response. Overhanging branches would be school’s responsibility.


23.3 LED street lights programme The County Council say that only a few lights now need attention Clerk and these are affected by trees. The programme for replacing the ‘strategic network’ lights is not due for completion until 2022 – these are columns of 12, 10 or 8m high, which includes Woodville Road.

30.3 Overseale House The Heritage Officer has advised that roof leaks have been repaired Clerk but that little other progress has been achieved. Derbyshire Historic Buildings Trust are to offer assistance and Historic England are to include it in the Heritage at Risk Register. SDDC are continuing to monitor the property, hoping to avoid formal action.

2020/2021 Land at Manor School View Completion of the Transfer is expected shortly. Clerk/AW


Min No Item Comments Person


Chairman’s Signature: Date: 10

137.10 Hallcroft Avenue repairs Commencing Monday 10th May for 2 weeks. Clerk/PM

2020/21 Verge reinstatement, Hallcroft Avenue Permission given by County Council. Consultation of Clerk statutory undertakers carried out. County Council now 58.7 say that they will grass the verge. A Cultivation Licence application has now been sent to DCC.


12. Various items reported by C Knight about To check gutter damage, ladies flooring in pavilion and AC the village hall and sleepers on flowerbed. sleepers which are rotten.

12. Litterpicking and maintenance by Send letter to thank. KT volunteer 12. Golf Club To collect from MK and put in office. KT

13. Bankline Set up and arrange training with CK, AC, SS, RO’B. KT

13. Prepaid Debit Card Set up. KT

14.e. Internal Auditor Report Make recommended amendments. KT

14.h. AGAR To Sign and send off. KT/CK/JW

13. Footpath Audit Create Form and send to all cllrs. KT

20. MUGA Notify Harvey and Clarke they have won the contract. JW

17. MUGA To release a statement on website and social media JW/KT/MK/RC informing residents what is happening with the MUGA extension.

18. Spring Cottage Property Liaise with Ashby Woulds PC KT

18. Football – Language and litter Contact local PC’s to ask for their inclusion in asking KT football clubs for a retainer, which will be kept until the end of each season and returned if players and spectators, home or away, have abided by the rules.

18. Ground in front of church - overgrown Contact Pete Stone to tidy up. CK

18. Sewing Club recommencing at pavilion Contact to advise when they can start and that Covid CK secure rules will be in place.

18. Gala roses in memory of a resident To contact P Stone to undertake planting work. CK planted at WM

Appendix 2


Chairman’s Signature: Date: 11

Bankline – I have applied for Natwest Bankline following last month’s approval, however, when I spoke with them, they informed that because of demand from community account wanting to use this service they have decided to start a Community Bankline service, which is free to use. Therefore, we have been put on to the waiting list as there are a large number of accounts wanting to use this service. For now, I will continue with the old system of making payments using the online banking.

Prepaid Debit Cards – I have applied for the new prepaid cards and because I have recommended them as a current user through my other council, they will provide the cards free of charge!

Hallcroft Avenue Verge – The verge has been worked on for the last few weeks, as you may have seen. Still to decide what to plant on the verge as box hedges (which was the initial idea) have apparently got some sort of disease this year. There will be 5 signs put on the verge stating “NO PARKING ON THE VERGE”, we have 2 of the signs and are awaiting the last three, which should be delivered tomorrow.

Village Hall Door Replacement – Still awaiting Harvey & Clark to provide a date for the side door replacement on the village hall, once this has been done, I will be able to access the office better and organize filing, etc.

Village Hall Entrance – Swadlincote Windows have attended and readjusted the front entrance as it wasn’t latching shut properly when unlocked. It was a 2-minute job.

MUGA – The work to extend the MUGA is well under way. Cllr Cook has been very involved with all of the various contractor’s working on it. I’m sure you have seen the progress which is being made.

Karen Turrell, Clerk, 3rd June 2021 Appendix 3


Voucher Code Name Description Amount

31 22 - Ground Maintenance I Stone Grass cutting 390.00

32 37 - Caretaker - Village/Toilets/Changing Rooms Nest Pension 39.05

33 37 - Caretaker - Village/Toilets/Changing Rooms S Ruddle Salary

34 37 - Caretaker - Village/Toilets/Changing Rooms K Turrell Salary

35 5 - Clerk's Salary & Expenses J White Salary

36 19 - Litter Picker Salary E Evans Salary

37 30 - Electricity Southern Electric Electricity 211.96

38 64 - HMRC HMRC Tax & NI 344.60

39 56 - Hallcroft Verge The Sign Shed Signs 15.87

40 40 - Sanitary Disposal PHS Waste Disposal 310.44

41 7 - IT & Telephone Charges EE Mobile Phone 20.06

42 31 - Gas British Gas Gas 130.18

43 38 - Cleaning Materials KH Packaging Village Hall Supplies 126.32

44 7 - IT & Telephone Charges Talk Talk Broadband 24.00

45 8 - Office Equipment (New Clerk) ESPO Office Furniture 87.60

Salary 2,619.38 TOTAL 4,319.46

DRAFT RECEIPTS LIST 8 TO 12 Chairman’s Signature: Date: 12

Voucher Code Name Description Amount

8 10 - Bank Interest Natwest Interest 0.19

9 66 - Hire C Hudson Hire VH 72.00

10 66 - Hire Daschund Club Hire VH 40.00

11 66 - Hire J Martin Hire VH 40.00

12 67 - Hire Danceys Daycare Daycare 430.00

TOTAL 582.19

Appendix 4



Approval of reserved matters (scale, appearance and landscaping) pursuant to outline permission ref. 9/2015/0518 on



Removal of existing conservatory and replace with a single storey extension and alterations at

27 Forest View, Overseal, Swadlincote, DE12 6GZ


Change of use of land from horse paddocks to dog exercise park including customer parking area at

Middle Hayes Farm, Green Lane, Overseal, Swadlincote, DE12 6JP


Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed single story rear extension at

5 Harley Court, Woodville Road, Overseal, Swadlincote, DE12 6LY

(I have not received notification from planning for this, the deadline has passed, however, it is not planning permission being sought)


DMPA/2021/0464 - APPROVED The erection of an extension and replacement roof at

239 Burton Road, Overseal, Swadlincote, DE12 6JN

DMOT/2020/1228 - APPROVED

Approval of details required by conditions 3 (Finished Floor Levels), 9 (External Materials), 12 (Landscaping and Surfacing) and 14 (Boundary Treatment) of permission ref: 9/2016/0327 relating to the erection of two-story detached dwelling at

Land adjacent to 3, Acresford Road, Overseal, Swadlincote, DE12 6HX

Chairman’s Signature: Date: