llDOCCLlY. JtDll'a\:aon : ran•TltD ., a. AllD L Cl.AU. CONTENTS.


R+•!oe ol llollammadallm to the coane of Ottoman hbtory- Anbla-Jta exlielrt IUld pop11bitlon-The dw9Ct« of the Ant.-Thelr ~ta ad i.­ li«ioo---The birth ol )lohammad.-Hla eul1 hll&oty-Hla marriage wl&la Kl.dija-Hla .-unt.lle p11mtlt1-Hla projecta of rellglou refonn­ c-.-nc.m>e11t of hla career u a prophd-Oppoeltioo of bla relati•ee to bll IChem 111 The Ilejlra or Fllght-llohammad COllUIMDC8 boetllldel ~ bla opponeot.-'l'he battle of Deder-Retallatloo of Abo Bollan­ Tnace for ten yeal"l-Attack of the people of Meldieb oo Meckieneb, aDd Yktory of Uol1111nmad'e anny- S11btnl111fon of eenral of the tribs-l'eace with the tribe of Korelah- Condltion at thll era of the Komao and Per­ llian emplrea-Unhammad'1 ambueadort eeat to the ro11rta of Heracll111 ud Cbotl~n \'lolftllnn of the tftaty of ~with the tribe of KorWb, Pd red-=tlon of Mekkeh-Ultlrn.11te Bllttem ol Mohammad, and ~trildng riiailge retulting fm111 lt-l'rocttdin~ of the Emperor Herac'll-lloham­ -r1 pilgrimage tu )lekke"-W. dea&b • • • ptp 1

CHAPTER II. Mohemmed'1 rnelation.-Outlloe of )lobammlldaolatn-8upenotltluna ol tbe Anbkm 1"1'opeN of the ~Umli. ol tMlr domlnlOlll at the death o1 lfobammad-Abuheker u.e Second Kha~reb-811bJ•mt1oa of Peni&-f'all of DamMCua-Otnar the Third Kbaleefeh-The 1Db ngatlon of f«ypt by the 8aracen.--l>ettruct.lou of the Alexandrian brary- Rapid ._ : 1 of the Saraceu--CaDlel of the pcvg1w of IJ.obamolad- aom ...... 19

CllA.l'TER Ill. o.ctt.e ol the &rattnic pnwer~ndour of tbe Khalmebt of Baabdad­ Tbelr ot li1ttat11re and an.- Fall of the Abb&.ict..-Tbe Sel­ jaklao s.J1 ..., Oatliue of &heir bii

CHAPTER IV. Olboman rounder nr the Turkish F.mplre-Ilis earlv history-Jealoaily ol the other chief-They aUempt his deetruction- lfe averta the dangtt- Hll IDCTeUe or lcrritory- AMnmes regnl power- Illa deatb-Saa:eeded· by his - Oman- Ilia s11ccee11e11 Solyman hla eon-P- Into Earope.-:­ Hla rremature death-Amarath 1.-Hie European conqaen-lnatitutloo of the Janizarie&-Death or Amurath- A«a111on or lla.)Uet I. ~ :n


~azet 1., samamtd Dderim-llla clulracter and conqnest&-Belliegee Coa­ stantlnople-llaiaea the slcge-lncuniion or the Mongol&-Tamerlan­ Bajazet defeitted- llis death- Mohammad I. aaccnda the OUoman throne The rltbe )lu.tAf4--Hie defeat-Death or .Mohamnuad-Aoceeelon of Ama­ rath 11.-Dt-ftl'lt or the l'tttnder-l>angft' of Con..,le-Tbe Greek Emperor'• dc•ico to ward off' the peril:.....Siege of Tb onlca.--State Of Hangary--Sicge of Be~HUlliadee and Sautderbeg- Abdlcadon ol .Amuratb-Hla m:all to publ.ic lif$...-Tbe Battle of Vama-D.&b ol­ nth II. f7

CIIAPTER VI. A Ion cl Mobanun8d 11.-Publlc expcctatlo-llla duiracter- Mardtts Ilia bro&here-Hla project.a or morm-Ret0lves to eel" on Conetantlnople Hia preparatlo~}·onr- on the Dol'phoru.-Alann or the Greek Em­ peror- l"rqmation ror the sitge or Conatantinopll'-The at.ate ol the city u to deCene&-l>ncriptlon or ConatanLinople- Tbe gj~Jte ptogn• and incidents-Fleet or the OUomana canled aero. the land to die loner barboar-.A.ault--The dt7 taken 68

CIIAPTER VII. PJ'OClMdingw of the Sallitn In the HOTM, .tc.- The C'omnenlan Camily- Dnid Emperor oC Trebir.ond-Volunt.ary Sublni3$ion or Serria-War with the Prill(lll or Wa~hla-Conqaest or Bomia, Mitylene, .tc.- Scander­ W• aUCCllllll In o~-Tbe Sulan'a alt.ack OQ 8codra-Slege of Rliodei, and gallant deleace al the Knight.I ol St.. John-Death ol the 8al1a11 • • • • • • . • • 86


___.. oatline ol the reliii:ion~ and dvil ro1111tit11tion• or the Ottoman Empire-The lllafl-The KuJ.. ker-'l'he J\lnllah- Thc lmam&--The Eml,_Tbe ---!Uiama, ita pow~r and orig;n-)lon11J1tic onlcn among the Mohammadana -Rellginua eec:b &11o "cm11fnt-Th~ (lrann1Dce--8upmtitioa, •.b:...... • . OOHTBMTL . ix


&\le"' 11. ectnow~ the 111CC! IM" of Mohammad 11.-Hla claim dla­ pnd by zw--·Delea& of Zlahnee' forcea by Acbme& Puha-Appl.lel to the JCnlgblll of St. John-la eent Into and placed In the c:uatody of the l'ope--Bajaut'• conduct to Achmet Puita-Hie attempt to destroy bhn-He le 1--1 b.1 the Janlzarl-At lut falls a victim lo the SaJ.. tlln'• ha&nd-B~uctlOn of Caramaula and Armenia-War with ~­ l>Pleat ol Bajaut'a ,_ by the Mameluk-~tb ol Zlalmee- ~ ~of Venlce-~b or Dajuet-A~lon or Beli - 1lOCia.. ieLi6•-War with l'ttala-Dattle or Caldcroon- War witll Ec1'pt.-F.stemion ol the T11tkleh domin.lou.a-1.>eatb ol Selim 13'

CHAPTER XI. A: ton ol Solyman I.-Re'l'Olt in Syria-State ol Euro~'l'OW'&ble to SolJ!ll.!UI'.• ~-War witl1 Jiungary!2UptliHi oi ~0:-SOJt· lila'I ~ lipon Rhoda The Knigbte of SL John ol Jmiaal-- 1""'*'8tlona for the del'eu-The aiege ol Rhod-Ferocity ol the attark Uadant ~ The Grand Muter deiopail"ll o( eaving the city-The c:apito••t!on-8olyman t.akea pnne99ion of Rhodes-The condition ol the J&11bariee-fnttitulion or M11' troop1 to hold them lo cbeck-Ren-aJ Of the wv with llungvy~apineneaa ol King Loula- l"atal battle of Mo­ balca-Bada and I'~ aal'ftlldeml lo SOlyman·a fon'ell---Tbe Sultan dl..W from hie puri-e by an luv.rrectioo lo with the io­ wwwa k Death ol tWr lwlw. • . . . . HG

CHAPTER XII. "°'1-'• llngarian campalgn-Jolripee of Zapolya-Redaetloo of Buda, Aie..~ ol Vlenna-Solynwa retreat.a to Cooataotloopte-Renrwa tha war-Pripara&iou ofCbar149 V. for b.11 ncepUoc Wore V"'"D' Barba- x OO!CT£NT8.

iwsa-llia hlatory-Becomea sovereign or Algien-Appointed Puha bt" Solyman- Becomea muter or Tanl~lymon'a eastern war-Pomuee himself or Daghdad-Defen.aive war!an1 or tho Shah-Returns to CoDStan­ tlnopl-Death or 7..apolva-Succ mea in Hungary-ID Aimmt.-Cap­ ture of Van, llaragm, Moaw. . . . • pege 157

CHAPl'ER XIII. Hu.atafa, aon or Solyman-Hia remarkable qualiti-Jlated by Hoxalan­ Unjuatly llWlpected by the Swtao-Put to drath- Itago ol the Janlurieio In comequence--Futher conqueata in the lledilemUlean-Unauoceaaful alege of Szigetb- Quarrel between the au"lvlng aone of Solyuw1-Ba­ juet takea refuge In Perei-Detrayed into his f&ther'• handa-Put to death Selim declared heir to the thron-Exj>edltion of the Knl~bta of )lalta aplnat Tripoli-Its diautrous reault-State of II ungary-81~ oC S~th HWoic ddence of Zriny-Fall ol S&igetb-Deatb or Solyman. IH


8olyman the )lagnlficent succeeded by Selim 11.-Diaturbanl-ea of the Jani­ sari-character of the new Sultan-Operations in Aei-Peace between ·Selim and the Emperor Maximilian-Selim'e projected canal between the Don and tho Vols-The lntemiptlon or the work-First colli!ion with Ruaeia-Selim reeolvea to erect certain religious edift~To endow them, reaolvea to go to wnr with Veoioo-Slege of the dliee of Cyprus-Their reduction-Sanguinary and perfldioua condurt of the Pub& m Cyprua­ JJattJe ol Lepau~IJefeat ol the Ottoman fteet-Eft'ect of the victory in Conetaotlnopl-Conquella of Selim in other pan. of -The ~lb o1 Selim II. 186


Amurath 111.-Hle accession-Murder or hie fivo brothen-Klng of Poland / elected at his deelre-\Var with Persia, lta reault.e-Enitlleh am'--dor Sultan'• letter to Q110en Jo~ll&abeth-War In Hungary, lc.- Death ol the Sultao-Accell81on of Mohammad 111.-Tile Sullan takes the field-J..>e. feat of the allied &rmy, .tc.-Revolt In Alia-Treaunent of the rebel11- D1-•l·C"Ct!on at ConK&ntlnopl-Death or Stdtao Mohamniad Ill. 108


AcceMlun of Arhn1et 1.-Uia earliest liroeeedinb<&-Apvarent peace wiUt Germany-War with Khan Abbu t IC o~at-l>iNUeath or Achmet.-Accaaion or )IW1tnr-llia imlK"Cllity- llia COn8eqUent deyloflitinn-A-lon of Othomnn 11.-War with Poland­ Dlec:ont.ent or the Janlzarlea-lllmder of the Sultan-R«al or Saltan HutaC-Hia ~ depoeltloll. :118 COMTIUIT8. :XI


A 1oa oi Amarath IV.-Uil ~t ~Interwlll'lle with hla eol- ' dlen SeTerity of his regulati~tate of Euro~~ of Shah Abba the Omit In the FASt-Dellth of that monarch-The Sal!An prepll!W to lnnde Penl-Captlll'ell Erinn-Reducee Tauril and AnnenJ...:..Bnolt ol tbe Khan ol Tartary-Capture of Ar.of by the Pol.e&-ImJIOl?Dcll or the Cri- to the Turkieh EmpU-.The Sultan marcliea to Penla­ ~ of Baghdad-lte reductioo-Frlschtful -ere of the lohabl­ tanU-Thnate add,_f to the Shab-"'rhe Saltan returu to Euro~ W. triamphaut aatry Into Conatantinople lntempenwc:e-H1a d!aUa • • • • • • ~ 381


A. lcaollbnlilin-lllacluu'acter-The aie«eol Azor-TheOttomanrorcee repabed by the C-b-Second attaci on tbe fo..U- 111~­ AU-pt to take Raab by at.ralaji;t'm--C.pture of Turkish ehlp11 by the M.:li..-Rapture with the Republic of Venlce--Pttparatlone to attatk lblta-Reductlon of Canclia-RepriMla of the Venetlana-The OUoman fon:ea cWea&ed iu their attempts on Zana and Spnlatro-Coaduct or the Sultan-He lasulte the lllu~The Janlzariea rile la anu-He ill put to dmlll on tbe decree of the 'Ulalll& • • • . 239


A.• 1on of Mohammad IV.-Dilpatee between the SpabeM and Janlsariee AmblU- de91gna ol Sultana ~ - Sagacity or Slaua Puba­ Mobammad Kluperli Grand Vizier-Siege or Cail di-Death or Kiaperll- 8« :-ted by biil 80ll Achmet Kiuperll-War with llungary-Ddea& of the Tarklah annv on Ute Raab by .Montecacali~5lngu)ar preteneloaa of a Jew to be !ileMiah-Completion ol Ute conque11t o1 Candi-War with Pola.nd--Capture or Kammietz, .tc.-Co~udta of tlie Ukraine unite with R.-ia-Ue91h of the celebrated Grand Viaier A.chmet Klaperll-llia H7


Coaditioa of llangary-I>efeat or ron~plracy agalnA the AU8bian goTWn­ -t..-&ven mf'Mures of the Emperor-Emeric 1bkHll-Vlolatloa of the b'ealy of 16if lo~· the Sultan-Grand Ylr.ler Mua!Afa mare:!~ to Vlmn&-- 1-flold ~ the dty-1'he ·~The destruction of Perc:h~ Sketch of the rro<'ftdi~ or the stege-:ID<'idenlA and an«­ ol the cit7-Gnll•ntry of the defen('tl-n.e Duke of Lorraine and ~ ie.d the unperial anny-The defat and eonr11.11ion ol the Ottomaa 1vc- '11M 1iep nletd-Deecripdoa of tbe camp of the Gnnd Vl.der • MO xii CO!CTElCTB.


'the eleae or VIM1na raillell- The di11a.~tel'll or the Ottoman troops-The Grand Vider Maatara pat to dCAth-The Republic of dee!- war--'lae­ - or Its tleet In the .ftleditttranean- Efl'ect.s of the warfare of V enlce on tho monuments or Grecian archit.cctu-1.oea of · Duda, .tc.-The Sultan IUCS (or peace with U1e Emperor or Germany-The Emperor's extraYag&nt demands-\Var renewect- )fiefortunce or the arm1- llloham­ mlld. IV. dethroned-Succeeclcd by Solyinan 11.-CouUnaed mJafortunee­ Appolnbnent of Kluperll, brother of Acbmet, as Grand Vlsler- Hl1 nc n l>ea&h or Sotyman u pmge 293

CHAPTER xxn. 8altan Solyman ll. 11t1cceeded by hla brother Acbmet 11.-Campalgn of 1091- Dlaetroua conflict with the German trooi-The death of the Sultan- He la auc:cec1led by Muablfa 11.- llia miliblry un1lcrt11kinga-Redactlon of Llppa-Dattleo with the anuy oC 1''rederkk AugllStus-A~k on l'eter­ wUdeln-Total defeat of Muatafa on the Thicss-l'cace of Carlowitz­ Aggn!eslona of ltU11Jia-Uuetala II. c:on1pellcd to abdicate ill fa'f'OUJ' of hla bri>Uier-llla death • • • • • • • 3(M

CHAPTER XXIH. Aalnnet 111. imC'Ceeda bis brother )luetaf-State of Earope--Dispate between Charis XII. of Sweeten and the Czar, .tc.-l'ct"r the Hreat laya siege to Narva-Dattle or Nnrvn-Career of Chnrll'f' Xll.-lle procttda to the Ukraine-Treaty with Mv..cppa-1''atal haUle of l'ultowa- War between Turkey and RUMia-Tbe Tarki•h fol"C'CS CTOA11 the Dnnul-The Cur baatena from MO!ICOw to mm tbem-Han1.rcr of the ltUMian anny- 11.1 ~ Treaty of the l'rath-Cbarlea Xll.- W ar with Auatri-Prlnce E~ de(eata the Vlzlf'l'-State ol l'ef!ll-N:ulir Shah d4'Cea&e the­ lllllU--Cnael ord« ol the Vllier-Abdieatloa ol Achmet·111 • 314

CHAPTER XXIV. A.dime& Ill. lllCCeetlt'd by hla nephew .ftlahmoud 1.-Fntc of the rebel Patrona Earlf bittory o( the Urand Vizier Oaman- ( 'onti1111J1nce of tbo war wltb Pena-Na.fir Shah Mfeated by Oanuin-1''innl reoult of the Atruggle­ War with Ruaala-Cnunt de llonneval- f>.,(cnt of ('01111t Sec-kendorl' and the PriD(ll) of Saxe-lliltlhurghauaen by the (lr41ul Yit.ier-'l'he treaty o( ~Peace with Jl11AAl-1>cath ofthe Enill<'rorof Germany-Gradual ..s-ol R-1· Veat.b ol Uahmoud 1.-1 ia clwacter . 331


A I 'on ol Othoman 111.-llla chanider-G1"9t fire In ConatantJnnpl­ l>lath ol the Sultan, and aoc:alloo ol lluatara 111.- A-alt by the Arat. on the 18l'rtd cara....-Famlne and dbturbancee In Comtantlnople A61n ID the Crf-War wl&h Ranl1 Succemr of tbe anny or c.&berlDe U. ID &be campa1p ol 17~ of Choczhn lo &be COM'l&ah.

CHAPTER .XXVJ. A ol Abdul n-ld--8···· of the Empire et thla Derlod-PoUtlc:al cllilonlenI. ID A.ill )llnor, !Jegbdad, .tc.-Wer wfth Rllllla-1- E«YPt. partanc. ol therOrtJ- on the Deiiube, 'Widdin. SUlatria, .l:c.-.Alld ot 8dnnala--c.mP91«n o~ by Fleld-Manbel Rownanzow-Deleat ol the Gruel Vldei--"Tra1' ol Kut8cho11e-Kalnanljl-Artidee of thla treaty lu importuce to Ru• In~ of RaAla In the CritM&-lotier­ lt1- betwwn the -petitotW for the eo·..erelgoty-Potmikln enters the Ctln •• Abdicetlon of the Khao-Rllllla tekee po I tt11lon o( the Crimee, the Rabu, .tc.- lualt.log conduct of Catherine 11.-Tbe Ottoman Porte cledane war--Campalgu ol 1'188---J::f IL 1Ueclr• Belgnd&-'Inaty of 81mnr-Da&la of Saltan A.bdo1 He • • • • M9


A«a•lon ol Selim 111.-l'a'l'OGJ'able expectatlone Crom hla talent&-lmme­ cllale demaoda 11pon hie e'"'' tcle1 1"he campaign of 1'189--0perat.1009 ol I.he Ruaian army In lhe Dannblan _provlnres-BeUlo o( Rimnik, and de­ ra.t of the Otton11\n army-~uct1on ol llucharest by the Prince or ('.o­ boarg- And of l~l!:"'•le by IAudohn- Aod or Den1ltt, Ackerman, and otha' p1- In 8-arabla by Snwarow-Uo1u~r11l •tteolfla to ncgn­ &iat.e ~ with the Russian Emp..--Campalgn or 17~Complete re­ dDCdOn ol the K ui.n and the by the RUMlan foroes-Stonning of ~lnary conduct of Suwarow-lnftnence or European enota Oii &he Eoip..- Catheri-Peace of Y111111y-Tbe c:ondltlon1 ol lt-Re­ .,,a1 ol the ttnty ol Kainanljl, and other artlclee Included In lt-Con­ dllllion ol the war-l>ietnrbed rondltion of lhe empiro-Proceedlnge of Paewu-lneft"tttual allempta of the Porte to subject him to ita_JlOWtt­ W. 1oocae The revolotion of the W aha1--1'belr tenet.-Their oc­ cwpedoa ol llelleh. 36i


COllt.iouation al diJOUtroua cin:nmetan-.--Napoleon D11onap11rte-Ero11tian expedition-War with Franl"e-Hef'eitt ol the Ottoman rorca by lJuona­ pert.&-Captore oC Uaza and Jafl'a-Siege or St. Jean cfAero-Gallant de­ fmce ol the lortrees-DaUle ol Aboukir- Tbe llamtlake Beys-The llrl­ tWa army In ~ypt-Reatora&lon or province to the Sultan-Selina Ill. men.--.. tu f'treti certain mllilA!] rcrumi.-l>lfficultv and danger ol the attempt-\\"ar with RUMia and England-The Eng118b fltet entera the Hardanelles, and la compelled to retreat-Naval enga~ent bttweeo the RONiaa and Ottoman deeta-lmurredlon ln Coa•tantlnople and eb­ dlcation ol 8elhn lll.-AC'a981on of )lustaCa IV ~Treaty o( 1111it.­ Uw111 ol Dainctar tonlnl&ale Seljm Daathof thetprlnceaud dethrone­ ..s al K...C. IV. • • • • 387 xiv COMTEMTS.


AcceMlon of Sultan Mahmoud 11.-Senrity or tho Grand Vizier Balnctar lbiractar In favour of military reConn- InsulTCdlon In Conetantlnople, anti death of the Grand Vizier- The late Sultan Mustafa IV. put lo death Renewal of the at.ruggle with RWll!l-The treaty of lluchareet-AdTaD­ tagee thereby gained by RWll!i-The Walu,llCC&-Atralre of ­ Sutrcrlngs or the Gnek Cbmtian&-Jo:x~utlon of the Patriarch of Coo­ atantlnople, .l:c.-Destructlon of U1e Ottoman ftect at Navari-lbrahlm Paaba encualel the Mors-Eetabliahment of the IDde~dence ol o~ P919883


Projects of military mono by Ruttan llahmoud-Tho <'Ondition or the Jaui­ itari-Tbe new lev~Mahmoud l'Cl!Olve11 lo rcdure tbe Janbarlee to obedience or de11troy them- Hatti-aheritr for the formation of a new army Rnolt and total deetrnction of the Janiury Con-e throughout empire of Ihle meuur&-Public lndlgnation-Gn>at incentliary fire In Conatantlnople- The ronvention or Ackennan-lloetile deeigne of thf! Czar-War with Rueeia-Ruaelan army c.- the l'ruth-Summary or the Asiatic and European Campalgna of 1828. 406


8ummary of the campaign of 1828-29 rontlnued-l'reparationa of the Pter Akhnbikh-Fall of F.rzeromn- Treoty of Jfaclrianople IL~ ltlpulatiOIUl-The Paaha of Jo:gy11t--llla deeii..'1-Th" Sultan 110lidta al•I from RUMla- Treoty or Unkiar 8kcleMl-l11J111n\'•:tlon in the pro­ vlnces--Commerelal and other reConn-Hcnewal of h011tilitiea bv Mehemrt Ali-1.>efeai of the Ottoman anny at Nezih- Death or Mah­ moud II. ":la


Acotltlon of Abdul )ledjld, the pl'ftlent Sultan- Ula C'harat'ter-Cbangee in the mlnletrv-Off'er of penlon lo the Paaha or E~yt>t--The Oltoman fteet carried lo ·~ndltiona or the Pasha• eulnnlMlon-Medlation of the five power&-'nle llattl-ahcrlll' or Oulh111wh- lna11rrect.1on In Lebanon Pereecatlon of the Jews of Rhodee and Uan1Me11&-The Sultan'a IS)*('h lo Dmnow OODftntion-lte ooneequmcee-Tlie a11i. ati.Klt HJeyrout-St. Jean d'Acre and other fortreMM takm-Ddeat of the ~ fOl'Cll9-Tbt Puba In~ with the beredltary Jl arr r 1911 al EsiJit ...... • . "' COJCTZJCT8, xv

CHAPTER mill. l•pro-ta in the Ottoman Emplr&-Vlew of the policy oC Rueai1 A R "n army~ the Fruth-Treaty ol Balta-Llman:-DllDnte u to · the Greek Chnn:h-Demandl of Prln<:e MenlChlkoft'-Repfy oC the Tmkbh mlnlltcr-Vain attempta to preeerve peace TM Rllllilan ambu­ lldor qulta -Demands mlde by Count N-uoct-Tbe Bnmi'"• aoM the l'nlth-Esd'-t at Conltantinopl-Declaratlon ol war by die Sublime Pone-Commencement or hoetilltl-Tbe Rnul1n1 -iea.-oar to rorce the~ of the Danube-Operations or the Ottoman 11my on the Danube, at GIQ!g8WO, Katarat, and Turtokal-Battle or Oltmltu.-Deelnldlon ol the Tiukliih fleet at Slno~Tbe campllgn In AM-Openatlons In Wall.ehla-DaUle of Kalarat--Tbe R11111&M occupy the Dobntd.lcba- Prince P111kewltda -- the command-Bombud­ -t ol Oc'----Sleg. ol Blllatrla. • page ~